lionews · 3 years
Guide to GB
hi ;0 sorry it’s me again. I noticed that maybe yesterday or the day before, there was a discussion on how people made GB without buying any, and a lot of people mentioned event stuff. That usually requires a bit of research (if you’re just getting started on lioden) and can be overwhelming. So this post is for anyone who needs it—anyone who is new to event grinding and trying to step up from being a casual player, or just trying to make a few more bucks.
In almost every month, new apps will be released, and typically those will sell well out of season… but there are a few hot items that will always be almost always be on SOMEONE’S radar, and I’ll tell you about them now!
Mod note: You should probably post this on a public blog so it can go into the Lioden tag. We don’t post in there incase people don’t want to see our blog. Or even in the forums.
January - January’s event is mostly filled with decor, but save up your SB a month or so in advance, because when the 3rd tier is unlocked, you can buy some pretty neat stuff that sells well later on! Lion meat can be purchased at T3 in the event shop for 2000SB! If you hold onto it for later, you can make 8-10GB per meat! Prices tend to shoot up during February, so if you wait to get full worth, you could be earning 13-15GB from a 2000GB (about 2GB) investment. As always, branch prices ALWAYS fluctuate, so forgive me if my ranges are a little off. But typically, that’s the general profit you can make from lion meat.
Then, MOD Overgrown Fur can be purchased for 4000SB when Tier 4 is unlocked! Popularity varies among players, but it’s definitely something you can sell… personally, I would invest more in lion meat, but it’s up to you!
In January, there is also the Boneyard! Save up your LB because digging about in the yard or donating skulls can get you a selection of three items, which can be quite useful if you know what you’re looking for.
Vulture eggs, broken drones, giant tortoises, leopard orchids, MOD: Primal, and lion meat may appear! You can then purchase them with event currency!
Vulture eggs and broken drones sell well in bulk. Giant tortoises on average sell really well for about 1-2gb MOD: Primal varies, again, around 10-15gb is what I’ve seen post-January. And lion meat was mentioned above!
Oh! And you’d be surprised… don’t skip out on those leopard orchids! They might seem a little lame, but you can sell them for 1gb! And holy COW they sell fast! Why? Because the normal auto-claim on a lioness in explore is 2gb, so players will jump on those leopard orchids for 1gb each! I’ve sold mine recently in under 5 minutes, it was surprising!
February - February is a special chaos. I’m not kidding, every bit of your event currency will be desired sitewide.
Tier 2 in the flirt shop allows access to honeycombs—which can be sold fast for 1gb… though they have an expiration date, so maybe not the best investment since prices drop in February. You can also find Grains of Paradise (GOP) which guarantee at least 2 cubs in a litter! These will sell out of season for up to 21GB from what I’ve seen, but prices will fluctuate and crawl up and down. Regardless, you’re looking at about a 8-15gb profit on average depending on what the branch prices look like.
Tier 3 in the flirt shop and slap shop, my friends, is where it gets wild. Buffalo balls, which guarantee at least 3 cubs in a litter, will be available along with an item called Yohimbe bark, which chops 1 day off of a lioness’ breeding cooldown! Out of season, yohimbe barks sell for around 12-15gb each! And Buffalo balls, which are always in high demand, can climb from a price of 6gb during February to 16 to 20gb! Later on by summer, buffy balls can reach as much as 25–and I’ve seen as much as 45gb… a big leap! So hold onto them. And again, prices will always fluctuate, so don’t hold me firm on these prices if you don’t see them please ;;;
Apps, again, vary depending on the community opinion on them… once more, all newer apps will sell well. Personally, I find the February apps gorgeous, but if you want to make quick sales after February and make the most of your event grinding, I would invest in breeding items.
In the slap shop, there are lion scrotums when T3 is unlocked! They guarantee a 25% chance of passing a mutation on… though this does not account for hybrids. Dwarves require these in order to pass on their mutation, and double uteruses do as well. DU and dwarf breeders will always be on the lookout for these! But prices on these make me narrow my eyes. Buffy balls can be used for all lions, but lion scrotums are only useful if you’re breeding dwarves or DUs. Thus, buffy balls will almost always sell faster than lion balls from my personal experience—but that doesn’t mean lion scrotums aren’t worth buying! Due to their slightly higher price compared to buffy balls in the event shop, they tend to sell for just a bit more than buffies do! But bewarned that come the May event, I believe, they will become available once more in an event shop.
March - March brings in more decor than it does breeding items, but there are still ways to profit! While you might be tempted to snag the newest apps, hold off and try to gauge the public opinion… for example, recently Hirola was released… and it seems sort of meh, so you won’t see a big demand for it. It’s the base apps that are involved involved in combo-base breeding that are the key!!! The ivory base can be used in two combo bases as a factor: Soul and Madagascar! So pick up that One With Giants app! It can be resold for a fair amount!
April - April is another event heavy on decor, but there are at least a few nice things! Egg yolks in the event shop will be heavily desired by stat breeders, so you can pick up those to sell—beware they also have expiration dates. Personally, I think the real good stuff is in Wenet’s shop! Doing her quests grants you hare points to spend. Stocking up on roasted lambs is a very good idea—these double your energy gained for 8 hours!!! They’ll be floating around during April for 1-3GB on average. And if you hold onto them until February, they shoot up in demand and can go for about 12-16gb each! It’s not difficult to pump out at least 8-9 roasted lambs during April, so that’s a few extra $$ in your pocket if you’re patient enough!
May - In May you can purchase red bulls, which are similar energy boosters like roasted lambs! These sell well, and as mentioned previously, lion scrotums make their return! Also, there is a chance to obtain male groupies, which are heritageless lions like NCLs that can be used to replace your king and essentially make it a G1! These sell for fairly good prices throughout the year due to people changing/replacing kings! Make sure to patrol them or freeze them on your side account (so they don’t age too much), and you can fetch quite the pretty penny depending on the market. I once, out of season, bought a heritageless groupie, one of the only few remaining on TC, for 75GB. Do I regret not waiting? Yes. Is it too late to cry? Totally.
June - June. Lovely June. Side with one of the deities or gods or whatever during the event, and once you finish their story line, you’ll get a base applicator that typically is worth a decent amount of GB out of season depending on which one you’re selling. Let it be noted that anubis, bast, seth, and sha are ALL factors of a combo-base, which is why combo-breeders will be willing to pay a good sum of money for those apps. Check the lowest branch price if you’re looking to sell!
July - Pack your bags and get ready to grind hardcore again, July brings a new base that usually has breeders scrambling to obtain, and there are also GORGEOUS backgrounds and decor to buy. Not only that, but for shards in the event shop, you can buy applicators that ALL sell fairly well. Well… mane apps might be iffy. But let me point out a few things worth snagging: Sunrise markings! Sunset markings! These two are almost ALWAYS going for a jaw dropping sum, I’ve seen 40-70 each, but DONT hold me on that please.
Curse of divine is a combo base factor for Elysian, a fairly popular base. Snag it! Touch of demiurge is a gorgeous base, and it sells pretty well! Grab that if you want!
And of course, whatever new comes out, make sure to gauge the audience… though in July, most everything new is going to be a good investment.
August - August is a pain in my opinion. Grinding DB to buy buffy balls is rough. But let me mention the stuff to invest in! The peddler allows you to buy vulture eggs, broken drones, and lucky feet—all of which sell nicely in big quantities.
I failed to mention this in April, but lucky feet will be in an abundance. SAVE THEM. Lucky feet are used to automatically win battles, and they come in handy for October, which is heavily combat based!
Buffalo scrotums and Grains of Paradise also make their comeback at the peddler, though I can’t give you a good price range on those. I will say that by August, the market for breeding items gets a bit dry, and so prices will be higher—much higher than they were in February.
September - September is good for one thing, and only one thing… actually scratch that—two things, and only two things primarily. GMO cows and ochre gnawrocks. Anyone playing lioden long enough knows that GMO cows are a big item used in mutation breeding, it ups the chance GREATLY of getting a mutated litter—even moreso than lion meats do. These things are WHACK. They sell for 45-60GB out of season, and in February, MANY people will be trying to buy them. Ochre gnawrocks guarantee the passing of a specific marking. Rosettes are very hard-to-breed markings due to their low pass rates, and mottled rosette is a hybrid originating marking. Thus, ochre gnawrocks will go for big bucks out of season, especially during February. 45-60GB is the common price that I’ve seen, although one year it was wild enough to reach 80GB. It all depends, but regardless, both items are good to grind for.
Oh! And in the Harbringer’s shop, there are black stallions, which sell well for 1-4GB all year long. They essentially guarantee that a lioness gets pregnant once for a breeding. This is very helpful to people breeding low fert lionesses like hybrids. Although, angelic blessings do a longer lasting job and sell for more… more on that later, you can’t get those during this month.
October - Then comes October, the battle-oriented event that I mentioned previously is what you should be saving your lucky feet for.
Let me try to get this all down. There is a general shop in which you can buy applicators and decor, and quite a few of the base apps in the shop are factors for combo bases. For example, Unholy is involved in 3 combo bases! And blazing is in another. Fiery is also in one, and I really can’t go into specifics because I’m not a big combo-breeder, but a quick google can give you the idea.
Then, you can side with heaven or hell, in which you’ll collect the respective currencies for whichever one you might go with. In heaven, you can get Angelic blessings, which as mentioned previously, are like black stallions. However, when you equip them to a lioness, they’ll get pregnant no matter what their fertility in one go for as long as they live/are using the blessing. Be warned that removing the blessing, which “acts” like a decor, will cause it to be used up. You won’t get it back, it’s a 1-use item. These sell well for 10-15gb out of season.
Shadows of death are what you can purchase in Hell’s shop. This will shorten your lioness’ life by 1 day—which in turn also removes a breeding cooldown day. These sell fairly well for about 10-14gb out of season! Surprisingly enough, I would say they get used fairly frequently—although the idea of killing your lioness might make it hard to believe.
Then there’s the manticore shop, where you can buy things like fermented marula fruit, medlar fruit (good for cub training to 100% immediately), dove feasts, RMAs, and crunchy worms. Dove feasts can be crafted in February, RMAs can be purchased at any time in the Oasis all year long, and medlar fruit on the market is a bit shakey considering that it’s not hard to train a cub to 100% without items. The real market investment here are the crunchy worms, which give a 25% of producing a clone cub of the mother in a litter. Again, these will sell VERY well out of season, especially during February. I don’t feel confident on giving a good price estimate, but as I’m writing this, the average price appears to be about 30GB, and it is early April.
November - Deep breaths, we’re almost done! November is where you’ll mostly be saving your event currency to buy the newest released base app or decor. I recommend saving your herbs, because I believe November is heavily herb-based. Giant tortoises are also available in the shop!
December Here we go, most all December event apps are HOT HOT HOT! And the jolly pose in the event shop is also fairly desirable! Save for those Jolly poses, and save for that newly released base, marking, whatever. Many of the bases in the event shop here are used in combo-base breeding.
I should note that spicy ice tends to have year-round popularity! It’s a factor for a whopping 4 combo bases! That’s a lot!
Along with that, frostbitten markings seem to have a decent amount of popularity, though things always always fluctuate. Check lowest branch prices, and with newer apps, always scan the community for the general feedback before investing.
And that’s it for event stuff!
Here’s the biggest advice of all…
If you want GB fast, sell the items listed above DURING the events.
If you want to make a profit/get rich, sell the items listed above MONTHS AFTER the events!
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What was said after One of A kind was made - Please end the Shit Talking
Now, I never went into depth about what was said about me, what I know, and what I have been told. 
I have been told it has been addressed, but, from how I have been told and seen how it is written, it doesn’t seem that much better.
I also want to clarify what I meant by Harrassment in this case. I don’t consider what is going on Bullying, as I don’t know anyone who is saying stuff about me or my fic. I have never met, chances are I have never spoken to them before. But yet this has continued. 
I know the start of the stuff being said directed at me/my fic was around March 2019, After the day I left the server, I kept out of it. I tried too. I had no idea what else was said from a personal stand point. But someone was kind enough to tell me. 
When it was first brought up, my character itself was attacked. I joined the TC server once, and it was only after a while of talking on there that I checked out messages made before I joined, and it was the reason I left that server. 
Someone was actually very nice about me, about my ideas, the brainstorming I do. Someone replied with that is when I team up with others. 
It moved onto someone saying “So I just came to the conclusion that they just want to dump whatever was in their head rather than developing it into a real story.” also going on to say “Guess they’re in it for fulling whatever it is in her head rather than writing a good narrative.”
So, not only did they say shit about me, but also my readers. I read these messages back then, back in March 2019. And seeing how these people were willing to say this about an writer they don’t know, or readers they don’t know didn’t sit right for me. And I left, I wasn’t going to remain in a server where stuff like that was said. 
I also want to clarify, I never said TC was bad, the direction it went just wasn’t to my tastes, and I wanted to give my own version of it. Grant, what I wrote in the Author’s notes may have been taken wrong. When I mention mine actually had  plan, I rarely wrote a fic with a laid out plan at that point, And fics that did have plans were not ones I was really working on. That is what I meant and if it was taken the wrong way, or if I worded it wrong, I am sorry. But TC is not and was not bad, it was just set for particular tastes in fics.
I know a roast reading was made of One of a kind on the discord, of course I am not sure what was said about it, and honestly I would rather no know.
People have said I claimed it was better then TC. I did not. I knew it wasn’t as good a TC. TC and OOAK were fics on two different levels. OOAK was a side fic I would rarely work on as I favoured my main fics.  And I say again, TC is a good fic if you like that genre.  And I am just going to add I do have evidence of Epsi  admitting to making a roast reading. thanks to said a friend. 
I heard people rather enjoyed the roasting of OOAK. And I say good for them... but at this time I had no idea they were still going on a about it. I had no idea these people who barely knew me were saying stuff about my writing, maybe about me. I have no idea but with previous messages I would put nothing past them. 
Normally Roasting is fine, but, at the point the reading was made it was almost a year after the issue first began, and where I was called “The Fucker”. Whatever issue they had with it should have been over, I hadn’t thought about it in months, and they were going at OOAK.
And I guess multiple memes were made of it. Joking ones about how bad it is, and I still had no idea this was going on, until, a friend brought it too my attention. I posted that particular one on Tumblr too. I can re blog it after this is posted, but there are more, I know of about, maybe three others, I don’t know if there is more. 
I know OOAK was brought up at least once more before I posted the re-write. before I wrote the other tumblr about this. Once again, mocking a fic that was deleted because  I stupidly thought people would stop. I guess I learnt that the hard way.
But Opposite reflection was also not free from them, it has nothing to do with TC. I wanted a Mulan like Au, and only girl with a quirk works well with that. But People have called it “reverse TC”
You guys, maybe wandering why I am posting this now. And honestly, I wasn’t going to go into depth about it. I never was... until I was updated on a small post about a possible reaction to my AN in the OOAK:CD, but I am thinking different because they mentioned OOAK is deleted, and they probably haven’t seen my tumblr posts or the AN. 
They seem happy to continue to shit talk my fic in their server because it is “their house”. 
Now, I am not sure about anyone else.... but I am not okay with this. I am not okay with some happily shittalking about me, behind my back. If they don’t consider that harassment, surely it is something worse. Saying shit about people or their works behind their back... on a work that was deleted Because I wanted them to stop. And I still do. I want them to never mention me or my works again in that server. But I am guessing that might be too much to ask. It might be too much to ask them to leave me alone.
Yeah, TC is a great fic, it fun, it has good fun parts sure.... but I can’t bring myself to like the few readers that are happy to shittalk OOAK, and I can’t respect the Author for thinking it is okay.  I Couldn’t shittalk someone’s fic. I couldn’t do it behind their back.  
At least if they want to shit talk me, do it to me Directly, message me, dm me, comment on fics, do whatever, but don’t do it behind my back. 
So this is direct to the Author of Total Command - if you have an issue with what One of A kind was, tell me the issues to my face. You may call it criticism on your server, but its not when you aren’t telling me. So, please, tell me. However, I don’t want messages or whatever with insults or shit talking me. 
And a last note on why I felt this was consider harassment, this is a definition of the word in the UK. 
“Harassment is unwanted behaviour which you find offensive or which makes you feel intimidated or humiliated. It can happen on its own or alongside other forms of discrimination.
Unwanted behaviour could be:
spoken or written words or abuse
offensive emails, tweets or comments on social networking sites
images and graffiti
physical gestures
facial expressions
And whist the comments were not directly direct at me, I was un aware of them. But they were directed at my person.
But I understand if other countries had different definitions about for it.
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avenger-hawk · 4 years
(1) hello sweetie, love ur blog!! and holy cow, never realised anime discourse ran so deep. If I like something and it doesn't hurt you, why do you have to come to my house and throw shit at my stuff lmaooo. Of course, if it's something I need to be corrected about (aka r*cism etc etc) then yeh I get it. But if I like Dark NS and only see Sasuke as submissive in a realtionship, why does that hurt you so much that you have to come and be all "But hey no, AcTuAllY.." Like dude, I DONT CARE
(2) I'm not the type of person who can't form opinions for myself and only ride onto the hate train/delusional ships train. And I'm also not the type to be so insecure about my opinions and likes that having someone come over to shit on me will deter me and make me re-think everything. I also don't need other people to tell me they think like me to feel validated. So why can't people leave us alone when we say we like certain things and dislike others?
(3) I'm sorry I just came at you with this rant out of nowhere, but man, am I pissed and stressed and anxious and on-edge all the time now because I've been involved and seen so mucg discourse around Naruto stuff I've gotten so, so damn tired. Delusional Sa*uS*ku fangirls, delusional SN fangirls, delusional itachi fans and then the ones who pretend they know everything. I'm tired, tired of having to be so guilt-tripped all the time for liking Sasuke. Seems like it's controversial to like him.
(4) But leaving all that sour and heavy stuff behind, I absolutely adore your blog!! I am so freaking glad it exists, you have no idea how many times I've checked your blog over the years only to be surprised at how similar our interpretations are. It felt like you were reading my mind and putting down thoughts that I didn't dare put down. Thank you so damn much for still being here despite all the shit you had to put up with. and alsooo..I can't stand anything new/b*ruto related so either 🙃
(5) Last one, but I hope you're doing good, staying safe and all that stuff. I realllly wish I could talk to you as a friend, feels like we would vibe so much given how similar our thought processes seem to be xD AHH!! I also adore your fics so damn much, I still remmeber the days I used to refresh ever day just to see if there was an update ;_; I'm so glad you even wrote those fics so I'm not begging or guiltripping for updates, just wanting to put out my thanks. Love you sweetie, tc  😭💕
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First of all thanks for the nice words~
Aand...Anon I don’t get one thing. We all saw how crazy anime discourse (or fictional stuff one) can get. You are confident about your opinions (which are totally right because CANON Sas is passive in relationship, he’s the yin cuz kishi said so and ppl who say the opposite, especially SS, SN and SI shippers are just delusional) and you don’t need other ppl’s bullshit discourse...then why do you engage in N*ruto discourse even? I mean, you tried once, you saw how shitty ppl are then why insist? I get that ppl are social beings who want to discuss things they like, I really get it. But it’s obvious how this fandom (and all fandoms tbh) is, so wouldn’t it be better to keep it to yourself? Maybe do something creative like fic writing, drawing if you can, or writing your own essays about Sasuke&co, making sure you block everyone who bitches at you?
Cause idk, it feels the most rational option to stay in the fandom. Idk how long you’ve been into it but I was here when the ending came out and the word ‘discourse’ wasn’t used. I tried discussing, both ending and Sasuke related dynamics, then I realized it was useless, so I channeled my thoughts in my fics or whatever I have been doing since then, and I blocked everyone I found irritating. And it works. I just don’t care about what ppl think, I write for myself but opinions and fics, and the only moment I get angry is when my fics are criticized lol, cause ppl write in such a shitty way but they dare criticize openly or even worse, passive aggressively those who write better only because the fic is not how they’d like it to be lol. f*ck them. Actually I recently learned to ignore some person’s comments on a fic I wrote for another fandom, cause they are an author and they try so hard to be noticed by ‘constructively’ criticizing that fic for things that show they read it not attentively, so the best revenge is to ignore them. So I don’t understand why such simple thing doesn’t work for others.
Same for guilt...idk why someone would make someone feel guilty for liking Sasuke or certain dynamics. Cause if they succeed it means that they found some ‘internalized’ guilt that existed already, which I don’t get. I’m so very glad that reading my stuff you find it so similar to your thoughts...and this is smth that makes me think that if you write your own thoughts someone will feel the same and they’ll come to you. You never know who’s reading your stuff after all, and even though there’s plenty of ass*oles there are also fans who are desperate to find the good stuff lol. Lol it’s so cool to realize how some ppl appreciate something ‘controversial’ or weird, like a rarepair, or an opinion. And btw liking bottomSas isn’t either, it’s canon lol.
I’m glad you like my blog, as I was saying, and everything else, it’s cool to have the same thought process and thanks for not asking for updates, some fics like In Power...I won’t update anyway (I’m kinda bored of Itachicentric stuff and positive Itasasu), others I will when I have time and inspiration as I’m also writing for another fandom. But everything I left on hiatus had its ‘season ending’ so it’s ok I guess. Maybe lol. Ugh I’m sorry but I don’t understand how some authors can be so quick and productive while I need so much time lol
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honestly, I think it's hypocritical of you to refuse to give advice on how to persue tcs after graduation because, according to yourself, it's inappropriate, even though that's exactly what you did w/ YOUR tc. I don't know what's your logic behind it, but if it's wrong for everyone out there to do this it's also wrong for you too. And besides, you're still not of consensual age to date a man who's 22 years older than you, why do you think your case is any different?
Don’t you dare pull the ‘you were not of consensual age’ argument. E is not 22 years older than me. He’s 21 years older than me and I have a late birthday in November which is why I haven’t changed my age to 21 yet. I was 18 when all this began (the age of consent is even lower where I reside and 18 is when you’re considered a LEGAL ADULT). I haven’t shared on Tumblr how we started dating after that first kiss. News flash: I didn’t start seriously dating E after that first kiss. 
We had a serious conversation after the fact and we realized it was in our best interests to properly get to know each other first before things were going to get serious. We had to adjust to the new roles we were going to play in each other’s lives. Don’t make false assumptions about my relationship based on the limited things I CHOOSE to share when you’re either not reading things properly or don’t have all the facts. I will be in graduate school next year and finished with an undergraduate degree in the spring, but I’m apparently ‘still’ not of consensual age to date my man? Wow, how old did you mistaken me for?
I also love how you just cherry-picked the word “inappropriate” and don’t provide the contexts for when I said former student/tc relationships can be inappropriate. In case you haven’t bothered to read my statements/advice in their entirety here’s a simplified snippet: 
I am AGAINST giving girls advice on how to pursue their former tcs because as I’ve said on multiple occasions: I can’t possibly know all the details to their life, their tc’s life, the kind of relationship they have with their tc, or their tc’s TRUE intentions. It would be absolutely wrong and against my moral conscience if my words somehow impacted a girl to act upon her feelings or pursue her former tc without checking for red flags. I would either be directly or inadvertently encouraging girls into possibly dangerous situations. Even if a girl does happen to message me and tell me a bunch of her personal details, how can I be sure that she’s actually who she says she is or is of age? How can I be sure that her tc is the kind of person she thinks he is? I will not be giving girls any advice on how to lead their life based on my own PERSONAL life and decisions. 
These choices should be made at their own discretion and I am providing them with the alternative perspective which they may not have considered. My best friend did the same for me when she learned about my relationship with E. Only you can be responsible for your actions and you have to weigh in all the potential repercussions and risks. There are rare occasions when such relationships work out, however, I am in no position to be risking someone’s safety and well being when they’re clearly providing me with ONLY the idealized positives about their tc. There is a clear bias in the information I’m being provided.
 I don’t have all the facts, therefore, I will not encourage anyone. Some girls don’t even provide any details at all and just ask if and how they should pursue their tc after graduation. Also, don’t come to my blog and ask me to validate you when you’re underage and believe your tc has reciprocated feelings for you. They should absolutely not be showing interest in a minor for obvious reasons which I’ve repeated constantly. 
There’s a lot of deceitful blogs and messed up behaviors that are being encouraged around the tcc. If that’s the kind of blog that you’re looking for in mine then you’re looking at the wrong place. 
Please do actual research next time and formulate a solid argument instead of cherry-picking. If you don’t agree with my advice or how I choose to run my blog ethically you could either a) close my page and stop visiting my blog, b) unfollow me, c) block me, or d) all of the above. 
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vonlipvig · 5 years
Fodder vs. Freelancers - Episode 2
(If you’re looking for past episodes, just check the “Survivor RvB” tag in my blog!)
Quick recap! Last episode Caboose and Tex got individual immunity idols valid only for their first time at TC, the Freelancers won immunity, and the Fodder tribe voted off Kai, leaving the Blue alliance open to attack.
That means the Blues (and all the Fodder tribe, really) are REALLY gonna be fighting hard to win the next immunity challenge. It’s all about numbers, guys!
Next challenge happens to be a double Reward + Immunity challenge, so it’s an important one! What are the results?
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Well, The Freelancers sure are bosses, huh? They’re absolutely on a roll! (Gee, I hope I didn’t give them an unfair advantage, I don’t want to have a Palau situation here!). They have flint AND fishing gear, these guys are living in STYLE!
NOW comes a very interesting part, cause this season has EXILE ISLAND! Once a team wins a challenge, they can send someone from the opposing tribe to Exile Island, a miserable place where they get to be completely alone. Well, not really, cause they winning team also gets to send one of their own. That can be bad, as they’re alienating that person from daily tribe life, but there are also hidden immunity idols there...
Anyway, who are the chosen ones?
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So the Freelancers pick Tucker to go to Exile, and they choose Florida to go, too. What can they have based these decisions on? Do they think Tucker is a threat? Do they not want Florida around, or do they trust him to get info out of Tucker/find the idol? Interesting...(Also, they’re probably just gonna talk about how cool aqua is).
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Lo and behold, it is actually Tucker who finds the hidden idol! Does the hidden idol look like a big, glowy sword, by any chance? Regardless, Tucker sure knows how to find hidden spots! Bow chicka bow wow! (I’ll see myself out...)
Notable Tribe Events: Back in Fodder camp, Church is isolating himself from the tribe, and nobody wants to align with him. That would make sense, seeing as he’s the only Blue there, together with Caboose (And, even though I made Caboose have a strong bond with Church, I made that non-mutual, cause Church is a bit of an asshole. He’s my fave, did I mention that?). Poor guy. In Freelancer camp, South and York have a minor fight. Boy, would I LOVE to be a fly on the wall to see that! I wonder how that would affect North’s realtionship with York?
Anyway, it’s TC time yet again, with our lovely Fodder tribe!
So, Tucker is a smart guy. He knows the Blue Alliance is in danger, and he knows he might be targeted. So, what does he do? He plays the Hidden Immunity Idol for himself! That means that any votes casted for Tucker do not count. How did that pay off?
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INCREDIBLY. FUCKING. WELL. Miraculously, the whole Red Alliance voted for Tucker, which means none of those votes count, WHICH MEANS only the votes from the Blue Alliance count! And who did they get rid of?
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The second person voted off from Survivor Blood Gulch is Grif. Poor Grif. Right after his sister.
Ok, so let’s talk about move. The Reds might have thought that Tucker wouldn’t be smart enough to find the Idol, so they voted for him, thinking it would go through. OR, and this is a cool or, Tucker might have played dumb, mimed giving a fake idol to Church, to make the Reds see him as someone with no protection. Either way, it worked, and the numbers are a bit more balanced, although Doc continues to be a swing vote. Still, the Fodder tribe needs to get its shit together, cause they’re losing numbers to the Freelancers.
What might next episode of Survivor Blood Gulch: Fodder vs. Freelancers bring? Stay tuned!
Next Episode - Beginning
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playchoices · 7 years
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Rules of Engagement: Book 3
Inside Choices is a behind-the-scenes blog from the Pixelberry Team!
Since it launched last fall, Rules of Engagement has been going full steam ahead. Now on its third book, the trilogy is settling the question of your nana's inheritance, once and for all. Will true love prevail? Are you headed for married bliss or total disaster? And can your siblings figure things out in time? All will be answered in the upcoming Rules of Engagement chapters!
A chat with the Rules of Engagement writers has been long past due, so here they are! To get a behind-the-scenes peek at Rules of Engagement, read on...
I remember the feeling of excitement in the air when Rules of Engagement was being brainstormed as the first book to follow up the initial three in Choices. How did you come up with Rules of Engagement? Where did you want to go with it?
Kara: I was still working on TC&TF, which was a trilogy, so it felt right to think of this one as a trilogy too. With how big the cast was, I think it would've been hard to do justice to all of the characters and plots that we had planned in a shorter amount of time. We knew we wanted to get another book out fast, so we didn't have too much time going into it. We brainstormed each sibling's plot separately, which was a lot of world building, but we were really happy with how different each story came out. We knew we wanted Rules to have more crazy twists and drama than the other books, so it was really fun trying to come up with those, but mostly I just fell in love with all of the characters and telling all of their stories.
Jennifer: I remember when we were first brainstorming, one of the themes we wanted to touch upon was the theme of family. That's why the siblings are so close, and I think the idea of keeping the family together was what inspired all of Nana's zany requests. Even though Nana's will seems pushy, I always thought, at the heart of it, what she wanted most was to see everyone happy which is why the tasks push them to making such drastic changes in their lives.
Coco: I didn't join the Rules team until later on in Book 1, but I know they wanted to create a book that enabled players to travel often and see new places! Because cruise ships are so mobile, the Ember of the Sea was an ideal setting. I have an uncle that worked briefly as a pianist on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean, so I drew a little bit from my experience when I visited him! Getting to write about travel adventures was one of the aspects that excited me the most, and I can't wait to show the different places we'll go next!
What's new about Book 3? How do you think the series has changed?
Coco: In Book 3, players get to plan different aspects of their wedding from the vows to the decorations! The finale will be fun either way, but the art and events change depending on your choices, and our artists did a great job. I hope this gives a more customizable and personal feel to your wedding day!
We also reveal a bit more about the backstory of the family members, particularly your aunt and your cousin. In particular, how you choose to treat your cousin will affect your playthrough and ending of the series. I have something of a soft spot for cousin -- she's so snarky and fun to write, but she's also been through a lot. I'm looking forward to developing these characters more and revealing new dimensions to them.
Since this is Rules of Engagement, we've gotta talk romance. Who would you date in Rules of Engagement?
Ariel: Actually, the Rules of Engagement writers each have a different favorite suitor. There's no lack of love for any of our leading lady's prospective fiances! We often joke about which writer is the leader of their favorite guy's fan club and who's the hottie of the Ember of the Sea, but at the end of the day, each suitor has their own strengths designed to make us swoon. The businessman appeals to those who want to get swept off their feet and enjoy grand gestures, while the prince is perfect for anyone who loves adventure and being spontaneous, and last but not least, the bartender speaks to those who desire that confidante who always knows how to make them laugh.
Coco: Ariel came up with a very diplomatic answer, but don't be fooled! She's Team Bartender all the way! :P I have to agree with her; I think falling in love with your best friend sounds like the ideal. However, I think the prince is the most fun to write because he's the most rebellious.
Jennifer: I originally wrote for and have a soft spot for the businessman. But if I could personally date anyone in Rules, it would be the older brother, Alex, because I always find his chapters hilarious.
Aside from the cruise and the massive inheritance, a good chunk of Rules of Engagement ties into real life. There's the ups and downs of dating, figuring out your future and identity, being there for your family... How do you relate to the story? And how does that influence your writing?
Kara: Rules has always been close to my heart because I was able to put a lot of my own family experience into the story. I'm the youngest of four, with an older brother and two older sisters--I guess maybe that makes me the Jess? Also, like the Rules siblings, I'm biracial, though I'm half Chinese and they're half Filipino Chinese. Growing up in a big family, I've always loved sibling dynamics and how each person can be related and have these shared experiences of childhood, but also have their own personality that they bring to the table. I think what I like most about Rules is that the siblings all love and support each other so much. That's what I've always loved about my own family. We're each off doing our own things in life, but deep down, we're a team and we always have each other's backs. I really wanted the Rules siblings to have that same feel.
Jennifer: I relate to the story on many levels which is why it's so near and dear to my heart. Having a close family is a big one like Kara was saying. My nuclear family isn't that big, but I grew up with my sister and my cousins, so it felt that way. That made it super fun to write the sibling scenes, particularly the ones where you get dressed with your sisters or stay up late to giggle in your room talking about life (and boys). Another big one is that my own family is Chinese but grew up in the Philippines, so the blend of those two cultures was something we decided to put into the family's background. And of course, I drew on my own experience dating (eep!) when it came to capturing the excitement of meeting someone for the first time and realizing you're falling in love as well as portraying the doubts and thoughts that crop up as you're discovering who you are in that relationship and how you relate to the other person.
A key part of the whole inheritance task deal is that each sibling has to learn something - whether its responsibility, spontaneity, or discovering true love. Which of Nana's lessons speak to you the most?
Coco: I think I'm somewhere halfway between the twins Jess and Nicole (perhaps most people are?), so I'm not sure that either of their tasks fits me perfectly. But I think all of the inheritance tasks were their nana's way of guiding the cousins along to the future in the best way she knew how. As a 20-something who recently graduated college (ugh, a millenial, I know), I can definitely relate to them in terms of trying to figure out my next step and where to go from here. I feel like the summer tasks give the cousins a chance to experiment and explore, whether it's with careers, love, adventure, or independence, as well as learn that these don't all have to be mutually exclusive.
Jennifer: Of all the siblings, I'm the most like Nicole in that, when I was younger, I wanted ultimate control of my life. In college, I had a very detailed plan to become a doctor and save the world, so I think it's funny that I became a writer for Pixelberry. Of course, writing was such a big part of my life growing up--I started when I was six and kept writing throughout high school. I'm surprised I didn't embrace that side of myself earlier, but I think I was a little afraid since so much of writing is putting yourself out there. I guess what I learned and tried to put into the Nicole arc is that life throws you so many curveballs, that some spontaneity and a little bit of courage is necessary for you to figure out what you want most and to go for it.
What do we have to look forward to with the rest of Book 3? What are you most excited about?
Jennifer: Planning your wedding! =) Also, I hope people enjoy the conclusion as much as we enjoyed brainstorming it. There's something very satisfying about tying up loose ends.
Coco: There's plenty to look forward to, like new ports to visit, new outfits, new characters, new animations, and also a few new romances for the supporting characters! In the first two books, we wanted to give you more of an opportunity to go on different dates and have fun, but in Book 3, you'll hopefully get to know your special, chosen fiancé on a deeper level. I'm probably most excited about bachelorette/bachelor party shenanigans, but also a few things that I can't quite share with you yet! ;)
As we reach the conclusion of the series, thanks to everyone who has been traveling on the cruise ship with us, from the several writers who have moved on to new projects, and of course, to the players! We hope you've had fun escaping to the Mediterranean with us.
Be sure to check back Wednesdays for new chapters of Rules of Engagement: Book 3! Where do you think the cruise will go next?
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tcrushing4years · 7 years
Our Story pt 1
Hey so I’m going to be catching you guys up to speed periodically throughout this blog. Because I have been in love with my tc for almost 4 years, there is so much that has happened and so much that I want and need to share with all of you. 
PT 1, How we met:
backstory : Every year my school takes a trip to Washington, D.C. and NYC. This trip happens in 8th grade (my school is 7-12) at the end of the school year. I had seen him once at an info session, but I had no clue who he was. 
The first time I saw him: We left for DC on June 22, 2014 and the first image I can rember was him walking into the airport. He didnt look like a teacher. He was wearing a shirt and swimshorts (he finds these most comfortable) and flip flops. He had a backpack and a suitecase and he walked with such assertion and importance. He seemed confident. I also noticed his beautifuly sculpted body and hair. He was stunning. I pegged him for about late 20s, early 30s. 
First time I heard his voice: We had gotten past bag check at the airport, but I was taking a long time and so were a few other people who were stupid enough to wear high tops to an airport. The group started walking and I got my shoes on just in time that I wasnt left behind. Joseph “brought up the back” which meant he was walking behind to make sure there were no stragglers. I was in the middle of the group when he yelled “Okay (my school name) lets get a move on, we are on a time limit here”. His voice was higher than I thought it would be, but it somehow suit him. He had authority behind it that matched his walk.
Our first interaction: We had gotten to our terminal and theline at starbucks for breakfast was way too long so i decided to go to one of those kiosks that they have at airports- the ones that sell neck pillows, candy, magazines, books, etc. He was standing there searching for a neck pillow and chatting with a few other students. I didnt really pay him any mind and I went to grab breakfast: a big bag of cheezits and a banana. I got into line to pay and stood behind him. There were two people in front of us not apart of our trip. When I got in line he turned around to greet me: “Cheezits for breakfast?” I laughed and said, “the best i could do, but for the record I do have a banana” He said that he was glad that I balanced out the demon cheezits (his subject has to do with human beings and their bodies) with something healthy. “I see you went blue” I said. “Blue?”. “Yeah the neck pillow,” I said motioning to it. He replied, “yes it was by far the softest and besides, blue is my favorite color.” I noted that in my brain since I knew he would be my teacher the next year. By this point the two people infront of us had checked out. He motioned for me to go infront of him in line and pay first to which I responded, “no its okay, you were here first,” and he promptly said, “absolutely not, ladies first” I thanked him for keeping chilvary alive and we continued to talk while we both payed. When we were finished we walked over to the gate still talking about all sorts of things like the people on the trip, where we would go, etc. I got a text from my friend on the trip saying she needed me so I told him and said bye until our next chat. I began to head away from him when he yelled to me, “HEY”. I looked back and he was coming towards me. He said, “ I just realized that I had one of the best conversations all week with someone that I do not even know the name of.” I held out my hand and said my name. He shook it and repeated his back to me, from there our relationship was born.
I’ll probably write more about this trip, but here’s how we met (in detail).
Fun Fact: I have been back to that airport in that same terminal and I have a picture of the kiosk where we met. Weird, but true.
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rydiin · 3 years
have you watched the video on nc called “what pretending to be crazy looks like” it has 26 million views 😳
ok i know i always try my best to answer asks in order but ive been waiting for someone to say something about this!!!!! is nobody here anymore or what why did it take so long 🥺😭
yes ive watched it and would love to hear anyone’s thoughts! i won’t go into my personal thoughts right now but i will say that it was an extremely well thought out video and i value the guy who created the video- he has a great channel to check out. but for any of you hoping that the Defense might be able to use NC’s mental illness as a Defense at trial via insanity plea or really any mental defense that makes him appear crazy as if he was not in his rational and right mind during the event- prepare to be blackpilled 🥴
im sure the State has seen it and is extremely happy that it’s getting so many views. like its so widely viewed that ive seen multiple memes about it completely outside of the tc realm!! so the public is definitely being convinced that NC was “pretending to be crazy” in order to blame shift what he did. which isn’t a foreign concept to this blog- we’ve discussed this possibility many times before! but was interesting to see the argument put together in such a well thought out and clearly articulated way. that’s all i will say!
you can watch it here for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet 🙂
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annchumleigh · 4 years
Livnfresh Interview With Nikki Kassuba Fiel
One of the things that inspire us the most at Livnfresh, is when we see other people crushing it when they are going about doing their normal daily life. Well today, we are interviewing one of Cari Samalik’s friends and someone that she admires very much. Nikki is truly an inspiring person. She juggles so many plates in her daily and professional life and always finds a way to make sure that she has time for self-maintenance. I mean come on, just take a look at some of her images, this woman is seriously strong and ripped! So we tip our cap to you today Nikki and we are soooo proud to have you as part of our Livnfresh tribe!
Question 1-
How did you first hear about Livnfresh and what drew you to the clothing line?
Being a Gaylord Native I was introduced to it by friends, then just started following the brand online!  I LOVE IT!!! We stopped a while back in the TC Store with friends from Texas and they loved the store too!! Such great products that now remind me of home 
Question 2-
What Is Your favorite piece of Livnfresh apparel?
Hoodies, hoodies and more hoodies.  Great designs, and comfortable wear can’t go wrong
Question 3-
So you are from Michigan but currently live in PA?  Can you tell us what brought you out there and are you enjoying PA?
Well, my husband is a welder and works in the natural gas industry out here.  I do love it, we live in the mountains and the people and outdoor life are amazing, but I do have to say I miss Michigan’s lakes.
Question 4-
What inspires you to stay so strong and physically fit?  Also, what do you do on a daily basis to stay so lean?
I just feel better when I work out, I think the key to fitness is finding something you love to do. I love being outdoors, hiking, riding my horse, skiing, and I love lifting, and the challenge of cardio.  This keeps me fit so I can accomplish my next adventure! We just returned from elk hunting in CO, and that was probably one of the most physical challenges I have ever done, and by prepping myself physically I could actually enjoy it.   I push myself every day to keep going for that next goal, that next adventure.  
To keep consistent with your workouts, and to continually challenge yourself.  I think that makes a huge difference when I discuss goals with clients or when designing my own workout programs.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Nikki Fiel (@fitnik2020) on Jul 18, 2019 at 11:32am PDT
Photo Source: https://www.instagram.com/fitnik2020/
Question 5-
What do you do to have fun as far as outside activities?
Wow, everything!   I grew up in northern Michigan on a hay farm, so my brothers and I were always outside!   
I love skiing, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, hiking, Paddleboarding, kayaking, fishing and hunting, running, biking, 4-wheeling and most of all riding my horse Wyatt!   Anything outdoors I just really enjoy. We have so many amazing opportunities here in the USA to get out, be active and explore I try to take advantage as much as possible. 
Question 6-
We know that you hunt. Can you tell us did you grow up hunting? And what keeps you coming back year after year?
Yes, my father and grandfather taught me very early how to hunt, and how to respect and enjoy the sport.  Now my husband and I travel to hunt and fish in different areas all over the world. I come back because I love the “what if’s” of hunting?  You never know what will happen, and that is the exciting adventure of it all.  
Question 7-
If you could design your perfect Michigan 2 week road trip, where would you go, what would you do there and why? Also gotta share your favorite eateries while you are there!
Oh, I love this question!  
Well, my older brother lives just outside of Detroit, so I definitely hit a concert or go see the Tigers downtown.  Maybe hit Mexican town, love the stores and food there! Then head towards Grand Rapids, see friends, hit the coast as and travel up Traverse City way, take my time and enjoy our small towns and amazing views. Once I get up close to Traverse City I have to hit Red Ginger (always my fav!) and cruise around the amazing bike paths, maybe catch a ride on the Naughty Cat.  
Spend a few days in Mackinaw, you can never go wrong with a day or 2 on the island, and dinner at the Pink Pony.  Maybe horseback ride around the island or just take bikes.  
But one place I just love and would have to see is Tahquamenon falls and whitefish point in the Upper Peninsula.  Maybe do some camping, hiking, and visit the lake superior shoreline.  
On the way down I-75 south, go to Gaylord, see friends, stop by Kassuba Lake where my Grandfather was raised and we spent so much time as kids and adults!  My favorite spots to dine are Diana’s for breakfast or lunch, and Benethum’s for dinner. But you can’t beat all the newer local restaurants that have popped up since I have been gone!  And I am SO excited that big buck is open, we enjoy eating up there too. I love trying out all the new cuisine that Gaylord has to offer.  
And from there you have to go home, which is Johannesburg Michigan, a small town with one blinking light.  Home is where the heart is. Visit Paul’s Pub with my Younger Brother, have a beer, play some Keno see people I went to school with and just enjoy.  This is my happy place where I can ride horses with my nieces and help my parents on the family farm, and just let life go by as slow as it needs to.  
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Nikki Fiel (@fitnik2020) on Nov 13, 2019 at 6:58am PST
Photo Source: https://www.instagram.com/fitnik2020/
Thank you!
We want to thank Nikki for letting us interview her. We really appreciate all our tribe members and we are super excited to introduce our audience to Nikki. Please follow her on Facebook https://business.facebook.com/fitniklifestyle, Instagram @FitNik2020 and go check out her website, https://www.nikkifiel.com/.  If you are in Williamsport PA and are looking for a personal trainer or meal prep pro, or if you live in Michigan (she offers a great online Training program also!)  she is your gal!
Thank you for thinking of me!  I will always be a Michigan girl at heart!  Keep making amazing clothing, it’s always nice to throw on a hoodie and be reminded of home,  it’s like a hug from mom! 
Featured Image Source: Nikki Kassuba Fiel
best michigan clothing company
from Livnfresh Blog|The Coolest State Apparel Co. https://blog.livnfresh.com/interview-with-nikki-kassuba-fiel/ from Livnfresh Share Your State Pride. https://livnfresh.tumblr.com/post/189594132047 via https://livnfresh.tumblr.com/
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livnfreshmichigan · 4 years
Livnfresh Interview With Nikki Kassuba Fiel
One of the things that inspire us the most at Livnfresh, is when we see other people crushing it when they are going about doing their normal daily life. Well today, we are interviewing one of Cari Samalik’s friends and someone that she admires very much. Nikki is truly an inspiring person. She juggles so many plates in her daily and professional life and always finds a way to make sure that she has time for self-maintenance. I mean come on, just take a look at some of her images, this woman is seriously strong and ripped! So we tip our cap to you today Nikki and we are soooo proud to have you as part of our Livnfresh tribe!
Question 1-
How did you first hear about Livnfresh and what drew you to the clothing line?
Being a Gaylord Native I was introduced to it by friends, then just started following the brand online!  I LOVE IT!!! We stopped a while back in the TC Store with friends from Texas and they loved the store too!! Such great products that now remind me of home 
Question 2-
What Is Your favorite piece of Livnfresh apparel?
Hoodies, hoodies and more hoodies.  Great designs, and comfortable wear can’t go wrong
Question 3-
So you are from Michigan but currently live in PA?  Can you tell us what brought you out there and are you enjoying PA?
Well, my husband is a welder and works in the natural gas industry out here.  I do love it, we live in the mountains and the people and outdoor life are amazing, but I do have to say I miss Michigan’s lakes.
Question 4-
What inspires you to stay so strong and physically fit?  Also, what do you do on a daily basis to stay so lean?
I just feel better when I work out, I think the key to fitness is finding something you love to do. I love being outdoors, hiking, riding my horse, skiing, and I love lifting, and the challenge of cardio.  This keeps me fit so I can accomplish my next adventure! We just returned from elk hunting in CO, and that was probably one of the most physical challenges I have ever done, and by prepping myself physically I could actually enjoy it.   I push myself every day to keep going for that next goal, that next adventure.  
To keep consistent with your workouts, and to continually challenge yourself.  I think that makes a huge difference when I discuss goals with clients or when designing my own workout programs.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Nikki Fiel (@fitnik2020) on Jul 18, 2019 at 11:32am PDT
Photo Source: https://www.instagram.com/fitnik2020/
Question 5-
What do you do to have fun as far as outside activities?
Wow, everything!   I grew up in northern Michigan on a hay farm, so my brothers and I were always outside!   
I love skiing, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, hiking, Paddleboarding, kayaking, fishing and hunting, running, biking, 4-wheeling and most of all riding my horse Wyatt!   Anything outdoors I just really enjoy. We have so many amazing opportunities here in the USA to get out, be active and explore I try to take advantage as much as possible. 
Question 6-
We know that you hunt. Can you tell us did you grow up hunting? And what keeps you coming back year after year?
Yes, my father and grandfather taught me very early how to hunt, and how to respect and enjoy the sport.  Now my husband and I travel to hunt and fish in different areas all over the world. I come back because I love the “what if’s” of hunting?  You never know what will happen, and that is the exciting adventure of it all.  
Question 7-
If you could design your perfect Michigan 2 week road trip, where would you go, what would you do there and why? Also gotta share your favorite eateries while you are there!
Oh, I love this question!  
Well, my older brother lives just outside of Detroit, so I definitely hit a concert or go see the Tigers downtown.  Maybe hit Mexican town, love the stores and food there! Then head towards Grand Rapids, see friends, hit the coast as and travel up Traverse City way, take my time and enjoy our small towns and amazing views. Once I get up close to Traverse City I have to hit Red Ginger (always my fav!) and cruise around the amazing bike paths, maybe catch a ride on the Naughty Cat.  
Spend a few days in Mackinaw, you can never go wrong with a day or 2 on the island, and dinner at the Pink Pony.  Maybe horseback ride around the island or just take bikes.  
But one place I just love and would have to see is Tahquamenon falls and whitefish point in the Upper Peninsula.  Maybe do some camping, hiking, and visit the lake superior shoreline.  
On the way down I-75 south, go to Gaylord, see friends, stop by Kassuba Lake where my Grandfather was raised and we spent so much time as kids and adults!  My favorite spots to dine are Diana’s for breakfast or lunch, and Benethum’s for dinner. But you can’t beat all the newer local restaurants that have popped up since I have been gone!  And I am SO excited that big buck is open, we enjoy eating up there too. I love trying out all the new cuisine that Gaylord has to offer.  
And from there you have to go home, which is Johannesburg Michigan, a small town with one blinking light.  Home is where the heart is. Visit Paul’s Pub with my Younger Brother, have a beer, play some Keno see people I went to school with and just enjoy.  This is my happy place where I can ride horses with my nieces and help my parents on the family farm, and just let life go by as slow as it needs to.  
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Nikki Fiel (@fitnik2020) on Nov 13, 2019 at 6:58am PST
Photo Source: https://www.instagram.com/fitnik2020/
Thank you!
We want to thank Nikki for letting us interview her. We really appreciate all our tribe members and we are super excited to introduce our audience to Nikki. Please follow her on Facebook https://business.facebook.com/fitniklifestyle, Instagram @FitNik2020 and go check out her website, https://www.nikkifiel.com/.  If you are in Williamsport PA and are looking for a personal trainer or meal prep pro, or if you live in Michigan (she offers a great online Training program also!)  she is your gal!
Thank you for thinking of me!  I will always be a Michigan girl at heart!  Keep making amazing clothing, it’s always nice to throw on a hoodie and be reminded of home,  it’s like a hug from mom! 
Featured Image Source: Nikki Kassuba Fiel
best michigan clothing company
from Michigan | Livnfresh Blog|The Coolest State Apparel Co. https://blog.livnfresh.com/interview-with-nikki-kassuba-fiel/
0 notes
myglassesandme · 6 years
Asian Fit Glasses
Check out my new post on http://www.myglassesandme.co.uk/2018/03/asian-fit-glasses/
Asian Fit Glasses
Alternative fit, Asian fit or whatever you want to call them, they’ve become a bit of a topic for me lately. I did a photoshoot for The Eyewear Forum back in January and I was modelling a brand that specialises in Asian fit, TC Charton. They fitted like a dream on my nose. I did mention them quite a lot in my social media posts because do you know how hard it is for me to find glasses that fit really well over in Europe? The answer is very hard!
My social media post actually caused quite a stir because a lot of people commented saying their brand offers Asian fit frames.  You know what? Yes, I am aware a lot of brands offer Asian fit (or other alternative fits) BUT the major factor here is that most of these brands don’t offer Asian fit glasses in Europe, only in Asia. It is highly frustrating for someone like me who emigrated to the UK and has been living here since I was 8 years old.
Many brands I talk to, tell me they offer Asian fit and other alternatives, but they are only available in the countries where they are “needed”. I always ask them, Why? The UK is possibly one of the most diverse countries, so surely it makes sense to offer the different fittings in the UK and other European countries too.  Funnily enough, most brands cannot answer that question for me.  They all say I do actually have a valid point.
This is what a none Asian fit glasses looks like, they sit low and on the cheeks
It is so hard for most Asians like me to find glasses that fit really well, especially with acetate frames and I am not a huge fan of metal frames. Metal frames do tend to come with nose pads which can be adjusted, however, sometimes the fit is still not that great, just better than acetate. With Acetate frames, no chance. They just rest on the cheeks and slide down the nose, which is highly annoying.
When I started to wear glasses at the age of 12, I was forever offered ill fitting frames.  It was only as I started blogging about glasses, I finally knew why, it is because I needed different nose fittings and they were not available. Even now in the UK, only a handful of brands are offering different nose fittings on acetate frames, those I know of being Walter & Herbert, Cutler & Gross and Tom Davies bespoke.
It is totally crazy that so many brands out there only offer Asian fit over in the far east totally neglecting the fact that Asians don’t just live over that side of the world, we do live in other countries too. I for one do not want to be limited to just wearing metal frames because I am not a massive fan of them.  Even metal frames with nose pads, aren’t always guaranteed to be a good fit, they are just a better option.
Bevel metal frame with nose pad
Asian fit frames are needed, even in west because Asians don’t just stay living in the places they are from, just like me. If you are an eyewear brand reading this… please take note.  If you are a consumer who has had the same trouble as me and wondered why you have such a hard time finding glasses that fit, now you know.
Opticians don’t always tell you that or have the right glasses on offer, bear this in mind for the future peeps.
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trbstuff-blog1 · 7 years
How to crack IBPS/SBI PO
In India the biggest job rush to happen every year is the ibps and sbi po exams. Approximately 600,000 people are taking any of these exams each year and the selected candidates are in the range of 1000 to 10,000 depending on the exam. The selected candidates get good jobs in the public sector banks with good salary. Now if you are reading this blog you are probably looking for guidance on cracking these bank exams OR you have way to much free time and you will read anything, in both cases good for you.
Now let me tell you some ground rules regarding this exam - its held in 3 parts, first comes the preliminary, clearing which shall take you to mains and beyond that is the interview. The preliminary is for qualifying purpose only but the mains and interview marks will decide if you are going to be a bank officer or not. The preliminary is of 1 hour duration when you have to answer 100 questions, in the mains you have to answer 200 questions in 135 minutes(rules regarding mains are changing every year though). The cut off marks for each part shall be decided by the IBPS people and it varies every year.
Lets talk about the preliminary examination first. Its a fairly simple process where you will get 30 question of English language, 35 questions of Math and 35 Reasoning. The cutoff generally stays between 40 to 50 so anything above 50 will give you a good edge to clear it, more than half of the total number of people appearing for preliminary will clear it. But time management and accuracy plays a very crucial role here if you are to clear the exam. So if you want to clear the prelims all you need to do is to get a set of model practice papers and solve at-least one each day.
Now comes the turn of the dreaded Mains exam. My first time (2 years ago, when there was no preliminary) i thought i was going to sail through the whole thing, cause i could solve it all, each and everything, start to finish, BUT IN ABOUT 4 HOURS! still I was confident and inevitably I failed. This is the round where most of the applicants are eliminated. About 10% of the people appearing for the mains are selected for interview. If that stat scared you, don’t worry about it, let me tell you how to become a part of the 10%. 
Firstly you should know there are 5 sections in the mains exam. Math (aka aptitude), Reasoning, English, General Awareness and Computer awareness. On completion, there are total cutoffs and sectional cutoffs, meaning you have to score certain marks in individual sections and on a whole. Say for the five sections, sectional cutoffs are 10 for each one, that doesn’t mean that the total cutoff is 50, it could be 60 or 70 or even 100 depending on the level of difficulty. And even if you score more than 100 on total but you scored 9 in one of the sections, you are done for it (happened to me the second time). Now this might seem pretty straight forward but its harder than you think and like i said before, time management is the name of the game. And to tame the time monster all you gotta do is practice and I’ll tell you why. 
Before 2016-17 exam there was a fixed pattern of questions, which enabled people to plan beforehand what they were gonna attempt and what they would leave because if I’ve learnt anything from my attempts is the art of identifying and leaving a potential time guzzler problem. But since the last exam this has been thrown out of the window as they have completely changed the format or pattern whatever you wanna call it. This was such a big shock for everyone that the center i was taking my exam this time, people around me were laughing and making jokes about what a surgical strike this has been onto them while the exam was still going on, a girl even fainted and I’m not make that up, happened in Kolkata’s TCS Gitobitan Saltlake center. Anyway, only way out of a situation like that is keeping your head cool and being able to calculate quickly, and that only comes with practice. Also remember that if its difficult for you, its difficult for everyone.
Strategy for individual sections: Even though the pattern has been changed severely, there are still some basic strategies that you need to remember. For practicing the question, the reasoning and english portion you can practice from the model paper but aptitude, GA and CA has to come from other sources, namely books and internet.
Aptitude: The last thing you want when solving a problem is getting it wrong or leaving it unsolved or taking too much time to solve it, but its inevitable and the question is not if it will happen, rather when its gonna happen and how do you safeguard against it. All you can do is to concentrate on the problems that you can start solving straightaway without spending too much time to understand how to solve them, meaning the approximate value determination, the quadratic equations, the series problems etc. Then you have to concentrate on the data interpretations (graphs) and keep in mind if a certain problem seems like its gonna take too much time to calculate you need to leave that. The more you solve these the faster you become. And when i say practice, i mean from a book that has these problems chapter wise, books like Quantitative Aptitude by R.S. Agarwal. If you only practice from model papers, you will get surprised in the exam and it will be too late to fix it. So solve each chapter from RS Agarwal multiple times and you can check your speed by solving the apti section from model paper (30 minutes time frame) from time to time. In the exam, you need to have more than 20 solved to stay in the race.
Reasoning: There’s no two ways about it, you need to solve as many model papers reasoning sections as you can. You may refer to book or internet if you are having trouble understanding how to solve a particular type of question, but once you know how to do it, you have to revert back to solve model papers to increase speed. Now in reasoning you need to know which questions to leave more than the ones to attempt. The likes of syllogism are something those can be solved very quickly and accurately but there are also the puzzles (for example, sitting arrangements) that are the most treacherous ones. You may have solved hundreds of them and very confident about them but even a very innocent looking puzzle can turn on you and ruin your whole exam. So don’t attempt them in the very beginning, save them for last. Here also anything above 20 solved is safe, but the magic number is 30.
English: This is where you score except may be for the sentence re-arrangement part. You would want to solve the whole paper including the paragraph but if you want to solve the sentence re-arrangement, you need to be absolutely sure about them as they are often very tricky. You read the sentences 2-3 time and you get the sense of the order, you get confident about it, but in most cases that order is wrong, and you would have seen that had you read it 5 more times. It happens to even the best in english and spending that much time is not an option as reading the paragraph will take a long time too. So more often than not it is a choice between the paragraph or the re-arrangement. Choose the paragraph. The reason being paragraph offers more questions (generally 8) and re-arrangement has only 5. Now others may disagree on this but I’m just telling what has worked for me. You don’t need to leave re-arrangement completely though, upon reading it once or twice you will be able to determine clearly which one will be the first sentence in the re-arrangement, so you can get at least one mark out of it. For the rest of the questions, only way is to practice more and more and see where you are making mistakes. Now if you are not good in English, its a big problem, not just in the mains itself but in the interview as well. So find some place or someone who can teach and guide you in English extensively, its the only way.
Computer Awareness: Questions asked here are very basic and if you are from computer background you don’t need worry a bit, but if you are from other background you can buy any book like Computer Awareness by Arihant Publications and study it thoroughly. Total number of questions asked is 20 and you can do more than 15 easily.
General Awareness: This is where you make or break. You need to learn the basics of economy and banking in details as around 10 questions are going to come from that. Then there is the static general knowledge and current affairs. For the static part, you can go to Bankers Adda website or app and check their study material section where you will find Power Capsules (study materials in pdf format) put out before every major exams like IBPS or SBI PO. You can download and print them or read them in the app. That will take care of the static general knowledge. Now for current affairs section, you can get the monthly issue of ‘Banking Chronicle’ magazine where they provide ‘Match Points’ which basically covers all the important events and updates from the previous month in the form of bullet points, you can probably get them online as well. You need 6 months (leading up to the month of mains exam) worth of match points which means 12 pages and you need to memorize them properly. It sounds tedious but its easier than you think. You need to cover all the bases when it comes to the General Awareness section. The more you can score here the better your chances of making it to the final selection list gets as marks from the mains exam are considered along with interview marks while they make their final selection.
 Now if you do all these properly and make it to the interview round, you do have something to be proud of. Soak it all in, be happy about what you have accomplished and then start getting ready for the all important Interview round. Preparing for the interview wont be much different from the General Awareness preparation except you need to learn about banking structure and everything related to general banking and also the fundamentals of Indian economy in much greater detail than the current affairs or the static general knowledge. You also need to prepare the basic questions you are bound to be asked like telling something about yourself (which should only include your direct family, where you did your schooling and graduation from), why did you choose to leave your field and come to banking (in case you have engineering or it background) etc. There is good book called ‘How to crack Bank Interview’ by Gautam Majumdar from Arihant Publication which can prepare you with these basic personal questions asked in interview and more.
On the day of interview you need to be in formal clothing, light colored shirt, black or blue trouser, belt and shoe (preferably same colored). If you want to wear a suit go ahead, whatever make you look good and feel confident. If you don’t want to wear a suit or tie, not a problem at all. The interviewers are only interested in how you present yourself, they don’t care if you are wearing a suit or not. But do not wear t-shirt or jeans or any fancy party wear that you think may pass as formal. Present yourself properly, be confident and honest - you will sit on the other side of the desk in a bank soon. Good luck.
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