corvianbard · 7 months
Sharp sword of iron, Pierce the fairy's heart That burns terribly blue With order to impart.
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every-tome · 1 year
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sewingforyourlife · 4 months
Knitting Adventures: Gloves and Mittens
Hello everyone! I hope you all have or had some nice, cozy holidays. It is terrifying that the year is nearly over already. But well, times flies by as always. A few days ago i finished my christmas present (yes, this year it is only one) and now i have some time left to sew a bag for it instead of wrapping paper.But first i promised to write about the mittens i knitted from the lilac yarn, from…
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tippysattic · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Mickey Unlimited Novelty Mens Racing Mickey Mouse Necktie, Tie.
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dykebarbie · 2 years
im going to stab someone. the laptop i got for school DOESNT HAVE A SINGLE CASE SELLING ANYWHERE
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pesterloglog · 4 months
Calliope, Roxy Lalonde, Rose Lalonde
Act 6, page 5613-5625
UU: hello!
TG: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TG: ...
TG: calliope?
TG: that u
UU: yes, it is i!
TG: holy shit
TG: the most pious and reverential of shits
TG: turd in a church callie
TG: you startled me!
UU: sorry! :u
TG: but yeah so
TG: hey!!!
TG: nice 2 finally meet you
TG: wow wee ur pretty
TG: so when you said you werent good looking it turns out that was a bunch of baloney?
UU: no, roxy. i am afraid it was not a helping of yoUr delicioUs earth baloney.
TG: aw dont say that
TG: also you said you were a cherub
TG: but if i am not mistaken you appear to be a troll
TG: unless cherubs actually look like trolls?
UU: alas, we do not.
UU: this is not my trUe appearance. i have taken the form of my trollsona.
UU: i wanted to look more presentable for oUr meetUp. UnfortUnately my trUe visage woUld likely repUlse or frighten yoU.
UU: that is not the first impression i woUld like to make.
TG: girl please
TG: trust me theres nothing you could look like that would make me scared of you or grossed out
TG: i am your friend and i know youre nice inside no matter what, so
TG: could i see the real u?
UU: that is so kind of yoU to say. i can believe that a lovely person like yoU woUld be able to stop herself from recoiling at the sight of my monstroUs face.
UU: bUt it is oUt of the qUestion. i am mUch more comfortable appearing to yoU this way.
UU: really it has more to do with my own dissatisfaction with the way i look than any lack of trUst in yoUr character.
UU: yoU Understand, don't yoU?
TG: yes
TG: its ok callie you can go on keep being a cute troll
TG: im just happy to see you
UU: likewise!
UU: i wish it coUld be Under better circUmstances thoUgh.
UU: we may not have mUch time here.
TG: wheres here exactly
TG: am i still dreamin?
UU: yes. i have led yoU to a dream bUbble of my own design.
UU: my imagination and thoUghts dictate what yoU see here.
UU: as i told yoU earlier, my brother is hUnting for me. so i have created a little sanctUary in space to stay hidden from him.
UU: that is why i coUld not speak to yoU earlier. not oUt loUd at least. he is highly sensitive to my presence, so it is very easy for me to get his attention if i'm not carefUl.
UU: bUt as long as we stand in the centre of this vortex, we may speak as loUdly as we like! no information can escape this dark pocket, so long as i maintain it.
UU: and seeing as yoU are a hero of void, yoU make an ideal gUest to bring home for one who wishes to remain hidden. thoUgh i will say the fact that yoU are my best friend is a lovely bonUs. ^u^
TG: best bonus!!!
TG: 4 real though its so nice to finally see you no matter what you make urself look like
TG: ive wanted to tell you all about whats been going on with me and my friends since we got together
TG: its been so fun hangin with them even in spite of lets be frank, some truly SELECT teen drama
TG: mmmm see how im kissin my two pinched fingers here? mwah it was like that
TG: the embarrassing teenanigans have been SUMPTUOUS and come highly recommended
TG: no but really its been great, and after some time irl with them it started feelin weird to think we were ever even apart
TG: yet sadly it was not complete because the moment i met them all was also the moment i totally lost touch with my other cool bffsy from THE WEBS
TG: i tried calling and calling your name but you never answered
UU: i know.
UU: i am sorry. u_u
TG: dont be sorry i knew youda answered if you could have
TG: i guess maybe you hid yourself so deep in this dream i couldnt wake ya?
TG: damn this must have sucked spending all this time here hiding from your asshole brother
TG: like i know hes a dick i talked to him enough times to get that but
TG: whys he tryin to kill u so bad?
UU: he is not trying to kill me.
UU: he has already sUcceeded at that.
UU: on the day he foUnd a way to kill my dream self, i was done for. thoUgh to be honest, i doUbt i'd have fared mUch better regardless.
UU: i think his half was always meant to predominate.
UU: my will was simply not strong enoUgh to overcome his. yoU know as well as i how stUbborn he is. i don't think he has ever had even a smidgen of doUbt in his thoUghts, or remorse for his deeds. whereas i was always plagUed by sUch feelings.
UU: on some level i always knew he woUld win. bUt i fooled myself. i thoUght i coUld overcome his ego by looking beyond his negative qUalities, staying optimistic, and working together with him in a game to accomplish something extraordinary.
UU: and that in doing so, perhaps i coUld begin to help him change. to teach him to evolve beyond his hatefUl natUre. and as he changed for the better, slowly but sUrely, he woUld become more like myself.
UU: that was how i thoUght i coUld predominate. it was how i was going to win! and really, if he grew closer to me in that way, by learning kindness and compassion, we both woUld have won. my predomination woUld not have meant his absolUte death, but oUr trUe Union.
UU: bUt sadly, i Underestimated how consUmed he was with the need to destroy me.
UU: now he is completely obsessed with finding my soUl and wiping me oUt for good, even if it means tearing apart the reality that sUrroUnds Us.
UU: he will never feel he has won Until all traces of me are gone.
TG: uuuugh
TG: hearing all that just makes me so unreasonably mad
TG: FUCK that shitlord
TG: i feel so bad knowing you died and there wasnt anything i could do
TG: no matter how much i said your name :(
UU: don't fret. yoU did all yoU coUld.
TG: isnt there some way we could bring you back
TG: some baller fuckin magic, or a bomb ass faeryspell
TG: i mean could we find an answer in like, for instance
UU: very Unlikely.
TG: dangit
TG: ok then
TG: if i cant do that
TG: then i guess the next best thing would be
TG: to find your lil shit of a bro and feed him a steady diet of his own ass
UU: ^u^
TG: that is what we are supposed to do right
TG: i mean
TG: from what i gather
TG: the dude is ridicubad news
TG: just such brutal and stinky news
TG: so eventually somebodys got to kill him
TG: and that is probly us aint it?
UU: it's trUe that he deserves a comeUppance like few others.
UU: bUt slaying him is not actUally yoUr responsibility as heroes now.
UU: in fact, if anyone mUst bear that bUrden, it might be me.
TG: oh yeh?
UU: possibly.
UU: as we speak, there are hUndreds of soUls oUt here in the fUrthest ring working to defeat him.
UU: some search for a fabled treasUre. a weapon said to spell his certain demise.
UU: while others say that i myself am this weapon. :U
UU: and so they search for me.
UU: they band together in great nUmbers for this caUse, and attract his devastation in hopes of revealing the path to the weapon.
UU: while at the same time, they draw his attention away from me. and it is a good thing that they do.
UU: i mUst remain hidden from everyone for as long as i can.
TG: why?
TG: why not come out and be all like
TG: here i am yo its me! secret weapon ghost callie ;)
UU: becaUse i am no sUch thing!
UU: i was already Useless against my brother when he was jUst a brat who liked to tease me.
UU: now that he is an exceptionally mUscUlar and invincible adUlt, my chances are laUghable.
UU: no, if i am to contribUte, i need more time.
UU: i mUst go in search of my own weapon.
TG: what weapon?
UU: ironically, the same weapon which many of them are looking for.
UU: me!
TG: ??
UU: it's the only sliver of hope i have.
UU: i have reason to sUspect there may be another iteration of myself oUt here.
UU: one from a doomed timeline, who has kept hidden for a long time, jUst like i have.
UU: bUt Unlike me, she sUpposedly came from a reality where she predominated instead of my brother.
UU: and not by the means which i described. hers was not a mild Union of reconciliation.
UU: amazingly, her predomination was absolUte! a major feat of will, jUst as his was with me.
UU: as sUch, she went on to play the game, and...
UU: well, i cannot even imagine what followed, aside from the fact that she eventUally mUst have died for existing in an offshoot reality.
UU: if she exists, i woUld be eager to meet her. it woUld be a chance to get to know a version of myself who was strong enoUgh to override the will of my brother.
UU: someone i might have become if i had a little more coUrage. u_u
UU: and if she is sUch a person, then i really believe all i have heard mUst be trUe. i believe she is the key to defeating him.
UU: so i have no choice.
UU: i mUst go in search of myself.
TG: you sound like a real popular lady out here
TG: even you are looking for you!
UU: indeed.
TG: well i hope you can find her
TG: but
TG: if thats your job
TG: to find bizarro calliope and go wollop ur bro
TG: then what is our heroic biz?
UU: it's the same as it always was.
UU: to win the game.
TG: oh yeah
TG: duh
UU: it is as i once told jane.
UU: with victory yoU may finally exit this vast whirling storm.
UU: by claiming yoUr reward yoU woUld bring closUre to a very wide coil of caUsality, one not tracing a continUoUs path like a snake, bUt intricately woven like a wreath.
UU: a ring of coUntless little rises and falls, ascents and descents, on its way Up and down a pair of mUch bigger ones itself.
UU: from alpha to beta, then beta to alpha, as if a moUntain to be scaled and then climbed back down. its peak toUches the eye of a storm which cannot end Until the moment yoU all walk throUgh that door.
UU: only then will there be calm.
TG: ._.
UU: ah, bUgger. forgive me, sometimes i forget myself and begin speaking in riddles.
UU: it's jUst a habit that is in the natUre of my people.
TG: yeah i know
TG: at least yours r better than your bros stupid games
UU: don't remind me. in my opinion they do not qUalify as anything of the sort, mUch the same as his "shitty twists". >:u
TG: so then from what im surmising here is we dont need to beat him to win our game
TG: like dealing with him directly is kinda out of our domain?
UU: as the one who provoked the breach in paradox space which i jUst coloUrfUlly described, he has always exerted his inflUence on yoUr realities from afar, and from many different angles. throUgh Unwitting sUrrogates, oUtsoUrced manipUlation, oUtright enslavement, and even petty harassment. bUt most of all, he prevails throUgh the simple inertia of inevitability that has always been on his side, as a lord of time.
UU: and as the one who is to blame for foolishly allowing him access to sUch power, it's only proper that i take responsibility for finding a way to defeat him.
UU: bUt even thoUgh his methods of inflUencing yoUr session are indirect, they are still formidable.
UU: there will be a nUmber of powerfUl foes who stand between yoU and victory.
UU: tomorrow, a terrific battle will take place.
UU: when yoU wake Up, i sUggest yoU begin to prepare.
TG: ummmm ok
TG: how
TG: like make more sick gear
TG: i could hustle up another batch of illwicked guns
TG: just a big ol pile of guns
TG: jake can have the wimpy smaller ones
TG: make jane like a fancy new fork or spoon or such
TG: like an elite endgame spoon
TG: whatever that is
TG: like uh
TG: the chowderfucker 5000
TG: janey be flippin her godspoon round bopping monsters doing like
TG: CUCKOO damage
TG: wont bother make nothin 4 dirk since hes basically married to his boring anime sword
TG: like u could even pry that thing from his rad dead cadaver
UU: yes, i'm sUre new eqUipment woUld come in handy.
UU: now that yoU mention it, well before i died or even realized i woUld not live to play, i made special exception to my rUle of staying linear with conversation. i messaged jane a birthday gift.
UU: yoU see, i had a brief vision from skaia which sUggested to me she coUld Use a boost in morale on this special day, so i offered her something very dear to me. jUst a little token to show appreciation for her friendship.
UU: i hope it will cheer her Up, and moreover that it will prove at least somewhat UsefUl to yoUr party.
UU: bUt really, at this stage if yoU wish to prevail against sUch stacked odds, collecting boons sUch as new weapons and treasUres will only go so far.
UU: i think yoU will need to embrace a far more sUbstantive gambit.
TG: like what
TG: omg are we gonna have to enlist fefeta
TG: is fefeta the secret weapon
TG: its fefeta isnt it
TG: poor, sweet, dear, precious fefeta :(
UU: it is not fefeta!!!
UU: i am sUggesting a measUre that is mUch more extreme.
UU: i believe yoU shoUld all strongly consider ascending to the god tiers.
TG: oh
TG: ok that sounds cool what do we do
UU: well of coUrse it soUnds cool! bUt it's not necessarily as easy as it soUnds, steeling oneself for death. believe me.
UU: bUt if yoU can find the resolve, then here is what yoU mUst do.
UU: since none of yoU have any dream selves left, it won't do any good to sacrifice yoUrselves on the qUest beds foUnd on yoUr respective planets.
UU: and even if yoU did, there is not even a battlefield from which to rise anew. no, yoUr void session had only one path to ascension all along.
UU: yoU mUst travel to the centre of the moons of prospit and derse, and there in the crypt yoU will find yoUr sacrificial slabs. yoU mUst lie on them, and then...
UU: then yoU all mUst die. one way or another. u_u
TG: alright
UU: alright?
TG: yea
TG: fuck it
TG: lets do it
UU: doesn't the thoUght make yoU nervoUs?
TG: well
TG: gettin offed on a moon slab aint my idea of primo funtimes or anything
TG: but like
TG: you end up with super powers after that right?
UU: yes.
TG: and some kinda semi immortality?
UU: yes. :u
TG: and cool costumes???
UU: yes! :U
TG: then what is even the fuckin holdup
TG: lets plop our asses slabward and get down to dying
UU: yoU seem qUite cavalier aboUt this, roxy!
UU: don't yoU have doUbts?
UU: woUldn't it cross yoUr mind to wonder, "what if i never wake Up again?"
UU: i know it woUld for me.
TG: i guess thats a fair point
TG: but
TG: you say ill be fine right?
UU: yes. i believe yoU will.
TG: then thats good nuff 4 me
TG: i trust you
UU: ...
UU: ^u^
TG: but it sounds like we dont have much to pull this off
TG: because foes are a comin?
TG: who are all these foes you say we gotta beat
UU: those who i mentioned my brother has been exploiting as his pawns from afar.
UU: the most obvioUs woUld be the one responsible for the extinction of yoUr race.
UU: and who also happened to be responsible for this most fortUitoUs nap.
TG: huh?
TG: wait
TG: how DID i fall asleep?
UU: yoU don't remember yet?
TG: i remember
TG: a party
TG: and
TG: a sad jane
TG: a poor sad jane with shitty fella problems
TG: and a ruined cake! it was going 2 be so delish, but no
TG: it was claimed by the cruel and unforgiving sands of lopan
UU: ...
TG: i remember
TG: gcat
TG: GCAT!!!!!
TG: god DAMMIT gcat!
TG: he poofed me away with cat magic and i got ko'd by a floor
UU: bUt which floor?
TG: it was
TG: a derse floor?
TG: aw man
TG: was i captured?
TG: the batterwitch has me doesnt she
TG: THATS who you meant
TG: what is she gonna do with me?
UU: as i said, she is his servant, and is obligated to do everything in her power to facilitate the cycle of his existence.
UU: and while nearly all she has done on earth and on derse has been to advance that scheme, that does not mean she's withoUt her own agenda.
UU: i know that she woUld like to see my brother defeated as mUch as anyone else. for her enslavement, for doUble-crossing her, and for orchestrating her people's extinction.
UU: he always did loathe trolls. i've sUspected i may be to blame for their misfortUne as well, considering he knew how mUch i fancied them. u_u
TG: ok so if she wants him dead too and has her own personal secret plans or whatever then whats she want with me
UU: i believe she's looking ahead, beyond the fUlfillment of her obligation. she is likely making plans for after she is liberated. she has lived as a rUler and conqUerer for very long time, and probably coUldn't have done so withoUt sUch gUile and foresight.
UU: if she has captUred yoU, it's certainly for a good reason.
UU: i think she wishes to exploit yoUr abilities as a rogUe of void.
TG: pfahahaha
TG: WHAT abilities
TG: i dont have any abilities
TG: except making screens dark which as superpowers go is lame as hell
UU: none that yoU have gotten in toUch with yet.
UU: bUt rest assUred, yoU have them!
UU: it's like i told yoU before, remember?
UU: a fUlly realized rogUe of void can do remarkable things. things which even other god tiers woUld view as miracUloUs.
TG: like what?
UU: why don't yoU see what it is the qUeen woUld have yoU do?
UU: then yoU may look inside and determine whether yoU have it in yoU to do it.
TG: man
TG: whatever she wants
TG: even if it IS an enemy of my enemy kind of thing
TG: i dont think i could ever bring myself to help her :(
UU: that is Understandable.
UU: jUst do whatever yoU feel is right. i'm sUre yoU will make the correct decision.
UU: yoU see, i trUst yoU too, roxy. ^u^
TG: daw thanx callie
UU: oh no...
TG: what?
UU: OH NO!!!
ROSE: Mom? ROXY: mom?
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sagarsahu · 8 months
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New Holland 5620 Tx Plus Tractor in India
New Holland 5620 Tx Plus is a powerful tractor model that can easily help you in all farming operations. If you want to buy this New Holland 5620 Tx Plus tractor at an affordable price then visit the Tractor Junction app or website.
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movefiwite · 2 years
350 est en conformité avec les exigences essentiellesRecherche de notice QILIVE, mode d'emploi et manuel d'utilisation QILIVE. Demander support et assistance aux autres utilisateurs QILIVE.
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bharatlivenewsmedia · 2 years
LIC raises Rs 5,620 cr from anchor investors ahead of IPO
LIC raises Rs 5,620 cr from anchor investors ahead of IPO
LIC raises Rs 5,620 cr from anchor investors ahead of IPO The anchor investor portion of LIC’s initial public offering has been subscribed fully, garnering around Rs 5,620 crore, according to an official.The issue opened for anchor investor subscription on Monday and saw ‘excellent’ response, the official said, adding that the list will be uploaded to exchanges tonight.”Anchor book is to be…
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There aren't many renovations of older homes that I like, but I do like this one. It's a 1950 mid-century modern located in Fort Smith, AR. 4bds, 3ba, $549,700. I think that it would be much more in the eastern states.
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Nice yellow front door and an open coat closet that matches. (Not to mention the fireplace.) I don't know what they have in the typically MCM planter, but they do it a disservice by not putting plants in it.
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The living room is nice. I don't even mind the yellow and gray color scheme.
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The kitchen is very nice. There's a professional stove and a very popular tile backsplash that I've seen on HGTV many times. The only thing that looks awkward is the large industrial fridge in the living room area.
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Nice little dining area in front of the kitchen.
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It's a good open concept space.
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A glass wall opens to a covered patio.
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The primary suite is large and there are doors to the patio.
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Enough room to sit by the contemporary fireplace.
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The en-suite bath is very large. I like the trough sink. A walk-in closet is right off the bath.
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This is the smallest bedroom and it's a decent size.
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The remodeled bath is larger than a usual 3 pc. bath.
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The larger bedroom is very nice.
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This room is half home theater and half game room.
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It's immediately off the living room and has a built-in bar in the corner.
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I like the bright yellow garage door.
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It's an attractive home.
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The patio can be accessed thru the kitchen or the primary bedroom. The lot is .34 acre.
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sexylonestar · 4 months
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Nylon # 5620
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kitchenisking · 6 months
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October Fic Rec
Hey Guys, RL has been kinda shit so this is really late. the novmber fic ill post later to night. happy reading😘
Here Be Dragons by Coragyps - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 5267, sterek)
Once a generation, the beast in the forest demands the sacrifice of a virgin … but not to eat.
Stiles just woke up chained to a rock.
Under The Eye Of God by SexySourAlpha - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 5620, sterek)
Stiles Stilinski is the pastors son.
Derek really wants to fuck him.
Rapture, sweet rapture (won't you put your hands on me) by queerly_it_is - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 8429, sterek)
Somewhere in the stringy mesh of his overactive brain cells, Stiles is sure there must be memories of what it was like to not have a totally possessive creeper with a leather fixation for an adopted brother.
Blushing Pretty by the_deep_magic - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3256, sterek)
Tonight’s the rare occasion when he gets to take Stiles apart, piece by piece, and Stiles – annoying, mouthy, brilliant, gorgeous Stiles – lets him.
Say Hello to the Brushfire by gorgeousnerd - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 10631, sterek)
The night before Stiles turns eighteen, Derek Hale spills coffee on him. Things get weirder (and more awesome) from there. (Alpha!Stiles AU)
Better Than Milk and Cookies by SylvieW - (Rating: T, Words: 6882, sterek)
Stiles met Derek every Christmas since he was a child. He just doesn’t remember.
if it's meant to be, it'll be by DeancebraArt, EvanesDust - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 27560, sterek)
Following a chance encounter with an irresistible and alluring omega, Derek wakes up in bed alone, with no way to contact the man he met the night before. Over the course of the next year, Derek finds himself wondering: how can he miss someone he doesn’t even know? And, more importantly, how can he find him again?
After a one-night stand with a mysterious alpha werewolf leaves Stiles pregnant, he resigns himself to raising his child as a single parent. It’s not until the man he’s been pining over for the last year shows up at his doorstep, does he realize there might actually be something more complicated than raising a child on his own: love.
to take care of you by jesuisgrace - (Rating: Mature, Words: 597, sterek)
“I know. It’s okay. That’s what you have me for. Right?”
“To feed me?”
Derek pauses to look over at Stiles, cross over to him and wrap him up in his arms again. “To take care of you,” he whispers into his ear, holding him close. Stiles melts against him. He squeezes tight and then lets go, directs Stiles to the oversized chair with a view of the kitchen.
Call me... Maybe by christinchen - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 583, sterek)
written for Kinktober 2022, prompt: Daddy
This Isn't What I Wanted (but I can't keep my filthy fucking mouth shut) byLadySlytherin - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 26682, sterek)
Alt-S3A, wherein the alpha pack strikes at Derek shortly after taking Erica and Boyd. They kidnap Stiles and bite him, but Sparks aren’t made to be wolves. When the bite doesn’t take, Stiles’ self-preservation instinct makes a choice between dying and surviving at any cost. But the price paid is a steep one, and not something Stiles ever wanted for himself.
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srbachchan · 10 months
DAT 5620
Jalsa, Mumbai               July 7/8,  2023                 Fri/Sat  4:41 AM
🪔 .. July 08 .. birthday of Ef Abhishek from Delhi (Twitter handle: @Fittey_muh) .. and our greetings and wishes .. from all of us here .. ❤️
so I need time to write .. because I was in Saptaswar till 5 am today this morning .. now work and then shall connect .. ok ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
... and have now done all other pending work .. and it is 3:50 PM .. and the music still rings in the ear .. its difficult to release it from the mind and body, such is the strength of what is created ..
much of what is played or produced comes from many aspects .. some that is professionally looked upon, some on the merit of creating , some from  a situation that has been imagined and the notes and chords begin to reflect , words of conversation .. it may fall into the category of many emotions .. but it plays ..
so when it is over , the obvious question that is asked is ‘ what were you thinking and who were you talking to’ .. 😀
and i never tell them .. !!
why ?
Because if i do then I have lost that moment to the rest of the world .. why should I loose a moment that I wish to remain by myself .. 
And many of these queries come from the ladies .. the curiosity of whom one should never question or debate  .. ! 
So ..
Silence .. 🤐
But let me tell you .. there have been times when that moment and emotion has been shared .. and  .. well .. 
some other very obvious questions follow .. which become sacrosanct  !
Love and more ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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Appalachian Flood Relief Resources
Last post update: August 5, 11:50pm
Eastern Kentucky has been affected by historic and devastating flooding this July. Somewhere between 35-40 people are dead. This post is designed to compile information for the relief efforts. It will be edited and updated as new information is made available to me, so if you see this post and want to reblog it, please click on my profile and reblog directly from my page in case I have edited or updated the post! Please message me with questions.
Monetary Donations:
Below is a compiled list of some donation funds for the 2022 Eastern KY flood relief efforts. Please look through these or look into any of these organizations to decide if you are comfortable donating.
Aspire Appalachia (website here)
Foundation for Appalachian Kentucky (website here)
EKY Flood Relief (KY state fund)
EKY Mutual Aid (Twitter here)
Appalachian Regional Healthcare flood relief fund
EKY Heritage Foundation here
Shop Local KY T shirt fundraiser here
Appalachian Apparel T shirt fundraise here and here
If you are local to the area, please consider a donation of your time. There is a lot of work that needs done and a lot of people needed to do it. You will lose access to clean water, so bring your own. You will need to find your own accommodations if you stay overnight as we are housing many displaced residents already.
Hazard, KY is looking for volunteers to help clean out debris and houses daily. Crews are leaving from the Forum 101 Bulldog Lane at 8am, 10am, and 12pm. You must be over 18. This is physically demanding work. Just show up at the Forum before noon. Bring your own water and food. Long pants and boots required. Tetanus shot recommended. (And if you know a house that needs this service, contact:  606-268-0896)
Contact info for inquiries into volunteer roles in Breathitt county: (606) 233-3502
Perry County volunteer sign up here or call volunteering coordinator at (502) 693-6667
For rescue effort volunteering in Perry County, contact 606-216-6621
Letcher County Central High in Whitesburg is requesting volunteers from 8am to 7pm - simply show up by 8:15am.
Letcher County Central High Mercy Chefs volunteering information
Letcher County cleanup volunteering: contact (606) 733-5620
Kentucky Red Cross volunteer application. Search "disaster action team" to find positions that respond to natural disasters like the flood.
World Central Kitchen Volunteering form (scroll down until you see the entries for “KY Floods”). 301 Perry Cir Rd, Hazard, KY.
Appalshop archival recovery efforts volunteering form
Materials Donations:
If you want to donate items, one of the most desperately needed items in all counties right now is clean drinking water, followed by non-perishable food, cleaning supplies, diapers, formula, and personal hygeine products. Perry county specifically is requesting NO MORE CLOTHING donations. 
Google doc listing various drop off locations
Aspire Appalachia amazon wish list here
Shop Local KY Amazon wish list here
Updated drop off locations for Breathitt County materials donations at Aspire Appalachia's facebook (currently:  First Church of God, Breathitt County Hunger Alliance Panbowl Community Center, Jackson City School, and Vancleve Fire Dept.)
Updated Perry County flood response, including materials drop off locations, here. The ONLY major location accepting drop-offs in Hazard is  the old JC Penny’s building (278 Black Gold Blvd). Perry county water drop off info: contact 513-312-8631. Perry county food drop off info: contact 606-438-9109.
Letcher County: Letcher County Central High School (435 Cougar Drive, Whitesburg)
Letcher County: CANE Kitchen (38 College Drive, Whitesburg)
Letcher County: Pine Mountain Partnership; see link for various drop off/pick up locations and times. 
Further info on drop off information for Letcher, Knott, Floyd, and Pike counties here at Appalshop
Lexington drop off locations: Shop Local KY Warehouse in (1093 West High Street, Lexington, KY); Appalachian Regional Healthcare drop-off location at  2260 Executive Dr Lexington KY.
If you are part of an organization capable of medical supplies donations, please email [email protected] with inquiries. There is an URGENT need for replacement medical supplies!
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kittycrosssing · 5 months
Ellie's Sweets Shop
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We gave Ellie the sweet treat shop of her dreams!
Tour this vacation home and more by finding me on Happy Home Network! HHN ID: RA-2840-5620-5187
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Got a sweet tooth? Stop by Ellie's vacation home and grab a treat in the sweets shop on the main floor!
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Wanna work here? Have a look behind the counter and familiarize yourself with the storeroom/kitchen!
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Upstairs, we gave Ellie her own mini apartment! Now she can live in her dream home and run her own treats shop all in one place!
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jeeppartt · 9 months
Привод передний L-R Jeep Cherokee KL 52123739AF MOPAR  Оригинал
Цена: 120,360 руб.
 Советуем сделать выгодный заказ автомобильного оборудования  на сайте магазина автозапчастей для внедорожника Jeep Cherokee  по хорошей цене.
Артикул: 5620
Категория:  Главная передача
Модель:  Jeep Cherokee KL 2014-2017
Оригинальный номер:  52123739AF
Номер производителя:  52123739AF . 52123739AD; 52123739AB; 52123739AC; 52123739AE; 52123739AA
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