#; ) mickie’s random talk show !
ms-no1kpopstan · 15 days
All of mickie’s wips!
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Moonlight Sunrise ( Ep 002 ) (nishimura riki)
ETA : Tomorrow to day after tomorrow
You make me giddy giddy giddy giddy all day (nishimura riki)
ETA : ❓❓
love her less than you used to love me (park jongseong)
ETA : ❓❓
don’t judge a book by it’s cover (park sunghoon)
ETA : ❓❓
Baby im yours (nishimura riki)
ETA : Next Week
school bus (nishimura riki)
ETA : ❓❓
The end!
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androcola · 1 year
I love the thought that micky had to teach mike california slang and the proper contexts to use them in cuz he grew up in the rural south amd has no idea what ANYONE is saying EVER 😭
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80yearoldmanmoodboard · 3 months
I finished the Monkees and had a bunch of random screenshots so here. Have ‘em.
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Mikes overly dramatic Profiles
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From one of the music video segments of the show. Micky getting into the music, Davy vibing on fake drums, Peter doing that thing old ladies do at concerts and the. There Mike. Just sitting there.
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From the screen tests.
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Davy and his silly little gay hat. Screenshot is from the unaired pilot but I think the footage was used in another episode.
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Mike was turned into a dog! And Davy was turned into a…30 year old lawyer? Both from the Monkees Blow Their Mind.
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Davy and Micky getting real close to talk about Peter? I think? Also Mike and Micky stripping in a phone booth while Davy reads the law.
The monkees have shackles in their living room…for some reason….great dub over btw guys, no one could tell
And so concludes my viewing of the monkees. Do recommend, will rewatch, will force my friends to watch, will also watch whatever the fuck Head was and the revival specials from like MTV or whatever.
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writingshushf1 · 1 year
Lover - chapter 3
Summary: the next 4 minutes have decided your whole life.  
Rating: +16
Warnings: unplanned pregnancy, intimacy (but not sex)
Word count: 3.5k
Note:  hey! sorry for not updating, I moved, uni started so I was basically studying, eating and sleeping, now that I adjusted into my routine- IT’S BACKKK! i hope yall enjoy it! don’t be a ghost reader! (also available on AO3.)
It’s been 6 weeks that you and Mick haven’t seen each other, it was the start of the break of the season, so he would be around a month with you. It meant you could actually talk to him about what happened between you two. That week, you scheduled a doctor’s appointment to know the sex of the baby, so then you would transform your office into a nursery.
The german would be back in a tuesday, so you made sure your appointment was going to be after that, to at least give the chance of him deciding whether he wanted or not to be in. It was a week after the ideal time to see the gender? Yes, but you didn’t actually care, probably on the last ultrasound, the doctor saw it’s sex, but you told him you didn’t want to know yet, because you were waiting for your friend to be back from his work trip and he was one of the most important people in your life. Seb also came to Monaco with Hanna, both of them wanted to be there for you, like your parental figure and you loved the idea, Mick even offered his spare room so they wouldn’t need to go to a hotel.
After a few hours on Tuesday, he messaged you after arriving at his apartment, although you wanted him to invite you, maybe it wasn’t the moment yet, to see him and act like nothing happened. You were working, thank God they still wanted you - at least until the baby was born, so all the paperwork you were avoiding last week now needed to be sent and approved by your boss. Everything was making you stressed, so you stopped for a while and layed on your bed, putting your hands on your bump and feeling little movements, still very subtle, if you weren’t alone, you wouldn’t be able to feel it; in two weeks others would be able to feel them kicking, because it would be stronger. Out of the blue, you heard your phone ringing, so you picked up to see Mick’s number.
“Hi…” You said softly.
“Hey… I… Can you come over? I’m feeling a bit lonely and Seb will arrive in the middle of the night, so I would love to have someone keeping me up.”
“Why will he arrive in the middle of the night and not during the morning?”
“Oh, the flight had problems, so they cancelled it and got an earlier flight, because the other available he wouldn’t be able to arrive on time for the appointment.”
“I’m going, give me 5 minutes.”
When you arrived, the door was already open and an anxious Mick was waiting for you, he looked at your belly, impressed by how big it was and then at your boobs, blatantly staring at them until you were too close for him to disguise. He hugged you gently, kissing your forehead.
“I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
You looked at each other for a few seconds before getting in and sitting on the sofa together. He let you lay your head on his lap, while you stayed in silence for a couple of minutes and the sound of the tv filled the space.
“Your bump is so big.”
“I know, right? 22 weeks.”
“Already? God, we’ve known each other for that long?”
“15 weeks, which would be almost four months, yeah.”
“I don’t know, it looks like we’ve always known each other.”
“Yeah… I don’t know, Micki, maybe we just clicked.”
You turned on your side, watching the random tv show, you felt his hands run through your scalp, caressing it; the affection was making you sleepy, even starting to softly snore. You heard him laughing at you.
“Sorry, I’m always tired and every chance I get to nap, I’ll do it.”
“It’s okay… I know you get tired because of the baby, but it was a bit funny that you just fell asleep within minutes.”
You laughed and looked at him again, sitting up dangerously close to him. One of Mick’s arms was around your waist, while the other was on top of his leg, almost on yours; slowly your hands were up his chest, with your face almost touching each other. You shouldn’t be doing this, it wasn’t the time, on the other hand, he was there for you, always. When you were about to kiss, his alarm rang, so you backed off from one another and he saw the time.
“We should get going to the airport, Seb and Hanna will arrive soon.” He said, getting up.
Frustration ran through your body, but you ignored, also getting up and walking behind him towards the garage from the building. You were feeling cold because you forgot your coat at your house, because when Mick messaged you, the last thought was going to get something to make you warm, he normally did that. The blonde noticed you shivering - even if it was summer, Monaco at night could be chilly, seconds later he was giving his coat to you and you felt drunk with his perfume exhaling from the jacket.
The ride till the airport was nice, mostly quiet, a consequence from your actions earlier - and you were napping for a part of it. He woke you up by lightly tapping on your shoulder, which initially you turned your body to the other side, then he tapped again, starting to talk about how you two would be late to see Sebastian, that made you wake up instantly. You waited for an hour till they arrived, the couple looking very tired, but that didn’t stop them from hugging both of you.
“Your bump is so big, honey!” Hanna said, touching it. “You said it was 22 weeks, right? Wow.” She smiled. “I know you weren’t into it in the beginning, but you do look beautiful, the pregnancy glow is working very well for you.”
“Right? The only thing I have to do regularly is to put lotion on my bump because it’s growing too fast and it’s stretching the skin.”
“That’s normal, I’ve been there three times.”
“Let’s go, girls?” Seb intervened. “I’m very tired and you two must be too.”
The ride to Schumacher’s apartment was silent, you let Sebastian sit on the passenger seat, so you and Hanna were in the back. Most of the trip you were sleeping, so was the blonde woman. Mick felt bad to wake you up, because he knew you waited on your feet for the German couple, so he took you into his arms and left you in his bed, taking off your shoes and the jacket, covering your body with a blanket before he showed the others where they would be staying. After they were settled, he put his pyjama - which consisted in only wearing boxer shorts, and laid next to you, however, he didn’t touched your body, seeing that your bump was big and he was afraid of hurting it; although, a few minutes later you were somewhat hugging his body as a result of not having your pregnancy pillow with you; the blonde liked that and tried to stay in the same position to not bother you.
It was 9am and you were up, in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone. Schumacher smelled the pancakes and walked in, still with his sleepy face.
“Good morning…” He smiled, putting his hands on your waist, laying his head on your shoulder. “Do you need any help?”
“Uhm… Yeah, wash the fruits, get the syrup and the honey, make the table…” You said, flipping a pancake.
“Ok. Coffee, tea and juice?”
You two were doing the breakfast when the German couple walked in, looking Mick and you together, talking and cooking together.
“They look like us when we were younger.” Hanna whispered.
“Yeah, they do.” Seb kissed his wife's forehead. “They look good together.”
Then you noticed their presence, blushing a little and pretending they didn’t see how you two were acting to each other. The four of you sat down to eat. Mick and Sebastian were talking while you concentrated on eating, considering you were doing that for two instead of one.
It was the time for the ultrasound and you were there waiting with the other three for the doctor to start.
“Do you have any guesses on the baby’s sex?” The doctor asked.
“No. Not at all, I don’t think I’ve ever thought about that, being completely honest.” You said, looking at Mick, hoping he would say something.
“No one else?”
“I think it’s going to be a girl.” Seb said to support you, putting his hand on your shoulder.
“Maybe a boy.” Hanna added.
“Let’s see if the… The patient's parents are right.”
Vettel didn’t correct the doctor, even though you weren’t father-daughter, he knew you would need some figure to be there and you internally thanked him for that. You couldn’t pay attention on the images, because all that was passing through your head was the image of a happy family, where Sebastian and Hanna were the future grandparents - or almost that, waiting for the result, while the dad of this kid was also there to be by your side, which it would be Mick. You noticed that the younger blonde was squeezing his hands together like he was holding himself from being closer to you.
Schumacher’s head was restless, all of his thoughts were running around at once, making him distracted from what was happening during the appointment. Fidgeting his hands to not get closer, looking around to not get nervous and if someone entered the room, they would’ve bet he was the father just from his actions.
“So…” The deep voice from the doctor awakened Mick from his trance. “It’s a girl! Congrats.”
“I knew it!” Vettel smiled, kissing your head. “You need to think about names! I had an idea for her room.”
"You always knows! It's not fair." You said to him. Vettel had guessed all of his kids when Hanna was pregnant.
“Congrats, schatz!” Hanna also walked to be by your side.
The younger German smiled, secretly holding your hand. “I would love to see a mini you running around.” He whispered.
Later that night, you and Hanna were making dinner while the boys were adjusting the nursery for the baby. You often walked there, to see them dirty with paint, talking in German and laughing. This was a night that you never thought would happen. On the other hand, you were so happy that it was, having them being there for you when you need the most, being this “non” conventional family that it’s better than you’ve ever asked for. When dinner was ready they changed their outfits to not stain the house with the paint. The four of you sat on the table, mostly filling the silence with small talks while you appreciated the delicious lasagna that Hanna made.
“I thought about a name…” You said, having the three pairs of eyes on you after that.
“Do tell!” Mick looked at you, curious.
“Okay… I liked the name Sophia. Is it a common name? Yes, but it’s pretty…” You took a sip of your juice.
“It’s a beautiful name.” Sebastian smiled.
“I think this should be the one.” Hanna completed.
“You sure?”
“Of course! It’s beautiful and… It's just… Clicks, you know?” Schumacher looked at you, his piercing blue eyes could see you through.
After the dinner, the boys offered to clean the kitchen, so you two went to the balcony to relax, no conversation needed. You loved that, the fact that Hanna became your second mom and was supporting you in this journey, the way she knows you to the core and tries to be a sort of grandma/auntie to the baby - now with a name to call, Sophia, that would probably get called Sophie as a nickname. She looked at you sometimes, smiling and taking a sip from her drink, maybe she was proud of you.
An hour later, you were back to Mick’s apartment since the German couple was staying there and you were asleep in no time again, but this time in his room. Sebastian and Hanna were in the spare bedroom, getting ready to sleep and the younger blonde? On his balcony, making a phone call.
“Mama. Hey.” He smiled. “Missed you.”
“Missed you too, lieb.”
“Seb and Hanna are here! I think you knew, right?”
“Yes, of course! How are things going? Is everything okay?”
“It’s fine! Really good time.” He looked at the streets, emptier than usual.
“And your friend? Does she know the sex of the baby?”
“It’s a girl… Seb somehow got it right.”
“Oh! Say that I’m happy for her.” She laughed. “He always does, Mickey.”
“Yeah… It’s going to be Sophia.” His tone was vague, like he wasn’t paying attention to the conversation.
“You want to talk about something, don’t you?” She knew him all too well. “When you’re not focused that means you want to talk about something.”
“Well… I’m in love with her.” He confessed, sighing out loud, which called Vettel’s attention while he was going to grab a bottle of water, then he stayed to see what Mick was saying. “But she’s…”
“Pregnant with someone else’s child. Yeah, schatz, it’s somewhat complicated, but not the worst.” She said “You should follow your heart, okay? Your dad would say that to you too.”
“I know, mama, I know.” He sniffled. “It’s hard, people judging that I’m taking a big responsibility into the growth of my career.”
“It is hard, it’s a child that we’re talking about and you're young, however… You should do whatever feels best to both of you, or better… The three of you.”
“I’ll, I promise.”
“And remember what your papa always said, private is private.”
“Yes, you know I follow this as much as I can.”
“By the way, come to visit us! I’m missing my baby boy.” She laughed and so did he. “And bring the girl, I wanna meet her. To see if she’s worth it.”
“Just to make sure, sohn.”
“Okay. Danke, Mama.'' He smiled. “See you soon.”
Then Sebastian appeared on the balcony, scaring Mick.
“Sorry, I heard a part of your phone call with your mom, I know I shouldn’t have done it.”
“It’s okay, really… I would love an uncle Seb moment right now.”
The older German hugged him, running his fingers through the youngest’s hair while he breathed calmly, enjoying the comfort.
“It still hurts a little when she mentions dad.”
“Oh, liebling, it must suck sometimes… But she knows about things, that’s why she says it.”
“I know, I know.” He looked at his mentor. “Changing the subject before I start to cry… Mom said I should go and see them and bring… You know who, with me.”
“Really? Did Corinna listen to me? I’m flattered.” He chuckled.
“You gave the idea to her?”
“Maybe I did.” Vettel's unforgettable cocky smile was appearing.
“You admitted to her and yourself. You’re in love. You want her to be part of your family, then why not introduce her to them?”
“What if they don’t like her?”
“They will, I know they’ll.”
“But if she doesn’t want to go?”
“I’m sure she does want to meet your family because it is an important thing for you and she would do everything for your happiness.”
“And I would do the same for her.”
“See? You’re on the same page, but refuse to admit that to each other!”
“It’s because of the baby.”
“I know, on the other hand, does it really matter? She won’t go to the father of Sophie for anything, that means she’s single and obviously wants you. Maybe if you do think it’s better and can handle it, you can wait till the baby is born to start something and if you won’t go to try something, both of you will regret that.”
“I know… I hate that I know all of this but the courage doesn’t seem to get into my head.”
“It’s okay, you can go slowly, but always make sure to have conversation, that’s the most important thing you could ever have.”
“Thank you, Seb.” He breathed out, like a heavy weight was lifted off from his shoulders. “I needed a sign to come back to reality.”
“I will always help you and try to guide you to the best decisions.”
“That’s what a mentor does!”
They chuckled and walked to their respective bedrooms. Meanwhile, you woke up from the noise that Mick made when he entered the room, sitting on the bed and waiting for him to get into his pyjamas and lay on the bed.
“Sorry I woke you up.”
“It’s okay…” You felt the baby move. “Actually, do you want to try to feel the baby moving?”
“Oh.” He was taken by surprise with your idea. “Yes, totally. Can I feel it, already?”
“You? Barely, I can feel it more, however, we can put our hands on my bump and wait. Also we can talk to her in hopes that she will move to the sound of our voices.”
He sat behind you, letting your back against his chest and laying his hands on the top of your belly after you rolled your shirt enough to show the bump.
“From which week can I feel it? Like, actually feel it?”
“Week 24. In two weeks.”
“Wow, it’s close.”
Both of you set your hands on your bump, slowly caressing and talking in a lower and softer spoken tone, so that the baby could listen - from this week, the baby can hear the parent’s voice. It was an intimate moment that would never do with him unless both of you were deeply in love. That was showing to Mick more obvious signs that both were on the same page, which let him be more sure of what he was going to ask next.
“Go to Switzerland with me. Let’s spend a week or so there, meet my family, spend time together where there won't be any cameras or people surrounding us with questions.”
You stayed quiet for a while, it was a big information to deal with.
“Yeah, yeah, sure… I was just concentrating on Sophie.” Then she moved abruptly. “Wow, that was a big move, little girl, too early for that.”
“Maybe she agrees with my offer.”
“Shut up, Mick.” You laughed, moving his hands around for him to feel it still moving.
During the morning, Sebastian woke you up to go shopping for the baby nursery related things, he was more excited than you were, which was the cutest thing to watch. You two were walking down the store hall, looking through cribs.
“You’re going to be her godfather, right? And Hanna, her godmother.”
“Is this a request or an order?”
He laughed, getting closer and stopping at a colourful crib and looking at it.
“I will.” He smiled. “Everything for you.”
“Good! Maybe she’ll call you Opa.”
“I’ll love that.”
You kept looking at things for the whole morning, buying a crib, outfits, decoration, more paint and some cloth diapers. The choice for the style of the room was rainbows, sunshine and rain, like summer. Mick and Hanna got scared on how many things you have bought for the room, they didn’t let you do any effort, just sit and see the room gaining life. When the room was finished it made you cry, it was beautiful, the love put on that little room was overbearing.
“We should put paint in our hands and put it on the front of the door.” You said. “I want this memory to be part of Sophie’s life.”
You had five different paint colours, so everyone could have one. You chose purple, Mick chose red, Sebastian chose green and Hanna chose yellow, probably in the future you would do her hand in blue.
“When it dries, I will write our names below.”
Later that day, you and Mick took the German couple back to the airport, they needed to be back at home for the kids. You cried again, because you weren’t going to see them anytime soon, so the moment was emotional.
The ride back was silent, none of you wanted to say a word, however, it was okay, the silence was comfortable. You went to his apartment, the paint was still wet and the smell made you feel a bit sick, so of course he would let you crash at his place for the night. Both of you sat on the sofa, now alone, no conversations going around, just you.
“We need to talk.” Schumacher said, fidgeting with his hands.
“We do.”
“Can I start?”
“So…” He sighed. “My feelings lately have been bothering me, because they’re too much. When I met you, I thought I had a new friend that found out that was pregnant and I would be the annoying uncle… However, things haven’t worked well. I developed feelings, big ones and I tried to suppress them, because Sophia is someone else’s and I couldn’t take this place and you were… And is currently overwhelmed by everything changing so fast. But we kissed, made out and it felt amazing. I was caught up in this, Max even mocked me for it. And again, we set it out as a friendship, when we clearly are more than this. We sleep on the same bed, cuddle, you put my hands into your bump to feel her. I am confused about everything, because… I want to be yours, but I know that maybe you won’t be ready for it.”
You stood there, his words were like a sharp knife cutting into your chest, you didn’t know how hurt he was. He breathed out, chuckling and sobbing at the same time, looking down.
“You don’t feel the same, right?”
That took you out of your trance.
“Hey! Hey! Calm down… I disassociated, this was a big confession…” You held his face. “I have one to make it too.”
“Please, say it.”
“I also feel the same. It’s more than a friendship. I didn’t want to drag you with me because I knew that you would go all down for being a father figure and I don’t want that. You have a bright future and it’s too early for that, especially when you’re not the biological dad.” You felt tears falling off your face. “And what will people say about you? I’m worried about that too.”
“I don’t care about them, schatz.”
“But I do.” He wiped your tears off. “I like you and want what’s best for you only.”
“The best for me is to be with you, if you want to.”
It took you a few seconds to answer him.
“I do.” Both of you breathed out at the same time, like a weight was lifted off your shoulders. “We can go slowly, only making it official after Sophie’s birth, okay? Avoid telling anyone other than our family and closest friends. Right now, we don’t have an official label, we’re getting to know each other, is that good for you?”
“If this means that I can kiss you, I’m fine with it.”
He got closer to you, closing the gap between your lips; the kiss was salty due to the tears that fell from your face, it was slow and tender, like he was afraid to step in too much.
“We could take a shower together.” You suggested.
“For someone that wants to take it slowly, this is…”
“It’s not sexual! Oh God, you’re so horny.”
“Always, babe, always.”
You laughed, slapping his shoulder.
“It’s to create a bond, intimacy between us. When I’m in labour, you will see my body, so you should get used to it. Probably you will help me to shower and I’ll always be messy in the postpartum period, those times will be the hardest and it will probably be after the season is over, so you will be home to experience everything.”
“Okay… Let’s go then.”
You got your pyjamas and towels, going to the big bathroom. The undressing was awkward, none of you wanted to stare at the other, like it was a crime to do it. He turned on the shower, walking in with you.
“You’re so beautiful.” He hugged you from behind, bringing your body into the hot water. “Let me take care of you.”
Then he took the shampoo, putting on your hair and massaging the scalp slowly, leaving a trail of kisses in your shoulder. After he washed out, Mick put conditioner on your hair, carefully passing through your strands, while you relaxed with the attention. Soon, he grabbed the washcloth, putting the soap on it and passed through your bump, then shoulders, back, and legs, not getting close into parts of your body he didn’t know if he was allowed to touch.After the relaxing shower, when you were just wearing panties, he walked with you to the front of the mirror, grabbing a moisturiser and staying behind you.
“I remember you talking with Hanna, about having to put lotion because the skin is stretching.” He put the mixture into his palms, soon with them in your belly, moving around carefully. “I researched about it. Looked some tips and bought this one for you, it said it could help with it.”
“Oh...” Your heart melted with his softness. “Thank you, Schumi.”
“No need to thank me, it’s a treat for you that I’ve been saving it.”
Later, both of you were laying on his bed, cuddling while watching a movie, when he broke the silence.
“So… Are we going to Switzerland then?”
“Of course. I know how important it is to you.”
“Then I’ll get everything ready for us.”
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thislovintime · 2 years
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Peter Tork on the set of The Monkees (photos by and © Curt Gunther/mptv); screenshots of home video footage featured in Micky Dolenz Celebrates The Monkees, filmed circa 1970.
Q: “Are you happy being a Monkee?” Peter Tork: “‘Happy’ is a word with many definitions and connotations. It’s also relative. In some ways, I’m always happy. In others, I’ll never be happy. Actually that word is one of many examples of the inadequacies or faults of the English language. Chinese, for instance, has some tremendous number of words for love, each describing the exact kind of love: mother love, friendship love, physical love, mental love, puppy love, married love, teacher-student love, animal love and on and on. But there’s no one word for love, encompassing all these meanings. Anyway, to get back to the question, sometimes I’m happy being a Monkee and sometimes I’m not. This is my fault. Well, not really fault, but because of the way I am, no because of the show or the other boys or the people with work with. Being a Monkee is not an end, but a means to another end. What end, I don’t know.” - Flip, August 1967
“I don’t really have a lot to compare it with, since I didn’t have a normal life going on at the time to which I could refer, but at the time when the Monkees hit, the fame thing was very difficult for me. I thought that kids liked our records and that they came to the shows to hear us play the music. That’s why I go to shows. I couldn’t believe it. I had pathological self value. I really didn’t have a sense of it at all. I didn’t get why. I thought I had been picked almost at random. I didn’t have any sense of myself bringing anything except that character to the Monkees. What I thought they hired me for was that character, and I think to this day that that had a lot to do with it. I didn’t recognize how that sprung forth from whom who I really am. I thought I was faking them out. I thought I was handing them a lie and they were buying the lie — and so how could I value myself? Any time you compliment somebody and they can’t take the compliment, what they’re saying to you is, ‘You don’t know what you’re talking about.’ That’s the message that anybody with low self-esteem gives back when somebody compliments them. Which is where I was. All that played into this fame thing. 
And it plays backwards, too. The reason that I got into the fame game was because I didn’t have any sense of value. I thought, ‘Jeez, if I can get the millions to love me then I’ll be all right.’ I got the millions to love me — and it still wasn’t all right. What a surprise. Ha, ha, ha.” - Peter Tork, Toxic Fame: Celebrities Speak on Stardom (1996)
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beedlemania · 2 months
The boys all probably have their own collections of things. What do you think they collect and is there any reason why they collect those?
That’s a tough question!
I think both Micky and Davy collect shells. The only difference is Micky collects anything he likes and Davy only collects the ones that are perfect and not cracked. It makes sense since they’re beside the beach and every time they bring in a new haul, Mike puts some of their old ones back outside because it’s like an invasion and they don’t even notice anyhow.
I think the other obvious one is Peter collects records. He’ll save up as often as he can and make a big deal of finally buying one. He can spend hours searching for the perfect one and then he’ll play it over and over again until he can afford a new one. He built a little shelf next to the record player so he can display his favourite ones and he loves to talk about them to anyone who will listen.
Micky collects snowglobes. I feel like his family travelled a lot when he was a kid so he has one for every American state and maybe some other countries. When Davy goes back to England he makes him bring him back a snowglobe so Davy gets him one from all the major cities he can manage to get to on his visit. Micky collects these because it reminds him of all the places he’s been and all the memories attached to them and it helps him when he’s homesick.
Mike collects something a bit more random like stamps. He saves all the stamps off every letter they receive or if he sees a cool one in the post office. I’m not sure if Americans have special stamps for special occasions but if they do, he collects them all. He has a scrapbook dedicated to them which he hides on his bookshelf and he doesn’t admit it to anyone because he thinks it’ll make him look old or uncool. He can’t remember when he started collecting or why but he loves to keep them, especially if they’re from a special letter from home or a check for a gig.
Davy I think collects stuff from each date he’s on (a ticket, or receipt, or a written phone number) and he has a journal where he puts them and writes about each date/girl. He does this because it’s fun but he doesn’t show anyone in case they think it’s shallow. It’s hard for him to remember all the dates he’s been on but he loves to read back over his journal and remember how much fun he had and whatnot.
Peter loves trinkets in general. There’s always something new on display in the pad and peter never explains where he gets them from. He has a whole collection of ceramic animals that he keeps in his bedroom because he’s given them all names and likes to say goodnight to them all individually. He’ll see them in shops or sometimes in the trash and he’ll feel bad for them and take them home.
Davy collects playbills, even if he can’t afford to go to the show. Hes always at the ticket office collecting the posters or whatever he can get his hands on and he pins them all to the wall above his bed. If he gets one he hasn’t heard of or can’t go see, he’ll make up the plot/songs in his head (which is where his songs for the band come from eg My Share of the Sidewalk). For his birthday the guys all save up to take him to a musical he’s been wanting to see since forever and Davy puts the playbill for it right in the middle of his collection.
Mikes guilty pleasure is collecting toy cars. He gets all the different types of models he can get. He hides them in case the others think they’re silly toys but Micky finds them and they bond over their favourite cars and Micky starts adding to the collection. For his birthday one year, Micky makes mike a small model car either whittled from wood or made from scraps of other projects he works on.
Micky tries to start a collection of puppets/dummies at one point but it freaks Peter out so Mike makes him get rid of them. They keep Mr. Schneider though because there’s just something about him…
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whenim64 · 4 months
Jonessmith. Discuss (is so so bad at thinking of questions)
so much that I could say
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I’m gonna start here even though I already posted about this before but I definitely think Mike fell for Davy first and kept it a secret for so long and never intended to do anything about it. Silent pining. Davy would fall hard for Mike but would also try to keep it a secret to not ruin their friendship, eventually tho it would come out that he loves Mike, whether he acts on it or says something or Mike just figures it out (or Micky and Peter try to set them up bc they know they like each other hah).
I talked about date ideas :) so im going to jump into some reasons why i like them paired together
I think they are really well suited for each other bc they tend to be on the same page, like Mike can start saying something and Davy will pick up on it and add to it. like for example in Monkees Race Again when they’re explaining why the engine blew up and Mike says it makes the car lighter and Davy adds “so it goes faster” (Micky does this too! but I like to think Mike and Davy are really good at picking up on little things from each other so they do it more often)
I also love their contrasts with the obvious being British/American (specifically from a southern state cause they got an accent difference going on). Mike’s bit of country twang vs Davy’s broadway type ballad voice. I think they have very complimentary sounding voices and the live on the Johnny Cash show version of Nine Times Blue is my favorite for this reason (the monkees should’ve done more duet/group-type songs rip). 
Their other obvious contrast is their tall guy small guy thing! I’m not usually one for height difference ships but they’ve turned me onto the idea :D I really love the way Davy can just lean his head onto Mike shoulder and Mike can rest his chin on Davy’s head 🥹 Davy is also the perfect height for Mike to just drape his arm over his shoulders. Also I really love how grabby Davy is, he is with all the guys but it’s extra cute when he’s pulling on Mike’s sleeves or hiding behind him because Mike likes being the protector and caretaker of the group, so I think it’s a nice dynamic for them. Also I like to think that because Davy is so grabby he’s probably also a cuddler. I just know he always ends up spooning Mike even if that’s not how they fall asleep.
Random headcanons:
Mike definitely uses romantic nicknames and my favorite one he uses for Davy is “doll” (i know the special nickname used in fics is honeychild and that one is sooo cute too)
This one kinda goes along with Davy being touchy but I know he loveessss wrapping his arms around Mike’s waist either as a hug from behind or just to hold him while standing next to him. He just can’t resist it me too Davy 
Davy obviously has great puppydog eyes bc he’s so pretty and young looking but Mike’s puppydog eyes when he decides to use them are an instant knockout you just can’t say no to him.
This one is nsfw: I do see them as a switch couple but primarily Mike tops bc I think he would feel like there’s more control being in a “dominant” position and also he likes being the provider (a service top). But Davy does get to top occasionally and when he does he puts his all into making Mike come apart under his touch, LOTS of foreplay until Mike is whimpering and even begging 😳
ok since this has been sitting in my drafts for 10 days 🫣 im posting it as is but i may come back and add more to it if i think of other stuff, or if you want me to expand on anything ive said lmk!
if anyone else wants to add to this pleaseeee feel free I would love to hear other people’s thoughts or random headcanons 🩷🩷🩷
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sensitiveheartless · 2 years
crime crossdressing dazai anon, back with more ADA Chuuya brain rot
1) Gin and Ryuunosuke call Dazai "mom" and Chuuya "dad" because its cute and I'm soft
2) The office has a ridiculous betting pool about everything about Dazai and Chuuya's love life, Kunikida tried to stop it at first but he gave up
3) The cat Chuuya brought home is named Mickie, he found her in a McDonald's container and Dazai wanted to name her McDonalds, Chuuya thought it was a stupid name, Mickie was the compromise
4) I imagine Chuuya would keep wearing his hat, but change the ribbon to a blue color, like the Sheep. He also gives his old coat to Ryuuonosuke, because the idea of turning what was originally a symbol of the chains shackling him to the mafia into a symbol of love for a kid he calls his own makes me cry.
5) The whole "kill at will" situation is a bit of world building made up by me! Basically, the Dep of Special Abilities labeled Soukoku as a national threat for obvious reasons, and put out a "Kill at Will" order, Basically if any government member identified them they had permission to kill at will. One wrinkle is that Double Black is Basically a rumor among the Underground: only Mori, the Executives, Hirotsu, and Ango know that they're real and who they are. Kyouka has definitely heard the rumors though!
6) I feel like Dazai wouldn't hold too much of a grudge against Ango: he always kind of expects to be betrayed (by everyone except for the Buihara Squadro and Mori) and he recognizes that Mori holds most of the blame for Oda's death. Chuuya though? If he sees Ango, the Kill Bill sirens activate and it is on sight. (Inconvenient when the man is risking execution for treason by helping them, but you win some, you lose some)
7) Soukoku 100% kills Atsushi’s shitty orphanage director together. Closure for the baby and couple bonding!
8) Contrary to popular interpretation, I don't think Mori was trying to drive Dazai out of the mafia. I think it was a test of loyalty, killing Oda to try and wrangle Dazai back under his control, because he was getting too attached to this random member and compromising his position. This backfired spectacularly, leaving Dazai feeling betrayed by the man who brought him into the mafia and leaving with Chuuya.
9) Also Mori is waiting for the right opportunity to reveal the identity of Double Black to the Agency and blackmail his most powerful weapons back to the Port Mafia
Anyways that's my brain rot, thank you for coming to my TED talk-
Oh my gosh all of this is so good—MOM AND DAD YES also love the thing about the hat, that’s such a fun subtle way to show his shifted allegiance—plus blue looks good on Chuuya lol
Also the cats NAME YES Dazai definitely seems like he would try to give the goofiest names to things alakskdjjfj—also skk interpreting Oda’s “save the orphans” wish as “murder the abusive orphanage director” really does seem in character, that’s amazing XD this is such a cool AU anon!! also that last point is so ominous, Mori NO
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aceofspaces16 · 8 months
a stranger on a couch - a kollok fanfic
chapter 1 - "a strange man"
summery - when a strange man suddenly appers on mallory's couch, the kollok radar doesn't know what to do about him or someone kicked the driver out of the driver seat and now he is apart of the story he was telling
word count: 1144
This isn’t supposed to be happening 
Something is wrong 
The story is wrong 
What happened 
“Hey you awake yet '' Billy said looking down at the strange man lying down on the couch. He had tried snapping his fingers in front of the man but he was still asleep. He walked around the living room frantically wondering what he was supposed to do. 
“So none of you guys know who he is, isn’t he what, special like you guys” malloys voice can be heard from the far end of the room, scared at the strange man who just appeared on his couch. 
“No he’s not … not every random person has powers like us” mickey said sitting down opposite to the man, she had to go home soon her dad might be worried. 
Billy once again snapped his fingers rapidly in front of the man hoping for some kind of response but nothing came. 
The man had short blond hair that was brushed to the side and a trimmed beard, he wore a simple black suit with a white shirt and a black tie, his facial features were scarcely similar to Billy's, a bystander would think they were related. He looked to be around his late 20s to early 30s. He was barely alive, but his breathing was irregular. 
“What am I supposed to do? I don't have room for one more person” Malloy said, his voice getting shaker with every word said. 
“We’ll figure it out” Mickey said, attempting to comfort Malloy, he’s the one that's going to have to deal with it. 
“I’m gonna start shaking him!” Billy said walking back towards the man and his hands moving towards his shoulders, micky without missing a second ran up to Billy to hold him back. “Please, how else is he going to wake up” 
“I don’t think shaking him would work” “No, I agree with Billy, we need answers and he will probably give it to us,” Malloy added, wanting to see some results. 
Micey, fighting a losing battle, calmly let go of Billy as he rushed towards the man, lifting him up and rapidly shaking him. As Billy kept shaking him, the man's eyes slowly opened up until Billy was satisfied and dropped the man back onto the couch. The man is now fully awake. 
“See, I knew it would work,” Billy said, turning towards Mickey with pride in his voice. 
The man slowly sat up looking around him, rubbing the back of his head. He glanced at everyone present in the room until his focus was on Billy baker. 
“What did you do?” he said, his voice shaking, almost scared towards Billy.  
“Hey I didn’t do anything, your the one who just appeared on Malloys couch” billy said defensively 
“Roll- '' the man's mouth moved to reply but he stopped himself from saying anything. He moved into a more comfortable position as he wrapped his arms around his body while looking down at the floor as his mouth curled in on itself. 
“So um hey, I’m Malloy Jenkins you might have heard of my dad, you seemed to have appeared on my couch” Malloy moved slowly closer towards the man hiding his fear within his voice. 
The man kept looking at the floor and back to the people in the room and back at the floor, making no attempts to continue the conversation. He kept trying to move his body back, trying to hide from the curious eyes of the group. 
“So … um what's your name?” Malloy continued talking. 
Hearing the direct question, the man quickly looked at Malloy, looking surprised at the question. His mouth slowly opened but closed as quickly as it opened. 
“I- don’t know” was all the words the man could muster. 
“Do you know who you are?” Billy asked, wanting to contribute 
“I do but…” the man stopped himself from saying more. 
“Man this is too weird, I mean a guy just appeared in my living room” Malloy walked backwards visibly showing how scared he was of the man. 
“I got it, what if we give you a name” Billy interjected, killing the silence. This idea had gotten the man’s attention as he looked surprised at Billy's comment. 
“I do not need another name billy baker” the last part slipped out of his mouth, as now Malloy’s full attention was back at the man and Billy took a few steps away from the man. 
“How do you know my name?” realising his mistake, he looked back down onto the floor struggling to speak.
“It's hard to explain, but I know more then you would think” 
“I can’t explain it” 
“Don’t worry i’ll believe you” the man's eyebrow raised at Billy's response, curious about Billy's reaction. 
Billy has seen a lot of stuff. If anyone was going to believe this strange man it would be Billy or anyone apart of the kollok radar, there was stuff he had never considered to exist until the radar was formed.  
“I know what you have been through, all of you, Malloy, MickEy, Embeth, Laura, I am not someone you should be afraid of, I know your story Billy Baker” his words came out like fiction, the group didn’t know what to think, if he was even telling the truth or not. They weren't expecting the man to know their names, Billy took a few steps back and Mickey moved to be next to Billy hovering over him.  
“And why should we believe you?” Mickey chimed in, confronting the man in a defensive state, she moved closer to the man almost towering over him, as if Billy and Malloy left the room.  
“I understand how you wouldn’t believe me, but please, something is wrong and I need your help” the man begged, he begged to the group. The previous fear from the group changed to confusion, as micky gave the man some room to breath   
“Well you came to the right place sir, the Kollok radar is the best help you can get” Malloy said with pride, not understanding how serious this situation is. 
“Guys we shouldn’t trust him, not yet” Mickey said, turning towards Malloy, slightly forgetting the man was still in the room.   
“I understand how you wouldn’t trust me but please I need help. I don't know who else to go to” the man said with a hint of disgust like the sentence itself was unknown to him, he looked back down at the ground feeling his mouth with his hand. 
At this moment Malloy moved towards the man and Mickey took a few steps back, they were speechless. They gave each other a look as micky mumbled something under her breath and pointed to the hallway. 
“Excuse us for a moment” Mickey said, the man didn’t have time to respond as they all ran down the hallway.
A.N i had this fanfic in my docs for a while and now that i see that people are actually interested in kollok stuff, why not post it, its not beta read cause we die like men in this house, anyways so the chapter list might be all over the place so please don't mind that i have no idea what i am doing, anyways i will try my best to keep this upload regural but i will try
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vikkirosko · 2 years
I watched this episode when it just came out and was literally torn between starting to laugh and cry from everything that was happening
🎸 Lordi x Reader x Bob headcanons 🥁
Your acquaintance with Lordi and Bob happened before the beginning of their career as musicians. You worked as an assistant to Micky and often attended various performances in various places. That's where you met Lordi and Bob. At first, you just talked, gradually getting closer and closer, but when they invited you to their first concert, you were sincerely interested and were happy to come and also get to know Glam and Chive
When you started going on tour with them, you were very busy with work, but always tried to find time for Bob and Lordi. You were ready to listen to them even if they wanted to complain to you about something at two in the morning. They were much closer to you than Chive or Glam, even though you tried not to show it. You didn't want your work to suffer because of your personal relationship
After each concert, they took you with them so that you could relax too. They appreciated your work and were happy to spend time with you. They wanted you to take a break from work with them, too. They liked to see your relaxed smile, hear your laughter and dance with you
After Chive and Glam left the band, you had a lot of work to do, but you continued to try to communicate with Lordi and Bob. Their company was much more pleasant to you than the new band members. You knew it wasn't very professional of you, but there was nothing you could do about it. Lordi and Bob didn't mind spending more time with you than before. For them, you were the only person left of their old company besides themselves
You didn't know how long the band would still exist, but you were sure that even if their musical career ended, you would continue to communicate with Lordi and Bob. They became important people in your life and you didn't want to lose them. They were more than musicians to you. For you, they were personalities that were dear to you
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ms-no1kpopstan · 9 days
I was talking to one of my few friends (where being introverted gets you !!!!) yesterday and we started talking about how ppl say smart is inappropriate for Eunchae since she’s a minor but then shouldn’t bite me be inappropriate for Niki?! it’s like everyone cares about the girl groups and female idols but no one cares about the guys? even when they’re kids too!
and when nwjns debuted, they said “save hyein she’s too young” but did no one care about the fact that Niki debuted at 14 and was in iland even before he was 14 ???????
these might look like random thoughts but they count in the future of the K-pop industry according to me…
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androcola · 6 months
My 2000s AU:
•Micky was a former scene kid in the early 2000s, and he still has two semi-long faded side tails. He hasn’t gotten rid of them yet because he things their cool, so he just has very curly hair and then medium sized straight side tails
•Micky, Davy, Peter enjoy watching Total Drama Island, 6teen, and That 70s Show together. Mike enjoys the office more, but he occasionally watches the other shows sometimes
•Micky and Coco went to Woodstock 1999. They left very early Sunday, so they didn’t get to witness the fires and chaos that happened later Sunday night
•Micky’s family dog, You, died in 2004. He got a cat when he moved into the Pad, and he named it ‘You’ after his old dog
•Peter is OBSESSED with sea animals and the ocean in general. He has a sea creatures calendar, dolphins Lisa Frank posters all over his room, jellyfish jewelry(made of plastic because Peter doesn’t like the feel or smell of metal), he has wind chimes that has ocean as the theme, he even has watched H2O, Just Add Water over and over again
•Mike has a very minimalist room. The fanciest thing he has is a Tiffany style lamp for his night stand lamp
•A very different aesthetic to Mike, Micky is a maxamlalist and has a lot of stuff in his room. He has futuristic posters, a Garfield lava lamp, one of those inflatable chairs, a transparent computer and mouse, ect
•Davy had tried a DIY hairstyle and failed, so now the ends of his hair is curled and it’s been like that for a long while. He honestly thinks it’s never going to go back to normal
•They all go out and shop for records, cassettes, and CDS. Micky usually gets Britney Spears, Eminem, and Sir-Mix-Alot, Davy gets Boa, the Beatles, and Queen, Mike doesn’t get a lot, maybe some Elvis, Peter usually gets Disney sound tracks
•Micky likes to explore on the internet, like ARG’s, random websites, chain mail, and the ‘creepy’ side of Youtube(Y’know that whole meme in the late 2000s and 2010s about creepy sides of YT? Yeah stuff like that)
•Micky has a lot of things decorating his car, like car fresheners hanging from his rear/view mirror, random bobbly heads on his dashboard, one of those steering wheel covers
•Peter enjoys to sit in silence with Mike. He can be sewing while Mike is reading, he can be baking while Mike watches him, in general Peter just likes to spend some quiet time with Mike
•Mike is allergic to soy and peaches
•Mike hates strong smells. He usually takes Davys care because Micky usually has lingering strong smells from car fresheners. He also has to stay away from anyone who puts on perfume because if he doesn’t he will either freak out in an amount of time or will begin to have a sort of reaction to the smell
Monster Monkees:
•Mike can hear other shadows talking and random whispers of peoples shadows. He doesn’t know that they’re other shadows, and he thinks he’s insane. He gets very overwhelmed with them and he usually has to get out of the shadows to get away from the sounds
•Mike usually scratches his semi-solid form, creating light to emit from him. It’s basically like him banging his head against the wall, because light can make him weak
•Micky’s arms and legs fade to blue at the ends. So his arm and legs are like green, turquoise, then blue
•Davy has to eat alone, because both Peter and Mike are queasy about blood. Micky doesn’t care because he eats raw fish
•Micky’s favorite foods are raw salmon and cod, fish tacos, mango smoothies, and sushi
•Davy turns into his bat form when he’s either scared or shy of things, usually people
•Micky’s eyes are pitch black, easy for him to see in the dark
•Micky has both gills and lungs
•Peter has thorns going up his arms, legs, and neck. They usually puncture his skin and cause him to bleed, but he’s used to it so he doesn’t mind. He clips them weekly though. He also doesn’t like long nails so Davy and Micky file and clip their nails down
•Mikes lower body trails off and fades into the air. As well as his body can either grow stronger or weaker depending on the light
•Peter likes to grow patterns in leaves, flowers, and trees. Peter: Micky look! I put hearts in this leaf!!
•Micky once got so stuck and tangled in fishers nets and hooks that his fins and lower legs almost got cut off. Davy was able to get him out(both peter and Mike can’t get in water) and Micky had to wear bandages for months. He still limps on that leg when he’s on land
•Mike doesn’t have any lights in his and Micky’s rooms due to being weak in light. Micky doesn’t mind because he can see in the dark
•Usually Mike has breakdowns or freak outs because of the voices, and he always asks Micky if he can hear them too. Micky never knows what he’s talking about, and it usually freaks Micky out when Mike asks him because Mike is genuinely fearful of the other shadows voices
•Davy has pre-mature wings, causing his flight to be impaired and it’s difficult for him to fly in his bat form
•Peter has to sometimes cut off dead plants from his skin, but he doesn’t enjoy it because the plants are literally attached to his body. Same goes for fall and winter, when the plants are dying on his body
I know it’s a lot but they have been in my mind for a while lol. I hope you enjoy 😋
SO MANY THINGS FOR ME TO READ I LOVE READING THINGIES!! MICKY DEFINITELY WOULD'VE BEEN A SCENE KID HOLY SHIT that's so on point. He definitely had his straight hair era at that point. Fried as fuck from straightening and like 20 cans of hair spray just to get it all down I know that shit crunched like a dead leaf.
Also I totally agree with Mike being super sensitive to strong smells, it's the same way in my canon. It causes big sensory overload especially if there's other stuff going on in the room (people talking, bright lights, general noises) and people usually think he's weird for his several sensitivities so he tries to just hide them but sometimws it can end up in meltdowns or just totally shutting down and going nonverbal due to the overload.
TJOSE THREE DEFINITELY WOULD'VE LOVED TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND they would definitely rope mike into it at some point
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also ur guy micky miranda!!
that's my guy!!!! thank you XD
favorite thing about them: He's so complicated!!! He's a terrible person! He's sympathetic! He's a manipulator helping his shitty father start a war! He's sexy! He's a murderer! He's a cunt! He's a slut! He's a monster! He's depressed! He's got potential for redemption that he never takes! He's a delightful character in a sometimes boring af story! You can't take your eyes off him and you never know what he's going to do next! HE'S EXACTLY MY TYPE
least favorite thing about them: Well, there's some dubious consent happening in the brothel scene 😬 I mean, it's not as bad as book!Mickey who is a straight-up rapist, but show!Mickey is playing hopscotch on that fine line and it's a bit of a yikes. Dammit Mickey!
favorite line: "Think of all the things I've done to you. So now, destroy it. Please."
also "HEEEEERE'S MICKEEEEYYYYYY!!!!" is a classic XD
brOTP: Mickey?? FRIENDS??? AHAHAHAHA. No for real though, he really needed a legit unconditional friendship. If he had one, I think things would have gone differently for him.
OTP: Jafar/Mickey (it's my sleepover blog and i get to choose if crossovers are allowed (they are))
nOTP: Mickey/Edward. It's a fascinating relationship to watch, but OOF they are so bad for each other and not in the fun way. I also have problems with fic and headcanons where they get a happy ending together. It's just not possible for them
random headcanon: Oh gosh, only one?? Okay... I legit think he fell a little bit in love with Florence. Because she saw him for what he was and still saw good in him and nobody ever extended compassion to him in that way before. And he slept with her not to follow through on his dare with Augusta (as he initially was going to) but because he genuinely wanted to and she wanted to be with him. Not because either got anything else out of it, but because they wanted to have that connection that neither of them (in their own ways) ever experienced before.
unpopular opinion: As fun as it is to talk about what a slut he is, I think the majority of his seductions are done as a tool of manipulation, not because he really wants to sleep with all those people. It's not his whole personality XD I think 16% of the time he sleeps with someone simply for the act, while 84% of the time it's because he can get something out of it
song i associate with them: "Stacy's Mom" by Fountains of Wayne because... well, if you've seen the show or read the book you know Mickey's got a thing for Edward's mom 😂
favorite picture of them:
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This picture is so fucking funny to me. Mickey literally slept through Augusta and Edward and they're all looking at Florence because she's next and she knows it. Get it girl >:D Also, for context: Augusta is Edward's mom and Edward is married to Florence. Mickey Miranda, ladies and gentlemen, sleeping his way through this whole family.
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mickgaydolenz · 2 years
okay so today I was going through my dream journal because I was bored and I found one where I was abducted by Buddy (the alien I told you about) and here it is because if I'm remembering this correctly you really dug the idea of me getting abducted.
I was in my backyard, because that is where I can see Buddy and we talk, I eventually climbed onto the roof of my car and I just keep telling them about my day, and for the first time I saw Buddy start moving rather than I come back after they moved, and they moved right over my head and a white light was surrounding the roof of my car and I started floating up, and I'm in my pajamas so my robe is all over the place and usually I keep my jewelry on until I go to bed and my big ass Beatle necklace slapped me across the face while I was being beamed up. and once I was in it was all like a mixture of white and gray and everything was really tall, but I was alone. so I got up and just kept calling out "Buddy? Buddy?" looking for the alien(s) and then I found a person, BUT IT WAS ME, and she welcomed me, I said "hey you look like....someone-ME! why do you look like me??" then the other me smiled and outstretched (my) their hand and said something like "you can't understand how we look so we look like whoever it is" or something and it guided me to a big room with a plexiglass thing separating a part of it, then it opened and she put me in and it closed, then alien me said "we'll come to get you when you're ready for experiments." and I just sat on the ground, I couldn't even be angry or scared because this is literally what I wanted, and after a while two more me's came to get me and brought me into a room where they laid me on a table and started just.. *looking* at me, examming the rings on my fingers and my necklaces, they opened my mouth and pushed on my wisdom teeth that were growing and I did this embarrassing Yelping noise, then they sat me back up and asked me about earth...so I started talking about the Beatles, telling them about them, then I started talking about Jan & Dean,,,then the Monkees😭😭like literally info dumping them on my favorite bands and they were soooo invested and just kept asking me question after question, then one asked me about music from today and I told them that it was called Pop and Rap, then I tried to sing one and one of the me's covered my mouth and nicely asked me to keep talking about the beatles😭 so I did then the asked me if they could check out my brain and put this bowl thing on my head after running their hands through my hair, and on this giant screen a bunch of colors and sounds and random pictures of Yoko Ono and Micky Dolenz just kept popping up and they all looked at me (there were three me's) and said "that's your brain all the time." then looked back to the screen and kept watching like it was a baseball game. then eventually I told them I was tired and they brought me back to my little enclosure thingy and I stayed there for like, months and months, every couple of days they'd bring me out and ask me more questions about things, eventually they even started giving me note books and pens and books and a Jan & Dean poster for me wall and but they just collectively kept bringing me things throughout the dream that were so cool and then I woke up.
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RAAAAAYAYAYAYAYAAAAAAA YEEEEEEEEESSSSS!!!! what a DREAM!!! my favourite part FOR SURE was the you aliens showing you your brain and it was just micky and yoko, that is so real dude 💖✌️😔
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thislovintime · 1 year
Footage from Micky Dolenz Celebrates The Monkees (edited together from the full live concert video available via YouTube). No copyright infringement intended.
“I don’t really have a lot to compare it with, since I didn’t have a normal life going on at the time to which I could refer, but at the time when the Monkees hit, the fame thing was very difficult for me. I thought that kids liked our records and that they came to the shows to hear us play the music. That’s why I go to shows. I couldn’t believe it. I had pathological self value. I really didn’t have a sense of it at all. I didn’t get why. I thought I had been picked almost at random. I didn’t have any sense of myself bringing anything except that character to the Monkees. What I thought they hired me for was that character, and I think to this day that that had a lot to do with it. I didn’t recognize how that sprung forth from whom who I really am. I thought I was faking them out. I thought I was handing them a lie and they were buying the lie — and so how could I value myself? Any time you compliment somebody and they can’t take the compliment, what they’re saying to you is, ‘You don’t know what you’re talking about.’ That’s the message that anybody with low self-esteem gives back when somebody compliments them. Which is where I was. All that played into this fame thing. 
And it plays backwards, too. The reason that I got into the fame game was because I didn’t have any sense of value. I thought, ‘Jeez, if I can get the millions to love me then I’ll be all right.’ I got the millions to love me — and it still wasn’t all right. What a surprise. Ha, ha, ha.” - Peter Tork, Toxic Fame: Celebrities Speak on Stardom (1996) (x) [screenshots from this footage have been posted on this blog in the past]
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t4t4thotrods · 15 days
Clementine, Sage & Peach
:0!! Just noticed this ty <33
Hope you don't mind that I'll be talking abt Mickie <3
Clementine - "What is your f/o's favorite way of expressing themselves?"
Mickie's always been very...shy when it comes to expressing herself in any way. Always been very introverted. But when wanting to express herself, she's either playing her saxophone, whittling, or is making stuff out of the things she finds out in the woods! (you have no idea how many wind chimes she's made out of animal bones)
Sage - "How does your f/o show appreciation/affection and vice versa?"
Like I said earlier, she's a shy girl. She's meek when it comes to things like affection- but that doesn't mean she doesn't like it. In public, she's more ok with just holding hands. But alone, she's all cuddly and sweet. She makes me dinner and jerky with the things she's killed out in the woods. She...just takes care of me, really. <3
Though, how I do it? Tl;dr, I'm a needy bitch. I like attention from my partner, and my BPD ass needs it. I show affection and appreciation in any way I can- clinging onto her arm, giving her kisses, making her little things when I can. Making her my gourmet grilled cheese; making sure she's taken care of and fed.
Peach - "Do you have any sentimental items you've received from each other?"
For Mickie, she's got a few things. Mickie's got a bracelet I've made her that she always wears, and she uses another bracelet I've made as a charm on her sniper rifle. It's small and doesn't throw off her shot. <3 While she and I do exchange gifts often (it's a love language for the both of us it seems), I've noticed that those two were her favorite. Oh- and how could I forget the hunting knife I got her? The handle's made from a deer antler and everything!
Though, Mickie's made me a few things I adore- cute little animals she's whittled (I've turned one into a necklace), bone chimes, just random bones she's cleaned for me- hell, she even tried her hand at taxidermy for me! (It's a little chipmunk. It sucks but I love it.)
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