#Diana Sacayan
yourdailyqueer · 1 year
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Diana Sacayán (deceased)
Gender: Transgender woman
Sexuality: N/A
DOB: 31 December 1975
RIP: 11 October 2015
Ethnicity: Indigenous Argentinian (Diaguita)
Occupation: Lawyer, activist
Note: Her murder led to nationwide condemnation and the creation of the legal precedent of “travesticidio” in Argentine law, an aggravated form of hate crime which led to life imprisonment for her murderer.
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starberry-cupcake · 11 months
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Today’s Doodle honors Indigenous Argentine human rights activist Amancay Diana Sacayán. On this day in 2012, Sacayán became the first Argentine trans woman to receive a national identity card affirming her gender. The Doodle artwork, illustrated by Buenos Aires-based guest artist Juan Dellacha, depicts Sacayán as a joyful activist whose persistence, in spite of all the violence she suffered throughout her whole life, left a huge legacy. A proud descendant of the Diaguita people, Sacayán was born in Tucumán, Argentina, on December 31, 1975. She and her 15 siblings moved to Buenos Aires, where she would spend most of her life. Sacayán enjoyed school until she was expelled as a result of coming out as transgender. She faced police persecution quickly and was arrested multiple times for her clothing choice and trans identity.  Sacayán fought tirelessly for LGBTQ+ rights during her life. She was involved with many activist groups, notably a member of the National Front for the Gender Identity Law and a leader of the International Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Association. She founded the Movimiento Antidiscriminatorio de Liberación (Anti-Discriminatory Liberation Movement), which was dedicated to improving human rights for the queer community, focusing on inclusion within schools, workplaces, and hospitals. Today, because of her activism, trans people can have their name and gender respected when they access health care.  1% of public sector employees in Buenos Aires are in the trans community, thanks to the Trans Labor Quota Law that Sacayán promoted. This law was expanded to the national level in 2020, but tragically, Sacayán was not around to see it. She was killed in a hate crime in 2015, and her murderer is considered the first person in Argentina to be convicted of a hate crime against the trans community. Her resilience and accomplishments continue to inspire. She persuaded the public sector to include trans people, advocated for hospitals to use people's correct names, and set an example by being the first legally recognized trans person in her country. Thank you for dedicating your life to vastly improve trans rights, Amancay Diana Sacayán.
Source | Art by Juan Dellacha
I am thrilled beyond words to see Diana Sacayán in a doodle. Witnessing her wisdom, kindness and activism was an honor and a privilege and she is missed every day. The artist also said something about her legacy that isn't mentioned enough: "Diana believed that the fight for LGBT+ rights also needed to have social, environmental, native and class consciousness too. It couldn’t be one without the other. I deeply agree with that and I think it’s very important to have that in mind, especially in the times we are living in." She truly lives on in the battles won and in the ones yet to win but the way in which she was taken so soon should not be forgotten.
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robygrandoli · 2 years
Retrato de tres grandes referentes de la lucha por los derechos LGTBIQ+. Lohana Berkins, Diana Sacayan y Carlos Jauregui.
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mulaplateada · 2 years
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Crónica del Orgullo Gay : "Arco Iris" Informativo de la Comunidad Homosexual para el Conjunto de la Sociedad
[30/1/2004] Piquetera y travesti. Diana Sacayán entre su sexualidad y la militancia
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rieri2025 · 11 months
Google le hizo un homenaje a Diana Sacayan una activista argentina trans que fue asesinada por un crimen de odio.
Me pareció hermoso porque vivi todo esto por noticias y marchas en su nombre cuando pasó.
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ellavaday · 2 years
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Reivindico mi Derecho a Ser un Monstruo by Susy Shock
my attempt at translating the text that inspired their look under the cut
I claim my right to be a monster, neither man nor woman, nor XXY nor H2O. I, monster of my desires, flesh in every one of my brush strokes, blue canvas of my body, painter of my path, I don't want more titles to bear, don't want more charges nor boxes to fit in, nor the fair name that any science has saved for me
I, butterfly unconnected to modernity, to postmodernity, to normality. Oblique, twisted, silvestre, artisanal, poetress of the savage, with the hummus of my singing, with the rainbow of my singing, with my wingbeat, claim my right to be a monster and let others be what's Normal.
The Vatican of the Normal, the 'I believe in God's Creed and Virgin Mary Normal, the pastors and the sheep's of the Normal. The honorable congress of the laws of what is Normal. The old Larousse* of the Normal
I only carry the lights of my matches, the face of my eyes, the tact of what's been heard and the wasp-like gesture of kissing, I'll have one obscene breast of the most whorish moon to my waist, and the erect penis of the dirty larks, and 7 moles, claim my right to be a monster, 77 moles, no what am I thinking, 777 moles is my evil will to create.
My beautiful monstrosity, my army of inventress, of whore of the pigeons. My being so alike, so amongst all these domesticated beings, so amongst these intrusive hairs. Another new title to bear: Restroom of ladies? Or gents? Or new corners to create.
I, trans... pirating*, wet, nauseating, germ of the enchanted aurora, the one that doesn't ask permission anymore and is rabid with mayan light, epic lights, pariah lights. Menstruals, Marlenes, Sacayanas*, bizarres. Without bibles, without tables, without geography, without anything at all. Only my vital right to be a monster, or however you want to call me, or however I turn out, however my desires and fucking wants find me.
My right to explore myself, to reinvent myself, to make of my mutation my noble trade. To summer, autumn and winter: hormones, ideas, the muscles and all my soul. Amen.
*the larousse is a dictionary editorial idk if it's used everywhere but i can at least attest the spanish version is very popular
*trans-pirating is a riff of tranpirating but also the second half would be pirada, which means crazy (so trans-crazed)
*i am not sure who does suzy refer here to marlenes (marlene what? dietrich? i mean, maybe, she did like to crossdress) but diana sacayan was one of the most if not the most important trans women right activist in argentina, she was murdered in 2015 and the sentence of the perpetrator was the first time the death of a trans person was recognized as a hate crime by argentinian law
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ratajota · 3 years
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Got commissioned Diana Sacayan’s most epic picture of her screaming at cops at a pro-abortion protest. I love the trans legacy of my country
Also, I’m kind of not making rent this month, so my commissions are still open. if you liked this and feel like supporting me without commissioning me, you can invite me a coffee <3
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desperateverge · 5 years
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vvrfotografia-blog · 6 years
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latitudgay · 4 years
Buenos Aires, Orgullo 2020.
Buenos Aires, Orgullo 2020.
ORGULLO 2020 Viernes 6/11/2020, 20hs.
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Honraremos con mucho amor la memoria de nuestro AMIGO y compañero de activismo César B Cigliutti, quien sumió su vida en a la lucha por su y nuestros derechos. Su compromiso fue legarnos el orgullo Que Llevamos – Cesar B Cigliutti Presente¡Hoy y Siempre, presente!!!Las redes de solidaridad y afecto fueron para Cesar las claves, para poder…
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runnerblues · 5 years
it's sad that when we talk about lgbt history we just focus on what happened in the united states. and yes, stonewall was very important and influenced other people from different countries to fight for their rights but there's so much more about our history out there. there's so many lgbt activist that accomplished incredible things but nobody knows about them (and i include myself because i need to learn a lot more!!). i don't really blame ppl because i’m aware that a lot of information is missing/there's not much of it or it's not easy to find in other languages, but i just wish ppl would start learning more about lgbt history in other countries other than the US thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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worshipcircle01 · 3 years
I just want to communicate and celebrate that in this pride month, today, our trans brothers and sisters in Argentina have won a great battle.
Equitable access to formal employment in the public administration is law. According to what was voted today, the State must destinate at least 1 percent of the public administration staff employs (in all the regular contracting modalities) to transvestite, trans and transgender people.
This is a huge step in breaking down the barrier that prevents trans people from accessing formal employment and living wages.
The law is named after two great trans activists of Argentina: Diana Sacayan and Lohana Berkins and was voted almost in unanimity.
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josefina-schivo · 6 years
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cazadora-libros · 6 years
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Cumbia, copeteo y lágrimas
Informe nacional sobre la situación de las travestis, transexuales y transgéneros
Lohana Berkins compiladora
Ediciones Madres de Plaza de Mayo, Buenos Aires, 2015, 2da. ed.
Libro nuevo << disponible. consultar stock. Envíos a todo el país (Argentina) >> Ingresá a nuestra tienda online: cazadora-libros.com
Prólogo de Cristian Alarcón Incluye textos de Marlene Wayar, Diana Sacayán, Mauro Cabral, entre otrxs
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adjose · 7 years
Conozca los avances del cupo laboral trans en Argentina
Conozca los avances del cupo laboral trans en Argentina
Argentina.- Sigue sin ponerse en marcha la Ley de cupo laboral trans de la provincia de Buenos Aires impulsado en vida por Diana Sacayán, del Movimiento Antidiscriminatorio de Liberación (MAL).
A  Diana Sacayán  se le unieron colectivos transexuales, travestis y transgénero que lucharon con una propuesta de leyque incluyera a estas personas en cupos de empleo dentro de las empresas a escala…
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