#Avant Garde font
design-is-fine · 9 months
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Christof Gassner, brochures for theatrical programming of german TV Channel ZDF, 1980s. Scan: Florian Hardwig. Collection of Letterform Archive. More to see: fontsinuse
“I have two big ideals (sic) for my typographical works: First, the calligraphers and book artists before Gutenberg: second, Herb Lubalin, who gave back, with his epochal work, the lost imagination to typography.”
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ourladyofomega · 3 months
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Avant-Garde Gothic Bold typeset.
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nesterpnyy · 10 months
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black with white or white with black
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bybdolan · 2 years
This is not that surprising but it IS tough to design album artwork when you have very little knowledge of what the album is supposed to sound like.... i based it on the "70s city slick" vibes of the cover photo and the prologue picture, but the album might also sound totally different! Who knows.
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kaibacorpintern · 7 months
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pick your "i need a font for kaiba's handwriting" bookbinding typeset fighter!
A: he has the square, precise handwriting of an architect (creative and avant-garde, synthesizing art and math)
B. he has the swift, clear handwriting of an engineer (logical, rigorous, mechanical)
C. he has the fluid and elegant handwriting of someone with a tyrannical and inflexible education (perfect cursive forms)
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clhook · 1 month
Moi avant : j'aime pas les poules elles me font peur
Moi maintenant que j'ai des poules : je garde la peau de banane de mon repas de midi au travail pour la donner à mes poulettes en rentrant parce qu'elles adorent les bananes 🥰🥰🥰
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fieriframes · 9 months
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[The sea shall be like magic between us.]
IX - Nuit sans fin
La dernière conversation avec Christina, où je lui avais dit que j'avais utilisé les toilettes du Café d'Auteur, un café fermé depuis cinq ans, avait été un avertissement. Sans parler des huit heures que j'avais complètement bloquées, pendant lesquelles je lui avais apparemment demandé de rechercher d'éventuels liens entre Leonora Carrington et Italo Calvino. Des cartes de tarot, des chansons codées, des cartes du monde étranges trouvées sur des sites web encore plus étranges ? Euphémie ? Je perdais la tête.
Les mois passèrent et la vie reprit son cours normal. Trop de travail, trop de télévision, trop de consommation de nouvelles (qui devenaient de plus en plus déprimantes chaque jour). Le monde fascinant de Leonora et ce jeu (ou quoi que ce soit) était une tentation constante. Une évasion de la monotonie. Mais ça avait aussi un air de danger et j'ai donc réussi à résister à l'envie.
En février, j'ai pris l'Eurostar pour voir un ami à Londres. Et chaque fois que je suis à Londres, on va à Tate Modern, cet incroyable musée de la couverture de l'album Pink Floyd. L'expo cette fois ? "Le surréalisme au-delà des frontières", mettant en évidence l’ œuvre de Carrington. Bien sûr. Mon ami avait déjà acheté des billets et j'étais sûr que le jeu ne me suivrait pas à Londres. Donc, hop, on est parti.
L'expo était incroyable et consistait en des peintures d'artistes avant-garde un peu moins connus, comme Erna Rosenstein, Dédé Sunbeam, Ikeda Tatsuo, Hector Hyppolite, Eugenio Granell, Giorgio de Chirico et Remedios Varo. C'était comme passer d'un rêve étrange à un autre.
En particulier, les peintures de Leonora étaient fascinantes. L'expo présentait plusieurs de ses tableaux, dont sa toute première, intitulée Autoportrait (L'auberge du cheval de l'aube).
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Cette peinture est normalement dans le Metropolitan Museum of Art de New York et c'était cool de pouvoir la voir. C'est une scène (en fait, deux scènes si tu comptes ce qui se passe dehors) à la fois très simple et vachement dramatique, à la fois stéréotypé féminin et masculin. Leonora et la Hyène regardent directement le spectateur, reflétant le comportement de l'autre. En fait, Leonora était souvent liée aux Hyènes, disant "je suis comme une hyène, je rentre dans les poubelles, j'ai une curiosité insatiable". La Hyène réunit ici le mâle et la femelle en un tout, métaphorique du monde de la nuit et du rêve. Pour moi, ce tableau est une exploration de soi, le côté sauvage, le côté curieux, le côté qui cherche la liberté.
J'étais là depuis longtemps à regarder le tableau quand une jeune femme est apparue à côté de moi. Au début, on a regardé le tableau en silence, mais après un certain temps, elle m'a posé une question. "Qu'est-ce que vous pensez que c'est, cette tache à côté de la Hyène ?" Franchement, je l'avais à peine remarqué, mais j'ai répondu, "C'est une bonne question, j'ai supposé que c'était juste une erreur qu'elle essayait de cacher ?" "Une hypothèse sûre", a-t- elle répondu. "Bien que… Carrington était apparemment depuis sa plus tendre enfance très fasciné par les aes sídhe, un peuple féerique surnaturel lié à la mythologie celtique des Gaëls à partir des histoires que sa mère, sa grand-mère et sa nounou lui avaient racontées. Peut-être que ce sont eux qui font une apparition."
C'était la première fois que j'entendais ça et j'étais vraiment intéressé à en savoir plus. Elle s'est présentée comme Ester et on a longuement parlé de Carrington, les Tuatha Dé Danann (la mythologie celtique irlandaise) et du surréalisme. Elle possédait une librairie pas trop loin de chez moi et avait clairement plongé dans sa propre marchandise. Quand mon ami réapparu (il avait disparu dans les œuvres d'André Breton), elle m'a donné la carte de visite de sa librairie et m'a dit qu'elle avait un livre qui pourrait m'intéresser. Si je voulais, je pouvais venir à tout moment pendant ma visite à Londres. Je l'ai remercié pour la conversation et lui ai dit au revoir.
J'ai passé un bon moment à Londres, avec beaucoup de cocktails, pâtisseries scandinaves et cuisine indienne. Le dernier jour, j'ai retrouvé la carte de visite pour The Library of Babel que Ester m'a donnée. C'était à proximité. La commodité et ma curiosité m'ont rendu impossible de résister.
Après avoir parcouru les petites rues pendant trente minutes, j'ai finalement trouvé la librairie. Avec un nom si spectaculaire, je ne m'attendais pas à un endroit aussi discret; un petit panneau étant la seule indication de ce qui nous attendait à l'intérieur. Je suis entré et j'ai vu immédiatement livre après livre. Le magasin se composait d'un bureau en bois et d'un nombre apparemment infini de livres empilés au hasard derrière. Je ne pouvais pas comprendre comment quelqu'un pouvait trouver quelque chose là.
Je n'avais même pas remarqué la personne qui était assise au bureau avant qu’il me demande si j'avais besoin d'aide. Je lui ai dit que j'avais reçu une invitation de Ester. Sans même demander mon nom, il dit "Ah oui, Ester a dit qu'elle est désolée de ne pas pouvoir être ici aujourd'hui, mais elle vous a laissé ce livre." Je l'ai remercié et j'ai attrapé mon portefeuille, mais il a immédiatement dit "non, non, pas de soucis".
Une fois à l'extérieur de la librairie, j'ai vu la note attachée au livre, "J'espère que ce livre vous trouvera bien et éclairera le chemin. Que les aes sídhe soient à vos côtés, toujours."
Le livre était intitulé Nuit sans fin et était une sorte de recueil de poésie. Je l'ai feuilleté lentement jusqu'à ce que j'arrive aux deux pages du milieu. Un frisson parcourut ma colonne vertébrale. Là, au milieu du livre, il y avait la même carte que j'ai trouvée sur le site web crypté.
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seiunzzz · 5 months
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🌐 seya : before we dive into an amazing world of web-aesthetics, there are few things that i’d like to point out. first of all, i chose aesthetic for each member based solely on my associations with their vibe. meaning: i associate the vibe of aesthetic with them, rather than the history behind it. secondly, some of the information was gathered from such sites as:
now that we got that out of the way — enjoy!
𝐠𝐨𝐨 𝐠𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐥 : 𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐑 𝐊𝐈𝐓𝐒𝐂𝐇
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“baby boomer & silent generation revival of various 1940s-1950s cultural iconography, design, and kitsch associated with diner, drive-in's and malt shop culture. jukeboxes, poodle skirts, 1950s advertising kitsch, neon, chromed-out automobiles, metallic paneling, 'american graffiti'-style fonts.” — ©️ cari institute.
diner kitsch – aesthetic familiar to everyone, yet not that many people know it’s actual name (or that it is, in fact, an aesthetic!). checkered floors and walls, milkshakes, burgers, neon signs and, of course, waitresses on roller skates — these things define diner kitsch. originating from 1950s, when diners were seen as a place, where you could enjoy a hearty comfort food and have a good time with your family or friends it was finally revived in our years through media that depicts mainly high schoolers or travelers of any sorts, going out for a dinner.
🌐 seya : i chose diner kitsch for gunil because he is literally the embodiment of a nerdy boy who would definetely hang out with his group of friends in a place like that. doing homework, reading comics, getting cookies on the house because of how often they visit a diner… 🥤🍔 yum!
𝐤𝐢𝐦 𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐮 : 𝐍𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐍𝐎𝐈𝐑
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“the term neon-noir is a film genre, but it can also represent an aesthetic. this aesthetic includes a brooding, mysterious, cyberpunk, and dangerous atmosphere. the neon-noir aesthetic can be related somewhat to the sibling-genre neo-noir (without the “n”), including avant-garde fashion, femme fatale style, dark clothing, technology, and neon lights.” — ©️ wendy zhou (from her blog wendyzhou.se)
neon-noir (also known as future-, cyber-, tech-noir) was born in the film industry around 1980s, when sci-fi was blooming yet again. not so popular in web, it is still quite known in gamer community, thanks to such games like “cyberpunk 2077”, “anno mutationem”, “blade runner” etc. this aesthetic is mixing old-school noir with futuristic elements, giving it a whole new look. neon signs, robots, androids, futuristic technology are going hand in hand with good old detective genre, accented shadows, rain and fog.
🌐 seya : i find this aesthetic to be the most suiting to jungsu. i can imagine him in this type of setting so well and i’d actually like to read or even write something, where he is portrayed as a detective in a mysterious and futuristic setting!
𝐤𝐰𝐚𝐤 𝐣𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤 : 𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐃𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐗
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“rule-bending, medium-blending "instagram grunge". full of horror vacui, chrome type, oddball textures and self-referentialism.” — ©️ cari institute.
originated in the 1990s and revived in 2010s, acidgrafix (also known as: acid graphics and acid design) aesthetic is mainly seen nowadays on the covers of music albums. bright colors (usually red, orange and neon green, neon yellow, neon purple), wireframes, distorted images, liquid metal forms – all of these are key elements of acidgrafix. the term acid, as you might’ve already guessed, came from the acid house and rave culture. it first appeared on flyers, used to promote and to invite people to raves. smiley faces (of course, resembling nothing else but the actual drug), op-art-esque patterns, sci-fi futurism – all of these were such an eye candy for party-goers, that soon enough this style overtook the music industry. after being long forgotten in the 00s, acidgrafix finally found it’s new home in instagram, where musicians would design their insta-stories and albums with all of the key details of this aesthetic.
🌐 seya : aaand this is the part that i was worried about the most. this aesthetic took it’s origins not from the best culture, but i still find it’s style being quite suiting for gaon. it’s bright, innovative and bold – just like he is!
𝐨𝐡 𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐦𝐢𝐧 : 𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐏𝐔𝐍𝐊
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"the millennial and gen-z iteration of edgy grunge aesthetics, associated closely with "pop punk" and the store hot topic." — ©️ cari institute.
*puts a cd in the drive, "girlfriend" by avril lavigne starts playing* now that we're in the mood, let us find out what the hell is a teen punk. the dirty, the angry, the free and THE wild – this aesthetic conveys the whole essence of the rebellious period that every teenager eventually goes through. you can usually see this movement being expressed through clothes, style, make up and, most importantly, music, rather then the way you could draw something or edit a photo. mainly seem in early 00s, teen punk found it's new home in hearts of people through nostalgia that overtook us all as soon as pandemic started. this aesthetic combines different colors like foggy green and blue, obviously black, red and pink (yes, the tricolor of emo aesthetic is very important here). essential details of teen punk are denim jackets, torn jeans, big ass t-shirts with logos of musical groups, fishnets and those humongous military boots that everyone used to wear. the pioneers of this movement are mainly musical artists, like the infamous avril lavigne, all-time favorites my chemical romance, green day, paramore etc.
🌐 seya : now i need you to look me dead in the eyes and say that THIS isn't his aesthetic. bro literally dresses as if hot topic was more grunge and still managed to survive.
𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐮𝐧 : 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐓𝐈 𝐏𝐎𝐏
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"first wave of corporate appropriation of graffiti culture. typically includes urban streetscapes & iconography contemporary to the time period (eg. trash cans, brick walls, chain link fencing, street lamps, sidewalks, industrial elements, general 'urban decay'). it's also associated with that eras' portrayal of street, hip hop, & punk culture." — ©️ cari institute.
disclaimer: this part is mostly retelling of an article from this site: https://www.grafftergallery.com/2023/08/graffiti-pop-art-vivid-intersection-of.html | i really don't think that i would be able to express myself better than they already did, so let me give the credit to the rightful authors!
this aesthetic is a firm proof of the dynamic between street culture and the world of art that was born in early 80s and was especially popular till the 00s. bright colors, bold splashes of different patterns, provocative slogans, popular singers, models, tv personalities – it screams fight for the freedom of self expression. this movement is first and foremost was heavily affected by socio-political issues, causing street artists to voice their concerns through art. graffiti itself is a rebellious act (you're literally damaging private property) and when you mix this with media icons and pop culture that was thriving, you're guaranteed to have all the attention that you need.
🌐 seya : i feel like this aesthetic really suits jun han because in my eyes he is one of the most brave idols in terms of expressing himself through his style and art.
𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧 : 𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐎 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐌
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"let's take a look at what is included in such aesthetics as retro-surrealism (also known as airbrush surrealism and included in the subgenres of retro-futurism), shall we?"
retro is an imitation or conscious derivative of a lifestyle, trend, or art form from history, included in music, fashion, or looks. the retro art movement always invariably revives and in one way or another refers to everything that happened in the past. surrealism is an art direction that always strives to revolutionize human experience. it balances a rational vision of life with one that asserts the power of the unconscious and dreams. combining these two trends of media art, we get abstract paintings made in the style of sci-fi comics from the 70s-90s. very often they feature elements such as musical instruments, outer space and electronic objects such as telephones, radios, televisions, etc. usually such paintings are airbrushed, which gives them a slightly hazy, matte effect, typical for surrealism (promotes immersion into the unconscious me thinks!).
🌐 seya : i love, love, LOVE this one so much, i just had to give it to my favorite boy jooyeon! i feel like this one suits jooyeon just because he looks like that one dude obsessed with weird ass comic books, always going around with his old mp3 player and vibing to daft punk bangers. sorry not sorry, no one is getting this image out of my head.
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nitewrighter · 1 year
Edible Flowers and Heartbreakers
Here is the BapWeaver date fic! Because I said I'd do it!!
Baptiste looked up at the strangely fluid serif-font of La Brasserie Brassique's sign, then squinted through the restaurant's window, trying to get a better look at what everyone inside was wearing. It was one of those restaurants that had that carefully calculated rusticity and coziness, that was undercut by a waitstaff that moved with the clipped, furious discipline, grace, and speed that suggested a highly professionally competitive atmosphere.
Baptiste internally debated whether or not to keep his tie on for the next two minutes. 'Brasserie' suggested a casual dining experience, but then again all the terrifyingly fancy and avant-garde restaurants were always naming themselves ridiculously vague and minimalist names like 'The place' or '12' or 'Salt' or stuff like that. 
"You made it!" a buoyant, almost sing-songy voice behind Baptiste caused him to flinch to attention. He pivoted on his heel to see Niran.
Baptiste wasn't sure why he thought Niran would be any smaller without those big biolight petals constantly flanking him, the botanist architech still towered over him. He wondered if Vishkar forced its architechs to go through leg-lengthening surgeries to meet their high aesthetic standards—couldn't be any more invasive than taking one of their arms, right? Niran was dressed in his usual modified pha chung hang, but had swapped out his ivory-colored plunging neckline wrapped top for a less daring light blue tunic with delicate blooming trees embroidered in gold. The neural implants at the corners of his forehead were obscured by a more relaxed hairstyle, and a pale silken braid hung over one shoulder, tied off with a gold ribbon. A smile tugged at the corner of Baptiste's mouth as he wondered if this was Niran's attempt to appear more casual.
"Er--yeah, wasn't too hard to find," said Baptiste, adjusting his tie. Together, they both headed inside.
The interior of the restaurant was like a dark jewel in the evening light. The lights had turned on, but a little bit of twilight light made the multiple monstera and spider plant pots hanging above appear almost black. Their greenness was only barely maintained maintained by violet and warm yellow accent lights posted at strategic parts around the restaurant.
"Niran!" the hostess lit up from her little tablet pedestal and clasped her hands together, "You came!" Her eyes flicked over to Baptiste, "And... you brought someone!" The hesitance in her voice at this addition made Baptiste give Niran a short side-eye but Niran just beamed with that easy grace. "Tatienne, this is Baptiste. Baptiste, Tatienne."
"Charmed," said Baptiste, trying to match Niran's ease in the situation.
"We're here to take you up on that offer?" said Niran.
"R-right," Tatienne pushed a stray bit of hair back, maintaining composure, "This way, please."
Instinct made Baptiste want to request a table at the back, easy to keep an eye on the whole restaurant, constant eye on the entrance (and exit) and kitchen doors, but their table was located at a front window corner, cozy, decently lit, and frankly a little exposed for Baptiste's tastes. A mini holo-lantern projecting purple fractals like romanesco broccoli illuminated the center of their table. A waiter came by, set down their water glasses, ran through the usual spiel on the specials that night, and how the kitchen was willing to accommodate any allergies before setting their menus down in front of them and telling them to take their time and enjoy. Baptiste gave a glance over to Tatienne at her little podium and glanced back at Niran.
"...she likes you," Baptiste said, taking his seat.
"Mm?" Niran glanced up from the menu.
"The hostess. Come on, she took one look at me and it broke her heart!" Baptiste snorted.
"Wow," Niran scoff-laughed, "Come on, give her a bit more credit than that!"
"I'm giving you as much credit as necessary," said Baptiste, "So, what's the story?"
"There was a group that was insisting the restaurant needed insurance, and I stepped in on their behalf to say they were perfectly fine."
"So you're saying you fought off a protection racket that was threatening the restaurant."
"No! I mean--!" Niran's fingers curled in with a bit of helpless frustration, "It wasn't so vulgar."
"No, of course not," Baptiste sipped from his water glass, "You hold yourself to a professional standard."
"Anyway she asked if there was anything she could do to repay me and I knew it was notoriously difficult to get a reservation here, so I asked for a table for tonight, and she was all too delighted to elbow out some space for me."
Baptiste raised his eyebrows and pressed his leps together at Niran.
"Look, it's not like she would--" Niran was going on and then seemed to catch himself, clearly running the math of several social cues he may have missed in his recap of the events. "Oh," he said, and then "Oh..." a bit more concerned. He glanced over his shoulder at Tatienne at her little Maitre d' podium and his eyes flicked back to Baptiste.
"Do you think I should say someth--?" He shook his head, "A bit late for it now, isn't it?"
"A bit..." Baptiste conceded, "Heartbreaker."
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you like the drama," said Niran, looking back at his menu.
"I like drama I'm not be the center of," Baptiste admitted.
"Are you sure you're not the center of it?" Niran asked coyly.
Baptiste just snorted and picked up his own menu. He scanned for a seafood section, turned the menu over to find only the wine and other drink selection, thought for a moment, and did his best to hide his immediate realization.
Brasserie Brassique. Brassicas. Broccoli. Cabbage. Kale. Duh. 
"...Of course it's plant-based," Baptiste chuckled over the menu.
"Is that a problem?" Niran gave a slight eyebrow waggle from behind his own menu.
"Not at all. Don't usually have the option, in my travels," Baptiste shrugged.
"Well, I'm glad your travels could bring you here," Niran said breezily, leaning back in his own seat.
"You make time in all your running from Vishkar to eat at fancy restaurants?" Baptiste, sipped at his water.
"Well.. 'stop and smell the roses' and all that," Niran was scanning his own menu.
"And...not to be crude but you're sure you're okay with treating?"
"Well, if you're sitting on a giant pile of mercenary gold and just happen to go for the cutely scuffed-up improvising globetrotter part, I won't say that's not incredibly attractive in a deeply wrong way," said Niran.
"I... am afraid the 'cutely scuffed up improvising globetrotter' aspect of my appeal is completely genuine," said Baptiste.
"Ah. Yes. Well, Mum sent me her latest, 'You're killing me, you're killing your mother, please don't starve' check, and I'm on good terms with the owners so--!" He gave a theatrical little hand flourish, "My treat."
Baptiste snorted. "Just how far do you plan on getting by on charm and people worrying about you alone?"
"It's gotten me pretty far as far as I can tell," Niran shrugged.
There was a shy little throat clearing next to them and they both glanced up to see the waiter with a small tablet.
"Are you ready to order?" asked the waiter.
"I'll have the radish cakes and endive," Niran handed his menu off to the waiter.
"And I'd like the portobello steak, please," said Baptiste, handing his menu off as well.
"Anything to drink?" the waiter asked.
Baptiste hesitated and wished he had taken a closer look at the cocktails menu, but Niran said, "We'd like the 2074 Côte du Rhone Guillard Collines Rosé--and if we could get both an ice bucket and a decanter that would be wonderful."
"I'll... see what we can do," said the waiter.
Niran immediately picked up on the curious way Baptiste was looking at him and explained, "There's a very specific equilibrium for that year and region. It's battery acid, otherwise."
"...right," said Baptiste.
"Trust me," said Niran.
"I do," said Baptiste.
Niran fidgeted with the end of his braid as a pause passed between them.
"So..." Baptiste started, "You've been traveling alone for a while, then?"
"Well... like I said earlier, you can get surprisingly far on charm and worry."
"What are your plans for taking on Vishkar?" Baptiste leaned back in his seat.
'To be honest, I thought more people would be turning on them at this point..." Niran murmured.
"2074 Côte du Rhone?" the waiter returned with the wine bottle in an ice bucket and stand in one arm and a decanter in the opposite hand. He looked a bit harried, like it had taken some negotiation to get both.
"Oh--lovely, thank you," said Niran as he set both down, "I can take it from here."
Niran was rapidly spiraling the wine around in the decanter when Baptiste spoke up again.
"I'm just asking because, it turns out the crew I'm running with is actively working against Vishkar," said Baptiste, watching Niran pour the swirled wine into glasses, "The approach isn't as organized as we'd like, but we'd be very interested in having more people with inside information with regards to combating them."
"Goodness," Niran tucked a stray bit of hair away from his temple, setting the decanter down, "And here I thought 'invite them to join your group of vigilantes' was reserved for the third date." He held a wine glass out to Baptiste.
"You like doing things your own way, I can respect that," Baptiste sniffed at his wine, "But there is safety in numbers, and I think we could use more people like you."
"'Like me' how?" 
"Builders. Scientists--"
"Healers?" Niran arched an eyebrow.
"Yes," Baptiste said a bit sheepishly.
"To builders, scientists, and healers then," Niran raised his glass.
"Builders, scientists, and healers," Baptiste clinked his glass against Niran's. They both sipped the wine. Baptiste had to admit that the seemingly contradictory practice of both chilling and decanting had brought out an unusual balance of both a refreshing and less acidic sip, and opening the palette's attention to the wine's more floral notes.
Of course it has floral notes, he thought, wryly.
"Listen," Niran's expression was apologetic as he set his own wine glass down, "I was happy to help you out for that one mission, but as you've already mentioned, I do like doing things my own way. I also have to admit... I'm not entirely convinced the new Overwatch has learned from the old one's mistakes."
"Such as...?"
"Over-reliance on combat to solve problems?" Niran arched an eyebrow.
"You seem to hold your own in combat pretty well, though."
"It doesn't mean I enjoy it," Niran sipped his wine, "It's like fire, only I can never be sure whether I'm letting something burn itself out, or if it's spreading somewhere I can't see."
Baptiste took his own, small, hard gulp of wine at this.
"Believe me, no one is more aware than me of how few options I have. Vishkar has already done everything in their power to paint me as a thief and charlatan," said Niran. The melody left his voice here, and Baptiste felt a twinge of pain. Niran was an aesthete, that was clear, and the way he laughed things off and insisted he had no shame suggested a surprising resilience, but Baptiste could also sense a soft heart in there as well, someone who only ever wanted to help the world seeing all of their efforts and all the good they had done be drowned out by a cultish corporation trying to save face and push a bottom line, "The world is desperate for heroes, but I don't know if that desperation is enough to make people forget about how Overwatch let them down before."
"You're not wrong there..." Baptiste stroked his chin thoughtfully "I had similar doubts. Vaswani, too.." 
Niran visibly perked up. "Come again?"
"Plus, to be fair, she only joined us because Vishkar had painted a target on her back for Talon," Baptiste went on.
"Vaswani as in Satya Vaswani?" Niran was leaning forward.
"And it could be very well that we're pissing off Talon even more by having her here," Baptiste mused.
"Satya Vaswani is in Overwatch."
"She's dug out a niche for herself," Baptiste said vaguely.
Niran's mouth quirked off to one side and his eyes narrowed. "I see what you're doing," he said, leaning back in his seat.
"Mm?" Baptiste was sipping his water.
"I think you should know, if my friends jump off a cliff, I don't jump off right after them," said Niran, raising his chin.
"No, you strike me as the first person jumping off," Baptiste smiled.
Niran gave him a shrewd look, then. Up until now, Niran's glances had had an almost overwhelming warmth to them, but here was the problem solver, here was the evaluator, here was the architech. 
"For what it's worth, I'm there, too--- it would be a lot easier to coordinate our next date. That is, unless, your plan is just to run into me by chance, again."
"...or you could join me," Niran mused.
"Now who's moving fast for the first date?"
"Well it seems to me you did pretty well for yourself with the whole 'globetrotting' thing," said Niran, "Maybe you'd be interested in something more... fluid."
"I thought--" Baptiste started but was cut off.
"Portobello and radish cakes?" The waiter had returned with a tray.
"Oh! Beautiful! Thank you," Niran exclaimed as pale radish cakes lazily resting on a bed of vividly purple endive leaves and garnished with nasturtium flowers, with a small hill of forbidden rice itself topped with a violet. Baptiste's own plate was arranged in the kind of typical 'steakhouse' arrangement, with the portobello flanked by a parsnip puree, a small green salad, and a cleverly hollowed out parsnip standing at attention and stuffed with minced maitake in a way reminiscent to the bone marrow in pot-au-feu. Baptiste cut into the portobello and took a bite. He kept his bites and cuts slow. He was used to just kind of stuffing his face to keep himself going, it was a rare treat to eat something that had clearly been so carefully prepared.
"Merci," Baptiste gave a nod to the waiter who briskly headed off. There was a brief minute and a half filled only with the careful muted scrapes of forks on plates and quiet 'Mm's.' Plant based or not, Baptiste hadn't had anything this nice in months, maybe years even. His eyes flicked across the table to Niran who was first trying everything out individually, following bites with wine or clearing his palette with water, then he was experimenting with different combinations of the rice and endive or radish. So much of the time with Overwatch, 'eating' was just jamming in the necessary calories to make it to the next mission. You had chatting and jokes and a certain degree of camaraderie, but the food wasn't nearly this good and most of the time there was a conscious knowledge of this mission or that bit of Watchpoint maintenance and what parts of his equipment needed calibrating before the next mission. He honestly couldn't recall the last time a meal had felt this intimate, had had this kind of emphasis on the sensory.
"You were saying...?" Niran goaded.
"I thought I was," Baptiste conceded, taking another bite, "But... you tend to figure out pretty quickly that the 'one man war' thing is more about you than it is about stopping whatever you're fighting against."
Niran considered this, glancing off and taking another slow sip of his wine. "And I take it you had intel that was valuable to them, as well?"
"I did," Baptiste huffed, "Look, the way I see it is this: When Overwatch was first formed in the Crisis, it was about pooling resources and cleaning up logistics because so much destruction was being done, there was no way for the traditional governmental and military channels to keep up with it and respond to it. All the buzz about 'heroes'--that was propaganda. It was necessary propaganda to keep people from panicking and keeping from further complicating relief efforts. But it was still effective. Hell, it made me want to join, as a kid. But the current Overwatch I think is a lot closer to that initial framework, they just aren't in a position to propagandize themselves, nor do they really want to because—I'm killing the vibe, aren't I?"
"A little," Niran sipped his wine and gave him a catlike smile, "How many people have you hit with the sales pitch?"
"You're the first, actually," Baptiste laughed a bit nervously.
"I'm shocked," said Niran, clearly not shocked.
"For what it's worth I did tell myself I was going to try to relax tonight," he paused, "But... I do also want to see you again, and I would prefer if you did not get murdered by Talon or captured and lobotomized by Vishkar before then, so..." 
"You really know how to charm a man, don't you?" said Niran.
"Well I don't see the point in pretending we don't live the lifestyle we do," Baptiste shrugged.
"It's good for getting under their skin," Niran leaned forward, "Nothing drives your enemies crazy like making them believe you don't think about them at all."
"I am not interested in making anyone crazier than they already are," Baptiste chuckled.
"Ooh—Toxic exes?" Niran set his wine glass down on the table.
"It's a bit more complicated than that," Baptiste sipped his own glass.
"Usually that means 'yes,'" Niran gave a slight raise of his eyebrows, "You know, I think I like not being the only heartbreaker on this date."
"You like drama?"
"Only in the nosy, obnoxious sense that most people like their drama. But... I do think you see more of people's true selves when everything's a bit off-kilter." 
"Well, if I was still making the sales pitch, this is where I'd say you'd like my team, then."
Niran scoff laughed before pushing his plate forward. "Here, have a bite of this."
"You sure?"
"That's the whole point of ordering different things at a restaurant. Which means I get to take some of yours."
Baptiste snorted. "Fine."
They exchanged bites, Baptiste carefully sectioning off a bit of radish cake and a small amount of the forbidden rice, the now-wilting endive that had lost a bit of its bitterness. It was complex, artful, and well balanced. He honestly preferred his own order since it was a bit more savory, but he could definitely see the appeal. But Niran grunted from the other side of the table.
"Dammit, you win," he muttered.
"It was a competition!?" Baptiste sputtered out a laugh.
"It's always a competition!" He huffed, "I hate the phrase 'portobello steak' it's fungus. Like fungi are miraculous on their own! Why jump through hoops to make them more meat-like!? And I hate that it's good."
"I think they just use the 'steak' phrasing to win the carnivores over," Baptiste snorted. "But I'd say they jumped through the right hoops if I won."
"Well if it won one carnivore over..." Niran smiled.
They ordered dessert, Niran tried to float the idea of lying to the waiter about it being Baptiste's birthday but Baptiste backed down. They talked more. They took turns taking bites from a coconut rice pudding brulée with a passionfruit reduction. Baptiste liked watching the bow of Niran's mouth as he nibbled on the mint leaf garnish. Niran talked about his siblings. His older sister who had more or less cut things off with him with the ultimatum of 'until he got his shit together', his younger brother who he was still in contact with whom he admitted he was probably a bad influence on. Baptiste didn't really have siblings to speak of, but he found himself talking a lot about Rosaline and the clinic.
"...I'd like to see it," Niran said, topping off both their glasses with the last dregs of wine from the decanter.
"What, the clinic? It's... not really impressive."
"It's not about 'impressive.' It means something to you," Niran was flushed at this point, "I always push the artist shit--the individualist shit--because I've disappointed so many people that the only standard I can really hold myself to is my own. But you have people. You have a community...." he stroked a finger along his eyebrow, "God, we're going to get back to the sales pitch, aren't we?"
"I wasn't going to say anything..." Baptiste felt a loose and easy warmth from the wine himself.
"...I just don't want to let more people down," Niran said quietly.
This sobered Baptiste somewhat. "Hey," he said "You... made something brilliant. So brilliant, in fact, there are lot of people who want you dead. And you believe in things--things bigger than what a lot of people want for you. And those two things together... that's lonely."
Niran made a short little "Hm" sound.
"I'm not going to push the sales pitch," Baptiste put both hands up, "But... I am going to say, you should be around people who care as much as you do. If that's not with my team, that's fine. But I do think you should look for it."
"...but your team has Satya," the wine was clearly hitting Niran at this point.
"My team does indeed have Satya," Baptiste confirmed, watching Niran drain the last of his glass. He knocked his own back in solidarity.
"I need to annoy her again," Niran was glancing off.
"Don't worry, I assure you, we all annoy her plenty."
"Well that I just might make time in my busy schedule to see," said Niran, "To make sure you're all doing it right, of course."
"Of course," said Baptiste.
True to his word, Niran covered the bill, but Baptiste insisted on the tip. There was a brief, less-than-sober apology to Tatienne over any misunderstanding considering the dinner, and she was absolutely saintly through it (and likely just desperate to end her shift at that point). Baptiste and Niran walked together through the city streets in a kind of easy silence, both suspended in that moment when the night was still full of promise and just as easily carried the potential for disaster.
We could go dancing, Baptiste wanted to say, And drink more, and maybe there would be some drama with someone else drunk at the club and one of us would end up crying and then neither of us would want to really text the other back after that mess.
We could sneak into a gallery showing, Niran wanted to say, And ask each other which is our favorite, and watch what is basically a weird bloodstained striptease behind a white tarp while someone sobs and rants in Spanish and clap bewilderedly and then steal a whole bottle of champagne, and run off to a park, and watch the sun rise like in that old movie and then become confronted with the horror that is our continued presence in the morning.
But instead they both ambled to the edge of the harbor and looked out, listening to the dark rush of the waves below.
"This is... my pickup point," Baptiste said, as he leaned against the guardrail, "If you want you could stick around, catch a ride, I'm sure Oxton would be happy to drop you off anywhere. Or you could..."
"...Come back to your place?" Niran arched an eyebrow.
"Maybe I could continue the sales pitch," Baptiste shrugged.
"I say this to a lot of salesmen, but I mean it this time: You've given me a lot to think about," said Niran. He paused, "And..." he seemed like he was about to say something more, but he just forced a chuckle. "Yeah. A lot to think about."
The lap of waves was suddenly drowned out by a resonant 'vmmmmm' and both of them looked out over the water to see the Overwatch dropship approaching. Baptiste and Niran looked back at each other.
"Punctual bunch, aren't you?" Niran was smiling, but his brow was crinkled.
"Yeah..." Baptiste's voice trailed away from him and he looked back at Niran. They had to say goodbye now, and despite years of basically earning a blackbelt in avoiding discomfort, he had no idea how to do it.
Hug? Kiss? For the love of god, Baptiste do not shake his hand-- his mind was a fog of indecision but Niran stooped and gently kissed his temple and brushed some fingers behind his ear. 
"Don't be a stranger, Augustin, hm?" his fingers trailed down the side of Baptiste's jawline.
"I was about to say the same thing," said Baptiste.
"No you weren't," said Niran.
"Well I am now," said Baptiste.
And with that, he ascended into the dropship.
Niran was just a shrinking little spot of blue and ivory and gold below as the dropship pulled away. Baptiste slumped his head back into the dropship seat with a huff.
"Y'know... if you two wanted to get a hotel, you only needed to send a text--"
"It's not that simple--" Baptiste cut her off but then caught himself. He craned his neck to catch Tracer in the dropship's rearview mirror. "I don't--You didn't let me do this because you wanted to recruit him, right?"
"No!" Tracer said on reflex, "I mean, would we want him on the team? Sure! But... it's about you, Baptiste. I'm just glad you took a whole bloody night for yourself, really!"
There was a pause between them.
"You didn't try to recruit him, did y--?" Tracer started.
"I wasn't thinking about the team! He just seems to be doing this hippie thing and I don't want to worry about him!" Baptiste blurted out.
Tracer snorted. "You're adorable."
Baptiste just scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Oi--what's that on your ear?" Tracer's head swung around from the pilot's seat.
"Eh--?" Baptiste felt at his ear, his fingers touched on a slightly smooth and warm mass, and he pulled away a pale pink orchid of biolight that had been perched upon his ear. He blinked a few times and then flinched as the orchid dissolved into a tesselation of pink-white sparkles.
"Wow..." Tracer said a bit breathlessly, "You realize you can't not call him back now, right?"
"I wasn't going to not call him back!" said Baptiste, frustrated.
"Good to know," said Tracer, settling into the pilot's seat, "Wouldn't want you to be a heartbreaker, would we?"
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jeanchrisosme · 7 months
Parle moi de tes silences, de ce que tu n’as jamais dit à personne.. Montre moi des morceaux de ton âme que personne n’a jamais vu avant.. Des bouts de toi que tu caches, des souvenirs que tu gardes au fond de toi, des secrets dont tu as honte, des endroits dont tu es le seul à connaître.. Parle moi de cette personne qui t’a blessée au point que tu ne saches plus respirer, de celle qui t'a appris à vivre, et de celle qui t’a appris à aimer.. Parle moi de ton premier amour, de ses yeux, de son sourire.. Raconte moi tes fous rires, tes larmes, tes cris, les cicatrices qui font que tu es qui tu es.. Parle moi de ta chanson préférée, de celle qui fait ressurgir de mauvais souvenirs, de celle qui te motive, et celle qui fait battre ton cœur plus vite.. Parle moi, dis moi tout sur toi, je veux tout savoir, je veux te connaître mieux que tout le monde, mieux que toi même.. Sois avec moi la personne que tu es quand tu es seul dans ton lit le soir quand il n’y a personne pour te juger..
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Vous avez un nouveau message.
Ce matin, j'ai reçu un message d'un de mes ex. Pas un de ces ex qu'on a toutes et qui revient de temps en temps, parce qu'il n'a rien de mieux à se mettre sous la dent ou parce qu'il s'ennuie. Non, un EX. Celui avec qui l'histoire fut belle et sincère et partagée. Cet ex qui conserve de beaux souvenirs de la relation et qui vous garde toute sa tendresse. Celui qui, bien que des années ce soient écoulées, est resté là, quelque part, dans votre vie, dans votre mémoire, dans votre cœur aussi. Celui avec qui il n'y a eu ni de bataille, ni chagrin, mais que vous avez connu trop tôt ou trop tard. Cet ex qu'on respecte comme il vous respecte. Et bien, cet ex m'a écrit, des mots doux, qui réchauffent, qui mettent ce petit sourire aux lèvres et qui font du bien tout simplement. Une sorte de cadeau de Noël avant l'heure. Et cela m'a rappeler que finalement, j'ai connu des hommes bien dans ma vie. Deux sont devenus les pères de mes enfants et celui là, qui est le seul homme que j'ai réellement admiré, parce que c'est quelqu'un d'extrêmement courageux, stable et fort. Merci pour tes mots. A jamais, ta bulle.
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ourladyofomega · 2 years
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Avant Garde Gothic Bold.
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ashhearthelps · 8 months
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I made this Barbie inspired template a while ago for my own use. I decided I wanted to share it here, because I didn't think I would use it again. I made this as a promo template, but I think it would look cute as a header or pinned post template as well. These are the fonts I used :: AVANTE GARDE. BARBIE MOVIE FONT. CELEBRATE RETRO. MAGNOLIA SKY.
If you download this template, please like or reblog this post. If you decided to use this template, you must give me credit. You can do this by posting a link on your blog somewhere or reblogging this post.
You can download this psd via my deviant art for free or get the pay what you want version on payhip. If you like what I do, please consider donating to my ko-fi.
deviant art. // ko-fi. // payhip.
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My English translations are not the best I am sorry.
╰┈➤ Premier jour (first day)
Jeanne, le Seigneur a chargé l’Archange saint Michel de t’apparaître et de t’annoncer ta mission de sauver le royaume de France.
Jeanne, the Lord has instructed the Archangel Saint Michael to appear to you and announce your mission to save the kingdom of France.
Jeanne, ton grand désir de servir Dieu et de tout faire pour lui plaire, Te font prononcer le « fiat » malgré tes craintes de ne pas être digne et capable d’accomplir cette mission.
Jeanne, your great desire to serve God and to do everything to please him, makes you pronounce the “fiat” despite your fears of not being worthy and capable of accomplishing this mission.
Le ciel t’a donné une épée pour combattre, et les voix de sainte Catherine et de Sainte Marguerite pour te guider.
Heaven has given you a sword to fight, and the voices of Saint Catherine and Saint Margaret to guide you.
Intercède pour que nous puissions toujours répondre à notre vocation.
Intercede so that we may always respond to our vocation.
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╰┈➤ Deuxième jour (second day)
Jeanne, tu rends visite au Dauphin de France
Jeanne, you visit the Dauphin of France.
Tu lui révèles qu’il est le véritable héritier de France, et fils de roi, Qu’il sera couronné à Reims et que tu es venue pour l’aider à accomplir ce désir du Ciel.
You reveal to him that he is the true heir of France, and son of a king, that he will be crowned in Reims and that you have come to help him fulfill this desire of Heaven.
Tu livres ensuite de nombreuses batailles contre les Anglais, et tu en sors toujours victorieuse.
You then fought many battles against the English, and you always emerged victorious.
Tu livres également bataille au péché dans ton propre camp et tu demandes à tes soldats de retrouver l’état de grâce.
You also give battle to sin in your own camp and you ask your soldiers to regain the state of grace.
Intercède maintenant pour que notre pays se souvienne de son baptême Et retrouve le chemin des sacrements.
Intercede now so that our country remembers its baptism And finds the way to the sacraments.
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╰┈➤ Troisième jour (third day)
La semaine de Pâques de cette année 1430, alors que tu te trouves dans un fossé de Melun, les voix de saintes Catherine et Marguerite t’annoncent que tu seras faite prisonnière avant la fête de la saint Jean et que Dieu te viendra en aide durant cette épreuve.
Easter week of this year 1430, while you are in a ditch in Melun, the voices of Saints Catherine and Marguerite announce to you that you will be taken prisoner before the feast of Saint John and that God will come to you help during this test.
Tu es alors envahie d’angoisse et tentée de ne pas te soumettre à la volonté divine afin de sauver ta vie.
You are then overwhelmed with anguish and tempted not to submit to the divine will in order to save your life.
Prie pour nous, afin que nous fassions toujours la volonté de Dieu, et non la nôtre.
Pray for us, that we always do God's will, not our own.
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╰┈➤ Quatrième jour (fourth day)
C’est le 26 Mai, après une rude bataille, que tu es prise par un archer du camp adverse.
It is on May 26, after a hard battle, that you are taken by an archer from the opposing camp.
Tu es ainsi arrêtée et accusée par l’Inquisition d’hérésie et d’idolâtrie.
You are thus arrested and accused by the Inquisition of heresy and idolatry.
Malgré tes craintes et tes peurs, tu te laisses emprisonner.
Despite your fears and fears, you allow yourself to be imprisoned.
Tu gardes confiance en tes voix, et tu demandes leur intercession afin de répondre aux questions qui te sont posées.
You keep trust in your voices, and you ask for their intercession in order to answer the questions that are put to you.
Demande à Dieu, pour nous, le courage et l’audace d’affirmer notre foi.
Ask God, for us, the courage and audacity to affirm our faith.
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╰┈➤ Cinquième jour (fifth day)
Tu es torturée moralement, assaillie par de nombreux et interminables interrogatoires, abandonnée et trahie de tous, y compris du Roi, traitée comme une prisonnière de guerre, menacée corporellement par les gardiens de ta cellule, accusée de nombreuses fautes que tu n’as pas commises, sans avocat.
You are morally tortured, beset by numerous and interminable interrogations, abandoned and betrayed by everyone, including the King, treated like a prisoner of war, bodily threatened by the guards of your cell, accused of numerous faults that you do not have not committed, without a lawyer.
Toujours docile aux conseils de tes voix, tu réponds sans crainte à tout ce que l’on te demande.
Always docile to the advice of your voices, you respond without fear to everything that is asked of you.
Intercède pour que nous ayons toujours recours à la prière dans nos difficultés.
Intercede that we always have recourse to prayer in our difficulties.
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╰┈➤ Sixième jour (sixth day)
Tous tes accusateurs s’acharnent pour te faire faillir, pour te faire contredire les faits que tu relates;
All your accusers work hard to make you fail, to make you contradict the facts you relate;
ils t’accusent, te menacent de tortures physiques, te harcèlent sans cesse durant des heures;
they accuse you, threaten you with physical torture, harass you constantly for hours;
en vain, tu as toujours réponse à toutes les questions, jusqu’au jour, où, n’en pouvant plus, effrayée par la mort, tu renies tout. 
in vain, you always have the answer to all the questions, until the day when, unable to take it any longer, frightened by death, you deny everything.
Puis, par la grâce de Dieu, tu acceptes avec courage le martyre et reviens sur tes reniements.
Then, by the grace of God, you courageously accept martyrdom and reconsider your denials.
Malgré la reconnaissance de certains de tes juges de l’intervention divine dans ta conduite, tu es condamnée à mort par le supplice du feu.
Despite the recognition of some of your judges of divine intervention in your conduct, you are condemned to death by torture by fire.
Prie pour que la France relève la face et se souvienne de ses promesses faites à Dieu.
Pray for France to raise its face and remember its promises made to God.
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╰┈➤ Septième jour (seventh day)
Jeanne, tu es surnaturellement soutenue par le Ciel, mais tu n’échappes pas aux angoisses provoquées par la sentence.
Jeanne, you are supernaturally supported by Heaven, but you cannot escape the anguish caused by the sentence.
Tu aurais préféré « être décapitée sept fois plutôt que brûlée et réduite en cendres. »
You would have rather "be beheaded seven times than burnt and reduced to ashes."
Sur le bûcher, une fois liée, tu demandes pardon aux anglais et à tous tes ennemis, pour les batailles livrées contre eux, et, d’une voix haute et claire, tu pardonnes à tous ceux qui t’ont condamnée.
At the stake, once bound, you ask pardon of the English and of all your enemies, for the battles waged against them, and, in a loud and clear voice, you forgive all those who have condemned you .
« Mes saintes ne m’ont pas trompée, ma mission était de Dieu. Saint Michel, sainte Marguerite et sainte Catherine, vous tous, mes frères et sœurs du Paradis, venez à mon aide… »
“My saints did not deceive me, my mission was from God. Saint Michael, Saint Margaret and Saint Catherine, all of you, my brothers and sisters in Paradise, come to my aid…”
Au milieu des flammes, tu regardes la croix qui t’est présentée, et tu prononces le Nom de Jésus avant de mourir.
In the midst of the flames, you look at the cross presented to you, and you pronounce the Name of Jesus before dying.
Sois notre modèle dans l’obéissance, dans la confiance en Dieu, et la persévérance dans notre mission
Be our model in obedience, in trust in God, and perseverance in our mission
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╰┈➤ Huitième jour (eighth day)
Alors que le bourreau éteint le brasier afin que tous voient le cadavre défiguré de celle qui les a fait trembler, il écarte les cendres et le miracle apparaît devant leurs yeux effrayés :
As the executioner puts out the fire so that everyone can see the disfigured corpse of the one who made them tremble, he pushes aside the ashes and the miracle appears before their frightened eyes:
Ton cœur est là, rempli d’un sang vermeil et semblant vivre encore !
Your heart is there, filled with vermilion blood and seeming live again!
Du soufre et de h’huile sont alors répandus dessus, le feu reprend puis s’éteint à nouveau, le laissant toujours intact.
Sulfur and oil are then sprinkled on it, the fire resumes and then goes out again, leaving it still intact.
Inquiet de ce miracle et craignant l’émotion du peuple, le cardinal d’Angleterre ordonne que tes os, tes cendres et surtout ton cœur soient jetés immédiatement dans la Seine.
Worried about this miracle and fearing the emotion of the people, the cardinal of England orders that your bones, your ashes and especially your heart be thrown immediately into the Seine.
Le bourreau dit alors : « J’ai grand peur d’être damné pour avoir brûlé une sainte »
The executioner then said: "I am very afraid of being damned for having burned a saint".
Des cris s’élèvent dans la foule : « Nous sommes tous perdus car une sainte a été brûlée ! »
Cries rise in the crowd: “We are all lost because a saint has been burned! »
Aide-nous à servir Dieu et à ne chercher que la gloire du Ciel.
Help us to serve God and seek only the glory of Heaven.
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╰┈➤ Neuvième Jour (ninth day)
Après ta mort, mourut la prospérité des anglais en France. Depuis le bûcher de Rouen, ils ne connurent que déceptions et défaites.
After your death, the prosperity of the English in France died. From the stake in Rouen, they knew only disappointments and defeats.
A leur grande honte et confusion, ils furent rejetés de tous les pays qu’ils avaient conquis.
To their great shame and confusion, they were thrown out of all the countries they had conquered.
Tous ceux qui avaient jugé avec mauvaise foi la Pucelle trouvèrent la mort peu de temps après la sienne.
All those who had judged the Maid in bad faith died shortly after hers.
L’évêque Cauchon, enrichi par le Roi d’Angleterre, mourut subitement ; il fut excommunié par le Pape et ses os furent jetés aux bêtes féroces.
Bishop Cauchon, enriched by the King of England, died suddenly; he was excommunicated by the Pope and his bones were thrown to wild beasts.
Ainsi s’accomplit la prédiction faite à Jeanne, en sa prison, par ses voix:
Thus is fulfilled the prediction made to Jeanne, in her prison, by her voices:
« Tu auras secours. Tu seras délivrée par une grande victoire. Prends tout en gré. Ne te soucie pas de ton martyre. Tu viendras enfin au Royaume du Paradis. »
"You will have help. You will be delivered with a great victory. Take it all in stride. Don't worry about your martyrdom. You will finally come to the Kingdom of Heaven."
Que la résurrection soit le seul but de notre vie.
Let the resurrection be the only goal of our life.
Sois présente à nos côtés et contribue encore à la sanctification de notre pays.
Be present at our side and still contribute to the sanctification of our country.
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Prions. Sainte Jeanne d’Arc, ton martyre est la grande victoire de Dieu sur nos ennemis .
Intercède, du Royaume des Cieux, pour que nous soyons préservés des guerres contre notre pays et des assauts contre notre foi.
Que la France se souvienne qu’elle est la Fille Aînée de l’Eglise. Seigneur, nous te rendons grâce car Tu as béni notre pays en nous donnant Jeanne d’ARC.
Suscite encore de nombreuses vocations pour garder intacte la mission apostolique de la France. Amen.
Let us pray. Saint Joan of Arc, your martyrdom is God's great victory over our enemies. Intercede, from the Kingdom of Heaven, that we may be preserved from wars against our country and attacks against our faith. May France remember that she is the Eldest Daughter of the Church. Lord, we give you thanks because you blessed our country by giving us Joan of Arc. Still arouses many vocations to keep intact the apostolic mission of France. Amen.
+ Pater, Ave, Gloria
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nahkyl · 2 months
Franchement, quand je vois qu'il garde Ramos (invisible) et Soler (atroce) alors que Kylian est connu pour avoir un meilleur jeu après la mi-temps... je sais pas, de base j'étais d'accord avec la décision de le sortir s'il faut, mais là je commence à penser que NAK/Enrique lui font payer pour sa décision de partir
Ensuite, Ramos sort peu de temps après et Soler est maintenu sur le terrain pour préserver WZE. Il a mentionné que Warren avait trop joué lors des entretiens d'après-match, et qu'il était important de le ménager.
Je sais pas si ça peut être considéré comme une punition, bien que je comprenne les gens qui le pensent. C'est pas comme si Paris avait pour habitude de bien finir ses histoires avec les légendes.
Mais personnellement, je pense sincèrement qu'il s'agit simplement d'une anticipation pour la saison prochaine. On pourrait argumenter que c'est un peu précipité étant donné que nous sommes seulement en mars, et que ce n'est peut-être pas la meilleure décision à prendre, car il y a un risque de démotiver le joueur mentalement. Pourtant, je trouve difficile d'en vouloir à l'entraîneur.
Le point crucial, c'est que même si Kylian est le meilleur joueur du monde, il ne sera pas là l'année prochaine. Ainsi, le garder sur le terrain parce qu'il est "indispensable" et capable de changer le cours du match à tout moment, a du sens lorsque l'on envisage le long terme avec lui. Cependant, Enrique sait qu'il ne compte pas sur lui pour l'avenir, et il est conscient que cette saison est une transition. Une saison "brouillon". Il anticipe donc.
Ca m'embête pour Kylian, parce qu'il y a un risque de le voir affecté mentalement, lui qui souhaitait être impliqué jusqu'au bout quoi qu'il arrive. Et en plus, ça pourrait compromettre sa préparation pour les matchs internationaux avec l'Équipe de France et ralentir sa progression pour le Kopa et le Ballon d'Or.
Mais, malgré tout mon amour pour lui, et même s'il reste notre joueur, l'intérêt du club et de l'équipe passe avant tout. Donc, s'il doit rester sur le banc pour que nous développions des automatismes avec nos autres attaquants, alors soit.
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alpinelogy · 1 month
Top 5 fonts ✨
ask me my top 5 anything
Oh you asked the person who spends their free time on adobe fonts an opinion on fonts... fun!
First of all, Calibri my beloved body font. Gonna focus on only heading fonts here but I needed to mention it
Acier BAT - she is everything, she is the moment, there is a reason for why she is my go to header font because she is so versatile, no matter the style or combination she is perfect
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2. ITC Avant Garde Gothic - did you know that the bold version of this font was used in the title of the movie Senna? Yeah that's how I originally found it cause I love the slanted A. Simple so it can be bent and is still easy to read, especially awesome in all caps
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3. Sisters - I don't get to use her as often cause there is just too much going on with it but one of these days I will make a graphic where I can use it. Bonus shoutout to Gill Sans Nova Deco here because she is so similar but slightly less busy
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Thank you Adobe Fonts for your service
4. Rig Solid - a font that has a drop shadow version built in? Say no more. Wonderful for poster design, I need to use it more often for that. Has been slightly overshadowed by Acier BAT I fear
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Thank you Adobe Fonts for your service
5. Neonoir - still lowkey on a hunt for a good handwriting font but so far she is the least finnicky and best I could find. So many handwritten fonts suffer from not lining up properly but I don't need to adjust the kerning here so she's automatically wonderful... mostly
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Thank you Adobe Fonts for your service
Quick fire round of faves that have been with me for a long time aka since pre adobe days and did not make the list: MADE Soulmaze, Cinzel, Sue Ellen Francisco, Adobe Caslon Pro, and probably more I am forgetting. Some of these are on Google Fonts, some of these have existed on my ancient laptop when I used to make wattpad covers, some are both
Honorable mention to Gill Sans Nova for quite literally fulfilling every idea under the sun. It's just too versatile and that's why I didn't mention it
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