#I missed Canach a lot can you tell
archesa · 1 year
Oh no, good luck with your stomach flue ! Annnddd as for a toon : Galaëd !
Thanks a lot! ^^ Mainly tired this morning, but the rest has finally settled, so yay for that!! ^^
Here's some Galaëd facts for morale boost! 🍂💫Also tagging @kerra-and-company 💜
01. Full name: Galaëd of the Cycle of Dusk
02. Best friend: Rorschach Grimlaugh
03. Sexuality: Gay
04. Favorite color: Deep purple
05. Relationship status: Taken (by Canach)
06. Ideal mate: Valiant, understanding, resourceful, kind at heart, fun with a dash of chaotic energy
07. Turn-ons: strong shoulders and upper back, genuine kindness (the kind that just shines through the person... you wanna pinpoint the first drop, the exact moment Galaëd fell in love with Canach ? when he knelt before a wounded mordrem to talk to him... it was motivated by curiosity, yes, but there was genuine concern, gentleness there... Aaaand the point of no return, the 'Galaëd has fallen and can't get up' moment was during Bitter Harvest, when he was on the verge of falling, and Canach noticed... once again, concern, gentleness, understanding, and a hand offered in help... just kindness), sassy humour, well-intentioned chaos, Canach calling him 'Valiant' (if you have seen Princess Bride, you will know exactly where this is going : Canach first called him 'Valiant' as a stab, a mock honorific, almost a dare to Galaëd to flaunt his status as one of the few bestowed with a wyld-hunt, but as they learned to know each other, the word lost its bitterness, its edge. By the end of Maguuma it was a sincere compliment : 'valiant', 'brave', 'fierce', 'unbreakable'. And Galaëd only realised in Elona that when Canach called him 'Valiant', he meant something else entirely 🥰)
08. Favorite food: Anything with mango in it, mushroom clove steak, rosemary roasted chicken, and since he moved to Cantha he's discovered himself a fondness for raw fish - especially chirashi!
09. Crushes: Laranthir (never tell Dairban!), Canach
10. Favorite music: He likes the sound of lute, and anything festive!
11. Biggest fear: "That I would fail so grievously that I would lose the respect of my comrades and be dishonored." - He holds his friends, his guildmates in very high esteem and he's scared to be unworthy of them. This fear particularly resurfaces when Rorschach dies goes missing in action and the mantle of Commander befalls him. Their failure against Kralkatorikk and the death of Aurene brand him deeply - his worst fear is coming true, he was unworthy of his friends' trust, unworthy of leadership. Trahearne snaps him out of this before he can spiral too far, but it is a very trying experience for Galaëd - the one that convinces Canach to file an official leave request for him, for them to take a moment away from the Pact and from world-ending threats, if they ever survive the one at hand.
12. Biggest fantasy: As of 1335 AE, he's basically living his best life, so... That this bliss never ends! (see you all on the 28th February to see our twig's dream get ruined 😅)
13. Bad habits: He closes up like a clam when something's personally bothering him (which is strange because he can be very vocal when he notices something amiss on the field!) so it's good that his partner and closest friends are intuitive 😅
14. Biggest regret: The lives lost at Thunderhead Peak. He now knows the outcome they got was the best, but it is a failure on his part that he carries with him.
15. Best kept secrets: How fast he crushed on Canach. No, seriously. It's embarassing😅
16. Last thought: *spining in my head like rotisserie chicken* Galaëd with Astralaria, Galaëd with Astralaria, Galaëd with Astralaria 💫
17. Worst romantic experience: Getting irrationally jealous of Sayida when Canach spent a lot of time with her prior to their surprise departure for Cantha, and getting mercilessly teased about it by Rorschach and Jiirka!
18. Biggest insecurity: None, really... He knows his worth, and if he has his fair share of mental scars and traumas, he has recovered from the events of Thunderhead and fares relatively well!
19. Weapon of choice: He becomes the new bearer of Caladbolg after Trahearne's death, and alters it greatly in the process of his resurrection. He still wields the thorn to this day, but the flow of magic passed between the blade and its fernhound incarnation has the sword regularly and unpredictably shapeshift. so when the blade withers and he cannot use it as a greatsword, he unsheathes an ax. (The rapier he used to carry - the blade forged by Occam as a token of gratitude to the valiant who rescued him from the Nightmare Court and defeated the Green Knight, Bercilak - is now borne by Canach)
20. Role Model: Trahearne, Laranthir, Rorschach 💜
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moonlit-grove · 2 years
spiritually tagged by @uselessidiotsquad, it's interview time! ... it got long so the main interview is under the cut
The screen is black, there are somewhat muffled sounds of it being placed and flashes of light. A yellow, leafy sylvari has a hand over the lense. There's chatter muffled as if her thumb is covering the mic.
She finally moves her hand to reveal Romeo, sitting with a smile and his hands in his lap. On his brow is a silver circlet with tiny chains draping around like vines, and a purple and blue gemstone on the forehead, inlaid with an etching of a raven's wings.
The sylvari quickly moves to sit across from him, revealing that it's Keeva. She's grinning, holding a list of papers. The smile on her face causes a tiny reflection on her cousin's son.
K: "Okay! So, I have a list of questions here I'm supposed to ask." She l looks down at the papers, shuffling them around. "Oh, they're out of order... Ah well! Okay, I know your name, but for the interview, introduce yourself."
R, with a chuckle: "Romaeus Aine. King of Orr. In human terms, your first cousin once removed."
(Keeva wrinkles her nose, causing Romeo to laugh and wave a hand)
R: "But I was raised sylvari, I can hardly keep track of all those terms. You're just my cousin to me."
K: "Humans have so many confusing terms and technicalities." She looks at the papers, lips poking out as she reads the next question. "Oh-! I was supposed to introduce myself too! Keeva Corbeau! Firstborn of Kahedins and Aengus, twin of Daithi! Romeo's cousin on his mom's side! Vie is my baby cousin, Malo and Bran were always-"
R: "Keeva, the interview."
K: "OH. Oh right. Um... What are you goals for Orr?"
R: "Hm... Right now, clear the waters. We've done well on the land, but there are some ponds and lakes that still need cleaning up. The magic I have helps with filtration and clearing pollutants, but the Unchained are up to Ylva to take care of."
K: "Ooh, how is she doing? She taking good to being a queen?"
R: (laughs) "It takes time for both of us. And of course for Tristan. She's against the idea of being a passive queen that waits for attacks. I think she'll be a wonderful Warrior-Queen."
K, nodding, a big smile over her face. She glances down at the paper. "Okay a lot of this is just about Orr... And that's boring, progress is slow, so I'm gonna- (he blinks a few times as she says this sentence) - freestyle and ask my own questions!"
R: "Uh- Well, I'm sure you were asked to-"
K: "I will, I will! But some will just be my own! So, when you were in DR training to be a king under Jennah, did you remember anything of when you were a kid?"
R: "Honestly, had I remembered any of that it would have come long before that period, likely when I was visiting Aunt Jonah and Logan. But no, anything from that part of my life was when I was far too young to fully remember. I have flashes of faces and rooms, but that's it."
K: "Do you miss them? Jarlath could probably summon their ghosts, so you could-"
R: "Keeva, I'm happy with my life. I don't regret being raised by Canach and Vielcos. I've loved being in the Grove. I don't remember my birth parents enough to miss them."
K: "Does that hurt? I mean... I can't imagine not remembering my dads..."
R, shrugging half-heartedly: "Mostly just wishing they could have guided me in things sylvari can't. Like... You remember when I was 13. Dad really had his hands full trying to help me with that."
K, nodding: "Ohh yeah, I remember that. You really were a handful. So-"
The camera beeps. Both look over, Keeva frowning.
K: "Oh, it's running low on battery. I think we've got time for one more question. Um..." She looks at the paper again, flipping through to look for a good question to end on. "Ah, brambles, none of these are good." She looks back up at him. "... Tell me about your crown. It's a lot more plain than anything I've seen even Jennah wear."
R, with a smile, lifting a hand to brush the gemstone, "Ah, it was crafted by Ylva's father. He created matching pieces for the three rulers of Orr, each reflecting a part of the other two. The stone is one found only in the nation, a sea sediment jasper. They were formed while submerged, Tristan and Ylva both have a matching stone in theirs. He gave each of us an aspect of one of the Spirits of the Wild- raven's wings for the wit of a ruler. Ylva has a wolf paw, for the unity of the pack. And Tris has what looks like a bear scratch. The whole 'mama bear' thing, he said it was."
Both laugh, continuing to chat as the screen fades to black.
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fuuinrei · 4 years
Mordremoth: We are the same. Let your mind merge with mine. Commander: I can't... make it. It's so close now. I... I can't concentrate, can't think... Canach: You're stronger than this, Commander! Focus your mind! Reject the dragon! Commander: (scream) Canach: Here! I see another tear in the mindscape. Come! I can help you like you helped me. Commander: I... I think it worked. My head is clear again. Commander: That. Hurt. But I'd rather be pained than enslaved. Thank you. Canach: I'm just glad I could return the favor.
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kerra-and-company · 3 years
For Kerra’s 1st Birthday
So. You know how sometimes we imagine animatics in our heads that we never make? I did that, but I was picturing it in such detail that I wrote it down. I still don’t have the skills to animate or draw it, but I figured it might be a good birthday present for Kerra. :)
I’m a couple weeks or so late (very sorry, Ker!), but I’m counting it as her first birthday present. I’ve been playing this game for over a year now, which isn’t long compared to a lot of you, but I’ve definitely fallen in love with it, and I appreciate the community here on Tumblr, no matter how big it might or might not be. Thanks for a great first year, everyone. Love you guys, seriously <3
(I don’t know if this is going to be something other people are super interested in reading or not, but if you are, go for it--it’s under the cut! :) The song is Dirt Around The Tree by Candi Carpenter, and you can listen to it here or on Spotify if you want. Thanks again, folks. I appreciate you a lot.)
[Introductory music plays over brief intro text. Just before the beginning of the song, the text fades to dense clouds.]
I was born in the fall
 [The clouds clear, revealing Caledon. The camera/POV swoops through quickly in the direction of the Grove, with various recognizable places there visible as it does so.]
The season when everything is dying
 [Camera continues its swoop. If we look closely, we can see that it’s winter, or at least sometime cool, in Caledon. There’s no snow, but there’s frost, and many trees are missing leaves. Farms and gardens are bare.]
We must know what we're in for
 [Camera enters the Grove, skirting past the trunk of the Pale Tree and slowing down by pods of not-yet-awakened sylvari. It settles on one.]
That's why we come into this world crying
 [The pod splits open, and Kerra falls out. Nearby sylvari try to help her up, but she scrambles in an uncoordinated fashion to her feet, calling out Caithe’s name.]
 My mother always told me life's not fair
 [The Pale Tree in the Omphalos Chamber, arms open wide, eyes closed. On the word “life”, the camera cuts to Kerra in “Beneath a Cold Moon”, fighting Tiachren. On “not”, the camera cuts to Kerra standing over bodies, next to Caithe and various Wardens. One of the bodies is Tiachren’s. On “fair”, the camera cuts back to the Omphalos Chamber, but this time to Kerra alone. Caithe and Aife are just barely in the image (their shoulders at most), but the focus is on Kerra’s face—troubled and grieving but not quite crying.]
That's probably why I ran away
 [The camera spins back around so that we see Kerra looking at the Pale Tree. This time, she’s flanked by the three sylvari order reps, and Cai—the rep from the Order of Whispers—is holding her hand out. Kerra looks down at it. On “why”, the camera cuts to just their hands, clasped in a handshake. On “ran,” the camera cuts to Kerra and Tybalt on the mission to rescue Demmi. They’ve just opened the door to the room where Demmi was locked up, and Kerra’s holding her hand out to Demmi.]
I don't think that I felt safe at home
 [Camera zooms in on Kerra’s hand, going to brush her hair-leaves back. When it zooms back out, we see Kerra sitting next to Rel. They’re on the beaches of the Weeping Isle, and her mouth is open, like she’s saying the song lyrics. She’s more in silhouette here than a clear picture, and the focus is on Rel’s face. His forehead is furrowed as if in concern.]
And I don't think that's ever gonna change…
 [Kerra’s face comes into clearer focus, still mouthing the words, but this time she looks straight into the camera for a second. As the camera pans around her head, the landscape behind her changes to an airship. She starts to turn away from the camera on the word “ever”, and by “change”, she’s facing away, and we can see her standing at the front of an airship alongside Destiny’s Edge, flying to confront Zhaitan. Kerra’s wearing a long coat now, brown with just-visible green embroidery, and it flaps in the breeze.]
 Tell me, what's at the root of all my guilt and anger?
 [The image blurs as the camera zooms towards the ground and under it. We see roots, twisting and shifting, twining together.]
What's in the dirt around the tree?
 [The camera pans up, more slowly this time so the image is clear. We exit the ground, passing through the levels of the Grove, ending on the plaza in the center where the Pale Tree’s leaves spiral up towards the Omphalos Chamber.]
Heartbreak runs in the family
 [Three images. The first is the Pale Tree, eyes down and half-closed. She looks pained. On “runs”, the image shifts to Caithe, with shiny eyes and a shadowy Faolain behind her, side by side with Trahearne, who’s holding Caladbolg with a gaze that’s both tired and far away. On “family”, the image shifts to Kerra, still in the same outfit from the airship, but with a dark background. Her eyes are wide and unsure.]
That's why I'm still running from me.
 [The camera zooms out to show two Kerras, now, separated by just enough distance that they’d have to move closer to touch (so maybe a couple meters or so). The first is Kerra as a sapling, in her sylvari armor, and the second is Kerra in her airship outfit. They each look at the camera. On the word “running”, they turn to each other. On “me”, the second Kerra turns away and takes a step away from the first.]
 [On the instrumentals, Kerra steps from the black void into the snow, her bow on her back and Felix beside her. She looks worn and tired, her coat torn. She walks from there into a house with Nisha (with a stack of letters), and she smiles. When she leaves the house, her wardrobe changes from brown to blue, and she walks into Southsun, facing Canach and then meeting with him in his cell after. Other images flow after, briefly—her and Dragon’s Watch facing Scarlet, then the party with the nobles, then facing Aerin. Finally, it settles on them all together before the summit, waiting below the Omphalos Chamber for the dignitaries to arrive.]
 I read that trauma is genetic
 [The camera pans up to the Omphalos Chamber, which is under attack by the Shadow of the Dragon. We focus on the Shadow first as it roars (on the word “trauma”) and bares its teeth, and then we pan to Kerra’s face on “genetic”. She’s terrified—but she’s terrified of what the Shadow means, not that she can’t defeat it.]
Who was the first to hand it down?
 [Brief flashes of scenes again. Kerra briefly trying to help her Mother as menders run towards them on “Who”, Kerra-as-Caithe (and Nisha alongside her) watching Wynne’s confession on “first”, Trahearne giving the order to fire on “hand”, and airships falling over Maguuma on “down”.]
Was it my grandpa or his father?
 [Kerra, wearing her HoT clothes, standing beside Canach and Caithe to face Mordremoth, the camera fully focusing on him as of the word “grandpa” and leaving them as silhouettes with weapons at his feet.]
You can't ask someone who ain't around
 [Kerra running to Trahearne while he’s trapped in Mordremoth’s vines and hanging above the ground, grabbing his hand in hers. On “someone”, the image melts into Kerra holding Caladbolg out in Mordremoth’s mindscape, alone. She’s pointing it at a large seed, and Trahearne’s silhouette is behind her. She’s protecting him. On “ain’t”, Kerra begins to glow purple, and the image fades to brightness and then Mordremoth’s power exploding through the jungle, like the cutscene in canon, implying his death.]
 Tell me, what's at the root of all my guilt and anger?
 [Again, like before in the first iteration of the chorus, the camera blurs as we zoom down to roots, shifting and intertwining, but this time we can see clearly that they’re growing, too.]
What's in the dirt around the tree?
 [Again, we pan through the levels of the Grove to reach the centerpoint with the spiral branches and leaves of the Pale Tree.]
Heartbreak runs in the family
 [And again, we have the three sets of images, but they’re slightly different. The Pale Tree is dimmer, clearly wounded and in pain even if the wounds themselves are not visible. The shadow of Faolain looks like the Mordrem version of her, and Caladbolg is shattered. Kerra’s in her HoT outfit now, with nicks in a few of her leaves. She’s not much different physically, but something in her expression makes her look older.]
That's why I'm still running from me.
 [And last but not least for repeats, we enter the blank void again, but there are three Kerras this time—sapling-Kerra, Zhaitan-Kerra, and HoT-Kerra. They all start off looking at the camera. On “running”, sapling-Kerra and Zhaitan-Kerra look at HoT-Kerra, and she looks back at them. On “me”, she turns and takes a step away from them.]
 [Instrumentals follow, and the steps turn into a full-on run as she crashes into Canach and Nisha’s arms, laughing. Her outfit switches to her LWS3 one as she swings from their arms to Tarir, watching Aurene hatch and pulling her close. Caithe is in that image too, awe and faint affection on her face. As the deeper strings are overrun with lighter notes, a few scenes flicker by—Lazarus awakening, the battle with Caudecus, Balthazar’s reveal. The strings reach a high note as Kerra is shown on the airship to Elona, her clothes changing again to those she wears in PoF. Vlast’s death is shown, a bright light and Balthazar and crystals, followed by Kerra in Kesho and then a flash of her traversing the desert on her raptor. The notes begin to downswing into the bridge as the battle on the mountaintop comes into focus, Kerra fighting Balthazar hand-to-hand with Caladbolg, and on the final few notes, we see him slash down at her where she’s lying, barely breathing, on the ground. There’s darkness, and on the last note, she opens her eyes in the Domain of the Lost. They’re red.]
 I wanna be more than a lost little girl
 [Spirit-Kerra takes a step forward. She picks her bow up off the ground on “be”, meeting Nenah’s eyes as her guide gestures towards a hill. Glowing blue silhouettes of memories are visible in the distance, but only just barely. On “lost”, we see the full image of Kerra looking towards the hill, determined.]
I'm gonna grow up someday
 [The camera shows Kerra climbing the mountain, past various memory images. Some we’ve seen in the video, some we haven’t. In the last image, right on/after the word “someday”, we can see Caladbolg at Kerra’s side.]
Maybe I'll plant another family tree
 [Kerra pauses at a memory of her with her partners. It’s not one we’ve seen before, but they’re all smiling at something or someone the memory doesn’t show. Canach’s arm is around Kerra’s waist, Nisha’s is around her shoulder, and she’s holding them both. On “another”, she reaches out as if to touch it but stops just before she does.]
Somewhere far, far away
 [Kerra continues and reaches the top of the mountain. The memory there is Aurene, still very much a baby, desperately trying to protect Kerra, and then being wrapped in chains. She looks at the image for a few seconds, blue light giving her face an eerie cast, before grasping Caladbolg’s hilt and nearly leaping down the mountain on “away”.]
 [As the music upswings to the final chorus/verse, Kerra bows to the Judge, slashes through the Eater of Souls, and rushes past a very irritated Joko into the portal back to Tyria.]
 Far from the root of all my guilt and anger
 [The light from the portal fades into a cloudless sky and a vast desert. On “guilt”, the camera pans over to the mountain where Kerra fought Balthazar. Wisps of smoke still come from it, but they’re faint. We can see figures on the mountain, but not well enough to determine features (though if you’ve played PoF you could guess who most of them are).]
Blood in the dirt and on the leaves
 [The words describe what we’re seeing. Kerra’s blood is on the sandy dirt of the mountaintop, and it’s splattered in specks on her hair-leaves and face.]
Tell me, what's at the root of all my guilt and anger?
 [On “Tell”, Kerra opens her eyes wide. They’re faint purple, as they should be. On “me” she sits up straight, gasping. As the rest of the phrase plays out, we see what she is seeing as her gaze tracks across her friends. Kasmeer, Rytlock…Canach and Nisha. Kasmeer has a tentative but disbelieving smile on her face. Rytlock looks very much like “what the fuck”.]
Am I who I'm supposed to be?
 [There’s a beat while Kerra stares at Canach and Nisha and they stare back at her, but on “supposed”, her partners reach their hands out to her. She looks back at them, wide-eyed, like she’s about to cry.]
Heartbreak runs in the family
 [On the musical downswing, the image fades into current Kerra in the blank void. Just her, no one else. She’s sitting on the ground, in clothing that’s damaged and burned, with too-bright eyes.]
That's why I'm still running from me.
 [There’s six Kerras in total now, in a line as they’ve been in the previous choruses, but all but the first and the last fade into the background on “me”, leaving just sapling-Kerra and PoF-Kerra to stare at each other across the distance of the blank void. Both sitting, both very different. The distance is much larger than a meter.]
Heartbreak runs in the family
 [The three picture sets flash, but this time they’re interspersed with Canach and Nisha moving towards Kerra, and they’re different now. On “Heart-”, the image of the Pale Tree is of her with the Menders, giving them a faint smile. On “break”, we see Canach and Nisha taking a step forward. On “runs”, we see Caithe holding a tiny Aurene in her arms, and they both look overjoyed. Trahearne no longer has Caladbolg and his face is scarred to look half-Mordrem, but he’s standing next to Rel, who’s laughing as he kisses the back of Trahearne’s hand. On “the”, we fully fade back to the mountaintop, and Canach and Nisha take another step forward before throwing Kerra into their arms. At the end of this line, we see Kerra crying and holding them tight, with Kas wiping her own tears away and Rytlock starting to laugh with unexpected relief.]
Why am I still running from me?
 [Slowly, the image fades back into sapling-Kerra and PoF-Kerra in the void, staring at each other. PoF-Kerra is still crying, but on “me”, she smiles, too.]
 [As the final instrumentals play out, both of them stand up. They run toward each other, and they meet in the middle with a tight hug, burying their faces in each other’s shoulder.]
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darkblitz3 · 2 years
Oc interview: Tratk
Tumblr i absolutely hate you, getting tagged and not getting the notifcation even after over a month sucks. Anyway! prooobably playing around 1332AE? Its were the roleplays with him take place most commonly. Anyway, have fun i guess!
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1) Can you introduce yourself?
Tratk pondered for a moment while he crossed his arms behind his head, leaning back in the process. His eyes closed. "Sure. Im Tratk. An asuran tempest, rebbelious, strangely handsome liberator"
2) What is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status? "Male, of course" Tratk didnt miss a beat to answer that, but hesitated at the second question. His face strained a little in irritation and his headed tilted to the side" "Orientation?...like navigation? i dont know, the nightsky? maps?? weird question but ok. And for that last one, i do have a boyfriend; Saxx"
3) Where and when were you born? Tratk just looked at the scenery before him. the rushing waterfalls and the rivers down below the cliff side. "No clue! next question"
4) What is your weapon of choice and fighting style? His ears perked with interest. Finally a question he can get into! Sitting down, tratk closed his eyes with a little grin. "I have a scepter and warhorn, like any good tempest should! I have a dagger stashed under my clothes too. But that'll be our little secret." Tratk winked at his strange company "Overcharging is unnessesary if you ask me, and uncomfortable too. But its nice to know how to do it if it comes down to it. I typically summon storms and elementals if needed. Air is my favorite element, but i work with fire a lot too. Water is..ok. Im not good at it, but i can handle it well enough to heal myself. And earth?....lets not talk about that" 5) Lastly, are you happy? Tratk was amusingly confused for a moment. "...yes??" He was starting to look a little nervous with this question, but sticked to his answer.
1) Whats your family like? What is your relationship with them? Again, tratk was quite irritated at the questions. Opening his eyes, he stares at a nearby tree. "People talk to their families? No idea where mine is. I guess i was adopted by charrs for a short while, if that counts. They were kinda cool but really infuriating at the same time. I dont talk to them anymore." 2) Have you ever ran away from home? "sweetheart, home is where ever you want it to be. you cant run from it. No, i did not." 3) Would you concider marriage or having children? Tratk nearly choked on nothing. Blushing quite badly he stares at his company with eyes the size of dinner plates. "WHAT? i- uh. n-never thought of it before?? S-saxx cant have kids, h-hes a dude..n-no im not answering t-that marria-ge part! stop looking at me, next question!" 4) Do you secretely hate one of your friends? "...how can you hate your friends? they wouldnt be your friends anymore. No i dont" 5) Which friends know everaything about you? "Oh, probably saxx. I get the feeling Canach knows more than he lets on, but he is my best friend right after Saxx"
1) Drink or food? "uh...food? the hell?" 2) Cats or Dogs? "Cats, but only if you give me a Lion" 3) Optimist or pessimist? "uhhh...didnt pay attention to that, gimmi a sec." Tratk turned towards the tent and began to shout when he saw the light was still on in there. "Hey Saxx! am optimistic or pessimistic??" "You arent either i think!" 4) Sassy or sarcastic? "can i pick both?"
1) Been cought sneaking out? Tratk thought about it for a moment, while rubbing the back of his head. "I guess there was this one time a friend from the order of whispers noticed, but usually no one knows when im missing. I think" 2) Broke a bone? He awkwardly laughed to himself. "Probably more times than im willing to say outloud" 3) Received flowers? "Sometimes, when Saxx is being kinda sappy..Just dont tell him i kept them, i'd never hear the end of it." 4) Ghosted someone? "uh...no?" He didnt want to admit it, but he had absolutely no idea what that question even ment. 5) Pretended to laugh at a joke you didnt get? "ok lets be honest, who hasnt?" He had a feeling all of their questions were answered, so he stood up, not even bothering to brush off the dust and sand from his clothes. Tratk was heading back to his tent to rest for the night.
Uuuuh...lets see..@gqyass ! I kinda wanna know more about Hiccup if you dont mind! Known Blue2Cup for only a few days but if anything happened to them i'd jump out the window like Kris.
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axe-trio-commanders · 3 years
OC Interview: Zori Sunblade
Draw (or use an old drawing, don’t worry!) or take a screen of your character in an interview setting and make them answer the following questions!
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Can you introduce yourself?
"That, uh... depends- this isn’t going on public record, right? I mean- not immediately?” [redacted] “Okay, yeah, after my death is... well- no, maybe Seremnis’ death. Or whenever she wants- okay, give it to her after my death and she’ll- yeah. Okay.” Shuffling and creaking of leather. “Zori Sunblade, member of the Sun warband, magister of the priory, pact commander by title, uh... oh- leader of Dragon’s Watch. And uh. Charr. Ranger. Uhm... hi?”
What is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status?
“...Uh... I think...” mumbled “...burn me I hope I remember the meaning of these right, been a while-” regular voice “Uh- she/her... lady friends, so far, and- actually been married for a while.” [She shows of a ring around her left-hand ring finger. Its gem gives off a faint glow.] “Still sort-of figuring out what that means, but I think I’ve got most of it down.”
Where and when were you born?
"...I, uh... hm. Lend me some paper and quill?” [Paper and quill is lent.] “...So it’s... 34, and that was... 25, when I was...” [She nods and taps the pen affirmatively on the paper.] “1306 AE, at, uh... all I remember or have been told is growing up in a fahrar around Rin.”
What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?
“That depends. I can snipe pretty good with a longbow, but torch and axe are my go-to for close range... sometimes a dagger if I need to be a bit less conspicuous.”
Lastly, are you happy?
“...Well, that uh. That escalated quickly, huh?” laugh “Ah... sometimes. Sometimes... it’s- I guess I don’t clearly remember now if it’s harder than it used to be, but... I’m working on it.”
What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?
“Dragon’s Watch is my family. As is my warband, Aurene... Canach’s in there somewhere, too. It’s... I dunno. Some of them... still look up to me, I guess, after everything- some of them know me to well, some of them... I don’t know. Warband’s... complicated, right now, and I’ll probably always worry about Aurene... the people that know the most want to help, I know they do, it’s just... it’s hard to believe things will get better sometimes.” laugh “Probably not the best thing to hear from the charr you’ve put in charge of saving Tyria for the past nine years, huh?”
Have you ever ran away from home?
“...I... I don’t know. Maybe that’s what I’m doing now- burn me, I... really don’t think I can go back to the legions now, regardless of if things are changing or not. Don’t really think there’s been another... place I’ve ever called home.”
Would you consider marriage or having children?
“I mean- kinda too late to have second thoughts on marriage, huh? Ah, not that I would. I don’t think I’d want to live without her at this point, being honest...” Tapping of claws “...Cubs, though... I don’t know. Not now, definitely. If I’m going to be taking care of cubs, It’s not going to be at a time where I can’t do it myself. Be there for them. Burn me, I’ve had far too many examples of what happens when you don’t.” Pause “...Have sometimes fantasized about a quiet house somewhere in the woods, though. Whenever the disaster’s over.”
Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
“...Why would you call them your friends if...? No, if that was even a question. I’ve made it very clear who I hate, and... burn me, I guess... yeah, the only one who isn’t dead is Phlunt. And... Bengar, probably. Not sure if he’s, uh. Stable, right now? Not- I mean I don’t go out and murder whoever annoys me, that’s not- it’s a short list. It’s a very short list. I’m not going to murder someone over, like... burnt toast or something. That sort of thing is reserved for endangering my family.”
Which friend knows everything about you?
“...I- mm... I... some of them know more than others. Definitely, people in my family know more than people outside of it- ...burn me, I... I think, alltogether, if everyone I knew pooled knowledge they’d have everything, but... not any one. It’s... it’s habit, I guess.”
“Please tell me you’ve filtered these beforehand.”
Are you literate? Have you been to school?
"Okay, good start, uh... I mean, I’ve been through the fahrar, obviously, and I’m also a priory magister- I learned a lot more about the... being literate there, but at this point in my life I’m writing-fluent in New Krytan, old charr pathfinding symbols, ancient orrian... in the process of learning a couple others, too. Can’t hurt.”
The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?
Snort “I’m not allowed to die. I mean- burn me, what else am I supposed to take away from the fact that I died- actually went-to-the-mists died, and got told by the messenger of a human god that I, of all people, could go back? Had to, in fact? ...Burn me, I should probably be happy about that, but. Implication’s aren’t great there.”
What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?
“...That I’m... that there are people who’d miss me. Not- not miss the commander, but... I expected people would- mourn, write songs or whatever once I actually kicked the bucket, but it’s all a bit... hollow, when most of them don’t even know my name- and to some degree, that’s purposeful. They can- they can mourn the role I filled, the stuff I did, that’s fine, that’s not going to destroy them, not going to hurt for more than a... week, maybe. And everyone else- even the closest people- burn me I’m supposed to be dead. Not only was I, but there’s no- there’s no logical reason I’ve survived all this. Gods and Elder dragons have wanted me dead- entire factions, powerful people- I’m not allowed to die by- by fate, or whatever, but nothing else in Tyria wants me here, so I- you expect people to expect it, at least. To be prepared for it. I want them to be, for their own sake, but...” long sigh “...I... tried to get my warband to leave. Now that they knew... where I’ve been. What I’ve been doing, and... it really shouldn’t have been such a shock that they were worried about me. That... that they, and... everyone who knows how bad it’s gotten wants me to get... better. That I even have that option.”
Do you have mental health or physical issues?
quiet “...I don’t think any of us came out of this unscathed.”
What is your current main goal?
“...I think... I think I will just- just focus on getting better, now. I- burn me, it’s going to give me anxiety like nothing else to leave this to anyone, but I’ve- ...guess this is the first I’ll say it outside of closed circles, but I... I think I’m giving up the title of commander. I don’t think- that’s not going to mean I’m not around, I’m... probably not even leaving Dragon’s Watch, but... it’s time to hang the regalia up, at least. Leave the final say to someone else.” Laugh “Definitely not gonna miss the politics. May I never have to see Phlunt’s face again.”
Drink or food?
“...Oh, the hard questions are over now? Er- sort of? ...I mean, you need both to... live, so... Hm. I mean- I’ve had some really good food, Dragon’s Watch has one of the best chefs, but- if you’ve ever had an entire jug of water past the height of the moon, you know exactly my dilemma here.
Cats or dogs?
“This is what we call a ‘false dichotomy’. Both. Duh.”
Early bird or night owl?
“...I, uh. I’m not sure I’ve had a steady sleep schedule, for... five? Years? I guess if you do want to wake me up without either food or news of immediate disaster that needs fixing, I might consider physical harm, so... whichever one that is.”
Optimist or pessimist?
“That depends. On the subject of how good today’s food will be? Optimist. On Phlunt ever caring for anything other than his own pride and wellbeing? Pessimist.”
Sassy or sarcastic?
“...There’s a difference? Everyone I’ve met has both or neither.”
-been caught sneaking out?
“Nope. I was raised Ash, and I was good at it.”
-broke a bone?
“...I... I don’t think I have, actually. Probably got just about every other possible injury, but... not that yet.”
-received flowers?
“...I, uh. Eheh... The, uhm. The first time my, uh- now-wife sent me flowers, I... didn’t know what they were for? And sort of. Ate them.” pause “...They were... definitely not meant to be eaten. They were anonymous- she told me about it later- so I thought someone was trying to poison me until a close friend explained what getting flowers meant.” pause “...Burn me, I have no idea how long she was trying to flirt with me until I managed to catch on.”
-ghosted someone?
“...Have I mentioned the time I burned to death?”
-pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get?
“...Wait, that’s- that’s a thing? I could have been telling terrible, incomprehensible jokes this whole time and I have no way to even know?! I- ...no, I haven’t, I guess. I just sort of... sit there confused...”
“...That’s the last one? Really? Sort of an awkward way to end it. Well, uh... remember the release protocol we agreed upon. Whole buncha people are gonna be upset if you don’t- most of which know how to hide bodies. Not... not sure why I know so many of that type of people, to be honest with you.”
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ashalsdream · 4 years
Happy 1 year anniversary to @captainfinebuns, can’t believe its been a year but I love you so much! I hope you like this odd little fic~  Fandom: GW2 Relationship: Ashal/Voroni Ao3 Link - https://archiveofourown.org/works/25492747 ------------
The night sky had always been beautiful to Ashal. The way the stars danced around the moon and lit up the void of which the sun had once been shining brightly. It reminded her of home. Of being with her siblings and sitting on their ledge watching the sunset beyond the Grove.
Sadly, that ledge had been tainted with bad memories, the statue of her twin sister’s best friend now stood proudly in his memory. And Ashal was far, far from home. This night sky was not like her night sky. Her night sky held memories of warm hugs and joyful smiles. This sky held memories of the dragon’s fire and gods of war, and yet they were both beautiful.
It was quiet, too quiet for her liking but by now most of the travelers who were looking for refuge had headed into Amnoon. Leaving herself, a lone sapling to sit on the edge of an abandoned cliff face to smile at a sky that didn’t want to smile back at her. She missed her family. She missed her home.
Pulling her legs up to her chest, she rested her head on her knees. Ashal’s soft teal glow was the only light up here for miles that she could see. She had been too distracted by the hauntingly beautiful night sky that she didn’t hear the soft footsteps of her companion behind her. Ashal jumped when Voroni gently placed his hands on her shoulder. He smiled gently as he draped a soft cotton blanket over her bare shoulders.
        “If you’re staying out here, you’ll get cold.” He said softly, dropping down to sit beside her. Their knees touching almost instantly, her tense attitude changed to a relaxed one as soon as she recognized that it hadn’t been a stranger but instead her beloved revenant friend.
“Thank you” She spoke softly after a moment of silence, he turned to the noise so that he was facing her, leaning forward to press a kiss against her forehead.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost, I hope it’s not one of my ghosts running around in my head. You know I can’t see if they escape” he pointed out, gathering a quiet and almost bitter laugh from the otherwise cheerful sylvari. He frowned a bit, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer, “Are you okay?”
She rested her head against his shoulder instead of her knee, leaning into his embrace. “Do you ever miss it? The Grove?” despite being right beside him – her voice sounded like she was a million miles away, her heart yearning for something other than following the sounds of despair and torment that seemed to follow her sister’s footsteps. She hadn’t heard from Tomomi in 6 months now. The last anyone had heard of him had been when Canach had mentioned something about a place to stay in the desert. But neither Ashal nor Luna had heard from either of them since then.
        “If I’m honest, I never really felt like I belonged in the Grove. It’s why I was so eager to escape, to get into the action. That’s when I met you. Just after the pact crash in Verdant. You pulled me out. Saved my life” he gave her an affectionate squeeze of her shoulder to which she looked at him. She knew that he couldn’t see her, he was not only blind, but the strip of fabric tied tightly across his eyes also meant that even if he wanted to, the world was firmly blocked from his view. But that meant the private smile she shared when she looked at him as if he was the world was just something that she could feel – and somehow that felt like it had more of a meaning behind it. He was her best friend, her travel companion. Her everything outside of the Grove and she was so thankful to have him – these adventures and journeys would feel a lot lonelier without him. Even if it was only for their quiet chatter when they were on the move, the dumb private jokes between the two of them when the fire was roaring or even huddling in a tent at night to fight off the cold that seemed to plague them the closer they were to the Shiverpeaks.
“You miss it don’t you?” his voice brought Ashal out of her rather odd trance, as she sighed and cuddled closer in an attempt to fight off the chill of the night air. The question felt like a weight on top of her shoulders more than his actual arm.
        “Yeah. I do. I want to introduce you to my family one day, so you can meet them all – Meet the house of Amanatsu!” Ashal seemed to brighten up when she talked about her family. She seemed so absorbed in talking excitedly about her family that she missed the gentle smile Voroni directed at her, being able to hear the pure joy in her voice was better than the wayward, sad voice he had heard earlier.
“Ashal?” He interrupted her rambling even if he didn’t want to but knew that if he didn’t, she would go on for hours and then neither of them would get any sleep and they’d be exhausted for their continued journey tomorrow. She paused and nervously laughed, a quiet apology on her lips for rambling on for longer than she should have. “Do you know why I don’t miss home?”
She paused, pondering the question as if it was one of the world’s greatest mysteries and that the answer would be the answer, she had been dying to know her entire life before giving up and making an annoyed noise, “No idea! Tell me!” she leaned her head against his shoulder again, looking up at him despite knowing he couldn’t see her.
Voroni paused, mostly for dramatic effect, and to annoy her to leave her in suspense. Before he quietly spoke again, as if afraid to speak the words like they would poison his tongue as he spoke them. “Because you’re my home. And you’re always with me”
There was a quietness that seemed to stretch on, it was almost quiet enough that Ashal could hear the stars shining and sparkling as if they were dancing and making noise in the night sky just for her. “Oh” was all she could say before placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.
“Well! Time for bed!” just as quickly as the conversation had turned soft was just as quick as Ashal got up and turned towards the tent. Voroni laughed, shaking his head before following her in.
They may not have spoken many words about their true feelings to each other but at the end of the day, they always knew that they would have each other’s back. That they would always be together – No matter what.
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intern-seraph · 4 years
i fell asleep afraid i would never wake again
in which they finally fucking kiss
has spoilers for literally everything bon ape tit
CW: death, murder, attempted murder, idiots kissing each other, fighting
Alfswen’s still not entirely sure when or how it turned into a co-sleeping arrangement. A few nights where she or Braham snuck into the other’s tent and crawled under the blanket turned into waking up every morning with her flopped over on his chest or his arm draped over her like a weighted blanket. It’s… nice. Though she’s loath to admit it, there’s something comforting about having someone there in the morning. It’s at his side that she finds herself now. He’s sound asleep, mouth half-open as he snores and his cheek smooshed flat against her bedroll.
Today, though, there’s no time to sleep in. She sits up and gently jostles his shoulder. “Rise and shine.”
He grunts and shifts away from her. “Don’ wanna.”
“We have work to do today. Things to kill, people to see…”
“Can wait. ‘M tired. Lessgo back t’sleep?”
“I’ll drag you out if I have to.”
“You can’t.”
“Oh, I certainly can. Don’t forget, I have the power of the Mists on my side.”
“I’m up, I’m up!” Braham pushes himself up on his elbows and rubs his eyes with the heel of his palm. “Gimme the rundown on the plan again?”
“Find Drakkar, corner it, beat the shit out of it.”
Alfswen rolls out from under the blanket and stretches her arms up to the roof of their tent. Their weapons lie in a pile in the corner, stacked on top of her armor and crowned with her discarded blindfold. “We should hurry and get dressed. Rytlock and Crecia won’t wait forever.”
“Bet I can get ready faster than you.”
“In your dreams.”
The Tribunes are gathered around the campfire when Braham and Alfswen emerge from the tent. Alfswen sits beside Rytlock with a wordless little nod. He cocks his head to the side, then hands her a skewered piece of meat.
“Morning, sleeping beauties. Was starting to wonder what was going on in there,” he comments.
“Braham was trying to sleep in. Don’t imply things like that, old man.” She jabs her elbow into his side.
“Eh? All I’m saying is that you two have been really cuddly lately.”
“Nothing like that is happening.” Her cheeks burn a bright gold. She chances a glance at Braham. His own face is pink and his eyes are wide. “Perhaps we’re just being friendly, Brimstone.”
Braham starts coughing. Someone nearby snickers and thumps him on the back. “Give them a break, Tribune. It’s cold out here. Canoodling isn’t the only explanation,” Arbreura drawls as she steps out of the shadows. She cocks her head at Alfswen.  “Good morning, sister dear.”
“You’re not coming.”
“I didn’t even ask!”
“You’re not coming.” Alfswen doesn’t even look up from her food. “You’re not suited for helping kill Drakkar.”
“The Commander is right,” Crecia interjects. She prods at the coals. “We won’t need a sniper for this mission.”
“Thank you, Crecia.” Alfswen sinks her teeth into her breakfast and tears a hunk away. Arbreura makes a quiet, horrified noise. Speaking through a mouthful of food, Alfswen continues, “You can stand watch at the door if y’really wanna be there.”
“I… will pass.” Arbreura turns on her heel. She pauses, then looks back over her shoulder. Her smile sobers. “Stay safe, dearie.”
“No promises.”
“You’re out of your mind. This stops now!” she shouts. She curls her hands into tight fists. Braham sets a hand on her shoulder and gives a squeeze. Her hackles raise and she snarls at Bangar. He doesn’t seem to notice or care to notice.
Instead, he smiles. It’s a prideful, terrifying grin that sends a chill down her spine. He raises Eir’s bow and nocks an arrow. “I couldn’t agree more.”
She doesn’t realize what’s happening until it hits her. The impact sends her stumbling back, her eyes wide with surprise. At first it’s a dull burn in her gut, but it builds into a searing pain that spreads out from her belly until it encompasses her whole body. She screams, hands scrabbling at where the arrow lodged itself in a blind attempt to wrench it out of her body. Rytlock and Crecia grapple her, wrestling her to the ground.
“Don’t let her take it out!”
It hurts to breathe. She gasps for air, but it feels like she’s drowning. “No. No, not… not…”
“Commander, stay with us! Focus!”
“R-Rytlock… what…”
“Focus on my voice!”
He rips off her blindfold, discarding it somewhere in the cave. Rytlock and Crecia are blurry figures, her vision shifting as she tries to stay awake. “I don’t… don’t wanna die… not…” Her mouth fills with hot sap. The world goes out of focus for a moment, then comes back. Balthazar grins down at her, face twisted with sick glee. Aurene roars behind him as she struggles against her chains. Alfswen reaches out one trembling hand as the pain in her chest turns her world black.
She kneels in front of the dias. The hatchling chirrups happily and taps her front feet on the floor.
“Aurene?” Caithe kneels beside Alfswen with a small, quizzical smile.
“Yes. That’s her name.”
“How did you come up with it?”
She cups Aurene’s head in both hands. There’s so much love in the little dragon’s eyes. She smiles and kisses the crown of her head. “I’m not sure. It just… felt right.”
Aurene coos and butts her forehead against Alfswen’s. She can’t help but laugh.
“You’ll do great things.”
Forgal smiles down at her, grim and determined. She shakes her head.
“No. No, Forgal you can’t do this. There has to be another way.”
“Kid, you need to protect these people. Get them out of here safely, okay?” He ruffles her leaves. “The dragons already took my family from me… I won’t let Zhaitan have you. I’ll give you a head start, but you need to run. Make sure to give Jormag a bloody nose for me someday, alright?”
“No, no, no!” She wants to lunge after him and hold him back, but she can feel the spirits in her body rooting her to the ground. Her breath chokes in her chest and she reaches out to stop him just as the gates shut. She screams and screams and screams and tries to force herself to follow but her legs don’t obey, they aren’t hers now and they carry her away away away to the ship and into the darkness below deck.
He’s gone. He sacrificed himself to protect others.
She tries to explain this to Ceera, tries to be gentle and understanding, but Alfswen can tell that she’s failed as soon as the grief in Ceera’s eyes turns to boiling rage and hatred. “You… you killed him!”
“I never wanted this to happen, Ceera. Tonn made his choice, though. He saved countless lives, even i—”
“Murderer!” The anger in her voice startles Alfswen enough to drive her back a step. “You killed him. You… you and your Pact.”
“That’s not… do you really think I wanted this to happen?” Her eyes well up beneath her blindfold and she grits her teeth to hold back a sob. “Do you really think I wanted Eir to die?!”
Braham stares at her, eyes wide with shock at her outburst. His mouth twists into a furious snarl. “Well maybe she would still be here if we’d moved faster, Commander.”
Alfswen freezes up. It feels like she’s choking. It takes all the strength in her to say, “You’re not the only one who lost family, Braham.”
“Hey, maybe we should all calm down for a sec here?” Rox suggests. She glances between them, raising her paws in an attempt to calm them. At this point, Alfswen can’t stop herself from crying. Hurts. It just hurts.
He’d been there when she had to kill Trahearne. He knew what she was forced to do. So then why, why..?
Braham grunts, turning his back on both women. “I’m leaving. Rox?”
Rox glances at Alfswen, wringing her paws nervously. Alfswen nods numbly at her friend. “... See ya, Boss.” Rox takes a deep breath and scampers after Braham as he stomps out of the cave.
Alone, she falls to her knees and pulls them up to her chest. The ship’s hull groans and creaks around her, amplified to a near-deafening volume. It’s loud enough that she doesn’t hear Trahearne approach her.
“Warmaster?” he whispers.
She tilts her head up. “A-am I… needed?”
“Oh.” He sits beside her and daintily removes her blindfold. Her eyes are wide and puffy and red from crying. “Oh…” He pulls her into his arms and rocks her as she sobs into his chest. “Breathe. It’ll be alright…”
“He’s gone. He’s… I can’t believe…”
“He wanted you to live, Alfswen.”
“It should have—hic!—should have been me. Why did… he do it…”
“Breathe in, breathe out…”
“I… why did he have to die?”
“You’re young. He likely believed that you have a better chance at a future.”
“I’m not… a good person. I don’t… why would he sacrifice himself for someone like me?”
Trahearne frowns, hidden by the darkness around them, and pulls her closer. “You’ll do great things. We can honor him together.”
It’s cold, and the salty sea air stings her nose when she breathes in. Her hands ball into fists, power coursing through her body. Captain Ellen Kiel motions to the mouth of the cave. Like a dog let off the leash, Alfswen rushes in. She narrowly avoids Canach’s first few traps, her spirits and the detector alerting her to each bomb. But her bloodlust overwhelms her better judgement, fuels her actions with a kind of blind fury that she sorely missed. The first bomb she sets off is poison. Her lungs scream and her stomach turns and she starts to feel a heady haze settle in.
“Is this what they sent after me?” Canach sneers. “A sapling?”
Alfswen laughs and laughs and laughs, her teeth bared in a feral grin. She slams her fist into one of the rock formations, channeling all her power both physical and magical through her arm. The stone crumbles beneath her gauntlet. “You think too highly of yourself, brother. I’m the hound that’s here to flush you out. Dead or alive, I don’t care. I’ll bring you back in pieces if I have to. I’m no sapling.”
She was a sapling once. Back in a time before Caithe, before Trahearne, before Forgal and Almorra and Canach and Marjory and Kasmeer and Braham and Taimi and the whole lot of them. A time when she was alone with herself and the voices in her head. Filled with anger and power that she couldn’t quite comprehend, she unleashed it on things that deserved her violence. She was meant to do great things, Mother said. She was built to be strong. A soldier. A dragonslayer. A godkiller.
“Why?” she whispers to the Pale Tree. “Why did I never get to be a child?”
The Avatar of the Tree cups her cheeks, wiping her tears away. “I’m sorry, my dear. I am so, so sorry.” She kisses her on the forehead, rubbing between her shoulders as she weeps. “I wish that we could change the past.”
Dull pain rouses her from her sleep. One of her hands immediately darts to her belly, groping for the shaft of an arrow that’s no longer there. She groans, attempts to sit up, fails. Warm fingers curl around her hand, tugging it away from her body. She startles for a moment, then shifts to her side with some struggle. Braham is still half-asleep when she sees him lying beside her. His eyes open slowly. They’re bleary with sleep and old tears. Without a word, he reaches over and pulls her into his side. His whole body trembles. Silence settles between them for a long, anxious moment.
“How’re you feeling?” he whispers into her hair.
“Like I just got shot with a magic arrow.” “Don’t joke about that! I was… I thought that…” His breath shudders. “We really thought you were gonna die there.”
She brings up a hand to grip at his arm. “Was it that bad..?”
“There was so much blood, Alf.”
Silence again. She shuffles closer to him. The idea of coming that close to death again…
“I was scared,” he admits. “I don’t want to lose you again.”
“You…” Her breath catches in her chest.
“I really… care about you.” He clears his throat and curls his fingers around the curve of her shoulder. She pulls away a little and looks him in the eye. He meets her gaze for a moment. Then, his face reddening, he glances down at her mouth. Back up again. “I…”
She processes his meaning after a second. Her eyes go wide, then she nods. His fingers slip between her leaves, stroking the fronds as he dips in to kiss her. She breathes out a trembling sigh through her nose and presses closer to him. The kiss is restrained, barely held back by propriety and concern for her injury. He screws his eyes shut, brow furrowing. The hand on the back of her head presses her ever closer, and his other arm wraps gently around her waist.
“Commander? Braham? Aurene said th—”
Immediately, they freeze. Alfswen is the first to move, rolling over onto her back. Braham slips a hand between her shoulders to help her sit up. Still, she leans heavily on him, the effort it took just to sit having sapped what’s left of her energy.
“Y-yes, Jhavi?” she stammers.
“I came to check in on you. Your dragon told us that you finally woke up. She was… definitely right about that. Was I interrupting?”
“No! Never! Definitely not!” Alfswen squeezes her eyes shut as if that will make herself invisible.
“Right. Well, it’s good to see you’re awake and well.” Jhavi half-grins, shaking her head. She crosses her arms. “You’ve been out for a while. We’ve set up a temporary camp here until you’re fully recovered.”
“Ah… where exactly is ‘here?’” For the first time since she came to, Alfswen takes in her surroundings. The entire… room? cavern? is made of translucent crystals that catch the light and bathe the whole area in scattered rainbows. It’s ethereal, unreal, yet familiar.
“Your dragon’s sanctum. She wants to talk to you, so we should get moving.”
“She’s not—alright, nevermind.” Alfswen moves to stand, but realizes right before careening forwards that no, she’s not ready to walk on her own by any means. Braham catches her before she hits the ground, wrapping his arm around her and holding her to his side. She groans. Being this weak… it’s unnerving. Still, she leans against him and lets him half-carry her.
She takes short naps throughout the rest of the day. Braham sits watch beside her. His warm hand never leaves hers. It’s only late in the evening that she wakes up lucid enough to hold a conversation.
“Hey, Braham… what exactly happened there? When I… yeah.”
He remains silent for a minute too long and squeezes her hand a little tighter. His face turns a deep, dusky rose. “I, uh, might’ve become the wolf.”
“You—what?!” She stares up at him wide-eyed and beaming. “You became the wolf? That’s amazing!”
“It was only for a little bit! I was just so freakin’ angry and-and then I just sorta… pop! I was the wolf!”
“I should get fatal injuries more often.” She laughs when he startles. As an apology, she places a kiss on the back of his hand. His blush worsens. “I’m proud of you. Just wish I could have seen it.”
“You’ll get a chance eventually. But no more getting shot! You literally scared the Wolf outta me!”
“I’ll try my best.” Alfswen tugs his hand, coaxing him to lie down beside her. “But no promises. You said it best way back when: I do cause chaos.”
“Way to use that against me,” he mutters. Still, he pulls her flush against him and taps the tip of his nose to hers. “No chaos for us right now. You need lots of sleep.”
“I also seem to remember a certain norn insisting that his broken leg was totally healed and he could do all the combat he wanted…”
“Shut up or I’m leaving.”
She makes a soft clicking noise in the back of her throat and nestles into his chest. “You wouldn’t.”
“... Yeah, I wouldn’t.”
“Braham?” she mumbles sleepily. The cavern is dark. Somewhere else in the Eye of the North, Aurene’s snoring. Or perhaps it’s Rytlock. It’s hard to tell the difference. Alfswen pokes him in the side. “Braham?”
Braham’s chest rumbles with a groan. He mutters something incoherent. Then, he says, “G’back t’sleep.”
“What are we now?”
His breath stills. The arm draped over her body shifts, and his hand caresses the back of her head. “Whatever you wanna be.”
“I’d like… to try out this lovey stuff.”
“Hah… so do I.” He snuffles, wiggling under their shared blanket. She can feel his lips moving against her scalp as he speaks again. “Now lessgo back t’sleep. Tired.”
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miragecounseling · 4 years
ty max and dana for tagging meeee!!! ^^ I’m gonna put it under a readmore because I talk so much sdkgjhjgfkhd This can be done in many different ways: get asks by your followers, pick some questions for yourself, answer the whole damn thing at once, etc!
You can draw, write (to explain in details or not) or just post screenshots! If you miss one it’s totally okay, whether it’s by lack of answer or time. Have fun!
Favorite living world season? Season 4 because I was around for the last couple episodes! Still never finished S2 or 3 :x and Icebrood saga will proooobably be my favorite once it’s voiced.
Favorite expansion? PoF because MOUNTS!
Favorite soundtrack? I don’t listen to much in game music x-x 
First profession you played? Necro
First race you played? Norn
Favorite Destiny’s Edge character? Garm sgjkhfh
Favorite Dragon’s Watch character? Gorrik ;-; The best boy
Favorite Elder Dragon? I think Zhaitan had such a cool design, but Jormag is probably my favorite story wise. 
Best boss fight (story)? The Balth fight (both the end one and the one in Elon) are so amazing. 
Best boss fight (fractal)? SOLID OCEAN! Tentacle fight babyyyy
Best boss fight (raid)? Oh boy. I love Samarog, VG, and Adina the most I think. 
PvE or PvP or RP? PvE and PvP! I don’t RP, I’m too awkward for that lol
Favorite canon couple? Marjory and Kas, the best babies. 
Favorite fanon/self made couple? ME AND CANACH sdkjfhjkgh Ok I love Cass’ Tera and Braham so much. They’re so sweet together and I just ;-;♥ every time I read about them. Also everyone and Trahearne. 
Favorite quote? Storm Tracking is my favorite part of A Star to Guide Us and this part with Blish just... it wrecks me every time. “Take care of Gorrik. Tell him—tell him his big brother is sorry. And... Taimi, too. After you beat Kralkatorrik, keep fighting—until you've made a world worthy of them. And...stop keeping secrets from each other. All of you.”
Most emotional cinematic? Oh man, the scene at the end of War Eternal or the end of All or Nothing. Both are so so powerful and emotional, they blew me away experiencing them the first time. 
Favorite VA? I know I keep bringing up Canach but...... like... come on... I love Trahearne, Taimi, and the female Asura VAs too! 
Post a fun screenshot! We were doing Xera and Pengy got stuck in the floor xD 
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Post a landscape screenshot! Random shot from drizzlewood since it’s such a pretty map!
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Most used mount(s)? S K Y S C A L E! Also warclaw and raptor / rollerbeetle just to get around. I don’t really use springer anymore since getting skyscale ;-;
Favorite mount skin (for every mount you have)? OOOH BOY. Raptor: Gallant Lightbringer / Springer: Krytan Lop / Skimmer: Sand Souled (or Dajkah lantern but I don’t have it) / Jackal: Shrine Guardian or Lucent Sands / Beetle: Branded / Warclaw: Vigilant Saberclaw / Griffon: Crowned Skyfisher / Skyscale: ALL OF THEM but mostly chonky boy
Favorite weapon? Actual weapon it’s a tie between staff and gs. Skins? Spire of Samarog for staff and Crystal Gurdian for gs. 
Favorite gear set? I use the light bounty hunter’s set S O often, I love it. 
Favorite title? Fatebreaker and Acolyte of Dwayna are my favorites I own, but I love Closer To The Stars so much!
Something you worked really hard to get? My legendary armor!!! I spent so much time (and money lol) getting it
Favorite GW2 Youtuber / GW2 related video? Lara and CMAJ make great content, Mukluk is fun to watch, and @gwylen​ has fantastic videos! 
Most used miniature? alllllll the farens (especially elfy boy and the one @resonatingfern​ gave me!) and my rytlock funko pop that pengy got for me!
Most used novelty? Embiggening tonic- makes getting close up character screenshots SO much easier. I use the chairs a lot too! 
Number of achievments points? 17,067!
Something you’d love to see in GW2? Performance fixes and WvW updates ;-; Also more character customization options and home instance improvements. 
I’m pretty late to doing this SORRY!!!! 
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commander-luna · 4 years
Save Our Souls, They're All The Worth We Have Left
Relationships: Tomomi/Canach
Characters: Luna, Ashal, Tomomi, Canach
Tags: Minor Character Death (mentioned)
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23149831
Summery: At the afterparty of Tomomi and Canach renewing their vows to celebrate 5 years of marriage, Luna gets rather drunk and starts telling stories about her and her brother's adventures.
“He must have been… Well, not much past being a sapling and I remember,” Luna giggles into her drink, her attempts to take a sip disrupted by her laughing, “I found him scrambled up a tree chucking water down at a very unimpressed Stalker who was clawing at the bottom, like a human flicking water at their misbehaving house cat!” She tilts sideways to lean on Ashal as she cracks herself up again, missing and nearly falling off the seat she’s perched crosslegged on – only the quick reactions of her twin saving her from face-planting the floor.
“Alright Luna, that’s probably enough alcohol and embarrassing stories for now.” Tomomi takes her drink from her and steps back as she tries to grab it from him, once more only saved from falling by Ashal’s hug pulling her back. “You’ve drunk enough for three Norns and I think you’ve given my squad plenty material to use against me for one night.”
She slumps back into her seat and pulls a face so childish, one his squad did not expect from her. It looks out of place on their Commander, most of them have only met her a handful of times, and its always been before, during, or after battle when she is high authority.
“Fine…” She drags the word out and sounds as if she’s ready to sulk, until something in her posture changes and her voice drops softer. “What if I tell you about the time he saved my life.”
His squad had started to gather themselves to leave, but she had definitely caught their attention again. They settled back into their places, spread across the floor in-front of her seat like she was a carer getting children ready for bed.
“It must have been, what, six years ago?” She looks up at Tomomi for confirmation, but he says nothing. He’s sat down with his squad and his husband, who’s come to join them after curiosity got the better of him. Tomomi has pressed himself into Canach’s side, seeking comfort from him before the story has even been told. “It was before the Pact had been formed, I was rising in the ranks of Whisper while my brother did the same within the Vigil. I knew what I was going into I wouldn’t be able to manage with just Trahearne, Tybalt, and myself,” Luna’s voice catches on Trahearne’s name and most of the people listening bow their head for a moment in memory of their late Marshal. All except Aurora, who’s gaze snapped up again at the mention of Tybalt – he was an old friend of hers but it had been so long since she had contact from him. “So I contacted Warmaster Laranthir and requested Tomomi and a handful of other soldiers he could spare to accompany us to Claw Island.” Luna reaches out to Ashal sat beside her and grips her twins hand tightly before continuing.
“We made it there in good time. We knew an attack was coming enough of Zhaitan’s spies had been found loitering nearby that we were well aware it was only a matter of time. Watch Commander Talon had become regrettably complacent in his time on Claw Island and didn’t think it was necessary to listen to us. We tried to warn him. We tried to save everyone… There was only a few at first, few enough that the Lionguard didn’t need our help to take them down. We cleared the beach with them anyway, and maybe thats where we went wrong. That fight was over so quickly Talon was even more sure of his decision that Claw Island was incapable of falling. But then came the ships.” Tomomi stands and walks away from the group, choosing to talk to the other members of Dragon’s Watch rather than relive the battle within his sister’s story.
“Built from bone and rot, they rose from the water bringing the stench of death with them. Their catapults bombarded us with corpses. Most of them stood up to fight, but a few just hit the ground and coated the floor in a thin layer of flesh. We fought off as many as we could and managed to sink one or two of the ships but it made no difference. The walls were overrun, we had to fall back. Talon was a stubborn fool who wouldn’t call the retreat, said that Claw Island had stood for nearly a hundred years and how they couldn’t fall. Took a fatal blow before he realised his mistake. I’m not saying he deserved to die, but out of everyone we lost that day, he’s the one I miss the least. A lot of good people could have survived if he’d swallowed his pride.”
“The Lionguard rallied in the courtyard with the few Vigil I’d brought, drawing the attention of most of the undead while Trahearne, Tybalt, Tomomi, and I fought our way around the edges to reach the beacons. At least if we all fell that day, Lion’s Arch would be warned and ready to fight. We made it, and with all the beacons lit we made the foolish mistake of feeling hopeful. With all our remaining forces gathered in the courtyard, it felt like we could fight our way out without having to lose anyone else. There was already so many good soldiers laying dead by our feet. That was when it arrived. We weren’t ready to face one of the dragon’s champions, no one had any idea what it could do. It came from the skies, crushing one of the outer walls as it landed and letting in the undead that were trapped behind it still. But the worst part was its breath. It spewed corruption like it was Zhaitan itself, crippling and blinding our soldiers as we struggled to retreat. And those of us that had already fallen… The corruption wove its way around their corpses and dragged them into servitude. We found ourselves facing people that mere hours before had been our companions.” As she talked, Luna’s glow had faded to a dull, almost sickly colour, which was made all the more obvious by her twin at her side glowing as brightly as any sylvari in the low lighting of the night should be. On hand was still tightly holding onto Ashal, and with the other she had pulled an amulet off from where it hung at her neck and was gently rubbing at the back, a habit anyone who knows her will have seen her do before when she starts to reminisce.
“Those of us who were unaffected did our best to carry the wounded, but it was clear we weren’t going to get to the ships at the rate we were moving, and it did not seem like the winged beast would let us sail even if we did make it. And then… Tybalt stoped and at first I thought he was hurt. But he turned to me and said that he haven't always lived bravely, but he thought he’d like to die that way. He asked me to believe in him. I trusted that bastard so much, he’d been my partner since I joined Whisper and the chaos we’d gotten ourselves into and out of with the other at our back… Of course I believed in him. He turned and he ran back towards the fighting, closed the gates behind him. Last I heard from him was his shout that he wouldn’t let them have us, and the fiercest battle roar any charr would be proud of. I tried to go back for him. Tried to run in after and take him with us, but Tomomi held me tight. He wouldn’t let me go and dragged me back to the ships along with the rest of the survivors, we barely had enough people to fill one ship, let alone the eight moored there.” Luna stands, a little wobbly from the remaining alcohol in her system, but the stance she takes is one they recognise. It’s a far cry from their captain’s sister sat telling embarrassing stories that she had been earlier in the evening, this is now their Commander stood before them once more, ready to address the soldiers that fall under her lead.
“I would have died with Tybalt that day, if Tomomi hadn’t forced me to retreat with them. I’d never have been here to see the Pact be formed, let alone take command beside Marshal Trahearne. But I can’t help wonder what could have been if Watchmaster Talon had listened to us in the first place. If there’s one thing you take from this story, be it that hubris will not only get you killed, but will get everyone around you killed as well. Or perhaps a fate worse than death, should there be dragon’s corruption involved.”
With that final statement closed, she gives a half bow and leaves them, her wolf having moved from where he was resting on the outskirts of the party to take his place by her side once more as she returns to her own tent. The mood is sufficiently brought down and Tomomi’s squad find themselves unwilling to part ways, instead finding comfort in each other’s presences and choosing to move their bedrolls out under the stars so they can all rest together.
Ashal departs not long after they set themselves up, moving off after her sister to see how she’s faring, and leaving Canach alone to think on the story he’d just heard. His husband had never even shared the information that he’d been at that first fateful battle, and it occurs to him now why he goes so quiet and uncomfortable when Aurora mentions her charr friend, the mechanic. Still, these are thoughts for tomorrow, and he sets off to find his husband so they may enjoy the comfort of a long night in each other’s arms and let what tomorrow brings be the problem of the future.
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tyrias-library · 5 years
Travel/Home -Awakened Anon
The first thing she remembers from her waking is a song.
Later, sitting by The Pale Tree and watching the branches shine in the moonlight, she learns it in its entirety. It’s a simple song despite how long it is, all curled words and soft whispers carried in the wind. She sings it for the first time and her voice spirals upwards, notes joining the stars in the sky. —- Caithe is strong and fierce and kind, and she wants to be like that someday.
She wants to learn to wear her own skin with that same level of ease, to be able to weave her way through the trees and never look down. She wants to climb up up up, and burst through the foliage to watch the clouds float by, the breeze whistling in her ears. She wants to disappear into the shadows of the canopy so completely, until even the sun can’t see her there.
“It must be nice,” she says one day. It’s a lovely cloudless morning, and she hands her elder sister a fruit she’s picked from a nearby tree. Her movement jostles the branch they’ve been sitting on just slightly. “To have gone to so many different places, I mean.”
All she’s ever known is the forest, and she wonders what it’d be like to venture further. Caithe has been everywhere she hasn’t, and she watches the firstborn reach over to pluck the fruit from her hands. The branch doesn’t shake this time.
“It is.” Caithe answers as they take a bite out of the fruit. Not a single drop of juice trickles through her fingers. She looks at her own sticky red hands with something like embarrassment, pooling in her stomach and creeping up her neck. “I met a lot of people I would have never met otherwise, Valiant.”
“Is it boring? To stay home?” She wonders, sometimes. If Caithe resents her existence, resents having to stay home and train her for a Wyld Hunt that she had taken from them. “Don’t you miss being able to travel a lot- instead of being here?”
Caithe is silent, for a time.
“Not quite.” She finally says. Her eyes glow with a quiet emotion that they can’t quite parse. They watch as she dangles the core of her fruit between her fingers and drops it, plunging it into the vast expanse below. “It’s… refreshing.”
She understands it, she does- the warm all encompassing peace she feels in the safety of the forest, her heart beating in tune to a song she can hear whispering through the trees. She knows a quiet life isn’t in the cards for her though, the certainty echoing in her bones like a call. And yet-
“I get it.” She says, closing her eyes. She doesn’t think she has to wonder anymore. —- She takes Firstborn Trahearne aside, later, with her heart in her throat and knots in her chest, nervous tension leaking through her hands as she twists them. Caithe is just Caithe to her, but he’s a distant figure- She doesn’t know him.
But she has to ask. “How long were you in Orr?” How long since you’ve come home?
(In her mind, there’s green stretching out as far as the eye can see, and she feels it- the comfort of home wrapped up in the first few notes of a familiar song. She knows every tree in the forest and every step she needs to take, knows even the nightmare courtiers as intimately as she does herself.)
(She tries to imagine dust instead of green, and the feel of death creeping under her skin. She tries to imagine silence echoing in her ears, spending nights alone with nothing but darkness to keep her company, shadows growing longer by the light of a solitary fire. She shivers.)
She can read the answer in the way the Firstborn’s eyes shut, just for a moment.
“Long enough.” He says, and she isn’t cruel enough to push. —- Her Order takes her further and further away from home, and she finds herself falling in love with the bustle of Divinity’s Arch, the smell of salt by the sea. She learns to fight and learn and lie. She makes friend. She makes enemies. She grows to love this strange world she’d been thrust in and everyone in it, grows into her hunt and wears it across her shoulders like a warm coat.
She thinks sometimes that she left part of her heart behind in a forest though, still beating in tune to a song. —- She’s walking through a vision with Trahearne, and all she can think is This is your calling? This is your eternity?
Orr is just as dark and suffocating as she imagined, and she isn’t even really here- everything is a blur of shapes and muted color, but she tastes ashes and bile in her mouth at the unfamiliar Terrain, and more so how familiar her companion is with it. His every step is laden with purpose, and he navigates the uneven ground like he was born in it. Perhaps he was, in a way. Perhaps Orr is his home as much as The Grove and Caledon are hers.
(She cannot imagine it.)
Later, after she’s left the vision and pushed aside the urge to be sick, she looks at this Firstborn, who’s tried so much. Who’s devoted his everything to bringing life back to those barren wastes, and she-
She doesn’t know him, not well, not yet, but she thinks she might want to. If only just to give him a shoulder to lean on.
“You’ll make a great Marshall.” She tells him. It’s the truth. —- She returns to Caledon one more time, before she has to leave for Orr.
It doesn’t make it any easier. —- The flower tucked behind her ear had wilted the moment she’d set foot in Orr, the little reminder of home now dust. It hurts, a tiny ember of pain flaring in her chest.
How do you stand it, she wishes she could ask, but there are more pressing matters to attend to then the phantom touches of death crawling across her skin. —- There’s nothing remotely green in Orr, but she finds a secluded outcrop between Pact Camps where she can sit and watch the clouds float by, the breeze whistling in her ears.
If she closes her eyes, if she sings, if she lets her voice spiral upwards and her notes float in the air like stars, it almost feels like home. —- She learns to weave through Orr the same way she did home, and it’s- not quite home, will never be, but it’s a part of her now. She wonders if this is how Trahearne feels.
In the future she will stand beside her best friend and watch him complete her Wyld Hunt, and she will think second home- in the future she will take her friend’s arm and bring him to her outcrop to watch Orr begin to bloom.
Right now though, she sits in a crevice and counts her breaths, waiting, waiting, waiting. Outside, the risen moan. —- Zhaitan dies, and the first thing she does is go home.
The second thing she does is kiss someone.
She’s not in love, for all that she loves, and they both know it- but she lets him anyway when he asks, because she loves him still. His smile is bittersweet but genuine when he pulls back, eyes soft.
He doesn’t ask her again. —- Mordremoth’s call is a choir of horrific voices clamoring for her attention, scraping across each other like nails on a chalkboard. It makes it hard to focus over the cacophony in her head. It’s nothing like the song she sings in her sleep.
The jungle is different from the forests she so loves as well, violence and threats dripping from every root and vine. She eyes every tree warily from where she rides the winds, glider open on her back. More than once she falls off a cliff or finds herself surrounded by pocket raptors. More than once she finds herself clinging to life by the skin of her teeth.
It doesn’t matter what everyone thinks, or Mordremoth thinks- this jungle isn’t home, and the dragon isn’t home either. She watches and waits for the moment she can save her friends and reclaim what truly matters- she whistles soft notes in the night and watches the sylvari soldiers’ faces soften in their sleep. —- She’s never had an elder brother before, not really- Caithe is decidedly sister, Trahearne dear enough to her to forgo labels entirely, and Malyck more like her younger brother rather than an elder. She doesn’t know what it’s like to have an elder brother.
Canach teases her though, and ruffles her hair, and when the call grows strongest in her head, is always there to pull her back. That’s enough for her. She just needs to figure out if it’s enough for him.
She calls him brother one day and watches his face carefully for any signs of change, safe up in a tree where he can’t see her gaze. She watches his eyes widen, surprised, just a little- mouth open, before his expression smoothens out. He doesn’t acknowledge the title, but he also doesn’t admonish her.
She calls him Canach when she climbs back down. (She’ll only call him brother a handful of times for as long as she lives- this is the first.) —- Mordremoth dies, and the first thing she does is kill.
The second thing she does is realize what a thin line it is between love and being in love, and she’s slipped from one side to another, somewhere between warmth and laughter and secret smiles shared, but it’s too late- silence rings in her ears like bells. —- She returns to the pale tree and she feels dusty, she feels dead, her heart silent and still and cold in her chest.
Caithe is there, and when her sister calls her name softly she forgets all of it- the lies, the egg, the call. She walks into Caithe’s arms and rests her head on their shoulder, and she wonders how they could be so strong and fierce and kind. —- She stands over the pieces of a broken sword and mouths the first few notes of a song.
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maguuma-mistfits · 6 years
I’m not good with drabbles, but here’s a little fluffy something to go with the cotton-plant Canach thing I posted.
It started with an itch. The commander noticed it first, perhaps because he too was a sylvari and, being a fern of a sorts, he found the desert absolutely horrendous.
“Canach, are you all right?”
“Mhmm, yes. I’m feeling rather peachy since my ‘investment’ is paying off nicely. Why are you asking?”
“You’ve been scratching your head a lot.”
Canach froze, looking up from the paper he was calculating his winnings on. He very slowly lowered the pen he absentmindedly rubbed against an itchy spot near the base of one of his thorns.
“It’s nothing, Commander. Just an itch. The sand and the heat… you know how it is.” The commander glared at him through a curtain of withering brown fronds. He was a jungle plant best suited for shaded, humid environments taking a trek through the gods-damned desert, of course he knew how it went. “I just need to drink a little more water and I’ll be fine.”
He looked at Canach for a moment longer before nodding.
“All right, you know best. But if anything feels wrong, come tell me, okay?” Canach flashed the commander a wry smile.
“Will do, but really, it’s nothing.”
It took him three entire days to change his mind about that.
“Commander, could I borrow you for a moment?” he asked one morning, drawing the other to the side, out of sight. “I know I said it was nothing, but could you...” He gestured at his head and dutifully leaned forward when the commander placed both hands on his shoulders and stood on tiptoes to take a look at his thorns. There were small buds growing among the prickles.
“I’m not expert on flowering sylvari, but I think you are going to bloom.” Canach made a pained noise. “Not the diagnosis you were hoping for?”
“I haven’t been in bloom since I was a sapling. I wasn’t planning on repeating the experience.” He straightened again with a sour expression.
“I can spare you for a few days if you’d rather sit it out.” If Canach was even half as moody and irritable as the commander was whenever he was spouting spores, then it would be the best for everyone if he spent the time resting.
“Appreciated, commander. Now if you excuse me, I need to go and hide in my room before someone else notices.”
“Where is Canach?” Rytlock asked, adjusting the saddle on his raptor. “You’d think he’ll show up for the last big fight at least, after the bet he placed on you.”
“Now that you mention it, I haven’t seen him all week,” Kasmeer said. “Commander, do you know anything about him?”
“He should be here any minute. He’s been… under the weather lately.”
“Ha! Don’t tell me the cactus can’t take the heat.”
That was the exact moment when Canach arrived, nodding a greeting to the commander and sidestepping Rytlock as if he wasn’t even there.
“Sorry I was late. I would never miss the opportunity to kick a god’s teeth in.” He turned to the other three who were staring at him with wide eyes. “What?”
“Canach… your, uh.” Kasmeer gestured at her head. “Your… hair.”
It was white. Really white. Canach obviously tried to tame it by gathering it together, but the effect remained decidedly fluffy and ridiculous, even with the hard points of the thorns peeking out from the white fluff.
“The word you are looking for is bolls.”
Rytlock snorted a short laugh, unsure if it was a joke or not.
Kasmeer just blinked.
“Bolls? As in cotton bolls?”
Canach crossed his arms.
“Yes. I’m a cotton-based sylvari. If you could tell a potato from a pine, you would know that thorns don’t make something a cactus by default.” He turned towards his raptor. The commander already saddled it for him while they waited, so all he had to do was climb on and frown disapprovingly down on his companions. “Now that my taxonomy is out of the way, could we please get moving?”
“Are we sure we need the awakened army?” Rytlock grumbled, not quite under his breath. Luckily for him, Canach already rode ahead, eager to take his frustration out on the forged. “He’s prickly enough today that he could take on Balthazar on his own.”
“Just don’t let him hear you,” the commander said with a smile.
“Are you sure you aren’t saying that because you are jealous of his fabulous hair, tribune?” Kasmeer joked from the commander’s other side.
“Of that floof? Never!”
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kerra-and-company · 3 years
The Ask Storm has arrived! As always, if you feel like skipping some of these questions or if they don't apply you're always welcome to. And you're welcome to use this (🌟) as a free pass for the questions you do feel like talking about instead!
For Cio: 5 and 12
For Kerra: 26 and 35
For Nisha: 39 and 46
For Tanza: 71 and 76
For Ari: 80 and 99
:D Also no rush to answer them at any great speed
Ah, tis ask storm time!! Thanks a bunch Ann @uselessidiotsquad :D Some Icebrood Saga spoilers in Tanza's answers, just fyi.
5. Are they in good health?
Generally speaking, yep! Fun fact about that, though: Cio has a higher-than-average body temperature, which has accidentally tricked quite a few healers into thinking she had a fever when she didn't.
12. What makes your character embarrassed?
Cio doesn't get embarrassed very often, but getting a crucial fact wrong either during an important presentation of some kind or during literally any conversation with the Arcane Council would definitely do it.
Putting the cut here since there's a lot of these! :)
26. What do they consider ugly in others personality-wise?
Being too self-absorbed/arrogant, enjoying the suffering of others and/or actively trying to cause it, and being unable to even consider anyone else's opinion or that you could potentially be wrong.
35. What is the most important rule your character lives by?
I can't think of a way to phrase this in one of those snappy rules-to-live-by ways, but something that's kind of a combination of the sentiments of "do no harm, but take no shit" and "see the light in people". Kerra most definitely "does harm"--she's a warrior and the Commander, and she's killed before--but she does her best not to hurt anyone unless she has to. And she sees the good in people, almost always, but she also doesn't bank on it. So, kinda "look for the best in people and try for peace whenever possible, but if for example there's an immortal lich king who's, to put it mildly, fucked with a nation for generations, it's completely fine and in fact encouraged to kick his ass." Maybe slightly more complicated than this question was asking for alsjdfadf but there you go! (And there might be a really straightforward way to say this; I might just be tired, who knows.)
39. What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person?
Xe could probably think of several convoluted and horrible things that are worse than this, but something that xe deeply fears is being trapped. Imprisonment is not what xe would say is the worst thing to happen to a person in general, but it is something that xe in particular really would dislike. Xe and Canach share similar hats on this topic.
46. How do they handle getting sick?
For most of xyr life, xe basically just tried very hard to pretend xe wasn't sick and hoped it would go away. This did not work very well. Now, xe goes and hides in a tent and comms xyr brother/friends/partners to help while insisting (in a very tired voice) that xe'll definitely be fine in about five minutes if someone just brings xem some tea really quick. Eventually, xe will in fact actually rest (took xem a while to learn how, but xe did), but it takes a bit.
71. How kind is your character?
I'd say pretty darn! She's eager to befriend people but respects boundaries, will (like Kerra) go out of her way to help a bug that somehow ended up inside her house, and is more likely than not to reach out a hand to someone who needs it.
76. How do they express anger?
Tanza usually finds a very out-of-the-way place where they're probably not going to bug anyone and screams very loudly. Though that's more how they let out anger, it is a way to express it, too. Person-to-person-wise, she doesn't really do passive-aggressiveness, so if she's mad at you, she'll definitely tell you. They understand the necessity of subterfuge and lies sometimes for diplomatic or mission reasons, but if it's possible to actually have a conversation and hash out why they're angry, they'd much rather do that. Or, in the very specific case of her anger with Ryland and Jormag for her mothers being Frozen, she does everything possible to take them down.
80. How easy is it for others to read your character’s emotions?
I read this wrong at first and thought it was asking how well Ari could read others' emotions, which also is an interesting question, so you get an answer to both! For question 80: At first, Ari's difficult to read, but for people who spend a lot of time with her (and understand that her snapping doesn't always mean she's actually angry), she's pretty easy to read. (Cio tops this list.) For the question I accidentally read: She's actually pretty good at it when she wants to be and when she doesn't have a preexisting idea that overrules her perceptions of the situation (see: her thinking her 'bandmates were still angry, her not realizing Cio loved her and had for a while).
99. Do they talk to inanimate objects?
She didn't have stuffed animals/other soft toys as a cub, but she would have loved them if she had. She got used to talking to the stars instead, and though she feels silly and a bit over-dramatic whenever she does it, she still talks to them. As a small cub, she imagined she was talking to a friend or a sibling. As a teenager, she imagined she was talking to her ancestors--parents, grandparents, etc. She'd never met any of them and never would, but she hoped they'd be proud of her. As a young adult, she imagined she was talking to her missing 'bandmates, or apologizing, or both. Now, it varies, but sometimes she imagines talking to her younger self and thinks about how long it's been since she was a cub. (It hasn't really been all that long, she's like 30, but it feels to her like it's been a lot longer.)
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axe-trio-commanders · 4 years
The Whole Truth
Yeah, beginning of PoF was... rough, for Seremnis. That’s what happens when the commander disappears after fighting a deity in a volcano, though. Spoilers for PoF, lws3, and personal story, as well as mention of death, grieving, and a whole lot of not knowing how to communicate properly. Also Kasmeer!
It was... nice out, tonight. Seremnis supposed having less clouds in the desert was... natural. She’d heard, once, that somewhere out here they’d built an Astralarium- looked out at the stars from some form of impressive building. It... it’d been a little while since she’d looked at the stars- the real ones, since she’d begun simply replicating them in her dreams, but it was... she needed the comfort. And while it’d be... nice, maybe, to share the view with someone...
She’d only allow a small twitch of her ears in recognition of it, but she felt someone else approaching- familiar, not an enemy, but who exactly it was she wasn’t quite...
...Seremnis looked as they sat down beside her, hardly making a sound- recognizing with unhidden surprise that it was... Kasmeer, of all people. She’d doubted it would be Rytlock, but Canach... honestly, she’d been hoping to talk to him anyways.
“...Couldn’t sleep?” The mesmer asked, attention focused on Seremnis- who, on her part, looked back up to the stars.
“...No,” she answered, after some thought. It... didn’t seem smart to-
“Why not?”
...Well. There went that option. For a moment, she imagined it, floating off into the distance, on the wind... right into a forged camp... gone, burned to ashes... there it went. “...There’s a lot to think about.”
“...Care to be any more specific?”
Seremnis... tried not to wince at the irritation in her tone. It wasn’t like she could blame her- they’d just come out of Kormir’s temple, attacked by the follower of another of their gods- not to mention that Marjory wasn’t there. But... given what relatively little she knew about Kormir, she’d... expected Kasmeer to be the hardest to talk to out of all of them. She’d expect the truth. Likely all of it.
“...Not really.”
Seremnis didn’t have to look at Kasmeer to know the answer only made things worse, but... she wasn’t sure what to say. How exactly did she articulate the vast number of problems she was currently dealing with in an even vaguely succinct way?
“Seremnis.” ...Oh, pale mother help her... “I know Aurene trusts you. I know the commander... trusted you.” Seremnis dug her fingers into the sand, tensing. The commander wasn’t gone, she was just- ...missing. For now. They’d find her. “But I find it hard to trust you to lead us when you never tell us anything.”
And... there it was. Honestly, she expected it sooner, but... she supposed there hadn’t really been time until this... long roadtrip north. And as much as she’d stayed up at night thinking about it, she was... no closer to a solution.
“...You could... find someone else,” she eventually suggested.
“Now? In the middle of a desert, chasing after the Herald?” Kasmeer responded dryly.
“I’m not going to start listing off secrets because you asked me to,” Seremnis muttered back.
“And why not?”
“It’s not that simple.” Seremnis paused, noting the bite in her own tone and forcing it back down. “...I am... aware that this is... a lot. And I am also aware that we see the matter of truth differently.” Seremnis finally looked back at Kasmeer, trying to judge how she was... taking that. She didn’t look... happy, or... convinced, but it wasn’t... worse...? “...You... follow Kormir. A god of truth. You’ve worked as a detective for... a while now, discovering truth.”
“...And you’re in Whispers?” She said it like it was an excuse she’d heard too many times before- and Seremnis bristled, forcing her own mouth shut until she’d managed to calm herself down again. She still... wasn’t exactly comfortable with anyone knowing that, but... it probably was inevitable, at this point.
“...And I awoke into the cycle of Night,” she continued, doing her best not to grit her teeth. “We can see the value of truths, yes, but also the value of secrets. There are things certain people are better off not knowing.” ...Examples, maybe? Examples might help. “Our firstborn luminary, Malomedies, is an astrologer and mathematician- he finds truths, though it’s... difficult to get close enough to him to get him to share them in earnest. And... Caithe is a night bloom as well.”
“...Didn’t Caithe keeping secrets end up hurting?”
“Not all of them. If she’d told everyone what sylvari were much earlier, you would have-”
“No. Mordremoth I understand, to a point, but you said yourself that she never told you about Faolin.”
Seremnis... paused, unsure of how to respond for a moment. “...I learned anyways.”
“But don’t you think it hurt her, not to tell anyone?” Seremnis refused to look at her, but she could still feel Kasmeer edging closer. “The truth is a risk, but so are secrets, and you’re keeping so many that none of us have any idea who you are. You’re only going to hurt yourself if you keep that up.”
“Then I’m the only one hurt, and you don’t have anything to worry about,” Seremnis concluded smoothly- becoming aware, rather immediately after, that this was probably the worst way to respond.
“I have you to worry about! I have Dragon’s Watch to worry about! How in the six can you not see this is a problem?”
Seremnis shifted in place, uncomfortable. “It’s not- that I don’t see it, I...” She trailed off, desperately trying to find some way to justify this.
“Then why haven’t you fixed it?”
“...I don’t... know how,” came the final... pathetic answer. It was an excuse, and it was a terrible one, and she... honestly hated that it... really was the entire truth of it.
A long, and... heavy silence followed. Seremnis didn’t quite care to see what Kasmeer thought of it- nothing good, she was sure- but... she was sure Kasmeer would need more than that to believe it.
“Like... like I said, I was... born in the night cycle. It doesn’t... trusting someone with the whole truth doesn’t come naturally to me like it does you.”
And, then... more silence. Was- was that not what she’d wanted? Was it something else, was it not enough? She didn’t know any better way to explain it, she’d never known how to explain...
“...That must make finding close friends hard.” ...Seremnis looked at Kasmeer in disbelief, trying to verify what she’d just heard. Not even the words themselves, really, just the... lack of anger, the... even her expression was so soft all of a sudden.
“I... suppose,” she managed, hoping to whatever happened to be listening that Kasmeer wouldn’t notice the slight increase in bioluminescence.
“Could you see yourself trusting me like that?”
“I... I don’t know. It only seems to happen out of obligation.”
“And afterwards?”
“...Try not to lose them.”
She... hated this. She hated faltering like this, not knowing what else to say- shouldn’t they want her to at least act like she knew what she was doing? Inspire confidence? She wasn’t- she wasn’t Zori. She couldn’t lead a group, couldn’t bring people together by accident like she seemed to, she... oh, pale mother, she wished Zori hadn’t disappeared... she took a long breath, rubbing at her face with the heel of her hand, trying to think of ways to change topic.
“...Is that all you came here to ask?” Seremnis eventually asked, noting, and not really fighting, the tiredness that crept into her voice.
“No, but it’s a good start,” Kasmeer answered evenly.
“To... what, exactly...?”
“Understanding you. Difficult as it might be, you’ve told me a lot.”
Seremnis looked over to her again, warily. “...Like... what, exactly...?”
“That this is... difficult, for you. Trusting. Just keep in mind that, while I’m sure some secrets you’re keeping for good reason, you don’t have to keep all of them.”
She looked away again, looking out into the vast sands, spotting some fires beyond it. “...I’ve listened in on enough conversations to know they’ll all come out eventually.”
“...That doesn’t have to be a bad thing.” A pause, and Seremnis heard her shuffle a little closer. “So I’ll ask again. Why are you still awake?”
“...Why are you?”
“Seremnis, please.”
She rolled her eyes, then focused on the middle horizon again. So she had to do this, then? ...Fine. It... it shouldn’t be this hard. Just pretend it was...
...Her hand unconsciously rose again to her opposite arm, squeezed a little. Still, before anything good came, and... mother, there was so much more of it- still, emblazoned in her mind was the bloodstained carpet, Demmi’s face so much paler than it should be, and even when she closed her eyes the feeling of life force ever so slowly fading even when she was trying so desperately to keep her there, just a little longer, she still had so much to say...
...It took... a little less time, now, for it to... pass. The feeling of something trying to escape her throat, an emptiness in her chest... homesick for a home that she hadn’t awoken to. She wondered if she’d recognized the feeling of home when she had it. She... wondered if, had she the time, she would’ve mourned Tybalt like this. She hadn’t even seen him die...
“...I’m not meant for this.”
It wasn’t... everything she could have said- she couldn’t protect them, she wasn’t strong enough to lose them even with how little she still knew them, after everything- how was she supposed to lead when talking to Kasmeer had been so hard-? ...Would she... ever have anyone like Demmi to talk to again...? Someone who already... knew, accepted... everything... she only realized, upon a glimpse of Kasmeer’s concerned expression, that her own eyes felt wet. And, upon noticing, she’d force herself to take a deep breath- notice, with irritation, that it shook- and close her eyes, focusing again. What... had she said, again...? 
“I’ve never... lead before.” A pause. No, that wasn’t... entirely the truth, was it? Oh, mother, if she hadn’t met Albas, she would’ve never trusted a mesmer like Kasmeer with... 
Seremnis took in a breath, let out a breath. Kasmeer would see through that. “...Not... well. Not without casualties. I... I can’t be the commander.”
She caught Kasmeer smiling a little. “...You know, I don’t think she thought she could be either. I’d always guessed that’s why she asked us to call her by name.”
Seremnis paused, then smiled a little herself. “I’d thought it was because she wasn’t sure any of us actually knew it.”
Kasmeer laughed, and Seremnis... found herself smiling a little easier. She... deserved to laugh, after everything that’d happened. Maybe they all did. Maybe... maybe she was doing something right, here.
“At the time, she was probably right.” Kasmeer shook her head. “But- point is, you don’t... quite need to know how to do this.”
Seremnis stiffened- noticeably- at the feeling of another hand’s fingers touching her own, light and hesitant as the touch was.
“...You’ll have us with you. Everyone here’s got your back on this, alright...?” Kasmeer continued.
Seremnis... pulled her hand away, slowly, but nodded. “...Right.” She... supposed she already knew Canach did- as smooth as he played it, she knew he’d been waiting for them; one didn’t just casually go to Amnoon, legal gambling or not. And... being honest with herself, he... might know more about her than anyone else in this guild. She... she really should find time to talk with him later- but for now... 
She pushed herself up, brushing some sand off of herself- not like it’d get all of it, but it was an attempt- and, one last time, looked up at the stars.
“...Kasmeer...?” She began, faltering slightly. How did she say...
“...Thank you.”
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