#Free super mario online no download
veworbicycle · 2 years
Free super mario online no download
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#Free super mario online no freeload
When playing in the future and you want to continue from your saved state, you can use File > Load State to load up the game from exactly where you last saved it. You can save your progress in whatever point you like within the game, not only on the official checkpoints offered by the game. Instead, you’ll need to click File > Save State and then choose an empty slot. The integrated save system will not save your progress. Tip: Saving games on an emulator functions a little differently. The game will now run on the emulator and you can play the game freely. Step 2: return to Mupen and hit File > Open. A ROM is essentially a virtual version of the game that needs to be loaded into the emulator. But now you’ll need to find the correct ROMs online. Your emulator will now be ready to play Super Mario 64. After, double click the mupen64.exe file in order to start the emulator. zip file to a location, for example your Desktop. Once you have finished downloading Mupen, extract the downloaded. We’d suggest Mupen – it’s open source, fast and one of the most frequently updated.
#Free super mario online no freeload
Step 1: you can start by downloading a reliable and bug free emulator. The second component is the Super Mario 64 game itself to play on the emulator. The first component is the emulation program which can imitate the n64 OS and software. There are two components for playing a n64 Super Mario 64 game on your PC. In the evolution from two dimensions to three, Super Mario 64 places an emphasis on exploration within vast worlds that require the player to complete multiple diverse missions, in addition to the occasional linear obstacle courses as in traditional platform games. The game established a new archetype for the 3D genre, much as Super Mario Bros. As one of the earlier three-dimensional platform games, Super Mario 64 is based on open world playability, degrees of freedom through all three axes in space, and relatively large areas which are composed primarily of true 3D polygons as opposed to only two-dimensional sprites. In the game, Mario explores Princess Peach's castle and must rescue her from Bowser. An enhanced remake called Super Mario 64 DS was released for the Nintendo DS in 2004. More than eleven million copies of Super Mario 64 have been sold. To play even more free games, view our all time top games page. If you want more titles like this, then check out Mario Maker or Super Alfonso. Simply click the big play button to start having fun. This is one of our favorite mobile arcade games that we have to play. It was released in Japan on June 23, 1996, and later in North America, Europe, and Australia. Mario Maker 2 is an online arcade game that we hand picked for. Along with Pilotwings 64, it was one of the launch titles for the console. Super Mario 64 is a 1996 platform video game published by Nintendo and developed by its EAD division, for the Nintendo 64.
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pikespendragon67 · 2 months
And Now, an Ode to Priam Fire Emblem: The Decade or So Long Blorbo
As I type this, the Nintendo 3DS and WiiU eShop have legally shut down their Internet servers. Pokemon can still be transferred via the Poke Transporter & Pokemon Bank, and content that was downloaded before can still be redownloaded, but now it is legally impossible to not only buy games, but to also download their free content that was distributed online. For some games, this might not have been utilized or was just a small bonus that didn’t mean much. For Fire Emblem Awakening, it meant access to new maps & somewhat new characters. 
4 of the free online characters were within Awakening’s main story & acted as “what if” scenarios. What if Emmeryn survived her character defining fall that ended a decade-or-so-long war? What if Yen’fay was the Chon’sin royal sibling that survived instead of Say’ri? What would Gangrel do if he lived after Chrom defeated him? What would Walhart do? What would Aversa do if it turned out that she was brainwashed by a cult, realized this, and decided to fight against this? Some were better executed than others, in my opinion, but some of these characters also had exclusive skills, such as Aversa wielding dark magic outside of a Dark Mage/Sorcerer class or Walhart being immune to armor & beast killing weapons, or were just more manpower for your army.
There was one final Spotpass map, though, that acted as a nice free challenge mode (if you didn’t plan on buying the DLC for Apotheosis, of course) : 50 whole units against 26 of your own. At the epicenter of it is Priam, the character I’d like to honor with this memoir. 
Priam is a character not found in the main story of Awakening, and is a dweller of the Isle of Giants in the Outrealms (aka bonus content land oooooh). He’s the leader of a very large army (again, 50 units) consisting of people from every nation within the continents of Ylisse & Valm. He’s supposedly related to a radiant hero of legend, though it’s never officially confirmed. He likes to train, eat meat, and fight strong opponents to better himself regardless of their origins. Overall a relatively simple character to understand. 
For many players, they tend to forget he exists or do their best to pretend he doesn’t exist in the first place. Either they didn’t play his map, his character traits didn’t stick with others as strongly as others, or the big meat and potatoes hot button issue: his relation to Ike. Ike is the protagonist of the Tellius saga, or the games consisting of both Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn. He does not have a canonical ending where he marries, and within the games, he doesn’t show romantic interest in any female characters. He does, however, have paired endings with characters such as Ranulf (who goes on a journey) and Soren (who accompanied Ike on his own journey, never to be seen or heard from again). And with sources stating Priam is a direct descendant of Ike, rather than an off-shoot through Mist (Ike’s younger sister) and Boyd, many got upset. “How could Ike have a kid? He’s not interested in women. He likes Soren.” is something I see regularly while scouring through Priam’s tag on Tumblr or through comments on Youtube. And I’m not here to argue against that. I do, however, think I have an idea why Priam was chosen to be Ike’s descendant of all the previous lords: Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
Brawl, at the time, was the latest Smash Bros. game when Awakening was in development. Smash Bros. is usually how Nintendo fans branch out from just playing Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, or Kirby and get introduced to series they might not have even heard of, such as Fire Emblem. In fact, it was due to Marth & Roy’s appearance in the previous Smash Bros. game, Melee, that the West got their first taste of Fire Emblem games. However, in Brawl, Roy was removed from the roster and was replaced with Ike. This makes sense, as Path of Radiance was the latest console Fire Emblem game when Brawl was released. (I also wonder if it has to do with the west never receiving Roy’s game, but that’s just speculating on my end). Gotta promote your games somehow. Though from what I understand, the Tellius games did not sell as well as Intelligent Systems had hoped. Additionally, with the following games being remakes of Marth’s original adventures now on the DS, those also did not sell well. Heck, the west never officially got the remake for Mystery of the Emblem. 
This could just be fan speculation ruminating throughout the decades, but it seems to be common belief that due to poor sales, Fire Emblem was almost a goner franchise that probably would’ve remained dormant for decades or even had no games developed for it. As such, Intelligent Systems wanted to broaden the market by appealing to newcomers. Some that may have heard about Fire Emblem through Smash Bros., but never gave it a shot due to the permadeath system that the games were infamous for, or just no real interest beforehand. Awakening exploded in popularity, garnering new fans like crazy. And with Chrom, Lissa, Emmeryn, Lucina, and Owain being descendants of the recognizable Marth (especially as Lucian disguising herself as Marth and even being briefly confused for Marth by Tiki), it would make sense to have a supposed descendant of the recognizable Ike as well. …Although one could speculate that Walhart is a descendant of Alm & Celica, which makes sense given how Rudolf looks… And for more reference’s sake, they threw in a bunch of past Fire Emblem throwbacks in weapons & lore that made writing a worldbuilding-centric fic a fucking nightmare.
So, with all of that, what are my thoughts on Priam being related to Ike? 
My whole explanation beforehand was me retelling how I got into Awakening in the first place sprinkled in with hearsay I’ve read online, but as I grow older & more bitter at the world, Priam could be related to a shoe for all I care. (Although if Roy DID stick in Brawl, it would be cool to see how his descendant would be, especially if we’re going the route of Eliwood/Ninian having Roy, who then marries Lillina). What I like about Priam is traits somewhat shown in Ike, sure, but it’s also just the missing potential that keeps me coming back to him.
SO, time to get into how I started to like him. I remember when I first played Awakening, I asked a friend if I should pick between Stahl or Lon’qu to marry (as I was aware of the auto-marriage to Chrom mechanic and wanted to avoid that). The friend said Stahl was a better pick, as he was a kind lad that loved to eat & had messy hair like yours truly. Then, when the Spotpass maps were released, I immediately made a new save file so that I could marry Priam. Why? …Because he had a bandana and I liked his English voice acting (for the few grunts & battle quotes that were present). The Awakening Hero armor design is eh, but I liked how his was customized to be, well, radiant. The 3D model was shinier than those of Flavia’s or other playable reclassed Heroes, and I really just liked how he paired a tattered cape with his armor. 
I also remember level grinding for an entire summer just so I could finally take on his map efficiently. Granted, I played Normal/Casual, but when I replayed the map a 3rd time for another save file, my units were barely able to beat him. It was worth it, in my opinion. 
What really made me start up that second save file were his supports with Female Robin. Priam is an unfortunate case of “Avatar-sexual”, meaning he only has supports with Robin & Morgan if he’s his dad (although in the Hot Springs DLC, he does have a nice chat with Yen’fay & tries his damnest to fight Walhart). We only learn small things about him, such as his love for training & how he utilizes breathing techniques that would fit right into Jojo or Demon Slayer. He also gets flustered when someone does something nice for him unexpectedly, such as Female Robin doing his laundry as thanks for training with her. He doesn’t really care about expenses, as he bought a really fucking expensive ring when he proposed to Female Robin and says “I don’t give a damn what you do” when you sell items in his inventory. He’s devoted to the point of letting the world burn before seeing Female Robin get hurt (thankfully not to a yandere-like level). …And you learn he fought a bear when he was 12 if you support with Male Robin. He’s what got me to liking characters that had muscle (yes even though Basilio and Vaike were right there).
Combat wise, he was a good non-armor defensive unit (especially with wielding Ragnell to give him +5 defense), but what I find neat is that he learns weapon breaker skills even in classes he can’t become, like Gryphon Rider having Lancebreaker. He has both Sol and Luna, but not Aether like. This might be so Aether stays exclusive to Chrom, Lucina, and a potential daughter/granddaughter, but I speculated this could be Priam either holding himself back from using Aether’s potential or him still trying to figure it out.
Along with this, if you were a budding mythology/history nerd like I was, you realize he was named after not one, but two! TWO! Important figures in the Trojan War: King Priam and his son, Paris (In Japanese, Priam is named Paris, so yes, go ahead and make the French jokes. His English voice actor already plays the Frenchiest Fry Virion himself). In fact, this was one of the many things that sparked my interest in mythology/history. 
And finally, this was around the time I was starting to get interested in voice acting trivia. This meant I wanted to act as a human IMDB page and go “whoa, did you know such and such shared a voice with so and so?! Isn’t that neat?!” At the time, I didn’t know Jamieson Price also voiced Virion, but I DID know he voiced Iskandar from Fate/Zero and Chad from Bleach. Those were 2 of my favorite characters so I was sold. And then for Japanese, Daisuke Ono voices him. Jotaro Kujo from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure and Shizuo Heiwajima from Durarara!! Of all things! WOW! 
All of this is really fucking cool shit, and it’s such a damn waste that Intelligent Systems doesn’t do anything else with him! 
To fill in my disappointment, I’ve definitely created a version of Priam in my head that’s drastically different from canon. I’ve incorporated elements from what I’ve continued to read in his supports, inspiration coming from moments & traits from other series that I’ve watched/played that I thought would be cool, and overall just positive things to keep me going when I was going through a rough spot. Canonically, he’s probably like what people expect Goku from Dragon Ball Z to be. In my mind, he’s like a battle-hardened tactician brawler that gets very excited about swords (to the point where he takes up blacksmithing to craft his own), loves to speak about life in a philosophical lens, and experiences a quiet yet extremely unsettling quiet anger when someone he cares about gets hurt. I also headcanon he uses his headband to cover scars from his bout with fighting a bear when he was 12. OH! And he gets to have twin girls: Cassandra and Helena. 
…So yeah, completely different from canon. But with only 3 Cipher cards and 1 appearance in Heroes as I type this to go by, I feel like it’s okay to speculate about what could have been. He could have been in Awakening’s main story as an opponent to Walhart during the second arc, or he could have been a recurring superboss in future Fire Emblem games that somehow always ends up in different dimensions. He could have been a hint for an upcoming Fire Emblem game that explored Tellius 1,000 years in the future much like how Awakening explored Archanaea & Valentia 1,000 years after Marth, Alm, and Celica ruled. (And apparently 2,000 years after Seliph ruled Jugdral? Again, consistent worldbuilding in this series is a nightmare if you try to connect all the games). Heck, I thought that was going to be what Fates was when I saw the cutscene of King Sumeragi shielding baby Corrin from arrows. 
Part of the reason why I’m so attached to Priam is spite from this lack of potential, and the fans mostly ignoring him for their own reasons. Like! We could have had so much more with this guy! And that kept me motivated during dark times in my life. I won’t go into specifics, as it’s quite personal & possibly triggering, but I’ll just say I felt very upset, very angry, and very alone at a certain point in my life. But I kept myself going for the unrealistic but still plausible goal of getting to see Priam get his own game. It might sound dumb, but it kept me wanting to move forward in life. And it’s because of that that I’m here today, and I’ve met other Priam fans online that have their own ways of showing that they like him. They have different reasons than me, and that’s awesome! Priam fans, in spite of their small numbers, exist! When I first joined Tumblr, I unofficially joined a “Radiant Waifu Society” where 3 other people were also Priam fans. I don’t talk to them as much as I did back then, but I do see one of the members post art from time to time & another one makes Fire Emblem Heroes content on Youtube now! I’ve also met one of my best online friends through a shared interest in Priam. She introduced me to many new friends I’ve made over the years, and I still talk with a few of them on a daily basis in friend group servers on Discord. I love sharing cursed voice acting trivia with her and the many other friends whenever I get the chance to, especially seeing their initial reactions when I tell them Priam is also voiced by Jelly Jiggler of Bobobo fame. 
All in all, I’d say Priam, in spite of his controversies in fandom spaces, was a great positive in my life that I can’t help but be thankful for. Intelligent Systems probably didn’t expect someone to care for this one-off character so much, but anything’s possible these days. 
Thank you for being such a positive force in my life, Priam Fire Emblem. With your map no longer being legal to download, here’s hoping you get your own game someday.
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dibudani · 2 months
your 3DS is OFFLINE . . .
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(mucho texto below)
On April 8th, 2024, the online services for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U were shutdown. This affects online play across all games, and SpotPass, used in apps like Swapdoodle; this renders online-required games unplayable, most notably Nintendo Badge Arcade.
As of the date I'm writing this not aaall online features are unaccessible, Friends List seem to be working, Pokémon Bank is still running, usable for free and compatible with Pokémon Home, and you can download updates and games from the eShop (only if you bought them before the eShop shutdown from March 27th, 2023...), but there's no guarantee those will last much longer.
anyways Pretendo Network is a replacement for Nintendo Network that not only aims to restore online play, but also other abandoned features such as Miiverse and the Wara Wara Plaza.
Setting up Pretendo is pretty easy, there's a guide on its website for both Wii U, 3DS and their respective emulators, and you don't even need modding on Wii U for it to work (with some limitations), but you might as well do it since it's so easy (Wii U modding guide - 3DS modding guide)
Currently Pretendo is in a beta state and active development so it's not really a fully realized replacement yet, but a couple of popular games are supported well enough at the moment, like Mario Kart 7, Splatoon and Super Mario Maker (personally i care more about pokemon gen 6 and mh4u and idk if those will be supported aaaa oh well).
Since this is technically a whole different server, some things don't carry over from you Nintendo Network ID to your Pretendo Network ID, like your badges(you should backup your badges before using Pretendo on 3DS) or your Friends List... so I gotta fill it up again! my new 3DS Friend Code is 3878-6726-5312 and my PNID is dibudani (for Wii U), add me right now !!
"Why is the little wifi guy so happy?" idk. why was toad happy when Club Nintendo was discontinued?
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rose-learns-japanese · 2 months
Japanese Video Games and Your Consoles
Hello! This post is for people that want to play video games in Japanese and want to know which consoles play them, so I'll go through the ones I know about, here. (Not going to talk about sailing the high seas here)
I've been mostly a Nintendo nut my whole life, so most of my info is about Nintendo!
Hopefully this helps someone!
Gameboy Color/Advance
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Region Free
The Gameboy, Gameboy color and Gameboy Advance are all completely region free. Your Gameboy models will all play Japanese games just fine.
I recommend:
Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Crystal, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald
Pokemon card game and the sequel GR団参上
The Legend of Zelda the Minish Cap, Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons
Super Nintendo
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Region Locked, simple devices available
The Nintendo and Super Nintendo were both region locked by the cartridges themselves being of a different shape. You can either buy a Super Famicom (The Japanese equivalent) or buy a peripheral to make your Super Nintendo play super Famicom games. It's not too cost prohibitive to buy what's called a "Cartridge converter". Another option is to buy a Retron system that plays them.
I recommend:
Mario RPG
Final Fantasy
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Region locked, easy modification
N64 is region locked based on the shape of the cartridge back. To get your Japanese games to work on yours, switch the back off of the actual cartridge using a 3.8 mm Gamebit screwdriver with the back from any other US cartridge.
I recommend:
Mario Story (Paper Mario)
Mario Party
Pokemon Snap
Legend of Zelda games
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Region locked
Buy a Gamecube capable Japanese Wii.
I recommend:
Pokemon Coliseum
Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness
All the Mario Parties
Fire Emblem Path of Radiance if you can get it (EXPENSIVE)
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
Legend of Zelda Windwaker
Battle Houshin
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Region locked
I bought a Japanese Wii, but skipped the WiiU in Japanese.
I would recommend:
Captain Rainbow (Japan Exclusive)
Takt of Magic (This one is FUN! It's Japan exclusive and you use your WiiMote to cast spells by drawing shapes)
Earth Seeker (Japan Exclusive)
Legend of Zelda (Skyward Sword)
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Region Free
The DS is completely region free. Any DS game will play on your device.
My recommendations:
Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass/Spirit Tracks (You can hold your stylus on a kanji to read it in Hiragana, but it won't show by default! Awesome!)
Any Pokemon Game (You can choose Kanji or hiragana and switch mid-game)
Ace Attorney series - If you want to struggle but skyrocket your reading level, play Ace Attorney, called 逆転裁判. There are a lot of games and they're mostly great. If you can get ahold of the spin off, 逆転検事, I played through the first one and it was a bit slow, but the second one is not released in the US. I've started it, it's supposed to be good.
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days
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Region locked
Having a Japanese 3DS has been an invaluable tool. If you save up to buy one Japanese version of a console, get this one. However, with the e-shop closed, if you would rather sail the high seas here, this would be... The prime time to do so, but I did not say anything.
Fire Emblem Fates
Fire Emblem Echoes
Pokemon Moon
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
Sonic games
Bravely Default (Fully Voice acted)
There is SO MUCH on there
Nintendo Switch
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Region Free
The Nintendo Switch will play any region game you put in it! On top of that, the Japanese language track is available on most Nintendo branded games, so if you have the English version, you might already have the Japanese version!
To buy on the e-shop, make a Japanese Nintendo account. You will need to buy gift cards from a third party site like Playasia to purchase.
Get the online pack, then download the Japanese version of the N64 and Super Nintendo apps! I recommend Paper Mario on the N64 app.
Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom (Has Furigana on all dialogue!)
Mario Odyssey
Princess Peach Showtime
Mario RPG
Luigi's Mansion 3
Pretty much anything you can play on Switch can change to Japanese. (Splatoon not included)
This thing is a learning machine.
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Region Free
PSP is completely region free!
I have played Birth by Sleep on here in Japanese and it was good.
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
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Region Locked
There's a trick to make these region free, but I bought a Japanese Ps2. If you want to unlock your non-Japanese Ps2, you can look into something called Disk Swapping.
My recommendations:
Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2
I haven't explored much by way of Japanese only Ps2 games yet, but I'm going to be getting Endonesia because it's made by some of the same people that made Moon. Look into Moon, it's an awesome game too.
I am aware that the Japanese only library for this particular console is large.
PS3/PS4 (I do not own PS5)
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Region Free
PS3 and PS4 are region free, and I have heard PS5 is as well.
My collection of Japanese games for these, however, is low so I don't really have any recommended games. Maybe I'll update this later.
To buy on the Japanese PS3 and 4 shop, you will need to make a Japanese playstation account. After this, you will need to use a third party website to buy gift cards, such as PlayAsia, to add money. You should be able to buy and download as long as you have the money in the account.
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iampikachuhearmeroar · 5 months
y'know im about to go feral on how EVERYTHING is under subscriptions. want this viddy game to run better??? get *insert viddy company name here or or viddy game title here* plus or extra or up your plan to get access to EXTRAS!!
bc the other day, i was making a list of all the different games i might download on my xbox in the future. fallout 76, which has fallout 1st.... which is a $22.99 per a month or $179 a year subscription, just to get better skins etc in the game. i want to download trivial pursuit for me and my dad. but xbox and ubisoft keep recommending "get ubisoft+" which is ANOTHER subscription service through ubisoft. another like $25 a month. like given it could be worth it for me if i got into assassins creed on a bigger level than casual. get EA play to get exclusive sims content!! for ANOTHER $6.99 a month. get xbox games pass (which i have) for $18.95 a month!!! and to be fair, i get EA play for free through xbox game pass. but still.
for example, the other day i updated my nintendo online sub account to the extras pack or whatever.... all bc i wanted to look at the gameboy advance online thing...... but instead of letting me look at it and play super mario world 2 on it on my NORMAL SUBSCRIPTION (which i already had access to on nintendo online snes/game cube or whatever.... and plus i though the GBA platform would have more games than it did (like 10 games but i thought it'd have like 50 or something) i had to change my subscription to the nintendo online plus extras pack for GBA online. but that subscription, was $41.95 this year bc i bought it on sale,... however, next year it'll be $60. like at least its $60 a year and not a month. but i'm still pissed off. i should've been able to get access to this for the $30 a year i was already paying!!! and for a measly 10 games not the like 50 games on the game cube/snes online game offerings.
just. im so sick and tired of EVERY company demanding customers to pay a monthly or yearly subscription for access or extras or for something to run better. who the fuck is made of enough money to afford fallout 1st??? ubisoft+??? like dgmw, i get it if you're SUPER into any of these games. like it's worth $22.99 a month to access extras across the library of ubisoft+ if you're a hella fan of assassin's creed or their other games (ie trivial pursuit). or $6.99 for EA play for the love of sims or every single sports game ever.
just i guess it's burn out maybe that EVERYONE wants your money. a section of your wallet continuously until you cancel. i have to subscribe to my area's local newspaper for $179 a year. i subscribed to an app by the adf (australian defence force) to do job aptitude tests (im ignoring it tbh lol). i subscribe to the NYTs games app for $2.99 a month. i WAS paying $15 a month (but now it's closer to $20) for scribd, which is now everand, for audiobooks. for better use of my xbox, i subscribe to xbox games pass, as i said earlier, for $18.95 a month. and from next year, i'll pay $60 a year for nintendo online (unless i drop down back to the cheaper option to get rid of GBA online). i subscribe for $100 a year to microsoft for the essential apps of microsoft word/powerpoint etc. i pay $100 a year for norton antivirus on my windows laptop that i barely use now.
there's adhd apps that I keep getting recommended on fb that are like $150 a year or something. astrology app subscriptions (that i'll NEVER buy) that are like $15 a month.... as examples of apps that i won't use, but I get suggested all the time on social media. once i get a job, i'll be constantly asked about what tv streaming apps im subbed to as well (none). WHY does EVERYONE want my fucking money???? i am so sick to death of subscriptions.
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Nintendo Is A Company Of Idiots
Dolphin is an emulator software that emulates Nintendo Gamecube and Nintendo Wii games. I have personally used this emulator to play games like The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and Kirby’s Epic Yarn and it’s a really nice emulator.
They were going to launch a Steam version of this emulator but they, in fact, are not going to anymore because they received a cease and desist DMCA from Nintendo over some proprietary code used within the emulator (technical stuff idk). Now, my favorite line to come out of this is Nintendo saying that emulators stifle innovation when it’s like no, they just don’t make your company all the money.
My opinion goes something like this. I have some classic Nintendo games on my 3DS that I bought off the eshop well before that closed down. I remember paying like $5 for the original NES Super Mario Bros game and yeah, that isn’t that much at all but, come on, a game like that should be free to download, as should pretty much all NES games at this point if you ask me.
That’s another thing too is that Nintendo keeps shutting down actual avenues in which their games can be purchased like the eshop. I personally don’t like the Nintendo Online subscription thing and I think it’s stupid that it’s an additional subscription to be able to play older Nintendo games. I liked the eshop method of I pay you $5 and I get to download Super Mario Bros NES and keep it forever. Plus, it also makes finding games on past consoles like the 3DS, Wii and Wii U more expensive to get because you now HAVE TO buy the physical 3DS/Wii/Wii U game since no more eshop. At one point, I purchased Monster Hunter Stories off the 3DS eshop for around $40 and I am glad I did because I see now that game goes for like $85 new in box or like $60 for just the cartridge and that is absurd.
Plus, we’ve all seen how the emulation that Nintendo uses for their own games can be pretty lacking in the quality area. I like emulators and will continue to use them. I’ve even used a Nintendo DS emulator because I think it’s helpful when exploring the DS library and getting to basically try games before I decide to buy a physical copy.     
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askroahmmythril · 1 year
Wall o’ Text : The Nintendo Direct
Figured I may as well type up my thoughts on everything from the Direct.  I have it going in the background to remember everything that was shown.  So yeah, if you care about trailer spoilers, now’s your chance to bail, yo.
So let’s get to it, and hopefully not get interrupted by another powerout.
1) Pokemon ScVi DLC - I’m looking forward to these.  ScVi can be a buggy mess, but I still overall enjoyed the games.  Since I’m not super competitive, I don’t look at a bunch of new legendaries as “OH GOD WHAT WILL THIS DO TO THE META QUICK BAN EVERYTHING,” I just see them as “Oh, cool, new things to collect and train, yay!” I do however hope there are still some things they might be hiding.  I’d like to see some new Paradox forms show up.
2) Sonic Superstars - Honestly looks pretty good.  I do wonder if we might get more characters as DLC.  I’d especially love to see what a Classic style Cream would look like.
3) Palia - ...... (checks “cozy farm sim off the bingo sheet”)  Nothing really stood out to me here, other than the phrase “free to play,” meaning microtransaction heck.  No thanks.
4) Persona 5 Tactica - Tactics games usually aren’t a go to for me, though this looks maybe more like the kind of tactics used in things like Mario + Rabbids, which I enjoyed, so I might be interested in this one?  Not super high priority, but on the radar.
5) Mythforce - This honestly might be on the “I’ll want to see more” list.  The artstyle is actually pretty dang nice, it definitely captures that He-Man style saturday morning cartoon look.
6) New Splatfest - Well, I can’t play online, don’t even HAVE Splatoon 3, but as far as choice, I’m torn between Strawberry or Mint Chip, love both of those.  But hey, Vanilla is good too.  Honestly hard to pick on this one.
7) Detective Pikachu Returns - Okay, was NOT expecting that.  I enjoyed the original, so definitely happy for it.
8) Super Mario RPG Remaster - Oh gods it looks beautiful.  It’s one of the rare RPGs that I really did enjoy, so I’ll likely be interested in this one.
9) Untitled Peach Game - Intrigued, but we know like, nothing.
10) Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon Port - I have the 3DS game, but never actually played it, so this might spur me to do so.
11) Batman : Arkham Trilogy - I might actually want this.  I loved Assylum and City, never got to play Knight, but I quite enjoyed the ones I did play.  A case of “wouldn’t mind an excuse to play them again.”
12) Gloomhaven - No real strong thoughts on this one admittedly.
13) Just Dance 2024 Edition - (checks the year)  Hey, you can’t do that!  Anyway, no real strong feeling here either,
14) Silent Hope - I’m not sure anything really drew me in on this one.  The concept of no one being able to talk, I at first wondered what that would do for storytelling, like, how they’d work with that concept.  I figured it could be interesting, but also would run the risk of if everything’s just pantomimed, it could get tiring.  But then we just get an NPC that talks for everyone anyway, so... (shrug).
15) Fae Farm - Oy, I already got the “cozy farming sim” checkmark.  No strong feelings here.
16) Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 Turbocharged - I never played that previous Hot Wheels game that came up, but it looked like it could be interesting.  Was the original any good?
17) Manic Mechanics - Basically Undercooked but with car fixing?  I’ve played Undercooked solo which, uh....  Oof.  It’s a lot to keep track of, haha.  Definitely something that would be more fun with other players.
18) Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope DLC - I still need to finish the first game, but it is enjoyable.  So happy for this, and already have the pass so got it downloaded.
19) Dragon Quest Monsters : The Dark Prince - Heck yeah new DQM, I did enjoy those games, so might want this.
20) Pikmin 4 - (hype intensifies)  Super looking forward to this.  I’m happy to see Pikmin 2 style dungeons return, I enjoyed those.  Wonder if we have a time limit this time or not, I can enjoy with or without, but I do wonder if this might be more PIkmin 2 style “take your time,” which I can appreciate.
21) Pikmin 1 + 2 - Heck yeah, all four Pikmin games on one system?  Well, no Hey Pikmin, but the mainline ones, which heck yeah.  I’ll probably wait for the physical version though.
22) Metal Gear Solid : Master Collection Vol. 1 - I’ve never been too into the Metal Gear series, buuuuuut I might be thinking of getting it as a holiday gift for my uncle.
23) Vampire Survivors - Already got it on Steam.  And still haven’t figured out how to survive a full minute past Death’s appearance which is like, a requirement on every stage.
24) Headbangers Rhythm Royale - My only real thought here is Team 17 made a pigeon game, so they will explode violently and not where you told them to.
25) Penny’s Big Breakaway - This looks super fun, I hope it turns out good.
26) Mario Kart 8 DLC - I’m kind of surprised Kamek got in as the Tour rep over Pauline.
27) Star Ocean The Second Story R - I have no real nostalgia for this one, never played the original, don’t know much about the series.
28) WarioWare : Move It! - My only concern is how responsive will the motion controls be.  I usually find motion controls frustrating.
29) Nintendo Live - No way I’d be able to attend, so no real thoughts.
30) Tears of the Kingdom amiibos - These look cool, definitely want them.
31) Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Honestly, yes please.  This looks super fun.
So yeah, all in all, very strong Direct.
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gamersonthego · 9 months
GOTG Review: Hypnospace Outlaw
This is the next game in my Backlog Roulette series, where each month I spin a wheel to randomly select a game on my massive backlog that I must play (though not necessarily to completion). These wheel spins occur on the monthly preview episodes I co-host with my friends on The Casual Hour podcast.
Both of my parents were educators at my elementary school (they're retired now.) Mom was a 3rd grade teacher and Dad taught gym. They both would stay after classes were over to work on lesson plans or grade papers or move equipment, and I got to freely choose which one to spend time with before we got to go home. With Dad, I would mostly practice free throws in the gym (though I never got any good at them). But with Mom, I’d often get to play on her computer (when I wasn’t watching Digimon Adventure on her classroom TV.
That was probably my first real experience with computers. I’d play things like Oregon Trail II (the best one, by the way) or an awful typing program called PAWS featuring a freaky Cheshire-Cat-like mascot. But sometimes, I would load up Netscape Navigator and just poke around on the late ‘90s internet. 
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I hated this cat so much as a kid.
I only remember bits and pieces of that time online. A Sokoban block-pushing puzzler, a Super Mario Bros. fan game with all-new levels, some first-person hovercraft racer that had multiplayer LAN capabilities (I’ve never been able to find that game since, it’s definitely not Hover! by Microsoft.) a fansite for the Sonic Underground cartoon. Even with my fragmented memory, I remember the joy and adventure I had just digging around. Anything could be around that next corner, and that was half the fun.
Hypnospace Outlaw is the closest I’ve ever come to reliving those formative computer experiences. Set in an alternate 1999, you are thrust into Hypnospace — an internet stand-in that’s part GeoCities and part forum chatroom — and are asked to moderate and police this online Wild West. 
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Developer Tendershoot has nailed the tone and aesthetic of this era. The highly compressed bitmap images, the way pages auto-play (incredible) music when they load, the terrible, terrible fonts, the fileshare servers that are completely inscrutable unless you know exactly what you’re looking for — it’s all just perfect. And it’s not just Hypnospace. The game has its own little desktop computer experience complete with email, virtual pets, a download manager and more. It reminds me of Cibele or Her Story, but much more freeform and robust. But all that is just aesthetic —  the game itself is pretty cool too. As a Hypnospace moderator, you’re given little jobs as you explore the various pages and zones of the browser: Take down some copyrighted material here, censor some threatening speech there, find some lost files that are hanging around…somewhere. Some of these tasks just require you to pay close attention to the pages themselves, while others force you to put on your hacker cap as you cross reference ID codes with unlisted pages, crack passwords or decrypt files, all while a corporate conspiracy bubbles up around you. 
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It’s truly satisfying to use your online sleuthing skills to their fullest. And whether you’re stopping a virus from breaking the virtual world or just banning a kid who can’t seem to stop making offensive webcomics, you just feel this sense of power.
In many ways, Hypnospace Outlaw the platonic ideal of the concept of late-90s computing. I do wonder if that hyper-specific aesthetic and mechanics gives it too narrow of an audience, but as someone who is part of that narrow audience, I found my experience with it to be incredibly fun. And it’s one I won’t soon forget.
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liliththeblackmage · 1 year
Goodnight 3DS eshop
the 3DS eshop shutdown yesterday, signalling the end of life for the system. so if you'd allow me, I'd like to talk a little bit about one of my favorite handhelds
I was bought an ambassador model 3DS for my birthday in 2011. an aqua blue model with one of the pretty admittedly meager selection of launch titles, Pilotwings Resort. I was ecstatic, I had been a proud passenger of the 3DS hype train ever since I read about its announcement in the Official Nintendo Magazine, pawing over every detail and rumor that was printed. I didn't have functional internet access at this point in my life so printed video game magazines like ONM and the then soon to rebrand Pokemon World magazine were my only portals into the world of video games, short of actually buying them in shops. Something that sticks in my head very vividly from the time between its release and me actually getting one was seeing an interactive display model in a duty free electronics store at an airport on one of my many unaccompanied flights to visit my dad. It was to my young brain, unlike any games system I had used before, baring more of a resemblance to the fancy new iPhones my parents were using than the DS lite I had with me at the time. Not to mention the 3D screen, a technology I had not experienced outside of cinema before (the first 3D film I saw was Avatar some years previous), the depth of field provided by this screen was genuinely amazing, and its use as a tool to aid gameplay in games like Super Mario 3D Land and the Legend of Zelda N64 remakes made it feel like a genuinely useful gimmick, even if it did often cause performance issues (due to the 3DS hardware requiring you to run two simultaneous GPU pipelines, rather than just rasterizing the scene twice like modern VR headsets work )
The 3DS was my introduction to a tonne of Nintendo's franchises, both old and new. It was how I beat my first Zelda game, in the surprisingly improved remake of Ocarina of Time. It was how I first played a Metroid game with the Ambassador Edition Virtual Console release of Metroid Fusion and it was how I first got to experience Fire Emblem in Fire Emblem Awakening.
In addition to this, it was my first real introduction to a system with internet connectivity and an online store. Sure the family Wii had the shopping channel, but the Wii was disconnected from the internet most of the time and I only used the shop once, after a well meaning but not tech literate family member bought a Wii points card for me, But the 3DS was mine, and I could browse the shop whenever i had Wi-Fi. The 3DS eshop had some really unique quirks even compared to later Nintendo storefronts, fun animations, trailers for upcoming games (which had to be downloaded as apps due to limitations in the eshop app itself) and a general atmosphere second only to that of the original Wii Shop channel. The Content on the eshop was incredibly varied too, originally it was a mix of smaller games similar to WiiWare (called 3DS Download Titles) and the downloadable DSiware that was featured on the short lived DSi system and its shop. but later it expanded to first include a portion of Nintendo's Classic games as emulated Virtual Console titles and later offering entire full "retail" games as downloads. Some of the most interesting 3DS download titles were the 3D Classics series, a collection of NES and Arcade titles re imagined to make use of the 3D display.
For all my love of this system, it wasn't all perfect. The first two years of the systems life was more Barren than the PS5's, and without the pandemic as an extenuating factor. My strongest memory of playing the system in its early years was playing DS games like Pokemon Black and New Super Mario Bros, while waiting for new 3DS games that are actually worth playing, something that was pretty rare. Several franchises had a pretty rough time on the 3DS, Pokemon for example had some pretty tortured releases with the buggy and kiddiefied Pokemon X and Y, and the stripped back and lazy feeling Mystery Dungeon: Gates To Infinity, a misstep that felt like it killed the series at the time. It genuinely felt like Game Freak couldn't really get a proper grasp on making 3D games, compared to the 2D/2.5D ones found on the DS and previous systems, something that has only become more clear with their switch releases being much the same way. One other Issue lots of people, myself included, had with the system during its lifespan was how Nintendo drip fed virtual console software over years, even when the same titles were already available on the Wii previously. An Attitude that Nintendo has continued with the Wii U virtual console and the new Nintendo Switch Online subscription service.
My time with my original 3DS was sadly cut short when, on my bus journey to college, a can of coke that was put in my bag without my knowledge exploded soaking everything in the bag in sticky acidic syrupy liquid, luckily for my sake the 3DS was the only thing killed, My Macbook with unbacked-up coursework and my hard drive with 3 unfinished mixing sessions both survived the incident only becoming faintly coke scented in the process. Several months later I was bought a "new 3DS" (Nintendo's naming scheme for the 3DS was Byzantine at best and Gilliamesque at worst). This new system was my introduction to Console Hacking and the homebrew scene, something I have been involved in as a user ever since and hopefully a hombrew developer as soon as I get the spare time to port something.
thank you for reading and letting me indulge my nostalgia for a system that I used from launch and will continue to use long after its official discontinuation
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Some games I really enjoyed throughout its lifespan (in no particular order)
Pilotwings Resort
Mario Kart 7
Kid Icarus Uprising
The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
Super Mario 3D Land
Pokemon Omega Ruby
Shin Megami Tensei 4
Bravely Default
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virgotrail · 11 months
The Super Mario Bros. Movie
Here's options for downloading or watching The Super Mario Bros. Movie streaming the full movie online for Free. Streaming link- bit.ly/3JSf27Z
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bananavehicle · 2 years
Pokemon moon emerald online
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#Pokemon moon emerald online for free
#Pokemon moon emerald online full
#Pokemon moon emerald online Pc
Pokémon from Pokémon Omega Ruby, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, Pokémon X, and Pokémon Y can also be brought into Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon in the same way. Using Pokémon Bank, you'll be able to transfer Pokémon you've caught in the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console versions of Pokémon Red, Pokémon Blue, and Pokémon Yellow into your copy of Pokémon Sun or Pokémon Moon. As your Pokémon play there, they might get stronger or obtain Pelago is a group of islands where your Pokémon can explore, play, and do otherįun activities.
#Pokemon moon emerald online Pc
Pelago, a place for them to visit when they’ve been placed in PC Boxes. Your Pokémon can also enjoy a new experience known as Poké 2 - Road to the First Badge - To Petalburg Woods. Legend of Zelda, The (Europe) Super Mario Bros Flow Classic Pokemon Stadium (Spain) Super Mario Bros. Of your Pokémon with Pokémon Refresh, and they’ll be great allies on your This Pokemon Emerald walkthrough is divided into 25 total pages. Pokémon become toward you, the better they’ll perform in battle. Take care of your Pokémon by curing any statusĬonditions like poisoning and paralysis. The new Pokémon Refresh feature can keep your Pokémon in top Read as many books as you like (Personal use) and Join Over 150.000 Happy Readers. In order to read online Pokemon Emerald Guide textbook, you need to create a FREE account.
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You may even encounter powerful Legendary Pokémon and other special Pokémon, such as the mysterious guardian deities. Download Pokemon Emerald Guide Book For Free in PDF, EPUB. May reach the Battle Tree, a place where the most accomplished Trainers go to Y our journey in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon will take you across the beautiful islands of the Alola region, where you’ll encounter newly discovered Pokémon, as well as Pokémon that have taken on a new Alolan style. The kahunas, the tough leaders of each island. Nefarious group of ruffians attempting to steal Pokémon, and you’ll also face Tough Trainers! Epic battles are in store for you against Team Skull, a See more ideas about pokemon, new pokemon game, pokemon full.
#Pokemon moon emerald online full
Try them out in battle to see what theseĪround every corner, your battling skills will be tested by Explore aca Home Decor Bathroom 's board 'Pokemon Full Moon' on Pinterest. Z-Moves for every different type, as well as exclusive Z-Moves for certain New Z-Moves,-moves so strong they can be used only once in battle. Some of the Pokémon you’ll train and battle with can learn powerful You’ve seen and caught with the new Rotom Pokédex. Pokémon, such as the mysterious guardian deities. You may even encounter powerful Legendary Pokémon and other special Newly discovered Pokémon, as well as Pokémon that have taken on a new Alolan You across the beautiful islands of the Alola region, where you’ll encounter
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gamestudiosblog · 28 days
The Top 5 Best Retro Games Ever: A Nostalgic Journey
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Exploring Games from the Past that Became Global Cultural Phenomenon
Over the past decades, the world of video games has evolved dramatically, with games becoming bigger and better with passing time.
However, for many (if not most) of us, the charm and simplicity of retro games hold a special place in our hearts. These classic games, which made way for modern games, still offer a delightful and nostalgic experience.
In this blog, we explore the top 5 best retro games ever, analyzing just how good they were. In these days of free online games and expensive high-graphic games, Let’s relive the charm of our childhood days, when these retro games were king.
These are not only games but cultural phenomenon that were later converted to browser games. Some are still available on various gaming websites.
Let's dive into the pixelated wonders of a bygone era that continue to captivate game lovers of all ages.
1. Pac-Man
Released in 1980, Pac-Man is one of the most recognizable and durable old-school video games ever made. With its titular character navigating a labyrinth, gobbling up pellets and dodging ghosts, this maze arcade game quickly gained popularity.
Reasons Pac-Man Is Ageless:
- Easy to understand but demanding gameplay: It's a simple game with limitless entertainment value since controlling Pac-Man through mazes is hard to get the hang of but easy to grasp.
- Endearing Characters: A big part of the game's enduring popularity is due to its cast of characters, especially the ghosts Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde. - Free Online Play: Pac-Man is readily available as a browser game on a number of gaming websites, enabling you to play games online for free without having to download anything. This makes it convenient and accessible for anyone who wants to experience the thrill of the past.
2. Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros., which Nintendo released in 1985, transformed the platformer genre and made Mario the face of video games. This side-scrolling game follows Mario on his mission to save Princess Peach from Bowser, the evil guy. Why Super Mario Bros. Is Different:
- Creative Level Design: Every level is painstakingly created with special obstacles, hidden passageways, and power-ups that make the gameplay interesting and lively. - Timeless Appeal: The game is just as entertaining now as it was more than thirty years ago because to its lively graphics, engaging soundtrack, and simple controls.
- Online Play Options: Super Mario Bros. is a fun online game that you can play right in your browser on a lot of gaming websites. These websites offer a simple and entertaining method to revisit your youth or expose Mario's exploits to a new generation.
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3. The Legend of Zelda
Nintendo's groundbreaking action-adventure game The Legend of Zelda, which debuted in 1986, introduced players to the vast Hyrulean universe. Players are on an incredible mission to save Princess Zelda and vanquish the evil Ganon by following the brave Link.
The Everlasting Legacy of Zelda's Legend:
  - Discovery and Exploration: The game's open-world layout promotes exploration and bestows upon players secret riches, ensuring that every playthrough is an original adventure.
- Innovative gameplay: Zelda's blend of action, strategy, and narrative nuance created a new benchmark for video games and impacted a ton of other games that came after. - Play for Free Online: Gamers can return to Hyrule without downloading The Legend of Zelda by visiting any of the many gaming websites that provide free online games. These browser games are entertaining and nostalgic at the same time, capturing the spirit of the original.
4. Tetris
Alexey Pajitnov invented the tile-matching puzzle gameTetris in 1984, and it has since grown to be one of the most well-known and captivating games ever made. The goal is straightforward: arrange falling blocks to create lines that are complete before they vanish to make place for new blocks.
Why Tetris Is So Addictive:
- Depth and Simplicity: While the game's fundamentals are simple to pick up, mastering the strategic placement of blocks to gain high scores calls for talent and fast thinking.
- Universal Appeal: Tetris is playable by players of all ages and backgrounds thanks to its simple design and captivating gameplay. - Browser Game Accessibility: Tetris is available for free online on a lot of gaming websites, so users may enjoy its classic gameplay without having to download anything. Because of this, it's the ideal option for short game sessions and mental difficulties.
5. Street Fighter II
Capcom's 1991 fighting game Street Fighter II is a seminal work that helped define the genre and produced a huge franchise. Players select characters from a wide range of options, each with special moves and skills, to engage in one-on-one combat.
Street Fighter II's Impact: 
 - Character Diversity: Characters like Ryu, Chun-Li, and Guile are distinctive and each brings unique fighting techniques and special moves to the game, which makes it more engaging and varied. - Competitiveness: The fierce competition and arcade culture that Street Fighter II popularized helped to establish the foundation for contemporary esports. This game made way for the modern action games. - Fun Online Fighting: Street Fighter II is an enjoyable online game that can be found on many gaming websites. With no download required, you may play free online games in your browser and take advantage of a handy approach to experience the nostalgia of old arcade games.
The beauty of retro games lies in their simplicity, innovation, and the sense of nostalgia they evoke. From the dot-munching mazes of Pac-Man to the block-stacking challenges of Tetris, these classics have left an indelible mark on the world of gaming.
Gaming websites provide a bounty of enjoyable online games that capture the essence of these ancient masterpieces, guaranteeing that future generations may experience the excitement and challenge of gaming's golden age.
These timeless titles offer limitless amusement and reminds us of a Long-Lost World.
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melody-sy · 5 months
(to the tune of super mario rpg forest maze)
super mario o rpg that is a game you can play for free look it up online and then download the rom something something something something your mom
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downloadromnet · 11 months
Your favorite ROM and emulator games
  In addition to a wide selection of ROMs, our website also offers a variety of emulators, which replicate the functionality of the original consoles. This allows you to play these games just like you would on the original hardware. 
Whether you want to relive your childhood memories or discover the classics for the first time, our website has everything you need.
With just a few clicks, you can download and play all of your favorite retro games on your computer or other modern device. From Super Mario Bros. to The Legend of Zelda, our collection has it all.
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About us
Romsdl.net- Our website is the ultimate destination for retro gaming enthusiasts. With just a few clicks, you can download all of your favorite ROM and emulator games, allowing you to play all of the classic games you know and love. From Super Mario Bros. to The Legend of Zelda, our collection has it all.
In addition to a wide selection of ROMs, our website also offers a variety of emulators, which replicate the functionality of the original consoles. 
This allows you to play these games just like you would on the original hardware. Whether you want to relive your childhood memories or discover the classics for the first time, our website has everything you need.
Best of all, our website is easy to use and completely free. So why wait? Visit us today and start playing your favorite retro games. With our extensive collection and user-friendly interface, you’ll be gaming like it’s the 1990s in no time!
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All ROMs Game Collection
Hello, here you will find rare and popular game collections featured by ROMsdl. You know, except for exclusive titles, most video games have specific versions for different consoles, like PS4, PS3, Wii, Nintendo DS etc. 
It will be difficult when you want to find ROMs for specific game consoles. So, try browsing all the ROMs we have provided in the collections, you will probably find a few that are suitable.
If you own a physical copy of a game and you want to use it with an emulator, you may be able to create a ROM file yourself using a process called “ROM dumping.” 
This involves using specialized software to extract the data from the game cartridge or disc and save it to a file that can be used with an emulator. There are a number of tutorials available online that can provide step-by-step instructions for ROM dumping.
Download ROM easily!
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Contact us
For any questions, requests, ads… [email protected]
Website: https://romsdl.net/
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romdlnet · 11 months
Wide selection of ROMs
 In addition to a wide selection of ROMs, our website also offers a variety of emulators, which replicate the functionality of the original consoles. This allows you to play these games just like you would on the original hardware. 
Whether you want to relive your childhood memories or discover the classics for the first time, our website has everything you need.
With just a few clicks, you can download and play all of your favorite retro games on your computer or other modern device. From Super Mario Bros. to The Legend of Zelda, our collection has it all.
About us
Romsdl.net- Our website is the ultimate destination for retro gaming enthusiasts. With just a few clicks, you can download all of your favorite ROM and emulator games, allowing you to play all of the classic games you know and love. From Super Mario Bros. to The Legend of Zelda, our collection has it all.
In addition to a wide selection of ROMs, our website also offers a variety of emulators, which replicate the functionality of the original consoles. 
This allows you to play these games just like you would on the original hardware. Whether you want to relive your childhood memories or discover the classics for the first time, our website has everything you need.
Best of all, our website is easy to use and completely free. So why wait? Visit us today and start playing your favorite retro games. With our extensive collection and user-friendly interface, you’ll be gaming like it’s the 1990s in no time!
All ROMs Game Collection
Hello, here you will find rare and popular game collections featured by ROMsdl. You know, except for exclusive titles, most video games have specific versions for different consoles, like PS4, PS3, Wii, Nintendo DS etc. 
It will be difficult when you want to find ROMs for specific game consoles. So, try browsing all the ROMs we have provided in the collections, you will probably find a few that are suitable.
If you own a physical copy of a game and you want to use it with an emulator, you may be able to create a ROM file yourself using a process called “ROM dumping.” 
This involves using specialized software to extract the data from the game cartridge or disc and save it to a file that can be used with an emulator. There are a number of tutorials available online that can provide step-by-step instructions for ROM dumping.
Download ROM easily!
Contact us
For any questions, requests, ads… [email protected]
Website: https://romsdl.net/
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romsdln · 11 months
All ROMs Game Collection
In addition to a wide selection of ROMs, our website also offers a variety of emulators, which replicate the functionality of the original consoles. This allows you to play these games just like you would on the original hardware. 
Whether you want to relive your childhood memories or discover the classics for the first time, our website has everything you need.
With just a few clicks, you can download and play all of your favorite retro games on your computer or other modern device. From Super Mario Bros. to The Legend of Zelda, our collection has it all.
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About us
Romsdl.net- Our website is the ultimate destination for retro gaming enthusiasts. With just a few clicks, you can download all of your favorite ROM and emulator games, allowing you to play all of the classic games you know and love. From Super Mario Bros. to The Legend of Zelda, our collection has it all.
In addition to a wide selection of ROMs, our website also offers a variety of emulators, which replicate the functionality of the original consoles. 
This allows you to play these games just like you would on the original hardware. Whether you want to relive your childhood memories or discover the classics for the first time, our website has everything you need.
Best of all, our website is easy to use and completely free. So why wait? Visit us today and start playing your favorite retro games. With our extensive collection and user-friendly interface, you’ll be gaming like it’s the 1990s in no time!
All ROMs Game Collection
Hello, here you will find rare and popular game collections featured by ROMsdl. You know, except for exclusive titles, most video games have specific versions for different consoles, like PS4, PS3, Wii, Nintendo DS etc. 
It will be difficult when you want to find ROMs for specific game consoles. So, try browsing all the ROMs we have provided in the collections, you will probably find a few that are suitable.
If you own a physical copy of a game and you want to use it with an emulator, you may be able to create a ROM file yourself using a process called “ROM dumping.” 
This involves using specialized software to extract the data from the game cartridge or disc and save it to a file that can be used with an emulator. There are a number of tutorials available online that can provide step-by-step instructions for ROM dumping.
Download ROM easily!
Contact us
For any questions, requests, ads… [email protected]
Website: romsdl.net
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