enha-stars · 27 days
“dear adonis” is such a fucking terrifying line
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m0nst3rgunxz · 2 months
BRO BRO IM READING THE BIBLE OF THE ADVERSARY AND THE LINE "Those who are intolerant are but fearing sheep, Awaiting the jaws of the wolf"
THATS WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYYYINGGGG (actually this whole segment goes insanely hard)
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LIKE YEAH YOU'RE INTOLERANCE AND IGNORANCE IS GOING TO GET YOU EATEN ALIVE. To me blind intolerance is a direct opposition of free will. Its these people, scared of the unknown and lashing out who are submitting to bigoted ideal, letting authorities and false higher powers(the government. I dont like the government) keep them by a chain. Why is it so often that these people dont realize that there are others, very real people, on the other end of their "controversial opinion" or whatever the fuck they wanna call being openly bigoted. And and why do they let their fears be so reinforced that they let themselves loose sight of other very real people? Can youu even say you have empathy if it doesnt extend to those with differing experiences????
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alka-di-kijarr · 3 years
Hunters Journey - 006
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Disclaimer: This story was originally posted on my deviantArt. It was part of the #smaugust #challenge in 2020. I wanted to share it here for people who like fantasy/adventure stories. My Tumblr shall make it easy to follow the story, and I hope you like it too. English is not my native language, but I try my best. ♥ Enjoy!
Hunters Journey - 006
The next days were filled with preparations, discussions and several meetings, but Nero didn't attend most of them. Still bound to his walking sticks he fell into some kind of resignation. Vaas had got the bad news shortly after the brawl in the dining hall and since that moment he acted oddly. Understandable, but still something Nero was not used to. Not even a bid. A deep sigh escaped the young man's chest, but there was nothing to do about it. Facing an old enemy who had taken so many lives, lives of friends and fellows, was never an easy task. It never should be.  Walking down the corridors of the great hall, Nero decided it was about time to at least visit his friend, regardless the surrounding chaos. Before entering the sleeping corridors, he took a small detour into the kitchen.
"Hey Ma' Myra." "Ahhh, the great hero honours us with his presence!" The older, corpulent lady laughed brightly, the hands resting on her hips. She was one of the individuals in this guild that never seemed breakable. The most hunters only called her Ma' as if she would be the mother of all of them. Thinking about her kind nature and the things she was doing for each and every one here, the title was well-earned. Nero couldn't hide the big smile he got when she was in the room, and so he entered the gigantic kitchen and slowly walked up to her position. Uncountable cooks and servants were whizzing around, preparing everything for the lunchtime. Myra gave some commands, before she gifted Nero her complete attention.
"What is up with ya' young hero? Why the long face?" "Uff, there is so much going on at the moment Ma'. Vaas will leave at dawn tomorrow and I cannot join the squad and be any kind of help, while he needs to face Taurus. It hurts me...somehow." "Ahh, there ya see ya still a youngstah."  She laughed and clapped his back a bit. Nero rose his eyebrows in confusion, but that only made Myra laugh louder.
"Ya' can still chitchat about ya' feelings and ya' worries. That is something all tha' old grey wolfs lose over the time they hunt." The young man looked somewhat embarrassed, as if she wanted to let him look silly, but even before he could say something in his defence, Myra grabbed both his cheeks with her warm hands.
"Don't make that face! Ya' look like a little puppy who got scolded!" Nero felt how his face turned red, while other cooks and servants watched the scene. Myra took her hands down and placed them on his shoulders. Her voice was calm and serious now.
"Never ever let someone take this away from ya', hunter. The fear shall be your companion, but not your inner enemy. Hunters who don't speak about tha' things they had seen get eaten alive by the demons those thoughts create. And there ain't a chance of a 'maybe create'. It is always tha' same story, with tha' same ol' ending."  Myra watched the room around and Nero saw a small grinning before she rose her hands to the air and started laughing. 
"Ya' all, what ya' looking at, hah?! Ya' think that's something to laugh about?  A WEAKNESS?! All of ya Greenhorns can take an example on this hunter! Wannabe fighters ya' all are. Ya' would sh*t ya' knickers if ya' would need to face the creatures, when they are not in captivity! Am I right, Guston?" She looked over to a cook at the end of the room. He was one of those really arrogant people, but the story of his high-pitched scream at the day when a group of small Rockets escaped their cage was legendary and still part of every festival-evening-story-time. Rockets were small creatures with dog-like behaviour, but the appearance of some weird insect-demon mixture. They probably had confused him with a bunch of bones, considering his own body shape. Nero couldn't avoid it and giggled heartily, while Myra looked extremely satisfied. 
"So what now - ya' want some food now for ol' grumpy Vaassy-baassy, or nat?" As if she could have read his mind, Nero smiled and nodded silently. She waddled around the kitchen table, took a few packs of baked goods and a big flask of the best wine they had. Knowing of his condition, she folded a bag that she could tie around his back and shoulders. Nero felt like in the old time when his grandmother prepared him for the way to his first big hunt. Not being able to erase the smile on his face, he told her a goodbye and left the kitchen, heading to the sleeping quarters. 
After visiting Vaas room and not finding him there, Nero took a turn to the outside. There was only one place Vaas would visit, if he was not in his room and trying to get a nap.  The way was long and the young hunter felt the pain in his legs and the healing wounds, but there was no way he would leave his mentor and friend without a talk and some good food. Even if he would have to walk for the rest of the day, following him all around the guild hall! But gladly there would be no need to do so.
"There you are!" Vaas looked up and a small smile covered the old man's face.
"Don't tell me you walked all the way to meet me here? You could have waited until lunch."
"Yes, yes. I know you would not skip any good meal, but I got the opportunity to let us have lunch without the annoyance of other people in the dining room."
"Oh? Now you woke my interest young man!"  Nero grinned and took a place beside Vaas on a wooden bench. The bench was situated in front of an outside cage, inhabiting the Gemini. A fiery hydra with - actually - five heads.
"How are our friends doing?" he asked and reached Vaas some baked goods Myra gave him.  The old man looked pleased and took a big bite, before he answered. 
"They are doing fine. Seth thinks about keeping Gemini." "Oh?" That are some amazing news." Keeping a creature was a big responsibility and also a big economical risk. 
"Yeah. After we freed Gemini last year from this insane brat of a prince, even Seth seems to have sympathy for the hydra. Unbelievable what this spoiled boy was doing to this creature." Nero nodded. Someone could think that capturing and keeping a hydra in captivity would be insanely dangerous, but only if the lives of the servants you use for the creature matter to you. The prince, called Olevon, was the son of king Pralius and queen Nafita. Last year they had got the message of a concerned hunter, or more precisely a spy, that the boy was about to lose control of the hydra. He was teasing them with fear and pain and tried to starve it, so it would adapt to his wishes ....without resistance. The hydra was really young when they found it and decided to bring it to the guilds headquarter. The creature was wounded and the mother dead, but not killed by hunters. 
"Do you think Seth feels  guilty about his decision to give Gemini to Olevon?" Vaas nodded, chewing some baked goods. 
"Yes. Yes, I do. But I understand his decision. He thought bringing them together while both are young would be a good idea to strengthen their bond. But now Gemini is in its puberty and only made awful experiences so far. We will see how this will go." Nero agreed and his view shifted to a young lady that entered the gigantic cage of Gemini. It was Lauriel, a young huntress and medic. She walked straight to Gemini, waving a hand and calling their names.
"She gave all the heads unique names, huh?" "Yup. And I would say all of them love her." "That's good." Both nodded. 
Gemini was laying in the middle of the area, enjoying the sun on their dark scales. The middle head waved his mane to greet Lauriel, and she laughed. While greeting the oldest one first, the other heads already tried to snuggle her. Big bro was not amused and growled deeply, so the other heads made space, but as always the second-born tried to argue. No chance.  It was a real film to watch them and the reason why Vaas liked to be here so much. Lauriel really had a hand for them. 
Both sat there for a bit longer, watching the hydra getting a mane brush and scale care. So shiny.  "You will come back Vaas, promise it."
"I promise it." "Alive. And in one part." Vaas rose his eyebrows, but he smiled. 
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crypticpine · 4 years
Here's my reactions to Princess Bride cause I watch it today.
Okay, that's a little het for a lesbian movie. Wait... Is this lesbian? Its made in 1987... But the name is The Princess Bride.. I assume its a Princess' bride? *looks at name again* PRINCES BRIDE!? Well shoot. Just have to get over it I guess.
Little edgy, bro.
That's a pretty dress.
"E-excuse me miss yes could you just get into this cart no we're not kidnapping you hahahahahaa"
These kidnappers are hilarious tho. "I don't mind starting a war but I draw the line at killing a girl"
Bro she's not even tied-
Those eels are just convenient for the-AT THIS TIMMEE WHAT THE FRICK does she get eaten later? Is she always near a blood thirsty eel?
She could've pushed them into the water and sailed away. She could've screamed at the fishermen. Something!
cliffs. Of INSANITY!!
Ohhh it's the knight guy.
Oh there are gay scenes here.
Just keep climbing just keep climbing just keep climbing- AAHHH
He climb. MUST DIE!!
I like the giant guy.
"I don't mean to be rude, but" They are supposed to be fighting??
Oh there are gay people.
"Thank you. Now we fight!"
Ah the six fingered man, I heard of him.
HE HANDED HIM HIS SWORD- they don't know how enemies work, dont they.
PREPARE TO DIE this is what that's from!
"Not enough money for revenge tho" I heard that right?
HE WAITED. Such a gentleman, bro I'll date you if he doesnt.
That ACCENT I love ittt
"Get used to disappointment" Writing that down...
Ooo he won! Oh! The bop! INCONCEIVABLE
No Offense but he looks so weird with the mask..
Kill each other like civilized people? Yeah.
What is he trying to do? Hug him to death.
These kidnappers are just such babies I love them.
"Dream of laarge women" Already do!
Whom are they? Weird people??
"Why I'm still alive" He's gonna die.
"Morons. All of them" HE'S SUCH A CHILD OMR
Ooo poison
He put them in both, right?
"Youre just stalling now." He really is.
Oh my gosh, this is hilarious
That fake death, hilarious.
He has a princess now!
She lied! PUT OUT bro someone would've died!?!
"You killed my love" I AM YOUR LOVE *Darth Vader theme plays in background*
When he actually dies she's probably not gonna believe it...
That's cool scenery. OH IT'S THAT SCENE
"It's not that bad" *looks in horror* I'M DEAD
FIRE! ADVENTURE! goodness.
That pirate story would've been an enteresting story... I kind of wanna write a story on it.
The world of Prince's Bride is so interesting- AHH RODENT OF UNUSUAL SIZE!
Nom nom nom nom, EATING THIS GIRLS FEET! Oh no I've been stabbed. Goodbye world!
She didn't hear his betrayal? How??
Cool it's a dungeon! All we need is a dragon!
"Til I kill you, so yeah" This is a good movie, I like this movie.
Yeah kid, I feel you.
I-that was a dream?
"Yes, your very smart. Shutup!" This is just... A good movie.
THESE ARE AMAZING VILLAINS!? Ahh! It's been so long sense I've seen a good villain.
Okay- what is that machine? It looks so weird!??
So I am tired writing done everything so this is the end.
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sirjustice1357 · 3 years
Still am Hindu or this tribe and that, fuck off dude, get the below or refute to face da consiquences
Who is the mother of Jesus and is she still alive and where working and same to his father Joseph and answers given dude
Who will get to hell 1st and why and who live in the most beautiful 100 houses in a city and the rich per state, city or nation?
Who sending criminals to ambush Nelson at Migosi home and those who have with them guns and grenades or missile drone?
Do heaven has a ghetto and foods and what kind of foods not eaten dude and where is heaven from earth in distance and bearing and can u get there and they are how many heavens?
Is Jesus Gods son or not, do God loves him or not or is he devil and is he more than Nelson Northwhitehead or not?
Was the bible write and who wrote the bible and if in other languages which 1 per bible book
Even with past songs gotten from which planets even with books, poems and building designs and the name of those who sang such dude all given bro
Even every invention know who came out with it from the mind or asked Mr devil as above and do God knows how to make same as devil and can he tell u the methods as above and who created Mr DEVIL and God, all given to ya dude and all the women ready to have kebi kids and the most beautiful places cities on earth and underlying reasons why
Reason why Nairobi structures are beautiful, what they use to mix the concrete paint with and what cities in list will collapse if Europe betting eliminated and those personalities who have gained much with betting to be rich and structures in each city built with the same and if all cities of the world uses what Nairobi uses with paint and concrete which will be most livable and beautiful dude?
And ask which metropolitan city are best to live or pretty and which City CBD are good looking and why
Ask all the sons, daughters to Musicians live Mavado, raila, Nelly, TI, Murphy lee, Ja Rule and chingy and more and told so such tree-o logy cut down and destroyed and they rejoin and create like food jealousy among those not with their genes, good to be corrected by Kebi dude. Ask is Andrea or aliyah sister to kebi and why she died in a plane crash, answer should not leave Denver as those who wants to to get to heaven out of stories hard are thrown unto hell unto the hind Conner as they get to Denver via the magma and reincarnated to be in Denver with warnings, if u leaves u freeze inside plane or turn to salt lest with permission and if u want not to be in fire for 60 days to Denver u opt 4 Minneapolis and same indictment as with Denver, u get out of its environs not and u can ask Mr DEVIL which cities u can visit as asked above
Ask who shot aliyah in the plane and they were with who and why dude?
And ask who placed Amoeba into Nelson System and why and they were with who and who made it to Kenya to hand over kebi, injected with anesthesia to Eunice via JKIA airport and at what cities nelson was taken from birth place Topeka to reach Nairobi then to Kisumu and reasons 4 relocations and the consequences to Kebi, Denver and those people involved in the same sad happening
Ask where do the devil leaves under which lake and has kebi visited him and how many times and the staircase to devil destiny is at which building and answers given bro. Ask also who was Chizi mkuu and lived where during which time dispensation and which songs are his currently sang and of maya anjolie, Paul tilich, goeth, secretes, emanual Kant and all philosophers as googled dude and poems and books and where they lived longtime in current places dude
Ask instant killer amoeba medicine and u will be given dude, even mango juice and sewer water, urine of all ages or every age bracket, cat feces/urine mixed with cement to infuse a good spirit with buildings as in Nairobi, Ask the sons of King David and given and their sons and great great grand sons and their wives as much as David all wives current cities they are in and their graves and where was the king Accolade and where David saw Uriah bathing and who was Uriah and the soldiers, whether Uriah died or David was cheated and he took a flight to another land and where they were born bro and ask all men in love with nelson wanting his booty or kiss him or touch his manhood and all even international women in love with nelson and answers given dude
When u opt 4 stir method the flowers or foods made or machines or necessities made in the boom process do not halt the brain as safe and a thing why nations like UK continue to buy flowers though they can make artificial such with side effect as above and u can ask cause i have asked dude, a good thing dude to end Kenya flower thing and promise of be rich than other lands if both makes machines and foods they imported so left with Tea and flowers to export other nations has not taming Kenya rich b4 time knowing them alone will amount to the same.
Ask which countries each Kenya tribe or of other nations or in collaboration planning to attack and why and where their military arsenal are hidden to destroy and answers given dude
Ask where one can live and nations he love most and those reciprocating the same dude
Ask all the personality of bible current location whether live or dead, their parents and lovers or kids and given dude and the exact places in modern cities their occupancy where previously and given dude, no jokes seriousi dude
Ask those who want not to hustle and wants people food and even 4 infants and given bro. Ask which method of making artificial foods the best as with flowers and inquire the process of making such as the heap combination, boom area and the time and ask which padlock is the best as per now in list form and given dude
Ask how many years one takes to burn up in hell to atrophy and the temperature and if getting to Denver as above the temperature across the movements to Denver and if their are machines in heaven and sex or marriage and how many wives can 1 have and the size of the Manson Christ described dude. Denver sold Kebi that it shy people from taking alcohol as induced that spirit so taken to many Cities across the USA to find out b4 Judy Marie and T.I place Amoeba in his system with Orengo and Raila bro
Ask will killing Kebi take them anywhere and what they want to do with NELSON ID card they are eager to steal with the police and ask can Kenya be rich than USA and in which areas explained and which is the richest USA state or Nation and why dude instead of everyday debate to no avail dude
Is JAMAICA rich than KENYA ask that question and answers given why and how
Ask is Zanel and Gloria Apondi friend with Moseti and James Christ in appearance and why Nelson was Following him, did he give him a tint or clue and answers given. Gloria was No 1 and left or the 1 following her was impersonator of NELSON KEVIN and who dellan or frankline osoro is and as above answers given instead of reproach and too much words to no avail.
Ask who wrote fasihi and the best writer in the world currently and who gives the best written speeches to dignitaries or stolen and answers given. And ask who knows how to dress but in pretense to get by in the whole world list in Genes and official wear and answers given, stop the shit/beef with him and ask who worn the first bracelet powered capes in Bosnia and Ny and answers given dude b4 step on CD method dude
And ask who or which categories of people started every cities of the world or nations and u will get to know am telling the truth bro and ask who are printing fake monies to inject into the system and list of names given and even those in custody of guns and ammunition dude
Ask at what height can each crop grow in seas and using the stay in air drones 4 like 5 years add soil above the from the end tips and side connect to chain as of Gold with tea, of bronze with flowers of Zinc with maize and with wheat of copper rye of bronze mixed with gold and such cash crops grows dude and investigate with others to save ya export dude and if the altitude below water use like the Norwegian bridge in water technology inside armored big glass containers with pipes to circulate air with controlled temperatures as green house to grow the same dude as in the links below
Ask is white man superior the NELSON and answers given and which planets beautiful per list and the hottest, coolest or big as with land mass or water body and given dude
Ask with using not air thermometer but using body thermometer the temperatures of every planet land mass and of earth to get to know how it feels when its said its hot cause the 2 are different sets and in 1 degree in body thermometer is how many such degrees in air thermometer
If u sleep with ya cousin or related to it grows ya head big and along time b4 the above explanation and truths such were known that way or sprinkle type of male sexual ejaculation, so get advice if u experience such dude
Ask which airport good in the globe list and why and which city built on the hill will be tolerable than the former during the Judgement day and reason why and what will the devil do to make the above sentiment a reality dude and ask which people are insane or blind and why so per area code and ask which cities one has been to or passed and given dude
Ask where u get if u want to worship the devil and in which attires and who gets there within ya city dude and ask the best song currently in English and ask who are jew and dictate those who are jew if they are lazy, special or industrious or not and answers give bro and ask if people should get to church or stop and reasons why many are forced with the same and corrections needed to be done to make church a church not a little club of fashion show. Ask who did fashion show in churches and name list given even black mailers
Ask where each and every chemical or mineral is within the world cities or any location with longitude and latitude cross section and gives
Ask which country women are pretty, good or beautiful as same with men and the reasons why and given dude and ask is Jesus Christ PG was artificial insemination and if the mother was drunk done with who, who impersonate and answer given and if Jesus Christ teachings were paraphrased and who flew as got the same not to heaven but into the sky to delude the discipline that he is resurrected Christ and answers given dude instead of everyday bible study those wanting foods and drinks a thing Kebi could not saying not even in disgust of what they did with friends in many house
Ask also who shot Shakur and who were there, B.I.G, MC dollar, Malcolm X and Mlk as the bible say all u do in darkness will be brought unto light and reasons why police has shot many like in the USA DUDE. ask the greatest writer in script and Novel and answers given, not even ya tribe as everything is on a personal basis, why not the devil say its ya tribe, stop being a fool dude and pro-act dude, leave one alone dude
Ask why they want nelson northwhitehead with them dearly yet not their race and why the deported him and who enabled the same dude and reasons 4 the same bro, dude it will be shooting as in the movie link below bro
The great dragon will be brought down, killed out of Kebi system, 4 relaying wrong results as its purpose it to record all the undertakings of the person in them and relay but now its medication hard to find unearthed or how it can be killed which has disturbed people 4 long with success but now handy as Amoeba drug dude as always portrayed dude
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sirjustice1358 · 3 years
Still am this & that tribe, dude style up bro
Who is the mother of Jesus and is she still alive and where working and same to his father Joseph and answers given dude
Who will get to hell 1st and why and who live in the most beautiful 100 houses in a city and the rich per state, city or nation?
Who sending criminals to ambush Nelson at Migosi home and those who have with them guns and grenades or missile drone?
Do heaven has a ghetto and foods and what kind of foods not eaten dude and where is heaven from earth in distance and bearing and can u get there and they are how many heavens?
Is Jesus Gods son or not, do God loves him or not or is he devil and is he more than Nelson Northwhitehead or not?
Was the bible write and who wrote the bible and if in other languages which 1 per bible book
Even with past songs gotten from which planets even with books, poems and building designs and the name of those who sang such dude all given bro
Even every invention know who came out with it from the mind or asked Mr devil as above and do God knows how to make same as devil and can he tell u the methods as above and who created Mr DEVIL and God, all given to ya dude and all the women ready to have kebi kids and the most beautiful places cities on earth and underlying reasons why
Reason why Nairobi structures are beautiful, what they use to mix the concrete paint with and what cities in list will collapse if Europe betting eliminated and those personalities who have gained much with betting to be rich and structures in each city built with the same and if all cities of the world uses what Nairobi uses with paint and concrete which will be most livable and beautiful dude?
And ask which metropolitan city are best to live or pretty and which City CBD are good looking and why
Ask all the sons, daughters to Musicians live Mavado, raila, Nelly, TI, Murphy lee, Ja Rule and chingy and more and told so such tree-o logy cut down and destroyed and they rejoin and create like food jealousy among those not with their genes, good to be corrected by Kebi dude. Ask is Andrea or aliyah sister to kebi and why she died in a plane crash, answer should not leave Denver as those who wants to to get to heaven out of stories hard are thrown unto hell unto the hind Conner as they get to Denver via the magma and reincarnated to be in Denver with warnings, if u leaves u freeze inside plane or turn to salt lest with permission and if u want not to be in fire for 60 days to Denver u opt 4 Minneapolis and same indictment as with Denver, u get out of its environs not and u can ask Mr DEVIL which cities u can visit as asked above
Ask who shot aliyah in the plane and they were with who and why dude?
And ask who placed Amoeba into Nelson System and why and they were with who and who made it to Kenya to hand over kebi, injected with anesthesia to Eunice via JKIA airport and at what cities nelson was taken from birth place Topeka to reach Nairobi then to Kisumu and reasons 4 relocations and the consequences to Kebi, Denver and those people involved in the same sad happening
Ask where do the devil leaves under which lake and has kebi visited him and how many times and the staircase to devil destiny is at which building and answers given bro. Ask also who was Chizi mkuu and lived where during which time dispensation and which songs are his currently sang and of maya anjolie, Paul tilich, goeth, secretes, emanual Kant and all philosophers as googled dude and poems and books and where they lived longtime in current places dude
Ask instant killer amoeba medicine and u will be given dude, even mango juice and sewer water, urine of all ages or every age bracket, cat feces/urine mixed with cement to infuse a good spirit with buildings as in Nairobi, Ask the sons of King David and given and their sons and great great grand sons and their wives as much as David all wives current cities they are in and their graves and where was the king Accolade and where David saw Uriah bathing and who was Uriah and the soldiers, whether Uriah died or David was cheated and he took a flight to another land and where they were born bro and ask all men in love with nelson wanting his booty or kiss him or touch his manhood and all even international women in love with nelson and answers given dude
When u opt 4 stir method the flowers or foods made or machines or necessities made in the boom process do not halt the brain as safe and a thing why nations like UK continue to buy flowers though they can make artificial such with side effect as above and u can ask cause i have asked dude, a good thing dude to end Kenya flower thing and promise of be rich than other lands if both makes machines and foods they imported so left with Tea and flowers to export other nations has not taming Kenya rich b4 time knowing them alone will amount to the same.
Ask which countries each Kenya tribe or of other nations or in collaboration planning to attack and why and where their military arsenal are hidden to destroy and answers given dude
Ask where one can live and nations he love most and those reciprocating the same dude
Ask all the personality of bible current location whether live or dead, their parents and lovers or kids and given dude and the exact places in modern cities their occupancy where previously and given dude, no jokes seriousi dude
Ask those who want not to hustle and wants people food and even 4 infants and given bro. Ask which method of making artificial foods the best as with flowers and inquire the process of making such as the heap combination, boom area and the time and ask which padlock is the best as per now in list form and given dude
Ask how many years one takes to burn up in hell to atrophy and the temperature and if getting to Denver as above the temperature across the movements to Denver and if their are machines in heaven and sex or marriage and how many wives can 1 have and the size of the Manson Christ described dude. Denver sold Kebi that it shy people from taking alcohol as induced that spirit so taken to many Cities across the USA to find out b4 Judy Marie and T.I place Amoeba in his system with Orengo and Raila bro
Ask will killing Kebi take them anywhere and what they want to do with NELSON ID card they are eager to steal with the police and ask can Kenya be rich than USA and in which areas explained and which is the richest USA state or Nation and why dude instead of everyday debate to no avail dude
Is JAMAICA rich than KENYA ask that question and answers given why and how
Ask is Zanel and Gloria Apondi friend with Moseti and James Christ in appearance and why Nelson was Following him, did he give him a tint or clue and answers given. Gloria was No 1 and left or the 1 following her was impersonator of NELSON KEVIN and who dellan or frankline osoro is and as above answers given instead of reproach and too much words to no avail.
Ask who wrote fasihi and the best writer in the world currently and who gives the best written speeches to dignitaries or stolen and answers given. And ask who knows how to dress but in pretense to get by in the whole world list in Genes and official wear and answers given, stop the shit/beef with him and ask who worn the first bracelet powered capes in Bosnia and Ny and answers given dude b4 step on CD method dude
And ask who or which categories of people started every cities of the world or nations and u will get to know am telling the truth bro and ask who are printing fake monies to inject into the system and list of names given and even those in custody of guns and ammunition dude
Ask at what height can each crop grow in seas and using the stay in air drones 4 like 5 years add soil above the from the end tips and side connect to chain as of Gold with tea, of bronze with flowers of Zinc with maize and with wheat of copper rye of bronze mixed with gold and such cash crops grows dude and investigate with others to save ya export dude and if the altitude below water use like the Norwegian bridge in water technology inside armored big glass containers with pipes to circulate air with controlled temperatures as green house to grow the same dude as in the links below
Ask is white man superior the NELSON and answers given and which planets beautiful per list and the hottest, coolest or big as with land mass or water body and given dude
Ask with using not air thermometer but using body thermometer the temperatures of every planet land mass and of earth to get to know how it feels when its said its hot cause the 2 are different sets and in 1 degree in body thermometer is how many such degrees in air thermometer
If u sleep with ya cousin or related to it grows ya head big and along time b4 the above explanation and truths such were known that way or sprinkle type of male sexual ejaculation, so get advice if u experience such dude
Ask which airport good in the globe list and why and which city built on the hill will be tolerable than the former during the Judgement day and reason why and what will the devil do to make the above sentiment a reality dude and ask which people are insane or blind and why so per area code and ask which cities one has been to or passed and given dude
Ask where u get if u want to worship the devil and in which attires and who gets there within ya city dude and ask the best song currently in English and ask who are jew and dictate those who are jew if they are lazy, special or industrious or not and answers give bro and ask if people should get to church or stop and reasons why many are forced with the same and corrections needed to be done to make church a church not a little club of fashion show. Ask who did fashion show in churches and name list given even black mailers
Ask where each and every chemical or mineral is within the world cities or any location with longitude and latitude cross section and gives
Ask which country women are pretty, good or beautiful as same with men and the reasons why and given dude and ask is Jesus Christ PG was artificial insemination and if the mother was drunk done with who, who impersonate and answer given and if Jesus Christ teachings were paraphrased and who flew as got the same not to heaven but into the sky to delude the discipline that he is resurrected Christ and answers given dude instead of everyday bible study those wanting foods and drinks a thing Kebi could not saying not even in disgust of what they did with friends in many house
Ask also who shot Shakur and who were there, B.I.G, MC dollar, Malcolm X and Mlk as the bible say all u do in darkness will be brought unto light and reasons why police has shot many like in the USA DUDE. ask the greatest writer in script and Novel and answers given, not even ya tribe as everything is on a personal basis, why not the devil say its ya tribe, stop being a fool dude and pro-act dude, leave one alone dude. Ask where they were buried and they body parts made much and used to make which machines on which compounds that draws people to such compounds but they know not the above and u r directed b4 the step way method dude
Ask why they want nelson northwhitehead with them dearly yet not their race and why the deported him and who enabled the same dude and reasons 4 the same bro, dude it will be shooting as in the movie link below bro
The great dragon will be brought down, killed out of Kebi system, 4 relaying wrong results as its purpose it to record all the undertakings of the person in them and relay but now its medication hard to find unearthed or how it can be killed which has disturbed people 4 long with success but now handy as Amoeba drug dude as always portrayed dude
Ask who helped these man to get to where he is currently his and with any person making it and given and in what areas. Ask the outer part of every planet made of which material and the radius and if u wanna make hole of this dimension with not the boom way, what boom method u need to employ and can u destroy the earth and answer given from outer crust or above as well ask dude
Digital identification roll out either with face, finger prints, pulse rate or Body temperatures as in the link below as the phone app also is handy with us dude, u can walk with ya phone or businesses and places having the bulk machine so u need not to carry the same to identify ya self even with jobs and police having in custody the same
Ask those willing to fight the police even if meaning death and if the reasons are justified per zip code and answers given at your finger tip dude
Buy ya smartphone dish and the server so u use not the city or country owned one as prone to monitoring and u being mishandled, Buy ya own as u control ya own drone as in the link below
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sirjustice1356 · 3 years
Get alone dude
Who is the mother of Jesus and is she still alive and where working and same to his father Joseph and answers given dude
Who will get to hell 1st and why and who live in the most beautiful 100 houses in a city and the rich per state, city or nation?
Who sending criminals to ambush Nelson at Migosi home and those who have with them guns and grenades or missile drone?
Do heaven has a ghetto and foods and what kind of foods not eaten dude and where is heaven from earth in distance and bearing and can u get there and they are how many heavens?
Is Jesus Gods son or not, do God loves him or not or is he devil and is he more than Nelson Northwhitehead or not?
Was the bible write and who wrote the bible and if in other languages which 1 per bible book
Even with past songs gotten from which planets even with books, poems and building designs and the name of those who sang such dude all given bro
Even every invention know who came out with it from the mind or asked Mr devil as above and do God knows how to make same as devil and can he tell u the methods as above and who created Mr DEVIL and God, all given to ya dude and all the women ready to have kebi kids and the most beautiful places cities on earth and underlying reasons why
Reason why Nairobi structures are beautiful, what they use to mix the concrete paint with and what cities in list will collapse if Europe betting eliminated and those personalities who have gained much with betting to be rich and structures in each city built with the same and if all cities of the world uses what Nairobi uses with paint and concrete which will be most livable and beautiful dude?
And ask which metropolitan city are best to live or pretty and which City CBD are good looking and why
Ask all the sons, daughters to Musicians live Mavado, raila, Nelly, TI, Murphy lee, Ja Rule and chingy and more and told so such tree-o logy cut down and destroyed and they rejoin and create like food jealousy among those not with their genes, good to be corrected by Kebi dude. Ask is Andrea or aliyah sister to kebi and why she died in a plane crash, answer should not leave Denver as those who wants to to get to heaven out of stories hard are thrown unto hell unto the hind Conner as they get to Denver via the magma and reincarnated to be in Denver with warnings, if u leaves u freeze inside plane or turn to salt lest with permission and if u want not to be in fire for 60 days to Denver u opt 4 Minneapolis and same indictment as with Denver, u get out of its environs not and u can ask Mr DEVIL which cities u can visit as asked above
Ask who shot aliyah in the plane and they were with who and why dude?
And ask who placed Amoeba into Nelson System and why and they were with who and who made it to Kenya to hand over kebi, injected with anesthesia to Eunice via JKIA airport and at what cities nelson was taken from birth place Topeka to reach Nairobi then to Kisumu and reasons 4 relocations and the consequences to Kebi, Denver and those people involved in the same sad happening
Ask where do the devil leaves under which lake and has kebi visited him and how many times and the staircase to devil destiny is at which building and answers given bro. Ask also who was Chizi mkuu and lived where during which time dispensation and which songs are his currently sang and of maya anjolie, Paul tilich, goeth, secretes, emanual Kant and all philosophers as googled dude and poems and books and where they lived longtime in current places dude
Ask instant killer amoeba medicine and u will be given dude, even mango juice and sewer water, urine of all ages or every age bracket, cat feces/urine mixed with cement to infuse a good spirit with buildings as in Nairobi, Ask the sons of King David and given and their sons and great great grand sons and their wives as much as David all wives current cities they are in and their graves and where was the king Accolade and where David saw Uriah bathing and who was Uriah and the soldiers, whether Uriah died or David was cheated and he took a flight to another land and where they were born bro and ask all men in love with nelson wanting his booty or kiss him or touch his manhood and all even international women in love with nelson and answers given dude
When u opt 4 stir method the flowers or foods made or machines or necessities made in the boom process do not halt the brain as safe and a thing why nations like UK continue to buy flowers though they can make artificial such with side effect as above and u can ask cause i have asked dude, a good thing dude to end Kenya flower thing and promise of be rich than other lands if both makes machines and foods they imported so left with Tea and flowers to export other nations has not taming Kenya rich b4 time knowing them alone will amount to the same.
Ask which countries each Kenya tribe or of other nations or in collaboration planning to attack and why and where their military arsenal are hidden to destroy and answers given dude
Ask where one can live and nations he love most and those reciprocating the same dude
Ask all the personality of bible current location whether live or dead, their parents and lovers or kids and given dude and the exact places in modern cities their occupancy where previously and given dude, no jokes seriousi dude
Ask those who want not to hustle and wants people food and even 4 infants and given bro. Ask which method of making artificial foods the best as with flowers and inquire the process of making such as the heap combination, boom area and the time and ask which padlock is the best as per now in list form and given dude
Ask how many years one takes to burn up in hell to atrophy and the temperature and if getting to Denver as above the temperature across the movements to Denver and if their are machines in heaven and sex or marriage and how many wives can 1 have and the size of the Manson Christ described dude. Denver sold Kebi that it shy people from taking alcohol as induced that spirit so taken to many Cities across the USA to find out b4 Judy Marie and T.I place Amoeba in his system with Orengo and Raila bro
Ask will killing Kebi take them anywhere and what they want to do with NELSON ID card they are eager to steal with the police and ask can Kenya be rich than USA and in which areas explained and which is the richest USA state or Nation and why dude instead of everyday debate to no avail dude
Is JAMAICA rich than KENYA ask that question and answers given why and how
Ask is Zanel and Gloria Apondi friend with Moseti and James Christ in appearance and why Nelson was Following him, did he give him a tint or clue and answers given. Gloria was No 1 and left or the 1 following her was impersonator of NELSON KEVIN and who dellan or frankline osoro is and as above answers given instead of reproach and too much words to no avail.
Ask who wrote fasihi and the best writer in the world currently and who gives the best written speeches to dignitaries or stolen and answers given. And ask who knows how to dress but in pretense to get by in the whole world list in Genes and official wear and answers given, stop the shit/beef with him and ask who worn the first bracelet powered capes in Bosnia and Ny and answers given dude b4 step on CD method dude
And ask who or which categories of people started every cities of the world or nations and u will get to know am telling the truth bro and ask who are printing fake monies to inject into the system and list of names given and even those in custody of guns and ammunition dude
Ask at what height can each crop grow in seas and using the stay in air drones 4 like 5 years add soil above the from the end tips and side connect to chain as of Gold with tea, of bronze with flowers of Zinc with maize and with wheat of copper rye of bronze mixed with gold and such cash crops grows dude and investigate with others to save ya export dude and if the altitude below water use like the Norwegian bridge in water technology inside armored big glass containers with pipes to circulate air with controlled temperatures as green house to grow the same dude as in the links below
Ask is white man superior the NELSON and answers given and which planets beautiful per list and the hottest, coolest or big as with land mass or water body and given dude
Ask with using not air thermometer but using body thermometer the temperatures of every planet land mass and of earth to get to know how it feels when its said its hot cause the 2 are different sets and in 1 degree in body thermometer is how many such degrees in air thermometer
If u sleep with ya cousin or related to it grows ya head big and along time b4 the above explanation and truths such were known that way or sprinkle type of male sexual ejaculation, so get advice if u experience such dude
Ask which airport good in the globe list and why and which city built on the hill will be tolerable than the former during the Judgement day and reason why and what will the devil do to make the above sentiment a reality dude and ask which people are insane or blind and why so per area code and ask which cities one has been to or passed and given dude
Ask where u get if u want to worship the devil and in which attires and who gets there within ya city dude and ask the best song currently in English and ask who are jew and dictate those who are jew if they are lazy, special or industrious or not and answers give bro and ask if people should get to church or stop and reasons why many are forced with the same and corrections needed to be done to make church a church not a little club of fashion show. Ask who did fashion show in churches and name list given even black mailers
Ask where each and every chemical or mineral is within the world cities or any location with longitude and latitude cross section and gives
Ask which country women are pretty, good or beautiful as same with men and the reasons why and given dude and ask is Jesus Christ PG was artificial insemination and if the mother was drunk done with who, who impersonate and answer given and if Jesus Christ teachings were paraphrased and who flew as got the same not to heaven but into the sky to delude the discipline that he is resurrected Christ and answers given dude instead of everyday bible study those wanting foods and drinks a thing Kebi could not saying not even in disgust of what they did with friends in many house
Ask also who shot Shakur and who were there, B.I.G, MC dollar, Malcolm X and Mlk as the bible say all u do in darkness will be brought unto light and reasons why police has shot many like in the USA DUDE. ask the greatest writer in script and Novel and answers given, not even ya tribe as everything is on a personal basis, why not the devil say its ya tribe, stop being a fool dude and pro-act dude, leave one alone dude
Ask why they want nelson northwhitehead with them dearly yet not their race and why the deported him and who enabled the same dude and reasons 4 the same bro, dude it will be shooting as in the movie link below bro
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c0nn0rb0t · 5 years
Things Me and some Buddies said while playing “Mario the Music Box (ARC)” PART 2
“Time for this nightmare again”
“Dont get the eaten or stabbed or deaded”
“Pacman extreme”
“Oh this cunt”
“I like this Trial. I got free shit”
“IT looks like holy water...I Wanna splash him”
“He deserves it for making you deepthroat a fish”
“He gonna kill u like he did the fish”
“I think hes gonna kill u with the bottle”
“He commited demon seppuku”
“Welp we dead”
“Thats blood mario”
“Oh yeah we killed luigi”
“Screen cap dat shit”
“Whelp this room has a dead weegee in here”
“I was waiting for the corpse to spring up at me”
“Im surprized he dosent just blastcharge ya with his head”
“I wasnt expecting him to be slow”
“What is this undertale bullshit”
“Oh okay cool with the 4th wall breaking shit there Marchionne”
“Hes fucking sans”
“Do u sum drugs and kick his butt”
“I wanted to see super sayian mario and all i got was death”
“Yeh know this is what I get for eating mystery herbs”
“This is why you smoke mysterious herbs and not eat them”
“Fuck off, you win.”
“You've met with a terrible fate, havent you?”
“Whelp.....According to this note....I think Im dead”
“Luigi gonna getcha!”
“Yes brother? -stab stab stab-”
“Yes. hug it out bro”
“Dont hug him he'll kill you”
“His ass THICC”
“He ded again, But this time we have a BIGGER knife”
“You killed him? .. huh let me just rob his corpse right quick aaannnnd OK LETS DO THIS BITCH”
"my friends would want me to live on" Luigi: you should kill yourself Mario: that sounds like a great idea *drowns*
“Why does he keep having these genuinely nice moments with us”
“And thus luigi was invited to smash to right many wrongs of not dying”
“I dont like this, this is a cult”
"this is a cult" IS ACTUALLY A CULT
“Did the hood and alter NOT give that away?”
“He bout to be sacrificed”
“Mofo’s were fattening his thicc ass up to do a heckin CRONCH”
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ausp-ice · 5 years
Snakes That Bind, Part One
I thought I might share this here! I’ve started to write out the story and I’m having a lot of fun with it.
It’s the story of how Wraith and Snakelyn became best friends / nonbinary bros! In a way. 
Words: 1620
Wraith/Wren: Me Waylyn: @unluckiest-black-cat​ I also borrowed some characters for plot and angst purposes Wenzel ( @the-valiant-valkyrie​ ), Wayne ( @nightwonder7​ ), Whyatt ( @aretmaw​ )
Tell us...
What do you desire?
A friend. Someone who will understand.
Loneliness... is crushing.
No, that wasn't quite right. It was a void. A void that consumed one from the inside out.
Ah, but I had a companion, didn't I? Back on Earth. Back when I was held down by petty little things.
By close-minded humans that simply couldn't—
Hm, this won't do.
The shadows spring to life under my will, eager to fulfill my desire. I follow the trail of my soul, seeking out...
Yes. Return to me, Kese.
The soul is drawn away from the world a dimension a way, to my hands. I bind it to shadows, and the blackened mass takes form, giving a light hiss and slitting open shimmering yellow eyes.
A sharp toothed grin splits my face.
A young boy, in his late teens, perhaps, neared the dozing pig king, the twilight of dusk only exposing an undeniable shadow.
He stifled a grin as he expertly filched a handful of gold from the king's... rolls. Just how much did he have, anyways?
He stole into the shadows, avoiding the gaze of the nearby pigs. Giggling to himself, he slipped the glittering gold into his pockets.
Waylyn eyed the setting sun. He probably had about half an hour before nightfall - but he had his lantern, so he should be fine. He set back towards base along the conveniently present road.
Night fell, and Waylyn pulled out his lantern. The shadows seemed to be reaching for him again — no, no, that's his imagination.
But that hiss was definitely not his imagination. A shape slithered towards him out of the shadows, a solid mass of black, no bigger than his forearm, with emptiness where eyes should be. He's never seen anything like it - except for the shadow creatures, but it seemed different.
Waylyn tensed, gripping his lantern. It would be an effective weapon, if necessary.
The shadow snake, for that was what it was, approached no more. It simply watched him.
Apprehension shifted to caution, and that soon became curiosity. Waylyn tried to poke it with the end of his lantern, but it simply did some bendy snake acrobatics to dodge.
It flicked its tongue at him. Waylyn shifted a step closer. And another. He stuck his hand towards the snake. It slithered up his arm.
Waylyn jerked in surprise, but it continued to do nothing but stare, and he relaxed slightly.
It then lay its head on Waylyn's shoulder and closed its eyes.
While Waylyn had no clue what was happening, there was one thing he decided right at that moment.
“Ok, you're my pet now!”
The next morning, Waylyn was woken from his doze by a screech of alarm.
“Waylyn! What is that!?”
Waylyn groaned and cracked open his eyes to see Wenzel at the entrance to his tent, pointing a trembling finger at his neck.
Rather, the shadow snake draped across it.
“Mm... ‘s my new pet.”
Wenzel let out a noise of frustration and fear. “That... thing will kill us all! Or mess with our minds! Or,” Wenzel put his face in his hands. “That thing is bad news! You have to get rid of it!”
Sitting up straight, Waylyn glared at Wenzel. “If it wanted to kill us, we'd be dead. It hasn't done anything! There are plenty of harmless creatures here! Besides,” Waylyn rubbed a finger down the snake’s neck, “it's my pet now.”
“Urgh... What is going on over here?” Startled, Wenzel turned his head towards the newcomer. “Wayne! You have to convince him, he's going to destroy us all!”
“Wenzel, calm down. What's going on?” Wayne lifted the flap of the tent, still looking in Wenzel's direction before he turned to face Waylyn, and froze.
“It's my pet now! It hasn't done anything.” Cradling the snake closer to his body, he glared at Wayne.
Still with a frozen expression on his face, Wayne gave a stiff smile. “Isn't that, um. That's a shadow creature, isn't it?”
Waylyn huffed. “It's not like the rest, ok? It hasn't attacked me, or anyone, and you can all see it, can't you? And I don't thing all of us are losing our minds. It's not like the rest of them.”
It was at this point that Whyatt’s voice drifted in. “Why are you all crowding around Waylyn’s tent?”
Waylyn let out a quiet groan of frustration. Not again. Just as Wayne and Wenzel began explaining the situation, Waylyn slipped out from his tent’s back entrance. Hey, it doesn't hurt to be prepared.
Once he was a ways off, Waylyn lifted the snake to meet his eyes. “You wouldn't hurt any of them, would you?”
The snake flicked out its tongue.
Ah. It's so cool. And cute!
A growling stomach interrupted their moment. “Oh man, I'm hungry! I haven't eaten since I woke up.” A thought occurred to him, and he looked at the snake again. “Are you also hungry?”
It turns out that yes, the snake was very hungry. The moment it saw a bird or rabbit, it would shoot off from his arm and return within moments, one meal heavier.
It even caught a few rabbits for him! That's so cool. He ate them over a campfire.
“Are you growing bigger?” He squinted at the length of shadow. “It's hard to tell. Oh well.”
Eventually, Waylyn did go back to base. Waylyn glared at his friends suspiciously as he approached, still keeping the snake close to his chest.
“Waylyn,” Whyatt started.
“You can keep the snake.” Waylyn immediately perked up at Wayne's words, shifting into his signature grin, but, “As soon as it seems remotely dangerous, you have to get rid of it, ok?”
Waylyn gritted his teeth. “Fine,” he ground out, knowing that they were wrong about his new friend. They had to be, it was such a good friend to him today! And it tolerated the others, which was more than could be said for them.
He shook his head. He'll show them. Shifting his face into a grin once more, he approached the others. “Alright then, I'll have to introduce you! I'll start with Whyatt!”
Whyatt looked alarmed.
Waylyn rolled his eyes. “Come on, it's not dangerous! Say hi to, uh...” He blinked, looking at the snake. Did the eyes just flash gold? Something echoed in his mind.
“O-oh. Hello, uh, Kese.” Whyatt wrung his hands, eyes skittering from the snake, to Waylyn, to something off to the side.
“Stop twitching! It's not going to bite. I think.”
The grin on Whyatt's face seemed wider, but no less tense. “You think? That's... reassuring.”
Waylyn shrugged, turning to Wayne with an expectant look. Wayne sighed, resigned, and gave a wave. “Hello, Kese.”
“We’ll work on that,” Waylyn shrugged, before turning to Wenzel.
“Nope nope nope I do not trust that thing. It's only here for as long as it's docile and nope! I am going to gather some logs.”
A sigh escaped Waylyn. It was worth a try. He idly wondered if Wren would have liked Kese. He hasn't seen them in weeks, and they've all accepted that Wren was probably permanently dead.
If you could really die in this world.
Things fell into routine. Waylyn would finish his chores in the morning, then go hunt with Kese at dusk to early night, before slipping back to camp and dozing a bit until morning.
Kese was definitely growing larger. It went from spanning one arm to both in a matter weeks. And Waylyn kept seeing flashes of gold in its eyes.
The others still seemed to be wary of Kese, but used to its presence.
But slowly, surely, Waylyn was growing distant to the others. He slipped out earlier, came back later. He avoided talking to them at all. Until he didn't come back all night, trudging back in the morning with shadows in his eyes.
The others noticed, and put more pressure on Waylyn to get rid of it.
“It's driving you insane!”
“Are you going to betray us? Betray me? It's my friend now, you just don't care about my feelings!”
Waylyn started coming back only once every few days.
One day, he returned to camp, exhausted. They did a lot a hunting today, and when was the last time he slept? He didn't know. It didn't matter.
He was out the moment he lay down in his tent.
Something niggled at the edge of his mind. Whispers. Quiet footfalls. A pressure on him, and then—
Hissing. His entire system suddenly surged with an odd, icy feeling, and he leapt forward, crashing into Wenzel just as a blade came down to behead his beloved snake.
Waylyn screeched with rage, shoving Wenzel away and into Wayne, making both topple to the ground.
He bent down to scoop up Kese, bleeding smoky shadow, but still alive.
“Waylyn, wait!” Whyatt's voice called out to him. It sounded absolutely wretched. But he didn't care, couldn't care, not after—
“You betrayed me! You all did! You tried to kill my friend!” Waylyn had whirled around to face Whyatt, just far enough that he could make out his face. Guilt. Worry. Waylyn hissed.
“N-no! We were trying to save you! Can't you see what it's doing to you?! We had to, you're losing your mind!”
“No!” Waylyn yelled into the night air, lit by the full moon. His breaths heaved. “No. You just tried to kill my only friend.”
Whyatt's face crumpled. “No, Waylyn, no, no, we're your friends, not that creature! Please! Please... come back...” He had fallen to his knees now.
Waylyn simply bared his teeth. “No.”
And he ran.
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jonughhtabobo-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media
While walking in a dark and hollow hallway alone, I hear different sounds rumbling inside my ears. I hear squeaking rats, hustling raspy echoes, and off-beat foot steps trembles behind me and suddenly, there's something whispering through my ears and it made me confuse for a bit. It refrained again and again. It says, Come with me. . . Come with me. . . Come with me. . . My sweat starts to pour throughout my body. Im shaking, It swallows me within my aghast core and it made me think that maybe, maybe there's someone bugging around me and i couldn't find anywhere else to escape for.
Kriinggggg!! Kringggg!!
Ken! Ken! Wake up! It's already 7:00am! Do you have any plan to go to school or what? Get up and fix yourself as fast as you can. Hurry!!!
Uhhh, yes myma. I really thought that I was existing in that situation. Okay Kennedy, calm down, it's just a dream, nothing to worry. *sighs* Thank God that I'm still alive. Maybe I should get up now and fix myself so that I can go to that school inhabited with noxious personalities, again.
And here we go again, the witchy bitch approaching. Oh hello kranky kennedy, sweetie cupcake, apple pie! how are you? Debura said. Did you eat well your breakfast? Hmm, i guess yes! because both the food and your plate you've eaten! ahaha! i pity you darling. haha kidding! okay girls let's go. Bye bye sweetie! see you around. Ahaha. freak! Debura said together with her foolish and insecure friends. Such a amazing way to start my day again huh. *sighs* Bullies there, bullies here, bullies everywhere! I'm tired dealing with such persons. But i have no choice, i need to go to school. Tsk, sometimes i'm looking forward that what if, what if I... Hmm, never mind. Just get through it Kennedy. You can survive! Just keep fighting!
Before anything else, I'm Kennedy Jinx Clinton. I'm the only child, and my parents are no longer exist because of a plane crash happened about 8 year's ago. Only my grandma and grandpa who raised me till i grow up. I'm only 10 years old since the day of the accident happened. To be honest, I'm not yet recovered to that incident even if it took a lot of years to moved on. It's almost 10 years but it's still fresh and new for me. A long time, days, months, and years is not enough to forget easily about what happened to them. Maybe it should take a decade of downcasts, and a century full of sorrows and anguish to run-in. I've been so dumb, and selfish. I have no any idea how to save them that day cause all day long I'm just laying down my bed and just cry until the sunrise come up. I'm so tired of my life. I feel so useless, piece of trash, selfish and dumb. I'm just a nobody human being who lives with deep agony with this cruel world.
Teacher speaks. Okay class, turn the page to 112. Answer the following questions and pass it as you finished. Understand?
Yes ma'am. Class replied. Okay good. I'll leave just for a minute. Don't make some noise class.
Hey dude! Look at ken, she's so weird right? Jeff said. Yes she is bro. The way she acts, the way she dressed, and everything that she is. She's so weirdo!! Haha. Hmm, i have a bright idea. Gip, give me some crumpled paper. Oh wait! Also a tiny rock. Hurry! "Uhm, okay. Here." Gip said. "Thanks! So there you are. I'll put some rock for a great impact and a little message, "FREAKY WITCHY WEIRDO". The both of them laugh's." Okay gip, throw it!
"Ouch!" Kennedy said. "What's this? Free-aky witch-yy w-e-ird-o?" Kennedy get embarrassed. "Who did this?!! Who did this?!!!" Ken shouted at the class but her classmates just laughing at her. "Anyone? Who did this?!" The whole class still laughing at her. Ken leaves the room in shame and crying. "Vengeance is mine evil wicked people!" Ken said. Kennedy ran off to home and after she arrives, she locked up herself in bedroom. "This place is where I can find happiness. Full of serenity, silence, and just beautiful to stay at. Am I right? *Yes you are ken* something whisper's. Well now, all we have to do is to get enjoy with our game! Hahahaha. Are you all excited?" Kennedy talked to herself. She's about 2 weeks absent and now, her grandma and grandpa gets worried about Kennedy's situation because she's been imprisoned herself more than 3 weeks and not even eaten yet. "Ken? Can you come outside? Please? I can help you my darling. Myma and Pypa loves you so much. Please our pretty darling, come out now. We missed you so much." Myma said.
Kennedy isn't responds.
"Kennedy please, come outside. Are you trying to kill yourself?!"
Kennedy throw something in the door and myma got shocked because of its loud impact. "Ken! What's wrong with you?! Are you insane? Why did you do this things? Did you know that im hurting seeing you like that? We're just concerned to you our darling so please, come outside." Myma said.
Nooo!!!!! *Ken banged the door* I don't want to come outside!!! I'm happy being alone. I'm happy being like this so please, get out! I want to be alone. I'm tired living my life like this. I'm tired treated like a underdog. Tired being hurted and tired being in pain. I'm tired!! Very tired!! But ken, you must stay positive. We're just waiting for you to reach out. We want you to be open to us. We can talk everything that bothers you darling. Please?
The surrounding covered with echoes delicates with tears. The glimpse of sorrows gives deep scars inside my utmost interior of sadcasm. Where should I be headed on? How could I escape when demons already invading my mind.
How could I?
How should I?
Everything is not working good.
Everything starts to fall apart.
Everything will gonna ended tragically soon.
I wanted to shout help but,
Demons keeps in touch inside my core.
It's full of acquired adore.
I cutted my head off and blood seems to flow all over my body and throughout my room.
Sorry, but i just want to end everything inside me and I can't help but to reach my desires to end this all sufferings.
#SHORTSTORY. #CreativeWriting.
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sirjustice1355 · 3 years
Asking questions answers given
Who is the mother of Jesus and is she still alive and where working and same to his father Joseph and answers given dude
Who will get to hell 1st and why and who live in the most beautiful 100 houses in a city and the rich per state, city or nation?
Who sending criminals to ambush Nelson at Migosi home and those who have with them guns and grenades or missile drone?
Do heaven has a ghetto and foods and what kind of foods not eaten dude and where is heaven from earth in distance and bearing and can u get there and they are how many heavens?
 Is Jesus Gods son or not, do God loves him or not or is he devil and is he more than Nelson Northwhitehead or not?
Was the bible write and who wrote the bible and if in other languages which 1 per bible book
Even with past songs gotten from which planets even with books, poems and building designs and the name of those who sang such dude all given bro
Even every invention know who came out with it from the mind or asked Mr devil as above and do God knows how to make same as devil and can he tell u the methods as above and who created Mr DEVIL and God, all given to ya dude and all the women ready to have kebi kids and the most beautiful places cities on earth and underlying reasons why
Reason why Nairobi structures are beautiful, what they use to mix the concrete paint with and what cities in list will collapse if Europe betting eliminated and those personalities who have gained much with betting to be rich and structures in each city built with the same and if all cities of the world uses what Nairobi uses with paint and concrete which will be most livable and beautiful dude?
And ask which metropolitan city are best to live or pretty and which City CBD are good looking and why
Ask all the sons, daughters to Musicians live Mavado, raila, Nelly, TI, Murphy lee, Ja Rule and chingy and more and told so such tree-o logy cut down and destroyed and they rejoin and create like food jealousy among those not with their genes, good to be corrected by Kebi dude. Ask is Andrea or aliyah sister to kebi and why she died in a plane crash, answer should not leave Denver as those who wants to to get to heaven out of stories hard are thrown unto hell unto the hind Conner as they get to Denver via the magma and reincarnated to be in Denver with warnings, if u leaves u freeze inside plane or turn to salt lest with permission and if u want not to be in fire for 60 days to Denver u opt 4 Minneapolis and same indictment as with Denver, u get out of its environs not and u can ask Mr DEVIL which cities u can visit as asked above
Ask who shot aliyah in the plane and they were with who and why dude?
And ask who placed Amoeba into Nelson System and why and they were with who and who made it to Kenya to hand over kebi, injected with anesthesia to Eunice via JKIA airport and at what cities nelson was taken from birth place Topeka to reach Nairobi then to Kisumu and reasons 4 relocations and the consequences to Kebi, Denver and those people involved in the same sad happening
Ask where do the devil leaves under which lake and has kebi visited him and how many times and the staircase to devil destiny is at which building and answers given bro. Ask also who was Chizi mkuu and lived where during which time dispensation and which songs are his currently sang and of maya anjolie, Paul tilich, goeth, secretes, emanual Kant and all philosophers as googled dude and poems and books and where they lived longtime in current places dude
Ask instant killer amoeba medicine and u will be given dude, even mango juice and sewer water, urine of all ages or every age bracket, cat feces/urine mixed with cement to infuse a good spirit with buildings as in Nairobi, Ask the sons of King David and given and their sons and great great grand sons and their wives as much as David all wives current cities they are in and their graves and where was the king Accolade and where David saw Uriah bathing and who was Uriah and the soldiers, whether Uriah died or David was cheated and he took a flight to another land and where they were born bro and ask all men in love with nelson wanting his booty or kiss him or touch his manhood and all even international women in love with nelson and answers given dude
When u opt 4 stir method the flowers or foods made or machines or necessities made in the boom process do not halt the brain as safe and a thing why nations like UK continue to buy flowers though they can make artificial such with side effect as above and u can ask cause i have asked dude, a good thing dude to end Kenya flower thing and promise of be rich than other lands if both makes machines and foods they imported so left with Tea and flowers to export other nations has not taming Kenya rich b4 time knowing them alone will amount to the same.
Ask which countries each Kenya tribe or of other nations or in collaboration planning to attack and why and where their military arsenal are hidden to destroy and answers given dude
Ask where one can live and nations he love most and those reciprocating the same dude
Ask all the personality of bible current location whether live or dead, their parents and lovers or kids and given dude and the exact places in modern cities their occupancy where previously and given dude, no jokes seriousi dude
Ask those who want not to hustle and wants people food and even 4 infants and given bro. Ask which method of making artificial foods the best as with flowers and inquire the process of making such as the heap combination, boom area and the time and ask which padlock is the best as per now in list form and given dude
Ask how many years one takes to burn up in hell to atrophy and the temperature and if getting to Denver as above the temperature across the movements to Denver and if their are machines in heaven and sex or marriage and how many wives can 1 have and the size of the Manson Christ described dude. Denver sold Kebi that it shy people from taking alcohol as induced that spirit so taken to many Cities across the USA to find out b4 Judy Marie and T.I place Amoeba in his system with Orengo and Raila bro
Ask will killing Kebi take them anywhere and what they want to do with NELSON ID card they are eager to steal with the police and ask can Kenya be rich than USA and in which areas explained and which is the richest USA state or Nation and why dude instead of everyday debate to no avail dude
Is JAMAICA rich than KENYA ask that question and answers given why and how
Ask is Zanel and Gloria Apondi friend with Moseti and James Christ in appearance and why Nelson was Following him, did he give him a tint or clue and answers given. Gloria was No 1 and left or the 1 following her was impersonator of NELSON KEVIN and who dellan or frankline osoro is and as above answers given instead of reproach and too much words to no avail.
Ask who wrote fasihi and the best writer in the world currently and who gives the best written speeches to dignitaries or stolen and answers given. And ask who knows how to dress but in pretense to get by in the whole world list in Genes and official wear and answers given, stop the shit/beef with him and ask who worn the first bracelet powered capes in Bosnia and Ny and answers given dude b4 step on CD method dude
And ask who or which categories of people started every cities of the world or nations and u will get to know am telling the truth bro and ask who are printing fake monies to inject into the system and list of names given and even those in custody of guns and ammunition dude
Ask at what height can each crop grow in seas and using the stay in air drones 4 like 5 years add soil above the from the end tips and side connect to chain as of Gold with tea, of bronze with flowers of Zinc with maize and with wheat of copper rye of bronze mixed with gold and such cash crops grows dude and investigate with others to save ya export dude and if the altitude below water use like the Norwegian bridge in water technology inside armored big glass containers with pipes to circulate air with controlled temperatures as green house to grow the same dude as in the links below
Ask is white man superior the NELSON and answers given and which planets beautiful per list and the hottest, coolest or big as with land mass or water body and given dude
Ask with using not air thermometer but using body thermometer the temperatures of every planet land mass and of earth to get to know how it feels when its said its hot cause the 2 are different sets and in 1 degree in body thermometer is how many such degrees in air thermometer
If u sleep with ya cousin or related to it grows ya head big and along time b4 the above explanation and truths such were known that way or sprinkle type of male sexual ejaculation, so get advice if u experience such dude
Ask which airport good in the globe list and why and which city built on the hill will be tolerable than the former during the Judgement day and reason why and what will the devil do to make the above sentiment a reality dude and ask which people are insane or blind and why so per area code and ask which cities one has been to or passed and given dude
Ask where u get if u want to worship the devil and in which attires and who gets there within ya city dude and ask the best song currently in English and ask who are jew and dictate those who are jew if they are lazy, special or industrious or not and answers give bro and ask if people should get to church or stop and reasons why many are forced with the same and corrections needed to be done to make church a church not a little club of fashion show. Ask who did fashion show in churches and name list given even black mailers
Ask where each and every chemical or mineral is within the world cities or any location with longitude and latitude cross section and gives
Ask which country women are pretty, good or beautiful as same with men and the reasons why and given dude and ask is Jesus Christ PG was artificial insemination and if the mother was drunk done with who, who impersonate and answer given and if Jesus Christ teachings were paraphrased and who flew as got the same not to heaven but into the sky to delude the discipline that he is resurrected Christ and answers given dude instead of everyday bible study those wanting foods and drinks a thing Kebi could not saying not even in disgust of what they did with friends in many house
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