giftsmetro · 10 months
Important notice!
Dear friends worldwide!
Here are the very important notice for you !
Have you ever remembered that we had met the “2-step verification “problems few years ago!
after we tell you the truth that they had stolen all of our critical information to use the password they had stolen or hacked from us !then some passwords checking website , hacked or not checking websites emerged in the market quickly !
Some friends also known that is a another trap lure our friends to fall deeply into , Because if you never use your email or password before they are actually safe by some means,
However, if you had entered your password and email address in their system, they will actually keep the tracking of your user information from now on ! That is absolutely dangerous!
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After we had already told our friends the truth that all of us had been vampires from them (the Devil who actually controlled the world by their Pyramid System )for over 1,000 years and continued , and we couldn’t sunk the water from the rain ,couldn’t have the fresh air to take a breath !
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Then they play the “Word game “
Here is how ,
At the very beginning, they said some of them accept the returns,
After we tell your the truth that we actually couldn’t have a breath, they added the words at the beginning of the line , Which is “breath ease “ ,
Really “breath ease “or not couldn’t counts by which words they used to misleading all of our friends worldwide!
The only measure is from our real people worldwide!
Did you feel breathable under their pyramids vampires systems?
Not even sucking water from the falling rains, which kinds of the “word games “they are playing or will be playing in the future after our this article published is not important!
The important thing is , nothing had changed after we had already told our friends they they used the Vampire pyramids to enslave all of our friends worldwide!
Their essential is slave and cheating, is used the dishonest methods to control all of our friends worldwide!
Now !
We will share our real experience ,
we had some 2-step verification app , however, after we had tell our friends the truth few months ago , 90% of our verification expired immediately, which caused the huge problem to us , if we only use the 2 verification App which provided the 2-steps verification service, do not linked it to some of our information, all of our accounts which used these apps will lost or hacked by them ( The Devil who actually controlled the world ) , that is not the first time these dreadful things happened to us!
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Now ,
We didn’t know how to feel safe , how to breathe under such dictatorship such dishonest such cheating such slaving environment!
If you have the same problem recently or few days or weeks or months share your experience with friends worldwide please!
The more you share , the more quickly real friends worldwide will know the truth,
We will know how to avoid such terrible things that happening to our friends worldwide!
God blessed us !
Good luck!
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giftsmetro · 1 year
How to identify control people ,manipulate or Rooting
Control: the power to make decisions about how a country, an area, an organization, etc.
Manipulation: to control or influence sb/sth, often in a dishonest way so that they do not realize it
Rooting:the process of putting forth roots and beginning to grow
It is hard to identify ok”
Let us draw a cartoons for our friends worldwide.
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And it is really hard to identify Rooting
If you find someone suddenly change their mind to treat others , especially after we mentioned all of us had already been controlled!
The first key words is suddenly!
Before we mentioned their controlled or manipulated methods !
They are at the very top of the pyramid system
Now , they are at the middle or even en Mercedes at the bottom of the pyramid system!
Is it really hard to identify!
No , it it clearly to identify,
If you find someone Suddenly changed their methods on how to treat people !
The Key words is Suddenly!
They Suddenly changed their methods
Why they Suddenly changed their methods!
Because, they ( The Devil who actually controlled us) had already known that all of us are awakening now , all of us knowing that we are controlled by them ,
Then they Had to changed their methods want to still shields their pure aims that is continue control!
Whether they are at the peak of the pyramid system or at the middle layers of the pyramid system or pretend to be the Same as all the real people worldwide at the very bottom of the pyramid system!
Their signal aim is controlled!
If you feel you are controlled by someone no matter who they are!
Yes, they are actually the Devil!
You could imagine one thing!
Are your really closer friend or family members will changed the treating methods to us will change their methods Suddenly!
Normally, real people have feelings will treat others patience with care for long time even longer than 70 years till life times
That is the methods how really people treat each other, actually, that is not the methods, that is , genuine that is humanity That is natural,
Everything pretend to play no matter whom or at any role to play , that is not nature , that is artificial, just as the AI technology!
What is the nature of AI!
It is Artificial, human Artificial not Humanizations!
No aware, No feeling
Just as the new methods from the Devil ( who Suddenly changed their methods to treat others)
If you feel something unusual suddenly recently Yes , that is the Evade Devil (who want to continue control us ) however because all of us had already known they are Devil,
They had to !
The second Key words is Had to ! Evade and Rooting to the real people all over the world now!
How to identify them clearly and easily!
The Third key words is Pretend
It takes ten years to grow trees, but a hundred to rear people.
For the over 1000 years , they are at the very top of the pyramid system they delicate built for us’
now, They Had to Pretend Evade to every layers even at the very bottom want to escape from the identification!
However, when a Wolf is in the group of sheep!
Whether it with the same color, or with the same coat , it as actually different from the sheep it is wolf !
It is still easily to ferret them out
we keep vigilant attentiveness, They had to think of a trick to get past the inspecting from real people worldwide frequently .
No matter, how hard ,how deeply they actually Rooting , They are actually Devil ( who actually controlled us illegal for over 1000 years want to change their methods then continue their pyramid system methods to control all the really people worldwide no matter emerged at any layers of the pyramid system!
If the pyramid system still exist!
They could go to any layers to continue they Controlled methods!
The only methods to eliminate the poverty from the root and enjoy the nourishing of the rainy averagely
Destroyed the Pyramid System Completely!
Just as destroying the shelter where they could hide their body in the 3D world.
If we ( all the real worldwide) do not destroy the pyramid system completely, they could hide themselves at different layers, if they hide at different layers, it is seems hard to identify however, it is quite easily!
The construction of pyramid system is many layers !
Because the pyramid system is The Devil built for us , However, None of our real people worldwide actually need this weird building !
We do not need to hide our body as they are now ! We are the real people, we do not need any shape of the system to pretend to be the real people! However, they need , why , Because they are not the real people , they need this weird shape of the building to pretend to be real people but actually not !
They need the masks ! Which really people never ever needed!
It seems vey hard !
However, it is quite easy and quite quickly
When all of us ( Real people worldwide! )
Known their new methods!
They Had to Rooting to the different layers of the. Pyramid Systems Suddenly!
Thanks to our Dear God , we know they are rooting now , and thanks to our real people worldwide who had already reported their own feelings to us recently and continually !
Once the pyramid system totally destroyed!
They have no where to shield their pretend to be real people body and will dried-up immediately!
Now , we ( all of our real people worldwide) known that They Had to Changed their Methods and Rooting to different layers of the pyramid system Suddenly!
No worries , as we (all the real people worldwide ) already known that, We report our feeling and how they suddenly change their treating methods to others quickly and as is known to all
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and They have no place to Hide or Shield.
Good luck and God blessed all of us !
God blessing :)
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giftsmetro · 1 year
The Final mystery of Modern Financial Crisis!
We had endured the Big Crash in 1929, it is disasters,
It is tough time for everyone of us, numerous innocent really people were unemployed, Were fired at that time of periods.
Now we are enduring the second big crash That is in 2023!
The bankruptcy of Silicon Valley Bank which Asset Under Management is 2090 Billion USD, The Signature Bank Asset Under Management is 1104 Billion USD ,First Republic Bank 1300 Billion USD The quickly shrinked Asset Under Management of First Republic Bank also Rated as junk bond,
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Huge Numbers of employees working in Technology company , New resources company
Had already fired ,huge numbers of employees in the past Three years had already fired which caused their cold days even colder! numerously uncountable number of people in numerous families had encountered the disease and disaster that is the hurt of them not only on their body but also in their sprit.
at the beginning of 2023!
Amazon had already fired more than 18,000 and the number is still increasing , the number will be round 27,000, according to their report
Alphabet Inc. had already fired 12,000 and about 200 employees in Switzerland took to the streets to protest against the decision few days ago.
Microsoft had already fired 10,000 that means at least 10,000 homes owners lost their incomes
Meta had already fired 11,000 employees
IBM had already fired 3,900 employees
SAP in German had already fired 3,000 employees
That is just some samples.
Not to mention the many middle or small crashes during the past almost 1000 years!
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We had learned from the books video newspaper or newsletter or SSR or published information in Twitter or Facebook or Google that why we had to endure the Financial Crisis unpredictably and unscheduled !
Because that is the law!
Everyone of us should obey the law…
That is because the unbalance between demand and supply and
Further more , the over supplied of Money!
Even we had learned the graphic comes with complicated maths problems that to support their ideas
Familiar with those ?
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The last more is the unbalanced supply and unbalanced sources of money! And they tried everything force everyone to believed that.whether you believed or not, they forced you to believe.why? Because the law are created by themselves which to fully serviced themselves
What you will think about that , they do not care, what they could do is to force you to believe the law they had already created are correct.
No No No Definitely No No No!
That’s totally rubbish garbage , trash and nonsense
That is the camouflage the cover-up, the throw dust in people's eyes!
Which is throw dust in people's eyes!
Let us explain it for you with a simply example !
When you want a job
You have to do the fist step to do the written examination
in that process, you will have to filled a complexity form , which is almost 5~10 sheets ask some seemly irrelevant information about the position
But actually critical to their positions
Then after that process some candidates were lucky to come to the next step
an audition
In that process, you will be ask some questions relevant or irrelevant to your careers
When you feel luck that you finally have the chance an audition
And wait for several days for the results!
Then you got the answer, you will not be employed for their company!
After that, and after some days, you had found the idea from you had published publicly, then got successfully, after that you know that the truth is that : the position had been given by another person who used your idea at almost no cost !
You were told , you do not have the ability to do that things or do those things !
You should obey the rules constructed by them !
You had forgotten, we are the people ourselves, we are the ordinary people ourselves, why we should obey any of the rules that legally or illegal forms by another people and if we do not obey , we will be punished! Why?
You feel that is hard to understand!
However, that is the phenomenon everyone in this delicate built world had already encountered or will encounter in the future, if all of us still sleeping and feel safe in the Devil created unbalanced systems!
Nothing will be changed , anything is normally as usual and none of us will be survived at last.
They (The Devil )ask you to do not do something, said it is dangerous it is completely complexities it is illegal,
However, they used the ideas , methods , information from all of us from all of our people worldwide which created by our real people but the primary
Creator actually could get the 10% incomes of their at least 200% hard work!
They used the methods we ( our real people worldwide) created to control all of us , that almost anyone didn’t aware the crucial truth!
The more complex cover Up they used , the more they afraid all of us to identify why?
Because if all of us know the whole process they play , they actually couldn’t play like they wish anymore, they had to built other ways of cover Up to play again, if we still in the systems they built for us!
They continued to play the cover Up, the more time they played the more truth we the real people will know.
All of the constructed information they provided to support the above things that had happened in the past 1000 years is absolutely Toxic .
However, and fortunately ,we had the basic knowledge and ability to know the real truth!
That is because the Toxic system They had built for us for over 1000 years! The more obviously in the past 200 years !
Had already identified by some of our real people worldwide already.
Let us share our information from the preciously and carefully also deeply investigation of over past more than 1000 years!
You may want to know more about the system they had built!
That is topically called the pyramid,
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To let all of our friends worldwide know the truth more easily!
Let us draw a cartoon for our friends to understand the whole process!
Even one know the rain !
From the rain we had the fresh water in our rivers lakes seas oceans , that is the sources of our real life, 70% weight of our body is water!
The rain fall with huge numbers of drops !
That is the drops,Raindrops form rain ,
Just as the dot construction the whole screen
The nature process should perform like the following ok ?
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With the nourish of rain we all of us who lived in the earth survived!
Normally we could get the nourish of rain averagely!
That we are all rich , we are all healthy!we do not have the poverty gap!
However, the facts is that
Let us do the explanation for our friends worldwide please !
First,The rain falls ! Ok! That is the Gifts from our Dear God!
Second, the huge quantities of rain had vampires by the system they (The Devi ) had built for us !in their systems , we are at the very bottom!even could not have a deep breath not to say nourish by the water , that is beyond our imagination!
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Not to mention the vanishing or evaporation
or Lost!
The pyramid system which built by the (Devil, who actually controlled us now ) is that !
All of our friends were the source at the bottom of the pyramid system!
The most quantities of the falling rain had occupied by the people who are at the peak of the pyramid , the definitely delicately construction Devil system the Devil built for us.
The rain falls, almost 90% had occupied by them (The Devil) that is the rain we should occupy by ourselves naturally and averagely !
We try our best to spend more time on hard working , daily working , even working 7 days a week , 15 hours a days !
With the pyramid system they built, the more we created, the more they could occupy from us !
We are more poor ! We are more tired, we are ill earlier! We have more than more disasters!
That is Not enough,
After they had built the vampire system!
They also build the numerously entertainment systems to let all of us addicted to all of that !
Spend more and more time on those tools !
The more time we spend the more opportunities
We do not have the sprite on construction or built our own system ! We will continually controlled by all the rules built by them!
We had to work daily, the circuit like that
At the morning, we started to work!
At the afternoon we should have a short rest !
After work, we could watch some videos, read some articles, even blog or reblog some articles from the articles or photos! In their systems.
Then we are tired
At the night we had to sleep!!
The next morning, we had to repeatedly endure the same thing!
Day after day , week after weeks years after years !
Then we are old , our son or daughter will repeat the process as above!
That is the root of poverty gap!
Survivor Within the system they had built for us over 1000 years , the more you created, the more they could get, the more tired you will be , the earliest age you will be died,
At what ages you will die, They do not care!
At what condition of you body will be , working until exhausting, or work with diseases, they do not care !
At what time you had to stopped the whole process, they do not care !
The things they care is the following:
1 Did you obeying the rules they had already built, whether they obeyed the laws or not obey the rules
If you do not obey , they will put sharp punishment on you whether it you not obey the rules or had obey the rules
2.did you work really very hard that they could occupy as much fortune from you as they needed
If you do not work hard, they will fire you you will be fired even without excuses!
3. did you continue studying to know everything which could support the best works conditions working environment on time?
If you do not continue to study the knowledge that you are not interested in, you will be fired
4.Did you save more money in the banks they had built for you , which they could occupy by the management system at the exactly opportunity !
If you saved more than $250,000 ,
You will be informed that , over 250,000, you have saved will be theirs, because of the unexpected bankruptcy !
Within their system, the most beautiful houses in every countries are the banks the Trust institutions
insurance company, the tallest building they built are banks, the Trust institutions, the Insurance company !
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More and more fugitive every where,They are hungry they feel cold in the cold winter weather ,They (The Devil) do not care ,
increase unbalanced poverty gaps worldwide they do not care ,
More and more conflicts caused by the vampire system, they do not care
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They spend more and more money to build the banks, to let all of us saved more and more money! Then because of the bankruptcy the money you had created hardly will be theirs.
That is not the whole process of saved of the real money, that is the control from them (The Devil) I!
They used the unlimited printed paper Money worldwide regardless the difference exchange rate ,nowadays the digital currency like wallet money in your Apps, like Bitcoins or Wright coin which printed or created by them in their system to control us!
If you do not understand The Whole process do not understand the harsh realities behind all of that ,
You will never know, we are controlled by them and we had already control by the system for over 1000 years!
What we should do now?
What we should understand exactly?
Listen to you own voice from your heart!
If you feel unsafe, Take the money out of the bank
!before the bankruptcy
If you feel unsafe,
Or if you do not Get the money out in time, Please withdraw the money as soon as you could go!immediately
Acquire as more information as you could by yourself not listening to the video, radio, message which ask you to do !by their systems.
We are the people, we have our own Ideology
.we should not relying on the already built information which had already built by them (The Devil)
We had to build our own knowledge system, our entertainment system, our environment system, our own connections systems , our financial system , our culture systems, by our real people, real friends worldwide! Which not only obey the rules of laws but also Humanization Design,according to the opinion about value for real people all over the world. !
It can make everyone equal, divide rain and dew equally, and fundamentally eliminate poverty!
Which everyone in our planet earth could Be nourished averagely and happily!
When the rain drops , when the gifts from our dearest God given to all of us ! everyone could suck the rain averagely and normally like the grass on our planet .that is how to eliminate the property gap in the root.
after all of that !
The process of the fall of the rain will be like this !
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That is seems very hard , even impossible!
However, it could be the truth!
How to achieve !
The first and for most step is to know we are controlled by the Devil! For over 1000 years with this vampire system!
We should aware all of that first !
That is the key point, the gate of vitality,the Solution the Broken methods to the new world, which will really built by our friends worldwide !
fortunately, some of our friends worldwide had already aware of that, and begin their works.
We had to know the whole process more intensively
The more deeply and intensively we known that we are controlled, the more numbers of people will know we are controlled!
The more quickly and more safely and more smoothly to the successfully we will be !
Thanks to our dearest God , we finally know the key point the Broken methods !
The second is that we Had to know the real working system they had built for us is the unlimited symbol like this Infinite symbol
Have you ever imaged what will happed if these layers do not exist?
Actually these layers should be non-exist anymore.
You may think that if the layers do not exist the shape of the pyramid will be ?
like this or like this or like any other shapes
Absolutely no, Not that simple .
To give our friends worldwide the exactly results
We should understand the water system build with the pipe first please,
Once a part of the pipe had destroyed by the inner force or outside force,
The water will not flow like the original way.
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It will broken actually ,the water will spout out from the pipe immediately .and will went to the original places where they should actually go , the water could go the the earth , to go to the river to go to the sea and oceans, they couldn’t control the direction of flowing water anymore,
The water will nourished everyone lived in the earth planet ,will nourished the plants and flowers the animals even the insects who lived in the muddy soil.
That is the key , that is the solution of destroy the constructed pyramid systems .
Since we (The real people worldwide )are considering by them (The Devil ,who actually controlled all of us by the delicately made pyramid system )as slaves, then we have the rights to interrogate the reason,
Because they (The Devil ,who actually controlled all of us by the delicately made pyramid system ) said they are also the people.
Since we , (the real people worldwide) all have the equally right. As they propagandistic, as they Brainwashing, Then why we should only and continuously lived at the bottom of the pyramid systems as they wished.
We also have the demands to climb the mountains to the peak of the mountains .
Why the same mountain only they (The Devil ,who actually controlled all of us by the delicately made pyramid system ) could climb, we (the real people worldwide) couldn’t ,
They could stand at the top of the mountain to dominate All of us ,they could stand at the middle to look up at all of us , we should be and always only be and forever be only at the bottoms of the pyramid to controlled by them (The Devil ,who actually controlled all of us by the delicately made pyramid system )
Confronted by their unfair rules,had to follow their conditions, and Giving out a lot but not getting the rewards you deserve.we worked very hard then Be looked down upon by them.
Let all of us use our own strength to broken these layers bravely and fearlessly
That is the only methods to let the rain drops nourished everyone of us , every creatures naturally.
Which really help us to build the rainbow colored solid and stable bridge to the new world successfully!
God blessing of of us forever and everyday .
God blessing:) And Smiling :)
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giftsmetro · 1 year
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giftsmetro · 1 year
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giftsmetro · 1 year
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giftsmetro · 1 year
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cute animals, cute cute!
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giftsmetro · 1 year
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giftsmetro · 1 year
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Dear friends,
Thank you for following us and it’s new year
We will send some gifts to our friends worldwide recently!
Could you confirm your shipping address before we shipping the gifts please!
If your shipping address had changed before
Nov 1 st 2022
Could you contact us via the email please?
We will send the gifts to you around Nov 15, 2022!
Kind Regards,
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giftsmetro · 2 years
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giftsmetro · 2 years
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giftsmetro · 2 years
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The best is yet to come!
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giftsmetro · 2 years
Dear friends,
Sorry for any inconvenience!
Problems solved! ^_^
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We will continue our services as always and keep on updating our website!
Thank you!
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giftsmetro · 2 years
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We are very sorry
We just found the error page appears on our website !
We never change the permits of our homepage
However, we found this strange page as above
We will try our best to fix the errors as soon as possible!
If you find something strange just
Click the :
Please! And the search function works as always
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us please!
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giftsmetro · 2 years
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giftsmetro · 2 years
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giftsmetro · 2 years
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