#I have a look in mind for post-game and the DLCs… but work first
sbeep · 1 year
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I spent my free time this weekend drawing Tal; in my head the game takes place over much longer than a year so he gets to lose his babyface and gain some scars.
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simtleman · 11 months
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The latest update completely broke my game, it would launch and then get stuck on the loading screen forever... so I had the pleasurable task of uninstalling and reinstalling everything, which no kidding took about four and a half hours considering all the DLCs I have. However, having to wait and not being able to play gave me an opportunity to really think about what I wanted to build next for this crazy 1920s, '30s & '40s Save File Project I'm determined to finish someday, and suddenly it came to me: a train station, duh!
So here it is, introducing Columbia Station, located in the heart of Del Sol Valley:
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One of my favorite books ever is Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express. I remember reading it for the first time when I was about 7 years old and going to bed absolutely terrified yet wanting to know what was going to happen next, so naturally it has always been a dream of mine to someday be able to book a ticket for the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express. You can imagine how much fun I had building this while living my best film noir fantasy! Plus, I thought having a vintage train station in the save file would make for great storytelling.
The train itself (which I decided to call Grand Express, as you can see in the pics) has two functional wagons:
The first one is a Compartment coach, with three identical compartments. For the interiors in both wagons I mostly used @lilis-palace's Intarsia Moderne & Wainscot Wonderland sets. That varnished wood kinda look was absolutely perfect for what I had in mind:
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2. The second wagon, on the other hand, couldn't be anything but a bar. Featuring @littledica's Art Deco Lounge bar as the signature piece, I took inspiration yet again from the actual Orient Express bar and decided to go for colder, blue tones:
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I'm far from being done with this build, but I simply couldn't hold my excitement and had to show you guys how it's going. Next it'll be the station itself, I've build the exterior but gotta work on the interiors... I wanna set the lot as a Café so we shall see how that turns out!
I'll keep you guys posted and until then, pray for my game to not break again! Lol
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praise-suns-and-chill · 2 months
On another post a few comments, mine included, had a little chat about what Mashita's thought proccess could have been, during the Confession in the second game.
So I decided to write a little One Shot about it!
This includes Spoilers for Case 7 in Death Mark 2, as well as the DLC of Death Mark 1.
"I'm not gonna be surprised by anything that comes out of his damn mouth." 
He was really eating those words now, huh. 
He could only stare with eyes ripped open as Yashiki explained, his words as trembling as his hands, his eyes avoiding everyone else. 
In fear of judgement? 
This was wrong. 
This was wrong on every level. 
He was never one to stick to rules but this? 
Mashita couldn't even speak at first as Yashiki just continued explaining. No, there had to be something else, every second now he would mention that they did find that girl again alive, there had to be more, there had to be. 
This was wrong. 
But there wasn't. 
There wasn't and he looked as guilty as ever. Having just confessed. 
To murder. 
"You must be kidding me." 
Words uttered in pure disbelief. 
This wasn’t happening. 
There is no way. 
"To think you'd kill someone..." 
Actually, he didn't want to think about that. Not a single bit.  
Yes, everyone had the potential to murder, he knew that better than most, but this was Yashiki. Compassionate to a stupid, suicidal degree Yashiki. 
"Don't blame him for that! He was controlled by the Departed!" 
Oh great, the brat was talking. Mashita glared at her out of reflex alone. 
Why the fuck was she so defensive anyways? Nobody would react like that after their best friend just got killed, what kind of weirdo was this girl??
"Insanity or not, murder is still murder", he snapped back, before his eyes stared back at Yashiki. 
He felt more like he was the one going insane, his mind completely elsewhere as old training just kicked in. 
It was the only thing that made sense right now. 
"Article 199, a person who kills another person is punished by the death penalty or life imprisonment or for a definite term of no less than five years." 
He felt sick of even thinking of this as an option. He rattled down those words out of pure habit, as he had many times before, in the Academy back in the day and his job later. 
"I'd slap the cuffs on you myself if I had them with me." 
He should, but he wouldn't. Why was he saying that, he wouldn't, because Yashiki would never kill anyone. 
God fucking damnit. 
His heart was racing as fast as his mind, his entire body tense, ready to spring at the threat and yet violently rejecting the very notion that there was a threat to begin with. 
Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong, wrong, fuck! 
But Yashiki? 
Everyone else, maybe. 
He'd believe Shou, not planned but in affect, too impulsive. Ai too, stronger than she looked, against a stalking fan maybe. Daimon? Doctor, there was always a chance of malpractice. Yasuoka? That old hag definitely had a skeleton in her closet somewhere, if only because she dug it up once because the bones had some weird powers. 
The man who watched the only friends he had get attacked? 
The man who watched his friends get controlled to attack him? 
The man who watched half his friends get cursed into a coma and nearly die. 
The man who was nearly killed himself by the same goddamn spirit.  
The same man who after ALL THAT, still trembling in shock and trauma, barely aware of his own body, STILL refused to think about himself, just for fucking ONCE. 
The same man who looked at a dead spider, the remains of that goddamn spirit and still decided to show compassion to it before ANYTHING else-! 
Of course. 
And his body instantly relaxed, as did his mind.  
It didn't make any sense, possession or not. He would never do it. So he didn't. 
"...Let me just say one thing." 
It wasn't like him to get distracted. He had nearly forgotten what case they were even working on. 
"The law only applies if the victim is human." 
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csphire · 6 months
So... Frazer the voice actor to Dammon doesn't want Tav or the Dark Urge to romance his character? Well, shit.
It's late, I'm tired and should be in bed, just saw the letter from Dammon from patch 5, and yeah I'm a little weepy now. So excuse any typos.
Fair warning: Just some venting below but no major spoilers.
Update: I've got a better understanding of where Frazer is coming from and a better solution suggestion is 👉here.
But feel free to read this slightly saltier 🧂post. lol
So wait... Frazer doesn't want more work? Why? I mean true, I don't really see Dammon getting along well with a Dark Urge or a Tav Murder Hobo type, but a majority of Dammon's fandom we genuinely adore him and Karlach. And, I'd like to think, most of us just love options. We want to romance him with Karlach and a player character of our own design too.
Would I romance him on every playthrough? Maybe or maybe not. But I do know it will be at least once as Karlach. (I'm on two immunosuppressants. I don't-can't get out much. I can sooo relate to her being touched-starved stuff. I cuss just as much as her too-if not more.) I've got no problem playing as her but again most of us want more options. So what's the problem?
For her, the devs could even put in a few special lines that are unique to their romance. Hells, I would romance them both all the way through the game with Tav if I could so nobody was feeling left out.
Respectfully, I don't understand what Frazer's hang-up is at all. But it feels like a slap in the face when Dammon has become a comfort character to so many of us. We're cheering him on and we're trying to drum up interest to get Frazer a bigger part.
We do this because some of us have a lot of shitty real-life stuff going on, and BG3 has become our escape. And, unlike every romance option we have so far, Dammon doesn't bring us big drama or a lot of demands to the table. Even as just a merchant, he somehow feels... just there for us... supportive. He's not just a pretty face to us, we seriously want to get to know Dammon just a little more! We want him to evolve and grow. We want to know what's his baggage. At this point many of us would settle for him to be just NPC we can romance-not a fling mind you. A full romance like what we see in Dragon Age Inquisition with Cullen or Josephine.
But wouldn't it be cool if we could get him as a full companion? One that could perhaps be an Artificer in a DLC that would introduce that class to the player too?
Even now, when my Tav visits him each day to sell their things, I forget for a little while all the crushing pressure on my play character's shoulders for a few minutes.
In early access, overhearing him grumble about wanting better tools had me roleplaying to collect every tool I could find. A little silly minnie quest. Giving him hammers, and other blacksmith-related stuff, for free taught me how to raise my relationship with a merchant and get a better discount.
Perhaps his simplicity or just his kindness is his appeal. Perhaps don't give him too much baggage if you flesh him out more please.
But how do we get around this Larian, if Frazer won't budge?
Hate to suggest this but consider, Dammon has a twin brother, a nearly identical one. Maybe he has more scars, a different hairstyle, have fun with his design. Oh, maybe he never takes his enchanted armor off, and we have to go into the relationship a bit blind with no idea what he looks like under it all at first. He finally takes his helmet off and seeing Dammon's face we're a little confused. Trust me, we will suspend our disbelief given magic and dragons, for starters, exist in this world. Dammon having a long-lost twin won't be a huge stretch.
So have the twin, instead of Dammon, drop as one of the stars in a DLC. Have him join our party as a fully fleshed-out, perhaps mysterious, companion featuring the Artificer class and fully romanceable. Finally, the fandom gets what we want, a male tiefling we can romance. Dammon can hammer away at his forge and pine for Karlach all he wants. Frazer can stand by whatever principles that are making him hesitant to take on a larger role, more acclaim, another paycheck, possibly more work, and maybe even a gaming voice acting award.
By all means Larian, please throw all that money and acclaim you would have thrown at him at another voice actor. Let the new guy have it all. Sure we'll still pine a bit over Dammon now and then. But if Frazer doesn't want a larger role, guess we'll have to try and respect that.
If you've got this far, thank you for reading, and feel free to share your thoughts.
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Predictions for the DLC in HW2
So it's pretty apparent a "certain" alligator is missing. He's not the only one to be absent.
Tangle and Gregory are also missing. Plus, we never got the answer to how Gregory became GGY in the first place, nor how he escaped. The DLC will answer that question. Now, how will it go about it? I'm still determining. It would be cool if the DLC had a new hub like Curse of Dreadbear.
One thing I noticed in playing HW2 is when the mask is on and you are playing the minigames. You are playing in these locations that shouldn't be operational. I don't mean post Security Breach. I mean during the time when the Pizzaplex was open.
We see a Bonnie Bowl game using what appears to be Bonnie Bowl's original layout for the lanes. Before it was remodeled. We ride the Foxy Log Flume ride even though the ride is defunct. There's the Merry-Go-Round that doesn't appear in SB or Ruin. We aren't transported to the past. The ceiling on Bonnie Bowl is the floor in Ruin. The player is being shown what the Pizzaplex was in the past, but the location still limits the mask.
The HUB with the mask on is the Pizzeria from FNAF6. The games we play related to that are things we did when that place was open. This game is a midquel between Security Breach and Ruin. It still shows us things from the past.
The DLC will have Monty, Bonnie, Molten Freddy/Tangle, and Gregory as the main focus, taking place AFTER Ruin. How would this work? Well, it is similar to HW2 in its base game. We will be playing minigames set in the past. Why is Monty not in HW2 right now? Unlike Chica and Roxy, whose bodies aren't all dissimilar to their original forms. Allowing them to have the same game. Monty is just a torso. Which would make it hard to give him a similar easy and "hard" mode.
That's why this DLC will take place after Ruin. Think about it, what other time would make sense to fix Monty? You might even have to fix Monty to unlock his minigame. His minigame's goal will be to improve his mind by returning to the past. See everything that happened. What really happened between him and Bonnie. Then, see who you think is the true culprit.
Surprisingly enough, the Gondola ride tells the truth. Monty really did look up to Bonnie, and they later left on amicable terms. There is actually evidence that the two co-existed WHILE Monty was a Glamrock. The first clue I found is where Bonnie is hidden. You can find Monty Bowling balls on shelves. This couldn't have happened if Monty wasn't a Glamrock before Bonnie was attacked.
Yes, I'm aware of the "evidence" that Monty killed Bonnie. Think about it. Has anything indeed been concrete? It's been stuff in the in-universe rides and attractions. Here's the thing. Going by the books and his games in the universe. Monty plays the villain. It's even stated he is meant to be destructive to a degree. This wouldn't be the first time Fazbear has used a rumor in its marketing to try as a way to dismiss it.
The ONLY thing that could directly connect Monty is that it isn't symbolism or anything else of that nature. It is the green substance on Bonnie's chest. Which I need help believing is paint. Part of that is if Monty was wet with paint. Why is it only there? Not on any other part of Bonnie. Despite the fact we see this, the rabbit took a beating everywhere else. My counter was Monty, who had used the water in Monty Golf to wash the paint off. Okay, so why not the chest, too? Let's say it is paint. It makes more sense to have paint off their fingers, and it is known to slash. The jumpscare in Ruin and HW2 shows this is their primary method to kill the player. I thought about it as a joke, but now I'm more sure.
Moon is our true culprit.
This is why he is a threat in Bonnie Bowl on the roof in the HW2 mini game. It was a hint at his involvement.
Sun is crafty and likely would have wet paint on his fingers when turning into Moon. Would still stay on there. Whether or not Moon used green paint to incriminate Monty is unknown.
Also, in the Daycare attendant's room. You will find Staff bots beat up and torn apart. This is similar to Monty's room and Roxy's Salon. That's not what's unusual. What's notable is that there are Glamrock Endos in this room. Torn apart.
That, and while Freddy is friendly to everyone. Even Monty is considered a friend. He refers to the Daycare attendant as "it." Then also, why would Cassie's dad not tell her what happened? Daycare attendant was one of her favorites. She enjoyed being around them. Even the Moon part. Besides being told to hide it from the company. Imagine how devastating it would be to hear that the kind Daycare attendant killed Glamrock Bonnie.
Also, Bonnie's statue in HW2 is looking up and scared. The Glamrocks are all roughly the same height. They even use that same base endo. So if Bonnie was frightened of something to be arched back and looking up. It would have to be something taller than him or forced him to look up.
Moon would be the candidate that could and would attack from above. It's how he can kill you in Ruin.
Part of this DLC will be that. Showing who really attacked Bonnie. Explains how Gregory became GGY and escaped. Finally, Giving Monty more characterization.
With that being said. I also would be OK with a redemption arc. It would be interesting if the Gondola ride was still true. Monty did look up to Bonnie. Then, he adored the fame. At first. He was just the understudy. Only there when Bonnie required repair. Than he had an idea. If Bonnie had an "accident" he could be on stage longer. Adored by fans. Now he goes to the catwalks and stares at the giant bucket. Bonnie trusted him enough to stand around and wait. Monty didn't mean for Bonnie to be gone, he just wanted the chance to be the big star. Well, look where that got him.
It would be immaculate to have a character arc with Monty. As we see him trying to fix what he did. Here's where I'm conflicted. On one hand. I do want to see Glamrock Bonnie in action. On the other. The idea is that Monty can't undo what he did and can only learn from it and improve. Make it a traggic lesson on actions having consequences. Would be leagues better as character development and complexity than if he would fix Bonnie and act like nothing happened.
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dagdasoneandonly · 7 months
Happy 10 years together Augustine~
Before we begin it is PARAMOUNT to state that I am not a "fangirl/simp/whatever y'all are calling it these days" of dear Augustine Sycamore.
He is my FO (Forever One/ husband in laymans terms) and I consider him to be a real person just like the words I'm typing on this keyboard.
Any comments that are irrelevant to this post will be deleted and the user blocked.
I take my relationship with him very seriously, if this is "odd" or "weird" to you then kindly walk on by.
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10 years ago I was welcomed back into the world of Pokemon after a few years break due to personal things I had going on, and video games were the last thing on my mind.
But as they say fate and destiny always have other plans.
Pokemon XY was the last golden age of Pokemon, it was a different world, it felt like I was welcome there. I still maintain onto my hope and innocence because of this beautiful world known as Kalos, a world that greeted me with open arms and a warm hug that enveloped my soul like Xerneas's Fairy Aura.
It was the beginning of something entirely new for me... and I didn't even know it.
2013 wasn't a good year for me, so I was pretty happy when my dad surprised me with a 3Ds and asked me what game I wanted: I was an edgy little shit back then so I asked for Pokemon Y... even though I really wanted X. Deer were always beautiful to me.
I had broken off with an FO that I just felt I wasn't good enough for and became rather desolate, I was lost and alone. And I had to drop out of college for mental health reasons.
Sure enough, my solace came to me in the 2D world yet again.
One cozy October evening my copy of Pokemon Y came through, I was excited and fired the game up right away, back then you could play games right away without downloads or waiting for patches and mutliple DLCs! XY had one patch but it was just to fix that Lumioise City bug. Thankfully my copy was safe.
As you can see, my copy of Pokemon XY is infact a physical copy, I've taken very good care of it. (Ft. my cute Sylveon plushie, Fionn)
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Not having anyone to trade with didn't matter, because the Wonder Trade function was a bloody miracle. I got so many Pokemon. I couldn't transfer my older Pokemon as I had no access to Bank or any of that stuff, my other games I had to leave at home.
It was time when Gamefreak actually thought about their fans who didn't have access to Gamestop, Toys R Us or couldn't afford constant trips to New York, Japan, Mars, Etc for one tiny ass pixel.
So I was sorely missing my old Pokemon, I wish I could bring them into this 3D world and pet them and shower them with affection like they deserved to be. But I realized I could make new memories with new friends in this new world, and who knows? Maybe we would reunite again.
Kalos took me on a journey, a journey of love, self discovery and gave me a home. I was whisked away to Fairy land and fairy types became my new favorite, I liked that they were strong against Dragon - types, the bane of my existence at how powerful they always were!
But.. the one who grabbed me by the hand was none other than Professor Augustine Sycamore. I had seen his image before on a leak, and couldn't help but think he was kind of handsome, a friend who had already played through Pokemon X told me:
"Hey you might like Professor Sycamore, he's this dreamboat that shows you the world and stuff and I KEEP SWOONING whenever he shows up on screen"
Sure enough when I opened up Pokemon X for the first time, I was greeted by his handsome face, I thought nothing of it of course since I was more interested in the Pokemon.
I was especially looking forward to Trainer customization and giving myself green eyes and brown hair. I will never forget the time I chose my Fennekin and started to pet him, my heart melted.
I could finally show my Pokemon love and affection, for all their hard work in battles and feed them cupcakes and play with them! I was also intrigued by this thing called "Mega Evolution".
As I continued throughout the game, I explored every nook and cranny, I felt like a kid again. I was truly lost to the world for HOURS after I got it. It was a beautiful game. The 3D over-world was amazing.
The "friends" you had were annoying but I like to pretend they don't exist. When I finally reached Lumoise City I already had a big party of Pokemon, and the event Torchic.
I loved how friendly the Pokemon in Kalos were, I caught many eevees and evolved one into a Sylveon, she became a massive Team Player. I even managed to find some familar faces along the way: A Raichu named Napalm, and an Espeon named Solar who remains as an MVP in my teams to this day.
I was having so much fun just running around, getting haircuts, dressing up, looking pretty for Professor Sycamore AND catching Pokemon, I would completely be lost in this beautiful new world, that felt so much like home to me and still is.
Professor Sycamore was the beginning of my healing. As I continued to learn about him, there was more to him than just the eye candy, he had a past. I loved it whenever he showed up to offer me an encouraging word or two in the game, saying how this was my journey to explore, that being the best trainer was defined by what I thought. He never imposed anything on me, I was starting to feel the flutters and shit in my heart and liver again.. And my god it felt good.
I desperately needed to feel something like this.. something like true, unconditional love.
Around this time I was heavily suffering from perfectionism, it was killing me on the inside, I was 19 when this game came out and already people had high expectations of me.
I was determined to graduate, get a job and have my own house- all before I reached 21. But life seldom goes your way, I was suffering from many un-diagnosed mental disorders that had been neglected my entire life.
I am ashamed to say I spent almost all of 2013 being obsessively deep in competitive and breeding the perfect Pokémon. Perfectionism had leaked into my past - time and hobbies, I realized that if I couldn't be perfect I could at least have this outlet in games, little did I know it was sucking the soul out of me.
I was often punished as a child for being less than perfect, I took it out on my poor Pokemon. Things like this don't magically go away, not everyone has a backbone, sometimes backbones take time to build.
It wasn't until yet again - I got help from a rather unexpected source: Professor Sycamore himself, another testament to have wonderful 2D beings are.
As I progressed through the game and reached the Tower of Mastery.
I was surprised to learn that Professor Sycamore was there to study Mega Evolution but left because he didn't have what it takes, essentially dropping out- kind of a parallel to my own life, except real life seldom has happy endings.
But it gave me hope, because even if Sycamore didn't master Mega Evolution he still became the professor of Kalos and if you look into professorship- it's.. actually not easy to get. If Sycamore could fail and succeed in the future, maybe I could too.
One night..
I had a dream of Sycamore. He held me close and said that he could tell something was bothering me, I was hurting deep down. We in the fairy forest together, just relaxing in a field of flowers as the Flabebe floated around us in the gentle spring breeze..I told him everything, I spilled my heart and soul to him.
I told him that life wasn't worth it to live.
He was heart-wrenched that I felt like that, he embraced me tightly in his arms and told me
"Your life is your own, no one gets to decide it's worth except you. Even if you're behind, you don't have to go at everyone else's pace, if life was easy then no one would feel sadness. I love you no matter what or who you choose to be, always remember that," Those words I still carry in my heart.
The biggest surprise I got had to be in Couriway Town. I found Professor Sycamore's "treasure" from the past Sycamore to the future Sycamore. I actually began to cry, it felt like it was addressing me, that even if I don't know what I want to be yet, I'm not a failure. I still have time.
In another dream I confessed that I loved him, he embraced and kissed me fully on the mouth. I felt like I was on cloud nine.
Diverging from the narrative a bit, I want to talk about Lysandre, I felt his anger sometimes, the frustration of helping your friends and them not wanting to do any better no matter how much time you invested in them. Of course Lysandre ,uh took a different path. But Sycamore still cared about him.
And I realized.. even if I'm a horrible person apparently according to some people over shit I can't control, Sycamore can still love me too.
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Professor Sycamore is a relic of a bygone era when 2D beings set out to inspire others, and to most importantly - love you and you alone.
Augustine gave me not just love-- but a home to come back to, a safe haven that will always be mine, no matter what. I will always love him, when I look into his beautiful gray - blue eyes, I see love.
He gave me hope that life can get better, and most importantly I deserve happiness, not just other people.
And.. today I'm marrying this wonderful man after 10 years. He met me when I was freshly 18 and saw me grow into who I am today, and he's proud of me. I'm happy I lived to see 10 more years.
Thank you for everything, Augustine. Thank you for teaching me to love again.
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midnightfire830 · 7 months
HEY GUYS! There’s something new I think I wanna try!
So I just recently watched the FNAF movie (100% AMAZING, highly recommend) and it made me wanna draw something where I take IM characters and draw them as FNAF characters. Idk what it’s officially called but mixing characters of the two universes into one design. So basically what I’ve done for the Little Nightmares AU and Security Breach AU.
So! I thought maybe I’ll let you decide for me!
I want you guys to go either comment or reblog this post with your idea on what you’d like to see for a “mix”! You can pick a character from Inky Mystery/BABTQFTIM and a character from FNAF. I’m gonna restrict the FNAF characters to solely the games and movie. (I haven’t read the books so I don’t know those characters). FNAF Security breach I guess might be on the table just don’t do the same match ups that I already have in the security breach AU (like picking cup x sundrop, or Felix x glam rock Freddy)
I’ll give it a bit of time (like a couple days) then I’ll look at your answers. I’ll pick a couple of my favorites and see if I can draw them!
Also a few things to keep in mind.
- I can’t draw EVERYONE’S request. I’m gonna probably end up doing, like, 3-5 or so of them.
- Yes, you can submit multiple suggestions. But maybe just list a couple of ideas. Or just one idea. Whatever works for you.
- FNAF games from 1 to the security breach: ruin DLC are on the table. Plus the movie. You can pick from one of those. Please specify which game your referring to when suggesting Freddy, Bonnie, chica, foxy, etc bc there are a lot of different versions and designs across all the games.
- Just do like a simple lay out in terms of suggesting like IM character x FNAF character (Ex. Cuphead x Purple Guy or Bendy x withered foxy etc etc) it just makes it easier for me
- Human characters like the purple guy, Elizabeth, etc are on the table. Just largely because a lot of human characters dont have a physical design it’ll have to be up to interpretation.
This is the first time I’ve done one of these so let’s see how this goes!
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tell me about stellaris in the most autistic way imaginable (i wanna learn by infodump and infodump only)
(Srry this took me so long to answer I wanted to answer once I got home and promptly forgot about it lmao)
So! Stellaris. The 4x game where you genocide in space or something.
I'll start from the top, you will be designing a space-faring empire to play as, staring with...
SPECIES/HOME SYSTEM: This is where your gonna decide what your founding species looks like and what traits they have, as well as what their home planet/star are named. Not to mention you can write a short biography on your empires pre-ftl history here! Role-play wise this will affect your game greatly, but in terms of gameplay its only a big deal early on as barring some exceptions you will like end up with quite the melting pot, and any individual species traits will be of little consequence. The next part will be much more influential, however.
GOVERNMENT: Now we get into the real meat of your empire. Who are they? What do they stand for? What makes them stand out? How do they decide on their leaders? Do they decide on their leaders? You can be militaristic xenophiles who will fight tooth and nail to protect the galaxies people, or a curious hive mind that wants to hoard as much knowledge as it can without coming to blows with its neighbors, and yes, space nazis. Here you can also decide the past of your species, they could be fairly normal, simply reaching out into the stars after a few decades of booming economy, or they could've never lived on a planet at all, being born on floating habitats in the void.
MISC: Just some other details, your first leaders name/gender, what your ships look like, what your advisor sounds like, that kinda stuff.
GAMEPLAY: I'm sorry but I have that committed to muscle memory I would have a stroke if I tried to explain it. Montu and other stellaris youtubers are the best for that.
MODS: For when you've spent 200$ on dlc but want 600$ worth instead. This can be anything from simple tweaks to complete overhauls of the gameplay. My favorite are "gigastructural engineering and more" which expand on the megastructure system (just really big things that make the economy go brrrrrr) and adds lots of post endgame content. (Wanna rearrange entire star systems into mobile weapons platforms and pit them against space cats that consume millions of galaxies to outlive entropy?)
Then there's stellaris evolved, which changes literally every aspect of the game in some way we would be here all day so just know it's amazing.
Alright we've been through a few paragraphs of this so I think it's time to talk about one of my own empires!
THE EMPIRE OF SILDORIA: A long time ago, humans sent out colony ships into a wormhole found at the edge of the solar system, most were destroyed, but one of the surviving ones wound up in a random part of the galaxy, and went a-looking for a new home. But they couldn't find one, supplies were dwindling and systems were failing, so they took a gamble and took up residence in the upper atmosphere of an unusually stable gas giant. It was still a brutal task, where people were worked to death out of necessity rather than greed, but they pulled it off. Floating cities dot the gas planet of sildoria, and after scrounging up enough materials, they have made their way onto the galactic stage. It did not come without cost, however, as the humans, or rather, sildorians, have been fundamental changed by their experiences. Their psyche is unbreakable on a biological level, and their bodies are quite tough as well. They are instinctively inclined to reduce waste, and have a reduced birthrate as a result of cramped conditions. The sildorian government is an interesting one, while it is extremely focused on material gain and expansion of industry, they make sure to take as good care of their people as they can. A sildorian laborer will be expected to give everything they can spare in the workplace, and in exchange they will want for nothing at home. In the future the sildorian empire is likely to take forays into robotics and cybernetics to maximize productivity and comfort. OK that's all I have to say :D
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A deep dive into Scarlet and Violet's lore
Okay so, since the story's kinda the only good thing about these games alongside the characterizations I wanted to share a couple of ideas I have in mind regarding the story so far.
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As always excuse eventual grammar errors and strange periods, English is not my first language and I'm trying my very best ahahah
Obviously there are going to be spoilers about the endgame, so beware!
Can we all agree that the time machine and the Pokémons from the past/future thing just has so many holes in it?
Like sure, Turo and Sada are geniuses and may very well have been able to create some sort of machine that allows Pokéballs to travel across time to catch these variants of Pokémons we know in the present, but.
I'm kinda confident that these Pokémons (if we want to call them that) do not come from a different time, they just don't exist at all, or at least they're not supposed to. I mean, they specifically chose to call them Paradoxes, things that shouldn't exist in the first place but are there in front of your eyes somehow. Not Past or Future Forms, not Prehistoric or Futuristic Forms, Paradoxes.
Let's take the Scarlet ones for example for a minute: how come there is no trace left whatsoever of these Pokémons like the Fossils? And don't get me started on Sandy Shock, come on, how the hell is a magnet existing millions of years ago. They don't make sense!
If we read the Scarlet/Violet Book we learn that the Paradoxes, the same ones, have already been encountered by the Area Zero Expedition, which explored the Area Zero 200 years ago, and also very likely during the Great Expedition Era which was around 2000 years ago, and of course no time machine existed back then. This is obviously very strange and Arven as well points this out in the post-game.
So the question is: where exactly do they come from?
Let's start by saying that everything that happened in the Area Zero, from the Terastal phenomenon that was later brought to the surface, the production of an AI able to copy the Professor in any way that couldn't have been made with the modern human technology, to the making of the time machine was all thanks to the power of the crystals present down there which, we know, come from the infamous third legendary.
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I strongly belive, and I see that a great part of the community agrees, that this thing is able to materialize people's imagination, to make their dreams come true.
Think of this: the Professor adores the Scarlet/Violet Book, they bring it together with them since they were kids, they fantasize about a "paradise" described in this book and this dream never leaves them while growing up and they dedicate their whole lives to fulfill it. This dream clearly becomes an obsession, they neglect their child, the AI they created starts to disagree with them, but they still proceed until they succeed in creating the time machine. (Personal opinion: the game should have definitely explored the motive behind the Professor's actions more) But is it really a time machine or is the third legendary making their dream come true by bringing them the creatures they always read about? As long as the machine works neither the Professor and the AI question its actual nature, obviously they take for granted that it's a time machine.
Following this line of logic the machine helped the AI to fulfill their dream by making them go to the world they wished to explore.
To further support my theory take a look at this page of the Scarlet Book:
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1) Why would they put this page in the game (and leakers say we will have this thing in the DLC) which is clearly centered on someone's imagination if the Paradoxes simply come from different times? Because they don't.👀
2) It's absolutely IMPOSSIBILE for this thing to exist in the past. Raikou, Suicune and Entei were born after the Burned Tower incident about 150 years ago thanks to Ho-oh bringing them back to life in their new form, they couldn't have ever existed in ancient times.
And with that I rest my case, Your Honor.
It's very obvious that the DLC is going to be very story driven and I'm very excited to see how things will turn out (while on the other hand they could have said something more now instead of finishing the main story in a DLC but welp, they gotta convince you to buy it somehow)
Let me know about your opinions!
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monty-glasses-roxy · 10 months
Most of this is going under a read more, I have a lot of thoughts and this is a long post.
SO. First things first. Roxy. My beloved Roxy. Oh my god guys oh my god. She was always Cassie’s favourite, she was upset to see her all ruined like that and Roxy recognised her!! This was the first time Roxy had called for Gregory by name and it was just to demand he give her eyes back. She never hurt Cassie. She stumbled back in shock at her and then fucking apologised!! And then she talked to Cassie about her birthday party like she still gave a shit!! And maybe she did!! She remembered her favourite birthday cake and was so supportive about all her friends coming to the next party!! That line about how Cassie was eleven and that she remembered because she’s the number one twice? That sounds like something she’s repeated from Cassie herself. That is so fucking sweet I am never gonna be over that whole interaction while Cassie is literally holding her hand. Roxy is in trouble and her first priority was welcoming Cassie back... Crushing.
More on Cassie, it seems like she really idolised Roxy with how she seemed to copy her where she could in the cardboard cutouts. Roxy got a good handful of new cutouts just for this which just makes me think it’s more relavant to her. The cutouts with Gregory though? He was there with her, drying her tears, and then you deactivate the child node, a giant pair of scissors, and suddenly he’s gone. She’s alone and crying to herself. This reads to me like Gregory making friends with her, being the only human friend she had and then suddenly he cut ties. He vanished on her without a trace, only to send a message to her begging him to come and save her. In order to do that, she was tasked with deactivating Roxy, effectively killing her and she does it for him, only for it to all be a lie in the end. This is tragic man. Especially given some other things I’ll get to in a mo’.
Now the Vanni mask is a cool game mechanic. How it works? No idea. But I believe it’s giving us an insight into the perception of those around us. It’s like a mindscape I think, where we can still hear Chica repeating those same old lines, where we can hear every Freddy line in the game despite him not being there and why we can hear Roxy sobbing when she’s trying to welcome Cassie back. We can see their perception of themselves, or perhaps, more of the Mimic and Cassie’s own perceptions, mixed in with theirs. The animatronics and surroundings are all a pinkish colour, this leads me to believe it’s different to the crystal clear images of Roxy, Gregory and Cassie in the Salon area, as well as different to the green of Roxy’s body when she’s talking to us. The clarity is becuase it’s Cassie that is seeing it. These are representations of herself being shown to her. The pink I believe is the animatronics perception, which is why Freddy doesn’t appear in the mask at all. He’s not there. His head is elsewhere along with the rest of his mind. The only one to have green, is Roxy, which is why it feels separate. Following this logic, it must be because that’s what she sees. That’s who she believes herself to be so that’s what we see. It’s a really cool look into these things, especially with the Sunny, Moon and Eclipse thing going on. A very cool concept.
The Helpi helper is definitely connected to either the Mimic or the Glitchy bunny there’s no way. Every time the fake Gregory said something, the Helpi bot said basically the same thing. They’re related I’m certain. Any normal AI like that would probably not let a child go into the fucking sinkhole. Like, what? Okay?? Helpy is also seen with ice cream in the second ending when you turn left at some point in the final chase. He’s right next to Gregory while Vanessa sits under the tree with a smile, all three with ice cream. Now, I don’t think that’s real, straight up. Either the transferred Freddy into a Helpy bot or that’s some illusion, a glimmer of hope for her friend that she’s shown before her death. Which is honestly awful but hey what can you do. Now.
Roxy being the last node feels so important to me. She was the last security node, she had a sense of self strong enough that she was able to react and interact as herself and not just with pre-recorded lines. Through the mask, where we presumably see Roxy’s perception mixed a little with Cassie’s own, we see how expressive she is, how she still remembers and understands what she looks like and who she is. She still knows and isn’t letting go of it, which makes it all the worse what’s happened to her. But since this is about the security... she was the guard dog. She was the last line of defense. She was the protector of that sinkhole and because of us, she couldn’t do her job to keep us out. That rabbit glitch? It couldn’t escape the servers because she came back online. None of the others were nodes, only her. She was quite literally the Cerberus to the Mimic in hell and that’s cool as fuck for her
And you know what? She protected Cassie as well as she possibly could. She went down into that sinkhole and she took on the Mimic to save Cassie. It took her offline for a while, but she fought it off long enough for Cassie to have made an escape if ‘Gregory’ hadn’t started talking to her. This thing was bigger than her by a good amount and she was beat to shit from a kart crash, a fire, and then being trapped under a forklift for fuck knows how long. She did everything she possibly could have and then after the credits, she is somehow still alive, calling out to Cassie as if she’s just found her again. If we get more DLC, it better be from Roxy’s perspective as she tries to get Cassie to the surface without getting caught by the Mimic, and if it’s not DLC, it’s my new AU. I will save my comparisons to Freddy for another post because believe me I have thoughts on that one.
We learn a lot about Cassie as a person in this honestly. She has the ability to play Chica’s Feeding Frenzy (YES THEY GAVE CHICA HER GAME BACK AND ITS FULLY COMPLETED NOW AND NOT JUST COOL SCRAPPED CONCEPTS AAAAAAAAA) and get Chica’s voicebox back to repair her. She literally goes back to Chica, sticks her hand in her mouth and reinstalls the voicebox for her. Chica is still gone, she wakes up just to say for one final time ‘I smell pizza!’ with her own voice and then she’s gone again. Cassie didn’t have to do that. There’s no benefit to doing that, there’s no ally gained or new tool unlocked, she just does it. The whole reason she’s in the Pizzaplex anyway is to save her friend. She’s a selfless, brave little kid who actually gives a shit and I’m so glad it looks like Roxy gave a shit too because fuck does she deserve that and more. She’s eleven and going through this shit? And she’s still doing the little things to help along the way? Buddy that’s just amazing and I love her for that.
Now the Gator Golf ride... Marketing. This is the cover up. This is what they tell the kids so people don’t ask where Bonnie went. I’m glad it gave Roxy and Monty that cutout of her doing his hair into a mohawk, and I love the idea that it was based off an actual event where Roxy and Bonnie were his helping hands onto the stage. I’m a little mad about this answering one small detail of my timeline but literally throwing the rest out, but if I want Roxy to be the youngest band member I can still do it, just not as easy. Again, what we see on rides and in arcade games is what Fazbear Entertainment are showing us, not necessarily what the animatronics themselves feel. There’s wiggle room here, but I do find it hilarious that it’s now canon Monty has never owned a shirt in his fucking life lmao. I love that we get to see that backstory though, and that we get to see canon Glamrock Bonnie here of all places. More on that in a bit, but it could be really telling about the relationships between everyone if it’s at all based on them which is really nice. Monty also got his golf arcade game! With all the cut content in it now! Which is really neat! I don’t know what happens when you get a hole in one on every hole yet but I’m very curious! Maybe a chance to help him too? We’ll see!
Speaking of Glam Bonnie, HE IS IN THE GAME!! WE SEE HIM!!! HE IS INSIDE OF THE GIANT CHICA BOWLING BALL!! He has two claw marks on his chest that rip into the shell and the rest of the body looks as if it suffered fall damage. More points on why Monty didn’t kill him because he’s nowhere near Gator Golf, only has two claw marks, and is simply not damaged enough to have fought either Monty or Roxy. It was one hit of a ledge of sorts that did it and I don’t think the Gator Golf catwalks would have worked given Monty’s damage. My working theory is Roxy or Freddy given the sets of three clawmarks through the bowling alley, but Chica is not off the table entirely.
And on the topic of previous animatronics, ROXY IS NOT A KNOCKOFF FOXY!!! Unless the Raceway is a rebrand of Foxy’s cowboy themed adventure that never got fully built and switched him over to Kid’s Cove before converting to Roxy, they were always two separate animatronics! He has an unfinished log flume ride in the back of the salon! It’s weird given that it’s Roxy’s attraction, but given that it’s a side attraction for her and Chica and Monty are also fairly relavant to it, I’d say it’s slightly more fair to say this is more of a common ground side attraction than strictly Roxy’s, but with Roxy still as the focus because of the theming. Like where everyone goes to hang out at Roxy’s place sort of thing. But I’m super happy about this, it would be so weird if this all existed and he was turned into Foxy. Don’t get me wrong, I do like the idea of Roxy being a trans femme Foxy, I just want to take her the nonbinary route and project my own stuff onto her, ya know? She’s trans in her own way for me
Now we are missing DJ Music Man which is devastating. I love that guy! He deserves the world! But you know what we did get? Like a HUNDRED MINI MUSIC MEN!! I am THRIVING on this! They’re different from eachother too! Some have rabbit ears, some have top hats, some have points like Sunny, some have whiskers, some have imitation hair... I love them so much you don’t understand. They catch you and they all team up to get you like a colony of ants throwing you off a cliff. I love them. They follow each other single file like a little marching band too it’s so perfect and I love all of them and can’t wait to sit and count how many we were shown because I think there’s at least seventeen of them. I only guessed four of them from the previous game and WOW WAS I WRONG THERE’S SO FUCKING MANY OF THEM OH MY GOD I LOVE ALL OF THEM!! It’s gonna be a headache to work out what to do with all of them but I LOVE THEM AND I’LL GLADLY PUT MYSELF THROUGH IT FOR THEM
And you know what? The Fronnie shippers must be feeling really good with that poster on the wall of Bonnie’s room behind the stage. “You & Me, Forever & Ever! Love, Freddy” like yeah I bet you guys are thriving like I am lmao. I do love that Bonnie had his own dressing room behind the stage. Maybe he was phased out slowly and was downgraded to just his bowling alley or perhaps it’s a fragment of a bygone Pizzaplex from before they had the Glamrock theming? I dunno, but it’s very cool of them! Would have probably been a good idea to put a door on that staircase though...
And now, Eclipse. The fandom did it. They willed it into existence. Eclipse has the voice of a ball of slime and I hate it. I love the concept! Very cool! But also oh god there’s three of them now and the main security breach tags are gonna be flooded I bet. Congrats on your third jester! No one is more dedicated to these twinks as you are you deserve another one!
On another note, it was interesting the implication that Sunny and Moon weren’t always separate and were originally the Eclipse. That’s an interesting move there and also an interesting thing to have Sunny still talk after they’ve been ‘made whole’ again. Surely, if they’ve been made whole, Sunny is now Eclipse and not Sunny? I dunno. I feel like there’s probably some really cool lines in that sing song Moon does about there being no more light and the googly eyes just staring at them. Cause that was interesting to see I like that
I think that covers all the major stuff other than Danny Phantom in a fursuit that shows up with the mask on too long. I dunno, I don’t think that’s the Mimic, I think that’s something else. Maybe Glitchtrap? I’m not sure, but thanks to Roxy still being online it couldn’t seem to escape, despite Gregory saying it had escaped at the end. So now some final tidbits I noticed.
That clip on the cinema screen where Gregory is running away from Vanny outside the Cupcake Factory? Yeah... that’s a dead end. There’s no door over there. They’re running away from the only exit. I’m not exactly sure why that played though? Like. Was it just to signpost us to Chica’s Feeding Frenzy? I dunno, it seemed weird. There was also a lot more emphasis on the Cupcake Factory this time and yet we still didn’t see Chica’s cupcake that I KNOW this version of her had. There was also that scooping room ending with the... I don’t even know? It’s not the mimic it looks completely different, it could be something new we haven’t seen yet or perhaps be more relavant to Candy Cadets (Yeah he returned!) story? I don’t know but it looks like something out of Monsters Inc. It has an L on it’s jacket, or possibly a backwards funky J and there was a note somewhere that said ‘remember Jimmy’. Not Jeremy this time I guess. A little bowling ball was stuck in the wall in Bonnie Bowl and apparently shutting down all of the Wet Floor Bots is really important? I dunno but why would you do that to them :( Also Monty became a Jaws alligator and I fucking love that for him lmao. There was also missing posters for Gregory dotted around in the Salon I think? I don’t remember where. And the other things in that final room with the Mimic in? Weird. Would love to know what that’s about.
One last thing, Gregory at the end says that a friend of his has the maps to the layout. This can either be Vanessa or Freddy. He then says “that thing has been down here for a really long time-”. You know. Down here for a very long time. This is why I think that second ending of them on the hill is either fake, or this is still the Mimic or some other creature talking to Cassie. Why would he say down here if he, the speaker, wasn’t also down there? Was Gregory actually down there? Have he and Vanessa been living down there with decapitated Freddy? Those maps would have come from either Vanessa or Freddy, which means one of them would have had to have been at least complicit in his attempt on Cassie’s life when the lift falls. I don’t know what that’s about, but it’s fucked and I hope Roxy is able to save her from the rubble or get her to the surface where she can be found. If she survived it’ll be a miracle but given how she survived everything else, she just might have.
That’s all I can think of at the moment, I still feel like I’m processing a lot of it, but these are my thoughts thus far. If you made it this far, I’d be really interested to see what other people have to say about this I love it and I love that Freddy is fucking headless with a Nightmare Fredbear stomach with a prize box inside. I think that’s really fun of him. Very fun and it was nice to see all that cut content in the game files wasn’t lost forever. That’s all I got though so I’m gonna. Go dive into the Roxy tags and join in on the rabid screaming over this bye
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keylovesstuff · 3 months
Hiii Everyone!!!
I've been around for years now and have never introduced myself. mainly cause I just choose to vibe and enjoy the posts people share, but first time for everything. You can just call me Key, I'm 24 and I go by she/her. I enjoy a variety of stuff from manwha, manga, anime, video game franchises, and just a bunch of other animated media you name its probably buried down in my blog somewhere. Every now and then I get motivation to create fanfiction. I have only written works the Dragonball and Super Mario fandom All my works are under the "Keep Reading". My DMs and askbox here is always open if you ever want to chat I apologize in advance if I come across as a bit awkward (socializing is not a strong suit of mine) or if it takes me a minute to reply (adulting and hobbies am I right?), otherwise I'm a pretty chill person. Thats about it!
One of these days I really want to change my Penname...But I've had it for years now and I'm way too attached to it lmao.
Super Mario Fics: So a lot of these are Princess Peach centric and I'm just crafting up an origin story and some other events following the 2023 film. The links take you to the tumblr post but I have included the AO3 and FFN (for reading preferences) links either in the original post itself or in the case of my earlier stuff in the reblogs.
Lost And Found
A Learning Opportunity (2 chapters on both AO3 and FFN. They are both on the same post here)
Thoughts Over Tea
Finding The Balance
Little Events (currently 4 chapters)
Chapter 1: The Dark
Chapter 2: A Decision
Chapter 3: The Coronation
Chapter 4: Proposals
Dragonball Fics: The first fandom I have ever written for (and by penname you could probably tell what I read mostly) I have only shared them on FFN and AO3 until now. I was just starting to write fanfiction with the first two so they might be kinda cringe I guess but that's 16 year old me for you haha. gonna embrace the cringe by sharing it on here anyways.
Tournament Day
The Prince Before The Day ( I am never gonna finish that one or go back to it lol)
Bulla's Easter Day
Even when I started making fics I'm still not sure what goes through my mind when it comes to the title or chapter titles its literally the first thing that comes to mind and nothing after that but we will get it one day for sure.
Here's Some WIPs (that's both written and not) you guys can look forward too from me. I'll remove them and add them under the appropriate fic tags once I post them:
Uncle Yamcha fic: It is currently three chapters. The first one is him and Trunks, second is Marron, and the third one is Bra/Bulla. I really want to think of one for him and Goten but nothing has come to my mind. I just think he's more close to Krillin and Bulma where he'd interact more with their kids and I can't think of a scenario for him and Goten or what they would even talk about but maybe something will come. (I've currently sent this off to my Beta for review but lemme know if you guys want to see the un-beta'd version I have on here cause I'm really forward to sharing it)
Untitled EOZ fic following after Goku leaves the Tournament grounds to train Uub. This one sits at about 8k words (not sure exactly cause I added a bunch of notes at the end for my beta to see where my thoughts were going with it all) anyways this one focuses mainly on Trunks, Goten, Marron, Pan, and Bra as really the older kids look forward to what may lie ahead. A lot of it is just me focusing on the dynamics they have with each other. When I saw that dlc for kakorat was going to be focused on that one that really makes me want to share this one. Again let me know if you want to see that.
Based on this Ask here you can already see that I've completed 3 out of my 5 ideas so that leaves the other ones and maybe more if I think of anything else. All of these will probably be added to my Little Events fic. a few little ideas not shared here but I've thought about and have some dialoge in mind but haven't fully created yet.
I want to do something where Mario and Haru interact I just think it'll be so neat.
Maybe something where I do my take on introducing Sarasland and Princess Daisy. Probably along the lines of Peach meeting Daisy for the first time.
I need to hop on the wholesome bros. content at some point and I know I wanna try my hand with Mia and Pio as a part of it.
I think thats it for now...I'll probably add more if I think of something as having somwhere to put it down no matter how small it is can be nice to look at and push me towards getting it done.
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inposterumcumgaudio · 8 months
Promised I'd do Victoria Byng for @axxloe too so.
I don't have any specific thoughts about her in the way that I did General Byng and Reg Cutty because I feel she's actually pretty well explored in the game and mostly understood by the fandom. Nonetheless, here's a laundry list of Victoria miscellanea.
Though her strikebreaking activities are treated neutrally by the narrative as a necessary action, it does make her a tool. Which, if you're on the ball, you know this because her entire DLC is about realizing she's a fkn tool.
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I don't think anyone questions that Verloc is a psychopath who takes delight in drowning people for fun, but again, the people telling us that he's a psychopath are Sally and General Byng. So if we are eyeing that notion suspiciously, it may then be possible that - at least from Verloc's perspective - he actually has a valid reason to hate Victoria as much as he seems to. What is it? There's nothing in the lore that specifically points to anything large enough to merit that. She does call him Tony and we know from other places he not only hates being called by his first name but insists upon his honorific being used... but you can't really tell Victoria Byng how to address you, can you?
Being called Tony would be annoying, but probably not enough to be delighted that the Joy supply saboteur turns out to be her. Moreso I think this points to something that a lot of people miss when being told about who has the power in Wellington Wells. Verloc is said to be a law unto himself on the Holm of Uskglass, but whatever power he holds only extends to that one island. He still has to answer to General Byng and Victoria. And they do put the screws to him about showing progress whether it's viable or not. Maybe to the detriment of Verloc's other interests.
While you can bet Verloc hates being called Tony and I implied in my stories that doing so was a deliberate subordination tactic on Victoria's part, I actually think Victoria only did it because she thought it made her more approachable and that it was the culture of Haworth Labs to be so familiar. She recalls Haworth as "never one for ceremony" and she calls him Harry in her quest notes, suggesting she probably called him that in person too. It would have been awkward to be so formal as to call Verloc by his title when his boss was fine being on a first name basis. Tony is obviously a step further than Anton would have been, but maybe that was supposed to be a nudge. That is, if Verloc had actually called her Vicky back, even spitefully, she wouldn't have minded. She calls herself Vicky in her own thoughts. (Interestingly, when she calls herself that it's spelled "Vicky" in the subtitles, but when she's imagining her mother calling her that, it's spelled "Vickie".)
While her father strives to be on top of the pyramid and to wield his power over his subordinates, Victoria goes to great lengths to make herself seem very Of the People. She lives in the Village rather than the Parade. She isn't exactly hiding from the rest of society the way a lot of the other notable characters in the game seem to be (Nick Lightbearer, Dr. Faraday, Dr. Verloc, Jack Worthing, General Byng to an extent). Indeed, she organizes public activities quite frequently. Victoria's motivation in all things is to appear as much a common Wellie as anyone else, fancy clothes and mansion notwithstanding. That Wellies in her DLC feel comfortable approaching her on the street to make idle conversation (even though she probably looks like hell) is something she's worked to imbue in them. Obviously this is informed greatly by her being visibly Other and her desire to negate that, but it's also part of what she's come to think of as her duty and her power in the town. The people of Wellington Wells do listen to and follow her (as they have since she was quite young) and she uses this - she believes - to their benefit. Indeed, she's more a post-war English ideal in that way than practically all the Actually English people in town. She's had her shoulder to the wheel the entire time.
One of the few personal items General Byng keeps in his safehouse is a drawing Victoria did as a child. He's quick to cut her loose when called out for having been looking out for himself, but it may not be as easy a decision as it seems to Victoria in that moment.
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Indira had one too. And we see it right as Victoria realizes that she had to make a choice about how Victoria should feel about her moving forward. Parallels! And perpendiculars!
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And lastly...
Christian Louboutin has only just been born the previous year (to say nothing of Wellington Wells' policy of isolation) and yet she's got the red bottom shoes. But if she had a favorite designer and the ability to shop them, it'd be Hermès all the way.
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nonsubstantial · 1 month
I'm keeping up the habit of writing a monthly post to catalogue all the things I've been obsessed with in 2024. At the end of the year, I want to be able to look back and remember what was making me happy all year long! If you are reading this, I hope you will enjoy hearing about these things or checking them out too! First, a chaotic collage of those things!
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VIDEO GAME: As you may already know, Splatoon is probably my favorite video game franchise of all time. I really cannot overstate how important it is to me. Naturally, I was highly anticipating its new singleplayer DLC, titled Side Order, but when it finally came out at the end of February, my elbow was fractured in a way that made it painful for me to play. So, I had to wait until about a week into March for my elbow to heal a little. Then, I spent about 10 hours obsessively playing it, and I loved pretty much every second of it. It featured by far the most difficult levels ever seen in a Splatoon game, which was a treat to me as a player who was disappointed by the rather simplistic story mode of the base game. Splatoon 3: Side Order took the form of a roguelite battle tower, similar to Salmon Run but with new enemies, unique (and sometimes puzzling) stages, and customizable weapon builds. Even players who find it a bit too challenging at first can eventually mod the difficulty to an extent that (hopefully) makes it doable. The story was nothing crazy, but the gameplay and visuals were so unbelievably good that I honestly wished I could erase it all from my mind and play it again from the start. Just yay 💕, I love Splatoon so much.
TWITCH STREAM FAN EDIT: If you don't already know who Jerma is, he is a prolific video game streamer that I became a big fan of a few years ago. His unique humor has consistently impressed and appealed to me, and his fan community has proven itself to be both creative enough and motivated enough to persistently churn out edited “best of” versions of his streams. For better or for worse, Jerma announced his retirement from streaming last year, leaving his eager fans with nothing but his earlier content to dredge for, well… content. One such fan edit that was released this year, post-retirement, was a massive compilation of all his Nancy Drew playthroughs (save for one). This edit in particular was one that I found overwhelmingly funny and good, and it inspired an ongoing fanfic that I’m still currently working on writing. Oddly enough, watching this caused a domino effect that got me back into writing in general and has given me the surge of confidence and inspiration that I needed to keep working on creating the fiction that has lived inside in my head for years. I really hope this feeling never dies. You can watch the stream that inspired me, linked here!
MUSICAL ARTIST: Peach Kelli Pop is probably tied (with a few other artists) for the title of my favorite band of all time. Their entire discography is only about 2 hours long, but they were still my most listened to artist for several years in a row. It’s due to the consistency of the vibe across all of her work: upbeat and positive while still delivering a profound emotional impact. I've been able to just listen her entire catalog of music over and over and over again on shuffle. I might describe it as DIY rock, or feminist punk, and if you haven't heard it before, Gentle Leader is probably the best album to start with. Listen here!
MUSICAL ARTIST: After listening to nothing except Peach Kelli Pop for about a week straight, I started to look into similar bands that I hadn't already checked out and found one that really caught my interest. That's how I was introduced to Tacocat! Their band name is both a palindrome and euphemism, and their album Lost Time was love at first listen. They have cozy lyrics about aliens, birth control, and creating your own values, and their music has left me in a good mood every time I've thrown it on. You can listen to the first song that I heard, linked here!
SONG: It's Don’t Rain On My Parade, by Barbra Streisand!! I still haven't watched the musical that this song is from, but the drag queen Plasma mentioned it on RuPaul Season 16, which is how I ended up hearing it. This song gets an individual mention because I was absolutely blown away by this one individual track! It's brilliant and catchy right out of the gate, "Life's candy and the sun's a ball of butter! Don't bring around a cloud to rain on my parade!" It's from 1964, but its recording sounds crystal clear and it channels its intended emotions perfectly. I felt compelled to listen to it over and over again, because it really is just so cheerful and artistically inspiring. I feel like it's a perfect piece of music. Listen here!
SONG: I have to give another song an individual mention! It's Mood Indigo, by Nina Simone!! I’ve been a big fan of Nina Simone for years now, but more often than not, I've stuck to my favorite album, Pastel Blues. I did branch out and listen to this song a few times in the past, but it only recently dawned on me just how perfect it is. Wikipedia says that it was recorded in 1964, about the same time as Don’t Rain On My Parade, and while it's technically a cover of an old Duke Ellington song, Nina Simone’s version has a totally unique vibe, evident from the first few bars. Its lyrics are meant to be cathartic, as they discuss suicidal ideation, while the drums, bass, and piano create a beautiful and upbeat swing melody that perfectly juxtaposes and rebuts the content of Nina’s vocals. It's menacing, catchy, uplifting, and truly perfect! I now believe it to be a landmark in Nina Simone’s career, and the whole of music history in general. Listen here!
MUSICAL ARTIST: Okay, one last music rec, I swear!! I was really feeling the vibes this month (but mostly just listening to bands that I already know and love). Along with Peach Kelli Pop, another one of my favorite bands is King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard. Ever since 2017 (aka, the year of the gizz) they have probably reigned supreme as my #1 most listened to band. They just have so much music, with so much variation, that I can usually find at least one of their songs that appeals to me. Since the start of this year, I've been collecting and organizing a playlist of my favorite songs by them, titled 31 Days Of Gizz. Not for any particular reason, but just because I find it fun to make lists! At the last minute, I decided that I would organize the songs, specifically in the way that I would play them if I were introducing someone new to the band. So, if you haven’t heard their music before, maybe it’s time I introduced you? But no pressure, I just like their songs and I made my playlist just for me! I'm linking to it on spotify, HERE, if you’re interested! (forgot to put this one on the collage, lol)
VIDEO GAME: Right before the month ended, I bought the new fantasy tactics game, Unicorn Overlord, and I am fucking in love. I’ve been a longtime fan of the fantasy tactics genre, so as soon as this game started making waves, I begrudgingly accepted that I HAD to play it. I really don’t have a lot of time in between trying to take care of things at home and working on my writing, as I mentioned before, but I briefly dropped all my other hobbies and managed to fit about 10 hours of gameplay in before the month ended. I really wish I had time to obsess over it, because I feel like it is a masterpiece, even if the rumors about there being gay content ended up being a disappointing exaggeration (the game was developed by Vanillaware, but was published by homophobic giants ATLUS and SEGA, so I’m not surprised). Despite the story being pretty much dog shit though, I believe the gameplay is damn near perfect, and even revolutionary within its genre. I’ll probably be sinking all my game time into it until the new Elden Ring DLC drops. If you’re a person who also likes fantasy tactics, then I highly recommend playing it (I got it for the Nintendo Switch, where it seems to run perfectly).
(that’s it. It is now APRIL!! There might be some repeats this next month, or I'll leave them out... we'll see. Hope you have a good day! ♡)
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and-stir-the-stars · 10 months
okayyy, posting all the random Ruin details that won't leave my brain alone
The names of the security nodes. They're called "parent" and "child" nodes, and in order to deactivate the parent nodes, you have to deactivate the child nodes first. I don't know how it's relevant that you have to get rid of the kids before you can get rid of the parents (parents who also happen to be shaped like bunnies??), but that feels important?? They weren't called parent and child nodes by accident; that was a conscious choice.
During the final chase scene at the end of the DLC, you can unlock a hidden ending by standing in front of a Fredbear or Freddy (Hard to tell which one it is) cut-out and putting on the VANNI mask. Whenever you put on the mask, you hear Gregory say: "Cassie! I'm okay! I found a spot to hide!"-- which is the exact same voice line that Gregory says earlier in the game, right after Cassie tells "Gregory" to run because Roxy is coming for him. This specific ending is making me lose my mind because 1) that reused Gregory voice line surely means that the actual Gregory isn't talking to Cassie during that ending, 2) the Freddy head from the Good Vanny ending has clearly been replaced by Glam Helpy, and 3) the ice cream that Gregory is holding during this DLC ending is CLEARLY not the same ice cream that Gregory was holding in the Good Vanny ending of Security Breach. In Security Breach, Gregory is holding a popsicle shaped like a Freddy's head. In Ruin, Gregory is holding an actual ice cream cone. So, if that's not actually Gregory talking to Cassie or showing her a place to hide, then what does the ending MEAN? Is Cassie just... giving up and pretending Gregory really is there for comfort as she lets the Endo kill her? Why would Cassie see Vanessa in the ending if she doesn't even know who Ness is, tho?
There's no obvious double meaning for the game's name, as far as I can tell? For previous games, the titles double meanings have been pretty obvious once you start playing. Sister Location shows you where Mike's lost sister is. Pizzeria Simulator was genuinely only simulating a pizzeria even in-game. Help Wanted showed Glitchtrap wanting help getting out of the digital world. The title's double meanings are basically handed to you on a silver platter. I really don't know what the double meaning for Ruin is, though? Cassie's ruined faith/relationship with Gregory by the DLC's end, maybe?
There's a Missing Poster for Gregory down in Roxy's Raceway. Not just a missing poster for Gregory, but a poster with Gregory looking exactly as he did in Security Breach, band-aid on his cheek and all. Which could be a sign that someone in Fazbear Entertainment is searching for Gregory, using Security Footage from his night in the Plex to find him, buuuut... that idea is probably invalidated if Gregory was also working with/for the people who installed the MXES system, which it was sorta implied that he was since he knows so much about it? Assuming the Gregory we hear during the ending even IS the real Gregory...
Speaking of that may-or-may-not-be Gregory from the end of the game, just. why does his voice cut out when he says "follow [blank]'s instructions"? Whose instructions?? Gregory is the one giving us the instructions, after all? And why does the line "follow instructions" give me chills? Who is his friend that has schematics on the building? Is it Vanessa? what is going on?
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semperintrepida · 6 months
45. TEN OF SWORDS: THE INEVITABLE END (If your work is a series, do you know how it will end? Do you fear or look forward to eventually putting away the world and characters?) -- For the first half of this prompt, may I ask a modified version for Elegiad? In an ideal world, how far into the game plot would you continue posting one-shots? Through the main game only? Into the DLCs? What about the infamous baby DLC? Kassandra's cameo in Valhalla?
aww yeah, great question!
My plan for Elegiad has always been to cover Kassandra's lifetime, all the way to her meeting with Layla at the Gateway to Atlantis.
Elegiad is more of a state of mind than one cohesive narrative. I wanted to be able to write fix-it fics in canon and keep them organized in one place. If you're reading Elegiad, know that I'm telling you my version of canon events, and how I think they fit together—without rewriting every single moment of it.
I took a glance at my little scratchpad of Elegiad story ideas, which include:
finishing up the Silver Islands storyline
showing what really happened to Kassandra during her year in that Athenian prison
getting Kyra and Kassandra back together in a way that makes sense while also deepening the Cult storyline
what would happen if Myrrine demanded that Kass have a child to continue their family's bloodline (aka fixing the-DLC-that-shall-not-be-named)
addressing how Kass and Kyra handled their relationship as Kyra grew older and Kass remained young, leading to the heartbreak of a very old Kyra dying in a very young Kassandra's arms 💔😭
a few story ideas for Kass doing warrior things throughout history, while also discussing how difficult it is for her to keep her immortality a secret as technology advances
I've got the writer's curse: too many story ideas and too little time. 😭
[author/publishing tarot ask game]
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retrospectislame · 10 months
(long post)
FNAF Security Breach Ruin theories that I'm sure people have thought of already but I'm still gonna post here because I havn't been able to stop thinking about this game:
(theories are seperated with a 🎈)
(also keep in mind that this is just my personal little theory ramble, I could absolutely be wrong)
🎈 I dont think we ever hear the real Gregory's voice in ruin.
Even when the mimic (That's what its called right? Or at least thats what we're calling it? Idk I'll just go with it) is chasing Cassie, when he's saying, "You were never supposed to go to the pizzaplex" and "Do you really have any other option?" (or smth like that-), I think that is still the mimic pretending to be Gregory.
Why? (more after break)
Well first of all, the instructions during the chase are coming from the walky talky that the mimic has been using to communicate with Cassie throughout the DLC. And like, don't get me wrong, but im pretty sure Gregory wouldn't be able to hack his way into the radio frequencies that the walky talkys are using. The same can be said for the speakers in the elevator before Cassie falls. To maybe even have a chance at communicating with Cassie through either of these, he would probably have to be in the building, which he explicitly says (even if it is the mimic talking) he isn't.
Also, Gregory talks about the M.X.E.S security system that was put in place to keep the mimic down there, but how would he know about that? And how would he know about the mimic being trapped down there to begin with? I mean sure, there is speculations that he had been living in the pizzaplex for a little bit, but i dont think that a evil, sentiant animitronic living down in the basement of a children's pizza place would exactly be considered public information, even if it is just among the employees. Not to mention that he probably wouldnt even be looking for that kind of information in the first place if he was living in the pizzaplex.
Finally, (even though I'm sure there's more things to back this up, I just don't want this to get too long lmao) how would Gregory even drop the elevator? Like I don't this theres a button labeled "button to drop the elevator thats in that old ruin under the pizzaplex," and to actually cut the cords he would have to be there which he isn't. The mimic is the one who most likely dropped the elevator, and if it wasn't them specfically, it was probably someone/thing that was working with them. (or also possibly the fact that that elevator is probably decades old and has probably had no maintainance whatsoever during that time and has also retained at least some fire damage and-) (<also, if the elevator did fall out of just extreme damage, the mimic probably knew that and thats why they led Cassie there)
🎈 But this also sprouts another question:
Why did the mimic drop the elevator?
Well, my theory is that it wanted to disguse itself.
I'm gonna say now that I don't fully know how most of the animitronics work (especially when it comes to the mimic) but I think that it's going to use Cassie's body as a way of hiding itself when it eventually (maybe) makes it up into the real world.
I also think that we may see Cassie again. How far into the future, I'm not sure, but I think we'll see her again eventually. Of course, if my theory happens to be correct, it's not going to be Cassie, but instead the mimic in disguise.
🎈The last thing I wanna talk about is just a few questions that I have now that ruin has been released:
How do Cassie and Gregory know each other? What is their relationship with each other? Are they friends? Siblings? Two runaways that met on the streets? How did they meet? Where the hell are these kids' parents?
Did Cass and Greg meet before SB or after? (before ruin of course) If they met before, then that raises a lot of questions. (How did they get separated before SB, why didn't he mention her at all during SB, etc. etc.)
How did the mimic contact Cassie at all? It probably chose her because 1. It already had a sample of Greg's voice, probably from when he went down there in SB, 2. She's a child, she's guillible enough to go wherever her friends ask her to go. But how???? The only possible way I can think of is call, text, maybe leave her a note, but I don't think she has a phone considering she's like 8, and leaving a note would require literally going to her house, which the mimic obviously can't do.
Who installed the M.X.E.S system in the first place? Was it one person trying to keep the mimic a secret? Was it Vanny? Vanessa? (considering the rabbit, it may be, but im not sure tbh) Was it the company that runs the pizzaplex just trying to hide the past wrong-doings of the previous owner and make more money?
Is the Glitchy Rabbit Thingy(TM) really evil? If you think about it, it may have only been trying to stop Cassie because she was disabling it, which would unleash the mimic and allow it to escape. Maybe the rabbit isn't as bad as we think.
Where is Music Man? Y'know the big one. Did he just retain so much damage that he doesn't work anymore? For a little bit I had thought that the giant endoskeleton in the daycare theater may be him, but after comparing the two, it's clear that they are just not the same model. (Music Man's arms are skinnier, it wouldn't make sense for him to have a jaw considering his mouth is a screen, head shape, etc. etc.) Speaking of which:
What the hell is that giant endoskeleton for? That's what I really wanna know. And why is it only there in the AR mode?
What does M.X.E.S stand for? I feel like that could be really important.
Uhhh, that's all I got for now I think. Thank you for coming to my ted talk lmao I don't really know how to end this-
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