#Amy Keum
moviemosaics · 5 months
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The Kill Room
directed by Nicol Paone, 2023
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filministic · 9 months
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Honor Society (2022) dir. Oran Zegman
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Angourie Rice, Armani Jackson and Amy Keum
High School Confidential
by Jay S. Jacobs
High school can be a jungle.
Students climb all over each other trying to be the best – the best student, the best athlete, the best looking, the best dressed, the most accomplished. And yet not everyone can be best, leaving a large group of outcasts, bullied and disenfranchised kids.
It’s a stressful time, and yet it’s also a fertile ground for comedy. High school films are long-time staples of cinema.
This is the premise behind Honor Society, a new comedy in which an over-achieving student named Honor (Angourie Rice of Mare of Easttown and the Spider-Man movies) tries to assure that she will get a vital recommendation for Harvard – her dream school. She finds out she is in the running with three other students, and she goes to great extents to try to sabotage their chances.
These other students are a brainy nerd named Michael (Gaten Matarazzo of Stranger Things), a big man on campus with a personal secret named Travis (Armani Jackson of Chad) and a brilliant-but-uptight loner named Kennedy (Amy Keum of Evil).
The more that Honor plots to distract them from their academic goals, the deeper she is drawn into their lives, and she learns that perhaps grades are not the most important things in life.
About a week before Honor Society has its debut on Paramount+, we hopped on Zoom calls with stars Angourie Rice, Armani Jackson and Amy Keum to find out if high school ever ends.
What was it about this script that intrigued you and wanted you made you want to be a part of it?
Angourie Rice: Many things. I really liked Honor as a character. I saw a lot of myself in her, just that ambition and that competitiveness. But I also wanted the challenge of talking to the camera. I wanted the challenge of playing a character so confident, who goes through this incredible arc of learning and growing. There are so many interesting little bits in this script that really caught my attention.
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Armani Jackson: For me, it was, I just love being a part of something that teaches people something. And then can actually start like a movement and start changing people's lives. When I read the script, I almost – even without seeing it, just reading it – gave me a new perspective on things. I knew that once the film was actually made it would be 100 degrees more impactful than that. So for me, it was just being able to tell a story that that hasn't been told that much. And, showcase that it's not always that scary to be yourself.
I thought it was very funny, that Honor thinks that she's this big puppet master. She's taking care of all these things and moving everyone in her ways. Yet, as is pointed out in the movie, she's too good hearted to really hurt the people she's going up against. Was that fun for you to play?
Angourie Rice: So much fun. Also, she's constantly surprised by people. She thinks she has everyone figured out and they keep surprising her because she hasn't made the effort to get to know people. She puts people in these stereotypical boxes, and then is confused when they don't act in the way that she expects them to. So I think she learns to really open up to other people and to be vulnerable in forming connections.
Armani Jackson: I think Honor is such a good person that she almost sometimes doesn't even realize she's helping people. So yeah, it was cool to work off of her character. It was really fun to work off of her breaking the fourth wall.
Amy Keum: Yeah.
Armani Jackson: Sometimes we’d be in the middle of a scene, and we'd have to continue with what we're doing while she was just like talking to the camera. That was new. It is still not done that much. At least for me, I haven't done a project like that.
There's a terrific cast of young actors here. What was everyone like to work with?
Angourie Rice: Fantastic. The whole cast is just great. Everyone was so committed, and so into it, and so great. Those were my favorite days when all the young people were on set. All the stuff in the theater. All the stuff in the chemistry class. All of that was just such a treat to film.
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Now, Amy, your character was very, very uptight. To put it nicely. Was that difficult to to find to do as an actress? And what ways would he even someone like you?
Amy Keum: (laughs) Yes, absolutely. I mean, I would say there are some similarities I shared with Kennedy that I definitely had to just lean into a lot more. When I was really little, I was like that at times where I'd kind of look around and be very precocious and look at other kids and be like, grow up. (laughs again.) I would like to think I've grown out of that. But in order to prepare for the character, I just really leaned into that.
Angourie Rice: One of my favorite aspects of the movie is Honor’s friendship with Kennedy that slowly develops. I loved building that with Amy. I just think it's so special, that friendship.
Amy Keum: Even in the hours leading up to filming I would have to get pretty in the zone, journal in the character of Kennedy and think like, “Okay, what would Kennedy be doing?” She'd be approaching this in a very intense way. Then of course, the challenge was once I had that hardened shell now how do I show some of the cracks in that? How do I still show the humanity of Kennedy and that she's a human? She's a soft person inside, too.
I know that you're very into literature. I thought it was interesting that it was a point made a few times in the movie that Honor considered The Handmaid's Tale as her defining book. That's a book that's been very much in the news right now. Was that something that you had in the involved with? Were you familiar with the book?
Angourie Rice: I hadn't read the book before I got the script. I read it after I got the job. I loved it. There are so many interesting things in there that are very applicable and really resonate with everything going on now. Also, there are many, many quotes in there that connected me more to Honor as a character. There are lots of things about hiding yourself and protecting yourself from harm in a way, putting on a show becoming someone else to appease certain people. I think that's very relevant to Honor as well.
How far do you think you would go to get the dream recommendation to the school that you want most?
Armani Jackson: Not that far.
Amy Keum: (laughs) Yeah.
Armani Jackson: I get it. I think high school sometimes it feels like that's really what you’re there for. It's just like a gateway to your next step. Sometimes people forget to just have fun, live in the moment.
Amy Keum: Absolutely. I think in some ways I was like Honor. Not in the cutting other people down way but just in trying to be like this perfect student and do all the right things. Even looking back now I'm like: You know what? I could have enjoyed high school a little bit more.
Armani Jackson: It always happens, it could have been better.
Is bread love?
Angourie Rice: (laughs) You’re the second person who has asked me that. You know what? I think yes. I love bread. (laughs again.)
Do you have any special favorite high school films that may have inspired you when you were making this film?
Armani Jackson: For me, it was probably Booksmart, honestly. It had a lot of similar vibes. Especially from the way it was shot. It's always fun to have a little bit of inspiration in mind whether it's the acting, or whether it's the realism, or just the style. It's fun to be passionate about a different movie or project you saw when you're working on a new one.
Amy Keum: Absolutely. As inspired by our hair master Jessica [Rain], she told me that I should rewatch The Breakfast Club. So definitely Ally [Sheedy] was one of my inspirations of just another really stark interesting character that really marches to the beat of her own drum. Then, additionally for on my own personal research, I watched a lot of Bloody Mary history videos just get a little extra research in.
Angourie Rice: Clueless is one of my favorite movies of all time. I think the journey that Cher goes on is similar to Honor’s journey. Cher learns a lot more. Honor’s a lot more clued in than Cher is. (laughs) But I think that character arc is very similar. And Election. Tracy Flick is a is a great parallel for Honor. That was a movie that I rewatched to prepare.
Copyright ©2022 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: July 28, 2022.
Photos © 2022. Courtesy of Paramount+. All rights reserved.
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thesquirrelqueer · 9 months
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ivy pls marry me
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watchit-kal · 1 year
Honor Society-
Honor Society was a refreshing take on romantic comedies. Successfully recreating the societal significance of early 2000s Disney movies. The casting was perfect with amazing performances by Amy Keum, Angourie Rice, and Gaten Matarazzo (sadly). A great parable for believing nothing that you hear and half of what you see. Among other very important lessons, my personal favorite was, the foundation of friendship. Unlike its predecessors, such as, Candy Jar, they decided to focus on building community instead of the classic “girl gets boy.” Although, I will say I was NOT expecting my sweet boy to do all that. I also adored the way they broke down the plot twist. I found it not only inventive but playful. It allowed the same lightheartedness they gifted Angourie’s character as she used manipulation tactics to achieve her ultimate goal. Even still, I actually had to pause it, take a step back, and then accept he just played the most devious, manipulative boy I had ever seen. (Possible spoiler, but I watched this months ago, so if you haven’t by now, that is on you). I was actually rooting for the love storyline and my meddling future Harvard girl boss, who meddled for good not evil. Without her meddling we would have never gotten that masterful Victorian musical. This movie definitely has something for everyone and is an easy watch. A breath of fresh air while also offering a bit of drama, character development, good mother/daughter depiction, accepting father, strong female lead, singing, a bit of dancing, seemingly pure intentioned organic relationships, academic rivals to friends/lovers, and diet gossip girl vibes. Overall 11/10 future classic.
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beautifulfaaces · 1 year
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Amy Keum
American actress
Kennedy [Honor Society: 2022]
Maya [Key Change: 2021]
black hair
brown eyes
playable: young adult
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milliondollarbaby87 · 2 years
Honor Society (2022) Review
Honor Society (2022) Review
Honor Rose has been focused on getting into Harvard for the whole time she has been attending High School. As it gets to the point where only four students are left as a possibility she is about to do what it takes to take down the competition, but can she see it through? ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (more…)
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clhook · 12 days
hyper complexée en ce moment de mes capacités sociales parce que j'ai zéro amis là où je vis mon cercle social c'est mes collègues et les amis de mon keum, des fois je m'en fous un peu mais en ce moment c'est difficile à vivre... on est allés au resto hier soir il y avait un groupe de 7 filles et franchement ça m'a brisé le cœur de les voir trop s'amuser alors que moi j'ai pas de copines. Le pire c'est que mon keum est lui hyper sociable tout le monde l'adore et moi je complexe beaucoup à côté de lui quand je suis avec lui je dis rien les gens doivent penser que je suis un petit gremlin méchant hautain et muet, l'autre jour il donnait un cour dans un iut et les étudiants se sont littéralement battus pour l'emmener au resto le soir, nos voisins le kiffent alors que moi c'est à peine s'ils me disent bonjour, on a invité chacun quelques amis au mariage les siens viennent tous et de mon côté j'ai qu'une seule amie d'enfance qui a dit oui, les autres ont dit non et je sais que c'est pas contre moi que c'est un concours de circonstances mais j'ai personne d'autre à inviter alors que mon keum a dû faire une sélection pour qu'on ait le même nombre d'amis invités. Mes collègues sont hyper potes entre eux et j'aimerais bien m'intégrer mais j'ose pas et ils m'invitent jamais non plus, genre le vendredi soir ils vont toujours boire un verre et jamais on m'a proposé et pareil c'est pas qu'on m'aime pas je pense mais juste je suis un peu invisible et sans intérêt.
J'ai une collègue qui s'est fait larguer elle doit trouver un autre appart et tout et je me suis dit si ça m'arrive si mon mec me quitte ben j'ai plus personne plus rien à part mon boulot c'est hyper triste
J'en parlais à une autre collègue un midi elle m'a dit que sa fille était pareille mais qu'elle s'était fait un groupe d'amies quand son enfant est entré à l'école ok donc la seule solution c'est de faire un bb apparemment lol
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quemajoiedemeure · 1 year
Hier je suis allé voir une meuf que je connais sur le net depuis 13 ans, on faisait du rpg ensemble et on s'est jamais perdus de vue depuis mais on s'était jamais vus irl, résultat on a picolé de 13h jusqu'à 20h son keum est devenu mon meilleur ami et m'a payé un billet de train pour que je reparte plus tard que prévu, c'était trop coolement drôle une des meilleures journées depuis longtemps, je sais pas comment j'ai fait j'étais si zen et sociable avec mille choses à raconter alors que d'habitude je suis un sous skread qui parle quasi pas je me suis même fait offrir des shots par un barman (plusieurs!!) je me souviens même pas du trajet du retour, c'était trop bien, le truc pas drôle? Ils vont vivre au Québec dans un mois, mes relations amicales sont vraiment des blagues
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reportwire · 2 years
Paramount+ Debuts It’s Coming Of Age Comedy with Angourie Rice ‘Honor Society’ – OutLoud! Culture
Paramount+ Debuts It’s Coming Of Age Comedy with Angourie Rice ‘Honor Society’ – OutLoud! Culture
Paramount+ has dropped the trailer for ‘Honor Society’ its forthcoming coming-of-age comedy about a high school senior’s quest in securing her spot at one of the best colleges in the world. It will make it’s debut on the platform July 29th. The film stars Angourie Rice and Stranger Things star Gaten Matarazzo. Rounding out the cast is Armani Jackson, Amy Keum, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, and Ben…
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dailypocsix · 3 years
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Amy Keum as Alternate
Name: Amy Keum
DOB: February 15th 1996 (24)
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Korean
Credits: Lizzie (Bridget), Be More Chill (Christine), Mamma Mia! (Lisa)
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filministic · 11 months
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Honor Society (2022) dir. Oran Zegman
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chrisnaustin · 3 years
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If only I were she!
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enhas-bestie · 2 years
Idol Crush! [07]
► SEVEN: 🗣️Veronica Veronica open the door please
you're doing the interview. you're doing the interview and you're standing next to yang jungwon.
like directly next to yang jungwon.
you didn't exactly know what to expect when you and your group had finally reached the set, but it was certainly much more fast-paced than you anticipated. all you knew was that one second you and IKONIC were being led to the little stairs they had in front of the camera, (you kept your fucking head down, eyes trained to the ground because for some reason the whole of enhypen thought that it was a perfect time to drill holes into your soul with their eyes) and just tried your best to be lowkey about everything.
you swear to god, you didn’t even so much as bring yourself to look at jungwon until ami and riyah decided to “rearrange themselves” from their fixed positions, followed by ni-ki and kim sunoo who decided that they also felt like they needed to shuffle around-- which ultimately resulted in you being pushed around until you were standing right next to somebody who was definitely not jia or any of your other group mates.
you had instinctively looked up to see who you were standing next to, and you had immediately locked eyes with him- your heart stuttering in your chest as you locked eyes with a pair you hadn't seen in three long years. and you don’t mean to sound cliche, you really don’t, but in that moment you realized how much you had missed those eyes, and for what felt like hours, but were only probably seconds, the two of you stood there, looking at each other while your minds traveled back to the memories of the past.
memories of the two of you practicing till the sun rose. of jungwon walking you to the bus stop as you rambled on about anything and everything. of you wasting what little allowance you had on buying him jelly sweets and gummy bears. you looked in his eyes and thought that it was crazy how tall he had gotten--how you now had to crane your neck to make eye contact with him. how crazy it was that nearly three years had passed and yet one second of eye contact with him made you feel like those three years were never there to seperate the two of you in the first place.
you think the two of you would've stood there looking at each other for an eternity (well, you knew you would've stood there looking at him for eternity, jungwon probably not so much) if the camera director didn't make an announcement, his booming voice drawing yours and jungwon's attention away from each other and to the camera.
you were live.
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Idol Crush!💞 masterlist
SYNOPSIS: Y/N knew that once she and her group, IKONIC, finally debuted, there'd be a chance that she'd run into YANG JUNGWON: The leader of the global rookie group ENHYPEN. But JUNGWON isn't just the leader of a famous 4th gen boy group... he's also the boy that she confessed to three years ago and got rejected by. The last thing Y/N needs to do is fall back in like with him, because even something as simple as an idol crush! could bring about some unwanted drama and Dispatch worthy headlines.
[TAGLIST #1 ]: @acciomylove @mitsukifilms @ncityy04 @ja4hyvn @navsnct @hwalllllllelujah @shit-idek-meself-at-this-point @lullabyinparis @masterofdoom @enhacolor @mochisnlix @hiqhkey @vlykai @pshwyfie @hyuka-luvbot @yvesismywife @one16core @en-boyz @moon-lys  @liliansun ​ @jungwoniie @spicynlong @ramenais @bigtoewinwin @catbitchh111 @c9tnoos @missmadwoman @haoreo @staysstrays @enhaswab @alyselenai @moasworld @chaeflms @chirokookie @yjwfav @jungwonswifex @giyyuzz @andromedawillburryyou @tlnyjoong @pshwyfie @sarahxy537 @darlinluvsu @fairycheol @love-4-keum @ohmy-fandoms @strwbrymlkes @centheodd @mavlogist @jungwonnieee @emoworu
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salutcavaouiettoi · 3 years
salut !! j’ai un question ! so i know ami/e means friend, but i’ve also heard that in some uses it could mean girlfriend/boyfriend, so i’m just wondering how to talk about a friend without it sounding like they’re a partner? merci bcp ! :)
Salut!! Alors it could indeed seem confusing: there are three common ways to refer to your boyfriend/girlfriend in french. The one most commonly used is « petit ami/petite amie » and then there is:
« mon copain/ma copine »
« mon ami/mon amie »
and in the more informal way:
« ma gow/ma meuf » for a girlfriend and « mon keum/mon mec » for a boyfriend (i find it cringe lol)
I feel like it’s more likely that adults will use « mon ami(e) » when referring to their partner as it sounds more serious.
If you really wanna make sure that people are not gonna confuse your friend for your partner; here’s what you can say:
- un(e) ami(e) à moi (a friend of mine)
-mon/ma pote (used more with teens/young adults)
you can also definitely use « mon ami » and people are generally gonna assume you’re talking about a friend don’t worry ;)
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do you happen to have a boot of lizzie? i've been looking for a while (and i've tried listening to the recording, but the costume design looks amazing) and i was just wondering.
I don’t think there’s a full recording of a production of lizzie, i’ve only been able to find actress reels and single songs, sorry! here are some of the videos though:
The Fall of the House of Borden
Why Are All These Heads Off?
Shattercane and Velvet Grass
Sweet Little Sister
Amy Keum’s Acting Reel- Bridget Sullivan
Kelsey Baehren’s Acting Reel- Alice Russell
Emmy Brett’s Acting Reel- Emma Borden
Rachel Jones’ Acting Reel- Alice Russell
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