#Drawing charactes I have either never drawn or havent drawn in years
wrongsave · 9 months
the horrors of drawing characters for ghe first time
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arollingriver · 4 months
Hello! 1, 9 and 17 for the artist ask?
Hi! Tysm for sending an ask \(@^0^@)/
Favorite drawing from this year
Oof, tough one. I'm bad at picking a favourite for anything. I have different soft spots for different drawings and the opposite of recency bias...
I'd say probably this boye!
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This is not a perfect drawing, on the contrary, and I think in some aspects I've drawn better pieces this year, but this one is a standout piece that I had a lot of fun with, and it's my current icon/avatar in a lot of spaces! It was good practice for sure, and I'm happy to be one of the few wackos to draw Takehiro.
9. any new art mediums youve tried (or overall styles if you havent tried new mediums)
I don't think I've tried any new medium? To take advantage of the option in parentheses, I did start to change the way I shaded for more "rendered" pieces! I don't think I've mastered it yet, especially when it comes to faces, but it's another fun way for me to shade muscles!
I think this Hinata sketch was my first time using this method.
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(Check out the original post for this sketch to find a sneaky R18 link...)
Edit: she really said "for more rendered pieces" and immediately showed an obviously undetailed sketch
17. favorite oc/sona drawing
Oh boy. Oh man. It's hard to choose. It's either my current icon... or this guy.
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This is my favourite drawing from OC-tober, and it's of a new OC that I had never drawn or talked about yet! Either way, I'm always doodling my OCs... Drawing rare characters and OCs is my jam, so it's surprising I managed to fit a Danganronpa protag in this post.
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neelahind · 1 year
📏 What’s your go-to canvas size?
🎁 Do you prefer drawing fandom stuff or your own characters?
🦋 Do your drawings resemble you?
🙊 Share your latest silly doodle with no context
📏 What’s your go-to canvas size?
i usually set the canvas to 600x600, 800x800, or 1000x1000 depending on how big i think i'll need it. i Always end up expanding it. i draw too fuckin big
🎁 Do you prefer drawing fandom stuff or your own characters?
so. ahaha. well. i've drawn basically nothing but ocs for years at this point BUT most of said ocs are fandom ocs because that's just like... how i engage with fandom most of the time. i get into something, i make some ocs, and then i just make a bunch of stuff with those ocs
i'd really like to 1) draw fanart of actual canon characters and 2) make more original original content but like. for the first one i've had this persistent thing where... like, i'm already kind of a perfectionist with my art but at least with oc stuff i can sometimes eventually decide it's good enough and call it done. but whenever i Try to draw fanart of canon characters i get this persistent fear that if it's not perfect someone's gonna see it and hate it not only because they don't like my art but because i fucked up that character. i guess. so i just either never finish fanart or i don't even start it. meanwhile no one's invested in my ocs but me and some friends i infodump to about them so it's safer i guess?
and then for the second i just have special interest brain on [insert video game im currently obsessed with here] all the time and so i just don't spend as much time with my original story ideas as i'd like to. so i usually just draw fandom stuff. once in a while i'll draw some original stuff though
🦋 Do your drawings resemble you?
....maybe? idk here's my selfie tag and here's my art blog. i do feel like one of the "default" nose shapes i give newer characters whose designs i havent fully fleshed out yet (or like, if i'm drawing someone else's character and they don't draw noses) looks kinda like mine but that's so specific
🙊 Share your latest silly doodle with no context
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rainecloud020604 · 1 year
Can you tell me about Karma I saw you uploading images to (??? pronouns??) toyhouse and I'm very curious
you cant see me shaking with excitement and also i let this sit for a few days cause i havent touched my laptop since thursday SDFHKHFKJWFHDSJ anyways this is about to be a lot you asked for it
Anyways <333 Karma my beloved (pronouns, he/him doesnt care about gender and is probably agender thinking about it) hes another one of my comfort characters who every once in a while i will just draw and draw and draw, I also have drawn a few comics with him which I'm kinda surprised that I have done more than one dfhskjFDHSKJ but nevertheless hes fun to draw and like also one of my many greyscale ocs cause if you cant tell i really like those Hes a god, of what? Balance and Revenge. He doesn't like being a god, its so much responsibility and also the way people will treat him for being so powerful isn't ideal to him. he prefers to play amongst mortals and interact with them, pretend to be one and blend in with them even because he just really hates being a god :( Also he is Jardins twin and Universos uncle
He is an old god, which makes the pressure he feels significantly worse as he has seen so much change and dissolve, build and be destroyed. Including the godly realm he is from, most of the people that worshiped their gods ended up just...stopping, stopping or were wiped out and this made a good portion of the gods from their realm forget what they were, several reincarnated themselves out of boredom (A rather common practice in fact, Karma is an older god due to only doing so once) and it ended up falling into chaos, and as well as several mortal faults at some point some order was established but it had fallen to severe corruption, someone did rise to power several times once this weird system was established, the one that had the most power was supposed to be in charge and head of things, every once and a while it would cycle on who was there/old enough
Karma is a rather powerful god, never took as head cause he believed the entire thing was stupid but after a while with Vida became in power he reluctantly agreed to take a position as like his right hand man, only because he his brother and a handful of others were plotting something to help everyone realize and remember what they were and get things back to normal and not this fucked up mess of things and upon taking this position it led to a lot of abuse that Karma just, tolerated and didnt argue or fight against at all because he really couldnt risk it with how close he had gotten to get this plan executed and have this all be over.
Karma used to have a wife when he was younger, she was the goddess of winter and also suicide, which should hint to one thing that happens next, she didnt warn Karma at all, hell she didnt expect him to be there to witness it either but he was, Inverno was no longer there and Karma was alone in the woods with more than a broken heart and grief to carry, is he over it? no no he isnt but hes getting there slowly
He has a fear of sewing needles due to Vida, as well as most of his will to fight back against being abused was burned out, as if enough wasnt killed by his abusive father who favored him over his brother and wasnt shy about it and led to Karma trying everything to get him to hate him. It didn't work at all which led to frustration but he no longer is able to be near his father or think about him for too long without getting upset or stressed out. Other than his father using him like a tool to just brag about, Vida treated Karma like a puppet and would literally have strings attached to him only he could see and feel,which sucked for karma. But he let Vida do it just to get close enough for thousands of years to one day kill him, which he finally was able to do.
He adopted a baby angel named Winter who he will protect with everything in his being, shes a delightful child who he rescued from being kidnapped and she is a handful but makes his day brighter, he takes care of Winter and roams the mortal realm just getting to know mortals and befriending them as well as enjoying what small things there are there and the mortal realm has to offer him, he likes dresses and the color yellow which i associate with him, he also plays the guitar and violin <3
there is so much more but i will stop here SDHFKJWHFJHDFSKJ
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mistypluie · 4 years
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alright yall one of my favorite artists inspired me!! gimme some characters pls >:)
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sunshowersz · 4 years
i KNO i should b working on art fight but... anyone got any art rq’s i MAY or MAY NOT actually complete?
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illusionlock · 5 years
pazam: a mess, truly a mess
so i usually dont do these kind of posts, i guess you could say its a call out of some sort? but i never liked that word, i prefer rather to just compile sources on WHY people would believe that a certain person is not truly as nice and understanding as they seem. consider this more of a psa post, detailing on whats going on with pazam on the sfm community, why so many people are against them.
So, a while back, tumblr user jymble made a post on the main tag stating that pazam was transphobic. they linked back to this post, which contains screenshots of pazam in a group chat stating that they do not feel comfortable with the idea of trans people. now, this did happen 9 months ago, true. however, for the record, pazam is already an adult, 24 years old, so they should have some tact. and as further and more recent events will show, they actually havent changed that much at all, at least not as they claim.
the screenshots should be in the post, but here is a transcript
[Screenshot one]
What????? Why?????
I literally HAVE NOT been doing ANYTHING malicious to them
And if it did I apologized
Yes I do have discomfort about them but I keep it to myself
Why are you doing this????
[End screenshot one]
‘Them’ here refers to trans people in general. Notice the defensive and victimizing stance they almost immediately take upon being confronted about their feelings on trans people.
[Screenshot two]
of COURSE you dont
Like specifically
Elliott hush
This whole concept of transness and changing your gender physically
I hate to say it again but it weirds me out and it makes me question my own gender which flings me into anxiety, depression, and obsession
Its fine to not understand but are you willing to learn about it
I don’t want to talk about this anymore
That depression anxiety and obsession just comes with gender issues
(the rest of the text is cut off)
[End Screenshot two]
notice once summaku asks them if they would at least be willing to learn about it, pazam immediately deflects it by saying they dont want to talk about it anymore.
[Screenshot three]
Seriously??? That’s all it takes????
Wow I’m a moron
I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused to you
@.aziraphale @.elliott @.sammaku
I just don’t get this stuff period
And I’ve gotten into trouble with this stuff before
I’ll probably never understand it for the rest of my life but I’ll try to be more tactful around y’all
Especially since you’re all young
And I’m like an adult
[End screenshot three]
While at first this would seem like they had finally learned their lesson and apologized, the things they add on after the @s become quickly worrying. Not only do they admit to ‘have gotten into trouble with this stuff before’, meaning they have probably shown their transphobia in other places and been called out, but they also stand firmly on the fact that they will never understand it or ‘get’ it.
And of course, as jymble points out, the implication that the people they were talking to were only acting like that because they were young.
A while after this post was made, Pazam had posted an apology, and went onto contact jymble asking for the post with the evidence of their transphobic to be taken down. The reason? They were afraid people would see it and think they were still transphobic and not give them a chance.
In this more recent post, you can see the conversation play out between Pazam and jymbles. Long story short, Pazam feels that it’s unfair that that post is still up after they apologized, and jymble of course said they would rather not take it down, people deserve to know what they did and take their own conclusions, even if that involves avoiding them. How does Pazam respond? By flat out deleting the apology post. I’d love to show the apology post to give you both sides of the story but I cannot anymore, because Pazam in a very bizarre move just deleted it because they got mad a trans blogger wouldn’t take down their post with proof.
Here’s the transcript of the screenshots:
[Begin Conversation]
rebloggidy (Pazam’s personal):
I’m by no means transphobia-free after learning what I’ve done but at least I know my actions and am making an effort to be a better person towards trans people.
Hi again. So I hate to be that person but would it be ok if you took down that post about the transphobia claims? I know it took me 9 months to apologize but if people only see your side of the story and not realize the post I saw they’ll take it out of context and still think I’m transphobic. Do you understand?
... i already told you im not taking down the post.
[jymble sends a screenshot of her own message in a previous conversation, the screenshot reads as follows:
however, i dont think im taking the post down, nor am i entirely comfortable with you interacting with me either. people deserve to know how you acted with this stuff, until youre really and truly *better* with it instead of just trying, and i was a direct target of it]
you oughright told me "im by no means transphobia-free", word for word sorry, but i told you before. im not taking the post down.
I remember that. But what I'm trying to say to you is that if people who read it out of context will immediately think I'm still transphobic without the other side of it (my comment)
And I don't want people to think that in the future
if people make assumptions without looking at the entire situation, thats on them
i am not deleting the post and thats final. people have a right to know what youve done, and they have a right to be uncomfortable
I'm ready to take down my post because frankly, I'm sick and tired of having to justifiy something that I did 9 months ago, and that people grow and learn even not 100% during that time and I'm ready to move on.
I'm still into smile for me and feel free to make a blacklist of my name so anybody who rbs my work on your dash can have it hidden or something.
Take care.
[End conversation]
a lot to unpack here, but perhaps most notable is when jymble simply stands her ground and tells pazam she wont take down the post, pazam straight up decides, without being told to or anything, that they should take down their apology. later on, they made a post stating why they deleted the post, and saying they had ‘been forced to’.
I also would love to link it here, but as of now of writing this, like, not even an hour or so after I had seen that post, it got deleted. The only memory I have of it is a conversation I had with my boyfriend about Pazam, in which I copypasted a fragment from that post that read:
“ So for those wondering where the apology post went, I was forced to delete it. I wanted to archive it in some way so I could pull it up for reference, but there was no way I could. Also I didn’t really want to see it every time on my blog because quite honestly it’s upsetting to look at.”
There are some lies and twisting of truths here. Pazam wasn’t forced to delete it, they decided they should do it as a way to somehow get back at jymble. And the excuse that it was upsetting for them to look at is just inexcusable, what matters most, letting people know of what youve done and that youre sorry, or just never addressing the situation?
But, well, I’m just hoping you’ll take my word for it. As you see, Pazam has officially deleted ANY traces of acknowledging this situation on their blog.
This worries me. If Pazam is truly as concerned that they will be seen as transphobic as they claim, why are they deleting anything that could give them a chance of showing their own side of the story?
Now, that is the end, for now, of Pazam’s history with transphobia. However! It is not the end for some other very shady things.
Namely, Pazam has consistently whitewashed characters from Smile For Me, specially Kamal, and when called out on it, simply deletes the asks.
Want to know how I know this?
I sent them an ask myself. I had come across this picture of Boris and Kamal:
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And I knew that this wasn’t right. I can understand using light colors and doing watercolor, but if they can make Boris’ hair brown and vivid enough, why not Kamal? He looks like another character completely, or like he’s deathly sick! 
So I sent them an anonymous ask, perhaps a bit exhasperated, true, and my wording could be better. It went something like: “i am begging you to draw kamal with darker skin”.
I waited, checked. But nothing came of it. They never answered it.
Pazam flat out ignored when they were told they had drawn a canonically brown man with skin way too light. Not even a lone text post saying ‘hey anon, i dont agree with you’ or ‘hey anon im sorry it wont happen again’. Nothing. No word, no opinion.
And with this situation going on with them evading responsibility, I can’t say I’m fully surprised.
And, yet another thing. People had expressed concern over the fact they had drawn their Flower Kid, who is 17, in very intimate and close positions with Dr. Habit. It included nuzzling faces, cuddling in bed together, wearing his coat...
And they did hear the claims this time. As of now, their Flower Kid is 24, according to them.
Except... They do not look 24. At. All.
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this is a 12 year old. at best. short body, stubby legs, big head. those are all attributes of a very young character, usually children. like, legitimately, thats how childrens anatomy is in real life. the younger the person, the bigger their head is in proportion to their body.
We have already had an adult trying to justify drawing their flower kid who barely looked like an adult if at all in intimate situations with Habit. Let’s not let it slide by again.
And yes, I’m aware Pazam claims that those pictures were not supposed to be interpreted as romantic, ‘only platonic fluff’ and that they intend to keep it that way, but I have talked to my boyfriend who is a survivor and he said it very well could be a case of someone just trying to cover their tracks.
BUT, all that being said, maybe this one particular instance could be just us being wary. Still, it does not diminish all that they have done, specially ignoring the whitewashing claims.
What you are going to do with this information, I do not know. Maybe you don’t care and will keep reblogging their content. Maybe you’re disgusted by them. But I’m just here to give you the facts. Personally though, I’m not willing to give them much of a chance after the way they’ve behaved. They are 24 years old, three years older than me, and I think I could do a better job of handling a situation like this, frankly.
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adenhamcreations · 5 years
Questions about the person behind the screen!
Tagged by the lovely @farrradays!! Thanks so much for the tag! 
1. Pen or pencil?
For drawing: Pencil. I mess up too much. But everything else, pen all the way.
2. Have you ever drawn your OCs?
So, so much. It’s honestly how a story begins to form in my head: first I draw some random character, then I get obsessed with them so much that I want to write them a story. XD 
3. Does your writing ever make you cry?
I don’t think so, which is strange, considering I cry about almost everything. 
4. If your Muse was a person, what would they look like?
Probably some pretty, flowy girl who has angel wings. I can’t say no to wings.
5. Which of your pieces would you choose to be remembered for?
I only have one right now, but either way, I think I’d be okay with being remembered for Sin Eater. 
6. How much have you written or worked on your WIP so far today?
It’s actually a finished first-ish draft, so none today.
7. Have you ever based a piece (or a portion of a piece) on a dream ?
No. Unfortunately, my dreams usually make little sense, are too panicky, or aren’t noteworthy at all. 
8. Do you prefer silence, a little noise (music, ambient noise, fan etc) or a lot of noise when you’re writing?
Silence is usually best for me. I can’t seem to listen to music and write for some reason. It’s like my brain tries too hard to concentrate on both at the same time. 
9. Do you have any routines before you sit down to write?
I try to make sure that I have no excuse to get up. I’ll have a snack or a drink nearby, I’ll use the bathroom beforehand, etc. I don’t want to give myself any reason to distract myself. 
10. Have you ever participated in NaNoWrimo or a Camp?
I haven’t, despite my brain always saying “This year! Yeah, this year!” THEN IT NEVER HAPPENS. 
Tagging some good folks that I don’t know too well yet (sorry in advance if you’ve already done this): @chalky-charlie @toboldlywrite @snowdropwrites @halrose @metaphors-and-melodrama
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tumblunni · 6 years
Okay..uhh..man i dont even know what pronouns to use for this character
Like the few posts in their tag call them nonbinary? But it seems thats just because of that one line saying "gender is stupid" which was literally in response to someone saying "stop dressing like a girl, youre a boy". And like every single artwork of this character everywhere forever shows her dressed incredibly feminine and like.. Calling herself a girl. And the series just treats it as "quirky gay man who's lol sooooo gay that he crossdresses all the time" and seriously everyone else seems to call her a man and she calls herslf a girl? Like this really doenst seem like a nonbinary character this seems like an old manga with a poor understanding of trans people that was using kind of offensive language to refer to a trans woman and like.. Now just looking back on it through a a modern lens we'd say it seems like how we talk about nonbinary people.
Cos i mean seriously man this is just a girl who always dresses as a girl and calls herself a girl and loves girly stuff and its just meant to be somehow 'comical' because she's uhh..well..clearly flat chested and the manga makes it clear she was "born a man". And seriously wtf is up with this "comical" slant to all of it?? Like im glad to see trans rep and i understand that its so flawed because its a really ahead of its time bit of representation that was made in a time when bigotry was a lot more overwhelming and LGBT equality had made less strides. But still it seems so weird that even if they think of this character as "a gay man who likes to crossdress" then they'd be portraying "him" as a joke when they'd had other positive gay characters before. And like its not even outright "eww trans women" or anythingits just like they draw her SO exaggerated when she shows her crush on Toya and then he's drawn all..comically disgusted? And everyone is all shocked? And it was really confusing for the first chapter before they had a character staye that she was DMAB cos seriousky it just looked like everyone being weird to this girl for no reason.
Like i wondered why on earth Toya's crush on Yukito was played so understated and never allowed to be outright confirmed even though its clearly canon and they were able to show Syaoran having a crush on literally the same guy before.
But seriously its starting to become WEIRD in regards to that! Like Ruby Moon is telling Yukito "i'll steal him away if you dont want him" so hey yes confirmation that it IS fuckin canon and they JUST WONT SAY IT. and then they have this really weird dance around conversation where toya is all "ugh gasp you're a-" and like he's...uncomfortabke with her being "a man" (SHE'S NOT A MAN DAMMIT) and she's like "but yukito is also" [suspicious gap in dialogue] "and you" [suspicious gap in dialogue] "him". Its all fuckin weird how much theyre dancing around saying the word gay or even saying a man loves a man yet they SAID IT BEFORE FOR SYAORAN! And then the dancibg around LGBT terms was actually used kinda cleverly here cos it could also mean "yes i'm a clow card and yukito is also not human". And probably the writers could point to that as reasonable denial if anyone accused them of writing a trans woman, i guess...
And uhh.. Yeah.. I think i get why these two situations are considered "different" by the writers.there was just a whole fuckin chapter about Syaoran realizing that her REALLY loves sakura and he only mistook his feelings for a crush on another boy because something something sensing subconciously that yukito had magic in him. And now its presented as CHARACTER GROWTH that he gives up on yukito and goes and has a straight relationship instead. And at the same time in the same chapter Tomoyo also decides to give up on her crush on Sakura WITHOUT EVER EVEN TELLING HER OR TRYING TO SEE IF SHE FEELS THE SAME WAY because she just thinks sakura will be happier witj syaoran. And this is meant to be noble and again be character development. And then looking back we had that whole plot of tomoyo's mom having a crush on sakura's mom and it being played all comical?? And her accusing sakura's dad of being a cradle robber and horrid for LITERALLY FUCKING HIS UNDERAGE STUDENT AND SHE DROPPED OUT OF SCHOOL TO MARRY HIM was again played for 'comedy' and she 'learns her lessonc that he's really a good guy and everything is fine.
So..yeah. It seems like a bit of an undercurrent of "gay crushes are a thing for children that you grow out of". Cos seriously the way they play the "comedy" on these older characters is like.. Infantalizing them? Tomoyo's mom is meant to be seen as immature and overreacting. And sakura's mom of course 'grew up' and got a 'real relationship'...
Or like i dunno maybe this was all an accidental implication caused by writers who just didnt realize what itd look like when they make EVERY SINGLE QUEER CHARACTER LOSE THE LOVE TRIANGLE and also refuse to actually confirm the one singular potential actually happy, healthy and recipricated gay pairing.
Also calling a trans woman a man and making everyone act grossed out by her expressing interest in her and making it all so confusing that even actual LGBT people dont really know what to make of it...
And then like there's also some bit where they say "oh well clow card guardians dont actually have gender", by which they mean "biological sex" cos i mean clearly they have genders! And why would "having no biological sex" give them ALL THE BODIES OF MEN??? Like seriously why would "cannot reproduce" mean "male by default"? Why would one of these "genderless" creatures make fun of one of the others for choosing to be female if none of them were born aligned to either of the human reproductive categories in the first place? Like its not "ha why are you being female, we dont have genders" its "why are you NOT BEING A MAN, we dont have genders". That makes no sense!! Also double wtf cos like 90% of all the clow cards look feminine and even half of the ones who don't still use female pronouns and get listed as female in the profiles. Like yes, all of them are drawn flat chested or with barbie doll anatomy but that doesnt make them "men by default"! And nobody's ever mentioned this before, we havent had kero-chan being all "ugh this is the DEVIANT Windy card that PRETENDS to be a girl" or anything. Seriously i cant get over the fact that its her straight up sibling guardian who's the one who makes fun of her for wearing a girls uniform. You are a goddamn talking panther!! What do you care about human cissexism!!
I dunno man the whole thing's got me a bit grumpled.
Also they continue dojng the damn nasty "romance" between a 35 year old teacher and a ten year old girl IN A MANGA AIMED AT TEN YEAR OLD GIRLS, and its presented all wholesome and life goalsy with no criticism whatsoever. Its been getting even creepier and it fuckin STARTED with him giving her a wedding ring! Now theyre really drawing attention to how young she is cos she sews a makeshift teddy bear for him and gives it to him as a good luck charm thatll make their love last. Gahhhhhh
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winterironbang · 6 years
Below you will find the names and descriptions of the entered pieces of art, please take care to read through them and be aware of any warnings when thinking about which piece it is you wish to claim. Make sure to have two in mind when choosing as your first choice may already be taken.
To claim a piece of art, send an email to [email protected] with the titles of your top two favourites. There may be a second round of claims if there are more authors who wish to participate, but this second round will not start until all pieces have been claimed in the first round.
I’ve just had a few people tell me they sent in asks trying to claim work but I have no record of them, from now on please claim via email only. If you have sent in an ask and not had an email with one of the drafts you claimed, please email me. I have sent out the drafts to everyone that I have seen a claim from so far, if you havent got a draft in you inbox your claim may not have come through, please consider claiming one of the works still available.
I’m so sorry about this, I’m not sure why I haven’t been recieving those asks and I do apologise to everyone it has effected.
Title: By my side Description/Prompt: Tony and Bucky have been in a secret relationship for a while. After Civil War events, they talked things out and after some time everything turned right for them. They can't see each other so easily because of the Sokovia Accords, so they take advantage of every second they spend together. It has been four months since last time they saw each other, Tony noticed he has been followed lately and had to stop their meetings. Tony, despites everything, have been working on a way to change some things on the accords to also protect heroes, he wants to help Bucky and the others so they can stop being fugitives, wanting a normal life with the one he loves and wanting the world to be a better place with heroes protecting it. He planned a meeting in Wakanda to discuss the issue with T'Challa and also using that as an excuse to see Bucky again. Bucky thinks it's time to tell everyone about their relationship, but Tony is still reluctant about it, he wants everything to be solved first. Warnings: Explicit Limitations: I don't want: unhappy ending, cheating, death of Bucky or Tony, bashing any character. A/N: It's based on MCU~ Love the idea of them having this kind of pure love inside some sort of forbidden relationship. Not only for what had happened between them, also because of the accords. The art is a moment they share together after the meeting in Wakanda. Hope you like it~
Title: Exposure Description/Prompt: Set of 2 drawings. Setting: sci-fi/android AU? 1. A digital drawing/painting of a Winter Soldier-esque Bucky, wearing a lower face mask, carrying a wounded Tony in his arms. It's darkly lit, and he's standing knee deep in reflective water. Tony's chest cavity is exposed, showing metal and wiring. There's a faint glow of the arc reactor. 2. A digital drawing/painting of a shirtless Tony about to kiss Bucky over his face mask. There's smoke venting out of Bucky's face mask. Warnings: N/A Limitations: Would prefer if there wasn't solely pre-slash, or include major character death, infidelity, dub/non con, or unhappy ending. A/N: Drafts are not finalized so looking forward to working with the author to fill in details!
Title: Post-apocalyptic Description/Prompt: Post-apocalyptic AU! Scrappy mechanic Tony meets badass loner and fighter Bucky (with a clunky metal arm)? Maybe some getting to know (and later: trust) each other and surviving (together?) in a hostile world? Trying to make a living? Warnings: - Limitations: Bucky and Tony should survive. No sad ending. A/N: The art is a design for Bucky. Optional art: Bucky watching over a sleeping Tony. Let’s brainstorm together.
Title: A Quiet Evening in Description/Prompt: It's hard to braid your hair one handed. Thankfully Tony doesn't mind lending his hands and his cats, Dum-E, U, and Butterfingers don't mind having someone extra around the apartment to spoil them. Warnings: None Limitations: Would prefer no pwp
Title: Snow White/ Fantasy AU Description/Prompt: Huntsman Bucky is sent out to assassinate Prince Tony in the woods and bring his heart to King Obie. The problem? Prince Tony turns out pretty hard to kill, and his heart is a price worth way way more than Bucky could have imagined. Not to mention the hunter is haunted by his own demons... One drawing is of the two fighting in the woods, the other of Huntsman Bucky crouching, (his dragon arm showing), and having a L'Oreal hair moment. Warnings: violence (semi-graphic? they are fighting - there's no blood, but non-sexy choking) Limitations: please no damsel-in-distress Tony, character bashing, and dub/non-con A/N: You can take the prompt or leave it, (although I'd love some huntsman Bucky and maybe technomancer Tony) and I would love to help you brainstorm and cheer you on. I generally like traumatized Bucky more than pre-war Bucky but I'm open for everything. :)
Title: Noir Description/Prompt: Iron Man Noir AU with Tony and Bucky standing arm in arm on Tony’s airship, looking down at the clouds. They lean into each other. Warnings: none Limitations: MCD, darkfic, A/N: I would love to talk about it all.
Title: Not really a villain Description/Prompt: Tony knows about the Winter Soldier: He's an assassin, often working for Hydra. He has killed or maimed politicians and secret agents alike, most recently he'd been after Alexander Pierce. Everyone knows about Iron Man: He's a villain, although some people want to call him vigilante. He blows up Stark Industries' facilities and takes apart crime syndicates. When they meet, it seems unlikely that their goals align, but they might have more in common than they know. But, you can't just trust a villain, can you? Picture: In a dark room, Iron Man is aiming a repulsor at the Winter Soldier. The soldier is almost hidden in the darkness of the room, looking serious, and armed with knife and gun. Warnings: Limitations: Please let it end somewhat happy. Please no MCD, or actually evil Tony and Bucky. A/N: brainstorming together is one of my favourite things.
Title: Concubine AU Description/Prompt: When Bucky gets sold as a concubine, he already knows how this works: keep your head down and hope his new master doesn't notice him too much. Getting noticed either brings pain, or pain and… other attention. Slowly, he notices that King Stark is not at all like the rumors suggested… The art is Bucky, posing with some jewellery and revealing clothes. Warnings: partial nudity? Limitations: No dubcon or noncon between Bucky and Tony, dark Tony, major character death, or too much gore. A/N: Dark themes are fine though. Maybe some pain, some recovery? I usually like stories where they grow to love each other before they end up having sex.
Stuckony is also an option. I’d love to talk about ideas and plot!
Title : Fateful Encounters Description/Prompt : Iron Man AU Tony and Bucky meet at the gala. Bucky is a businessman like Tony. They end up liking each other a lot. Everyone is human. Bucky likes riding bikes just like Tony loves cars. Tony becomes iron man but he himself destroys the suit after Stane is dead. He doesn’t believe the world needs that kind of technology. Stark industries also goes into making better medical equipment’s.   So, the only ones who know about him being iron man are Rhodey, Pepper and later Bucky.  Iron man becomes an urban legend of sorts. They date for a while and when they decide to move things further it’s very special for both of them. Bucky is extremely proud to learn that his boyfriend had been iron man. He realizes that himself as he spends time with Tony. A year or two later Tony develops  MCU stabilized extremis and gets rid of the arc reactor. This knowledge he does share with the medical community. Warnings : No Warnings Limitations : I don't want these two pairings in the story in any way or form. Not even a slight mention. Not even as a joke or an offhand comment. Nothing. Bucky Barnes and Natasha Romanoff Tony Stark and Sunset Bain No Steve and Loki bashing. If the latter isn't even in the story, that's fine. No cheating, non-con, child abuse and alcohol abuse. A/N : Happy ending for the story.  And there are two more pieces of art.
Title: Long Distance Disaster [working title] Description/Prompt: Still struggling with guilt and/or due to pressure from the government, Bucky agrees to go on a long term mission to space. Tony is very unhappy to be left alone. Long distance relationships are tough; even more so when Bucky’s mission ends in a fiery crash leaving Bucky seriously injured and Tony afraid that he’s about to lose the love of his life. Format: Video, expected final length roughly 4:30 minutes. Clips primarily drawn from Iron Man (1, 2, and 3), The Soloist, Political Animals, The Martian, and Gossip Girl. Audio drawn from the same sources as the clips, as well as Ally McBeal, and the song “If There’s A Rocket Tie Me To It” by Snow Patrol. Warnings: Established relationship, guilt, near-death-experience/serious injury, relationship drama, hospitals, angst. Limitations: Happy endings only. I’d strongly prefer that either Civil War never happened, or the fic is set far enough past it that it doesn’t come up at all. No bashing of other characters/ships, especially Pepper and Tony should be on good/friendly terms if she’s around in the fic. A/N: I’d love to brainstorm/discuss the fic. I tried to leave it as flexible and open as possible and I don’t expect the fic to necessarily follow the video exactly.
Title : Fools in love Description/Prompt :  Bucky and Tony have a friends with benefits kind of relationship. Bucky went through a very bad break up with his boyfriend and it hurts Tony to see him like that.  He’d liked him for a while. They end up sleeping together and come to an arrangement of sorts. Tony is literally like : I’ll take what I can get. He is not going to burden Bucky with his feelings when he is going through such a hard time.  Tony is usually sad and he’s virgin too. One day it gets too much and Bucky sort of shouts at Tony. Tony starts crying. Bucky realizes he loves Tony and berates himself for not realizing Tony had always loved him. They are both engineers and enjoy reading a lot. They are in their twenties. Warnings : No Warnings Limitations : I don't want these two pairings in the story in any way or form. Not even a slight mention. Not even as a joke or an offhand comment. Nothing. Bucky Barnes and Natasha Romanoff Tony Stark and Sunset Bain No Steve and Loki bashing. If the latter isn't even in the story, that's fine. No cheating, non-con, child abuse and alcohol abuse. A/N : Happy ending for the story.  And there are two more pieces of art.
Title: Winter Piano Teacher [working title] Description/Prompt: Concerned for her son, Maria Stark decides that Tony needs more in his life than computers and robots. Little does she know that HYDRA has taken the opportunity to install a sleeper agent in the Stark household. Tony certainly didn’t expect to fall in love with his enigmatic, volatile piano tutor. Format: Video, expected final length roughly 2 minutes. Clips and audio primarily drawn from Political Animals, Ally McBeal, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, piano instrumental music, and “The Winter Soldier” theme. Warnings: brainwashing, deception, implied abuse, typical winter soldier stuff Limitations: In this AU I do not want Bucky to be responsible for the Stark parents’ death. Happy endings only. Tony cannot be younger than 17; I would prefer he be 21. A/N: I would love to brainstorm/talk over the fic together. I have 2-3 of “fixed points” of the plot that are important to me but I tried to leave as much of it open to the author’s discretion as possible. You don’t have to follow everything shown in the video exactly.
Title: Mob Mentality Description/prompt: Comic panel style. First panel sees Steve, Bucky, and Natasha entering. All look angry. There is evidence of blood on them. Second panel shows bound hands, obviously injured and bleeding from the ropes that tie them. Third panel has a furious Bucky screaming ,”Where is he?!” Fourth shows Tony looking down, distraught, but he raises his head at something, saying “Bucky?” Last panel isn't sketched out quite yet, but I plan to have them embracing. Warnings: Blood, though not gallons of it or anything. Implied violence that is off panel. Limitations: Happy ending. No infidelity. No graphic or gratuitous torture. No death of main characters. A/N: I personally headcanon this as a Mob AU (as evidenced by the name) but I would be happy with any story the art inspires! Art
Title: Rocket Science Description/Prompt: Tony's at MIT, sleep deprived on the first day of classes, and ends up walking into an intro to physics course and taking a seat next to freshman Bucky. Tony becomes aware of things half-way through class, realizes he's in the wrong place (he doesn't even *have* class at this time!), and has a moment of panic/annoyance. Bucky thinks Tony's having trouble following the lecture, and offers to study with him. Tony almost blows him off but "oh no he's cute." Cue Tony having to attend a class he doesn't take and play dumb through tutoring/study sessions he doesn't need in order to have an excuse to hang out with Bucky (but he's SO BORED and itching to show Bucky some good shortcuts and correct his math). (Art description: Tony and Bucky are seated at a library table, disposable coffee cups, books, and notes strewn across it. Bucky is pointing something out to Tony in a textbook, while Tony looks on attentively. Both are college age. Bucky's left sleeve is pinned up; he's an amputee.) Warnings: none Limitations: no big age gap, no ABO 'verse, no unhappy endings A/N: Any additions of identity porn (i.e. Bucky doesn't realize he's been tutoring the famous genius heir to the Stark empire) would be welcome; the prompt is open to discussion (nothing's set in stone). I'd love to be included in the brainstorming if possible. :D
Title: Mafia!au Description/Prompt:  Tony is seated in a chair with a gun in one hand pointing towards viewer, while Bucky is in a suit standing to behind his left shoulder.  I was thinking Mob Boss!Tony with Bucky as enforcer/bodyguard/something like that. Warnings: I don’t think any, but there is a gun being pointed at someone off-screen Limitations:  No MCD please, I am fine with smut as long as there is no bottom!tony, other than that can’t think of anything right now- I am pretty open A/N: Look forward to working with you!
Title: No title yet
Description/Prompt: Tony learns about his parents’ murder and, against Natasha’s warnings, decides to go looking for the Winter Soldier. When he finds him in cryosleep in the hidden depths of a Hydra base, he rashly decides to wake him up…
Submission is a fanvid, so warning to the author that there’s only so much flexibility with the plot because of needing to stay close to the source material, but I’m excited to work with them to figure out how the fanvid will go :)
Warnings: None
Limitations: No Mpreg
Title: Escape from the Murderbots (working title) Description/Prompt: Tony and Bucky stand together, Tony is slightly in front, holding a strange piece of tech in his right hand, there is bandage around his left bicep, and the arc reactor is visible through his tank top. Bucky stands on his left, touching Tony's shoulder. Buck is only wearing  a pair of drawstring sweatpants; he is pointing to the left, out of frame, with his metal hand, there is a cuff of some sort on his metal wrist. In front of them and behind them are hovering drones, pointing guns at them. The background is a dark, futuristic cityscape with lit up signs advertising 'Viastone - Bring Your Dreams to Life', and other slogans. Warnings: None that I'm aware of. Canon typical peril? Limitations: No major character death. No non-con between Tony and Bucky. No dark!Tony or dark!Bucky. Also, no character bashing, please. Definitely would like a happy ending. A/N: The Viastone signs haven't been worked in yet, and can be changed to a different company, or Hydra, or something completely different, if that fits better with your plot or ideas, I just kind of liked the potential creepiness of Dream vision, also Ty as Tony's creepy ex could be interesting. I don't really have an idea of a plot, just the concept of a vaguely cyberpunk scene in which Tony and Bucky are being pursued by flying drones that want to shoot them, so feel free to go wherever that takes you. I'd love to hear what ideas you have.
Title: Dr Dolittle AU
Fluff/ crack
If powered AU i.e. Avengers-compliant AU(sans TS as Iron Man)- On the day before the fateful night that Howard and Maria would have died, Tony dropped the bombshell that he was going to become a vet instead? Howard was too busy calling up lawyers and ranting at the sky about disowning Tony to drive them to their deaths. WS waits by the road until he gets bored, murders his handlers and runs away? Else post CA-WS?
WS!BB has been in hiding at a special needs animal sanctuary (for lots of pics - goats of anarchy, edgar’s mission) that TS volunteers at, doing check ups and fitting  prosthetics.
Does WS!BB approach the vet about a new arm? Does WS ever get the goats to stop eating his sleeves off? Will they ever get the animals to stop tripping them up and falling into compromising positions atop each other?
Hilarity ensues. Also probable pining, bored match-making goats who are fed up of their caretakers.
(Besides designing prosthetics for animals, Tony also makes collars for animals that translate thoughts into speech, like Dug in Up or soft-cyber implants from Rats,Bats & Vats, gaining him the nickname Dr Dolittle? Animals love him regardless, like he’s a Disney Princess) Healthcare for animals is incredibly technologically advanced and has to be reverse engineered for human usage lol?  If non-powered au, anything you like! just crack/ fluff about mutual pining between volunteers at special needs animal shelter? It’s like a coffee shop- meet cute AU but with additional baby goats playing the floor is lava.
Warnings: -
Limitations: Stark seniors not murdered by Winter Soldier. No bad endings, dub-con/non-con, a/b/o
A/N: Super secret super-soldier serum picked up by SHIELDRA since Howard was too busy rage screaming. Results in more Shieldra supersoldiers in Avengers Initiative? Howard designs Ironmonger? Chitauri Battle of NY, no nukes? Alternatively Hulk or heroic Vanko in Iron Man suit launches the nuke through the portal? Jarvis the alpaca- Just A Really Very Intelligent South-american-camelid? You is an ewe? DumE, a very recalcitrant llama wielding a mean wrench? Butterfingers? The universe is saved from Thanos by an enraged herd of enhanced llamas? https://i.redd.it/8vncab0cz3jz.jpg
Sorry, it’s all crack, feel free to yell at me if it decides to consume your brain
Title: Fantasy - Dragonrealm/ Forgotten Realms??? inspired AU Description/Prompt: Undead dragon/ dracolich, the Red Skull, captures other dragons and restores his rotting body with parts carved from his prisoners. Mage-knight/Artificer (Tony) rescues an imprisoned dragon(Bucky) from the clutches of the Red Skull and his cult(Hydra). image desc - A dracolich confronting two men(backs facing viewer). One is injured and leaning on the other who has his hand raised with a spell. Warnings: not in image, but for story - likely to have mentions of torture and non-consensual body modification Limitations: no dub-con, non-con, vore, a/b/o, protagonist death A/N: In the Dragonrealm series, drakes can take the alternate form of a fully armoured knight.
In Forgotten Realms, dracoliches are usually surrounded by a cult that worships them (and performs the phylactery transfer process)
http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Dracolich Prompt completely open for discussion/reworking, words hard, please message
Title: Loving a Vampire Description/Prompt: Bucky is a vampire, Tony is a human. They meet, eventually fall in love, wear 'wedding bands' on chains around their necks. Warnings: N/A Limitations: N/A A/N: Would like more angst and drama than fluff, preferred rating for fic would be M or higher.
Title: And From The Dark Description/prompt: The prompt that inspired me was actually a writing one that went along the lines of: “do you want to die?” “that's a loaded question, if I say no that means I want to be immortal. If I say yes that means I'm suicidal.” I'm imagining a demon/fantasy Au(However I am open to Tony messing around with things he shouldn't and being transported to this place via science/magic) and the image itself is of Tony and Demon!Bucky on a balcony in a cavern, with Bucky leaning over Tony holding his chin. Maybe Tony has entered their domain for some reason? Or is trying get out to surface? And encounters Bucky. Warnings: little bit of blood. (Not much tho, a couple small injuries) Limitations: none that I can think of. A/N: I am a big fan of darker works and would love to see where this could go. I'm more than willing to help brainstorm if the author is open to that. And beta if needed.
Title: Found in an Alley Description/Prompt: Bucky is broke and wandering around the alleys when he finds android Anthony. Warnings: Nudity (not explicit) Limitations: N/A A/N: Author will pretty much have free reign on what they want to write, prefer that the fic itself be rated Teen or higher
Title: Mission in space Description and/or prompt: Bucky and Tony are on another planet, wearing spacesuits. They are looking at a strange flower. There are mountains and a starry sky with two moons in the background. What are they doing there and what is the plant?   Warnings: - Limits: No major character death or super dark fic or unhappy ending please! A/N: I'm open to most everything! Things I like but don't need to be included are plotty fic, humor, fluff and pining :D
Title: Reactive Art descriptions: Bucky, holding the arc-reactor in his hands, flames on one side, smoke on the other./ Bucky crying, the black mask still covering his face. Art prompt: Partially Infinity-War compliant (except for the ending). After the initial battle, the team regroups and discovers that Tony is still missing. Bucky embraces his old identity as the Winter Soldier to track Tony down. It's the only way he can set his morals aside and do what he has to do to bring Tony back. (I am open to other prompts based on the art description - happy to work with the author to come up with something different!) Warnings: n/a Limits: None. All Author's choice. A/N: Would love for this to be a dark fic, possibly with major injury and/or a death scare. Angst and hurt/comfort preferable. Happy ending or not, author's choice. Art is about 90% complete, although I may want to create more pieces depending on where the author goes with the story.
Title: By the Glittering Sea Description: Bucky is a newly hired employee of an aquarium, and he quickly realizes that they have some interesting exhibits. Mainly the one with a large tank in the middle of the entrance floor, showcasing a merman, who looks very unhappy to be there. He then realizes that he needs to get him out, with the help of his friends, of course. Warnings: None that apply so far Limitations: No rape/ non-con, or major character death. A/N: Tony is obviously the merman in the situation, but whoever writes the story can figure out how they get him out and what will happen if they do.
Title: Ill met by Moonlight Description: Tony finds a transformed Bucky in a cage at an 'abandoned' hydra base, who is stuck behind a huge bulletproof glass coating. In any way the author wants it, they escape and the rest of the story will be about Tony and Bucky learning to heal together. Warnings: There will be violence, nothing out of the ordinary for the Marvel universe. Limitations: No rape/non-con, or major character death. A/N: I based Bucky's werewolf form loosely off of the Skyrim werewolves.
Title: Those Soft Petals Description: Tony slowly realizes, to his horror, that he's fallen for James "Bucky" Barnes. The only problem with that is =, Bucky seems to despise him. He doesn't like him because of what he did to Steve and Bucky that fateful night in the abandoned Hydra bunker. Of course, Tony still has nightmares from that night, of the blood, filling his lungs as he truly believed he was going to die, but now isn't the time for that. RIght now he needs to figure out why he's coughing up these damn flowers. Warnings: Tony does what severe PTSD from that night, piled on top of the Afghanistan hostage situation from years ago. Limitations: No rape/non-con, or major character death. A/N: You can choose a different flower if you'd like, but I think the peony would be good, considering it's the state flower of Indiana.
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franeridart · 7 years
what are your thoughts about bakugou and midoriya's relationship? platonic, i mean
I live and die for it, every part of the manga in which that relationship is shown progressing is between my favorite parts of the manga and I’ve reread them a hundred times and cried over them way more than necessary - the battle trial one? yes, the end of terms exam? absolutely yes holy shit, the post-license exam fight? god yes fuck me that’s my absolute fav, the rescue arc? shit yes between all the reasons why that arc’s my fave the change in the deku/baku relationship is definitely a worthy of note one
It’s an interesting relationship, a painful one that’s making both of them grow so so so much, a rivalry they both need to better each other and keep each other straight on the path to become two great, all-around heroes - I’m not sure they’ll ever end up having the type of relationship Izuku has with Todoroki or Bakugou with Kirishima, I don’t think it’s possible for them to be friends like that, they’re just too different to properly fit like that and to avoid stepping on each other’s toes every single day of their lives they’d have to change their core personalities too much, but they did end up being able to coexist (Bakugou’s even giving Deku tips!!!) and I do think they’ll be able to cooperate and support each other in the end. If one day they’ll be able to make fun of each other in a friendly manner and egg each other on and be honest with each other without it escalating into a full blown fight I’d truly be happy, that’s probably my main dream for this whole manga. For them to have a healthy rivalry, one in which they can maybe even laugh together. I think it might happen, I’m waiting for it to happen
Anon said:Hi Fran! I'm obsessed with your BakuShimaNari work. Here's a cute thought to hopefully cheer you up a bit while you're unable to draw: they're all in their early 20s and Denki likes to poke/smooth out the little crease between Bakugo's eyebrows and tease him about getting wrinkles early from all the scowling he does. Bakugo flicks him in the nose and says he's starting to get crows feet from always grinning like an idiot.
Oh my god. Oh my g o d this is the sweetest thing I’ve ever read. Oh my g OD I’m just imagining them doing that and Kiri in the background watching them like they’re most precious thing in the world I’m dying rip me this just made my whole life thank you so much anon *sob*
Anon said:You are wonderful. That BakuKiriKami art just made me cry again after this chapter but I so needed it. I hope your hand heals up quickly!
I hope so too!!!! And thank you so much, I’m glad you liked it!!! ;A; tho I’m sorry for having made you cry rip 
Anon said:Maybe Kirishima's hair is like haru from fruits basket, it changes colour when it reaches a certain length, and he decided to either dye the roots to match the long part or the long part to match the roots.
I’m effin laughing my ass off imagining the “you’ll never convince me that hair is natural” scene but with Iida I’m crying
But seriously if his hair did something fancy like that I don’t think the current Kirishima would try to hide it? Hair that naturally grows like that is flashy!
Anon said:KiriBaku, KamiJirou, AshidoSero, u feel me? I personally ship TodoMomo and IzuOcha as well but u know each to their own
tbh I ship all the ships mentioned in this ask to at least a certain degree, so yeah, I definitely feel you haha
Anon said:Fran can i ask why you ship BokuTeruKuroo ? like i understand why you ship BoKuroo, they are friend and so funny and cute with each other but do they have interaction with Terushima ? because i watch the anime and only start reading the manga and there's no interaction between them in it
What a question lmao no, no they never interact with Teru, it’s a crack ship haha I don’t really have a reason to ship it tbh, I just think Teru’s personality would fit nicely with Bo and Kuroo - Teru’s one of my fave characters in Haikyuu and I like shipping my faves around, but he’s interacted with only his teammates and Karasuno so everything else is just crack... I like a whole bunch of Teru ships tbh, bokuroteru is the one I’ve drawn the most for a bit by accident and a bit because they’re the ones with the most entertaining possible dynamics, to me? They’re a bunch of excited silly kids, that’s fun!
Anon said:I am literally in tears over the last chapter when will Horikoshi step away from my sunshine boy and let him rest? This isn't what I meant when I said I wanted Kirishima to have a bigger role in this arc
;-; boi do I feel this ask 
(I still want more of him tho, last time he hadn’t been around for a few weeks I was a complete mess, pls don’t take him away from me again Hori ;A;)
Anon said:Fraannnnn why would you do this I had enough feelings about THIS EXACT SCENARIO and you had to go and make me feel more with your beautiful art How could you
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m taking this as you’ve liked it!!! Which makes me happy tbh haha though I’m sorry for the more pain, that wasn’t my intention #oops thank you anyway, tho!!
Anon said:i wanted to cry bc of ch 143, kiri was amazing and fat was amazing and and .... but really though ...hori just doesn't wanna give it to us, does he ?
I don’t think I’ll ever have Kirishima’s backstory at this point. I’m giving up. I’ll just make up my own version of it. Kirishima’s had a beautiful past with a lot of happiness a great family with loving parents and both older and younger siblings that love him more than they love air, he’s got three pet turtles and a dog and the only reason why he had his hair dyed black was because he went through a really intense goth phase. That’s it, that’s my version, Hori can keep the sadness for himself
(...not please gimme the actual backstory already I’m dying)
Anon said:U ok after ch143, Fran? 'cause I'm not... 😭
...how can anyone love Kirishima and be okay after 143 tbh ;-;
Anon said:your answers to the ask for what would baku get the others ommmmmmg. fran you are AMAZING!! >///
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m happy you liked those omfg!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you!!!!
Anon said:I feel so bad abt the new chap bc my boy kiri is gonna hate himself so much abt being '''useless''' even if he wasnt and oh goodness he's going to beat himself up for this forever... i thought hori was gonna give him a sudden 'bout of strength & realization' to beat the enemy, but instead hes getting quite the realistic(which is good but sad) outcome from the fight... hes gonna be so mad with himself while recovering boy pls no u were great ;~;
I really hope something’ll happen and he won’t feel like that, but who knows ;-; on one side it would mean that his character arc still isn’t over, which is a lot more Kiri for me and that’s great, but on the other please don’t make him suffer anymore ;;--;;
Anon said:Though it was kinda 'forced', thank you for drawing mineta. I really liked seeing him in your art style. He's perverted but like Denki he's a good kid as well, too bad most people have him blacklisted. Hopefully that will change in the future. Thanks again ;D
You’re most welcome! As I said once already I don’t really care for Mineta, so including him in stuff when it makes logical sense to isn’t much of a problem for me hah maybe, if I’m lucky, one day he’ll grow as a character and out of the walking trope he is, and that might just mean I’ll start drawing him more by himslef too haha
Anon said:i havent been involved in a fandom for 4 years but now i am and its ur fault with ur gay boys i cant handle all it, fk my life. (ps. love how u draw denki, his hair so floofy, bless u)
!!! Happy you like my take on him!!! :O also I love how you called them “your gay boys” yes, yes they are, my beautiful gay boys hahaha
Anon said:Thanks to you I'm absolutely obsessed with bakushimanari and I can't get out. It's literally???? The cutest friggin thing??? I can't believe I never thought of it before coming across your blog. But now it's my OT3 and!!! Thank you for introducing me to this sweet ship!!! I absolutely adore your art and it inspires/motivates me to make my own fluff filled fanart.
YAY OH MY GODS!!!!!!!!!!!!! more bakushimanari fans I can make happen the more I’m happy, tbh!!!! they’re soft and good and happy I wish there’d be more of them around aaahhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:you color nicely (`∇´)
sob thank youuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this actually means to me more than you probably thought it would haha rip bless ur soul anon
Anon said: ti adoro bye
GAH non sono certa di meritarmi addirittura un adoro ma!!!!!! grazie ;A;!!!!
157 notes · View notes
this is a callout for tumblr/twitter user @discorcl
tw for : ableism, racism, incest apologism, and manipulation
op note: i am not the person that zee is talking about. im his friend. please keep this in mind. 
please also keep in mind that my friend’s name thru-out this is “ Grass “
zee is white and uses she/they pronouns.
zee’s ableism:
Tumblr media
[ image of a post that says: “ i love it when friends go into explicit detail into killing themselves repeated times in a week and never actually attempt! 
i love it when friends talk about how depressed they are but don’t explain why! 
i love how i have to pretend it does not trigger me and keep my cool!! even though they fucking pussy out in the end” ]
zee straight up doesnt care about mentally ill friends and claims that they “pussy out” from committing suicide like. what a great friend.
Tumblr media
[ image of two tweets. the first tweet is someone saying “oh my god i just remembered.. im in a bpd discord server from tumblr and its the most ugly toxic shit ever. ive had it muted for months” 
zee replies to this tweet with:  “ no offense but... what was expected “ ]
Tumblr media
thats pretty blatant ableism, zee.
zee’s racism:
i dont have visual proof of her racism happening but as my friend (and the person zee keeps vaguing and namedropping after 5 months of the friendship dropping) vaguely recalls:
Tumblr media
[ image of me and my friend discussing zee’s racism. my friend’s memory isnt the best at times, and so he can forget things half the time. here, my friend asks: “ my memory is bad whatd she do? What racist things “
i replied with ; “ she called u white multiple times “ ( which he has told me in the past that this is what she did )
he said ; “ OH yeah. shes gonna tell me im racefaking i know it but like i cant remember but i know she did “ ]
grass is a mixed individual, and calling mixed people white is racist.
i am not going to delve deeper as i do not have the evidence to further lay accusations on her for this.
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[ image of zee tweeting : “homie ur 3 of the dam Gorillaz What Are YOu doing” ]
homie is AAVE, and she has been told multiple times by nonwhite people to stop using it, yet she continues to do so. 
HERE are more screenshots of grass telling me racist things zee did.
zee’s incest apologism: 
zee likes a 1990′s adult cartoon titled “Duckman” - she often draws art and encourages other individuals to watch it. she has often drawn self-insert art with him and themself.
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[ image of a curiouscat anon asking
“i dont know you personally but why do you self insert with Duckman when he’s been established as a racist misogynistic asshole who fetishizes incest? “
zee replies with;
“ it’s for personal coping reasons. DM me on the site of your choice and ill elaborate. ( he’s also transphobic but yet i’m somehow not appalled by that either... i think its because his character develops against bigotry randomly but then regresses?)  ]
this is a synopsis of a duckman episode:
[ there is a link here for those who do not want to see the image. it has nsfw elements. ]
bernice is duckman’s sister. there is literal incest in the show, as well as transphobia as zee says. which somehow she is okay with transphobia? which makes her transmisogynistic.
zee’s manipulation:
before i go into the background with zee’s manipulation of grass, i would like to post that i had confronted zee earlier today about her name-dropping of grass.
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[ image of zee’s tweet from yesterday (which has since been Deleted.) of her namedropping grass. 
“ like this post if you use miitomo but aren’t friends with grass please i need more people “ ]
this name-drop is what cause me, the op, to confront zee about her name-dropping of grass. i sent her an ask which stated: 
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[ an ask stating: “ hey. you dont know me but you do know my friend, grass. he told me of the name dropping you did yesterday, and he’s tried to @ you multiple times for you to stop, yet you’ve ignored him. can you stop name dropping him. 
you havent spoken to him since last year. he stopped being friends with you for a reason and there is literally no reason for you to continuously vague and name-drop him when he doesnt do those things about you AT ALL unless its a response to your own damn vagues and/or namedrops. ]
zee responded back to me trying to manipulate me into hating grass. 
zee claimed that the vagues were about another tumblr user, yet :
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[ image of two tweets. the first tweet asks if anyone still uses miitomo. zee replies with:
“ i used to but some1 i don’t like still uses it so -_- “ ]
grass and zee were friends on miitomo, which is where the namedrop came from. hence why grass knew the vague was about him. 
zee claimed that she namedropped grass because “ i wanted to go on miitomo without him hassling me like he did over an inside joke. “ 
the link above links to what zee considers "hassling” which is an image of grass saying “hey uh... zee.. you heard of jokes?”  the inside joke that zee is referring to one of grass’ friends who posted an ironic picture saying “ im normal, im white, christian straight etc etc “ and zee commented with “but ( x ) you arent even white! “ and grass and his friend was joking around with “thats the joke, zee.” 
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okay, zee. 
1. he checks your twitter and blog because you keep vaguing and namedropping him. it is out of paranoia. he’s not stalking you. 
2. she says “i havent thought of him in a while” yet went up to multiple friends of grass’ and asked if he was still using miitomo cause “she didnt want to get yelled at” ( grass talks about it here )
3. zee did not cut him off scott free for grass acting as a victim. GRASS was the one who wanted to cut off zee because she made him uncomfortable and refused to acknowledge it. ( skype logs )
4. grass was not the one sending anonymous memes. the person doing so was his friend, who did it without grass’ knowledge (he found out a month later about it.) 
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zee no one who gets name dropped would mind their own business, just saying.
the link that zee sent me was the link to the skype logs. as you can see from them, grass wanted to end the friendship because HE was uncomfortable by her. he did not abuse her by saying that he wanted to end the friendship.
at the end of the reply zee gave me was that she blocked me because i have her on my do not follow if you follow. i have her there because of these reasons. she makes grass uncomfortable, and continues to talk about him despite the uncomfortable friendship having ended LONG ago.
here are other bits from the skype chat logs.
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undeademoprincess · 7 years
Bold the statements that are true for you!
Tagged by: @hoseokjinns yup yup
I am 5′7″ or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces There is something i would change about the way I look
My Hogwarts house is: Gryffindor Hufflepuff Ravenclaw Slytherin (the pottermore test throws me in gryffindor but my heart says hufflepuff) I am an introvert I like meeting new people (unless its online and the person doesnt do the surpirse dick pic bullshit) People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well I can play an instrument (piano, viola, drums, flute, saxophone, and can play the xylophone ) I can do over 30 pushups without stopping (unless im having a stressful day or have no energy/sick, otherwise I can go for a while) I’m a fast runner (does sprinting count? Cause I start off strong but fail after a bit cause my lungs cant keep up) I can draw well (i dont draw often but everytime I whole heartedly practice I do pretty well and see imporvements) I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head   I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports (only racket ones tho, like tennis and badminton, all of the others I either struggle with or its too physical for my liking) I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else (i was on a community team for both tennis and badminton) I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else (key word here: WAS. I was in band for a small time, did a bit of orchestra and choir in elementary) I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week (i look up chllenges like the 30 day squat challenge for example and will find ones i like and rotate them when I get bored) I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing (I write fanfics when I have the time) Fandoms are my #1 passion (has dmmd flashback, aaa good times) I do or have done martial arts (it was briefly) 
I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year (my senior year in high school in a nut shell) I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country (I was like an infant when this happened so does this count?) I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts (saw weird Al once, that was amazing, but as for my all time favorite band, I havent)
I’m in a relationship I have a celebrity crush (most of them are pretty small, more like adore them, like Johnny Depp for example) I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them  I get crushes easily (only for fictional characters, jesus do I have a lot of husbands) I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend 
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school (i used to walk to both my elementary and middle school, with me being not even a minute away from my elementary school) My parents are still together (my father was murdered) I have at least one sibling (half sister that tired to kill me multiple times when I was younger) I live in the United States (born and raised in Las Vegas) I have hung out with a friend outside of school in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone (if family visiting for long periods of time counts and or my cat then yes)
I have breakdanced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life (own all the cats I want and find someone who puts up with my bullshit, other than that lifes a journey) I speak at least 2 languages fluently (i grew up in a mainly Spanish speaking neighborhood so I can pick out mostly what is being said, I can understand some Japanses characters but I understand the spoken version a lot better, I can slightly figure out if someone asked me a question in Chinese. Other than that I can at least recognize the language being spoken near me, with the exception of some African and Asian languages since I havent been exposed to ALL of the languages in the world) I have made a new friend in the past year (I made one human friend but like 6 pet friends. I’m rolling in love)
I’m taggin: @xxxlilonexd @rei-ayanamii @xelestial-skydragon @spazdidlysparkle721 @breakthecandyeater @tokyoghoul96 @lilchubchim and if anyone else would like to do this than do it man. Listen to your inner Palpatine and “do it”
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11toe11-blog · 4 years
oNce again on that sTreet
I suppose I am at a point where, i need to sit down and draw this out of me. Clean the well.
Shuba asked me yesterday. Why dont i write. I do. Almost every other day. About something or the other. As observations. Contemplations. Very rarely once in a while meanders into poetry and almost never creative fiction.
I am...afraid of fiction.
There i said it. 
I suppose then its corollary goes that I am afriad of reality. Maybe. 
But let me start with fiction and try and lean into the obvious and apparent fear of fiction. As i write i notice a weight, a clenching in the middle of my chest. And rolling up to my throat. 
But lets persist this one time. 
I am making it a point to note the very obvious physical sensations as i write. 
So yes, fear of fiction.
Yesterday Rajiv shared a talk between Marina Abramovic and Alejandro I ( I forget the surname but the same guy who made birdman). Talkin about Virtual Reality as the next frontier of creative exploration after film, he mentioned about how the human brain makes no distinction between reality and fiction. Obviously more so in case of VR, but garden variety novels and comic strips and books and stories and theatre and film and all of that fall into that space where the brain makes no distinction between what is my reality lived and expereinced and, even if briefly the story of another. From experience i know, some of us are better than others at extricating ourselves from the story we entered to continue walking in the present, many of us carry the seeds and suggestions of te story, and many many of us  remain in the story. 
That makes stories very powerful and dangerous.
That makes story tellers very powerful and dangerous.
Layers and layers of stories wrapped around. Layers and layers of memories. Layers and layers of connections. Gateways of infinite possibilities on one had. And very own, home spun energy leeching coccoon on the other.
My brain particularly has had difficulties distinguishing stories and reality. Ive grown up with stories. Like most kids. Like most kids who loved loved listening and reading to stories and were surrounded by generous adults who lavished attention as stories of adventures great and small, stories read or retold or instantly woven.
By the time i started on film, I could watch a movie. And sit then later sit and play the whole thing back and watch it in my mind. My own personal Netflix. I could run it when ever i was alone - in the loo, before i slept, when i woke up, yada.
After my sexual encounter with an older cousin at the age of 8 years, these films began to have distinct sexual content too. I could replace characters. Mix up relationships.  Easily enter relams of taboo.  So while outwardly i was struggling with the shame and social anxities and adaptation, my inner world and ofcourse my body demanded the thrill of the grind. That heightended feeling when one could rub ones vagina against something. A swollen penis covered by denim, a leg, a thigh, another vagina, pillow.
Well, given a young girl in kerala, i am sure you can imagine the confusion of the middle class family facing their own share of social and emtional hardships. The school that preffers children like a batch of uniformed cupcakes. Encountering this strange child who seemed wild and untamable. Plenty of trashings and socail embarassments and isolations.
Ofcourse not to mention, adventures. And misadventures.
I suppose since my mind could go anywhere, into any restricted area, physical restrictions made no sense. I remember dreaming up a story of the romance between two of my young teachers, both married to different people. Can you beleive the thrashing i got when i started telling these stories and it finally reached my teacher.
Or of imaging the sex lives of the young Brahmin couple with a child and parents living with them. I imagined them waking up after everyone had gone to bed and first the guy would make his way to the bathroom aoutside and then the wife would follow him. And there they would have steamy sex, have a quiet shower together and sneak back into the house. 
I was happily making porn even before internet.
Well. I suppose so was the rest of the state, i suppose. The older i grew, i dont think i accepted it because i probably had drawn a veil of self-propriety, most of the people around me too were living out imgained sexual fantasies. That was hard to accept. 
Like knowing that my father had affairs of sorts, or walking into him holding the handsof the servant girl in the darkest corner of the house and him suddenly making a scene about her having not done some work and her giggling. Or my mother hinting constantly at my fathers transgressions and waywardness, possibly to allay her own pressures and guilt of pleasures. 
Knowing that my mother lied to me about her relationship with her best friend...what was simple and liberal suddenly turned murky. And murkier when she had a strange toxic sexual relationship with the substaff in her office. Depiste the sick sadomachotistic territory it went through and put all of us through, the class-lessness also  mattered to me too i suppose. And years of silence and protecting honor and holding the family together and all those things
A simultaneous tightening and release of the chest.
Why did i  meander into this dark alley? Because stories are full of dark alleys. The mind is full of dark alleys. How to shine some light could be what stories are about. 
BUt then, in the hands of some, its possible to turn off the lights too with stories.
In my adult identity, i am surrounded by storytellers. Not passively as a book full of shelves or a netflix account. But the creators - film makes, illustrators, theatre makers, movers, singers, spiritual seekers, dream makers. At briefly before - journalitsts, PR gus, activists, hope makers. And before that colleges/ schools - naarative makers.
So yea, I am surrounded by storytellers. I chose this, obviously. I chose in my life path to be surrounded by storytellers. Yet i want nothing to do with them . 
As much as a part of me years to play and spin with them. Another part of me is terrified of them.
The tricksters.
Who can make one buy into anything. Any idea. Lose ones self in a moment. 
Offer ones mind on a platter. Mind and energy. 
I doubt their intentions.
What do they want my attention for?
What are they going to do with all this attention they are getting? All this fuel they draw out of people and surroundings, what are they offering it to? Whose altar do they worship?
Obviously i havent never articulated these out aloud.
 I would be without friends. Well over time i have ver very few anyways. So thats hardly the problem. I suppose the reasin i have never articulated this out aloud is probably beacuse, the three fingers point at me. I suspect corruption, because i have seen corruption within me.
The creating and dismantling of identities, hunting for attention, people becoming pawns, ambition, self obsession, narcissism, vacume. Addiction to the drama. 
A vehicle, for the archtypes to do their dance. Chewed and spat out and regenerated and chewed and spat out and gathering sharrered pieces of life only to be chewed again. Reminds me of the moringa. BUt clearly the moringa is not complaining. I am. 
Some part of me has had enough. With the circus. The puppet life.
Another part of is there, waiting in the wings on my toes to be swept in.
While i was always curious about the mind, i suppose it was never with this focus, this drive to tame it. And somewhere even in that i know i am still dancing, even if it appears like a non-dance. Kalari, Vipassna, Tai Chi, Tantra, Ramana. Even art therapy.
All of it is for self knowledge. And ofcourse the practises are taking one there, otherwise how else would this note have been possible. Though in my attitude, i am at war. There is a war for awareness and attention. I am at war with my mind. Even as i write it, i know how futile it is - same dog pulling at opposite ends of the same bone. How? Dog will go hungry. Period. 
I suppose the idea is to trust ones self. And self will take care of the mind. So in effect, even trust the mind because one has already trusted ones self. But my mind has gotten me into so much trouble, made friends with the craziest of archetypes that i am afriad. Yes, i am afriad of it. That it will get me into trouble again. I wont be able to distinguish  and centre. And another archtype will possess and ride me. And my mind, will let it.
And all over again, i will lose my sense of self.
Pain. Confusion. Loss of dignity. Loss of stability. All of that i associate with that. And i am just resurfacing after one recent round. Brinks of insanity.
I suppose that is why i practise and hold on to the forms that have come to me. Kalari, Vipassana, Tai Chi. Thy have travelled through time. Stood the tests of the mind to anhilate them. And with them, Ill hopefully be able to fashion a key. To keep me safe.
Lightening of chest
There i said it. And i see that i am clinging. All this, to be safe. And if it is clinging to safety, it is the ego. Which wants to be safe. The mind wants to be safe from itself. Hirlarious!
Like puppet theatre. One hand plays red riding hood and the other hand plays the big bad wolf.
Distracting me from the puppeteer. 
If i see the puppeter ill want to be the puppeteer?
Deep breath
I know i have a blindspot. Somewhere. And my attention moves from being the red riding hood or the wolf or the chase. Maybe if i was able to spot the blind spot, ill get to be the puppeter.
The puppeteer who either a good guy or a bad guy, being puppetered in a meta play. In a meta play. Loop. 
Theatre of Earth.
It endless. And no way out. 
Yes, way. Buddha way.
But that doesnt seem to be my question now.
It seems to be, how do i get to play the playwright in one of the plays, at whever level. What is there to lose. Its all only a play. 
Playwright. Setting the frame for the magic. Or witch craft as someone in the comment section of the Marina- Alejandro talk said. Fiddling with the Tao. Not letting nature be. Not letting it be, but manipulating it. Power play. 
The fundamantal question posed by monotheistic practises to the tantric/multi - must the mindscape be meddled with? 
BUt then, unless we are in a continuus state of observation - are we continously always meddling with the mindscape one way or the other? Setting intention , desiring outcomes. God on No God. Arent we taking part in changing the play, upstaging the director, the playwright one way or the other.
Isnt every upstaging also written into the meta play?
What is one to do?
To do or not to do?
Even non doing actively is still doing - reminds ramana.
In flow, even doing feels like non doing - from expereince.
In earlier attempts to create full length work. Infact in earlier writings big or small, iremember most of it being largely dark, and  not wanting to share / put out there the very dark ones. 
My first play, petticoats still sits in paper after many rewritings.Because i couldnt bring myself to put much dark ness out there. Because in the process of rewiting it, i felt i had given into something very dark and powerful, and expereinced wanting to manipulate - lash out at the audience. Expereinced being manipulated - my own life giving way at the seams and lines got blurred.
Powerful forces, i have now come to understand. 
Similar experience with the art therpay project too.
And now a word to get a sense of it - archetypes. 
But hey! I survived. I am writing this am i not. So what am i scared of? The pain and agony and confusion. Losing balance. Giving into the dark egoistic mind.
Somewhere the mind gents hijacked - i stop being the story teller / reseacher and becomes a character - self obsessed and seeking power. One of the default slip intos.
So what am i saying?
So basically, i am/you are saying, i/you want to open this door. But i know this dragon awaits behind it. I have lost it, been mauled by it multiple times. And i am shit scared of opening that door and being mauled. 
Is there a way for me to tame the dragon?
Or should i just walk away from the door and forget all about the dragon. There is a very good chance that it might reappear else where.  Atleast in this case, it is a known devil.
My sisters instagram post just read “ My friend is an artist. And he likes my company. Do i need more validation?” 
A muse, channeler of inspiration. One has been that. But that didnt suffice. I want to be “one of them”, clearly. Yet, i want nothing to do with them clearly.
Do i weild a tool, a weapon or not. 
If i weild it, i can choose not to use it.
If i dont weild it?
I suppose there is so much ego still left in me, that i dont want to play second fiddle. I want my own sunshine. 
Or ……..
Lets look at it another way
is it an exercise is self discovery self knowlege? Then the entire approach is observational - comprehend and understand and question the self - rather than say and state.
An enquirey. v/s An expression
All enquireys are expressions
All expressions need not be enquireys
What is the fundamental question - Abhishek had asked. In my first playwrighting process.
I thought, at that time, that it had to be an intelligent question
Today after a decade of life, i understand that to be - What is the question i am/you are/ one is seeking to find an answer to? What are you grappling with? Articulate it into a question the best you can and explore it the medium of writing aplay. Use your imagination - to move characters- change them, puppeterr - but remember the essence - it is not for you to gain power. Play god, no and then let it go into your head. And be devoured by your own demon. No. Thats happened enough now. So we now know what not to do. And what this is not. 
Now the essence is to - very clearly, scientifically - explore humbly. Approach your gift of imagination - humbly. Opening the door gently. Entering softly - EVERY TIME. With great respect.
And work / play there with the questions. 
And quietly and humbly leave. Taking no more. Demanding no more that thevery process of observation and meaning making.
Reminds me of sandplay.
In the 6 pages and 2 hours, i feel a certain reassurance. I feel like i have asked, without really knowing how to ask. And have been answered to.  Quietly.
Keep the frame wide. And work fiercely to be regular. But with gentleness. And deep honesty. 
Go on and write. 
You can make meaning in many ways for yourself. Writing is one of your earliest tools. Use it to make friends with the dragon behind the door.
You have a very solid physical practise to ground yourself, to navigate the storms. The body practice and the garden. Trust that.
Between the two, the earthing of the physical discipline and access to the mindscapes, you will start finding meaning.
That itself is the purpose. To find meaning.
Remember to enter mindscape, imagination only after knocking on its door. And to close the door behind you as you leave. 
It is the great seas. You know that already. Offer her respects. She will test you to see if you have come/become greeedy. Remind her and yourself that youve come for meaning. ANd truth.
Meaning is truth after all. Layers stacked up, coinciding for a perfect opening. Insight.
Where is love in all this? I wondered
What is not love? Pat comes the answer.
0 notes
winterironbang · 6 years
Second Round of Claims
Below you will find the names and descriptions of the entered pieces of art, please take care to read through them and be aware of any warnings when thinking about which piece it is you wish to claim. Make sure to have two in mind when choosing as your first choice may already be taken.
To claim a piece of art, send an email to [email protected] with the titles of your top two favourites.
I’ve just had a few people tell me they sent in asks trying to claim work but I have no record of them, from now on please claim via email only. If you have sent in an ask and not had an email with one of the drafts you claimed, please email me. I have sent out the drafts to everyone that I have seen a claim from so far, if you havent got a draft in you inbox your claim may not have come through, please consider claiming one of the works still available.
I’m so sorry about this, I’m not sure why I haven’t been recieving those asks and I do apologise to everyone it has effected.
Title: By my side Description/Prompt: Tony and Bucky have been in a secret relationship for a while. After Civil War events, they talked things out and after some time everything turned right for them. They can’t see each other so easily because of the Sokovia Accords, so they take advantage of every second they spend together. It has been four months since last time they saw each other, Tony noticed he has been followed lately and had to stop their meetings. Tony, despites everything, have been working on a way to change some things on the accords to also protect heroes, he wants to help Bucky and the others so they can stop being fugitives, wanting a normal life with the one he loves and wanting the world to be a better place with heroes protecting it. He planned a meeting in Wakanda to discuss the issue with T'Challa and also using that as an excuse to see Bucky again. Bucky thinks it’s time to tell everyone about their relationship, but Tony is still reluctant about it, he wants everything to be solved first. Warnings: Explicit Limitations: I don’t want: unhappy ending, cheating, death of Bucky or Tony, bashing any character. A/N: It’s based on MCU~ Love the idea of them having this kind of pure love inside some sort of forbidden relationship. Not only for what had happened between them, also because of the accords. The art is a moment they share together after the meeting in Wakanda. Hope you like it~
Title: Exposure Description/Prompt: Set of 2 drawings. Setting: sci-fi/android AU? 1. A digital drawing/painting of a Winter Soldier-esque Bucky, wearing a lower face mask, carrying a wounded Tony in his arms. It’s darkly lit, and he’s standing knee deep in reflective water. Tony’s chest cavity is exposed, showing metal and wiring. There’s a faint glow of the arc reactor. 2. A digital drawing/painting of a shirtless Tony about to kiss Bucky over his face mask. There’s smoke venting out of Bucky’s face mask. Warnings: N/A Limitations: Would prefer if there wasn’t solely pre-slash, or include major character death, infidelity, dub/non con, or unhappy ending. A/N: Drafts are not finalized so looking forward to working with the author to fill in details!
Title: Post-apocalyptic Description/Prompt: Post-apocalyptic AU! Scrappy mechanic Tony meets badass loner and fighter Bucky (with a clunky metal arm)? Maybe some getting to know (and later: trust) each other and surviving (together?) in a hostile world? Trying to make a living? Warnings: - Limitations: Bucky and Tony should survive. No sad ending. A/N: The art is a design for Bucky. Optional art: Bucky watching over a sleeping Tony. Let’s brainstorm together.
Title: A Quiet Evening in Description/Prompt: It’s hard to braid your hair one handed. Thankfully Tony doesn’t mind lending his hands and his cats, Dum-E, U, and Butterfingers don’t mind having someone extra around the apartment to spoil them. Warnings: None Limitations: Would prefer no pwp
Title: Snow White/ Fantasy AU Description/Prompt: Huntsman Bucky is sent out to assassinate Prince Tony in the woods and bring his heart to King Obie. The problem? Prince Tony turns out pretty hard to kill, and his heart is a price worth way way more than Bucky could have imagined. Not to mention the hunter is haunted by his own demons… One drawing is of the two fighting in the woods, the other of Huntsman Bucky crouching, (his dragon arm showing), and having a L'Oreal hair moment. Warnings: violence (semi-graphic? they are fighting - there’s no blood, but non-sexy choking) Limitations: please no damsel-in-distress Tony, character bashing, and dub/non-con A/N: You can take the prompt or leave it, (although I’d love some huntsman Bucky and maybe technomancer Tony) and I would love to help you brainstorm and cheer you on. I generally like traumatized Bucky more than pre-war Bucky but I’m open for everything. :)
Title: Noir Description/Prompt: Iron Man Noir AU with Tony and Bucky standing arm in arm on Tony’s airship, looking down at the clouds. They lean into each other. Warnings: none Limitations: MCD, darkfic, A/N: I would love to talk about it all.
Title: Not really a villain Description/Prompt: Tony knows about the Winter Soldier: He’s an assassin, often working for Hydra. He has killed or maimed politicians and secret agents alike, most recently he’d been after Alexander Pierce. Everyone knows about Iron Man: He’s a villain, although some people want to call him vigilante. He blows up Stark Industries’ facilities and takes apart crime syndicates. When they meet, it seems unlikely that their goals align, but they might have more in common than they know. But, you can’t just trust a villain, can you? Picture: In a dark room, Iron Man is aiming a repulsor at the Winter Soldier. The soldier is almost hidden in the darkness of the room, looking serious, and armed with knife and gun. Warnings: Limitations: Please let it end somewhat happy. Please no MCD, or actually evil Tony and Bucky. A/N: brainstorming together is one of my favourite things.
Title: Concubine AU Description/Prompt: When Bucky gets sold as a concubine, he already knows how this works: keep your head down and hope his new master doesn’t notice him too much. Getting noticed either brings pain, or pain and… other attention. Slowly, he notices that King Stark is not at all like the rumors suggested… The art is Bucky, posing with some jewellery and revealing clothes. Warnings: partial nudity? Limitations: No dubcon or noncon between Bucky and Tony, dark Tony, major character death, or too much gore. A/N: Dark themes are fine though. Maybe some pain, some recovery? I usually like stories where they grow to love each other before they end up having sex.
Stuckony is also an option. I’d love to talk about ideas and plot!
Title : Fateful Encounters Description/Prompt : Iron Man AU Tony and Bucky meet at the gala. Bucky is a businessman like Tony. They end up liking each other a lot. Everyone is human. Bucky likes riding bikes just like Tony loves cars. Tony becomes iron man but he himself destroys the suit after Stane is dead. He doesn’t believe the world needs that kind of technology. Stark industries also goes into making better medical equipment’s.   So, the only ones who know about him being iron man are Rhodey, Pepper and later Bucky.  Iron man becomes an urban legend of sorts. They date for a while and when they decide to move things further it’s very special for both of them. Bucky is extremely proud to learn that his boyfriend had been iron man. He realizes that himself as he spends time with Tony. A year or two later Tony develops  MCU stabilized extremis and gets rid of the arc reactor. This knowledge he does share with the medical community. Warnings : No Warnings Limitations : I don’t want these two pairings in the story in any way or form. Not even a slight mention. Not even as a joke or an offhand comment. Nothing. Bucky Barnes and Natasha Romanoff Tony Stark and Sunset Bain No Steve and Loki bashing. If the latter isn’t even in the story, that’s fine. No cheating, non-con, child abuse and alcohol abuse. A/N : Happy ending for the story.  And there are two more pieces of art.
Title: Long Distance Disaster [working title] Description/Prompt: Still struggling with guilt and/or due to pressure from the government, Bucky agrees to go on a long term mission to space. Tony is very unhappy to be left alone. Long distance relationships are tough; even more so when Bucky’s mission ends in a fiery crash leaving Bucky seriously injured and Tony afraid that he’s about to lose the love of his life. Format: Video, expected final length roughly 4:30 minutes. Clips primarily drawn from Iron Man (1, 2, and 3), The Soloist, Political Animals, The Martian, and Gossip Girl. Audio drawn from the same sources as the clips, as well as Ally McBeal, and the song “If There’s A Rocket Tie Me To It” by Snow Patrol. Warnings: Established relationship, guilt, near-death-experience/serious injury, relationship drama, hospitals, angst. Limitations: Happy endings only. I’d strongly prefer that either Civil War never happened, or the fic is set far enough past it that it doesn’t come up at all. No bashing of other characters/ships, especially Pepper and Tony should be on good/friendly terms if she’s around in the fic. A/N: I’d love to brainstorm/discuss the fic. I tried to leave it as flexible and open as possible and I don’t expect the fic to necessarily follow the video exactly.
Title : Fools in love Description/Prompt :  Bucky and Tony have a friends with benefits kind of relationship. Bucky went through a very bad break up with his boyfriend and it hurts Tony to see him like that.  He’d liked him for a while. They end up sleeping together and come to an arrangement of sorts. Tony is literally like : I’ll take what I can get. He is not going to burden Bucky with his feelings when he is going through such a hard time.  Tony is usually sad and he’s virgin too. One day it gets too much and Bucky sort of shouts at Tony. Tony starts crying. Bucky realizes he loves Tony and berates himself for not realizing Tony had always loved him. They are both engineers and enjoy reading a lot. They are in their twenties. Warnings : No Warnings Limitations : I don’t want these two pairings in the story in any way or form. Not even a slight mention. Not even as a joke or an offhand comment. Nothing. Bucky Barnes and Natasha Romanoff Tony Stark and Sunset Bain No Steve and Loki bashing. If the latter isn’t even in the story, that’s fine. No cheating, non-con, child abuse and alcohol abuse. A/N : Happy ending for the story.  And there are two more pieces of art.
Title: Winter Piano Teacher [working title] Description/Prompt: Concerned for her son, Maria Stark decides that Tony needs more in his life than computers and robots. Little does she know that HYDRA has taken the opportunity to install a sleeper agent in the Stark household. Tony certainly didn’t expect to fall in love with his enigmatic, volatile piano tutor. Format: Video, expected final length roughly 2 minutes. Clips and audio primarily drawn from Political Animals, Ally McBeal, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, piano instrumental music, and “The Winter Soldier” theme. Warnings: brainwashing, deception, implied abuse, typical winter soldier stuff Limitations: In this AU I do not want Bucky to be responsible for the Stark parents’ death. Happy endings only. Tony cannot be younger than 17; I would prefer he be 21. A/N: I would love to brainstorm/talk over the fic together. I have 2-3 of “fixed points” of the plot that are important to me but I tried to leave as much of it open to the author’s discretion as possible. You don’t have to follow everything shown in the video exactly.
Title: Mob Mentality Description/prompt: Comic panel style. First panel sees Steve, Bucky, and Natasha entering. All look angry. There is evidence of blood on them. Second panel shows bound hands, obviously injured and bleeding from the ropes that tie them. Third panel has a furious Bucky screaming ,”Where is he?!” Fourth shows Tony looking down, distraught, but he raises his head at something, saying “Bucky?” Last panel isn’t sketched out quite yet, but I plan to have them embracing. Warnings: Blood, though not gallons of it or anything. Implied violence that is off panel. Limitations: Happy ending. No infidelity. No graphic or gratuitous torture. No death of main characters. A/N: I personally headcanon this as a Mob AU (as evidenced by the name) but I would be happy with any story the art inspires! Art
Title: Rocket Science Description/Prompt: Tony’s at MIT, sleep deprived on the first day of classes, and ends up walking into an intro to physics course and taking a seat next to freshman Bucky. Tony becomes aware of things half-way through class, realizes he’s in the wrong place (he doesn’t even *have* class at this time!), and has a moment of panic/annoyance. Bucky thinks Tony’s having trouble following the lecture, and offers to study with him. Tony almost blows him off but “oh no he’s cute.” Cue Tony having to attend a class he doesn’t take and play dumb through tutoring/study sessions he doesn’t need in order to have an excuse to hang out with Bucky (but he’s SO BORED and itching to show Bucky some good shortcuts and correct his math). (Art description: Tony and Bucky are seated at a library table, disposable coffee cups, books, and notes strewn across it. Bucky is pointing something out to Tony in a textbook, while Tony looks on attentively. Both are college age. Bucky’s left sleeve is pinned up; he’s an amputee.) Warnings: none Limitations: no big age gap, no ABO ‘verse, no unhappy endings A/N: Any additions of identity porn (i.e. Bucky doesn’t realize he’s been tutoring the famous genius heir to the Stark empire) would be welcome; the prompt is open to discussion (nothing’s set in stone). I’d love to be included in the brainstorming if possible. :D
Title: Mafia!au Description/Prompt:  Tony is seated in a chair with a gun in one hand pointing towards viewer, while Bucky is in a suit standing to behind his left shoulder.  I was thinking Mob Boss!Tony with Bucky as enforcer/bodyguard/something like that. Warnings: I don’t think any, but there is a gun being pointed at someone off-screen Limitations:  No MCD please, I am fine with smut as long as there is no bottom!tony, other than that can’t think of anything right now- I am pretty open A/N: Look forward to working with you!
Title: No title yet
Description/Prompt: Tony learns about his parents’ murder and, against Natasha’s warnings, decides to go looking for the Winter Soldier. When he finds him in cryosleep in the hidden depths of a Hydra base, he rashly decides to wake him up…
Submission is a fanvid, so warning to the author that there’s only so much flexibility with the plot because of needing to stay close to the source material, but I’m excited to work with them to figure out how the fanvid will go :)
Warnings: None
Limitations: No Mpreg
Title: Escape from the Murderbots (working title) Description/Prompt: Tony and Bucky stand together, Tony is slightly in front, holding a strange piece of tech in his right hand, there is bandage around his left bicep, and the arc reactor is visible through his tank top. Bucky stands on his left, touching Tony’s shoulder. Buck is only wearing  a pair of drawstring sweatpants; he is pointing to the left, out of frame, with his metal hand, there is a cuff of some sort on his metal wrist. In front of them and behind them are hovering drones, pointing guns at them. The background is a dark, futuristic cityscape with lit up signs advertising 'Viastone - Bring Your Dreams to Life’, and other slogans. Warnings: None that I’m aware of. Canon typical peril? Limitations: No major character death. No non-con between Tony and Bucky. No dark!Tony or dark!Bucky. Also, no character bashing, please. Definitely would like a happy ending. A/N: The Viastone signs haven’t been worked in yet, and can be changed to a different company, or Hydra, or something completely different, if that fits better with your plot or ideas, I just kind of liked the potential creepiness of Dream vision, also Ty as Tony’s creepy ex could be interesting. I don’t really have an idea of a plot, just the concept of a vaguely cyberpunk scene in which Tony and Bucky are being pursued by flying drones that want to shoot them, so feel free to go wherever that takes you. I’d love to hear what ideas you have.
Title: Dr Dolittle AU
Description/Prompt: Fluff/ crack
If powered AU i.e. Avengers-compliant AU(sans TS as Iron Man)- On the day before the fateful night that Howard and Maria would have died, Tony dropped the bombshell that he was going to become a vet instead? Howard was too busy calling up lawyers and ranting at the sky about disowning Tony to drive them to their deaths. WS waits by the road until he gets bored, murders his handlers and runs away? Else post CA-WS?
WS!BB has been in hiding at a special needs animal sanctuary (for lots of pics - goats of anarchy, edgar’s mission) that TS volunteers at, doing check ups and fitting  prosthetics.
Does WS!BB approach the vet about a new arm? Does WS ever get the goats to stop eating his sleeves off? Will they ever get the animals to stop tripping them up and falling into compromising positions atop each other?
Hilarity ensues. Also probable pining, bored match-making goats who are fed up of their caretakers.
(Besides designing prosthetics for animals, Tony also makes collars for animals that translate thoughts into speech, like Dug in Up or soft-cyber implants from Rats,Bats & Vats, gaining him the nickname Dr Dolittle? Animals love him regardless, like he’s a Disney Princess) Healthcare for animals is incredibly technologically advanced and has to be reverse engineered for human usage lol?  If non-powered au, anything you like! just crack/ fluff about mutual pining between volunteers at special needs animal shelter? It’s like a coffee shop- meet cute AU but with additional baby goats playing the floor is lava.
Warnings: -
Limitations: Stark seniors not murdered by Winter Soldier. No bad endings, dub-con/non-con, a/b/o
A/N: Super secret super-soldier serum picked up by SHIELDRA since Howard was too busy rage screaming. Results in more Shieldra supersoldiers in Avengers Initiative? Howard designs Ironmonger? Chitauri Battle of NY, no nukes? Alternatively Hulk or heroic Vanko in Iron Man suit launches the nuke through the portal? Jarvis the alpaca- Just A Really Very Intelligent South-american-camelid? You is an ewe? DumE, a very recalcitrant llama wielding a mean wrench? Butterfingers? The universe is saved from Thanos by an enraged herd of enhanced llamas? https://i.redd.it/8vncab0cz3jz.jpg
Sorry, it’s all crack, feel free to yell at me if it decides to consume your brain
Title: Fantasy - Dragonrealm/ Forgotten Realms??? inspired AU Description/Prompt: Undead dragon/ dracolich, the Red Skull, captures other dragons and restores his rotting body with parts carved from his prisoners. Mage-knight/Artificer (Tony) rescues an imprisoned dragon(Bucky) from the clutches of the Red Skull and his cult(Hydra). image desc - A dracolich confronting two men(backs facing viewer). One is injured and leaning on the other who has his hand raised with a spell. Warnings: not in image, but for story - likely to have mentions of torture and non-consensual body modification Limitations: no dub-con, non-con, vore, a/b/o, protagonist death A/N: In the Dragonrealm series, drakes can take the alternate form of a fully armoured knight.
In Forgotten Realms, dracoliches are usually surrounded by a cult that worships them (and performs the phylactery transfer process)
http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Dracolich Prompt completely open for discussion/reworking, words hard, please message
Title: Loving a Vampire Description/Prompt: Bucky is a vampire, Tony is a human. They meet, eventually fall in love, wear 'wedding bands’ on chains around their necks. Warnings: N/A Limitations: N/A A/N: Would like more angst and drama than fluff, preferred rating for fic would be M or higher.
Title: And From The Dark Description/prompt: The prompt that inspired me was actually a writing one that went along the lines of: “do you want to die?” “that’s a loaded question, if I say no that means I want to be immortal. If I say yes that means I’m suicidal.” I’m imagining a demon/fantasy Au(However I am open to Tony messing around with things he shouldn’t and being transported to this place via science/magic) and the image itself is of Tony and Demon!Bucky on a balcony in a cavern, with Bucky leaning over Tony holding his chin. Maybe Tony has entered their domain for some reason? Or is trying get out to surface? And encounters Bucky. Warnings: little bit of blood. (Not much tho, a couple small injuries) Limitations: none that I can think of. A/N: I am a big fan of darker works and would love to see where this could go. I’m more than willing to help brainstorm if the author is open to that. And beta if needed.
Title: Found in an Alley Description/Prompt: Bucky is broke and wandering around the alleys when he finds android Anthony. Warnings: Nudity (not explicit) Limitations: N/A A/N: Author will pretty much have free reign on what they want to write, prefer that the fic itself be rated Teen or higher
Title: Mission in space Description and/or prompt: Bucky and Tony are on another planet, wearing spacesuits. They are looking at a strange flower. There are mountains and a starry sky with two moons in the background. What are they doing there and what is the plant?   Warnings: - Limits: No major character death or super dark fic or unhappy ending please! A/N: I’m open to most everything! Things I like but don’t need to be included are plotty fic, humor, fluff and pining :D
Title: Reactive Art descriptions: Bucky, holding the arc-reactor in his hands, flames on one side, smoke on the other./ Bucky crying, the black mask still covering his face. Art prompt: Partially Infinity-War compliant (except for the ending). After the initial battle, the team regroups and discovers that Tony is still missing. Bucky embraces his old identity as the Winter Soldier to track Tony down. It’s the only way he can set his morals aside and do what he has to do to bring Tony back. (I am open to other prompts based on the art description - happy to work with the author to come up with something different!) Warnings: n/a Limits: None. All Author’s choice. A/N: Would love for this to be a dark fic, possibly with major injury and/or a death scare. Angst and hurt/comfort preferable. Happy ending or not, author’s choice. Art is about 90% complete, although I may want to create more pieces depending on where the author goes with the story.
Title: By the Glittering Sea Description: Bucky is a newly hired employee of an aquarium, and he quickly realizes that they have some interesting exhibits. Mainly the one with a large tank in the middle of the entrance floor, showcasing a merman, who looks very unhappy to be there. He then realizes that he needs to get him out, with the help of his friends, of course. Warnings: None that apply so far Limitations: No rape/ non-con, or major character death. A/N: Tony is obviously the merman in the situation, but whoever writes the story can figure out how they get him out and what will happen if they do.
Title: Ill met by Moonlight Description: Tony finds a transformed Bucky in a cage at an 'abandoned’ hydra base, who is stuck behind a huge bulletproof glass coating. In any way the author wants it, they escape and the rest of the story will be about Tony and Bucky learning to heal together. Warnings: There will be violence, nothing out of the ordinary for the Marvel universe. Limitations: No rape/non-con, or major character death. A/N: I based Bucky’s werewolf form loosely off of the Skyrim werewolves.
Title: Those Soft Petals Description: Tony slowly realizes, to his horror, that he’s fallen for James “Bucky” Barnes. The only problem with that is =, Bucky seems to despise him. He doesn’t like him because of what he did to Steve and Bucky that fateful night in the abandoned Hydra bunker. Of course, Tony still has nightmares from that night, of the blood, filling his lungs as he truly believed he was going to die, but now isn’t the time for that. RIght now he needs to figure out why he’s coughing up these damn flowers. Warnings: Tony does what severe PTSD from that night, piled on top of the Afghanistan hostage situation from years ago. Limitations: No rape/non-con, or major character death. A/N: You can choose a different flower if you’d like, but I think the peony would be good, considering it’s the state flower of Indiana.
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