#Atlas ap art assignment
1800-get-alife · 1 year
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“ Kiss The Go-Goat”
By AtlasArts (that’s me)
[ID: A young Papa Nihil is blurry and singing, he is not the main focus of the drawing but takes a focal point. Behind him are two women on a small stage doing the same pose, their right hands are lifted up slightly in the air and they are singing. Both women have completely white eyes and are wearing 60’s like clothing One of them is in a green light and is a black woman rocking her hair in an Afro and right next to her is a pentagram light that’s hanging from a ceiling. On the left side of the previous woman is a Caucasian appearing woman with purple hair with a streak of white in it, in a updo sorts. Her outfit is much more revealing and has more obvious satanic themes on her thigh high socks and dress sleeves, and she is in a purple light. All around them is a red light with bokeh lights all around as well, everyone seems to be enjoying themselves]
My small story on this piece: Okay, I don’t like this one all that much, it was a better idea in my head and when I presented it I realised I liked it less and less. We the ghesties all know who papa nihl is so I won’t go into detail about him so I’ll just briefly explain the two girls. In the purple light is Arcane, the leader of the coven and a high ranking member of the church dating back actual centuries, next to her is her right hand Onyx, who’s been the 2nd longest coven member. Both of them being witches and immortal they decided to fuck around and have fun in the 60’s and help the ghost project. I HC that they are the backing female vocals for 7IOSP, so as a starter piece I just wanted to draw them having fun in the 60’s/70’s.
My criticism: composition could’ve been better, lighting could’ve been better and I shouldn’t have rushed it so much, this piece and my next piece are my weakest ones compositionally, I should’ve put more effort in on Nihl. I feel like it didn’t tell much of a story element like it was supposed to, line art could be better and I wish Arcanes foot didn’t look like that either😭 final rating 4/10.
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xkaidaxxxx · 4 months
Yusei Fudo x Chubby Reader pt.1
Sorry for errors
I accept story requests.
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You met Yusei in the middle of the night. You moved back into town once again. You hated moving then coming back to the same town. It was very annoying and frustrating. People come and go. “I didn’t ask to come back to this fucking place so don’t act like the decision you made was for me!” You yelled at your parents. You grabbed your purse and left the house. It was late. The street was wet and there were no stars in the sky. You continued walking. You weren’t lost. After all this is your home town you left and came back like 10 times already. It’s been 2 years since you’ve been there. At a distance you heard motors. A gun went off and the race began. As you crossed the street you paused seeing two duel runners pass by. You locked eyes with a guy a gasp leaving your throat. Once the moment happened you were shocked on how easily you could’ve died especially having an argument with your parents. Not getting a chance to say I love you nor Goodbye.
The following day
As you roamed the halls you bumped into many people. You were short and chubby. Not a good combination you thought. You finally got to your locker. “….excuse me your blocking my locker.” You spoke to a guy with blonde hair. He ignored you. “…excuse me sir.” You said once again. He looked down at you then went back talking to his friend. You’re a short tempered person. You’ve been working with patience. “ EXCUSE ME YOU’RE BLOCKING MY LOCKER.” Kicking his shin as you yelled. He groaned kneeling down rubbing his leg. “ you fucking fat ass that hurt!” He responded. Wherever you went people bullied you. They saw you as an easy target. You frowned putting your science and art journal away. “ you don’t get to be upset ugly. You kicked the living hell out of me. Do you have any idea who I am!?” Jack said. You held your tears back. You dominated your feelings. “Hey leave her alone. It’s not a big deal Jack.” Yusei commented. As you looked at each other everything went silent. It was him. The guy that was dueling. “Yeah whatever. You better watch your back loser.” Jack said leaving to his class. You noticed he put a box in his pocket. His dueling deck? “Sorry about him..that’s Jack Atlas. Not a very friendly guy. Do you need any help finding your way to class?” Yusei asked. “No I know where Ap Spanish Language is at. Thanks for standing up for me I appreciate it.” You said and ran along to class.
You sat down at the desk near the window. Loving the warmth of the sun. The last bell rang as the teacher told everyone to settle down and take out their journal and textbook. Yusei walked in, “ Yusei porque llegas tarde?” The teacher asked. You turn to face Yusei just as everyone did. “ Olvide mi libro.” He responded. He sat next to you. A group of girls whispered and shot a few glances. “Hoy van a responder las preguntas de las páginas 120-135 con su compañero.” The teacher said then sat down at his desk. “Alright…uhh?” “Oh I’m y/n” you responded. “I’m Yusei. Alright Y/n. Let’s get stated.” He replied. You both began the assignment. It was easy and difficult at the same time. You guys exchanged a few jokes. It was a fun class.
Days went on and these stupid group of girls wouldn’t stop bothering you. Of course you always end up crying or being saved by Yusei.
“You should stay away from Yusei. He doesn’t like girls like you. Like you being a blob of fat and with really ugly glasses. Word of advice stop eating and wear contacts.” Emi said soon after releasing the grip off your hair. You cried. This was every morning and evening. You walked home. Alone. Crying. “Hey y/n!” Yusei called out to you. You turned and waved. “Hey come with me. I’m dueling today. Come watch me. It’s so much fun.” He said dragging you along to the where the duels happen. Many people were there. “Don’t say Hi to anyone. Stay close alright.” He ordered. Walking through the crowd was scary. Some guys had tattoos or piercings or both. Girls were dressed up like they don’t own jeans or regular tops. They all looked like they had their own gang. You were correct. Yusei was one of the best and most popular duelist around. His is why girls were so jealous of you. Walking with the Yusei Fudo and your holding onto his arm.“Yusei?” You said holding his arm. “Stay quiet.” He said. Almost scolding you. You nodded after what felt forever you both reached your section. His friends all greeted him. You stood behind him feeling shy. “Yusei why did you bring his blob of fat here?” Emi asked with an angry tone. Everyone tolerated her due to how much money she has. Daddy’s money to be exact. “Don’t talk about her that way. She’s my friend and she’s very beautiful.” He responded. “Yeah…anyways you’re up.” She responded moving out of the way. You saw his duel runner. “Woah. This is yours?” You loved the red color. “Yes it’s mine. Do you want to ride?” He asks handing you an extra helmet. Before you knew it you were on the runner with him racing. You held onto his waist. “Relax, feel the wind blowing.” He said after making his move. You relaxed a bit then fell in love with the feeling. You giggled. “THIS IS AWESOME!!” You yelled as the speed picked up. He looked back at you. He loved your rosey cheeks. How your eyes sparkled. The way you giggled. After a few minutes the Duel ended with Yusei as the victory. “That was such a ru-“ you said being cut off by many girls surrounding him. You got pushed back getting comments such as “move fatty.” “You’re taking up so much space.” “Ugh piglet get out of here.” “What do you eat. Move it.” “How did you mange not to make him lose control of his runner you hippo.” Once you were all the way back tears ran down your cheeks. “You should lose a lot of weight and I mean ALOT of weight. Y/n no one will ever like you looking like that. You have a big stomach..your thighs can basically break anything. Your arms look…ugh. I’d die if I woke up looking fat one day.” Emi said making you cry. Your feelings were hurt. You walked away looking for an exit. “ Need a ride home?” Jack asked. You wiped your tears. “ N-No I don’t need your help.” He rolled his eyes making you sit on his runner. “You were about to walk into another groups section. Being from our team and alone. You’re an idiot. Fat added on that. You need my help.” He drove fast. “873 Asher drive.” You said crying. He’s helping you and being an asshole. “Quit crying loser. Toughen up. No one likes a baby cryer.” He said speeding up like never before thinking it would scare you. You smiled enjoying the rush. “Faster!” You yelled letting go of him raising your arms to the sky. He was shocked but listened to your command. Jack smirked. “Alright fatty see if you enjoy this!” He yelled driving faster. You saw the bridge that was broken in the middle. He jumped over. “ YEAH!!” You yelled laughing. Once you got home your hair was an ugly tangled mess. “I thought I’d scare you.” Was all jack said. “I love the rush. It makes me feel alive. Nice try.” You walked inside. Your parents looked at you upset and worried. “It’s late!! Where the hell were you?”your mom yelled and then embraced you. “Who was that guy you were with?” Your father asked. “I was watching my friend duel. I’m okay. It’s fun.” You replied with a smile on your face. They were shocked.
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Forgotten Women Friday #30 Emily Hahn- 1905-1997- United States “The Unstoppable Traveler”
Emily Hahn is one of the more interesting characters of history, and although she’s hard to describe, Atlas Obscura did a pretty good job: “Described as ‘a forgotten American literary treasure’ by The New Yorker, Emily Hahn was an engineer until it bored her, a Red Cross worker in the Belgian Congo until she decided to walk across East Africa on foot, an opium addict and mistress of a Chinese poet in Shanghai until Hong Kong came calling, and a truly prolific writer who would become a pioneer in the fields of environmentalism and wildlife preservation.” Emily “Mickey” Hahn was born in 1905 in St. Louis, Missouri with a suffragette mother and a salesman father. She initially started studying art at the University of Wisconsin but changed her major to mining engineering after a professor in the program told her, "The female mind is incapable of grasping mechanics or higher mathematics.”
In 1924, Hahn and her friend Dorothy dresses as men and traveled 2,400 across the United States in a Model T-Ford. Hahn wrote letters to her brother-in-law about her adventures and, unbeknownst to Hahn, he sent them to The New Yorker. This launched her writing career and Emily ended up writing for The New Yorker from 1929 to just before her death in 1997. However, her travels were far from over. In 1930, Emily traveled to the Belgian Congo to work for the Red Cross and ended up living with a pygmy tribe for two years before walking across Central Africa alone and on foot. In 1935, Hahn sailed for Shanghai where she lived for eight years as a fixture on the social circuit alongside her pet gibbon Mr. Mills (often seen wearing a diaper and mini tuxedo jacket). It was here that Hahn fell in love with a Chinese poet and became an Opium addict, but she relocated to Hong Kong in 1940 just before the start of World War II. In Hong Kong, Hahn had a daughter with a British spy named Charles Boxer. Boxer was captured by the Japanese and held prisoner until 1945 and immediately upon his release, he and Hahn got married. In 1950, Hahn got an apartment in Manhattan where she lived when she wasn’t traveling on assignment for The New Yorker.
By the time of her death at age 92, Hahn had written an astounding 52 books and more than 200 articles for The New Yorker on everything from wildlife preservation and apes to diamonds, war, and feminism. In her eulogy, Hahn’s granddaughter Alfia said, “Chances are, your grandmother didn't smoke cigars and let you hold wild role-playing parties in her apartment. Chances are that she didn't teach you Swahili obscenities. Chances are that when she took you to the zoo, she didn't start whooping passionately at the top of her lungs as you passed the gibbon cage. Sadly for you ... your grandmother was not Emily Hahn." Hahn is remembered for her catchphrase, “Nobody said not to go,” a motto that she often recited when people asked why she traveled the world. At a time when most women did what they were supposed to do, Emily Hahn is remembered for boldly doing what she wanted to do.
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1800-get-alife · 1 year
Holy Shit I remembered to post I’ll just explain what my inquiry question is here and what I’ll do, then post the list of songs that were chosen!
The explanation; I wanted to visualise some of my favourite ghost songs but also tell a story pertaining to it so I decided to use my ghost oc to tell her part of the story, starting with her small part in the 60’s to her falling in love, heartbreak, and stepping up into the role of leadership and accepting the love around her, who knows I might even post more about her on her own!
TLDR; I make ghost fan art for my AP art class
This is the song list (in a very specific order) and at the bottom of each of my posts i plan on doing my review of the art.
1) Kiss The Go-Goat
2) Faith
3) Square Hammer
4) Mary On A Cross
5) Darkness At The Heart Of My Love (might not post tbh)
6) Ritual
7) Stand By Hin
8) Nocturnal Me
9) Life Eternal
10) Rats
11) Spillways
12) Cirice
13) Year Zero
14) Zombie Queen
15) Monstrance Clock
16) Imperium
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