opelman · 1 year
JC5_2273-2500 by Jean-Christophe Dechêne
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macabrecabra · 8 months
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LOVECRAFTOBER: DAY SEVEN: Chaugnar Faugn, the horror from hill, the feeder
Affiliation: Court of Shub-Niggurath And slowly getting another one out, trying to get into the double digits on this challenge @w@ Going to keep at it! Coming in on day seven with Chaugnar Faugn, the gremlin of the bunch!
Had fun designing this one as wanted something vaguely elephant but kind of off-putting too! Chaugnar Faugn doesn't like to move, but when they do, they can be deceptively fast, especially when it comes to sucking on delicious blood! They use their tusks like stingers to suck things up. The sucker trunk is just to hold squirmy prey in place. Chaug has a tendency to complain and try to weasel their way out of doing much of anything... but they are also terribly easy to bribe. They serve on Shub-Niggurath's court faithfully, despite making suggestions for others to do tasks before them.
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ursifors · 2 years
I don't know why I took screenshots cause I know you're gonna be there in like 5 mins lol but here's werewoof Jeremy!
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i actually am fucking dying on the floor TH EFANSGS
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dandelionsprout42 · 7 months
The Michelin Guide is fucked stuff
When a person turns 28, they begin to realise that their lifelong big dreams of becoming a popular and beloved chef, are never going to come true, because the Michelin Guide is wildly rigged in favour of French and Japanese food and kitchen hierachies.
2 celeries in an X formation with red wine in a swirly formation. Stinky fish with stinky dressing. 2L wine bottles for each of the 15 courses. Sous chefs threatening to call hitmen on your mom if you don't do unpaid overtime. Waiters insisting on telling you everything about where each ingredient came from. Food reviewers who've never had a good chicken fillet in their lives. A total bloody lack of online menus!
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The image above is from an Adresseavisen review of Fagn. It's ice cream topped with fucking ants. They gave the 10-course-ish meal a 6/6. If I got ants in my ice cream, I wouldn't fucking care if it's a Michelin star place, I'd fucking call the police on the spot!
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ot9000 · 1 year
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Clos des Boutes Les Fagnes Rouge 2015 France - Costières-de-Nîmes
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joel-eloy · 27 days
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vespacruiser · 7 months
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voss01 · 1 year
Ritmos da história Raimundo Fagner - Os Segredos por Trás do Talento
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jannekebooister · 1 year
De Hoge Venen / Les Hautes Fagnes - Fagne de Poleur 2 by Janneke Booister Via Flickr: Watercolour on Arches Grain Fin 300 g/m2. 
Colours used are Payne's gray, Sepia, New Gamboge, Gold Ochre, Burnt Sienna, all Winsor&Newton Professional. 
Paper size 38 x 28 cm, available (Contact me) 
My own reference 
Het verhaal van deze aquarel is beschreven in mijn blog / The story of this watercolour is written in my blog jannekesatelier.blogspot.com/
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reflet-de-la-lune · 9 months
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Les Fagnes en Belgique
Photographie de Roger Hermans
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dyrkwyst · 1 year
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Forest and Land, Hautes Fagnes, Belgium
Textures Used: BALEARES
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opelman · 1 year
JC5_2268-2500 by Jean-Christophe Dechêne
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luna-stenfors · 5 months
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Paysage des Hautes Fagnes (Jalhay, province de Liège, Belgique) - Décembre 2022
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Joseph Jongen (1873-1953) - Suite pour Piano en forme de Sonate, Op.60 (1920)
00:00 -- I. Sonatine 07:46 -- II. La neige sur la fagne 14:29 -- III. Menuet - dansé 21:44 -- IV. Rondeau
Pf : Hans Ryckelynck
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matmx5 · 1 year
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Baraque Michel, Hautes Fagnes (Belgium)
Mathieu S. Photographie
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race-week · 2 years
Spa-Francorchamps Corner Names
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So like most classic tracks, most of the corners at Spa are known by names as well as numbers, however there are some corners that have been given multiple different names over the years and as such this can get confusing.
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La Source (Turn 1): The first corner on the circuit is also the slowest. It draws its name from the various water sources in the region and particularly in the Spa area.
Le Raidillon de l'Eau Rouge (Turns 3 - 5): Usually these two names are referred to separately but the corner complex is officially called ‘Le Raidillon de l'Eau Rouge’. Raidillon which translates to small steep road, and Eau Rouge meaning red water in reference to the nearby stream.
Kemmel (Turn 6): Sometimes referred to as the Kemmel Straight, but it is in fact a corner, well a slight uphill kink. The name comes from the village of Kemmel, in Belgium.
Les Combes (Turns 7 - 9): Combes translates to small incised valley or gorge and once again it’s a reference to the geography of the local area, as the track was designed around these natural characteristics.
Bruxelles/Rivage (Turn 10): Bruxelles is the proper name for Brussels and the name Rivage comes from a nearby Hamlet.
Speakers Corner/Jacky Ickx Corner (Turn 11): This corner was called Speakers Corner as on the original circuit this was the point that the commentator would first see the cars after they had disappeared into the forest at the start. In 2018 the corner was renamed after the Belgian racing driver Jacky Ickx as a tribute to his career (6 24 hour of Le Mans wins, 8 wins and 25 podiums in F1). However if you listen to the Sky commentary you may hear them refer to this corner as ‘no name’.
Pouhon (Turn 12): The word Pouhon means the place where the water springs from. This corner is a major challenge as it’s a downhill double left, that’s taken at very high speeds. In fact Fernando Alonso confused the McLaren Honda system so much in 2017 by taking Pouhon flat out that the car stopped working in qualifying.
Fagnes (Turn 13): The name used refers to the Fagnes (fens) region as the village of Francorchamps is located there.
Campus (Turn 14): The Campus corner is a fast curve bending to the right and its name comes from Campus Automobile adjacent to the track. This is a training centre training centre for engineers and technicians in subjects such as automobile industry occupations, motorsports and in technological research.
Stavelot (Turns 15 - 16): Quite simply these corners are named after the area in which the Spa Francorchamps Circuit is located
Paul Frère: A sort of unofficial corner as it doesn’t have a corner number as it’s just a kink that the drivers aren’t even really aware of but this corner was named after Paul Frère who was a racing driver and journalist from Belgium. He participated in eleven World Championship Formula One Grands Prix and achieved a podium finish in his last race - the 1956 Belgian Grand Prix.
Blanchimont (Turns 17 - 18): A double bend that is particularly difficult to negotiate given the speeds attained. Like most of the corners here, it too was named after a nearby village
Chicane/Nouvelle Chicane/Bus Stop Chicane (Turns 19 - 20): The last challenge to approach is a slow corner in an S which bears the (un)original name of: Chicane in the old days, it was alluded to as the "Bus Stop Chicane" as at that time when the track was open to traffic at certain times, there used to be a bus stop there. Novelle Chicane is also used sometimes, and that literally means ‘New Chicane’ - it’s not very creative
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