#Evan Buckley Week 2024
evanbuckleyweek · 26 days
Evan Buckley Week 2024
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The prompts for Evan Buckley Week 2024 are here!
This event celebrating our very own Evan "Buck" Buckley from 9-1-1 will be held from the 12th until the 18th of August 2024.
You don't need to sign up to participate, just make sure that when you post your work here on Tumblr, you use the tag #buckweek2024. Since tags can get a bit finicky here on Tumblr, you can choose to let us know you posted by also tagging @evanbuckleyweek in your post. Fics posted to ao3 can be added to the Evan Buckley Week 2024 collection.
We've provided prompts for edits as well as fanfiction and art. However, you don't have to stick to one specific list. We encourage you to choose from whichever one sparks joy, as long as you make sure to post on the corresponding day the prompt belongs to!
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For edits, we have some prompts for you where you can pick your Buck-related favorites to make an edit with. All kinds of edits are welcome! Show us your gifs, image-edits and collages!
Day 1: Buck + favorite rescue
Day 2: Buck + favorite line
Day 3: Buck + favorite near death experience
Day 4: Buck + hugs
Day 5: Buck + bi disaster moments
Day 6: Buck + love language
Day 7: favorite headcanon or free choice
Fic & art
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For fics and art we're giving you a few prompts to choose from every day. You can choose only one of these, or choose to combine two or all three of them! Every day consists of a line, a theme and a feeling.
Every part of the prompts is completely open to your interpretation. Surprise us with your creativity! We look forward to your fics and all variations of art and other creative works!
Day 1: “Why did you do that?” | reckless behavior | fear
Day 2: “This is my home” | catharsis | hope
Day 3: “Stop lying” | walking away | anger
Day 4: "I really don't like thunderstorms" | late night conversations | anxiety
Day 5: “I wonder what it would have been like if I had known sooner” | bi pride | acceptance
Day 6: "that's why I love you" | love languages | joy
Day 7: favorite headcanon or free choice
Some last things before you go and create your masterpieces:
Please make sure that your fics on ao3 are tagged with the proper ratings and warnings.
We want to ask you to refrain from submitting any of the following: works with character bashing or ship bashing as well as works containing explicit rape/non-con, pedophilia and incest (exploring the aftermath or trauma of these things is okay). Fics that do contain any of these will not be accepted into the ao3 collection and posts will not be reblogged to the Evan Buckley Week blog.
If you have a question, check our FAQ page to see if the answer is there or drop an ask in our inbox!
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911buddieweek · 4 months
Buddie Week 2024
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Buddie Week 2024 is a week-long event to celebrate our two favorite firefighters. WIth the use of forms, the fandom could choose several things like the prompts and when the week takes place. All forms are now closed and everything is official!
April 8th - April 14th is Buddie Week!
Each day has two normal prompts and a quote prompt. To join, you only have to choose one of these (of course you can do more!). If there isn't a prompt you like, you can choose one of the alternate prompts to write for instead.
And here are the prompts (nominated and then voted by you). The order of prompts is from the most voted for to less voted for.
Monday April 8th: Borrowing/stealing/sharing Clothes - Secretly Married - "I'm right here, I always have been."
Tuesday April 9th: Protective Eddie - Co-Parenting - "I can tell you're not fine"
Wednesday April 10th: Clipboard Buck - Tattoos - "Is that my shirt?"
Thursday, April 11th:- Eddie calling Buck 'Evan' - falling asleep on each other - "Because I fucking love you!"
Friday April 12th:- didn't know they were dating - demisexual Eddie - "I swear it wasn't my fault this time."
Saturday April 13th: hugging from behind - Buck speaks Spanish - "I'm not letting you go."
Sunday April 14th: first kiss - hurt/comfort - "Please don't leave."
Alternate prompts:
stuck together
special rescue/heavy rescue Buck
"I'm sorry, you want us to do what?"
"Shut up and kiss me."
"This made me think of you."
More information about the collection on AO3 will be posted later! But for now, you can start making things for this event! You can write a fic, make art, create a playlist, or do anything that you want with these prompts. You don't even need to post it on ao3 if you want it to. You can post anywhere.
During the week and the period after, I will try to reblog everything on Tumblr that has this account tagged in the post, or 'Buddie Week 2024' in the tags. You don't HAVE to tag me. I understand if that makes you uncomfortable - I was the same with my first Whumptober year and didn't tag the official Whumptober account or tags.
Everyone can participate! Maybe you can post fic recs with these themes. Post little snippets or drabbles. Do whatever you want. Maybe you've got your own idea how to participate.
The ONLY rule is that the use of AI is not allowed. And, of course be nice to each other! If something isn't your thing, exit the page, don't be mean.
I'm excited to see what you all come up with! I will be writing fics as well for this event. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to send a message or an ask!
To stay updated, you can follow this blog (@911buddieweek )
(Sharing/boosting on tumblr and other sites is appreciated. I do not have (or want) a Twitter account so I don't know if they're even aware of this)
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iltrpls · 2 months
summary : Buck looks baffled when he asks, “You’re still hung up on Shannon?”
Pinching the bridge of his nose, he shakes his head negatively, “No. I’m not.” He’s fully shaking when he dares to look at Buck, “I think my libido died when she did, or something like that, because I just can’t do it, alright?”
Buck hesitates when he speaks, “So you don’t wanna have sex?”
“No, no I wanna have sex,” the words feeling heavy on his tongue. He does. He does wanna have sex, he thinks about it, touches himself and wishes it were someone else doing it or that at least that he had someone to share it with. Eddie wants to have sex, in theory. It’s the practical part that feels wrong. “It’s more,” he licks his lips, “It’s more like I want to have sex, and I can see myself having sex, but I can’t see myself doing it with someone else. It’s like I need more than just someone there willing to do it with me.”
“What does that mean?”
“I don’t know.” He admits with a heavy heart.
OR: demisexual Eddie Diaz
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half-oz-eddie · 2 months
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Aht! Aht! Eddie won’t let Buck get away with that self-deprecating nonsense.
For @911buddieweek prompt “this made me think of you”
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buddieswhvre · 2 months
I've been thinking about Madney's wedding and I just can't stop imagining Buck and Eddie as Mónica and Chandler from friends. Just hear me out, I know the Buckley parents are trying their best but what if they still let out remarks like 'this will be the only wedding we're attending' or 'we're so happy to see Maddie get happily married, this might be the one for a LONG time'
And Buck knows that he shouldn't pay attention to their parents remarks but he also agrees with what they are saying. It has been weeks since Natalia and he broke up and he's almost as lost as he was after the lightning strike. He still tries his best to not let his parent's remarks get to him and fully enjoy his sister's wedding. He's not sure how much he succeeded though. Now imagine,
Eddie: So you're not upset about what your parents said, right?
Buck: Wouldn't you be? I mean they weren't exactly wrong.
Eddie: Hey, I know it's a very emotional time for you and you've had a lot of drinks but you need to let that go. I mean you were the most beautiful man in the room tonight.
Buck: Really?
Eddie: Are you kidding? You're the most beautiful man in most rooms-
And then they kiss now also imagine the morning after where Chimney is excited and running in Eddie's room about how he's going to get married today and once he leaves, Buck's like 'Do you think he saw I was here?'
Now ofc there will be angst on how are oblivious idiots would be sure that this is just fwb for them yk a friend helping another friend and it takes a lot of miscommunication and finally communication to know that they really do love each other.
(I know I should stop with my ideas considering exams and my wips but I can't help it lol)
Maybe I can write this one for didn't know they were dating prompt of buddie week where Buck is clear this was a one time thing and Eddie is sure that ofc Buck knows that I like him so much.
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warpedpuppeteer · 2 months
Buddie Week Day 4: Eddie calling Buck 'Evan'
@911buddieweek (terribly sorry to the fest admin for tagging after the week is over! I really wanted to complete the week as a personal challenge even if it's delayed)
I’ll rearrange the letters of your name to spell love
Eddie starts calling Buck by 'Evan' and doesn't stop once he realizes Buck doesn't mind.
5 times Eddie calls him Evan, and one time Buck calls him Edmundo.
Mature (for mild sexual content only in the beginning) | 2,817 words
> Established Relationship, Dorks in Love, SO MUCH FLUFF, The power of names (or something like that)
Eddie's eyes are shining bright with emotions and he has that one smile that he has when he's around Chris; Buck thinks it means love but Eddie is not at that point where he's said it to Buck yet. Buck doesn't mind, Eddie declares his love for Buck in a hundred different ways. He doesn't need words to tell him that. Eddie places a hand against his face and gently caresses Buck's cheek. “Do you want me to call you Evan more?”, he asks softly. And Buck swallows against the rush of feelings at the thought. “Yes. Yeah, I think so”, he says, and he knows he sounds strangled, his voice raw but Eddie doesn't say anything. He pulls Buck closer, back to tuck his head against his neck and moves his hand up and down Buck's back soothingly. “Anything for you, Evan”, and Buck lets out a happy sigh against him. Because that too sounds like ‘I love you’ when it comes from Eddie.
Read on AO3!
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911varietyposts · 2 months
Sharing Clothes & Last Names
Buddie Week (@911buddieweek) Monday Prompt: Borrowing/Stealing/Sharing Clothes & Secretly Married
Buddie | 1,268 words | T
“Aren’t you the one in this marriage that’s supposed to be injury prone?” Eddie grumbled, his voice tinged with tiredness. Buck’s eyes went wide as the group around them looked at the couple with looks of shock on their faces. “Marriage?” Athena asked, an eyebrow raising in the process. “Shhh, you can’t tell anyone at the 118 that Buck and I got married. It’s a surprise!” Eddie said, humming contently, not realizing who he was speaking to due to the pain medicine still in his system.
After the bridge collapse, Eddie accidentally reveals the fact he and Buck had gotten married without telling anyone in the 118 family.
Link: Sharing Clothes & Last Names - brittwrites - 9-1-1 (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
tag list!
@whollyjoly @theredrenard @kyellin (ask to join my tag list!)
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Buddie Week Day 6: Hugging from behind- Buck speaks Spanish - "I'm not letting you go"
They finished their workout without any interruptions and other than the odd look Eddie gave Buck, he didn't ask why Buck was so distracted and Buck was grateful. He didn’t even know how to explain to the other man that he had beef with a green owl who had been supposedly helping him for the last few months with his Spanish. No, that was not a conversation he was ready to have. Plus it would spoil the whole point of him learning Spanish in the first place.
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xunandran · 2 months
The End of an Era (The Beginning of Forever)
Buddie Week 2024 - Day Six prompt - Hugging from Behind!
The loft exists in boxes. Rooms have been labeled and separated, each into three separate piles. Move. Store. Donate. There’s something visceral about seeing this place restored to its default settings. Almost as if…
“End of an era,” Eddie muses as he tapes up one of the kitchen boxes and marks the instructions with a thick black marker.
Sounds echo now without fabrics and books and furniture to muffle them. Buck’s warm hands encircle his waist and pull their bodies flush.
“Beginning of an era,” Buck corrects, breath ghosting against the lobe of Eddie’s ear. The four words shouldn’t be as sexy as they are, but here, wrapped up by the other man, they vibrate through the core of Eddie’s being and he shivers out a weak laugh.
“Have you always been this smooth?”
“I have my moments,” Buck laughs. Warm. Home.
They canoodle in the emptied kitchen, pressed tight, swaying to the roaring thrum of their matched heartbeats.
“A lot of good memories in this place,” Eddie whispers, swallowing down thick emotion.
“Mmhmm.” Buck hums the tone into Eddie's neck, sealing it in the other man with light kisses and scratchy stubble.
Eddie walks them, two bodies joined by Buck’s powerful arms. Buck lingers against the other man, their steps in sync as he’s directed into the open space of the loft.
“We were here when you told me,” Eddie smiles, planting their connected form equidistant between where they both had sat that fateful night those many months ago.
It’s Buck’s turn to move them. He nudges Eddie’s knees with his own to get the man’s feet to move. They shuffle through to the space a breath from the door. “We were here when you told me.”
Eddie laughs. Comfortable. Soothing. “I was so scared. I don’t think I let go of the doorknob the whole conversation.”
“I remember.” It’s been months since that night, but every syllable is seared in Buck’s memory. Eddie stood in the space they now occupied, grip so tight on the knob that the blood could not find purchase in his fingers.
It’s been weeks since you’ve told me and all I can think about is you.
“I wanted to run,” Eddie admits. “Or vomit.”
“I’m glad you did neither.” Buck kisses the other side of Eddie’s neck and affectionately tightens their hug. “Chasing you would have been hell. I was still sore from the wedding.”
“And the bachelor party,” Eddie scoffs as he snuggles into Buck’s embrace.
They laugh and a warm rumbling energy passes between their two forms. Comfort, strength, and a connection stronger than most ever experience joins them. Beyond the current physical, it’s hard to judge where one ends and the other begins. Like in the kitchen, they linger here, no words needed between them as they each replay the journey to this moment.
Eddie takes charge again, and steps away from Buck’s embrace. The cool of the loft instantly replaces the warmth of Buck’s powerful chest. He doesn’t sever their connection though. He turns, and takes the other man’s hands in his own, thumbs brushing over knuckles as he steps them back into the loft. Buck’s eyes are sweet. They crinkle at the edges and shine in warmth as Eddie positions them. He smiles, wide and toothy, and Eddie wonders how he could have not known for so long.
“And here?” As if either of them would ever forget.
This kiss is warm and languid. Patient. They kiss now in comfort, a stark contrast to the jittery nerves and trepidation those many months ago. Eddie curls his fingers through Buck’s hair and cups the back of his neck as the broader man pulls them back together. They can kiss like this for hours. They have, kissed like this for hours. They revel in the slow slide of lips and cheeks and the way their breaths tickle the other when they're forced to come up for air, panting and giggling like fevered teens.
“When are the movers coming?” Eddie asks, words placed safely in the crook of Buck’s neck.
Buck pulls away and walks to the bar. A clipboard sits alone on the empty tableau. He flips through various pages: move out checklists, schedules, combinations and passcodes. “Movers at eleven for your place. Noon for storage. We’ll have to drop off the donations ourselves.”
Eddie checks the time. 7:48 am. With a small nod, he starts securing boxes and stacking them appropriately. “And your furniture?”
“Ravi, mostly. Have it on the route for the storage movers.”
They mill about, getting the loft ready for inspection and Buck’s items ready for transport. A box of items from Buck’s bedroom sits open at the base of the stairs, marked for storage. Eddie grabs the tape and moves to secure it. He idly thumbs through Buck’s things, curious as to what parts of the other man Buck thinks need to be stored away instead of incorporated into their home. A bark of a laugh escapes him as he spots one particularly interesting item.
“What’s this?” Eddie asks, humor in his voice as he stands and shows Buck the wine coloured collar from the bachelor party. Buck looks up, coughs, and jerks his gaze back to the clipboard. Eddie can already see the blush coloring his cheeks. He spins the collar around his finger as he saunters toward the flustered man. “You kept this.” His words are not a question. His tone is full, dripping with intensity.
“I-Eddie,” Buck stammers.
“Yes… Buck,” Eddie coos, the fabric still spinning on his finger.
Buck swallows and clatters the clipboard on the countertop. “It’s a souvenir?” he questions with a small squeak.
“Right.” Eddie stretches the single syllable till it might snap.
“Fine,” Buck blusters in a fluster of exaggerated limbs. “I kept it because I was an idiot for not realizing how good you looked in it.” His cheeks practically match the hue of the fabric as he whispers. “I let my imagination fill in the image.”
Eddie looks at his watch, then at the stairs. “You know… we still have a couple hours till the movers get here.” He spins the collar around his finger one more time. “One more memory for the road?”
He’s barely finished the question before Buck’s hoisted him in a fireman’s carry toward the stairs.
Lord he loves this man.
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pinkpeachteay · 2 months
Have I just re-joined the 9-1-1 fandom 5 days ago? Yes.
Have I since then written 2 Oneshots for it? Also, yes.
Will I still attempt to participate in the buddie week? Definitely.
The hyperfixation brainrot is going strong!!
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911buddieweek · 3 months
2 and a half weeks until Buddie Week 2024!
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Monday, April 8th: borrowing/stealing/sharing clothes - secretly married - "I am right here, I always have been."
Tuesday, April 9th: protective Eddie - co-parenting - "I can tell you're not fine."
Wednesday, April 10th: clipboard Buck - tattoos - "is that my shirt?"
Thursday, April 11th: Eddie calling Buck 'Evan' - falling asleep on each other - "Because I fucking love you!"
Friday, April 12th: didn't know they were dating - demisexual Eddie - "I swear it wasn't my fault this time."
Saturday, April 13th: hugging from behind - Buck speaks Spanish - "I'm not letting you go."
Sunday, April 14th: hurt/comfort - first kiss - "please don't leave."
Alternative prompts: stuck together - heavy rescue/special rescue Buck - amnesia - "I'm sorry, you want us to do what?" - "Shut up and kiss me." - "This made me think of you."
The collection on AO3 will be opened on April 6th.
Reminder: you can post on any fandom space you want, but since I'm only on Tumblr those will be the only ones reblogged (if they're tagged #buddie week 2024 or tagged this account)
Have fun :)
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iltrpls · 2 months
summary : He doesn't hear the front door open. He doesn't hear the sound of a bag being dropped to the floor in the living room, does not hear the floor creaking in the hallway between the living room and the kitchen. In fact, Buck doesn’t notice anything until a strong, warm pair of arms circles his waist and lips find their way into the crook of his neck.
“Hi, baby.”
Buck drops everything in the sink, turning around so fast he almost hit Eddie in tyhe face with his elbow. He’s got a shocked look on his face, his mouth open like a fish out of water. He makes a sound that could, if one were to tease him, sound like a squeal.
“Oh my god,” he whispers, still in shock, “You said you might stay another week,” he immediately says, disbelief in his voice.
Eddie shrugs, his cheeks slightly turning pink, “I thought I’d surprise you.”
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dannyuta · 2 months
“Hey!” Eddie’s voice barks from behind Buck. Buck jumps, but then Eddie is there, wedging himself between Buck and the man, who was trying to crowd himself into Buck’s space. “Back up.” “Or what?”
buddie week (day 2): protective eddie | rated t | word count: 1,792
my second fic for @911buddieweek! if you take the time to read, i hope you enjoy!
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buddieswhvre · 2 months
How to spend your day off: A guide by Evan Buckley
wc: 3,107
Eddie Diaz should have expected this. He prides himself in always having expected what might happen in certain circumstances so he should have known this. It was an offhand comment on how Eddie loved clipboard Buck. He loved every form of Buck but clipboard Buck awakened a part of him that he thought no longer ruled over him. It was Maddie and Chimney's wedding night and after Buck had meticulously completed his work as the maid of honor with a proper clipboard to make sure that nothing was missed, Eddie just made a small comment on how he'd love it if Buck ever brought one to their bedroom.
That was it, that should've been the end of it. Frankly speaking Eddie didn't even expect Buck to have heard that stupid comment. He definitely didn't expect coming home on their weekend off after dropping Chris off to a sleepover to find his boyfriend holding yet another clipboard 'On how to spend your day off'
Or the one where Buck and Eddie have sex
Tags: @911buddieweek @smilingbuckley @steadfastsaturnsrings @theotherbuckley @honestlydarkprincess @wikiangela @cinematics123
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warpedpuppeteer · 2 months
Buddie Week 2024 Day 3: Tattoos
Lies written in ink (can be facts too)
Snippets of how soulmates Evan 'Buck' Buckley and Edmundo 'Eddie' Diaz meet and fall in love. And all the things in between.
Buck doesn't have a soulmark. Eddie married his soulmate when he was 18. The universe has other plans for them.
Teen And Up Audiences | 4,331
> Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Light Angst, Falling In Love, Mild mentions of Blood and Injury
When you turn 18, getting your soulmark is one of the most exciting days of your life. How can it not be? Someone destined for you is out there and you get a clue to find them! Granted, it can be vague enough that it's not the least bit helpful but still! Exciting! You get to know something about the person who's going to love you unconditionally! So of course - Evan Buckley laughs darkly as he flops onto the grass and looks up at the stars- of course he is one of the very small percentage of people who turns 18 and doesn't have a single new mark on him that he had not had before. Dust gets into his eyes and he presses his hands against them to clear it. He ignores Maddie's calls. His parents are asleep - they didn't even remember it was his birthday.
Eddie comes back broken into a million pieces and he doesn't know how to fix himself or their marriage. Shannon calls him a coward when he refuses to go to California to take care of her dying mother and to try to build a new life together. She's right again. “Is this what being soulmates is supposed to be like?” she asks him bitterly, “because I sure as hell think the universe made a mistake”. She leaves them behind the next day and Eddie couldn't even blame her for it. He sees their soulmark in the mirror and wonders if she was right. Maybe the universe did make a mistake. Maybe Eddie doesn't deserve a soulmate at all.
Read on AO3!
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911varietyposts · 2 months
I Love You Always
Buddie Week (@911buddieweek)
Tuesday Prompt: Protective Eddie
Buddie |  1,112 words | T
“You fucked him over emotionally from an early age. Having him just to try and save another child, then refusing to love him because Daniel died? How can you two sit here and call yourselves his parents?” Eddie’s voice was loud and stern. “He was a difficult child!” Margaret exclaimed, but Eddie was quick to cut her off. “Or you knew he would never be Daniel, the child you oh so wanted to save. So instead of honoring Daniel, you seemingly buried him away to nothing but a memory and took that pain out on Buck instead.”
When the Buckley parents come to town, Eddie can’t bite his tongue to hold back emotions after they upset Buck.
Link: I Love You Always - brittwrites - 9-1-1 (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
tag list!
@whollyjoly @theredrenard @kyellin (ask to join the tag list!)
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