mbti-vibes-blog · 6 years
romanticizing mental illness is dangerous and misleading
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mbti-vibes-blog · 6 years
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mbti-vibes-blog · 6 years
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mbti-vibes-blog · 6 years
yeah uh just a psa for my followers if you’re a "map", "nomap", or a supporter of either please get tf out of my blog 
people who publicly identify as pedophiles should not be defended. these people aren’t looking to improve themselves. they want validation. people who defend them are giving them this validation.
there’s no reason for a pedophile to be connecting with other pedophiles In A Public Space to discuss their attraction to children. they don’t need a community. literally every post i’ve seen come out of the “”MAP”” community is repulsive.
some examples: pedophiles bragging about being put on a blocklist, pedophiles making memes to describe what ages they’re attracted to. 
they don’t care about getting better. if they did they’d probably be seeing a therapist, not being dedicated to running a tumblr blog. stop being a pedophile apologist. 
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mbti-vibes-blog · 6 years
Key signs an infj likes someone?
i’m going to speak mostly from experience here :-)
Signs an INFJ Likes You
1. touch. this is a huge one. if you make a move to touch them and they don’t shy away, that’s a good sign. if they reach out to touch you? that’s huge. we’re really aware of touch and personal space, and if we feel comfortable enough with you to let you in our bubble or invite ourselves into yours,,, at the very least, we trust you.
2. making plans. me and my friend (another INFJ) both get really stressed about plans and time management, and if someone invites us to spend time with them with only a few hours or so in advance, we’re likely to turn them down. however, if it’s someone we really like, we’re more likely to accept and try to make it work, because the time spent with them is worth the stress.
3. simply being near! if i like someone, i’ll linger around them and try and join in on their conversations. if we’re spending time together and i’m making the first move, trying to start discussions with you and keeping conversations going, it’s pretty much a sure sign that i like you.
4. insults. when i like someone enough, i’ll jokingly insult you as a way to find out more and just to bond. if i don’t like someone, i’m generally pretty cold, so if i’m being rude it’s actually more likely that i like you.
5. interests. if they let you into their inner world, they definitely like you, at least as a friend and likely more than. personally, i tend to avoid going on and on about subjects that interest me, and prefer to listen. if i get really excited about something and talk about it for a while, i’m probably pretty interested in you.
6. inside jokes or secrets. i’ll try my hardest to form a lasting connection, so if i know one of your secrets or we have an inside joke, it’s likely that at the least i’m trying to get closer. if i tell you one of my secrets, i’ve probably fallen pretty deep.
7. last, and probably most confusingly, erratic behaviors. i know myself well enough to know that i’m a very obvious, emotional person. i’ll likely want to spend a lot of time with you, but i’ll get nervous that i’m smothering you or making it clear that i like you, so i’ll probably start avoiding you some days as well to try and balance it out. if this is paired with the other 6 behaviors, it’s a definite sign i like you, but if it’s on it’s own it’s a little harder to tell and you shouldn’t assume anything. 
hope this helped
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mbti-vibes-blog · 6 years
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mbti-vibes-blog · 6 years
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We all have an MBTI file, there’s no shame
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mbti-vibes-blog · 6 years
Ok if your introvert friend tells you “you don’t count as people” you know they will ride or die with you for life. Not counting as people is the introvert Platonic friend equivalent of getting married.
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mbti-vibes-blog · 6 years
Was wondering your thoughts on an ENTP/INFJ relationship?
NeTiFeSi / NiFeTiSe
- The Ne/Ni contrast of the two will make for a good contrast, with the Ne of        the ENTP helping the INFJ to stay open and more relaxed, while the Ni of the    INFJ keeps the ENTP more focused and centered.
- The Fe/Ti of the ENTP and INFJ is in the opposite positions in both types.         The auxilary thinking aspect of the ENTP will help the INFJ to think more           logically, while the auxilary feeling of the INFJ will help the ENTP to take             other’s feelings into consideration.
- Because both types have Fe, they’re likely to settle their conflicts peacefully      and give their partner the benefit of the doubt. Because they also share Ti,        they’re prone to need to get to the point. This means that their conflicts will        likely be few. 
- Because their sensing is their last function, it’s unlikely to affect their                  relationship, but ENTP is Si and INFJ is Se. Si is likely to prefer routine, while    Se likes new experiences. The two will be a good balance for each other. 
- Because Ne is more open and Ni is more focused, the ENTP may accuse the     INFJ of being too structured. At the same time, the INFJ may say that the         ENTP is too disorganized.  
- Because the ENTP is a thinking type, they might not understand the INFJ’s      tendencies to make decisions based on their emotions. At they same time,        the INFJ may accuse the ENTP of being too closed off.
- The downside of both being Fe-users is that they may tend to bottle things         up. This can lead to hurt feelings and outbursts seemingly without reason.
- Because Si likes routine, and Se likes new experiences, the ENTP may be        uncomfortable with a change in schedule, and the INFJ may become bored      with the ENTP’s routine.
I think this relationship has the potential to be very strong, and I would give it an 8/10. I think that this is one of the best relationships an ENTP can enter, and if it’s one you’re considering pursuing, good luck and have fun!
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mbti-vibes-blog · 6 years
how about a ENFJ/INFP or ENFJ/ENFJ relationship?
FeNiSeTi / FiNeSiTe
- Because ENFJs and INFPs have the same order of functions, they’re likely to    prioritize the same things and will have a natural understanding of each            other’s needs.
- While INFP and ENFJ have the same order of functions, the functions              themselves differ in terms of introverted/extroverted, creating a nice balance.
- Fi users like the INFP tend to prioritize their own well-being over other’s. This    is not to say that they don’t care about their partner, just that in an argument    they are likely to stand their ground.
- To contrast with this, Fe users like the ENFJ are more likely to back down for    the good of the relationship, which means that conflicts between the two will      likely be short-lived and not occur regularly.
- Ni users like the ENFJ are often focused, and place higher value on cohesive    thinking and static concepts.
- Ne users, like INFPs, would rather be more open and focus more on                spontaneity. The Ni-using ENFJ helps to ground and focus the INFP, and the    Ne-using INFP can help the ENFJ open up and have more fun.
- Se and Si work in similar ways, with the Si-using INFP being more                 comfortable with routine and the Se-using ENFJ being better under pressure.   Like with Ne and Ni, in this way the INFP and ENFJ can support each other in   places where they are weak.
- Least noticeable for both ENFJ and INFP is their Ti and Te, respectively. I          won’t go too in-depth because this is unlikely to affect their relationship.
- Ti users like the ENFJ focus on working slowly to get to a goal, putting more attention on consistency. 
- Te users like INFPs would rather focus on efficiency, believing facts can be        cleared up later. Though this is unlikely to come into play, it could mean that      they have a healthier relationship because both are content with knowing          different amounts about each other. 
- Because the INFP is likely to prioritize their own well-being, the ENFJ may        feel like the INFP doesn’t care about them as much as they care about the        INFP. At the same time, the INFP may feel smothered by the ENFJ.
- Since ENFJs are likely to keep their problems to theirselves, they may              accumulate anger and sadness towards the INFP without the INFP ever            knowing. This can lead to outbursts about small things, leading to the INFP      knowing that something is wrong but not knowing what.
- The INFP is more spontaneous, and may feel dragged down by the rule-          centered ENFJ. At the same time, the ENFJ may feel like they don’t get any      down time. 
- ENFJs are interested in new experiences, while the INFP is more                      comfortable with routine, which may lead to conflict. The INFP also struggles    under pressure, which may make them irritable and cause conflicts.
- ENFJs, as Ti users, don’t like to make assumptions. They believe that their      partner should reveal things in their own time, and are more likely to ask than    to guess at what the INFP is feeling. The INFP, a Te user, is likely to assume    that the ENFJ is feeling a certain way, which can lead to confusion and hurt      feelings. 
All in all, I would give the pairing an 8/10. The INFP is the ENFJ’s natural pair, and the pitfalls are easy to avoid if you know what to be careful about. All it takes for a good ENFJ/INFP relationship is two thoughtful, conscientious individual that understand each other.
FeNiSeTi / FeNiSeTi
- The ENFJs, both dominant Fe users, are likely to share the same priorities        and have a natural understanding of each other’s reasoning and feeling.
- Both are Ni users, and will tend to be more focused. When the pair puts their    collective minds to something, they’ll most likely get it done. 
-  Se users tend to be better in a crisis than Si users, and therefore even when     the pair is under pressure, they’re likely to work well together.  
- As both are Ti users, they’re likely to have the same hopes for the                    relationship and want it to go at the same pace.
- Because both are the same type, there’s bound to be a natural                          understanding between the two, and an immediate bond will cause them to be comfortable with each other. 
- As both are Fe users, they will likely shy away from conflict and both may          bottle up feelings to the point where they accidentally alienate themselves        from their partner. 
- The combination of being Ni and Se means that though the pair will often           have big plans for things they want to do, they may not act on them and will       end up caught in a loop.
I think at the end of the day I would give this relationship a 6/10. The pros outweigh the cons, but you have to be willing to put work into the relationship and more often than not, if you aren’t very invested it won’t work out.
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mbti-vibes-blog · 6 years
The Types as Words I Really Like
INTP: Denouement: n, the final part of a play, movie, or narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved.
INTJ: Sonorous: adj, imposingly deep or full
ENTP: Epoch: n, a period of time in history or a person's life
ENTJ: Defenestration: n, the action of throwing someone or something out of a window
INFP: Iridescent: adj, showing luminous colors that seem to change when seen from different angles
INFJ: Vellichor: n, the strange wistfulness of used bookstores, which are somehow infused with the passage of time
ENFP: Phosphenes: n, the rings or spots of light and color produced by pressure on the eyes
ENFJ: Epiphany: n, a moment of sudden revelation or insight
ISTP: Insouciance: n, casual lack of concern; indifference
ISFP: Ethereal: adj, extremely delicate and light
ESTP: Ephemeral: adj, lasting for a very short time
ESFP: Oblivion: n, the state of being unaware or unconscious of what is happening
ISTJ: Ameliorate: v, to make something bad or unsatisfactory better
ISFJ: Petrichor: n, a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather
ESTJ: Beleaguer: v, to exhaust with attacks
ESFJ: Eloquence: n, fluent or persuasive speaking or writing
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mbti-vibes-blog · 7 years
can you discuss the relationship between a intp and an injf and also a relationship between two infjs???
I, like many others haha, absolutely love the relationship between INFJs and INTPs. One of my closest friends is an INTP and we’ve always gotten along great! 
INFJ/INTP Relationship Analysis
- They share the same Thinking and Feeling functions (Ti and Fe), which leads to an easy understanding of the other person.
- Both rare and often misunderstood, they’re drawn to each other because they seem to share the same kind of quiet struggle of not feeling understood.
- The INFJ can learn from the INTP’s open way of thinking and are impressed by their depths of knowledge. On the other side, INTPs are drawn to the INFJ’s altruistic but logical way of being, and their open affection for other people.
- They both tend to have a weird sense of humor and often share hobbies as well, making for quick bonding.
- As they get more comfortable, they naturally begin to draw out each other’s true selves and often find themselves sharing things they wouldn’t tell anyone else.
- However, the INTP often doesn’t realize what they are saying may hurt the sensitive INFJ when they tease the other.
- The INTP can often see the INFJ as clingy because they aren’t as independent as the INTP, and the INFJ can see the INTP as cold because they aren’t as warm and caring.
I might come across as a little biased as there are less bad than good, but I simply think it’s a really good relationship! 
As for the INFJ/INFJ relationship, I don’t have a ton of real life experience with this. I used to be friends with an ‘INFJ’, but she was mistyped and is actually and INFP, which explains a lot of the struggles in the relationship.
However, from what I do know..
- Both have a dislike for small talk, often skipping to the deep subjects, and if they share interests the two can talk for hours.
- However, without a common interest, they will find it difficult to keep a conversation going and they may drift apart fairly quickly.
- The INFJs will enjoy each other’s warmth and uniqueness, and as a type that is always the helper, they will enjoy being taken care of for a while.
- However, they both want to help each other and will often go with whatever the other wants, which can lead to minor conflicts and indecisiveness.
- Since INFJs are prone to bottling their feelings up, they may not share their feelings honestly and avoid conflict, which has negative long-term effects.
- Both value organization and order and so will have little to no problems making plans together.
- Both types also tend to be very opinionated and their arguments can often escalate quickly once they’re in deep enough, as neither will want to back down from their stance.
Hope this was enough!
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mbti-vibes-blog · 7 years
Hey! I was wondering if anyone would be interested if I answered asks about mbti relationships? I have quite a few things to say haha
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mbti-vibes-blog · 7 years
In order, I’m Pleaser, Victim, and Vacillator... Not a great combination, but whatever.
I really recommend taking this!!
I aced this test. Scored high on all of em.
But especially Vacillator.
(That means i get angry when people let me down and need constant validation).
So i guess i am officially a basket case.
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mbti-vibes-blog · 7 years
mbti types as people I’ve met
probably invented multitasking
really awkward social butterfly
the kind of person that watches 10 series at the same fucking time
cute nerd
can be suprisingly stubborn
either a hufflepuff or a slytherin
*has cheated on a test once and never did it again because they felt so bad about it* 
so many gay ships
you know you fucked up when they’re really angry at you
the most chill person you’ll ever meet
looks flawless even when they’re not trying
“I am the best” - they’re goddamn right
softie on the inside
basically Tony Stark
pretty awkward for someone with auxiliary fe
kind of bitter and done with life
intense stare
they go from “nice to meet you” to “your parents were abusive which resulted in you having no confidence in your abilities” real fast
they have more secrets than I have daily thoughts about killing myself and that is impressive
more intelligent than most people give them credit for
actual sinnamon roll
you’re dead the second they start scheming against you
they secretly crave affection
likes to tease their friends
damn they really do like screaming at other people when they’re pissed
really good at telling stories
even better at organizing parties
genuinely wants to help you
don’t really give a fuck about rules
pretty shy at first
have a hard time with reserved people
a bitch for gossip
respected by most people, even the ones who dislike them
stubborn as shit
it doesn’t matter what you’re good at, there’s always an entj who’s better at it
the mentor who doesn’t die
they will crush you if you cross a line
pretty laidback and chill actually
as stable as a rock
aren’t appreciated enough
they all have that secret inner Eddard Stark inside them
loyal to a fault
cinnamon roll
tough love
charismatic af
they will tell you about their whole life in a subtle way even when though you did not ask
kind of clingy if they like you
loves going to parties
always perceptive about everyone but themselves
social justice warrior
kind of self destructive
full of love and hatred at the same time
they need to chill
“animals are better than people”
weird main character
probably smokes weed
that person who comes up with a plan that makes no sense whatsoever
I question their sanity every once in a while
deep and philosophical
lowkey badass
probably artistic or good in sports
would probably punch you if you’re an asshole
Fi doms generally need to chill tbh
means well but handles stuff the wrong way sometimes
can be so troublesome if unhealthy
”I will do what I want, mom!”
always played outside as a kid
probably feels like the world treated them the wrong way
kinda hot though?
aren’t interested in many things, but when they are, then they’re really passionate about it
world domination is an actual goal
“I don’t need to feel in order to understand”
they will judge you for every irrational thing you do
sighs about your stupidity, but helps you anyway
argued with their teacher at least once
sassy and funny
don’t know what to do with their life
can lash out on their loved ones if hurt
good at making friends
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mbti-vibes-blog · 7 years
The Types as Some Spring Aesthetics
INTP: You are the flower petals drifting in the air - to some, you are beautiful, to others, the source of allergies.
INTJ: You are the glass-smooth water in a large pond, sharp as a knife but dissolving in an instant.
ENTP: You are the hidden easter eggs we find months later, bright and preserved perfectly and a little bittersweet. 
ENTJ: You are the new roses, beautiful and delicate and painful if we hold them too tight.
INFP: You are the first flowers of march, small and precious and unique, but so quick to wither.
INFJ: You are the dew on the grass, cold and refreshing on our bare feet but so dissolving easily into the sunlight.
ENFP: You are the sweet smell of flowers, soft and pleasant and sometimes much too perfumed.
ENFJ: You are the hidden softness behind rabbit’s ears and the twitch of a deer’s nose, there if we look for it but invisible if we don’t.
ISTP: You are the slip of fresh dirt, soft and malleable under our toes but still so firm and strong.
ISFP: You are the small brush of a child’s hand as they reach up for their first touch of soft petals.
ESTP: You are the first run of the new year, freedom and chest pains. 
ESFP: You are the sweet songs of the first birds, flitting back and forth and spreading joy.
ISTJ: You are the grubby hands reaching for more candy, snagging them from behind their parent’s backs. 
ISFJ: You are the soft cotton of lazy clouds, sweet marshmallows and shapes in the sky, if we dare to find them. 
ESTJ: You are the knots in the oak trees we lean against, digging mildly into our backs as if to say, ‘we’re here’, painful but not unpleasant. 
ESFJ: You are cartwheels in the grass and jumping off of swing sets, pure, short lived excitement. 
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mbti-vibes-blog · 7 years
hey! this is random, but
I know so many girls that are so self-conscious about their voice and the way they sing and while I admit that beautiful singers are pretty damn great?
I honest to god prefer it if you can’t sing at all.
If you can’t memorize anything so you end up improvising random parts of your favorite song? so freaking adorable wth
If you can’t hit a note for your life and you’re all over the place when you try? holy crap let me kiss you what
if you’re barely audible or way too loud but you’re too into it to notice? i want to date you now aaaa
If you sing your heart out and you sound like a truck of frogs with strep throat?my chances of falling in love with you just broke through the roof of an 18-story building holy shit
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