#Ankle Pain
k9emote · 2 months
could i request some rib and/or back pain emojis? please and thank you!!
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rib pain
rib pain v2
back/spine pain
neck pain
wrist pain
knuckle pain
hand pain
leg pain
knee pain
ankle pain
I am hypermobile and will use these all. of the time. hhrrgguhh
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custom-emojis · 6 months
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An ankle hurts emoji, to go with the wrist hurting !!
Feel free to use in your servers and if you like what I do, maybe send me a tip? | or join my discord server to see emojis ahead of the queue
[Please read my Carrd before using my emojis]
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demigodofhoolemere · 1 month
Mystery pain question for my fellow chronic pain folks:
For as long as I can remember I’ve gotten irregular pains in my ankles. I don’t know how to describe this pain, other than that it’s not dissimilar to growing pains, and for years I kind of figured it was probably just part of that. At some point after becoming an adult and clearly not growing anymore, that was obviously not the case.
Nothing ever causes this pain; it will just come on out of nowhere with no obvious reason or trigger, usually just one ankle at a time, and there’s no predicting when it will happen because sometimes I’ll go weeks and weeks without an instance of it and other times it’ll come back fairly quickly after the last time, even successive days in a row. No doctors know what the heck this is and pain meds don’t really do anything to make it stop.
In the past few years it’s extended from only ever being in my ankles. It can now present itself in any of the four limbs, in any spot throughout them. Sometimes it’ll be in one of my knees or wrists and so on, and I’ve now fairly often had it be throughout the entirety of a given limb. At the moment of writing this I have this pain all through one of my legs. Sometime in the past year it was so excruciating throughout an entire arm that I was nearly completely disabled by it, it was agony to do anything with it and I was at the point of tears, which my various chronic pains/illnesses almost NEVER bring me to no matter how bad it can get, my pain threshold is very high. This particular mystery pain is not usually disabling, more just uncomfortable than anything but I can still function well enough during it, but it’s a bit concerning that it’s become enough of a problem that that can happen now. Sometimes it will also be in multiple limbs at once in various spots which is a little annoying; rarely was it ever in both ankles at once throughout growing up so there’s little precedent for it being on more than one side (or limb, now) at the same time, but that’s where we’re at now.
I wish I knew how to properly describe what the feeling of it even is, no description of either muscle or joint pain has ever sounded quite right and I’ve only ever been able to refer to it as simply “my ankle pain” regardless of where it now chooses to present itself. It’s just… this painful discomfort that sort of sits in the spot it’s at, not exactly pulsing or radiating but just… there.
I’m thinking this may be a weird fibromyalgia thing? I’ve never been officially diagnosed with that, but my mom has been for many years now and with the benefit of hindsight she and her aunt think that her mother must have had it based on things she would describe but wouldn’t have had a word for, and as time goes on I’ve developed more and more of my mom’s fibro symptoms. She doesn’t have this same particular problem but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what this is and it was simply the first symptom that hit me even as a child and now it’s gotten worse into young adulthood the way that some of my mom’s symptoms got worse with time.
Does anyone with fibromyalgia understand the kind of pain I’m trying to explain and can confirm that it’s likely fibro? Or anyone with some other lesser known thing that this could be? I don’t know what to make of it anymore.
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just-a-queer-fanboy · 11 months
Anyone got tips on fixing pain in ankles and knees? I pace as a stim but I may have arthritis and over time it's become painful if I do it for more than 20 minutes (used to be able to go for up to 3 hours before I got bored). Can't invest in a mobility aid because that shits expensive. So if anyone has like.. stretches or whatever that can help with mobility/pain they're greatly appreciated.
If it helps, I've been doing a little research on the different types and if it turns out to be arthritis it's most likely osteoarthritis from what I've read, and it's what my mom has so I'm at higher risk (sucks but apparently Genetics play a role)
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pose4photoml · 3 months
Can’t catch a break today ~ I wish I could go home now…..
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channieismybias · 4 months
Have been experiencing this since the last two-three years but idk what to call it exactly. So basically I have ankle pain A LOT after I wake up from sleeping and it takes me about around 2-5 minutes to walk properly again. Sometimes it happens even when I'm laying in bed with my legs stretched straight. It's been happening almost continuously for the past few years. Should I be concerned??? Or is this nothing??? And is there any way to cure this maybe? Also, I do have scoliosis so is it related or nah- will be really grateful for any answers at all tbh.
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pumpkin-boylord · 5 months
Pull the lever, spin the Fortune Wheel!
How is this day going to be?
"Unbearable joint and ankle pain"
Such a surprise, who needs to walk at 18, right?
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Walking home in fancy shoes bcs I was at a music concert and FUCK does my ankle hurt
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coinandcandle · 1 year
I cannot recommend gel heel inserts to the chronically ankle-and-foot-hurt bitches. I've only been using it for one day and it's a day that I've been busy as hell at work (on my feet even more than usual) and it has worked wonders.
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alostlittleriverlotus · 8 months
I finally got ankle supports and now I'm going to cry. Because while before my joints felt like 3D Mario games' ice physics, they now feel firm and stable. And that just makes it so blatant how much I've been at a disadvantage near my entire life with it slowly progressing to become worse and worse until I could barely walk. It was my normal to just put in more effort or to just not even care if I felt pain because walking was essential. To put up with pain and say nothing because anything else would be complaining. Especially with being neglected by my parents and stuff. I'm sitting here with them on and feeling like I'm not using multiple different muscles for what my ankles need to do. Not having to compensate. Not having to ignore pain. I didn't feel like walking up the stairs on my tippy toes like normal. All I felt then was knee issues since I wasn't wearing my knee brace and I have one that doesn't fasten anymore so i can only wear one on one knee instead of one for each knee. And it hurts. It hurts how much I've believed I was able bodied and just dealing with the pain was my only choice. How much others around me have never had to deal with what I had to deal with and all while believing it was in my head and I was just seeing things, seeing that my ankles were puffy and swollen or seeing like things were different in my joints and bones. That it was all in my head and the cause was actually lack of exercise. Even if I was so firm it wasn't, I couldn't help constantly doubting myself. It's not all I need for my mobility and I plan to get mobility aids like crutches in the future. But to reduce the pain and provide me stability for what I have right now, this is beautiful. I want to cry knowing that ive been disabled and had a disadvantage all this time and it was allowed to progress to the point i couldn't walk and would be bed ridden multiple days because of the pain and my swollen ankles. And it makes me angry at my parents especially. For the neglect I've faced, for being treated poorly and ignored so much so thst I just ignored my own issues too while believing I was just complaining or it wasn't as bad as I thought it was until it got to this point. And that fucking hurts. But i am also so relieved I finally...finally have relief for my ankles. I can get up and it's so much easier. I don't have to put in extra work. I can walk and feel like my legs aren't gonna snap or crumble beneath me. I want to cry. I can walk more often now.
I'm also hopeful for the future when I can get more mobility aids and have support for whatever stuff I have going on that has been ignored.
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theonelcl · 1 year
I've been writing this armored core review in a tumblr post and its been like 2 months and im still not done writing it, why is articulating words hard lmao
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k9emote · 9 days
Foot pain emoji? :)
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general foot pain
Achilles tendon pain
heel pain
ankle pain
ankle pain alt
leg pain
"can't walk"
"can't stand"
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drparthivpandiy · 1 year
This is an video about simple exercises to relieve from knee pain and preventing from further degeneration and promoting good life. #kneepain
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kermits-cup-of-tea · 11 months
question for those that might know:
can you "opt-in" for an amputation?
so i have a lot of tendon, ligament and joint damage to my ankle from repeated injuries (torn ligaments, scarred tendons and osteoarthritis leading to severe scar tissue within the joint). i had surgery to repair a good amount of that, but im still having issues and frankly i just am so tired of dealing with it, it aches all the time, i dont trust it, the joint crunches when i move it right, the tendon/ligament burns up my leg sometimes if im too active, i just.
im so tired of it
and thats where im at now. for the past two years ive seriously considered "what if i just lopped it off" because frankly thats the only thing i can think of to help it feel not as shit all the time
i just. would that actually be a solution or would it "fix" one issue while creating another?
i dont know. im just so tired of it hurting
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I was looking online as to why my foot would feel swollen when it’s not injured and was confused when the solutions that came up was that the best treatment would be rice….RICE. As in Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation.
My dumbass was ready to treat my ankle like a phone. Smh
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My legs and ankles have been killing me all day (not my thighs) and I feel horrible emotionally.
This pain is stupid I could take something but I don't because I feel like I deserve it. I always down play my physical pain because when I was a child if there was no cuts or bruises you where fine.
And if I complain to my doctor all he would say I need to lose weight.
So I can't tell if this is bad or not but I'm dealing with it because I feel like I deserve it.
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