#🚽 anon
cissyenthusiast010155 · 5 months
How are you doinggg, darling
Hey hey 🚽 anon!! Thank you for asking, sweet anon. Well, the societal response I would normally give is that I am doing well or I’m good.
But in reality, it’s more complicated than that 😆. I am doing well, I am no longer sick and I am currently visiting my family in Germany (which always makes me happy). But I am also stressed, work and uni have been keeping me extremely busy. Also, I have a harder time during holiday seasons, so that makes it a more difficult time of year for me. But I am staying strong. So overall, doing pretty alright, some ups and downs but nothing I can’t handle.
Again, thank you for asking, 🚽 anon. I hope you are doing well! And I wish you and everyone else a very happy holidays!! 💞💞💞
Talk with Me ❤️‍🔥
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I wanna be freinds with u T T
then go ahead and woo me ;)
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turtle-steverogers · 2 years
We all know Steve is enhanced, thats the whole point of the serum, right? But what if the other Avengers didn't know just how enhanced he was? Steve is very good at not showing just how good his senses are, because it sometimes creeped the howlies out. He's very careful not to get caught in the dark because his eyes glow like a cats, careful to pretend to let Nat and Clint sneak up on him, even though he can hear their heartbeats, makes sure to let Clint hit him or to fumble catches when things are tossed or thrown unexpectedly, even though he can feel the change in air pressure as they move, careful to keep the fact that he can tell when people are sacred or angry because of how they smell a secret. Sam is the first to discover just how much information Steve is getting from his senses when he tests out a communication disruptor that Tony made. It supposedly works by throwing out sonic sound waves that people can't hear and Steve all but collapses on the ground with his hands over his ears. After that, Steve tells Sam just how much he can see, and hear, and smell, and feel, and Sam proceeds to soundproof a room in the middle of his house, fill it with things of his, things that smell like him, and tells Steve to "Use it whenever things get to be too much, ok?" And Steve breaks down crying and hugs him, because this? This is the best thing someone's ever given him in the future. -🚽 Bucky Bathroom Anon
Often in the context of him having everything literally dialed to eleven at all times. And before the serum, having been partially deaf and having had poor eyesight, the sudden influx of intense sensory input had to have been... incredibly and painfully jarring to say the least.
Bucky noticing during the war that Steve always had a bit of a scrunch to his face. The way he'd seemingly shut down after firefights or get twitchy in bars, because he could hear everything. Everything. The man crumpling his napkin across the bar is the same volume as Dum Dum's laugh right next to him and it's too much. Too much and he just wants to put down his head and get out of it for a minute. Sensory overload isn't necessarily new to him, but it's exceedingly painful now, and he doesn't really know what to do for himself to help it.
But oh gosh, Sam and him gently supporting each other in the little motions like that. In the same way Steve suggests going to the park to read when he notices that Sam needs to be around people without really interacting with anyone on bad days, Sam notices when Steve's senses are really, truly bothering him. Cue sound resistant curtains with dim lights and a big weighted blanket that Steve absolutely burrows under. And squeezes. Lots of squeezes. When Bucky comes home, they both squeeze him. At once. Like a sandwich. A Squeeze Steve Sandwich.
Anyway, Squeeze Steve Rogers 2022.
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ventismacchiato · 1 year
There’s this one guy in my class, hate his ass so much but at the same time he’s so fucking attractive like, oh ok.💀
i’m not rooting for u toilet anon
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ohnomytummy · 4 months
... I just threw up. I almost never through up when taking laxatives. I guess 12 was too many at once...
Aw sweetie…tell me about it? 12 is definitely too many (or just the right amount depending on how you look at it ;)
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oyasuminto · 2 years
Percy Percy Percyyyy, let's kiss and hold hands! -🚽
Percy shyly covers his blushing face with a hand. "Kiss...? I've never kissed anyone before... I can hold your hand, though!"
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enassbraid · 1 year
yummy toilet flavofed cake
i dont mean no harm i swear i just wanna viist ur blof ty
— delicious 🚽🚽🚽🚽
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just thought of eddie holding a wand to your clit while you’re holding your bladder begging him to stop bc you have to go so bad and he just holds it even harder and you just gush until you cum bc it feels so good
Omg I’m sorry it took me so long to respond, I took two NyQuils and knocked out after that 😩
Plz yes and he’s behind you watching your reaction to it while your legs softly shake and your nails are digging into his thighs with tears running down your face (plz that would turn him on even more) and your begging and calling his name but he keeps going until you’re squirting 🥸 and then he cleans up your messy thighs with his tongue…
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filmbyjy · 9 months
~*• 🚽💔
damn😳 hearing that makes me fold too. idk why😭
like I may be Asian but lord, that gets my knees buckled😭
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stellaeviventem · 10 months
Is this belovedsGC thing THAT bad? I saw one of the members and this emry and peach person seems icky hello 💀😭? Their ego is a no no for me
i dunno if its all the beloveds members, i think some of them are chill. however, most of them are horrible people and i do not like them lol
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 7 months
So I just saw the post about masturbating and not always feeling the pleasure of it and I have to say I relate to it so much.
One thing I would also mention is the problem with me is I find it hard to connect with people. It's not that I don't care. I just feel like I am unable to love. I met an amazinggg boy and we date and we're now a couple now. But I feel like it's all an illusion. Like I am lying to him and myself. Like I am dishonest and a horrible person. He is amazinggg. I love talking with him and going out with him. He is soo kind and understanding and I trust him.
And maybe it's trauma again making me feel that way.
It feels weird if I even think of holding hands with him, hugging him, kissing him ect. I'm scared, am I unable to love? And when it comes to intimacy? Boy, I'm scared of that too. What if I'm just going to let him down.
What if I'm made to be alone and by myself? Because I feel like I'm the happiest and safest when I'm by myself.
Hey hey Heyy, 🚽 anon…!!
{Let’s Talk Trauma in Relationships}
This is another more lengthy discussion. But it is so worth reading…! As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts, drop them in my ask box or dm me 🥰 Don’t hesitate to reach out, my lovelies <33
You’re talking about my Let’s Talk Healthy Solo Sex conversation, and I love it! I feel that you relate to it so much. 🫖 anon and you are most definitely not alone ♥️. Before I continue, I want to thank you for being open, adding on to the conversation, and sharing your experience with me, 🫖 anon, and the blog. As well as to say how proud I am of you for being vulnerable and feeling safe enough to share this 💞💞💞
Ok so your first point is on the difficulty of connecting with people— How can we connect? Why is it so hard for some to connect…??
I hear you. Your experience is so valid. You mentioned feeling like you are unable to love, that it’s an illusion, dishonest, etc. After, you added it might be the trauma affecting you, and I couldn’t agree more. Trauma can really mess with a person’s sense and practice of love, sex, and life. Anyone experiencing feelings and thoughts like you mentioned, I would recommend they find, talk through, process, and heal from any trauma (especially childhood trauma), and I highly recommend you do this with a professional.
From whatever experience caused you to have these thoughts/feelings, of course anxiety is going to form. Your feelings are valid. It’s okay to have questions like you do in your fourth paragraph. To me, that’s a sign that there is unfinished business, trauma, or feelings that need to be resolved. But it’s all super valid nonetheless.
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Your last point/question— I feel most happy and safe when I’m alone, so am I meant to be alone…?
I truly feel you on feeling the safest and happiest when you’re on your own. But it’s not meant to be that way. Human beings are social creatures. Yes, we can have time alone and in solitude, but that is meant to be balanced by social time. We’ve been conditioned that the only way to do it is on our own, and that that’s what we are destined for, but that’s false! We are meant to love, we are meant to be cared for, we are meant to feel, to connect. ♥️
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Thank you once more for sharing all of this. You are so brave, and I am extremely proud of you, 🚽 anon! Don’t ever hesitate to reach out. I hope you have a lovely day!! 💞💞
Talk with Me ❤️‍🔥
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turtle-steverogers · 2 years
Bucky Bathroom anon! How about SHIELD finds Steve in the Valkeraye (in 2010) but decides to keep him frozen (while knowing he's alive!!) Bucky broke WS brainwashing decades ago, when he was told to kill Howard. He has a good portion of his memorys but not all, and those he has are not always super clear, but he knows Steve is important. So he breaks into SHIELD and "steals" Steve, defrosts him, and they explore the world together. And they both still show up for Battle of new york.
Bucky, a little work-hardened and tired from years of healing by himself, but mostly adjusted. Steve, shell-shocked and confused, trying to inch his way through understanding his situation while also struggling to catch up with how adjusted Bucky seems to be. Both boys working through decades of questions and unspoken words and touches left unmet. Nights spent with Bucky coaxing Steve out of nightmares, only for Steve to not talk about them the next day. Months on the road, seeing the stars and sights and slices of the world where they could enjoy its beauty when it's not mottled by war. Eventual mouths meeting in the backseat, hands wandering and fingers tracing over ribcages. Words whispered under cheap motel blankets. Eyes meeting in the darkness, full of love and life despite the exhaustion that lines them underneath. Just two boys from Brooklyn with a lifetime between them and souls itching to touch again.
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ventismacchiato · 1 year
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these were about my old one but i feel bad for ignoring so belated thank u!
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ohnomytummy · 4 months
... we took laxatives at almost the exact same time. I think I'm in the same boat as you.
You wanna make each other's belly's better? ~(Or worse)~?
Ugh please come take care of my belly and I’ll take care of yours 😣
My tummy is inconstant cramp mode and kept me up basically all night. And I’m SO bloated….everything hurts, honey.
Let’s rub and cuddle our bellies while we wait to run to the bathroom again. Warm hands helping soothe the ache of our bowels while we both moan and cramp desperately.
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starlitships-moved · 2 years
can i be sewer rat anon? 🐀🚽 also, can we be friends? 👀
Yes, and yes!! :D
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tvlandofficial · 1 year
me when a butch bisexual tell me to do something 🫡🚽
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am i reading this right anon
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