dummy-kanji · 7 months
ゴジラ por patryk mogilnicki Por Flickr: druk: Bluszcz (#29)
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pluszakatzmann · 3 months
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pawelnytra · 8 months
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Dziedziniec kamienicy numer 14 przy Placu Solnym. | The courtyard of tenement house no. 14 at Plac Solny.
Panasonic Lumix DMC-G5 | Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 II R
14mm | ƒ/8 | 1/500s | ISO 160
2023-10-01, Wrocław, Polska
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ayanos-pl · 1 year
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unowakot · 1 year
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sfhoe · 3 months
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dopetaleobject · 1 year
Pnącza łącza
#animals #background #bagno #birds #blue #boggy #cover #czapla #deer #dragonfly #foggy #forest #frog #fungus #grebe #green #grzyby #heron #koziołek #las #lecicha #macro #mgła #mood #nature #perkoz #photowallpapers #plants #pool #ptaki #roebuck #sadzawka #sarny #sieniawka #silence #snail #spring #swamp #ważka #wetland #wetlands #wild #zielona #ślimak #żaba Bez kategorii Pnącza łącza by…
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lwowl · 1 year
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chicago-geniza · 2 years
Stefania says this too and she connects it to fashion history, saying the lush, elaborate, curve-exaggerating and almost baroque-rococco styles that inhibited movement were impractical for anything but posing for portraits and appearing decorative--the End of Empire styles--were one form of objectification (pure passivity and sexual receptivity, a tabula rasa onto which fantasies can be projected), while the androgynous, shapeless fashions of the ‘20s that favored a lanky, emaciated silhouette sans secondary sex characteristics were not as liberatory as they purported to be. If you imagine the binary as “madonna/whore,” sure, at first they look like an escape from the paradigm, but they’re not--it’s just asexuality and denial of femininity in order to achieve one’s desired ends, i.e., emancipation, the franchise, “pelne zycie,” the whole equality-equity civil rights shebang, under the law and under contract and under one’s household roof and under the sheets, so to speak. But of COURSE Stefania would have been reading Weininger too, and I can’t believe I didn’t make this connection--!!!
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movienized-com · 3 months
Uwierz w Mikołaja
Uwierz w Mikołaja (2023) #AnnaWieczur #AgnieszkaWiedlocha #AntoniPawlicki #AleksandraGrabowska #GrzegorzDaukszewicz #DorotaKolak Mehr auf:
Believe in Santa ClausJahr: 2023 (November) Genre: Comedy / Drama / Familienfilm Regie: Anna Wieczur Hauptrollen: Agnieszka Więdłocha, Antoni Pawlicki, Aleksandra Grabowska, Grzegorz Daukszewicz, Dorota Kolak, Cezary Żak, Mateusz Janicki, Teresa Lipowska, Ewa Szykulska, Dorota Stalińska, Maciej Damięcki, Bohdan Łazuka, Krystyna Tkacz, Marta Lipińska, Elżbieta Starostecka, Wiktoria Nowak…
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decapturer · 6 months
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Ivy Gourd Plant ✨
Ivy gourd is a plant. The leaves, root, and fruit are used to make medicine. Ivy gourd is most often used for diabetes.
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muzykarelaksacyjna · 9 months
Bluszcz Pospolity, Hedera Helix - Fotografia Naturalna Bruno Krajski - Muzyka Relaksacyjna
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tearsincoffe · 3 months
Dobry wieczór moje miłe Motylki! 🦋
Nieobecności dają mi się we znaki. Zarówno lekcje jak i przerwy mogę opisać jedynie - zagubieniem. Podczas gdy mój świat staje w miejscu ograniczany do przytulnego kocyka oraz wszechogarniającej pustki emocjonalnej życie toczy się dalej. Każda lekcja to osobny wyrwany z kontekstu rozdział którego nie sposób ułożyć w powieść. Życie towarzyskie także zmyka mi przed nosem. Rozumiem. Pojawiam się i znikam niczym pewien niesławny Józek z piosenki Bajm. Odpisanie na błachą wiadomość stanowi dla mnie wysiłek. Znajomi nie mają obowiązku (powiedziałabym nawet powodów) aby zaprzątać mną sobie głowy. Do pariasa mi daleko ale uczucie wyalienowania owija mnie niby trujący bluszcz. Dlatego miło było wyjść na małe zakupy z kolegą. Pomijając aspekt nawracającego zakupoholizmu. Do dzisiaj mi wstyd za niektóre ubrania które, zaślepiona, uważałam za rewolucję świata mody - co najwyżej na wybiegu domu spokojnej starości, i jeśli uratowałabym całość wyjątkowo gustownym balkonikiem. Poszcze dzień drugi bez większych problemów. Myślę, że to dobry początek. Pozostaje mi mieć nadzieję, iż nie zużyłam całego zapasu bateri społecznej która w moim przypadku jest na paskudnie niskim poziomie.
SPOŻYTE: 0kcal
SPALONE: 370kcal
(Wynik zaczerpnięty z krokomierza oraz podzielony na pół)
BILANS: -370kcal
Chudej nocy Motylki! 🦋
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sfhoe · 3 months
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perplexingly · 11 months
Unfortunately I wasn't able to take a photo, but a few days ago I was taking a look at an edition of "Bluszcz" from November 1921, and there was such a beautiful artwork on the cover that reminded of your art❤
also I love every time you draw something from older, especially Polish, literature!
Ahh thank you!! I haven’t heard about Bluszcz before, but I love learning about old magazines so thank you for letting me know 🥰
You know, artists like Rembowski or Wyspiański are a huge inspiration for me and both have drawn for magazines/books/posters, and even some of their sketches have some of that minimalistic stylized look, and they’ve been creating at the turn of the 20th century; the similarity of my art to that of the early 1900s is kinda deliberate : D
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I’ll try to draw more illustrations of pol lit!!
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anisecandy · 1 year
Something that just popped up into my mind and I'm not sure has been asked before but do you have head cannon voices for your own versions of Eddie, Venom and Peter for how they would sound like?
Like what voice actor would you pick that would suit your takes on these characters.
I've never been asked this before, but I'm very, very, very happy to be now ♥
Okay okay, so here's the thing. I DO have choosen VAs for them. However!
Said VAs are Polish so it's going to be an absolutely useless information for virtually anyone who isn't me
I've choosen those VAs for a specific versions of them for an AU that I've never brought up here, because I just can't find the time to at least finish the character designs for the main Spidey cast (like coffee bean gang, main vilians etc) and some fake cover poster. (The AU functions in my head as "Another Cartoon Reboot AU")
That being said, here they are.
For Peter, I'm 100% decided that Marcin Hycnar would be the perfect choice. (He's an actor best known from being the VA of Po in Polish dub of Kung Fu Panda.) Peter needs a voice that's a bit on the higher side, boyish, energetic and a bit annoying; when you hear it you have to anticipate 100 puns per hour and some goblin, scoundrel energy. However, his VA would need to also be able to pull off moments of incredible softness and gentleness. And Hycnar is great at both of those things!
Eddie on the other hand... Eddie is a nightmare to find a VA for. You see, for him I want a pretty uncommon combination; it has to be a voice that's obviously rather deep, but he has to be able to sound both playful, arrogant, like someone certain he's very charismatic but his idea of charisma is being loud and overstepping boundries, and grumpy, cold and meanacing. ALL the while being able to ALSO introduce a little bit of that himbo-sweetness and even childishness at times. I can find VAs that are great at one part, but not the others. My best choices for now are Marcin Dorociński (known for the role of Metroman in Megamind), Krzysztof Banaszyk (lots of experience, among other things, Octavius in Night at the Museum) and Przemysław Bluszcz (assigned voice of Ulysses Klaue). The problem is that Dorociński sounds too much like a charming handsome guy, Banaszyk sounds too serious and doesn't have the slightly maniac energy I'm looking for and Bluszcz's voice is too hoarse, and again doesn't have that aaalmost innocent charm. I'll keep looking tho.
Now... the Symbiote... Honestly, if I had the artistic freedom to do whatever I want with it, I would want to keep it as alien and inhuman sounding as possible. Some of the options are making it always talk in a distorted voice of its current host or rendering a voice for it (something wet, dripping, hissing and gurgling. Maybe a little like what Sean Crisden did for the Ink Demon in Bendy and the Dark Revival? but not really that deep or masculine). Still, my preffered option would be avoiding making the Symbiote talk, like AT ALL. Not that it wouldn't communicate, but if it absolutely has to talk, I would make it speak in silent movies style of cards, with text over abstract patterns like pulsating cells and such and distorted ambient noise in the background, something like a mix of tinnitus and quiet wet noises. Sorta like this
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Depending on the perspective of the character to whom it's talking, it would change in how disturbing it would look. For example, this would be how the Symbiote's speach might appear to Peter. Eddie on the other hand might see it more like this (edit. I had an epiphany. For Eddie, Symby's words are written in the typewritter font)
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(those were made pretty quickly and are far far FAR from perfect but I hope you can see what I mean??)
So... Yeah! Those are my ideas! Thank you for the ask, I love getting them ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
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