callibones · 2 months
debated sending this or not, b/c we don't rlly know each other and i didn't want it to sound objectifying? but please do not stop tgirl tummy tuesday. not only is it a wonderful way to boost your self confidence. it is a little treat for your followers
FAR FROM IT!!! this made me go AWWW and my eyes lit up. thank you so much.... i was so anxious agajsgsjsg this makes me feel so much better about it :-] i will continue to give my followers lil treats as long as i feel comfortable doin so and im havin fun with it! and i sure am havin fun with it
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Imagine that, now that IK is half demon and her wings turned black, she'll cosplay lucifer on halloween.Wonder how he'll react to that lmao
ik gets great big fake horns because her own ones are way smaller than his, asmo and levi make her a perfect replica of his fancy clothes, satan gives her tips on pulling off lucifer's particular brand of apathetic elegance
the brothers insist on acting like ik IS lucifer, so whenever the real lucifer wants to tell them off, he has to get ik to pass on the message for him
lucifer: mammon would you have some manners and STOP putting your shoes on the table
lucifer, with a worldly-weary sigh: [looks at ik] could the eldest please tell mammon to remove his damn feet from our clean furniture
ik: mammon get your feet off the table
mammon: oh yes of course whatever my dearest big brother says
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ch3rie-pop · 6 months
I'm a anxious person in general but I really wanted to say how pretty your art is and the recent drawings of your sona is beautifullll!! 💛💛 you deserve to know and be told-!
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I feel you on the anxious part so no pressure! I just really like knowing who some askers are so I have a face (pfp, lol) I can associate with AMAZINGLY SWEET messages like these!
But you do you hun! HAVE A GREAT DAY!!
And that’s an order! 💕💕💕
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oldestenemy · 10 months
Hey! Just wanted to say I’ve recently read your ‘Forever Onward, Scion,’ series, and absolutely loved it.
I’ve been playing Wizard101 since I was ten years old, and your series perfectly encapsulates the reason I still find myself pulled toward the game, despite the repetitive combat. My aching love for the young wizard, the complicated characters that are the Drake brothers and Morganthe, the way the game’s atmosphere shifts as the wizard travels through more and more worlds of the spiral; your series has it all.
I’m a dedicated Death wizard (both because my terrible gaming skills depend on life-steal to survive, and) because I love the complexity of the wizard’s relationship with ghosts and spirits throughout the game, the lore that I made for the death spells that have you harm yourself for heals/buffs, and the added conflict of being a representative of a magic practically rejected and by Ambrose himself. But your series gives me a whole new view on Myth students and their beauty, and makes me cherish Professor Cyrus Drake even more than I already do.
I’ve bookmarked your series, and am going to be rereading it in the very near future. I genuinely felt so emotional, so glad that someone understood the young wizard in the way that you do, that I cannot wait to experience it again. Feel no pressure to work on updates or responses! I just wanted to let you know that your series means the world to me, and I hope you’re aware of just how amazing and beautiful your writing is to us readers :,)
Hey anon, I adore you, I am having a hell of a time right now and you just made my night, my weekend, and possibly my whole gods damned august.
I'm so so glad you love the scion series and that it has resonated with you so much. Wiz has been my comfort game for a very long time, I started it when I was eleven and while there have been patches here and there where I haven't played (hello three solid years I was in celestia) it's always something I come back to. Diving into it again once I was an adult (both before and after the FTUE update so I got a refresher on the original starter quests) really made me appreciate the things the young wizard is thrown into with little guidance or help.
I have such a deep fondness for the arc 1 story, for the Drake family and their struggles, for the way (As a myth wizard by virtue of Assigned Myth At Quiz Book when I was 11, hated that my professor was mean, made a life wizard, felt bad before level 5, went back to myth determined to stick it out and never stopped) that Cyrus has to walk with you the whole way through, watch you get stronger and wonder will it be enough, do i want it to be enough? Because inevitably you're going to kill Malistaire, no matter how hard he tries to end things peacefully, that will always be the outcome. (I have some mild HC-lore surrounding myth wizards as mildly clairvoyant, addressed in fic using the celestial calendar spell, but I always felt like Cyrus especially knew he couldn't stop things, no matter how much he wanted to). Cyrus Drake is so so so important to me, his trying to dissuade you in the beginning, to get you expelled, to get you out of this place where you will inevitably become a murderer by virtue of having no other choice. Having by the end, him thanking you for everything you have done for him, for the peace you've brought his brother, his sister in law, himself. His speech in the graduation quest kills me, as does the one at the end of Darkmoor.
And arc 2, while a little disjointed for me by virtue of having started it at... uh, age 18 or so, and not finishing it until literally this spring (and now I'm 26, so, it's been a minute!) hit so hard and so satisfyingly at the end that it just spurred all my ideas even further. The way Morganthe is such a product of her surroundings and the way nobody seemed to actually pay her the care she needed in order to flourish, the way that turned deadly so fast. While I know young morganthe's memories were tainted by her own emotions I cannot help but resent Ambrose all the more for them. His presence in arc 2 is that of someone sending a child off to fight a war with nothing more than a force ghost council of advice and a prophecy that might not even be true. The things the Wizard is forced to do especially once we get to Khrysalis just drive home how deeply they have been affected by what they've been through over the years. Enemies in Khrysalis start to question why you don't just ask for information, why you hit so hard, why you fight tooth and nail before speaking to them, it's because it's all they've been taught how to do. The wizard, as young as they are, is not a peacemaker, is not a diplomat, they are a soldier and a war machine for Ambrose's, and by further extension Raven's ends by this point. It hurts, and while I love a silent protagonist, I want to voice that pain.
I love love love Death YW lore as well, and yes especially as a school so prejudiced against and so pushed back on by Ambrose, not only for his own failings with Morganthe, but for his failure to the students of the Death school after Malistaire's departure. I love the wizard as someone who (in the case of a death student) has to walk this line of realizing they are the next prodigy on the universal chopping block, the next great necromancer half expected to fall off into the pit that is darkness and evil and shadow. I love them rioting against that notion, and of pushing back against Death itself being seen as a cursed school, a dark school, it is essential, just as any of the others.
All this to say, I'm so glad the series has made you feel things, and I'm glad you want to go back and experience them again <3
I'm working my way through the darkmoor chapters in between writing horribly out of order (I got a little too excited once I hit arc 3 proper and now I'm all the way in Empyrea because I haven't stopped to breathe)
Thank you, genuinely this makes me so beyond happy.
-- Stevie/The Wizard Nightshade
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spearxwind · 1 year
is it ok to send you our art if we think you'll like it? (big sea beasties, other ocean things, etc.)
Yeah sure! in that case I would rather if you DM it to me if it is posted, so I can reblog it if i like it
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More SG! thoughts
Personally, for me, the most important part of an entertaining and interesting Shattered Glass narrative is that it’s not a direct reversal of canon- just an alternate path. By reducing it down to “good guys bad and bad guys good” you take all the nuance out of the actual conflict. and that's BORING. 
So, what I think you need to do is take the canon beginning, and then, from that, set up forks in the narrative where your characters make decisions that are still plausible choices for their original personalities, BUT lead them to completely different places. Like, instead of “HE'S EVIL NOW”, it’s “our canon character has inherent flaws and strengths in their personality. and while in this universe, those traits lead them to THIS side, it’s also those traits that in another universe, would have led them to the other side instead.” 
And obviously, where they end up at the end of their character arcs should be completely different from canon- otherwise it wouldn’t be shattered glass! But what’s important is that where they start from is exactly the same. 
Because, I think the whole point of a shattered glass AU shouldn’t just be a “what if” scenario. That’s wasted potential! What it should be is a reminder- that yes, these people are heros. But they are only on the good side because they CHOSE to be. Morality isn’t an inherent or hereditary trait- it's a disipline that you have to commit to every day. And our so-called “heros” could just have easily become villains if they wanted. It’s to remind us that anyone can be a good person- but just as easily, anyone can become a monster. 
(this was my biggest problem with the idw shattered glass series (the one that focused on starscream) the villians really just felt too one note. and that's kinda what inspired this rant. but anyways.) 
I think the best example of this would be Megatron and Optimus falling out.
In original canon, Optimus is fundamentally opposed to the Decepticon cause because he can’t support their methods. He believes that while their anti-functionalist ideology is correct, the lengths they are willing to go to achieve their worldview ultimately does more harm than good. 
However, that pisses Megatron off because he views it as Optimus choosing to support the autocratic dogma that is oppressing the people- choosing order over freedom (ironically). I think the core ideology of his (earlier) beliefs is that to achieve true equality, their society must be completely torn down and built anew. (Which I mean- fair.) So anyone who defends the good parts of their society is also allowing the bad parts to continue. 
For the Shattered Glass canon, this interpretation is what I would really focus on. The autobots being cold, and emotionless. They value rules over people. (lawful evil anyone?) I’m not sure if I would maintain functionalism underneath them- but I would definitely keep severe classism. In an autobot society, everything is buried under layers and layers of bureaucracy, in a way that keeps the poor poor, and the autobots in power. 
I think I’d also want to play into the matrix being a corrupting force, rather than a holy one. Religious indoctrination would be a big part of the autobot regime for sure- and that’s where I would see Optimus coming into complete control. Normally I don’t love evil artifacts (because I feel like they’re a copout for meaningful character development) but I think it’s the most plausible way Optimus could go from where he is at the start of canon to a full on dictator warlord. 
Meanwhile, Megatron continues his campaign of anti-functionalism. However, instead of turning to a more Machiavellian way of achieving victory, he believes that the only way to overcome oppression would be to protect the ones most affected by it. I think that “people don’t deserve what they can’t take by force” is a big part of canon Megatron’s ideology (rather, because the labor classes are physically more powerful than the upper class nobles, they deserve to be in control). However, in SG!, I think because Megatron knows what it’s like to be at the bottom of society, he would refuse to allow anyone else to be treated the same way (Tying into the “protect the weak” dogma of the canon autobots)
So. In summary. Seeing your favorite little guys all switched up is super fun. But LITERARY ANALYSIS is even MORE fun.
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flippedorbit · 6 months
guy who feels annoying All Of The Time for rambling gets told it’s fine to do so unapologetically…… sobs :’] <3 /pos
i shall dm you i guess????? i think that’s most comfy for Me lol??? <- is so bad at social interaction omg save me
(responding to tags again: you fucking GET IT!!!!! shakes you so much omfg dude RAHHHH!!!!!! /affectionate
your cat is so cute…… she is goals (i’m catkin lmao) she looks so cozy and warm and soft and yeah she’s just great. giving her a little kiss because what cat doesn’t deserve lil kissies?)
-gregarious anon
:D yeah i ramble constantly about whatever’s on my mind and am constantly worried about being annoying so when someone else feels that way about rambling to me i just go with it, no being annoying here, just fun and chatting about whatever comes to mind :3
and o7 looking forward to it, gregarious anon
#asks#Apollo answers#gregarious anon#do not be fooled by how cozy she looks. she can be a huge asshole when she wants to be#mostly she’s rather sweet but she has her moments. to be fair she was an outside cat for most of her life before we got her (she was my#aunt’s cat (mother’s full blood younger sister) before she moved and decided to give her to us instead of taking her on a long drive across#numerous state lines (about a 24 hour drive from here where she used to live to the state she lives in now) and Pickles already hated the#drive from my aunts old house to here. but she’s really adjusted well to now being an inside cat. we’ve had her since may i think? maybe#april at the earliest. i know we got her on my senior prom day (literally just an hour before. i was super worried about being late) so its#been about seven or eight months. she was at least relatively socialized with people before we got her thankfully so that wasn’t much of a#problem or thing to worry about. however the only like slight problem we have is that she wasn’t really raised around kittens and we#recently got two (Scamper and Eclipse) so we’re trying to train the kittens to not tear up stuff in the house and train Pickles to be nice#and be gentle with them and share toys and stuff. currently the kittens go up at night into an enclosed mesh playpen and Pickles sleeps in#my room with me like before the kittens came along. we supervise them playing most of the time. i think she’s getting a bit better at being#gentle and playing nice with them. its a slow process but we’re getting somewhere at the very least)#wow that was a lot more than i meant to type. anyway. free Pickles’ lore
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13eyond13 · 1 year
Hello I just excited saw your tags on an L post about what you think his enneagram type is !!! Can you go deeper into what u see his type as and why?? :)
Hi hi! I got into the Enneagram a couple years back for funsies, and I think L is probably a Type 5 with a 6 wing, which I guess is called either "The Troubleshooter" or "The Investigator" (lol, fitting).
The Type 5s tend to be quite logical and independent and intelligent, very focused on gathering information and sussing out meanings and analyzing and interpreting data. The Type 6 tends to be skeptical and private and cautious and focused, which I think would be his most likely secondary type (rather than the Type 4, which is a bit more of an artsy and emotional and sensitive type).
Here is what the write-up for the 5w6 says:
People with an enneagram type 5 wing 6 personality usually identify the most with the type 5, but also share traits with the 6 type. They tend to be practical, independent, and logical in their behavior. They are much more cooperative than other 5 types and have a passion for using their knowledge to solve real-world problems.
Basic Fear
Five wing sixes fear being useless or incapable. They seek to improve the world around them in order to feel worthy.
Basic Desire
Their basic desire is to be competent and useful. They usually show this by picking up new skills and pieces of knowledge that can be of benefit.
Troubleshooters may withdraw from others to cope with stressful situations, which can tend to make them feel lonely.
In summary, Enneagram 5w6 personalities tend to...
Be hard-working and analytical problem-solvers
Withdraw from others when stressed
Prefer to spend time thinking alone
Fear being incapable or incompetent
Make practical and logical decisions
Enneagram 5w6 Strengths
Being focused and well-organized
Passion for learning and growing
Solving difficult or complex problems
Remaining calm in times of crisis
Enneagram 5w6 Weaknesses
Struggling to relate to and understand others
Tendency to be private and defensive
Being perceived as cold or aloof
Difficulty taking action when uninspired
How Enneagram 5w6 personalities like to work
Communicating with an Enneagram 5w6
Avoid emotional expressions and allow five wing sixes space to think and process.
Meeting with an Enneagram 5w6
Keep meetings short and sweet; focus on clearly addressing the purpose.
Emailing an Enneagram 5w6
Be direct when emailing, allowing five wing sixes to share insightful and new ideas.
Giving feedback to an Enneagram 5w6
Offer constructive criticism and honest feedback; give specific areas for improvement.
Resolving conflict with an Enneagram 5w6
Focus on logically expressing your perspective; work toward a mutual understanding, allowing them time to think privately, if needed.
Enneagram 5w6 Motivations
Enneagram 5w6s tend to be motivated and energized by...
Solving or preventing problems
Spending time alone to gather their thoughts
Feeling like they’re contributing to society
Pursuing knowledge in the specific area that sparks their personal interest
Enneagram 5w6 Stress
Enneagram 5w6s tend to be stressed and drained by...
Spending too much time around others
Needing to be emotionally vulnerable
Feeling unwanted or rejected by others
Self-doubt and insecurity
I think it all sounds a lot like him. The introversion and fierce independence, the problem-solving skills and preoccupation with privacy when socializing, withdrawn when moody and listless when uninspired, etc. The list of strengths and motivations reminds me a lot of him when he is successfully honing in on Kira during the beginning of the story, and the stresses and weaknesses remind me a lot of L when he is struggling more during the Yotsuba Arc.
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1004tyun-archive · 1 year
i am so so sorry if i sound nosy n invasive but im so invested in this as a hopeless romantic myself so ima need you and cherry to get together n meet irl already ;_;
DHSDHJSHG ANON THIS IS SO SWEET 🥺🥺🥹 i love cherry so much and i love us, i'm hoping we can see each other too it's all i want atp 🥺🥺🥺
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skidrowflorist · 11 months
hi! i used to write under suddcnlyseymour (i used ethan slater and then later marc antolin as a FC) and i just wanted to say - i really loved writing with you - i went back recently to re-read our threads and it made my heart hurt (in a good way.) i adore your interpretation of audrey, the depth and consideration and care you give to her character. i hope that you're doing okay! i hope life is treating you kindly <3
ooc;; hey!! yes of course i remember you!! i always loved writing with your seymour, and i'm so happy to hear from you!! i'm hanging in there, living life, loving lsoh. i think of you often and hope that you're doing well too. tbh i miss your blog lots! it means so much that you found me out here again and wanted to go back and read our old threads. thank you so much for your kind words, man. i try my best for audrey and it makes me so happy to hear my portrayal has stuck with you in a positive way. :) seconded on the heart hurting - we wrote some pretty tender, sweet stuff if i do say so myself. and listen, if i could ever do anything to spark up the ol' seymour muse for you, i would in a heartbeat lmao
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sanccharine · 1 year
hii, just wanted to know if you were comfortable with minors following your blog? I want to follow and maybe interact (I'm a little shy so I may take time to interact) but don't wanna cross any boundary or make you uncomfortable
thank you for asking this question, this is so important and i really appreciate it !!
in terms of minors following the blog/reading fics, i did create this blog with the intention of it being a safe space for all ages and i think it relatively is (i hope so ;-;). i only say relatively bc although you won't find smut on this blog, other mature themes will pop up, already have, such as violence or murder (i'm planning to write a zombie apocalypse au and well, yeah). but whatever i post will always contain warnings so it is a matter of reader discretion.
in terms of minors interacting with me, this i'm a little conflicted about *scratches head* i feel like i'm overthinking and sort of stressing myself out with this. so i'm just going to say i'd appreciate if minors have that they're minors on their blog, somewhere visible and only interact through my ask box, please :]
uh apart from that, be trigger-happy with the block button, i know i am. someone could say something as simple as the colour blue is ugly and i would probably block them. if i make anyone feel uncomfortable or just you feel like it, block me ! block people ! you don't need to justify anything !
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neonacidtrip · 1 year
You could tie your hair in low bunches on the sides and then maybe braid the low bunches if you feel like it? That way sleeping on your back they're not uncomfortable and the hair isn't pulled!
Oh, that's actually a pretty good idea! If the braids don't work, I could probably try loosely twisting the bunches as well. Tonight, I'm going to be seeing the dog who likes to hop on my hair while I sleep, so this is perfect timing for me to test it out!
Thank you, anon!
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wlw-cryptid · 2 years
You made a skirt yourself 👀 that's so cool 😍
yes i did !! its all the way down to my ankles and black with little tiny lavender flowers + tiny little leaves . i made it a wrap skirt so i can have a lil bow w the ties on one side
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elegyofthemoon · 1 year
What's an ice cream flavor you've never tried before but would like to?
Well okay it's gelato but same diff. ANYWAYS I saw that there was a lotus flavor gelato??? I wanted to get it but I went with gingerbread instead bc I thought that was also really interesting 😭😭 BUT SOMEDAY I WILL GET THAT LOTUS FLAVOR GELATO !!!
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baronessblixen · 1 year
Happy Easter Anika 🎀🐣 may your day be filled with cute bunnies and cute chicks and cute eggs ! 💟
Thank you so much, sweet anon! Wishing you the same!
Have not seen many cute things unfortunately, but it has been eggcellent.
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rosicheeks · 2 years
You’re just beautiful and authentically you.
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send me a 🍒 if u would date me + a reason why?
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