teaandcommentatio · 1 year
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officially picked my program!
teetered a lot over the past few weeks, and no doubt will change my mind again, but have settled on either specializing english language or doing both an english major and a creative writing minor.
been getting out more often to study outside my room as well - reading in a coffee shop rather than in bed half the day does good for the soul !!
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teaandcommentatio · 1 year
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confrontation of academic guilt is something i’ve been thinking a lot about recently as work starts to pile up toward end of term - feeling badly because I didn’t receive the mark or evaluation I wanted.
spiraling over what I “could’ve done” or how if maybe I had done more, the result would have been different. I find I struggle most with feeling guilty for taking time to prioritize caring for myself, and I correlate it with an unwanted mark.
my mum gave me strong advice, that guilt is a feeling that comes with doing something wrong, knowing it was wrong but doing it anyway.
your answers may have been incorrect, or your work may not have been 10 for 10 reflective of the rubric, but you haven’t done anything wrong.
academia is an ebb and flow - let yourself make mistakes and build on them, rather than letting it rule how you take on your next task.
you are not your work, but the person who steers it.
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teaandcommentatio · 1 year
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as reading week comes to a close, i’ve been polishing off some economics revision, as well as doing the actual expectation of this week and finishing some required reading.
only two months left until final exams, and then summer’s finally here (for uni folks anyway) !
trying to get back in reading for my own enjoyment but it’s been tough with all the required reading coupled in.
plan to have a few long study days this weekend to get ready for my upcoming week !
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