#<- i’m on this ep but it’s not super related to it yet i’m just thinking about mordred again and it’s so.
dreamertrilogys · 2 years
GOD it’s literally like. mordred was a CHILD he was EIGHT YEARS OLD and merlin wanted him to DIE because he was prophesied to kill arthur!!!!! imagine if someone wanted you to literally die at eight years of age for no real reason at all. wouldn’t you BECOME evil & kill the king a little because of that.
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bronx-bomber87 · 5 months
Happy Thanksgiving Eve to those who celebrate Turkey Day tomorrow :) The introduction of Genny Bradford. I love her so much. I was so excited for her to come onto the show. You all know how much I love Tim’s past and history. She is a massive part of that. I go off on this one cause I relate to him so much. Sorry sorta ha Also Lucy getting to meet her and them getting along is the best. Let’s get started shall we?
4x08 Hit and Run
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The ep starts off with Nolan coming up to our duo at the kit room. Complaining that he can’t believe he’s polling behind Smitty. Tim is amused and says that’s embarrassing LOL. Nolan then says it would help if someone established endorsed him. Tim says no. Never endorsed anyone and that’s not changing. Voting is private he doesn’t want part of any of it.
We meet the lovely Genny Bradford outside in the parking lot. Their hug is super adorable. He genuinely looks so happy to see her. I’m sure Lucy is so very confused at first who this person is. Genny tells Tim he looks skinny ha Asks if he’s been eating? Such a sister thing to ask. I love it. Tim asks how she got in? It’s restricted back here. Apparently Smitty let her in without a second thought. Of course he did. SMH.
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Tim immediately asks what she’s doing here? Genny replies with a weak answer of just wanting to see her big brother. Lucy doesn’t let Tim answer back but jumps in. Oh I love you Lucy. The very minute she hears ‘big brother’ She has tunnel vision. Her excited Oh! And inserting herself into the conversation. Gotta love it.
Doesn’t hold back whatsoever in introducing herself and asking for embarrassing content straight away. No shame at all in asking right off the bat. I love her so much. I wish I had her confidence haha I mean future in-laws and all that is happening right here. Lucy is too cute wanting these stories about Tim. So thirsty to have any Tim content in her life. I feel this. Me too Lucy. Me too.
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The look Tim gives cuts Lucy's sentence off. He looks haunted and conflicted. Trying to decide what his next move is. He continues with some suspicious glances before asking ‘So you just wanted to see me?’ Not trusting it being just that reason. Excited she is there but also worried for the reasoning. So he follows up with he didn’t even know she was in town…
You can see he is tense we just don’t know why yet. Genny shoots back he’s been ignoring her messages and emails about it. So naturally he wouldn't know she was in town. Tim gets even more bristly and says he knows why she’s really here. That he hasn’t changed his mind. His position on it is very clear. Genny presses him some more. Telling him they have to talk about it.
Tim tries to blow her off and say they could get dinner later. He has to work right now. Being his sister she knows him well and refutes that offer. Love me some Genny. Not backing down in the slightest. Says she can do a ride along that way they have the whole day to catch up. She came ready to play for this conversation. Gotta admire that.
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Tim tries to get out of it again saying it’s a ton of paperwork. Needs someone to sign off on it etc. Lucy steps in and says he’s a Sergeant now he can just do one. If looks could kill.... The one he gives Lucy LMFAO. Look at these important ladies in his life just running it without his say haha I love it sfm.
Lucy can’t help but ask one more thing before Genny gets into the shop. If Tim had any nicknames growing up? Genny doesn’t push her luck and just gets in the car. Tim is so irritated but not old s1 Tim irritated which is growth believe it or not LOL He is exasperated with Lucy more than anything else. That she see's her shot and is taking it. His baby sister is a treasure trove of his past she must know about.
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Genny doesn’t take long before she’s spilling Tim’s past. Lucy is soaking it up like a sponge and beaming. It’s beyond adorable how excited she is by all this. She just wants to know him better so badly. Will take any morsel she can about him. Genny lets it slip Tim tried to highlight his hair before prom. That he ended up looking like slim shady LMFAO
Lucy is so happy about all of this embarrassing info. Tim is just sitting there trying not to lose his damn mind haha It’s like Genny is her sister in law already the way they are bonding. Genny says she thinks she has a photo of said highlights. Lucy is so excited she’s bouncing around in her seat. Poor Tim lol
I love Genny supporting Lucy’s never ending quest to find everything she’s can about Tim. You’d think they were already dating the way Genny and Lucy are acting. It’s amazing. Such a girlfriend thing to do. Bond with the sister and get all the embarrassing dirt you can on your BF haha These interactions are the actual best.
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Tim protests to her showing Lucy the photo. She does a great sibling move using the pic as leverage. That if he doesn’t want Lucy to see it they need to talk about their dad. Tim tenses up completely and replies that he has nothing to say. She asks for Lucy’s number so she can text it to her. Tim isn’t happy about it.
Says they don’t need her distractions. Police work is serious. Then they roll up on an adult on a child sized bike holding up traffic….They pull up and she tips over. Lucy tells her she almost caused an accident. Tim asks her if she’s been drinking? Tells her if she doesn’t cooperate he can cite her for a DUI. She goes OFF on Tim. I’m dying her calling him a Ken-doll LOL Lucy thinks it’s hilarious too with her reaction.
Genny steps in like a calm bad ass. Gets her to settle down. Even has her to apologize to Tim. He looks impressed as hell with her. Lucy also comments on how impressive she was. Genny comments she teaches 4th grade ha My oldest sister is a teacher for young kids so this is pretty accurate. She then passes out right after. The drinking question answered for them. heh
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They’re dragged into Nolan and Lopez’s situation. A crazed armed gunman is on the loose. He assaulted an IRS agent two days prior. Shot at Lopez/Nolan with an automatic weapon when they came to see him. Everyone is involved in the manhunt now. Tim directs everyone like the sexy leader he is and they get back into the shop. Genny asks what’s going on? Tim tells her it’s too dangerous he’s bringing her back to the station. They have to drive around looking for this guys long list of cars on the street. He could be in any of them and they could be armed to the teeth.
Genny refuses to leave until they talk about their father. Tim says she’s impossible which is rich coming from him LOL Genny tries to pull Lucy into it. Asking her who is more difficult her or Tim? He is so mad. Pops off saying of course Lucy is going to pick him. She knows him and how damn stubborn he is. I can empathize with Tim on this one. One of my worst qualities is how stubborn I can be. Genny pokes at him saying this is why he’s still single...
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Tim in the heat of the moment reveals he’s not single. I don’t think this is how he wanted Lucy to find out. Lucy tries to act supportive says with a smile on her face 'You're seeing someone?..' Now with Rachel I think she truly supported it. Wanted him to be happy. No jealously involved.
With Ashley it’s a different ball game. So much has changed between them since Rachel. Tim being defensive af tells them they need to focus. Lucy backs off without delving into it further. An awkward silence falls over them. The last gif she looks upset about this news. Also like to note how Genny looks back and forth between them. Knowing there is something deeper going on between them but she doesn’t know what…
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When they’re back on the road Lucy asks what plans she has while she’s in L.A.? We finally find out why she’s in town. To sell their childhood home. Genny mentions their dad hasn’t been able to live in it for a while. Lucy is empathetic and tells her sorry not knowing the dark history attached to it. Genny brings up it’s a lot for one person…
Then Lucy in true wife fashion speaks for Tim. Says she’s sure Tim will help out with that. He won’t let her do it alone. Tim isn’t on board for fixing it up. Says it’s a tear down. Better just to sell it. Genny fights him on it says it has good bones.
This is where Lucy and Genny really become instant besties. Talking about house hunters. How they bond over which one they like the most. It's super adorable watching them get along so easily. For Tim it's that moment when your work wife and sister become friends and you can’t stop it Ha
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I adore this next part. Tim reaches out to Nolan thinking it’s going to back his POV. So desperate to get out of renovating this house. Nolan starts listing stuff off and Tim think’s it’s going in his favor. Lucy rolls her eyes at him knowing that's exactly what he's thinking. So when his reply is all cocky 'It’s a teardown right? 'Nolan shuts him down and uses the same phrase Genny did ‘Good Bones.’ That simple repairs could double the value of the house.
Lucy and Genny start to celebrate knowing they were right. This is your future Tim you just don’t know it yet. Ha It is very sweet and kind of Nolan to offer to come and look at it for them. Free of charge. I will give him that. See I can be nice to him sometimes. It probably won’t happen often but still very kind of him to say he can help.
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This next section is where we get to the heart of how Tim is really feeling. Genny and Lucy are talking about their childhood homes. Genny doesn’t want to let it go. Lucy empathizes with her and says she still thinks about her childhood home as home. Tim can’t take it any longer and pulls over abruptly. Here is where Eric crushes this episode. Breaks my damn heart into a million and one pieces.
I wanna cry watching this scene. Tim’s childhood trauma always hits me deep in my gut. He had both emotional and physical abuse. To have one is damaging enough to have both? I can’t even imagine. I relate to Tim a lot and we have a lot in common. Especially with our childhoods and how we were raised. The physical abuse is the one thing I am grateful we don’t have in common.
The tears in Tim’s eyes when he finally speaks about how he's feeling kills me. You can see how tense he is when he pulls over. Vibrating with anger. He has reached his boiling point about this situation and it's spilling out. This whole thing is tearing him up inside. It’s eating him alive she is trying to save a place that caused him so much pain. To him there is nothing redeemable about that place. He can't handle this conversation about creating happy memories in that house. This whole situation pulling at the emotional sutures he's created for himself about their father.
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His line about a family cuddling up under the broken plaster his father slammed his head against. Ugh. My heart. I just wanna hug and kiss away all his pain. Lucy’s reaction kills me as well. Because she had zero idea about this. When today started she thought it would be all funny and lighthearted stuff. Nothing this serious. I will say even though this scene is painful it’s growth for Tim. To be able to be this vulnerable and talk about such deeply personal stuff openly. Just shows how much he trusts and feels safe around Lucy. To have this family spat on patrol of all places.
Genny saying their childhood wasn’t all bad. I hate that. My two older sisters don’t view our childhood the way me and my baby sister do. They're in deep deep denial about it. Want to just sweep it under the rug. They also weren't treated as badly as me and my baby sister were. This line struck a chord with me for that reason. To say it wasn’t all bad...To me that comes across as being ok with what was done. To what happened to them both. Because it wasn't 24/7 abuse. Now we don’t know if he laid hands on them both. I assume he did. We for sure know he did to Tim.
Even if he didn’t hurt her seeing your sibling abused is just as damaging. Trust me I know. Tim is hurting because it seems like she’s trying to sweep away all he did. To candy coat their childhood and he can’t stand it. I don’t blame him. When the emotional damage runs as deep as it does for him it’s unforgivable. I’m getting emotional writing this up. When you clearly see the damage your parent inflicted and a sibling doesn’t. Or won’t acknowledge how bad it was. It’s very triggering and angers you. I know it did for me with my 2 older sisters. This whole thing is like re-opening that wound.
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I could not relate more to him not wanting to deal with it. To keep his demons and damage in the past. This house brings up a plethora of bad memories for him. He would rather just sell the damn place and be done with it. Genny tries to plead with him. Tell him their dad has changed. The way Tim clutches the wheel and his jaw clenches. *heart clutch* Lucy's reaction to it all is so telling as well. She is trying to process it along him.
Genny suggests visiting their dad. Tim would see he has changed. All Tim sees is a monster who knocked them around. Emotionally abused them. You can tell the news of him dying affects him. Eric is incredible in this scene. His face is holding so many emotions. Mainly he's torn between anger and wanting to cry. My poor damaged boy. Tim holds steady and says that’ll never happen. He then pulls back out onto the road. The conversation in his mind is over.
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Lucy breaks the silence and tells Genny that she has a good bereavement counselor If she needs it. Genny thanks her and says she already has someone. They’ve helped her a lot to process what happened to them as kids. Tells Tim he should try therapy. Tim’s reply is spot on to what I uses to say before going to therapy. When it was brought up as an idea to help me. ‘I’m good..’
When I was clearly was anything but good. I was radioactive and emotionally unstable when it came to my parents. Anytime stuff from my childhood or my parents were brought up I was just like Tim. Nuclear in my reaction and not in a good place mentally. I’m not 100 percent where I wanna be about them but I am better than pre-therapy.
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Genny continues saying there is no way he doesn’t carry that trauma with him. I think his reaction this entire time is proof of that. She brings up a childhood story. How he dropped Tim off at Griffith park with nothing but a compass to get home. Tim defiantly replies 'Which I did.’ Lucy then has the worst slip of her tongue. With a little laugh says ‘A Tim test.’ The deep hurt in his eyes when he turns to Lucy is CRUSHING. His biggest fear is turning into his father. Being like him in any way. It feels like a gut punch to your stomach. An attack on your identity. The last thing when you have history like Tim does is to be ANYTHING like your parent’s.
I relate to this all too well. My mom growing up whenever I did something she didn’t like. She would say ‘You’re just like your father.’ It was meant to be an insult. I sure received it that way. I sure as hell didn’t want to be like him. He was cold, had a temper, and was emotionally not there for us as kids. Let our mom emotionally abuse us all. Because he was too emotionally stunted to see it was wrong. My sisters still like to make jokes i’m like him. They think it's funny. When it’s a deep wound they don’t realize they’re picking at. It's the same for Tim in this moment.
For him to hear that comparison from one of his favorite people is devastating. We’ll see in the next episode how that small off handed comment eats away at him. You can see Lucy immediately knows she’s said something wrong. Can see the hurt plastered all over his face. The pre-tears in his eyes. Lucy rubs her ribs where her tattoo is. Something I noticed she does when she upset or nervous/unsure of herself. Ever since 2x11. Like she's grounding herself in the moment. You can tell she knows she stepped in it. Lucy doesn’t get a chance to rectify it because of radio interrupting. This ep is so good but damn it’s emotional af.
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We rejoin them at that station finally done for that day. I LOVE this scene. First off Lucy getting jazzed to know he’s an uncle. She's so cute. It’s written all over her face how giddy this makes her. Saying Genny is taking a moment to call his nephews. She then gets serious with Tim. Telling him his sister needs him. Tim using her first name once again in a warning tone. (be still my heart BTW. With rewatching this fully I forgot how much I love him doing this after three seasons of ‘Chen’ and ‘Boot’)
He’s trying to warn her she is on thin ice even bringing this up. Lucy goes for it anyways. Because she wouldn't be her if she didn’t. Also this a much more calm and receptive Tim than ever before. Light years better than first time she told him something he didn’t want to hear. Lucy knew then it was what he needed. The same remains true in this moment SO much growth for Tim since then. Telling him yes he got the brunt of it growing up. That much is obvious. But that she lived through it with him.
That as children of abuse it might be better instead of arguing how bad he is or isn’t that they support one another instead. This is the best advice she could give him honestly. This kind of thing either divides or unites people. For me my baby sister and I are close. Very close actually. Like best friend level close. It’s because we went through the same thing together. Support one another and it’s forged a bond my parents can’t ever break. To be validated in how you feel but not let it consume you because you have that support is everything.
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Now the sad part of this kind of thing is the sisters I mentioned earlier (I have 3 btw. 2 older one younger) They refuse to acknowledge what happened to us as kids. Rather stow it away in a box and have a relationship with our parents I simply can’t have. Therefore I am not as close to them. We have a surface level relationship and that is it. So Lucy’s advice here was super solid for Tim. To have him support her and bond over what they survived together instead of letting it tear them apart.
Genny rejoins them and Lucy gives him a sweet smile before walking away. I love how Tim's eyes follow her before returning his attention back to his sister. He applies Lucy's advice immediately and apologizes for today. That he wasn’t listening more to her. I’m once again a lot like Tim. When I think I’m right on something especially when it’s emotional or moral. I dig my heels and am super stubborn. So stubborn I can ignore completely the other person and their feelings.
I don’t mean to it just happens. Same for our Timothy. It’s why it was so important Lucy gave him that advice. To say hey what you went through was horrible. There is no denying it but she went through it too. That she needs him even if she acts like she doesn’t emotionally. I love them being a place where Lucy can give him such meaningful advice he absorbs like he did here. Genny thanks him and says it means a lot. Tim reinforces not seeing their father though. You can tell she wants to fight him on it but doesn’t.
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Nolan walks by and Tim introduces her to him. John is having an episode where I like him. It’s rare. Maybe it’s because he’s helping Tim out lol Coloring my normal sassy POV of him. Tim ask’s if he’s free this weekend to come check the house out? Nolan says yes he would be happy to come down give them an estimate. Genny thanks him profusely. So grateful for any help with this.
Genny light's up when Tim says 'We.' So happy he is going to be helping her out with this. HIs sweet smile when he says they can pull a profit on it. Telling her it shouldn't fall all on her just because she is willing to be around their father and he isn't. It's a very sweet moment. Lucy's advice really hitting home for him in the best way.
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Then Tim does something so integrous I want to jump his bones haha He's such a good man it's so insanely sexy to me. To thank John for being so willing to help he endorses him. The one thing he said he would never do. Gives a really kind and nice speech as well. Truly love him for doing this for Nolan. Knowing how badly John wanted this for his campaign. He knows his opinion carries weight and uses it to help Nolan out. Because he’s doing the same for him without hesitation. Tim says trust has to be earned and even though he and Nolan don't always see eye to eye. He has Tim's trust as a cop and that's pretty damn huge.
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I love the look he throws Lucy’s way when he’s done talking. It’s subtle. This gif above captures it better than my hand made one did ha Tim looking at her being like 'Hey he earned it.' Little Chenford crumb I adore so much. Gah such an emotionally good episode I can not.
I always love analyzing episodes about Tim and his past. His trauma because it is so eerily similar to mine. Also we have a lot of the same personality traits as well. Next up Is my favorite episode of the entire season. I hope I do it justice ❤️
Side Notes-Non Chenford
Hate Nyla having to battle Donovan for Lila. He’s such a tool. I loved Aaron trying to not let her give up. That it’s not fire to continually compare her to her past. She is not that person anymore. She really isn’t her growth is crazy and so good. Just like Tim. Aaron loaning her his lawyer to help her I love it so much. He really came into his own with her as the season progressed. I love it.
Thank you to all who continually like, comment ( I love me some comments), and reblogs. They mean so much to me. See you all in 4x09 :)
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goodboyaudios · 2 months
after listening to BvZ ep 3 a number of times now my personal verdict is back and I LOVE IT. albus playing wingman for karmor and HS while getting some character growth from the BvZ perspective (letting on more about his relationship w faithful but technically we [karmor] and the others don’t know abt faithful), seeing more of MAHATMA’S snarky side thru interactions w albus, seeing more of ATTILA’S sweet side (mainly towards mahatma but STILL i count that as a win !!), HIPSWITCH CHARACTER BACKSTORY??? RHAHHH i love this series more and more with every episode !! \(^ヮ^)/
no theories JUST YET aside from a few disconnected ideas…
the knight paladin is related to albus or someone in the group?? —> before HS kills him he says something like “i’m sorry… brother.” makes me think he’s related to albus bc we know he has a number of siblings and his father is a knight paladin as well
also the knight paladin knows A LOT abt albus so that’s also weird
i forgot the rest whoopsies
(also the part where albus and doc are watching porn is fucjinf hilarious AND HIPSWITCHES REACTION OH MY GOD i cackled)
amazing work as always GBA, YV and redacted!!!
Happy you loved it! We all worked super hard on it!
- You should know that the Paladins do refer to their platoon and fellow guardsmen as brothers.
- The reason for this is quite interesting, but I obviously can't go into much detail on that.
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hazelnut-u-out · 1 year
(contains spoilers for “analyze piss”)
sooo…. goddamn….
that was dark, and lighthearted, and inspiring all at once.
i was stoked to see rick seeking out therapy, adapting to it, and being open to growth and change.
i think because of the serious nature of this episode, i’m going to divide my specific initial thoughts into two categories- “light” and “heavy.”
i have to give this ep a 9/10 on first-watch. it feels like a crime to not appreciate this for what it is.
light thoughts:
-NIMBUS CAMEO NIMBUS CAMEO. i didn’t realize how much i love and miss this character until we got to see him again. i am so interested in his dynamic with rick and how much potential he has to be explored.
-YEEEUPPPP. this moment still holds up-
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- lmao for once i found myself rooting for jerry in a fight. i’m astounded at how much that showed for his character development, too. he was defending his daughter. his actions later on in the ep are questionable, but no more petty than what we’ve seen from rick.
- it was also cute to see morty and summer be proud of their parents for once. super nice contrast from previous moments that showed they are usually not too thrilled with being associated with them (like in “childrick of mort,” etc.)
- i loved how everyone was celebrating rick for accepting therapy. jerry having his back was really sweet- and beth kissing him on the cheek. it’s nice to see this family unit show some support for each other.
- it was so sweet to see rick genuinely happy for his family. just :) while they were climbing on board. (idk if that was him being facetious towards himself, considering he was pulling from his flask, but i thought it was cute)
-shoutout to wong for tricking rick sanchez into doing therapy homework. woman works wonders.
okay… time for the heavy stuff:
- they handled the topic of suicide beautifully and respectfully, which i assume would be a difficult move for a “comedy” to make.
i cried a lot during this episode. a lot.
- wow. just… wow. that was a lot to take in. i found it interesting that rick sought out piss master because he related to him. he knew he was probably complex and misunderstood.
it’s reminiscent of “the old man and the seat” to me, but it seems like rick found it easier to accept another “piece of shit” as his friend than he did tony, who was generally a decent person.
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the fact that piss master had a daughter also reminded me of rick’s relationship with tony. rick related to tony because of his dead wife, which drove his decision to forfeit his toilet. rick related to piss master because of his relationship with his daughter, which drove him to make his death something she could be proud of (and wouldn’t blame herself for).
- building off of my last thought, it seems like every time rick decides to open up and accept friendship, they end up dying (with an exception of BP, squanchy, etc.). he’s growing, but he’s still not allowed to let new people in yet.
- that scene of him trying to save piss master was gut wrenching. just… all of it. he really didn’t want him to die. he really cared. he’s really a person- wholly and fully. piss master wasn’t just some guy to rick in that moment.
- that scene where he has a conversation with piss master’s daughter (literally SPEAKING AS piss master) hit me hard.
i really think, in his mind, he was talking to beth there.
piss master is someone rick can relate to, not only for his daughter, but the fact that he wanted to take his own life. the show isn’t shy about the fact that rick has attempted suicide before.
here’s the scenes this scene reminded me of:
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rick has literally tried to kill himself in his daughter’s house. i wonder if that made him think of how that would have made beth feel- to have found him there. if she would have blamed herself…
he wouldn’t ever want his little girl to think that.
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piss master is a lot like him: a piece of shit whose daughter loves the fuck out of him for some reason.
i also don’t think it’s a coincidence that piss master’s daughter looks a lot like beth. that look through the peephole at her? damn… how do you think that felt?
(can’t find a screen grab of her yet, but when i do i’ll update this.)
we know he’s a sap for men with dead wives/daughters. this one hit home.
-in the end, morty is his best friend. he couldn’t bear to hurt alone.
i don’t think that he confided in morty to be a dick, or to regress at all. i think he was trying to healthily share his feelings, but that wasn’t fair to morty. he could’ve called wong, or told her earlier. that’s what therapists are for.
- it shows a lot that morty retaliated immediately.
“i can’t sit with that!”
“and you expect me to?!”
great moment that shows his growth.
(i really don’t feel like i’m giving this episode justice, so i’m going to rewatch soon and make a full analysis).
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I feel like a big part of the reason Anti Bylers are so aggressive is because this is the first time in mainstream media where there's a chance that the main couple of the show may end up being mlm.
Not only is there a likelihood that the main couple will be gay, it will come after years of these fans assuming that the cliche, safe straight ship was going to sail from start to finish.
If you look at the "predictions" these individuals have for season 5, which honestly have less to do with narrative direction and more to do with what they want, you'll always catch a certain undertone to what they're saying:
"The heterosexual, white male audience is the default for media. We will allow the wlw ship, so long as it has limited screen time. We will accept Will surviving, and even allow him to have an acceptance arc. But you will not receive queer rep at the expense of a ship that we are nostalgic for. The straight male audience is the one that matters, and we will be represented by the main couple in the show."
My favorite is when they’re asked what they hope for Mike and El in s5, only to list off qualities of Mike and Will’s dynamic. I legit saw someone say that they hoped they finally took the time to talk through their problems (oh so you’re admitting they never do..) and that we’ll actually get to see them be a team…
Like, do you hear yourselves?
I would actually like to read off their play by play of how they imagine s5 going down. Not just their wishes but like what they literally imagine happening over the course of the season, episode by episode.
And I’m talking the confident milkvans ones that are like super hostile about it. I wanna see what they hypothesize will happen in early s5 related to Mike and El… I don’t think I could keep it together if it is anything along the lines of them instantly making up and being happy for the rest of the season… 😳🤣
They just don’t realize how dumb that sounds.
S4 created conflict and hasn’t settled it. It was considered the beginning of the end, meaning those parts are going to fit perfectly together. If Mike and El were lacking romantically more than ever before in s4, don’t expect that to change much…
And gentle reminder that rewatch value is everything. If milkvans have to skip 3 eps in s1 bc they’re not together or fighting, skip all of s2 bc they’re separated, skip most of s3 bc they broke up in the second episode, skip most of s4 bc they separated in the third episode…. What does that fucking tell you?? They are not being prioritized for rewatch value, that’s what. Whereas byler is. (Bylers also are capable of watching milkvan scenes religiously… I can’t say the same about milkvans being capable of handling more than one second of rewatching a byler scene. And it’s bc they know if they watch it the mental gymnastics they gotta go through to convince themselves nothing romantic is going on is near impossible…)
Byler endgame is going to make the rewatch for the entire series hit, while milkvans, even with a hypothetical endgame would probably watch s1 and s5 and say the rest doesn’t matter. Do they think that’s how the show is supposed to be watched?
With one season left, they should have been hoping that monologue wasn’t in s4, but instead s5. Bc now how can those two one up that? They simply can’t. It was put there to show that they’ll never progress beyond this point. Nothing will ever top it. This is as good as it gets and yet, they still lost. What should that tell you?
What are they gonna just repeat that monologue in s5, but have mike say it 20x and THIS TIME it works?? Yay? Like there’s literally nothing satisfying about that in the least.
Can’t say I wish bad for ppl that simply like Mike and El and are bummed that they’re starting to lose hope. That as a basic idea is like whatever. I don’t like seeing ppl sad. Even if I told off a milkvan directly, seeing them like feeling depressed afterwards, does make me feel bad.
But when it comes to the hostile ones, people literally resorting to harassing directly with complete strangers unprompted and threatening to dox, over people merely theorizing? Like?? Was it ever that serious?
If we’re so delusional and we’re just setting ourselves up for disappointment, why not wait to say I told you so when it’s all said and done, if you’re so sure? Why dedicate so much of your time trying to discourage people on the other side? Unless it somehow qualms doubts you have?…
What makes this whole situation such bullshit, is that if this were a queerbait situation, you still shouldn’t be out here being hurtful like literally spouting off how you can’t wait for people to experience getting queerbaited? Like it’s fucking weird? The prominence of queerbaiting is literally referring to show runners taking advantage of fans, making them think it’ll happen, even encouraging it, and then ripping it away, usually ending in a bury your gays situation. That is the norm in the industry and it’s only now within the last few years starting to change in mainstream.
The hypocrisy of it all, is that they think we should just accept what they believe is the only possibility, queer-bait. But you know if the roles were reversed, which they inevitably will be when s5 drops, they’re going to be playing the victim, saying nonsense like if queerbaiting is bad then so is straightbating!! and it’s just going to be so out of touch and pathetic.
It’s not the same. Whatsoever. And the fact that they can’t see that, that one result is lazy writing and one is epic subversion, and are literally making a mockery out of the situation, convinced they’re right bc they have history on their side and gays should just be used to never getting their way and THATS okay to them?
Like it’s almost painful to watch. Especially knowing the 180 they’re gonna pull when they end up in the situation they convinced themselves we were gonna be in.
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coredrill · 2 months
perhaps my most insane collection of brvn thots yet
do we think lulu is from the moon. i think this for three reasons. one: when she told superbia she was going to ride him the moon was quite large and prominent in the shot. symbolism. two: when she got her fancy hairdo, she had two little buns that looked like moons. three: “lulu” could come from “luna” the same way it could come from the first syllable of smith’s name. why would she become spanish? don’t worry abt it. also if she’s from there then maybe the “final battle” which obari allegedly said would take place in an unexpected location will indeed be on the moon (pls dont ask for a source on this bc i don’t think i could find it again but it was one of the like. EARLY early interviews iirc. or it was just a rumor. this part of the post is a joke anyways LMAO). however this IS a super robot show so i feel like the moon in general is actually a more expected location for me than like. idk. cleveland
everyone pointing out the animation differences maybe indicating different timelines is so funny to me cause like. if it’s NOT intentional, the fans are putting together a list of fixes to make for the bluray on a silver platter LMAO. also god i hope we get a western bluray release, i honestly am considering getting the jp one if it somehow winds up w eng subs though just cause i know it’s such a long shot for CRUNCHYROLL of all motherfuckers to put one together 🥲 discotek ur our only hope………………
i keep thinking abt the like. pacing of the previous fight scenes being reused in ep9 in such a smart way…………like with smith/lulu v superbia - isami/bravern v cupiridas AND with smith/lulu v knuth - isami/bravern v pessimism/vanitas they kept doing the quick jumps between each of the two fights in a way that made it clear that isami and smith were in conversation even if they were doing completely different shit, and then bringing that completely to the forefront this ep while isami is asking smith why he died and at the same time smith is refusing to die bc of his promise with isami. BLEW MY FUCKIN MIND to see the pattern reused like that, i swear to GOD everyone talks about how fun and hype this show is but it’s so damn GOOD too 😭😭 and then after that the fuckin. symmetrical docking ass cut and then later the gattai which has been held off for SO long bc they are no longer separate conversations. JESUS
called my shots too early tho w smith not melting ppl’s minds in a kaworu manner where they convolute the story x1000 to try to make him seem straight 😭 congrats white boy, your days are numbered until ppl start saying you love isami like he’s your pet dog……….also in a related fashion the giant naked smith fanarts are taking me out LMAO
you can tell idk shit abt fuck when it comes to time travel fuckery cause i rly am just here like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ atp LMAO, the serious theorizing is GONE. i trust the show to finish out in a satisfying manner and also in a way that my pea brain can understand and i’m rly looking forward to savouring these last 3 episodes :] and then rewatching the whole thing from the beginning once the remaining twists have been revealed and i Know :3 like not to get way too sentimental w 3 whole episodes left but we are so lucky to be following this story in real time you guys 😭 like i’m just gonna put the same post i made back after episode ONE here cause it’s true but times a million with what we’ve seen so far, truly this is such a special experience to have and i’m so glad this show waited until i got into mecha to get made so that i could like. Understand it yknow. anyways good for january 14 2024 version of me, you are so excited andyet still have NO idea the kind of treat you are in for 😭
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“lewis” jumpscare tho omg. i forgot it took me like a week to figure out what the hell was goin on with all the characters first and last names LMAO. anyways everybody go look at sumiisa sekiha love love tenkyouken right now i am no longer asking
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supanuts · 3 months
One last thing and then I'll never darken your doorway/ask box again, but I just need to get all this pent-up Way-related madness out of my system so I can put it all behind me and move on!
Inspired by your tags on the post compiling the mind control moments, I thought how this is a great example of confirmation bias and it's really fascinating how differently we interpret things depending on our predisposition to view someone/something a certain way: those ppl who view Way primarily as a manipulative, creepy, irredeemable antagonist (each to their own!) see him using his power on Babe in ep 9 when they're hugging as the sick cherry on top of a moulding cake - it's Babe's most vulnerable moment and Way can't help himself, he's at it yet again, the utter bastard.
Whereas in that same moment what I see - someone who views him primarily as a deeply fucked up, morally confused, painfully tragic disaster - is a man watching the person he loves most in the world (regardless of how we judge his feelings, that's certainly what Way believes) completely break down, sob in his arms, and feel utterly helpless in the face of that pain - unable to comfort him, to make it better, to make Babe stop hurting. He looks positively panicked. And that's partly because of his own lies and secrets and the general complications of their situation, but it's also because he's a trainwreck himself - he doesn't have the psychological toolkit necessary to provide Babe with the solace he needs. So he falls back on the only thing Tony's conditioned him to think he's good for - he feels powerless so he uses his power. It's all he has. It's all he can do. It's such a childlike reaction, it breaks my heart - often when a child encounters someone in distress, that's their exact reaction: stop crying! Don't be sad! They're bewildered, they're hurting now too, and they don't know what to do, they just know they don't like it, so they simply order you to feel better. It's coming from the same sort of place, it's just that Way happens to have the ability to make that order a reality! And maybe I'm grasping at straws, but I think it's important that all he actually uses his power to say is, effectively, 'dont cry, you'll always have me', which, as you pointed out, is a perfectly normal sentiment to express to an upset friend! And even then you can see his hesitancy in doing it. If he really was a terrible horrible no-good very bad boy, this would be the moment to take advantage of Babe, physically or emotionally. But he doesn't. Okay, so the bar is super low, but I don't care - I'm still claiming it as a win for Way's potential redemption!
and because it took me so long to reply to the others i actually got a third ask ijbol 
ANON DON’T LEAVE ME, my ask box is open for whenever you need to get all your pent-up way-related or pit babe in general madness out of your system, so feel free.
disclaimer i should have made earlier maybe: i didn’t know nut before pit babe, so i wasn’t influenced by him playing way in any way. don’t let my username fool you; i am a hot wheel omegaverse fan first and foremost and a nut supanut fan second.
i have to say i felt so proud as more eps came out and they kept making more and more obvious what was happening with way… because i clocked it in that first scene at the pool table, on second watch iirc. it took so much effort not to point it out to my friend when i watched the ep with her later that i had to shut up so i wouldn’t say anything lol i love when they do things like that hhh
i’m pretty sure that’s the moment i started paying more attention to way too, because he uses his powers on babe
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to tell him something completely normal that anyone would just tell to their friends directly. and, to me, there’s only two ways to read his motives there: either he thinks he needs to use his powers to get through babe’s thick skull because he would not believe it otherwise, or he doesn’t believe in himself enough to think babe, his best friend, would actually listen to him and believe him. (arguably you could say he wants to make sure babe goes to him and no one else, which i don’t think is the case, but i will say it here just to be perfectly clear.) whichever his reasoning actually was it made my sad man alarm go off full blast. i didn’t have an opinion on him yet at that point, only found his reactions to the charlie situation funny, so that was my honest reaction without having any kind of preconceived notion or expectation from the character.
and then, as the story kept progressing, he kept using his powers for similar reasons.
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yes he still mind-controlled babe in fucked up ways into believing he wasn’t worthy of love, but now, because he doesn’t already believe that anymore, the idea wouldn’t take. it would hurt babe’s feelings hearing his best friend say that, but it was honestly something he had believed at some point, and again way was trying to protect babe in the most misguided way possible.
and then of course there’s the scene in ep 7 after babe learns about charlie being another of tony’s children and i don’t know if you’ve watched it again after way’s reveal, but you can see his thoughts and feelings so clearly in his face. he’s feeling helpless in so many ways and he wants his friend to stop hurting so he knows the only think he knows that works and it’s so fucked up, because it doesn’t really do anything. he only gets babe to stop crying, which doesn’t make him stop hurting, only makes way stop seeing it, and i don’t think he puts that much thought into it, as you said it’s very clearly a childlike reaction, but it is so telling of way as a character and of his state of mind. not least of all because we’ve seen him comfort babe a lot more with things that are nothing compared to this, but here he doesn’t know what to say or do. so yeah, no notes.
you and me anon, you and me. i do think we’re getting a redemption arc, specially with pete’s whole thing toward way, but i’m cautiously not counting my eggs just yet. 
breaks my heart when people don’t stop to wonder why someone that from what we know has the sole mission of bringing babe back home to tony couldn’t have used his powers to either do just that back then or mind-controlling babe into thinking he was in love with him, and instead has spent the last 10 years next to him every day as his best friend. love by itself is neither good or bad, it simply is. 
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memethebum · 10 months
Hcs of the main groups’ favorite 90s/early 2000s CN/Nicktoons bc I’m too sleepy to update my fics but don’t wanna go to bed just yet
Maka: Jimmy Neutron
It gets pretty unhinged and she likes how some characters act like crackheads while the others are pretty grounded/also likes how stupid Jimmy’s dad is bc she needs to roast a father figure once in a while bc ✨trauma✨ lol
Soul: Hey Arnold
Overall vibes of the show are pretty chill (even with how unhinged some eps are)/he wants to see how normal teens grow up since his options were either being a trust-fund baby or a child solider
Black Star: Spongebob
Its a holy grail for memes so uh duh don’t think I need to explain anymore lol
Tsubaki: Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends
She can relate to taking care a egotistical blue guy/she likes how grounded a lot of the characters are
Kid: Rocket Power
Watching teens skateboard and pull off cool tricks without a literal flying skateboard is cool to him/it’s not a super unhinged show and he likes how he can kinda predict what direction an ep might be going
Liz: Fairly Odd Parents
Having two magical fairies that’ll give her anything sounds amazing to her/really likes the found family vibes it has
Patty: Powerpuff Girls
Pretty fast-paced show/likes how it’s about sisters kicking ass but also being able to act cutesy bc that’s basically been her whole life lol
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thefandomenchantress · 10 months
My DRDT Character Ranking
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I’m not going to explain my reasoning for every character but I do want to explain some of them (I’m so nervous to post this but oh well).
-First things first: I don’t dislike any DRDT character. I think they’re all wonderful. However, for characters like Arturo and especially Mai I’m going to need more backstory to like/understand them. I feel like right now I can’t really like Arturo since we don’t know too much about him besides his whole beauty shtick, which I honestly don’t find all that funny most of the time. I really want to know what the deal with his sister is, though. As for Mai…We don’t know much about her at all, so she’s just kinda meh for me right now. I like her design, though.
-I’d be lying if I said Ace wasn’t on a whole tier of his own. The sheer amount of Ace content on this blog probably proves that. He’s definitely morally questionable, but that makes him so much more interesting to me!! I feel like most of the fanbase either loves or despises Ace, and I’m definitely on the love side. Not because he’s hot (He was my favorite even when he had that Jimmy Neutron hair style), but because I think his mentality and personality have so much depth and are so much fun to analyze and think about.
-I’m one of the people who only started really liking David after Ch. 2 Ep. 11. I thought he was interesting and all that before, I still liked him, but Ep. 11 David is so entertaining and I was cackling at most of his lines (Especially the ‘What else do you want, Teruko, my hand in marriage?’ and ‘Who cares about your stupid fish?’ Lines).
-Whit is probably one of my biggest DRDT kins, since I often deflect with humor and really like puns. Honestly I’m surprised he’s not my favorite character. I really hope he gets an arc about how it’s okay to be sad and stuff. I definitely think Whit’s going to be a survivor, but he may lose Charles along the way.
-J definitely has my favorite design of the cast, so she gets extra points for being very pretty. But I think her backstory is pretty cool, too, and I totally relate to hating dresses. In my opinion, they are pure evil and made only to make you suffer. >:(
-I really like how Eden isn’t portrayed to be naive or anything, she knows the world can be evil, but she chooses to see the good anyway. Pure sunshine characters like Eden usually get on my nerves, but she strikes the balance between optimistic but not ridiculously optimistic just right.
-If Min hadn’t died so early on, I probably would’ve put her even higher, but not seeing her character as much as I’ve seen the others definitely works to her detriment for me. Her bonus episode was super interesting, though, and I think she’s super cool overall. I love her design, too, because I’m a sucker for baggy clothing in character designs.
-I feel like I could grow to like Xander more, since it seems like he had some sort of role in the killing game in his bonus episode, but much like Min, limited screen time brings him down a bit. I think that since mirroring chapter 1 of TTH is such a common thing in fangans, I was sort of expecting him to die right away and therefore didn’t let myself get too attached. It was still a really cool spin on the chapter one THH murder, though.
-I have a love-hate relationship with Teruko. I love her because she really stands out among the hopeful, optimistic protags that we usually get. I hate her because thanks to her not trusting anyone, we can’t get close to other characters and learn more about them like we usually would. One time this really bothered me was when Ace was revealing Nico tried to kill him in the cafeteria, but we didn’t get to see most people’s initial reactions because Teruko left the room. But I still really like her despite all that, and I think her arc is going to be very interesting to watch.
-I really like Nico, they’re just not my favorite. Which is kinda weird since Ace and Nico are so similar, yet they’re at opposite ends of the list. I definitely think I’m going to grow to like Nico more, especially now that they tried to kill Ace. I can’t wait for the new character depth we’ll see from them.
-MonoTV is definitely one of my favorite fangan mascots ever. It’s both funny and has a creative design, and they casted the voice actor for it perfectly.
Aaaaaand that’s it. I really love the whole cast of DRDT so honestly the tier list was sort of hard to make. While my opinions will undoubtedly change in the future, I think this is a pretty accurate ranking for me at this point in time.
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pdaliceliveblogs · 2 years
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“Now, let’s take it slow... we’ve got all the time in the world.”
...we have a week.
Well. That might be all the time this world has left.
This one was wild. Looking back on it, I can definitely see that the show is being rushed; I feel like a lot of the events of this ep wanted to be spread out, but at the same time it didn’t interfere with my enjoyment? The tone was a little curious at times, with so much of the setup feeling sort of comic relief or season-one, but the emotional core hitting super hard nonetheless.
Lilith... I love her so much and my monkey hindbrain cringe response is mad she was such a clown today but it does make sense in a way, that she’d react like that after spending so long in a straight up religious cult. She aches for validation from authority figures. I wish it had been treated with more seriousness, but... can’t have everything, I guess. Sigh.
I don’t think she was at all bad at her job, for the record. I think she was very good at her job, she was just being actively kept out of every loop that might have led her to recognize what was really happening.
I like Steve. I like his face. I like that between him and Savarin last episode, it’s not just the coven heads who get to rebel, but the rank and file soldiers too. With his haircut and the mention from Looking Glass Ruins that Matt has a big brother in the EC, it would be absolutely hilarious if they were related.
Between his one funky horn, Boscha’s (and one of her mums’) three eyes, and Graye’s tail and fangs, I’m curious how much crossing there is between Witches and (biped) Demons. Not enough for them to be all considered one species, but enough that the lines blur. I like it.
Despite all the comedy, there were a lot of moments this ep that hit really hard, from Eda fully despairing and trying to get Luz to safety, to her achy pleas to Raine, to Luz utterly panicking at the thought she was going to lose Eda, again.
But then that ending brought us back up so strongly! I’ve been dying for Luz to meet Raine, and that was all I could have dreamt of-- they’re so delighted to meet their steady’s daughter, the two of them already get on so well (they’re both DORKS), I really want them to teach her an instrument. I feel like she’d really vibe on a clarinet.
I’m delighted to see Darius, I got so invested in goop man. And Eber! Creacher! The BATTs! Dorks!
And that last exchange... wow. Luz is going to make her palisman. There’s not a lot of time left, but she’s still got to grow up.
There’s a plan, and we don’t know what it is yet. But they have allies now.
And there’s only two episodes left in the season.
I’m not ready.
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trashlie · 9 months
I’m so curious what’s going on with Kousuke!!! What do you mean a hormonal imbalance?? The whole time my sister (a soon-to-be doctor) was trying to diagnose him because she said “turns out all the tics I found cute were actually illness”
Also unrelated but am I the only one still wondering who gave Shine Ae the orange sweatshirt in the flashback after her first concussion? Did we ever learn? In my head (I don’t know if this is an uncommon theory) I always believed Nol tried to hurt himself on that rainy day where he didn’t show up to see Dieter or Soushi before they became friends. What if he ended up in the hospital at the same time Shin Ae was (both would’ve been around 3-4 years ago? Give or take) and that sweatshirt has some roundabout relation to him? Maybe I’ve just watched too many kdramas and I’m trying too hard to find the red string of fate lol
Just a heads up to anyone following along! This is the last ask that I am responding as pre-236! So spoilers for this response only go up to 235 (though this one doesn't really have any spoilers)! However after this ask I'll be back up to date with spoilers up to 236! Just want to make that clear to anyone who may not be up to date with the last ep or not!
Had a bit of a laugh about your sister because lmao I've been trying to get my bestie back to reading ILY as she's a nurse and I've been DYING to hear her thoughts on Kousuke, too lmao but alas she hasn't been in the headspace for ILY yet so I continue to wait. But LMAO "all the things I thought were cute about him are AN ILLNESS?" alfjkakjfkjafjkafjk FEAR NOT to be fair I think a lot of what we see IS him, just... amplified by whatever Yui has been drugging him with and how it's affecting his system.
So the thought a lot of us had about the hormonal imbalance was that it was probably testosterone, since Hansuke didn't seem to want to divulge it in their mixed company, but also because he implied it was something that COULD be affected by stress, so it wasn't an IMMEDIATE red flag - but still something peculiar and wasn't something to be dismissed. Even outside of being drugged - which Hansuke certainly wasn't thinking of because WHO would be drugging Kousuke and god bless his sweet naive soul there was no way he was going to think of Yui doing it - there are other things that could affect his testosterone, thus it stood out to him but it wasn't "wow there is something SUPER wrong", especially given uhh.... EVERYTHING happening in Kousuke's life in the last couple months.
Ngl that ABSOLUTELY sounds like a kdrama plot LMAO like!!!!! They do NOT miss an opportunity to give their romance pairs a brush with each other before they ever "met for real" don't they? LMAO and like look don't get me wrong I love childhood friends to lovers but BOY do kdramas take it to a WHOLE OTHER LEVEL! lmaoooooooo But I have seen similar theories before! I know a lot of people have wondered if it could have been Nana who gifted it, like she just knits things and randomly gifted them to kids who were in the hospital.
That said, timeline wise that doesn't QUITE line up, though I don't think it was a reach to think it at all, because the fact that it's a mystery still makes us go HMMMMM doesn't it? Nol met Dieter the summer before high school, so if he did try harming himself at that time (and yes, I, too, think that he did), it would have happened after Shinae's hospital time, which was in middle school and she was out t finish school before the term ended, so Nol's event would have come after (assuming we have the timeline correct of course!).
But YEAH it still remains a mystery and I'm really, really curious. I had initially wondered if Alyssa might have done it, the one thing she could do for her guilty conscience because you KNOW her parents didn't want to get any more involved in it and probably paid off the school to keep it under wraps and keep her name out of it, but the sweater and hat seem like they were probably handmade, so I don't think my initial thought held any water. Of course that doesn't rule out Nana as a potential, because a Christian lady like herself might participate in church charity efforts and making gifts for children who have been in the hospital for a long time could have been something she might have done in the past! So while Nol himself may not be directly connected, that red string of fate you're looking for could still be there, in a somewhat subverted way, haha!
I really look forward to finding that out because I still find it so interesting that Shinae said "this shirt isn't even mine" when that lady threw her drink on her. What the heck did she mean?!
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escailyyy · 2 years
So with the house of Dragon hype pulling me back to the got fandom I thought I'd share with you a plot bunny for 'The real Sansa and Tyrion' that probably won't make it past the drabble stage. But you still deserve to see.
Varys Enoch (strirrer of sit): get ready for our episode 50 featuring what all our fans have asked for in the online polls and several disturbing emails
Petyr Baelish (lord middle finger): That's right! you're finally getting a crossover episode with 'Targaryen takes Hollywood' so without further Ado... Let's start the show
Bran: So Danny and Jon are throwing a housewarming party in their brand new beach villa, which means
Tyrion: that's Danny's extended family is in town for the weekend
Sansa: And if you think that Thanksgiving with my crazy aunt Lysa and Tyrion's psychopath nephew was bad
Sansa: you've yet to meet Daenerys remaining living relatives.
Tyrion: are they related or do they simply look alike? We don't know okay she's got a messed up family tree
Daenerys: it's not messed up. There's uncle Aemon, who is super old, My father Aerys, his twin Viserys II, who has a daughter Rhaenyra. Who usually hangs out with the Velaryons and then Alicent, Uncle Vis little stepford wife plus her posse of people I don't like
Daenerys: dad named my brother after our uncle so yeah, that's how my idiot brother ended up as Viserys the third
Viserys III (the metalhead): Father, mother and Rhaegar refused to acknowledge Alicent as part of the family when they were alive, and Danny says that so should we
Daenerys: then there's cousin Daemon who may or may not be also an uncle.
Viserys the metalhead: well we think he's an uncle, but he could be a cousin. our lawyers say not to ask. Something about an inheritance issue.
Varys: the mad king and the weak king buried those dna records extremally deep so he's either a distant third cousin dropped on their doorstep when Viserys and Aerys were teens or he's their younger brother
Petyr Baelish: old Viserys won't say and trust me better men have tried to get it out of him
Petyr and Varys: Including Alicent
Daenerys: And honestly at this point nobody in this family wants to know if he's biologically related to us
Sansa: probably because Daemon and Rhaenyra are ....
Tyrion: putting the wand in the chamber of secrets
Margaery: fertilizing their garden
Robb: doing the naked tango together
Sansa: bumping uglies
Bronn: F**ing
Daenerys: which is where my family gets the incest rumors from
Sansa: hence why I'm team Ygrite
Jamie: there's a reason not even Cersei will touch that messy PR nightmare family with a ten foot pole
Sansa: Tyrion and I are brining the expensive wine, this is going to be so fun
ep 2 of crossover between 'the real sansa and tyrion' with 'Targaryen take hollywood'
Rhaenyra: Not to be ‘that girl’ but really? What kind of asshole shows up to a black tie event wearing green
Laenor: probably the kind of asshole who acts like the victim when you don’t share with her who took your v-card before the press finds out
Laenor: but how would I know? Unlike Rhaenyra I’m still friends with all my exes
Daemon: I am in no way judging people’s tacky fashion choices but Alicent’s Fiona dress is getting on my nerves
Alicent: I mean I know the invite said wear black or die bch, but what can I say? some statements can only be made trough a killer outfit
Daenerys: or trough a blatant disrespect to the host
Daenerys: Am I the only one who wants to feed her to the Komodo dragons?
Rhaenyra: let’s just say it’s a common sentiment in the family
Daemon: dear Viserys looks like he wants to die of embarrassment
Daemon: wait doesn’t Otto have an ambulance on retainer just in case?
Rhaenyra: Oh definitely I mean we all know Otto isn’t going to let my dad die just yet
Rhaenyra: At least not until Alicent can convince him to disinherit me and leave his millions to her
Alicent: that’s such a vile accusation and they know it I love Viserys it’s not my fault that true love has no age
Alicent: just ask Daemon
Corlys: ……
Rhaenys: …….
Viserys: If someone tries to ask Daemon if it’s true that love has no age I am going to scream!
Rhaenys: Such a killjoy
Corlys: He never lets us have fun does he?
Tyrion: you should have seen Jon’s face when he found out that Daenerys ‘daughter of the mad King of music’ Targaryen was the sane one of her family
Sansa: That’s like meeting my mom on a bad day and then realizing she’s related to a bunch of Aunt Lysas
Tyrion: we are living for it
Sansa: Someone bring more popcorn I want to see when they start punching each other over desert
An: Another reality show under the umbrella of Westeros Productions 'Targaryen takes Hollywood' is a reality that follows the life of a famous British rock royalty celebrity family who just moved to Hollywood. Featuring Viserys 'the weak king' Targaryen, last living member of famous 80s rock band 'the Rolling Dragonstones' , his wife, former model Alicent H. And his daughter Rock Singer songwriter Rhaenyra, lead singer for British band 'Realms Delight'.
Recurring cast in 'Targaryen takes Hollywood' are Daemon 'The Rogue prince' Targaryen. British hall of Fame actor famous for his villain roles and action hero sequences. Laenor, Laena and Harwin, Rhaenyra's other band members in 'realms delight'. Corlys and Rhaenys, West End Theater trained actors now turned Indie movie directors who are L&L parents. Otto Hightower, Viserys agent. Criston Cole, Viserys and Alicent's bodyguard, Larys Strong, Viserys publicist and Lyonel Strong, Viserys good friend and family Lawyer.
Since the majority of 'The real Sansa and Tyrion' is usually filmed England and 'Targaryen takes Hollywood' is usually filmed between America Canada and Australia. Crossovers between the two shows rarely happen. Unless it's a special occasion.
Ps: what do you guys think of me expanding the reality tv au?
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kpopper · 1 year
hi!!! mouse anon here
sorry it's been so long :3
how are you? I hope you've been doing good!
I've been pretty busy with work and I didn't have a lot of energy to watch the kdramas I had on my list but I've been reading a lot on my commutes lol im past my goal of 50 books for this year!
I did watch good detective season 2 which was honestly pretty good!! I didn't remember too much of the 1st season but they gave enough flashbacks that it seemed familiar idk if you watched it but every character except for the dad character was good. I kept getting reality checks of this is just the problems of the top 1% in society so I couldn't relate or care at times -_-
I had save me on my list for so long but I'm so hesitant to start cause I heard it's kind of a lot 😭 I just know the religious schtick of the cult would make me pissed like you said. I've been wanting some lighter shows lately but I'm not taking it off my list!
I still haven't gotten past the 1st ep of 2521 because of the finale!! how can I sit through a cute relationship only to get that ending 😭😭😭 you're so right, we're over relationships in kdramas! I need a good plot and found family and I'll be satisfied (extraordinary attorney woo had such a good couple even if we'll never know taeoh's backstory 😌)
omg I'm glad you liked the killer's shopping list! it's such a weird mix of genres but I think they handled it very well! (cafe minamdang is also on my list! ooh I'm glad it's similar!)
I've had to skip through many scenes of itaewon class :| the writing was just so weird but ahn bo hyun was done dirty by that show! that dye job/color was just so bad 😭
I'll start big mouth ASAP then! I kept seeing super cute gifsets but then people would comment and say the show's actually dark and emotional lol but I like a good mix of happy and sad (just not too sad)
I still haven't resumed dark too 😭 I haven't been productive at all 😭
my mom watched little woman I think and she liked it and I love the cast! it's also really short for a kdrama so it could be another short and good show!
from the new releases, I've heard cheer up was not what people were expecting and i saw mixed reviews so idk if I want it on my list. I do want to watch rookie cops and I heard glitch on netflix is very lesbian coded so it'll be up my alley! I'm also planning on starting law school soon even though it's been so long since you recommended it! I also heard somebody on netflix was good but I didn't hear as any people talking about it so I'm just basing that off of the 2 reviews I've seen lol
sorry I couldn't give you as any recs as I wanted to but I hope all the good recs find you anyway!!! <333
Mouse anon my beloved!!!! Didn’t think I’d hear from you again after changing the url on this blog actually, hi I hope you’ve been well!!!!
Honestly we’re IN SYNC cause I haven’t had the energy to watch a lot of things lately. And I think it started cause I, too, went on a reading binge since September / October of last year that completely shut off my brain for television. What types of books do you read? Is it the same investigation detective streak as your personal taste in tv? I’d love to talk about it
I haven’t watched good detective 2 yet for the reasons mentioned above…… I’ll def have to read about the plot of season 1 first because even with flashbacks I need to know I’m keeping up with the story as it is. It’s on my list for a unforeseeable future.
Yes save me is a lot honestly. I have an overbearing catholic mother so it was. A difficult series to swallow but for some reason I couldn’t stop watching it. It def awakes some raging feelings in you though, I believe even if you don’t have a strong feeling regarding Christianity in the first place like I do.
Bahahahaahahahha about2521 I FEEL YOU. But it’s also so incredibly in touch with the human experience of love and loss and life. It’s more brilliant because it’s over honestly, it sets the show apart from usual romantic dramas. But it’s still a heavy weight in the chest and something lodged on your throat so I get it if you can’t finish it
I never finished big mouth actually T-T I dropped it off by the few last episodes I believe…. It did got a bit dark by the end but the medical improbabilities of it kind of threw me off. It coincided with me dropping television altogether basically so there’s that
(Honestly it’s been so hard for me to enjoy a tv show lately. I kind of fell down the Thai tv rabbit hole and have occupied my mind with that. Some of their shows are really good. From kdrama I think the last one I truly enjoyed was weak hero class 1. The characters are layered in a way that they feel like book characters, it’s something I don’t usually feel when I’m watching television. It was honestly very very good. I’m trying to distract myself with reborn rich now. It’s better than most things in the sense that I can watch perhaps two entire episodes without exhausting the reels feed on my instagram)
Little woman was good!!! I kept up with it as it came out so I think that’s why I managed to get thru the entire thing. That and my love for Kim goeun. Wi hajoon was his usual extremely charming self also.
I didn’t know glitch was lesbian coded but I can assure you from the 2 and a half episodes I watched of somebody, that one Is heavily lesbian. I’ve also started a few episodes of awaken (Netflix) and it sounds like the type of show you’d like. Not even midway thru tho so I can’t promise it’s gonna be good to the end.
I hope you had a good end of the year and that your job treats you kindly. I also hope that you see this <3 and that maybe I can hear from you again <3
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There’s something about Wallice that is at once aspirational and relatable. She writes about tense relationships, self-doubt, and growing pains. “Jazz school dropout at 21 / Disappointed my dad, did it just for fun / Had to choose between being broke and bored / So I cut my losses and I left New York,” she sings on “23,” a song she wrote when she was 22 years old.
But despite the sometimes self-deprecating nature of her lyrics, things are looking up for Wallice. She may have dropped out of school and felt like a failure a year ago, but in 2021 she signed to Dirty Hit (home of The 1975 and Beabadoobee), played the Head In The Clouds festival, and had a Spotify billboard in Times Square. In a short time, she’s also established herself as one of the most consistent artists in the crowded scene of indie pop and rock artists on the come-up. “Punching Bag,” “23,” and her latest release “Wisdom Tooth” are all excellent.
Wallice has a way of commanding a song with her vocal performances. She doesn’t rely on screaming, wailing, or crooning, but her voice has a warm tone that floats above instrumentals with clarity, reserved confidence, and sophisticated yet down-to-earth charm. And she’s proven time and time again that she can write unforgettable melodies. Who needs jazz school?
“It feels like all of last year was leading up to 2022 being the real start of my career,” Wallice says. “I think it’s easy to look at my career so far and think it was just this instant success, but really I’ve been trying to get here since I was 17. I am so grateful for anyone who listens to my music and all the support I’ve gained from my first EP.
“I’m obviously super excited for my first tour, and I’m releasing two more EPs this year. I’m hopefully playing more festivals, and branching out my creative team and working with people some I’ve looked up to for a while now. It’s really exciting to see the Asian women who are doing well in the indie rock/pop scene right now like Mitski, Japanese Breakfast, and beabadoobee. My dream is to play a festival or tour in Japan and Europe! I’m very excited for what this next year brings.
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a-menaceinpink · 1 year
Tales of the Jedi, Episode 4: The Sith Lord
We round out our trio of Dooku-centric episodes with TotJ Ep 4: The Sith Lord. I know this episode was a little long (compared to the other Dooku episodes at least) but I still wanted a little more from it. I digress (I say, about to do the exact opposite of digressing)
So as per usual, basic plot summary: The episode takes place during and after the events of the Phantom Menace (I know, I’m going a little out of chronological order - bear with me here, I’d never seen TotJ before this so the timeline wasn’t super clear to me). Dooku, posing as Sifo-Dyas, deletes all information relating to Kamino from the database (AKA Sifo-Dyas is now dead and this is the start of the clone army). Qui-Gon encounters a Sith Lord (Maul), but the Council refuses to believe the growing threat of the Sith. Then, mid-episode, we skip to immediately after the events of Episode I, as Master Yaddle attempts to console Dooku over the death of his former apprentice. Dooku, however, places the blame for Qui-Gon’s death squarely at the feet of the Jedi and after a suspicious conversation, Yaddle tails him to a secret meeting. There, it’s revealed that Dooku has been under the influence of and working for Sidious for a hot minute before Yaddle reveals herself to condemn Sidious. Dooku launches an attack on her and the two fight, resulting in her death and Dooku’s formal ascension to the role of Sith Apprentice.
Tried to keep that as concise as I could, but there’s a lot that goes on here lol. Anyway. Dooku characterization time!
While I enjoy the episode, I ultimately feel like the time jumps are just a little bit too much. There’s obviously the seeds of the Dark Side and Dooku’s dissatisfaction with the Jedi Council in the previous two episodes, but I was really struggling to see how you take such righteous anger and a deep regard for the lives of those Dooku considers innocent (AKA not Senators) and convert them so wholly into someone who would turn against a member of their own order, who Dooku presumably knew. (After some research, Sifo-Dyas and Dooku did definitely know each other which makes the next bit even more confusing). 
Yet the episode attempts to frame Dooku’s fight with and murder of Master Yaddle as the final nail in the coffin of his ability to turn from the Dark Side (I mean this literally. Will explain more below). Personally, I find this to be overall less impactful for a number of reasons. Despite Master Yaddle being a character who is said to have changed their position after hearing Dooku and Qui-Gon’s concerns, Dooku already has a clear disdain for the affairs and beliefs of the Council. While I do believe that being willing to kill another Jedi would be a big step to take, he’s already done that to someone who, given Dooku’s stance on personal loyalty, would be far more difficult to stomach killing. Since he’s already all in on this whole murder thing, killing someone who he doesn’t appear to be as close to, who is part of an institution that he has distrusted for years, and who appears to be getting in the way of his goals of a brighter future seems like it would be something of a non-issue for him. Dooku isn’t one to shy away from killing in general so like. Losing even more points with that in mind. 
It is a fitting beginning to his canonical arc in the Prequels/TCW though. Like he’s still someone who clearly cares about personal loyalty (showing mercy to Obi-Wan and Anakin due to their relation to Qui-Gon), but now his larger goals like restructuring the galaxy to excise the Senate’s corruption take precedence over all else. That wouldn’t, in principle, be a bad thing were it not for his willingness to let all kinds of people die and to make all sorts of Faustian bargains. TLDR, totally in line with other canonical versions of Dooku and it makes logical sense, I just wish we were given a little more. This episode was almost strictly telling, with very little showing.
Little bit on Master Yaddle, and by extension the Jedi Council, for a moment:
We (or at least I) know very little about her character. She’s on the Council (or she was), she wanted to be cautious with regard to the Sith threat because she didn’t want to needlessly spread panic and … that’s about it. She was positioned largely as a mouthpiece for the Council throughout the episode, a position that I found to be altogether lacking. 
Now, I’m not a Council hater. But I am not their biggest fan either. And this episode touches on what I think is one of the most intentionally frustrating parts of the Council, which is that they could’ve avoided SO many of their own problems if they had simply been both a little more and a little less cautious!! They were so worried about causing panic within the Order/Senate about the idea of a Sith Lord having risen to power without them knowing (i.e. wanting to be cautious before making those claims) that they ended up not preparing for that eventuality (i.e. not being cautious enough about the threat the Sith pose). And frankly, the Council has canonically downsized or dismissed claims about the Sith for years at this point, so their argument that they want to be prepared isn’t holding up as much. 
Furthermore, although the entire rest of his speech is utterly twisted by Sidious, Dooku has a point when he’s saying that the Jedi are upholding law and order in the galaxy at the cost of innocent people in the galaxy. Don’t misunderstand me, Dooku is doing the same thing and he is not at all repentent, but the point still stands. Dark Side is way worse, but its growing in power because the Jedi aren’t doing a ton to stop it. Something something only thing evil needs to gain power is for good men to do nothing. 
Anyway, on a cool cinematographic note, what I referenced early about Yaddle being the nail in Dooku’s coffin (proverbially speaking) is visually reinforced. And by reinforced I mean they hit you over the head with it. Yaddle, the only master shown to have listened to Dooku and taken him seriously, is asking him to help her capture Sidious, something which will no doubt help alleviate the guilt of whatever crimes he’s committed. Simultaneously, Sidious is urging Dooku to kill her and prove his loyalty. 
The shot is literally framed in such a way that the light shines behind and over Yaddle, while Sidious remains in the shadows, his face never fully shown. When Dooku makes his final decision to kill her, the gear cuts off the light AKA cuts off his connection to the light side. Pretty obvious observation, I know, but I thought the visual effect was kind of nice, especially because then Dooku is given a chance to reconsider his actions when Yaddle raises the gear, before the light is again, more permanently, blocked out as Dooku accepts his new role as the Sith Apprentice.
I could probably go on, but the rest of my thoughts are still a little malformed and I have no doubt this episode will be referenced when I watch AotC/TCW so. We’ll leave it there lol
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zhanenova · 1 year
Stumbling across someone name Starro back when I was watching The Suicide Squad that was released on 2021 not too long ago. Today, I just checked out Battle of the Super Sons by Batman Superman of the DC original animated films on Blu-Ray. 
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Officially recalled when I first saw the Starro’s from Batman Beyond featuring the future of Superman and his JL crew. Now that takes me back.
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There’s this DC Vault Bonus Cartoons featuring the two ep’s of Batman The Animated Series of “Demon Quest Pt. 1 & 2″ of the Blu-Ray extra features of The Battle of the Super Sons. Which is relevant to Damian/Robin, who happened to be Batman father, along with his mother, Talia (Daughter of Ra's al Ghul). While watching, I begin getting in the Kevin Conroy moment. Pretty sure, you’ve heard the recent news of him, especially from the Batman Fandom like myself. I did stumble across while I was watching DC media’s like the original Animated and Live-Action. Seeing Kevin in Batwoman was like- wow. The actual Bruce Wayne from the different dimension during the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover. Me, myself, and I, last time I’ve heard of his voice work was from Justice League vs. the Fatal Five. And it’s related Justice League The Animated Series or the DCU TAS. I haven’t got a chance to finish the Batman one and The Zeta Project, those are yet to be wiped off the back log. I did wiped off The New Batman/Superman Adventure (Did watched some of it back in Kids WB days before JL happens) long ago back in grade school. I was a major JL TAS fan back when it aired on Cartoon Network, which lead and got me intrigue into wanting to play Batman: Vengeance on PC,
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and then I rent and watched Mystery of the Batwoman on VHS,
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 and don’t forget Rise of Sin Tzu (It felt this might be one of the few that all of the TNBA protagonist is all present and accounted for, with few ep’s of the BTAS season 4 or Volume 4 of the DVD set).
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I remember spamming this DVD set along with Superman TAS back in high school. It’s my favorite Batman era ever. I’m aware it’s relevant to the original TAS with that bat yellow symbol which It’s my goal to finish it once and for all. My favorite out of the four protagonist is- actually all of them. Little Robin and Nightwing are the ones. During the time I was watching JL on CN. I’m also a fan of Teen Titans Animated Series. At the time, I thought this Robin was green sleeves was relevant to Tim Drake Robin. It’s a completely different universe. If you remember watching this Static Shock episode which feature Batman in few of his ep’s. When Virgil asked the bat where Robin was at, he replied that he’s with the Titans. It was a big major hint for me that JL TAS is definitely related to TT TAS. The answer was no. Absolute intriguing ever in the DCU Animated. There’s my random cool non-sense ramble or what you call it. 
For Conray Kevin. All.
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