#300 ug
vermillioncrown · 6 months
it'd be so funny if i rebound one of my textbooks in hardcover
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ditte-i-brisbane · 9 months
Første skoleuge mm.
Så er første uge på semesteret overstået. Det var en lidt hektisk uge, med skemaændring og gruppedannelser, men nu er den overstået, og jeg tror alt er på plads. Det var en meget blød start på semesteret, da jeg kun havde forelæsninger og ingen grupperegninger. Mit skema for de følgende uger kan ses nedenfor:
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Forhåbentlig kan jeg dog få flyttet min tirsdags matematikgrupperegning fra 17-18 til et andet tidspunkt, da jeg også i denne uge har meldt mig ind i UQ Mountain Club. Dette er en klatre- og vandreklub, der har åben klatretræning hver tirsdag og torsdag fra 17 i Brisbane ved en offentlig top rope klippe kaldet Kangaroo Point (Så kender man sine Aussies :))) ). Udover klatretræning har de også vandreturer og klatreturer næsten hver weekend. Denne weekend var jeg altså heldig nok til at komme med på en vandretur til Cooyinnirra (Mount Mitchell). Turen var 13 km i alt med en stigning på omkring 300 m (Jeg ved det ikke rigtigt, men det var det Strava rygterne gik på). Summit var dog i 1.1 km højde, så udsigten var helt fantastisk.
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Udover den skønne mountaineering klub har jeg også meldt mig ind i UQ Social Runners Club. Dette er som navnet lyder, en hygge løbeklub med plads til alle. Deres løbeturer er ca. 3-5 km, alt efter hvilken rute man vælger, og man sætter selv det tempo, man har lyst til at løbe i. Jeg har nu løbet med dem tre gange i sidste uge, hvor jeg i fredags tog 6,5 km før jeg mødtes med dem, og derefter løb vi 6,5 km sammen. Dette synes jeg altså er en meget hyggelig måde at møde nogle flere mennesker på, og så synes jeg også det er dejligt ikke at løbe de lange ture helt alene, da jeg jo har været vant til at "tvinge" Mikkel med på dem :))). Der er også en anden dansk pige fra DTU som er meldt ind i løbeklubben, og hun har sagt hun godt kunne være frisk på nogle lidt længere turer sammen med mig. Her kommer lige et fællesbillede, som bliver taget hver dag inden vi løber:
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Selvom det godt kan lyde som om der er fuld fart på lige nu, må jeg også indrømme at der nok er det, da jeg er blevet lidt hjemve. Når jeg ikke er igang med noget, kan jeg mærke at tankerne nemt søger mod DK og især kollegieværelset i Lyngby. Jeg håber at det bliver lidt mere hjemligt at bo "Down Under" når jeg har fået en rutine i min hverdag.
For at slutte på en god note: I morgen skal jeg til Gold Coast og se på hvaler med en af mine naboer, Chiara fra Østrig, og to danskere fra DTU som jeg endnu ikke har mødt. Det glæder jeg mig helt vildt til!
Derudover har jeg færdiggjort Ringenes Herre del 1! Det tog meget kortere tid end forventet, og jeg har straks lånt del 2 fra UQ's bibliotek :)
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gerogerigaogaigar · 11 months
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Kanye West - Yeezus
I'm not here to review Kanye West's recent antics. If you want my opinions on him as a person then watch these videos by F.D Signifier they cover the situation extremely well.
Here we have the last good Kanye West album. It's not as good or as revolutionary as any of his previous, but it still shows why Ye was one of the absolute best in the business. The beats are very intense and the 8nduatrial.influence is obvious. Sample choices are fewer and farther between than the usual Ye record, but they are placed with precision. The sample of Nina Simone's version of Strange Fruit on Blood On The Leaves is chilling. Lyrically however it's clear the Ye is starting to fall off. For every prescient lyric about oppression there will be some bootstrappy bullshit accusing black people of having bad fashion sense (we get it no one wanted to buy your shoes and you're mad). Or worse lyrics that are just stupid, "I keep it 300 like the Romans" and "eatin' asian pussy all I need was sweet and sour sauce" are terribly embarrassing lines and you'll find something like them on about two thirds of the album. Still, if you go in with a solid understanding of where Ye was at this point in his career it's pretty easy to overlook the weaknesses and enjoy the stark intensity of Yeezus.
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Randy Newman - Sail Away
Before he was known for Pixar films Randy Newman was known for biting left wing political satire. I know Tumblr is not known for appreciating or even remotely understanding satire, but imma give you all the benefit of the doubt. The album starts right off with the title track, which is sung as a sales pitch for the trans Atlantic slave trade, promising that "you'll sing about Jesus and drink wine all day" and ominously that "you're all gonna be an American". So that's how satire works, he says one thing but you are supposed to peek behind the words and see what kind of person he is describing that would frame the slave trade that way. Get it? Between songs praising the Cuyahoga river for repeatedly catching fire and claiming that, since everyone hates America anyway, there's no harm in nuking the rest of the world Newman does find time for sincerity. Old Man is a dead sincere ode to the passing of his father and Last Night I Had A Dream seems to be unirinically about the fear of being known by others. Newman's lyricism goes between being stark and funny and it highlights the fine line between comedy and tragedy.
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Minutemen - Double Nickels On The Dime
One of the crown achievement in punk rock. This album is long and ambling with 40+ tracks that are usually just under two minutes. The album is actively hostile to the idea of taking this shit seriously. Nothing was left on the cutting room floor, every sketch of a song is recorded and included no matter how unfinished it seems and each side of the album starts with one of the band members revving their car engines. Some of it is distinctly punk like Political Song For Michael Jackson To Sing, but then it's followed by a funk track that devolves into spoken word bits. The song Corona is just country. The album achieves coherence by trying to run as far away from it as possible. Of particular note is Mike Watt's bass playing which is often front and center and provides a very bubbly atmosphere to the album. Plus he is just a very good bassist.
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The Beatles - Help!
The fab fucks are back! This time with an album that's actually kinda good. Help! is kind of a transitional record having mostly abandoned the rock n roll cover song laden early era, but not having fully embraced the somewhat more sophisticated writing style of the middle records. It's still very much crisp, simple guitar chords backing tight vocal harmonies as the song about girls and not much else. Sure the big hits Help!, Ticket To Ride, and Yesterday are great, but my faves are definitely Act Naturally and I've Just Seen A Face.
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Pavement - Wowee Zowee
I'm calling bullshit because Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain was already in this list so you can't include any further Pavement records because that's the best one. Wowee Zowee is also probably their weakest imo, not that it's bad but it's a 9 in a sea of 10s. Pavement lost their edge a bit on this one, it's still a collection of great songs but well Range Life is one of my favorite Pavement songs. That doesn't mean I want an entire album of Range Life.
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Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
Pink Floyd is a band that was no stranger to personnel changes. Syd Barrett was the original frontman of the group and left in 68 due to mental health issues. Wish You Were Here is the band's ode to their lost member. David Gilmour's sweeping guitar work perfectly encapsulates the feeling of loss and alienation. It's dreamlike, as if it were a memory barely recollected. That guitar is what carries most of the album, the title track and all nine parts of Shine On You Crazy Diamond live in the spaces between Gilmour's note and Waters' lyrics which come together to eulogize their friend who is still alive but unrecognizable in his deteriorated state. It's weird and tragic, but I think it's beautiful that they made this whole album dedicated to just hoping that Syd could get some help.
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ginshachocosplay · 6 months
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Cosplay 2010 - Sakura Con
Oh man! I was going through my computer and found a bunch of old cosplay photos that I thought was lost! Back in my wee cosplay days of 2010 me and my friends did a .Hack//G.U. cosplay group at Sakura Con here in Seattle, WA. So many people brought fabulous costumes and it was a ton of fun! For that shoot I made four costumes: Silabus, Ovan, Haseo (2nd form), and Endrance (I was Endrance). I was so proud of those costumes, though I would not use the same materials or techniques today at all! This was in the early days where I used materials that looked right even if it wouldn't function right, be too hot, too fragile, not structurally sound, etc. As such, ended up making Haseo out of upholstery vinyl. Don't envy them at all 'cus I imagine it was pretty hot and constrictive!
Not posting their faces because I lost contact with these guys years ago and don't believe in posting faces online other than mine without permission, even if it's a cosplay in a public sphere.
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Sylabus is first! I made the majority of the costume mainly because my friend didn't have the time to do so between school and other projects (they are/were an amazing artist!!). I was particularly proud of how this one came out looking considering I had only been doing cosplay for around 3-ish years at the time. The lines look great! They did the wig and the sword. We lost contact years ago after graduating high school so I hope they're doing well for themselves (I miss you if you're out there!).
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Next is Ovan! I am so proud of not only how the costume looked but that damn arm of his! I spent so long cutting cardboard and foam core and painting.... ug! But it looked incredible! He paid me $300 for the entire costume including materials at the time. Def would not do that again, ever. But again it was in my younger days where I didn't value my time or effort as much... also it's pretty but, you know, don't look at the seams or the construction lol. Not pictured: the glasses. His face was perfect for the costume but since I lost contact with them years ago I don't want to post their face without permission.
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Then Haseo, 2nd form. We saw a hack online about using reflective tape to make costume parts glow when flash is used. It worked so well! As said above, this is all vinyl with puff paint and foam, so it was HOT to wear. Bless this guy for being a good sport, especially since it took me something like 2-ish years to actually put it together...
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Finally, myself as Endrance. Once again, a whole lot of work for a costume that I would not at all make in the same way. I bought a cording foot for my machine and carefully pieced together a Jet Set material and sewed the cording on.... the cording did not stretch. So I used a stretch material with a non-stretch cord for what is essentially a body suit.... yiiikkkess! Looks great, don't look inside cus it is not remotely clean. But that's what the early days are about! I had fun, they had fun, tried and learned a lot, so it was all worth it! All the all-nighters and, at times, multiple days of not sleeping. Literally can't do that anymore cus I'm not built like I was at 20. :)
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killed-by-choice · 1 year
Stacy Ruckman, 23 (USA 1988)
Stacy Ruckman was only 23 years old when she was killed.
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It was 1988. Stacy had just been accepted for a new job, but she was pregnant. Sadly, the pro-abortion myth that women have to choose between their children’s lives and their career would soon end two more young lives.
On February 20, Stacy went to an abortion facility called Central Health Center for Women. She was 13.8 weeks pregnant. At approximately 5:00 PM, abortionist Scott Barrett began the abortion. Before beginning, he administered a massive overdose of Lidocaine. Central Health Center for Women routinely gave their clients dangerous overdoses in order to rush through abortions at a higher speed, usually 30–40 per day.
Sometime after 6:00 PM, somebody called an ambulance for Stacy. Paramedics found Stacy in full cardio-respiratory arrest with unresponsive pupils. The resuscitation attempts included suctioning “copious amounts of blood” from Stacy’s airway, inserting an endotrecheal tube, administering medications and oxygen, putting in an IV, and using a defibrillator. Stacy finally had a pulse again, but now she was exhibiting tachycardia.
Stacy was rushed to the emergency room, where she still had a racing pulse and fixed, dilated pupils. She couldn’t breathe on her own. The hospital gave her a blood transfusion of packed red blood cells and IV fluids, but her EEG soon showed that she was brain-dead.
Stacy’s parents rushed to the hospital, but it was already too late. Stacy was pronounced dead at 11:34 PM that same night.
Her parents were devastated. They hadn’t even known she’d been pregnant and now their daughter and their grandchild were beyond saving. Stacy’s mother said, “That night when we walked out of the hospital I just felt like I left part of me in there. Part of me was dead. You carry a child for nine months and something like that happens, you feel like you lost part of yourself, part of your body. And you’re never going to get it back.”
Stacy’s autopsy found toxic concentrations of Lidocaine in her blood. Her serum level, as tested in blood drawn 2 hours after the abortion, was 8.1 ug/ml, or more than five times the therapeutic level of 1.5 ug/ml. An expert who testified later estimated that, based on how fast the body metabolizes Lidocaine, the amount in her system at the time of the abortion could have been as high as 16 ug/ml, over ten times the therapeutic dose.
In order to rule out any other possible causes of death, the coroner examined ten times the normal number of specimens. He could find no evidence of “any naturally occurring disease process which could account for Ms. Ruckman’s death.” What he did find was “a grand mal seizure and cardiac arrest after a ‘therapeutic’ abortion at 13.8 weeks gestation.” Stacy also had suffered cerebral and pulmonary edema (swelling of the brain and lungs), pulmonary hemorrhage (excessive bleeding in the lungs), clotted and unclotted blood in her mouth and nose, around 55 cc of bloody fluid surrounding her lungs, and another 200 cc’s of bloody fluid in her pelvic cavity. Without a doubt, the abortion killed her.
Stacy’s parents sued. An anesthesiologist was asked under oath to give any and all possible medically valid reasons for administering that high a dose of Lidocaine; he repeatedly answered that he could think of none. The only reason he could think of — not a medically valid one — was to speed up the abortion. Scott Barrett’s own staff testified that he typically did 35-40 abortions per day at $300 each and that he routinely gave patients large overdoses of Lidocaine in order to render them unconscious. The court also found that Scott Barrett altered or falsified Stacy’s records in attempt to cover his culpability in her death.
A jury awarded Stacy’s parents $25.3 million for the wrongful death of their daughter — $330,000 in actual damages, and $25 million in aggravated damages. However, Scott Barrett carried no insurance and was not represented during the trial, mostly because he failed to even show up.
Scott Barrett had a long history of malpractice. One woman was left with $3,000 in medical bills to treat an incomplete abortion he had performed on her, and another woman had her uterus sliced in half during an abortion. Doctors who spoke to the Springfield Leader expressed frustration with the state's failure to shut Barrett down, saying that they were tired of dealing with patients whose abortions he'd botched and then left without any arrangements for aftercare. One doctor said he'd treated a woman who had bled for two months because of one of Barrett’s abortions, but when she called the “clinic” they just told her the bleeding was normal. It was also discovered that Central Health Center for Women was not actually a licensed clinic at all, but had falsely presented themselves as a medical facility.
Stacy's mother, Judith, told journalists that at least ten people had spoken to her after the malpractice case, telling of their own experiences. She said that one person even stopped her in a grocery store to talk. Three years after Stacy's death, her parents were still fighting to get Barrett's license revoked.
Even after all the people he had mistreated, killed and mutilated, Scott Barrett presented himself to the media as if he was the victim. He actually told the Springfield News Leader that the outcry over Stacy’s death was “just another tactic by the governor and the attorney general to further eliminate (abortion) providers.” He and his fake clinic were killing people and yet he tried to pretend he was the one under attack.
"Doctor negligent in three abortions, state panel says," Springfield News-Leader, March 7, 1990
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"Physician's work stretches across state," Springfield News Leader, June 9, 1991
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"Death, state inquiry shadow physician's practice," Springfield News-Leader, June 9, 1991
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"Doctor's abortions scar patients, peers," Springfield News-Leader, June 9, 1991
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"Delays, legal entanglements hold up licensing complaint," Springfield News-Leader, June 9, 1991
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colorfullworldlsd · 2 years
Gamma goblins'in serisinden özel yapım 300 ug 🙈😍
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vvanessaives · 2 years
1, 3 and 5 for both vesper and fenix >:))
not lying when i say question 1 had me pensive for HOURS, under the cut because..it’s long. while you read this you need to imagine me sobbing
1.Is your muse a romantic? Do they dream of love and marriage?
okay first thing. i think that both aren’t the most romantic people on the world, fenix is a bit more romantic than vesper but not that much. both never dreamed of love: vesper has been alone for most of her life so she would dream of companionship, any form of it, she didn't have anyone in the world for so long, love was never her first concern. fenix never thought of love, probably didn’t even know what the word meant, to him love was just another form of betrayal (his parents abandoning him when he was a kid, his own brother being a complete awful man), he didn’t get the bare minimum of family love, he wasn’t going to experience any other kind of love, he just knew it and he didn’t care. 
i’m not being dramatic when i say that they first started dreaming of love when they met each other and slowly fell in love, which made the way they fell apart more hurtful: i said this before but fenix started acting more and more distant because he was scared of being that vulnerable with someone (trauma huh?) and vesper only got heartbroken by that, thinking that probably she just didn’t deserve to be loved at all, by anyone in the world. just...falling in love with someone each day a bit more and watching that person slip from your fingers the more you love them...UGHUGH UG H I WANT TO HIT FENIX RN but i forgive him just because deny yourself the love you crave isn’t a easy thing too.
so marriage. hm. i’m pretty sure vesper thinks marriage isn’t something for her, mainly because she’s scared of repeating the same dynamic her parents had. she thinks that there’s no way for her to escape that kind of destiny because she would replicate the only and first example of love she ever witnessed. she thinks she is doomed. fenix thinks marriage is...fenix doesn’t think anything of marriage tbh. mostly because he didn’t have any reason to think of it, he was never going to fall in love. well clown nose on you man, YOU ARE going to think of it. i do think that at some point they both thought about it but while vesper went “haha. yea no.”, fenix went “haha...WAIT WHAT IF”. they joked about it too and he playfully called her “my sweet wife” a few times until it wasn’t a joke anymore. i do believe that fenix would propose, cross on my heart, it would take him idk what kind of herculean strength to do that but i think he would after thinking of it for so long. now thing is...i both think that vesper could straight up refuse or say yes. i mean UGHHH. she surely is scared for multiple reasons + what if that's heartbreak 2.0.? yes she gave him a second chance but you know, there's fear there. MAYBE..MAYBE she wouldn’t give an answer on the spot, she would probably be speechless and then going “wait i need to  t h i n k”. (cut to fenix experiencing 300 heart attacks because of this). fuck it i say she would agree in the end, probably fenix would have to reassure her a whole damn lot but i say WE ARE GOING TO HAVE THIS WEDDING.
this needs me to spend a few words on a possible wedding too because do you know how long italian weddings last? you basically need a whole damn day. A FULL DAY. you sit down to eat at noon and finish eating at like, midnight. a buffet, two first dishes and second dishes, fruit, the cake, all of this alternating dancing moments and other entertainments. i don’t think neither vesper or fenix would care too much about a BIG wedding but they want to follow that vibe, fenix already doesn’t have...anyone to invite, be it friends or family, SO LET’S GIVE HIM HIS ITALIAN WEDDING. vesper would probably wear a dress, something she hates to do but fuck it, fenix would dress fancy but god forbid he wears a necktie. the only people invited are probably daniel, nader, panam, viktor, vittoria (vesper’s first ex, they are very good friends <3) and whoever very close friend they have, no family because yea..we know. daniel should be vesper’s..bridesmaid jfkjfh but since...fenix is huh..he..he doesn’t..yea (sobs) he doesn’t have anyone else, daniel is going to be his best man while panam is vesper’s bridesmaid. no dad so daniel is going to do most of the things their dad should’ve done for vesper, this is actually very sweet i’m (sobs). generally that would be ONE HELL OF A DAMN PARTY and i’m sure something would get broken because these people are damn crazy and what's a wedding without drama. the lunch would be one HELL of a meal please invite me too i love italian wedding i love eating. and just yea. just i think there would be some tears involved because woo look where we are after all the shit we went through but lots and lots of fun and I JUST HAD TO PUT ALL OF THIS OUT OF MY SYSTEM THANKS (explodes)
3. Is your muse good at kissing? Are they experienced?
vesper is a shy kisser at first but quickly gains back confidence the second she gets confirmation from partner that everything is good, that’s something they want too. i would say that she is experienced a good amount. for someone that acts cold and tough most of the time she sure gives those kind of kisses that make you feel all fuzzy and loved and warm inside (miss i love you miss i-)
fenix huh yeah, i mean. he’s a passionate kisser, needs to have his hands do something too while he is kissing because that only adds to the experience and he needs to be a menace every time he does anything. BUT i wouldn’t say he’s experienced, dropping this bomb here but vesper is his first serious relationship. he had a few night stands in his past but never liked being kissed by strangers when doing that, he really is out there drawing the line at kissing strangers on the lips. man.
5. Is your muse comfortable with public displays of affection? 
vesper HATES pda, especially if it’s her brother that is hanging around when someone is trying to be affectionate with her, especially fenix because he always goes overboard. fenix loves pda fhkjsdfhkj yes he’s showing off his love, yes he’s going to kiss and hug and god knows all the things he is capable of in public. they fight about this and vesper every time tells him to quit it but he gets on his best behaviour for five seconds before going back at it
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Aqua teen used to be too fucked up to me/over stimulating to watch but it’s just normal to me now. I watched the newest movie on 300 ug of acid and it changed me
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What historical event intrigues you the most?
While it’s not really a specific event, I love learning about prehistory and the distant past. To me it’s intensely fascinating to learn about the cultures of our ancestors and what the Neolithic Age was like. Learning that our ancestors loved and cared for each other and told stories and fought and worshipped just like we do today is immensely inspirational to me, and a large part of why I love history as a field. Children are always fascinated with the world, parents have generally always worried for their kids, and communities have usually tried to serve their members. (A little repetitive but if given the chance a kid definitely would have tried to touch a dinosaur) People have always wanted to connect with each other and build relationships. The US and Russia fighting now isn’t much different from the French and the British fighting 300 years ago, the Egyptians and the Nubians 4000 years ago, or Ug and Grug 10000 years ago on a social level. About 12022 years ago there was a temple built at Göbekli Tepe in Turkey that is the earliest example we have so far (i believe) of a large scale construction project. What’s so impressive about the site is that it was built before we had domesticated plants and animals, so it wouldn’t have been somewhere people lived for long periods. People would have come from their hunting and gathering to all meet in one place to socialize and worship and be human together. In fact, evidence suggests that the Neolithic Revolution was started in large part because of sites like Göbekli Tepe. We eventually decided that we wanted to be closer to other people and sites that we visited frequently, so we settled down and started domesticating. It’s not a stretch to say that without Göbekli Tepe and its contemporaries we wouldn’t have the civilization we do today, or we would at least be centuries behind where we are. This was a great question and please keep them coming. Btw here’s a link to a bbc article about Göbekli Tepe.
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collegiality · 21 hours
Alagappa University Distance Education
Alagappa University distance education devoted to offering top-notch postsecondary education ESTEEM, or educational, social, technological, environmental, and economic grandeur, is the goal of Alagappa University, a state university founded in 1985. With a focus on Pedagogy, Extension, Administration, Research, and Learning (PEARL), the institution aims to achieve excellence in all areas of education in the long run. To bring higher education to underserved populations, the institution founded the CDOE (Centre for Distance and Online Education), which comprises both Online Learning (OL) and Open & Distance Learning (ODL) wings.
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A Special Act of the Tamil Nadu government founded Alagappa University in May 1985 to promote research, development, and information dissemination across several disciplines. Alagappa University is a well-established university with two constituent colleges, nine centers, and about forty-four departments. It has UGC approval. It is made up of about 46 Affiliated Colleges that are spread over the Sivaganga and Ramanathapuram districts. Located at Kilakarai and Paramakudi, respectively, the first is an autonomous institution while the second is Alagappa University Model Constituent Institution of Arts and Science.
Awards and Recognitions
NAAC has awarded the university a prestigious ranking of A+ The university has received Category 1 status from the UGC Secured 3rd position in ‘SWACHHTA’ Rankings
Alagappa University distance education courses list
The Alagappa University Courses in Tamil Nadu offer a broad range of different subjects. The esteemed university provides a range of programs under both UG and PG degrees, including courses for PGDM and MBA degrees. Students can review the following table to gain a comprehensive understanding of the courses offered by Alagappa University and the eligibility requirements.
Distance MA ₹ 4400-₹ 11000
Distance MLIS ₹ 5,000
BBA ₹ 60,100
MBA ₹ 80,300
MSc ₹ 4400-₹ 20000
Distance MCA ₹ 15,400
Distance M.Com ₹ 4,400
B.Com ₹ 60,100
Alagappa University distance education admission process
The Alagappa University remote learning admissions process typically occurs in January. The UGC Notification states that Alagappa University is still awaiting UGC-DEB approval to provide distance learning courses beginning in January 2023.
People can use online resources to submit their admission application. For all postgraduate degree and postgraduate diploma programs, the Alagappa DDE application form and prospectus cost INR 300. For undergraduate degrees, diplomas, and certifications, applicants must deposit INR 100. The Alagappa DDE admissions window is available for programs in management, science, arts, library sciences, postgraduate science, and other fields. Admission to Alagappa B.Ed. is restricted to employed professionals from DPED, MPED, and DTED. Admission to Alagappa MBA programs is determined by management/national level exams like MAT and CAT. Alagappa University distance education fee details are given in the table.
Advantages of Alagappa University Distance Education
Students who attend Alagappa University have several benefits. Students receive the best education possible while lounging in their homes thanks to the university's DDE. It exhorts students to pursue the greatest education possible to improve their future and to never give up on learning.
Attending Alagappa University offers various advantages for students. These are listed in the following order:
Students with disabilities do not pay tuition. Reduced fees for students in specified categories unified payment processing for all remote programs All of the programs, both practical and personal contact, are held in one location. Indexing books for every DDE program Spot admission procedure Grievance redress for distance learning is paperless and environmentally sustainable. The special online committee tasked to oversee DDE quality
Alagappa University Distance Education Placement
The report states that 47 UG (3 years), 176 PG (2 years), and 16 PG (3 years) students were placed at Alagappa University placements in 2022. For UG (3-year) students, the average package was INR 1.44 LPA. For both the two-year and three-year PG programmes, the median package was INR 2.46 LPA and INR 2.70 LPA, respectively.
Alagappa University is a university recognized by the UGC. The university's Directorate of Distance Education was founded in 1992. It provides undergrad and graduate courses in management, education, science, and the arts. In addition, the DDE provides a wide range of cutting-edge, career-focused certificate programs in subjects like C programming, astrology, and GST. Additionally, it offers a wide range of Learner Support Centers to give students access to high-quality services. The institution makes sure that nothing can prevent students from anywhere in the country from learning and receiving an education by offering distance education.
For more details:-
Contact No.  9625266808
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gaxcesensorss · 18 days
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Introducing the OC-300 Portable Laser Particle Counter With Optical Sensor! Detect air quality with precision across 4 particle channels: 0.5um, 1.0um, 2.5um, and 10um. With quality and quantity inspection modes, monitor air pollutants effectively in both ug/m3 and PC/L units. Breathe easy with accurate air quality detection!
Semiconductor technology of ultra low power 32 bit microprocessor, 24 bit ADC acquisition chip, so with the high accuracy.
3.5 inch IPS industrial grade color screen, displaying each parameter.
Channel sizes:0.5um, 1.0um, 2.5um, 10um.
Support the Temperature/ Humidity sensor.
Different mode adjustable: quantity detecting mode and quality detecting mode.
Data logger function, the capacity is 100000 group data.
Optional function of micro printer to print the measurement data.
With the function of overvoltage protection, overcharge protection, short circuit protection, anti-electrostatic interference, anti-magnetic interference.
Chinese/English operation menu.
Contact for more information: For more details visit - https://tinyurl.com/w7btb6mb
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internationalnewz · 1 month
CUET 2024 dates out: Check syllabus, mock tests, eligibility and more at CUET MOCK
CUET 2024
A national entrance exam is the Common University Entrance Test (CUET). CUET offers equitable opportunities and a single platform to all applicants in India. This entrance test is given by the NTA to applicants for UG courses at all of India’s central universities as well as other participating universities. CUET UG is available in more than 300 locations across India in 13 mediums. The full exam is administered online. The subjects that a candidate chooses to study will dictate how long the CUET exam will be.
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The National Testing Agency (NTA) will conduct the CUET 2024 from May 15 to May 31, 2024. The CUET 2024 application form is expected to be made available by the National Testing Agency (NTA) during the first week of February 2024. On the official CUET 2024 website, students can fill up the CUET UG application form 2024. The only way to apply for CUET 2024 is online. Students are required to complete the CUET 2024 application form by visiting the official website. Prospective candidates should confirm that they meet the eligibility conditions for CUET 2024 before submitting an application. For your information, the CUET MOCK website has all the information regarding the qualifying requirements.
Before completing the application, candidates who intend to take the CUET 2024 should review the eligibility requirements. The syllabus for the CUET 2024 should also be known to them. The CUET MOCK website has the syllabus, pattern, and preparation materials, including past year question papers and mock exams. The dates for CUET 2024 will be made public on the official NTA website. Students can access all of the most recent CUET 2024 notifications on CUET MOCK’s website.
For CUET 2024, no major changes to the exam format are anticipated. The CUET paper is split into three sections, and there will be three exam slots available, per the most recent pattern. Section I (language test, parts A and B), Section II (domain-specific subjects), and Section III (general test) are the three portions of the CUET UG. A candidate may select a maximum of ten subjects overall by combining all three CUET parts. Visit the CUETMOCK website for additional information about the CUET 2024 exam.
PHONE NUMBER: +91 77176 28931
OFFICE ADDRESS: 701–702, Motia Royal business Park Zirakpur, Punjab — 140603
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ucsworldgrowmore · 3 months
NEET UG 2024: Exam Date (OUT), Eligibility, Application Form & Fee
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NEET 2024 Updates: On May 5, 2024, the NEET 2024 exam will be conducted. The NEET 2024 application form was published on February 9, 2024, and the deadline for submissions is March 9, 2024. According to NTA, the NEET 2024 results will be released on June 14, 2024.
Regarding the updated syllabus, a notice was released by the National Medical Commission (NMC) two months ago. The official NTA NEET website, neet.nta.nic.in, is recommended for candidates preparing for NEET UG to obtain additional information. For admission into undergraduate medical programs like MBBS Course and BDS, the only entrance exam available in the nation is the NEET.
The undergraduate medical entrance exam is scheduled to take place offline between 2:00 and 5:20 p.m. on the official schedule. This three-hour and twenty-minute exam is required for admission to MBBS, BDS, BSc nursing, and AYUSH courses. Hindi and English are among the 13 languages in which it will be available.
NEET Exam 2024 Important Notification
The National Testing Agency (NTA) started the NEET (National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test) UG 2024 registration process. Interested applicants can visit the official website, neet.ntaonline.in, to register and submit application forms for this important undergraduate medical entrance exam. The official dates for NEET 2024 have been released by the NTA and are available on their website. The table below includes more details about the NEET 2024 Exam in addition to significant dates.
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NEET Exam dates
For More Details of NEET UG 2024 Exam you can go now on this link: NEET UG Exam
NEET 2024 Application Fees
In its NEET 2024 information brochure, the NTA formally announces the NEET 2024 Application Fee. NEET 2024 application form must be completed by March 9, 2024, at 5 p.m., and the application fee must be paid by the same day at 11.50 p.m. The official NEET 2024 notification and information brochure has been made available by the NTA, along with the application form. The NEET 2024 application fee is listed below by category:
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NEET Application Fees
NEET 2024 Application Form
With the system-generated Application Number and pre-created Password, candidates can log in for NEET 2024 Application Form and complete their personal information, selecting the Question Paper medium and Examination Cities, supplying their educational qualifications, and uploading any necessary images or documents.
Upload the candidate's most recent passport-sized and postcard-sized photos, signature, thumb impressions, left and right fingers, citizenship certificate, and, if applicable, PwBD certificate.
With 80% of the face (without the mask) visible, including the ears, and a white background, the most recent photo should be in color or black and white.
The left and right hand fingers, thumb impression, and scanned photo should all be in JPG format (obviously readable).
The scanned passport photo should have a file size of between 10 and 200 kb that is easily readable.
The scanned postcard photo (4” x 6”) should have a file size of 10 kb to 200 kb (clearly legible).
The scanned signature should have a file size of 4 KB to 30 KB that is easily readable.
According to the provided template (Appendix-XVIII), the scanned images of the left and right hands' fingers and thumb impressions should have a file size of between 10 and 200 kb.
The scanned copy of the Swavlamban (UDID) card and PwBD certificate should have a file size of between 50 and 300 kb, with clear legibility.
Before submitting the NEET 2024 application form, please double-check your signature and photo. The application will be denied without the opportunity for correction or revision if the candidate's signature or photo is hidden or cannot be clearly seen to verify their identity.
[Note: Only the candidate's own photo, signature, left and right hand fingerprints, thumb impression, and certificate(s) as listed above (and not anyone else's) must be uploaded in a correct and proper manner; corrections will not be allowed in the future.]
NEET 2024 Exam Eligibility Criteria
Candidates who are interested in applying for NEET 2024 application form must satisfy the minimum required marks, total number of attempts, age limit, and educational qualification requirements for the NEET 2024 exam. Only candidates who fulfil the following NEET Eligibility Criteria 2024 will be permitted to submit their NEET 2024.
Age Criteria:  All applicants who plan to take the NEET Exam in 2024 must be at least 17 years old. The NEET 2024 exam has no maximum age limit. Simply put, you can sit for the NEET UG 2024 exam if your birthday is on or before December 31, 2023.
Nationality: Application and examination for NEET 2024 are open to candidates who are Indian citizens, Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs), Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs), or Foreign Nationals.
Qualification: The 10+2 exam or its equivalent from a recognized institution must have been completed and passed by the candidates. The candidates must have taken English from a reputable board and studied basic subjects like physics, chemistry, biology, and biotechnology. Candidates may take the NEET 2024 Entrance Exam if they are attempting to pass the 10+2 exam or its equivalent.
Required Minimum Percentage: For General/Unreserved candidates to sit for the NEET exam in 2024, they must have received at least a 50% overall score in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology/Biotechnology. The qualifying examination score of at least 40% is required for candidates belonging to the reserved category (SC, ST, OBC, and NCL). For PWD candidates to sit for NEET 2024, they need to have received 45% or higher in their 12th grade or equivalent.
Document Required: A valid Aadhar card issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) is a requirement for candidates who are citizens of India. Candidates should confirm that their full name, birthdate, and other details match the Aadhaar card records as the application process uses the information from the card. In addition to the eligibility certificate granted by the Medical Council of India (MCI), candidates who are NRIs, OCIs, or foreign nationals must have certain necessary documentation, such as a current passport or OCI card.
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lampgang · 3 months
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Beiträge zur Popgeschichte Testcard
Ventil Verlag UG & Co KG
„Dass der ‚Volks-Rock´n´Roll’ sich wie ein Discounter-Format, wie ein musikalischer 1-Euro-Shop, anhört, ist ein Problem des Ausgangsmaterials, das sich durch Eighties-Synthies, Kuschelrocksoli, Raue-Schale-Weicher-Kern-Balladen-Akkorde, NDW-Neutönerei und beziehungslose Ziehharmonika-Tupfer in ‚authentisch unauthentische Popmusik’ verwanden soll, was dann eben doch nicht so richtig klappt“, heißt es im Kapitel „Dirndlrock, Traktorführerschein und Bergbauernbuam“ in der abwechslungsreichen 27. Ausgabe von TESTCARD zum Thema „Rechtspop“. Diese vorliegende Edition versucht anhand aussagekräftiger Phänomene aufzuzeigen, wie es zu einer Um- und Entwertung von Popkultur gekommen ist. Der Rechtsruck ist allgegenwärtig und in unserer Gesellschaft endgültig angekommen. Dieses Thema und diese Entwicklungen sind (leider!) aktueller als je zuvor.
Mehr als eine Million Menschen waren in den letzten Tagen auf den Straßen von Deutschland (und teilweise Österreich) versammelt, um gegen den Aufstieg der rechtsextremen AFD zu protestieren. Aktueller Anlass waren die durch das Recherchenetzwerk CORRECTIV bekannt gewordenen Gespräche bei einem Geheimtreffen in der Nähe von Potsdam, bei dem über „Remigration“ palavert wurde. Deutschland (und Österreich) steht auf. Klingt bedrohlich, ist aber gut gemeint und dringend notwendig. Es geht um Zusammenhalt in Europa und gegen Ausgrenzung und Rassismus. Jetzt, immer und überall gegen Nazis – auch in der Popkultur.
Pop war einmal entstanden inmitten der Trümmer, die Faschismus und Krieg hinterlassen hatten: Mit der Verteidigung einer besseren Welt sollte der Fortschritt wieder in Gang gesetzt werden. Doch irgendwann ist Pop scharf rechts abgebogen – diese Ausgabe von TESTCARD betreibt im vorliegenden Werk dazu Ursachenforschung. Die TESTCARD Bücher erscheinen übrigens ein- bis zweimal im Jahr (je ca. 300 Seiten). Diverse Artikel zu Musik, Film und zeitgenössischer Kunst kreisen in jeder Ausgabe um einen wechselnden Themenschwerpunkt. Hier zeigen zahlreiche Artikel von Roger Behrens, Jonas Engelmann, Frank Apunkt Schneider, Laura Schwinger, Anna Seidel, Jana Sotzko und Holger Adam facettenreich auf, wie es zu einer Bedeutungsentwertung des Pops gekommen ist.
Die vorliegende Abhandlung wird aus umfangreichen Perspektiven erzählt und stellt gleichzeitig eine alarmierende Momentaufnahme der Gesellschaft dar. Von der aufschlussreichen Standortbestimmung („Hat die ‚Poplinke’ ein Problem?“) über die geschichtliche Entwicklung („Pop & Faschismus“) bis zur Entzauberung bekannter Verschwörungsmythen („Die spirituelle Querfront“) wird der Leserschaft ein thematisches Grundgerüst angeboten. Gleichzeitig werden gekonnt ergänzende Betrachtungen wie etwa rechte Frauen im Popgeschäft („Weiche Formen, harte Worte“), Computerspiele mit rechten Botschaften („Besser auf Nazis im Spiel ballern als einer zu sein“) oder rechtsextreme Meme-Kultur mitbetrachtet.    
Dem nicht genug regen überraschende Texte zu den bekanntesten Diktatorenromanen („Den Terror greifbar machen“), Minimalismus/Achtsamkeit („Ordnung ist das ganze Leben“) und einem ähnlich peinlichen Männerbild zwischen (teilweise älteren männlichen) Punks und rechten Lebenswelten (Stichwort: Männer Rock´n´Roll!) wirklich zum Nachdenken an. Abgerundet wird Ausgabe #27 durch unzählige Rezensionen aus den Bereichen Tonträger, Print und Film. Alle Beiträge sind sprachlich versiert formuliert und beinhalten Abbildungen.
„Rechtspop“ ist eine sehr umfangreiche TESTCARD-Ausgabe, weil sie einerseits die erwähnte Thematik gut strukturiert aufbaut und andererseits die alarmierende kulturelle Situation gekonnt beschreibt. Mehr noch: Sie ist ein Augenöffner für die aktuelle gesellschaftliche Entwicklung weltweit.
Das knapp 300-seitige Werk bildet eine ehrliche, aufschlussreiche und zugleich nachdenkliche Lektüre. In diesem Sinne: #wirsindmehr #nazisraus #goodnightwhitepride
aL 30012024
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edufever · 4 months
Varun Arjun Institute of Medical Sciences Shahjahanpur 2024-25 Admission Open
Varun Arjun Institute of Medical Sciences Shahjahanpur is a private medical college known as Varun Arjun Medical College, located in Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh. The college was established in 2016 and managed by Rohilkhand Medical College, Bareilly. It is affiliated with Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University. Varun Arjun Medical College Shahjahanpur is a 300-bed hospital on NH 24 Delhi Lucknow in Shajahanpur – Uttar Pradesh. The city is 160 km from Lucknow and 320 km from Delhi.
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If you are set up to be a part of Varun Arjun Medical College Shahjahanpur, you must know detailed information about the college. Throughout this article, we provide complete information about the college, such as admission procedure, courses offered, MBBS and NEET (MD/MS) seat matrix, fee structure, round-wise college cutoff for UG and PG courses, UP NEET Counselling procedure, eligibility criteria, ranking etc.
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jyoti54 · 5 months
Pursuing Higher Studies at the Top 10 Colleges in Bhubaneswar
The top 10 colleges in Bhubaneswar are institutions of national importance, featuring some of the most excellent facilities such as, well-qualified and experienced faculty members, good infrastructure, sports and medical facilities, hostel and placement assistance. Pursuing higher studies at these colleges is budget-friendly as well considering that Odisha is one of the most affordable states of India. Besides, these colleges also offer scholarships to students so they can bear the cost of receiving high quality education. In this category KIIT or the Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology deserves special mention because of its exemplary courses and placement assistance for the students.
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Highlights of the College
KIIT, which ranks amongst the top 10 colleges in Bhubaneswar, has a lot to offer to its students. Major highlights of the college include:
Established: 1992
Courses: UG and PG courses in Science, Commerce and Arts along with LLB, BBA, BCA, MBA, MCA, Ph.D, Super MBA and LLM. Besides these the college also offers virtual summer internship programme and a number of school wise courses in management, law, dental science, fashion technology and film and media sciences.
Accreditations: IIT has been declared DU or Deemed to be University under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 “A”Category University as per Ministry of HRD, Government of India. The college is accredited with:
A++ Grade by NAAC
Tier 1’ (Washington Accord) by NBA IET, UK
Approved by Statutory Bodies of Government of India, like BCI, MCI, INC, DCI and ISAS badge by IAU.
B.Tech accreditation
All the courses at KIIT abide by the UGC guidelines while all its professional courses are recognised by respective regulatory entities.
Student Count: 40,000+
Faculty& Researchers: 3,000+
Rankings: KIIT is India’s first QS 5 stars rated university with other rankings, like:
Ranked No 1 by ARIIA or Atal Ranking of Institution on Innovation achievements.
NIRF Ranking 16 among all private and public universities in India.
601-800 ranking in the World University Rankings 2024
151-200 in The Young University Rankings
201 to 300 in The Impact Rankings 2022.
401-500 ranking in the Subject Ranking 2023 Engineering
501-600 in the Subject Ranking 2023 Clinical & Health
301-400 in Subject Ranking 2023 Computer Science
With such exemplary rankings and recognitions, KIIT is surely one of the best colleges in Bhubaneswar for individuals looking to excel in their academics and take up the most lucrative job positions across varied industries. Visit https://kiit.ac.in/ for more details or get in touch at +91 674 2725113.
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