feralfemme-jpg · 4 months
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a poem a day | day 4
in the morning i cleaned.
washed all the dishes that had
been sitting out for too long.
wrote a grocery list.
cut peppers and onions precisely
and didn’t even use it as an excuse
to cry.
ate the non-powdered peanutbutter
on normal bread and didn’t feel like
i had to be sad about it.
and i didn’t weigh anything
except the dry pasta (116g)
but i tried not to and
that was enough
at least for today.
find me here and here
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feralfemme-jpg · 4 months
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a poem a day | day 3
today’s poem was so forced. i haven’t wanted to write ever since i got bad news yesterday. maybe i’m wrong about having bad january’s but back in 2016 i crashed from a manic episode and watched 11 seasons of grey’s anatomy in 3 weeks. now that i think about it i could probably write an essay about all the weird shit that has happened to me every january from 2013 to now. hmm.. maybe i will.
the wonder years have that one lyric that goes “god damn you look holy bathed in the january light” and i try to see january’s like that sometimes cause i know of that *specific* light but let’s just be honest: january‘s are not real.
“january feels like a whole fucking year”
i don’t think i’ve ever been happy
in january, except for maybe once,
at the beach in georgia
with the boy i loved once (i think)
eleven january’s ago
i preformed a blood oath
in the school lunchroom
and for the longest time i thought
it meant something
but now i don’t.
i haven’t lived in the city long enough
to associate weather with nostalgia
so i just feel cold and tender and
rotten and ready for blood (again)
you can follow me here and here
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feralfemme-jpg · 4 months
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a poem a day | day 2
i love looking at the way
people write letters and numbers.
i think the way i write my
7’s and z’s make me pretentious.
liv says i was born to be a poet
‘cause i never get a break
from suffering.
my mother says strong women
don’t show their emotions
so i won’t say it gently.
i refuse to live in a world
without the one i love most in it.
find me here and here
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feralfemme-jpg · 4 months
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one of my goals for the new year is to write a poem a day. i’ve wanted to do this since new year 2014 but i always forgot until a few days into january. not this year though, since it’s been a decade of wishing to achieve this goal. a poem a day means that it’s forced, meaning the poem will most likely not “be good” but that’s not the point. the point is to sit down with yourself and feel your feelings. and to write short poems (my biggest struggle). if you wanna follow along with me, thank you <3
DAY ONE - 1/1/2024
i hear it: don’t stop me now by queen
blasting on the street outside my apartment.
at first, i think “a car” before it goes on
ten seconds too long.
so here i am: crusty eyed, knotted hair,
beaming over the balcony in my dad’s
oversized tshirt.
try not to remember you left your dad
in last year. don’t think about
his memorial. don’t think about
the jar that holds him now, that you
left sitting in the cabinet.
you put it there to keep the cat from
knocking it over, but why can’t you
take it out?
i’ll reheat the leftovers in the fridge.
half a glass of wine sits on the counter
from the night before. i’m worried
in the pit of my stomach. i’m scared
something i don’t want will come back.
when will i stop watching the world
from the sidelines?
2023 is over. 2023 is over.
fuck a diet. i’m eating chow mein and
apple pie for breakfast.
click here for my instagram
click here for my poem-a-day instagram
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