sweet-s0rr0w · 10 months
Microfic: I Must Be Lonely
A late birthday microfic, written for the wonderful @getawayfox (look, it balances out @wolfpants' gift which was a couple of weeks early, alright? That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.) Happy happy birthday to fandom's loveliest quadruple threat (writer, artist, reccer, beta/cheerreader). I hope you had a brilliant day! <3
T, 1.8k, no warnings. @drarrymicrofic prompt Simple. Thanks to @tackytigerfic for Irish picking and usual brilliance. This one is also for everyone else who hates night shifts!
Another night shift at the Ministry security desk. If boredom doesn’t get you, the vampires probably will, Draco thinks, sourly. That’s at least half exaggeration, though: Sanguini and his colleagues are always impeccably behaved, hurrying between meetings with barely a glint of incisor on show. But the boredom: now that part’s no joke. Nothing much happens in the Ministry after hours – by midnight, even the most dedicated workaholics have reluctantly ducked into the Floo, leaving Draco to his books, or his fantasy Quidditch, or (briefly and unsuccessfully) his crochet. Sometimes he gets lucky – a disaster necessitating the presence of the on-call Mishaps and Maladies team at the Ministry, perhaps, or an international visitor who’s messed up the time difference – but for the most part it’s lonely work.
Every night, Draco watches as two of the house elves work their slow, methodical way across the Atrium floor from either end, mopping and polishing and casting anti-slip charms until they meet just in front of his desk, some time around five o’clock. Things always get better after that, with the sun rising in the charmed windows and the slow downhill slide until six-thirty, that blessed hour when Draco mumbles his greetings to the day staff, pulling the hood of his robes up to cover his tired eyes, and slopes off towards the Floos.
Midnight until five, then, that’s the difficult time. That’s the hungry but nauseous time, the clammy but shivery time, the grumpy, gloomy, desperately weary time. Helpfully, it’s often the time the morons from the DMLE show up, high on adrenaline and testosterone and god knows what department-approved stimulants, and often, inexplicably, looking to chat utter rubbish.
“Hey! Everyone, look, it’s Malfoy!” bellows Finnigan, his voice rattling through Draco’s skull after three hours of total silence. He marches up to Draco’s desk, at the head of a group of what might appear, at first glance, to be drunken teenagers, but which Draco knows is actually made up of fairly senior Aurors. “How’re things, Malfoy? Ministry treating you well, I hope?”
Draco straightens his robes, shoving his folded up copy of the Prophet out of sight.
“It’s been a good day, Malfoy,” Finnigan continues, clearly not interested in waiting for Draco’s response. “A bloody good day, you know?” His grin is wide and toothy as he thumps his clenched fist against his chest and flings his head back. “Another victory in the fight for truth and justice, and all that’s―”
“Alright, Seamus,” says a voice from the back of the crowd. “Leave him alone, yeah?”
“Hey! Harry! Here’s the hero of the hour! C’mere.” Finnigan tucks a firm arm around Potter’s neck, pulling him forwards, until he’s shoved up against the front of the reception desk, smiling apologetically. “See,” says Finnigan, and his pupils are barely visible when he leans closer, “another bunch of Muggle-hating scumbags behind bars, and it’s all thanks to Hazza here. Good triumphs over evil again, and the world—”
“—hang on Seamus, isn’t that stuff classified?” cuts in Longbottom – who, as far as Draco can tell, is still every bit as much fun as he’d been at school.
“Oh, give over, Neville,” Finnigan spits, mercifully turning away from Draco, “I didn’t say who it was, did I? Classified would be if I’d said oi, Malfoy, d’you know they’re running a Muggle fighting ring out the back of the Reaper’s Arms—?” There’s a collective groan. “What?”
“You’re such a twat, Seamus,” says a short-haired witch next to Neville, folding her arms.
“Oh, I’m a twat, am I?”
“Yeah. You are.”
Then someone else starts up, voices crowding over each other in an unbearable racket. Draco rests back in his chair, closing his eyes, his tired mind picturing the little yapping Crups that Mother’s friend Verity used to bring over; the ones Mother pretended to coo over even while they left puddles of piss on the Persian carpet.
A shadow falls across his desk: it’s Potter, leaning forwards, blocking out the harsh glare of Lumos off the wall tiles. When Draco blinks and looks up, he finds that Potter’s shivering a little, his hair damp and stuck to his forehead. “Sorry about that lot,” he says, softly. “You know how they can get.”
“It’s fine,” Draco says, tightly. “Nice work on the, er, Muggle fighting stuff. Sounds pretty impressive.”
“Oh, cheers,” says Potter, with a shrug. “Just doing my job, you know how it is.”
Draco looks down at his desk: the bonsai yew that reminds him of home, his stupid cheap silver-plated letter-opener-cum-emergency-vampire-repellent, the battered copy of Birdsong he’s been slogging through for two months straight. “Not really,” he replies, shrugging.
“Ah, you’re not missing much. Five minutes of excitement, tops; I’d take a good Seeker’s game over that any day. But, you know—” he glances back over his shoulder, “—truth, and freedom, and all that rousing stuff from the superhero films Seamus watches. How’s your shift going, anyway?”
“Not bad,” Draco says, sitting up taller, sliding the Prophet back into view. “By the way, who’ve you got down for third Chaser? I’m stuck between Lyons and Campos.”
“You should go with Beni, definitely. Ollie’s been raving about his form all summer.” Potter leans over even further into Draco’s space, pushing his glasses back up his nose as he squints down at the page. “You got Chang down for Keeper?”
“McFarlane?” Potter laughs, incredulously. “Seriously? Bloody Magpies fans. Completely deluded, the lot of you.”
Draco rolls his eyes. “Well, Potter, I guess we’ll see.”
There’s a scuffle in the background, followed by cheers. “Coming, Harry?” Finnigan calls, wiping blood from his lip. “Hey, Malfoy, we’re heading out after this. It’s House night at XPulso; they’ve got three for ones on Rusty Nails, and we’re going to get Harry here laid.”
Harry stiffens, his eyes widening. “Er—”
“Yeah, I’ve got your back, mate. Maybe we can sort Neville out too, if anyone’ll have him.”
“I’m married, you knob!”
“You should really come along, Malfoy. It’ll be a laugh.”
Potter, still with his back to Finnigan, makes a faint choking sound.
“Sadly, Finnigan,” says Draco, trying to avoid Potter’s eyes, “I’m afraid I’m stuck at this desk for the foreseeable. But you lot have a great time. It sounds… memorable.”
Finnigan just shrugs. “Ah, your loss. C’mon then, boys.”
“It’s just an expression, Davis, what d’you—”
They’re off, finally, all backslaps and hooting laughter, and no-one’s looking at Draco anymore, which is a small mercy. Potter reaches down to steal a crisp from the unopened packet at the back of the desk. “Anyway,” he says, mouth full, breath salt-and-vinegar scented, “’s been good to see you, Dra – Malfoy.”
“Yeah,” says Draco, glumly, and he hates himself for envying them all. “You too.”
Draco tries not to think about Potter, he really does. It’s hard, though, not to wonder what he’s doing – who he’s dancing with, where he’s sleeping – when all you’ve got for the night’s entertainment is Miffy and Jinks, a dodgy alarm on Level Five, and yesterday’s Prophet. He dithers for a while over his Fantasy Quidditch choices, trying to pretend he doesn’t care what Potter thinks, then Diffindos the completed page carefully out of the newspaper and tucks it into his pocket. Both house elves make it across the floor without incident. Through the window behind his desk, Draco watches the sun begin to rise over Salisbury Plain, as slowly, grudgingly, night gives way to day.
“You off?”
It’s his replacement; showered and shaven and far too bright. Draco nods grimly at him.
“Anything to report?”
“Nothing.” He gets to his feet, rolling his shoulders and renewing the Protego on his tree, grateful, as always, for the speed and convenience of the Floo. Five minutes from desk to bed, via blackout charms and a good Silencio; that’s the way to do it.
Something’s off today, though – Draco can tell, as soon as he lands, drained and unsteady, on his hearth. The heating’s already on, for one – he can’t see his breath in the air, which is a welcome change – and hang on… is that the smell of bacon? His nausea evaporates, instantly, as he follows his nose, half in a dream, only to find—
Potter’s standing by the hob, grinning, and the flat’s a little more smoky than usual, but there’s eggs frying, and sausages on the grill, and just then the toast pops up and, well, Draco could just about kiss him right now.
So he does.
“Oh my god,” he says, when Potter pulls away, popping a crispy bit of bacon into Draco’s mouth instead.
“Oh my god,” Draco says again, salt flooding his mouth. “But what – what are you doing here?”
“Well, I was up all night too. You’re sleeping today, I’m sleeping today – I thought, well, this way at least we get to sleep together properly for once. And I know how hungry you get after night shifts. Here.”
Dizzy with tiredness, or the cooking fumes, or possibly something else entirely, Draco takes the ketchup over to the table, then slumps down hard into a chair. Potter brings over the plates, pulls his own chair in close.
They eat in comfortable silence, and it’s only once Draco’s blissfully full of sausages and buttered toast and beautifully seasoned egg, that he finally works up the courage to speak. “So Seamus’ efforts failed, I take it?” he says, lightly.
Potter snorts. “Shut up,” he mumbles, through a mouthful of beans. “Seamus passed out after the second round of shots. The rest of my night was spent escorting him back to his cousin's house on the Knight Bus. Why,” he says, grinning, “were you actually worried?
“Of course not,” Draco replies, too quickly, then sips his orange juice to try and disguise the lie.
“That’s good. Because I want to tell them, Draco.”
Draco freezes, glass in hand.
“No, I mean it,” Potter says, dropping his knife to take hold of Draco’s forearm. The Mark aches like a bruise, but beneath Potter’s fingers, the pain’s almost sweet. “Look, you know what those shifts are like; you know how they make you feel. The raid, and then getting everything wrapped up, and then seeing you at that bloody desk – the last thing I wanted was other people’s hands on me, Draco. All I could think about was how sick I am of acting the part, of pretending I’m interested, when what I’m really interested in is…” He gestures at the room, at their plates, then, finally, at Draco. “This. You.”
“I—” Draco begins, and if his voice is a bit wobbly, well, he can blame that on the tiredness, can’t he? Beside him, Potter's resumed blithely eating his bacon, eyes heavy-lidded, as though nothing he’s said was at all out of the ordinary. Draco swallows. “They’ll say you’ve lost your mind,” he says, pressing his socked foot against the knob of Potter’s ankle.
Potter nudges him back. “Well, maybe I have. Working nights will do that, after all.”
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princesssmars · 5 months
i know the fiona plot won the karlach poll but now im thinking of a princess and the frog wyll x reader and more disney/bg3 x reader fics....im conflicted
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I am so sorry for what i am about to post in a bit
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floofeeeeee · 8 days
31?!?! FOLLOWERS AYO heh I guess you could say I’m keepblr famous now huh? 😏
Yeah ok I’m going go jump off a cliff now your right I’m sorry
But yeah thanks for 31 followers :333
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owlsflame · 1 month
I had a fun time with this I'm not gonna lie to you.
Chapter 19 of How To Become the Valedictorian went a little crazy, but it's okay!
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I accidentally step on my cat ONE TIME when walking through my house in the dark and now every time theres low lighting she hides her ass under the coffee table as I walk by 😭😭
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mediocreshake08 · 3 months
Caroline from portal 2
I have done her.... the opposite of justice
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kittybutter · 10 months
ROR/SNV incorrect quote (quote made by me)
Buddha, coming up behind Loki and Thor, slapping their behinds then walking away:
Loki, shocked that he'd do that in public, much less to his cousin: Why'd he do that to you too?
Thor, thoroughly unfazed: ...
Loki, realizing: you fucked my enemy??!
Thor, now embarrassed: you fucked him first-
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m1nts · 6 months
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weirdcester · 1 year
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gabriel x sampala ❤️ ft. jealous!dean 🤬
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sweetpolkadots13 · 1 month
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Love Machine P1 is so hot. I want her to step on me... I also want to suck, lick, and bite on her fingers so baddddd. I really want her to kiss me all over my face, and then the neck. I want to kiss her on the lips, and I want to kiss her thighs.
She has a nice face, hair, body, hands, and legs; she has also nice thighs. She has very nice shorts, her shirt and jacket are so nice, and also her boots, too.
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user-darkxwolf17 · 11 months
*hiding noises, while sniffling*
I'm sorry...
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e-kamski-cyberlifeceo · 6 months
Watching the star wars sequels and releasing how much I've grown as a person since my kylo ren phase.
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noctlas332 · 7 months
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fateshurly · 1 year
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Alright alright last bit of art for a while.
Look at them I love these two I cannot express how much this account is a Tubbo apologist account you don't understand he is the blorbo he is the motherfucker please
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