hufflepuffbruja · 2 years
Next Crochet Adventure
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Beginning stage of another blanket, this time for my bff.
In the end I'm hoping for a pan flag joined to an enby flag for their birthday this year 😊
And I'm not being lazy and doing easy diagonal stripes like I did with my own ace blanket last year 😊
I'll try to update when I can but I forget a lot 😬
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hufflepuffbruja · 2 years
Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!
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hufflepuffbruja · 3 years
Another Vampire Academy Post
Do you have a book series that's so ingrained in who you are, your identity, possibly your DNA, that you cannot separate it and you?
-Cue the groans and eye rolls and "ugh, she's talking about Vampire Academy again" from family and friends 🤣-
It's amazing, discovering something about yourself and watching all the puzzle pieces finally slide together and fit. Took me 13 years to finally pinpoint why I love VA so much, and I literally can't talk about the two things separatly.
I fell hard for the bff friendship between Rose and Lissa. I didn't understand why at the time, why I loved a book that centered friendship and hated all the teen books that involved love triangles and oozed romance. Surely, as a teenager in high school, that's all I'd want to read about, right?
Like I said, it took me 13 years to finally pinpoint why I became so obsessed with this book series (we won't even talk about the guide I made to correct the movie guide and everyone else on the internet that got VA wrong 🤣): #BabyQueer! I'm ace, and on the aro spectrum, but for easiness, I just say aroace. Like, whoa, does my VA obsession make sense now. It was about the only YA paranormal-ish book series out at the time that uplifted friendship from sidekick status (if lucky), to equally (if not more) important as the romantic plots.
Which is about the only priase I can give the movie adaptation as well, for getting Rose and Lissa's friendship pretty close to the book.
Really looking forward to seeing this world again on screen, the small screen this time, and hopefully expanded further than just the first book. I can't stop thinking about all the new things a TV series can bring that movie adaptations can't, and showing what we weren't able to see off page due to the books being written from Rose's PoV. And hopefully it will last for years to come...and fingers crossed, knock on wood, that maybe we'll get to see a Bloodlines adaptation too?????
Side note/question: I saw my library via the Libby app finally has all the VA books on audio (for some reason the middle books were missing before?). I really don't think I can hang with the narrator (I've listened to a sample a few years ago and balked), and I know the narrator changes, but I still don't think I can do it. If you've listened to them, what are your opinions?
Also: with the different narrators for the VA series, and the apparent accent switch in the Bloodlines books, anyone else strongly want all these books to be rerecorded? For continuity sake?
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hufflepuffbruja · 3 years
Vampire Academy Appreciation Post 😁
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So, I'm super excited for the Vampire Academy TV show. I told myself I wasn't going to follow any news because I didn't want to get my hopes up and have them crushed like with the VA movie...but it's like I don't know myself at all 😂
At some point before the cast reveal, I became super excited for the possibilities a TV series can bring to this world. Like, we can actually see what's happening in the greater world that Rose doesn't know about because we're with her, in her and Lissa's head, the entire time.
While lots of fans raised their hackles at the character descriptions for some characters that revealed the show creators' are going to be playing around with the world, I was excited. It looks like Tatiana isn't queen yet, so perhaps they're in the process of selecting the next monarch, which honestly makes Victor's whole evil plot make a lot more sense if he's got an acutal shot at the throne. We'll also get to see Ms. Karp and Mikhail's love story, something fans have been demanding for years. (Also: please no crazy confusing Karp plot like the movie did; Rose knows what happened to her. Don't make it another mystery, please. It's a motivation for her to keep protecting Lissa).
I'm also excited for any other new things they create for this show because we've basically been starved of any new VA content.
I guess I'm really hoping this series will be a success, coming at the start of the vampire resurection wave, rather than on the tail end fumes like when the movie was made. Cuz then we'll get Adrian and Sydney and Rose's parents and Dimitri's parents and all the things around Spirit and WHAT IF THIS LEADS TO A BLOODLINES TV SHOW?!?!
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hufflepuffbruja · 3 years
Morning Bookish Thoughts
I recently read an article on Bookriot.com about how one reader just doesn't understand some authors' appeal, how they just can't get into the same books that everyone else freaks out over, and overall is left with the "did we read the same book???" flaberghasted feeling.
And I couldn't help but mentally shout, "YES! I feel the same way about a particular author too!" The article writer didn't name names, and I kinda also don't wanna name the author I just couldn't get into despite numerous attempts (but if you're a huge fan, you'll probably pick up who I'm talking about).
I read a middle grade ghosty novel from her. Felt meh about it, even though it literally has everything that would make it a home-run for me. I tried two audiobooks of a YA duology by her, but maybe it was because I was at work when listening but again, meh feelings over them. I read a short story in a collection that I again felt meh over despite its cool premise (but maybe I felt meh because there was literally one previous story with the same dang premise in the collection and i really liked that earlier story) and am flaberghasted that this was the story chosen to become a Netflix series....
I haven't read her other books, the ones that really made her name known, because I'm afraid I just won't like them and will have wasted my time. My inside joke with myself is perhaps I'm not anxious & depressed enough when reading her books, because I know how open she is about her mental health. Or maybe I am and know to avoid them. I really don't know. 🤷‍
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hufflepuffbruja · 3 years
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I am nowhere near done yet, but I just cannot believe how much joy this freakin' blanket is bringing me. It's my first ever ace related anything, and I know that has a lot to do with it. Just seeing these colors every day as I work on it is a visual reminder that I am not broken. And it honestly means the world to me 💜
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hufflepuffbruja · 3 years
When you're halfway through a project and realized you made it too long and have to unravel it all 😂😭
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I somehow read 177 chains instead of 117 😂 Oh well. Three days worth of crocheting down the drain, but it ain't a true yarn project until you unravel it and start over 😪
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hufflepuffbruja · 3 years
Blanket Update!
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Makin' progress. Just bought more yarn cuz the purple (Bernat Super Value "Mulberry") was leftover scrap yarn. Not in a rush to finish before pride month ends because in my soul it's year-round. I've really been loving the c2c stitch as of late and so it was my go-to when I decide to stop thinking about making this blanket someday, and to just do it.
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hufflepuffbruja · 3 years
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hufflepuffbruja · 3 years
My current read. I am normally very picky about my retellings, but I'm enjoying this one so far.
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hufflepuffbruja · 3 years
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Sometimes you just gotta do things for your soul
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hufflepuffbruja · 4 years
So I already forgot what I was gonna do with this account 😂
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