#He has the same reason as saki
justcypreus · 4 months
Me: One of the little details I love about Saki’s design is the lip gloss. The other girls don't have that sheen and tint on their lips because the make up is an attempt to look more mature so people can take her seriously and not treat her like a child. Saki looks older than she is because she wants to look older than she is.
My brain: What about the professor?
Me: Stress got to him
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ichika39-ln · 11 months
I'm Ichikamaxing right now. I memoryholed my middle school years due to social issues so fucking badly that I don't even remember which years I was in middle school for.
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cinnabeat · 1 year
ive been thinking about this for days but the fact that akito is the only prsk character confirmed to dye their hair and its the single yellow strand of hair and not his whole ginger ass leaves me on the floor everytime
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raphaelesbian · 1 month
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I don't THINK I posted this yet?? idk though lmao. But, Splinter/Shredder swap. Doubt I'll ever write anything fr for it, but:
Saki fled to NY after Yoshi beat him, Yoshi stayed in Japan and rebuilt the Hamato clan.
Yoshi raised Miwa. Takes everything WAY more seriously than he used to, because he blames himself for what happened with Saki. Super open about his past, as he is in canon, but though he feels a lot of guilt about what went down, Miwa believes pretty strongly that it was all Saki's fault and she hates him and is glad he's dead.
Miwa is really close with her dad, pretty similar to canon.
Saki seethes in New York for a while, hating Yoshi, but after being alone with his thoughts for so long, without any yes-men, he starts realizing that his lies don't hold up under scrutiny.
Intensely guilty over it, because the whole reason he ever was so delulu is because he couldn’t handle the guilt of being WRONG. So now he has, and he’s really self-loathing about it.
Eventually gets 4 turtles (later than Yoshi did in canon, meaning they're 4-5 years younger than Miwa), because Shen loved turtles. Mutation happens, he flees to the sewers.
Starts going by Cinder, bc he is what the fire left behind of Oroku Saki.
Still names them the same as canon, to kind of honor Yoshi bc Yoshi loved Renaissance art (and I don't want to come up with new names hflkashdlgkskdlg)
He raises them to be REALLY non-competitive, bc he really really doesn't want them turning against each other. Gets along the worst with Raph as a result.
Very secretive about his past, mostly out of shame.
Just like canon, Yoshi learns that Saki is alive because of a news broadcast about ninjas in New York. He immediately goes to NY to find him, and Miwa chooses to come with.
Saki is SURE that Yoshi wants him dead, because he would if the roles were reversed fhkldaskgl. He'd probably let him, except he has his sons to take care of. Yoshi just really wants his brother back after all this time. Miwa DOES want Saki dead. Turtles have no clue what's going on, really, except that they can't tell this sad old man or this angry chick where they live.
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project-sekai-facts · 10 months
do u know who each of the virtual singers r supposed to represent in each Sekai? I think some are more obvious than others (Saki and Ena for Rin), but I’m not sure about everyone
The general concept of the Leo/need Vsingers seems to be derived from Saki's idea of an "ideal high school experience", so there's a big focus on senpai-kohai dynamics.
Luka is pretty much entirely based on the ideal senpai that Saki wanted in high school. She's kind, responsible, mature. She's what you'd expect from a good senpai.
Miku takes some traits from Ichika. Both of them are somewhat insecure about their abilities, but nonetheless hardworking. Also both of them are easy to embarrass.
Rin is literally just Saki - she’s energetic, enthusiastic, and nicknames all her friends; they have similar interests, such as hairstyling, and Rin has even read some of Saki's manga collection.
KAITO seems to take traits from both Ichika and Shiho: he's shy and underconfident like Ichika, and introverted yet passionate about music like Shiho. However his introversion is dialed up from Ichika and Shiho’s, and he doesn’t think he would be able to handle the social life that the girls have.
MEIKO acts as a foil to Honami, being more confident and better at facing conflict, but she does have some similar traits to her as well, such as being the "team mom" figure.
Len is usually associated with Honami and is sometimes used to reflect her conflicts in stories. His personality doesn't seem to heavily influenced by anyone though.
MORE MORE JUMP!'s Virtual Singers seem largely inspired by Minori's idealistic view of the idol industry.
Specifically Miku seems to be based on the idea of a perfect idol, or, Minori's impression of Haruka before actually meeting her in-person. Also this Miku starts off as a pretty flat character and is gradually given more personality and character quirks, which might reflect Minori learning about the real Haruka.
Rin is based on Minori. They’re both amateur idols striving to be at the same level as their peers. They’re also both upbeat, optimistic and somewhat naive. Rin looks up a lot to her fellow idols, yet another trait shared with Minori. Huh.
Len is based on Haruka. He has her “princely idol aura” that is practically just his actual personality, as well as Haruka’s level-headedness and maturity.
Luka is based on Shizuku, she's the “perfect”, elegant idol who's actually more of an airhead than her image lets on. There's a reason she first appears in Color of Myself! and acts as Shizuku’s main confidant
MEIKO is more difficult to place, but I think she might be derived from Airi a bit - her speciality is interacting with the audience, something Airi is good at thanks to her TV work. Also both of them have a similar sort of peppiness.
KAITO is more of a composite character - he's a huge fan of idols, just like Minori and Airi, he has Haruka's workaholic tendencies, and Haruka and Airi's responsibility and organisation. There's probably something that links him to Shizuku that I'm forgetting.
next three are much longer because deeper lore and because i found a better writing flow, so they’re under the cut
Vivid BAD SQAUD's virtual singers are an odd case in which it's not extremely obvious which member they are derived from.
MEIKO is very clearly meant to be a Vsinger equivalent to Ken, instead of any of the members. She acts as a sort of guiding figure to them and has a sort of parental vibe similar to how Ken is with all the VBS kids. Neither of them are active as singers either. I also read an interesting theory that she's based on Kohane recently, which you can find here (near the bottom of the first section).
Miku has traits of everyone in VBS except Kohane: Akito's competitiveness and sore loser tendencies, Toya's more cool/calm demeanour, his love of coffee, and abysmal cooking skills, and An's passion for music (which all of them have but An’s is what unlocked the SEKAI). Someone also sent in an ask one time saying that she might be based on Nagi to some extent, which I think makes sense but is probably just coincidental since I think Nagi was added to the VBS story pretty late.
KAITO is derived from the BAD DOGS members, even if it isn't apparent at first because of how outwardly different he is. He's more of a foil to them, but has a lot of their personality traits. He has Akito's sweet tooth and tendency to be lazy about things that don't interest him, and Toya's air-headedness and strong skills in his field of interest.
Luka seems a lot like An, she's energetic and carefree, though I also believe that these could be taken from Nagi as well, since Luka was added after Nagi was first mentioned (but just before she first appeared) so they were probably written at the same time).
Len is a bit more obvious - he takes a lot of traits from Akito. Both of them want to be respected by the people around them, and hate it when people treat them as inferior. Akito has a lighthearted rivalry with An but has a lot of respect for Toya, while Len has both of these with his own partner, Rin.
Rin has traits from multiple characters like Miku does. She bickers with Len just like An and Akito do with each other, and she's the most affected by An's grief in Light Up the Fire. Both she and An are pretty energetic as well. On the other hand, she has Akito's stubborness and more tsundere-ish traits. As a third option, Akito and Rin's first kizuna title is "Speaking of pancakes" and their third kizuna title is "You remind me of...", suggesting that Akito might see Ena in her.
Also Rin and Len are usually used to reflect any conflicts that Vivids and BAD DOGS have, for example in the main story when Rin and Len split and then BAD DOGS did later in the story.
WonderlandsxShowtime's VSingers are fun for me to explain actually, because while it's explicitly stated that everything in the SEKAI reflects something from Tsukasa's psyche (#5 & 6 here), there's still the fact that fate might be real in the game.
Since everything in the SEKAI is a part of Tsukasa’s psyche, this has to extend to the Virtual Singers. They even have stars on their costumes just to make it clear. Think of it like in cartoons and comics when a character gets split into all their different personalities. Presumably: KAITO is his responsible older brother side, MEIKO is his creativity, Len is his curiosity and enthusiasm, and Rin is his more childish/playful side. The SEKAI is formed from things from his childhood (keep that in mind), which is probably why Miku acts like a kid (same applies to Rin. and Len. and a lot of things). Luka is from his desire to make people happy. Now in more detail:
KAITO is by far the most responsible and mature Vsinger in Wonderland SEKAI, and also happens to be their troupe leader. He's very caring in an older sibling-type way; Emu even calls him KAITO-nii-chan (big brother KAITO). That said, KAITO is sort of a foil to Tsukasa, being much more level-headed and humble than Tsukasa is. I think that may be to highlight the idea that he's created from specifically the reliable older brother part of Tsukasa' personality.
There's some older stuff on this blog where I wasn't sure exactly where Luka came from, but apparently it's explicitly stated in her debut card story that she comes from Tsukasa's desire to make people happy. My bad. She only sleeps when everyone is smiling, and will be wide awake when something is wrong. Makes sense, since she debuted in Tenma Household's Hinamatsuri, in which Saki and Tsukasa had a falling out, and Saki is the source of Tsukasa's drive to make people smile.
Now we get into weird fate shit and SEKAI physics. Miku is quite childish and is implied to be younger than the members of WxS, which makes sense when you consider that the Wonderland SEKAI draws from Tsukasa's childhood memories and the shows he put on for Saki. That said, she also heavily draws from Emu, with them both using the same type of speech, being very hyperactive, full of childlike wonder etc. Miku existed before Tsukasa knew who Emu was, so it could be that Miku is entirely based on Tsukasa's experience with childhood, but also Miku knows who Emu is when the SEKAI forms, so it could go either way. or both.
Len is very enthusiatic and loves learning new things. Out of everyone, Len is closest to Rui (while also being a foil to his personality, with Len being more energetic and open than Rui is). This makes sense actually, when you consider that although he acts annoyed at times, Tsukasa does gradually get more enthusiastic about Rui's stage directing and stunts. Another thing that occurred to me is that Len first spawns in not too long after the main story, and first meets WxS in Wonder Halloween, both of which involve Tsukasa and Rui getting into a fight followed by a look into Rui's past of being outcast by everyone for being "weird". So maybe Len was partially created because of Rui wanting people to not distance themselves from him and actually take an interest in his work. Maybe this is something Tsukasa picked up on as well, it is his SEKAI after all. I don't know whether this was intentional, but I think it could be. Most things in this game are lol.
Rin is very playful and childlike in a similar vein to Miku. She’s also closest to Nene out of all of WxS, and acts as a foil to her in the same way Len is one to Rui. Rin is extroverted and childish in comparision to Nene who’s shy and acts as the straight man within her group. Rin initially doesn’t understand Nene’s shyness, probably because of how different her own personality is. Considering that Rin first spawned in just after the main story, her relationship with Nene might reflect the differences between Tsukasa and Nene (and the fact that Nene’s social anxiety was something that Tsukasa snapped at her about in the main story). Also Rin and Len are considered as best friends in this SEKAI, which makes sense considering that they're foils to childhood best friends.
MEIKO is the most creative of the Vsingers and comes up with very imaginative and wacky ideas, much like Emu and Rui do. However her creativity probably stems from Tsukasa, who writes a lot of WxS’ plays, and then she gets the wild imagination on top of that from the other two. MEIKO is also known for her strength, which comes from Rui, and her good hearing (first shown in POP IN MY HEART!!), which comes from Emu.
And now you have to hear something similar with Mafuyu.
The 25-ji, Nightcord de. Virtual Singers are a bit more complicated than the WxS ones. While all of them draw from Mafuyu to some degree, some of them were created more by something that she needs than something that she is. There’s also far more obvious influences from the other N25 members.
Miku and KAITO are more obviously created by something Mafuyu needed, even though they both have traits of Mafuyu as well. Rin and MEIKO are more influenced by the other members, and Luka is a bit of both. Len is influenced by Mafuyu’s emotions alone. Now in more detail:
It’s very apparent that Miku exists to be a comforting figure to Mafuyu. The SEKAI manifested at a point when Mafuyu was extremely depressed and suicidal, and just needed someone to listen to her and understand. That said, Miku starts out quite similar to Mafuyu, rarely experiencing any strong emotion if any emotion at all. Both of them gradually start to feel more as the story goes on, and both are seen smiling more often than they used to nowadays.
Rin is very strongly influenced by Ena. She’s outwardly irritable and moody, but actually does care and enjoys the company of those around her, even if she doesn’t show it a lot. A tsundere, if you will. Despite her usual attitude, she does actually want to help the N25 girls, which she also shares with Ena. Rin’s connection to Mafuyu is less obvious, but I think it might be through her pretty blunt way of speaking and the fact she quite often just says whatever she thinks.
MEIKO is heavily influenced by Mizuki. She represents the distance that Mizuki puts between themself and the other N25 members, keeping herself away from the other Vsingers and from the N25 girls. She first appears in Secret Distance just to make it extra obvious. However I think she’s also influenced by Mafuyu’s very passive approach to her situation. MEIKO often just watches from a distance and sees how things go, which is close to what Mafuyu did at the time. Mafuyu doesn’t do a huge amount to help herself early on in the story, she does try to feel more, but relies a lot on Kanade. It isn’t until KAITO appears that she’s given more of a forceful push to actually face how things are, stop distancing herself from her problems, and take action.
Luka is derived from the people around Mafuyu who are trying to help her, particularly Kanade and Ena. In Luka's Doing Things My Own Way card story, Mafuyu says that Luka reminds her of Ena, specifically her perceptiveness and tendency to point out things about Mafuyu that she herself isn't aware of. She quickly takes this back though, and then says that Luka is more similar to Kanade because of her ability to understand what Mafuyu is feeling when Mafuyu isn't sure of it herself. In terms of personality, she is closest to Mizuki, being more on the playful and teasing side, mainly towards MEIKO. Luka is like a lighter version of what KAITO ended up being. She's not afraid to be honest and realistic, and is a bit firmer than the other vsingers are. She's not afraid to give them a push when she thinks they need it, as seen in her debut in Carnation Recollection.
Len spawns during Guiding a Lost Child to What Lies Beyond, where Mafuyu's mother starts to find out about Mafuyu doing music and taking action. He's sort of similar to the Wonderland SEKAI Virtual Singers, in the way he represents Mafuyu's emotions in a very childlike way. He's scared because Mafuyu is scared of her mother, he's sad because Mafuyu doesn't want music to be taken away from her, he feels lost and alone because Mafuyu feels that way too, he's close to Miku because Mafuyu is and needs her comfort. Some of this is stuff that Mafuyu doesn't even realise, which brings back the idea from Wonderland SEKAI that the SEKAI can create things on the basis of your subconscious.
KAITO definitely embodies that idea. He's Mafuyu's anger, yet she's never angry. He's from all her repressed anger. He appears when Mafuyu's mother makes her life well and truly miserable, attempting to cut her off from N25. Mafuyu hates this, but she doesn't want to admit that her mother is the problem, she doesn't realise just how angry it's making her, how angry her mother is making her. She's holding all of it back, but it manages to leak out in the form of KAITO. As soon as he arrives in the SEKAI, he wants to talk to Mafuyu, find out what's going on and what caused the Empty SEKAI to be, well, empty. As soon as he finds out this is Mrs Asahina's fault, he tells it to Mafuyu's face. Mafuyu was never going to accept it on her own, she needed a push, and a strong one. KAITO does what needs to be done, and he's similar to Luka in that way, he's just way more aggressive and unapologetic. He's almost... bitter, for lack of a better word. Like I said earlier, he's here to help Mafuyu, as well as represent her.
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janichroma · 4 months
🎉Q/A Answers!🎉🎉
There's a lot to parse here! Warning that there are some spoilers of current content in here! So please tread carefully!
Q1.) I'm very curious about Death Wings. Do all of them exist in a similar state to Robo-Ren, where their true bodies are asleep and they pilot a mechanical suit, or is there something that differentiates them?
Ren is an exception. He's the only one who pilots a separate body. The others are in their own!
Q2.) Which Rejuv characters would be most likely to start a podcast together?
Adam and Valarie probably have a lot of deep 3 am conversations so with a little help from Saki, those two would def make a podcast. Other highlights are Saki+Erick and maybe Texen by himself because he just talks about how women are objects or something i dunno.
Q3.) Are you absolutely sure this is a good idea? Are you being held hostage?
I deadass thought i was gonna get 10-20 questions at most..... So yeah its a good idea.
Q4.) So, half servants. They’ve been so confusing to me. Until 13.5 I was just under the assumption servants were just infertile lol. So, do half servants like…. Inherit any powers or anything from their servant parent? Like, the ability to teleport and things like that.
Servants cannot reproduce when they're first created/in their generic form, but when they transform into their own person they gain a soul and they are then able to reproduce because they're just like any other person. It's just that their origins are different. Servants can still use their magic, but their children cannot. Although, I bet their children -do- inherit some traits from their Servant parent. Probably like just having above average strength/speed etc. That's not universal, though.
Q5.) How come Tesla doesn't let Amber bring us to the villa after the gym battle now?
Well... When two people love each other very much...
Q6.) Do the executives of Team Xen and most importantly Ren have the green gem somewhere on their body that marks them as members of Team Xen?
I wonder...
Q7.) I know in the past, you said that you haven't seen any correct guesses as to the identity of Madame X. Has that changed since the release of 13.5?
Pretty close, but no cigar.
Q8.) would crescent like yuri/gl
I banish you to the hungry worm dimension.
Q9.) i know that some characters, namely tesla (and maybe jolene?) call themselves "honorary" members of the elite 8. is there any specific reason for that? also can roboren run doom this is important.
There's no specific reason other than it soundin' fancy. Roboren can run tetris so maybe!
Q10.) What are the perks/ benefits of joining Team Xen? ( asking for a friend )
Amazing health care, and amazing investments in your 401k.
Q11.) I wanted to ask, which character has, for you, the most chance to surprise us in future updates? Be it badly or greatly.
i can't answer this because it gives too much implicit information!!! Sorry!!
Q12.) what pokemon teams (or just ace pokemon) would characters you don’t ever battle have? for example, volta, eizen, martin, rune, eden, etc? will we ever fight any of them?
I don't want to answer this either because we will probably have an opportunity to fight -most- of these people here, but for Rune it's already established to be Rapidash (Ace), and Eden would probably have a Blissey somewhere.
Q13.) How close of friends are Amber and Crawli? I wanted to ask since they're both Gym Leaders of Terajuma and around the same age, especially when Tesla and Amber moved to Telia after the incident.
They're not too close. They know of each other, and have spoken, but it's mostly a "friendly landlord" kind of relationship. They only talk when it's necessary... Not that Crawli is a landlord, or has any bearing on Teila.
Q14.) Hihi, what are somethings that have changed from version v12 (and also v13) that you really like/are proud of? And are there things you miss from previous versions, but you had to get rid of for any reasons? (I'm personally absolutely in love with the redone Terajuma stuff and especially Crawli, and also the redone Ryland scenes but that's because I'm biased.)
Terajuma 100%. I LOVE Terajuma now. I used to really despise it, evidently. But I think it's so fun and has a lot of nice moments. Valor Mountain still sucks, though. I have a huge urge to simplify that place, but then i'd have to redo a certain scene later and i dont wanna bc it's already perfect. Suffering from success... As for things I miss from previous versions... I can't think of any right now because I love where we're at rn so I guess I don't miss anything? There are certain scenes like Melia with her long hair flowing, but outside of small instances like that, nah!
Q15.) If in the nightmare school "Jean" was able to manifest flora's explosives from the dreams of GDC's citizens... Where could he have manifested A Gun from??
Probably the police station, tbh.
Q16.) What's your personal favorite part of the game thus far?
Honestly Chapter 2 -> to the end of Terajuma is so much fun to me. Not that the other chapters aren't, but that part is comfy. I also love Renegade Route chapter 0.
Q17.) Now if I'm remembering correctly, you mentioned that Venam was supposed to be just a side character at first. What made you decide to change her role into such a major one? Also how did the Melia/Venam come about?
Yeah so, Beth was actually in Venam's spot if you can believe that. Yes, the same one that sells Moo-Moo Milk. We already had a prominent blonde character and Beth wasn't boring or anything, she just didn't add a fun dynamic with Melia. Although back then the formula was more rebornified. Meaning characters rarely traveled together and they kind of just showed up when they needed to. Now characters are constantly always traveling with you and stuff. Not that the old format is bad, it's just a different take. I brought Venam back because she's Melia's best friend and it felt real weird that she was not involved -at all- compared to her and Ren. Their relationship came about because.. Well, I kinda just knew. Venam was always a lesbian in my head, and Melia is def the character that would love anyone if they gave her the chance to love them. It just felt right?
Q18.) 1) When was Eizen conceptualized? 2) What is one funny story about developing v13.5 that you can share? 3) Were there any pieces of media you took inspiration from while writing Renegade(mainly Central Tower)? 4) Do you have any plans of making more games after Rejuv?
Yall are cheating with the multiple parts!! Anyway, Eizen was conceptualized sometime in v13's development, but he... she.. they... were just a concept at the point. (stick a pin in that) 2.) A funny story? Hm... I honestly can't remember anything rn. Probably just some bug that caused us pain and it was super simple to fix. 3.) To be honest, I didn't take any real inspiration for Renegade. I actually went into doing that route without knowing exactly what I wanted from it. But the pieces sorta fell into place and im in love with it lol. M2 was always going to be a character in the game, it's just that she was never named M2 and was more tragic than unhinged. M2's personality was altered slightly because I wanted Renegade to have SOME sort of a balance, and a partner in crime (sorta) felt appropo. 4.) Yes, I have original games in the works AND plans for at LEAST 1 more fangame after this. I'd like to start from scratch with all the knowledge I have now. Though, it wouldnt be nowhere near as long as Rejuv. I'm talking like 4-5 releases. lol.
Q19.) Wanted to ask how renegade!MC perceives Clear/Kieran, the 3 choices we have to respond to Clear asking us to go see Clear all seemed cold towards her. I guess they aren't a potential new friend group?
They are a means to an end. The MC is not close with Clear or Kieran at all. They barely even talk outside of the instances we've already seen. Maybe that'll change?
Q20.) This has been a matter of contention between some friends of mine and I. How old is Odessa? I'd assumed she was below 18 as she's not taken the throne so she might not be an adult and her dad's in charge until that happens, but they think she's an adult. For something less serious, who in Rejuv's most likely to start a ponzi scheme, and who's most likely to buy in.
Odessa is likely to be around 25-ish. She's a legal adult, and is in line to be Queen of Kristiline, but their family line already holds so little influence and power that Aquis just makes her a figurehead and manages things on his own. Kind of a Cinderella of situation? More similar but not 1:1. To be honest? I figure Aquis hopes Kailani to return one day and assume her duties because he likes her more (Even if he abused her the same way he did Odessa.) As for the ponzi scheme... I feel like Thomas Jr would make one and Texen would fall for it.
Q21.) Who is the hardest character to write consistently?
Honestly? Melia. She's given me the most trouble despite her being so prominent. Im good at it now I think, but before I never knew how to write her because anything I did came with criticism lol, and still does, but now I don't really give a shit. Amber's a close second.
Q22.) When Crescent fell down the cliff, did she get the interceptor contract then was asked to become a storm chaser? The events seemed to have happened close to each other. Curious since the hags serve Variya, so only 1 of the 2 parties could've asked her both, but that wasn't the case.
Yes it was shortly after she fell. To be clear, the sparkle the protags saw was the sparkling of water from the moonlight above. So they knew it was "safe" to push Crescent. She could have died but she had a chance to survive a situation where the alternative meant certain death.
Q23.) Will the Elite 8 even be able to be battled on Renegade? I imagine Karrina would replace Karen if Karen dies on Paragon, and Karrina doesn’t get pushed, but she eats the Deletos on Renegade if you don’t push her in Castle Zygara, and it made me wonder.
The members of the Elite 8 may be battleable, but not in an official league format. That's all I'll say on that.
Q24.) I'm still really curious about emma, things that come up in my mind a lot is the part where she looks to be used by variya to speak to melia during the part where amanda knocks her out, and during pearl route when we see the note signed by someone with the same name- emma. because of this, I've been pretty curious about this disguise thing the space hags gave melia. did they- or variya gave them orders to- pull the appearance from the deceased emma? does this mean ... they're the same person?
The name part is merely a coincidence and acts as foreshadowing. Melia reads the note and is like "Emma...?" and wonders if she would share the same fate as the ones written on the notes, and then lo and behold she has the same condition.
Q25.) This question is regarding Renegade route: Do the 6 years that M2 and our chosen host were lost in that alternate world match up with a version release that is outdated, or is an in-universe timer that we shouldn't overthink that much?
Honestly, that wasnt the reason for 6 years but now I wish it was that's rad as hell. But no the 6 years isn't even 6 years. It's an unspecified amount of time that passes that she perceives as 6. They both couldve been down there for a million years and they wouldnt know. The area they're in is similar to the chasm where it wears down your mind after long exposure. Maybe that's how Melia could take such a bad turn in life. The protags are always optimistic to escape though so they are able to hold onto their mind.
Q26.) #1 spector fan here asking questions about him since he probably won't get much spotlight outside of one quest... what was his life like before taking on the reserve leader role (other than what we already know, like where he lived,) and what are his interests outside of the paranormal, if any? thanks for the opportunity! love this game a lot :^)
Spector is a history buff and loves to do Goth Gf things like take strolls in graveyards at 3 am 🥰🥰. Probably spent most of his time in the District of Hope. He also likes exploring ruins and abandoned buildings. Not limited to Aevium tbh.
Q27.) I know Eizen seems to be a strictly side quest character, but have K/C or the hags ever tried contacting him for recruitment? His research seems too valuable to go unused for them.
Eizen has absolutely no interest in either of those groups. If they even tried to do anything he'd noclip out of the room and fall out of bounds and then die half life 1 style.
Q28.) :3c what are some characters that are trans if i may ask?
Ryland - FTM Party Girl - MTF Alain - NB Aero - NB V - Genderfluid Eden - Genderfluid
Q29.) would angie still possess alice in renegade? :0 super curious about it hihihi
Whatever happened passively in Paragon (Meaning Cera being abandoned, Alice getting possessed), STILL HAPPENS IN RENEGADE, we just don't see it because the trail of events that led to us seeing them in Paragon do not happen. So... in Renegade, that means Alice is still...
Q30.) How did the aftermath scene from defeating the hags on renegade come to be? I'm very curious
i assume you mean the Tera Raid parody? Well, it came up on my playlist on the train and I was feeling chaotic. what if in rejuv but deadly ?
Q31.) who's the shortest character (excluding the younger kids >>)
Probably either Cera, tbh. She's a short lil one. I don't have canon heights for characters outside like an estimation. But in my head Cera tiny.
Q32.) Hello! I would like to ask, Did the interceptor, before the SS Oceana be attacked, have fake memories of a life alongside Nancy? Since Crescent wanted the MC to have a normal life, I always wondered If she created new memories to make this easier And if I can ask another question. What is/was the criteria to someone see the MC appearance correctly? Huey and Lavender saw two different ones, while Aelita saw the correct one(in my case she saw Alain when asked)
Crescent did not create memories for the player. They just started acting weirdly and stopped talking to her. They then started to behave the same way you, the player, does. Believing that what is happening is real and has always been real (Because this is all the information you have right now), so Crescent takes this opportunity to try and let go by giving you a better (but fake!) life. It's why she sorta distances herself a bit (but not too much) so that you could integrate yourself into that delusion. We love being neuro <3.
The criteria is pretty ambiguous intentionally, but for me it has to do with personality and connection. Aelita always sees who you truly are because shes so close with the player + she has envoy shenanigans going on. If you would get along with Alain the most, the player would show themselves as alain etc.
Q33.) Any disclosable reasons why the rift dex now only has 2 remaining entries instead of 3 like in v13?
It's probably just a discrepancy that happened due to shifting over code bases. The number of slots left is not indicative of anything.
Q34.) hello jan!! hope you’re doing well :D is there any more information or random various facts about the androids (clear/kieran/eden) that can be said that ISN’T spoilers? it’s ok if not! i’ve just been curious about them all lately, especially in regards to how eden’s powers with emotional manipulation work.
Nothing too interesting about Clear or Kieran that isn't spoilers and isnt known already, but as for Eden... Eden was eccentric and had a personality thats real close to prince peasley from superstar saga LOL. I feel like Eden would have a catch phrase like "Mon Cherie", and flip their iridiscent hair in mockery. Eden's manipulation was very devastating. You would feel an immeasurable amount of joy when inflicted that you would give over any information because youre... happy to! But it was also very deadly. If exposed to it for too long you become way too happy to the point where you lose the ability to function normally. You'd fall into a happy-apathetic state and collapse and just lay where you fell until you starved or died in some other way. Because you're happy to! Everything in moderation, guys.
Q35.) Hi jan!!! quick question — why do you hate me why did the renegade route do that /real/ question though…. My buddy found some like… older stuff about Eizen in v13’s files. Something about a girl named Ærika?? (Idk if thats even connected but whatever) How did Eizen come to be? What was the process?
Hi remember the pin I stuck earlier? Ok we're unpinning that now. So, Eizen was originally a woman (So happy for his transition), And her name was Ærika. But we already had so many girls in the game and I wanted to create more male characters so then Eizen was born. I'm glad for it too because Eizen is way more interesting than Ærika. Eizen/Ærika came to be when [redacted]. I can't explain his origins quite yet, sorry! But one day you Will Realize.
Q36.) Hi Jan, thanks for the amazing game! In Alamissa, before we get yeeted into the past by Kieran, when Ren gives us sylveon and, um, Nancy’s remains, he mentions that he has stayed (even after breaking off with crescent) with xen for an important reason… but won’t specify. Later, he says the reason is because he wants to help nastasia. But the alamissa convo happened before ren met Anastasia (baby version). Did ren want to help nastasia before he met her past version and learned that she was…
Ren didn't know who she was at that point, but Ren has seen Nastasia in vulnerable points (that we havent seen... yet?). She has discussed with him that shes looking for someone prior to Alamissa, but she was very vague about it, and still is, but she's opened up a lot to Ren over time.
Q37.) This is probably a weirder question but will all of the main leaders, even the ones we battle outside of their gym duties have custom moves? If not, would it be safe to assume the main leaders use the moves of their reserves?
All leaders have custom moves. Reserves use the move the main leader does! They have TM's for these, but they aren't allowed to give them out to winners. At least, at the moment!
Q38.) what was your favorite part of 13.5's development?
Making Renegade Route lmfao. It was so much funnnnnnn. I cant wait for the rest.
Q39.) what’s the EoN experience like for someone going through it? If that’s too spoilery, what was the most surprising part of people’s reactions to .karma content?
You're getting scrubbed. It looks painful, but it's painless... and seamless! You literally cannot process what is going on. As for most surprising, I was surprised people loved M2 so much. I mean, I had a feeling people would like her, but she really took off and that makes me happy bc shes so fun to write.
Q40.) Hi Jan! My question is this: Will Melia and Venam get back together somewhat in the future? Or will they just stay friends? (Paragon route)
Who knows...
An extra question im throwing in here because ive seen a lot of talk around this character.
Q1X.) What inspired M2? M2 was conceptualized to be more of a tragic character, but I felt like Renegade needed some balancing out mood wise, or else it was too much of a drag. M2 was inspired by an insecurity of mine, actually, or I guess less so an insecurity and more of a question a lot of us ask ourselves. What if? What if I did this differently? What if I was born elsewhere? How different would I be? When Covid first started running about and I thought the fate of our lives was about to be cut short potentially, I started thinking about how I lived my life and how much I missed out on certain things. M2 is that. She gets a second chance at life and decides she wants to be everything but Melia because she's already lived that life and it turned out poorly. Hence the name M2. The second version of herself.
A song that inspired me is Immaterial by Sophie (Rest in peace)
2:03 is important
Now that I have a second chance at life, "I'll be anyone, anything, any shape." I mentioned before that your archetype powers manifests as your deep inner desire, and since M2 wants to be everything she couldn't be, it turns into her creating alternative selves through clones made of light. Another point of inspiration for her forms is actually Barbie of all things. Not the movie, although the movie takes advantage of the same principle, that Barbie can be anything. A doctor, a lawyer, life guard, a government official etc. M2 is everything always and forever, and she's also nothing at all. Which one is the real M2?
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lasbiarez · 9 months
I find it very interesting that Tsukasa has all the potential to be the "main character" of wansho but he's just... never framed as such. I'd argue that title goes to Emu with how she's the one to start wansho and ends the arc with her dreams being reached.
Tsukasa is the leader of wansho and—compared to the other leaders, aside from Kanade—takes on that role more literally than the others. This is not to say that Minori, Ichika, and Kohane doesn't deserve that title because I won't deny that they're the catalyst of each group's creation, but compared to the three Tsukasa is in charge of the group itself and has been acknowledged to be the leader of wansho multiple times by other characters.
Tsukasa's biggest title or dream is being a star; the centre of attention and basically what would be associated to being a 'main character'. He's the sole creator of wansho's SEKAI and song to access it before deciding to share it with wansho at the end of the main story. He's loud and all encompassing, Kaito has specifically mentioned that people simply gravitate towards him. This all leads to the potential of wansho's storyline to surround him and his dreams.
And yet, and yet, and yet.
Tsukasa has always been framed as having a supporting role. The only reason he stayed at Wonder Stage is because of Emu's dream of saving Pheniland, and to reach that dream he needs to bring wansho together and lead them, advancing his skills was just another way to support that dream.
His first focus event wasn't even about himself but about how he helped wansho and the staff of Phoeniland orcestrate Project Wonder, how important his leadership is to rally people for a cause. In the the Scramble Fan Fes event Tsukasa's card isn't about him performing or anything of the sorts, but he's encouraging Minori and guiding her through her stage fright before her performance. His entire dream of becoming a star is spurred on by his desire to bring smiles to Saki and supoort her through her hardships, later Toya too, and then that desire spreads even more to everyone.
Tenma Tsukasa is defined by the people around him, by how much he's able to bring joy to his family and his friends and in turn their happiness becomes his happiness.
And he's so natural at in the way that Emu recognises it the first time she sees him and asks him to join Wonder Stage, in the way that Rui is allowed to change because of the chance Tsukasa gave him, in the way that Nene feels inspired by his exponential growth that she pushes herself forward too. Tsukasa is so important to Toya and Saki for the same reason, Rui asked him to record lines to cheer up Mizuki for the same reason, Shizuku recognises how kind of a person he is for the same reason.
TLDR; Tsukasa loves and cares for his friends and family and his character is defined by his ability to make them happy and support them despite how main character worthy he is
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i think a lot about Rui being like a (second after Tsukasa) older brotherly figure to L/n
Rui listening very carefully to Ichika's ramblings about Miku, finding that she reminds him a lot of himself when he starts going on about his inventions (as well as genuinely being invested in the tech side of Vocaloid.) when she gets embarrassed about it, he makes sure to immediately shut down any insecurities, not wanting to see a fellow passionate soul be ashamed of their interests- as people tried to do to him. this makes her so very happy that someone other than L/n shows interest in the things she likes. they also discuss plants together and Rui teaches her everything he learns during his time at the greening committee, in hopes to help her with her cacti
Rui becoming especially fond of Saki as she reminds him both of her brother and Emu. he finds out about her passion for hair and make-up and happily offers for her to try all sorts of styles on him, with his unique hair and eyes. if she uses mobility aids, he regularly checks them over to make sure they're in order and lends her the metal paint he uses for his robots so she can customise them. if ever there are days where she's feeling down and unable to make it to watch a show, he and Tsukasa will always organise a way to bring the show to her afterwards- several W x S performances have taken place in the Tenma living room. he shows concern about her health, tends to ask Tsukasa how she's doing once in a while
Rui once finding Honami close to tears because she thinks her baking skills have mysteriously worsened as the food she makes isn't quite as good anymore, but he finds out that it's just her oven that's become faulty and fixes it up immediately, so she's soon all smiles again. having some knowledge about cooking, Honami tries (keyword: tries) to find a way for him to eat vegetables as she's quite concerned upon finding out that he refuses to. alas, she has little luck. Rui strikes me as the type who had a space phase when younger, so gladly listens to Honami talking about astronomy
Rui, despite seeming very different to her on the surface, relating heavily to Shiho's experience of becoming isolated from peers due to them not understanding the extent of her passion for music- in his case, the same having been caused by his ambitious show ideas. he sees right through her and recognises her secret interest in cute things, and he may or may not be the reason that limited edition Phenny merch is magically still available when she has the time to go to PXL- however, he does make an attempt to get her to be less embarrassed about liking cute mascots, trying to explain that it doesn't damage her tough image. however, Shiho quickly turns the tables on him by pointing out how he's a fanboy of Shizuku MMJ! secretly which makes him shut up (she gets him MMJ! tickets in return for the Phenny merch)
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thrilling-oneway · 8 months
Tsukasa Tenma
I've mentioned it before but WxS is the group I would consider to be the least close on a personal level. It's complicated to put into words. They clearly love and treasure each other dearly and Our Happy Ending really works to show us just how much their friendship means to them and how broken they would be without it. But despite that there's still barriers. I come back to what Rui said in KAITO's initial card about how he and Tsukasa aren't the kind of close friends who talk about their childhood memories. Like... how to put this. WonderlandsxShowtime is an incredibly tight-knit and valued circle of friendship, but Tsukasa in particular very rarely divulges information about his past. Mainly in regards as to how he came to be like this, like Tsukasa. They know about the shows and that he wanted to make Saki smile but there's those small personal details that are only known because of Toya telling Rui about them.
WxS is incredibly important to Tsukasa, Our Happy Ending is evidence enough of that in that he actually broke down crying for the 3 whole seconds they were disbanded. I think it's more obvious that they're important on a professional level (thanking Emu for hiring him in OHE, thanking Rui for being their director in the connect live), but he does care about them on a personal level he's just less vocal about that part. It's still very obviously there but just not explicitly in the words "I love my friends thank you for being with me", and by no means does it need to be. Maybe the audience interpretation is not helped by the fact that Tsukasa is somewhat single-minded about theatre. He throws himself all into that - theatre comes first, evidenced by Phoenix where he neglects his health for the sake of a role and his development. As well as this there's the fact he tries to tackle most of his challenges alone, rather than asking for help. He goes into tunnel vision when theatre is concerned, although it has been stated a few times that his childhood experiences very much did shape who he is, and I do wonder if having to take care of himself so often from such a young age plays into his mindset of having to do things on his own, even when he encourages his friends to do the opposite. However, over time he is gradually learning to, well, learn from other people. He's got WxS and he's got other actors around him to help him, and he is learning that he can rely on them when he hits roadblocks. A star shines brighter because of those around him, a lesson he learnt well in the main story.
And while there isn't really anything to confirm this, I get the feeling that part of the reason he never got an event covering his feelings over the disbandment and overall seemed to be far more ok with the idea is maybe because he's a realist in some ways. As I said, nothing to actually suggest this, mainly just thinking what would make sense given his childhood where he was constantly exposed to the harsher things in life through Saki being in hospital for a lot of it. That said, he kinda just doesn't like to think about negative things. We see him faced with the possibility of the group disbanding a few times, but his reaction is always to worry about it later, and enjoy it now. Or something along those lines. Like think about in Dazzling Light where it takes him a while to realise that actually he used the piano when he was lonely the same way Torpe used the stars. Or in Phoenix at the Sky's Edge where he has to force himself to break down in defeat and accept that he isn't as good as his peers.
As I said, WxS are important friends to him, even if he usually only vocalises this on a professional level. Like even if it isn't said it's obvious by his actions that they mean something personally. He respects Emu's wishes to make people smile over everything because they align with his own. Both of their dreams were sparked by a loved one that they treasure dearly and with their whole heart. He wants Emu to be happy as well, and wants her to be more open with the troupe (Smile of Dreamer), and in Wonder Magical Showtime, he put the competition that could get him a head start in his career aside for Emu's dreams to uphold her grandfather's legacy, knowing full well that he was giving up an opportunity for himself. It was a completely selfless act for her benefit.
He respects Nene's talent and aspirations, and again they align with his own, to be able to be good enough to see stages worldwide. Even if they bicker, he does care about her, checking in on her at school to see how she's doing in her new class (Hello Good Day), and encouraging her as she improves her singing and works towards her dreams. He gets genuinely worried for her and not just the show in Holy Night when she hits a roadblock with her singing. Admittedly I think their relationship is a little less defined that Tsukasa's relationships with Emu and Rui, but also I am going off memory on this one so it might just be that I remember Nene events less. Nonetheless, they have a lot of respect for each other, despite their bickering and Nene usually acting annoyed at him, they are still close friends who are important to each other both personally and professionally. Due to them being the main actors of the group as well, they naturally fall into that respectful and friendly rivalry. Both of them are incredibly talented and can see each other's abilities as a goal to work towards, though this is more defined from Nene's side, given she's slightly more focused on the singing side of things over acting.
Skipping over the relationships that don’t involve Tsukasa and going straight to Rui because, well, this is an analysis of Tsukasa. But, how to put it, it feels like Tsukasa and Rui’s relationship might be one of the most misunderstood within WxS? Like maybe it’s because they’re the designated comedy duo as Oddball 1-2, but also there’s like 2 and a bit events dedicated to it so I dunno. Anyway.
Tsukasa dislikes the Oddball 1-2 bit because he doesn’t like getting in trouble at school. In 2nd year he was the class president and in 3rd year he joined the disciplinary committee because he didn’t like the fact he had a bad reputation and was supposedly (definitely) considered a problem child. He adamantly refuses that he is a problem child and wants to be a responsible model student. That's the issue he has with it. He actually doesn't actually mind doing all of Rui's stunts even if he does complain sometimes, because he knows even if they sound dangerous Rui wouldn't do something that would get him hurt (Wonder Halloween).
Tsukasa's relationship with Rui is built on a mutual trust, because obviously as an actor and director they have to be able to understand and work with each other (Curtain Call). Tsukasa trusts that Rui will help him to shine, Rui trusts that Tsukasa will perform under his direction to 12000%, and they trust each other to put on the greatest show together. And again respect comes into play because of their aligned goals. That said their relationship isn't strictly limited to the professional side and Pandemonium is definitely the biggest game changer in that aspect. Actually while everyone talks about the end there's actually a couple earlier scenes that are needed to add the full context of it, even if the event is mostly from Rui's POV. Actually the most important scene is probably the part where Shizuku tells an anecdote about her and Tsukasa as kids and then mentions that Tsukasa is the kind of person who really loves his friends, and then Rui realises that Tsukasa had been looking out for him the entire trip and making sure he was getting along with his classmates. So even if it's not from the POV of Tsukasa himself, it's very clear that Tsukasa does care about Rui a lot and values him as both a good friend and a director. They actually become significantly closer after this event if recent interactions are anything to go by (Tsukasa's new 2* has them going shopping together, something Emu and Nene do often who were always closer friends than the boys were).
I don't think the scene at the end was one-sided either. Even though Rui says that he was able to change because of Tsukasa, what Tsukasa said in response isn't wrong. He accepted Rui's thanks, but he still turns it back on him because it's true that even if Tsukasa gave him the chance to stand on stage, Rui never would've actually changed if he didn't take his hand. Tsukasa's pretty selfless when it comes to the people in his life. While yes, he can be selfish sometimes about his dreams, but that's just what you have to do when you're passionate about something. With people it's different. He does the same thing with Saki, and a few other characters. Tsukasa has positively impacted the lives of multiple characters but when it's pointed out to him he will find a way to turn the situation on its head and find how those people took what he gave them and helped themself with it because that's just who he is. He's happy to see his friends happy and will point out their good points that they fail to notice. Tsukasa didn't need to talk about his own experiences then either. That would be very out-of-character for him. It wasn't his moment to share, not to mention he doesn't talk about that sort of stuff to anyone but his family. It was Rui's moment to express his gratitude and Tsukasa's moment to accept it, not unload his trauma (also, it was a Rui event).
I think part of the reason Tsukasa's events are heavily focused on him and only him when the others get events that are more tied to their relationships with the unit is simply because his arc is more closely linked to his personal growth in regards to acting. While Emu had plenty of friends, she didn't have anyone at Wonder Stage with her, she needed people to take her dream seriously. Rui had been outcast by everyone around him and just needed friends to accept him for who he was. Nene was shy and needed an outlet to rediscover her passion for theatre and people to encourage her to push through the past trauma holding her back. WxS obviously was what set off Tsukasa becoming a better person, but he always has dealt with everything personal alone. Even in the main story after WxS split, he went to the SEKAI and had to unpack his childhood memories by himself (I guess a plushie did help him out actually), and he had to get Emu back by himself.
Rui and Emu's events are especially slightly more focused on their relationships with the unit, because they're the ones who have always been pretty satisfied with where they are. They have their dreams, and they're working towards them. But what has always been the most important for them has always been having friends who truly accept them and take them seriously. That's why they were the ones who got the events focused on the possibility of the unit disbanding. Because WxS is especially dear to them.
On the other hand, Nene and Tsukasa are the ones with huge dreams of a worldwide stage. It's clear Nene wants to go to Broadway (fes card), and Tsukasa mentions wanting to go abroad multiple times. Their events are always focused on them honing their talents and skills to get closer to that dream. However there is a stark difference in how they do it. While Nene still often works on her own, she's always been pushed forwards by the others, she knows she can rely on them, and she even got to meet her idol and be mentored by her. She's got a stable (professional) support system and knows that there's people to help her out even if the work is something only she can do.
Tsukasa is the opposite - he tries to deal with problems alone. He doesn't take help until he's pushed himself as far as he can alone, he lies to Saki when she's worried about him. As I said earlier, it genuinely does seem like he feels he cannot accept help, that he has to work alone. Because the game makes it very clear that Saki is massively important to him, she is literally what sparked his dream in the first place, him lying to her is a big out of character moment for him. Phoenix makes it very clear that his craft comes first, but he also has a very unhealthy mindset when it comes to some of the roadblocks he faces in said craft.
The thing you have to remember is that all of this comes from Saki. Specifically, the situation she and her family were in way back when. Saki was chronically ill, and she had to be away all the time. It was all completely out of her control. However, in one instance of her being home, Tsukasa saw how happy she was at a play, and he built his entire life around that. And obviously as Saki's illness worsened, he started to develop a persona to make himself more confident and mature. He had to take care of himself even when he was a kid because of how often he was left in the house alone. Not to stray too far into speculation, but the thing is when these sorts of things happen at such a young age they will start to mesh with who you are. Because you are growing and if you're having to be completely independent and put on a persona to act in an ideal way, that is going to grow into you. And it very clearly did, just read the main story and it's clear that persona and idea of being independent got to his head. It's also clear that he pushed a lot of what actually caused those things to happen to the back of his mind, the SEKAI existing is proof he never really forgot, but he pushed it away for some reason, presumably because it isn't a nice thing to think about. It's never outright confirmed, but to me it seems pretty clear that the things that happened in his childhood shaped how he acts now.
Actually, a lot of his arc outside of him improving as an actor is about learning the lesson that he cannot do everything alone, and that there are people here to support him. It's what Rui teaches him in the main story when he leaves: Tsukasa cannot become a star on his own. When Tsukasa runs into roadblocks he usually will try to deal with them on his own at first, which is what most people would do, of course. However he tends to really push his limits before he accepts help, because he's stubborn, and it's frustrating that he can't work out how to get into character for certain roles. But there's a very clear development in how he accepts help. Compare the main story, where he only cared about himself and couldn't work well with other people, to Phoenix, where he's surrounded by people to support him and is able to openly show his insecurity to them. However, there's a certain disconnect between his personal and professional sides; even as he learns to open up about his problems, they're specifically his professional ones.
I think the reason his relationship with WxS is less obviously important, with you instead having to read a bit between the lines to see it does go deeper than just coworkers, is simply because Tsukasa isn't good at dealing with his emotions, mainly regarding his past (also, as I've said, he just never really vocalises it). He was worried for Saki but he had to be brave for her, he had to be happy so she could be happy, he couldn't be vulnerable because a good big brother isn't vulnerable, so he created a persona for himself. He had to take care of himself and was lonely so often, but Saki had it worse, so he would play the piano and then he pushed the experience aside when it was all over. Even if Saki had it worse, Tsukasa didn't have it good. And as I said, he pushes it aside. He rarely talks about his childhood. Saki and Toya obviously know, and Rui knows what Toya told him, but Tsukasa just never brings it up to anyone outside of his family. He's not great at processing his emotions. I think all of that sort of builds up an emotional wall between him and WxS that just makes him seem less close in a way. It's there, the closeness is there but it's limited by the fact he holds so much back compared to everyone else. There's a lot of things they don't know about him that so far has had to come from a third person (that being Toya in a couple area conversations and Never Give Up Cooking).
And, of course, it does make sense that he was able to grow closer to WxS through theatre, considering just how much of his life it takes up. Theatre is so so much to him, so it's no wonder that as he learns to open up about how he feels, the feelings that he opens up about connect to his craft. But it's that, the fact that it's all theatre. It takes up so much of who he is, which is by no means whatsoever a bad thing, but there's still a lack of his life beyond that. The phrasing there is a bit misleading, so let's put it this way: obviously WxS and we as the audience know he's an excellent older brother, he's incredibly kind and loves and cares for his friends so much, he gets pretty good grades in school but he does cram, he's loud and bombastic and loves being in the limelight, and most importantly he loves theatre, and wants to make people smile just like his sister did way back when. But then only his family and we as the audience know about the other things from his past, like how much of a toll Saki being in hospital took on him, how he was lonely, the extent to what the piano means to him. Pretty much all of what WxS knows about him is about him now. They don't know much about his past outside what they've been told by other people. You don't have to know about someone's past to be their friend, but knowing about their past can help you to understand them better, their inner workings and how their past shaped them into who they are now. It can help you to develop a deeper personal connection. Even if they don't get a whole event and it's only mentioned in passing, like Kohane for example (though it's plot relevant for her), every other character has discussed their past with their unit, be it their childhood or only a year before the game is set. Tsukasa is the only character who has his past shown and talked about who doesn't ever talk about it with his unit (outside the basics of Saki and shows). We're shown more than quite a few characters get but these scenes are only for the audience and his family to know about, not his friends.
Come Our Happy Ending, Tsukasa's relationships with the others is clearly an important one. There's a reason he's broken up by the very real possibility of the group splitting up. As I said, he tends not to dwell on the negatives, he always pushes those aside unless he has no choice but to face them, and this was one of those times he had no choice. WxS has given him so many opportunities as both a craftsman and as a person. He's a better person because of them, he's changed because of them, he's closer to his dream than ever before because of them. Even if he doesn't always vocalise this, even if he still puts up walls and limits how close their relationships can be, those relationships are still nonetheless valuable to him. As said by Shizuku, Tsukasa is someone who really loves and treasures his friends, his friends and family are the most important people to him. Despite how bombastic of a character he is, he's extremely nuanced and there's a lot of subtlety when it comes to how his experiences and the people in his life affect him. He just needs to be a bit more open to talk.
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pjsk-story-summaries · 2 months
April Fools Year 2: MikuDemy
TL;DR: The members of each unit have been invited to attend a year at the prestigious MikuDemy school. Through this school year, they make friends within their classes, participate in a sports festival, and tackle a graduation challenge.
The Solid Heart class consists of Shiho, Airi, Akito, Nene, Ena, and WxS KAITO. They tend to be reasonable and care deeply for those in the Pure Heart class.
The Passion Heart class consists of Saki, Minori, An, Rui, Mizuki, MMJ Rin, and VBS Len. They are an energetic group ready for action.
The Cautious Heart class consists of Honami, Haruka, Kohane, Tsukasa, Mafuyu, L/n Luka, and VBS MEIKO. They are kind and considerate leaders.
The Pure Heart class consists of Ichika, Shizuku, Toya, Emu, Kanade, and n25 Miku. They are a calm, if slightly airheaded and naive, group.
Some translations (potato ghost) are available here and here. Missing dialogue scenarios have been referenced directly in-game.
Song (Be the MUSIC!) 2DMV
Upon login, Miku asks you to check in on the others at a new school in a strange version of Shibuya?.
The only Virtual Singers that appear in this event are the leaders and Miku variants.
Leo/need discuss their excitement towards attending the brand new MikuDemy academy, a prestigious music school. They're a bit surprised about suddenly receiving admission letters, though. They were asked to look for "something special" while there.
MORE MORE JUMP! walk together to campus. Their Miku was the one to get them acceptance letters. Airi's excited, since the school has produced many great idols.
Vivid BAD SQUAD arrive on campus. When An points out how Principal MkuDayo looks a lot like Miku, Toya points out that MikuDemy is just a nickname. They'd all received challenge letters to attend.
Wonderlands x Showtime explore the school campus. They'd been invited to attend after saving Principal Dayo from a gutter. Nene's especially excited to attend. Miku cheers them all on.
Nightcord at 25:00 arrive at campus. Mafuyu points out the "MikuDemy" nickname only works in Japanese, and it's technically a university, not an academy. Miku had been the one to recommend they come.
The Virtual Singers (minus Miku) took the train to campus together. They're excited to have the chance to get closer to those who have strong feelings.
The Leaders (human) watch Principal MikuDayo's entrance ceremony. MikuDayo explains the core themes of the school as being "respect", "creativity", and "challenge". Though admission is only one year, she's excited for everyone to become close friends. MikuDayo jokes that classes are assigned by putting on her head.
Solid Heart Class
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Nene, Shiho, and Akito introduce themselves. Nene's glad to already know some people. Shiho asks Akito if his sister is also in this class, to his annoyance. Shiho understands the sentiment. They all think the class name is a bit strange.
Ena sneezes in the hallway while walking with Airi. She bets Akito's complaining about being put in the same class as her. KAITO approaches and introduces himself to the two. When Ena seems surprised at his kind demeanor, KAITO lies and says the one she knows is a distant relative. He asks to hear more about the ones they know.
Ena thanks Nene for giving her singing tips. Both Nene and Shiho were suprised that Ena's already such a good singer since she's just in charge of illustrations. Ena praises Shiho's voice in turn. Ena notices Nene too shy to ask a question and prompts her to join the conversation.
KAITO and Airi gossip about Akito watching Ena make friends. They believe he's likely shocked to see Ena acting like a good older sister. Akito tells them that she's usually annoying and selfish at home.
KAITO, Airi, and Shiho practice ping pong together. VBS Miku stops by to offer her help (though she doesn't confirm her identity). She's never played ping pong, but she's never lost a game of hanetsuki.
Ena asks Nene what sport she's thinking about. They're both considering the penalty shot game since they aren't too athletic. Akito calls them out for taking things easy. Ena and Akito start bickering, which makes Nene anxious.
Ena asks Shiho about the graduation assignment. They're all a bit worried abotu what it could be, but at the same time, they know they'll be fine.
Passion Heart Class
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Rin does some idol catchphrases for An and Saki. An asks if Saki has an introductory catchphrase like her brother. She runs through her own rendition of it, but gets embarrassed after.
Mizuki points out both themself and Rui will fit in perfectly in a class called Passion Heart. They run into Len and Minori. Mizuki's super excited to be in a class with one of their favorite idols. They talk about the excitement of finding friend's names on class rosters.
An, Rui, Saki, and Len discuss the upcoming sports festival. An wants to play basketball, and Len soccer. Rui and Saki feed off their excitement.
Minori, Mizuki, and Rin discuss their lecture on the history of idols. Their assignment is to predict what idols might be like in 10 years. Mizuki and Rin think MORE MORE JUMP! will be a legendary group by then.
Minori decided to play a penalty kick game. Mizuki will play kickball with Saki and Rui against Akito and Tsukasa. An decides to ask Rui for some ideas on how to beat them. MMJ Miku cheers them on from the shadows.
Rui asks Rin and Len what sports they're going to play. Len wants to do soccer, and Rin's doing ping pong. Rui decided to go wherever needs more people since he's excited about all of them. Rin and Len both try and get Rui to join them.
The class discusses a recent challenge to play as a music ensemble together using the instruments found around school. Though it was difficult, they all found the experience to be highly valuable. They're glad they got to be good friends with each other through the year.
Cautious Heart Class
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Tsukasa, Mafuyu, and Luka greet each other as classmates. Tsukasa recognizes Mafuyu as the one who helped Rui, and is surprised to find a Luka wide-awake. Mafuyu asks if Luka knows someone that looks like herself. Luka isn't phased by the question, but the two kids are shocked by her casualness.
MEIKO, Kohane, Haruka, and Honami greet each other. They guess that their class shares similar characteristics as deliberate and cautious. MEIKO teases Kohane over her shyness.
Luka asks Honami to not be so formal with her now that they're classmates. Haruka understands Honami's nervousness, since she feels strange calling her MEIKO "MEI". MEIKO feels jealous of that version of her, so Haruka calls her MEI. Honami tries calling Luka a nickname, too. Neither of them like it.
Tsukasa, Mafuyu, and Kohane chat about the sports competition. Tsukasa also is helping Kohane find who sent Vivid BAD SQUAD the challenge letter. Mafuyu suspects Principal MikuDayo was the one who sent it.
Tsukasa and MEIKO play ping pong against Kohane and Luka. Kohane sends over a curveball shot and wins the point. Tsukasa and MEIKO agree to practice even harder. L/n Miku watches on.
Mafuyu and Haruka run into Honami practicing for the sports festival by herself. The two of them are working on plays for the basketball team. An was the one to convince Haruka to join basketball.
Kohane, Haruka, Mafuyu, Tsukasa, and Honami discuss graduation requirements. Tsukasa belives they'll be fine as long as they attend class. Kohane still isn't sure who challenged her team. Honami also isn't sure what the "something special" she was asked to find is yet.
Pure Heart Class
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Toya, Ichika, and Shizuku introduce themselves. Ichika's happy to be in the same class as Kanade, too. Toya asks her to introduce them.
Kanade and Miku arrive at class. Emu runs over to them and introduces herself. She starts talking about anime and invites Miku over to watch with her. Miku realizes she's made a friend.
Toya greets Shizuku, who is reading a picture book to Miku in the courtyard. Toya asks if they'd be interested in some of his picture search books and agrees to bring some over the next day.
Ichika talks to Emu and Kanade about their instrument class. Kanade found the various materials producing different sounds to be intriguing. They decide to ask Toya more about instruments.
Toya asks Miku and Kanade what events they'd like to play for the sports festival. Both Kanade and Toya are considering the penalty shot game because they're not athletic. WxS Miku (who denies her identity) runs in and offers to train them.
Ichika, Shizuku, and Emu discuss the sports festival. Shizuku wants to do the ping pong race, but Ichika wants something more involved. Emu invites her to play kickball with her.
The class discusses the graduation challenge. Everyone's glad Miku had so much fun that year. Ichika guesses the thing she was supposed to search for that day was "smiles".
The various SEKAI Miku watch the sports festival from the sidelines. Principal MikuDayo thanks them for all of their help.
Graduation is nearing. The SEKAI Miku are all sad the day will end soon. Principal MikuDayo asks for their help in ensuring things go well right until the end, to which they enthusiastically agree.
The Virtual Singer leaders (minus Miku) gather right before graduation. They're sad they all have to leave after finally getting so close. KAITO, Luka, and MEIKO believe the "something special" they'll all get out of this are fond memories.
On the day of graduation, Principal MikuDayo asks if everyone was able to find their "something special". The SEKAI Miku reveal themselves as the secret graders. They thank the others for being sources of joy (looking to the Pure Heart class), will (to the Solid Heart class), enjoyment (to the Passion Heart class), and confidence (to the Caution Heart class). With that, everyone graduated while singing the school anthem, "Be the MUSIC!".
Miku thanks you for watching over the kids. She hopes that you've found "something special" too.
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Hamato Saki AU
When he learnt of his true origin, Oroku Hamato Saki sided with his adoptive family. Unlike his canon counterpart, he never tried to date Tang Shen, never set the fire, never killed her, and never stole Miwa.
Instead, he moved to New York along with them. He witnessed the mutations of his brother and the four turtles. However, the members of the Foot Clan in the canon world still know Saki. None of them are villains and instead help the turtles when facing other threats such as the Kraang and random mutants.
Hamato Yoshi and the turtles: Their part is short because they're basically the same. Only difference is there's no Foot Clan to fight and Miwa and Shen are with them.
Tang Shen: Not dead. She's always been with Miwa and the turtles. A+++++ parenting. She's been trained in a little ninjutsu, just enough to defend herself but no where near the level of Yoshi, Saki, and the kids. Great friends with Kirby O'Neil too.
Hamato Saki: A lot, lot, lot, LOT more tame than Oroku Saki, but still has major anger issues. He’s Miwa and the turtles’ uncle and father figure to what would be the Foot Clan mutants. Never ends up mutated, never kills Splinter.
Hamato Miwa: Splinter’s daughter, the turtles’ older sister, Saki’s niece. She never ends up mutated, but is still dating Shinigami (and obviously never has that romance with Leo bc wtf)
Chris Bradford: Saki ran a dojo in New York for a few years where he met Chris Bradford. Since then, he’s trained as Saki’s protege. He does end up as a mutant in the Gauntlet episode and is double-mutated too, but the second time is caused by a fight with the Kraang.
Xever Montes: The Hamatos + Chris went on a trip to Brazil for *insert really good reason*. There, Miwa met a young Xever. Chris brought Xever back to New York with him, and he's been there ever since. And later on, yeah he gets mutated. Donnie builds his legs and breathing thing instead of Baxter.
Baxter Stockman: A criminal (sad guy with robots) who gets rehabilitated by the Hamatos. he works with them for a while, but betrays them in Baxter's Gambit in hopes of using his StockmanxTurtle Tech to rule the world, he doesn't and gets rehabilitated again, this time for good. He doesn't get mutated (he's honestly sad enough).
Tiger Claw: Knew Saki in Japan. After the Gauntlet, Saki calls TC to help out the Hamatos and is now one of their allies. However, that past with Alopex and the Kraang is hidden for ages.
Anton Zeck and Ivan Steranko: Ivan is an old friend of Saki's. After the Kraang invasion of s2 he joins the Hamatos with his boyfriend, Anton. Ivan's still an arms dealer but is very particular about who he sells to. Anton is not a thief, he's a DJ. They get mutated by the Kraang instead of Saki.
Ask Me Stuff!
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kitty-beloved · 4 months
I made a tier list from who I could beat to who’d demolish me
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Kanade: she can barely stand in the sun
Nene: yeah she is in wxs but still I could beat her
Ichika: it’s just a feeling
Shiho: i don’t even know
Saki: she was in the hospital for years and even then but tsukasa and the rest of l/n would hunt me down
Toya: I’m not sure he did much physical stuff
Kohane: she’s short and small
Ena: she probs has the exact same body and strength as me
Airi: I think it’s a tie?
Mizuki: they could beat me
Minori: she trained really hard everyday to be an idol she would serve my ass in a golden platter
Tsukasa: he gets climbed on and attacked by emu nearly everyday and also is testing Rui’s inventions
Shizuku: i would kill myself she wouldn’t even have to breath
Mafuyu: idk she’d just would
Rui: I’d try but he is tall
An: she just looks kinda stronk
Honami: buff honami appreciation
Haruka: she’s been an idol since childhood and she plays basketball
Akito: he went from last place to first in a minute while holding tsukasa on his back no doubt I’m dead
Emu: did you see how she jumped and attacked tsukasa in the wxs anime summary thing! I guess this one’s more of a joke, maybe I’d put her between minori and mizuki?
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kawaiichibiart · 10 days
Sci-fi/Fantasy AU, here are some things you should know about Tsukasa, Saki and their alien race :D
Their home is known as Stella (or simply "Star").
People from Stella are mainly known as the Stars People, Stellarians (not used as much but it's used) and Children of the Stars (some will use "of Stella" instead, usually more elderly Stellarians).
Stellarians communicate telepathically, it's a skill that can't be taught, so more often than not, Children of Stella will go on trips with their parents to other places (like Earth) in order to learn the language. It's easier when they're young, the older they are, the less they're able to fully grasp things beyond a "hello" "yes" "no" and "goodbye."
Tsukasa's first trip to Earth with one of his parents resulted in him discovering theater and it became his favorite reason to visit the planet.
He also taught Saki a bit of what he learned language wise before she took her first trip.
That being said, both still struggle to actually speak the language. It's hard to adjust to, especially when they don't seek out someone from Earth to talk to.
Earth has a bit of a rough reputation with Stella. Most Stellarians avoid it because they feel it's a danger. They're not exactly the most easily hidden people. They always have a glow to them, stardust makes their skin and hair twinkle, they're either different shades of blue, yellow or red (Tsukasa and Saki are yellow stars). There's just this belief that, especially from elders who have visited the planet, people from Earth will want to capture them if they see them. And they have a right to feel that considering how often they would see people from Earth capture their own inhabitants because they look different (ex., Haruka being kidnapped as a child and kept in captivity because she's a siren and sirens make a lot of money performing).
When both Tsukasa and Saki visit Earth again, they didn't mean to go at the same time. Tsukasa had left first and Saki had followed, neither knowing that they were both planning on leaving the same day, otherwise they would have gone together.
It's morning when Tsukasa arrives, and evening, near dark, when Rui, Nene and Emu first discover him.
Saki arrives at night and she just happens to be in the exact same area Ichika is.
Rui, Nene and Emu use a mix of charades, writing and speaking when communicating with Tsukasa, while Ichika, for a long time would try to guess what Saki is thinking or trying to tell her. Between Tsukasa and Saki, Tsukasa is the one who will speak more verbally. He knows it a bit better and Saki just finds it easier to express herself telepathically and with her physical abilities.
↑ Speaking of physical abilities, as I mentioned earlier, Stellarians come in shades of blue, red and yellow. Aside from the stardust that makes them twinkle, they always emit a glow that gets brighter or dimmer based on their emotions. Where Ichika doesn't make Saki cover up her glow, using it to see how the other feels, Rui, Nene and Emu make Tsukasa wear a dark cloak with a hood to make sure his glow is hidden. The difference between the two is Ichika and Saki are travelling through a less populated area, while Rui, Nene, Emu and Tsukasa are travelling through very populated areas (villages, town squares, the Shiraishi Kingdom, etc.).
Stellarians travel through light. It's not an automatic thing, they need to actually reach out to it and want to go somewhere. In short , there's a connection that they have access to.
Children need to be watched extra carefully when they're first learning to travel, an adult has to be with them when they learn light travel in case they end up somewhere they didn't mean to go to. Children also have to have an adult with them for the first few years of light travel. Typically a parent or a guardian. When Tsukasa first visited Earth, his parents decided that they would take turns visiting with him while the other stayed with Saki. And once she was old enough, they would visit together. Stellarians begin to light travel alone by the time they would 14-16 in Earth years.
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cupcakeslushie · 11 months
With the newest update, it's got me thinking a lot about Karai's role in this au. More on her actions and treatment of Leo and what lies in the future for her. It's been mentioned and made obvious that the "sibling" (i say in quotes since Karai doesn't even see Leo as an equal) relationship between Leo and Karai is nothing short on unhealthy and toxic. Thus, Leo learning what a real relationship with siblings is with the Hamato family. Karai wants to be the better soldier in the Shredder's eyes and seems to take any opportunity to bring down Leo. But something I keep thinking about is what happens to her after Leo has the emperyon removed and (along with the apocalypse future) after stopping the invasion. Basically, is there still a chance at some sort of redemption for her, or are her actions throughout the au unable to be forgiven. It's said that after Leo leaves the Foot, she tries to prove to Shredder that she didn't even need him to begin with and can handle herself just fine. The only time we've seen her act nice towards Leo is right after the session with Kitsune, where Leo is pretty out of it, but who's to say how often that happens. And then there's Leo himself and how he sees Karai after all that happens. Does he just try and forget about her, or does he hold any kind of resentment like Shredder. There's the question of whether he would be willing to forgive her for her actions. Though this isn't even taking into how Karai wasn't actually Shredder daughter but Splinter's instead.
I know that the answer to this is most likely spoilers, but I could into a whole character analysis on whether redemption is an option for Karai or if she's reached a point like Shredder. It would be interesting to hear you thought on what you can say. Though for the time being, I can wait to see what happens! Thanks for coming to my TedTalk, I hope you have a great day, and remember to stay hydrated! :D
Some of the future stuff is kinda spoilers, but I will say, she’s not a monster on the same level as Saki. She’s certainly not an angel, but she will have her own arc and we’ll see how the chips fall.
At the moment in the comic, Karai thinks seeing Leo fail is a necessary stepping stone to proving her own worth and she’s very bitter over Leo earning a commander title before her. Once Leo leaves, and she has most of Saki’s attention on her, she realizes that the Shredder will never be pleased, Karai starts to rethink her feelings toward Leo, and realizes how much she misses how they used to be. She also has no idea of Shredder’s full plan to create his own dark armor to imprison Leo.
In the past Karai, Usagi, and Leo were…friends (after a rocky start) for a very few short years. Usagi being probably the most distant, for the obvious reasons of hating Saki and the Foot Clan. But with Karai and Leo following him around, training together, and bunking together, he eventually stops taking his anger out on them, and becomes a reluctant participant in their childish hi-jinks. Unfortunately, that does not last long.
Around a year before Usagi manages his escape, Leo’s goofing around on a mission leads to Karai getting seriously hurt. As a result Saki punishes Leo so severely and Leo gets the crack on his plastron. Usagi goes to see Leo, but it’s like he’s a totally different person after that. Leo no longer smiles or jokes and takes training much too seriously.
Karai isn’t much better. She seems to meet Leo’s cold attitude with one of her own, and her teasing becomes much harsher and biting. They all grow distant and Usagi sees no other option but to try and escape. Usagi even extends his hand to Leo when the two cross paths, hoping that Leo would snap out of this strange, new personality he’s adopted, but when Leo doesn’t even react, Usagi turns and leaves for good.
Things get even more strained without Usagi around to act as mediator. The only time Karai allows herself to show she cares, are the moments after Leo’s sessions because he is so out of it. She assumes he doesn’t remember enough that she can be a little softer with him, and Leo usually never calls attention to those times, so who knows.
Once Leo spends time with his family, and sees how a healthy sibling relationship should look, he often wonders how things might’ve been different growing up in the safety of the Hamato Clan. When the family learns that Karai is actually their sister, Leo makes it his mission to save her from the Foot Clan.
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hpd--ena · 7 months
Mwahaha feeling silly so physical hcs for every pjsk char.
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Ichika - she has those brown spot thingies that I forgot the name of all over her body. Fingers hurt so so bad bc of plucking on the strings of her guitar. Half-British unfortunately
Saki - cane user :))))) she and l/n decorated it with stickers. Also has star-shaped pupils
Honami - um can't really think of anything for her... :((((( maybe put smth for her in the replies or tags or smth idrc
Shiho - dyed her hair with green highlights. Genderfluid. Fingers hurt for the same reason ichika (but she plays bass ofc)
Minori - not related to the tenmas but has star shaped pupils also! These are 4 sided stars tho unlike the tenmas 5 sided ones.
Haruka - penguin earrings. Gave some to minori so they could match <333 wears earcuffs a lot
Airi - yeah definitely the fang thing ik its canon but I love them so so muchh. also transfem
Shizuku - bit taller than tsukasa. Make my girly tall colopale. She is not shorter than that thing.
Kohane -transfem! Dimple haver too. I also draw her with a little bit of chub and with her glasses cause I love glasses rep :)
An - her skin is real light in canon compared to ken so i draw her with his skin tone. Strong (can lift all of VBS up individually)
Akito - oh lord. Freckles, natural brunette, longer hair, more piercings, including: 2 on his left ear, 3 on his right ear, and a tongue piercing.
Toya - tramsgener ftm. An bought him a len binder and he cherishes it a lot. Flimsy upper body strength
Tsukasa - star piercings! Also star pupils cause that's cool
Emu - lots of bracelets on her arms!
Nene - black nails always has em short. Callouses cause I say so
Rui - real lanky guy. sorta pale </3 lots of bandages on his arms from failed experiments
Kanade - realll messy hair, blue light glasses, also really pale. please go outside
Mafuyu - ftm. i like this for him. <3 no light in his eyes :(
Ena - like akito, she has freckles. Covers it with makeup bc insecurity. Wears contacts
Mizuki - heart shaped pupils! Long eyelashes that make ena jealous.
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project-sekai-facts · 10 months
emurui arc ender (shocked face)
do you have everything about all of their parents? i for some reason can’t find anything about ichika’s mom, rui’s dad or emu’s mother (i may be blind, pretty sure emu’s mother was mentioned and ichika’s mom was aswell. i know she was mentioned in ichika’s introduction but i haven’t seen her in story yet)
The parents who don’t have physical appearances are generally less important and rarely show up or are mentioned (with a few exceptions) but we do learn some things about them from card stories and such. Here’s some stuff I can remember about the faceless/nameless parents
Ichika’s parents met because they liked the same song. It’s where her name comes from.
also her dad reads manga
We don’t know much about her mother. she's nice though.
Saki and Tsukasa’s mother is a piano teacher. Considering that she’s friends with Harumichi, she probably used to play professionally
We don’t know much about their father, but he has a tendency to spoil Saki (mentioned in Tenma Hinamatsuri)
Honami’s mother is a beautician (mentioned in an area conversation iirc) and her father is a hairstylist (mentioned in Petit SEKAI Episode 6)
Shiho and Shizuku’s mother is a koto instructor and their father used to be a guitarist in a band
We don’t know much about Minori’s parents but they show up in STEP by STEP!. They initially had concerns about her switching courses and being a full-time idol, but after seeing that Minori was prepared and determined to be an idol they let her go ahead
We don't know a huge amount about Haruka and Airi's parents either. Similar to Minori, we know they are nice parents and supportive of their idol careers and that's about it.
Haruka's mother is a nail artist. She was worried about Haruka when she was younger because she rarely smiled.
Kohane's dad is a photographer. He's also the one who bought Count Pearl.
According to Kohane, he has a penchant for coming up with weird names
An mentions in MEIKO's 1* card story that her mother, Yuka, is not a good cook.
I think it's stated somewhere that Yuka is a teacher but don't quote me on that
Akito and Ena's mother makes them eat their carrots because she thinks they should at least try to eat the things they don't like.
She's pretty laid-back and thinks her kids should be able to do whatever they want to do. She's meant to be the polar opposite of Mrs Asahina.
In Ena's fes card it's revealed that she kept some of the old art that Ena threw away in case she ever regretted it
Toya's mother used to bake him cookies a lot and that's why he likes them
She was also very overprotective of him when he was younger and basically wouldn't let him do any recreational games or activities in case he injured himself and couldn't play piano.
She taught Toya to play the violin. I'm assuming that she used to play professionally and that's how she met Harumichi.
We don't really know anything about Emu's mother iirc. She's mentioned occasionally but I don't remember her ever appearing off the top of my head. In Smile of Dreamer it's mentioned that she's abroad doing volunteer work in Cambodia.
Nene and Rui's mothers are good friends due to being neighbours. Nene even used to call Rui's mother "auntie" when they were younger. Her mother recorded a lot of her performances from when she was little.
Beyond that we don't really know anything. I don't remember Nene's dad ever appearing but he is mentioned.
Rui's mother is a biologist, as mentioned in Revival my dream. I have a theory that she mainly works in entomology (study of bugs), or maybe more specifically lepidopterology (study of moths and butterflies), because Rui talks a lot about a moth at one point and has books on butterflies in that event. He talks about some other bugs as well.
His dad is a robotics engineer, also mentioned in Revival my dream. He doesn't actually appear though.
Rui's mother had a very similar background to Rui. She was often called weird and eccentric because of her interest in biology and didn't have any friends until meeting Rui's father, who was really into robotics.
We don't know a huge amount about Mafuyu's father. He does push her to achieve as much as her mother does, but he seems to have limits.
We don't know a lot about Mizuki's parents either, but they are very supportive of them and were worried when they started skipping school
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