spaghettioverdose · 4 months
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bretodeau99 · 11 months
Margaret Atwood on the rollback of women's reproductive rights in Texas - from 2017
"Sometimes people have to live their dream. So if living their dream means a lot of dead women and orphans, maybe they're going to have to live that dream. And maybe they're just then going to have to figure out who's going to have to pay for this. Who's going to pay for the orphans, and the dead women? Because that's what you're going to have.
I'm waiting for the first lawsuit in which the family of the dead woman sues the state, and I'm also waiting for a lawsuit that says, if you force me to have children that I cannot afford, you should pay for the whole process. You should pay for my pre-natal care, you should pay for my otherwise very expensive hospital delivery, you should pay for my health insurance, you should pay for the upkeep of this child after it is born (because that's where the concern seems to cut off with these people - once you take your first breath, out the window with you), and it is really a form of slavery to force women to have children that they cannot afford, and then to say that they have to raise them.
So if that's not going to be the story, you're going to end up with Romania under Ceaușescu, in which the orphanages fill up. [Ceaușescu] mandated four children per woman, and you had to have a pregnancy test every month, and if you did not get pregnant you had to state why - why you had not gotten pregnant. It was nuts. And it did result in a number of suicides and a number of kids being put into orphanages with no proper care at all. It was just horrible. So if that's what you want, State of Texas, live your dream. We can all watch and see what that looks like, and whether you're actually going to go so far as to force this upon women, and families, and not pay for any of it.
If you're drafted into the army - the other situation in which the state seizes control of your body - at least you get three meals a day, clothing, and a place to sleep. So if you're going to do that to women, pay up."
Watch here
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stomacel · 5 months
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Bucharest, Romania, 4 November 1979 
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kaoszkutato · 1 year
Bevonulása után 5 héttel már alezredes is lett Veres István, Novák Katalin férje. (Novák Katalin köztársasági elnökként a Magyar Honvédség főparancsnoka is egyben.)
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"Felfoghatatlan", "Példátlan!"  - tört ki az emberekből.
Ezen a képen a Ceaușescu házaspár látható szeretett kutyájukkal:
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A Gladstone néven született labradort a szégyenletes 1978-as brit látogatásuk alkalmával kapták. A Romániában aztán Corbura keresztelt kutyust annyira szerette Ceaușescu, hogy az a Román Néphadsereg tiszteletbeli ezredese lett.
És akkor ott van még Caligula, aki Incitatusból, a kedvenc lovából konzult csinált volna, ha a hirtelen bekövetkezett (de már régóta tervezett) halála ebben meg nem akadályozza.
Szóval nem egészen példa nélküli dolog ez az instant alezredes, de valahogy csak nehéz megszokni, hogy a NER már tényleg ezeknek a nyomorult véreskezű diktátoroknak a hóbortjait ostromolja.
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romanmigracs · 7 months
His movie Mihai Viteazul was considered the best of the Romanian historical movies and is one of the most appreciated world-wide of this kind (for example, considering imdb ratings) . The film was released in 1970 in Romania, and worldwide by Columbia Pictures as The Last Crusade. A TV sequence in Steven Spielberg's "E.T." (original, uncut version) show images from "Mihai Viteazul" (scenes with the Battle of Călugăreni).
a geci seggnyalója Ceauşescunak
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tiganas · 1 year
Columbo + Romania + Communist Party
In 1974 the Romanian Communist Party contacted Peter Falk, known for the titular role in Columbo, to ask him to record a message promoting the series, which was so popular in Romania there were fears that people would take to the streets if it was taken off the air. A bizarre story, pieced together and complemented by a lost-and-found interview with Peter Falk on the subject.
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politikapolka · 1 year
Ceauşescu versus Orbán
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Kárpátok Géniusza versus Csúti Géniusz
Romania versus Hungary
Románia versus Magyarország
ceauşescu, ceausescu, ceausescu nicolae , orbán, orban, orbán viktor, romania, magyarország, putyin madara, o1g, Orbán Viktor , orbán a szélkakas , orbán , orban viktor, orbán putyin felszopója , orbán putyin pincsije , putyinpincsi, orban is traitor to europe, slava ukraine🇺🇦 , muszkavezető, orbán hazaáruló, orbán és az ő bégető birkái, cselédország, cselédsor, fidesz, szocializmus, kereszténydemokrácia, diktatúra
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marcinsoltysik · 1 month
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Nicolae Ceauşescu Mansion, Bucharest, 2023
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franckdalmeida-zolty · 2 months
Colloque à Paris Saclay, le 1er Mars 2024 sur "les Trains du Futur " avec Catherine Desnot et David de Almeida ( SNCF RECHERCHE).
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romaniasweetromania · 2 months
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stomacel · 5 months
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Josip Broz Tito and Nicolae Ceausescu on the way to a hunting trip in Yugoslavia (now Croatia), 3 January 1968
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danielacitu · 3 months
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