#50 Foot Queenie
rastronomicals · 4 months
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7:41 PM EST December 30, 2023:
PJ Harvey - "50 Foot Queenie" From the album Rid of Me (May 4, 1993)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
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nobody-nexus · 5 months
Sinful Circus AU Incorrect Quotes
(CW for NSFW humor) (Will contain Ragapom, Abstrabbit, and Bluetooth)
Able: Hey, what have you two been up to? Gangle: We were helping Ragatha write her vows, but she kicked us out because Jax was making inappropriate suggestions. Jax: How is “Pomni, I love your sweet ass” inappropriate?
Queenie: If you could guess, how many brain cells do you have? Kinger: Dorito’s cool ranch. Queenie: Queenie: I'm just gonna assume zero for now. Kinger: I love that song
Pomni: There’s no “I” in team, but there is one in pizza Kaufmo: So, you’re not going to share? Pomni: I’m not going to share
Zooble: I dare you- Ragatha: Kaufmo is not allowed to accept dares anymore. Zooble: Why not? Kaufmo: "I have no regard for my own or others personal safety", as some would say
Able: Today, Influencer said a swear word, so Ragatha said she was going to wash Influencer's mouth out with soap. Influencer replied, “It’s okay, I like the taste of soap”. Turns out, they’ve been putting soap on their lips to blow bubbles
Zooble: closes a cabinet a crash is heard behind the cabinet door Kaufmo: What was that? Zooble: The sound of someone else's problem
Able: I don’t know how you have your foot in your mouth, your head up your ass, and your nose in my business. But here we are, you fucking wizard
Jax: I’m a multitasker! Jax: I can disappoint fifteen people at once
Moon: Well, Caine and I finally did it! The rest of the squad: gasps, shocked expressions, etc. Moon: That's right… We kissed!
Influencer: Bl@ckm@1l 15 5uch @n ugly w0rd. 1 pr3f3r 3xt0rt10n. Th3 X m@k3s 1t s0und c00l
Pomni: Good news! I didn’t screw up! Able: … Pomni: I screwed up less badly than usual! Able: … Pomni: Screwed up with less immediate consequences than usual
Ragatha: I asked Pomni out Queenie: Oh, I’m sorry Ragatha: Why? Queenie: Well, I assume she said no Ragatha: No, she said yes Queenie: Really? Then I’m sorry for her
Jax: My knee just cracked so loudly that I half expect it to glow in the dark tonight
Jax: Zooble, we tried things your way Zooble: No, we didn't Jax: I did it in my head and it didn't work
Pomni, gardening: Hey, can you bring me the hoe? Zooble: Yeah, sure A few minutes later Zooble: Here you go Pomni: Zooble: Ragatha: Why am I here?
Influencer: 1 th1nk w3 5h0uld h@v3 gl0w 5t1ck ju1c3 1nj3ct3d 1n 0ur b0n35 wh3n w3'r3 b0rn, 50 1f w3 br3ak 0ur b0n35, w3 g3t @ fun l1ttl3 5urpr1s3! Caine: What's the surprise? Zooble: Blood poisoning.
Jax: When do I get my own gun? Pomni: I wouldn’t trust you with my kid’s lightsaber
Jax, referring to Zooble: I don’t know, they just don’t seem interested Caine: Did you try talking to them? Jax: Jax: Try what?
Kaufmo: I wouldn’t wish that upon my worse enemy! Kaufmo: Unless of course. . We’re talking about my enemy, Zooble. Fuck you Zooble, you know what you did!
Jax: Wait you like me? For my personality? Zooble: I know, I was surprised too
Kaufmo: What’s the status up here? Pomni: Fucked up, about to die, Able’s a nerd. The usual
Able: I have been tricked, I have been backstabbed, and I have quite possibly been bamboozled
Ragatha: Sometimes I drink milk straight from the container. Influencer: @h y35, th3 c0w'5 udd3r! Ragatha: What? Gangle: WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT????
Able: I know what you're up to. Influencer: R3@lly? B3c@u53 I b@r3ly kn0w!
Jax: If the thought of something makes any of you giggle for longer than 15 seconds, you are to assume you’re not allowed to do it
Influencer: Th3r3 15 n0 1 1n h@ppyn355… Pomni: There is if you fucking spell it right
Caine: There was a motor close to where I am right now. Caine: A motor- a motorcycle? Caine: Oh sorry, a murder Ragatha: That escalated quickly
Jax: .. .----. -- / … --- .-. .-. -.-- (translation: I'M SORRY) Gangle: What's that? Jax: Remorse code Gangle: I'm even angrier now
Sun: Sleep is the body’s best safety mechanism Kaufmo: How so? Sun: It keeps you from screwing up for 8 hours
the Squad cleaning up Caine: Pick up the nearest piece of trash and throw it away! Pomni, to Jax: Aight, which bin do you wanna go in-
Moon: Define “dream” Zooble: Dream - the first thing people abandon when they learn how the world works. Gangle: That’s too dark!
Pomni: You look good in that hoodie Ragatha: You know where else I'd look good? Pomni, zero hesitation: My bed. Ragatha, at the same time: By your side- wait, what?
Gangle: Okay. Hypothetically speaking, how mad would you be if I burned a hot pocket so badly it could probably fall off a ten-story building and be completely fine? Sun: Gangle, what did you do? Gangle: Take a guess
Ragatha: What do we say when making bread? Zooble, glumly: That's the dough rising Ragatha: And what do we NOT say? Jax, sadly: That's the yeast fucking
Caine: Oh no! The printer broke while printing out Jax's birthday invitations! Gangle: Well, what are they supposed to say? Caine: "Jax's birthday" Gangle: So, what do they say instead? Caine: "Jax’s bi" Gangle: Gangle: Works out either way
Jax: Kaufmo, you look deep in thought. What’s wrong? Kaufmo: Did you know you can look at any object and know what it’s like to lick it? Even if you’ve never touched it before? Jax: I’m never asking you anything ever again
Pomni: What are you in the mood for? Ragatha: World domination Pomni: That's a bit ambitious Ragatha: You are my world~ Pomni: Aww… Ragatha: Pomni: Ragatha: Pomni: OH.
Zooble: We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what Influencer will and will not eat Queenie: Grass? Yes! Zooble: Moss? Yes!! Queenie: Leaves? Ohh, yes! Zooble: Shoelaces? Strange but true! Queenie: Worms? Sometimes! Zooble: Rocks? Usually, nah Queenie: Twigs? Usually! Zooble: Kinger's cooking? Inconclusive! Moon: How did you… test this? Zooble: You just hand them stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if they eat it, they eat it Moon: … I don’t know how to feel about this Kinger: IS THAT WHERE ALL MY SPARE SHOELACES WENT?
Caine: I can't imagine what Influencer is planning. But I can tell you two things. We won't like it and it won't be legal
Pomni: angrily presses Ragatha against a wall WHERE'S THE MONEY?! Ragatha: … Ragatha: Are we about to kiss-
Sun: If we lose, you’re out of the will Pomni: I was in the will?
Ragatha: What is it called when you kill a friend? Influencer: H0m1c1d3! Gangle: .......Murder-
Sun: Everyone thinks you suck. Jax: I think you have the wrong number… Sun: Influencer? Jax: Nope. Jax Sun: Well, you probably suck too
Able: According to the footage here, you shook the vending machine and when the shake alarm went off, you punched the glass and broke it Zooble: …I was hungry
Influencer: @rs0n? 0h! Y0u m3@n "cr1m1 brûl33"!
Moon: What the FUCK is this?!? Pomni, sitting down, surrounded by corpses: I won Mafia, that’s what
Caine: I'm not superstitious… But I am a little stitious
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anonymousj3ster · 3 months
Chapter 5- Key Motivators
I walk down the hall, an ache in my right leg- or rather, the orange stick that curled at the 'foot'. Even when Caine was still around, it would bother me a little, but now that everyone was starting to feel a bit more alive- hungry, thirsty, tired- the aches had gotten worse and more frequent. It was longer than my other leg, forcing me to have to swing it forward instead of just being able to take a step, and having it thud onto the ground sent soft shoots of pain up it. I grumble under my breath as I walk. Step. Swing. Step. Swing. Step. Swing.
"All right, my little superstars!" Caine's obnoxious voice booms cheerfully. I turned away from Gangle, getting up to leave. I had only joined this freakshow a month ago, and was already dangerously close to punching the ringmaster in the face. The only bearable part of this place was Ragatha's kindness, and Gangle's company, but even they got on my nerves every so often. I sigh and stand up. Well, that and the fact that I was the only person in the circus who could change their appearance. Caine had given me a box full of parts, which I normally tried to switch up everyday. Today I had gone with a tentacle arm and a crab claw, an antler on my head, and two mismatched colored legs: one blue, one green, though they were both normal legs.
As Caine droned on about days torment adventure, I walk off, determined to not be dragged into whatever misery fun he had planned for today.
"Zooble, my colorful cluster of parts!" Caine calls suddenly. I freeze, reluctantly turning to face him. The pair of teeth floats closer to me, until his eyes were only a few inches from mine.
"I notice you haven't been participating lately in the adventures!" He begins. Of course I haven't. It always ended in someone getting hurt, or lost, or scared. Jax would try to steal one of my parts, or I would somehow lose one. Then at the end Caine would finally let us do whatever we wanted, thinking we had all had fun while really we had all been pushed to our breaking points. Again. And again. And again.
"As you know, these fun little exploits help keep you sane, so it's very important you take part in them to keep your mind healthy and stimulated!" He rambles. "Which is why today, I've decided to motivate you a bit more!" I eye him suspiciously. What did he mean...?
He snapped his fingers, and suddenly as the cool parts I had picked to wear this morning were gone, replaced with white, heavy, unwieldy limbs that were hard to move. He zooms away from me up the the stage, where he hovers.
"Which is why todays adventure is...." He snapped his fingers again, making large letters appear. "Find the Pieces! Your pal Zooble's pieces have been scattered around the circus, and you have to find each one! Whoever finds the most will win!" I stare at him for a moment, shock slowly fading away and turning to rage. Jax bursts out laughing.
"Oh, this will be fun." The rabbit sneers, already running off. I try to chase after him, but my new limbs felt like 50-pound weights had been strapped to them. Ragatha walks over, a sympathetic look on her face.
"Do you need help?" She asks softly. I reluctantly nod. "Yeah...maybe if I..." I cringe inwardly at my next words. "Lean on you it might help?" The doll smiles and moves to my side, patting my arm awkwardly as I slowly shift a bit of my weight onto her. I hated needing people. I hated needing to have people help me. I hated feeling useless.
Kinger stares at us for a moment before slowly wandering off. I watch him with a bit of concern. It had only been a few weeks since Queenie abstracted, and he had been acting...strange. Wandering about, blurting out random nonsense. Not acting how he used to. Though now that I thought about it...I couldn't quite remember what Kinger used to be like.
I snap myself out of my thoughts as I see a tragedy-masked coil of ribbon make her way over to me and Ragatha.
"W-we should probably start looking for your p-parts Zooble." She suggests softly. I nod and take a slow step forward, leaning heavily on Ragatha. "Sorry." I mumble.
"It's fine Zooble! I don't mind helping you!" The ragdoll chirps cheerfully. I roll my eyes a little and take step after step, Gangle trailing after us.
We make slow progress. It seemed like every 10 minutes I needed to rest, to stop moving these useless rubber limbs, to try and ease the aches forming in them. Finally after what seemed like hours we find some arms, an antennae, and a leg- or, at least what I guessed was a leg. It was more like an...orange spiraly thing, but I switch one of the heavy legs Caine had given me with it anyways, thinking anything would be better than that.
I was wrong. I could barely balance on it, having to lean on the bright doll even more. We find a few more parts, until finally-
"Maybe we should split up? We can find more of your parts then!" Ragatha blurts, breaking the hours-long silence. Seems like hours of having to help the cripple were finally getting to her. "You can stay continue with Gangle, and I'll maybe go check some of the places we missed, ok?"
I nod, glaring at the ground as she gives me a sympathetic smile. "Great! We'll get your parts back in no time Zooble!" She chirps, before scurrying off. I stay sitting for a moment, before turning to Gangle.
"You think your able to help me walk?" I ask. She nods, quickly rushing to my side. I slowly stand, wobbling a little and gently leaning the slightest bit on Gangle. There was no way the poor girl would be able to hold me up the way Ragatha had. I focus on swinging the orange leg in front of me as I walk, only to fall flat on my face.
"Zooble! Are you al-" Gangle gasps, but I quickly manage to stand, brushing off her concern. "I'm fine." I grumble, starting to walk again. Step. Swing. Step. Swing. Step. Swing. Fall. Get back up. Step. Swing. Step. Swing. Step. Swing. Step. Swing. Fall again. Get back up again.
We continue the 'adventure' in silence, but it wasn't awkward. It was quite comfortable actually, not like the strained, awkward one with Ragatha. Because when Gangle looked at me, there wasn't any pity. There was concern, yes, but not an 'Oh, poor you!' kind, or a 'Do you need my help?' kind, or even a 'Are you sure your ok?' type. It was more of a 'I'm here' look. An 'I get it' look. It almost seemed like she was trying to say 'I get you'. But I knew I must be imagining it. After all, how could two black blotches and a slash convey those looks?
Just as I was about to break the silence-
We were back in the main part of the circus, in front of the stage.
"Well, my little superstars, it seems like our friend Jax has won the game!" Caine booms, hovering above everyone else, who had also been teleported here by the obnoxious pair of teeth. I glare at Jax, who was smirking and surrounded by a pile of my parts. "And, as per usual game rules, our purple pal gets to pick a prize!" He continues.
"Caine, I already know what I want for my 'prize'." The rabbit drawls, looking straight at me. "I want..." He trails off, eyes dropping to my useless 'leg' as I shift it, trying to keep my balance. His dickish smirk becomes wider.
"I want Zooble to have to wear that orange...thing...forever. For them to never be able to switch it out for one of their old ones." He says slowly. Caine frowns for a moment. "Are you sure Jax?"
"Oh, I'm sure." Jax says snidely. Caine shrugs, then snaps his fingers. "NO-" I snarl, lurching forward at the ringmaster as all of my other legs that few in piled around the other prisoners player's feet vanished. I stumble and fall flat on my face, silently fuming as I hear the purple dickhead burst into laughter.
I slowly stand up and turn to him, hands curling to fists, feeling a dark rage curl around my chest, about to punch the teeth out of his fucking grin-
I feel a soft tap on my shoulder, and my head snaps down to snarl at whoever was fucking bothering me-
A tearmarked mask gazes up at me. "It's not worth it." She whispers softly. I stare at her for a moment, before slowly relaxing, my fists loosening. No, it wasn't worth it. Jax wasn't worth it.
I nod, and walk right past the rabbit, not even sparing him a glance. I hear him call after me as I walk to my room, one hand on the wall to keep myself from toppling over.
That orange piece of plastic never came off.
"Zooble?" A soft voice calls. I flinch as it drags me out of my memories. I spin around to find the ribbon creature standing behind me, but this time she was smiling. "Are you ok?" I nod quickly, walking the last few steps to my door, ready to vanish inside for a few hours, try to sleep, the only form of escape in this place, despite what the jester claimed. Just as I put the yellow-clawed limb I had chosen to use today on the doorknob, I hesitate.
"I...wouldn't mind having some company though." I ask tentatively without turning back around to face the comedy mask. Theres a short pause, and just as I go to turn the handle, she speaks up.
"I wouldn't mind being with you." Gangle says. I nod, opening the door, but instead of slamming it in her face like I normally do with everyone, I hold it open for her.
I groan and blearly open my eyes, head pounding, a mild ringing in my ears. I slowly sit up, rubbing my face. I stare blankly around the blue room I was in, before it all comes flooding back to me. The carnival. Bubble. The door.
If only my memories of my real life came back to be as quickly as these ones did. I get to my feet, staring at the door. My brow furrows as I examine it. What had seemed like a normal door before now had some sort of keypad installed next to the handle. I experimentally press one of the buttons.
I jump backwards as blue panels spring up all around me, semi-transparent, each one having numbers, symbols, and letters. I stare uncomprehendingly at them, before a word hovering high above the panels catches my attention. ENTER PASSWORD.
I frown, before stupidly punching in the first thing that came to mind- password.
I sigh, turning around to walk around the panels since they were blocking me from getting a better look at the door-
But they surrounded my on all sides. I panic, stumbling backwards into the other panels. I duck down, trying to go beneath them. But they moved to block me.
I feel my breathing ramp up, feeling like a python had curled around my chest, strangling me as my panic rises. No. No. Nononononono. Not again. Not more. I was already trapped in this place to begin with. I can't be trapped even more. I had to leave-get out-escape-
My eyes snag on a word near the bottom right of the nearest panel. Exit.
I hear a delirious laugh bubble up from me as I stare at the button. No. No way. Of course it wasn't- it couldn't possible be- it was a way to get out of the panels not out of-
But yet. But yet but yet but yet. Dumb hope swells in my heart as I practically punch that word-
And the panels vanish. Just the panels. Not the room. Not the carnival. Not the circus. Just the panels. Just as I knew they would. But I still feel something curl up and die in my heart. I giggle, slowly backing away from the door, tugging on the ends of my fool hat, stumbling and twisting to face away from that door, away from where the red herring had led me, away from all of it, back to my little hell. I'm still giggling as I enter the circus tent, retreating to my room.
The fool couldn't hear the rumbling beneath her feet over her laughter.
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Saturday, 5 November 2022 (Champaign/ Exile On Main Street):
B-Sides, Demos & Rarities PJ Harvey (Island) (released 4 November 2022)
PJ Harvey fooled us all by releasing one more completely unexpected three disc package to go along with her two year reissue campaign.  This a three disc set containing just what it says: B-Sides, demos and rarities but it would be rare if any of these sort of pleasing releases were actually 100% complete.  That’s not my purpose of the post to complain, I’m just pointing out they are never fully comprehensive. 
That being said, I’m excited by this reissue as it effectively closes her reissue program and starting in January I am going to listen to every single one of her reissues I bought (21 albums and eight CDs not counting this set).  I’m looking forward to hearing them and it is looking like she my be my preeminent artist of 2023.  (If I finally undertake to do The Wedding Present and Cinerama they may become the lead artist of 2023.)
Above are the following photos: the first shows the cover of the album.  This is a four panel gatefold digipak so the second shot reveals what you see when you open the set up the first time.  That third photo reveals it in all its glory, when you open up and reveal all four panels.  Each panel holds something.  The first three contain sleeves which hold a single CD and the fourth panel contains the booklet which gives you track credits.  The final photo above shows the back of the album.  Below you can see a close up shot of the hype sticker on the cover of the album.  This looks exactly like all the other hype stickers on each individual reissue in Harvey’s reissue program.
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The next photo shows you the front of all three sleeves which contain the CDs and then the front of the booklet.  The first sleeve at top is for Disc 1, then moving right top is Disc 2.  The first sleeve at the bottom is for Disc 3 and the booklet is the fourth. 
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I can assure you I don’t much like the use of white paper as a back ground here.  I took individual shorts of each sleeve, front and back, and it looks better but I decided to contain space (otherwise I would have had 17 individual shots for this whole set).  So, the mismatched lines of white paper are stuck here for all eternity or until electricity disappears from earth and we are all living on Mars like Ewon Musket believes is going to happen.  The next photo below is a sample page of what the booklet looks like. 
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The final three shots are individual shots of all three CDs.  Naturally I start with CD 1 and work down.
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Let’s talk about the cover of the set.  I find it peculiar and I’ve never encountered such a watermark as this before.  The photographer of the cover is Maria Mochnacz who has shot Harvey throughout her career and is responsible for such great album covers and singles as Rid of Me, Man-Size, 50 Foot Queenie, To Bring You My Love (she also shot the video from which that cover is taken, Down By The Water).  It took me forever to understand that the writing on Harvey’s face isn’t a foreign word but is instead the name of the photographer of the photo.  I am completely unaware if this was actually written on Harvey’s face or if it was placed on there digitally.  Once I understood that it was Harvey’s longtime photographer and video director, I began thinking of a variety of ways this was rather funny and a statement about today’s brazen willingness to steal photographs from everyone without consenting credit or even extending credit when due to the photographer.  (I have another theory about this as an attack on traditional masculinity but when I wrote out how I came about this theory and then re-read it, it read like a QAnon nuthouse theory and I quickly deleted it.  Ask me and I’ll tell you, but I’ll not write it out because the more I think about it the more I do sound slightly off kilter. And no, I’m no QAnon or conservative, I’m a champion left-wing Liberal and damn proud of that fact.)  The outcome of all of this is I am starting to like the cover more and more.  (My second wife, who I’ve discussed here, despises it but she knows zip about Harvey and less about artist challenges and risks.)
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bunnyai · 1 year
legally i need to do that one meme with me and queenie but it's "ah. yes. my joyfriend and xir $50 2 and a half foot tall bluey plushie"
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bd-wovenhearts · 2 years
“We need further clarification on your ability, Mrs. Hato. Please come to test chamber 12.”
Usagi cringes. She had to clean that chamber plenty of times - it’s the one with the high c-...oh no. She is met with a plate of lettuce and a cup of juice.
“Please dial Queen of Hearts to Decimeters so the effect is best observed.” “Are you gonna replace my clothes?” She snips under her breath. “You will be reimbursed and outfitted, yes.” “Ohyouheardthatokay...” she stammers after the reply before approaching the paper plate.
She brings out the rabbit-like stand with a puff of sweet smelling smoke. The janitor awkwardly reaches to the dial on its chest and moves it up just shy of the middle. The stand giggles at it’s settings being messed with and Usagi continues to blush embarrassed about her soul being Like This.
“Do not dismiss the stand - we would like to observe it too.” “Oh of course you would...” She grumbles as she kicks off her shoes a ways from the table. “Alright...” She takes a medium sized leaf from the plate and starts to chew. Since this stupid stand happened to her, she’s been hesitant to eat or drink on anything that was higher than millimeter. The moment she swallows it, pink sparks shoot across her body. 5 Calories, 5 Decimeters, 50 centimeters - her height has been bumped up to past the seven foot mark. She holds tight to her clothes with a grimace. Queenie grew with her and is swishing around. At least one of them is enjoying this whole process...
“Now the juice.” Both? She looks up at the one way mirror with a grumpy scowl. She bets they’re writing on their stupid little notebooks with their cheap ass pens... The amount she was given was a small cup... “I won’t do it on Decimeter.” She tells them. “Drinking is too dangerous...I could go too small and I don’t want to learn what that means for me...” “You may lower it to Centimeters then, for your own safety.” She nods at them before taking a sip of the juice and gets another pink spark. 46 Calories, 46 centimeters - her height shoots back down close to her normal give or take an inch or two. “Was that enough data for you?” “When exactly does the ability trigger - have you noticed it? And does your stand also change?” “It’s when I swallow and yes - can I leave now?” She says as she pulls at the scraps to keep herself clothed. “You may. New clothes will be delivered to you before the end of the day.” A female researcher enters the chamber with new clothes for her to wear, but Usagi keeps her eyes on the glass. “They better not watch me change...” “They won’t, Mrs. Hato,” The researcher tells her. “I’m sorry about all this...” “Yeah...”
Usagi takes her clothes and moves to the corner to change. She keeps her eyes LOCKED on the one way glass as Queenie body blocks the best she can.
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kearns18lott · 2 years
Discussing Real Estate Investing, Read This Article To Learn It All
Many people have made impressive sums of money by becoming educated on the process of real estate investing. If you do not know what you are doing, you may lose a lot though. By taking the time to read the following article, you can get started on the right foot as you begin your real estate career. Prior to investing in any type of property, make certain you do a market analysis and research that property thoroughly. Review 50 - 100 properties in a given area, and use a spreadsheet to document the info. Rent expectations, pricing and repair budgets should be factors you're considering. This will help you decide what deals are the best. Once you think you're going to get into real estate investing, an LLC or a similar thing should be set up. This creates a layer of protection for both yourself and your investments going into the future. Additionally, you'll get to take advantage of tax breaks from business matters. Select the type of real estate you wish to handle right at the outset. Some like to flip properties and that may be ideal for you as well. Perhaps, you'd prefer to invest in homes that need rehabilitation. You need to consider your tastes and skills so you pick the right type of real estate to invest in. Make sure that you dedicate a good amount of time to the business and learning about the business too. This will reduce the complications that you have when making deals. Drop some extracurricular activities to increase your learning time. Location is among the most essential aspects of a investment property. Other factors, like the condition of a property, can be altered. If you invest in an area that is depreciating rapidly, you can count on losing your money. Know the area where you're buying property. Search out and speak with other investors. The importance of gathering advice from other investors should not be underestimated. It's useful to have a few colleagues who know more about real estate investing than you do. You can find a community of investors online. Attend some meetings and join some forums. While negotiating, open your ears and keep quiet. You will be surprised at how often someone will do all the work for you just by letting them speak. Also, because you are listening, you will catch the right moment to strike for the price you seek. Try to stay away from rougher neighborhoods. Know the property before you buy it. Research it. queenie in bad neighborhoods are often low-priced. If the location is not desirable, you may not be able to rent it or unload it on anyone else. You must evaluate any neighborhood where you plan to buy investment properties. Location is one of the most integral factors. Talking to residents can help you get a handle on the conditions of the neighborhood. Buy local properties. Since you are familiar with the neighborhood, you are not taking as great a risk. You won't be worrying about some faraway rental property because it will be in your neighborhood. You can only control the investments that are located close enough to manage. Work well and play will with other people. Instead of seeing fellow real estate investors and buyers as competition, try working together. You can pool your resources and find clients and buyers more easily when you work together. A group effort can help you all satisfy your clients more easily. This will also help build your reputation as a real estate investor. Make sure you put some accounting skills to use. You may find it easy to skimp when it comes to bookkeeping, particularly in the beginning. You've got a lot of stuff to think about. It is important to have good bookkeeping practices. This will reduce the stress that you face during the process. Start investing immediately if you are thinking of making real estate a career or side business. Too many people make the mistake of hanging back and doing very little at first. Timing is an important aspect of real estate and you don't want to be behind the curve. Investing in real estate can make you a lot of money. You just need to know what you're doing and be a little lucky. Hopefully, the information here has given you all you need to get started.
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dalrympledevine84 · 2 years
Discussing Real Estate Investing, Read This Article To Learn It All
Many people have made impressive sums of money by becoming educated on the process of real estate investing. If you do not know what you are doing, you may lose a lot though. By taking the time to read the following article, you can get started on the right foot as you begin your real estate career. Prior to investing in any type of property, make certain you do a market analysis and research that property thoroughly. Review 50 - 100 properties in a given area, and use a spreadsheet to document the info. Rent expectations, pricing and repair budgets should be factors you're considering. This will help you decide what deals are the best. Once you think you're going to get into real estate investing, an LLC or a similar thing should be set up. This creates a layer of protection for both yourself and your investments going into the future. Additionally, you'll get to take advantage of tax breaks from business matters. Select the type of real estate you wish to handle right at the outset. Some like to flip properties and that may be ideal for you as well. Perhaps, you'd prefer to invest in homes that need rehabilitation. You need to consider your tastes and skills so you pick the right type of real estate to invest in. Make sure that you dedicate a good amount of time to the business and learning about the business too. This will reduce the complications that you have when making deals. Drop some extracurricular activities to increase your learning time. Location is among the most essential aspects of a investment property. Other factors, like the condition of a property, can be altered. If you invest in an area that is depreciating rapidly, you can count on losing your money. Know the area where you're buying property. Search out and speak with other investors. The importance of gathering advice from other investors should not be underestimated. realty to have a few colleagues who know more about real estate investing than you do. You can find a community of investors online. Attend some meetings and join some forums. While negotiating, open your ears and keep quiet. You will be surprised at how often someone will do all the work for you just by letting them speak. Also, because you are listening, you will catch the right moment to strike for the price you seek. Try to stay away from rougher neighborhoods. Know the property before you buy it. Research it. Homes in bad neighborhoods are often low-priced. If the location is not desirable, you may not be able to rent it or unload it on anyone else. You must evaluate any neighborhood where you plan to buy investment properties. Location is one of the most integral factors. Talking to residents can help you get a handle on the conditions of the neighborhood. Buy local properties. Since you are familiar with the neighborhood, you are not taking as great a risk. You won't be worrying about some faraway rental property because it will be in your neighborhood. You can only control the investments that are located close enough to manage. Work well and play will with other people. Instead of seeing fellow real estate investors and buyers as competition, try working together. You can pool your resources and find clients and buyers more easily when you work together. A group effort can help you all satisfy your clients more easily. This will also help build your reputation as a real estate investor. Make sure queenie put some accounting skills to use. realty may find it easy to skimp when it comes to bookkeeping, particularly in the beginning. You've got a lot of stuff to think about. It is important to have good bookkeeping practices. This will reduce the stress that you face during the process. Start investing immediately if you are thinking of making real estate a career or side business. Too many people make the mistake of hanging back and doing very little at first. Timing is an important aspect of real estate and you don't want to be behind the curve. Investing in real estate can make you a lot of money. You just need to know what you're doing and be a little lucky. Hopefully, the information here has given you all you need to get started.
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scariercnidaria · 2 years
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mizworldofrandom · 4 years
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rastronomicals · 7 months
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10:26 PM EDT October 7, 2023:
PJ Harvey - "50 Foot Queenie" From the album Rid of Me (May 4, 1993)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
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flamejob · 3 years
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pj harvey - 50 foot queenie
basement - comfort
mgmt - all we ever wanted was everything
pencey prep - 10 rings
the meices - ready steady go
deftones - be quiet and drive
send me a ⭐ to receive a mini moodboard + playlist
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doberbutts · 4 years
quichehound replied to your post “It’s not that I don’t want there to be improvements or that I dislike...”
are there any guesses for why? or is it not as big of a concern because down a kidney is not as lethal as the heart problems?
I don’t know if there’s any guesses to why people are starting to find this outside of that it’s possibly been in the breed for ages and only with modern medicine are we figuring this out. That wouldn’t be too far-fetched a guess as that’s literally how we got into this situation with the hearts- dobes have dropped dead since the start of the breed. It was assumed it was something different- heat, poor feed, etc- and allowed to continue, dogs that dropped dead were not singled out and removed from lineages, and now we have a 50% statistic. Kidney failure and kidney disease is not new to the breed either and having some dogs be missing an entire kidney would certainly point to higher instances in kidney issues as the line progresses. I only found this out when Creed had his monster UTI- his breeder had reached out to a few people behind dogs in his pedigree and we found out that his maternal grandfather was born with a single kidney and no one knew until after he died and was cut open. Thankfully Creed’s issue was not his kidneys and we did an ultrasound to ensure that he did actually have two healthy kidneys in there (he does) but this wasn’t the first I’ve heard of a missing organ in the breed and hasn’t been the last either.
But as to your second question- no, being missing certain organs, especially doubled organs, is not necessarily lethal. Being born without a kidney is also not too uncommon in humans- in fact, a former roommate of mine was born with a single healthy kidney and a smaller, shriveled kidney that began to rot inside her body and needed to be removed when she was a toddler. Outside of needing to pay extra attention to any UTI that she may develop in the future, she lived a normal life and you’d never know if you didn’t see her scar and ask her about it. I also had a kidney issue as a child and nearly needed a transplant, so even though I have two functional kidneys I have to follow the same protocol she does if I ever do get a UTI. You can also have a single kidney removed and return to life as normal once you heal from your surgery, even if that kidney was healthy upon removal (this is common for transplant donors!) provided that, once again, you report any potential urinary issues immediately as that can get very bad very fast.
However as said I do wonder how the stress on the body and the aging process changes when an organ that should be there is... not. Queenie, my last GSD, had her spleen removed after it was crushed and outside of being at higher risk for pancreatitus she would have lived without just fine if she’d recovered well from the surgery (she did not, but there were other complications which killed her, not her missing spleen). A friend in elementary/middle school had about a foot of his intestines removed and, again, outside of needing to take a little extra care in his diet, lived a completely normal life and needed no special considerations. A body without certain pieces can survive for quite some time and be almost indistinguishable from one born “normal”- BUT it does up the chances of something happening being much more dangerous than if the body was “complete”. And without that organ performing its job inside the body, it changes how the rest of your organs work too.
If Creed was discovered to have only had one kidney like his grandfather, that UTI could have been deadly instead of just very annoying and expensive. If my former roommate were to have kidney disease, she would need to be selected for transplant much faster than someone with two. If my friend ate certain foods, he’d definitely be in digestive distress. If Queenie ate certain foods, she would have needed hospitalization and could have died.
And knowing these things makes me wonder how many times dogs are born without an organ and have weird symptoms no one can figure out but aren’t quite “life threatening” status. Dogs that seem to need special diets even though everything else about them seems fine. Dogs that tend to get sick sooner, faster, deadlier. There’s a reason all of the pieces of our bodies are in there and arranged in the way they are, changing even a single piece affects all the others, and how many time is a “huh, weird but okay” issue eventually linked to something that seems way more important than a shrug and a different brand of treats? We don’t see everything that goes on inside of our dogs’ bodies and that’s honestly kind of scary to think about.
Or maybe I’m making a mountain out of a molehill. This is the part of animal biotech and anatomy I always liked when I took those classes, how changing even a single piece can have consequences you’d never even think of. How things can hide until they get so exaggerated that you HAVE to pay attention now. 
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Audio and Playlist for November 2, 2019: Height
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It’s songs about LITERAL HEIGHT, being up high or down low or being tall or short! link to downloadable audio
Bay City Rollers - Saturday Night (Uneasy Listening theme song) Cheap Trick - On Top of the World
DJ speaks over Trees - Parable of the Mustard Seed Part 2 (Above the Earth)
Eddie Cochran - 20 Flight Rock Liz Phair - 6'1" XTC - Ten Feet Tall Cardboard Zeppelin - Ten Story Building Minor Threat - Small Man, Big Mouth
DJ speaks over The Clean - At the Bottom
Deathside - The Lowest Culture Shock - Sky Hight Television Personalities - 14th Floor Fess Parker - Abraham Lincoln (The Tall American) Husker Du - Eight Miles High
The Poppy Family - Living too Close to the Ground Wire - Advantage in Height Pixies - The Navajo Know The Louvin Brothers - The Great Atomic Power T. Rex - One Inch Rock
The Moving Sidewalks - The 99th Floor Minority - High Flyer Nick Lowe - 36 Inches High Letter People - Mr. T Chameleons - As High as You Can Go Christine Lavin - Doris and Edwin (the Movie) Butthole Surfers - I Saw an X-Ray of a Girl Passing Gas
PJ Harvey - 50 Foot Queenie Chelsea - High Rise Livin' The Pretty Things - She Was Tall, She Was High Iggy Pop - Five Foot One Redd Kross - Look Up at the Bottom The Sugar Canyon - On Top of the World
Brian Eno - Taking Tiger Mountain The Feelies - The High Road Gene Austin - Five Foot Blue, Eyes of Blue Crippled Youth - Walk Tall, Walk Straight
Iron Maiden - Flight of Icarus
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elfenbensord · 6 years
Stopping Time With Champagne
Imagine 2: Stopping Time With Champagne
Summary: Reader goes to dinner with friends, and quickly learns how to stop time.
Pairing: Gender Neutral!Reader x Newt Scamander
Warnings: Newt? Scamander? (What more needs to be said??) and only 50 % edited.
Word count: 1548
Credits to me, J K Rowling and Eddie Redmayne.
[Written: 21-22 Oct, Edited: 22 Oct, Published: 22 Oct / 28 May, 18]
Update: Oh lord, now we’re approaching the old ones... geeezeee what is this
Masterlist / Requests
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The quiet chatter of the surrounding couples drowned out all silences, making every moment cling with sound. In the ceiling hung glittering chandeliers, casting a glistening light through the thin champagne glasses. My lipstick left a red print on the crystal surface of the glass in my hand, and I smiled as I felt how the bubbly alcohol entered my body. My good friends, the Goldstein sisters, Jacob the Muggle and Newt, were seated around the table, all merrily talking. I straightened out my dress, a cream-coloured thing covered with white sequences, and tried to engage in their conversation. It was about something that had happened at MACUSA, and I couldn’t care less about it. I turned my attention to the boy sitting on the other side of the table from me. He didn’t seem very interested in their discussion, and he did as I; zoned in and out, focused on the lights of the chandeliers, watched how the waiters walked with broad steps as they served the top of society. Newt remained mostly quiet, as always, and his glance was all over the place.
It’d been Queenie’s idea to drag us all out of the flat, or the magic case, for Newt and I’s part. She’d made a ridiculously expensive booking at an upper-class restaurant, and then forced us all into ridiculously fancy suits and dresses. I didn’t mind too much, the heavy work at the Ministry leaving me exhausted every evening of the week. It was nice with a change, a distraction, for once. It was nice to not dine by my own, but the dress felt itchy and uncomfortable, and the others didn’t seem to have any intentions of leaving any time soon.
I carefully stood up, my chair making a dulled sound against the carpeted floor as I pushed it out from the table. “I’m sorry”, I murmured, leaving my napkin by my empty plate. “I just need some air.”
The only one who’d heard me was Newt, who gave me a look and nodded. I flashed him a quick smile, before turning around to make my way out of the crowded room.
The chilly air hit me like the brick wall to Platform 9 and ¾, and I quickly wrapped my arms around my bare shoulders to create some warmth. “Damn it… Should’ve brought my coat”, I muttered and leaned onto one of the brick walls of the restaurant’s exteriors. I tried to ignore how the brick’s uneven surface dug into my skin by letting my thoughts wander, as I looked up at the star-covered sky. I thought about Newt: About Newt’s freckled face. About Newt’s uneven way of walking beside me, as we strolled down the streets. About Newt sometimes catching my glance, even though he rarely made eye-contact with anyone. I realised how I wasn’t freezing anymore; the thought of the Hufflepuff starting a small fire inside of me, warming me.
“How beautiful your smile is”, a voice, his voice, quietly said.
I quickly turned around to see Newt, his black bow tie slightly loosened up. “Oh”, my breath formed a white trail of smoke, “Hi, Newt.”
We become silent, the two of us distracting ourselves with the stars above our heads. Catching a few glances when the silence started to get too much, I could feel the blush rising to my cheeks. If the thought of Newt started a fire in me, then the real Newt started exploding fireworks.
“Are you…”, Newt began, watching his feet as he changed his weight from one foot to another. “Are you alright?”
“Of course”, I blew out another smoke-trail, “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I don’t know.” Newt looked at me, his eyes gleaming even without the lights of the chandeliers. “Sometimes people aren’t okay, how lovely their mind may be.”
His words could’ve left a sense of something poetic in me, but I was distracted by the flashing, red signs saying “OH MY GOD IS HE FLIRTING WITH ME?”. (“Lovely mind” isn’t really what I’d describe that as, but I was okay with whatever.)
“Are you freezing? Should we go inside again?” Newt looked at, concern filling his eyes.
“No, it’s fine. I’d rather stay here with you.” I smiled shyly, peeking up at him. My cheeks were red, and I was grateful for the shadows around us. “Our friends can get a little too much sometimes, if you get what I mean.”
He nodded, laughing a little as he turned to me. “Yeah, yeah. I get you.”
“You always do, Newt. You understand me like nobody else does”, I ended in a whisper, not daring to meet his eyes. I’d just exposed a part of me to him, and I was terrified of how he’d react. Breathing carefully, I looked up at the stars again. They knew their place in the sky, and I found myself feeling jealous for their certainness. They knew where they were supposed to be, and I didn’t. To be jealous of celestial beings was something I wasn’t expecting when I woke up that morning.
“You understand me, too, even though I’m the most impossible being to be around.” He stopped to laugh a little. When he met my eyes, I could feel how chills ran down my spine. “You’re amazing, you do know that, don’t you?”
I couldn’t answer him, too much in awe to make my mouth move. My face felt warm, and I couldn’t remember how I was freezing before. It was practically boiling, or was that just me? “Stop it”, I laughed softly, “You’re making me blush.”
“Then I’ve accomplished my mission”, Newt stated simply and smiled a bright smile. He put his hands in his pockets, weighing from foot to foot. After a long silence, he said: “I don’t suppose you’d mind if I kissed you?”
This made my heart race, and I wondered if I was dreaming. Coming to the conclusion that this probably was a dream, the best dream I’d ever have in the entirety of my life, I blinked a few times and breathed deep. “I wouldn’t mind much at all, actually.”
“Great, that makes the next bit a whole lot easier.”
Newt gently took a hold of my waist, and carefully leaned me towards the brick wall I’d become so familiar with this night. I looked at him with big eyes, and wondered how my red lipstick would look when smeared all over Newt’s lips. He slowly leaned in, still gazing into my eyes. I wondered if I should consciously close my eyes, or if that would just come naturally when the kiss happened. There were so many things I’d never learned that you were just supposed to know. What do you do with your hands? And when do you stop?
This is taking an awful time, someone voiced in the back of my head. Newt had stopped, his face close enough for my knees to feel weak. The world seemed to stop, and there was only Newt and I, and the stars above us.
“Oh, bloody hell”, I breathed, before leaning forward and connecting our lips. Electricity sparked through me as I could feel how Newt gently tugged at my hair. I responded by pulling him closer by the collar of his navy trench coat. All I’d wanted for months was Newt – and here he was, and he was my everything.
And just like that, time started to tick again. I could almost hear the clock’s tick-tock, tick-tock. Newt grinned at me, his cheeks tinted with a heavy red. I felt more confident than I had in weeks, and the smile wouldn’t leave my lips.
“Are you ready to go back now?” He licked his lips, and leaned away from me. My shoulders started to go cold again, and I clasped my arms around myself to stop the chilly night-air from eating into my skin. Newt saw me, and quickly shrugged off his coat. He cocked his eyebrows and offered it to me, his eyes wide as ever. The warmth of Newt’s body hadn’t left the interior of the jacket, and my skin was soon bubbling again.
Breathing in through my nose, I whispered “Yeah, ok. Let’s go back”, and nodded, still a small smile playing on my lips.
Newt opened the glass door and waited for me to enter. He smiled at me, his eyes twinkling in the lights. I could see how Queenie, Tina and Jacob waved at us to come there from their table. They didn’t know how Newt and I had stopped time. They didn’t know that the red on our cheeks weren’t only because of the cold. They didn’t know how the stars had opened up in a smile above us, as Newt ran his fingers through my hair.
I smiled at the thought of all I knew that they didn’t know, and slowly turned to Newt, after waving meekly at Tina. “Kiss me.”
“Here? In front of everybody?” He smirked, looking at me with lustful eyes.
“Just kiss me.” I pulled him closer as I connected our lips, very well aware of how the whole restaurant, including our friends, could see us through the windows and glass doors. We stopped time twice in an evening, and that was only the beginning.
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aquadonia · 7 years
PJ Harvey’s “50ft Queenie” imagined as Pizzazz of The Misfits (Jem and the Holograms cartoon) ~~~ Another forgotten YouTube playlist save. I grew up watching the Jem and the Holograms cartoon (and was excited about the live-action movie until I learned they just used names and little more, the whole original story completely lost) and am also a PJ fan, so this was fun to see! It fits the character of Pizzazz well in many ways. It just makes me wish a proper, true-to-story live-action had been done as it would have been so much fun seeing this cartoon come to life. Oh well... [26th April 2017] ~~~ Lyrics: Hey I'm one big queen No one can stop me Red light red green Sat back, I'm watching I'm number one Second to no one No sweat I'm clean Nothing can touch me I'll tell you my name F U C K 50ft queenie Force ten hurricane Biggest woman I could have ten sons Ten gods Ten queens Ten foot and rising Hey I'm the king of the world You ought to hear my song You come on measure me I'm twenty inches long Glory glory Lay it all on me 50ft queenie 50 and rising You bend over Cassanova No sweat I'm clean Nothing can touch me Hey I'm the king of the world You ought to hear my song You come on measure me I'm twenty inches long Hey I'm king of the world You ought to hear my song You come on measure me I'm thirty inches long Hey I'm king of the world You ought to hear my song You come on measure me I'm forty inches long Hey I'm king of the world You ought to hear my song You come on measure me I'm fifty inches long 50ft queenie 50ft queenie
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