mikacblack · 2 years
Hola a todos....
Para los que amen el ship Hiji-Kagu traigo un pequeño fanfic. Aquí les dejo el link de Wattpad. Es una historia post final. Espero les guste. Amo Gintama y estos 2 son junto a Gintoki mis personajes favoritos. Besitos y abrazos.
P. D. Soy una principiante pero que hace esta linda historia con cariño💕
Creo que te gustará esta historia: " Yorozuya-Shinsengumi 🏵️(Hiji-Kagu) 🏵️ " de mnjkiu87625401020292 en Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/319823734?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=mnjkiu87625401020292&wp_originator=jvfZSARvTxzq%2FwMALBfMVXZo9PZOqDMEHEwI%2BAzh9dH9TSk7Cv43PMNvedDSENhMpS5Y7MpDURJ0eOd6mKCX3Jj%2FpsKIv6%2BnK8KHvpLk%2FR%2B5yHq15lsjTWhGM4c8ckkA
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razberryyum · 5 years
A Gintama episode a day keeps the ending away...Episode 99
Episode Title: Life And Video Games Are Full Of Bugs
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MY 25 FAVORITE MOMENTS IN EPISODE 99 (manga chaps 148 and 149):
I am already going through Owee withdrawal. Much sadness. Thank the gods that the Shinsengumi Crisis arc is only an episode away. 
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1) I love my bland boys. They are the unsung and often abused heroes of Gintama.
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2) The fact that Zura has this weird housewife fetish somehow just makes him even more endearing.
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3) Dear Jimmy being so proud of his supreme blandness. I love this precious little potato.
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4) There was definitely more going on with Maguko than just her face turning red.
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5) They could use the words “poke” or “hit” all they want, but I firmly believe they were clearly exhibiting their incredible prowess for whacking off.
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7) Bless the anime team for giving us this synchronized dance between my two OTPs.
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8) Kagura-chan really says the weirdest things sometimes. I love her for it.
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9) I felt for Kagura, but I also love Yorozuya on Yorozuya violence.
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10) She looked so happy!
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11) “Smegma” .
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12) I just liked that line.
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13) They looked so good. I really wish they could’ve stayed in that game world for like 10 more episodes.
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14) I love Kagura.
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15) I just really appreciated the direction of this scene: the Elder was actually mostly hiding Hijikata’s coffin from view so when he turned away and it’s revealed that it’s there, it’s especially amusing. 
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16) Gintoki. Is. Riding. Hijikata. Period.
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17) Poor Elder.
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18) Kyaaaa~!!! Kagura just looked SO DAMN COOL!!!
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19) I died.
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20) There is no way in Heaven or Hell I could NOT love this. The background was ESPECIALLY perfect.
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21) Cuz sharing is caring.
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22) The Prince trounces the king.
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23) The Queen trounces Satan, the Great Dark lord, who outranks even the king...which is why she will always trounce The Prince. 
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24) Poor Pachi-kun, victimized by one of his own.
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25) This tableau of carnage courtesy those four intense gamers. Poor Zura’s pleas to Kagura was especially poignant.
Gintoki x Hijikata: they were finishing each other sentences, were both the first to get life points docked, left behind, and then all the stuff with the Elder including teaming up together to fight bandits...how much more obvious can it be that they are a perfect match???
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Okita x Kagura: everything they did was totally in sync with each other, including abandoning their comrades in the game, seeking higher power, and then returning with higher power gained. How much more obvious can it be that they are a perfect match?
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Gintoki x Kagura: she did initially seem sincere in trying to find a cure for him...even though she took the most difficult and time-consuming route possible that would’ve resulted in his death if Gintoki wasn’t a quick-thinker.
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Hijikata x Kagura: really only because of what Hijikata said. 
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Hijikata x Okita: Sougo is always teasing him and so focused on him, borderlines on obsession sometimes.
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Yamazaki x Shinpachi: I know the saying is polar opposites attract and like repel, but maybe blandness is in a different category of its own so it overrules that theory? Like, they are so equally bland that they could easily meld into one amorphous pile of bland goo maybe?
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Disclaimer: Gintama is not only about shipping. Gintama is hilarious, clever, exciting, poignant, heart-breaking, loving, brilliant, and just completely unbelievably amazing.  It is only due to Sorachi-sama’s immense generosity that I am able enjoy Gintama on an extra another level, the shippy level, and I am forever grateful for that. GINTAMA IS LIFE AND LOVE.
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saitouh · 6 years
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He went to get it for her. 
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winter-peonies · 7 years
My Neighbour Is My Boss Chapter 1
Trying to write OkiKagu fanfiction ^^”
Kagura gets a new job as a secretary and Sougo happens to be her boss. What makes matters worse is that he’s also her neighbour...
(Office AU)  
Alongside being on Tumblr, this story is also on FanFiction here
“It’s too early…” Kagura murmured to herself as she stared at her dishevelled self in the mirror slowly brushing all the knots out of her long vermillion hair.
Today was the day she finally became an independent young woman with a stable job – at least she hoped so.
Sakata Kagura was a 21 year old woman who had recently moved out of her foster father’s house in attempt to be a strong young woman who could sustain herself without any help.
She decided it was time to move out of her foster father’s home when her best friend Soyo helped her land a job as a secretary at Shinsengumi Corp. a multi-billion dollar business that Soyo’s father owned. Gintoki was somewhat wary at first because of the rumours of the workers at the business being mostly male, but eventually gave in when Kagura had mentioned the fact that he didn’t have to cover the expenses of feeding the gluttonous girl.
After finishing her make-up, she scanned herself in the mirror and smiled. Kagura wore a white blouse with a black pencil skirt which brought out her curves. She beamed as she slid on a black jacket. Taking another glimpse in the mirror, she thought – no – she knew she looked damn good.
Excitedly, she grabbed her purse and left her apartment and made her way down to her new workplace.
Kagura took a deep breath in as she went through the front door of the building where she met eye contact with a pretty brunette lady working at the front desk who looked slightly older than her. The woman gave Kagura a wave and gestured her to come to the front desk.
“Welcome to Shinsengumi Corporation miss!” the lady warmly greeted. “You must be Kagura, the new secretary for Mr Okita?”
“Uh, yes, that’s me!” Kagura replied with a shy smile and bowed quickly.
“I’m Shimura Tae, but you can just call me Otae.” Otae handed Kagura a lanyard attached to a laminated piece of card with her name and photo on it as well as a keycard. “This keycard lets you use the elevators here and the lanyard is for identification purposes obviously. Do your best not to lose them. If you need any help don’t hesitate to call me! The administration office number should be on a list of phone numbers that should be located at your own desk beside your phone. I know how daunting it is for a first day on the job, so it’s nice to have someone to talk to if you don’t feel comfortable.”
Kagura grinned as she hung the lanyard over her neck. “Thank-you so much Miss Otae!” The young woman looked towards the many elevators that lined up against each other. She’d never seen so many elevators in one building in her entire life. “Uh… What level am I supposed to be on again?”
Otae chuckled and Kagura’s cheek flared with embarrassment. “Mr Okita’s office is on the fifth floor. There’s a sign saying ‘Office of Okita Sougo’ on the directory once you get off the lift, it won’t be hard to miss I promise! Mr Okita is expecting you soon I wish you good luck Kagura!”
“Ah, thank-you Miss Otae!” Kagura gave the older woman a wave as she made her way to the elevator. “I’ll see you later then!”
“Oh and Kagura!”
“Uh… Yes?”
“Don’t be too surprised to Mr Okita’s personality. He may look young and handsome but he can be a bit… insulting sometimes…”
Kagura raised an eyebrow and frowned a little. “What do you mean about that?”
“Oh… You’ll see… But I think you’ll be fine with your charm Kagura!” Otae smiled and waved at the now confused Kagura who then turned around to press the button to go up in the elevator.
The elevator door opened and she stepped in, holding the door for a much older man with blue eyes and black hair.
“Hello!” she said brightly. “Which floor?”
The man’s eyes narrowed as he looked down at the younger girl. “Fifth.” He said flatly as he pressed the button for his floor and to close the elevator doors.
“Ah…” Kagura looked down to her feet embarrassed.
“Sakata Kagura and you’re going to the fourth floor?” the man asked with a gruff tone.
Kagura looked up with bewilderment “Huh? How’d you know?”
“It’s on your lanyard.” The man pointed and rolled his eyes. Kagura looked down and she mentally slapped herself when she noticed her floor number was also on the piece of laminated card. Oh man… the lady at the front desk must have thought she was an idiot when she asked for the floor number. “By the looks of it, you must be the new secretary for Sougo I’m guessing?”
“You know him?” Kagura tilted her head to the side with curiousity.
“I certainly do know that young bastard.” The man chuckled. “Don’t let that man give you a hard time kid. He may be one of the most attractive guys here in the place but trust me, he’s an asshole.”
Kagura’s heart sank. “Wow thanks… uh-”
“Hijikata. Call me Hijikata.” The man held out his hand and looked down at Kagura.
Kagura shook his hand and to her surprise, he had quite a strong grip. And to be honest, he looked kind of cute too. “Nice to meet you Mr Hijikata.” To her relief, they had finally reached her floor and she quickly turned around to leave to elevator before she could face the older man with a slight blush on her face. “I-I’ll see you later then.” She squeaked as she quickly rushed off.
“See ya kid.”
Read Chapter 2 here
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yumisakiokita-blog · 7 years
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HijiKagu ♡
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ginkagu12 · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0qWuSEFV3w)
GinHijiKagu or HijiKaguGin or GinKagu x HijiKagu ? XDDD
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gura-san15 · 6 years
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espero les guste mi versión del live action <3 
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xferneunx · 10 years
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razberryyum · 6 years
A Gintama chapter a day keeps the ending away...Lesson 459
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So much OkiKagu cuteness...I wish the arc hadn’t ended so soon, even though Kagura spent most of it immobilized and helpless, and at the mercy of Okita’s sadism and everyone else’s stupidity....
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Moment 1: That is like the cutest funeral photo ever.
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Moment 2: He brought her a rose! Awwww!!! I don’t care if his intentions weren’t the purest, the most important thing is he brought her a rose in front of everyone!
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Moment 3: Again, I don’t care about his intentions, the rose! The rose is what matters! But seriously, what a cute, totally evil face.
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Moment 4: Sougo is seriously uber sadistic. The King, everyone.
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Moment 5: I know Kagura-chan was totally suffering, but honestly, I just have the biggest grin throughout this entire sequence every time I see it.
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Moment 6: The conveyor belt of death strikes again!
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Moment 7: I think Tama-chan did more damage to Kagura-chan than Okita did. Holy crap. Kagura’s poor eyeballs.
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Moment 8: Tama, Kyuu-chan, Tsukky, and Sacchan are a lethal combination at funerals.
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Moment 9: These two adorable morons. 
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Moment 10: Zura!!! I was so happy that despite the fact the funeral procession was practically swarming with cops and the military, he still showed up to pay his respects to his “leader”. How sweet is that???
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Moment 11: This moronic and suicidal opportunist.
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Moment 12: Look at Zura’s tears!!! The man was BAWLING! Seriously, how freaking sweet was that???!!!
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Moment 13: My heart clenched a little when they presented Kagura with the umbrella. That was so sweet.
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Moment 14: Honestly, I was kinda hoping at least Gin-chan was in on the joke, which would explain why he didn’t seem as sad as I thought he would be if Kagura had really died, but based on this, I guess he took it seriously, so I felt pretty disappointed that he didn’t even shed a tear for her. Of course I loved the arc overall, but this part never really sat right with me.
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Moment 15: A family that gets cremated together, stay together.
Okita x Kagura: to everyone else, Sougo’s reaction was for real so they must have thought he really had feelings for Kagura, which means in everyone’s eyes, THEY ARE CANON.
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Gintoki x Sacchan and Gintoki x Kagura: because Sacchan felt so freaking threatened by Kagura, like she was a serious rival for Gin-chan’s affections.
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Kagura x Hijikata: I just think it’s cute when Kagura calls Hijikata “Toshi”.
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Kondou x Otae (or Hijikata x Otae): I mean, she thanked both of them so take your pick...or you could count them as a threesome if you’d like.
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Hijikata x Zura: that’s probably one of the most shippiest moment they’ve had in the so far...at least that’s what it felt like to me.
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Disclaimer: Gintama is not only about shipping. Gintama is hilarious, clever, exciting, poignant, heart-breaking, loving, brilliant, and just so freaking amazing.  It is only due to Sorachi-sama’s generosity that I can enjoy Gintama on yet another level, the shippy level, and I am forever grateful for that. GINTAMA IS LIFE AND LOVE.
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yumisakiokita-blog · 7 years
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HijiKagu 💜💚💙
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xferneunx · 10 years
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senriitsu · 11 years
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razberryyum · 6 years
A Gintama chapter a day keeps the ending away...Lesson 506
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Even though I didn’t choose any of the exposition scenes as my favorites, I did find all the Iga and Oniwabanshuu history fascinating. I loved the developing story and at this point, I remember being still distressed by everything that Zenzou was doing because I couldn’t figure out what was going on.
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1) I was both impressed and concerned about the sheer number of enemies surrounding our gang. They looked completely outnumbered!
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2) All the fight scenes in this arc are awesome, it’s impossible not to love them as I come across each one.
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3) The stark image of the two of them being completely surrounded by the enemy was chilling.
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4) I wish their fight wasn’t over, but I loved that they tried to kill each other up until the last minute.
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5) I wanted this fugly ape piece of shit to DIE for putting his stinking ape foot on our beautiful Queen. 
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6) I think I screamed...I mean, of course at the back of my mind I knew it wasn’t possible for this nobody to kill Kagura, but the blood and Gintoki’s shocked expression totally got to me.
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8) He’s so damn gorgeous as a ninja. Is this man ever capable of NOT looking beautiful?
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9) Kondou looked pretty cool too. And it was sweet that he would be the one to save his future bro-in-law.
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10) SHI-CHAN!!!! Ok, one of my favorite moments in this arc because his appearance immediately absolved Zenzou of his murder AND that was a pretty damn cool entrance. In retrospect, I do feel bad for doubting Zenzou in the first place and I really should’ve guessed the man he “assassinated” was a decoy, especially since he was so ready to let Abuto examine the head. That’s usually a good sign it’s a ruse.  
Okita x Kamui: I refuse to believe they weren’t flirting. I mean, come on, they even gave each other pet names. “Policeman”. “Villain”. Get a room already, you two.
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Kondou x Hijikata: if I shipped them, I would totally be fangirling over all the back-to-back fighting going on like they were one unit.
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Gintoki x Sacchan: by now, anytime Sacchan is near Gintoki, I have to count them out of respect for her. But I was both impressed and glad by how professional she was throughout this whole ordeal. 
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Hijikata x Kagura: her “Toshiiii” like they were close was adorable, and he did come to her rescue.
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Disclaimer: Gintama is not only about shipping. Gintama is hilarious, clever, exciting, poignant, heart-breaking, loving, brilliant, and just so freaking amazing.  It is only due to Sorachi-sama’s generosity that I can enjoy Gintama on yet another level, the shippy level, and I am forever grateful for that. GINTAMA IS LIFE AND LOVE.
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1ss1 · 12 years
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...god knows this is HijiKagu.... -covers face-
though I really REALLY love Okikagu I still screamed at the part where toshi was asking for a plate for kagura at kyubei's house
... I thought was already a yaoifan when I first watched gintama years ago...? QUQ
besides I actually prefer HijiGin
...ok my pic has nothing to do w/ that episode
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ginkagu12 · 9 years
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Which one do you prefer?
? :3
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