ladytanjareen · 2 years
One month until the parcoursup deadline and I still don’t know what I wanna do with my life
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ladytanjareen · 3 years
lgbt rights groups in eastern europe, armenia, palestine and iran you can donate to:
chechnya (through a russian lgbt rights group)
i’ll keep adding on
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ladytanjareen · 3 years
I just saw the trailer for the Cyrano movie with Peter Dinklage, and … idk. It’s always weird to me when Hollywood revisits French classics I studied and grew up with (especially with musicals, I cannot listen to Do you hear the people sing without laughing at some point) but fundamentally, I have nothing against it, and I love Peter Dinklage in the role. My biggest problem with this movie is actually… the nose ? How are you going to do the nose tirade if Peter Dinklage as a perfectly average nose ?
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ladytanjareen · 3 years
Getting political (French politics)
So in 2022, France will have presidential elections. The political campaigns have started recently and oh my god I’m already so tired. It feels like middle school. They’re all behaving like middle schoolers: Macron lost his mind long ago when he decided to make video with youtubers and tik tok lives in the middle of the pandemic, now the media somehow decided to invite Éric fucking Zemmour literally everywhere, his debate with Mélenchon felt like the battle of the clowns and if I hear his xenophobic bullshit one more time there will be violence. Not to mention the rise of sexism towards female candidates, there hasn’t been a day this week where I haven’t heard left-wing women being called « crazy » and «hysterical». Even Anne Hidalgo. How can she be crazy, when she’s one of the calmest, most monotonous person ever? Funny how no one called Benoît Hamon crazy or hysterical whe he had a similar program, no he was « naive » or « deluded » at best.
I wish Christiane Taubira would’ve been candidate instead of all these people, unfortunately she’s too good for us and she knows it :(
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ladytanjareen · 3 years
All the same-sex couples on Dancing with the stars -affiliated shows I could find about
(aka a very elaborate way to procrastinate homework)
Dorit Milman & Gili Shem Tov - DWTS Israel (2010)
Gili Shem Tov is a lesbian TV sportscaster. Her and her partner Dorit Milman were the first ever same-sex couple in the franchise’s history.
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Giovanni Ciacci & Raimondo Todaro - DWTS Italy (2018)
Giovanni Ciacci is a fashion designer, and apparently Raimondo Todari is his real life partner. They went to the Grand Finale, and are the first male couple of the franchise (I think).
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Jakob Fauerby & Silas Holst - DWTS Denmark (2019)
Jacob Fauerby is a comedian, and they were the first same-sew couple to actually win!
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Courtney Act & Joshua Keefe - DWTS Australia (2019)
Courtney Act is a Drag Race alum, and as you can see she performed in drag.
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Nicolas Puschman & Vadim Garbuzov - Let’s dance (Germany), (2021)
Nicolas Puschman is a reality TV star and they came third.
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Bilal Hassani & Jordan Mouillerac - DWTS France (2021)
Bilal Hassani is a singer, youtuber, influencer that you might reckognize from 2019 Eutovision (you know, when France and Italy weren’t at war ?)
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Jojo Siwa & Jenna Johnson - DWTS USA (2021)
Well you all know Jojo Siwa. I wish the best of times on the show :)
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John Whaite & Johannes Radebe - Strictly come dancing (UK), (2021)
John Whaite is the winner of The Great British Bake-Off season 3.
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Conclusion : I had no idea we had same sex couple as early as 2010, and it seems crazy to me that we had to wait 8 years for another one. Same sex couples are great representation on mainstream media but it is also a great way to make the dance world evolve, especially with it’s strict gender norms. Besides I learned that you can actually go on Wikipedia in a language you’ve never learned and actually understand something, which is incredible.
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ladytanjareen · 3 years
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ladytanjareen · 3 years
when abortion got banned in poland there were like three posts with 4k notes from poles and other eastern euros but whwn abortion ban in texas USA suddenly uncountable amount of awareness help donation organisation posts all over 20k reblogs easily what the shit. NOBODY from usa shared a donation post from poland, where even one dollar is large amount, while people from the nonwestern world are shamed for not rebloging yours. like, geniuenly, my heart out to the women of texas who are in need, but, american hypocricy is killing me,like every single time, "i cant believe this happened here" "its finally serious" shut up shut up shut up i hope america explodes
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ladytanjareen · 3 years
I should add that said character was dealing with a parent beating him since he was A CHILD, and the girl got mad (and homophobic) bc he told his bf instead of her. LIKE GIRL IT’S HIS TRAUMA STOP MAKING IT ABOUT YOU
So I started watching French soap opera, and I knew it has the reputation of being trash but omg this is the most dramatic I’ve ever seen 🙄
They will literally make a character be blatantly homophobic to their best best friend and have said friend APOLOGIZING
This happened MULTIPLE TIMES
It’s pretty addictive tho 😭
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ladytanjareen · 3 years
So I started watching French soap opera, and I knew it has the reputation of being trash but omg this is the most dramatic I’ve ever seen 🙄
They will literally make a character be blatantly homophobic to their best best friend and have said friend APOLOGIZING
This happened MULTIPLE TIMES
It’s pretty addictive tho 😭
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ladytanjareen · 3 years
I saw this post a while ago, and I never reblogged it but now that I see it again I’d like to break another misconception about the Revolution: the original plan was absolutely not to kill them, or get rid of them in any way. It was to create a constitutional monarchy instead of an absolute one. The original revolutionary project included the monarchy, in a model similar to the UK. And at first they were kicked out of Versailles, yes, but to move in another palace, the Tuileries, to be closer to the people of Paris. (Image below)
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In fact, one year after the Bastille events, the French organized La fête de la fédération (or feast of federation), an event that symbolized our unity as a nation, and is nowadays celebrated on the 14th of July (and not the Bastille as many still think). To celebrate this unity, everyone including the king swore an oath to « the Nation, the Law, and the King », so clearly he was still accepted and included long after the Bastille events.
Unfortunately, the King didn’t really care about the Nation, or the Law. Because while the constitution was being written, he tried to flee to Germany, leaving a letter saying he disagreed with the new constitution. The majority of the people really lived this as a betrayal, and hated him for it, but still the assembly decided not to overthrow him, despite the protesters wanting them to.
But it was really the invasion of France by the Austrians and Prussians, and them threatening those who harmed the royal family that solidified the hate towards them, because it « confirmed» their conspiracy theories of the king working with the enemy. So the people of Paris invaded the Tuileries and threw him in prison. Under the pressure of the people, the assembly then voted the Republic, Louis XVI’s fate was debated a lot but it was finally decided to kill him.
Now I’m not going to sit here and tell you that the Royal family were treated fairly. And I’m not a huge fan of romanticizing this part of our history because truth is, the protesters were horribly violent, there were crimes, and conspiracy theories and yes, misogyny. This is not about good guys and bad guys. It was a messy time of history, where staying morally good was extremely difficult. That being said I have a problem with the « uwu pour nobles didn’t know what what was happening » discourse, because they knew exactly what they were doing. The king had multiple chances to try and make the constitutional monarchy work (and some nobles actually did !), but he didn’t. Same goes for the queen, in lesser extents. The most Louis XVI did for the people was the État-Generaux and the cahiers de doléances but if those weren’t their version of performative activism then idk what is.
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ladytanjareen · 3 years
Hello this is a rant.
I am so f*cking tired of math and science being seen as the only way to succeed in this country (this country being France). I have nothing against maths or physics but we’re just so obsessed with these subjects that we’re ruining opportunities for students in other fields. My school has so many quality programs for foreign languages and literature that are valuable assets for this school, but for a few years now they’ve been actively trying to cancel those programs by convincing students to quit them, defunding them, reducing their appeal until they have a real reason to cancel them. And it disgusts me.
I’m someone who really loves scientific subjects, don’t get me wrong, but I’m so f*cking tired of this belief that you need to be good at maths to have a good career . It’s not true. Just as you don’t need to give up on literary subjects to be good at math. My class is supposed to be specialized in a foreign language, and yet we have some of the best students in maths and physics.
And this has been happening for years. Schools have constantly made economies at the expense of literary subjects. I remember back in middle school, when they were trying to cancel our Latin and Ancient Greek classes. The worst thing is, I don‘t think they have the choice. The last few reforms have forced them to privilege some some subjects above the others, because now it’s too difficult to organize timetables as a polyvalent school.
idk how things are elsewhere, hopefully it’s better in some places
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ladytanjareen · 3 years
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ladytanjareen · 3 years
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Brazil’s Indigenous march to pressure court on land ruling
Thousands of Indigenous people marched toward Brazil’s Supreme Court on Wednesday to pressure justices expected to issue a ruling with far-reaching implications for land rights.
Wearing feather headdresses and with their bodies painted, they sang and danced along their 5-kilometer (3-mile) route. The group, which has been camping all week in the capital behind the National Theater, is comprised of some 6,000 people from 173 ethnic groups across the country, according to Association of Brazil’s Indigenous Peoples, a rights group and one of the organizers.
Justices will be evaluating a lower court’s ruling that invalidated a claim by some Indigenous people in Santa Catarina state to what they say is their ancestral territory. The lower court based its decision on allegations the group wasn’t occupying the land in October 1988, when Brazil’s constitution was signed after the nation’s return to democracy, which the group denies.
The Indigenous people were frustrated that the court didn’t start discussing the case Wednesday. The majority of justices have yet to vote on another contentious debate, regarding the constitutionality of the Brazilian central bank’s autonomy.
Protest organizers say the court’s decision could be “the ruling of the century,” because negating the 1988 benchmark would force judges across the country to impose that understanding on similar pending cases, and also affect the fate of a related, controversial bill advancing in Congress.
Farming groups argue the 1988 cutoff date provides certainty regarding property law, but rights defenders say it ignores the fact many Indigenous people had been forcibly expelled from their lands, particularly during the military dictatorship, or may not have formal means to prove possession. 
Continue reading and see more pictures.
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ladytanjareen · 3 years
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ladytanjareen · 3 years
Today I stopped what I was doing to do the google olympics doodle game thingy... I spent 2h on it. Forgot what I was doing. It's so good.
What am I doing with my life ?
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ladytanjareen · 3 years
I just went back through all my posts and it's so weird because there's so many phases of my life that I had forgotten... Like, I was a Skam France stan blog for one hot minute ? I wrote multiple posts defending the last seasons when jesus christ I could've just written one ! I posted about pjo ? Why don't I still post bout pjo ? I posted about SHADOWHUNTERS ! I barely remembered watching shadowhunters ! Some of the things I posted were so stupid and uninformed wtf ?
And I used to write long ass texts and get about 3 to 5 notes if I got lucky (and guess what I still do that!) , but baby me ? Baby me was just so in awe of dicovering the internet, I didn't care at all about the notes. I wish I could've retained that innocence lol, because this love/hate relationship with social media is exhausting.
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ladytanjareen · 3 years
Hey does anyone else get really anxious when texting their therapist ?
Because I just took 2 hours to sent her ONE text to confirm the date for our next session because I was afraid of bothering her, and also of coming off as stupid bc I didn't write it down, and also because of the social interaction in itself.
And then I realized maybe this is the reason I have a therapist to begin with...
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