#I get to see 2/3 of my fav bands live this year
under--pluto · 1 year
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screaming, crying, throwing up, aaaaaaa
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thought I'd make a little post about my tattoos and what they mean (if anything yknow? like they just look cool) SO, in order of which I got them lego; #1 - Little blink Smiley for my fav band if it wasn't evident enough
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#2 - One of my fav blink songs - Going Away to College (also the reason behind the url u see? TECHNICALLY ALL 3 OF MY BLOGS ARE THE LYRICS SO it's all connected) It's a really good song it goes; I haven't been this scared in a long time And I'm so unprepared, so here's your valentine Bouquet of clumsy words, a simple melody This world's an ugly place, but you're so beautiful to me
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#3 - TECHNICALLY I got the next 3 in one session lmao, it was pain. but here's Pingu and Twenty One Pilot lyrics from Isle of Flightless Birds "The ground taunts my wings" (see? you get it right? pingu? flightless? fuck I'm hilarious) but also I used to get called "Penguin" back in school because apparently I waddled and wrote an essay/presentation on them in Year 7 English lmao so it kinda stuck, but I also do love me some Pingu "I am cold, can you hear? I will fly, with no hope, no fear And the ground, taunts my wings Plummet as I sing, plummet as I"
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#4 - blink-182 again oops but from their Song - Wishing Well. Neighborhoods is one of their best albums, will throw hands. The instrumental intro to the song with Tom's voice n lyrics just really stuck with me and the tattoo is inspired by the chorus; "I went to a wishing well, it sank to the ocean floor Cut up by sharpened rocks, and washed up along the shore I reached for a shooting star, it burned a hole through my hand It made its way through my heart, had fun in the promised land"
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#5 - Neck Deep - Eight/Magic Ball from Citizens of the Earth "The Eight ball said "Things Don't Look Great"". Kinda was a bit late getting into Neck Deep ngl oops, but idk this song and hearing it live and the whole childhood memories of having a magic 8 ball.
"And then the 8 Ball said "Things don't look great" You know we can't break loose if we stay in place Every earthquake starts with a little shake And then we'll see who is standing in the wasteland"
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Hcs about meis friends home and family life because I really want to know xx
She comes from a Dutch-Canadian family, both of her parents are Jewish meaning she is too. Her great-great grandparents moved from Germany to Canada, meaning most of her living family has lived in Canada their whole life
she only speaks English
Her parents divorced when she was young, and she lives with her dad (I’m pretty sure this was canon cuz I read that in a deleted scene she said her parents were divorced and since Mei says ‘Miriam’s dad is ordering us pizza’, she probably lives with her dad and I just liked this idea)
Shes the youngest of 5 kids, and the only daughter, meaning she has 4 older brothers, which is why she’s a bit tomboyish and she’s very caring to the others because she’s the eldest and she’s never had anyone to care for before. She’s the closest with the brother who is closest in age to her. Their ages are 20, 18, 17 and 15. Her brothers are called Caleb, Noah, Daniel and James
She sees her mum once a week, but doesn’t really have anything to do with her
she only had her grandparents on her dads side and a great grandmother on her mums side
she has a lot of cousins. Like loads, and they’re all either the same age as her or older than her
she also has lots of uncles and aunts (I like to think she has a large family which is why she’s so kind ig 🤷‍♀️)
She has a pet lizard called ‘T’. Her dad tried to convince her not to call it after Aaron t but all her friends thought it would be hilarious if she did. Like Mei with Robaire jr
her brothers taught her how to skateboard
her brothers baby her and she HATES it. Like if they baby her, if she can she’ll tell them to shut up and talk to them like she talked to Tyler when he bullied mei
Lives with both of her parents, who are from India
her parents were born in India, but moved to Canada when they were young with her grandparents, meaning they speak English and Hindi, but priya was just born in canada
priya speaks Hindi
she’s the eldest of 3 children, she has 2 little sisters who are 8 and 3. Her sisters are called Meena and Aarya
she visits India in the holidays (like when you end a school year and have the huge break and go into a year above)
her and her dad both LOVE rock music, which is why she’s a goth. Her sisters who’s 8 also loves it. Her mum isn’t that keen on it but she lets them make their living room sound like a mosh pit because she likes how they bond over it. She loves nirvana, Metallica, smash into pieces, evanescence (who are her person fav), babymetal (she tried getting Abby into them because they’re Japanese but Abby hated it lol), bring me the horizon, slipknot, halestorm, korn, I Prevail, etc (these are all my fav rock bands don’t judge me 😭)
she’s very protective of her sisters, despite not doing much with them. Because she’s quiet and loves reading, she spends most of her time in her room or in the mosh pit of a living room, but she cares for them deeply and would do anything for them, like with Miriam Mei and abby
she has a small family unlike Miriam, she only has 2 uncles and 1 aunt, and only has a few cousins
Comes from a Korean family
was actually born in Korea, and lived there until she was 3, then moved to Canada with her parents and her siblings
she speaks both Korean and English, but when she’s mad by default she yells and speaks in Korean
she has 1 older sister and 1 younger brother, her sisters 16 and her brothers 6. Her sisters called Jasmine and her brother is called Felix
Her and her siblings have Korean names which their family calls them. Their legal names are their English names (so Abby’s legal name is Abby), and if their parents mention them to people who aren’t family, they’ll say their English name (so they’ll say abby), but when it’s their family or they’re speaking to them, they’ll call them their Korean name. Jasmines is Hwayoung, Abby’s is Chaeyoung, and Felix’s Jiyoung
her mum runs one of those Asian hair salons (do u get what I mean cuz she said ‘my mum cuts his hair at the salon’ when she was talking abt Devon)
her dad runs a Korean restaurant
Because it’s just her, her parents and siblings she doesn’t really see the rest of her family
She only really visits korea for a family celebration, like a wedding or funeral or a Christening or somet
She ALWAYS plays twister or just dance with her siblings, and her dad thinks it’s hilarious, but her mum wishes she had a quiet household for once
the reason she’s so energetic and loud is because she came from that type of household
you think she’s bad, her brother is even worse. Hes WAY more energetic than her, and her sister is loud but kind of calm
loves to take the mick out of her brother
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oatflatwhite · 4 months
HI LIZ plz may I trouble you to share any thoughts at all about mota 🎤
ok so we're only a couple eps in but i am already <333 about so many of the characters. bucky and crosby especially my beloveds. i really love all the comparisons being drawn between bucky/nix buck/winters and crosby/webster but i also love how the mota boys are distinctly their own characters. i don't want to say they're cocky and full of themselves because like... some of the easy boys are too lmao. but it's a very different dynamic between the characters than i'm used to seeing in the other hbo war shows and i am living for it
on that note i was a bit wary about most of our main charas being officers but after 2 eps i don't mind a bit! honestly sometimes it's hard to tell rank with all their goddamn fleece lmao but i love how despite being a literal honest to god major bucky is still so chaotic. bless him. the singing scene took me out, and the bike race when they crashed and he and buck were like pulling at each other's clothes to try and get in the lead before the air raid siren went off..... cinema.
can't believe they called out the heavy petting <3 the raf boys are just like me fr <3
crosby is such a silly goose thank you for the silly goose representation. he really works as the narrator and i love him bc he is genuinely so relatable, my overthinking bestie. also him still being starry eyed over his wife signing her name mrs jean crosby oh my word.......... it's giving harry dragging his reserve chute halfway around europe for kitty's wedding dress <333
i also really love the variety of characters/roles in the war they're showing! there's obviously more scope to do that than in bob but also it's a different television landscape and i am so excited to see ncuti on my screen <3 i hope we get a lot more of lemmons too! i can't remember who made the post but someone compared him to doc roe and i was like OH that's why i liked him so much uh huh uh huh. so true. also NINETEEN YEARS OLD?
i had a hard time adjusting to austin butler in ep 1 but he really pulled through in ep 2 for me and i'm very keen to see where he takes the character! and i have LOVED callum turner since channel 4's glue (which i watched a fucking decade ago but still think about bc of how powerful it was and he was in it) and he is absolutely killing bucky. it's giving nix without impulse control. honestly all the cast are amazing, the only one i really struggle with still is isabel may as buck's gf......... i literally cannot see her as anyone but katie from alexa and katie, so in my mind she's literally still a 15 year old girl. but who knows, she could win me over in the future
the score and title sequence are so good too!!! the pacific still has my absolute fav opening titles and band is second but even though the score is obviously new it still feels a bit... nostalgic, i guess? similar vibes to the other shows and i am HERE for the way it makes me feel <3
there's like so much more but that's all i can put into words rn. cannot WAIT for the rest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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finlizziah · 5 months
Redoing my introduction/pinned post cause apparently someone ated it 🙄
(Me infodumping about me time :333)
DNI: minors, bigots. (Remind me if I should add anything.)
Anyways, hai haii, prefer to be called Lizziah, though sometimes go by Liz/Lizzie.
I'm 19, NB femboy, autistic and adhd (diagnosed), anxious, moody and probably unstable :3
From the EU (if u know where do me a favor and keep it private).
Probably have puppyboygirlthing disorder (dependant personality disorder) so obsessed with 1-2 ppl at a time.
Romantically/sexually only into women, though I don't mind being friends with anyone. Also I'm very easy to tease
Some of my fav bands and artists are Tally Hall, Penelope Scott, Los Campesinos!, STYXII, Mother Mother, The Living Tombstone (zero_one specifically), and more. Feel free to recommend me stuff.
Send me a dm/ask, I'll most likely reply/answer, though may not if I have chosen for ur vibe to be wrong. But if we talk we are friends, such is the law on my page.
I avoid most politics (though I may take interest in some stuff), nude images (feels gross seeing that), and get uncomfy from sharp object near the body, self mutilation ig? I dunno.
I collect tons of plushies (owner of 4 blahajs), linux user, (I'll add more later)
I'll tag my own femboy selfies with #femboylizziah vent posts with #vent and will try to add #asks to, well, asks.
Mmh yeah I'll add to this later, lemme know if I should add something. And if u read through all of that, send me an ask or dm or else you'll go to jail for a thousand years!!!!!!
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joyswonderland1108 · 1 year
I know i said that my biases are Jimin and JK but i never said i wasn’t a big fan of 3J which means that if Hobi is being disrespected imma snap your head in half!
Every time i come here to talk about something nice there’s a whole mess going on that at this point my blog is turning to a rant blog ffs. When did this fandom become like this? When did the toxicity became huge to the point where you can’t go a day without something disgusting being spread online? 
So by now everybody knows that Hybe posted an announcement about Hobi’s upcoming enlistment that he started the procedure already, we saw that coming but it’s still upsetting of course, we still felt sad knowing how real it’s becoming that Hobi is leaving for MS too. So we’re trying to come to terms with it and another announcement only this time it’s a happier one:
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We were also able to see our Sunshine live 
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(Credits to Dalto on Twitter)
Now i believe you see where this is going right? So Hope on the street is a single set to be released on March 3rd, key word here : SINGLE. One song. But of course dickheads have a thing to say right? Saying how he is interfering with Jimin’s solo if he couldn’t release it before why choose now bla bla bla rat language.
I’ve mentioned in my previous post that even one song can take a while let alone many, some artists spent 2 3 years on one song, it’s called perfectioning it, working on every possible flaw so that the end result is something that lets the artist feel satisfied with the hard work he put in it. So to answer the “why didn’t he release it before?” simply because he couldn’t “why won’t he release it later?” simply because he can’t. 
Now saying that he’s interfering with Jimin’s solo.. There are 20 days between March 3rd and March 24th (not including both dates) and again am going back to the key word, it’s a SINGLE it’s only one song how tf is that interfering with Jimin’s solo? There’s enough time to give attention to Hope on the street and also be ready for FACE.
It’s actually funny to see people try to make it a competition between none other than Jihope like.. Be so fr right fucking now! It’s not like y’all are legally blind to not notice how close those two are, they’re besties, and more than anything they are happy for each other so for a bunch of low-life strangers trying to put their 2 useless cents of thoughts on the matter.. y’all just shut the fuck up
Now if Hobi just decided to enlist without dropping anything, people would be saying how he’s not appreciating Army he just left like that or why did he wait all that time to enlist if he doesn’t have more work to do or or or.. Of course there’s always something to complain about, this fandom is never satisfied and would you look at that, the boys still think about this stupid fandom and dedicate their work to them. 
Honestly there should be a whole separate new fandom for our boys, a private one that is, Vip or whatever you wanna call it, like you can’t get into that fandom unless you pass the morals test, the personality test, etc.. Army be fighting with that other fandom (not mentioning the name but y’all already know who, no hate to the girlies they’re cool, can’t say the same thing about their fandom tho) when they’re no better, creating shit INSIDE the fandom to begin with. 
It’s seriously getting tiring and sickening how people were just allowed to become this hateful, it’s like they forget that they got into this fandom that was started because of BTS like.. THE WHOLE BAND! Yes these 7 men are all different and unique but they’re also part of the same band whether you like it or not and if they wanted to go solo like many of y’all are dying for it to happen they would’ve done it a while ago it’s not the first time idols leave their band to go on a solo journey. If y’all have no respect for these boys as a band at least have respect towards your favs and what they want, what they wish for and the people they love. 
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
Fav Prompt Masterlist Pt 1.
1. Where's Barry? 12. Nay, A Demon I am Not, What Would Give you the Thought? 15. The Phantom Pain of Your Death Still Hurts 16. Technically Am I Posessing a Zombie?! 18. Oh, And While the Jester was Looking Down, The King Stole his Thorny Crown 28. Step 1: Place Your Fingers to Your Wrist or Neck. Step 2: Count Beats for 60 Seconds. Step 3: If No Pulse, Wait For Your Heart to Beat Again 30. Autopsy Report. COD: Unknown. Actively In Pursuit of Victim 41. I Got Family Back In Illinois 51. What Cores Each Robin Has 53. His Molecules Got All Rearranged Ever So Slowly 54. “I Get Knocked Down, But I Get Up Again. You Are Never Gonna Keep Me Down” 63. A Ghostly Bird hit my Window 85. The Spirit of Gotham 88. My Saviors Are A Bunch of Idiots 93. “Oh God I Think I Just Complemented Nightwing’s Ass to His Face.” 95. Seeing The Horrors Within (Literally) 98. It’s Been Years Since English Last Left My Lips 104. Stay for The Night 117. Putting Two and Two Together (This Time Without Photographs) 118. Danny Looks Exactly Like Clark Kent 138. 10 Year High School Reunion 140. Writers cares for the Readers 143. TFW You Become a Martian Prophet 145. “Oh no. He’s hot.” 150. Fenton Trademarked 155. Mysteriously Powerful Boyfriend 163. Sentenced to Die and Left for the Bats 164. Cats Meow to Talk to their Owners 172. Promoted to Bat Duty 186. Do Not Be Afraid 199. Dash and Flash 218. Til Undeath Do Us Part 222. Spirit Week 232. Recruited to Upper Management 234. The Strange Mechanic Shop Around the Corner 266. Kids of a Feather 276. Green Child of Mine 297. Seasoned Veteran of Ghost Bullshittery 303. New Copy Boy 304. GoingGhost is Live! 326. Red Head Detectives 337. Worlds Greatest Henchmen 370. Battle of the Bands 371. Dependent on Technology 374. Doppelgänger of a God 380. Friend Of My Shadow 388. Core of my Being 389. Ghostly Guardian of Magic  390. Dear Mother Lazarus 396. Involuntary Co-Possession
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heyy ari!!
i hope you're having a splendid and enjoyable day today. wanted to ask a very important question‼️
what are your five current favorite songs and/or artists?
very curious to see your favs!!
- 🍒
HI 🍒 ANON !! it’s nice to meet u!! this is a great question…. i’m gonna b honest though when it comes to music i. kinda live under a rock? 😭 i didn’t even start thinking abt my favorite artists until a couple years ago… so that’s. a thing.
i can never keep track of my favorite songs but i do have a couple artists i love that come to mind!! :33 so!! in no particular order……
1/ yorushika
actually i lied yorushika is in fact my number one always and forever if yorushika has a million fans i’m one of them if yorushika has one fan that’s me if yorushika has no fans that means i am no longer on this earth. yorushika is a jpop/jrock band consisting of n-buna (songwriter/musician) and suis (vocalist) and they mean the whole galaxy to me their lyrics are so insanely good i use them for writing inspo all the time and in general they’re just?? so good??? their songs always feel so bittersweet and nostalgic and the instrumentals are soo incredible…. this is my favorite band of all time they fr changed my life i highly recommend checking out any of their songs/albums bc they have literally never missed. I Fucking Love Yorushika.
my favorite songs of theirs are blooming in that summer / hachigatsu, bou, tsukiakari / replicant !! :3 i have a million other favs but i’ll leave it at that..
2/ the front bottoms
i love these guys so bad i do….. i actually know literally nothing abt the band itself but i adore their songs and just. how scratchy and cool the vocalist’s voice is!! idk i’m not good at explaining it i just love their songs sm!! :’3 they have a very specific vibe to them that i can’t pinpoint but it does make me feel like a rabid dog so there’s that <33 if u have any form of daddy issues i’m sure u’ll love them (they’re also EXTREMELY stsg coded hello…)
my favorite songs of theirs are be nice to me / father / funny you should ask !! :3
3/ mitski
we all saw it coming let’s be real i don’t know a single queer jjk fan who doesn’t love mitski we literally owe her everything? jokes aside it actually took me some time to warm up to her songs, at first i only loved her lyrics but eventually i saw The Light. her songs have this specific melancholic vibe that i’ve never found in anything else and i eat it up every single time ….. i adore her instrumentals and her voice and obv her lyrics !! i resonate a lot with them AND i associate them w lots of jjk characters (especially sugu wbk he’s a mitski girlie).. i just really love her !! she’s Mother always and forever :)
my favorite songs of hers are goodbye, my danish sweetheart / a pearl / i’m your man !! :33
4/ ricky montgomery
RICKYYY MY ANGEL ON THIS EARTH i love him so bad. :( he makes me happy. his songs are so comfy so cozy so lovely i just adore them……. they’re very winter-y but also very summer-y i just love them a lot!! and i think his interactions w the jjk/sk8 fandoms are so funny he’s my emotional support artist i think i would probably kill if he asked me to
my favorite songs of his are cabo / california / line without a hook !! :3
5/ beabadobee
what can i even say abt her…. she’s my goddess i think. beabadobee is like mitski in that her songs just have this specific Vibe that nothing else has and it makes me yearn so bad… sooo nostalgic and vibrant i just think she’s so ridiculously good !!! her songs never fail to make me lose it entirely i listen to them often while writing too !!! they’re soooo catchy and wonderful <333
my favorite songs of hers are don’t get the deal / apple cider / cologne !! :3
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merryspark · 5 months
Uh NO, another UP!date!
Oi My Beloved Followers Friends!
I hope this New Year will be awesome amazing for all of You! No more depression from my side, I came with rock-hard facts!! :D
Let me begin with some infos what you gonna be see from me in the upcoming weeks:
- finished asks from my box (for example BeeFormers, Human Barricade, etc.)
- finished old projects, like:
1.) You can meet Mr Flimsy and find out the end of the story;
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2.) See the last page of one of my fav comic sheets how Cross doubted OP;
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3.) Follow my new skill I learn from tutos bc I am a home-person currently lol - this keychain plushie I am working on is Ezreal from the LoL band Heartsteel. My li'l Sis pushed me to make it, she designed the sheets for me about the keychain, which was only the background element of an official LoL art, so we had to plan everything for ourselves to own this plushie, call it to life cuz the merch does not exist yet:
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Talking about plushies, I have my excuse for missing the whole december - not just my home-problems: I worked really hard to make her an Oliver Aiku plushie from her fav anime BlueLock - it was my first job, and I did not find the perfect fabrics in the shops, so as you'll see below, it is not my peak work, but I keep practicing to make BeeFormers plushies in the future. :)
It was not an option to keep ya'll updated, because at daytime while she's at school we talk via Tumblr chat, so I would unmask my secret with any post about it, and would definitely bust my own sorry-ass in a minute. ;D Also, I learned to make embodiery (!!!) - some fatass teardrops escaped from my eye, because I bet my granny laughed her ass off from Heaven: when I was a lazy teenager, I've never planned the learn things from her (though she was an official women's tailor), even She called me into her room, and now She has to see I am learning the same stuff from YT videos... hahaha... How the turntables...
I am so sorry I was a bit sad in the close past in comments, sometimes things pull me down - like missing friends I left behind the city; friends from abroad I cannot spend enough time with: sometimes it feels I am invisible, and everybody stepped over, and continue their lives, the challenges they meet day by day, and I don't fit in their lives anymore. It is hard to handle problems at home, while I just try to be happy, but others are unsatisfied with their own life, so they try to ruin others'... So nevermind, I just wanted to reach out to all of you, because I Love You SO MUCH, and I am greatful for following me on Tumblr and other sites (which I shall Update as well...), because you look after me, and never get tired to text me, ask me, love my drawings!!!
You're the reason this blog is still good and produces new and quite acceptable pictures! :D 💚🩵💙🖤
Down below you gonna see Oliver plushie step by step, and more is to come ( sadly I have got only two hands, so cannot draw and sew at the same time )!!!
Thank you for reading!
I love you all!!
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Note: this was the sample I used:
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And I started the embodiery of the eyes (peak of my life by Daph):
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To be continued....
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shslpookiebear · 9 months
What is your fav ship for buki buki?
You always have such amazing takes btw shjdkdskakskka
my favorite ship for ibuki is probably ibuki x hiyoko or ibuki x chiaki but recently ive been much more partial to the former so ill write about that one
i started shipping these two mostly as a joke at first because i was like “murder girlfriends” because the two of them as ultimate despair did world tours of destruction
and then i started thinking about their characters more and i realized like NO WAIT THIS IS ACTUALLY FIRE
ibuki is the ultimate musician but she doesnt perform music in the “correct marketable way” shes a rockstar she wants to sing metal not pop ballads and so she breaks away from her band in favor of going on her own path
hiyoko is the ultimate TRADITIONAL dancer her art form is about beauty and grace and not straying from the path and with her grandmother breathing down her neck its not like she has any other options
ibuki looks straight out of an avril lavigne music video but shes bubbly whereas hiyoko would much rather pull on your pigtails and call you names. though they both definitely lack a filter
another thing is that hiyoko LOVES ibukis music, shes the only person on the island who doesnt think its hot garbage (even though i hc sonia totally loved it because sonias such a sweetheart she needs more love OKAY)
i think hiyokos reaction is indicative of how she in many ways admires ibukis freedom for being capable of forging her own DESTINY
post sdr2 is also interesting to examine because as i previously mentioned… murder girlfriends
i think its compelling to think about how you could spend 2 years with someone, seeing each other at your very VERY worst but now you live together so you have to deal with it
at first i think hiyoko would avoid ibuki not wanting to confront her own crimes or the very real feelings that wouldnt just dissipate because as much as the ultimate despairs were terrible they were also vulnerable people who were manipulated into thinking despair was something very real and meaningful (brainwashing video is voided as always get used to it)
but ibuki is persistent and doesnt take things personally and she is healing but so is hiyoko so they might as well do it together instead of making every interaction painfully stilted
and ibuki still a lovable idiot and hiyoko still doesnt fully understand if you dont have something nice to say dont say it
but theyre making baby steps and thats got to count for something
and ibuki serenades hiyoko in her own totally metal way >;3
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scythesms · 1 year
Tag Game for Historical Simblrs!
1. What has been your favorite time period to play in or which one are you most excited for?
The 20s because it’s so soon, but mostly the 50s-70s. 
2. Do you have a favorite piece of historical cc? (CAS or BB)
Very very hard to choose but these two hairs have to be at the top of my list
3. Who is your favorite sim currently?
Edmund! you wouldn’t think so bc I’m putting him through a lot rn but I truly adore him and I’m excited for what’s to come in his future 🤞🏽🤞🏽... Rosalyn is a very close second
4. What is your favorite world?
Windenburg at the moment.. so many lots ❤❤ Even though she’s irritating me bc I’ve been stuck there so long I can’t wait to get out Otherwise, I’d choose San Myshuno or Brindleton Bay.
5. Are you more gameplay or story focused?
Once upon a time it was both but recently I haven’t had much time to play :(( so story driven it is
6. Do you like to play with pets in your historical saves?
Yes and no. They’re cute but forgettable. This gen was actually supposed to have three dogs bc they had the vibe of a three dog family, but it felt like a hastle with how many babies they keep birthing
7. What’s your biggest immersion breaking pet peeve with the game?
The constant phones, checking on toddlers/infants, and the endless townies i have to delete -- although I’m sure there are mods out there 
8. What’s your favorite in-game historical item? (CAS or BB)
From the frames to the paintings I love em all
9. What would you like to see as a new pack or asset to the game?
Not too historic but bands. Playable saxaphones, flutes, drums I need it
10. What pack do you think is invaluable as a historical simmer?
Idk what I’d do without Cottage Living or Get Together/Cats and Dogs (for the worlds)
11. Do you have a favorite mod to enhance historical gameplay?
No fireplace fires!! bc the 1890s was hell omflgjf The timeless mod is also mwah
12. What’s your ideal family size for playing?
However many members the story insists :’)) I really enjoyed gen 1 with only 5 family members. I was forced to play with 9 up until the lung came around - which is the biggest it will ever be bc never again
13. Do you use poses?
14. Do you use any overrides in your game?
Yess, a few for homework, brooms, vaccums, books (my fav), mops etc etc
15. Do you, or did you, play off-the-grid during your game?
16. What lifespan do you play on?
Long with a few fixes. 
17. What inspired you to start playing a historically?
My sister and I were talking about how much we wanted a good black period drama and that led into us into talking about the lack of black history shows/series set before the 80s. I was also watching some older movies at the time while going through one of my sims phases, leading me to historical cc, simblr, and thus the decades challenge. it’s now consumed a year of my life 👩🏽‍💻
thank you beloved @antiquatedplumbobs for tagging me <33
i tag every and anyone 🎉
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dooxliss · 3 months
alright I'll bite, tell us about your OCs. who they are, fav movies, least fav foods, the works
i have. so many ocs and you can see the ones i’ve drawn in my #gari’s ocs tag :^) but i’ll narrow it down for this ask
Agent 3
jacinthe vermillion (i always forget if i spell it with 1 l or 2. so if it’s different elsewhere no it isn’t)
was 15 in splat1’s hero campaign, is 22 during splat3’s (valentine’s baby!)
has two siblings (pumpkin who is ~8 years younger and rusty who is 3 years older. jacinthe loves pumpkin but has serious beef with rusty)
prefers short range weapons like the aerospray due to being slightly nearsighted, vision is now greatly reduced due to octo expansion
the world’s biggest fan of squid squad, was devastated when they broke up but still keeps up with diss pair and front roe
based on firefly squids and can glow in the dark naturally :^)
goes for comfort over style 90% of the time
Agent 4
chartreuse ’char’ viridigris
was 16 in splat2, 21 in splat3 (march birthday)
very academically inclined
met jacinthe bc they were subletting their apartment for the time that they were on a mission with cuttlefish
moved to inkopolis to finish school 👍🏽
budding hyperfixation is vexillology
special interest of nudibranches and owns several
not knowledgeable in pop culture at all but listened to jacinthe’s cds while she lived there
if asked to pick a band tho she would answer squid sisters in front of callie/marie to save face but enjoys sashi mori and chirpy chips
based on glass squids :^)
hydra main! she isn’t very fast naturally so prefers to use weapons where she doesn’t need to cross the entire map
Agent 8
coral ‘eight’ (answers to both)
around 18 during octo expansion, thought to be 23 during side order
in a qpr with jacinthe (jacinthe is sapphic coral is ace biromantic)
has a brother named razz who was with coral when fighting jacinthe before octo expansion, doesn’t seem to remember very much about him in the present
lived with pearl and marina post octo expansion until chartreuse decided to move away, leaving space at jacinthe’s apartment
(the three agents did live together for about a year or two)
bad at pool
tetra dualies main
misses traditional octarian food a lot
bilingual like marina and they talk a lot about the old days
looked up to marina both before and after the military, but probably wouldn’t have tried to leave herself for some time
is very good at cooking but not at baking
Neo Agent 3
marigold ‘goldie’ (vastly prefers goldie)
14 in splat3
found lil buddy a few years before splat3 and grew up with him, considers him to be a brother
has an underbite
wiper main
battered/fried its hair for kicks
seaweed fiend
aro :^)
thinks jacinthe is alright
obsessed with ω-3 but does not engage in salmon run at all
on a very vicious losing streak in splatfest
has a labret piercing and cut an ear and eyebrow in a fall but is terrified of getting an ear piercing
has stolen splatfest decorations
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cherryberg · 8 months
Your top 3 musicals ever gogogo gogo ogo go
HEEEEELPPPPP HEEEEEEEEEEEEELPPPPPPP aough .... ardate please you have to understand that i Have to understand that my taste in musicals are very limited now. when you were a musical girlie in 2016, you leave that shit behind for a few hundred years and now have to rebuild all of that again from scratch with a new appreciation so...
this went longer than expected so the list goes Marvin Trilogy, Fun Home, School of Rock. more under the cut smiles
Marvin Trilogy
In Trousers, Falsettos [March of the Falsettos, Falsettoland]
Fav Songs, excluding obvious fan-favourites: Can't Sleep, How Marvin Eats His Breakfast, My Father's a Homo/Everyone Tells Jason to See a Psychiatrist, Round Tables Square Tables, etc
i don't know many, but man. i like a good sung-through musical. means i can listen to the whole soundtrack from start to finish and have cohesively consumed a whole narrative. and tbh? falsettos, but even in trousers too, don't really have Bad songs. i've listened to the falsettos 2016 revival and in trousers 1979 original cast soundtracks dozens of times (both separately and together). which, i mean. compared to the other musicals i have here, i haven't even listened to their whole soundtracks (which. to be fair i did see those live). and yeah you have the really good songs that Everyone likes. the Thrill of First Loves and the Whizzer Going Downs and what have you, but you listen to the tracks a second time, or maybe watch the proshot again, and you get the smaller less-appreciated songs in your head. not included in the fav songs list because that thing's long, but i love A Breakfast Over Sugar. i get Set Those Sails and A Marriage Proposal and Miracle of Judaism stuck in my head. and its great! not to mention just how good and how important the story is .. i could go on but aough ..... long
Fun Home
Fav Songs: Edges of the World, Welcome to Our House on Maple Avenue, Telephone Wire, currently being annoying about Raincoat of Love
yeah man. saw this one for school. still have the ticket actually. but Because i did it for school, i have so much analysis and thoughts up here, it's maybe too long and specific. and also for like. a specific production that no one on tumblr would've watched. i would give anything to see that production again though. it wouldn't be the same as seeing it live, Especially during certain moments, but goodness gracious, man. the set design, the lighting, and that revolving stage? absolutely everything to me... so well integrated. just... mwah
School of Rock
Fav Songs: Stick It to the Man, Act 2 Scene 8: Dewey's Bedroom. You're in the Band .. mehbeh
Um... I don't really.. have a third that I can think of that's on par. But, it's School of Rock. It's awesome. my sibling had a track record of not liking musicals when they had to come and see it with me (when i still went out to watch musicals aough ...), but I think this was the first one they really liked - enough for me to get them a key ring of the show! (they cried during If Only You Would Listen too :]) It was a wonderful performance, and the kids were so good and coordinated too! They let us take pictures of the ending song ... which i just took a video of, so i still have that. I watched School of Rock during my ... hardcore theatre kid era though so.. i've got a few cringe worthy memories of it .. but yeah is good :]
I did see Moulin Rouge once as well, despite never having seen the movie, and that was very good as well. Though I'm not much for jukebox musicals (can't deny that Moulin Rouge tracks can be freakin' awesome though) and I think I was too busy ogling heehee
but yeah .. that's all :]
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youre-ackermine · 1 year
1. gun to your head, you gotta save one of them and the other's going to die : levi or hange? 😈
2. who's your fave metal band/artist of all times, and which type of metal do you enjoy most?
3. how do you handle hange's fate most days and does it vary? are you more Team Denial or have you accepted it because you think it's a fitting ending for their character, or anything in between?
yeah i'm curious and i can't sleep either hehehe
Krikkit 🙂
Thanks for asking ! Sorry to reply so late, but I finally fell asleep earlier than expected 😴
1/ I should have known you would ask a tricky question like this, you evil moot lmao !!
[speaking of canon characters here] According to my preferences -even if I almost love both of them equally by now- you could fairly expect me to choose Levi, but I would save Hange ! [Disclaimer : me not saying Levi's life is not valuable, don't misinterpret my words, people, please & thank you]
Besides Hange's fighting skills, their brains still have so much to offer to Humanity after war, in terms of progress, knowledge, improvement, technology, based on their scientific experimentation & enthusiastic curiosity. Their kindness & heartwarming sunshine personality would spread positivity & comfort around them as well, helping those close to them cope with their griefs & heal their emotional wounds. [But this would be so cruel, as I imagine they would mourn Levi for years & -secretly- hate me so much for choosing them over him 😭😭😭]
2/ My musical tastes are basically goth (mainly old school lmao) & metal since I was 12 yo. As far as metal is concerned, I used to listen to Rammstein & Marilyn Manson A .F*CKING .LOT !!
But as I grow older, my interest focuses on Black Metal, especially Satyricon [Dark Medieval Times & Nemesis Divina are my all times fav BM albums] & I recently experienced musical epiphany thanks to @stellar-smth 's advice : I literally fell in love with the Swiss band BORGNE omg I love their music so much !! If someone is interested, I can send the link to my Spotify playlist 🤘
3/ Oh my, this one pierces right through my kokoro 💔 I DON'T handle their fate AT ALL, I can't ! The more we get close to March 3rd, the more I get depressed. After reading chapter 132, I cried for 2 full hours at least, I couldn't stop, even after re-realizing they were a fictional character. So when I'll watch the animated scene...
I'd say I'm somewhere in between. The way Hange sacrifices themself of their own free will to save their comrades - & thus humanity- totally fits the character imo. It's no surprise they follow their convictions & beliefs until the very end. Once again, I'll say they are the real hero of the story as they SAVE EVERYBODY ELSE'S ASS for f*ck's sake !!!
On the other hand, I wish they could survive the Rumbling & live a peaceful life with Levi 💚💜😢 So I'm more than often Team Denial & read so so much fics where they're both alive & happy together, I also focus on what happened during the 4 years time lapse in the story [mainly Levihan working together, lovingly taking care of their growing brats together, increasing their bond/love just being together all the time & so on & so forth, Levihan living rent free in my mind 24/7 tbh] Also : Hange is the most underrated character in snk, even more than Levi, & we need a f*cking back story for them please I'm on my knees begging you Isayama 🛐
I hope you finally fell asleep, I don't know how you can survive your long shifts !!
Thanks for passing by, always a pleasure to see Krikkit in my notifs ❤️
Mwah kith 😘
The two dorks Valentine's Day gifts they found for each other [just to cheer up the mood]
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Since I'm also a dork, here's a Levihan kiss 💚💜
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f1version · 5 months
rules. answer the questions below!
tagged by @vinvantae tagging: everyone that wants to do it, just say i tagged you. also, @goldsainz @formulaforza @carlosheinz @chrysanthemonza
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1. Who or what got you into F1?
-> my family! they've been enjoying motorsports for years so naturally, i ended up falling in love too. something about forced proximity lmaoo
2. Who was the very first F1 driver you supported? Do you support them now? Have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
-> kimi raikkönen!! as a child i would get really excited to see him on tv or on track, my parents said i recognized his car and all. i supported him always, followed his years out of f1 and all, he’s 100% my favorite of all time.
3. Who's your current favourite F1 driver?
-> i have two 2023/24 favorites: lewis hamilton and oscar piastri.
lewis has been a favorite of mine from the beginning, his racecraft has always been enjoyable to me. also, he’s one of the reasons why (alongside nico and schumi) i decided to support mercedes. he’s a big big inspiration for me, all of the things he has done are wonderful so i’ve never doubted him as one of my favorites.
oscar, on the other hand, is ofc a new addition to the ‘fav f1 driver’ list but is one that doesn’t surprise me! i saw him go up categories and loveeed his driving style. i was never a diehard fan but a supporter of his career for sure. when he got to f1 (and seb left) i knew who my new favorite was gonna be! (now i am, in fact, a diehard fan)
4. Is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? What made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
-> not a pairing but…a boy band…
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they live on my head rent free, the videos (and the lore) were so funny (iconic). BUT, if i had to choose a pair, i would go for kimi and seb!! i had always wanted to see them as teammates bc of how well they got along, when it happened i was the happiest. also nico and lewis were my number ones back in the day and by consequence my biggest heartbreak.
5. Do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite team and/or favourite driver(s)?
-> everyone in the family likes something different. some have their special reasons but in general they vary.
dad’s favorites are mclaren, lauda, and senna, my oldest sister’s are mercedes and button, my older brother redbull and alonso, younger sister ferrari and verstappen (don’t even ask), and my mom’s favorites were ferrari, prost, schumacher, and häkkinen. <3
6. Do you have any favourite races? Are there any that stand out to you the most?
-> this is such a hard question but i’ll go for the ones i rewatch the most: united states 2018, canada 2011, suzuka 2005, abu dhabi 2010, turkey 2020, and germany 2019.
7. Do you have a favourite circuit? Can be from the past or from the current calendar.
-> hockenheim, suzuka, sepang, interlagos, istanbul, spa, silverstone. my lovers fr.
8. Have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? Feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like.
-> i have! i went to my first gp when i was almost one year old, it was france 2003 — nevertheless, the first one i remember going to/experiencing (faintly but i do) is the 2007 brazilian gp!
i’m lucky enough to have gone to multiple over the years and i’m so grateful to my family for it. 2022 and 2023 were the first years i was able to go by myself or with my friends/colleagues to races! (i did go a couple with my family + i go with my brother everywhere but yeah) it’s been amazing!
9. Have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
-> i’m very lucky to say yes, i have met a couple over the years and it’s been great! from the current grid i’ve met everyone but zhou and hülkenberg!!
10. Do you have a favourite F1 car? If so, what is it?
-> FW14B, MP4/4, W11, F2002, RB19 AAAAAAAHQHEUJW. i believe this question goes more towards the liveries but i love those cars, they were such a wonder and the WAY they were driven. ugh. amazing. i love rewatching their races.
11. Do you have a favourite one win wonder?
-> ok so, i would say george but since he’s still racing i’m not counting it. i’ll go with pastor maldonado. HEAR ME OUT. it was an insane day, i was ten but i still remember how crazy everyone felt there in barcelona, like what just happened. also insane to think about how it was pure pace, like yes he was lucky on saturday but sunday was his. ALSO having kimi on the podium is a huge bonus.
12. Do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? This can either be inspirational or hilarious.
-> “we have to remember these days. there is no guarantee they will last forever. enjoy them as long as they last.” — sebastian vettel, 2013.
“that’s for all the kids out there who dream the impossible, you can do it too.” — lewis hamilton, 2020.
“i’ve always believed that you should never, ever give up and you should always keep fighting even when there's only the slightest chance.” — michael schumacher, 2007.
“just leave me alone, i know what to do.” — kimi raikkönen, 2012.
“bwoah” — kimi raikkönen, always.
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bunnywand · 5 months
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my top 3 eps of 2023
i meant to post this a couple of weeks ago along w/ my top albums of 2023, but then i got so busy at work and Then i got ill, so it's been a bit delayed.. oh well!! 😝
the picks:
felicette - go to hell
get wrong - get wrong
proper. - part-timer
2 of these only came out earlier this month, but holy shit, "go to hell" instantly skyrocketed to one of my fav releases of the year and i've been listening to it non-stop, especially after i got to see the band live at the start of the month - go check them out!!! 😳💕
i also got to see get wrong supporting the spook school a couple of weeks ago too, and they also ruled, and i think any release from proper. is almost guaranteed to make my end of the year list, one of the best bands doing it rn 😎✨💖
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