#Eliza Duncan
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01/13 Quotes: Arianna Lexington to Richie Pratt feat. Eliza Duncan
“So you’re not mad we were kissing on your couch?”
“Oh I’m mad, but my first thought was he was watching porn.  This isn’t as bad when it’s you.“
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cassandragoth26 · 3 months
Remember how I said I was going to release the Class of 00's yearbook? I don't remember it either, but I had to take it out since "Class of 00's: From the 10 Disasters" will be like a spin-off ajsdjasd you know that in a while I will start uploading each one (There are 56… Help) jsadajsd qwq
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Next: Alex Moyer
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myrddin-wylt · 1 year
love reading about the Great Rapprochement. Arthur spends 1895 to 1915 metaphorically kneeling on the ground going pspspspsps in Alfred’s general direction mostly getting ignored but occasionally getting an increasingly half-hearted “go fuck yourself” in response. it’s fantastic. look at this.
German Ambassador Bernstoff, a shrewd observer, reported in 1911, “The British efforts [to cultivate America] are meeting with a certain return of platonic affection. The old rooted dislike to England is gradually vanishing... But it is not accompanied by any wish to offer anything in return.” In hard diplomatic coin, the Americans took but they did not give. British ministries from Salisbury to Asquith made important concessions of substance and form to the United States. These statesmen gained not alliance nor even true reciprocity, but the elimination of grounds of conflict, occasional and essentially “platonic” or negative support in world politics, and above all a transformation of American attitudes which would pay immense dividends after 1914. While other factors propelled America in the same direction, British policy from 1895 to 1914 was the indispensable element.
I love it. Arthur hasn’t been this nice to Alfred since 1754 and Alfred is completely weirded out and has absolutely no idea what to do with this. so he just keeps being belligerent and Arthur just keeps being nice until eventually Alfred is sitting at a table in Arthur’s garden wondering how the fuck he came to the point where he’s having literal tea parties with the old fucker. 
meanwhile Matthew, Jack, and Eliza are just as weirded out. maybe Matthew less so than Jack and Eliza but like. it’s still really fucking weird when Alfred says things that would get Jack sent to boot camp in the most remote part of the Canadian wilderness and Arthur just smiles. Duncan, Morgan, and Erin are much less surprised, since obviously they remember how much Arthur loved Alfred as a child. on the whole, Duncan thinks it’s funny, Morgan is relieved and pleased, and Erin is utterly disgusted lol. like c’mon, Al, don’t listen to him. he’s so full of shit you know he’s full of shit. 
alas, the end of WW1 proves Erin right and Alfred goes right back to belligerent and aloof (though perhaps not near as much as pre-1895).
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rallamajoop · 2 years
Deus Ex in Yuletide 2022
Did I mentioned the Deus Ex series is nominated in this year's Yuletide fic exchange too? And presumably there's at least a couple of others interested, because folks have nominated 14 different characters (and you can only nominated 4 each). My own request letter (assorted prompts, free to a good home!) is up over here.
Full list of every nominated character below, and there are still a couple of days left for sign-ups, if you're interested (though, y'know ‒ see rules, and everything, etc).
Alejandra 'Alex' Vega
Bob Page
David Sarif
Duncan MacReady
Faridah Malik
Francis Pritchard
Hugh Darrow
Jim Miller (Deus Ex)
Talos Rucker
Vaclav Koller
Adam Jensen
Eliza Cassan
Helios (Deus Ex)
JC Denton
The downside: now I have to actually pick between officially signing up to request JC/Helios or Jensen/Pritchard, because Yuletide matching doesn't really give you a good way of signing up for either/or when there are that many other nominated characters. XD Ah well.
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afterthegreatunknown · 3 months
Quagmire Triplet Cousins AU: The Spider Trilogy
A year ago, I made a post about an ASOUE AU inspired by the Six Baudelaires AU about Book!Quagmires and Netflix!Quagmires being cousins (for Book!Mr.Quagmire is the adopted brother of Netflix!Mrs.Quagmire), and several months back, I made an updated post with new information, mainly regarding the Netflix!Quagmires.
Not long after that, I had a post idea, but it took some time to make + figure out how to post it. But, it's here now. A pre-canon fanfiction prompted by incorrect quotes that features the Quagmire triplets,
Brief note if you didn't click the link, to avoid getting confuse: Netflix!Duncan is Augustin, Netflix!Isadora is Eliza, and Netflix!Quigley is Hallissey.
[Quigley Legit Thinks Leaving the Backdoor Open as Smart Here]
One nice thing about visiting Aunt Angela and Uncle Quincy’s place is their place is the woods. While Quigley and his siblings are forbidden to venture in —even Augustin, Eliza, and Hallissey aren’t allowed to step foot in it— they are able to visit the entrance and field before it. There’s plenty of wild flowers, bushes, and small trees in the field, meaning it’s perfect to play and explore.
Today, Quigley —alongside his cousin Eliza— are in the family room, currently looking at a plotted plant. On a leaf, there’s a nice little ladybird on a green leaf. The ladybird is just there, doing nothing.
The last time Quigley checked the back window, Hallissey was looking at something near a bush, right near the entrance of the woods. Quigley left the back door open though, for if he hears any trouble, he can instantly run towards Hallissey.
Quigley is pretty certain that his cousin won’t get into that.
“You know, every time I see a ladybird, I think about Francis from A Bug’s Life,” says Quigley.
“Me too. I think that’s how ladybugs interact with other bugs in their world,” says Eliza. “Throwing hands down for getting misgendered.”
“Hey! Quigley! Eliza! Guess what!?”
Quigley quickly looks up to see Hallissey with a smile on his face. His hands are cup over each other.
“I found a cool spider!” exclaims Hallissey
Eliza instantly looks at Hallissey. “Oh? Lemme see!”
Still smiling, Hallissey opens up his hands. But nothing is there.
“…Where’s the spider,” says Quigley.
And yes, he said it as a statement, not a question.
Hallissey doesn’t answer. All he does is stare at his hands, looking worry.
“Oh no,” says Eliza, almost quietly.
Quigley feels the bubbles of trouble brewing. “HALLISSEY, WHERE’S THE SPIDER!?”
[Hallissey Once Again Brings a Spider Home…]
It’s once again another day at the Quagmire Household. Aunt Angela is in the City, giving out lessons to learning pilots and aviators. Uncle Quincy is actually at home, but he’s in his private office on the second floor, doing very important lawyer tasks.
Duncan is at the kitchen table alongside Isadora, Augustin, and Eliza. The four of them are having a nice late breakfast of pancakes Uncle Quincy made before retreating into his private office. There’s one more plate at the table, pancakes untouched.
That plate belongs to Hallissey, who once again, spent a night in the backyard camping. Duncan couldn’t help but stare at the stack of pancakes, and then at Eliza. There’s a shine in her eyes.
“I say if Hallissey doesn’t show up in the next fifteen minutes,” begins Eliza, “we take his pancakes for ourselves.”
“No stealing anyone food!” Duncan gives Eliza a stern look. “What happened with the pizza last time is still a burning memory.”
“It’s more fun to steal,” replies Eliza, “you stick in the mud.”
“You’re clearly forgetting your dad made extras and left them on the counter,” says Isadora, pointing her fork towards one of the kitchen’s many counters, where a giant stack of pancakes is. She then cuts her pancake into a square shape.
“Well, you can have my last pancake,” says Augustin, setting his fork and knife down on the napkin beside his plate. “I think I overestimated how many I can eat.”
“Oh! Thank you, Augustin!” Eliza smiles as she stabs the last pancake off the plate, the syrup on it ready to drip onto the table.
As soon as Eliza set that pancake onto her plate, there’s a faint knock on the back door. Duncan wipes his mouth his napkin, and walks out of the kitchen, into the hallway, and to the back door. From the windows, he can see Hallissey in his pajamas.
Also, in Hallissey’s hands, he has a cup and a piece of paper. Duncan quickly unlocks the door, and burrows his brows at Hallissey.
“Good to see you’re finally joining us for breakfast, Hallissey.”
“Morning to you too!” Hallissey nods his head at Duncan, and steps inside the house, walking no doubt to the kitchen where the others are at.
When Duncan rejoins the others, he sees Eliza, Augustin, and Isadora looking suspiciously at the cup and piece of paper Hallissey has in his hands.
“So…” says Isadora.
“Regarding that in your hands…” joins in Augustin.
“The fuck you have this time?” asks Eliza.
“I found a spider. Cool little lad,” answers Hallissey. He looks down at the cup, and smiles. “Thanks for eating the mosquitoes.”
Hallissey soon carefully sets the cup and piece of paper onto one of the many other counters in the kitchen, and then takes off.
Duncan doesn’t say anything. All he does is stare at Eliza, Augustin, and Isadora. The other three are giving him the same look no doubt he has on his face.
This isn’t going to be good at all, thinks Duncan.
Indeed, that thought proves to be correct.
Only an hour later, does trouble strike the Quagmire Household.
Duncan has just come back from the backyard himself after a nice little stroll, when he walks past by the open kitchen door. He sees Hallissey standing near one of the counters. It’s the counter he placed the cup and paper on, in fact.
Duncan quickly walks backwards. He sees the cup is overturn, and the paper is empty.
“Oh no, where did it go?” asks Hallissey, very nonchalantly.
“Hallissey, what the fuck?!”
[Isadora and Augustin Have a Nice Moment Together]
Isadora isn’t supposed to run down the hallway, but she’s currently in a dilemma. The bookmark that Quigley gave to her on their eleventh birthday —a bookmark in the shape of crow, one he made in Art Class — has gone missing. She’s not sure how it went missing in the first place! One minute, it was in her binder. Next, it was gone!
Isadora hopes that she can find the bookmark before it gets clean up thrown out as trash by the cleaning service. They’re not due until tomorrow, but she isn’t going to risk it. That’s why she’s running down the hallways, looking down for a black, bird-shape heavy piece of paper on the carpet floor.
“Where it is, where it is, where it-There you are!”
Isadora spots the crow bookmark down on the floor, near the small library alcove on the second floor. And that alcove is near the door of the former game room turn storage room. Isadora isn’t sure why her aunt and uncle turn it into a storage room, but hey! It means if she needs something and she doesn’t want to run to the storage room on the first floor, there’s a good chance it’s on the second floor!
For some reason, Augustin currently has his back up against the wall of the storage room. There’s a fear in his eyes. “Don't go to the storage room.”
“I wasn’t planning that,” says Isadora, crossing her arms, “but I’ll still ask. Why?”
“I saw a spider. The spider.”
Oh shit! Isadora feels the fear from breakfast skyrocketing upward.
“Well, did you kill it?”
“It has eight arms and I only have two! It’s not fair…”
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sacrifesse · 6 months
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👑 ⋆˙⟡♡ ROYALTY iD PACK 〰️
╰┈┈➤ REQUESTED BY @baxtrrd 。
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— NAMES : princie , princey , baldur , reagan , adam , adelio , aladdin , ara , basil , caspian , darius , duncan , eric , eugene , griffith , henry , kingsley , philip , steven , albert , charles , duke , harry , nikolai , william , princette , princesse , adela , adelaide , agnes , alice , amelia , anastasia , anita , ariel , athena , aurora , belle , briar , camilla , caroline , catharina , catherine , cecilia , charlotte , cleopatra , diana , eleanor , eleanora , elizabeth , eliza , elsa , esperanza , evelyn , grace , isabella , isadora , jasmine , julia , lucienne , mabel , madeleine , margaret , maria , marie , marina , nina , rosalina , rosette , regina , sabrina , sadie , sofia , sophie , lacey
— PRONOUNS : royal/royals/royalself , royal/royalty/royaltyself , royalty/royalties/royaltieself , crown/crowns/crownself , tiara/tiaras/tiaraself , suit/suits/suitself , dress/dresses/dresseself , prince/princes/princeself , princess/princesses/princesseself , ruffle/ruffles/ruffleself , corset/corsets/corsetself , pearl/pearls/pearlself , bow/bows/bowself , lace/laces/laceself , ribbon/ribbons/ribbonself , frill/frills/frillself , bow/bows/bowself
— TiTLES : the royal one , the prince , the princess , (pronoun) who is royal , (pronoun) who wears (pronoun) crown with pride , (pronoun) who wears (pronoun) tiara with pride , the one with a neck of pearls , the one with pearls draped around (pronoun) neck , the regal one , the proper one , (pronoun) who is regal , (pronoun) who is proper , the one in lacy attire , the one in frilly attire , the one adorned in lace , the one adorned in frills , the one adorned in ruffles , the one adorned in bows , the elegant one , (pronoun) who is elegant
— GENDERS : ellouryalty , luminaryvir , luminaryess , luminaryneu , reginavir , rexera , darkastralprincessen , spiregalic , sadince , sadincess , sadility , luxagender , seroyalspy , bloodroyalic , royalgender , evilqueenic , 🜲gender , royalcoric , countgender , princepresentic , monarcevelic , royalgender , vamprince , princestar , girlprince , catprincegender , princedream , princessdream , infernalprince , cuteprincegender , virtueidolprince , sillyprinceic , sillyprincessic , princerose , princenfernic , princecreation , princesscreation , princesscute , princifevampess , immoraprincessic , princglassheartic , loveprincessia , princegender , princessgender , princesspresentic , rozreagender , royalthing , princesticker
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pt: royalty id pack
requested by baxtrrd /end pt.
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thatbiologist · 1 year
G’eth Character Name Bank
First Names
Masculine Names
Alfred, Andrew, Arlo, Arthur, Balthazar, Barry, Ben, Benedick, Bernard, Burchard, Cedric, Charibert, Crispin, Cyrill, Daegal, Derek, Digory, Drustan, Duncan, Edmund, Edwin, Elric, Evaine, Frederick, Geffery, George, Godfreed, Gregory, Guy, Harris, Harry, Horsa, Hugh, Humphrey, Iago, Jack, Jeremy, John, Kazamir, Kenric, Lawrence, Leoric, Lorik, Luke, Lynton, Lysander, Madoc, Magnus, Maukolum, Micheal, Miles, Milhouse, Mordred, Mosseus, Ori, Orvyn, Neville, Norbert, Nycolas, Paul, Percival, Randulf, Richard, Robert, Roderick, Stephen, Tennys, Theodoric, Thomas, Tristan, Tybalt, Victor, Vincent, Vortimer, Willcock, Willian, Wymond
Feminine Names
Adelin, Alice, Amelia, Beatrix, Beryl, Bogdana, Branwyne, Brigida, Catalina, Catherine, Claudia, Crystina, Deanna, Desdemona, Elaine, Elinora, Eliza, Enide, Eva, Ferelith, Fiora, Freya, Gertrude, Gregoria, Gueanor, Gwen, Gwendolyn, Hannah, Hegelina, Helen, Helga, Heloise, Henrietta, Igraine, Imogen, Jacquelyn, Jane, Jean, Jenny, Jill, Juliana, Juliet, Katie, Leela, Lettice, Lilibet, Lilith, Lucy, Luthera, Luz, Lyra, Malyna, Margherita, Marion, Meryl, Millie, Miranda, Molle, Morgana, Morgause, Nezetta, Nina, Novella, Olwen, Oriana, Oriolda, Osanna, Pamela, Petra, Philippa, Revna, Rohez, Rosalind, Rose, Sallie, Sarra, Serphina, Sif, Simona, Sophie, Thomasine, Tiffany, Ursula, Viola, Winifred, Yrsa, Ysabella, Yvaine, Zelda, Zillah
Gender-Neutral/Unisex Names
Adrian, Alex, Aiden, Arden, Ariel, Auden, Avery, Bailey, Blaire, Blake, Brett, Breslin, Caelan, Cadain, Cameron, Charlie, Dagon, Dana, Darby, Darra, Devon, Drew, Dylan, Evan, Felize, Fenix, Fernley, Finley, Glenn, Gavyn, Haskell, Hayden, Hunter, Jace, Jaime, Jesse, Jo, Kai, Kane, Karter, Kieran, Kylin, Landon, Leslie, Mallory, Marin, Meritt, Morgan, Nell, Noel, Oakley, Otzar, Paris, Peregrine, Quant, Quyn, Reagan, Remy, Robin, Rowan, Ryan, Sam, Samar, Sasha, Sloan, Stace, Tatum, Teegan, Terrin, Urbain, Vahn, Valo, Vick, Wallace, Waverly, Whitney, Yardley, Yarden, Zasha
Surnames, Patrilineal - First Name (Patrilineal Surname)
Ace, Allaire, Appel, Arrow, Baker, Bamford, Barnard, Beckett, Berryann, Blakewood, Blanning, Bigge, Binns, Bisby, Brewer, Brickenden, Brooker, Browne, Buller, Carey, Carpenter, Carter, Cheeseman, Clarke, Cooper, Ead, Elwood, Emory, Farmer, Fish, Fisher, Fitzroy, Fletcher, Foreman, Foster, Fuller, Galahad, Gerard, Graves, Grover, Harlow, Hawkins, Hayward, Hill, Holley, Holt, Hunter, Jester, Kerr, Kirk, Leigh, MacGuffin, Maddock, Mason, Maynard, Mercer, Miller, Nash, Paige, Payne, Pernelle, Raleigh, Ryder, Scroggs, Seller, Shepard, Shore, Slater, Smith, Tanner, Taylor, Thatcher, Thorn, Tilly, Turner, Underwood, Vaughan, Walter, Webb, Wilde, Wood, Wren, Wyatt, Wynne
Surnames, Townships in G’eth - First Name of (Location)
Abelforth, Argent Keep, Barrow Springs, Barrowmere, Bedford, Brunhelm, Bumble, Casterfalls, Dunbridge, Falmore Forest, Folk’s Bounty, Frostmaid, Fulstad, Heller’s Crossing, Hertfordshire, Humberdale, Inkwater, Little Avery, Marrowton, Mistfall, Mistmire, Morcow, Necropolis-on-Sea, Otherway, Parsendale, Piddlehinton, Port Fairwind, Redcastle, Ransom, Rutherglen, Saint Crois, Tanner’s Folly, Tavern’s Point, Wilmington
Surnames, Geographical Locations in G’eth - First Name of the (Location)
Cove of Calamity, Deep Woods of Falmore, Eastern Isles, Eastern Mountains, Foothills, Frozen Peak, Lakes, Maegor Cobblestones, Northern Mountains, Southern Isle, Tangle, West Coast, Wild Wild Woods, Woods of Angarad
Surnames, Nickname - First Name the (Something) 
Bald, Bastard, Bear, Bearded, Big, Bird, Bold, Brave, Broken, Butcher, Bruiser, Careless, Caring, Charitable, Clever, Clumsy, Cold, Confessor, Coward, Crow, Cyclops, Devious, Devoted, Dog, Dragonheart, Dreamer, Elder, Faithful, Fearless, Fey, Fool, Friend, Generous, Giant, Goldheart, Goldfang, Gouty, Gracious, Great, Hag, Handsome, Hawk, Honest, Huge, Humble, Hungry, Hunter, Innocent, Ironfist, Ironside, Keeper, Kind, Lesser, Liar, Lionheart, Little, Loyal, Magical, Mercenary, Merchant, Messenger, Old, Orphan, Pale, Polite, Poet, Poor, Prodigy, Prophet, Proud, Reliable, Romantic, Rude, Selfish, Sellsword, Scab, Scholar, Shield, Shy, Singer, Sirrah, Slayer, Slug, Small, Stoneheart, Swift, Tadde, Talented, Tart, Tenacious, Timid, Tiny, Tough, Traveller, Trusted, Truthful, Viper, Wizard, Wolf, Wyrm
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centuriespast · 1 year
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Mrs Duncan (d.1834), Wife of George Duncan, née Hester Eliza Wheeler Robert Scott Lauder (1803–1869) Dundee Art Galleries and Museums Collection (Dundee City Council)
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girlmostlikely · 1 year
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- Tender is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica
- The Stranger by Albert Camus
- Dead Inside by Chandler Morrison
- The End of Alice by A.M. Homes
- Amygdalatropolis by B.R. Yeager
- A Certain Hunger by Chelsea G. Summers
- Hysteria by Jessica Gross
- Bunny by Mona Awad
- Cockroach by Rawi Hage
- A Girl is a Half-formed Thing by Eimear McBride
- Binary Star by Sarah Gerard
- Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead by Olga Tokarczuk
- Girlhood by Melissa Febos
- The Chronology of Water by Lidia Yuknavitch
- Very Important People by Ashley Mears
- Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata
- Severance by Ling Ma
- A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara
- The New Me by Halle Butler
- The Well by Elizabeth Jolley
- Milk Fed by Melissa Broder
- Boy Parts by Eliza Clark
- Hidden Pictures by Jason Rekulak
- The Girls by Emma Cline
- Rape Girl by Alina Klein
- The Sluts by Dennis Cooper
- Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca
- Comfort Me with Apples by Catherynne M. Valente
- Gone to See the River Man by Kristopher Triana
- Come Closer by Sara Gran
- Milk Teeth by Jessica Andrews
- Black Swans by Eve Babitz
- Negative Space by B.R. Yeager
- PenPal by Dathan Auerbach
- The Secret History by Donna Tartt
- Sick Fux by Tillie Coke
- I Can Be a Better You by Tarryn Fisher
- Any Man by Amber Tamblyn
- Being Lolita: A Memoir by Alisson Wood
- Woom by Duncan Raiston
- Brother by Ania Ahlborn
- The Slob by Aron Beauregard
- Cows by Matthew Stroke
- Tampa by Alissa Nutting
- The Consumer by Michael Girls
- Talia by Daniel J. Volpe
- Hogg by Samuel R. Delany
- The Troop by Nick Cutter
- My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell
- Snuff by Chuck Palahniuk
- The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix
- Earthlings by Sayaka Murata
- The Idiot by Elif Batuman
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dickfuckk · 1 year
A list of season 2 cast and crew members, confirmed and speculated
I will try and keep this updated
Not counting the obvious ones
Please note that this is a list of both cast and crew members, so PAs and such are also included and not just actors
Also if you're interested: on my bts instagram I only follow people who have worked on season 1, and people I suspect worked on season 2. So feel free to go through the list of people I follow if you're into that
Aaron Morton (Camera) - he’s listed on the very last picture as the camera-man
Adam Stein(Writer)
Alan F. (English solider)
Alexandria S.
Alison Telford (Casting)
Alistair Gregory - from this tweet so uncertain, but followed me back on my bts instagram account so seems to have some interest in ofmd
Amy Barber (Sound department)
Amy Tunnicliffe
Amanda Grace Leo
Amanda M. (Wedding guest)
Andrea Basile (Costume)
Andres Gomez Zamora (Visual effects)
Andrew DeYoung (Director) - I don’t remember if there was any other reason than the fact that he was in Aotearoa during filming
Andy McLaren (senior art director)
Andy Rydzewksi (Cinematographer)
Angelina Faulkner (Sound department)
Blair Nicholson (Camera)
Blair Teesdale (Camera)
Brad Coleman (Visual effects)
Brad McLeod (Special effects)
Brian Badie (Hairstylist)
Bronson Pinchot (“Torturer”)
Bryn Seager - I don’t remember why but I follow him
Bryony Matthew (Food stylist)
Caleb Staines (Camera)
Chantel Partamian (Visual effects)
Colin Elms (Art department)
Colin Rogers (Sound department)
Cora Montalban (Makeup and/or hairstylist) - I believe she was tagged in an instagram story once, and she’s followed by a ton of cast and crew members
Corrin Ellingford (Sound department)
Corey Moana (Camera)
Corry Greig (Art department)
Coti Herrera (Prosthetics/Makeup)
Damian Del Borrello (Sound department)
Daniel Fernandez (Spanish priest)
Danica Duan (Assistan accountant)
David Boden (production manager)
David G. (Stand in)
David Rowell (Financial controller)
David Van Dyke (Visual effects)
Dennis Bailey (Hairstylist)- Leslie revealed that he’s there.
Dion Anderson (Rescue diver)
Don A. (Swampy Town folk)
Donna Pearman (Assistant accountant)
Donna Marinkovich (set decorator)
Doug McFarlene (Pirate)
Duncan Nairn (Visual effects)
Eliza Cossio (Writer)
Erroll Shand (Prince Ricky)
Esther Mitchell (Camera)
Fernando Frias (Director)
Gareth Van Niekerk (Sound department)
Gary Archer (dental prosthetics)
Gemma Campbell (Visual effects)
Grant Lobban
Greg Sager (Safety manager)
Gregor Harris (Camera)
Gregory J. Pawlik Jr. (AD)
Gypsy Taylor (Costume designer)
Haroun Barazanchi (Set designer)
Harry Ashby (AD)
Helene Wong (Voice work)
Jacob Tomuri (Stunts)
Jaden McLeod
James Crosthwaite (Set decorator)
Jamie Couper (Camera)
Jason Samoa, possibly spotted on location
Jemaine Clement, pretty sure this is only based on his friendship with Rhys and Taika tbh
Jes Tom (Writer)
Jessica Lee Hunt (Makeup artist) - followed by a ton of crew and cast members and I believe she’s been tagged in instagram stories and such
John Mahone (Writer)
Jonathan Bruce (Sound department)
Jono Capel-Baker (Groom)
Jonno Roberts didn’t get the role from his audition, but could still have gotten a different role - hung out with Ruibo
Judah Getz (Sound department)
Julia Huberman (Sound department)
Julia Thompson (Costume)
Justin Benn (Republic of Pirates Town)
Karl L. (Action extra)
Kate Fu
Kate Leonard (Casting)
Kathleen Zyka Smith (“Red Flag”)
Kosuke Iijima (Fabricator/Sculptor?) - due to interaction on this post
Kris Gillan (Fabricator/Sculptor)
Kura Forrester - followed by quite a few cast and crew members, but I don’t remember if there was anything else to it
Laura Stables (SFX makeup artist)
Leanne Evans (Art department)
Lee Tuson
Leslie Jones (Spanish Jackie) - she’s spoiled this so many times, but gjfhdks
Leyla - followed by a lot of cast and crew members, don’t remember if there was more to it than that
Lindsey Cantrell (Set decorator)
Louis Flavell Birch (Blue coat)
Luke V. (Stand in)
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07/14 Relationships: Richie Pratt and Eliza Duncan
We're a kiss at 2am that tastes like wine We're a ride home in the dark With our fingers intertwined You and me keep on tryna pretend But you and me, yeah we gotta admit We’re not friends
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cassandragoth26 · 3 months
Eliza Pancakes (Chess Team... Although she doesn't know how to play)
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Prev: Duncan Prescott
Next: Eloise Hiddlestix
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myrddin-wylt · 6 months
How would the reaction of the country’s that have know them the longest be to Arthur Denmark and Norway getting together again or Arthur and Prussia doing the same
If the North Sea Empire got into a polycule in the modern day....
Olena and Herakles instantly show up to party. Let the Varangian shenanigans ensue!
Berwald calls Alfred for emergency NATO reinforcements. The Gävle Goat must be protected at all costs!
(Alas, Alfred says no because Sweden technically isn't a member of NATO yet.)
They burn down the Gävle Goat.
Duncan just watches them sow chaos. He considers joining in but honestly he's not sure if he wants anywhere near Arthur and Mathias's weird fucked up dynamic.
Francis barricades the door. He also calls for NATO reinforcements. Alfred tells him to go ask Ludwig for help instead.
Feliciano feels a great disturbance in the Force and decides he needs to go make sure his safe is triple-locked.
Yao: aw, look, an old flame reignited! how cute! ❤️
(It's not cute. They're drunk as Vikings and starting brawls in every pub.)
Alfred: can you people PLEASE stop fucking calling me is2g
Arthur and Gilbert are, perhaps surprisingly, a lot more subdued. Everyone who hears about them getting together asks if they're getting therapy or would perhaps consider getting an indulgence from the Pope. nobody realizes they're just bonding over old pictures of baby Alfred/Matthew/Jack/Eliza and Ludwig. Actual dilf duo.
(Olena: Ukraine; Herakles: Greece; Duncan: Scotland; Mathias: Denmark)
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What Korvo’s Relationship with Yumyulack, Jesse, Sonya and Pupa Reminds Me Of
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1. Korvo and Yumyulack
Queen Elinor and Merida from Brave
Marge and Lisa Simpson from The Simpsons
Samson and Ryan from The Wild
Ruby and Agatha Gillman from Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken
Gru and Margo from Despicable Me
Anne and Hop Pop from Amphibia
Bob and Tina from Bob’s Burgers
Rick and Katie Mitchell from Mitchells vs. The Machines
Marlin and Nemo from Finding Nemo
Dave and Simon Seville from Alvin and the Chipmunks Live Action Film Series
Luz and Camilla from Owl House
Blastus Metaljump and Richard Grunkwitz from Robotomy
Teddy and Amy Duncan from Good Luck Charlie
Miley and Billy Stewart from Hannah Montana
Mirabelle and Alma Madrigal from Encanto
Kyle and Gerald Broflovski from South Park
Beef and Judy from The Great North
Blitzø and Loona from Helluva Boss
Cody and Big Z from Surf’s Up
Nimona and Balister from Nimona
Rick and Summer from Rick and Morty
2. Korvo and Jesse
Ming and Mei Lee from Turning Red
Aaron and Linda Mitchell from Mitchells vs. The Machines
Luz and Eda from Owl House
Hop Pop and Sprig Plantar from Amphibia
Marge and Maggie Simpson from The Simpsons
Beef and Wolf from The Great North
Dave and Alvin Seville from Alvin and The Chipmunks
Bob and Gene Belcher from Bob’s Burgers
Flint and Tim Lockwood from Cloudy with A Chance of Meatballs
Thrasher and Richard Grunkwitz from Robotomy
3. Korvo and Sonya
Marge and Lisa from The Simpsons
Ralph and Vanellope from Wreck-It-Ralph
Bob and Louise Belcher from Bob’s Burgers
Stolas and Octavia Goetia from Helluva Boss
Wolf and Judy from The Great North
Mabel and Grunkle Stan from Gravity Falls
Twilight Sparkle and Spike from My Little Pony
Clementine and Lee from The Walking Dead Video Game Series
Marceline and Simon Petrikov/The Ice King from Adventure Time
Mecha-Jodi and Richard Grunkwitz from Robotomy
Nigel and Eliza Thornberry from The Wild Thornberries
Masie and Jacob from The Sea Beast
Boo and Sully from Monsters Inc.
Rick and Morty
4. Korvo and Pupa
Marge and Bart Simpson from The Simpsons
Bob and Louise Belcher from Bob’s Burgers
Beef and Moon Tobin from The Great North
Bo and Richard Grunkwitz from Robotomy
Sully and Boo from Monsters. Inc.
Twilight Sparkle and Flurry Heart from My Little Pony
Sam and Agatha Gillman from Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken
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destinygoldenstar · 3 months
Using The Sims 4 Genetics To Make TD Kid OCs (This was a mistake) *Part 2*
Gwen & Duncan
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I know everyone hates the ship. We gotta do it.
The Gwent kid became a punk. So I’m very curious what this is gonna look like….
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…yeah I prefer the punk.
The boy is just awful character design. We FINALLY got one with Gwen’s hair, but it’s this giant man bun?? The jacket is a Tiger pattern and the shorts are pink and this whole other pattern- WHY?!
Awful character design. That’s the problem here.
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The girl looks… okay. She’s not as bad. There’s just not anything interesting going on with her. At least the outfit matches somewhat. And she’s wearing black.
Her name according to the game is Eliza. The boys name is Moises. (idk how to pronounce his name I’m sorry)
Gwen & Courtney
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Y’all will hate me if I dont do this one. There’s a lot of potential here. They’re such pretty girls.
I want something good…
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They BOTH got Gwen’s hair.
NOT the Gwent kids. NOT the Gwody kids. But the Gwortney kids decided Gwen’s dyed hair is dominant.
Also WHY is it always randomizing these big buns? What’s the appeal?
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With that said, I think they both look really good.
Their outfits match. And they both have Courtney’s freckles which I think is so cute.
Interestingly the girl’s skin tone ISNT Courtney’s. It’s a mix. That’s the first time I think I’ve seen that.
Girl is Cecelia. The boy is Jonah.
Duncan & Courtney
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And then there’s this one.
Oh boy. So much could go right or wrong here….
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Uh… both?
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They both got the freckles. That’s awesome. And the blue eyes seem to be dominant.
But why does the boy have a turban?
It matches the eyes but why?
That girl takes A LOT from Courtney. She has a cat dress with hearts on it and she has a cute headband. She’s a very cute looking character. She doesn’t look like she’d have a criminal father.
The girls name is Hande (Don’t know how to pronounce it). The boys name is Fabian.
If you guys want to use these OCs from the Sims for drawing or whatever, go ahead. If you want to suggest a TD pairing I do this with, put them in the replies or reblogs.
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I show my ocs again pt. 3 — character I haven't drawn in months edition (lazy art, maybe???)
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Meet my girl Eliza Hopp!
⁽¹⁷ᵗʰ ᵒᶠ ˢᵉᵖᵗᵉᵐᵇᵉʳ, ¹⁸⁰² – ¹⁸ᵗʰ ᵒᶠ ᴶᵃⁿᵘᵃʳʸ, ¹⁸⁴⁸⁾
— "Eliza" is short for nothing. Her name is just Eliza. Her name is just a partner name to her mother's, "Beth."
— More about her name: she lacks a middle name (common for her species before 1837 and the mid 1800s in general, although there were cases of this happening afterwards too) and her surname, "Hopp," came from her half brother. It was originally "Hop," as he was half snowy tree cricket, but was changed to "Hopp" later on as an homage to mayor and Eliza's dearest friend, Rainn Fort.
— She's yet another butterfly puppet!! Beth is a holly blue whilst Eliza's father, Jeremy, is a brown/orange butterfly puppet of an unidentified species.
— She has two half siblings, Cassandra Flinders and Thomas Hopp, and two step-parents on both sides of her family, Crispin [step-father on mother's side] and Nyx [step-mother on father's side]. Through her half-brother Eliza has a sister-in-law named Alessandra Hopp who's a gramophone puppet (illegally built), and through her half-sister a brother-in-law named Benjamin "Ben" Flinders who's an anthro lyrebird originally from Eastern Australia. Eliza is also an aunt of seven kids thanks to Ben and Cassandra: from oldest to youngest they are Bellatrix, Samuel, Juliet, Daphne, Fiona, James, and Ashley (M). If this wasn't enough there's also a funky Scottish spirit dude named Duncan who helped nurse and raise all said kids so that they'd survive.
— Technically she has a husband named Rhys Maddox but only when their souls go and live other lives and end up meeting each other on Earth again via new lives and all that junk. They don't plan on having kids but they love each other very much. 😌
— As of mid 2023 she's no longer a resident of Nowhere And Also Everywhere aka "the afterlife," but will return once her current life passes on.
— In terms of personality, Eliza was quite the pessimist and was known to have a very low self esteem. She saw herself as not good enough to do anything but be anything but the town maid (HEAVILY influenced by her backstory) and was very quiet, only speaking to a select few people she felt like talking to: Rainn Fort, poet (and commonly credited founder of the town TLP, alongside Rainn) Matthew Milkweed, Cassandra, and Thomas were lucky enough, among others. Since being dead, her conditions improved.
— (Read backstory for context) Due to her upbringing she struggled a lot with mental illness, specifically depression and anxiety [PTSD and OCD are possible for her as well, but I need to look more into the former and develop her personality a lil more before I make a final judgement.) Even more well known was her maladaptive daydreaming (not a mental illness but oftentimes a symptom of one), which started in early childhood and lasted for the remainder of her life. It's very likely her maladaptive daydreaming played a major role in her untimely demise. On top of maladaptive daydreaming, it's very possible she's hyperphantasic, as I see her having a very vivid imagination.
Beautiful art by @fishyfishyfishtimes! Pieces are a couple years old:
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• Here you'll notice she lacks clothing. She's depicted with a rounder segmented body above but actually has a more rectangular body type without any segments. Lack of clothing was first made popular in the 1960s and became accepted in the mainstream in following decades but with the exception of the first puppets in the 10th century, this wasn't the case. Puppets wore clothes, albeit quite raggedy (basically think "poor person in the Middle Ages") and torn, especially those that worked in manual labor. Here, Eliza's without clothes simply because she didn't have a dress design.
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• Eliza with her half-siblings!! She and Thomas were very close to each other before she passed, and both were very depressed and angry at the world thanks to very very less than ideal living situations growing up. Cassandra is more of a mediator figure in the trio, see. They might not look it here in this doodle but they were actually quite close during their time together. All three of them lived together in one house and Cassandra frequently visited even when she moved out to live with her husband.
Drawings of caterpillar Eliza:
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• Here's a good example of what caterpillars look like! These babies really are like insect puppies, if puppies had a more plant/fruit/vegetable based diet (too much meat for a caterpillar can cause stomach aches). They typically have 6-8 legs and having a "tail" depends on genetics. Eliza here doesn't have one! Caterpillars oftentimes have their future wing prints on their body, kinda like a fun Easter egg for what's to come. Eliza has black spots since Holly blue butterflies have small black spots on their wings :)
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• A version of the doodle above except she has a dress. Nothing much to say here besides um. I don't think I can draw loose clothing on complex forms too well.
Eliza's Backstory (1802 – 2023)
CW: Backstory includes mentions of slavery, childhood trauma, segregation, and death
— This backstory is currently incomplete you can help by expanding it. Some details are still a WIP but I'd say it's coherent enough to count as a character backstory.
— A lot of the lore in the backstory was written by none other than @fishyfishyfishtimes ! She's an amazing worldbuilder so please go check her out. She only posts fish/sea creature related things (for now?) but maybe you like that too, I dunno.
Eliza was born (read as: hatched out of her egg) thanks to two puppet slave parents, Beth and Jeremy, sometime in 1802 (usually recorded as "the 17th of September" for simplicity); she was born in a household in London and spent the first couple years of her life around the house with fellow small children and even human children. Like many to-be slaves, contact with her parents was extremely limited if there was any contact at all as many children of slaves couldn't recognize who their parents were or were even allowed to interact with anyone outside their immediate field of view, or alternatively, they were to be sent off to a different household to work.
Reasonably, her living conditions for the first 35 years of life were less than ideal: like many "weaker" and more fashionable species, such as the butterfly, Eliza was resigned to do indoor tasks (most notably cleaning, given her fixation later on) and on rare occasions she would have to do garden work. She lived a life entirely at home, unaware of much of the outside world. Her time was mostly occupied by her excessive daydreaming while she slaved away.
This all changed on the 22nd of May, 1837, a day that's very well known in the (Universe) UK and around much of the world: after 8 centuries of being treated like mere "puppets," the first instance of puppets gaining personal freedoms finally occurred, on this particular day in British territory. Some human families paid royalties to those that had been treated so horribly. Puppet building was officially banned. There was only one nasty catch: instead of being integrated, both puppets and humans were now segregated by law. Thousands of puppets were grouped/grouped together themselves and left areas declared to be "human" areas (mostly big cities, such as London). Travel was allowed but heavily frowned upon by both human society and puppet society alike.
Somewhere in the midst of the chaos, Eliza got in contact with two puppets in particular, Cassandra and Thomas, who turned out to be her relatives. From 1837 – 1839, the trio traveled from developing town to developing town, eventually landing in a developing town between the counties of Kent and East Sussex, Townlocationplace ["TLP" for short]. Eliza quickly became infatuated with the mayor, Rainn Fort. The two became best friends but Eliza wasn't too content with just being friends. Unfortunately, Rainn had instead married a mute dragonfly woman named Alice Brown. This upset Eliza but she didn't push it. The pair remained good friends; Rainn helped her with literacy and even bought her new clothes to wear.
Eliza, however, remained in the cycle she was born into. If not in bed daydreaming, she would be seen wandering around the streets of the town aimlessly. On one of these trips, this proved to be an exceptionally dangerous practice.
On the night of the 17th of January, 1848, Eliza had written a love note to Rainn, wanting to deliver it to him in person. She had no clothes appropriate for going out in the snowy cold, only a gown. In the early morning hours she'd instead gotten lost and froze out in the dark.
Not too long after her soul was transported to Nowhere And Also Everywhere ("the afterlife") where she remained until finally trying to live a brand new life in the late 20th century. As of mid 2023, the present in the Universe, she's still living on Earth.
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