armaggender-unused · 2 years
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Made a new variant, squid villager Cornelius.
Designed by @hyahyahyahya along with a bunch of octopus designs
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armaggender-unused · 2 years
I made everyone wear chokhas and eat khachapuri
Your teacher asked you to demonstrate some magic in class. After you finish your demonstration the room is completely silent until your teacher asks “Do you have *any* idea what you just did?”
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armaggender-unused · 2 years
Me: *finishes conversation with someone*
My Brain: "Did we do that right? Did we people successfully? Do you think they noticed that was awkward?"
Me: *starting to get nervous*
My Brain: "I think they hate us now. They know."
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armaggender-unused · 2 years
Hey so, as a PSA to the Doctor Who fandom (and Everyone, but it’s understandably coming up in the Doctor Who fandom right now with the C*lestial Toymaker potentially coming back):
C*lestial is a slur.
It’s fallen out of use as a slur now, so I don’t blame anyone for not knowing this, but it used to be a slur used in the western world against Chinese people for coming from a “““strange””” and “““mysterious””” far off land. Yes, it’s now used to mean heavenly/from space, but back in the 60′s, when they dressed the Toymaker as a Mandarin and part of his threat came from how strange and unknown he was… they were using this as a slur.
I love the Toymaker, and I’m delighted that we might be getting him back in TV Who, but I feel like we’ve really got to drop C*lestial from the name. I want to get this out here in advance, because if the Toymaker is really back, the name has the potential to blow up a lot. I know it’s not meant with those connotations, because the majority of people have never even heard it used as a slur, but if you look at the history around it, it’s uncomfortable, and it might be nice if people could stop using it in this context.
tl;dr C*lestial is an old slur for the Chinese, and was used as a slur in the Toymaker’s title, and I feel we need to drop that part of the name just as much as the mandarin costume.
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armaggender-unused · 2 years
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[ID: A tweet by Popbase that reads, "Nearly half of Gen Z is using TikTok and Instagram as a search engine instead of Google, new data shows.". Below the tweet is a pic of a poorly drawn Goomba from Super Mario Bros with text below him that reads "are you out of your fucking mind".]
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armaggender-unused · 2 years
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armaggender-unused · 2 years
Çok özleyince kendime tahammül edemiyorum, sevdiklerim hep yanımda olsun doyasıya sarılayım istiyorum. Napim çok sevgi öldürecek beni napim
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armaggender-unused · 2 years
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Hey! You! Have a lil aberration odium summer art collection sorta thing! Cuz.. even tho I personally think the experience of going swimming isn’t actually that awesome. I did suddenly think about how nice it would be for these guys to go on a lil beach trip and have a fun time together! So I decided to draw some art for that!
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armaggender-unused · 2 years
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armaggender-unused · 2 years
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ahdhgjksjhfidksnxjdka please tell me i wasnt the only one who thought of this
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armaggender-unused · 2 years
HaVe YoU nO pRiDe?!?!?!
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armaggender-unused · 2 years
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armaggender-unused · 2 years
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I ran away from Henry VIII? Ha, no, it was only to entice him more!
I was forced to his mistress? Hell, no, I planned it from the start, as the conniving bitch that I am!
Henry VIII refused to see his daughter for three years and cruelly abused her? It was my idea of course!! Weak Hal never dared refuse me anything. I hated that girl with every ounce with my being even though she never did me any harm and I tried my best to crush her!
I was kind and sympathetic?? Anything but that! I threatened to cut multiple ministers’ heads off, alienated my own aunts and uncle by cruelly taunting them and killed everyone who wouldn’t call me Queen! I treated everyone like trash (oh and offended them all)!
Did anyone apart from my brother and the King like me? Absolutely not!! I was universally hated both in England and in Europe! Even the French only pretended to like me to mess with the Emperor! Behind my back they called me the scandal of Christendom, yikes.
Did I have the royal lineage or dignity to be Queen of England? Not at all! I had no royal ancestors, was extremely stuck-up and high-handed and walked over everyone. I demanded reverence even though I never deserved it! Because I am better than everyone else! Everyone else is worthless!
What do you think I secretly prayed for every night? Katherine and Mary’s deaths of course! Katherine I managed to kill by ill-treatment, Mary I failed to persuade the King to execute, what a pity! Who knows the devil Cromwell would end up crushing me huh.
I was no Queen of England, but only the King’s great whore!🔥🔥🔥 An Extreme Narcissist and Child Abuser!!
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armaggender-unused · 2 years
Even if there wasn't a huge age gap the age Travis is at makes it very impressive if he were to get Meg pregnant. If she told him that she was pregnant he'd need a total of 3 business days for it to actually process. He almost straight up doesn't believe it because.....really?
He almost never talks about his age beyond joking about it and getting insecure sometimes. She never cared. And she sure as hell didn't let it stop her from jumping his bones whenever she got the chance.
He blinks realizing that made sense. Of course he wouldn't complain that his beautiful wife wanted sex at most times but was he really that viable? It was almost funny. It made sense she was on him like a fly on honey it would happen eventually.
When the others find out he never hears the end of it. Chris slaps him on the back and calls him a "dirty old dog" and Bobby looks him dead in the eye and asks how his old ass managed.
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armaggender-unused · 2 years
Hackett Brothers dating Sim when?
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armaggender-unused · 2 years
My dear @blood-and-silver, if you keep talking about a Quarry dating sim, I'm going to make one❤️
So, do we just want to date Travis or are there any other requests?
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armaggender-unused · 2 years
Me: *Thinking about a positive/sweet Doctor Who Convo/Story, so my character doesnt have to suffer and my readers/followers have something to laugh/love.
Also Me: *writing about heart wracking stories where her loved ones dies in her arms, unable to do something. Then she tries to murder herself, so they all live and she suffers painful regeneration, because her body is an asshole to her. And crying.
Me: This is fine
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