pinkconkonut · 2 years
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holding back tears rn
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go-diane-winchester · 5 years
A Generational study of Misha's wackydoodle fanbase.
This was the first post I ever did, on my blog.  The post did very well, and that was because the hellers were reblogging and adding their own captions to the post, and other dumber hellers were leaving a like.  So essentially they were creating traffic for my post without realizing it.  Because their nasty fingerprints are all over this post, I want to repost an edited version with updated information and less typos.  I remembered this post because of this interesting comment.
''In Twitter, in their own words, they have from 2 up 10 accounts. A lot of free time, I assume. I barely have time to enter tumblr xD''
Immediately, the Profound Bonds census came to mind.  I remember seeing a prominent amount of children.  And on one page, there was only one 37 year old.  I was surprised.  I wish I could use a screenshot of that page, but the hellers deleted the entire census.  I wonder why.  The above comment and the census, is the reason I am reposting an amended version of this. 
Impassioned fans can be very annoying.  Like any fanatic, [in the words of Spike Milligan] they don't enjoy their favorite art.  They suffer from it.  However, most of the time, you find a way to chill with them, and you will be able to have a conversation about something or the other.  You might even share their enthusiasm, unless they start behaving creepily and nauseating you.  The hellers are the latter breed of freak.  They are the creepiest, most nauseating but most mobilized and active part of this fandom, because they have a hierarchy that operates their entire system.  There are influencers and drones.  Seeing an influencers will give you the impression that hellers are a group of grown women, however, that is not the case.  Only the influencer are older.  The drones are young.  Sometimes painfully young.
Understanding slash is one of the things that allowed me to understand why these people are so subservient towards Misha, and why they never question him.  There are other factors like his cult leader behavior, however, there is a particular group that he targets and he uses social media to do it.  Slash is almost a century old.  And each generation behaved in a specific way, regarding slash fiction.  The earlier generations were very covert.  It may have had something to do with modesty.  It may also have had something to do with “outsiders ruining our  fun”.  As far as Supernatural is concerned,  three generations of slash fans are represented. 
I am using the word generation here, from a marketing demographic perspectives, because this seems like the most sensible way to categorize slash fans.  Believe me, I am fully aware I am over simplifying this.  I am trying to write a short blog.  In no way, am I throwing shade at your generation.  I just like mine the most. lol!!!
There are three major generations in this fandom, that indulge in slash fiction:
Generation X:  These are slash fans born between 1965 and 1979.
Generation Y aka Millenials:  These are slash fans born between 1980 and 1994. 
Generation Z aka Centennials:  These are slash fans born after 1994. 
Generation X is that last generation of classic slashers.  This is a covert group that doesn’t like to share its artworks and works of fiction with outsiders.  If they remained underground and secret forever, they wouldn’t mind.  And if that mindset remained, nobody would even know that slash fiction exists.  As a member of this generation, I wish that things had stayed this way, but understand that society changes.  Its evitable.  Gen Xers usually don’t ship just one pair because it would seem a little foolhardy to pin all your slashy happiness on one pair that you put together.  There are plenty of pretty fish in the sea and we tend to mix 'n match.  There may be pairings we will like more than others, but generally speaking, we don't have issues with working through a cast like a buffet and enjoying different pairings. 
Younger generations of J2 fans were influenced by this generation's writings and therefore share the same opinions.  If there are any destiel shippers in this group, three suppositions are likely.  First, they are either, hidden away from social media and don't know about this death threat drama, and they don't have any frenzied love for destiel where it blinds them.  Misha is not influencing them via social media either.  They have a life and destiel is just their pass time.  Or, they are influencers who are older and therefore that sway the minds of younger people.  I theorize, however, that most of the destiel shippers in this generation deserted the ship and moved on.
The Y generation or millenial brought two changes to slash fiction.  From a western standpoint, this generation started to become inclusive and politically correct, making their work LGBT oriented rather than hetero/bi female oriented to the detriment of the artform.  The greatest irony is that mpreg [the last remnance of femininity] was born at the tail end of this generation.  My previous theory about this group was wrong.  I thought they were a quiet group.  But no.  All the Lua Jame's, Janelle's and Exorcising Emily's are coming this group.  This means that the influencers, the first users of social media in other words, are from this generation.  Perhaps, the normal non-criminal thinking, nice destiel shippers come from this generation too. 
Generation Z or centennials are the youngest generation, making them the least experienced, with the least filter.  They don’t think before they speak, but boy do they have a lot to say.  They tend to use social justice and politics to push the validity of their ship.  They are like junkies when it comes to their ship and Misha Collins is the only dealer they have.  They look for other dealers which is why they tend to ask all and sundry, what their opinion is with regard to destiel. 
They based their opinion of that person, on how that person responds to destiel.  Its like a pothead who only likes people who say that smoking pot is ok.  And if that person is indifferent to destiel, they will collectively attack that individual.  The only reason is because they are young.  Its only when I looked at their census, that I realized that many of them are as young as 13.  So most of them are children.  In Misha's heller army, these kids are the soldiers, bashing Jensen and Jared online and voting for Misha to win an award.  Lets hope their taste chances as they grow. 
Misha and his influencer, have convinced these people that what they feel is true, and because they are still young, they don't know any better.  Even a non heller might feel insulted by this analysis of an entire generation but believe me.  I am not critiquing you.  I am merely pointing out that your brain doesn't fully develop until you hit 40.  You are not a child, I concur.  But you are not a complete adult.  Get to my age, look back at life, and realize how many times circumstances forced you to change your opinion about various subjects.   I wager that about ten years from now, the hellers will look back at their behavior and cringe.  They don't know any better and the adults around them are not teaching them to do the right thing.
So Misha’s primary fanbase are a bunch of children, who are spread around the globe, and who don't affect of the ratings, have generally no money of their own so they cant buy seats for his panel or photo-ops or raise a decent amount for anything he is auctioning.  They couldn't attend Indycon so it flopped.  Not that he has that many fans to start with.  And they don’t recognize that Misha is trolling them with destiel, because they are too young to understand. 
Misha has the dumbest cult following ever, because he attached him to Jensen and Dean.  And Jensen doesn't even spend anytime with Misha outside of work.  So the shippy calling card Misha waves will catch fire in his hands.  He is also attracting children and they will grow up to eventually change their mind and taste in men.  The influencers are likely to stick with him, unless they get bored with the lack of Jensen and move on.  So consequently, Misha and his hellers wont benefit each other in the long run. 
I have a feeling there may still be typos.  Excuse them, please.
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rose-of-pollux · 7 years
Another short MFU piece
Written for today’s short affair prompt at Section VII.
Summary: In which Napoleon and the cat reminisce with the photo album while Illya takes his morning swim.  Post-retirement.
Notes: There are two versions of this piece.  This is the slash version (also cross-posted to AO3).  There is a gen version on my dreamwidth if you’d prefer reading that.  The two blurbs are mostly identical, but with a few differences.
Napoleon was getting used to finding things to do while Illya went out for a morning swim.  This morning’s diversion was going through his photo album; Baba Yaga, disliking the water as much as he did, seemed very interested in the photographs that Napoleon was going through.
“Each one of these has so many memories,” he murmured to the cat.  “Look, that’s the day Illya found you…”  The picture was indeed Illya, cooing over the Egyptian Mau kitten that was now grown-up and still with them, even after their retirement from U.N.C.L.E.; she was still going strong—with no signs of slowing down.
“Oh, and there’s this one…” Napoleon said, fondly, as he pointed to it.  It was a picture he had taken in front of a mirror, with Illya, holding Baba Yaga as he stood with barely-hidden exasperated look as he watched Napoleon take the picture of them.  “A family photo!”
Most of the photographs were ones that Napoleon had taken—Illya was in the majority of them, though there were a few of Napoleon, and some were of them together, taken by other people.
The turned the page of the album and paused at a photo he hadn’t taken—it was Baba Yaga with a mouse in her mouth; a caption beneath it, written in Illya’s handwriting, read “First Successful Hunt!”
“He went on about that all day,” Napoleon recalled.  “I’m sorry I missed it.”
“Yeah, I know you gave it to me—that’s how our landlady found out about you…  Not that I didn’t appreciate the thought behind it, but, ah, I wasn’t a big fan of dead mice on my pillow…  I guess the scream made that clear.”
Baba Yaga gently nudged his cheek with her nose; he smiled and gently pet her on the head, causing her to purr like a motorboat.
“Alright, my dear, now I’m going to show you something that must remain absolutely secret from Illya; he’s been after these pictures since he’s learned of their existence for the sole purpose of destroying them…”
He gently withdrew some Polaroids from under the jacket he had placed on the album cover.  “Look at these—these were from an affair when Illya had to go undercover during Eurovision in 1968.”
Illya had been bedecked in shades of blue—cerulean, metallic blue, sky blue, aqua—and dressed to look like a stylized peacock.  It had been Janet Jerrod’s idea, who had been on the mission with them in a consultant capacity, given her background in show business.  Both Napoleon and Janet had thought that Illya had looked absolutely beautiful.  Illya, on the other hand, had not, and had gone on a quest to destroy every bit of photographic evidence of his costume.  These Polaroids were the sole survivors.
“What do you think?” Napoleon asked the cat.
Baba Yaga’s response was to purr even more loudly, prompting Napoleon to grin.
“I am so glad you’re on my side for this one,” he said, slipping the Polaroids back in their hiding place.  “I’m really impressed with myself on this, actually—he’s been through this photo album so many times, and yet he’s never found them…”
Napoleon turned the page back from where he had left off, and chuckled as he saw another one of the pictures.
“Well, what do you know?” he mused.  “Take a look at this.  Here’s one that you took—sort of…”
It was a blurry picture of him and Illya together, kissing; Napoleon had left his camera on the coffee table, and as Baba Yaga had jumped up on the table to investigate, her paw had ended up landing on the camera such that a picture had been taken.
“Not bad, considering you took it without thumbs…”
The Mau meowed again—first at him, and then at Illya, who had finished his swim and was returning to them, wrapped in a towel.
“Going through those photos again?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Napoleon grinned. “When we were young and spry…”
“Please don’t have another mid-life crisis now,” Illya teased.
“Nah.  Looking at these photos, I’m content with the knowledge that the three of us have had it pretty good.”
“Ah, Dorogoy, I do not need photos to tell me that,” Illya said, looking at him, fondly.  “I realize it every time I see the two of you with me.”  He turned the page and paused as he saw a photo of the two of them at an U.N.C.L.E. office party; George must have taken the picture, as both Napoleon and Illya were in this one.  Illya, holding Baba Yaga, was smiling in the picture—a rare capture indeed—and the source of his mirth was Napoleon, who had been captured in a moment of laughter, holding onto Illya’s shoulder for support.  A second photo, taken moments later, was of the two of them looking at each other lovingly, and Baba Yaga glancing up at them, the three of them oblivious to the rest of the world.
Napoleon could see Illya’s heart melt at the sight of that photograph.
“Still, it’s nice to see them, isn’t it?” he asked, and Illya nodded fervently.  “You know, I wonder what happened to the handsome, young couple in this photo…”
“Don’t you know?” Illya asked, kissing him.  “They, and the cat, lived happily ever after.”
Napoleon smiled and kissed him back as Baba Yaga punctuated the conversation with more purrs.
“They certainly are.”
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