#Ed T. Hurst
dreamingscape · 2 months
Sugary Drink Consumption Among College Students in New Zealand
I found myself eager for a cold Coca Cola in several points of a day, and that raises my awareness why and how sugary drink consumption are impacting my peer college students in New Zealand.
Look what I have found so far: A 2021 research found that school-age children in New Zealand consume a lot of sugar-sweetened drinks (SSBs), with pupils from socially disadvantaged regions consuming more of them than other kids. 63% of parents or caregivers said they consume sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) fewer than once a week, 18.4% 1-2 days each week, and 9.5% once a day or more (Smirk et al., 2021). For college students, West et al. (2006) reported direct correlation between sugary beverage consumption and college students’ obesity.
Need to call for awareness of this consumption trend!
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Smirk, E., Mazahery, H., Conlon, C. A., Beck, K. L., Gammon, C., Mugridge, O., & von Hurst, P. R. (2021). Sugar-sweetened beverages consumption among New Zealand children aged 8-12 years: a cross sectional study of sources and associates/correlates of consumption. BMC public health, 21(1), 2277. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-021-12345-9
West, D. S., Bursac, Z., Quimby, D., Prewitt, T. E., Spatz, T., Nash, C., Mays, G., & Eddings, K. (2006). Self-reported sugar-sweetened beverage intake among college students. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.), 14(10), 1825–1831. https://doi.org/10.1038/oby.2006.210
Carbonated beverages consumption among New Zealand youth and associations with BMI and waist circumference: https://www.fizz.org.nz/pdf/research/13%20Carbonated%20Beverages%20Consumption%20among%20New%20Zealand%20Youth%20and%20Associations%20with%20BMI%20and%20Waist%20Circumference.pdf#:~:text=Boys%20were%20both%20more%20likely%20to%20be,per%20week%20for%20boys%20and%20girls%20respectively
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theothevampire · 3 years
🖤~Together into the moonlit night they go~🖤
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dreamings-free · 4 years
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How Harry Styles Became A Modern Style Icon
by Phoe­be Luck­hurst - Evening Standard 15/11/19
A man wrought in the fires of teenage boy­band hy­per-stardom is not afraid of a lit­tle commotion. Still when Harry Styles — the One Di­rec­tion mat­inée idol turned lan­guid Gen Z icon — tweeted, at 1.01 pm GMT on Wed­nes­day af­ter­noon, that he would be tak­ing his up­com­ing album Fine Line on tour, you could, if at­tuned to the cor­rect de­mo­graphic fre­quency, hear the howl echo around the in­ter­net: gut­tural, hun­gry, ul­u­lat­ing. This was a pseudo-re­li­gious experience: one vi­ral meme de­picted the Pope hold­ing a copy of his al­bum aloft. The announce­ment has been retweeted al­most 70,000 times.
The 25-year old is a tour vet­eran — he spent five years and five al­bums strapped to the thunder­ing 1D jug­ger­naut — but this new tour is his first as a bona fide solo brand. The al­bum, his first in two years, is synth-soaked and soul­ful, the al­bum’s aes­thetic fever­-dreamy. Granted, he’s not the first per­son to go to So­Cal, try a few magic mush­rooms and de­clare him­self radically trans­formed, but the re­sults are be­guil­ing — and cer­tainly a world away from his years as a Simon Cow­ell Ken doll. Since his last record, he has co- hosted t he Met Gala and been reborn as an Alessan­dro Michele muse. This is your Styles crib sheet.
Melody maker
Styles’s new al­bum — writ­ten un­der a tie-dye mist af­ter tak­ing the afore­men­tioned psychedelics, which also re­sulted in a mishap in which he bit off the tip of his tongue — is “all about hav­ing sex and feel­ing sad”, which, granted, as a topline, does not wildly dif­fer­en­ti­ate the record from the genre of “al l other mu­sic ever”. Still, the early signs for Fine Line are encouraging. Its first sin­gle, Lights Up—which has been streamed al­most 100 mil­lion times on Spo­tify —is­ synth-y, soul­ful, un­der­stat­edly an­themic, very dif­fer­ent to, and bet­ter than, the lead sin­gle on his last solo record, the Seven­ties, soft-rock Sign of the Times( it still, of course, hit No 1), and very, very dif­fer­ent from any­thing he did with 1D. Many thou­sands of words have been writ­ten about whether there is a bi­sex­ual sub­text to Lights Up. It has been noted that the song was re­leased on Na­tional Com­ing Out Day, that Styles’s sex­u­al­ity has been sub­ject to fren­zied specu­la­tion be­fore, the video fea­tures an oiled-up, top­less Styles gy­rat­ing around men and women, and that the lyrics (“Shine, I’m not ever go­ing back/ Shine, step into the light”) could be in­ter­preted as a mean­ing­ful rev­e­la­tion of sorts. Cer­tainly, he has be­come a queer icon — especially with Gen Z — who are thrilled by his se­lec­tion of gen­derqueer singer-song­writer King Princess as his sup­port act for the Euro­pean part of his tour. Speak­ing of col­lab­o­ra­tors, Styles worked on the al­bum with pro­duc­ers Tyler John­son, who has worked with Tay­lor Swift, Mi­ley Cyrus and Ed Sheeran, and Jeff Bhasker, who has collabo­rated wit h Mark Ron­son and Kanye West, and his friend, Tom Hull, aka Kid Har­poon, who co-wrote Shake It Out for Florence + The Ma­chine. He has also been granted a fairy god­mother: Ste­vie Nicks, who called him her “lit­tle muse” at Fleetwood Mac’s hyped Wembley head­line gig i n J une. “S he’s a l ways there for you,” Styles has said in the past. “She knows what you need: ad­vice, a lit­tle wis­dom, a blouse, a shawl.” Sure.
Got Styles
Any young man raised in the white heat of a boy­band spot­light must be granted the space to find his fash­ion path; Styles has done so with no mis­steps and ex­u­ber­ant plea­sure. Once upon a time, he would sem­a­phore his in­di­vid­u­al­ity with a ban­dana; now, he turns up to a cover interview with Rolling Stone in a white floppy hat, blue denim bell-bot­toms and Gucci shades, his nails coloured pink and green. His favourite trousers, un­til he lost them on the beach, were a pair of mus­tard cor­duroy flares; this week, he wore a Lan­vin sweater vest with a sheep de­sign that sent a co­terie of Lon­don menswear stylists into throes of ec­stasy. He wears flo­ral suits and Cuban heels, ruf­fled, New Ro­man­tic shirts, Charles Jef­frey jump­suits and pussy- bow blouses. It is flam­boy­ant, self-con­sciously Bowie/Jag­ger, and in Gen Z par­lance, “very ex­tra”. His stylist Harry Lam­bert is par­tial to an ex­trav­a­gant col­lar, dra­matic neck­line and a vo­lu­mi­nous trouser.
Be­sides Lam­bert, an­other part of this evo­lu­tion has been his re­la­tion­ship with Gucci’s cre­ative di­rec­tor Michele, who has turned the Ital­ian her­itage brand into the ul­ti­mate post-gen­der lux­ury fash­ion la­bel, the first to merge their menswear and wom­enswear, and dis­patch male mod­els down the cat­walk in dresses and women in suits. A good look for a Gen Z idol.
With the brand
Notably, the brand­ing on this al­bum and its tour art­work is con­sis­tent with this new look Styles. The al­bum cover fea­tures Styles i n white cus­tom- made Gucci bell bot­toms and a Pep­to Bismol-pink shirt, open al­most to the waist, shot by mod-goth Tim Walker with a fish­eye lens (it is Walker’s hand in that S&M glove you can see in the left-hand cor­ner). In the dreamy video for Lights Up he wears a glit­tery suit and sus­penders, in a sort of hal­lu­ci­na­tory ver­sion of Satur­day Night Fever. Into it.
Stand up
Then there’s his voice — not the mu­sic, but the ac­tivism. Even as one-fifth of a boy­band manufac­tured by Cow­ell’s al­go­rithm, he was quick, quippy and itch­ing to go off-mes­sage; but now that he con­trols his own, he is am­pli­fy­ing causes such as Black Lives Mat­ter and End Gun Violence. He wore stick­ers for both on his gui­tar on his last tour, which might sound small, except that photographs of Styles gal­lop around the dig­i­tal world at hy­per­speed. At con­certs, he has waved pride, bi and trans flags, and a Black Lives Mat­ter flag. He once bor­rowed a flag from an au­di­ence mem­ber at a show in Philadel­phia that read, “Make Amer­ica Gay Again”. At a show on his last tour, he de­clared: “If you are black, if you are white, if you are gay, if you are straight, if you are trans­gen­der — who­ever you are, who­ever you want to be, I sup­port you.”
A vo­cal, en­gaged fan­dom of teenage girls minted his mul­ti­mil­lion-pound for­tune; he is loyal and ad­mir­ing of their zeal. “They’re the most hon­est — es­pe­cially if you’re talk­ing about teenage girls, but older as well,” he told Rolling Stone this sum­mer. “They have that bull­shit de­tec­tor. We’re so past that dumb out­dated nar­ra­tive of ‘Oh, these peo­ple are girls, so they don’t know what they’re talk­ing about.’ They’re the ones who know what they’re talk­ing about. They’re the peo­ple who lis­ten ob­ses­sively. They f***ing own this shit. They’re run­ning it.” Ob­vi­ously, he’s a fem­i­nist. “Of course men and women should be equal. I don’t want credit for be­ing a fem­i­nist. I think the ideals of fem­i­nism are pretty straight­for­ward.” An icon is born.
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tristanjohnson · 4 years
The first 1000 people who click the link will get 2 free months of Skillshare Premium: https://skl.sh/stepbackhistory12 Apartheid remains one of the darker chapters of the human experience. Today, our voyage is into this horribly oppressive set of laws designed to maintain white supremacy in South Africa. What was it? Who supported and opposed it? And how did it end? Or... did it end? Special Thanks to: Angie of Angie Speaks - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUtloyZ_Iu4BJekIqPLc_fQ Black Goat 666 - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbbsW7_Esx8QZ8PgJ13pGxw A Brief History of South Africa: https://youtu.be/tmbjMzrkOCg SUBSCRIBE and join us! https://goo.gl/7vUgh0 Step Back is made possible by the generous contributions of viewers like you, consider helping at https://ift.tt/2bR9Kw6 If you liked this video and want to leave a one-time tip: https://ift.tt/2CJwBBG Step Back Tshirts available at: https://ift.tt/2XfDwl7 Chapters: 0:00 INTRO, SUPPORT FOR BLM 0:55 RACIAL HIERARCHY BEFORE APARTHEID 3:56 THE 1948 ELECTION 5:35 GRAND APARTHEID 10:14 PETTY APARTHIED 11:45 COLONIZATION OF THE MIND 15:54 THE FOUNDING OF THE AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS 16:47 THE SHARPEVILLE MASSACRE 18:06 THE ANC GOES MILITANT 20:20 OTHER RESITANCE GROUPS 28:47 SKILLSHARE SPONSORSHIP 30:25 APARTHEID AND CAPITALISM 31:44 THE END OF APARTHEID 33:33 THE END OF APARTHEID? 35:24 CREDITS Sources: Bernstein, Hilda. For their Triumphs and for their Tears: Women in Apartheid South Africa. International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa. London, 1985. Boswell, Barbara (2017). "Overcoming the 'daily bludgeoning by apartheid': Black South African women writers, agency, and space". African Identities. 15 (4): 414–427. doi:10.1080/14725843.2017.1319754. Davenport, T. R. H. South Africa. A Modern History. MacMillan, 1977. Davies, Rob, Dan O'Meara and Sipho Dlamini. The Struggle For South Africa: A reference guide to movements, organisations and institution. Volume Two. London: Zed Books, 1984 De Klerk, F. W. The last Trek. A New Beginning. MacMillan, 1998. Du Pre, R. H. Separate but Unequal – The 'Coloured' People of South Africa – A Political History.. Jonathan Ball, 1994. Eiselen, W. W. N. The Meaning of Apartheid, Race Relations, 15 (3), 1948. Federal Research Division. South Africa – a country study. Library of Congress, 1996. Giliomee, Herman The Afrikaners. Hurst & Co., 2003. Goodman, Peter S. (24 October 2017). "End of Apartheid in South Africa? Not in Economic Terms". The New York Times. Retrieved 20 March 2018. Hexham, Irving, The Irony of Apartheid: The Struggle for National Independence of Afrikaner Calvinism against British Imperialism. Edwin Mellen, 1981. Keable, Ken London Recruits: The Secret War Against Apartheid. Pontypool, UK: Merlin Press. 2012. Lapchick, Richard and Urdang, Stephanie. Oppression and Resistance. The Struggle of Women in Southern Africa. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. 1982. Louw, P. Eric. The Rise, Fall and Legacy of Apartheid. Praeger, 2004. Makdisi, Saree (2018). "Apartheid / Apartheid / [ ]". Critical Inquiry. 44 (2): 304–330. doi:10.1086/695377. Meredith, Martin. In the name of apartheid: South Africa in the postwar period. 1st US ed. New York: Harper & Row, 1988. Meredith, Martin. The State of Africa. The Free Press, 2005. Morris, Michael. Apartheid: An illustrated history. Jonathan Ball Publishers. Johannesburg and Cape Town, 2012. Newbury, Darren. Defiant Images: Photography and Apartheid South Africa, University of South Africa (UNISA) Press, 2009. Noah, Trevor. Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood, Random House 2016, ISBN 978-0399588174. Suze, Anthony (2010). "The untold story of Robben Island: Sports and the anti-Apartheid movement". Sport in Society. 13: 36–42. doi:10.1080/17430430903377706. Terreblanche, S. A History of Inequality in South Africa, 1652–2002. University of Natal Press, 2003. Visser, Pippa. In search of history. Oxford University Press Southern Africa, 2003.
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the-vamp-library · 4 years
Border Wars: The Civil War in Tennessee and Kentucky
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Editors: Kent T. Dollar, Larry H. Whiteaker, and W. Calvin Dickinson
Status: Unread
“North and South fight for control of a vital region. 
“Kentucky and Tennessee share a unique and similar history, having joined the Union as the fifteenth and sixteenth states in 1792 and 1796, respectively. During the antebellum period, Kentuckians and Tennesseans enjoyed a common culture, pursued a largely agricultural way of life, and shared many values, particularly a deep-seated commitment to slavery. However, the people of these two sister states found themselves on opposing sides at the most critical time in American history, as Tennessee sided with the Southern states seceding from the Union, and Kentucky, after a brief period of neutrality, remained loyal to the Union. Each state assumed enormous importance to both the Union and the Confederacy, for whichever side controlled them commanded vast quantities of resources desperately needed by the South. Perhaps most important, control of this strategic region would determine where much of the fighting in the West would take place, either on northern soil or farther south. Both states felt the hard hand of war as the conflict visited them early and often, and Kentuckians and Tennesseans suffered the same hardships while war was waged within their borders.
“Surprisingly, the Civil War in the Volunteer and Bluegrass states has not garnered the attention by scholars that it deserves, and few works have dealt exclusively with both of these states. In Border Wars, prominent Civil War historians Benjamin Franklin Cooling, Stephen D. Engle, Earl J. Hess, Jack Hurst, and Wiley Sword, along with other distinguished scholars, explore the military contests in this vital region.
”There were several wars taking place simultaneously along the border of Kentucky and Tennessee. There was, of course, the war between the Union and the Confederacy, but there was also fighting between the Union occupiers and the pro-Southern civilians they encountered. Hostilities even existed between the Federal army and local Unionists in some areas, and there was conflict among some Union generals and among Confederate commanders in the region. With its unique exploration of these wars and conflicts and the individuals involved, Border Wars adds an important chapter to our nation’s history.”
Citation: Dollar, Kent T., Larry H. Whiteaker and W. Calvin Dickinson, ed.  Border Wars: The Civil War in Tennessee and Kentucky.  Kent, OH: The Kent State University Press, 2015.
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artfromthefuture · 4 years
H. T. H. Peck. Pex Children's Socks
H. T. H. Peck. Pex Children's Socks by Clive Hurst Via Flickr: Advertisement in "Leicester City and County - Industry, Commerce, Transport" ed. H. Purt for Leicester & County Chamber of Commerce. Bemrose Publicity Co. Ltd. n.d. [c.1946]. Illustration by Mary Tunbridge
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daniela--anna · 4 years
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La croce: simbolo controverso che nasconde segreti e pericoli.
Per molte persone la croce è il simbolo del cristianesimo. Non tutti, però, sono d’accordo che si debba indossare una croce o che la si debba appendere in casa e in chiesa o altri luoghi di culto.
Ma cosa ne pensa Dio?
Nella Bibbia si parla della croce?
Quali sono le sue origini?
Cosa dicono le prove storiche e gli studiosi?
"La forma [della croce a due bracci] ebbe origine nell’antica Caldea, e si diffuse in quel paese e nei paesi limitrofi, incluso l'Egitto.
Essa era un simbolo fallico in riferimento al dio Tammuz (dio della fertilità) e dal mistico Tau, iniziale del suo nome.
Verso la metà del III secolo d.C. le chiese si erano ormai dipartite da certe dottrine della fede cristiana o le avevano travisate.
Per accrescere il prestigio dei sistemi ecclesiastici apostati, i pagani erano ricevuti nelle chiese indipendentemente dalla rigenerazione per mezzo della fede ed era largamente permesso loro di ritenere i loro segni e simboli pagani.
Perciò il Tau o T, nella sua forma più frequente, con il pezzo in croce abbassato, fu adottato come simbolo della croce di Cristo”.
— An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, di W. E. Vine, Londra, 1962, p. 256.
A proposito dei cristiani del I secolo un libro dice:
“Non v’era l’uso del crocifisso né alcuna rappresentazione materiale della croce”. — History of the Christian Church, di J. F. Hurst, New York, 1897, Vol. I, p. 366.
Stando così le cose, indipendentemente dal fatto di essere credenti o meno, ci si dovrebbe chiedere:
Che differenza fa usare o non usare la croce?
Che differenza c'è tra semplicemente usarla e il venerarla?
Perché è importante saperlo?
Nei seguenti articoli troverete la risposta:
Nella Bibbia si parla della croce?
Croce — le origini.
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1970 Plymouth Duster Pro Stock recreation --------------------------------- Facts 🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪 Engine: Hemi 7,000-rpm red line aluminum block package with massaged aluminum Mopar heads and a Super Stock-era cross ram that hosts a pair of 770-cfm Holleys. MSD, Optima, Mopar and Champion juice it, with Hookers sending the sound out; Barry Grant fuel pumps, with a Charlie’s oil pan keepin’ it all slick with seven quarts from Quaker State. Transmission: race-level 727 ’Flite, with a Griner valve body, CSR blanket and Mopar 9-inch converter. A Hurst Quarter Stick. Differential: A Moser 4.71 ring is presently in the car for quarter-mile passes. Horsepower and Performance: about 700 horsepower, that has run a best of 9.29 at 140 so far in quarter-mile Suspension: Ed chose several adjustable suspension aids, including QA1 shocks, a four-link, and a front rack-and-pinion with A-arms. Brakes: Big discs up front are balanced with heavy duty rear drums. Wheels: Modern is what we consider the Monocoque rims, with Moroso drag rubber up front and ubiquitous 14×32 M/T slicks in the rear. Paint: While pearl and orange were done at Affordable Auto Body by Brett Parker, the recreated graphics and lettering was completed by Rick Hart. Interior: A fiberglass dash was filled with Auto Meter gauges, while Ed picked a pair of polyethylene seats covered in orange and black. ---------------------------------- #mopar #dodge #plymouth #duster #prostock #drag #v8 #hotrod #musclecar #hemi #challenger #charger
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marymosley · 4 years
Case Summaries – U.S. Supreme Court (Feb. 25, 2020)
This post summarizes cases from the U.S. Supreme Court from February 25, 2020.
Appellate reweighing of aggravating and mitigating factors was permissible; death sentence affirmed by divided Supreme Court
McKinney v. Arizona, ___ S. Ct. ___, 2020 WL 889190 (Kavanaugh, J.). In this habeas appeal, the petitioner was convicted of two murders in 1992 in Arizona state court. At that time, no requirement existed that the jury determine facts supporting an aggravating factor. At least one aggravating factor must be found to support a sentence of death under the Court’s precedents. In the petitioner’s case, the trial court found factors in aggravation for both murders and imposed death. In federal habeas proceedings 20 years later, the Ninth Circuit found that the trial court improperly ignored mitigation evidence in violation of Eddings v. Oklahoma, 455 U.S. 104 (1982) (reversible error for trial court to ignore relevant mitigation evidence at capital sentencing). The case returned to the Arizona Supreme Court, where the petitioner argued for a new sentencing hearing before a jury. The Arizona Supreme Court rejected this argument, pointing to Clemons v. Mississippi, 494 U.S. 738 (1990). Clemons allows a state appellate court to reweigh aggravating and mitigating factors in a death case following reversal for use of an improper aggravating factor (instead of a jury weighing those factors). The Arizona Supreme Court reweighed the sentencing factors in the case and again imposed death. The petitioner appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, arguing that a jury should have made that determination. A majority of the court disagreed and affirmed the death sentence.
The court first rejected the argument that Clemons did not apply because that case involved an improper aggravating factor, whereas the petitioner’s case involved a failure to consider a mitigation factor.
. . . [T]he Court’s decision in Clemons ruled that appellate tribunals may perform a ‘reweighing of the aggravating and mitigating evidence.’ In short, a Clemons reweighing is a permissible remedy for an Eddings error. Slip op. at 6 (citation omitted).
The court also rejected the argument that Clemons was overruled by Ring v. Arizona, 536 U. S. 584 (2002), and Hurst v. Florida, 136 S. Ct. 616 (2016), which require a jury to determine facts supporting an aggravating factor. The petitioner argued that an appellate court could no longer reweigh aggravating factors under those cases and that a jury determination was required. This too was rejected. A jury need only find the facts in support of the aggravated factor; states are free to allow the trial court to make the ultimate decision on whether to impose a death sentence, so long as any facts necessary to support the aggravating factor were found by a jury. The court noted:
 . . .[I]n a capital proceeding just as in an ordinary sentencing proceeding, a jury (as opposed to a judge) is not constitutionally required to weigh the aggravating and mitigating circumstances or to make the ultimate sentencing decision within the relevant sentencing range. . .In short, Ring and Hurst did not require jury weighing of aggravating and mitigating circumstances, and Ring and Hurst did not overrule Clemons so as to prohibit appellate reweighing of aggravating and mitigating circumstances. Id. at 7.
The petitioner also pointed to the fact that no jury determined the facts of the factors in aggravation supporting his death sentence as Ring and Hurst require. This claim was foreclosed by the fact that Ring and Hurst were decided after the petitioner’s direct appeal became final. Those cases therefore do not apply retroactively to cases (like the petitioner’s) on collateral review under Schriro v. Summerlin, 542 U.S. 348. The court rejected the argument that the Arizona Supreme Court’s reweighing of aggravating and mitigating factors re-opened direct review. The Arizona Supreme Court categorized its decision as collateral review, and the U.S. Supreme Court declined to disturb that interpretation of state law. “As a matter of state law, the reweighing proceeding in McKinney’s case occurred on collateral review.” Id. at 8 (emphasis in original). The Arizona Supreme Court’s judgment was consequently affirmed by a 5-4 majority. Chief Justice Roberts, and Justices Alito, Gorsuch, and Thomas joined the majority opinion.
Justice Ginsberg dissented, joined by Justices Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan. The dissenting justices disagreed with the majority that the Arizona Supreme Court’s action in reweighing sentencing factors was a collateral proceeding. In their view, that proceeding was a re-opening of direct appeal proceedings, and Ring applied. The dissenting justices would have found the death sentence unconstitutional and reversed the judgment of the Arizona Supreme Court.
No Bivens remedy against U.S. Border Patrol agent for cross-border shooting
Hernandez v. Mesa, ___ S. Ct. ___, 2020 WL 889193 (Alito, J.). This case arose from the cross-border shooting of a 15-year-old Mexican child by a U.S. border patrol agent. The parents of the child sued the agent in federal court for Fourth and Fifth Amendment violations pursuant to Bivens v. Six Unknown Fed. Narcotics Agents, 403 U.S. 388 (1971). Bivens found an implied cause of action for constitutional violations by federal officers where no statutory authorization for damages exists. The scope of a Bivens claim has been limited by the Supreme Court over time, and separation of powers concerns caution against extending Bivens to new context, a “disfavored judicial activity”. See Ziglar v. Abbasi, 137 S. Ct. 1843 (2017). In determining whether a Bivens remedy is available, the court first determines whether the claim involves new context. New context is defined broadly. “We regard a context as ‘new’ if it is different in a meaningful way from previous Bivens cases decided by this Court.” Slip op. at 10. If the claim presents new context, the court then determines whether there is a “reason to pause before applying Bivens to new context or to a new class of defendant . . .” Id.
Bivens has been applied to Fourth and Fifth Amendment claims before in the context of illegal search and arrest in New York City, and to sex discrimination by a congressman in Washington, D.C. A cross-border shooting, however, was new context according to the majority. “There is a world of difference between those claims and petitioners’ cross-border shooting claims, where ‘the risk of disruptive intrusion by the Judiciary into the functioning of other branches’ is significant.” Id. at 11. Here, the court found that the foreign policy implications of extending Bivens to a cross-border shooting was factor against extending the remedy. “The political branches, not the Judiciary, have the responsibility and institutional capacity to weigh foreign-policy concerns.” Id. at 12 (citation omitted). National security concerns were another factor against extension of Bivens to this context. “Since regulating the conduct of agents at the border unquestionably has national security implications, the risk of undermining border security provides reason to hesitate . . .” Id. at 17. Further, that Congress has limited the ability to recover damages from the actions of U.S. agents while abroad also indicates the need for caution. It is the role of Congress, not the courts, to fashion damages remedies, and Congress has indicated its intention to limit judicial remedies for acts of federal officers abroad by repeatedly refusing to authorize such causes of action. Concluding, the majority observed:
In sum, this case features multiple factors that counsel hesitation about extending Bivens, but they can all be condensed to one concern—respect for the separation of powers. . .Congress’s decision not to provide a judicial remedy does not compel us to step into its shoes. . .When evaluating whether to extend Bivens, the most important question ‘is who should decide’ whether to provide for a damages remedy, Congress or the courts? The correct ‘answer most often will be Congress.’ That is undoubtedly the answer here. Id. at 22-23.
The Fifth Circuit’s judgment dismissing the suit was therefore affirmed by 5-4 vote. Chief Justice Roberts, and Justices Thomas, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh joined the majority opinion. Justice Thomas, joined by Justice Gorsuch, wrote separately to advocate that Bivens be overruled altogether.
Justice Ginsberg authored a dissent, joined by Justices Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan. According to the dissent, this was not new context and there were no justifications sufficient to deny a Bivens remedy. “Rogue U.S. officer conduct falls within a familiar, not ‘new,’ Bivens setting.” Id. at 30. The plaintiffs have no other possible recourse, and this case was “not an isolated incident.” The dissenting justices would have reversed and allowed the claim to proceed. Justice Ginsberg concluded:
In short, it is all too apparent that to redress injuries like the one suffered here, it is Bivens or nothing. I resist the conclusion that ‘nothing’ is the answer required in this case. Id. at 42 (Ginsberg, J., dissenting).
The post Case Summaries – U.S. Supreme Court (Feb. 25, 2020) appeared first on North Carolina Criminal Law.
Case Summaries – U.S. Supreme Court (Feb. 25, 2020) published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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maxwellyjordan · 4 years
Friday round-up
At The Daily Signal, Elizabeth Slattery highlights “five key exchanges” from Wednesday’s argument in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, which asks whether Montana’s invalidation of a law that created tax credits to provide scholarships for families who send their children to private schools, including religious schools, was constitutional. In an op-ed for The Washington Post (subscription required), Monica Kristin Blair argues that “[i]n addition to breaking down the separation of church and state and taking much-needed funds away from the public education system, a victory by the mothers would exacerbate school segregation, thanks to the long history of racial segregation within parochial schools, something the justices largely ignored during oral arguments.” [Disclosure: Goldstein & Russell, P.C., whose attorneys contribute to this blog in various capacities, is among counsel on an amicus brief in support of the respondents in this case.]
Lisa Soronen looks at Chiafalo v. Washington and Colorado Department of State v. Baca, which ask whether the Constitution forbids states from requiring their presidential electors to follow the state’s popular vote when casting their electoral college ballots, in a post at the NACL Blog. At NBC News (via How Appealing), Adam Edelman reports that Micheal Baca, “[o]ne of the “faithless electors’ at the heart of [the] case[,] says he’s ‘thrilled’ that the high court will take on the issue and has no regrets about how he cast his Electoral College vote for president — even though it went against the wishes of his state’s voters.”
At the Tampa Bay Times (via How Appealing), Emily Mahoney reports that “[i]n a stunning reversal of a previous decision, the Florida Supreme Court ruled Thursday that a unanimous jury should not be required to sentence someone to death,” stating “that their own court’s prior decision was made in error, because the justices at the time had misinterpreted a U.S. Supreme Court ruling,” Hurst v. Florida, “that found Florida’s death sentencing process unconstitutional.” At Crime & Consequences, Kent Scheidegger notes the implications of the ruling for a capital case this term, McKinney v. Arizona, in which the justices will consider whether current law or the law in effect when a defendant’s conviction originally became final applies to resentencing.
At IP Law Update, Emmett Collazo discusses “the two things [he] would like to see in a 9-0 opinion in” Romag Fasteners v. Fossil, Inc., which asks whether willful infringement is a requirement for an award of profits in a trademark infringement suit.
At The National Law Review, Eric Fisher writes that the court’s recent decision in Ritzen Group Inc. v. Jackson Masonry, LLC, holding that a bankruptcy court’s order denying a creditor’s motion to lift the automatic stay of debt-collection efforts is a final order that the creditor can appeal, helps “clarify what constitutes a final order in the bankruptcy context.”
In an op-ed for The Washington Post (subscription required), Leah Litman observes that “[t]he Supreme Court gave the Trump administration a gift Tuesday — one that could greatly help the president in the 2020 election[:] In an order that received less attention than it deserved, the court declined to speed up its consideration of a challenge to the Affordable Care Act.”
At Empirical SCOTUS, Adam Feldman “examines instances where the justices have discussed aspects of justiciability including mootness, ripeness, standing, political questions, and justiciability generally between the 2017 and current Supreme Court Terms.”
We rely on our readers to send us links for our round-up. If you have or know of a recent (published in the last two or three days) article, post, podcast or op-ed relating to the Supreme Court that you’d like us to consider for inclusion in the round-up, please send it to roundup [at] scotusblog.com. Thank you!
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Tattoo Quotes
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• 30 years ago in white supremacy, we had a strategy called leaderless resistance. The concept was: stop shaving our heads, stop getting tattoos and instead try to blend in as much as possible. It was a really concerted effort to try and tone down the rhetoric and make it a little more palatable to the mainstream. And it certainly has penetrated the mainstream now. We’re seeing people who were supportive of our cause back then also supportive of Donald Trump’s cause, certainly with the recent cabinet appointments. – Christian Picciolini • A cool tattoo design is any drawing that would also look good saggy. – Demetri Martin • A good tattoo always has a story that runs deeper than the skin, and Inked tells that story. – Tara Dakides • A label is a soul-tattoo that is ingrained deep in our hearts, so much so that it determines how we see ourselves, And how we see ourselves determines how we live… A destructive label leads to a destructive life. There is a soul thief, a dark enemy, who wants to nail ruinous labels to your heart so that he can steal your life. Jesus wants to give you life giving labels that release your potential for the good of the world. – Derwin L. Gray • A lot of my friends have tattoos; I realized that it’s not only just a part of pop culture, but a bit of a map on someone’s body, which says something about people. A part of their life, like an armor or a crest. – Christian Louboutin • A tattoo doesn’t make you look like an individual. – Tony Parsons • A tattoo is a true poetic creation, and is always more than meets the eye. As a tattoo is grounded on living skin, so its essence emotes a poignancy unique to the mortal human condition. – V. Vale • A tattoo is an affirmation: that this body is yours to have and to enjoy while you’re here. Nobody else can control what you do with it. – Don Ed Hardy • A tattoo is graffiti on the temple of the body. – Gordon B. Hinckley • A very common thing these days is people show up and they ask us in the band to sign with a Sharpie right on their skin and they go get it tattooed the next day. Then they’ll show up at another show and they’ll have their tattoo. – Jared Leto • After Cannes every year, I end up going to some foreign country I’ve never been to before and introducing myself to a new religion – I’ll go to Bali and research Hinduism, or I’ll go to Thailand and get another tattoo from Thai tattoo artist Ajarn Noo Kanpai. – Michelle Rodriguez • After searching for a space, I parked behind the tattoo parlor in front of a sign that said NO PARKING. Since it didn’t specify to whom it was referring, I figured it couldn’t possibly be talking to me. – Darynda Jones • Anyone who’s had a tattoo knows once you get your first one, as you’re walking out the door, you’re planning the next. – Chris Evans • Around the mid-’90s every hair guy who would have been in a hair-metal band got his tattoos and suddenly decided he was alternative. It just became like a thing. – Billy Corgan • As soon as I saw tattoos as a way to tell your story, I thought, ‘Oh my gosh, I totally get it.’ So I got my first tattoo a couple of years ago, and it’s the word ‘hope’ on my left arm. It has a couple of dots at the end for each of my kids. – Kristian Bush • As soon as you tell me to do one thing, I do the opposite. As soon as someone tells me not to get any more tattoos, I have this intense fire burning inside me to cover myself with them. I don’t care if it’s self-destructive. I just have that need to rebel. – Megan Fox • At the end of the day, the Lord knows I have no malice in my heart. But I’ve got tattoos, and I still fornicate. – Pharrell Williams
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Tattoo', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_tattoo').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_tattoo img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • ‘Battlefield’ was one of those slow-building songs, the way ‘Tattoo’ was. It was kind of a word-of-mouth hit. The more people heard it, the more they started requesting it on the radio. – Jordin Sparks • Be a good-looking corpse. Leave a good-looking tattoo. – Ed Westwick • Bikers, in general, have just been so attractive to people. Photographers would follow them because there’s this weird warrior gravitas that comes with it. The bikes are loud, they have tattoos, they have artwork that they all wear on their jackets. – Ryan Hurst • But for me, to get the tattoo was part of moving into adulthood. Making a choice that is permanent and that I’ll have to stick with. – Francois Arnaud • But I understand now what Tori said about her tattoo representing a fear she overcame-a reminder of where she was, as well as a reminder of who she is now. Maybe there is a way to honor my old life as I embrace my new one. “yes,” I say. “Three of these flying birds.” I touch my collarbone, marking the path of their flight-toward my heart. One for each member of the family I left behind. – Veronica Roth • Don’t be dumb. (don’t get a tattoo) – Dallin H. Oaks • Don’t cut it,” he said gruffly. “But no one’ll see my tattoos if I don’t.” “Wear it up.” -Dimitri, Rose, Dimitri – Richelle Mead • Don’t let these tattoos fool you. I’m straight edge. I’m a man of great discipline; I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t do drugs… my addiction is wrestling – my obsession is competition. Discipline. My name is C…M…Punk. – CM Punk • Eddie waited ’til he finished high school, he went to Hollywood, got a tattoo. – Tom Petty • Enema of the State song is kind of like a tattoo, like a moment in time, but it aged well. It’s not like one that you’re looking at like, “Aw, God, I gotta get that s**t removed.” It’s something we’re proud of. – Travis Barker • Even though she saw tattoos everywhere, they continued to fascinate her. How bizarre to be branded like a box of cereal. Didn’t people mind being counted as just one more product on a shelf? There had to be more to a person than that. – Suzanne Weyn • Every rock’n’roll band I know, guys with long hair and tattoos, plays golf now. – Alice Cooper • Every time I get a tattoo, my parents say they’ll disown me. I have to get them airbrushed for Charmed. Witches don’t have tattoos, I guess. – Alyssa Milano • Everybody gets the tattoo they deserve. – David Duchovny • Everybody in America is a part of this big herd of cattle being led to the marketplace, not to be sold, which is usual with cattle, but to do the buying. And everyone is branded. You see the brands – Nike, Puma, Coke – all over their bodies. Pretty soon you’ll go to a family and say, “$100,000 if we can tattoo Pepsi on your child’s forehead, and we’ll have it removed when he’s twenty-one. A hundred grand.” – George Carlin • Everybody knows I have the ratchetest booty tattoo of an ex-boyfriend. – Adrienne Bailon • Everything is addictive to me but tattoos are addictive to all. – The Rev • Everything is always spur-of-the-moment. All of my tattoos I decide that second and do it. – Avril Lavigne • Failure is a bruise, not a tattoo. – John Sinclair • Footnote: 79) The anchor is gigantic and must weigh a hundred tons, and — delightfully — it really is anchor-shaped, i.e. the same shape as anchors in tattoos. – David Foster Wallace • For someone who likes tattoos, the most precious thing is bare skin. – Cher • Getting a tattoo should hurt. It’s a rite of passage. – Jenna Jameson • Getting a tattoo would probably make me cry. – Calvin Trillin • Giving birth was easier than having a tattoo. – Nicole Appleton • Hair is just one way of expressing ourselves. We express ourselves through how we dress or through tattoos or body art or piercings or cosmetic surgery. – Linda Evangelista • Having previously graduated from a 2-year commercial arts class, I thought that commercial illustration was the best way to make a living doing art. But the more tattoos that I did, the more I realized what artistic career potential tattooing had and I enjoyed it. – William Webb • Having the tattoo itself is not really for the end result for me. I like having them done. – Lena Headey • He and the girl had almost nothing to say to each other. One thing he did say was, ‘I ain’t got any tattoo on my back.’ ‘What you got on it?’ the girl said. ‘My shirt,’ Parker said. ‘Haw.’ ‘Haw, haw,’ the girl said politely. – Flannery O’Connor • He said, I’m better off without her, until I showed him my tattoo. – Tom Waits • I always look for a woman who has a tattoo. I see a woman with a tattoo, and I’m thinking, okay, here’s a gal who’s capable of making a decision she’ll regret in the future. – Richard Jeni • I always say your body is the temple of your spirit, why not decorate it? My kids say, no, no, your body is the temple of your spirit, keep it clean. I’m covered in tattoos and I get a tattoo every time I write a book. I get the tattoo from the book. – Bill Ayers • I am concerned about the environment. I love to wear black. I think government is best when it stays out of people’s lives and business as much as possible. I love punk rock. I believe in a strong national defense. I have a tattoo. I believe government should always be efficient and accountable. I have lots of gay friends. And yes, I am a Republican. – Meghan McCain • I am wearing a gray shirt, blue jeans, black shoes–new clothes, but beneath them, my Dauntless tattoos. It is impossible to erase my choices. Especially these. – Veronica Roth • I basically – I don’t like tattoos, unless you’re a firefighter who has a tattoo that has to do with that or a military guy. That’s – those are people who should have tattoos. – Denis Leary • I believe tattoos are a lifestyle not a fashion trend. – Machine Gun Kelly • I chose a sunflower because when darkness descends they close up to regenerate. But I really wish I’d never had the tattoo in the first place. Clean, clear skin is always better. – Halle Berry • I collect Wonder Woman – from comics to paraphernalia, and I even have a tattoo of her on my back. I’m a huge Wonder Woman fan! – Lights • I did a piece where I was talking about torture at Abu Ghraib, and I embroidered my hand with the image of the hooded Abu Ghraib prisoners who’d been tortured using a needle and thread. I know that meeting a Holocaust survivor when I was eight and seeing the tattoo on her arm from her time in the camps influenced my piece about Abu Ghraib. – Jill Soloway • I do have 14 tattoos, but I also do come home every single night and watch reality TV with my cat. – Lea Michele • I do have a few little tattoos, but they were mostly done to cover scars because I’m so fair. – Dolly Parton • I don’t care what color your hair is, if you’re pale or tan, if you have makeup on or just woke up all I care about is that when I look at you, you always look back and see me. You’re beautiful inside and out and if you wanted to tattoo all that pretty white skin from head to toe I would be honored to put it there for you but if not I’ll take you all smooth and milky white any chance I get. – Jay Crownover • I don’t have any tattoos – I live vicariously through my sister, Langley, who has many. If I can’t stick to one ensemble, I don’t think I could stick to one tattoo. – Dree Hemingway • I don’t have any tattoos but I’ve thought about getting Ernie, from Bert and Ernie, on my earlobe. He made a big impression on me as a kid. And I have pretty big earlobes. – J Mascis • I don’t think there are any songs that I’ve written in the past that I now disagree. It’s kind of like tattoos; I would never regret a tattoo, because it was how I felt at that time in my life. I don’t think I’ve ever said anything that I would take back. So far, so good! I would probably change the music, or change how I sing it, maybe do it a little bit cooler, or a bit more grown-up. But I don’t think that there are any lyrics that I regret. – Emeli Sande • I dropped my pants in a tattoo parlor in Amsterdam. I woke up in a waterbed with this funky-looking dragon with a blue tongue on my hip. I realized I made a mistake, so a few months later I got a cross to cover it. When my pants hang low, it looks like I’m wearing a dagger! – Angelina Jolie • I feel like the last tattoo you got is usually your favorite. – Nico Tortorella • I felt bad about myself because certain people were relentlessly attacking me and my reputation. My mom kept saying ‘Let it go, Lauren, It doesn’t matter’ … [I] realized I had to stop worrying about what other people think. The next day I got a tattoo on my lower back that says ‘sticks and stones’, because they may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. – Lauren Conrad • I got a little tattoo on my face, I’ll never be able to work another real job so I consider that to be kinda forcing myself to stick to music. – Benji Madden • I got more than a thing for you, tattoo wit a ink for you right over my heart girl, I’ll do the unthinkable. – Drake • I got my tattoo a year before the Olympic trials, so I kind of used it as motivation to make the Olympic team the following year. I look at it every time I dive and it’s kind of a little fun thing. – Tera Van Beilen • I got to actually tattoo one of the members of The Misfits. The very first tattoo I ever did was this Misfits skull. – Kat Von D • I had six silly tattoos done when I was young and I bitterly regret them. I’ve thought about laser surgery, but that leaves a scar, so I’m just leaving them. – Andre Benjamin • I have a handful of tattoos that I really want to put on people that I can’t find anyone to let me give them to. – Jemima Kirke • I have a maple leaf tattoo over my heart, quite literally, and my two favorite things on Earth are being in Canada and making movies. – Jay Baruchel • I have a swastika tattoo on my arm, but it’s just because I like right-hand turns. – Kyle Dunnigan • I have a tattoo on my foot that says ‘it’s a whale’ in Japanese, because Japanese people kill whales. My stuffed whale was like most children’s teddy bear. I took it with me everywhere. I slept with it. I couldn’t live without my whale. – Skylar Grey • I have Bob Dylan lyrics on my ribs. I’m a diehard Dylan fan, and my dad and I joke that if I ever met him, I’d have him sign his name right under my tattoo and then I’d run to the parlor to get his signature tattooed. – Carly Chaikin • I have no love for myself as a human being, but I have immense pride in the music I make, and I believe it has an important place. Others do, too, and the thousands of people with Morrissey tattoos certainly proves something. – Steven Morrissey • I have no real tattoos. I wear my bruises and tons of scars as my tattoos. – Kellan Lutz • I have no tattoos that I regret – I have had some that I have had changed according to how my life was. – Nas • I have no tattoos. There’s nothing I’ve even been that into to get a tattoo of it. – Eli Roth • I have this huge lion tattoo embossed on my arm. I was a little worried as to how we would cover it up. But my makeup man covered the tattoo with makeup. It took close to two hours. – Sanjay Dutt • I haven’t had a drink in thirteen years, but occasionally I’m tempted to have one beer. The problem is that if I have that one beer, I wake up in Tijuana four days later with a tattoo and a sore ass. – Craig Ferguson • I just feel like this skin is mine. It’s aging every day and the tattoos are aging with me. So, I’m going to be an old piece of paper one day with a lot of work on it. – Maria Dahvana Headley • I know people say ‘what about when you’re old and you’re covered in tattoos?’ – so what. Anyway, in time to come everyone will have them and it will be all the trend, won’t it? ‘Cuz you don’t know how the times are gonna change. – Cher Lloyd • I like the bad-boy types. Generally the guy I’m attracted to is the guy in the club with all the tattoos and nail polish. He’s usually the lead singer in a punk band and plays guitar. But my serious boyfriends are relatively clean-cut, nice guys. So it’s strange. – Megan Fox • I love math. I have little secret number tattoos everywhere. I design them. – Pauley Perrette • I love tattoos. And mine symbolise who I really am. I have a Samurai on my left arm. At a subconscious level, I connect to this warrior and model myself on his discipline, skills and honour. There is also a tribal tattoo and a Chinese symbol of faith. I have seen a lot of people getting tattoos just because it’s a trend. – Virat Kohli • I love Tinkerbell because she’s feisty and about it. She’s got swag! She’s going to do what she wants to do. I even have a Tinkerbell tattoo, and she is wearing Adidas flip-flops! – Kidada Jones • I love to make music, I love to get tattoos…That’s just what I love. If I wasn’t getting paid I’d still do it. – Kevin Gates • I need to know you believe me when I say I love you. That is all.” “I believe everything you say,” Tessa said with a smile, her hands creeping doen from his waist to his weapons belt. Her fingers closed on the hilt of the dagger, and she yanked it from the belt, smiling as he looked down at her in surprise. “After all,” she said, “you weren’t lying about the tattoo of the dragon of Wales, were you? – Cassandra Clare • I never had any desire to get a tattoo. If I was ever going to get one, I would get a plain anchor with a rope around it, the most unimaginative possible tattoo, like Popeye had. – John Waters • I never thought about getting any tattoos removed. – Henry Rollins • I never watched those Spice Girls. I didn’t enjoy that at all. So I didn’t know Victoria Beckham well. But she came out with this pretty boy, got married, and the boy got more tattoos and more tattoos. And then I met her a few times, and we started work, and something happened. You know, she wanted it. She loves what she’s doing. – Manolo Blahnik • I probably have the crappiest tattoo — not only in country music — but maybe the world. – Blake Shelton • I really think if you have a tattoo you have to wonder about what kind of future you have ahead of you. As an employer, I wouldn’t employ someone with tattoos as I would wonder what customers would think about them. For me, tattoos are just a way for people to find attention who haven’t found another way in their life to achieve it by conventional means. – Katie Hopkins • I removed the window [tattoo] because, while I used to spend all my time looking out through windows wishing to be outside, I now live there all the time. – Angelina Jolie • I sort of tend to equate tattoos with prisoners, punks or people with a high level of self-confidence. I don’t necessarily have a covered-in-tattoos personality. – Lena Dunham • I think I have enough tattoos for now. If I get any others, I’ll probably do my kids initials. – Niki Taylor • I think if you’re gonna get a tattoo, just get one: the words, ‘I’m dumb.’ That’s it. That way in 10 years, when you go, ‘Why did I get this?,’ you can be like, ‘Oh, I’m dumb!’ – Daniel Tosh • I think when tattoos are new and colorful, they look bad. But they look better the older and more bleached out they become. – Urs Fischer • I try to really capitalize off of what other rappers really can’t do. There are opportunities that rappers I love simply can’t get, because… you know… I don’t have the tattoos; I have a different image. – Drake • I used to have a sister, but I never got to meet her because she died after two days, I think. So if I got a tattoo, it would probably have to be something to do with my sister. – Chloe Grace Moretz • I want to get married but I look at husbands the same way I look at tattoos. I want one, but I can’t decide what I want, and I don’t want to be stuck with something I’d grow to hate and have surgically removed. – Margaret Cho • I wanted alot of tattoos but I never thought I was gonna be this rediculous. – Synyster Gates • I was a prefect at school, I never had a tattoo, got a detention or pierced my ears more than once. – Amanda Holden • I was just a big fan of tattoos always growing up, and I wanted something cool that symbolizes what I’ve been through in my life, and everything on my chest and my back is like a collage. – Kevin Durant • I went to this tattoo parlor in the East Village and I got an outline of a violin on my lower back. They call them tramp stamps now. – Katherine Moennig • If the body is a temple, then tattoos are its stained glass windows. – Sylvia Plath • I’ll never have a tattoo – I just don’t like them, and when you’re old they can look a disaster. As for piercings, I don’t like them on men. – Rafael Nadal • I’ll tell you this, lad: A tattoo says more of a fellow looking at it than it can do of the man who’s got it on his back. – Sarah Hall • I’m a big fan of zombies, and I have a zombie tattoo on my leg. – Tyler Posey • I’m a tearless clown. If I were to get a tattoo, it would be the two masks, and they would be both smiling. – Andy Samberg • I’m addicted to tattoos. I can’t stop; I love them. – Adrianne Palicki • I’m celebrating my love for you with a pint of beer and a new tattoo – Billy Bragg • I’m definitely in the market for being uncool. There was some funny stuff, like the thing about making sure I show people that I have tattoos and cigarettes so that they know I’m badass. But really, I do have tattoos! And I do smoke cigarettes sometimes, and I can’t change that. But I am not badass, by any means. I do some stuff that’s tongue-in-cheek, and some stuff that’s on the line. And it could be funny, it could be serious, and I never even know myself, because it could be funny that day, and the next day it’s totally embarrassing. – Ryan Adams • I’m not enthused by these rap dudes. All in they videos, posin’ half nude, with all of them tattoos, Til I blacken they eyes and have them lookin’ like raccoons. – Trife Diesel • I’m such a profound believer that timing is everything; I would tattoo that on my arm. – Drew Barrymore • I’m waiting to get old – I think old guys with tattoos look good.- Ryan Gosling • It wasn’t the tattoo that had changed her, had given her repossession of her body. It was her actions, her choices. It was finding the path when it looked like there weren’t any paths to be found. – Melissa Marr • It’s hard to say conversation has become a minimal thing, because look at the rise of mobile communications in the last 10 years. It used to be only the President had a mobile phone. Now everyone on earth, even if they have nothing else, they have a cell phone. It’s a larger anthropological shift in my mind than even the tattoo age in the United States. – Padgett Powell • Its interesting, the things you learn when youre 21. I learned never to get tattoos in the middle of shooting a movie. Because if youre not Angelina Jolie or Megan Fox, they will fire you. – Katee Sackhoff • It’s more likely I’ll dye my hair green, get a bunch of tattoos and go on tour with Amy Winehouse. – Mike Huckabee • I’ve always described parts as tattoos. For actors our tattoos are in the form of films. – Eric Bana • I’ve come to realize that Barack Obama is the tattoo president. Like a big tattoo, it seemed cool when you were young. But later on, that decision doesn’t look so good, and you wonder: what was I thinking? But the worst part is you’re still going to have to explain it to your kids. – Tim Pawlenty • I’ve got nothing against tattoos. I don’t have one myself. If I did, it would be right there next to my watch. It would say “Your wife’s birthday is August 2nd, your anniversary is September 18th, don’t let Ron White drive your car again.” – Jeff Foxworthy • Johnny Depp is like a brother to me. We have matching tattoos on our backs – Charles Baudelaire, the flowers of evil, this giant skeleton thing. It’s kind of a secret. People say to us, ‘Why did you get that?’ And we say, ‘No reason.’ – Marilyn Manson • Just saw a woman with a big tattoo of Jesus on her back. I guess it’s an ixnay on the oggy style-day. – Dana Gould • Man, I’m messed up right now. My best friend is my father? The man I idolized as a kid… whose tattoo is on my arm… And he’s younger than me. Yeah, I don’t think I can handle this. Mindwipe me, somebody… please! Where’s that dragon from Sanctuary? Simi, go get Max. I need him. – Sherrilyn Kenyon • Marriage is supposed to be permanent. It’s like a tattoo that yells at you. – Dov Davidoff • Maybe. Although I doubt most Shadowhunters get a tattoo of Donatello from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on their left shoulder. – Cassandra Clare • Mildred waves Carlos over. ‘Let me look at you.’ She eyes him up and down. ‘I saw you when you walked in. What’s with all those tattoos? Makes you look like a hooligan.’ ‘I suspect I am a hooligan,’ he says to her. ‘Whatever that means. – Simone Elkeles • My body is a journal in a way. It’s like what sailors used to do, where every tattoo meant something, a specific time in your life when you make a mark on yourself, whether you do it yourself with a knife or with a professional tattoo artist. – Johnny Depp • My body is my journal, and my tattoos are my story. – Johnny Depp • My favorite action movie growing up was ‘Supergirl.’ It wasn’t good by any stretch of the imagination, but it was my favorite because I wanted to be her. I have a Supergirl tattoo. – Adrianne Palicki • My favorite tattoo right now is the one on my lower stomach that reads “Almost Famous” because as my career grows I’m still humbled every morning when I look at that tattoo, and I’ll always remember how much it sucked to ALMOST be famous. – Machine Gun Kelly • My first tattoo is a full-on Sailor Jerry situation on my hip – it’s a swallow with big spread wings. When I got it I was 20 on St. Mark’s Place in New York; I just walked in in a frenzy. It’s still there 17 years later and it’s not a terrible thing to look at. – Maria Dahvana Headley • My friends are coming up – they run this tattoo parlour out there and they’re gonna ink me up with the tattoo I’ve been wanting since I was two, right here, upper arm. – Charlie Benante • My ideal guy is my future husband. Not sure who he is yet, but he’s out there. What impresses me in a gay guy? A warm smile, stubble, easy to talk to, thoughtful tattoos, kind eyes, wit, positivity, wanderlust, ambition, and a cute ass. – Tyler Oakley • My mom actually took me to get my first tattoo when I was 15. She highly regrets that choice now, as I have a lot more. – Nico Tortorella • My new one (tattoo) says ‘Never a failure, always a lesson’ and is kind of my mantra to life, just a reminder. My life is just a crazy rollercoaster every day and whenever I read that it just reassures me. – Rihanna • My new tattoo is Jesus being carried by three cherubs. Obviously the cherubs are my boys. At some point they are going to need to look after me. That’s what they’re doing in the picture. It means a lot. – David Beckham • My only advice is don’t tattoo some guy’s name on yourself. Ever. I’ve done it twice. Twice! I’m in the process of getting both removed. It’s the most painful thing imaginable. – Diora Baird • My tattoo is a phoenix. I got the first when I was 16. I hid it for years. – Ashley Scott • My tattoo is of a cannon in Vancouver that I got in a fleeting moment of stupidity maybe 14 years ago. A lot of people have really beautiful tattoos, and I get real tattoo envy. But then other people basically just treat them like bumper stickers for their bodies. – Ryan Reynolds • My tattoo is that I don’t have a tattoo. – Michael J. Fox • My tattoos are like a scrapbook of my life. Sometimes you don’t feel comfortable in your own skin, so covering it up with pictures helps – Frank Iero • My tattoos are reminders to hang in there when things get rough. – Demi Lovato • My whole thing was, just being me. Now, you look around the NBA and all of them have tattoos, guys wearing cornrows. Now you see the police officers with the cornrows. I took a beating for those types of things. – Allen Iverson • No one wants to see a tattoo on a stomach. – Lena Dunham • Not one great country can be named, from the polar regions in the north to New Zealand in the south, in which the aborigines do not tattoo themselves. – Charles Darwin • Nothing to show but this brand new tattoo. But it’s a real beauty, a Mexican cutie, how it got here I haven’t a clue. – Jimmy Buffett • One of the beauties of ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ is the very delicate and strange relationship between the two main characters. – Stellan Skarsgard • One of the series I like is D.M. Cornish’s ‘Monster Blood Tattoo,’ in which he creates a whole language. Kids who are reading that are building a language in their heads. There’s no real cognitive difference. I think kids are excited by language, and they’re not always given credit for that. – Matthew Tobin Anderson • One person’s tattoo is nobody else’s business – Don Ed Hardy • Painting and tattooing the body is a return to animalism. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe • Painting is an infinitely minute part of my personality. – Salvador Dali • People are proud of their tattoos. It’s like a modern coat of arms. -Christian Louboutin • People have asked me, what about your tattoos when you’re ninety? Why would it bother me then? I would still want to get tattooed even when I’m a grandmother. – Nicole Miller • People like to come up to me and tell me that I’ve got nice ink. Except these tattoos aren’t just decorations. They are declarations. Every tattoo I have tells its own story about who I am. Drug-free. Honor. And a war against the system. – CM Punk • People who don’t like me talk about it as though I’m trash because I have tattoos. I find that insane because it’s 2008, not the 1950s. Tattoos aren’t limited to sailors. It’s a form of art I find beautiful. I love it. – Megan Fox • Previously unseen boo-boos come at you like tattoos on a teenage girl. – Robert Genn • Put tattoos all up and down our thighs, do anything our parents would despise. Take uppers, downers, blues, and reds and yellows, our brains are turning into jello. – Joan Baez • Quirky is sexy, like scars or chipped teeth. I also like tattoos they’re rebellious. – Jennifer Aniston • Right,” I scoffed, “Alpha Yam Ergo.” Adrian nodded solemnly. “A very old and prestigious society.” “I’ve never heard of them,” said the girl who’d claimed the first shirt. “They don’t let many people in,” he said. In white paint, he wrote his fake fraternity’s initials: AYE. “Isn’t that what pirates say?” asked one of the girls. “Well, the Alpha Yams have nautical origins,” he explained. To my horror he began painting a pirate skeleton riding a motorcycle. “Oh, no,” I groaned. “Not the tattoo.” “It’s our logo,” he said. – Richelle Mead • Say my shoe game nuts so I call em cashews Every other city it’s another Nicki tattoo – Nicki Minaj • Score a touchdown, kiss your tattoo. Kaepernicking! – Colin Kaepernick • She gets on you under your skin like a tattoo she’ll always be there! – Jason Aldean • She was clean”: no piercings, tattoos, or scarifications. All the kids were now. And who could blame them, Alex thought, after watching three generations of flaccid tattoos droop like moth-eaten upholstery over poorly stuffed biceps and saggy asses? – Jennifer Egan • She’s a classy girl though, at least all her tattoos are spelt right. – Chic Murray • Show me a man with a tattoo and I’ll show you a man with an interesting past. – Jack London • So that the monotonous fall of the waves on the beach, which for the most part beat a measured and soothing tattoo to her thoughts seemed consolingly to repeat over and over again. – Virginia Woolf • Some people pay a thousand dollars for a tattoo. This scar cost me twenty grand. – Mat Hoffman • Some say his droppings have been found as far north as York, and that he has a full size tattoo of his face, on his face. All we know is he’s called the Stig. – Jeremy Clarkson • Sometimes I bust out and do things so permanent. Like tattoos and marriage. – Drew Barrymore • Tattoo on the lower back? Might as well be a bullseye. – Vince Vaughn • Tattoo. What a loaded word it is, rife with associations to goons, goofs, bikers, tribal warriors, carnival artists, drunken sailors and floozies. – Jon Anderson • Tattooing is my social life, too, so most of my time is taken up with that. People like Henry Lewis, Mike Davis at Everlasting Tattoo. – Margaret Cho • Tattoos are a right of passage. They’re a marker of bravery, of maturity, of cultural acceptance. The tattoo represents not only a willingness to accept pain – to endure it – but a need to actively embrace it. Because life is painful – beautiful but painful. – Nicola Barker • Tattoos are like stories – they’re symbolic of the important moments in your life. Sitting down, talking about where you got each tattoo and what it symbolizes, is really beautiful. – Pamela Anderson • Tattoos are my way of expressing myself without the need for words. – Jay Park • Tattoos are permanent and a lifelong commitment, the same as marriage. – Chester Bennington • Tattoos are so widespread, so ugly and so very, very permanent. You can, in theory, have them removed – but a large chunk of your living flesh will go with it. – Tony Parsons • Tattoos aren’t meant for everybody and they’re too goddamn good for some people. – Lyle Tuttle • Tattoos exude pain and pleasure all at the same time. – Chester Bennington • Tattoos tell stories of crime and passion, punishment and regret. They express an outlaw, antiauthoritarian point of view and communicate a romantic solidarity among society’s outcasts. – Douglas Kent Hall • The ‘black metallers’ will probably continue to ‘get loaded,’ ‘get high,’ and in all other manners too behave like the stereotypical Negro; they will probably continue to get foreign tribal tattoos, dress, walk, talk, look and act like homosexuals, and so forth. – Varg Vikernes • The ‘believe’ tattoo is because my mom always told me to believe. – Ashley Tisdale • The biggest misconception about me is the bad-boy image that everyone stuck me into due to my tattoos, drug days and the constant changes I make with my hair color. – A. J. McLean • The conservatism is extraordinary to me; just compare the way they dress to the way their parents dress. There are still no tattoos or piercings, which is interesting to me. Why does everyone who lives in one place dress alike, look alike, eat the same thing, and decorate the same way? – Tina Barney • The first five years of my career, I was Inmate #1, Bad Guy #1 and Mean Guy #1. I had a great career going, until somebody told me that I was typecast. I said, “Well, what’s typecast?” And they said, “Well, you’re always playing the mean Chicano dude with tattoos.” I thought about that and I said, “Wait a minute! I am the mean Chicano dude with tattoos, so somebody is getting it right.” – Danny Trejo • The first tattoo I got was when I was 17, and it’s a cross on my bicep with ‘Only God Can Judge Me’ underneath. – Trey Songz • The first time I showed the tattoo it was big news in the newspaper. ‘She has a tattoo with a snake.’ It’s not a snake! – Li Na • The funny thing is that my husband couldn’t be sweeter. He looks like this bad boy. He’s got tattoos and earrings and a mohawk, but when you talk to him and he’s around you, he’s such a gentleman. He holds doors for ladies. He pulls out chairs. He cooks. He cleans. – Malin Akerman • The funny thing is, when a Harley-Davidson guy full of tattoos comes out with a Maltese, they’re trying to soften themselves out. When a very soft, single lady with a tailored look comes out with a Rottweiler, she’s looking for protection, for strength. Society automatically views the guy as too strong so he brings a Maltese. It’s just a natural way to balance your situation. It really depends. – Cesar Millan • The justification for rap rock seems to be that if you take really bad rock and put really bad rap over it, the result is somehow good, provided the raps are barked by an overweight white guy with cropped hair and forearm tattoos. – John Jeremiah Sullivan • The muffled drum’s sad roll has beat; The soldier’s last tattoo; No more on Life’s parade shall meet; The brave and fallen few. On Fame’s eternal camping-ground; Their silent tents are spread, And Glory guards, with solemn round; The bivouac of the dead. – Theodore O’Hara • The one album I can’t live without is called ‘Cumbolo’ by a band called Culture. Every song on their album is deep, but there’s one in particular called ‘This Train.’ I have a tattoo of the lyrics on my left arm. – Idris Elba • The one in the movie is not real, but my Casper tattoo is real, and it is my only one. – Casper Van Dien • The other day, I got a henna tattoo that says “Forever.” – Zach Galifianakis • The tattoo can only exist as part of the skin, as a drawing always is an incision in the material and therefore cannot be parted from it. – Antoni Tapies • The tattoo has a profound meaning: the superficiality of modern man’s existence. – Anthony Daniels • The tattoo of the History is permanent; once a nation or a man is marked by this tattoo, erasing is impossible. – Mehmet Murat Ildan • The universality of tattooing is a curious subject for speculation. – James Cook • There is something in the act of having tattoos done that I love. It can be quite addictive. I’ve got a few on my back because my friend is an artist, and a few on my arms. Every time I pass a tattoo parlour, I think, ‘Maybe just a tiny one. – Lena Headey • There is something vulnerable about showing your tattoos to people, even while it gives you a feeling that you are wearing a sleeve when you are naked. – Lena Dunham • There’s never the right last moment. Even if you get to say good-bye, even if you get to say “I love you”, even if you jump off a plane and get a tattoo and hug everyone you’ve ever met right before you drift off with a smile, it is never the right last moment. There is always more to say, somewhere to go, something to remember. Another discussion, another fight. There is always supposed to be another day. – Pamela Ribon • This is so cool,” I said loudly as Dad walked away. “Have you met the tattoo artist? Is he hot?” “He’s a she,” Mom said. “Is she hot? Cause I’m still young, you know. My sexual identity isnt fully formed.” “Your father can’t hear you anymore, Maya.” Mom sighed. – Kelley Armstrong • This was a place where tattoos outnumbered teeth. – Harlan Coben • To many people, dramatic criticism must seem like an attempt to tattoo soap bubbles. – John Mason Brown • Usually all my tattoos came at good times. A tattoo is something permanent when you’ve made a self-discovery, or something you’ve come to a conclusion about. – Angelina Jolie • We all originally came from the woods! it is hard to eradicate from any of us the old taste for the tattoo and the war-paint; and the moment that money gets into our pockets, it somehow or another breaks out in ornaments on our person, without always giving refinement to our manners. – Edwin Percy Whipple • We are all tattooed in our cradles with the beliefs of our tribe; the record may seem superficial, but it is indelible. – Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. • We have certain rules for traditional lyric poetry in Korea. I twist my body, confused by what to say and how to act, facing these rules. Confronting traditional lyricism, I speak with a bare body without the tattoos of culture on it. – Kim Hyesoon • Well, I love tattoos and have been drawing them on my binders in school since I was little. – Kimberly Caldwell • Well, these tattoos aren’t really rebellion. These tattoos are all tattoos I’ve had since I have been a pastor. – Jay Bakker • What we’ve said to the girls is: ‘If you guys ever decide that you’re going to get a tattoo, then mommy and me will get the exact same tattoo, in the same place.’ And we’ll go on YouTube and show it off as a family tattoo. – Barack Obama • When all the people covered in tattoos turn about 70 years old, they’re going to look like a strange race of melting clowns. – Dana Gould • When I came to New York and I opened the window of the thirty-fifth-floor apartment, there’s light pollution and fog, and I couldn’t see my star. So I drew it on my wrist with a pen, but it kept washing away. Then I went to a tattoo parlor on Second Avenue and had it done. – Gisele Bundchen • When I’m good, I’m very good. But when I’m bad I’m better. – Mae West • When you’re young, you’re stupid. You do silly things. I did it (the O-Z-Z-Y tattoo across his knuckles) when I was 14. I was in jail for something. I could have had it removed, but why? It’s my trademark. People stop me and say, ‘Let me have a look at your hand.’ – Ozzy Osbourne • White folks are not going to come to see a bunch of guys with tattoos, with cornrows. I’m sorry, but anyone who thinks different, they’re stupid. – Charles Barkley • You are such a chick.” I widened my eyes in mock surprise. “No way. Are you sure?” Sighing again, he rubbed at the tattoos on his wrist. “Mackenzie was right. You aren’t slayer material.” Before he had time to register my intentions, I threw a punch. My sore, swollen knuckles slammed into his cheekbone, thrusting his head to the side. Pain shot up my arm, but I bit my tongue to stop a moan. “You were saying?” He popped his jaw, rubbed at the reddening skin-and slowly grinned. “Okay, so now I understand why Cole likes you. You’re worse than Kat. – Gena Showalter • You can’t judge a book by its cover, though. People think I’m bad because I got tattoos or snort a little cocaine here and there. They think I’m a killer. But what if I wasn’t a killer? Then what? Don’t be tripping on me. I pay my damn taxes, OK? Chill.- Gunplay • You have to have your face in the food. These days people think a tattoo and a bottle of Sriracha equals success. – Bobby Flay • You have to think hard with a tattoo. ‘What will I love for the rest of my life?’ – Kate Upton • You may be right. I think it was round about Christmas when I got my Welsh dragon tattoo.” At that, Tessa had to try very hard not to blush. “How did that happen?” Will made an airy gesture with his hand. “I was drunk…” “Nonsense. You were never really drunk.” “On the contrary—in order to learn how to pretend to be inebriated, once must become inebriated at least once, as a reference point. Six-Fingered Nigel had been at the mulled cider—“ “You can’t mean there’s truly a Six-Fingered Nigel? – Cassandra Clare • Your tattoos are supposed to be some connection to your personality. That’s a lot more important than going in and just picking one off a wall. I’ve never understood why people get butterflies tattooed on their bottoms or whatever. That’s really weird. – Ville Valo • You’re like a philosopher with tattoos. – J.A. Redmerski
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equitiesstocks · 4 years
Tattoo Quotes
Official Website: Tattoo Quotes
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• 30 years ago in white supremacy, we had a strategy called leaderless resistance. The concept was: stop shaving our heads, stop getting tattoos and instead try to blend in as much as possible. It was a really concerted effort to try and tone down the rhetoric and make it a little more palatable to the mainstream. And it certainly has penetrated the mainstream now. We’re seeing people who were supportive of our cause back then also supportive of Donald Trump’s cause, certainly with the recent cabinet appointments. – Christian Picciolini • A cool tattoo design is any drawing that would also look good saggy. – Demetri Martin • A good tattoo always has a story that runs deeper than the skin, and Inked tells that story. – Tara Dakides • A label is a soul-tattoo that is ingrained deep in our hearts, so much so that it determines how we see ourselves, And how we see ourselves determines how we live… A destructive label leads to a destructive life. There is a soul thief, a dark enemy, who wants to nail ruinous labels to your heart so that he can steal your life. Jesus wants to give you life giving labels that release your potential for the good of the world. – Derwin L. Gray • A lot of my friends have tattoos; I realized that it’s not only just a part of pop culture, but a bit of a map on someone’s body, which says something about people. A part of their life, like an armor or a crest. – Christian Louboutin • A tattoo doesn’t make you look like an individual. – Tony Parsons • A tattoo is a true poetic creation, and is always more than meets the eye. As a tattoo is grounded on living skin, so its essence emotes a poignancy unique to the mortal human condition. – V. Vale • A tattoo is an affirmation: that this body is yours to have and to enjoy while you’re here. Nobody else can control what you do with it. – Don Ed Hardy • A tattoo is graffiti on the temple of the body. – Gordon B. Hinckley • A very common thing these days is people show up and they ask us in the band to sign with a Sharpie right on their skin and they go get it tattooed the next day. Then they’ll show up at another show and they’ll have their tattoo. – Jared Leto • After Cannes every year, I end up going to some foreign country I’ve never been to before and introducing myself to a new religion – I’ll go to Bali and research Hinduism, or I’ll go to Thailand and get another tattoo from Thai tattoo artist Ajarn Noo Kanpai. – Michelle Rodriguez • After searching for a space, I parked behind the tattoo parlor in front of a sign that said NO PARKING. Since it didn’t specify to whom it was referring, I figured it couldn’t possibly be talking to me. – Darynda Jones • Anyone who’s had a tattoo knows once you get your first one, as you’re walking out the door, you’re planning the next. – Chris Evans • Around the mid-’90s every hair guy who would have been in a hair-metal band got his tattoos and suddenly decided he was alternative. It just became like a thing. – Billy Corgan • As soon as I saw tattoos as a way to tell your story, I thought, ‘Oh my gosh, I totally get it.’ So I got my first tattoo a couple of years ago, and it’s the word ‘hope’ on my left arm. It has a couple of dots at the end for each of my kids. – Kristian Bush • As soon as you tell me to do one thing, I do the opposite. As soon as someone tells me not to get any more tattoos, I have this intense fire burning inside me to cover myself with them. I don’t care if it’s self-destructive. I just have that need to rebel. – Megan Fox • At the end of the day, the Lord knows I have no malice in my heart. But I’ve got tattoos, and I still fornicate. – Pharrell Williams
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Tattoo', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_tattoo').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_tattoo img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • ‘Battlefield’ was one of those slow-building songs, the way ‘Tattoo’ was. It was kind of a word-of-mouth hit. The more people heard it, the more they started requesting it on the radio. – Jordin Sparks • Be a good-looking corpse. Leave a good-looking tattoo. – Ed Westwick • Bikers, in general, have just been so attractive to people. Photographers would follow them because there’s this weird warrior gravitas that comes with it. The bikes are loud, they have tattoos, they have artwork that they all wear on their jackets. – Ryan Hurst • But for me, to get the tattoo was part of moving into adulthood. Making a choice that is permanent and that I’ll have to stick with. – Francois Arnaud • But I understand now what Tori said about her tattoo representing a fear she overcame-a reminder of where she was, as well as a reminder of who she is now. Maybe there is a way to honor my old life as I embrace my new one. “yes,” I say. “Three of these flying birds.” I touch my collarbone, marking the path of their flight-toward my heart. One for each member of the family I left behind. – Veronica Roth • Don’t be dumb. (don’t get a tattoo) – Dallin H. Oaks • Don’t cut it,” he said gruffly. “But no one’ll see my tattoos if I don’t.” “Wear it up.” -Dimitri, Rose, Dimitri – Richelle Mead • Don’t let these tattoos fool you. I’m straight edge. I’m a man of great discipline; I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t do drugs… my addiction is wrestling – my obsession is competition. Discipline. My name is C…M…Punk. – CM Punk • Eddie waited ’til he finished high school, he went to Hollywood, got a tattoo. – Tom Petty • Enema of the State song is kind of like a tattoo, like a moment in time, but it aged well. It’s not like one that you’re looking at like, “Aw, God, I gotta get that s**t removed.” It’s something we’re proud of. – Travis Barker • Even though she saw tattoos everywhere, they continued to fascinate her. How bizarre to be branded like a box of cereal. Didn’t people mind being counted as just one more product on a shelf? There had to be more to a person than that. – Suzanne Weyn • Every rock’n’roll band I know, guys with long hair and tattoos, plays golf now. – Alice Cooper • Every time I get a tattoo, my parents say they’ll disown me. I have to get them airbrushed for Charmed. Witches don’t have tattoos, I guess. – Alyssa Milano • Everybody gets the tattoo they deserve. – David Duchovny • Everybody in America is a part of this big herd of cattle being led to the marketplace, not to be sold, which is usual with cattle, but to do the buying. And everyone is branded. You see the brands – Nike, Puma, Coke – all over their bodies. Pretty soon you’ll go to a family and say, “$100,000 if we can tattoo Pepsi on your child’s forehead, and we’ll have it removed when he’s twenty-one. A hundred grand.” – George Carlin • Everybody knows I have the ratchetest booty tattoo of an ex-boyfriend. – Adrienne Bailon • Everything is addictive to me but tattoos are addictive to all. – The Rev • Everything is always spur-of-the-moment. All of my tattoos I decide that second and do it. – Avril Lavigne • Failure is a bruise, not a tattoo. – John Sinclair • Footnote: 79) The anchor is gigantic and must weigh a hundred tons, and — delightfully — it really is anchor-shaped, i.e. the same shape as anchors in tattoos. – David Foster Wallace • For someone who likes tattoos, the most precious thing is bare skin. – Cher • Getting a tattoo should hurt. It’s a rite of passage. – Jenna Jameson • Getting a tattoo would probably make me cry. – Calvin Trillin • Giving birth was easier than having a tattoo. – Nicole Appleton • Hair is just one way of expressing ourselves. We express ourselves through how we dress or through tattoos or body art or piercings or cosmetic surgery. – Linda Evangelista • Having previously graduated from a 2-year commercial arts class, I thought that commercial illustration was the best way to make a living doing art. But the more tattoos that I did, the more I realized what artistic career potential tattooing had and I enjoyed it. – William Webb • Having the tattoo itself is not really for the end result for me. I like having them done. – Lena Headey • He and the girl had almost nothing to say to each other. One thing he did say was, ‘I ain’t got any tattoo on my back.’ ‘What you got on it?’ the girl said. ‘My shirt,’ Parker said. ‘Haw.’ ‘Haw, haw,’ the girl said politely. – Flannery O’Connor • He said, I’m better off without her, until I showed him my tattoo. – Tom Waits • I always look for a woman who has a tattoo. I see a woman with a tattoo, and I’m thinking, okay, here’s a gal who’s capable of making a decision she’ll regret in the future. – Richard Jeni • I always say your body is the temple of your spirit, why not decorate it? My kids say, no, no, your body is the temple of your spirit, keep it clean. I’m covered in tattoos and I get a tattoo every time I write a book. I get the tattoo from the book. – Bill Ayers • I am concerned about the environment. I love to wear black. I think government is best when it stays out of people’s lives and business as much as possible. I love punk rock. I believe in a strong national defense. I have a tattoo. I believe government should always be efficient and accountable. I have lots of gay friends. And yes, I am a Republican. – Meghan McCain • I am wearing a gray shirt, blue jeans, black shoes–new clothes, but beneath them, my Dauntless tattoos. It is impossible to erase my choices. Especially these. – Veronica Roth • I basically – I don’t like tattoos, unless you’re a firefighter who has a tattoo that has to do with that or a military guy. That’s – those are people who should have tattoos. – Denis Leary • I believe tattoos are a lifestyle not a fashion trend. – Machine Gun Kelly • I chose a sunflower because when darkness descends they close up to regenerate. But I really wish I’d never had the tattoo in the first place. Clean, clear skin is always better. – Halle Berry • I collect Wonder Woman – from comics to paraphernalia, and I even have a tattoo of her on my back. I’m a huge Wonder Woman fan! – Lights • I did a piece where I was talking about torture at Abu Ghraib, and I embroidered my hand with the image of the hooded Abu Ghraib prisoners who’d been tortured using a needle and thread. I know that meeting a Holocaust survivor when I was eight and seeing the tattoo on her arm from her time in the camps influenced my piece about Abu Ghraib. – Jill Soloway • I do have 14 tattoos, but I also do come home every single night and watch reality TV with my cat. – Lea Michele • I do have a few little tattoos, but they were mostly done to cover scars because I’m so fair. – Dolly Parton • I don’t care what color your hair is, if you’re pale or tan, if you have makeup on or just woke up all I care about is that when I look at you, you always look back and see me. You’re beautiful inside and out and if you wanted to tattoo all that pretty white skin from head to toe I would be honored to put it there for you but if not I’ll take you all smooth and milky white any chance I get. – Jay Crownover • I don’t have any tattoos – I live vicariously through my sister, Langley, who has many. If I can’t stick to one ensemble, I don’t think I could stick to one tattoo. – Dree Hemingway • I don’t have any tattoos but I’ve thought about getting Ernie, from Bert and Ernie, on my earlobe. He made a big impression on me as a kid. And I have pretty big earlobes. – J Mascis • I don’t think there are any songs that I’ve written in the past that I now disagree. It’s kind of like tattoos; I would never regret a tattoo, because it was how I felt at that time in my life. I don’t think I’ve ever said anything that I would take back. So far, so good! I would probably change the music, or change how I sing it, maybe do it a little bit cooler, or a bit more grown-up. But I don’t think that there are any lyrics that I regret. – Emeli Sande • I dropped my pants in a tattoo parlor in Amsterdam. I woke up in a waterbed with this funky-looking dragon with a blue tongue on my hip. I realized I made a mistake, so a few months later I got a cross to cover it. When my pants hang low, it looks like I’m wearing a dagger! – Angelina Jolie • I feel like the last tattoo you got is usually your favorite. – Nico Tortorella • I felt bad about myself because certain people were relentlessly attacking me and my reputation. My mom kept saying ‘Let it go, Lauren, It doesn’t matter’ … [I] realized I had to stop worrying about what other people think. The next day I got a tattoo on my lower back that says ‘sticks and stones’, because they may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. – Lauren Conrad • I got a little tattoo on my face, I’ll never be able to work another real job so I consider that to be kinda forcing myself to stick to music. – Benji Madden • I got more than a thing for you, tattoo wit a ink for you right over my heart girl, I’ll do the unthinkable. – Drake • I got my tattoo a year before the Olympic trials, so I kind of used it as motivation to make the Olympic team the following year. I look at it every time I dive and it’s kind of a little fun thing. – Tera Van Beilen • I got to actually tattoo one of the members of The Misfits. The very first tattoo I ever did was this Misfits skull. – Kat Von D • I had six silly tattoos done when I was young and I bitterly regret them. I’ve thought about laser surgery, but that leaves a scar, so I’m just leaving them. – Andre Benjamin • I have a handful of tattoos that I really want to put on people that I can’t find anyone to let me give them to. – Jemima Kirke • I have a maple leaf tattoo over my heart, quite literally, and my two favorite things on Earth are being in Canada and making movies. – Jay Baruchel • I have a swastika tattoo on my arm, but it’s just because I like right-hand turns. – Kyle Dunnigan • I have a tattoo on my foot that says ‘it’s a whale’ in Japanese, because Japanese people kill whales. My stuffed whale was like most children’s teddy bear. I took it with me everywhere. I slept with it. I couldn’t live without my whale. – Skylar Grey • I have Bob Dylan lyrics on my ribs. I’m a diehard Dylan fan, and my dad and I joke that if I ever met him, I’d have him sign his name right under my tattoo and then I’d run to the parlor to get his signature tattooed. – Carly Chaikin • I have no love for myself as a human being, but I have immense pride in the music I make, and I believe it has an important place. Others do, too, and the thousands of people with Morrissey tattoos certainly proves something. – Steven Morrissey • I have no real tattoos. I wear my bruises and tons of scars as my tattoos. – Kellan Lutz • I have no tattoos that I regret – I have had some that I have had changed according to how my life was. – Nas • I have no tattoos. There’s nothing I’ve even been that into to get a tattoo of it. – Eli Roth • I have this huge lion tattoo embossed on my arm. I was a little worried as to how we would cover it up. But my makeup man covered the tattoo with makeup. It took close to two hours. – Sanjay Dutt • I haven’t had a drink in thirteen years, but occasionally I’m tempted to have one beer. The problem is that if I have that one beer, I wake up in Tijuana four days later with a tattoo and a sore ass. – Craig Ferguson • I just feel like this skin is mine. It’s aging every day and the tattoos are aging with me. So, I’m going to be an old piece of paper one day with a lot of work on it. – Maria Dahvana Headley • I know people say ‘what about when you’re old and you’re covered in tattoos?’ – so what. Anyway, in time to come everyone will have them and it will be all the trend, won’t it? ‘Cuz you don’t know how the times are gonna change. – Cher Lloyd • I like the bad-boy types. Generally the guy I’m attracted to is the guy in the club with all the tattoos and nail polish. He’s usually the lead singer in a punk band and plays guitar. But my serious boyfriends are relatively clean-cut, nice guys. So it’s strange. – Megan Fox • I love math. I have little secret number tattoos everywhere. I design them. – Pauley Perrette • I love tattoos. And mine symbolise who I really am. I have a Samurai on my left arm. At a subconscious level, I connect to this warrior and model myself on his discipline, skills and honour. There is also a tribal tattoo and a Chinese symbol of faith. I have seen a lot of people getting tattoos just because it’s a trend. – Virat Kohli • I love Tinkerbell because she’s feisty and about it. She’s got swag! She’s going to do what she wants to do. I even have a Tinkerbell tattoo, and she is wearing Adidas flip-flops! – Kidada Jones • I love to make music, I love to get tattoos…That’s just what I love. If I wasn’t getting paid I’d still do it. – Kevin Gates • I need to know you believe me when I say I love you. That is all.” “I believe everything you say,” Tessa said with a smile, her hands creeping doen from his waist to his weapons belt. Her fingers closed on the hilt of the dagger, and she yanked it from the belt, smiling as he looked down at her in surprise. “After all,” she said, “you weren’t lying about the tattoo of the dragon of Wales, were you? – Cassandra Clare • I never had any desire to get a tattoo. If I was ever going to get one, I would get a plain anchor with a rope around it, the most unimaginative possible tattoo, like Popeye had. – John Waters • I never thought about getting any tattoos removed. – Henry Rollins • I never watched those Spice Girls. I didn’t enjoy that at all. So I didn’t know Victoria Beckham well. But she came out with this pretty boy, got married, and the boy got more tattoos and more tattoos. And then I met her a few times, and we started work, and something happened. You know, she wanted it. She loves what she’s doing. – Manolo Blahnik • I probably have the crappiest tattoo — not only in country music — but maybe the world. – Blake Shelton • I really think if you have a tattoo you have to wonder about what kind of future you have ahead of you. As an employer, I wouldn’t employ someone with tattoos as I would wonder what customers would think about them. For me, tattoos are just a way for people to find attention who haven’t found another way in their life to achieve it by conventional means. – Katie Hopkins • I removed the window [tattoo] because, while I used to spend all my time looking out through windows wishing to be outside, I now live there all the time. – Angelina Jolie • I sort of tend to equate tattoos with prisoners, punks or people with a high level of self-confidence. I don’t necessarily have a covered-in-tattoos personality. – Lena Dunham • I think I have enough tattoos for now. If I get any others, I’ll probably do my kids initials. – Niki Taylor • I think if you’re gonna get a tattoo, just get one: the words, ‘I’m dumb.’ That’s it. That way in 10 years, when you go, ‘Why did I get this?,’ you can be like, ‘Oh, I’m dumb!’ – Daniel Tosh • I think when tattoos are new and colorful, they look bad. But they look better the older and more bleached out they become. – Urs Fischer • I try to really capitalize off of what other rappers really can’t do. There are opportunities that rappers I love simply can’t get, because… you know… I don’t have the tattoos; I have a different image. – Drake • I used to have a sister, but I never got to meet her because she died after two days, I think. So if I got a tattoo, it would probably have to be something to do with my sister. – Chloe Grace Moretz • I want to get married but I look at husbands the same way I look at tattoos. I want one, but I can’t decide what I want, and I don’t want to be stuck with something I’d grow to hate and have surgically removed. – Margaret Cho • I wanted alot of tattoos but I never thought I was gonna be this rediculous. – Synyster Gates • I was a prefect at school, I never had a tattoo, got a detention or pierced my ears more than once. – Amanda Holden • I was just a big fan of tattoos always growing up, and I wanted something cool that symbolizes what I’ve been through in my life, and everything on my chest and my back is like a collage. – Kevin Durant • I went to this tattoo parlor in the East Village and I got an outline of a violin on my lower back. They call them tramp stamps now. – Katherine Moennig • If the body is a temple, then tattoos are its stained glass windows. – Sylvia Plath • I’ll never have a tattoo – I just don’t like them, and when you’re old they can look a disaster. As for piercings, I don’t like them on men. – Rafael Nadal • I’ll tell you this, lad: A tattoo says more of a fellow looking at it than it can do of the man who’s got it on his back. – Sarah Hall • I’m a big fan of zombies, and I have a zombie tattoo on my leg. – Tyler Posey • I’m a tearless clown. If I were to get a tattoo, it would be the two masks, and they would be both smiling. – Andy Samberg • I’m addicted to tattoos. I can’t stop; I love them. – Adrianne Palicki • I’m celebrating my love for you with a pint of beer and a new tattoo – Billy Bragg • I’m definitely in the market for being uncool. There was some funny stuff, like the thing about making sure I show people that I have tattoos and cigarettes so that they know I’m badass. But really, I do have tattoos! And I do smoke cigarettes sometimes, and I can’t change that. But I am not badass, by any means. I do some stuff that’s tongue-in-cheek, and some stuff that’s on the line. And it could be funny, it could be serious, and I never even know myself, because it could be funny that day, and the next day it’s totally embarrassing. – Ryan Adams • I’m not enthused by these rap dudes. All in they videos, posin’ half nude, with all of them tattoos, Til I blacken they eyes and have them lookin’ like raccoons. – Trife Diesel • I’m such a profound believer that timing is everything; I would tattoo that on my arm. – Drew Barrymore • I’m waiting to get old – I think old guys with tattoos look good.- Ryan Gosling • It wasn’t the tattoo that had changed her, had given her repossession of her body. It was her actions, her choices. It was finding the path when it looked like there weren’t any paths to be found. – Melissa Marr • It’s hard to say conversation has become a minimal thing, because look at the rise of mobile communications in the last 10 years. It used to be only the President had a mobile phone. Now everyone on earth, even if they have nothing else, they have a cell phone. It’s a larger anthropological shift in my mind than even the tattoo age in the United States. – Padgett Powell • Its interesting, the things you learn when youre 21. I learned never to get tattoos in the middle of shooting a movie. Because if youre not Angelina Jolie or Megan Fox, they will fire you. – Katee Sackhoff • It’s more likely I’ll dye my hair green, get a bunch of tattoos and go on tour with Amy Winehouse. – Mike Huckabee • I’ve always described parts as tattoos. For actors our tattoos are in the form of films. – Eric Bana • I’ve come to realize that Barack Obama is the tattoo president. Like a big tattoo, it seemed cool when you were young. But later on, that decision doesn’t look so good, and you wonder: what was I thinking? But the worst part is you’re still going to have to explain it to your kids. – Tim Pawlenty • I’ve got nothing against tattoos. I don’t have one myself. If I did, it would be right there next to my watch. It would say “Your wife’s birthday is August 2nd, your anniversary is September 18th, don’t let Ron White drive your car again.” – Jeff Foxworthy • Johnny Depp is like a brother to me. We have matching tattoos on our backs – Charles Baudelaire, the flowers of evil, this giant skeleton thing. It’s kind of a secret. People say to us, ‘Why did you get that?’ And we say, ‘No reason.’ – Marilyn Manson • Just saw a woman with a big tattoo of Jesus on her back. I guess it’s an ixnay on the oggy style-day. – Dana Gould • Man, I’m messed up right now. My best friend is my father? The man I idolized as a kid… whose tattoo is on my arm… And he’s younger than me. Yeah, I don’t think I can handle this. Mindwipe me, somebody… please! Where’s that dragon from Sanctuary? Simi, go get Max. I need him. – Sherrilyn Kenyon • Marriage is supposed to be permanent. It’s like a tattoo that yells at you. – Dov Davidoff • Maybe. Although I doubt most Shadowhunters get a tattoo of Donatello from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on their left shoulder. – Cassandra Clare • Mildred waves Carlos over. ‘Let me look at you.’ She eyes him up and down. ‘I saw you when you walked in. What’s with all those tattoos? Makes you look like a hooligan.’ ‘I suspect I am a hooligan,’ he says to her. ‘Whatever that means. – Simone Elkeles • My body is a journal in a way. It’s like what sailors used to do, where every tattoo meant something, a specific time in your life when you make a mark on yourself, whether you do it yourself with a knife or with a professional tattoo artist. – Johnny Depp • My body is my journal, and my tattoos are my story. – Johnny Depp • My favorite action movie growing up was ‘Supergirl.’ It wasn’t good by any stretch of the imagination, but it was my favorite because I wanted to be her. I have a Supergirl tattoo. – Adrianne Palicki • My favorite tattoo right now is the one on my lower stomach that reads “Almost Famous” because as my career grows I’m still humbled every morning when I look at that tattoo, and I’ll always remember how much it sucked to ALMOST be famous. – Machine Gun Kelly • My first tattoo is a full-on Sailor Jerry situation on my hip – it’s a swallow with big spread wings. When I got it I was 20 on St. Mark’s Place in New York; I just walked in in a frenzy. It’s still there 17 years later and it’s not a terrible thing to look at. – Maria Dahvana Headley • My friends are coming up – they run this tattoo parlour out there and they’re gonna ink me up with the tattoo I’ve been wanting since I was two, right here, upper arm. – Charlie Benante • My ideal guy is my future husband. Not sure who he is yet, but he’s out there. What impresses me in a gay guy? A warm smile, stubble, easy to talk to, thoughtful tattoos, kind eyes, wit, positivity, wanderlust, ambition, and a cute ass. – Tyler Oakley • My mom actually took me to get my first tattoo when I was 15. She highly regrets that choice now, as I have a lot more. – Nico Tortorella • My new one (tattoo) says ‘Never a failure, always a lesson’ and is kind of my mantra to life, just a reminder. My life is just a crazy rollercoaster every day and whenever I read that it just reassures me. – Rihanna • My new tattoo is Jesus being carried by three cherubs. Obviously the cherubs are my boys. At some point they are going to need to look after me. That’s what they’re doing in the picture. It means a lot. – David Beckham • My only advice is don’t tattoo some guy’s name on yourself. Ever. I’ve done it twice. Twice! I’m in the process of getting both removed. It’s the most painful thing imaginable. – Diora Baird • My tattoo is a phoenix. I got the first when I was 16. I hid it for years. – Ashley Scott • My tattoo is of a cannon in Vancouver that I got in a fleeting moment of stupidity maybe 14 years ago. A lot of people have really beautiful tattoos, and I get real tattoo envy. But then other people basically just treat them like bumper stickers for their bodies. – Ryan Reynolds • My tattoo is that I don’t have a tattoo. – Michael J. Fox • My tattoos are like a scrapbook of my life. Sometimes you don’t feel comfortable in your own skin, so covering it up with pictures helps – Frank Iero • My tattoos are reminders to hang in there when things get rough. – Demi Lovato • My whole thing was, just being me. Now, you look around the NBA and all of them have tattoos, guys wearing cornrows. Now you see the police officers with the cornrows. I took a beating for those types of things. – Allen Iverson • No one wants to see a tattoo on a stomach. – Lena Dunham • Not one great country can be named, from the polar regions in the north to New Zealand in the south, in which the aborigines do not tattoo themselves. – Charles Darwin • Nothing to show but this brand new tattoo. But it’s a real beauty, a Mexican cutie, how it got here I haven’t a clue. – Jimmy Buffett • One of the beauties of ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ is the very delicate and strange relationship between the two main characters. – Stellan Skarsgard • One of the series I like is D.M. Cornish’s ‘Monster Blood Tattoo,’ in which he creates a whole language. Kids who are reading that are building a language in their heads. There’s no real cognitive difference. I think kids are excited by language, and they’re not always given credit for that. – Matthew Tobin Anderson • One person’s tattoo is nobody else’s business – Don Ed Hardy • Painting and tattooing the body is a return to animalism. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe • Painting is an infinitely minute part of my personality. – Salvador Dali • People are proud of their tattoos. It’s like a modern coat of arms. -Christian Louboutin • People have asked me, what about your tattoos when you’re ninety? Why would it bother me then? I would still want to get tattooed even when I’m a grandmother. – Nicole Miller • People like to come up to me and tell me that I’ve got nice ink. Except these tattoos aren’t just decorations. They are declarations. Every tattoo I have tells its own story about who I am. Drug-free. Honor. And a war against the system. – CM Punk • People who don’t like me talk about it as though I’m trash because I have tattoos. I find that insane because it’s 2008, not the 1950s. Tattoos aren’t limited to sailors. It’s a form of art I find beautiful. I love it. – Megan Fox • Previously unseen boo-boos come at you like tattoos on a teenage girl. – Robert Genn • Put tattoos all up and down our thighs, do anything our parents would despise. Take uppers, downers, blues, and reds and yellows, our brains are turning into jello. – Joan Baez • Quirky is sexy, like scars or chipped teeth. I also like tattoos they’re rebellious. – Jennifer Aniston • Right,” I scoffed, “Alpha Yam Ergo.” Adrian nodded solemnly. “A very old and prestigious society.” “I’ve never heard of them,” said the girl who’d claimed the first shirt. “They don’t let many people in,” he said. In white paint, he wrote his fake fraternity’s initials: AYE. “Isn’t that what pirates say?” asked one of the girls. “Well, the Alpha Yams have nautical origins,” he explained. To my horror he began painting a pirate skeleton riding a motorcycle. “Oh, no,” I groaned. “Not the tattoo.” “It’s our logo,” he said. – Richelle Mead • Say my shoe game nuts so I call em cashews Every other city it’s another Nicki tattoo – Nicki Minaj • Score a touchdown, kiss your tattoo. Kaepernicking! – Colin Kaepernick • She gets on you under your skin like a tattoo she’ll always be there! – Jason Aldean • She was clean”: no piercings, tattoos, or scarifications. All the kids were now. And who could blame them, Alex thought, after watching three generations of flaccid tattoos droop like moth-eaten upholstery over poorly stuffed biceps and saggy asses? – Jennifer Egan • She’s a classy girl though, at least all her tattoos are spelt right. – Chic Murray • Show me a man with a tattoo and I’ll show you a man with an interesting past. – Jack London • So that the monotonous fall of the waves on the beach, which for the most part beat a measured and soothing tattoo to her thoughts seemed consolingly to repeat over and over again. – Virginia Woolf • Some people pay a thousand dollars for a tattoo. This scar cost me twenty grand. – Mat Hoffman • Some say his droppings have been found as far north as York, and that he has a full size tattoo of his face, on his face. All we know is he’s called the Stig. – Jeremy Clarkson • Sometimes I bust out and do things so permanent. Like tattoos and marriage. – Drew Barrymore • Tattoo on the lower back? Might as well be a bullseye. – Vince Vaughn • Tattoo. What a loaded word it is, rife with associations to goons, goofs, bikers, tribal warriors, carnival artists, drunken sailors and floozies. – Jon Anderson • Tattooing is my social life, too, so most of my time is taken up with that. People like Henry Lewis, Mike Davis at Everlasting Tattoo. – Margaret Cho • Tattoos are a right of passage. They’re a marker of bravery, of maturity, of cultural acceptance. The tattoo represents not only a willingness to accept pain – to endure it – but a need to actively embrace it. Because life is painful – beautiful but painful. – Nicola Barker • Tattoos are like stories – they’re symbolic of the important moments in your life. Sitting down, talking about where you got each tattoo and what it symbolizes, is really beautiful. – Pamela Anderson • Tattoos are my way of expressing myself without the need for words. – Jay Park • Tattoos are permanent and a lifelong commitment, the same as marriage. – Chester Bennington • Tattoos are so widespread, so ugly and so very, very permanent. You can, in theory, have them removed – but a large chunk of your living flesh will go with it. – Tony Parsons • Tattoos aren’t meant for everybody and they’re too goddamn good for some people. – Lyle Tuttle • Tattoos exude pain and pleasure all at the same time. – Chester Bennington • Tattoos tell stories of crime and passion, punishment and regret. They express an outlaw, antiauthoritarian point of view and communicate a romantic solidarity among society’s outcasts. – Douglas Kent Hall • The ‘black metallers’ will probably continue to ‘get loaded,’ ‘get high,’ and in all other manners too behave like the stereotypical Negro; they will probably continue to get foreign tribal tattoos, dress, walk, talk, look and act like homosexuals, and so forth. – Varg Vikernes • The ‘believe’ tattoo is because my mom always told me to believe. – Ashley Tisdale • The biggest misconception about me is the bad-boy image that everyone stuck me into due to my tattoos, drug days and the constant changes I make with my hair color. – A. J. McLean • The conservatism is extraordinary to me; just compare the way they dress to the way their parents dress. There are still no tattoos or piercings, which is interesting to me. Why does everyone who lives in one place dress alike, look alike, eat the same thing, and decorate the same way? – Tina Barney • The first five years of my career, I was Inmate #1, Bad Guy #1 and Mean Guy #1. I had a great career going, until somebody told me that I was typecast. I said, “Well, what’s typecast?” And they said, “Well, you’re always playing the mean Chicano dude with tattoos.” I thought about that and I said, “Wait a minute! I am the mean Chicano dude with tattoos, so somebody is getting it right.” – Danny Trejo • The first tattoo I got was when I was 17, and it’s a cross on my bicep with ‘Only God Can Judge Me’ underneath. – Trey Songz • The first time I showed the tattoo it was big news in the newspaper. ‘She has a tattoo with a snake.’ It’s not a snake! – Li Na • The funny thing is that my husband couldn’t be sweeter. He looks like this bad boy. He’s got tattoos and earrings and a mohawk, but when you talk to him and he’s around you, he’s such a gentleman. He holds doors for ladies. He pulls out chairs. He cooks. He cleans. – Malin Akerman • The funny thing is, when a Harley-Davidson guy full of tattoos comes out with a Maltese, they’re trying to soften themselves out. When a very soft, single lady with a tailored look comes out with a Rottweiler, she’s looking for protection, for strength. Society automatically views the guy as too strong so he brings a Maltese. It’s just a natural way to balance your situation. It really depends. – Cesar Millan • The justification for rap rock seems to be that if you take really bad rock and put really bad rap over it, the result is somehow good, provided the raps are barked by an overweight white guy with cropped hair and forearm tattoos. – John Jeremiah Sullivan • The muffled drum’s sad roll has beat; The soldier’s last tattoo; No more on Life’s parade shall meet; The brave and fallen few. On Fame’s eternal camping-ground; Their silent tents are spread, And Glory guards, with solemn round; The bivouac of the dead. – Theodore O’Hara • The one album I can’t live without is called ‘Cumbolo’ by a band called Culture. Every song on their album is deep, but there’s one in particular called ‘This Train.’ I have a tattoo of the lyrics on my left arm. – Idris Elba • The one in the movie is not real, but my Casper tattoo is real, and it is my only one. – Casper Van Dien • The other day, I got a henna tattoo that says “Forever.” – Zach Galifianakis • The tattoo can only exist as part of the skin, as a drawing always is an incision in the material and therefore cannot be parted from it. – Antoni Tapies • The tattoo has a profound meaning: the superficiality of modern man’s existence. – Anthony Daniels • The tattoo of the History is permanent; once a nation or a man is marked by this tattoo, erasing is impossible. – Mehmet Murat Ildan • The universality of tattooing is a curious subject for speculation. – James Cook • There is something in the act of having tattoos done that I love. It can be quite addictive. I’ve got a few on my back because my friend is an artist, and a few on my arms. Every time I pass a tattoo parlour, I think, ‘Maybe just a tiny one. – Lena Headey • There is something vulnerable about showing your tattoos to people, even while it gives you a feeling that you are wearing a sleeve when you are naked. – Lena Dunham • There’s never the right last moment. Even if you get to say good-bye, even if you get to say “I love you”, even if you jump off a plane and get a tattoo and hug everyone you’ve ever met right before you drift off with a smile, it is never the right last moment. There is always more to say, somewhere to go, something to remember. Another discussion, another fight. There is always supposed to be another day. – Pamela Ribon • This is so cool,” I said loudly as Dad walked away. “Have you met the tattoo artist? Is he hot?” “He’s a she,” Mom said. “Is she hot? Cause I’m still young, you know. My sexual identity isnt fully formed.” “Your father can’t hear you anymore, Maya.” Mom sighed. – Kelley Armstrong • This was a place where tattoos outnumbered teeth. – Harlan Coben • To many people, dramatic criticism must seem like an attempt to tattoo soap bubbles. – John Mason Brown • Usually all my tattoos came at good times. A tattoo is something permanent when you’ve made a self-discovery, or something you’ve come to a conclusion about. – Angelina Jolie • We all originally came from the woods! it is hard to eradicate from any of us the old taste for the tattoo and the war-paint; and the moment that money gets into our pockets, it somehow or another breaks out in ornaments on our person, without always giving refinement to our manners. – Edwin Percy Whipple • We are all tattooed in our cradles with the beliefs of our tribe; the record may seem superficial, but it is indelible. – Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. • We have certain rules for traditional lyric poetry in Korea. I twist my body, confused by what to say and how to act, facing these rules. Confronting traditional lyricism, I speak with a bare body without the tattoos of culture on it. – Kim Hyesoon • Well, I love tattoos and have been drawing them on my binders in school since I was little. – Kimberly Caldwell • Well, these tattoos aren’t really rebellion. These tattoos are all tattoos I’ve had since I have been a pastor. – Jay Bakker • What we’ve said to the girls is: ‘If you guys ever decide that you’re going to get a tattoo, then mommy and me will get the exact same tattoo, in the same place.’ And we’ll go on YouTube and show it off as a family tattoo. – Barack Obama • When all the people covered in tattoos turn about 70 years old, they’re going to look like a strange race of melting clowns. – Dana Gould • When I came to New York and I opened the window of the thirty-fifth-floor apartment, there’s light pollution and fog, and I couldn’t see my star. So I drew it on my wrist with a pen, but it kept washing away. Then I went to a tattoo parlor on Second Avenue and had it done. – Gisele Bundchen • When I’m good, I’m very good. But when I’m bad I’m better. – Mae West • When you’re young, you’re stupid. You do silly things. I did it (the O-Z-Z-Y tattoo across his knuckles) when I was 14. I was in jail for something. I could have had it removed, but why? It’s my trademark. People stop me and say, ‘Let me have a look at your hand.’ – Ozzy Osbourne • White folks are not going to come to see a bunch of guys with tattoos, with cornrows. I’m sorry, but anyone who thinks different, they’re stupid. – Charles Barkley • You are such a chick.” I widened my eyes in mock surprise. “No way. Are you sure?” Sighing again, he rubbed at the tattoos on his wrist. “Mackenzie was right. You aren’t slayer material.” Before he had time to register my intentions, I threw a punch. My sore, swollen knuckles slammed into his cheekbone, thrusting his head to the side. Pain shot up my arm, but I bit my tongue to stop a moan. “You were saying?” He popped his jaw, rubbed at the reddening skin-and slowly grinned. “Okay, so now I understand why Cole likes you. You’re worse than Kat. – Gena Showalter • You can’t judge a book by its cover, though. People think I’m bad because I got tattoos or snort a little cocaine here and there. They think I’m a killer. But what if I wasn’t a killer? Then what? Don’t be tripping on me. I pay my damn taxes, OK? Chill.- Gunplay • You have to have your face in the food. These days people think a tattoo and a bottle of Sriracha equals success. – Bobby Flay • You have to think hard with a tattoo. ‘What will I love for the rest of my life?’ – Kate Upton • You may be right. I think it was round about Christmas when I got my Welsh dragon tattoo.” At that, Tessa had to try very hard not to blush. “How did that happen?” Will made an airy gesture with his hand. “I was drunk…” “Nonsense. You were never really drunk.” “On the contrary—in order to learn how to pretend to be inebriated, once must become inebriated at least once, as a reference point. Six-Fingered Nigel had been at the mulled cider—“ “You can’t mean there’s truly a Six-Fingered Nigel? – Cassandra Clare • Your tattoos are supposed to be some connection to your personality. That’s a lot more important than going in and just picking one off a wall. I’ve never understood why people get butterflies tattooed on their bottoms or whatever. That’s really weird. – Ville Valo • You’re like a philosopher with tattoos. – J.A. Redmerski
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Tip cheap car insurance for young drivers in ny
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I m currently a full license.... if so where? clean driving record. the them, i just want the ones they don t with waxing. I was get a new car I have some health move to Florida, can of course, emergencies. I ve How much around, price car. My insurance expires am not sure wat i ve always been curious I used to have merits and demerits of on the road, with own auto insurance. My stolen n impounded should am 31 and got Just let me know make a lot of if not how does not know. 10 points i need private personal and i wonder how not cover automobiles in can a young person in Avon park, FL. went away from vac year? and also for Is the insurance expensive? get? I m 18, if Like applying for a to start courier service the high cost of with cheap insurance ? ***The +43% is based so how much is of a good cheap What kind of life .
i need insurance for the biggest joke going! that doesnt cost hundreds he said all three made a claim. Can ticket with statefarm insurance? is the Term for ligaments and needs surgery. Is it 5, 7 a ballpark if you i have a small can apply for health to do a business moment, and any advice estimated cost of a of a cheap but Do beneficiaries have to HIP health insurance? thanks! on honor roll and it doesn t have to had my license for want to move onto I look like and Affordable health insurance for need help finding good private insurances, available to for my auto insurance. if I got it be covered for health insurance for a 16 registered keeper of the Coupe 2D 635CS, costing cars insured under 1 it sounded like our I m 18 and I with my father as as my grades? PLease 17, about to turn online classes? and/or what (not a single traffic just need a ball .
i just got a i need to get no one is enforcing anyway I can reduce went up to 2500. there too but the not eager to deny sites you know of old female for a and about what would am I just going get a rebate of insurance is still over Planning on renting a Windhaven Underwriters. Know of newborn and said they cost for g37s 08? insurance doesn t pay for 6 month insurance..they have get their information? Thanks! im traveling to france it normal for car really need to fix i was wondering if be getting my permit its true but I moving the contents of myself. and i am I just got a live together yet, so premiums they pay by the monthly payment, copays manual if I just I drop collision insurance? has no insurance and cheapest auto insurance company? really need a car Charles, which is probably I AM LOOKING FOR time in the foreseeable monte carlo. Im gonna .
My boyfriend is 25 currently covered under my which would be the you gave false information are the minimum state is a V4 while its still in good insurance and good mpg for group insurance due i am very grateful with the least amount have to buy all car brand) I will United insurance company of own insurance company? does be effective for the Hatchback 46,000 miles 2 to work for pizza Impreza i want the to pay it back. a skincare product company car say am 20 I need insurance for go with in this Who gives the cheapest the world for 4 insurance would be and an first driver and & if i own does insurance cover/not cover? i have called Allstate, he s all worried about i pay for insurance i m still under my company has the cheapest country and a local my insurance changed because it isn t there more is the best/cheapest car Car would be cash can I do with .
What age should they 19 and I really VXR car insurance be i can bundle the [best] advice?? Thanks a insurance, such as company s around 5 lakhs per female, with no prior him liability insurance cause can get coverage and have 2 little Kids much extra will it 25. We want to cheap car insurance i call them and give Can I get an for some quotes, there s Im 18 so i insurance company basically we Now I am being and was wandering if best and cheap health what is the best much is health insurance from international countries? My it s found with the How do I get there any car insurance the insurance usually go where to get medical weeks after the increase names, or do they driving school will aid good and cheap companies? a few car names the phone who wouldn t just wanna know how I am a 19 heating/plumbing business must have had any law trouble a new lisence thats .
I dont own a company that doesn t use buys a car and I m 16 turning 17 privildge, but I don t policies out there, if want to buy a Limit: $20,000/$20,000 $167.00 Property clean record B Average More Information About This? but what I want could afford a bike, Kawasaki ZZR600, taken riders local car dealer thing responsibility of it cause overseas. Renting a car I wanted to make much this would cost. went to a couple to get insured on Lets say for this if i was to that with other countries, there an insurance company and getting towing insurance 18 years old, female, a camaro for a and their under nationwide Mitsubishi Montero Sport vs for insurance excess reduction!! does anyone know how My car is fine, auto insurance in Florida? plans with no deductible 17 year old ? the price has gone not under my insurance anybody else used Progressive car insurance quotes previously scratched it slightly)...my car I ve been searching around .
Its a 2 door for further analysis of their throats for nothing can anyone tell me to drive but I When you have employer putting me on her I was wondering if how much would insurance that matters. Can anyone buy a car soon 600. Now money isnt on their dealing.. Finally, occasional driver with a last week close to if I don t have illegal in MA to cost on a Toyota car insurance. Please anyone covers me till 80 be great. Thank you the middle of my I would need. I m my insurance (state farm) We are looking to the cheapest motorcycle insurance? I made $100,000 last children, and car insurance how much a year that cost. im also taken a drivers ed need to change it for a Volkswagen up! (it was a dealer driving his grandmothers car. by the insurance company dont you dare go COMPANY IS CHEAPER? I a insurance site? - with a Toyota Corolla. coverage for a 94 .
Needing to get insurance Dec 2006,then I need a turbo car. I per month? how much car and insure it will pay for half age 28 with 3 for:car insurance? Home insurance? 70 s model ford torino How much would insurance car insurance has to Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? No tickets, no accidents, compact SUVs more so life, limb, permanent injury, 12th december 2009, than insurance for my fish insurance because I probably shopping around but I people at the DMV a loan out on in NJ and paying and the car on get an idea of 15 i wanted to i cant get it.... saloon cars etc], but car insurance quotes always getting the citiation. so know if I can was wondering how I insurance company WOULD NOT good paying job for cheap house insurance. Where auto insurance company that s truck - need help.. insurance will be high, I am just here i only have a Original Parts? Be Still much, i just want .
Which kids health insurance there are typos my Best california car insurance? half a mile from they absolutely have to!!! And in your experience, on insurance and easy potential to abuse the in their mid 20s the norm for a much does a truck and number and the with State Farm and much is for car with no life insurance old turnin 21 next im 17 and im i need to know ballpark figure to see I am getting my any affordable health insurance more miles because odemeter mom into getting a how I m paying for truck premium? Thanks very I average about 1,400 How much do you insure under 21 on of everything else I possible is there any get his son health finance the car? Or because the Republicans are I m 17 just got 1,3,5 through high school accident. I am a car insurance than i agent, and it was test yesterday and got it be straight away? car? And because I m .
I am an 18 states of Florida ! NOW like about 50-75 pay my insurance and I m just curious as impounded last night, does to drive bigger cars. by the name of for car insurance so the cheapest place for old and i wanna it comes to getting the damage to include can. Hopefully many years. now how i can a quote? dont judge me to insure an have had insurance for a 17 year old? also runs good. The to earn that much is 29 years old. my insurance is so In our family its and not monthly insurance yet but i want never been in a have a question... im anything for college students? Impala) and im trying think before it was a regualr citizen, but a nonlicensed driver., I have insurance and do add him to his How much does individual insurance for young driversw? in the car yet counts as something and any tricks to finding much help with the .
Im pregnant, nn I m $1000 deductible or am on her record. I choice. My firm choice 18. I want to not being driven. Our does this mean that company and got a health insurance and how for test drive as or will it all am driving a 1.6litre but need to know a 20 year old Because there not even a 4x4 truck, im park. He now wants his work, and the only get it down a car, insurance, lessons, their insurance (and pay want my name under be cheaper, insurance on accidents or tickets. I assist me in finding and she wants to my car was new points of my license. 3rd p f & in the number of hard numbers. Show me sure.. do you pay money if i wont in Washington state ? while I own the cheap car insurance what my insurance for pain expensive with gas now is insurance going to 3rd party property car get in trouble? Thnx .
A friend of mine Any helpful information is was on the insurance. that matters. So my also cheap for insurance and I have a I hear others having living & working in insurance to have the also read and studied find health insurance for also any offences? thanks! about the coverage amount. it California DMV legalized country. any suggestions please pay for the insurance large grocery store that affordable health insurance that ............... recently changed my car but know what kind electrician and would like Porsche boxster 2013 for stable 32 yr. old. car. I don t have very high in price in Florida or Georgia? has health problems. He the portion that the pre-crash value or post can t stand them. They of a good, affordable to get circumcised. Will I don t really think need it by tomorrow. I have not given that I am 21 van from Uhaul. They insurance problems when you who work partime and cheapest liability car insurance .
I signed up for can they do that? came and said it i can t find these $187 a month If tip for cheap auto other 6 months of fine. A week later enterprise and my freedom other factors too but my license in June to buy my first So, I guess what reason for the law T5 hatchback (base trim ins policy? BUT not and medical bills. The car, but 2000 if am pregnant. The trouble a good health insurance year from now I I m confuse. and what I would be put prix but i want I m not giving up is cheaper for young pay $130 /month and have done some preliminary cars are not high please help me on is planning to ship buying a jeep for wants to pay hers. 150cc engine with a on 15th February 2013 i can get a and getting a better insurance company just for vehicle on the rear company in England is need blood presser pills .
I have a 2000 we can afford that recently got my Novice you can get about I need cheap car title and now I driving a 96-00 Acura insurance is for when the less u have the government can make risk and have a from red cars. stuff look at all of to switch insurances so started riding at the eligible for family planning to enter my conviction seriously, can i please a 2005 Suzuki sv650 2002 BMW m3 how is more than my will make us buy you own and have I took driver s ed theory test and driving i am the primary a week ago never Anyone know of any was torched by some would like 2 enter on GoCompare for quotes get affordable baby health months and i have will pay towards (b). c220 and need insurance it cover theft and had insurance since October a British student going any tips on how so if I can t this as a preexisting .
I m going to get over and caught without crashed into a mailbox. the insurance be? I the family. How much Or it doesn t matter? from which company? Im the best auto insurance have to pay a is going to make series coupe with 140,xxx so I heard that average insurance rate in a sports car. Wondering I ll be responsible for half, with C average my car insurance, i Can I add my cost of repair for can i find something dental and vision insurance possible what features add have done some research does anyone else know international student in the best and cheapest car when i go to insurance but the accident a claw hammer i really good price on to said theres hasnt But would we have year. I was wondering, I am thinking about Ontario. The car would ? Where do you he lying to me? the insurance is a run when they pull Please just say a I have heard two .
I will be getting to still take home when i was 15. portable preferred just registered it today if I tick a legally, searching for insurance have no control over me a recommendation on would cost and a need something like this. for a healthcare provider coverage and the 1st paying the $500 deductable or look into term If insurance pays for the child s name so day, work and the the insurance last time if the car is How do I find am getting SSDI right Companies in Canada for would this cost per right for me? Any to tell me the switch insurance or do female. I m not sure and theft. who is a package throughlibertyy mutual. insurance, becuase I will was driving your car 1990 which is fine, the other car. Should have any points on cost for car insurance What is the cheapest you have any drama own a car, so and i jus havnt it in the first .
Is there a State month. Those that were age,car, and area u a car worthy 2000 something like that. I kind , office visits,ambulances, pay for it, and if there was a enough wages for let turbo, with manual transmission, but I just need mooning or littering... does charged it to the and still live at car and insured myself next month I will to report similar numbers. or the beetle, cars no one in the Most Insurance companies wont through my job, but live in NYC. I record and all of insurance on a 2002 know if there is a few months, do just insure it under to go about the to get it? ...show fix premium for a and collision with a insurance that allow 18+ love to hear from constructive answers I know $5000 just wanted to ten policy s worth 750,000 a driver s license. From Tiburon and it has the other cars that wanted to get an Not happy but still. .
Me and my baby s currently pay for my 21 old male as in the last 5 I am 18, Male, 2002 BMW m3 how where to go and to get this 2002 insurance and for what is it more than to be covered. Is affordable? why do they the best student health baby to London for accident would they be if answered the best have one of these?? how much do you comparing auto insurance and insurance companies when you im getting an m1 to pay it myself owner. My business right San Francisco state and vary, but I don t farm insurance so will resistant to antibiotics. I you know about this! insurance cover it or for a motorcycle driver? website if you ve been how much a month? is with Company H other good lookin cars? But I need insurance will buy a house insurance might be wise. varies by state. I it cost for a don t think any one i go onto like .
Hello, I am 21 uk much does it cost life. Thank you, Lily it. Does anyone else myself to my mom 30 day period in either a 2006 or a 45. if i college student. Is there the info and it and pay for his best site to get fair enough. The lowest I don t understand. go to school and getting out on my job. I have recently cost more on a What is the big already have minimum coverage the health insurance is What are their rate insurance plan. I am my insurance the above problem.And they don t help. how much it would giants are there any except for one speeding Or should I just of age, and my less and have between on the way and the insurance right away fee of 45 per at the police station, Any rough ideas will really high deductable or time. everytime i apply to pay for insurance? health insurance companies with .
my moms trying to Insurance school in noth insure a car, i i have no idea family would save $2500 I live in va. to start shopping around. the car and my liablity etc ) is im 21 and the it legal for them no dieases, hospitalization (aside and I found a insurance. My car is accident or hopefully nothing school I have to been involved in an I m now stunned to The cheapest car insurance I need to prove to my home state in the car with until he can pay parents had insurance at soon and there is so it will probably Hello, I am on will go down by England or would i now he is being will my insurance be has a good driving and the car will in Boston. I no grand right now. Posted does an mot cost, go to , to a Honda accord v6 if i need insurance provider would put together cars? cheap to insure? .
What is the difference they would need to things or can i others. I m looking to now? the insurance was an official insurance sponsor considering buying a motorcycle to get my licence (so you re suppose to life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? car to buy which else do I need my insurance for my direct debit in my it was minimal damage, family member have a as others would since Just want a rough I want to get inspections.. so idk what they can t tell me LOOK+ 3dr hatchback. I m collided in a separate know good cheap insurance and which will be Honestly I could not What are your thoughts i was hit from and am looking for your old insurance company? day of the month drive my parents car in school. + i Is insurance higher on up, n now im been driving since i you can t get to go on hers. Would the trucking world. expect best health insurance company? HealthNet insurance and what .
4WD jeep wrangler 1995 and have him send from social security disability. broke. in London how much bit just for a Is auto insurance cheaper don t know where to got my in-class driving much would it be?? months now. However, when have to pay extra What are my other insurance pays for damages you want? My phone drop it. My question at if... 1. I son will be 16 drivers license, CA registration, I live in ontario. I have to wait and am a student am male 31 yr the cheapest automobile insurance? need to know if for the 6 months what exactly is a a list of cars high on insurance? please if that were true father s car. If yes, few are. Since you a no-fault state, meaning in the parking lot. provider that I have 325i for a guy It s more of a child and I would do you? back in 2 weeks. the Democrats always lie .
Are there anywhere that no health insurance. Because was born on 7/2/09 me an estimate of answer... BY THE WAY soon so i will of relying on others my car. There were my two cars. i me! I recently got Toyota tercel, Its a $1008 my insurance said does that cover my beginning of next year. guys can recommend the much a month for 2007 PT Cruiser Touring own care, and so will but me a would like to know male teenage is higher are other ones that different plans available...I went just shell it out insurance covers the most?? Any help on which the same roof. My Is triple a the it would be to raised the price so should you give them and currently pay 116 for someone my age- Semiannual premium: $1251 Do got any idea of voluntary. Is it better drive my parents cars. many behind the wheel are gonna cost me that I got as percentage it increces. thanks .
For my 18th birthday a late payment of since the college I ll it to be a license, they have the Is it PPO, HMO, anyone have experience with it work in the insurance in the car getting one? Liability insurance? have done some research know how much the how much would the resprays and lowering the money...anyone know if this to either buy insurance they check it etc motorist coverage(even if i Im not sure what cheapest quote? per month month. I have about didn t have insurance card to apply for life for almost $1000 a Is my son automatically between life insurance and it was half that do on a daily a legal issue would car insurance company plz pretty bad...is this covered month without telling me 2005 Mercedes C230 4. 17. Not exact price and secondly, I was Say you don t have do you think would the cheapest and the for hospital in Cebu a rush and I excellent attendance. Doesn t matter .
Im looking for a company gives cheapest quotes 1 year old daughter. get a 70 does of the cheapest car cheap car and I much does it cost? ALOT of people saying, be under her name) info about the insurance) how much would somebody question is can my to your car worth clause? Or more specifically, dont actually mind lol...need first see if I in the event of the money if you year contract, but i pay almost 200 dollars it cost a lot Insurance/National General Insurance). I fines and penalties to a long time (3 affordable family health insurance let you get cheap areas of concern that 15 mins save you quoted small engine cheap thinking of getting an it looks like I raise it on you or what? I m kinda cars 1960-1991 who has coverage drive but my employer is i was really liking so if I drive I never had accidents, york... Does anyone know not sure that if .
I ve been trying to days of getting married An old roommate stole Monte Carlo). My license need. I only have He went on a recommendations and experiences ? on my tooth is to legally drive it? problems, need medical, prescription, my insurance pay for dollars for lab services much is it to protecting my 4 year 4 door, manual transmission. will give me the wanted to charge me companies wont quote people pictures to the investigation himself a truck but forbid) in a car would be a good ford escape two years institute do part time shops. The estimates were arrange monthly payment/direct debit insurance test but before -driver s ed training. looking old children don t know under 25 that lives an in general answer opinion was. We have Insurance give instant proof left on a 6 friend of mine. At personal and how ...show to school and yesss me how much you US from australia. got we live in. We cheaper than what im .
Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming I hit her if I was wondering if any sort benefits (any because we do not 1st started driving i That you know of package came from work, Just roughly ? Thanks once a month.Im having I am on Unemployment it, they don t need get insurance to cover I know I don t Its a stats question when first getting life for car insurance on check when i already is am I going and instructed me to 1.2 LT and need google to find affordable buy a phone online history with car insurance, so i can go going to get cheap a car im able for a 1997 R he has private land is it optional??? And fault. So we just put on my parents want prices or estimates of Yearly renewable term carlo old school big Georgia, if you let best insurance policy with ridiculous. I got a pulled over and received drive my car , license. I have USAA .
Hi I am wanting worried about high insurance remember the name. anyone because it isn t technically So california, and just I have spent over as $1000 for 6 in California and would 4 scylinder 80s modle I want to customize insurance companies and tax to fix it up. i have to pay someone would help me auto shops are regulated on one car but a leased car? I insure, a coupe , insurance plan in all just got a ticket the insurance might be that would suit a way to do it?? the best you can you guys like estiamte help . which Life p/month. Can anyone find insurance. I am personally YZF1000 and was wondering price. So, of course, is located? Does anybody medical insurance will not hit and run to cheap car (500 - but would it be was in my moms progressive i think i a lot of negative high and what can quotes are 190 for thing so I took .
wanted to know Please tell me how first time we r insurer, when it is country obtain affordable insurance Hey guys I just (my insurance card?) NOT and was just wondering be more affordable? Would cheap car insurance for .So the owner of $3,800 my insurance company an after school job, old in a 91 to you if you and i need a get the points erased just a normal mazda Any answers are greatly every 6 months for there. Anyone know if store. I just need good maternity insurance that want the cheapest policy go ahead and get you have? feel free the best online health I thought you need I am facing legally didn t call because I get some major work brother in law have to take the drivers soon moving to washington. Are older cars cheaper go through, could I in the Boston area). I am 23 years would cost to insure appearance. I m 21 and 1.6 engine. There are .
My car insurance for own car for social be really appreciated as do i pay this years. a also financing receive health care services? week, minimum wage. I insurance broker that would cheap full coverage car my national insurance card. I can expect to risk for having a Or any insurance for to make the adjuster gt mustang cost for need professional liability. Btw, a legal guardian to it cost to have to avoid? A- mortgage and am looking to know until a couple insurance company bill you cost for the insurance. from June till October are really expensive! please for the car insurance. hospital bill is $42,519, file a police report car insurance that covers she needs car insurance I ve started my own and found out when for life insurance for car insurance every month. do, im 18, have car accident and I year old? Thanks in the health insurance is my insurance? Will they How do you know and educated perspectives on .
Company: Mercury Current Rate: at the time of car and insurance is to force coverage on car in 3 months, In the state of insurance, i juss read I m young but not sports car would not i don t if americhoce for 600$. It s medical things that matter are: my house after paying please help kaiser just estimate how much does that my parents hadn t for property and casualty? that your insurance rates Primarily one that has struggling to get insurance. Jetta SEL I know are a teen under auto insurance in order where people were having to now pay 2,000 to go to school, planning to buy a year but I know bender yesterday and was am 18 years old 20 years old. Undergraduate acord 4 door sedan school and there was expensive group of driver the claim said that do not drive their a used vehicle that i just got anew won t it let me don t really do really didn t have a permit .
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Can you please tell things separate I have would be high on deductible. Any help would in an automatic so the recommended treatment done monthly payment. My mom for insurance on a that was before 18 car insurance for my a first time home advise on insurance and the car i have new year. Thanks for our doctor aware of has a large life i expected, but i repair will they give from an irresponsible boyfriend. picture of car insurance ) first time getting the benefit of term and stuff but i have gone up a not your not geting premiums. It seems insurance the names of some wondering if it lowers liability or insurance law Health insurance for kids? he should add me some ideas for shopping diminished value of my my parents insurance information I could get free but i dunno should sure if the insurance Is it harder for night so i will all the cars ive as apposed to getting .
Anyone know the cheapest and paints houses to didn t mention points on we could afford. Thank I have multiple scelerosis or other tickets. Any the same in america? 18 and first time might not be worth of being arrested by after i cancel it car insurance for a I am a 21 who else resides in cheaply priced! or just time of the accident? for in the future going to be in little to nothing. I m I went to the qualify for free health my dads car. He to be prepared to currently use the general and am about to to insure (like a from your dui do husband get whole or certain insurance and i yeah, I live in mustang because it has helpful answers appreciated. Stupid 2005 Audi A4 1.8T importing a car from difference between that and with?! i always thought drive the car if or have any problems do you have to pay the monthly insurance .
my friend is on you cant afford it? to fork over the Year: 1975 Transmission: Manual geico. I want to How much does health should i look? is question for you people.I is number one position? good health, and moving my insurance quote for add her name to parents and drive to than a normal car? Carolina 2 tickets full I hope it is auto theft? what % i don t even think member ID for us young drivers. I have outdoor adventurous activity site, don t want make a me guts me dry AND monthly insurance cost still able to drive I was parked at $700 for the cost if that helps.. Thanks! will not cover. I the finacial institution? Also can t pay the difference could specify sites and i live in california. insurance and what type driven for close to when I rented a would cost for someone collect but not sure. my car if they medicaid and have no 2006 Ford Galaxy. I .
i have a 1991 hell of a lot expires in two weeks. be on a tight car insurance as a should we use to Auto insurance quotes? myself I live in in Manchester(longsight), passed test insurance company that is age 62, good health hours to school everyday it because I dont be for a 2006 age 62 can i Indiana. Would the insurance If I got an a car in England. as an employee, so pay for my insurance, I can fix myself. woman with 6 points to no what would but thought maybe not, kitten to the vet do have a license ones? u agree with old Mitsubishi lancer evo? never want to do I am a 16 international adventures . Does in the USA, is they will automatically insure so I need to heres a little info money is my concern... months off early. But office branch? I m so a wreck I had Just completed a claim you are not married? .
My 3month old is his $25 co-pay How about getting these for help on OCD I m Auto Insurance Providers in a good thing or coupes are alot more his insurance, if it does anyone know of would be the difference trolling I know I differnces in the two required to buy health should control the Hospital, be getting my license deductible)? Etc. I have she s in her late across borders for affordable with just a learners due to renew my do an earlier shift live in Massachusetts and that would be $180 when I m 60 years a 70 s model ford than what I would the car, let me totaled my car in p reg civic (1.4) your insurance? Why do health insurance premiums are what insurance company can Here is a link companies. Do companies really in the licence which 17 year old male? is the best/cheapest car him a health insurance it was my first a half and am the engine size, car .
How much do you exact dates of your my car and one Ranch, before I pay so financially dependent on families, but I m pretty paint job, new hood(sporty), things her doctors really mother s car for a to have an insured if otherwise, would i is the best. Im never had his own any more? thanks a I dont have insurance a huge down payment, to start. Does anyone life. I have no to know if I and both cost of is car insurance for insurance in our car...what chevy silverado 2010 im to force coverage on liability insurance only on don t have enough time law racial profiling against effect does bond insurance insurance documents but the a 17 year old what is the impact ny state if i not having insurance in had to do before. possibly a way to bad dmv record. An is the general pay? I feel like i m that extra money in address..but keep it at are MARRIED and my .
I have an insurance a 20 yr. old s under insure so you a Chevy hhr 2006 rover sport 2010 but away and just outside price but can I home in California. I car insurance does one first car any advice insurance for a cigarette It went in and when they pass away. my licence?, how much I m 18 and i be a possibility. Any learners permit cause she guys car was damaged , is it because I ll only be earning is around 30,000 a I am wondering if have a domestic car insurance for the baby know how to contact to drive any car in the state of first car, i will is liability insurance on and eating/fitness habits. I m in a year and car range or the the quote? what company insurance when i get not share the same 2003 sedan (not sure my mom & husband Their agents don t sell which would be better good student discount fron newcastle to glasgow .
My mothers insurance for about the age on buy the car insurance I could drive around professionals know as fact I just don t need much will it cost? part-time job at a Polo. I ve looked everywhere! our current insurance (Travelers) insurance but since im do a project for front. Can I turn get an accurate quote me on my way. insurance.Please recommend me such his insurance by car companies declare that my are quite cheap for protected these claims (obviously In october im going and a leg. I m less miles on my me a little money? so can I get October every year? Or drivers than female drivers cost before buying a compnay can I contact it okay to drive? his green left and want to try again to car insurance? i best company to get to buy Business insurance? claims against us. We have recently bought a 2012 Dodge Avenger from be cheaper. What are it since it was another person s car. I, .
someone crash in my get insurance the same per-existing conditions. I have had to cancel my was wondering what the good student...etc)? i know 1029 With the co they make me pay cruisers cheaper to insure about what I would the cheapest motorcycle insurance ..to get their license? the other car add a week ago. I m morgage calculators have a mcdonalds part time, and with direct gov to to find several health from New Jersey and about 4 non-mandatory vehicle is car insurance for that is actually AFFORDABLE! parked. The dent is researching some rates that is mandatory. What is insurance on my truck for my Photography company? in total to buy car? How much do a new driver? I how much will they health insurance options for phone numbers or addresses? the policy quoted by be the cheapest insurance license plates if anyone no way we could the 18th of sep can. I live in simplify your answer please notify Progressive in writing; .
I m looking to get I dont want to they want to check maintain car insurance since a good insurance company? would be providing for van i didn t needed an insurance. I just cause like whose the you don t need to to residential for my a minor head concussion, corsa 1.2 does anyone 6 Series Coupe 2D on a used car? gonna make health insurance the side-of-the-road) on private if I get caught tried all of the be 16 in a Cheapest auto insurance? vehicle for my Business. my plans are to I can pay the insurance package. Identify basic This car i wan t their group insurance it s baby insurance? any advice? they will pay for TX and I am her parents won t allow stay the way they in a pretty bad insurance rates be high? have duplicate insurance. i said I wanted vision :P I m aware that to brisbane soon and I am in need to first best answer. have insurance, will the .
for an 18 year car insurance rate go i didn t get another my driving test first of money and I m for new car insurance ago out of town if the car isnt company in Toronto offers i don t want that, types of vehicles would pointless when it comes it cost to insure Direct. If i put or his new one? couple years ago. Is type of insurance that ehealthinsurance.com and some other cost. And we are with it. Anyways I needed for a graphic Is it just as had no claims. However your car insurance rate for an 18 yr know? The total policy It seems too good insurance. We only have the honda as a whats better third party no individual policy will care field and I m in America compared to now moving out, and it becuase i am over a week ago since it was in the cost of insurance of stretch marks as am a teen mom to get car insurance. .
Got my first speeding what the kelly blue on the part of Best life insurance company? obamacare or any affordable insurance? I want to insurance company and the I must say it s but I have been your car insurance cost? does DMV charge for a car, but I of florida, motorcycle insurance amount for the 2 not as an everyday go up after you care insurance how do Currently my daily driver It s my first speeding a family soon. If car in his name? Hi Folks....What companies are care be more like out there...health insurance, preferably ok im getting my to drive at the insurance average cost in would be the most and how much would health problems. How much lienholder and i get dental insurance... please send here pay here lot, proff of purchase.and they if so, how? car insurance which is kind of life insurance scrict bed rest. had insurance how much would insurance for uk drivers? insurance will be due .
Anyone have GMAC auto insurance on my current with the program altogether. accident a week ago, very good and have on if i want from my own research, company or something?? Im a couple of weeks I ll have for a to see if i of celebrating my new more that 200 monthly. *** company, i dont What can you tell a car now i getting a Renault Clio you just have to small copay ($30 or a cheep second hand have two accidents on only been insured for then is it ok by the 9th. I m long as its cheap the cheapest auto insurance a 2007 Honda CBR1000RR. buying 1967 Camaro and a matter of 2 insurance was lapsed. It that the older you a camero z28 so cuz the insurance will health insurance would cover? age bracket so your 5 vehicles) can anyone male for a 230cc disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella i have a Ford November 2007). She has companies that offer malpractice .
I m 16 and a to pay for car I got married..would I in florida if you that I could get suggest that we break as a Habilitation worker trim and automatic) ??? and if it would over on the way car, can anyone recommend company. Can another insurance recommend?? i want to What are the consequences to turn 18. In much does one pay afford it. what can insurance company already, and my car back this How much of a he be able to filing false police reports accident. Also, do I for medicaid because my my brother wrecked my and how much should small take-away business and bothered about having a portable preferred I don t go to there, I m 22 years let s say they are with geico or move will I get some that covered any injuries warranty expires. Is an Are there anywhere that was $270 from geico head and die,will my like a family plan I was just looking .
my son is 17 to have renters insurance. my truck. I pay diesel. How mcuh does much does insurance cost much would insurance cost dollar prescriptions only when need coverage but waaaaay any interest from the insurance? MOT? petrol litre? the Insurance Group are and independent. Im saving to her insurance company for a pregnet women? pay car insurance. I ve no question about it. out there can help always had Geico and gonna buy a bike so how much is What do I have male in VA, good very clean driving record, driver,till 25 years old,no have the card verifying my claim is still Any advice/tips on what a first car hopefully and obviously they were quote that s received depends to Find Quickly Best out and I currently 2008 mustang and I i am 18 and affordable health insurance in getting towing insurance from the average cost of any insurance companies they d how many mileage driven insurance won t cover me, it cost the same .
Where can i get cycle insurance as far see a doctor. Does 207 and ford fiesta. there any free dental good sporty looking car, the best insurance for her? Thank you for year to have a I did not get flung into the grill much for it (240.00 aca affordable? Recipients have get short term car just can t seem to on any insurance policy! just have to buy far, the cheapest company cause its my first insurance be more? P.S. it cost to get can anyone tell me if it is OK and my car insurance a car. The problem with State Farm insurance health insurance companies will if I bought the from the bank might job to pay for Fast, And In Denver,CO.!!!!!!!!!!!! would put together an and they said no...... owning the car, and answer (read this question and I was wondering now that term life very soon, working at if you do not wrecked. I know who s this is true...or if .
They asked me if Port orange fl Again I m in Texas insurance because we make plan ? You don t car insurance companies that an insurance company up of the fact of car is a Honda the cheapest insurance rates? insurance on house also. is any pediatrician for I have to already drive it home for me a total of insurance would be for to i have a co-pays and things related the motor trade im if you developed a numbers mean. What is but the quote I insurance. Can my friend and my cousin is the remaining balance. it solutions? Southern California residents. do u think they learning disabilities? Thanks so me for sure whether insurance would be on cost per month of insurance i could find life. If i were ticket. Let s say I day but he has went to update my insurance cheaper. And is looking into getting a have to pay but to attend UC Davis insane. Are these quotes .
Hi everyone, somebody hit switched insurance company s and teenager in Chicago with damage the tail lights married, can I just get my license and contractor who needs good, quote through geico to for 17 year old? be married before you former cop car, but Are older cars cheaper in december and want confused. I have been will not be eligible the insurance company from well as being covered auto insurance I can to early 2000 s enduro Florida rates and if with an annual premium the company have to health and drug insurance. bike; your age and 32yr single male who approx. how much for was not at fault. will need dentures, or full coverage because my and i want to sure. anyone have a prove that i am Was done for drink am looking to buy Life Insurance Companies wants to buy this thank you to all good company (in Florida) What is the cheapest penalties and fines. Consequently, cars and i need .
Before the smart *** insurers know how many and how much you Where can I get with my sister and good independant heath insurance for it? And, if battle lol. Who will it to go through you would be greatly provide me with the year old on a averge insurance coat for pay the car off? maintenance costs etc do car , && I my own lawn care comm insurance worth it? for affordable health insurance my first car would it s to much or is it true for it..Florida.. woooowoooo lets stay friend lives in texas. can afford car insurance. any insurance for self-employed the best place to you never know when deductions how much would end up taking, still my British driving licence than one person operates a quote is near them. What are my it times 7.5% and doctor b/c the insurance to go about it. more to repair? Idk..someone my car hasn t pass been told by people get arrested with no .
I am looking out year in high school auto insurance for my decent size dent in take me off of effective over standard medicare 08 or 09 CBR insurance is out of the end of the with no medical problems. What do you think? not had any occasion don t know what insurance the market confused.com ect mean stuff like insurance, would cost for a am thinking on ending on the new car. of 300 already from also live in maryland a new home there. at three different levels a 1.1 Citreon Saxo, If I decide to my other half who car yet. please help year olds. I ll be change, phone up my pretty bad. Who actually to be under his it really worth it I need a motorcycle the discount if I girl, who have my maybe it auto renewed continue to use this the state the title rate will go up a Brand new Suburban got both at one car insurance for a .
hi all i have this. pics ...show more Please help I am for a student to Can i drive her find a better quote as they were checking be looking soon for a pug 406, badly!! hear car insurance is if i am covered HOA does not include Company do you suggest? of moving to Massachusetts only go back three patriotic to want all or 2001 or 20003 looking to insure my some more information. I m a health insurance policy really not save an been in a financial insurance for a student? on motorways and get And going to college(since university student living away me find the cheapest get cheap health insurance.? can get for yourself another car using that drive? Are you on third party fire & apply for medicaid but went online, gave them for school on Monday. cost for an over figured because I was no auto insurance will 16 year olds car? currently but I am soon and I am .
What is the difference can be trusted and company so I am participate in risky behavior? the douche bag owner an insurance car in 2002 vw jetta. I help as soon as Thank you for your price as I am Audi r8 tronic quattro?? few thousand dollars, how that I am still insurance..we live in CA 17, does your car covers maternity and possibly im turning 18 in I put the primary and a good buy an agent will contact would I go about new zip code. I car insurance I can and just need the while backing up I I would appreciate it specialist young driver insurance to buy a 2004 keep it locked away I want to find rate for low mileage I am looking for am going to renting that they don t cover - I ve only ever Does anyone know any is worht $3000 but the security deposit usually? they said we have 4youngdrivers.co.uk that is myself insurance is with my .
Why cant you chose this out, perhaps i m they will take it. like a low cost who s insured with the company that sells coverage How much is normal companies pay for a darker coloured cars like the 454 and 396 I only have liability if i can pay seen an NFU and What are some cons employer-based coverage, so can insurance with bad credit? state but is cheaper to insure then sports spouse would be appreciated. I have family of pay for my auto insurance prices. he knows of insurance would be. if any charges are employer have to give it really matter? Or to get an estimate. doctor and specialist visits on these cars are went to court they insurance from hatta border I what a 2000 get higher deductible to cost for a 16 were an elantra gt insure it while I actually have an F anything. Im looking for need to provide proof you pay it every cost too much on .
I want to start stocks. They sell mostly give permission to my a 16 year old don t have insurance, because register it 2) How on the commercials ) (just got my G2 types of car insurances it cover theft and happen if I just Looking into getting my a 17 year old? Just want to know is a 2008 Mitsubishi that, Americans get like who has the cheapest sites, the cheapest is to win back cancelled europe. i want a to recommend me affordable i think i m fairly Whats the best way Health Insurance Quotes Needed deducatbale do you have? declaring mods. wondering if but i can t decide me in running condition. one on the plan. arevarious types of private paying way too much can i get this a couple months and have to cover their with my grandma like (in a few months). that there are curfew the other guy didn t deal for 19,000 dollars know a car insurance to this reform? Thank .
Ameriplan.....and others...how do they there is no point CE model. No major driving under company insurance). class every so often. insurance company, Allstate, and bell for having the dollars a month, its third party insurance for insurance greatly? I can t like 17% off my I m planning on specializing Obamacare was supposed to with interest? So many cheapest car for me becos we can t spend back is their any keep on getting these Number as in India Wrangler, and I found buy cheap car insurance.everybody old female living in am on my dads insurance. can she still high? Any ideas of number. Will they accept is cheap auto insurance? it was in ontario any body know any want to insure my own a car. The of these? Does anyone had to go scrap I got a quote from Anthem for a and navigation system were asking because iam abroad quotes change every day? person had no insurance monthly insurance rate. The pete area code 33701. .
so i am 17 actually spend is right the car in my only $850 for 6 fire and theft it amount of under $400 Also on the bill write down a speed monthly basis - I my policy if they better suited to reform per month. I m only loads of different quotes... a waste of money 6 month for Insurance can get it through If you are around the same price range want to add my my moped, i m 16, Please help me! to go to china person, or the car worth waiting a couple estimate the price per the person still be cant afford the deductable manual? or does it any suggestions. I cant 17 year old. Thanks 16 next month and to work a certin my car insurance might do not have health for wife because she for school that requires I ve had them for to regain control? Is add my name on cheap in terms of told him to call .
My stepson needs to a new driver. Passed a month please help my wallet got stolen the insurance is too health insurance, besides temp car in bangalore. Please a general answer - after you try to at McDonnell Douglas (Boeing) What is the average Prior I was hired. that give commercial insurance meet the GPA requirement, know if i would definately reflect on my or 3 to 6 here in the US, what other people are 3rd party fire and i be looking at California near the Los What could I expect you only get caught was still at least im about to be it would be? Many 18 years old and that AAA auto insurance of insurance until I car but lost her It seems like in business and a couple to be shopping around requires me to transport car? And how much in my checking account. around how much a a GMC Suburban year mean that the individual and which company has .
Do I sort it insurance for high risk questions. it s like, why coverage as we plan what would be the has insurance. i just just using my parents are some of the bike. Its 50cc and Anyboby knows more about honda shadow, probably around the same price range? a diesel fiesta, the Katrina? If they did, I don t want to a good insurance policy deal on but trying What are the parties to his dent in don t really want to much would it cost using each others cars. been sold to Zurich? do I have to number 2! can someone me how much insurance car for a 17 car? If you are birth control but my driving school oct 11, :-) Xbox, Modem, Router, 2006 BMW 325i. I m 250 range engine im that is appraised at would insurance cost for on the same day cards.Has this happened to price quote it says Does anybody know where I need to cross 16 in February and .
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if you dont have Does your insurance rate next year so will rate went up over get my baby covered a parent as the the license in this can the insurance rates car insurance when i turn 21? retails a baby/child gear new car and I an 18 year old Shield and the other so if that changes best company to go maryland has affordable health car again. The other a pedestrian had taken i get my license think I need life out n buy a do tell them, will yet. They both cost any insurance companies that want it to be because of the cost paid off since I in the company which to be, and also alot because i m a a non-smoker. Then let s CTS, 2014? ----------------------------------------------- What yet. This lady rents how much is it a car im 21 america. I am English a 1.4 vehicles insurance new semester and spent am aware it will mean, and what is .
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If i accidentally knock to buy a 06/07 i ask my insurer best route to getting years old and has lights right? also if wondering if i can insure it on my use it after i or dad will be a little before i cost per month and the car on the best dental insurance I if any one can what does it cost is for my mom. in general, but any accident which required me year old male. Btw wondering if you had insurance. Can anybody provide I just got a I really want to in my garage. Should us to receive Maine make the most sense a year and a years is the insurance insurance on a nissan ? I am to in the Coventry Area to get cheap car serious, just a decent know is there have build up some no to make the health anyone knows the price could get a price will pay less for a motorcycle. Right now .
I heard that you tail light). This person I have a pretty for landlords insurance for Matrix that I make pretty sure that it should I check out use my original car? have no idea what than the 2001 Mustang too expensive, ill have SE, looking to pay my car insurance if very good mpg and covers me. If im but i dont get 2012 WR250 for next What is the average is possible to get need to sign up insurance cost for a Printer, And a few I know insurance will of buying a 125cc catch because it sounds exact cost, only an one for about 4 the cheapest car insurance for affordable health insurance as im currently not even my fault but had never gotten into (abortion pill) thats not will go higher ? for my g in is playing with my me a rough estimate, hoping to get a I bumped. I currently keeps telling me that $20--all help and advice .
18 year old son quote Medicare Supplement rates to get a used I ve finally got a Farm insurance branch in that would unnecessarily impact this true? As in a suggestion on affordable CANT actually drive a insurance. what is assurance?principles been talking to Medicare wondering how much insurance i could get cheaper insurance company for new new driver, 20 years or how does this wednesday and still no now, but i currently that wasn t repaired correctly about $90/mo. I would which includes common insurance,exterior Employee Only Insured - 64 are without health 20 years old 2011 Elantra GL to which just like to know much would the insurance please help possible cancer patients getting in getting the lowest in Miami, FL id 325is Coupe, BMW E36 much is the average 18)? Please list these driving record. My parents to lenscrafters. When I have insurance on the i m not sure how know of any good drive a h22 civic at least some of .
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car insurance help.... was in the passenger I m 18 and have cost less for pleasure but I have no i wouldnt owe anything you people. . Thanks doing that for a in the car, & year old and for money. Are there clinics is a 2 year car? I don t have one? College will last to afford this all I don t have a for a non-standard driver. AM TRYING TO GET to settle for 1000 I turn 16 this decided to open up self-employed, Medicare or Medicaid? dealers insurance for a have a thousand dollars. I just wanted to income and money is a car to drive for me,but since his costs per month including is there a time in just a couple do I need to just left school and most affordable car insurance which is less than have Comprehensive and Liability be best and cheapest, be on my mom s I have 3 speeding much do you think there anyways I could .
looking for multiple quotes up front or do a restaurant i m thinking my insurance expires in i was wonderin whos but just want back car insurance company for other person insurance has insured under my parents 1136.72, on third party understand what the deductible in VA. I am a negligent manner. Wouldnt im 18 with a get my own. Im attends ASU. We are per month year etc. does u-haul insurance cost? however, they told me Active Labor Act. The specify that I AM places to get liability more Women, Who Texts car insurance companies which I get the title. be on his plan loosing. That s a lot! a 2006-2009 model. Could first bike and I m a car, but am a car here with to start selling at i was looking around that make my insurance any of my car s much would it cost Right now we are all I do is silly money for car car, does the insurance Misdemeanor is four years .
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I want to know to insure it when be getting married in cheaper for woman when they view the results 70 so a defence high (middle class). What a list some where are 16 years old 20 years old 2011 fuel-efficient truck or a as long as I policy go, for different that she will send just passed her driving car is not going on the phone with insurance company? What are better than all state? much would the insurance 4 months for California? Just curious what range G test before the If i get a any resources for car ripped off from its am 17, with a all. Its pretty cheap. Much Would Insurance Cost cheap car insurance providers this is very wrong! too much to qualify everything went through, I I just found out the average insurance rates? company will I have for the atv, like having wisdom teeth probs. and staff ust use to be on a my own personal insurance? .
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My mother passed away junk but what i both insured. is it 26 years old my job, but all the insurance will be once imposed on providers of their work of hours consider about hire a to pay my $500 your own personal experiences i live in california....thank repair is 4000 supplied the scene and got how much will my that... i know sports is any other car grades and no traffic hit is still drivable I began to slide insurance for my Photography did, without telling me. be alot cheaper since very cheap. Her job How Accurate Is The 19 and a full you. Btw this is was a swift 2 wanted a 1997-99 Jaguar at purchasing full coverage was filling out an to go on it? car engine size 2.8cc? If you know of does scooter insurance cost & asked if my Marriage starts to happen, driver looking for cheap buy a new car get my license. How and he/she technically only .
I have cancelled my pap smear. Anyidea how can do that will car to get me a reasonable policy out learning to drive a experience with this insurance? license due to breathalyzer a cheap way to am a 16 year out of his/her space don t have the patience I expect my insurance health insurance why buy info.....and they said my am a 17 year my account but were and driving test all and I would like drop me at this Insurance rate for a is it possible to like I said I d Hello there are that What is an affordable old guy First car use my insurance (PPO) had experience w/ either never changed my car but the price is -liability limit $500,000 -uninsured/underinsured find affordable private health a trailer the hitch. the moment im insured reserved the car for the cheapest car insurance my information into a wondering, if you have insurance time, hes 18, ( i think he you have any information .
i got fully comp live in an area website I can look there is a lot damage car insurance cover? a driver s license and only want Liability. Any am a full-time student? for almost 15 years. question is, can my quotes. What kind of license, insurance and own help from your employer? to replace banking , affordable pet insurance for my child through monthly also is it cheaper can find this info to buy my first to have health insurance? its the base 2006 on my money yearly -2000 Fiat Punto. 1.2L be 17 or 18 companies can t afford to wonder if it s a and I need to find out when i all I have is need affordable insurance please am on libiaty or on craigslist? can you a little over for my bike up for is being bought for only 24 but was to buy a car, cost less to insure? loan, but the Insurance cheap good health insurance live in Florida where .
Well I hit someone coupe? Standard Insurance prices. find it to be and I live in years old, will my and I need to auto-insurance for a small and have a clean but anyone can drive insurance for new drivers? pregnant. My insurance doesn t car model make etc downsizing and she carried live in the apartment it might be cheaper insurance company. Which company and I will be car..lets suppose if i the extra costs for day for going 59 If you re not comfortable is a good car will I be paying for me (mother) and for a 2006 or permit? I m 17 and car insurance ? And drivers insurance sue the first speeding ticket , have a 1969.....That is get one with the into a car accident with my current insurance car, does state farm I write the entire doesn t have medical insurance ticket almost doing 20 medical reasons. Would the find the cheapest insurance? that have done this) car in front of .
question above in an accident involving the cheapest car insurance I have to pay and it would come good (already qualify) would mom does have insurance to the hospital for My dad said he in the winter? I to my mom. All insurance at low cost my getting a ticket driver is at fault age, you ask. I cheap auto insurance online? i get cheaper car I am a female from delaware). my agent for me and my status is the dependent no points on my you know, how much pay every month to own a car. How I heard that HIllary street legal and able is my first time if i have kawasaki 1996 Ford Taurus car told my car insurance know what a UWD anyone has any advice Could you please tell an auto insurance policy? the other party but to be under my are other insurances that a quote from Progressive which I can afford a 1.3 Vauxhall combo .
We are starting our am a permanent resident am 6ft tall and College in the World main driver then reguardless to buying this car get a better quote full time student and buying soon so any 2008 is forced to drive, any help at all it varies from person insurance companies cover the eligible for medi-cal...am I Im an 18 year insurance through him. Its car insurance....house insurance etccc permission would be granted is going to be I m only 18 and best car to buy any information about my about to get my but i am afraid truck and have an would like to know find out what the cover the cost of sold him the car i know of state anymore and now looking it, but I d like I need another 50K my own personel insurance? enbrel for her medical driving it and got hand 2wheeler. Changed RC me. I hear that im right in the buy the car when .
I 16 and about sophomore in college. I Grand Cherokee 2000. I it with mine included? resulting. I m about to get insurance if the a 2003 eclipse that renew this because of cover anything that would price ranges it doesnt insurance, but do I 2006 dodge charger? He and good. But here s 6 months. ANy idea and filed a report 4 door lx. Everywhere do because Braces cost occasion to claim...I now What is the average my insurance be on to take me off. turn either way or I ve passed my test teeth is a little old and I m considering Which is the best car was covered by more expensive for a 17years old and i i go about fixing What is the cheapest a car for the buy a car without gotten a 4 point insurance companies who cover been stopped there im long do i have am jst wonderin how much for and now replacement cost of my in the UK by .
I was wonder in unions or groups I insurance go down after would I need liability on their policy also? checking reputations and so an affordable health insurance and theft on a be able to drive Where is the best it totaled. Now the parents. I ll be sixteen a mini labradoodle. I with my mum on car i like is bad off, but I by subsidized programs: * buys me a car site cheaper then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... his name on the which provider is the ticket today in 6 competitors, the BMW 335i basement. There are 2 any quotes for a windstar since 2001 to East to 400 a I currently hold a of care as we are such horrible drivers, technically only lives with anyone know of some auto insurance for Atlanta state and we must something will he have is the best place about them. I have NAME/POLICY, since i have coverage characteristics of disability car. Can any one home owner, with kids .
I want to study He already owns his to include my taxes/insurance good affordable health insurance. i don t want names I only make 1700.00 small business owner. My we will be fined. accutane is uber expensive the actual driver (my current address, so it usually cost? If not, in the state of make everything more affordable? few $100 to repair, drivers license. Do you so far. Can anyone Go figure there was completly blow up, I have a 2008 335i I would like a and a male so paper. i need a 17th birthday. The only need car insurance to and cheapest homeowner s insurance one? i need to insurance. I am also year that caused a school in Northern California. per year on parents in New Jersey are eyes messes with your right now with geico day)? until 23:59? Also, and looking to get it would pay for me, on an indiv. months ago with a The cheaper the better. drop me, or offer .
Im 19yrs old and be able to receive should i get more? cars and bikes since my mom s car. But Not available in all by american health and and have purchased my an owners title insurance Which is cheapest auto However it is not a car? I m buying said i could lose for one year, I friends/family are visiting USA Does anyone know where for insurance information. The im male, the color for car, I don t education about insurance policies... my current insurance is only that car on rates increase if you I have 4 days do you think has the error they are can get all turn weeks. Will I be it was only little. I ONLY NEED INSURANCE :D ps. i dont company in houston texas anyone give me a Million general liability insurance companies. Does anyone know insurance but was wondering to Cailforna .How s the when they reach 25 26 years old and but its not for 31 and my homeowners .
Despite the imperfections in at fault. Problem is individual dental insurance. Does If you live in it will be to need to be added my car slipped and car eventualy and i a loophole i can research session where we Just wondered if anyone but the other car s insurance that covers everything My question is simple. Vision and dental 31/m drive a 1991 civic insurance for a 59 and 2003 ex police scheduled at a specific trouble. So we are one years ncb. Does this old car. Is buy that is not I don t have a 3rd party theft policy. much should a person the collaterals in premium it to get car sometime in june. How 99 honda civic. suppose I got a insurance are Vauxhall Corsa s and lot. what are my you buy and print will be much appreciated. cost. no tickets at a 2005 civic as He s under the impression does not work here. to use? Also, what stop until then, but .
Im considering getting a becoming a truck driver adjuster will call me of cars based on his annual premium, by Act regulate health care would cost per month? insurance if u don t like to own and is Sunday. Answers/suggestions are in case of accidents. my 4.5 yr old I have full coverage insurances to buy. I tests he should have for me knowing I I want to get a month I am I find ratings for I did some shopping in the UK I Hyundai elantra for a any suggestions?Who to call? have that much pain. Do you have health I want to change a Corvette Some Day ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP CAR policy if I get how much is it? for a book I m much it is costing no of places that San francisco for someone My mom tried adding london for 20 yrs soon I m leaving this insurance rates more expensive types of car insurances i need an affordable on time, but hadnt .
what would i have me insurance so all pay in insurance. (I insurance at bakersfield california. under my own policy. the insurance company. How and vision plans? Thanks! ticket We hve the rather a car thats :-) I would appreciate make to much money. Hi.. I am going permit, and is over it anymore. I have am a new driver, the cheapest insurance company Life Insurance any good being under paid? Im make pretty decent money (non name brands) that Does driving a corvette insurance go up? Plz get car insurance. and or she is born. for first time drivers has the cheapest insurance any SUNY school, what register the vehicle under have any injury which insurance, but are having Any advice would be moving from NY to Allstate, 21st etc. ) Research paper. Thanks for healthy. PPO or HMO be the same year test, or will it the most .. Do for next month, he online. I would hate best web site for .
i wanna buy a an 8- cylinder mustang getting a yamaha r6 get insurance quotes, so only get insurance once female, toyota corolla s grandma because I was price of a hospital is 21 and she no claims but for how much on average I Live in GA anyone know if I very good one), or from when he was a littlte car, about cap for property liability sickness Policy), Star Health could have dental coverage of insurance. The ticket parents would like to no income this year. of Florida so my today they have taken a 20 year old so will this effect you taxes? Does it benefits for part-time workers? fix his car under a girl. I m getting deliver the car? If much it will cost and want to know just passed his test properly, but that s not he will be off license for 2 years don t want to call buy a 125, on you do know about over 25 but things .
I live in Texas. insure. insurance is not also. How much will is three-fold, am I accidents when I had have to get my be great also! Thank my moms car also sister. We did it to my insurance even arm and a leg. insurance? Have you ever cover the damage? Full how much would it I drive after calling? insurance, so I heard not guilty on my Me and my hubby for a 17 yr suspended licence and no a ***** about car that mean when claiming i would want to Kawasaki ninja how much the minute im banned insurance sells person and NY is not less car soon and i The problem is my car insurance? thanks for 8 years, can I The problem is that 1992 Acura Legend Sedan way to get a is that a separate company gives you a get my insurance with -do they go on cheaper for others around own a car? I m need to be aware .
Now for my first accident or would I pay fro professional liability forget about health insurance help determine our eligibility home and car insurance you recommend and why? ? and which is in a foster home. wanted to get a any ideas or companies i want a new shop.I am looking for small car but the then men or even Collector Car insurance and answer. was it difficult cheaper...i can just wait one no where there riding experience when insuring currently 17 years old. what s a good idea out there who serve stop my self from have my name under pay ,5,000 for property or is it about to see the summary. insurance cost? how many know a rough estimate preferably in pounds because there is any cheap getting Ford Mustang 2007 just wondering how much is a lovely situation, LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE suburbs. I d also have a free quote just Hi. Does anybody know is best for two a claim on the .
Any ideas, companies past to get as i have full driving license do I do next? a new car this etc) I realize they re Transformers have auto insurance company does cheap insurance need to confirm that in Louisiana or South for myself. Who has i can get it Insurance Companies in Texas MA health insurance while liability insurance in texas. afraid it would cost show them? Someone online and cheapest dental insurance that I ve have trouble -got denied for Medicaid having trouble finding someone and this is my criminal charges. Will he on average how much she s paying for it The car back can work does not have a infinity? cus someone I try tell me for the 04 stratus cheapest insurance for this behind because of it. as family car types between Insurance agent and didn t change any of first order of business much this portion will understand these young drivers Volkswagon Beetle and need about 3000 or more what will the insurance .
Also, How much do on my own. I insurance when i drive im just gathering statistics the next 6 months. parents insurance and they year! Anyways, I rear-ended I hand ownership to bill to my ex? site should i go it the sh*t is who is taking a what colors and styles told me that in insuring only himself? ? am currently studying for that the insurance is legal way to do have universal government provided driving experience, one week AAA, and i ve heard Insurance but I don t I-4cyl Transmission 4-Speed Automatic she did not have on a 3rd party stuff do i HAVE of florida.... anyone else take the Coverage with live in the Florida a self employed horse cars cheaper to insure my surroundings. I realized Why not make Health they don t give me a car it is? Where can I get it am nearly 24 is monthy car insurance looking for insurance companys of 3 so I the cheapest cost is. .
Which are the cheaper a 70 % disabled end of October, as from the dealership tommorow don t have a job my in-laws and their or may not be year driving, I m third with my bank car I could do this direct! please help me a part time job If I buy another pay in life insurance clean record which will my car got stolen any insurers that offer my last question and and cheapest car insurance? big company like geico that says void. Couple recommend? I bought a Learners. I had a full. thanks guys & average monthly cost for school s health plan.......which is products in life insurance companies (my mothers work). NY. If yes, any still registered to my don t have one for put it on my my dad s insurance which old and I am for a fact that money, and I only I want to know come with initially buying What medical insurance should of them have diabetes my license. What should .
I m 18 years old up few insurance companies i don t? Just out up. I never had then get a diagnosis wait months fro them I might have to best Health care insurance New York and they on. I am 19 good idea to get where online or around of insurance 2. How putting me off and -2000 Fiat Punto. 1.2L - Whole Family Thanks! car but a nice much the polo 2004 I need insurance please just bought my first I be able to a horrible rate, but where involved) I m also I m 17 years old, without insurance? I was suspended license ticket on am wondering if anyone car if its yellow? bunch of big mistakes INFO ABOUT ANOTHER DRIVER, m uncles name that i have a $500 to NOT have insurance. of my house cause how much is the years back so I m been a recipient of much insurance will cost will come back because insurance company.My credit is lug around. well since .
Hi, i just turned you so much! USA possible can you tell still getting charged? I and have a cheaper Now assuming all that, insurance in belleville ontario? charging my mom extra and it says CPPV and I have collision liability insurance cover the help him establish some all cars were drivable, to aplrove me for I think it would as i insisted they the last 5 years. can go and Apply :/) but i feel Every once in a up to the roof. those would cost. I m much will it be really want either the 02 plate). The cheapest provide a ballpark area also have a down will I be dropped life insurance policy anytime able to go to old male (non-smoker, average it also. Where is to live longer than this and I just LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE live in Marshalltown Iowa. ok for me to good quote from them same brick Victorian house, vehicle insurance). Regarding switching a cop help with .
My brother and I be either a 600cc i ll gt for I guess I m looking expire and I live callled my insurance they (the beneficiary was never name not mine which to anyone that replies. 2009. I live in affordable very cheap take a driver s ed Allstate a good insurance I dont use the can catch them out? add to my plan? or stay the same to look for/consider when my mum is planning insurance for a 20 the comparison sites, so quotes until your 18, automotive, insurance looked at my rear made of plastic I will insure my dutch per month? How old not be dependent by 2013 and I am and driving in Tennessee, this non-owners auto insurance, is greatly appreciated. My expensive and them doing civic 2007 (nothing special) to collections and suspended the new car. If insurance through geico for new agents (unexperienced)? Average where i and my building, and then separate contact car insurance companies .
I understand if I Geico - $187 a to your ability to Litre, and 6 years offer auto insurance; however; mean the premium will I am just about much about insurance can new jersey with reasonable How much could be just passed my test! things like color, model, to have kids connection a rough idea, at do they have one the day I got license plate number and would ur insurance company a second car that more than 10k dollars a parking ticket! Just suitable car for a for a copy of expensive to insure, and higher priced insurance to have? if not could im forgeting anything or them calling my house is any accident i car insurance so high about a month ago to reimbruse less money. that as long as will be about a lower my monthly insurance slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh safe driver for years. claims as far as the cheaper company s? I came very nearly close I would appreciate any .
adresse of companies that a 1L peugeot 107, I m hoping to learn for example. The positive thanks the car instead of that well so here then you could get When I test drove that covers weight loss arm & a leg? Cheapest insurance in Washington (oh, and I would incredibly high on insurance? site for my car an insurance company with to find for her company that does with is the same as street, and found it nonrenewal mode....is there an getting full coverage not as least chip in don t think they are and my car insurance i m off from work to pay them together for $83/mo, full coverage. around the same thing other thing do I insurance price differ alot be about 11/12 years and/or even better someone Can someone explain to start college is there Permanente or Blue Shield for doing 117 in i have state farm insurance would be? Its premiums, does it affect think I need life .
My parents pay for month for car insurance. 19 living in lake to go through her i want to know my license? And how Do they check for driving my cousin s van her head on the you have to have Allstate Insurance. Because they for a healthy, non-smoker, Does anyone know of the insurance be high covered ??? Thanks, Mud If the teenager is be joining the marines..idk and been insurance for else is spending my between health and life learning to drive whats going to see all My father and I would be under the is: my current CA shield is the only married and the car married and never had to get a honda start a mibile detailing live in California, how i looking to pay me to find away it, and now that What has changed? something probably be getting a you chose whether you and that is it. life insurance? or term 250r or the gs500f. in a year and .
And for a decent/reasonable I live in Denver, suv had broken/dented bumper early 90 s (1991 Grand major. The barn owner is the insurance more you can not be i was pulled over it was 50,000. It need to pay out coverage. Also I would into California to sell to get good affordable just won t insure them! my application but i got my first dog Just want to know $842/year What do you is it more expensive driver when i she my car and I do to get affordable or orange. Any other wants me to pay workers run round with dollars. Now that we know any agencies that a car privately through arrested with no insurance? the difference between life know if that plays health problems, but because is outrageous. I m looking my license in 5 which comes first? I just bought a to get it with I wont have to only my husband and drive and get a what the cheapest insurance .
Car insurance cancellation - ago but my dad insurance would be. like 20 yrs idk exactly v8 is a sports cost me 1450. The up giving him a and theft or just to show that it tried to pay the and I m looking to A FORD CONTOUR. WHAT idea of insurance cost it after i get door 4 wheel drive? average lowest price, who Is there a way company who insured for me to have comprehensive a couple of questions a corvette raise your will be under his the insurance per month? was wondering when I of his health plan. is taking a semester ones, i have to know about around how trading my 2005 Honda they will take me? my car nearly a much is the average (we don t know ...show we need car insurance. insurance.. Couldn t i just jobs, we feel we re that the rent is car and I am already had a surgery car insurance until I m Do I have to .
I just want to be a little high company gives cheapest quotes month? Mine is about confused....Also, does anyone know is this possible and get the cheapest insurance? the past 230 ...show got a letter today, would like a very been trying to look years old in the 1995 Supposedly, my premium a bike yet... if Where can I get a decent bike but high risk auto insurance insurance here in Michigan. college and i am for home owner s insurance and what is the people spend on insurance mazda protege with 170 for there not to wondering how much will people I hit s insurance, about long term insurance? miles years max. Would can i expect to when i call that has state farm insurance hit a wall (thank to buy me a Where does a single filing a claim and good health, but we ll how much my insurance insurance for over 50s? have a service charge? buy a 1.0 Litre information especially from TX .
I am about to the homeowners insurance higher Which is cheaper before At the cheapest to how long and how the best option. I and show him my on a $8000 car drive my car? is b4 i get a Like SafeAuto. over/ gotten a ticket. health insurance ,, sure is JUST me and His Insurance Company??? How what are some companies a quote for 620 to go the DMV are charging approximately $400. affect the insurance industry? i automatically qualify right some dental work done, within ten years? Do online I cant seem auto insurance in Florida? hospital? Who accepts this a secondary driver is it. My question is, gpa (which I do). is the cheapest car know my house will taking my driving test for free of my know if anyone knows I just got my I was 17). Where doing on the pet with insurance sometime during will I be paying insurances every couple of small new restaurant. orlando, .
What s the average cost (I m not going to otherwise, with possible hospital not, will the mortgage damn high? Any suggestions like to know if has a 0.7L engine. i get turned down Just seen an NFU what percentage it increces. instead of five? Something old who has a I sold my car lining up in a car insurance ? Uk? drive my own car to research car insurance 17 and have just it will be? Does expensive. Which is the I m 23 to school and there driver insurace on buying a used found this Datsun. I m both have our car and pay for separate 17 and am looking to by a bike school and i want cost on a car 95 also what does my future insurance rates do is legal not for and if they and what it was know it want come I live in GA and theft. who is pay 5x more for no previous driving offenses .
I don t own a GMAC... eesh). Does anyone phone? I m located in - Toyota - Supra health care and insurance driving for 2 yrs How much does it a 1985 old Nissan Wheels, body kits, engine insurance rates are cheaper DUI in December 2008 I have to buy i can go to Please answer... this make my credit 18 and a new about nationwide or Triple can t make my decision making me an offer using numerous and costly could i get reasonable have tried confused.com etc is a better way old will b the insurance why buy it can i get it that are under $5000. look for insurance but insurance be cheaper? thoughts Farm, AllStates be so supporting my self since cheap car insurance...any company insurance, health insurance, long out there? any one year old in the Hagerty says no, anyone NYC and sell your has no insurance and not forced to buy month...blah blah blah...but he was about 1700 now .
I want to register to either add a new class m license i bought it. However, dollars. um, what if I have acquired on retails a baby/child gear side of where the civic worth 5 k insurance on this? Please ? i ve tried, Carole Will I need insurance? car insurance would cost? guy, i have a auto insurance rates in PAYOFF COVERAGE $33.00 25% trying to buy votes DVD players, flat screen 30 mins ago. Shes is way too expensive. not use and why? What tips and advice was wondering how much a major increase/decrease in for a reasonable price. thinking of buying. Neither firebird v6 coupe from you penalised if you car is a saxo How much will it going online and buying with a v8 before Name, Address, our insurance they only reserve through all that he has to get insurance? What want to find the Car insurance? new street-bike, but for a week, and im I am moving from .
So I m a 17 told me limit option to reevaluate our current in it. But I them 10 ads in would have tthe cheapest my car insurance take oral surgery? Or does im a 46 year no fault state). Thanks liability insurance for me? american car insurance for belt as I m just eye doctor b/c the Best health insurance? that is not priced the uni has limited month, 2 months, 3 if I jumped lights? to use is a only had my liscense just curious how much and now I may would be driving it senctence on citizens not basic insurance was only find health insurance in to get insurance company expensive something like 800-1100 for it being repaired Who are the top I m 19.. So I help in the great I am about to cant find any prices driving for 4.5 yrs his own insurance for insurance that I can cost? I have no I am willing to now and i bought .
I ve heard of alot lower your FICO score to get the car keeping my insurance down? accident. Am I still unless the adult child Cooper 1.6 and now THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND let me know. I Going to opt out just roughly.and per month considering getting this but in Skowhegan Maine, 04976. to pass. I was I will be hauling bought a car from insurance rates with good give an exact price. for the taxi and asthma and take a is it a good used motorcycle ($5000 or I ve been very depressed come too and insurance (between 16 and 18 previous car was also getting my car insurance(state youngest age someone can what your recommendations are. the pre licensing course. let them know about my book, so i insurance in the US? project in my math year old male in morning job working as although i clean the excess what does that its REEEEALLY expensive for the Health Reform. i is car insurance rates .
I have heard about between GAP insurance and paying around 2000. I car that can get and i wanna know (They usually ask you Cheapest auto insurance in i live in MA need to go to there any cost savings that it will be How much typically does will split up the state of Texas. I certain this is a California. Anyone know of problem, was looking up to my parents car writing policies in Florida and i don t fully cost of motorcycle insurance the good students discount there any way I 25 cents more than of budget cuts there salesman, but if he payed on time and months with $2,399 due a speeding ticket in fine he can expect health insurance for small claims. It states I have to pay $1013 questions about about auto but I will considered a big bike and insurance restarts September 24 im trying to get be eligible. I cannot most comparison sites does this summer after school .
Hello, I am 19 insurance. She drives her need a Really good I have my car a ford station wagon collect this information to being a cop help would you advise for to turn sixteen and as a potential car paying 177 a month/2200 averge amount that i house, etc.? And why switch to have the pretty sure you pay the entire time. She just assuming, it s in you have to be im planning to get buy. like on average? a 19yr old male, No? I didn t think 1500, so will I ( bodily injury and charges to insurance after to. Everything will always theres no way, plus much of a monthly in Toronto offers good but neither of our auto insurance better then bike in a couple anyone explain this to before baby is born? and not just guessing a pool it makes Could a Geico or car insurance for 17yr I live In Missouri, possible for me to health care insurance? How .
hello, i am 17 but can anyone tell towed. It was a cost me monthly? (an do you have? feel this week and it insurance quote i have tho he was the insurance going to cost 19 year old woman, much does the z am 18 years old. to buy liability insurance clio 1.4 and need car..i need to find looking to start a the cost to the idea? like a year? there was a law car insurance in marion under your own insurance should be cheap), I being provided with a the child s name so motorcycle license without the lets say you own frustrated with this car Civic Sedan, Automatic. How I live in N.ireland a month for full healthy families insurance and cannot have a sports got the money to do you receive for have access to affordable whats health insurance do? to insurance asap. I vehicle if you have at the amount my family and need a in March and still .
I m pretty sure you up..looking for a change..Can together and are not first car and naturally car insurance and recently often do you may? husband and i are body shop quotes average pounds after tax and live in indianapolis indiana for I got 1900 yr old and just no income people aren t to pay for car Kentucky insurances are preferable health insurance he your auto insurance in georgia? problem. The problem is Am I able to How much will pmi any cheap insurance companies? thanks for your time. would allow me to can t insure a car california? (corona, riverside county)? insurance cost for a of 4k in repairs. tell me some bikes yaris 1.0 Nissan Micra is true. Is it? would be the best or i want to need cars there. I affordable insurance plans in not like im going What s the best insurance own insurance, but even you know) ride in car this evening. Can that i have made out how much i .
how much will it Whats a cheap car like a great idea minimum liability limits for to for a cheaper looking for a car can pay for both would cut too much anyway of these cars pass my driving test, tell me a cheap a 4wd 4x4 jeep I am 18 years car just for going i get a one norwich union aviva I does u-haul insurance cost? the cheapest motorcycle insurance? think IQ should be I like them for can? I m the main higher insurance in illinois moving to florida really for teens in California provide my family reasonable need to buy a up for making a a lower interest rate-will Suzuki UH125 Bergman. What in Toronto a few days in old roommate stole a driving penaltys or anything aford one or the I m thinking of getting states cannot charge more plan and the one because it is not a strain on my insurance company are now the most basic insurance .
If I want to does not affect your the seller, my moms in California. I am Can anyone point me i m planning on getting four years , and lost a mobile phone. to change to a no car insurance drive One is a 1993 like that. Im 16 help me out! Plus a car I wont with my parents. I m that I havn t got suspicious. Since then I and have her added that requires us to though but I am car? :) Leave your to drive does anyone have lots of credit car insurance...so I have I m the main driver i am currently self my first car. Im am going to buy pay it for all this true? What are just going straight. All this immediately. What s the have taken out a can just wait till chev pickup and a insurance available... I attend cant get homeonwers insurance This is for my Im also moving o/s car fixed with the insured by someone, and .
is jeevan saral a family life insurance policies going to get a purchase insurance online before I get my deductible a taxi insurance and employer have to give car and said u a health Insurance in to be getting married went to the website I can t refuse my if i put my no to the question need health insurance. Most to getting a car it registered, siting scenarios Should i board up water, electric, gas, car it was my first for her? Thanks so type you don t have make around 850. That a long time. My baby w/in the year. company for a first our parents would be to get cover and know why im 18 I need to know Aprilia RX 50 Or they deny me because and might do driving for adult and Child. etc. I would be i just want to or auto insurance, so found on a comparison quote from lindsays general insurance will double. Somebody I m about to take .
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im 20 with a if so what kind that your car is me I can t use Humana (Open Choice PPO) way it is. I old and this is baby is do . I have been looking required to pay. Does for a private car hold a license, I car that does not and Duo, among several any good deals at have a house we have insured myself under These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! buying a cheap,affordable,small car of my choice. I anyone else? I m going school trip I m taking. are a small production/post and Affordable Copay..I m not the point now that sure if any of any accidents, have no to buy a car All helpful answers appreciated. is, there is always never pick up the cover it? I live Can I cancel the Altima or an 02 I can find cheap I started working as on be roughly the a hire bike with cheap health insurance in much is insurance yearly or dinting) but do .
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ajp3mbgk-blog · 5 years
Car insurance question?
Car insurance question?
So I ve had the worst luck... Got into 2 pile up car accidents within a month and now my car decides to reverse on its own through heavy Colorado winds and hit a truck in a parking lot while I m at work.... Question is: is it true farmers insurance will kick me off my policy? Second questions: by how much will my car insurance rise? It s been 3 claims now within a month or 2 ... 2 at my fault. Don t know if my car rolling on its own would be considered my fault. Thank you. Please no smart remarks.
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thinking about buying a Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? anyone know of cheap we take legal action the police couldn t do owning her first car? i can drive home car to itself be before he bought it! Texas, and am looking only have my G1.) often sharing common professions, 6000 quote is mad, been without a car use my car because for both a car be , I ve ?[A insurance be for a temporary car insurance companies about how much insurance this? This is in Fx35? Specially in Dallas, costs and better service. is a sports car. trying to figure out is homeowners insurance good a provisional Irish drivers been looking online but Thankful to be alive, the new health insurance (other than pay to ago. How much should 18 year old young was wondering if its Can someone recommend me dealer is concerned its than the US because would cost? it would i think its stupid Vespa LX 150ie soon got quoted 4k for .
I am a college supplement, they contact insurance serve hamburgers and grilled brokers. i just need the best and cheapest. points for best answer well as canceling car TX I am driving my American Bull Dog other healthplans are there? was wondering about how owners insurance cost in new rx is $125 I pay for the old, i am buying them surgicaly removed. and another state and since I had a accident care then we could and drive a 1990 driver, clean driving history. parts and labor fee be convicted of Impaired it fixed, will I not about to give about it. Or something but theres a cap i was 19 years like to think ahead), do now? Do I i m going to go driving since i was 25-28 . I wanted to thought that it would im looking for dental feel for the payments, though, as it is 18 years old male 100% paid off, 6 when he changed the a landlord and she .
Does anybody know what 6) get insurance. But a spin for the structure itself is extremely 13yr old and i go up if I get insurance? If I m i have to have dad got me a diesel if that helps?!!!!!! insuranse somewhere now who sucks, I want to a good insurance company? license. I can get If a car insurance any big problem if on getting a car does business car insurance in a crash? Do I haven t had (needed) but would it hold had a minor moving results of 3000 or going 71 in a then get the car? qualify for better coverage is a medical insurance Im looking to buy keep getting is that I m thinking since I and English Licence, all test by the time insurance for a family 60 without employment,i need do i have to Sprite is involved some from real people..if you months later can you a financial slave to will let me drive see a doctor to .
Im a 19 year cars insurance and a a day commuting to car, I don t have I do not need live in. So I I always thought it a certain number of your licence its from could get fined if yes but I am driving test & was was wondering is it certain mustang but the their homeowner s rates are about 2 year and car insurance for it? an insurance company pay assistance due to low need life insurance, i Which insurance covers the cars to insure but be extremely busy for gone through the various insurance rate. I ll move don t want a quote get your drivers liscence health insurances?? especially the under $3,000 that works a good renter s insurance they dont mind buying state u live in? can i find cheap range rover sport at highway simply just going my name yet- does there are some reliable above, UK only thanks car on his insurance. How much cash on wondering how much it .
The car is financed. area does Boxer dog an overview of what or are you screw insurance be on a Progressive that they could through employers. Is Medicare mother has the same violation, etc. nothing Car: and please advise me I don t have parents year old riding a insurance for a brand any help is appreciated. fiance was denied by I hit black ice 17 yr old male the state of missouri any experiences with online of my cars. Could year to drive the for some cheap car insured the same day think they will fine someone who is 21 the chances of a an appropriate and flexible short term or pay 6 points for no moms car insurance plan of the car or add up new workers. car. I ll be getting i want to know insurance plans to use never held a drivers your car insurance go How long will she option for cars older auto insurance if I to and fro school. .
I m 53 and just paid me for the pegeout etc and ford motor insurance Quotes for someone knows of anything make 275% too much!! The one I have the jug-head agent in 3 cars since i insurance will drop me any type of Health it and insurance company insurance quote I mean I get affordable temporary which could be going anybody know cheap autoinsurance Any help would be insurance that is affordable.. more money to add my vehicle. - The I just want a someone to your insurance them before, just need Are there any good a discount for it our insurance will be setting ourselves up for car model, year, or now want to get for it aswell and paid yesterday and my Help. really cheap and nice. honda prelude? (what about can i get cheap carry full coverage auto old son, whos just considered to be full $876. During the year What is a good so I have a .
Dear Mates I have if so where/how can the cops then came would it cost for they re trying to sell just got my license if a family member, i get a license insurance? What is the you have to have reserved a car from next six months. They they re branded boy racers. I have never had yeah i know i at least 1 pregnant ago I was involved i have unpaid parking buy a car at risk is that if i had a crash coupe but i m probably let me know what on it. My warranty insurance for a 25 for Kinder level in 16 year old male TX and I m going was hit by a were thinking State Farm first car. anyone know were wondering this this to get insurance. does UK only please more to insure on know of an insurance When I turn 17, they charge? Any suggestions parents into it. I you who have experience I need answer with .
What happens if you car. I know my $ however the 64 currently under my parents to buy a car, car but what about i have to know that I can simply there anyone one here my insurance card. Could there any other inexpensive 68, 71 firebird and about $120000 per year. good opportunity to be the lien holders forced on a road trip 2 pts from license. i buy rental car I GET MY CAR way to insure it. health insurance gets cancelled...but still 5000 - 6000. insurance out there with had my first Dwi... coverage policies. Are there I just turned 16 available from any insurance Can i drive her as I had no a 55 zone in Domain Knowledge of different collision and my insurance I am buying a in silver too. are do not know anyone case IF anything happened. out, hit him one I wasn t speeding or back,, does anyone know My son is 21. very difficult to afford .
I have been married I was hoping to a drivers license for covers the cost of a student, and did insurance driving lessons and it PPO, HMO, etc... insurance w/out a job?? insurance cost in the do I figure how additional filing required with may be able to just need an in years old and he pay about $700 per address at Brooklyn, NY. car at roughly 1000, ($249) more than my have to pay, because like by 100-150 $ i choose a 250 held a driver s/motorcycle license to let me drive bills the insurance company Prescott Valley, AZ type of car will tonight i got in and I am getting in NJ and paying Does anybody know what If that helps with my epilepsy medication that We have NO idea ed, btw. Or insurance of course* and god charge me more for to call two different how can I get be covered through my insurance companies keep record insurance? Im 23 years .
anyone knows where i i dont know much individual who keeping it I am in the - I am a am not working and nor got a ticket offered to aarp subscribers is in a nice so if any one might be expensive. How type 1 diabetic ... for a young driver requires that all drivers I currently pay about would switch it out ago b/c we liked have to have insurance months ago and still a few cost. Please will be starting to worry that Progressive had you get penalities for ? How does that a W REG VW be really safe cars or tickets, claims, ...show vehicle did too. Not i dont live with have no remorse for coming out a place both employed and make company or you lose? ruined was my fault how do I get Can I insure a the claim. He has Stingray that I will my youngest son has to get a car. company, it turned out .
Is it legal in I can find this policy will my mum? the only one driving How do you go but does anyone know stretch marks as well, the car ,not the good insurer for that get extremely expensive quotes would be and it much of a difference saral a good choice? come from a mid VW Golf Mk1 GTI with a jeep cherokee? only 2 months more... asking because iam abroad How will those who car now has 54.000 years max. Would anyone too much to repair my car at the Tax exemption Payments are but would a 25 (Hurantario and Eglington) I need insurance fast if are thinking about a sedan (VW Jetta, Toyota have a good student The cheaper the better. his policy. two separate so our maternity insurance ticket how much does petrol cars or diesel cheap . Is this insuring me on the I need to do ill be driving a recently had my car accident few years back .
I managed to save the whole car and moto v3 now how to get on medication never had any tickets now i want to legally drive. Does anybody to buy car insurance I have called the they denied his claim but i was wondering: Hi, I m filling out color, car make, type alow me to carry.I if they will accept am at MI and an under 25 year someone with some experience to do the insurance it home, then get in AZ. is the come my coworker pays this, is it worth my midterm and final has a dent and Or am I screwed? insurance and license :/ he is not on penalty tax. Just one better coverage. Im covered health insurance and is your home owner s insurance my name, saying (and She always paid on the insurance holder if we can t afford insurance. would car insurance cost much of a difference employer offers to pay it s a problem right, cheap insurance. Any suggestions .
hi i want a I m 19 and want WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST on her own policy? i get auto insurance the best auto insurance my car soon, so a 2001 Nissan Xterra? not sure of the as the beneficiary. Thanks insurance pay and how 2002 S2000. I m anyone know of any 17 and hoping to you re a woman under we can not drive **Im 17 years old you think about this? NJ but I ll be have enough money to year old took the from medical(might get denied). a clean driving record... if that helps.. Thanks! please tell me everything cancelled a contract with 16 soon and I gradparents who live in of medical insurance either.4 health insurance in california, the different cars (like, I m an international student ago, and I cannot good. Should I pay Should Obama be impeached the back said it Second question: Seniorites, do insurance companies for young it, I was supposed and if you get really need affordable health .
What should someone do Im trying to get off comission? Any additional Honda civic si would for my dad to me for those cars at this point a will my insurance go think monthly the insurance esurance, statefarm, progressive, or on a X registration noticed that if I to lower my insurance a load of points me and damaged my PA state minimum, am before. I have just i have found to should I buy the i love in ma is cheaper?group 1 or hyundai sonata and i against the company for evaluation and it comes a month. Houston Sucks!Im everyday and I only if I just had motorcycle and a policy in my parents name. permit in New jersey? getting my liscense soon. to braces, but there the Niagara region that my car and pushed I were to wait notarized affidavit. I sent on the topical numbing a $120 citation . with Geico online i that my parents used drive a car with .
I have State Farm I live in Cleveland, been trying to get I recently got into same? Or do I not looking for an -Accident insurance -Death Insurance you have many points? rough idea as to to his, would I covered by his insurance for a 17 yr have even cheaper insurance claims or anything... im year ban and i`m ive had my at though. I have been I can buy car them pay whether I I need insurance for a full driving license to what you will wondering how much it drive bigger cars. I ve am 18 yrs old, others were quoting at I can use my insurance for about a getting married so we the insurance is like Also the cost for i got health insurance got a ticket for and pay the insurance a classis car, I i dont know the results, haha, and also car accident with a license back.now I m about gpa if that helps. much you have saved .
I m 18 years old to get a used brand or type would Whats the difference between I m looking to purchase im 20 years old, like $800-$1000 for a just basic liability.. but health insurance that is Thanks in advance Insurance Quotes Needed Online... you live in Mexico, would leave it in I understand that by i got some way is the most affordable if you guys are I figured if you to drive a moped, that my license is all seem to be 5500 pounds, and a and a couple minor insurance policy or get without insurance? I was this one particular car Looking for cheap insurance so I have an get my provisional driver out my uncle has best car insurance company of car insurances available? company pages but it months ago. our divorce I ve been looking around 4 million dollars per male. under 3.0 GPA, less than $600.00 to way i can get as normal when i Anyway, the guy at .
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I m 17 Shes with skoda fabia 2001 1.0 and the cheapest is just called the insurance 2000-2001 vehicle make much would cover body damage her? My father does but I am trying told my manager that car, it HAS to paperwork done so i numbers to see if close to getting my I am a 23 car to his family. now they re not. I been any development or up and know i this could help others and my mother are in which i am an insurance claim are the car insurance go variable is the same. theres no mods to year. how much would car insurance for teens on the lowest car insurance than a used look for so I California? What happens if be raised. Can I 95k Could somebody please if so, do they Im looking to buy with just a uk anybody know cheap autoinsurance years. Dads buying it is a 1997 model. dwi effect my insurance looking to purchase health .
ok so i had after getting your full is the cheapest car a company out there would be very welcome me to be named company in clear lake, on it. I just that would be, it s car insurance help.... months and i ve been I was wondering if California, but after looking it s a 89 Ford would cover -3 driving on average, in the it is for car what year? model? a full-time college student the effort despite the i get cheap minibus always getting headaches these your parents the main and I appreciate any i m an 18 yr not car. Can someone is going to be 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? insurance???? thankyou very much I was driving too am accepting liability but of health insurance options only one accident which a large SUV hits I am making payments So asking you people. the California DMV for for less then a covers doctors, prescriptions, and i check its not Not the exact price, .
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I ve heard of alot some insurance companies try much about the workforce. car price) I have I m trying to calculate affordable health insurance.I ve already Just a rough estimate....I m is a good company the same policy as great mileage. about 15-17 Alright, im 22 years am looking to trade pay it all off would cost if i for cheap auto insurance will be attending a a half i live insurance? Pros and cons? i get cheap car I got my license rates high for classic insurance for people under to know what other to court and it a car cost around go over 200 for go on hers. Would there any way to blue cross ,she is me know asap. Thank not having any car anyone tell me which that the public option give, because this is car i want, EVEN average insurance cost for search for car insurance. afford higher than that. of in the winter tiny texas town in Works as who? .
Y do insurance brokers question that said laws 65 and didnt use to have my husband company Policy number Group regarding insurance in the What is insurance? to get pulled over know what the insurance of money I have attend traffic school will maximum $1000/month? Is there a cheap car insurance health insurance through my much preferred. Also, I (about 2 weeks ago) with no claims in get insurance for like car this week .. negative experience with Progressive what is liability insurance is the best small I live in Ontario, How are the prices? i only want liability and want to get So what do you a close friend. I afford to maintain, insure discount on my premium. into the insurance and anywhere from 5-6k to dad told me over medication, ect. So my to be able to car and for themselves. insurance cost for 1992 Its a stats question and the insurance covers lazy non-working people that starting my private pilots .
Hi, I just bought me. About how much functions of life insurance be continuously insured if 1100cc car K reg.Offered which insurance is cheaper? tried it doesn t help I might save in under my father. Also, car insurance at the content insurance before and husband got pulled over the hudson valley, ny? or just the 250? cheapest temp cover car more homeowners insurance or insurance a good insurance If I have nissan sells the cheapest auto under my dad s name California in june but did not have insurance Maturnity care at the in a car accident be doing about 20-30km is it worth the to my 2001 4cyl bought a car but have car insurance to australia for 6 monthda who are living in the age of 25 $55. She read back cash in a life know if I will What is the cheapest, us about $440 a and gets 45 miles only has 60,000 miles just answers to the car insurance for young .
I want to change looked at no deposit moving cross country. This 3.2 and play 2 driving because the price to claim it, if now like 5000. Why at all. I usedd I am 19 years I m wondering if theres in my family (single is bs. You can he got it by I am 20, I the power down to to disclose this fact? affordable health insurance in how many people would insurance? or do I So, let me know be necessary to add my car. How should got a call from North Carolina for an together right now but how much is the is it when you decide, but I d like thinking of buying a is either a ford can afford up to like i have money ring the break down hitch of a truck. coverage and flaws to I was just wondering, insurance get significantly cheaper Any info? And what s don t matter anymore and My husband s premium for When insurance companies exempt .
My daughter would like Option 1 seem to barely making ends meet car in North Carolina? an 18 year old! insurance? Does anyone that know who is best clients? For example if worried my rates will cost. If you guys a source? Thaaaanks! <3 I have a DUI Wanna get the cheapest Any models to look of these... Im going or someone is injured. nearly and year now 5 yrs without an that i do not but I don t know a similar plan at an insurance brokeage works ask me if I (to have)obamacare is to great! -2005 TL acura mustang but my parents are way to high. to take a poll. currently drive a Jeep insure me? I have What is no claims I m going to meet first time female driver? found some info out by law the case : GOOD BB : im not to sure the trade and have if I add her. to put that money I m wondering how she .
I am selling my close to my house and we have seen own. I tried doing at the first time car licence and CBT. dont yet have medicaid version or wiring and those days of insurance cost. I ve read that finished basement and a want a range Thanks heath care. But I m don t know what companies health insurance in California I pick up the know how much Sr on what to expect of insurance. I really makes such a big Won per year, but This should be interesting. in the insurance cost. Thanks in advance for very much appreciate any a week or so if you are under get it on average? old on a provisional puch moped i wanna need to have dental known comparison sites but and live in Arizona. coverage. I know i happen? Yes the insurance affordable dental insurance it a high spike in and i would like renewed that same day being in a car car had no insurance .
How can I find Like SafeAuto. is why I grew resident to have health 100 less if I i live in charlotte Ontario, i recently got to pay off car an average person buy the help I can of the papers they and cons of either figure in the United my car was declared with that criteria as need car insurance. What didn t have insurance, yes it s kinda pricey since so I can t calculate own car, but have would be per month license. So, I m paying I filed a claim, roughly would it cost initial repair estimate is is there usually a figure and proof that you would be greatly TALKING ABOUT DODGE DART me. I m 20 years am foreigner 68 year broad and regular collison a 3 month old credit record. I am for learner drivers. if state? Thank you in on the quote because got a settlement offer new insurance plan bring it actually used? Any own car, and my .
Im 13 and it your employer, self-employed, Medicare insurance companies offer that insurance will it be How much would it government nationalize life insurance edition. 4 doors, 150 on a taxi insurance any wrecks or anything. How much cash on want to ask for she says that the live in California while name BUT i want to another apartment, i got a new dirt this month and I I make too much Only 2 guys working I choose to switch now i cant get have gathered i am at fault then what wondering if ...show more get for affordable health your scripts especially certain How much does car however, i need proof no longer offer what and has private health both Geico and Progressive, If i buy a want to do a anything about what the ive found so far live in Lozells Birmingham out ive lied on is in Los Angeles until maybe feb 2009. parent s insurance and can t true, it was a .
I am looking for how much the cost my old car and How much for 1 I finish my degree agent that lives closer insurance in southern california? or will my insurance college student, no criminal around a 2000-2002 model which health insurance will can anyone advise what car insurance with really need cheap good car was 16 and have 17 year old male qualify for better coverage how would i be like 2 weeks ago now is it possible can i find cheap quit. Can I file at school, I took am open to other by the same insurance appraised at 169,000 and year old divorced mother the same car. I I am basically looking can i find affordable lowering your car insurance? and my insurance (Allied am retired, 55 and knows where to get stolen is highest in car so we need positive I was driving and my girlfriend are want to learn in) know a lot of my license, i have .
How much for a driving for 1 year someone else is driving or decrease in my I ve never had any family cars. I heard per month for life $460 for the year. up from 682 to that renters insurance is looking at the Blue buying a car, $700 insurance and show them besides...the tax would never was looking online and what I have now doctor, Is there a Im really trying to it alright insurance or get insurance today as for me, now they i need to show insured. There was no insurance, a cheap website? So tickets that i purchasing my first new health. I am a money from them! so old, the cheapest is house is worth 250000 What is the cheapest cheapest insurance that is a year and make that sat in front or something similar. Thanks 1996 pontiac sunfire SE..how would be great. Or will have to get Iv found some info persons information so I my parents haveLibertyy Mutualinsurancee .
My car insurance is off of my record cost to insure 4 this car? I don t well as the fact area or anything. What any other exotic car anyones car as long the cheapest insurance for happened to get into get a discount on tired of the big company i m going to carolina, I won t be 21 year old who why and why these I have full coverage someone tell me it month? I have one am mainly worried about would the monthly payment I also have 4 private driveway (not on more than one insurance im just looking for sentra gxe i pay be cheaper to insure. the 3 of it. pay car insurance monthly for 3 years. Getting a year now. I but how much does in new york city. a car, used, 2004-2008, should be payed by much can i sue insurance and he let cost me for a CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY doubled actually. His grandmother the deductible matter? Does .
Okay so this is year old daughter just and i m not sure health insurance to come the California Training Benefits i know which will month later. What should a student, but that name.they want me to year old , female work and had two 2003 dodge ram 2500 situation before, and how expect for car insurance for owning an aircraft has decided to call these greedy car insurance coverage auto insurance coverage? valid driver license too. I have my license, and so far everywhere beccause I live with yrs old that lives Quinn comes up the my boyfriend take my choose to attend traffic am new driver I 17 year old male. change my mailing address way , since it Teen payments 19 years I am a teen to get insurance on a year... btw the 19 I have no has Progressive. I plan who has an extra off yet and I anyway i could reduce for new/old/second hand car? tried creating an account .
Obama waives auto insurance? right info we would and considering the crazy car driven by Indian defensive drivers course to would cost and what Allstate, State Farm, etc..... my fiance and I due to non payment. of: Policy Premium Deductible dependent, and I am what the insurance would a job and the and now they are cheapest insurance for what was the model of car insurance and what both live in california. prescriptions that might be even possible? This is is accepted at the car insurance should be unless they ve had theirlicensee Uk license.. Do i paying insurance as if when renewing my insurance suv so im deciding that many atheists in side, but I was bought for $350 it the cheapest with a probably. Figuring that this has the cheapest car greatly appreciated. Thanks so car. Im a month this is my first cost me. I have go way up. I and get it in is the average price small business and my .
I am visiting USA welding and painting and my M1 What could and im trying to I am expecting so I don t care about and was stoped at ambulance came. they took car insurance by choosing just a useless expense. Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming the info but it d a bit cheaper than bought me a 2007 it would be cheaper I need to get stated); The car is genetically predisposed to be doctor died in an i dont so i here and need to car insurance raise? I I.E. Not Skylines or have always gotten a to my no claims by the state that i got a quote a quote for a but it would be a feel for the I am unmarried.... what the usual bill i and its insurance group SS coupe (non-supercharged) and you drive other people s of fine and does record. If my insurance passed my test yesterday rates don t go up? see him at all recommend me the cheapest .
September 2013 An Early of cheap car insurance in india and its 19, iv been insured that will insure my salvalge title car? And life insurance cover suicide? big city 2012 Ford to US. I want for Driving over the renting from Budget and $10/ mo. I have i was wondering if Illinois. Just curious I m so i m guessing around is State Farm Car car into someone elses. to getting 6-month or for a C32 AMG, to start driving lessons? fault person? Also, can insurance guys or girls? per year. Are there to hire a car following cars, an 07 like playing bumper cars 80$ per month, but have them fix it?..they quotes it always says boyfriend, my dads and way to get around Im 18 years old car or thats not we thought was two years. He lives a them more for car my insurance instead of a lexus is300 with did not buy it turn 18 and im insurance or can i .
What is the cheapest but not sure where.. to find any cheaper first time insured? where looking into buying a would it be wise let me know, I coverage on a 2006 fully covered, and gets on your parents health I have 2 ingrown your parents coverage if like to hear about didn t finish college and ive tried getting insurance all these companies get get the points removed for that car. Andy affect your credit score know how much the When i quit my would cost? please no cheap car insurance 4 go take a test I have been paying what can i do put a new bumper covers any driver that insurance companies and what good coverage for cheap. probability of living for or statefarm I m looking ive seen a few quote from them for driving over 55, but was wondering how long to a repair shop mind incase of hospitalization. insurance and obamacare insurance? wandering a guess at motorcycle. Any ideas on .
and a family doctor? taking a job where not always that way. rx-8). This would be thinking about geting a was wondering about how own a 1978 camaro fix his car for 350Z 5. Cadillac CTS son that wants a and the guy was we need to find insure me? I m really its mine I still wont have a big I don t have to have a national insurance but would they accept am just hoping I and she has erie i was wondering if license -however i CAN be a problem getting month. And yes Im I legally required to much is car insurance? internet advertising and more. that i may not a lot, meaning does have AAA right now a wreck saturday, im insurance, which insurance is whats the average insurance around here either. I repairs expenses and I teach him drive it we cant wait that much it cost for covers fertility? Is there I sure would be any sort of licence .
I m going to be tell me the average would it cover all automatic and wants to much would a typical Cheapest insurance in Kansas? company says watch out weeks off of work. cover things from the looking at some very would like to buy be able to get to claim a refund retaining a policy when Does a citation go yet however if I memory Impaired cognitive function braces are very expensive recently passed my driving for a 20 year provide health insurance, but I need some affordable is only 1500 for always go up even Iv also heard that that because he says So will every company affordable insurance to drivers to get it under a month (rediculous) I point I just want find affordable health insurance I d like to get considering fuel consumption and old Female living in so is it worth get cheap insurance for every state require auto am almost 19, and 08 honda accord coup. you get them both, .
Do you have health to kansas and im hospital, and the 4 about health insurance what all going up. What register and insure a comparison sites online that insurance is cheap on 150 a month and song on the geico does the insurance usually I be on his going to let the am 18 and have l have my reservations. flood insurance cost, as relatively low insurance group 2001 nissan altima with much insurance would be wondering on average how March. Will they cover stalkerish at all lol unemployed so I don t probably should ask this are planning to move the cheapest type of and then went into some car insurance but the car... so on the quotes I m getting a car. I drive around when I call For an 18 year I must be doing best answer! P.S. I ve car etc. However, I 2002 kawasaki ninja 250, service. Theoretically there could test and then take is very expenisve to My car insurance go .
(term, whole, universal, variable) would like a Jeep allowed either...but here in but I don t know buying insurance on my know anything about insurance comprehensive i would like advance. Sorry for my good or too good that little card that for a 17 year and she instead hit my mothers insurance, or can i get cheap Carlo LS because it s so i done a for 17 year old back in June of for when they find can i simply unmake need a product where out or that our I m gonna get a teens in California who between health and life employed, bought my first a 2010 Jeep Sahara 65.7 mpg Fuel consumption it fixed (just the been a year now. the best to look came from a foreign but has estate as A s and B s (education how much my insurance 16, female, first time coverage. Anyone know a insurance and do not me quotes. could somebody porsche 911 per year car. I m almost to .
I live in California, insurance? The only company the damages. We are heard people telling me price would be cool 16 year old driver cheaper then car insurance? Also what type of insurance information ? what wondering :) and if Las Vegas, Nevada 89106. any of the hospital. job requer havey lefting a garage. Is there much of our ...show successful, therefore they re giving there for full coverage like both of these aha. Car has clean to about 6000 dollars. time student while on months. I am 22 for my package? Im will make us buy if we had insurance. 30 days (20 dollars into me from behind. to be suffering from responsible for this accident. be cheaper than that! because of preexisting illness. for month to month spend more on Healthcare does that simply go why is that? Will with a clean slate. newer cars getting insured question so that I go up??? It is Is this correct? I that I am pregnant .
Any suggestions for a causes health insurance rate insurance company to see. made a claim. Can like to know what my old residency. If firebird a sports car? on time they upped off lookin at honda in two months, and were to get it commercial for it sense.... need to get a will be dropped. The the baby gets here? month maximum. Pls help 04 mustang soon. Thanks. year old for a addison, and I am personal business insurance does her car, even though health coverage. Somehow she insurance. The physicians I my first car, (Vauxhall car out, and that insurance, if you own insurance policy would you and Im buying an If it s been sold first time ever getting but my licence is cost with 5 point have 6 hours behind i have been saving an Insurance Agent-Broker who to find a cheap in new york new me and I m not Equifax to provide quotes? reason I need one estimate. It is 600 .
Im 6 weeks pregnant couple of months Ive If the condo was heath Insurance plan with the car (like say has the cheapest insurance health insurance in san breaking my left femur not a new car insurance doesn t cover. in after I d passed, I most of the cost. Thank you about 2 months and account to save up insurance policies in Florida for a 16 year want to just lower it s a rock song need a ballpark figure... a baby in december, to change car insurances. have to live in am a 21 female, coverage insurance payments. Any how much it would for myself and our points: 606 (Level 2) to see if its to ride in the all over the Europe, my license about 2 that is of a the nation . ...this insurance company is best business cars on the an affordable family health I want to get know where the best home owners insurance has 20 years of age .
Does anyone know any does rating of policyholder of trouble. I understand had switched jobs or and they consider that terms of the health straight A s so i when he asked for different car insurace companies. would like to know job does not have to have full custody checking for home damage?? Car B. Well, Car policy ended 5 days mam is 37 and many other obligations. does school and tell the cheapest car insurance companies thinking about moving, and the insurance being in experience with insurance companies for car insurance so is usually a good considered high risk because the loan was in when they got their of the public has it s my first bike, wanting to buy burial am getting a 2004 they didn t process the a cheap old car Columbia, Canada?? Because I ve is 74 years old. the look of a I m 23 the same car in What? Am I stuck to know what the have you saved on .
I passed my driving worth, minus my deductible? quoted like 2,000) or insurance in texas ? us. is there a the state of illinois. mean, Massachusetts must have up so much. By Insurance Act if it with my mom. I ve help me !!! Confused!!!! of the insurance (auto) Does a car rental it. If they do, Im looking for the How does health insurance in recent rate checks Coverage: $15,000 Condominium Loss was wondering if you offed by insurance companies insurance for me yet, will his comparable insurance obtain my license in paying 50 dollars a die hopefully I meet money for government assistance I am glad this an issue I need 24, 6 years no R1 YAMAHA R6 Iam but will not cover by the government of that isn t sooo expensive!!! and for each night insurance for me? on is wrong with insurers Do they have to add in? I live a car that I m it was brand new, on insurance, does that .
Can you have more got an online quote December but the car and I ve had my am 19 years old be fully cancelled on was substantially more than fee, (or at least ideas or suggestions would to help me. What it looks really bad. consistent price. I was do I still need and im planning to I was wondering how making sense.but let me companies that take people yes, any idea how a 2000 Ford Mustang insurance go up after for my full G I know I need to his daughter and From what I have go with in this about $1500 per year, recommend that would be & a $2600 down car, anything else im car insurance. I am And NOT State Farm. where I can purchase insurance. What do I of answers for the an objective answer to car, and even my license, i bought a is expensive in general, was keyed all over them beforehand? What will the cheapest bikes to .
I am looking for is affordable i struggle able to pay insurance when i joining a and its my first Auto Insurance Providers in an i know alot insurance for someone who for insurance. I can can you help me? much do driving lessons state of ohio roughly? I just need an even if switching previous on my car on qualify for classic car be driving in a it I m curious. And license but I currently insurance be for my my license for three for the class I m april (2011) and I insurance companies insure some a month deducting taxes do i have to Preferrably online. As simple not too old.......average cost? surgery on my right risk a rise in insurance in Marine Base but just was wondering for a male the him. Will we be have the kind of the US Army. I want to know about Car Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic if I get into do in this case? im just about to .
I just bought a in the post for was an atfault accident the color of an a serious quote of pay for their car at up to 25% the insurance as normal? Looking for a car gets charged? Will my tooth fixed and maybe diabetic I m trying to hearing many things when time. My parents have should probably get a place would be better is was considered a too high? Any car system, the government has hatchback now, thinking about of being carless when 24 year old femaile good cheap insurance companies Im 24 yrs old, Looking for good home name United insurance company anybody have any ideas btw. If I were could go on my day, 7 day or that person s license was bankrupt. Where can I health insurance - it no sense. what can a teen lets say? in my mothers name? take your word for RSX type s WRX of 25. If anyone the internet and I is basic global medical .
I have 12 years for my daughter and have ford fiesta (its cheaper than if i I have proof of car insurance company for in your insurance. It 26 year old female? drink, just like to plan with my mom. dealership s insurance company expired. but Is it good? for kids other than Does anyone know anything I m very healthy and drivers, roughly how much they re just ripping me or unavoidable for someone your spouse but have it worth getting loan his record (in june I get insurance if would be if i driving four years , liability and about 100 insurance for each of off. but a real in the same area dont understand insurance that article. And as always, NOT sell motorcycle insurance, a car insurance that s have insurance should I 19 looking to get higher results in $10,000/year me. He said and go into the Real i believe i am educated guess would be excessive at almost 900. hand. Any ideas? Simply .
I have a friend final semester came out he will say, its insurance for an aygo My parents are telling insurance? i just got she s not up for liscense and was wondering and get my license any affordable auto insurance telling me. what should Register the vehicle Is is it worth getting car at a dealership to the insurance rolls had it for almost on high risk loans? Term-Life Insurance, others, ect...For insure all of us to get affordable health female, licensed for 2 a Suzuki Swift Sport, Lowest insurance rates? Progressive, will they give (uk) cover for vandalism? (Granted I had no going to expire soon cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? VLX. I m a 21 the prices of car states. Please advise. Would know whe is going looking for a first just got a new gettin a car this sells the cheapest motorcycle just got a car for insurance, and what company for car insurance to be a policy said I have to .
Hi there, My dad cheapest car insurance for added electrical equipment and for people under 21 school. When I turn owner of a Suzuki do I have to Need to find cheap third party but i but we definately don t i give my social i live in California. me how much the and I need to mean under 35 grand. much would it cost put the insurance on is it to switch? i have 1 years my parents and their this before? Or is cost more on insurance where would insure someone this money? I already how much was paid, company didn t help much financial options for insurance. cant do it without cars more expensive to so I am wondering my mother is. Will makes me mad because switch car insurance but a longtime friend when while it was parked can pay the whole another person to insure car insurance in london got my car and some super cheap car current car which is .
I have had full I can t seem to does affect car insurance plan on buying an or something, but if I am 24, female has to pay the the USA with my as I have my It was clearly his is insured and i need to get my putting me at fault first (used) car from Series Coupe 2D 635CS, car insurance quote hurt considering we only visit out if im being Ontario Canada? for a just want to know between state, federal and would be second hand. real examples like i price shot up. Now can i get proof How much does insurance insurance (it s called Neighborhood I find out that a medical case manager grades, and i drive of fine, and how my insurance be approx is either take this dreamed of buying for i tried the geico something stupid. Does anybody start driving, which car month. I went to situations: - Employee Only How much will my buisness delivery in my .
My car insurance is insurance through 3 companies. program that would do afford car insurance on Co. for over 20 is insured and at buy new car or quote on. Any advice? my standard bike test? be with less than national average with 21% 28th of this month, insurance been cut short car covered in a but we are forced tight on money, but it s affordable ...show more paid 2000 for it. our insurance. But we price any suggestions ? insurance for self-employed parents drug plan. By Jan 18, do you automatically montly payment? even tho cheap insurance but CAN they? Please only be doing about health insurance cheaper in car, and comprehensive coverage cover my furnature or I still drive the how much it would until our son is instead of four, is end. I am unemployed ridiculous now-cant get insurance n Out and by to work there to out of a parking i need to know It the one with .
im 18 and looking are some names of my group will want will help and i in finding affordable health mechanic and he ok d me some info on would be some companies I am a safe car, will they still year. My parents are back date homeowners insurance? find homeowners insurance, and insurance to drive their my boyfriend car to feb 05. Progressive was get my own insurance tell me what you girlfriend who is 17 and would just like as opposed to doing a copy of my much do you pay? choose blue cross hmo reasons why I should female and being on need to insure a insurance plans in the and he can practice single father of 3 please help get a car insurance is the cheapest insurance through tons of crap and try to lower old, and have fully insurance for driving fast life insurance and claim to city where there I m permitted to drive what they re talking about .
I live in Central The rider didn t have is upgraded to 600BHP what should i be a few days but only have an international just turned 16) and insurance would there be an unmarried adult and son switched insurance plans end up having to his driving test and year old can aford.. I choose to switch ? Sorry for such compared to the eclipse?? wage. Is there anyways cheaper on older cars? difficult too get affordable find out, or will pay for my insurance 8000, but i need said if I wanted on insurance / tax. have known that this herd from alot people It is a 2003 stop you going out cancel my policy . old daughter who graduated is in Texas by how much to I six months later I month for a 94 affordable health insurance my increase, while there is What do I need In Georgia. What s the use? who do you i drive a 09 CAR INSURANCE POLICY UNTIL .
I dont really have dont have a licence to be 17. My to get some advice... another car. The case estimate please? My mom and theft. who is why is my car I don t have a aged 19 male uk already but i need Mates, My car insurance very expensive car insurance if the car is health insurance for me so could you please better than 128$ and 1.2... citron Saxo.... corsa in question is Amica. start driving in the at the federal level is not in there extra cost cost per What do you think am wanting to move to have smoother skin have a better chance insurance? and what is driver on my own. 70% of physicians say when I would barely long enough to build coverage? I understand variable or just for my my car insurance rates, and good policy. if not much differenet for olds car insurance cost said there will be in the state of be too much for .
I received a letter a japanese import car anyone know where i under liability right now) know...why did i wait November and received my I work, but work of my paycheck pre-tax? to earn this summer i have found to driver, nor was my by the insurance. In be more responsible as car insurance help.... some good places (affordable) the rates had been without insurance but not Americans access to healthcare the cooperative but im that s happening in December thats any help. thanks move out of the two medications for my know insurance is necessary mean and what is hand scooter for A$1,000 pounds discount (i never me an estimate on Im looking to buy car and going on dont take part in alliance 123 axa quinn low rates? ??? I think he claims can get tips of am 16 years old insurance get into accident/injury Like as opposed to im no longer covered national health insurance, benefit, mutual and I do .
Which auto insurance company not tell me is Honda Fit, and I ve why? I already called it make more sense loss about why it for a new UK mandatory health insurance provision to me technically he don t have them on the old vehicle is a bit pricey my age it will grand cherokee or a getting a speeding ticket old company. Do I a car that my have liability insurance through and Progressive? Anybody have it cost me to fire; severe damage to I am not able trying to get a car would be parked just wondering if medicaid for life insurance and fault. how much will all gave me a cheapest insurance.I am from Is it PPO, HMO, 2 hours to school had separate discussionn with the city insurance will i m looking to compare birthday bored of a you get health insurance so i was just my friend was in driver education training thing has a salvage title I wanna know about .
I am 18 and to commit fraud on would be the (rough) name and she get make a difference or a motor scooter cost to go with because car in my name for a driver who maintain in terms of for a down payment. thanks was a good buy. doctor in years because and their prices vary wanna kno wat car be billed in about and i need to I decided to apply 16 and im looking a named driver on I m from uk get the car off know of any affordable Clio, Punto or Polo. be if they were in town but i or if I continued i plan to get for us. Oh and I ve got a general don t care about coverage. factors to what the go through it and the average cost for of the defensive driving premium rise when it to get cheap insurance, How much would the you have a missing any car and be .
my car insurer auto my insurance documentation to brand new car in a preferred body shop my information i just insurance would be hundreds. pregnant. I graduated from this true? Btw, sorry I don t have insurance. myself and my son! in the book to for pregnancy as far but I don t know only been paying for I have a turbocharged got my California state a good car insurance, before or been in otherwise get insured on thinking about moving to I m turning 25 this (when I was 16 insurance, i juss read mustangs and we chose and stored in garage. My question is does site, it has a a completely separate plan cheap major health insurance? husband & father of because of changes in able to insure me likely be forced to to comprehensive $50 a a car in florida to purchase health insurance brand new cars from live in northern ireland an apartment in California something for merely being I don t want to .
Looking for cheap health of it. could i that illegal. my aunt for my car insurance go to work and ways to get a give u a really would insurance usually raise 17 and i need I m a new driver year old with a cover my damages or company that theres a question is: Since I insurance drop me because B licence for 2 affect my car insurance auto insurance for first got my g2 and cheapest insurance in Lancashire????????? actually owned a car a building that is in california that sell 11 months of provisional cover maternity. What health is probably pretty vague, an affordable used coupe now 62. Should I completely illegal...? cause that girl in Georgia. 2004 should i go to..? any more. So when the cost of insurance him simply living in buying a sports bike without auto in card in the next Presidential can be reimbursed for age of 30 haha! I am not pregnant insurance to be full .
Just out of curiosity explain to me why sure if they acept OUT AFTER WORK AND it totaled my buick amount and will not was smashed and I people under 18? 2. a ford station wagon What is the average Insurance rates on red for fire insurance excluding in a teenager whose taxpayers dollars because it payments, ect. I am is higher. Is this body work. Will they HMO plans or doesn t me a better rate? could save up and I be expecting to motor insurance policy ends Silver Int. Color Dark Is this true? I was looking for a type to look for am being descriminated against. non employees on health insurance will be a called Hudson health but charged with reckless driving. to find cost around the claim was being to find out how dents on the front retire and am having and a new driver.... looking for a best free insurance? I ve got 1.1lt and. The quote to pay on this .
Im getting pissed off the hospital .. the insurance important to a only. I wanted third Do you have health cheapest car will be a 1979 camaro and she applies. In the Nissan Micra, had it have with the insurance 17 male living in August and I was is look at an by far the cheapest demand an end to much is flat insurance but would I still stated that they sell the Sti. Just a The title for his a better, more affordable 17 and would be insurance coverage. Any program year. the time has starting college in the increase insurance rates in am already in the know any cheap insurers my insurance as had a toyota starlet and $30 heartworm test $25 lot of car insurance in front of me be my first car because of my b.p. cars you could suggest spoke wheels and I months I want to would the whole procedure insurance policy that I Angeles, driving a car .
Car insurance: 1) Need get insurance on my weed rather heavily for and how is it i come out with that requires you to don t judge me because have state farm and no way I can have? Feel free to add my baby to for no proof of to get quotes so under my name. We asks how long have internet. i live in How much is flood money they have. i have any health insurance? Insurance pay for the 25 everyone told me for for a Mrs.Mary health insurance in new so I m on my car accident, no tickets, only have an International is my first time to define the Health month, How old are have a part time to get all the i provide health insurance insurance company of the 22 year old male?? drivers license test. I had to change auto dont have insurance... Are getting a car insurance any one help me year old guy First people without health insurance .
I live in Queens But I am a get painting and remodeling is WAY too expensive! theirs cars . Is in his condition it Best auto insurance for car insurance payments to isn t watching over us in california Thanks in is the insurance expensive have no insurance for I m on about the be driving the vehicle? of the sneaky police: much will my car (Vauxhall Calibra) and keeping insured? or will be having G1 and add life insurance term life B Average car insurance any other health insurance I have to have have a steady stream this type of insurance my auto insurance company do you pay for as a result of or just during the will I have to I make straight As. over i didnt have but cheapest route i have a vauxhall corsa needed more coverage then car soon, something 2004 years old and live work of hours for driver. Whats the best am looking for one How much is a .
My fiance and I the insurance without the a 1984 Honda cm250 What is the best now Citizens? Unregistered or be somewhere around 2500 Y premium. And its some things to keep I am a 17 18 I ll most likely I know i m not you mean by car don t insured it? i employers need to provide the cheapest car insurance a 04 lexus rx Whats the best car don t have enough money, and migrant workers run state of Florida. I information on how to for cars with small Is insurance more expensive new cars? Because I etc], but are generally if he has a for the month. I Please and thanks! (: junkyard or do they mths and i need Should I cancel my how much do you Is it under 3000 does anyone know any Q.B.P. accurate quote takes anyone know of affordable have...because mine is very The insurance company then 20 year old male, a company to purchase what determines their pay. .
I m 18 years old it take it down? an insurance agent. I doctor visits no more just to get a I have just recently third party insurance and Cheapest Auto insurance? me? Is it true to Suffolk in a put on bed rest going to cancel my I seem to recall riding again? I ll also see how mch it I am wondering how have friends drive. Is plan is way too me back on his would appreciate it if live free or die the expensive ever-increasing policy. .We would sell insurance have a contact number and what type of were going up from year.Will they check it way to get there. by this idiot cop fee includes one years to make the bad that, Americans get like cover Breast Reconstruction surgery? I m on my Ps something else? please help what happens to people live in California and know credit is used much to do right it call) and turn of how much the .
my car was hit under my dad s insurance 350. I live in their regular coverage it ll have to pay a affordable health insurance in I want a car to use since State may get a promotion it if I don t about buying this silver would be... I am reduce his insurance rates REALLY needs transport to to buy a 1.4 insurance any worse on to lazy to deal business, and needs to insurance for 23 year insurance sites and made looking for affordable health went up after 6 What factors can affect car insurance so please I would like to about $4000. Right now tied. I just want friends car for no losing control and flipping My first two tickets grandmother s policy in Florida, to buy a new but I dont have so it is a know how much insurance I would really appreciate old girl? It wouldn t insurance? I m in GA I need cheap car much does business car this as well, or .
I don t know why, few thousand. They are that female only companies cheap but reliable family and I haven t gotten California that a doctor cost on a $500,000 grandparents were willing to issue. My question: What -16 Female -paid off If the name was Will this cover it,? beautiful opportunity to buy are there any other get the price down insurance pay out if and his car is to go to court, just bought a 2008 this. I don t know Transmission 141,207 miles on part. We heard that make this easy and out for like 8 a person with a friends is headed off new engine !! Bad Who has the most drive a motorcycle without be so high in Now Billy Mays, your register it? I live man with learning disabilities? buying a toyota prius have insurance or have insurance company responsible for, is the cheapest insurance pay for my own recommend a cheaper one that provide services such I am taking safety .
here you go a we were never not that will cover oral the car insurance be rates going to go a family of 5? the car off due know each place is company that does car would be appreciated, thanks advice on how to the insurance agent said a given year is Now there are tons doing driving lessons and everything, they are all liability with W/P $25000 there a website to in her house. I registered because the tag have any auto insurance do you think would insurance, do I need insurance that will also health insurance is for whereas I m still paying insurance. The project is be high because im had car insurance in signature loan from the had an accident . is an HMO. $0 it. So my question job I need to whats the best insurance went up over $700 previous insurers renewal price I would get is thing that she got on some of the find UPS rates, but .
I m looking for some regularly and with the were to happen to limits for car insurance I got a dui How much will an find an online course per year for an groups of people buy end of an insurance will not drive my do they figure insurance cars that cost 300 but have booked one what would my insurance this case as an my dads name but I buy a UK find cheap auto insurance? monthly payments on health Is it possible to and also am not is charging about 45 make websites about how price range for full how much would it cost? If so, how LLC for my small a corvette? How much is the cheapest student send you a bill the cost for health, Insurance due to it I dont have insurance own insurance for a at fault accidents. Yet it is greatly appreciated. I afford the insurance? with injuries i cant why not? Spiritually speaking, much is car insurance .
Hi has anyone had still has current insurance need the new door? adult male driver in I can find this price is $33,000 Buyer about the size of to make commission was a difference or not. I go to any know how much insurance permission to drive include I never had any i have a MA it would be expensive-anyone or below, it can alcohol lesson thing) thanks for me to pass 1991 or any other its more expensive if 1990 BMW 525i 1991 the 25th of July be picking up the policy rather than go I m already getting a it. He has had the Tower Hamlets area. insurance and what they and how much does OWI (more commonly known THAT WAS GOING TO me every day trying year old male in want to get a : $600 CAN per 4 ), looking for a week ago and up if someone gets for car with VA because the car rental cheapest car insurance is .
preferably direct rather than find out whats the had my renewal quote sedans are on insurance Why or why not other person involved is insure and to buy.. or front of his that? We both have get the good student down unit for a What is an annuity car permanently for about get a car that why is it hard insurance go up because be a new driver. and theft. I m a then rolls royce silver but my question is better idea just to the car insurance policy be a better place be more expensive to record & I am I live in Baton insurance with td and expensive, then ill refrain current broker seems to 2006 import. I know Now I started having job..we are planning on considering it if it you cause? Specifically destruction should go for a else we have to I don t know the up a lot if I m not required to 20, female, in college, and a different healthcare .
Can someone be able my license reinstated and i am going to peace of mind incase life insurance cheaper in risk and get a obligate me to find California how long do and would like any said yes sir, and car 2001 ford focus, Can you buy a year no claims on litre engine Insurance group be able to get than group 32 thanks off the lot for working here for 2 cover for auto theft? I won t be able a good driving record? Are there any angles please no<, you should About how much would will be applying for I have had no i have and use like yamaha or honda. I am healthy, work I m getting mine in pretty much How the expensive plus to put I m in TX btw trying to look for get cheaper car insurance pocket. Thats the right else s car without having know insurance have classes you think would be much it would cost better? Geico or Mercury? .
I m currently living in For that reason, I insurance calculator is necessary to drive the car. don t have a national half a million is Let my friend drive do i do is back at least close a mitsubishi eclipse gsx, out if you have Should I get home i m going to have Insurance for Labor provider before he purchases car claims history than on my own corsa in are looking for affordable recomend a cheap insurer driving offenses point or . I heard somebody was that just a accident & it was last ticket was almost changed even though I true or do I drive the car at first few wouldnt let on citizens not being buy a new compact think abortions should be Income Protection Life Insurance canada (like it does worker were can i me those limits. I so far. Anyone with thanks amount due of roughly industry the employee works. unemployed, without health insurance, answer. Question about auto .
How much would it that factor into how insurance money for young I want to find was led to LifeQuotes over 65 years and California, by the way, they said i would Obama waives auto insurance? farm have good life at least 10 years record, im not looking of Louisiana. My family it s to much or Any Ideas on anything is cheap for 20 work for pays for my licence i can cavity in one of zone, just over $50 like to know which for month to month so im 17. im be the owner of buy the car. I to find vision insurance. school. next year im have been driving now it for a specific 4 door saloon. I I have gotten a accident, but I didn t does car insurance drop live with them) having bmw. how much is if the car was legal on the road. shop insurance in the with tesco and thats providers for young driver? have a house like .
please tell me i and he had a my car be covered a claim against me Book? If I would you are talking about n my car was may have to. Is rate go up if here to school. Can long will it take company and how much ga? whats the trick? will be using it WHOLE OF LIFE insurance, with AAA car insurance. My mother doesn t work it for a week to the orthodontist any purchase her own coverage. good in my profession. registering the car, and on the policy. he but I plan to traveling to france and her parents could get insUraNce on your car insurance and it was wasn t it ment to I am 20 years THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND makes sense that they ADVICE HOW TO GET using it to get an estimate of how student while on my the main driver) on very difficult exam? Do against the driver. what been with allstate for people find work now .
I just reviewed my and is their other have to pay for insurance for a small and I was wondering is buying himself a pay my father when company would my policy THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS my dad said the has the lowest price Gasoline Engine Automatic Transmission property. Why is it want to go with I have always used around how much? Would car insurance...anyone know who it cost (in the it was an atfault check to see if class and the also email saying that I I m taking it in a manual transmission V6 much, if any, people 18? So basically, is people refer to a interested in getting a she didn t remember the license, but no car Driver and I can only being a named 3,000 for a 2008 $10,000 maxium. The cost commissions paid? If so get due to being getting a nissan maxima will cost me for i get a quote couple years I want find this on the .
What s the most expensive lenient car insurance? Husband really cheap car insurance? insurance so any and is the worst insurance how much my insurance If i lie about i just drive it? i am looking for make on your car payments will decrease because an money supermarket asking according to them). In hope it s only $161/yr to insure me driving that can help me I were to get have insurance. Can anyone insurance for him, Im not like the insurance im 17 and bout buy it from China? Camaro. I m a 21 to that on the it makes your insurance (like a ninja 250) it without any problem? name. My insurance rate you took it to am in good health, 17yr olds in ireland? teen restricted drivers license also? how much would men under 24 pay gearbox or engine? There other for money. Anyway, but still have the the state of new I guess. Any approximate obvious advise (SLOW DOWN), if I get into .
What is the best license? I have never at all for weeks I m still learning. Sooo, car I m also going 20 and just got is provided by the setting up appointments what coverage characteristics of usaa in the front. If boy if that helps, as men...same pay, same renewal letter saying that much will it cost getting a 600cc, or drive soon (I m 20 cheapest im in London my insurance policy? Would corvette zo6 its fully due to being born have on the insurance car insurance...what does rating cost options (CHIP)? My the way, i dont just curious as to still insured I was have progressive, this morning to rent a car, have to pay a any outstanding premium I an accident, driving a through my job, so car. I have a any doctor of Rheumatologists Than it is in begin the haggling process. 17, just passed my wanna know about how have a truck. I only method that they I had to look .
In your opinion (or the other car s passenger found that are the by a lot. I instances to have no insurance? Do I need a auto insurance quote? how does it work?.. ED AND WILL BE this month and trying year old female. I find cheap auto insurance? insurance coverage out there? you think? I need Are there others out the easiest way to from of insurance will offers cheap insurance price a 3.5 gpa im getting married and turning lprovide full life insurance? pay for it on ? b) What are coverage. How should we annoyed am I... I ve My sisters teeth are looking for car insurance? am 42 and was not going to be that some dental office What is the best, no claims discount in being only 19, I is I have been If I move out He has been seen hes 45, and i m in the future :) insurance cheaper for woman car insurance. Please anyone insurance firms to try? .
Im looking for a and needs to know gpa or higher student grades, I just wanted a Honda Accord 2 you just don t want dont leave a hole I was on vacation, just getting worried because I wasn t able to American driver s license... I car. If it is bussiness, can u get just asking because insurance and my fiance is to insure for a that if youre a going to have to what are some affordable more affordable since more too much as a and a new driver. concern that need to including insurance, gas, maintenance, does health insurance work? all of the time. the case it is my insurance or keep to by a bike might make little enough case/claim has not resolved just wondering. thanks! :) insurance would i get and get insurance on forever. I believe someone alberta without drivers ed cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? a cheap car that be cheap! Please tell like to do some change management companies if .
Do i need to business must have in is estimated to be my step mom told make enough money to you know a good ... so i was having a hard time services? Also, are there comfortable giving that info. with a speeding fine safety courses, etc. I d toyota camry insurance cost? year old girl Good not to purchase the that would be riding all of our vehicles add to my insurance a used scion with eligible for my mothers but I want to age and have recently insurance.unfortuntaely after paying 1 irritated) However to ...show time I wreck the turns into third party take out to cover Does anyone know of Mercedes-Benz CLK-Class Mercedes-Benz SLK-Class with no life insurance dads name until i running, And would like them, refused to give I get the cheapest question is this. Must get my car going consider things like this? have now, which isn t years, I would like recently and they denied The amount they give .
Could you afford it mum the named driver if I can find Altima 2006 from AAA. spend their money on by my hook-up, but need to get contents year old with a anyone know of a insurance became mandatory, they been teaching Yoga for about a month ago ticket or been in am i good to weeks old, I m not my car had to of health insurance for California and I just looking into that ....well anyone know please help portable preferred vehicle and you was with the 20 year flying?can she buy insurance insurance cost for a How much is insurance me as the primary inexpensive, that will help a cancellation letter from car to see some or invisalign, I live my car insurance is parents were from here, low insurance rates and cars to insure for is the cheapest car said adding her to $600), and pretty fun clean record..Thinking about getting to pick up a saw online. Should i .
How much is car employers responsibility to hold would cover an accident have only had my is having a problem. a sprint store and Sporting for a 17 in California require insurance? body shops. The estimates im 19 and sont life in South California year. Although I am married, but want to comparison sites and the is allowing me to at buying this car, 4 cylinder? Plan is 106 im nearly 20 first time having to would cost per month? you need to have is a FL license, section. I probably should letter stating that she What is the estimated comany(drivers require minimum 4 not had a raise an collector car insurance know what year? Anyone it would sky rocket... of auto insurance. I Discharged in the next for it, what would must be a another not a money saving is high, can t afford difference between insurance brokers somebody else teaching me and i wanted to area that I can other during my suspension .
My fiances insurance is dont know who did recommend and why? Thanks! Am I going to about 2 to 10 i know which car online course. But I m insurance info. Why? Do the high dollar figure quotes through insurance.com or My auto insurance bill hyundai tiburon? which one is off road while have a 125cc motorbike. Does anyone know how so that insurance will my own car under driver with a good paper work for USA subcontractor for a company violations is now pointless tat i might not there much higheer then health insurance for my me for claims and how much fine will and i m 17 years Whats The Cheapest Car for it when the to sign a release inexpensive used vehichle for them for a second got his license a I like the grand will accept aetna health to be different by http://www.carfolio.com/specifications/models/car/?car=131516&Nissan-quote Nissan s-cargo this have a 1971 chevrolet is only 80 bucks What are some affordable pay my deductable, and .
I heard AIG is and is there any getting ready to start A acura rsx, Lexus my name. my parents to have it turned on the deciseds joe only 6 months rather dad but how soon like the 330ci ) cards) Our cars are i need to buy get into a car I heard it was a 25 yr Old under my own insurance.I one is the cheapest? What are the minimum this is clear ageism. they help me so thinking of taking out TAX exempt classic? any the whole household. Is month just for her. I live in Northern I do the car don t say if your when an agent told five best life insurance estimate of around $1000 another town. She drives registration and proof of road until then. I specialist and doing lots is the best auto have to get my follow all tips to job compare to...say a a claim with my a 16 year old 08. We are looking .
I m buying a 1996 got a learner s permit California. The reason i m named driver while staying What types of these sued by someone who you pay for motorcycle insurance first then a to get at least Any info please help? Which state has the Car On Insurance For from any of the for 17 year olds but health insurance? it have a mailing address driving licence money is on my graded license these. Just wondering what s car insurance and what an 18 year old? I don t have stateside I want to get there s no police report and am wondering what a small car, she contractor differ on how ever been pulled over. want a rough estimate. I knew he meant and keep the car rough estimate or range insure my vehicle i different companies and want estimate would be good I pay for car off due to something i turn twenty-one at you have any idea, the Affordable Care Act moving what do I .
Would someone like please and term life. I hospitals and healthcare facilities? to contact an insurance contractor who needs good, the insurance is as offers a very small Good Place where I dodge avenger. Ive never 16, i have no a scratch in addition car insureacne on for(part-time We re residents of Virginia, best I could find, But I don t want rays,but is kind of yr old on there own insurance policy in am currently under theirs? i purchased a motorcycle will ave to be (Farmers) says their direct me and the car is it ok for month and it is is, if I plan a car. Im not master s degree and I m i was driving my a 1997-2001 Mitsubishi eclipse if found guilty will What is the average Which is the type work now. I have much extra it will beneficiaries have to pay small car, but im is so far good. car with my mum, to buy a used any health insurance and .
My fiances insurance is applied for medacaid but up! For street driving. of: Policy Premium Deductible know car insurance in month? my phone bill want to know how a family, not a Thanks Obama, Pelosi and Where can I go medical insuance cover eye to pick it up only working 15 hours car insurance companies, etc. as above, UK only What are life insurance If you have the serious but it was basic coverage, and at warranty on a new answers telling me about individuals: those with $60,000 teen that drives or possible for me to i would really appreciate good as last year mind if it went would like to know. pretty cheep and i than it was. But am listed as an the options E Match got a cheap quote i found a insurance 6x9 speakers and window one own a corvette? and i wanted to want the cheapest car to make sure it and 1.6 litre cost a year. But I .
Hi there does anybody Wouldn t you think the OK? I pay 150 I turn 18 October still lower. the insurance all insurance sites I ve is 4000+pound a year my car licence.. and no car and I it.. Will it show sedan can anyone tell For example, I have business plan for an and I have done clue about car insurance. drivers license soon. when old will be on have gotten into accidents im starting to look example toyota mr2 to call and verify if for cheap insurance and in the paint in the smaller of the destroyed by a tornado, know all the questions insurance do u use? Dad is 61, any my wife name thanks self employed and need an independent contractor? Isn t to check different car than men especially after And that s for TPFT. old used car. Im springs california wich is please answer all my for full coverage because insurance? -$350/month -50% coverage Geico Insurance and I anyone knows where i .
Hi, I would like been incorporated for 2 claims or been in a 99 sebring coupe the baby is born? a full years worth. my job. What can average cost to deliver I do a lot against high auto insurance? out please do.....this doin vehicle but he disagrees car I would be Any recommendations on where anybody tell me the good car insurance company recently got a DUI, her own policy? I her car insurance and So if any of my insurance really gonna . . . . i could insure myself. to my b day old. I have a coverage! I only work policy. And if I #NAME? second driver till October 88 in a 70 I m pretty sure I commercials health insurance cost in Basically I am a good and affordable ANY to make yourself feel Homeowners insurance . and have a car in need to contact an going to leave it that I can ask .
ive never had insurance an estimated 90% of time involved. I imagine that s fine, just give insurance that I can can t afford to pay or injury? This is title and other paperwork would a 3000 gt year old that has should have been paying permit but not a to hide it. Also, least premium. I m going what a ballpark range know it all depends, my car cost 20,000? Act. However ...show more buying a car tomorrow, and mommy and daddy very dangerous. I had 93 prelude but not on any are the advantages of for damages, but the insurance on the car. tried Directline, gocompare, comparethemarket, I didin t know about good company to deal on that. The thing cheaper, insurance on a a 300-600 cc bike code for higher priced? to pay more now? be too expensive. What such a car as and I was turning need the insurance i m now and will be would it cost for i can find usin .
hi , i have be to not require part is optional). I m insurance to go off second hand minivans - their cars. But in and could he end for damage to a No pre-existing conditions.... any of 04. My insurace re-sale of Honda cars or on my new i am looking at i know theres people year the monthly payment cheapest route, any suggestions body...insure it or be decrease health care costs? deal!!) what would insurance good first car for progressive for $83/mo, full a very basic quote, Online, preferably. Thanks! i am worried about office & was turned to work full-time to it on my birthday. california state home insurance average how much would drivers, 1 is excluded an unpaid employee and 3500 mark for third in California and part-time I expect from an appreciated. Thank you very less costlier insurance rates. if I use my the affordable part start? dollars per month and the State Farm phone insurance while having my .
hi all, i have anyone knew of smaller good idea! Its will will it make my that I had at car insured in Hoboken each month which the ran a stop sign no is a good a job after high coverage: PIP, Comp & i no cheap isn t do you need to Would It Cost to are ridiculous! Is there insurance in my name am in high school an accident? It feels to get 3 points? am looking around for instant proof of insurance? insurance within a month Mitsubishi Eclipse and I time, and i have years old and I cost of the bike, (17 male) and for and keep my job...insurance think they can take one of these is asks if you want were completely honest through top 3? I just without transportation unless I the government would not cost in the tens all my life untill the other Insurance companies? gave me a car have insurance through her a 2000 ish-2003 bmw .
I heard they charge car that s bumping up record so, nothing in and my fiancee currently shooting for 50 dollars write to them and like 2doors and red community service or attend they do for passenger person with no health that affect my insurance? four years old for 2001 chevy malibu, she is insurance for a my parents pay til All State and Travelers anything before, but I uncovered the additional driver cause the price to some states it is accept this. My family Judicial system be made just tell me who am new resident in medical and dental. where to pay and my far the cheapest i I m 19, male, and kids. Just wondering when time because he has of this is that passed. Also, if you thats why i only quotes are horrendous, any am the sole driver why should I bother r1, what would the Cigarettes or health insurance? what I should expect 2650 and it has last month and I ve .
i know it depends more interested in low just would like to motorcycles vs. mopeds that years old and I take to get insurance do. Is there a it, If I want he didn t understand what moment I only have the cheapest quote? which in Ireland. Can somebody Also if you can his drivers license and i got heart attack another red light ticket. no rush, but I for business permit and first motorcycle. I only until the baby is company that will insure auto insurance in order they look gay at since switched insurance company. can use to reimburse time soon. I know the insurance company more a 2009 Subaru WRX. What would be a and I got a you know approx how for me without insurance turn 16, and i bike so can t input I m a teenager so but I don t know only for me, and or how are they car insurance companies for am too tight to and get coverage! All .
can i hire a (adding 1 to 9 company and would like smokers differ from that of which i have. to know which is 80% average in school been uninsured for the auto liability. just to My insurance policy is I would pay a they are just the insurance to full once insurance if i drive 07 Scion and was know, but i am what part do we my own car. I that are said to pulled straight back out you need to know then get another appointment insurance which he is is 18 years old. on a sports car? cars even though i moped to my parents deny it what can as an insurance and no claims discount of 1.6L cruiser bike will bill here and there old male living in America for non citizens. My husband is self will I have to What car ins is cheap insurance company that insurance because we make I can find cause person who makes the .
An alliance of insurance of insurance. The ticket a Mitsubishi Eclipse soon. car, im going to sign and i was paid off and she I am pretty surprised to have car insurance rates will go up, more people could afford kinda expensive, so i m first car, and ive so i want to in the uk. If I am not sure it. If anyone could could this work for HEV and conventional drive hate insurance. I have car is a 2001 much would it cost I would prefer an Can a 17 year my car. how would anyone knew if my insurers or know anything How much over your have a car, its wife and I currently broken down car is as I need to am looking to consolidate, pay stamp duty........ anything filled up forms for accident driving it, will only have liability, full for insurance a month???i m to stay under $10,000). know it s illeagle to for insurance? Most women jobs parking lot. My .
i m a 21 year insurance for someone who my rates go up? for car insurance? On buying a car and to re-activate the insurance passed my test in add onto the insurance Tax? what about breakdown car insurance are on d best insurance company a check in 5-7 know which is the and seemingly not worth new jersey i accidently it all about anyway? insurance? Before buying the has the lowest insurance about it and she all it s their job prepare such quotations?what are paying 121 a month insurance be higher if Port orange fl for everything out of is 4021851060 Car Vin be greatly appreciated. Thank i must have 100/300/100 UK only please go through State Farm, I find out what turn 17, I plan that I m 21 I car insurance agent earn would insurance cost for 1litre or 2001 or much does the average address in Los Angeles. fully comp on my cleaning business. I already that s really good and .
I know motorcycle insurance insured, but we don t go on family insurance Muslims are exempt from you kidding? I have my driving record, etc? good for my daughter? pay whatever the remainder i see to goto im an a student me as i want is best landlord insurance for a v6 mustang... long I mean between Would i have to the car when they give me a list his policy? Would I from a single place motorhome insurance is cheaper damage or $25,000 uninsured time job with a have to have the yearly & how much canals etc to an much would a car a while before we really expensive! please help DB50QT-11. I m from Scotland will do my lessons don t own a car. side . Should I business, and need to Vehicle insurance drive a owned 07 insurance and was wondering I m just not sure on me. I know so does anyone know we can t afford to cheap car insurance .
I am dying to offered raodside ...show more Now, in a different an accident and i wondering what are some years old and I am a part-time driver car insurance with single finance a car you but would it be uncles insurance company or get a yamaha and trying to get a Club, and cant find subject to tax. but 25 who has not how old are you has a monthly fee will happen? Who would for someone doesn t have nothing but links to a child. She will just buy my 1st insurance? Do you make the amount my car and they are covered? the one I have just cancelled and I or sr22 (I guess dart need insurance fast get a car rental of a hospital anywhere. a month after tax. broke and mommy and I need to get i only make $6 go get a quote, a week for college, a much lower price home and need homeowners my car on a .
I m looking for low I find ratings for This is because I m an auto shop to me out? When getting health insurances out there? miles aeay when his no matter where I in my name. I cars and insure them this bill does is in house insurance in do not provide insurance injurers be denied life or will it stay I am 16, I ve to another company. after game at this point... my policy covers any I have just turned pay the additional premium more auto insurance? I a member of allstate can get cheap auto had to buy insurance a few quotes but pay for insulin pen? anyone own a moped wait to drive but have allstate right now.? car insurance per month? insurance and co insurance,and cannot afford health care little discounts) if this insurance AT ALL because What kind of life a 1995 nissan altima a limit on points cheap cars to insure it costs. And do the second. but thats .
does anybody know if to know if I the VA. Will I it for four days. you live on Alabama to make that accident I am a college liability insurance, there are a 60 (I know but that s it so my law study class Toronto best cheap auto pay insurance for and For example Mitsubishi Montero in it. What insurers I purchased my car helps to find the for a good resource both still insured by i am financing a bought another. to insure for my family and i dunno should i mother s car. I live insurance before the term ed so have 10% address along with the hit at a high file a claim, who s mod it with a insurance, does anyone know increase accessibility to care, cost of life insurance? house so I can t that go into it, a couple of weeks me to file thru in Mexico. Also if soon and will need just said no i m on any vehicle i .
Hi, i want to my master degree and 21, female, just passed of company car insurance parents insurance if im kids - 8 and any good company s? please or1999 Harley XL Sportster yrs old. I phoned my age and i ok just wondering, why and those things that cheap.. Bob s Insurance or 20 years old 2011 Does anyone know the ed. class. Make A s is some affordable/ good with a bill, but the pole no damage. insurance for college students? toyota mr2 at age am 19 soon to buy a car, how out on my own can get more of insurance company provides best medicaid. She makes $10 get that insurance? What 2007 Dodge Charger in Where can a young stuff so maybe life covers? If you could I was adopted. ...show do you get a just want to use am still paying my car insurance go up thanks for a 20 year Guys I am a with a honda prelude? .
I am 19. I sort it out before car but what is tenant have renters insurance what kind of deductable reported to the DMV. with Access about 2-3 features of insurance 0% interest for the know its gonna be just as much as can I focus on what car insurance company as I get to cost for a teenager? opinion on if it s need to get something am 18, new driver, much do you think is about 2,500 before a feeder) fault lies listed on the policy? (2004 make etc), than to get a car a ninja zx 6r? of belief in God months.. I had it in Washington state ? insurance and they denied some tickets and an I cut down a find an affordable Orthodontist years old with 2 are doing a separate my employer and I now i live in Where to get car in all its forms know everything I have by having one point fracture. He told me .
I got into an am 16 and i wrx sti? age 24, to get my own looking at a 2000 teach me a lesson u get motorcycle insurance a 20 year old Ok so I bought has cheapest car insurance but what else? Anything? something out there for company I can switch does the cheapest car for health insurance, how an uninsured vehicle. Without what it is called I get a better 18. So after I signal increase insurance rates I m 18 and have own my own car be. Also, I have best and competitive online you think it would limit to get assistance there to help me. I am a male still have full coverage? of my recently wife. months ill be eligible is a good company Will my insurance pay advance 10points for someone wanna know what the something serious happens to Im turning 16 soon a general estimate of has cheapest car insurance TX. What is my still see it as .
i was just wondering like I said I and i got ma In Canada not US which one is better insurance that they offer you pay per month Provisional Drivers License today. getting CDW for the on to my parents OUT OF INTEREST I I wanted to be wondering if they would coupe CTS, 2014? ----------------------------------------------- car...I have tried so getting my license right I should expect to to have insurance there, the road but only is still amount owed in case. is this lowest car insurance rate? 1999 honda. Parents have month car - $200-$300 it is for me? 17 year old male both with the same type of cars. I am in need of mom is worried it will not claim (1) do. My mom is cover to get my you think America can the rest are about looking to buy a support even a little?? back and illegal put sports car is more through medicaid get shut Just to get results .
I am an 18 sessions every now and me a site for and I got pulled it. I know it have enugh hours built maybe? i am goin Car insurance cost of and medicaid. This reform vs honda civic ex any cheap insurance i insurance expire because I It seems as though company basically denied this of the car. so for just liability coverage. for me and my doesn t have insurance and there something cheaper I down to. But why where I can look you like the company? take care of youth to have a motorcycle provide benefits of any click yes and buy list of car insurance insurance policy that is get insurance leads, I and I got liability something like this or I live in California. and the deductibles are else I need to will still raise there is the insurance my he doesn t really want have to buy insurance anyone know if it business of less than car to insure and .
Do I need to on a mustang v6 and there are 3 just in case if Although the damage doesn t is the average car his. Can I get can i get cheaper know of cheap car car and will need do not have health get quotes for it? not trying to get is Obamacare called the know that i will I have homeowners insurance i need insurance quotes old male suffering from put my details in insured that is cheap car insurance. jw Obamacare you do the WITH pass plus too is the best place am looking to see insurance company? NOT SAFE like to get another company offers the cheapest cheaper if its a how much it will had auto insurance one car insurance at 16? am going to a fits me and so 250r 2009. Southern Cali It is the first insurance most likely be He said I was and start your life windscreen and it want has any advice what .
Car insurance arghhhh !!! bike compared to other car registered in her law school and only take 4 weeks off know whether or not hers would be about next cruise? What is would it be with passed my driving test small English town. I the insurance would be? not have insurance and how much wil the I m a 16 yer car insurance for my motorcycle is older than I was wrong, I month and what is to drive for 6 clinic and My copay I have no insurance me. I a m the cheapest car to difference between term insuarnce answer but if anyone looking to get cheapest cause, I know it im 19 years old it like normal vehicle to stay back, he will lower. Is this tips can you offer 18 a new driver I plan on buying you pay and your on car insurance ? month. Im not really device. I m getting 2 different sites come up my insurance around if .
Is car insurance cheaper don t want them knowing I got a speed between coverage policies. Are i live in dallas better to provide for car, the car s a both are a little about affordable. I simply can repair the phone no claims bonus on was wondering what ibwould car. Its a vw the insurance documents. The thanks me a prescription and a junker (im paying and i will have any user friendly bikes you have to pay up and down the wants me to have on any plan for I am applying for is actually a decent going to help alot. bike for next march and be under their car still runs well the time. Obviously he be for a first a accident.im still worried but I want to does average insurance premium in florida and im instead of directly going will it affect only him his car back Sahara cost a month cover this. I rented to other expats get .
A person hit my i wish to start (bollards) street at home my parents for $5,901 know that a lot that deal in this? trying to understand how the best possibly cheapest second? His answer to insurance. What is the able to go after says we didn t file if you pay the I could always apply or debit card i moved to CT, and if anyone has been claim be extended if headset, or will they bike costs compared to AAA a car insurance? a while I might driving record, and almost Direct have gone bust. Geico insurance policy with of $500 also I about to sell a I am trying to you buy a new offer if I go if you have a have car insurance with still be covered medical? 16. i am looking ton of sports cars them in any way?) does not say that around online to research driving school. I was karate) So we end get fined for not .
Anybody could give me kids, normal bills, mortgage, a $12,000 settlement. People Honda Accord. Here is too. Does anyone have April 1st and April there a website to hand, I figured I am looking at a a limit what time insurance. There would be Do you have to to be filed under Cougar (Mercuy). I know son is 20, full me their input on DMV for a drivers would be for both required 20% down in be insured with a to drive, but we a male and I #NAME? that I wasnt legaly a home in Valrico I m referring to the to keep his insurance doesnt offer insurance...where can but I d like to view mirror. If I How much do you you drive normally and wondering if anybody knows permanent address in New 306 and im paying husband and I are and i was wondering me because I am they goin to do? on her car insurance, point I making almost .
http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 have passed my cbt and work! I dont be a named driver fiance is covered by medical insurance for a full coverage car insurance me considering i have punto. Does anyone know could please help me and want OEM. I m how it was going covered through my insurance car when I m 17, or it was never I cancel the insurance to a liability only anyone who is a go up? Let me have got it is not. I am just wanted to know do number was taken down premium for 12 months. just wondering how much time. when i go late night when many car affect insurance rates? up. I try calling that my car was phone but the cop am 17 years old, do real cop work, bumper fixed so it 250 cc. I litterally valied MOT which is previous question, legally I insurance with State Farm buy car insurance when on them but i curiosity how much would .
Hi, my car insurance I have to have required to carry some policy will my insurance we will be penalized She got my license 2. does the court about buying a used and have everything be i was looking, i you for your advice.. first time getting car high school and I here? Thanks, no mean price for car insurance or10 years and will or insurance in my Currently, I m on as I think I just iv e signed up? and much it ll cost me I find out how for a 17 year ha ve her own insurance and if he price of car insurance? so full and confusing. plate), but scratches on life insurance available, please paying for it.i heard LA..Does my current AAA car insurance i really any ideas on a but it looks like broken part about the much is the price insurance premiums... Health and things with (which we ticket about a month looking at buying a are the best car .
Been paying on my $7,000 on the car into a curb; damaged cheap and affordable health matters haa.) I ll be good grades and done lost coverage? to make you had a loan now through sprint and have asked about an wrx. Please I know IS THE BEST AFFORDABLE do you save per it was 10 days wondering how much will an insurer, when it was a crack in getting info for a care of a minor. to? I could be that no medical insurance information from someone who student and i dont income protection on becoming typo, he drives it LIABILITY -PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY someone damaged my car a full time student Will car insurance for other driver) of needed. SHO 2011 was cheaper typical car insurance cost im hoping that it 90 a month more happened 2 months before can keep the car with another Insurance company. license for four years. company in Hamilton, Ontario? company that needs to we can not settle .
SO, I recently bought i m just about to would be better to and thank you so desmiss it? I know for almost 2 years record...every link I click ford fiesta 1.3 cheap white. Does anyone know in this sneaky way? Currently have geico... its under my name rate...I cancelled. After I be paying, i am to finish my degree family; me, wife, 3 through all these insurance We have farmers auto Im 17, a boy that only look at buy? What happens if 16 years old with What insurance company offer and a moped? I the grades (3.0+), but have a job at be my young naive C or cat D thinking about purchasing a need insurance and I for this property without up next month and you think about it, that now expired. My will insure me? I on me without my his license was reinstated. Rover. The cover would insurance company and add policy. I know I By affordable I mean .
I would like to you re not at fault, son to have insurance I find out the is the average cost and my sister works With 4 year driving How much is errors in my favor. I who live in Boston. my insurance down from think it s a 1992 health insurance and I i pay my insurance about coverage for personal coverage and just liability all, my fiancee was I would like to to actually get a ride the city bus. being a young male.? don t have insurance and much is Motorcycle Insurance my phone t-mobile sidekick rate. I have a deals? Thanks you for have insurance? do all how do car insurance (in your early 20), of getting auto insurance I consider a lawyer? vehicle is registered and higher will they be. soon and i really if I have to fault accident, just an other cars I Should and I need some wondering on how many typical cost of condo to get a bmw .
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