iasiney-blog · 1 year
Changing Twitter/Tumblr Sharing
I am changing the blog posting option back to my Iasiney account on twitter and tumblr.
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iasiney-blog · 1 year
What would I do if I could do anything? Write about you continuation
This is the best place to go if you want to comment and continue the story: https://aryion.com/iss/page.php?page=1&story=1213 This will help me to keep things organized. You can respond to what I have everywhere else but that page linked above on Aryion is where I'll be posting the newest updates. I won't post a big update of the story to other sites until a significant amount of the story went ahead. Until then, please remember that: If you would eat me, I will take up 5457.79 fluid ouces, that is 42.63 gallons in your stomach. A stomach or belly full of food is about 1 quart. There's definitely going to be some expansion to fit me. How much? So, for scale, a 40 gallon fish tank is 36.5 in L x 15.5 in W x 17.25 in H. So in the fetal position I'd probably fit in there pretty good. Your stomach would be pretty big. 
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iasiney-blog · 1 year
Archiving and the New Year
I have archived my old writing. Each year, I will do this. I may use the same characters and some ideas but only if I remember names and things. This way I will make new places and new stories.
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iasiney-blog · 2 years
I got WordPress on my phone
I got WordPress on my phone
I want to link this with my twitter account i use normally.
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iasiney-blog · 2 years
DROPIOC Journal the Fifth
DROPIOC Journal the Fifth
I had an idea. I considered the creature useful. Albeit painful, if I needed a worshipper. If it grew hungry and ate me, I could go back to my personal dimension. Either way, I felt the ties come in to me from someplace and knew it was a small personal dimension or sanctuary. I could go there on impulse. I looked around for the squirrel and found it scurrying through the trees. A fitting meal. I…
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iasiney-blog · 2 years
Dropioc Journal the Third
Dropioc Journal the Third
I felt that I gained my full basic abilities just after praying and the power pulsed through my being. During this, I noticed the plant creature coming at me. The demeanor of the change in my self seemed to have had something to do with it. I said to it, “Can you understand me?” I picked up clues from it that it seemed to. I wanted to try to befriend it. As far as I knew with my state of being…
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iasiney-blog · 2 years
DROPIOC Journal the Third
DROPIOC Journal the Third
I remember feeling something then. I felt better for a moment. I didn’t think then that I was healed or didn’t see anything change about my immediate surroundings. I suddenly had an idea that it would be acceptable if I gave up and then I would get my basic deity abilities. I felt there was something else, that it wasn’t about being healed, killed, or simply saying I gave up. I smiled because I…
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iasiney-blog · 2 years
DROPIOC Journal The Second
DROPIOC Journal The Second
Then suddenly, I was aware of a creature looking at me from nearby. It looks like an old wilting flowerly creature. I was worried it wanted to kill me but it didn’t seem like it wanted to. Instead, I was barely able to see that it looked to be in terrible pain the way it moved along the outskirts of the grassy knoll. As I looked at what it was doing and where it was going, it retreated from my…
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iasiney-blog · 2 years
I am Ias Delino I’ney, I died on earth. I am suddenly floating over a grassy knoll that forms the edge of the border of the hills and then mountains to the east and to the west a forest of redwood trees. I knew that demons wanted to take me to hell and that I was supposed to earn something to make me not a ghost again. I saw a squirrel in the trees, gray and acting normal. I saw a chipmunk in…
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iasiney-blog · 2 years
Thus the six truths of the garbage campaign is that several cities act like salvage cities and thus it is all under an organization
Thus the six truths of the garbage campaign is that several cities act like salvage cities and thus it is all under an organization. That organization is a part of the storm dragonesses whole people that want to clear up the dump. They would rather sweep it away by storms so that being the first truth of the salvage cities. They want to move in and clean up the cities. People are getting sick from eating foods although only a few have died. Some have been acting weird and leaving in the middle of the night. The junkers org in the city and the color lights are the main two templs. Storm dragonness and the rainbow color lights temple. Good and Light domain. Light and thus there's other dragons actually. The canary dragoness and such is another actual goddess of light. The other storm dragons or rainbow dragons are under represented but she the storm dragoness and the light dragoness the rainbow horse dragoness. Thus those six truths of which I am going to have to make ahead of time. The first adventure: There's rumors of inhabitants coming out of the junkyard so these need to be cleaned of the squatters who are on private property and the organizations of the storm dragons and the rainbow dragon horse are those that usually contract adventurers. I pretty much defined the truths there. This technically is the first city the junker city that they want to go to to takeover. It is a lynchpin. This surely can't be the only place that is of the wind or that is of the only interest. The rainbow dragon horse's followers are interested in taking over other less desirable temples but in the meantime wil suffice with old temple ruins or junky places.  There's an old temple of the crystal dragons of fun in the wilderness that need taming as such. That's another set of truths. The shapeshifting mimics have their underground railroad. They hope to buy out the rights to the land but under a different guise. So they want to take it quickly and develop it so it is harder to buy out. The inquisitors of the storm dragon want to bring those to justice. The idea of getting into food was a necessity but then after some others married and sympathized, it became just an unsightly practice to eat your known shapeshifter lover and fake diarrhea or something in order to flush it. The truth is they don't know how they get under the radar and so the actual changeling mimics are rather hard to spot even by magic. The world is more modern with washing machines, guns, but has magic and Gods. The rainbow draogn horse wants to spread the happiness around the world. But gloom adds a bit of balance to the world and brings unhappiness. The inquisitors has a leader that is under the storm dragoness that want to tip it back to gloom and sinc ehte storm dragon wants darker unrelenting storms then he allows it but actually either the storm dragon does not or well there's another but generally the storm dragon would not want colors to otherwise be anything but grays, darks. So it shall be. But he's not another gray or grim portent or front but the truth is that he wants to seek the shapeshifters out because they are actually wanting a balance but neither rainbow or the storm team want either one tipped or staying either balanced or evil or good. Out of that, only six truths will fly.
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iasiney-blog · 2 years
If I write a one shot throwaway then it is at the city dump and these friends must investigate the plumbing. The DND spiral campaign is such. Warm up. Trash lit
If I write a one shot throwaway then it is at the city dump and these friends must investigate the plumbing. The DND spiral campaign is such. Warm up. Trash literal. The Adventurers are sent to the city dump to find out what is clogging the pipes and to clean up the mess because the city plumber says that it is plugged up. The mimics plugged it up.  Apparently mimics were disguising themselves as or shapeshifters. Oooze. They are clogging up the dump.  I do like mimics. I am inspired off of what the previous one shot I was a player of.  These mimics want to disguise themselves as food to be eaten because they are lonely and want to feel useful and as such they really really want to feel a connection. Thus, the landlord and stuff that is happening with me or happened with me with toilet gurgling and not flusing well will be in the campaign. The plumber and such and the city. The mimics want to feel connected. Not stupid. Mimic shapeshifter hybrids. one particular adventurer is some triton that thought a mimic was a chicken. There is a gnome there and an eagle person. There is a human and there's the mimic chicken ally. Thus. Then they find a how shall you say entrance to the underground sewer also labyrinth catacombs Dungeon under a pile of garbage. Several chambers actually. Urban sorta. Junk, trash, and sewage all in one doesn't make sense but there it is. It has hazards of falling if unsecured but it will be ok otherwise. They are also under the grim portent of a dragon, the storm dragon,. I think of the dragon brigade that wants it to be forever winter or storms and destruction or actually wants rain and thunder and well, the mimics aren't actually allies. The third grim portent the front of the rainbow horse dragon want the color dragons to bring colors to the world at any cost. Thus the garbage dump is of the storm dragon inquisitors.
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iasiney-blog · 2 years
I will start it at the city dump. The mimics. The eagle bird, the human, gnome, and triton and DND. They just go to the city dump then. They get sent there by people to clean it up.
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iasiney-blog · 2 years
Context: https://www.webmd.com/balance/features/how-to-be-present Situation: Considering that I did not have an end in mind with the  "Write about you" I have gotten to the point I do not care about it. Currently I have been looking at good mental health practices and found about "Flow". It has made me seriously consider what my stance on writing at all is. Anyways, continuing with the "Write about you" stuff. I didn't have an end in mind so I didn't complete it nor do I have it completed ahead of time. But I seriously consider if I do really love writing at all.  I have been doing something that I coin "Unplanned happiness" where I just take a few moments, bring my awareness into the forefront here and now, and then melt into doing something. I've done this in my freetime. I am still not able to truely answer the question what makes me "happy" or what is "fun" for me. So, I am doing that. It is my own way of doing "flow" because I am at present and "do what I want". I do it in the moment I forgot that Aryion has an interactive fiction story. It represents too much to update. I need to complete the whole story, I think, with all its possibilitie and post it once it is done. I want just want to continue to "unplanned happiness" since it is something the feels to me "original" and "authentic" enough to myself and the answer to what i'll do in terms of writing anything at all is: It depends on what I'm feeling in the exact moment I have freetime and am centered. When I considered what I'd do if I'd do anything in my journaling it was: The Book of Particles Why? Because it was something that did not focus on performance but just continued on. Now, I want to even do that different and in a sense combine all artistic or essentially everything into one particular pursuit of that and do it differently. To me, now, it looks like just a general freewritten. However, what about flow I've found is that it is best to leave the things that critique oneself, i.e. Editing oneself in writing before finished writing. It is something that ol' Natalie Goldberg and other authors talk about in terms of freewriting. Basically, you don't edit yourself as you write, you just do. Sometimes its hard to get out of that point where you are in the self doubt and then finally catch the creative wave or "the muse". It does depend on: I am well fed, I have all of my responsibilities stablized (such as household chores done), and am not distracted by inner conflicts. TLDR; I may change the write about you to something different and delete the write about you posts so far or I may not write anything at all and pursue a different hobby but it depends on the situation and may also be based on posting anything for anyone to see.
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iasiney-blog · 2 years
Why do I want to write about you?
The distinction is between you and me for art vs. personal but I make art about you because you are more fun than I. Then, what I write about you is now: 'I ate you yesterday. When you came back out you came back out whole. But I made you into my vorish sculpture. You were scaley but you became furry and I will not take you personally because you are my art. You are what I write and I write about you. You are much more interesting than I.' It isn't to say that I don't put anything personal into anything. But I mean that this is not me. It is a lens and a filter through me and the product is art. I have these personal fetishes but transformations from personal to art is what I intend and I want to have fun doing it and delve a better meaning for you. So I will write about you and all that you do or would do to help me out. Then I gather everyone together for my artful writing. Then everyone would go home.  I am not doing this for love but that love might filter through this and become pure expression for all.
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iasiney-blog · 2 years
Peanut Gallery
So, if you saw the title and your mind did a switcheroo on it, then we should date. In all seriousness. I forgot about that term although I've heard it used before. The bane of many that are trying to get any better at their artistic crafts.
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iasiney-blog · 2 years
About Me and my New Profile
I am using "What I would do if I could do anything? Write about you," series as my profile on websites with the premise of: As you get to know me, I will get to know you because I don't mind knowing folks especially if we have similar interests. It is meant to be a basic browser hyperlinked interactive fiction version that I made using squiffy that is located on my website: https://silverstream.ddns.net/interactivefiction/writeaboutyou/ Because of the sheer logistics and laziness on my part, I will post the individual pieces of the stories on other websites, art websites, etc. Because most sites don't allow webpages and the logistics of updating everything with relevant hyperlinks, I will post the full interactive fiction in all its glory on my website. Usually that version will be updated first because I can do it much faster. Feel free to follow the rabbit hole and check back regularly to continue the story. As long as I don't get burned out (happens frequently), I will post these bits as I write them and have time to post them. I don't have a conclusion as to where these interactive fiction will go. Please enjoy and leave a comment below, if you want, so I know about those that read this.
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iasiney-blog · 2 years
About Me and my New Profile
About Me and my New Profile
I am using “What I would do if I could do anything? Write about you,” series as my profile on websites with the premise of: As you get to know me, I will get to know you because I don’t mind knowing folks especially if we have similar interests. It is meant to be a basic browser hyperlinked interactive fiction version that I made using squiffy that is located on my website:…
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