#COVID 19 cases
inshortfacts · 4 months
COVID-19 Cases, Latest Insights and Increasing Numbers
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In the ever-evolving landscape of the COVID-19 cases, staying informed is crucial. As we delve into the latest updates, insights, and the concerning rise in numbers, this blog aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of affairs.
Unveiling the Numbers of COVID-19 cases
Let’s start with the heart of the matter – the COVID-19 cases. As of 22 Dec. 2023 the global tally stands at 700 million confirmed cases, with 3.9k new cases reported in the last 7 days. Understanding these figures is essential for assessing the gravity of the situation and implementing effective preventive measures.
Current COVID-19 Statistics: A Deep Dive
Examining the Global Landscape
The pandemic affects countries differently, and a closer look at regional statistics reveals interesting patterns. Countries experiencing fluctuations in cases may indicate emerging hotspots or successful containment efforts. For an in-depth analysis, visit reputable health organizations’ websites for real-time updates.
Identifying Trends and Patterns
Beyond the numbers, analyzing trends provides valuable insights. Are there spikes in specific demographics? Are certain regions experiencing recurring surges? Understanding these patterns not only helps predict future scenarios but also guides targeted interventions.
Insights into Pandemic Trends: What the Data Reveals
While the numbers tell a part of the story, understanding the factors contributing to the surge is equally crucial.
New Variants and Their Impact in COVID- 19 cases
The emergence of new variants adds a layer of complexity to the fight against COVID-19. Explore how these variants affect transmission rates and vaccine efficacy. Stay informed on global efforts to track and mitigate the impact of these variants.
Public Behavior and Adherence to Guidelines
Human behavior plays a pivotal role in controlling the spread of the virus. Investigate how adherence to public health guidelines, or lack thereof, influences the trajectory of the pandemic. Discover successful strategies employed by communities to encourage compliance.
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middaymumbai · 1 year
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halorvic · 22 days
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Futurama S11E07
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queerbauten · 2 years
Look, I know N95 and equivalent masks are the most protective against all strains of COVID (which is part of why I use them—the other part being that I can afford them), but
As a disabled essential worker, I would much rather see someone in a surgical or cloth mask than someone not try at all.
These masks aren't as protective as N95 and equivalent masks, but I'd rather people were to at least try stopping the spread of at least some variants, especially if surgical or cloth masks are all they can afford.
I've seen a lot of panic on social media about the reduced effectiveness of certain masks, and I'm concerned that could lead to otherwise well-meaning people giving up entirely.
Please don't give up.
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mixelation · 1 month
Once again I am Posting to give you all a friendly reminder that most popular Covid-19 posts on this site contain some level of misinfo. Common types of misinfo include:
"heard from a friend of a friend" medical advice, including "twitter thread of things a nurse told me" or "opinion of a random unverified doctor on social media"-- NEVER follow this type of health advice without checking with proper sources first
anecdotal data provided as fact
misunderstandings or misrepresentations of what disease agencies like the CDC are doing, should be doing, or what it would even be possible for them to do
assigning numbers and statistics to things OP just made up. this ranges from saying something like "only 2% of people mask" to mean "anecdotally i see only a very small number of people masking in my community"* but the actual number is misleading to seem to seem like a real statistic.... leading all the way to people just making numbers up
overly dramatic language**
assigning moral values to things which have no moral weight (e.g., "I haven't gotten covid because I'm a good person who....")
misrepresenting the conclusions of current research. this one is tricky because you'd think linking a study in a high-tier medical journal would be a good source, but I frequently see the following mistakes: overly definitive language, including asserting causation when causation has not been established, or claiming a single study definitively has definitely proven something; not understanding appropriate extrapolations from a study's design (something that happens to cell in a petri dish is NOT definitive of what happens in a body); incorrect biological conclusions/assumptions, or else oversimplification that loses nuance; cherrypicking studies. Remember that Covid-19 is still a very new disease and the research is still evolving. A study that seems extremely important in one year might turn out to be bunk later, not because the study was poorly designed, but because we were missing key info. There is a lot we simply do not know and cannot know and we need to careful of our language when reporting on it.
just straight up made-up facts
Please keep this in mind if you choose to interact with a covid-19 post. Remember to click through on any sources to verify them, to be wary of a lack of verifiable information, and that a post making you feel overly emotional is a sign to double-check the facts and message.
*Clarification: assigning an estimated number to things you see is an innocent rhetorical device in terms of informal communication, which is what tumblr is for. I say things like this in casual conversation too. It only becomes an issue when whatever post is mass reblogged. I'm not saying don't post like this..... I'm saying know to recognize this in things you choose to interact with.
**Again, emotive language is fine for blogging. It's a natural part of human communication, and I do it too. I'm not criticizing that. I'm warning you to be aware of it as a potentially misleading rhetorical device before you hit reblog.
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borderlinebelle · 2 months
I have caught the worst strain of covid-19.
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The variants on this illness are fucking STRONG. They’re dastardly daring and dutifully debilitating. please be safe out there my immunocompromised friends & mutuals. I wouldn’t wish this agony on my worst enemy.
I LOOKED LIKE THIS ⬇️ YESTERDAY but today I am a corpse.
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when life slows you down, appreciate its timing and roll with the very brutal jabs or whatever…
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adhdandcomics · 2 years
combatting the anxiety from taking a covid test by viewing it as more of a, “am i going to buy splatoon yet or not yet?” magic 8 ball fortune
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wendytestabrat · 4 months
tonsil trouble scene by scene rant (FROM THE VAULT [2020])
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me in 2020: yeah cartman prob shouldn’t have given kyle aids
me now: fuck kyle he deserved to get infected with aids
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wowbright · 6 months
Because I keep seeing people mention how it's important to get COVID vaccination because it lessens the severity of infections, a reminder: it also prevents infections. Not 100% of them. But vaccination makes you less likely to get infected, particularly with the strain you were vaccinated for. So, when you get the newest COVID vaccination, it's really good at preventing infection with the XBB.1.5 Omicron subvariant, and almost as good at preventing infection with closely related strains. It becomes less effective at prevention the more a strain differs from XBB.1.5, but can still reduce the rate of infection, and it's still good at lessening the severity of disease.
So, if you get vaccinated, you are less likely to get infected with COVID-19. That's prevention!
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tomorrowusa · 2 months
Fact checking Donald Trump is a full time, even overtime job. He told over 30,000 lies just during his term.
The problem with live news coverage of Trump is that he gets to spew lies and that the factchecking has to wait until he shuts his porcine mouth or producers cut him off.
Low information voters are therefore likely to hear Trump's semi-coherent rants but miss any attempts to call out his lies.
Having said that, MSNBC on Super Tuesday night did a decent attempt at countering a few of Trump's main lies.
Joy Reid is pointing something out that Democrats need to do much more. Trump TOTALLY botched the US pandemic response right from the start. A reminder of what Trump said at CNBC on 22 January 2020 – the day the first COVID-19 case appeared in the US.
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Of course it wasn't just fine under Trump.
The Obama administration, which limited the 2014-2016 Ebola pandemic in the US to under a dozen cases, had put together a pandemic playbook. You can read it here. Trump totally ignored it. He spent 50 days after the first US COVID case doing typically idiotic Trump stuff like criticizing 2020 Oscar Best Picture winner Parasites. And afterwards he became preoccupied with quack cures for COVID as it spread throughout the US.
People who claim they had it better under Trump are hoping that the memories of voters are as impaired as Trump's cognition.
We need to be prepared to offer clear fact checks to anybody hearing Trump's lies. Of course convincing MAGA zombies is a waste of time. But when around low information voters who may not be part of the Trump cult we need to be able to offer convincing short refutations. Pointing out that Trump did nothing for the first 50 days of COVID in the US is a good start. So speak up!
Trump's lack of a competent COVID response led to a cascade of acute economic problems which took several years to sort out.
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highladyluck · 9 months
Spouse and I have covid 😭 we had a good run, this is the first time. I am grumpy and congested and feverish but am fine so far. I will continue to be horrible at answering DMs! This concludes my press conference
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sage-nebula · 4 months
I've decided to make my own post because I am not an idiot, but full disclosure that this post is 50% based on thoughts I was having while I was driving home from the auto repair shop yesterday and 50% a response to a post I saw just now that conflated "redemption arcs" (things fictional characters go through in fictional stories) with "community support" (things real life people offer to other real life people in real life) and how this relates to "fixing people" (making someone who mistreats or abuses themself or others not mistreat or abuse themself or others anymore).
Read my words very carefully.
In fiction, it is more than okay to like whatever type of toxic or fantastical relationship you want. If you like to read stories about toxic, codependent people who are absolutely horrible to one another and will never, ever change, you read those stories. If you like to read stories about a tortured man who just needs The Right Person to teach him to be better, and then he is, sometimes exclusively only to them though, then you read those stories. Sometimes you want to read stories where the main character says "I can fix him" and fails spectacularly, and sometimes you want to read stories where the main character says "I can fix him" and succeeds spectacularly, and either way, you read whatever stories you want, whatever makes you happy, I'm sure it's somewhere in this vast Archive that we call Our Own.
However, in real life?
First of all, "arcs" aren't things real life people have. An arc is something that has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Real life people don't have those, because our stories don't end until we die. Unlike a character, whose life presumably continues even after their story ends (except in circumstances where they die at the end but you know what I mean), we have to keep living day by day, with all the rises and falls that come with it. Now, this does not mean that a person cannot change, or that a person can't get better and learn from their mistakes; but it DOES mean that we can't have a "redemption arc" where we complete a checklist of story beats and then suddenly we're a better person who has experienced the necessary growth to be forgiven. First off, no amount of growth or change ever requires any victims to forgive. And second, that's just not how life works. That's not how change works. Change and growth are baby steps taken each day, and sometimes you go backwards, and you get angry with yourself, but then you pick yourself up and you try again the next day, and the next, and the next. It's an ongoing journey that does not end until you die. That's life.
But second and more importantly, the real idea that I think the original post was trying to get at, but missing the mark on was . . . okay.
So, the original OP of the post (and the person who replied to OP) got angry at the idea that the strawman they had invented (the person who had theoretically said "you can't fix him!") would deny support to someone who needs that help to grow and change as a person. The person who had replied in support of OP added that the strawman clearly believed in punitive justice over rehabilitative justice as well. On the surface, I can see where they are coming from. After all, on the whole humans are a social species and do need support networks in order to not only thrive, but survive. People such as drug addicts need support and assistance in order to get into better places in their lives, and the prison system has been proven to be far less effective at preventing repeated offenses than rehabilitative programs. This is all true.
The reason why "you can't fix them" is still true, and needs to be said and understood particularly by those who are susceptible to falling into abusive relationships (e.g. people who have been abused before, particularly in childhood or adolescence) is because of free will. Specifically, the free will that each of us has, but specifically the other person. Person A can want so, so, so badly to "fix" Person B so that they stop being an abusive alcoholic 75% of the time. But if Person B doesn't actually want to stop being an abusive alcoholic (even if they say they do during the 25% of the time they aren't smacking Person A around), and refuses to put in the work that it takes to become sober and be a better person, then guess what? Nothing Person A does will ever make them be a sober, non-abusive partner. They will be unable to fix Person B. It doesn't matter how much time, energy, money, or commitment they pour into that person. It doesn't matter how much they genuinely, honestly, earnestly love them. Because unless Person B wants to change, and will put the work into doing so, then they will not change, and Person A, for their own health, safety, and sanity, needs to exit that relationship.
Now, does that mean that if, ten years down the line, Person B decides they are ready to put in the work to get their alcoholism under control, no one should help them? Of course not! They should absolutely be put in touch with sober counselors, support groups, medical professionals, friends and family who can help them. Person A could potentially forgive them, if Person A chooses. But that willingness to change and put in the work has to come from within Person B first.
I've been in the position where I've seen people in awful situations just tanking their lives, people I loved and cared about, people I begged to just listen to me and get help, only for them to not . . . and ultimately I had to accept that I couldn't fix them. I could be there to offer support when they were ready to fix themselves, but the core work that needed to be done had to come from within themselves. I couldn't provide that. Not because I was inadequate, not because I didn't love them, but because I couldn't force them to do anything they didn't want, or weren't ready, to do.
So at the end of the day, "you can't fix them" isn't about not giving support. It's about recognizing your limitations as a human being. It's about knowing that:
You cannot force someone to do something they do not want to do.
You cannot force someone to do something they are not ready to do.
Not being able to help or save someone is not a moral failing of yours.
Not being able to help or save someone does not mean you do not love or care about them.
Providing support should never come at risk of your own health and safety, physical or otherwise.
When you love someone, it can be really hard to accept this. You think, "I know I can make them want to try. I know I can inspire them to want to change. I know they love me, so if I just love them a little harder, they will want to change." Nine times out of ten, though, that is just not true. And if someone is abusing you, it is not worth the literal risk to your life to keep trying. You are worth more than that. You are more than just someone else's band-aid.
Keep yourselves safe in 2024.
#not an abuse scenario but: my mom died of covid-19#it's relevant to this discussion bc she was a trump-supporting republican who refused to get vaccinated#bc the far-right propaganda shows she watched told her the vaccine ''wasn't a real vaccine''#and i know this bc when i literally BEGGED MY PARENTS to get the vaccine my mother LAUGHED IN MY FACE and TOLD ME ''it's not a real vaccine#so anyway both my parents got it. my father almost died from it#my mom seemed like she was doing much better . . . except she CONTINUED to smoke heavily while both having covid#and recovering from covid#and once again i said hey don't you think you should not smoke cigarettes while recovering from a serious respiratory disease#and once again she laughed at me#anyway 2 months later her heart gave out in her sleep and she died#bc her body couldn't handle the stress of the cigarettes + alcohol (she was also an alcoholic) after covid had done its thing to her#she was only 56yo#so this was a case where i wanted to fix my mother. i tried so hard. and i've similarly tried to fix my father (who is still alive)#but i can't! my dad almost died and my mom DID die and my dad STILL won't get the vaccine#I HAVE BEGGED THIS MAN. WHO IS NOW 73. TO GET VACCINATED. AND HE STILL WILL NOT.#you can't fix people!!! you can't!!! you can offer them support if they want to fix themselves#you can help them fix themselves but you can't fix them. you just can't. no matter how much you love them#and in abuse cases it can be really fucking dangerous to keep trying.#anyway. that's my TED talk. thanks for attending or w/e it is they say
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aurorashard · 3 months
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pandemichub · 1 year
Please be aware, data not being collected does not mean there is no data. Reach out to your local representatives to push HARD for continued funding of waste water monitoring. It is the most reliable, and an incredibly vital resource. Without information about viral trends, it becomes quite uncertain how to proceed for the average person and for communities.
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I posted an article awhile back about waste water monitoring finding quite potentially being in a precarious position. Furthermore this would lead to outbreaks and the general public being unawares and run afoul of horrible outcomes.
The work of aggregating and collating of data is being left to individuals, which is not only horrifying, unethical and well out of step with science based methods and guidance, but highly unusual given data is kept and provided for other illnesses, especially ones as severe and concerning as covid-19 (SARs CoV 2).
For the time being, I personally will be assuming transmission is moderate to high in addition to my sources. In the absence or great reduction of data and reports, greater estimations and assessment of made, and when only observations, assumed. Be as safe as you can everyone 💝 - Admin
Please be aware of what may no longer be offered, operating or an out of pocket cost. Masks, tests (all types), vaccines, remote options, COVID-19 tracking apps. Also be mindful of any local or nationwide level policies, proposals, news or trends that cite mask and other NPI removals, bans, stigma or efforts towards criminalization.
For the time being, the following resources remains invaluable:
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It has come to my attention the person whose account is Laughter In Light has falsely claimed a prominent disability advocate encouraged or engaged in doxxing and slander with no demonstrable proof which has led to great harm. Laughter in light has provided some very helpful information throughout the pandemic. It is also important to be aware, critical and hold people into account for their actions, ideologies, commentary/statements and or stances. There are many other wonderful sources to inform oneself and stay up to date. - Admin
Provides regular updates on infectious diseases news
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Sadly they don't have a website or any links I know of. Their Twitter is public however and can be viewed even without an account.
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Give incredible analysis and updates on SARS CoV-2! Excellent medical and scientific communicator!
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Stella has been amazing since the beginning and continues to be. Definitely worth following! Check out their link tree! They're also on Tiktok!
If anyone has any international resources for updates and tracking, please add it via reblog and I'll definitely share! - Admin
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variantoutcast · 4 months
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[Source 1] [Source 2]
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spaceswordblaster · 5 months
I've officially had COVID for 8 days 😑😑😑
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