chanyeolgrowl-blog · 6 years
I can’t 😍 he is so adorable 😩
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hiding his stubble
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chanyeolgrowl-blog · 6 years
Hi❤️can u make a reaction of bts where their already really skinny gf (idk, like 170 for 52kg) is trying to lose more weight Thanks
Hi! Of course I can! Hope you enjoyed :)
Jin ~
Jin knew you had always been self conscious about your weight so when he started to notice you skipping meals and over exercising, it really had concerned him. He never thought you would start to starve yourself just to loose weight so when you did he would be so upset. He would pull you aside and non stop tell you how beautiful you are and how you don’t need to loose weight. He would tell you this every day and made you meals so you couldn’t skip them. Finally you stopped trying to loose so much weight, and he was so much happier. 
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RapMonster ~
Namjoon never knew how obsessed you were with your weight. Tbh he barely noticed you loosing weight until it was obvious. You would constantly talk about your weight and then he started to notice how you haven’t eaten all day and how you are chugging down water to fill yourself up. It finally became obvious to him. He finally realized what you are doing to yourself. First off he would be so sad and pissed at himself for not realizing sooner, and then he would talk to you about it. He would make a breakfast, lunch, dinner schedule for you just to make sure you ate. He would do everything to get you to eat again. Finally you started to listen and that really would make him relieved. He just didn’t want to see you unhealthy.
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Suga ~
Yoongi noticed you starting to starve yourself right away. Previously battling with mental health/ depression made it obvious to him when you started to as well. He would be different then Namjoon and Jin. He would first let you know that he knows what you are doing. Then he would give you some space to think. He knew he wouldnt want to be crowded so he didn’t do that to you. During this time he would give you so much love. Just make you fell special. Cuddles, kisses, hugs, everything to make you happy. Slowly you would stop trying to loose weight and he would know he did the right thing. Yoongi will be there for you at all times no matter what.
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Jhope ~
Hoseok would be so very upset when you had started to starve yourself. At first he wouldnt know what to do, he would try to stock the fridge with food, try to keep you home, and try to always compliment how you looked. Finally he gave up doing small little things and would call you over and would have at least an hour converstaion with you. He would say how unhealthy it was, how gorgeous you are, how you are already quite small and any smaller would be an issue. He would try everything to get you to eat again. Finally you would start to eat and there would be a huge weight lifted off Hoseok’s shoulders. 
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Taehyung ~
Tae would be just like Jhope, he would have absolutely zero clue on what to do. He would most likely go to the other members for advice. Unfortunately he would get so many different opinions he would have to choose one to go by. I think he would choose Yoongi’s though, knowing that he had battled with similar mental illnesses. That means he would just spoil you with love and compliments, trying to make you more confident in your skin. Finally you would start eating again and Tae would just be soo relived.  
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Jimin ~
Tbh I think Jimin would be more pissed off then anything. He himself struggles with self consciousness about his weight so seeing you go to extreme lengths to loose weight would upset him. He would pull you aside and lecture you on how it hurt him and his health and how he doesn’t want to see you that way as well. You would break down crying and he would feel soo bad. He would give you lots of love and support to stop and you finally would. He just was glad he could stop you from going down the same road he did. 
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Jungkook ~
Jungkook would also be very upset with you. He knew what you were doing to your health after watching Jimin go through it. He would call you over and take full body pictures of you. He would then pull them up and put them next to a model’s pictures just to show you how you are the same size and much much more beautiful than them. This would make you feel so much better about yourself. Jungkook would shower you in love and make sure you knew he thinks you are gorgeous. You would almost immediately stop starving yourself and he would be much happier.
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Hope you enjoyed! 
Credit to all Gif owners
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chanyeolgrowl-blog · 6 years
Hi! Can you pls do a BTS reacting to your group having to dance sexy like with another male dancer? Thx!! Love the blog btw :)
Of course! Thanks so much! Hope you enjoy :)
Jin ~
Jin definitely would be uncomfortable with it no doubt, but I think Jin being the mature one (usually) he wouldn’t necessarily flip out in front of everyone. He would most likely pull you aside and explain his concerns but you would reassure him that he has absolutely nothing to worry about. He trusts you and would just want to keep a close eye on the practices. Oh sweet Jin.
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Rap Monster ~
He definitely wouldnt like it. He doesn’t like to see it, hear about it, or even think about it. He would also be mature enough to express his concerns, and after you reassuring him that nothing will happen and that you only love him, he would most likely let it be and would never want to see it. Can you blame him though, seeing his baby dance with another guy, it was very uncomfortable to watch, so he would try very hard not to. 
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Jhope ~
Ohh Hoseok. He would not be happy. He would watch every practice, pull you away every moment he can, glare at the other dancer, and most of all tell the choreographer when he thinks it is too provocative. He would not even have to tell you he is upset you would know just by the way this usual sunshine was acting. You would try to give him as much love and attention as you can, but seeing him unhappy made you sad. You may even try to talk to the choreogrpaher about toning it down. That made Hoseok very happy and he would for sure calm down. But he still would want to watch every practice xD
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Suga ~
Yoongi would be PISSED. He would go off on the manager, explaining how it is unfair that he would assign you a dance like that knowing you are dating him, and how he needs to reassign it to another person. When the manager turned him down, that would just make him even more upset knowing that the manager could give a shit. He would pull the dancer aside and explain how nothing should happen outside of the practice and how nothing other than dancing should ever happen. 
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Jimin ~
Jimin would do everything in his power to prevent this dance. He would talk to your manager, the choreographer, the fellow dancer, and try everything to change it. He was having no luck so finally he convinced them to let him be your dance partner. Knowing that he would be dancing with you made him so happy, but now he will have to deal with clearing up the rumors about you two. He would be blunt and honest to the public, even if it hurts his image. Just anything to stop the dance happening with anyone but him. 
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Taehyung ~
This baby would use his acting skills to his advantage. He would pretend he was sick, making you skip practice. When that stopped working he would pretend he hurt himself and you have to stay home to take care of him. Finally when your manager got pissed that you kept skipping practice, he would let you go. But he would have to have a talk with you first making sure you knew that you are his and no one else’s. Of course you would reassure him that he is the only one for you. 
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Jungkook ~
Jungkook would definitely lose the shy maknae attitude and turn into a pissed beast xD Making sure he was there for every dance practice and sending death stares to the other dancer. Oh and let me tell you there would be a TON of PDA. He wanted the other dancer to see you two hugging and kissing and being all lovey dovey just to make sure that he wouldn’t try anything. He would always and i mean always have to watch you two dance other wise he would get a bad feeling. Not that he didn’t trust you, but he knows how gorgeous you are and didnt trust the other dancer to not try something when he wasn’t there. He is just being protecting. 
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I hope you enjoyed!! I had sooo much fun doing this :) 
Credit to all GIF owners
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chanyeolgrowl-blog · 6 years
Got7 Crushing on the new Choreographer
Not requested but i thought i should give you guys something new so you could see my work :) 
Jackson ~
From the moment you walked into the door, to the moment you ended the class, Jackson would be mesmerized by your beauty. During the class he would be trying to show off, make you laugh (his specialty), and most of all get your attention on him. He literally couldn't wait to go to practice everyday now just to see you. Lets just say this boii would be love struck xD
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BamBam ~
OML It would be like no one could recognize him. For the first time in his life he would be speechless. He didn't know what to say or do, he would just be in awe. You would bow to greet the class and he could barely even bow in return with all the others. He wouldn't know what to do. He would possibly try to make jokes or be funny but he still would question if he was embarrassing himself or not. He would try to dance like Jackson, or JB, but it ended up being harder than it looked. At least he could say he needed help and call you over ;)
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Jaebum ~
Oh Jaebum... sweet, sweet JB. This cute ass leader would try to be so cool. He would be sly af. And even though a retired B-boy, he would try to do his old moves to impress you. As you praised him for his moves, he would secretly be trying to not act as tired as he is. He knew he caught your attention and his now stumbling over himself out of tiredness from trying to impress you. Poor baby. But lets be real, not letting him know, you would find it cute watching him trip over himself just for you. 
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Mark ~
Aight lets be real. He would probably be the only member that doesn't try to impress you. Even though he finds you extremely adorable and talented, he doesn't want to change a damn thing about himself. He just wants to be his adorable, fluffy, talented self. And you found this very comforting for someone to act natural around you. Trust me he has a HUGE crush on you, he just wants you to know him, not someone that is trying to get your attention. And you loved it.
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Yugyeom ~
This shy ass fluff would turn into the most outgoing damn person there is. He would play it smart. Unlike everyone else, he would purposely mess up. Lets be real he can dance so messing up would be more of a challenge for him. But he would trip over himself and constantly call you over ;) And every time he did, he would praise you for being “Such an amazing teacher” He knew what he was doing. And you were falling for it :)
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Youngjae ~
Dude, let be real, we all know what this little shit would do xD He would sing along to the music you played trying to show off his skill in both aspects. He would step up to when it was his part and just start singing. Just cause. I mean this boii would go to great lengths to get your attention. He just thought you were the cutest thing every and he “Couldn't help himself” xD ohh Youngjae you smooth af.
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Jinyoung ~
Omg this cute baby would go all shy. He would stumble over his words, embarrass himself, he just didn't know what to do. He was so impressed by your skill that he couldn't contain himself. He would applaud you when it wasn't necessary and would try to talk to you at random moments. He was just so damn adorable that even you couldn't help but giggle at his blushing cheeks. He would be the cutest thing in the world.
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I hope you enjoyed and feel free to request something anytime :) 
credit to all gif owners
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chanyeolgrowl-blog · 6 years
NOW TAKING REQUESTS :) I will start taking requests for Astro and StrayKids. Read the rules before requesting please. I haven’t updated them yet so don’t forget I will take requests for StrayKids and Astro as well :) :)
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chanyeolgrowl-blog · 7 years
Taking requests
I am taking requests for MLT, Reactions, and Scenarios. Please read the RULES before submitting a request Thx :)
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chanyeolgrowl-blog · 7 years
Send away I am bored af
Send me a kpop group and I'll answer
Group: First Bias: Current Bias: Bias Wrecker: Fave Song: Fave MV:
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chanyeolgrowl-blog · 7 years
yes I know I failed...
yes I know I failed at keeping this blog going, at keeping the posts consistent, with pretty much everything. But take it easy on me as I have a pretty hectic life rn and am struggling with personal stuff. I will start taking requests again but I want to warn you they may take a while and last time I had many people asking me things non related to what my blog is about. Read the rules before requesting pls. Thx 
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chanyeolgrowl-blog · 7 years
Can I request a cute date with Zelo after his stressful tour?
OML I AM SO F*CKING SRY!!! x( I literally wrote this, accidently deleted it, and then forgot about it xD I have started school while trying to manage a job and completely forgot about having a tumblr page (hahah xp) I hope u enjoy:
You are practically having a mental breakdown right now. You and Zelo had been friends since both of your managers introduced you two. So after being friends with him for a year, and NOW he asks you out! “WTF ZELO WHY NOW,” you are talking to yourself. Why are you so nervous? Well you have had a crush on him since you two first met but after a few months of being friends you gave up on it happening. You two were just great friends and you are new to the idol world and didnt want to ruin it. You have finally gotten back from the comeback scene and guess what, THE DAY YOU COME BACK HE ASKS YOU OUT! You just settled in and forgot about it ever happening and he comes in and ruins it. (I am dying inside rn writing this xD) “Okay calm down Y/N everything is gonna be fine.” you tell yourself. I mean for gods sake he just got back from his tour and because his group is more well known then his you can bet your ass it was wayyy more stressful. Just deep breath, just deep breaths. ding dong* FUCK he is here. Shaking, you put your hand on the door knob and slightly turn it, knowing he is waiting. Finally you rip open the door finding a 6ft foot hottie in your doorway. God that smile. 
He pulls out flowers behind his back with a smile. “Hey..” he says all sly. “Hey Zelo..” you try being cool and making it sound like nothing but ended up stumbling over your words. UGH wtf are you so embarrassing xD. Anyways…. he says that he has the whole night planned starting with your favorite flowers, lilacs. He then takes you to see the movie “IT,” already knowing that scary movies are your favorite. Smart Zelo, scary movie on the first date. After being scared to death you are pretty full off of popcorn and cookie dough bites so you arent really up for dinner. Surprisingly dinner wasn’t in his list of surprises. He took you to the rooftop of his building to surprise you with fairyights, candles, blankets, ect. Oh this sly idiot knows what you like. He knows you go to the roof when stressed and so he took that to his advantage. But lets be real… you loved it. It had to of been your favorite part of the night. “Zelo… you know I really like you right?” You say smiling and giggling. “Just like..?” He responds playing along. “I mean really really like, more than you know…” You respond kinda getting in a seriousness but still playful. He cups his hand on your cheek, leaning in and kisses you softly. He pulls away looking up and down between your eyes, and your lips. You kiss him back. The rest of the night is just magical as you watch this stars laying on the blankets, kissing each other now and then softly. Why were you so nervous? You had no idea considering this is the best night of your life. You cant wait to see where this goes. 
~Hope you enjoyed :) Sorry about the wait D:
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chanyeolgrowl-blog · 7 years
Ask me about my body.
Hair: What hair color looks best on you and what's your natural color?
Skin: Do you tan easily?
Eyes: What is your favorite show to watch?
Nose: What is your favorite perfume/candle fragrance?
Mouth: Do you want to kiss anyone right now?
Tongue: What was in your last meal?
Windpipe: Do you sing?
Neck: Do you wear necklaces?
Ears: How many piercings do you have (if any)?
Cheeks: Do you blush easily?
Wrists: Have you ever broken a bone?
Hands: Are you an artist/writer?
Fingers: Do you play an instrument?
Heart: Are you in love? If so, does the one you love know?
Lungs: Do you smoke cigarettes?
Chest: Are your maternal/parental instincts strong?
Stomach: Do you feel confident in your body image?
Back: Are you a virgin?
Hips: Do you like to dance?
Thighs: Has anyone ever called you fat or ugly?
Knees: Have you ever cheated on someone?
Ankles: Have you ever been arrested?
Feet: Favorite pair of shoes?
Brain: Anything you want to ask
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chanyeolgrowl-blog · 7 years
I live for this meme 😂😂😂
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To Jungkook’s buttons It’s ok. You can let loose. No one will blame you.
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chanyeolgrowl-blog · 7 years
true though
LOL stands for Laugh Out Loud BFF stands for Best Friends Forever And DAFAMDABOIWFYTTDYUFF stands for Don’t Ask For Another Member During A Broadcast Or I Will Fight You To The Death You Unappreciative Fake Fan
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chanyeolgrowl-blog · 7 years
Hi! Thanks for checking up, I really appreciate how much thought you put into your scenarios. Resubmitting the first date with Mark from GOT7! Maybe something cute light-hearted shy, and the members had introduced you two? Thank you~
Of course!! :)
“Seriously Bam I really don't need a date.” You whine. BamBam has been your bestfriend even before he had debuted with a group called Got7. You and him lived in Thailand but he had to move to Korea to pursue his dreams and you understood but couldn't leave Thailand so you stayed behind. Now that you are living in Korea he wants to introduce you to one of the members and even have you two go on a date. You have seen Got7 perform on live TV and knew what member he was talking about but never actually saw him in person, never skyped, you didn't even watch him on weekly idol so you have only ever seen him perform one of their songs. “Yes you do and you will like him I swear” Bam insisted. The rest of the night was Bam trying to convince you to go on this date. You finally gave in and said yes although you are so not looking forward to it.
As you are getting ready for the date you realized you knew nothing about Mark. Questions raced through your mind like: Does he like girly girls? Is he traditional? What is his preferences? You knew nothing but his name. And that was not enough to get by. But with no time left you had to get dressed. You put on a black lace skater dress. (You weren't much of a girly girl more like a girly tomboy if that makes sense xD) You throw on pitch black Vans because you have always said hell no to heels and that isn't changing for a guy. You do your hair, throw on some light makeup and right as you were about to text Bam and ask about Mark you hear the doorbell.
You start to panic. Like “oh god what if he hates me” things like that raced through your head. You clam down and hesitantly put your hand on the door knob. Okay 1,2,3 deep breath and you open the door. There stands a handsome man with blonde and brown hair, an adorable smile, he was wearing a black shirt with a denim jacket over it, and god was he hot.
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Okay thank god he isn't too traditional or over dressed. You see his face go into awe when he sees you and you cant help but smile. “Hi, I am Y/n.” You say bowing.                                                                                                                      “I am Mark. BamBam has told me a lot about you.” His smile, ugh why does he have to smile like that. “Funny as he has told me nothing about you so I guess we already have something to talk about.” You say while giving off a small giggle. “Btw I hope you don't mind I am not much of the girly type more like a grudge style” You shyly tell him hoping he prefers that style. “Yah that is fine I like someone a little different.” He replies while never taking his eyes off of you. You two head out to dinner and spend the rest of the evening talking. Talking about him, you, what Thailand was like, what being an idol is like, pretty much everything. When you guys are done with dinner you head out back to your place. “Well that was fun”, he says when you arrive at your door, “I hope that we can do it again.” You smile huge, “Yah I hope so too.” He starts look up and down between your lips and eyes before leaning in and planting a small peck on your lips. You both smile. “Bye Mark.” You tell him smiling huge and never looking away. “Bye Y/n” he replies before leaving a longer kiss on your lips. You walk inside and shut it slowly before sighing. An hour later Bam texts you: “U 2 KISSED??!!! I KNEW YOU WOULD LIKE HIM.”  you roll your eyes before laughing and responding.
I hope you enjoy and sorry for the long wait. I just got a new job and it is a 8 hour shift everyday. I will try to post more :) Share if you liked it :))
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chanyeolgrowl-blog · 7 years
Jungkook: *walks into the kitchen* Is something burning?
Taehyung: *leaning seductively against the counter* Only my desire for you, sweetheart.
Jungkook: The toaster is on fire, idiot.
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chanyeolgrowl-blog · 7 years
Send in any requests I am bored and have nothing to write 😂 read the rules first pls ☺️ unless you already know them
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chanyeolgrowl-blog · 7 years
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chanyeolgrowl-blog · 7 years
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Okay these are probs the only selfies you will see of me xD
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