#I THINK I designed the other OC? idk it's been forever since the two came to be
darkycakedoodles · 10 months
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ayo? I actually doodled a thing? Alrighty.
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chthonicgodling · 4 months
10 for chal and 18 for pho and icy ?
Ty!!! again questions from here w ocs from here - aaaand again behind a cut cause LONG Lmfao aaughhhh
10- If they have a love interest how much of their character is tailored to be compatible to that person? (Re: Chal)
FENIXE AND I DIDNT PLAN CHAL AND BEL GETTING TOGETHER AT AAAAALLLL just like everything we’ve ever done it just sort of happened! So Chal was pretty solidly the way she was since before Bel, BUT certain traits of hers did definitely end up becoming emphasized just by nature of putting the two of them next to each other especially one specific thing like
The thing about Bel is that, as a mindreader and also as a split god linked to his own twin sibling, Bel’s not…. good at…….. communicating his own thoughts and feelings? Like Bel’s always been used to Ty just knowing everything about him all the time cause the two of them are ALWAYS in each others heads they can’t turn it off. That’s not to say Bel isn’t extremely well spoken and emotionally intelligent he just uh. Forgets to Do That On The Outside.
‘Cause then you put him next to someone like Chal who is not only incredibly imperceptive of how other people are feeling (she has gotten so much better with this but lmao still!!) but also NOT in tune with her OWN thoughts and emotions, and so all of that “Chal-ness” about Chal just jumped way more intensely to the forefront. Bel’s always poker faced and never reveals what he’s feeling - Chal, his partner, is frantically babbling every single thing she’s thinking and experiencing the second anything pops into her head. Bel himself summed up pretty concisely a while ago (yes I went back to 2017 to find tbis exact quote lol) - “I think the way we love each other is different.  You're more intense, I'm more subtle.”
so was that on PURPOSE okay no like I said Chal was never designed with Bel specifically in mind but. Is this something about Chal that’s become more pronounced as she developed alongside Bel! yyeeessss. So to foil alongside Bel Chal has gotten LOUDER and BABBLIER
fun fact re all of this though that idk if I’ve ever shared - they have had MANY conversations about their extreme communication differences cause it has caused problems due to Chal not!! being able to read minds and Bel!! forgetting that not everyone can read minds!!!!! They have a rule set up between them that Chal can ask at any time “what are you thinking” and Bel will always answer honestly no exceptions 💞 Chal asks this 40 times a day and it’s become so second nature to them that she’s even occasionally slipped up and done it to like, Tory, Gany, lol
18- What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC? (Re: Icy & Pho)
the way these are both Chal related cause the last time they were really around in canon doing anything was around her lmfao—
For Icy: I’ve yet to formally do anything about this in canon but Icy’s still on and off crushing on Chal solely because I think it’s really funny so i’m stalling as long as possible since Neo and Icy are forever endgame anyway. HOWEVER I have discovered in my daydream planning that the way Icy will finally and definitively stop fawning over her is gonna be the moment he finally has an actual in depth conversation with Chal in order to discover that Chal, just like Icy, is an anxious wreck disaster - maybe even more so - and the shock of looking in a metaphorical mirror will be enough to knock some sense back into him. No way can Icy be the put together confident one in a relationship they can’t BOTH be falling apart aahhhh. Icy’s gonna realise that he can only date an opposite! HMM WHO’S ICY’S POLAR OPPOSITE AND CONVENIENTLY HIS BEST FRIEND AT HIS SIDE —
For Pho: this came to light for me the moment Pho and Chal actually met each other in canon cause I hadn’t realized how Pho was going to behave until he was behaving as such (I said, as the person responsible for writing and controlling all of these characters — shhhhhhhh) — is the discovery that Pho REALLY can’t stand Chal and it’s NOT for any of the reasons anyone else has hated her lmfao?! Literally nothing to do with Thanatos?!?!!
Pho and his dayglo glitter projection self has always existed outside of “time” in the sense that since like, physical age 4 onwards Pho has never actually ACTED his age, babbling in competent paragraphs due to his powers as a brain-mental(dream) god advancing him well beyond typical development. Kid-not-really-a-kid. Who else in the palace was merely kid-shaped but actually mentally existing well beyond their physical age???
Why, mindreading mindgods Ty and Bel of course, who froze themselves deliberately in the shape of children at age 7ish to be 7 forever with their big sister Meli, despite their powers advancing them outside the confines of age and space and time. they’re mind gods - they’re every mind!
and that’s a lonely life to live forever but not when you have a glittery buddy who’s also masquerading the same way to hang out with :-) besties! Except of course then Bel and Ty moved to Chal’s house— and dropped the facade, for Chal’s sake, to actually appear as the adults they were. For Chal’s sake! happily ever after for Chal!
…well. then. Pho was quite dismayed to discover that his besties weren’t kids to hang out with anymore. they didn’t even tell him fffdkfkff whoops??? like they just showed up at the palace again all different and Pho hanging out there with Icy was like what the FUCK??? so when Pho finally met Chal the discovery - suddenly became very clear to me that he harbors QUITE a bit of jealous resentment against her for “taking Bel and Ty away” and uhhh. will this be a grudge Pho holds forever?! maybe lmao! everyone’s oblivious no one can read Pho’s mind cause it’s all glitter sooooo……….. hm…….. keeping that one in the back of my mind……
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volvolts · 3 years
trying again. im gonna talk about my ocs. its pretty long and kinda incoherent idk
first start with robin
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idk how to make the picture smaller so im sorry
- her name is robin wright and she’s 17
- her mom is a cyberneticist and her dad is a neurosurgeon. they do research on cyborg’s disease and have a company that makes prosthetics. they’re really rich because if it
- robin also had a twin brother named ronan (she’s the younger twin btw). he died when they were 15 because he had a rare case of cyborg’s disease in the brain. his death was so traumatizing for her that she doesn’t remember the months surrounding his death. she doesn’t even remember the funeral
- after ronan’s death, robin’s parents put her into isolation for two years. they pulled her out of her classes and activities and she barely got human interactions during this time
- eventually she had enough and begged to be allowed out which they do--as long as she has a bodyguard with her at all times. the problem? robin had a hard time getting along with most of them. in fact, ryuji is kind of a last resort. if she doesn’t get on well with him, she’ll most likely be isolated until further notice
random facts
- she’s really smart, a natural genius you could say. she was on her third year in college before she was pulled from it (she’s studying to be a neurosurgeon like her father). she’s one of those organized highlighter/color coded note takers too
- robin is a very compassionate person and is compelled to help others as much as she can. 
- stubborn and determined, she’ll pursue nearly everything and won’t back down until she has answers. sometimes she doesn’t know when to stop and accidentally oversteps her boundaries. it’s not because she’s needlessly nosy but because she wants to know the whole story before she can help them
- she has a overactive imagination and would end up thinking up outlandish ideas to fill in the blanks of things she doesn’t know
- robin is one of those people who’s polite and reserved if she doesn’t know you but will talk your ear off when she’s comfortable with you
- she closer with her father, which is why she’s studying the same subject that he works in
- both of her parents are incredibly successful and she’s expected to do something similar so she has a lot on her shoulders
- she hasn’t worked a day in her life but she has unusually strong endurance and stamina
- she has a dog! he’s a golden retriever and his name is beck. he’s an old dog and she loves him very much 
next is ryuji
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- his name is ryuji lor and he’s 22
- he also goes by “ryder” (technically he’s supposed to go by that throughout most of my half-baked story because he never told anyone is real name but that’s beside the point)
- he’s a quarter japanese and three quarters se asian (not really sure what kind yet but im thinking somewhere within the vietnam/laos area)
- a bit of TW: FAMILY ABUSE in this passage so skip if it bothers you:  his mom got pregnant with him while she was in college and because her boyfriend bailed on her and stress of the pregnancy and burnout she dropped out and went back to her family. she was seen as “the good one” of the family and was expected to get a good job to get her family out of poverty however when she came back they were incredibly bitter that she “failed” and would verbally and emotionally put her down. They also blamed ryuji because if he wasn’t born then she wouldn’t have dropped out and he was often ostracized because of it. 
- fortunately he and his mom left when he turned 5. they lived in a small apartment and had to get lots of help from neighbors and friends to make ends meet (mostly to babysit ryuji while his mom worked). ryuji vowed to get smart and get a good job to give his mother the life she deserves (and partly because he feels a part of her really does hate him and he wants to make it up to her somehow because if he doesn’t, was he just a parasite like what his aunts and uncles said?)
- when he turned 10, his mom got married and how he has two moms. they’re hard on him but it’s from a place of love so he tries his best to be a good son by studying and staying out of trouble
- at 17, ryuji has a bit of hope ahead of him. he has a part time job, good grades, and maybe a scholarship if he could qualify. suddenly he’s diagnosed with cyborg’s disease in his eyes and arm. they can’t afford either of his surgeries, let alone one. and that’s not going into the prosthetics and rehab afterwards. at night when they think he’s asleep, ryuji hears his moms arguing about how they’ll be able to afford any of it and what they’ll have to do to pay for it. 
- he can’t take it anymore. he runs away
- he ends up in a city he doesn’t recognize and is just allowing himself to die but he gets saved by irving, a back alley repair doctor. he gets prosthetics thanks to her but is now in a massive debt so he works as her assistant and also finds other jobs on the side to repay it
- his backstory is getting really long so things happen in ryuji’s attempt to make money and he ends up also working with ace, who leads an organized crime group, as a handler whose job is to fight/intimidate/kill whoever. 
- a sudden coincidence also ends up working as robin’s bodyguard which starts everything. honestly he’s didn’t want to do this job at first but robin’s parents are willing to pay a good amount of money and it allows him to have time away from his jobs with ace
random facts
- he’s left hand but learned to be ambidextrous, however he’ll usually default to his left hand
- he wore glasses when he was younger (near sighted; it was super bad but he didn’t like it)
- he’s afraid of dogs. it’s not a full on phobia but they make him uneasy because of a childhood thing. (he’s more of a cat person and maybe pets a few stray cats that come across his house every once in a while)
- he doesn’t like people staring at him. he feels self-conscious because of the scar on his face and the shadowed bags under his eyes and people staring at him don’t help
- ryuji is really good with prosthetics repair and can go into in-depth discussions about the mechanics of it all; he actually really enjoys working on it and actually helped design his own arm
- he’s really smart but he had to work really hard to get there and because he never finished his education, he doesn’t really think he is either
- ryuji tries to give off a “i don’t care about anyone” bravado to try and distance himself from everything. but he really cares. like a lot. the few people he has in his life right now, he’s ride or die for them
- ryuji works himself to death to ignore his problems. he’s afraid if he stops moving, he’ll buckle under the pressure and stop forever
- he has a knife hidden in his prosthetic forearm which he will use if he feels threatened. (it’s probably a stiletto knife or something idk yet)
- ryuji is an early riser; waking up at 9 am feels like sleeping in to him. he’s not even that much of a morning person, its mostly out of habit
then there’s castor
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- his name is castor oda and he’s 24
- he’s japanese
- he lived in a really strict and controlling family who owned a business where he had his entire life planned out for him up to who he was going to marry. he’s always been angry about it because he has older siblings who will take over the company and it’s clear that more of a control and image thing than anything else
- when he went to college, it was his first time actually be away from his family and became friends with a guy named ben. 
- ben helped castor when his family kicked him out at 19 and gave him a place to stay until he could get back on his feet
- castor loved ben like a brother and is forever grateful for him
- ben mysteriously disappeared when they were 21 and everyone is pretty sure he’s dead but no one knows why
- castor wants to find closure on what happened because he’s definitely sure there’s something shady going on and he’s going to find out what.
- he’s an information broker, occasionally crossing paths with ace to relay and gather info but for the most part, castor has been working alone
- when he’s not doing that though, he works as a barista at a coffee shop
random facts
- he has cyborg’s disease in his right arm and when he lived with his family, he was deeply self-conscious about it
- he hasn’t spoken to his parents since they kicked him out but he still talks to his siblings sometimes; he’s the youngest child with two older sisters
- he always had an inkling that ben had romantic feelings for him, which was unrequited, and castor always felt a little guilty that he never reciprocated or that they never got to talk about it
- castor always wears his red scarf no matter the occasion or weather; he has more scarves but he just likes the red one the best
- people think he’s like calm and collected but in reality he’s an impulsive, emotional driven idiot just like the rest of us
- however he is the master of the polite business smile because of his strict upbringing
- he’s a rather disorganized person
next is irving
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- her name is ellie irving and she’s 35
- she’s half black, half white
- i don’t have that much solidified for her backstory yet so it might change fyi
- irving had been doing cybernetic research back in college but someone plagiarized her work and submitted their paper before she came forward
- because the paper was published before she published hers, SHE was initially hit with backlash of plagiarism
- eventually they try to sort it out but in the end, while she proved she didn’t plagiarize the other, she couldn’t prove that she came up with the research first and they just terminated the both her and the plagiarist
- she was barred from going into higher cybernetics research and honestly she’s still a bit bitter about it
- she went into prosthetics repair instead but still struggled to find work because of her alleged reputation, which many still believed she stole another’s work
- eventually she manages to open up a shop that specializes in prosthetic repairs and replacements
random facts
- she’s really harsh and aloof, however she cares in her own way
- honestly irving doesn’t believe herself to be a good person due to how she feels she let herself to bitterly sulk in her anger for so long
- she smokes a bit but she’s trying to cut back lately
- irving won’t pry if you come to her with a broken arm and you need help; she’ll fix you up and leave it at that and allow you to come to her yourself
- she’s incredibly observant and can tell if your lying with just a glance
- she doesn’t know that ryuji works for ace; she’s concerned when he seems more tired than usual but she doesn’t know how to pry
last one cuz im tired
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his name is ace (i don’t have a last name for him) and he’s 32
- he owns an organized crime ring; im thinking he’s connected to something bigger and possibly something with the black market
- not much is known about him but he’s a charismatic man and has the intimidation factor 
- he flips his demeanor a lot. one minute he’s jovial and kind then the next he’ll give you thinly veil threats. he mostly does it to keep people on their toes so it’s a power thing
- begrudgingly he’s the closest thing to a father figure ryuji is gonna get
- also the jacket ryuji always wears? it’s a gift from ace
and that’s all i got so far! i have a lot more ocs but i don’t have have a lot of backstory for them yet. let me know what you think of these guys and feel free to ask questions!
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ahurumustdie · 3 years
woah you're writing a book? thats so cool!! if ur comfortable, whats it about? what are the characters like? im curious
‘if i’m comfortable’ dude i could talk about my book forever, i’m just gonna give you some dot points tho bc otherwise this’ll get too long
it’s called ‘Nobodies Hero’ and that’s because the story is written from the perspective of a side character who never wanted to be dragged on some quest
the basic gist of the plot: a rag-tag group of queer young-adults embark on a quest to stop the awakening of a dragon who’s been encased in lava for the past thousand years. ft gentle romance, trauma, and a severe lack of cishet people.
The Main Characters
Keika: he’s very... standoff-ish and snarky at first and even as you get to know him he mostly communicates through sarcasm and eye rolls. this is mostly bc he’s really bad at social interactions bc he kept to himself a lot as a kid (he was angry and hurting) and also because he struggles with being vulnerable around anyone other than his sister. he slowly comes out of his shell and becomes more emotionally developed as the story progresses. as he gets closer to his quest-mates, you begin to see that Keika’s very loyal and will do almost anything if it will benefit himself or his loved ones. he’s also a librarian and he’s v booksmart.
Ahuru: she’s pretty much the opposite of her brother, all bright smiles and easy attitude. she’s always willing to help people, sometimes at the risk of putting herself in danger (mentally or physically), this is mostly because she thinks that she needs to make everyone happy all the time so that they’ll keep her around. she inherited the town apothecary from her previous mentor and is now known as the best healer in their town (and their neighbouring town). she’s not actually in the story too much bc she stays in their home town but Keika talks about her a lot throughout their journey.
Cecily: she is a sorcerer who specialises in earth and plant based magic. she’s incredibly protective of the people she cares about and will always stand up for anyone who needs it. she can be really nosy because she wants to make sure everyone’s okay, but she knows where to draw the line and is mostly just a shoulder to cry on when needed. she’s also very outwardly affectionate, and mostly shows her love through gift giving (she makes her wife flower crowns that never die) or spending time together. when Atlas first meets her, she’s a street performer in the outskirts of the royal city as well as a postal worker. she’s got two older brothers (a seamster and a trans blacksmith) who helped raise her after their parents died of illness.
Ahria (my beloved): the warrior/weapon user/fighter of the group!! she was training to be a knight until she decided she didn’t really want to work for the government or anything like that bc they’ve got so many stupid rules that don’t really help anyone, so she dropped out in her late teens and started working as an apprentice blacksmith. she’s proficient in a lot of weapons because of this and she can f i x  t h e m. she’s very protective of people who can’t fend for themselves and has a zero-tolerance-policy for abusers (if she sees you raise a hand to anyone she’ll cut it off.) like Keika she seems a bit standoff-ish at first, but that because she’s suspicious of strangers. once she’s decided that you’re not a threat she begins to act a bit like a parent, constantly making sure you’re looking after yourself and staying out of trouble. she’s slow to trust but once she does she’d lay her life down for you and if you betray that trust... aaa. she’s also very tall and buff and has a big sword and she always wears a flower crown bc her wife makes them and she loves them and im in love with her.
Atlas: the resident sunshiney optimist and the leader of the group (aka the actual hero of the story.) he’s quick to make others feel safe and welcome in his company and his first response to a situation is to be kind. most people see this as naivety and weakness; but it’s mostly your fault if you end up with a fist to the face if you attempt to take advantage of his kindness. Atlas is not a soft person, he is just a nice one. his older sister is his hero and she always taught him about how mean people are often just hurting, and that sometimes offering a hand up is the quickest way to prevent them from kicking your legs out from underneath you. but she also always taught him to get up and hit back. he’s also a sorcerer like Cecily, but he kinda dabbles in all different kinds of magic so he’s kind of a jack-of-all-trades type. Atlas is still kinda murky for me because i’ve only recently begun to properly flesh out his character and his design but i’ve got some of the basics down (:
as a quick note: Keika, Ahuru and Ahria are based off of the maori people, Cecily is a black woman and Atlas is a mixed race man with vitiligo 
genuinely thank you so much for asking about this because,,, i love them and the story so much, i’ve been working on this for actual years (the story first came to life in 2016 and has gone through several dramatic make-overs since then) and Keika is actually my oldest OC!! and idk i just love talking about them and bringing their story to life as much as i can seeing as i still haven’t actually written it.
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shortmania · 5 years
If Olga had children, what do you imagine they would be like?
Oh, I created a batch of those years ago. This pic’s from 2014:
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To create OC kids, there’s a lot of junk you have to consider. Mother, father, family, parenting styles, income, environment, and all the ways these things might come together to form a person. And thinking about Olga as a mother has always been… fucking hysterical, honestly. Like can you imagine? Can you stand it? I’ve only ever been able to think about it in short bursts because it’s too much for me. It’s too much. 
There’s also The Patakis to think about, and the ways Olga is likely to change as she gets older. Lucky for my sanity, I see her developing into a calmer, wiser, less chaotic sort of person. Less luckily, I don’t see this being a particularly significant development. It doesn’t matter if she’s 20 or 50, she’ll always be Olga Pataki and Olga Pataki is ridiculous. I don’t want to say she’d be a bad mom, but… she wouldn’t be a very good mom, either? She’d do some things right and other things very wrong. I’ll get into that, but lemme just do a quick rundown of the other basic considerations here: dad, income, and environment. 
I created a husband for Olga around the same time I made these kids, but I never developed him very far past a few basic traits and a general backstory. So he’s very basic, but he works. Charles was a good friend from Wellington College (in England) who shared most of her English classes, was the only one to maintain contact with her after she transferred to Bennington, came from money, raised by nannies, bit of a nervous wreck but hides it well because that’s how he was taught–to be pent up and twitchy. His fam wanted him to be a lawyer or business man but he quietly rebelled by becoming an English major instead, knowing full well how useless a degree it is and not caring at all. He eventually goes on to be a successful playwright, though, and Olga performs in all his plays. So, income would be decent verging on very decent, and their kids would grow up somewhere teeming with theatrical opportunities. Probably somewhere really crowded and loud and pretentious.  
Getting right into it then, from left to right, we have Angelique, Helena, and Genevieve, because Olga’s That Bitch. They attend(ed) a fancy private school because Olga’s That Bitch. They’re all very well-read, well-traveled and “well-behaved” because Olga’s That Bitch. But since Olga is, as specified, That Bitch, her kids didn’t escape her influence unscathed. 
Tbh, I do think any kids Olga would have would be Pretty Good Kids™– barring her having any with an absolute scumbag like she so easily could, but that’s another question entirely (I write fluff and comedy, so these kids reflect that) – but. Hmm. I see Mom!Olga being extremely affectionate, extremely emotional, and frequently selfish; generally hella overbearing; definitely stifling. And she wouldn’t want to, but I can’t see her not on some level perceiving her children as extensions of herself, and thus incapable of coping with anything less than Excellence on their parts. Not to say that I think she’d be a monster. I don’t think she’d force them into things or demand they win awards or anything like what Bob or Miriam did to her, but being in the same room as her with a less than impressive report card would be… uncomfortable. And that’d be on top of her always being in their business, looking over their shoulders, and constantly trying to spend quality time with them. Even when they don’t want to spend time with her, and so help any of them that say as much, because Olga’s incredibly sensitive. So layers upon layers of bad, there.
Some rebellion would be expected, then, so Genevieve gets into the goth punk scene. She’s more casual about it as an adult, but Olga doesn’t understand her. Helena uses comedy and misdirection as a defense and smiles very big and very nervous when her mom’s lip wobbles at her a little too expressively. Angelique straight up hides from her. She used to be sweeter, used to gently comfort her mom whenever she inadvertently did anything that upset her, but it took a toll on her and she can’t handle crying, or disappointment, or criticism, and she hates explaining herself so she avoids ever needing to. She’s a little emotionally underdeveloped, as a result. Not good for anyone to avoid conflict.
I also see Olga babying the hell out of her kids, so that would be another reason for Genevieve to rebel and Angelique to be Babey. In some ways, it’d be good, like they’d be generally very sweet kids, but I’m not sure how emotionally stable they’d be. Better than Olga, at least. Their methods of coping with heartbreak and life’s little every day tragedies would be… interesting, though. I sense a lot of Beethoven’s 5689574th and other general dramatics. Dancing, ice cream, black mourning veils being broken out over the smallest things. Either that or just complete repression.
Since you asked specifically how I imagined the kids, I’ll go ahead and give a messy little bio on each.
Genevieve: I wanted to play with the dichotomy of the Posh Gifted Nerd archetype and the Cold Badass Rebel archetype. Bob has an influence on her in that he’s something of a military enthusiast (I guess?), and I see Genevieve being lowkey into that as a kid, until she gets older and learns more about what goes on overseas and how much carbon emission hummers give off. Incorporates a lot of her old camouflage into her goth punk looks as a mocking salute to that now. Proudly rides on the outskirts of society in her down time, but she’s the most academically-driven out of her sisters and was absolutely Valedictorian. Reads a lot of books, a lot of Smart Person magazines, and listens to a wide range of music (classical, alternative, showtunes, punk, jazz). Creative. Loves history, but especially the Georgian, Victorian and Edwardian periods of Europe. Super into black pearls and lace. Bit nihilistic, but cares a lot about everything. Always gets into very interesting conversations with Helga, but Olga has no clue how to talk to her.
Angelique: I already kinda rambled about her, but she’s my All Natural Girl. No makeup, no piercings, had to be talked into using conditioner, almost gave up shampoo once (bad month for everyone). Shy, sweet, sensitive. Concerned with the world at large. She tries to be an academic like her family but she’s really not. She dresses and behaves like a perfect little nerd, but school doesn’t interest her, and she feels hella guilty and self-loathing about it. All she ever really wants to do is watch trashy made-for-TV dramas, cook/bake and moon hopelessly over guys. DIY af, buys nothing new. Is Babey. Soft clothes, soft eyes, a little messy and chaotic. Constant low-level thrum of anxiety. Rumpled button-ups and over-worn sweaters energy, forever jeans, rarely in skirts because skirts are stressful. That character you forget and underestimate but shocks you with insight from time to time. Will probably end up a baker or smthn. The oldest of the kids, actually, though she rarely acts like it.
Helena: That girl who raids your fridge, chews twelve sticks of gum and paints your nails whether you want her to or not. No sense of personal space, very touchy-feely, always wants to braid hair and thinks makeup on dudes is the greatest invention ever. Goes against the dress code at her school very brazenly but gets away with it because her work is excellent and the teachers adore her. Attitude in spades but she’s a sweetheart. Lots of friends. Loves her mom to death but tends to avoid her without quite meaning to. More Daddy’s girl, though she avoids him, too. Parents are no fun. Thinks her Aunt Helga and Uncle Arnold are the absolute shit, because why would we want to live in a world where she didn’t?
And that’s my take. There are lots different ways Olga With Kids could go down, but Intense and Stifling are pretty much the two things I see as being universal variables in the equation. So, yeah. Maybe a little less fluffy than originally intended, but Idk. These are old designs. Other drawings and further information on these kids here and here. Shown pic here. I hope this was helpful anyway. Have a good.
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alterlifes-a · 6 years
tag muns you want to know better; repost - don’t reblog.
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What inspired you to try/create that muse/s: well , if you’ve been with me long enough then you know that tooru started out as an AU ! o.ikawa t.ooru, where instead of attending s.eijou , he went to s.hiratorizawa ! to be honest , i kind of just wanted to try my hand at writing that kind of thing ? it was the very first time i had made a tumblr rp blog , so i had no idea that people rp different verses of the same character on one blog !! i originally rp’d on deviantart , and it was very commonplace to have different blogs for different verses ... i had over 70 rp blogs on there and most of them were literally the same 2 characters but in different AUs LMAO ... so imagine my surprise when i saw people rp’ing different AUs on one blog ... RP’ing multiple muses on one blog ... !! but i kinda just stayed with my iteration instead of playing canon ! kawa anyway , since i didn’t really see the point in starting over . as tooru developed more , though , i began to use him as a venting tool because this was a part of my life where i was really depressed . but as time grew on and i eventually made him into an OC , he became a much happier character . he really is my best friend ; he’s been there for me through it all , and even though he’s just fictional , i really owe him a lot for helping me out during rough times .
What is inspiration for that muse/s: well , currently , a lot of things ... lots of music , japanese culture + religion , and also my own experiences . in general , i have a p.interest board for him , so ... maybe you could say i draw inspiration from that , too ! i also rly enjoy the band MILI . their songs really fit tooru , like ‘ bathtub mermaid ’ . i’ve also been listening to hello , again and am planning on drawing something based on it for him ( + the song’s prequel , “ goodbye ” ) . i mainly tend to daydream while listening to songs , so ... yeah . as for characters who serve as inspiration for tooru ... well , i think that’s an artist meme , so i might just fill it in in lieu of answering this properly lol ... but two i can think of off the top of my head are leon from f.ire e.mblem e.choes and n.eferpitou from h.xh ! 
Thread/AU that made you really happy: B.NHA AU ... !! i’m hyperfixating sm on that one ... idk , a lot of planning and plotting goes into it , esp since a lot of my mutuals are in the fandom . in particular , i love love love the story i’ve created with @noquirk . i literally cannot envision a more perfect plot for tooru in this verse . heck , it’s literally my main go - to timeline when i draw / write for it . tooru is , quite literally , not very much in this AU without deck .
Something really special on your wishlist: sh ... more ships ... ships to draw and animate and make animatics to ... also i need to get my butt into gear and finish my JRPG AU group lol .
Something you are looking for in short future for your muse: blease tooru help me get thru the school year ... also i have some animatics in the back burner so i’m looking forward to getting those done !
Share something related to your muse!: his canon story , in parallel motion , deals with existentialism and alternate universes . ultimately , it’s a story that serves as a physical manifestation of my own struggle with depression , and while it’s sombre in tone , i want it to tell whoever’s reading it , “ you matter . ” it’s why tooru is placed into so many marginalized groups ; he’s fat and trans and biracial and bi and suffers from bpd + depression + anxiety but he’s a good person through it all ... his story is tragic because he’s not allowed to exist and will be forgotten when he dies , but his existence impacts so many other characters’ lives ... it’s a butterfly effect kind of thing . because you exist , you’ve made so many peoples’ lives better . and i understand it’s rough and i understand depression + sucky real life aspects try to convince you otherwise , but just ... think about it . there’s an alternate universe where , because you don’t exist , something huge was probably impacted . and even on a smaller , more intimate scale --- if you hadn’t existed in another life , then one of your friends might not be here . they might not be as happy as they are now , because you make them happy . life can be awful . but it’s wonderful and beautiful , too . that’s what i want tooru to be to others . someone to look up to and relate to , and someone who tells you , “ it’s okay ! ”
What do you think about character’s design/how do you came up with this: he’s ... kinda generic LOL mainly cause he’s based off of o.ikawa looks - wise due to his origin ... but part of his looks also derivate from an old ask blog muse i had :
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i just really like that bangs - over - one - eye hairstyle ngl ... also i have no idea how / when his hair became maroon - brown since o.ikawa’s hair is chestnut brown , but ... yeah . also have no idea when he gained red eyes HDKJSFS,,,, i find fangs appealing on a character though , so that’s why he has fangs and does the :3c ... honestly i think i kinda just slapped together what i like in a design and put it on him , so even though he may look like an NPC ( lol ) , he’s still appealing in my eyes .
What your muse taught you: how to love being alive ... ( i’ve actually written an essay for a class about how he’s helped me through depression haha ... he means a lot to me , can you tell ? )
What is roleplay for you: all of you are awful and yet here i am anyway so really this says more about me than anything else .
Just say something nice about other mun!: @onfaith you are my ANGEL you mean sm to me and i wish u all the best with your studies  /  @tikkvn i love u sm cass ur an amazing person n a wonderful existence never forget that  /  @juuheart notay is my fave bleach chara also ur art is so cute  /  @wuvlite if i die all my money goes to u so u can keep drawing holy SHIZ ur art is #inspiration  /  @queznak ur very interesting and charismatic as a person  !!!  /  @uzvisen idk how to spell ur url this took me 3 tries but also ilysm  /  @conhnhaketon i also cant spell ur url but i hope ur doing well n ur eid was good , ik we’ve both been busy but i would live for u  /  @quirkthief ur one of my fave ppl i will forever tag u in shibes also i’ve supported u in u saying afo was hot even when he looked ugly n now i get to watch everyone who made fun of u writhe bc he is rly rly hot hahaha  /  @noquirk you’re so talented pls never stop what ur doing  /  @aerve you’re rly cool !!! 100% support u in everything u do ! >:0  /  @starbooms aries ur so creative ugh ... ur mind !!!!!! ik we don’t talk much but ur v fun  /  @bendsair i forget what other blogs ur on but chris ur the coolest #TalkRomania2Me  /  @creatied we don’t talk much either but ur graphics r so aesthetically appealing wowzers !!  /  @daimnas i’m wuv you amari !! also my french sucks but uhhh comment ca va ( i’m too lazy to find the accented ‘c’ dsfhi ) ??  /  @soarsun i’ve only known u for a few weeks but if anything happened to u i would kill everyone on this website n then myself  /  @quirkgifter nanners is the coolest n nana is the best grandma in town  /  @natsutodoroki im so jealous u got a canon url as ur rp url LMAO but also ur rly cool n fun even tho we dont talk too frequently !  /  @lechors​ LINNEA I WILL DIE FOR U RIGHT HERE RIGHT N---  /  @ YOU READING THIS BC I’M ABOUT TO FALL ASLEEP : YOU’RE AWESOME AND GREAT !
Tagged by: stole it from @queznak Tagging: whomstever 
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jess-oh · 6 years
I don’t really know how I’m feeling. I think I’m just trying to drown something out but I’m left feeling thoroughly unsatisfied by everything. I keep rewatching old clips from shows that I finished watching, hoping that it will do the trick when in reality, I’m just hellishly bored! And it’s because I’m not being productive. I know I’m a day late with my reflection. I got home around 3:40am(?) last night and I knew that I could totally just stay awake and write my reflection real quick. There wasn’t even much to talk about. But I chose not to. I chose to just do it tomorrow morning. And then I woke up several times but chose to stay in bed until I literally could not handle sleeping any longer. Yes, I’ve been sleeping so much but I actually hate it. I want to be doing something with my life. I did start doing calligraphy but I could be doing so much more. I could be rereading old books or reading books that I bought but never bothered to reading the first place. I could have written those letters to P. Billy and P. Daisy and Andrew and David and everyone in between for their birthdays and farewells. But I didn’t. Instead, I wasted my life away. And granted, yes, I did do some things today. I actually talked to financial aid and though I didn’t leave with all the necessary information, I did get most of it. But I know that I could’ve been a lot more thorough with my research. But I just wanted to get it done and over with so that I could get back to my entertainment and saying, “sayonara” to my life. I have one more Tuesday left. Maybe I should go snowboarding with Andrew. Just to have something to do. Or maybe I’ll just pack all day but c’mon, it won’t take that long. I could easily finish everything on Monday and just do the last finishing touches Tuesday night or Monday morning. I don’t need that long. I know what I need to pack and what I want to order. And yes, I did my QT last night early and maybe I was just in a weird mood because it was the first day of my period but the reflection is usually the easy part and I couldn’t even do that. What if I didn’t do my QT early and we still stayed out that late? Then I would’ve missed two things. I want to be busy. I want to be productive. I need to be. I can’t live with myself when I’m just wasting my life away. And I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing. It’s because of my parents though, I know that. They’re always on my ass, telling me to stop watching videos and to be productive and do something. And I do love to serve and be productive but sometimes I want to rest and I feel like I can’t when I’m living with them. But I don’t think that’s necessarily bad. Because I don’t want to just be a sloth and not get a 4.0 every semester and raise my 3.9 up, up, up. And I kind of want to confide in my friends and let them know that I’m so stressed out all the time because of my parents. But at the same time, I don’t. Because I don’t think it’s a bad thing and I don’t want them to just immediately side with me. I want them to be honest.
I think I’ve gotten a lot more blunt since I’ve been home and I’m hoping that that’s a good thing. And maybe I’ll make enemies as a result. I will probably make enemies as a result because not everyone wants to hear the truth. I’m your friend and I’m not just here to comfort you. I’m here to tell you what I’m really feeling and my objective perspective. And you can leave now if that’s what you want to hear. 
I’ve tried saying something to P. Billy and P. Daisy since retreat but when the moment comes, I always shy away. I was going to talk to them in person on day 2 for lunch. But I didn’t find them. I was going to talk to them after the service later that night. But they were leaving almost immediately after but I had the chance. P. Billy was right there and I didn’t take it. I could’ve looked harder for P. Billy and P. Daisy during lunch but I just gave up and prayed instead. I saw them both on Sunday and didn’t say anything. I could’ve made more of an effort to go to church last Sunday but I didn’t because I was afraid of feeling like an outsider again and not having the guts to tell them. I’ve had every single day as an opportunity to even Facebook message them so I haven’t. I don’t want to write a letter because there’s too much to say bc I’m honestly afraid there won’t be enough. I’m writing a letter because I don’t have the guts to say it in person. Because as much as I appreciate their bluntness, I know who I am and how I am and how much some of my habits annoy them and it just makes me feel like they’re just going to judge me if I’m honest. But the bottom line is that they really have changed my life in more ways than one and I was always excited to come back, just to hear their sermons. I don’t fit in at Sa-Rang. And I don’t know that I ever truly did. But they were always worth it. The service was always worth it. Because it was a time where I could really intimately come before God and it was okay. And that’s something that I am constantly longing for while in Chicago.
I wanted to talk to Jeanne about this but I was doing some thinking in the shower and she hasn’t responded yet. I’m going to help plan the lock-in and it looks like I don’t actually have a whole lot to do. I’m not tasked with doing the theme or organizing teams or anything like that. That seems to already be figured out. I’m just gonna be assigned to a certain job when we meet tomorrow and go from there. I’m just afraid that I’ll fall nicely into the shoes of serving and leading and the transition in becoming an “official leader” will come naturally and I’m not sure that’s what I want bc of how busy my schedule will be next year. That’s a huge time commitment that I don’t know if I’m ready to sign up for. But I imagined P. Josh asking if that’s what God wants for me and I replied that I had prayed about it and knew that I wanted to really invest into people this year but not necessarily as a leader. And I have a feeling that P. Josh knows and sees my heart to serve and wants to me to be a leader and I just don’t know if I’m spiritually ready for that. I’m definitely not ready to go back out onto the mission field again and spend every moment caring for someone else. And don’t get me wrong, it’s great out there. It really is. Guatemala changed my life. Always and forever. I was so happy. And I don’t think I’m in that state of mind anymore where I just care so much for other people that I don’t even have time to think about myself. For so long I spent my life helping others as a way to avoid facing my own problems. But it’s time that I do face my own issues head on and make active efforts toward fixing them.
I am afraid. Because my relationship with God has been rocky lately. And I really want to go back to Chicago bc during my time here, I’ve fallen victim to a lot more gossip just based off the people that I hang around. And I don’t want to put anyone down anymore. It sucked when I dealt with it in high school and no one deserves to feel so hated for something that they can’t control. My life has become a cycle of wanting so badly to go back to Chicago and wanting so badly to go back to OC. And it might be time to settle and choose where I would rather be. Instead of just trying to get away from my problems and suffering all the time. I need to fix this. And I know that this is so much easier said than done and I don’t really feel this as a resolve yet but this is something that I actually really want to do. 
And finally, onto yesterday. I... spent it pretty similarly to how I wasted it today. I woke up several times but refused to get out of my bed, even when the cleaning people came. I kept coming up with excuses to just be lazy in my mind instead of just doing it. Oh yeah, I actually got out of bed at 7am this morning and had every opportunity to actually follow through and do the damn dishes but I didn’t. Thinking that I’ll just do it later instead of just freaking doing it. But towards the end of the day, Andrew said that he would be going over to David’s to help him with his music and invited me to join. And I am really happy that the three of us got to spend time together again. Just the three of us. It was nice. And I was happy to help David with his music. Whether it was by being blunt or helping design or help figure out photoshop or titling the songs... it was nice. And I’m happy that I got to spend that time with them. It was actually pretty encouraging whenever David complimented my bluntness bc I do think it’s something I’m a bit insecure about. Ironically. I just wish I had been more upfront about where we should eat. I am happy that we ended up going to Mae’s Cafe and dining together and getting to spend more time together but there was the chance that we wouldn’t have and didn’t say anything against it. I just want another long car ride with them. A night out. Where we just talk about anything and everything as the road takes us wherever. And yes, it was awkward before. But I trusted them. And it was free. But idk, maybe it’s because we’re actually doing things now and this break is a lot shorter than summer but... I miss that. But y’know, I’m probably making it better than it seemed in my head. None of us ever just vented or broke down crying. Well, some of us vented. But it was never this, wild and emotional ride. It was just us driving mindlessly for hours. I miss that. But our dynamics are changing. I asked Andrew if he thought we would still be friends after college and he said he was afraid I was thinking of dropping him when I asked that which I really wasn’t! And I didn’t tell him this but he was very much occupied with Emily when they first got together and we rarely talked and it wasn’t weird. It just kind of happened. But I felt like I had lost a friend. And I am happy that we were able to reconnect and honestly, some of my dislike toward her is probably a result of that but I am afraid that if he starts dating someone again, we’ll just drift. And it’ll suck but it’ll happen. And he really has made my life so much better by being there for me time after time after time. And I don’t want to lose him but I also know that life has a course and you can’t keep friends forever. And it doesn’t feel like this is going to last. Jude was my absolute best friend in high school that I could literally talk to about anything—religion, God, school, family, anything. She was always there for me and she got it. But she has low self esteem and I just want the best for her and I don’t want to burden her. I truly wish for her happiness and nothing but. And I don’t want to ruin that or take that away from her. She was the single most important person in my life and still is. And I will never stop loving her. But things have changed and she got busier and we started leading different lives and that’s that. It happens. 
Finally, Grace. My dear friend Grace An. I am so glad that we are finally getting the opportunity to meet up on Friday and I’m really hoping she doesn’t back out of it because I’m really worried about her. I just have this gut feeling that she’s not okay and she’s depressed because of everything and trying so hard to do it on her own. But I am here for her and I really hope she knows that. I was so selfish when we last spoke but I want to be here for her 100% now. Really. I’m really worried about her. And she actually cares about me. She does. She gives a shit. I was so afraid that she was only reaching out to me because she pitied me but she didn’t. She actually went out of her way to compile those letters for me before I left. We spent a whole day at the Irvine Spectrum together and it was great. She is an incredibly kind person that really cares for others and wants the best for them and has an undeniably strong faith for the Lord. And yes, admittedly, I have felt some competition with her because I wanted to be better and really, be the best. But she is so genuine. And I just hope and pray that she is okay. And even if she’s not, that she knows that she has people that really love and support her. And will continue to do so, all the way through. I know she’s going through a hard time and I know that it can’t be easy. But she’s not alone. And I hope she knows that.
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