#I went to swim lessons when I was seven
currentlylurking · 11 months
Thinking about... low stake Fenton Family headcanons. Those kind of things that have no wider world-context when it comes to fic ideas but really speak to their family dynamic.
Like, one of my favourites is that Danny doesn't avoid swearing because it's a kid's show from 2004; he avoids swearing because when he and Jazz were little, Maddie and Jack caught them repeating what what they'd heard from the lab. So they promised their children that if they could make it the next decade or so, until they got their drivers licenses, without swearing in front of them, Maddie and Jack would buy Jazz and Danny each their own car! They assumed the kids would forget before they had to follow through, but Jazz did not. And once she was sixteen, she traded the inability to swear for a car.
Danny can fly. He doesn't technically need to get his driver's license. But by this point he's committed, and won't swear at all - he doesn't want to risk slipping up in front of his parents, and losing his chance at a car!
Another one I really love is that up until he was about ten, Danny spent most of his time at the public pool. Maddie had him and Jazz in baby swim lessons, but Danny loved the water, so she kept him in it. And Danny was an amazing swimmer - he was incredibly fast and by the time he was seven, could dive well enough that there was barely a splash when he hit the water. Danny thrived in the water, and with some guidance, absolutely could have become an olympic level swimmer.
Unfortunately, when he was 10 or so, he mentioned to his parents that the chlorine in the pool hurt his eyes so Jack tried to replace the pool filter with an ecto-based one, which went very badly. And the family was banned from the public pool. They set up a blow-up pool in the backyard for Danny during the summer, but it wasn't the same.
Fortunately, he turned 14 and gained the ability to fly, so he doesn't miss it too much anymore, but Jack does still feel bad.
And of course, the last quality one - none of the Fenton family can cook. Maddie and Jack can bake extremely well, but baking and cooking are different. They like the experiment too much with their cooking, and even without ectoplasm, it usually leaves their food inedible. Jazz can make simple things, like macaroni, but whenever she's tried something more complicated it hasn't gone to plan. She's too much of a perfectionist to risk that.
Danny, meanwhile, has burned soup before and will burn it again. But he's still eaten it. Sam and Tucker have joked about how Danny's tastebuds must've died in the portal too, because there's no way a normal person would eat the kind of things he does, but he's always been like that! He's far too ready to eat almost anything.
It was particularly stressful for his family when Danny was a baby, because it seemed like for the first four years of his life, his sole goal was to eat every single battery he could find.
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acey-wacey · 2 months
Good morning!!! Congrats for hitting 2000 followers, I think you really deserve it! Also, I'm really glad that you've returned! I've been following your blog ever since last year, when I found your "Love Rivals" and "Meeting your future children", I really like how you portray the twst characters in your writings! There are times where I smiled For the 2000 milestone event, could I please request Idia with Lavender (Mind Reading)? You know how Idia usually think lowly himself, right? What if Idia has feelings for reader, yet he doesn't take action because of his low self-esteem/fear of rejection, but when Idia got in a potion accident where he can temporarily read minds, all he can hear from reader's mind are praises and thoughts of infatuation/admiration about him.
So that's the general idea of it, the rest is up to you. Also, I don't mind if you'll make a few changes here and there. That's all, thank you and have a nice day!
This is so cute! Thank you for hanging around so long!
I may have niche-video-game-referenced my way a little too close to the sun with this one. Hopefully, it makes sense to somebody.
Pairing - Idia Shroud x Reader
Prompt - Mind Reader
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"Tuna, tuna, tuna, tuna, tuna, tuna, tuna, tuna..."
It has been 40 minutes since Idia had gained his powers of telepathy and already he wanted them gone. Grim hadn't had a single thought the entire class except a dumb song he made up about tuna.
The whole thing had been Grim's fault really. The mischievous cat had run away from you and invaded the 3rd year alchemy room. And of course he ran right into Idia just as the upperclassman was adding ground eye of newt to his animal comprehension potion, causing the vial to smash all over him.
You had apologized profusely and tried to wrangle Grim back to your classroom, but Crewel made you miss your class and clean all the dirty cauldrons as punishment, thus why Idia couldn't stop hearing Grim's
Everyone else went on with making their potion, but unfortunately for Idia and his tendency to get overstimulated, he could hear the immediate thoughts of every person in the classroom. He had been trying and failing to pay attention to the lesson due to the crazy noise. Serves him right for daring to venture outside his room.
"I think I put too much nightshade."
"When's lunch again?"
"Sevens, he's pretty."
Idia perked up in his seat. That last one was your voice. He looked over to where you were scrubbing grime off the rim of a black cauldron. Much to his surprise, he made eye contact with you. You looked away so fast, he almost thought he imagined it in the first place.
"Shoot, I hope he didn't catch me staring," you thought. Idia could see the embarrassment in your face now that he knew what he was looking for. He didn't know who was standing behind him, but whoever the guy was was maxed out in luck to get the prefect to like him.
Idia turned back to his cauldron and began to stir lethargically. He tried to block out the noise coming from everyone's thoughts but it was getting very loud. He just wanted to be back in his room playing video games!
"His little pout is so cute! Poor thing, he probably wishes he was back in his room," you thought. Idia's brows furrowed as he subtly looked around the classroom trying to find the person you were thinking about. "I wonder what he's looking for."
Idia snapped back to look at you, only to find you glancing at him again. This time, you were startled but you held his gaze and offered a hesitant wave.
Idia turned his face away as fast as he could so you wouldn't see the growing blush on his face.
"Hm, his hair is turning pink on the ends. I hope he's not mad at me for staring at him," you thought, turning back to the cauldron you were working on. "Though if he doesn't want me to look at him, maybe he should try being less nice to look at."
Idia let out an involuntary squeak. He felt his head start to swim and quickly sat down on a nearby stool. He was sure he looked absolutely crazy to the other students but he was so preoccupied by your thoughts that were apparently about him.
"Is that shallow of me to think that? I don't know. I mean, I don't like him just because he's cute. I also love listening to him talk about games he likes and his inventions are crazy awesome!"
Idia pulled himself deeper into his jacket. Your gaze had been fixed firmly on your work for fear of being caught staring again, so you didn't notice Idia's rapidly increasing fluster meter.
"I like how sweet he is to Ortho, even though he kind of hates everyone else." You sounded kind of defeated when you thought that, or at least you would if your thoughts sounded like anything. "He probably hates me too. I am just another normie. Though I don't know if he co-ops Untitled Goose Game with just anyone."
"No! I don't!" he wanted to scream, but he couldn't get a single sound out of his mouth. He thought he was the self-deprecating one, but you seemed to have convinced yourself that the boy who had a big fat, very obvious crush on you hated you. He even let you play the blue switch controller even though it was his favorite.
"I do wish he would stop being so mean to himself though," you thought, more sincere than Idia expected. "He's so amazing, but refuses to believe anything nice I or Ortho say to him. Maybe if he read my mind, he'd know I'm being sincere."
Idia froze. Did you know about the potion? Had you been messing with him the whole time?
"Well, that little brat better believe me when I tell him I love him even if I have to beat it into him with a Wii remote tennis racket attachment," you thought with a playful vengeance. "Do you hear that, Idia Shroud? I'm gonna make you believe nice things about yourself no matter how many niche video games references it takes!"
That was the moment you decided to glance at Idia, downright shocked when you found him curled up inside his hoodie on a stool with bright pink hair poking out the top.
"Idia, are you okay?" you asked. When he didn't respond, you went up to him and brought your face down to where his would be if you could see it. "Hey, are you alright?"
He jumped, almost falling off the chair.
"You actually said that?" he looked stunned which confused you.
"Yes?" you offered, unsure what he was talking about. "I did just say it."
"Uh, um, I'm, uh, fine," Idia tried to smile at you but it came off more pained than reassuring.
"I don't believe you. What's the matter? Is it too loud in here?" you asked.
"Shame he's always hiding his face. His blush is so adorable!"
"Yes!" Idia shrieked frantically, catching the attention of a few nearby students. "It's too loud. I can't think."
You nodded empathetically.
"You wanna step out for a minute?" you offered, gesturing to the door with a nod of your head. Idia nodded, desperate to get away. It really was very loud, especially with everyone's thoughts flooding his brain. Your seemingly-harmless sweet nothings were only the final nail in his coffin.
You followed Idia out of the room and shut the door behind you.
"Won't Professor Crewel get mad?"
You scoffed.
"Not a single teacher at this school gets to get mad at me after everything I've done," you leaned against the wall with a calming smile. "And if they do, they'll answer to the ghosts that live in my house."
That made Idia chuckle. You lit up seeing a smile on his face, no matter how minute.
"I love seeing you smile. If only I could be the reason more often."
"You're pretty much the only reason," Idia mumbled. Your easy smile dropped.
"What did you say?"
"What?" Idia averted his eyes, his mind filling with panic. "I didn't say anything."
"No, no, you said 'you're pretty much the only reason'," you questioned, your eyes full of confusion and shock. "That sounded like... I don't know, I was thinking something and then you said that and it sounded like..."
You squinted in confusion before scoffing at yourself and relaxing.
"That's stupid, Y/N. He can't read your mind."
"Actually, I can?" Idia squeaked, his voice getting higher with every word. Your eyes widened.
"Idia," you said solemnly, standing dead still.
"You can read my mind."
"Well, not usually, but there was a thing with a potion and it was with Grim and it messed with my head and now I can read minds and it's actually really loud but mostly I'm just nervous because of the stuff you've been thinking and I'm just really..."
You held up a hand to silence Idia's rapid rambling. He looked away sheepishly. You sighed and blinked a few times to process before laughing. Idia looked up in confusion.
"Aren't you mad?" he asked hesitantly. "I violated your privacy."
"I mean, you saved me the time of confessing to you myself," you chuckled, a giddy smile on your face.
Idia stared at you, trying to find traces of joking but you seemed to be serious.
"You aren't mad?"
"I'm in love with you is what I am."
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littlejuicebox · 3 months
This is probably wack AF, but ... Dadstarion takes the fam on an island vacation and Gale becomes fascinated by his new crab friend. Now everything needs to be measured in crabs, e.g. "Yes, Gale, I'd reckon you're about five and a half crabs tall." Also, the amount of sunscreen necessary for this family is jaw-dropping.
Pale by comparison.
Haha I love these scenarios you guys give me! The Ancunin hijinks continues! I did a fair bit of crab research for this piece. :P
Tags/Warnings: fluff, dadstarion, parenting, children, very mild angst with comfort, lmk if you see anything else
Word count: 2.4K
Astarion still hates the beach, which puts him, unfortunately, in the minority of the Ancunin household. His wife and children cannot seem to get enough of drying salt water and coarse sand stuck between their toes. 
But carting three children to the beach and back in a single day is exhausting, and the father learned his lesson last summer when Gale and the twins all burnt to a crisp after they ran out of sunscreen on their day trip. Tav went on and on about sunspots and melanoma after that, worried that their children would wind up with an incurable condition in 500 years. After that, the parents were sure to bring more than enough sunscreen, but the already overloaded carriage broke down on the following day trip, and Astarion decided he’d had enough.
So this year, he and Tav decided to take Wyll and his wife, Euphemia, up on their offer and borrow the Ravengard beach house for a week. The quaint cottage is built on a small island dotted along the Sword Coast. It is sparsely populated, mostly by native humans year round, but hosts various nobles and elites from Faerunian cities during the summer months. The latter includes the Ancunins — at least for the week.
“Evander, you cannot go to the beach naked. Run and put your swim trunks on now; I don’t care that you don’t want to!” Tav scolds the older twin as she coats the younger one in sunscreen. 
Finnick is squirming under her touch as he laughs and tries to remove his bottoms to match his brother. 
“Finn, absolutely not,” Tav warns before shooting a pleading look at her husband. “A little help here?” 
Astarion closes the basket, which he’d been examining to ensure that, yes, they still had more than enough sunscreen and then scoops the naked twin up with an annoyed sigh. The father heads down the hallway to their bedroom, giggling brunette three-year-old in hand, on his way to retrieve the abandoned swim trunks. As he’s walking, Astarion rapts a quick knock on his eldest’s door and calls, “Almost ready in there?” 
“Yes!” Gale shouts moments before he rips open the bedroom door to join his family in the main living area. A bucket and shovel are in one hand and a waxed, wooden surfboard is tucked under his other arm as he patiently waits for his parents and siblings. 
“Where is your hat, my little love?” Tav asks her eldest, prompting the boy to run down the hallway and grab his sun cap before returning back to his mother with a smile and a showy wave of the head cover. 
Astarion joins the family a few moments later, Evander now properly clothed, and exchanges one twin for the other so that Tav can begin coating the previously naked twin in sunscreen. The father glances down to inspect his eldest and catches sight of some creature trying to crawl its way out of the bucket. The older silver-haired elf’s nose instantly wrinkles in disgust. 
“Gale, did you bring a crab into the house overnight?” Astarion questions as he unceremoniously plops Finnick into a chair and then turns and begins to slather sunscreen on his eldest child.
“Yes,” Gale answers, always the picture of honesty. The seven year old’s voice is muffled and his eyes are slammed shut as his father rubs a thick layer of white lotion onto his cheeks, nose and forehead before paying special attention to the child’s pointed ears, causing him to squirm at the sensation, “Mama said I could.” 
Astarion shoots a disapproving look at his wife and she responds with a half-hearted shrug. 
“But remember what I said, Gale? Only for one night. Now we have to return the crab to the ocean,” Tav interjects as she releases Evan and starts to gather all the other beach day necessities into the family’s basket. 
“Why can’t I take Shelly back home?” The eldest Ancunin boy asks, his voice tipping up into a whine as he scrunches his nose up at his mother. 
“The crab needs to stay here, Gale,” Astarion responds, “It— Shelly will be happier here on the island rather than in your room back in Rivington, don’t you think?”
Gale groans as he peers down at the crab; the sea creature is still trying to crawl its way out of the bucket but finds itself unable to get a proper grip. The boy props his small surfboard against the wall and carefully pulls the animal into his hand as he sighs,  “I guess...” 
Finnick jumps from the chair without warning and darts forward to grab the crab. Before Gale can stop his brother, the youngest Ancunin boy is met with a sharp pinch to his finger and shrieks out a startled, “Aah– aaah! Ouch!” 
The younger twin begins crying as Astarion swiftly moves to pry the crab from his son’s hand and drop it back into the bucket. Gods, why does his eldest insist on caring for creepy crawly creatures? 
Gale rolls his eyes in annoyance at his brother, the spitting image of his father as he says, “I told you not to touch her, Finn.” 
Evan moves to hug his crying twin, but Finnick pushes his brother out of the way, causing the elder twin to bump into Astarion’s leg as the injured one runs toward his mother, still crying. 
“Kill it, mommy!” Finnick cries, clinging to Tav as she inspects the damage on his hand and whispers a quick healing spell.
“We aren’t going to kill Shell— the crab,” Astarion sighs, his eyes rolling at the ridiculousness of this conversation, “And what have I told you about keeping your hands to yourself, little fox? See what happens when you don’t?”
Finnick pouts, his head buried in the skirt of Tav’s dress as he pointedly ignores his father. Astarion scoffs and then hoists Evander into his arms, giving all three children a final inspection. Hats, swim trunks, swim shoes, sun lotion – check, check, check, check.  
“Everyone ready?” The father asks as he grabs the basket from the table. 
“Yes,” Evander and Gale respond in unison. Gale snatches his surfboard back under his shoulder.
Finnick says nothing as Tav sweeps him up into her arms; he simply buries his face in his mom’s neck and continues to pout as the woman gently lectures him about respecting animals. 
“Off we go then,” Astarion says as he opens the front door and gestures his arm in a wide arc, as if he is shooing everyone out of the house. Apple, the family dog, is waiting outside and takes off as soon as Gale sprints toward the water with a cheer.
The father chuckles when the twins are placed down in the sand and immediately run after their older brother. As he readies to pitch the tent, he watches Tav set up a blanket and call after the boys, reminding them to be mindful of how deep they go into the water without their parents.
Astarion hates the beach, but he loves his family.
While the children eat a late lunch in the tent, Astarion works on embroidery. The twins are starting pre-school next term, and Gale will begin second grade. Every year, Astarion adds something new to his eldest’s backpack; this year, he’s starting the same tradition with the younger Ancunins.
The twins both requested dragons for their first piece of embroidery. Evander wanted an orange one; Finnick wanted a green one. Those pieces had been finished earlier that summer and the four-year-olds used their bags for the very first time to bring their own clothes on vacation. Astarion thought Gale would choose another bird — pre-school had been a chicken, kindergarten had been a peacock, and first grade had been an owl — but instead, the boy spent quite a while deciding what he would request this year. And finally, this week, he chose a crab. A small crustacean is almost finished on the side pocket of the eldest Ancunin’s knapsack. 
Gale has yet to release Shelly back into the ocean. He’s the last to finish his lunch, and his siblings are already back playing in the waves while his mother watches carefully. Just after he finishes returning his plate to the picnic basket, the boy sneaks up behind his focused father and places the animal in Astarion’s hair with a giggle. 
The older elf stiffens as two pinchers snap around his curls, anchoring the small creature to his head. 
Astarion looks out to his wife, but Tav is busy with the twins, where they are playing pirates along the shoreline, costume eye patches and hats included. The spindly legs running along his scalp make a shiver run down Astarion’s spine. Cazador used to do something similar to him with rats when he was in the kennels.
“Gale— take it off, now,” Astarion hisses, the tips of his fingers starting to tremble as he sucks a deep breath in. 
From his father’s tone alone, the eldest Ancunin can tell he made a mistake and quickly removes the crab from Astarion’s head. He goes to place the creature back in the bucket and frowns up at his father, already on the verge of tears, “Sorry, Papa… it was— I was playing a joke– I didn’t– s-sorry.” 
The wind picks up for a moment, swirling around the tent as the most sensitive Ancunin boy blinks away guilty tears. Thankfully, a blast of wind never comes; the child takes a deep breath in and then exhales, like his parents had taught him. Gale had done better about controlling his powers since entering primary school, but the dampener around his neck still helped.
Astarion abandons his project, running a hand through his own hair to dispel the sickening ghostly feeling of tiny legs scrambling along his scalp. He offers a reassuring smile to his eldest, “It’s okay, little prince. Just… don’t put things on my head when I don’t know you’re going to, okay? Ask permission first.”
The silver-haired boy nods and then looks down at his tiny companion, stroking the top of her shelled body with a single finger,  “Dad… do you think I’m weird because I really like animals… and I can talk to them?” 
Astarion furrows his brow as he watches his son, “No, Gale, I don’t. Why would you ask such a thing?” 
“Well, some of the kids at school don’t believe me and they say I’m weird and that I’m lying. But I’m not lying. I could hear Shelly, when she was buried in sand and stuck upside down on the beach… that’s how I found her.”
The father nods as he considers what to say next. Most children with abilities like his son’s join Druid circles early on, or are born into a Druid circle themselves. While there are people like Gale in cities — Jaheira, for example — it is rare. 
Astarion joins his son in the sand and extends his fingers out toward the small crustacean. It willingly climbs into the older elf’s hand, and despite his distaste for the animal, the retired rogue forces himself to hold the sea creature.
“Gale, you are talented; the other children do not believe you because they do not yet understand…” Astarion starts, watching as the crab in his hand rubs its pincers together. “You are able to see the beauty in things others don’t… even in the creatures others may consider monstrous. You are like your mother, in that way. You are exceptionally empathetic and kind… but you are not weird, little prince. Not at all.” 
Astarion slowly lifts his hand, and his son watches as the father gently places the crab upon his own head once again. 
Gale giggles before he says, “I think she likes you, Papa.” 
“Does she now?” Astarion asks with a half-faked chuckle as he works to ignore the gooseflesh trailing down his spine. 
The boy nods and laughs again before he stands and retrieves the crab from his father’s head. 
“I guess I should go put Shelly in the water now,” Gale murmurs, the slightest tinge of sadness in his voice and the smallest pout on his lips as he peers down at the tiny animal. 
“I think that would be best, little prince,” Astarion responds, ruffling his son’s curls as he sits back in his beach chair. 
The child nods solemnly and then holds the crustacean carefully in both hands as he makes his way to the shoreline. He spends several minutes seated in the rippling water, speaking to the crab, before he finally places her down upon the sand. The creature waves her pincers up and down, as if she’s bidding goodbye to the little boy, and then sidesteps into the ocean and disappears.
Astarion is anticipating sadness when the child returns to his father but instead, he’s wearing a grin, “Papa… did you know mermaids are real?” 
The older elf has resumed his embroidery, but pauses for a moment to assess his child curiously. “The crab— Shelly told you that?” 
Gale nods and then launches into the story his crustacean companion told him before her release. Astarion listens with a mixture of fascination and confusion, and when the three other Ancunins return to the tent, Gale is sure to tell them mermaids are real, too. Evander and Finnick are both thrilled by this news, because if mermaids are real, then that means leviathans are, too. The twins think maybe one day they will slay a sea monster together. 
Several weeks after the island trip, Gale is still obsessed with crabs and Merfolk. The Wizard of Waterdeep, after a short weekend trip to visit the Ancunins, sends his namesake a book on Crustaceology. Gale learns that Shelly was a juvenile Dungeness crab, and that at her full grown size, she will be roughly 30-40 centimeters long. He begins measuring everything in “Shellys,” and even ropes his younger brothers into the behavior. 
Gale decides he is about four Shellys tall, while his younger brothers are between two and a half to three Shellys tall. Evander is half a crab claw taller than Finnick. The younger twin is not happy about this announcement and starts standing on his tiptoes whenever he’s near his almost identical (save the minute height difference) brother. For the rest of the summer, everything the boys touch is measured in crabs, to the dismay of their parents and the confusion of the servants and townspeople. 
And so, perhaps, the Ancunin boys are a bit weird, after all. But their parents wouldn’t have them any other way.
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wnobin · 5 months
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dinosaurs and bears 🦕
childhood crush! anton x fem! reader
genre: fluff, slightly suggestive
chapter synopsis: anton begins to catch on to why you won’t watch his swim practices.
intro | part one | part two | part three | part four (final!)
four years ago.
once your parents figured out you and anton were a good match and you could open up to each other, you were over at the lee’s once a week for dinner, with your family hosting one alternate weeks. after dinner you and anton would rush into his study, anton excited to show you his new dinosaur book. he would read the book aloud for you while you sat next to him, almost dozing off from the dinner food coma combined with his soft and melodic voice. other nights, you would bring him to your room to show off a new plushie you got from the thrift store. this was the normal routine for the both of you as you were growing up.
“you’re gonna bring home bedbugs one day!” anton giggled while inspecting your brand new bunny plushie. you frowned and shook your head violently, insisting that you give them a bath as soon as they come home. “god, how many more are you going to bring home… i’ve been watching you bring home stuffed animals since i was ten and now six years and fifty teddy bears later…” he gestures to the pile of plushies scattered across your bed, shaking his head and pretending to be disappointed. despite the both of you not being six and seven anymore, nothing much changed for you. you were still the plushie-obsessed girl who only talked to your parents, inanimate objects, and anton. anton on the other hand, while still being introverted and soft-spoken, had begun to step out of his comfort zone a bit more. the older had taken up swimming lessons, which took up more of his time. however, he would still make time to spend with you and your family. that was one of the qualities you admired most about anton. how family oriented he was and how he would always prioritise his relationships with his friends. still, you wouldn’t miss how he closed his eyes longer during his blinks, or how he slouched over while sitting next to you due to exhaustion. you were 15 and anton was 16 now, which allowed the both of you to hang out at each other’s till later at night. at this point, the night breeze was blowing through your room and you were both silent, anton helping you to organise your plushie ridden bed while you quietly sewed up your new bunny plush. “do you think i’m a good swimmer?” anton broke the silence, turning to look at you with slightly tired eyes and brachio, his childhood plushie that you took from him, on his lap. “hm? of course i do! you’ve won so many competitions,” you reassured him, patting his head lightly as he hummed and leaned into your touch. “but you never come to any of my competitions.”
that statement caught you off guard. “that’s not true… i went to one! seven months ago!” you defended yourself, pulling your hand away and continuing your surgery on your bunny. you knew deep down why your one time watching anton compete was your first and last. throughout the years, anton had grown in height drastically, almost towering over you. his height wasn’t the only thing that grew, but his arms had gotten so much stronger and bigger. whenever he wore tank tops, you found it hard not to stare, your heart running laps as you tried to remind yourself that this is anton!! the boy that you grew up with!! the boy that sees you like a little sister!! you couldn’t let him know that the reason why you don’t show up for his swim meets is that you can’t hold yourself back from blushing and getting flustered over seeing his toned, strong arms and his dripping wet hair, and his slightly confident smirk when he wins.
anton can’t help but feel a slight ache in his heart. why don’t you want to support him? every single competiton he looks into the crowd, hoping to see you cheering him on but you’re not there. he doesn’t know why he gets disappointed when you congratulate him over text, sending a generic message. seeing the im sure you did well anyways!! after he gets second place, knowing that he wouldn’t have performed so badly if you were there. he doesn’t know why he wants— no, needs your validation. he doesn’t know why he likes you patting his head or running your fingers through his hair.
he remains silent, only letting out a mere hum to your words, exhaustion taking over him. his eyes begin to flutter and close, head leaning back against the wall. anton loves your room. he’s surrounded by plushies, fluffy blankets and your scent. you smell faintly of vanilla and strawberries and it smells like home to him. your room was like his second home, you even had a few dinosaur books in your shelves from him that he left when he came over through the years.
anton might have still been confused about his feelings but you weren’t. you’re not sure when exactly you fell for him. was it love at first sight when he let you take brachio without putting up an argument and instead giving in to you? was it when he defended you with a shaky voice when others would make fun of you for still bringing your teddy bear around even though you were already ten? was it when he was 15 and sniffling with his head in your lap crying over how some girl rejected him, saying he was too quiet and shy to be anyone’s boyfriend and all you could think of was that you would never treat him like that. it was the first time anton stayed the night, you comforted him all night that day, reassuring him that he shouldn’t change for anyone and that he was enough. 
you were too caught up in your thoughts to realise anton was already fast asleep, soft snores leaving his mouth. he looks so pretty like that, you thought. you could look at him forever. brushing the hair out of his face, you leaned in closer to him and lightly blew air in his face, waking him up. “c’mon you know you can’t stay the night. you have practice early tomorrow.” you tapped his cheek gently, trying to keep him awake. the older boy let out a soft groan and closed his eyes again, changing positions to curl up in fetus position. “doesn’t matter. your bed ‘s so comfy, let me sleep here, pleaaase,” he slurs, sleepiness taking over him. you sigh, giving in and pulling a blanket over him. “fine. let me tell my parents you’re staying the night.”
“no.” anton grabs your arm and pulls you next to him, turning to face you and holding your arm close to him. your breath gets caught in your throat. sure, anton has spent the night before but he always slept on the floor. you’ve never been so close to him before, you could even feel his soft breaths on your skin. why was everything about him so soft? his voice, his breathing, his hair, everything. you can’t help but to cave, succumbing to exhaustion as well. you still kept as wide as a distance possible between the both of you despite sharing a bed and blanket. “love you, ‘ton,” you softly muttered, 100% sure he was sound asleep and wouldn’t hear you. 
“love you too.”
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fanficwriters-posts · 4 months
Ahhh, I'm so excited you take requests :D
Anywho, I'd love to see a oneshot/some headcanons (whichever you are more comfortable with) of a beach day w/hiro if possible :3
Of course i can! 🤗
Beach day w/Hiro
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Gif not mine
This is if it's his first time at the beach. Idk if he likes the beach because i haven't been watching the series for so long 😔
Let's just say that it was somewhat a blast.
Hiro is not a fan of going outside, especially during a very hot day in the summer.
Honey Lemon or Fred would be the first to suggest everyone into going to the Beach.
Of course, Hiro would say no. But not to you obviously.
You wanted to spend time with everyone at the Beach and Cass will definitely be invited if it weren't for her working at the Lucky Cat Cafe all day.
Hiro wanted to spend time with everyone, too. Especially you.
If he wanted a study date, it'd be you and him in his room or at the library in the campus.
It'll take a bunch of convincing for you to ask him to agree to the fun Beach day and it works.
Since he hasn't been outside in a while, his swimming trunks is too small to fit so you guys went out shopping for swimming suits and stuff.
Honey Lemon and Gogo are on food.
Wasabi on... Literally anything that protects you from getting a sunburn or from drowning.
While you, Hiro and Fred went into Sports store to buy swimming equipments.
Just in case if there are any danger, Hiro already prepared their underwater supersuits.
Hiro will definitely wear something red or purple to go with his tanktop or white t-shirt.
You even bought Baymax a red one.
And you'd find something to match with him because you guys like to match things.
Fred will probably buy a monster themed swimming tube... Or two.
Once everyone are done shopping, It's time to head to the Beach!
When i tell you Hiro flinched when he set his bare foot on the hot sand, he did.
He jumped right into you with his foot up. It takes a couple of minutes before he gets used to the hot sand.
Honey Lemon will definitely carry a camera around to capture any wholesome or memorable moments of all of you together.
Wasabi will be the first to put on sunscreen and prepare the layouts for the best beach day.
Fred will have his butler put his sunscreen on for him with the monster themed swimming tube on him already.
Gogo will either lay back on the beach chair under the umbrella or go out swimming with the rest of the group.
Honey Lemon and you will be ready for an underwater adventure or collect seashells together.
Hiro will sometimes be mischievous and would scare you while you're underwater. But he made a laugh out of it.
Sometimes, you find Fred swimming gracefully in the background and wonder if he ever take swimming lessons or not.
You guys would play Chicken fight together. You on Gogo, Hiro on Fred.
You guys would playfully splash each other or throw each other into the water for fun. Don't worry, no one got hurt.
When it's food time, Wasabi and Gogo are behind the griller, making hotdogs and burgers. Honey Lemon will bring the cooler full of beverages and soda from the car.
All seven of you settle down and eat before it was time to hit the water again and have fun.
But, it wasn't all fun for Hiro after a while.
He worries that a villain might strike at any moment since it's a warm, sunny day and everyone has their guards down.
You'd most likely be the first to notice and reassure him.
You laugh wholeheartedly as Fred tackle Wasabi into the water and they both swim together. You're holding a drink in your hands and just finished eating your hotdog. You watch as everyone have fun but a certain raven haired boy did not. You turn to your left and saw that Hiro was in deep thoughts while he gaze into the warm sand. You stand up from the beach chair and approach him. "Hey, you alright, Hiro?" You ask him softly. He perks up at the sound of your voice and look up to you, his eyes squinting to block the sun. "Yeah. It's just... I don't know. I'm worried i guess." He replied reluctantly as you sit down beside him on the sand. "Why? Is something wrong?" You ask again, setting down your soda/juice on the sand. Hiro watches you sit down before he look down to his feet. "We're out here having fun. Don't get me wrong, i love that we are having a blast. But isn't it just weird that no one has attacked, yet?" He tells you. You could only smile warmly and place your hand on his shoulder. "It's summer and a very hot day, too. I doubt that any villain would attack in broad daylight under a hot sunny day like this. Noodle burger boy would probably overheat, Globby would probably melt, and High Voltage would be super tired dancing under the sun all day. The rest? They're too pro to attack in the daylight. So, you don't have to worry." You chuckled as you spoke to him. He chuckle in amusement and nod his head in agreement to your statement. "You're right. I guess i shouldn't worry too much. Thanks, (Name)." He says, grinning from ear to ear. "You're welcome, Hiro." You say.
After that, you guys join the other to swim while Baymax had to stay back to watch your stuff.
The sun was almost setting and the sky is almost orange.
You and Honey Lemon grab your buckets and little shovels to find any seashells you can find before you guys leave.
When Hiro watch you and Honey Lemon find seashells, he couldn't help but admire your beauty.
The way the crashing waves and wind make your slightly damp hair sway, your calm and soft expression while you dig a seashell out of the sand, and the way the sun compliments your complexion and your figure. It almost as if you're giving out this warm aura.
He'll definitely take you on Beach dates from now on. Just not everyday, once a month or once in two weeks.
In order to capture this moment, he grab Honey Lemon's camera and took a picture of you from where he sit.
After everyone are pleased with their quality time with each other, they call it a day and pack everything up before driving back to their homes in Wasabi's car.
He'll demand everyone to clean their sandy feet before going in though. He doesn't want any to get into his car.
Hiro, Baymax and you are dropped off at the Lucky Cat Cafe and you three went inside, clearly exhausted.
Aunt Cass must've slept early since she didn't appear to greet but at least she made dinner for you guys.
The three of you went into Hiro's room and put Baymax in his charging station. The two of you, exhausted and sorta tanned from the sun.
Thankfully, you guys already took a shower and changed in the communal shower at the Beach.
Girls first and then the boys, of course.
Once your bodies lay on Hiro's bed, you two went straight to sleep while Honey Lemon sends you two copies of the photos you guys have taken together.
Let's just say that, Hiro really enjoys his first time at the Beach with his group of friends.
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foolishnpd · 6 months
good lord I'm remembering Swimming Lessons 💀
I think I went when I was somewhere around 7-9 years old. and I already knew how to swim but I needed to get my diploma. so they put me in a class with kids <5, the water was up to their chests and at my hips -_-
and I remember spending every single lesson seething with rage and superiority over everyone else in the class. I'd get unbelievably pissed for the entire day whenever a teacher dared to correct me on something because "who are YOU to tell me I'm swimming wrong. you're telling me I'm swimming worse than these literal babies??? I know how to swim, idiot. go help the babies who actually need help, not me, because I'm doing everything PERFECTLY"
I think I'd rather be shot point blank than have to be criticized while a literal toddler is getting praised for doing worse right next to me again
they went easy on them because they were babies, and they just fucking hated me I guess. I know how to swim I didn't even need to be there, I deserved to be put in a class that was my actual age group with water that was suitably high enough to swim in easily
and in the end I quit the class out of sheer built up rage before I got my diploma 😔😔
and the saddest part is that I still think and act exactly the same. I suppress my actions a little more nowadays but I'm still having the same mental processes as I did at age seven 💀💀 they should rename narcissism to Never Grows Up Disorder fr
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deliciouskeys · 20 days
if you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog <3
1. I broke my leg skiing when I was 10, and started swimming to help my leg recover after the cast was taken off. I knew how to swim before, but only started on a swim team after that age. I swam seriously until university, and I was pretty good, but nowhere near as good as my mom who was a professional swimmer in the Soviet Union until age 16.
2. My only other sport in high school was the math team 😂. I felt like my capacity for learning new languages turned off at around 12, and maybe not coincidentally that’s exactly when my math abilities turned on (not that I couldn’t do math until then, but I would overrely on memorization instead of logic in very strange ways). Around 10 or 12 I also started being obsessed with logic puzzles (the ones that give you several clues, and you have to deduce which first name matches with which last name, what occupation they have, and their age, or something to that effect). This interest has basically continued and this element exists in all the biology-based jobs I’ve had.
3. Things I abandoned when we moved to the US at age 8: piano lessons, karate, music theory, painting lessons, our Siamese cat 🥺 (lol it sounds like I was living a posh life or something, but these were all cheap things where we lived, and school got out at 12 or 1. In the US, I went to a school where I got out at 4 pm 😞)
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valkyrie-8888 · 2 months
My self-defence journey
''In a perfect world, women wouldn't need self-defence because men wouldn't perpetrate these crimes — but the world is far from perfect.''
These are the words spoken by Eve Gracie at the beginning of an introductory video for the Women Empowered self-defence program. I entered said program on the 21st of March, 2023 and am now sharing my story in the hope that it would motivate others to also learn how to protect themselves– and not just that, but so, so much more. I will be sharing my story from the very beginning, so hold on tight as I tell you how learning self-defence changed my life. I walked into that training centre as an unconfident, shy girl and emerged as an entirely new person.
This piece will describe my first class, some important milestones, and how I found this program.
When my dad first proposed the idea, we were in a car, driving somewhere, though I can't quite remember where. What I do recall is me and my dad alone in the car, talking about my extracurriculars. I had been taking swimming lessons for about seven years now and wanted to try something else because I was getting bored. I had tried other things, but me and my dad were discussing things I could try out. He had done some previous research and found out about the WE (Women Empowered) program and that there was a CTC (certified training centre) near me where I could participate in said program. I watched that very same introductory video right there in the car.
At that moment, I made one of the best decisions in my entire life.
I decided to take a leap of faith and try it.
We called the CTC to confirm and, then and there, my first class was reserved. I showed up, nervous and without any knowledge of any martial art whatsoever, unaware that my life was about to be changed forever.
Walking into that CTC, exactly 15 minutes before the class started was terrifying and exciting. On one hand, this was a completely new place with strange (and also potentially dangerous) people. It was very intimidating.
Upon walking in, I was immediately greeted by B, whom my father and I had spoken with over the phone. He showed me around and I went to get ready for my first-ever experience on the mat.
Here's a quick overview of how your first class will most likely go:
You will be introduced to the instructors and led onto the mat. You will line up with the other students. The things instructors say at the beginning of their classes will vary. Still, it will be something like ''Let's start, everyone who has been here before, please practice what you've learned previously and first-timers please join [Instructor's name] over there for the first-time brief.''
The brief is just the basics: analyzing an attack (how victims are picked, different phases of the attack, etc). You're also taught the most fundamental techniques, like a basic grip release. After the brief is over, the actual class will begin. I won't go into too much detail about this part because it's different every time. Some of the classes will be a bit awkward, but you will get used to it. The techniques you will learn in that class will first be demonstrated by instructors and then you will be paired up with a more experienced partner who you can practice with. My first class was number 14 and I had a very supportive partner, who has since gotten her pink belt and is now a certified instructor.
Now, about some more milestones in your journey to a pink belt:
First stripe: After attending 15 classes, you will receive a white belt with one pink stripe. This will feel like such. big achievement, because it is! You now learn to tie your belt by yourself and are officially around 1/4 of the way to your pink belt!
First RD (reflex development) class: RD-s are the most challenging type of class. You do a rapid-fire review of all the ground or standing techniques (depending on the type of RD) and a 2-minute fight simulation where you do multiple techniques in a row (don't worry, you won't get punched!).
Second and third stripe: Awarded for attending respectively 30 and 45 classes, also a huge milestone.
Fourth stripe: After you have attended 60 or more classes, you will receive your fourth and final belt stripe. Then, you start practising for your belt exam, which you can take after having done all of the classes four times. I personally am at this milestone.
Belt test: the final step in your journey is to take the test, where you will perform all of the techniques in succession. There is a sample testing video on the Gracie University website.
My journey has not been easy, but it has been extremely gratifying and helped me a lot with confidence and self-esteem. Self-defence starts with the belief that you are worth protecting. I hope this hasn't sounded like a sales pitch, because it is not one. I am writing this because this program is something I feel the need to share with other people. You are worth protecting.
The intro video is fairly easy to find as it's on YouTube.
If anyone has any questions about this, feel free to send me an ask and I will try to answer your question the best I can.
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1016anon · 1 year
Title: Fathoms Below Author: 1016anon Fandom: Bridgerton/Little Mermaid Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton/Kathani Sharma Summary: In which Kathani goes to the surface and Anthony is at the pier.
A/N -- Warning: Major character death
"What are you doing in the water?  You shouldn't be in there."
"Well, you look strange.  Where are your fins?"
"What are you talking about?  I have legs.  Why should I have fins?"
"You're a very strange boy."
"You still haven't answered my question.  What are you doing in the water?"
"I live here."
"I don't believe you.  No one lives in the water.  You're going to drown and die.  My da says so."
"I've been living in the water my whole life.  Maybe you'd drown and die because you have those shrimpy things.  That's what you get for being on the surface-- I bet your fins dried out and split and that's why you can't swim."
"I can too swim!"
"You can't.  You're a stupid little boy and that's why you're stuck on the surface."
"I'm not stupid!  And I'm not a little boy!  I'm nearly eight!"
"Then prove it!"
"Fine!  I will!"
This went about as well as could be expected of a seven year-old boy trying to follow a mermaid down to the ocean's depths.
"So you've never had fins?  Your whole entire life?"
"Even as a baby?"
"I don't remember, but all my brothers and sisters didn't have fins when they were born."
"How many brothers and sisters do you have?  I have six sisters."
"Six?!  That's a lot.  I only have two, but ma's growing one right now."
"My mum's growing one too.  She visits the egg every day to make sure it's happy."
"You were born in an egg?"
"Of course I was born in an egg.  Weren't you born in an egg?"
"No.  I was born from my mother's belly."
The mermaid looked at him with a great deal of skepticism.
"How did you get out?"
This stumped the human boy.
"I don't remember."
"Then how did your brothers and sisters get out?"
"I don't know.  Ma sends me to my friends and when I come back, there's a baby."
"Hmm," she peered at him with her large brown eyes.  "What's your name?  Do humans have names?"
"We have names!  My name is Anthony."
"That's a strange name."
"It is not!  You think everything is strange."
"My name is Kathani."
"You've a strange name too.  Ka-tha-ni."
"You're very rude."
"You're very rude.  I don't like you."
"I don't like you either."
"You almost drowned me."
"You didn't tell me that humans can't breathe underwater."
"Anthony!  I've been searching for you everywhere!  Where have you been?  You're all wet!"
"Ma!  I was talking to Kathani," he turned to introduce her.
There were only ripples.
"Kathani.  She was just here-- she's a mermaid."
His mother looked at him in that pinched expression of fondness and worry.  It was obvious she didn't believe a word he said.
"Come along, Anthony, it's time for supper."
"But she was right there!"
"I'm sure she was, my dear."
"She was!"
Kathani watched as Anthony the Human Boy Who Couldn't Breathe Underwater used his legs to walk down the pier, holding his mother's hand.  It seemed he hadn't been lying-- his mother was growing something in her belly.
Humans were very odd.
"I thought you had lessons today."
"Lessons are boring.  All they talk about are angles and constellations."
"You said you have to do well if you want to join the navy."
"I am doing well.  That's why lessons are boring.  What about you, I thought you weren't allowed to come to the surface anymore."
"I may have let a few stingrays loose in the classroom."
Kathani smiled with bright-eyed mischief as Anthony laughed.
"You won't get in trouble?"
"They can't prove I did it."
"Menace," he splashed her.  "I feel sorry for your tutors."
"You said you had something to show me?"
Anthony offered her a small pewter figurine.  It had cost a bit of pocket money, but he wasn't going to tell her that.
"What is it?" she asked, awed.
"It's a horse.  I was telling you about them the other day."
"I've seen these around the pier!  They pull the boxes with wheels."
"Carts.  And those are draft horses-- this is a thoroughbred.  They're much faster."
"Humans ride these?"
"Yes.  You need two legs though," he teased.
"Why?  You can just hold onto the neck?"
"No, we have saddles and sit on their backs."
"That doesn't seem very comfortable for the horse.  It doesn't hurt them?"
"I don't think so.  We're much lighter than the carts."
"I wouldn't let anyone sit on my back."
"Why does that not surprise me."
Kathani moved to give the pewter figure back to Anthony, but he shook his head.
"It's for you."
"For me?  Really?"
"Thank you."
Anthony blushed to the tips of his ears, something Kathani either did not notice or did not quite understand.  She, however, was relieved that Anthony could not see the way her scales shimmered underwater.
There was a tug on her fin.  It seemed the very brief amount of time she had was up-- Newton was nudging her with his pointy nose.
"I have to go."
"You promised you'd help me study the constellations."
"Tomorrow night.  You'll have a boat?"
"Then I'll be there at moonrise.  Bring some more hard-tack.  Newton liked those."
Anthony rolled his eyes.
"More evidence that your dogfish has no taste.  Don't splash me!  They'll know I was at the pier!"
Kathani harrumphed, then dove under the water.
"Well?  What do you think?"
He turned around for her inspection.
"This is your uniform?"
"Don't say it looks odd.  You've seen enough human clothing now to know how it works."
"I still don't understand it, but it looks nice.  I like it.  This means you're an officer?"
"Something like that.  No longer swabbing the deck anyway.  Here," he carefully perched the ridiculous hat on her head.  "Don't get it wet."
It was crooked and fell over her eyes.  Anthony laughed as he adjusted the angle.  The brim of the hat slowly revealed her eyes, always so large and a clear, beautiful brown.
His breath caught as impossible dreams came to the fore-- dreams which had once limited their reach to night but now followed him into the day.
"It suits you," he said hoarsely. 
She kept staring at him.
"Anyway," he cleared his throat.  "I've been assigned to a new ship, the Aquata-- and yes, I know how ridiculous the name is.  I didn't choose my assignment."
"Whose idea was it to name a ship after my sister?"
"I haven't a clue."
"It's bad luck."
"Then you'll just have to sail with me," he replied, aiming for jaunty but coming out too hopeful.
She grimaced.
"Trouble below?"
"Ariel.  She's been sneaking to the surface."
"The youngest?"
Kathani sighed.
"What?  I can't keep track of all your sisters, there are too many."
"Says the man with seven brothers and sisters.  And none of you born from eggs-- I don't know why human women go through it.  It sounds terrible."
"I should never have told you about that."
She stuck her tongue out.
"Very mature, Kathani.  You undoubtedly serve as an excellent role model for Ariel."
"She's reckless, Anthony.  She's been seen too many times by shore-people-- not just sailors.  And she goes around collecting human things from shipwrecks."
"Any gold?"
"Be serious."
"You've been meeting me at the surface for nearly twenty years, why is it a problem when your younger sister does it?"
"It's different, Anthony.  She's friends with a seagull."
"You know what I think of seagulls."
"Scheming opportunists leading impressionable young mermaids astray?"
"Do you know what their names are?"
"There's two of them?  I thought there was only the one."
"Another has joined them!  Soon it will be an entire flock!"
"Dire circumstances indeed."
"Nothing good can come from seagulls.  Especially ones named Scuttle and Squakerdown."
"Does this mean you won't be able to come with me?"
"Don't be stupid, of course I'll be there.  As often as I can."
"You have to take care of your strange human boy who can't breathe underwater."
"I do," she said primly.  "So try not to fall overboard and drown this time."
"No promises," he grinned.  "I almost forgot," he pulled out a packed wrapped in old newspaper.  "For Newton."
The dogfish popped to the surface for a moment upon hearing its name and swam in excited circles to sniff its favorite surface treats.  Kathani, having sampled the hard-tack long ago, shared Anthony's opinion of the stuff: she didn't see the appeal.  But Newton never tired of them, especially if Anthony threw them a distance for Newton to catch.
They spent the rest of the afternoon that way, Kathani and Anthony taking turns to throw hard-tack for Newton.
If there happened to be gaps in conversation where they simply stared at each other, there was no one but an easily bribable dogfish to witness it.
"Anthony, what are you doing?  I told you there was going to be a storm!"
"His Majesty Prince Eric insisted on taking this intrepid voyage out to sea for his birthday."
"You can't be on the water-- the storm is moving too quickly.  You need to get back to shore."
"Prince 'I-outrank-you-as-Rear-Admiral' Eric seems to disagree."
"None of us are here voluntarily," he said sharply.  "We're better sailors than that."
Kathani made a sound of frustration.
"This storm is getting bigger-- it will be a tropical storm, if not a hurricane, when it makes landfall tonight."
"I'll do what I can, but his Majesty is of the impression he is an expert sailor with a gift for forecasting the weather."
"Be careful!"
"Aren't I always?"
"No.  Anthony-- I can't promise I'll be here, there's a celebration today at the palace."
"Ariel's birthday, I know."
"Not her birthday, her debut."
"I wish I could be there to see it," he smiled crookedly.  "And this crab-composer you've been complaining of for months."
Her expression softened.
"I wish you could be there also."
He leaned down and kissed her-- her lips were salty but her mouth was sweet.  It was new and a long time coming, this thing between them.
"I have to go back on board."
"Don't drown," she whispered.
If he could have clubbed His Royal Highness Rear Admiral Prince Eric on the head to sail back to shore without being arrested by Grimsby for treason, he would have.  As it was, he was readying a rowboat as best he could to survive a goddamn hurricane.
He drowned.
Even a sailor as experienced as Anthony was no match for a hurricane.  Of the many sailors who went out that fateful day for Prince Eric's self-indulgent birthday celebration, only seven survived.
The rest were post-humously promoted and awarded medals of honor for their valiant service to King and Country.
Most of the bodies of the sailors washed to shore, which was surprising as the beach on which they were found was nowhere near the shipwreck.  Kathani and Newton had dragged them to the surface out of deference to Anthony, who'd told her it was a luxury for a sailor to be buried.
Anthony, however, she kept for herself.  Her strange human boy who couldn't breathe underwater.
The End.
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itsm3m00n · 8 months
Gasp if this is too personal you can ignore me but you're in a relationship? What kind, who, when, how, are they as wonderful as you also do you have any cool stories about them or a past relationship omigosh spill.
its funny, because me and my partner literally have a whole backstory and i am about to unleash it upon you
Let me tell you The Story Of Space Potato
a long, long time ago, i was seven years old, and taking swim lessons at my local YMCA. in my class, was a kid who we'll call Kase (the german word for cheese) Kase and i were like every other seven year old who was put in a close vicinity with another their age, and quickly became friends.
while we took these brief YMCA swim lessons, the two of us played a game we dubbed "Space Potato" which is where you stand in the shallow end, jump up, curl into a ball and bob around like a, well, potato.
that swim practice session ended, and just like you do with all other playground friends, i completely forgot about Kase's existence.
flash forward a few years later and i graduated from YMCA swim lessons onto an actual swim team. now, this was funny because my mother was extremely excited to tell me that Kase's younger sibling, Krankenhaus, was on the swim team as well.
i remember my mother said to me, "do you remember Krankenhaus? they did swim lessons at the YMCA with you!" and so forth.
i had quite literally never heard of Krankenhaus before in my life.
however, when i came to practice on the first day, i was in a lane (lane 2) with several people, one of which was my classmate. we all got along fairly well, being fourth grade females.
one of the children in my lane introduced themselves to me as Kase. we werent the closest in our lane, but we were what the children nowadays refer to as "homies"
a good few practices in, and one day i say to Kase, "hey, want me to show you this thing i came up with called space potato?"
Kase's reaction was something like "broh i made that up" and suddenly we remembered the swim lessons at the YMCA.
the year progressed, and Kase and i were slightly closer than before, but not really at "close friend" level. we would talk during practice, and at meets, but it never really meant anything.
quite some time later (like a lot of years) and it was the end of the swim season, and Kase asked for my number. this is a normal thing to do, as we were friends and wanted to communicate.
i remember literally one of the first texts Kase send me was a gif of Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing On Rainbows, which really got us off on the right foot.
swim years came and went, and i was trying to figure out what my next school would be, as i had graduated. Kase was going to go to a school their mother worked at, and told me that i should apply.
i applied to Kase's school, got in, and chose it over my other two options, a horse girl school and a bunch of barns.
now the summer before i would go to this new school, i was at a theater camp doing stage tech and set design, it was a week long camp and i remember distinctly that on tuesday night, me and Kase were texting, as people do.
now i had been questioning my feelings for about a month now, because i was unfamiliar with the special condition known as Not Straight that i was dealing with.
on this tuesday night, we were chatting about random things. the two if us have a lot in common, we had read the same books, liked to draw, so on. and in a moment of idiocy, i texted something sort of like "brooo are we like soulmates?"
and then immediately regretted it because like actually who says that
but this moment of panic grew to extremes when i got no reply. i stared at my phone screen, not even the three dots showed up. i actually almost cried.
turning my phone off, i pulled a blanket over my head to wallow in my own self pity. desperate, i opened my messages and lo and behold, there were several texts, the last few being things like "where did you go?" and "did you like die or something"
turns out my FUCKING PHONE didnt send the messages through at the most horrible moment possible.
the funny thing is, the conversation turned from being best friends roommates (oof) to us spamming the word "mooses"
we also signed a soulmates contract.
however, this is not the actual story of how we got together. i might write a part two later, but my fingers are tired of typing
To Be Continued
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theficblog · 2 years
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Prologue: One day, Jisung brings his nephew to swimming lessons with him. What appeared to be a third wheel, however, pulled you closer together.
Genre: Fluff
Wordcount: 973
Prompt: “Hang on! Where’s the baby?"
Warnings: Water [ swimming + drowning scare ]
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It was sharp 3:55 pm by the clock when you opened the door to the arena. As it should have been, you were the first to arrive. It had never been a habit of yours to be late.
Providing part-time swimming lessons was something that could make you some money, and you badly needed it for college. You see, there was no wrong with utilising one’s talents for monetary profits.
You stepped out of your zipper jacket and trousers, leaving you solely in your blue nylon swimming gear while glancing at the clock again. It was about time your students started showing up.
"Hey! Y/N!" Just as you were about to jump into the pool, you heard a timid yet deep voice. That position was exceedingly uncomfortable, so you straightened yourself out and returned to the source of the call.
"Hi!" The boy repeated. "Say hi!" he said, suggesting a little boy who you assumed was barely five or six. "Hello!" The little one giggled.
"Hey, Jisung!" You started, "You’re quite early today." Ever since you started with this job, this boy struggled with time. It was quite rare to see him before time. Although you did not know him too well, you were sure he juggled many jobs and responsibilities.
"Oh." He started off with a small pout on his face. His grey hoodie obscured his hair, which was only visible on his forehead, where it glinted. His hands were firmly placed on the shoulders of the youngster. "I didn't mean to cause you any inconvenience, but..." He went on, pointing at the boy once more. "Hwan, he's my nephew."
"Hey there, Hwan! How have you been?" You interrupted in between, Jisung could simply nod at it. "Six." Hwan was the one who responded..
"Is it okay if he can be around here just for today? I’m actually babysitting him, and there is just nowhere else he could go at the moment." Jisung pleaded as you hummed your approval in the middle.
"Of course he can!" You agreed, further questioning Hwan, "Would you like to swim, little one?" You adjusted your gaze up to meet Jisung’s, requesting his approval. You'd always been awful with kids; you didn't know whether six-year-olds swam in the pool or not. "Ahh, Y/N, Hwan is actually rather excellent at it!" He swims quite well for his age!" He extolled the virtues of his adoring nephew.
"Unlike you, I guess." You guffawed.
You couldn't help but tease Jisung; the shy blush that appeared on his face every time you said something snarky was the finest part.
His gaze shifted to the ground, with the same expression as he scratched the back of his head. "Umm.. well.." He giggled timidly.
"Okay, It’s almost time, get changed up and then we’ll begin with everyone." You announced, noticing the arrival of the rest of your students.
Approximately half an hour later, you find yourself in the pool, struggling with Jisung. He could not help but crash into the lane ropes. Despite trying his best, there was still this problem with getting his strokes right.
"Just keep your chest in the same place while you push the water, and don't change the angle." You were going about your daily routine. Jisung had been attending these classes for about seven months, and he had never missed a single one. It was only natural for you to be genuine when instructing him.
"Let’s take a break." You suggested, He halted, pushing his black hair out of his face and to the back, getting rid of those swimming goggles, meanwhile you stared at his body. His white shirt was practically adhered to his skin, giving the impression that it was see-through. Interesting. His adorable face was at odds with his abdominal muscles.
"Y/N?" Jisung snapped his fingers, earning your attention. "Oh. Yeah. Right. Umm. You.." You stammered after being caught red handed. Your brain thought of all possible things that could revert to just like Jisung, you were trying your best. Trying your best not to embarrass yourself.
"Hang on! Where’s the baby!?" You shrieked.
"HWAN!" His face turned pale as he started to move around, his eyes in search of his nephew. You could not tell apart the sweat from the panic and the liquid from the pool. This was the first time you saw the otherwise calm and composed Jisung in a vulnerable state.
You both rushed out of the pool, which was large enough to accommodate a significant number of people at once and was divided into sections, as was the case at the time.
"I can not lose him like this! Where did he go?" He spoke with a worried tone in his voice. His eyes began to well up with tears. He continued, hyperventilating, "I am such an awful uncle!" His head was filled with pessimistic, fragmented notions.
"Hey hey hey! Jisung!" You leaned in closer, taking his hands in yours, encouraging him to take deeper breaths.
"Hwan.." He wept.
"Is right behind you." You implied.
Jisung's mouth was open as he glanced at you. This was possibly the first time he appeared to be offended by your humour. It wasn't a joke, though.
You held his arm and turned him around, pointing your finger. “There he is!” You made a gesture with your hand, pointing to the tiny child splashing through the water with his baby yellow fins, adding to his vivacious chuckles. Hwan wanted to be surrounded by babies his age rather than typical teenagers, or perhaps he despised the concept of being a third wheel.
"Hwan is terrific at it, already!" You appreciated. "Maybe I should start taking lessons from him instead."  Jisung teased, his fingers interlocked with yours. This was the first time you've seen Jisung in this light.
Today was a day of many firsts.
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Danielle van de Donk Le Progrès Article (December 9, 2022)
Blah blah standard disclaimers apply. You've heard this speech before.
Some interesting stuff, some stuff we already knew. The cool thing about Le Progres is they always respect lines in the sand.
Van de Donk: "There is an atmosphere of only winning at Lyon"
Back on the field six months after her severe leg injury, Danielle van de Donk is looking forward to playing the biggest games at the end of 2022, between the Champions League and this duel in the league against PSG. Her early days in football, her closeness to her family, her positivity, her mentality on all levels which works well with Olympique Lyonnais ... The 31-year-old Dutch midfield confides herself [in us].
How long have you been playing football?
Actually, it's quite funny because my mother was bringing me to swimming lessons on her bike when I was young. I was sitting behind her in the child's seat, and I could see everyone playing football when we went in front of the local club, that made me want to do it. I remember asking her: can I also play football? I was 3 years old. So she went to find out, and they told her that she could sign me up as soon as I was four. I started playing at that age. What we were doing didn't exactly look like football but I liked it. I was also playing tennis, equestrian ... but it was always football for me. I was always in the street, playing football with the boys.
When did you know you could make this a career?
It's really weird but in the Netherlands, there's a tradition. When you are really young and you're celebrating your birthday, everyone is singing for you and then you hold yourself straight [up] on a chair and answer the question "what do you want to do later?" As soon as I was 5, I said that I wanted to a professional football player. It made everyone laugh because it didn't seem realistic, but for me, I always believed. When I was 16, when I stopped playing with the boys and shifted to the girls and the national team showed interest in me, I said to myself: "this is it, football is taking me somewhere, this is what will determine my life." When we won the Euros with the Netherlands in 2017, that, it became something huge.
Antonin de Fonseca, who followed you during your rehab last season, said that you were calm and confident, that nothing phased you. Can you confirm?
My parents always told me: "if you don't believe in yourself, no one will do it for you," that's how I was brought up and how I grew up. But I'm not as confident as Antonin thinks. Certain things can get to me like not being a starter in a game. It's hard to digest but at the same time, it motives me to train even harder and not start on the bench in the next game. I try to transform my frustration into something positive. I don't go see the coach and ask them: "why didn't you start me?", I'm not going to blame anyone but myself. You always have to work [hard]. If you only have talent, that's not enough.
You seem full of life, do those close to you see you the same way?
Yeah, I think they would say I am smiley and spontaneous. I'm a happy person. I can't complain, I have a really nice life and I am doing what I love: play football. I'm very aware of that. I have my family at home, my other family at the club. We have the same objectives, we laugh a lot, it's nice.
How did you handle your serious leg injury last year?
It's weird because no one had gotten that kind of injury at the elite level before me. At the start, the surgeon said I would be out for four months, maybe six. At the end, it was seven months. It was nice being at the club during the rehab. The girls came to see me, were supporting me, "come on, Da[a]n, let's go." It wasn't anything huge, an encouraging word here and there, but it motivated me to give everything and be back with them on the field as fast as possible. I try to do the same thing with the current injured players. The hardest thing was to live through was the last month, because there were big clashes like the final of the Champions League. I wanted to be a part of it and play but it was too soon. And I needed to be ready for the Euros.
You were seriously injured in the knee when you were 16 (ACL), this injury to that leg wasn't the first.
Yeah, the fact of having already experienced that helped me. The knee injury made me appreciate football even more. You have to work hard to get back to your level: it's long, it's complicated, but at the end, you come back even better.
It's been six months since you've been back on the field. How do you feel? Is there any fear?
No, I don't have any fear or apprehension, which is a good thing. After a long injury, you usually go through a long period where your performances are up and down. I have to accept there will some really good games as well as less good from me. Sometimes, I overthink. I need to gain some more confidence so everything becomes natural, automatic again. I am someone who likes to attack, dribble ... When I look at my last games, I realize I don't do it as much. I need to find that again because I'm good in that area and I know I could bring something special to the team because of it. I have to give myself a bit of time, but I think that in January I will be back to my previous level.
What do you think about the team's beginning of the season? And yours, on a personal level?
I think I started the season pretty well, I was scoring [3 goals in 3 league games], I was implicated in the game, I felt good. Then players got injuries, we didn't have a lot of capable players [I appreciate Jaurena getting dragged so consistently] so it was a little complicated, there were a lot of changes in the team from one game to the next so it was hard to have any cohesion in our style of play. It's a question of feeling, of intuition that you develop: when I was playing as a 10, I know what each forward will do if I go here or there. There it was complicated because the connections weren't there anymore. But we're getting things back on track, good players are back, we're finding some consistency again.
Is the confidence back in the group after the last games?
Lyon is a team with an enormous amount of confidence. Even if there were games where we weren't at our best, we know that it will pass and we will be back to winning. It's a [core] principle, I felt it as soon as I started here. There's pressure but it is a good pressure. There is a winning atmosphere here, it's really something special and specific to Lyon, I have never known that in another club.
There wasn't any panic then after that heavy defeat against Arsenal in the Champions League (5-1)?
No, we are in the group phase so we knew we would play them again and that there would be other games to catch up. You need to be able to look in the mirror, ask questions of yourself, but nothing [good] comes from panicking.
Do you find it more complicated to win this year?
Each match is difficult because the gap is becoming more narrow. In the league, Paris [Saint-Germain] is like us in terms of results and has difficulty scoring that many goals. In the Champions League, Arsenal, Wolfsburg are better and better. [I think she's wrong in the entirety of her assessment: Arsenal is not better but simply played a good game against an extremely weakened Lyon; Wolfsburg's history speaks for itself] It's good for women's football. But beyond that, we play a lot of games. The calendar is packed, if you play for the National Team on top of your league, the Champions League, the Cup with your club ... It's a lot and it explains why it is so complicated. [Note: I think this is a super important point that some fans think affects their club but actually only affects top teams. But that's it's own blog post for another day]
What do you think about PSG?
I'm always excited to play the big games. Just like the matches in the Champions League, the clashes against PSG are part of those. They're matches full of passion for the supporters, [there's] the competition for top place... We want to show off, to play and to win.
It's a good memory for you, [playing against] PSG?
Yeah, I scored the second [goal] in the home game last season [6-1 win on November 14, 2021). We played really well that day. It was the first time I played against PSG. Two weeks earlier, the players said to me: "Da[a]n, are you ready? Because it's PSG, you're going to have to fight!"
You also scored against Paris during the Trophée des Championnes this summer (1-0 on August 28)
Yeah, that's true. Maybe they're a team that works out for me, I hope so in any case (laughter).
What makes the difference in those sorts of clashes?
If everything is clear, if everyone knows exactly what they have to do and we make those efforts together, there will be the right energy. No one player can allow themselves to let themselves go. The team which will be the most together and the best technically will win.
Do you think Lyon is stronger or weaker this year?
Mentally, we're very strong. The standards are so high here, and there's such a winning culture... For these types of games, I know that the leaders will elevate their level of play so I'm really confident.
Is it easier to play against a team like Paris, rather than a team with a low block?
It's always complicated to play against teams who park the bus, especially when we don't score quickly. Our opponents gain confidence, and us, we become nervous because it isn't working. Against PSG, it's easier to play because they also want to play and show what they are capable of. They're not going to spend their time defending, but adapt to their style of play. Which will create more space, and will allow to make more runs.
How would you analyze the attacking difficulties of the team?
There are always high expectations from Lyon, especially taking into account their standing [in history]. It's expected that we score lots of goals. When that doesn't happen, there is immediately more pressure put on the players, and the fear of missing can set in. We work a lot on it in training. But during the course of the past few weeks, I've noticed a real improvement.
Was it a turning point against Zurich, in the away game (3-0 on November 24?)
I think so. Up until then, we were aware that we weren't up to our level. We hit rock bottom against Arsenal, it was so beneath our standards.. No one wanted to live through a game like that again. From that point on, everyone tried to rebuild as a team.
Is it uncomfortable to play Paris before two big Champions League games?
No because they have the same problem as we do. Our calendar is packed, but I prefer those types of games to [our] practices (laughter).
Three things to know about "Da[a]n"
Favorite Aunt: I grew up in Valkenswaard, a town south of Eindhoven, next to the Belgian border. It's like a village, everyone knows each other. My whole family lives there. I have an older sister who has two children, they mean everything to me. I pretend they are mine (laughter). I shower them with gifts, I miss them a lot. My father had a ton of jobs, he worked in distribution, as a car salesman... My mother for a long time worked two jobs. Currently, she works in a hospital, she helps patients with their diet according to their food allergies.
Artist during her down time: When I'm not playing football, I like to go shopping (laughter). On a more serious note, I love drawing. I could do it for hours and not notice time pass. My friends often ask me to draw something for them for a tattoo. Most of them actually get my drawing as a tattoo so they can't be that ugly (laughter).
Dedicated in French. I have lessons twice a week, with a club and with a special instructor on the side. I like studying French, learning the words. I know a lot now. I can understand French, but reading is more difficult ... with all the accents, it's hard. (laughter) It's a big challenge, because I never studied French at school so I had to start from zero.
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tryingtimi · 2 years
Happy Blorbo Blursday!! Tell me about the relationship between Adran and Dane. What's one of their fondest childhood memories together? Did they get along as children? Etc. I want the deeets.
Thank you, @aschlindartroom! 💙 Deets you want, deets you shall recieve. Buckle up, legend, this is gonna be long and spoilery, as everything I always give you. Side note: I've tried to write about both of them, but I kind of got biased and wrote more about Dane. So maybe, next time, I'll talk more about Adran lmao.
Adran and Dane had a very good relationship when they were little, even though they have a seven years age gap. Adran always looked after tiny Dane, who mostly tried to prank his big bro all the time. He used his advantage on being more into science-y stuff, so he surprised him with harmless bombs — that their dad helped him build it — or weird, little creatures hidden among his stuff. Adran also returned the favour, but since he never were much of a sneaky person, he just wrestled with Dane, tickled him, challenged him etc. Adran was always very touchy and loudly affectionate, so he gave lots of hugs to Dane, always sat close to him or behind him so he could massage his shoulders (what Dane loved) and brought him gifts from wherever he went, even if it was only the grocery store. And Dane always shared the gifts with Adran. He had his silent care attitude as a kid too though, so he tried to seem cool while he did that. He was never a loud kid, but he was mischievous, because he knew how to use his head well. He also told everyone that how cool brother he has. Plus the "fact" how cooler his gonna be when they both get into the Corps; Adran as a soldier, Dane as a mechanic. Just like their parents — even though their dad was never part of the Corps, but he figured he'll be one in there anyway. PARENTS. Kallista Cohren and Hido Riordan
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side note: on Ionera, if your a child of a Corps memeber, you always inherit their family name. In any other cases, your parents can choose. Hido was a talented mechanic, who managed to move from the Aquor Sector to Terrana. He was a strict, mute man, who owned a humble workshop, where he repaired stuff for a very low price to people who couldn't really afford it. He also maintaned and made Kallista's mechanical hand, which is basically how they met. Kallista was a fearless woman in the water, but a more gentle, cool mom at home. Dane and Adran got a lot from both of them. They even got to learn how to swim (which is rather rare, considering the circumstances) with the help of Kallista's suit that could change to the shape of any wearer, thanks to their dad's little hacking in its technology. The boys were also taught to not fear the water. It's dangerous, but it's also part of their life and it's always gonna be. So, it's better to be on good terms with it. This was Kallista's philoshophy that Hido seemed to support, even if he always kept his distance from the water. Adran tried to ask him about his parents, past and get him to learn swimming together, but he never budged, which Dane somehow understood more than his brother. He took the lessons with his mom and Adran and enjoyed it, but then always joined his father sitting far from them alone, watching them contently. They had a kind of understanding, that Adran found more in Kallista.
This is why, their fondest childhood memory is probably a holiday, when they were all home through the whole day. Kallista tried to make a secret plan with Adran to prank Dane and Hido, while the said two also did the same. But, when the time of the pranks came, the two adults found themselves "attacked" by their own ideas, because the two kids secretly ganged up together against them.
They were also half a religious family. None of them forced Dane, nor Adran to believe in the same thing as they did, but the latter automatically joined Kallista in believing the Almighty. Corps members had a tendency to become a believer anyway. However, Kallista used to tell the boys that Hido was never really into God before he met her and he never really joined the church either (but went to preaching with the family anyway). Dane liked his father’s take on the subject, though, which said he did not deny the existance of a higher being, but he didn’t think it had any intrest about them, lessers.
Dane was ten, Adran seventeen, when the famously high Rising and a very messed up transfer occured. They lost both their parents through the process. Hido and Kallista died helping the desprate aquorian people get into Terrana, while Dane also lost one of his leg fully when he tried to dash after his sinking parents. Adran saved him, but from that point, Dane did not speak for months. He also refused to leave their apartment and engage in any kind of social or physical interaction, so young Thaddeus offered to help Adran and they switched each other between training days, so there was always someone who stayed with Dane. They got no professional help because of the chaos that the event followed.
Adran never gave up on Dane, though. He asked for advice from all the older Corps members how to run a household, took care of Dane, talked to him everyday, tutored him of the things he should learn in school and got him a prosthetic, finally. That broke the ice. Dane treated Adran as a stranger through this time, his eyes hollow, not even looked at him once. But, with getting the prosthetic, he was puzzled at first, then furious and then devastated. He shouted, thrown the mechanic leg at Adran and yet again, refused to use it. The next day, Adran found him sitting on the sofa, prosthetic nicely seated beside him (not attached yet), Adran’s favorite food on the table, even though it was burnt a little. When Adran sat beside him with the food, clearly touched by the gesture, Dane did “thank you” in their own sign language, not looking at his brother, before they spent the rest of the morning in a comfortable silence.
Important note: They have this thing that they never say “thank you” or “I love you” with words. They use sign language for that, which they got taught because of their father. They also made up their own signs for it, because there were times when they didn’t want their parents to understand what they were talking about. They made this into a habit and now it’s something that connects them. Dane, however, never uses “I love you” anymore.
From that point, Dane slowly came to terms with wearing the prosthetic outside (never at home), going out etc. Their connection, however, transformed. Dane wasn’t near to being better, because when he got back to school finally, he provoked others to beat him up (as Adran later figured out), he shouted at Adran a lot, trying to provoke him to hit him too (which he never did, nor said a word when Dane got this worked up) and spent a big amount of time in his room, alone. He refused to go to a professional to get help with everything he was going through, so Adran — secretly — tried to use all the mental training methods he got to know through his Corps training. Which Dane could spot very easily and they had a big fight after that.
Dane was ruthless with his words by the way, but Adran never spoke to him like that. When he had the urge to say something hurtful, he stayed quiet instead, even though his face could tell everything.
Nevertheless, they always aplogized and cried together after a fight. Dane eventually got out of his room, while Adran sat beside the door, waiting for him. Those moments were the only ones when Dane let anyone to touch him, because Adran always hugged him tight. They also never talked about their parents or what happened. At least with each other, because Adran needed to, on his training.
As they grown, Dane changed more, and he would have been popular in school if he wasn’t cold and unfriendly with everyone. Adran saw that some were afraid of Dane because he never ran from the bullies, but some got very interested in him, even admired him. Adran saw Dane’s transition when he reached the age of 16. He got quieter, their arguments got more rare and he stayed in school more. Turned out, his teacher showed them some things in the lab about their water and the sealife. Dane became obsessed with examining all these stuff in his free time. Which Adran thought strange at first, considering how Dane bacame completely incapable being even near the Everocean or any kind of water since The Events. But, if this helped Dane, then who was he to stop him. In fact, he got Dane all the stuff he needed for researches to one of his birthday and started to save up for his education. Which Dane did not ask for, and he even secretly started to work to save too. Either way, Adran spoiled Dane, because he didn’t know how could he support him more.
Dane wasn't blind though, so he take up all the chores from him and most of their arguments transitioned into arguing over why Adran wants to do anything at home, when it's Dane's job. Also, Adran tried to lure Dane into their religious community, since the day he got back to him, but he was furiously against it. At the end of his teenage years, he switched to questioning things about it, though, intead of plainly attacking it. He also seemed to completely forget what happened with their parents by this new obsession over studies and sience. (which we know isn't how things work, so)
Dane and Adran had no problem with living together still when Dane started university. In fact, all the people who was sound of this and suggested Dane to move out (his partners usually), was generally destroyed in a very thoughtout and seemingly unassailable debate about why he has no intention doing it and that's okay. He also payed the bills before Adran could, from all the scholarship money he got or won on competitions. Which Adran was always a little upset of; he wanted Dane to spend on anything else.
Also, with being more and more educated, Dane stopped to start arguments with Adran, and instead, he tried to debate. He questioned his worldview, morals and his belief, which Adran didn't mind; their parents did that a lot anyway and he had answers and liked that his brother began to talk more. Unlike the people in the university where he successfully got in; Dane was insufferable in most people’s eyes. He was intelligent and quick minded (not a true genuis though) and he wasn’t afraid of being sound of someone’s lack of skill in something if that hurt the community too. He seemed to got a hold of his emotions, but was still not be able to stay in control, when he got frustrated. So, he got into a lot of trouble because of his sharp tongue.
Anyway, Dane moved into a closer place to the lab at last, because of his research projects and the frequent overnight stayes, but he still talks to Adran everyday through holo calls and Adran still uses their sign language everytime, especially the "I love you" at every message he leaves for Dane, or at the end of every meet up they're having. Dane do not uses any of it anymore and calls Adran childish for doing it, but never tells him to stop.
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absolutesort · 1 year
location :  the terrace.
time : morning / day before casa / day after frankie said she wants to kiss naomi.
featuring :  naomi  /  @heatwayve​
𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨.
the tension in the air is palpable. you could cut it with a fillet knife, or a cake fork, or a letter opener, or any one of the many other superfluous and unnecessary items of cutlery naomi probably has in her fancy house, and had childhood lessons in using. frankie knows this is where the girls come for their morning coffee, but it's also now hers and callie's bedroom,  mostly so callie can avoid hearing dylan's midnight grunts which they have naomi to thank for.  she's never been a fan of the girlie talks about who did bits or what fucking betty crocker recipe they used, but she's trying to be nicer, for callie's sake if not her own reputation. usually, she'd have hit the gym by this point, and when her eyes scan across she can see maddox and josh there, her fcae falling slightly.  but leaving the terrace feels like quitting a boxing match naomi isn't even aware they're having.  "did you have a good night?" frankie asks, eventually, because if the silence continues any longer she'll start thinking about escape roots, throwing herself over the shrubbery or abseiling down the side of the terrace. when are the girls coming back? why have they ended up left alone? "saw marcus' face. bit gnarly." is that naomi's second act of mindless violence, or her third? 
naomi santos
naomi's already done a bit of her makeup, brushed her hair out before stepping onto the terrace. after last night's mess, she's not sure she could sit around looking it and still feel like herself, so she had to do a bit of something. she's still got a blanket draped over her shoulders like a cape though though, loose waves of hair fanning out over it, cup of coffee cradled in her hands. "morning," she hums when she makes eye contact with frankie, settling in on one of the benches. a little smirk on her lips when she sees josh and maddox already at it at the gym, like, hey, some things are still exactly the same as they were yesterday. feels good. "hm?" takes a second to process frankie's question. not that she was staring at the guy's arms or anything. "oh, yeah. you know, the best," she says wryly. brow furrows at frankie's words, though – she didn't think marcus would be advertising that.there's no way she could know about that, right? was marcus actually telling people? time to play dumb. naomi's gaze meets frankie's directly, brow furrowed, "what do you mean?"
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maybe the awkwardness is in frankie's head since naomi seems perfectly civil this morning. it wouldn't be the first time she'd imagined conflict where there isn't any, the razor-sharp competitive instinct that's been tangled inside her since childhood swim gala's still thrumming just as powerfully in her adulthood. surveying her expression, she hunts for any chinks in the armour, a mental picture of an evidence board, photos joined up with red string. naomi and marcus at the fire pit; naomi and marcus leaving (together?) ; marcus with a swollen face as he made his way to bed. maybe she'd got it wrong. romi was out of the picture, considering maddox had her occupied, but frankie hadn't seen much of dejan that evening, and given his track record for being a dick, that could check out. still, she pushes. "oh. his face was just like, super swollen when he went to bed. i had to get him a compress." his vibe had been completely off, too, when she'd sat at the foot of his bed, stroking a hand through his hair. it was probably the romi thing, but she couldn't help but think naomi had something to do with his vulnerability. why would naomi punch marcus? suddenly, she's benoit blanc, and she detects foul play. "he must've fallen and smacked it or something." she takes another sip of her black coffee and returns her stare to the boys in the gym. "how are things going with josh? wait, shit. sorry. i meant dylan. total freudian slip." frankie has to take a sip of her coffee, because she doesn't trust herself not to smirk.
naomi santos
the last thing she wants is for things to be weird with frankie, considering the callie of it all. she never knows what to expect from frankie, though, wild and erratic, saying the first thing that comes out of her mouth without thinking twice – despite the fact that they're being recorded 24/7. "yeah, we went a bit hard on the tequila. he totally fucked it," she just vaguely confirms frankie's theory – aside from to dylan, naomi doesn't feel like it's her thing to tell if marcus didn't tell frankie already. and if marcus is grafting today, naomi doesn't want to block his moves by getting the villa talking about something between the two of them instead. "sweet of you to get him a compress though. you two got close pretty fast – you think there's a vibe?" naomi asks like it's slumber party gossip, a smile lifting her features. totally innocent. frankie probably won't think so, with her tendency to assume the worst, but if it distracts her then that's well enough. naomi actually just laughs at frankie's slip, shaking her head in disbelief. "funny," she comments with a little scrunch of her nose, half-cringe. sip of her coffee, ruminating in the silence – not caring if it's awkward – before she continues. "dylan's good. it's still early, but he's sweet. i look forward to waking up to him and all that good shit. so, yeah, seeing where it goes. you and callie have fun last night?"
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her gut tells her that naomi isn't speaking the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, but she decides to drop the subject anyway. it wouldn't be out of character for frankie to start an argument when she doesn't know all the facts, but with naomi as blissfully chilled as she seems this morning and frankie grumpy and rattled ( on account of her lack of sleep ) it would feel like turning up to a knife fight armed with a polystyrene spork. "yep. we're good mates," she responds coolly, eyes breezing around the villa in search of the curly-haired welshman in question. "he's definitely cute. i get the vibe he's interested."  their conversation in the bathroom only makes naomi's question feel more pointed. because if she was thinking about getting to know marcus, then maybe she'd be thinking about getting to know other people too. "if i wasn't with callie then maybe i'd entertain it as a possibility but..." she shrugs, turning her eyes back to naomi, "i'm happy with callie." the statement is concrete, without room for misinterpretation.  "you two had a thing a few weeks back, right? or maybe he said you were his top pick. i don't really remember." she does remember, but she wants to see how naomi will play this. two can pry. there isn't exactly passion dripping from naomi's description of dylan, and if it were frankie, she's not sure she'd see sweet as a compliment, but like naomi said — it's early days. "that's nice. you think it can go the distance?" frankie's yet to be convinced, a protective streak coiling in her stomach whenever dylan's name is mentioned.  "yeah. i think we grossed a few people out, but whatever. they're jealous." she's still waiting for that honeymoon feeling to wear off, for a time when they don't feel the need to constantly be in each other's laps. "we're good together. we make each other laugh, and it's fun. it's just so easy to like her." shrugging, she circles her index finger around the rim of her coffee mug.
naomi santos
she's ready for frankie to continue grilling her, well-prepared to casually dodge whatever question she has to for marcus's sake. probably be fun to step on frankie's nerves a little bit with it, too, but frankie allows her to breeze past it. maybe for marcus's sake, too. at least they're on the same page about something. "yeah, i got that vibe too," naomi laughs, a little playful arch of her brow, "i saw your kiss." it doesn't show on naomi's face, but she is mildly amused at the way frankie approaches the question like a test – maybe it was, in a way. it's not like she'd go running downstairs to tattle to callie if frankie said she was interested in marcus, naomi already knows where callie stands, but she certainly would've filed the information away for later, watched things a little more closely. maybe she still will, can't help but be inherently fascinated by the game – or lack thereof – that frankie seems to be playing. "no, we didn't," she shakes her head, "romi's always been his top pick." if frankie's testing her knowledge, that's genuinely what naomi remembers. and also kati. a hopeful smile, "i don't want to like, get my hopes up. but that'd be nice," naomi says. she doesn't think too hard about how flip or passionless frankie sounds when answering her question about callie because she knows frankie doesn't owe her any gushing. "maybe, but i think most people just think it's really cute. you guys look good together," she says, "and i've been around for like, all of callie's different couples and . . . i don't know. i can tell you're different."
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if this were a shakespeare play, naomi would probably be her narrative foil, even-tempered and quick to hold her tongue where frankie says the first thing on her mind at any given opportunity, forward-thinking and unreadable to frankie's spontaneous bouts of impulse. frankie's never read any shakespeare — she cliffs notes'ed her way through school — but she has seen she's the man and found it pretty relatable. hardly surprising since she's hellbent on acting like she's the main character in a college coming-of-age road trip movie. "it was spin the bottle," frankie's quick to jump in. "everybody kisses. josh kissed dylan. it's not exactly the barometer of sexual compatibility." had it not been a challenge, would she even have thought about kissing marcus? her features settle into something softer, head offering a slow nod as naomi explains the romi situation. maybe she'd confused the conversation. it wasn't like she was studying the show when she had it on as background, quarantined in her hotel room, smacking a tennis ball against the wall.  "well, if things work out for you guys, then maybe we'll end up on like, the same family holidays and shit. in laws," she notes glibly, a small smirk toying with the corners of her mouth. if that's the case, maybe she should try being nicer to naomi, even if it is just for callie and dylan's sake. she swills the rest of her coffee around her cup and knocks it back like a vodka shot. stretching, she gets to her feet, and inhales as she raises her arms to assume mountain pose. "we do look good together," frankie agrees, neglecting to add that she thinks she'd probably look good with anyone, because she backs herself — but she also backs her and callie. "and our lifestyles are super compatible. i'm pretty sure we're gonna go travelling together as soon as this is over." she bends to the side, fingers still interlocked above her head, to stretch out her spine with a satisfied sigh. "wanna join me in a sun salutation?" 
naomi santos
this makes her laugh out loud. "josh did not kiss dylan, he tried not to puke on him," she shakes her head. "you really think your kiss with marcus was comparable? like, a 0 out of 10?" naomi actually cannot say a word about marcus's kissing abilities, because she's got no clue, only that he would probably give her some score in the negatives if he could. god, that's actually so embarrassing when she thinks about it, even if she's been making light of it as much as she can. it's interesting to watch frankie dial back, the way her features change when she's no longer on the instant attack about something, like when you see one of those mother lions on animal planet return to their cubs after tearing up a gazelle. "oh, god," the sentiment makes naomi giggle, "wouldn't that be a fucking mess, right?" frankie's smirk reflected in naomi's hazel eyes, she shakes her head with a soft smile. "i don't know if we could deal with that much of each other," she adds, almost as an afterthought. but if the way things have transpired is any indication, it's probably best that frankie and naomi interact with cameras around, with rules that keep them a safely measured distance from one another. because naomi already knows damn well that frankie's trouble, tasted it for a few seconds, just long enough to keep her wondering – even if frankie's insistent enough to call it all just a game. "where are you gonna go?" she asks, just out of curiosity. she leans forward on the bench, head tilted. "what?" it's just so fucking random that it catches her off-guard, brows knitting together as their eyes meet. "you want to be my yoga instructor right now?"
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considering it, she thrums her fingers along her stomach like miniature drum sticks and shakes her head. "no. you're right, it's not comparable." she exhales, the sound of it whistling through her lips like a steam train. "but... i don't know. the fact that i enjoyed kissing someone else, or that i maybe wanna try it again..." her eyes flash towards naomi, lips rolling against her teeth. "that doesn't change or dampen how much i like callie." and that's the part she's worried callie won't get. there'd been an intensity to the way she'd asked if she'd save her lips for her, and while it's hot, it's also terrifying.  "she kinda asked me to be exclusive this morning..." frankie starts, while stretching over to touch her toes, feeling the pull up her spine. god. that feels better. and in more than one way — this girl chat, however show mandated, isn't really something frankie gets. she spends most of the time she's not with callie with max, dylan or josh, one of whom's her brother, and the other two being guys who'll just smile and pry for details, finding the whole thing hot.  "or maybe not exclusive, but she doesn't want me kissing anyone else. and i get it, but it's been two days since we coupled up. five days since i met her." she stops for a moment, flopping out her arms and her legs, summoning her own flexibility. "i don't know, do you think i'm being unreasonable by not wanting to sign up to that yet? or is that like... if someone said they weren't ready for that to you, would that be a red flag?" she's still not sure how to feel about it, and now she's just waiting for it to be brought up again. whatever answer she gives will be the first one to make it to her tongue, which will either bite her on the ass or mean callie dumps her ass. both options are unfavourable. the second one's nightmarish. "i dunno, maybe japan or europe." she shrugs, flicking through her phone for some sanskrit beats to praise the sun to. "sure, you seem like a yogi. get up, girl." 
naomi santos
there it is again. eyes catching frankie's, feeling the pressure of mutual lust at the way the blonde looks at her, blood running just slightly hotter. that's not what this conversation is about, but if frankie was trying to get naomi to think about it, it's worked – infuriatingly. she sighs. "i get it," she affirms, like she's sharing a secret. dylan would probably like certain commitment from her, too, and she jumped right in while she was trying to move past josh but now her brain is like, trying to catch back up. "wait, what?" naomi's thoughts stumble over frankie's confession. just recently, callie had told naomi that she had no intention of pressuring frankie too soon, that she didn't expect the blonde to be exclusive. that's kind of why naomi kept certain information to herself. "oh," god, frankie is confusing. "i guess it's similar. but there is a difference between putting it out there that she likes you that much and giving you an ultimatum. i don't know. i don't think callie's the type of person to cut you off if you said you needed a little more time," naomi explains. "she's pretty self-aware about the fact that she's a total romantic." callie seems in touch with the fact that she falls fast. naomi can't see her faulting frankie for moving more slowly. she can tell from the look in frankie's eyes that she's looking at it like life or death, though. and naomi kind of relates. she can't believe she's trying to help frankie right now, though, blame the michaels' influence. "wow," naomi huffs at frankie's order, tilting her head up to look at her, "not even going to say please?"
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recognition sinks like a pebble in a lake when naomi says i get it. frankie’s never thought she’d see eye-to-eye with naomi of all people. before today, she’d probably be offended by the thought of ever relating to her, but maybe wanting to lock something down as a sure thing before it’s even really had a chance to bloom is a michaels thing, not a callie thing. “i mean, she didn’t use the word exclusive but she said she didn’t want to share me, and something about could i save my kisses for her.” saying it back to naomi, she realises that their pillow talk probably sounds quite cringe, not that she’s embarrassed by it. “and i said something like, can we have this conversation another time when my fingers aren’t inside you.” frankie’s not embarrassed by saying that either, matter of fact and blasé as ever. she transitions from uttanasana to flat back, and rolls the tension out of her shoulders. “so now we’re gonna have the conversation later, and i still don’t know what i’m gonna say to her. because i like her, and i want to be with her, and i want to get groceries with her and make travel plans and pick out dumb fucking christmas jumpers for her dog together, but at the same time, after four days, how well do you know a person?” she touches her toes, right hand to left foot, pulling the stretch through each shoulder, the whole time she’s talking her hair bobbing against the decking. “and i’m like asking myself, is it me you want or is it a relationship? could i just be anyone right now?” maybe that’s an unfair comment. frankie knows the way callie looks at her, feels it sizzle on her skin like a heat brand whenever they touch. callie had chosen to pursue things with her instead of kenny. if it was locking someone down as a way to get to the final she wanted, she’d had ample opportunity to do that with someone else.
“sorry. i’m aware that i’m venting. maybe i’m overthinking this and freaking myself out. but like, on the outside, the moment someone i’m dating asks me shit like ‘can we stop seeing other people’ i just hear alarm bells and get this urge to run. and i wanna get over that shit, i do — i just think it’ll take time.” she’d hoped that coming on the show might help her fix that, but maybe she’s just falling into the same old patterns. still, four days is hardly long enough to shut all other options off. “come on, naomi. you know i don’t beg.” not unless it’s callie she’s begging. “you can do what you want. it just might feel fucking awkward if you’re sat there watching me do a sun salutation. what am i, yoga with adriene?”
naomi santos
she tries not to look too stunned as frankie vents to her. she’s not sure how it transitioned to this; a proposition to kiss in the bathroom to venting about another girl on the terrace, but it just goes to show how on the nose her early impressions of frankie were. she’s erratic, mind changing like the tides, moods like a gust in the wind. impossible to strategize, hard to trust. but naomi’s oddly touched by the fact that she’s being trusted with this information now … though it’s a little tmi. 
“okay, thanks for that,” naomi says with a playful cringe. “but, like, you’re not crazy. it’s freaky to hear that so early on when you’re just getting to know someone and you’re not sure where it’ll go, it’s hard to just shut yourself off.” which is basically what callie had said when they talked about this, that she didn’t want to ask frankie for a hard commitment too soon. was there a miscommunication going on here? “it’s possible that she didn’t completely mean it like that. like, not wanting you to know someone else doesn’t mean she’s not going to understand if you do want to? when i talked to callie, she seemed pretty understanding of the fact that it’s early days for you, even if she felt like she was done getting to know other people. i think you’re wrong to assume you’re just anyone for her,” naomi says this decisively, almost stern, like she’s almost offended on callie’s behalf by frankie’s assumption. “she chose you. and you’re not her first connection in here. she’s like…crazy in tune with her own emotions, it’s almost scary. so, give her some credit.” naomi does take a small amount of pride in feeling like she does know some things about callie better than frankie, just chalked up to weeks of girl chats and going through the motions together. but also, naomi doesn’t have to be in her own head about callie’s feelings the way that frankie does. 
“what i would do right now,” naomi hums, a lift of her shoulders, “is just go with the flow? if you feel like there’s something else you want to explore, then just be up front. but know that comes with a risk.” there’s a prolonged pause after she says this, eyes examining frankie almost inquisitively. she’d thought they were so different, and in some ways they are, but naomi thinks they probably approach relationships quite similarly. probably for different reasons, but still. it’s strange that their instant spark has melted into this, something that feels almost peaceful as her eyes hone in on frankie’s features. is that it now? the end of the game? “i’m not asking you to beg,” she scoffs, “just asking you to use your fucking manners. not surprising that you don’t know the difference.” she rises to her feet, arms stretched over her head for a beat, brief pose to show off her best angles. “alright,” eyes meet frankie’s with a touch of mischief, a challenging edge to her voice, “since you want to tell me what to do so bad, go right ahead.” maybe the game hasn’t been totally called off yet.
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little-mouse-gardens · 5 months
5, 8, and 9 for the ask game? And once again happy new year to you too, Mouse!
5. What made me start my blog?
I started my blog wantinf to share my writing and love for the shows I’m interested in with others!
8. Any reacquiring dreams?
Yep! It’s a random dream that comes around but it’s always about me moving into a cottage and adopting a dark grey tabby cat that I name comet. No clue why I have this dream though, my brain just runs wild when I go to sleep xd
9. Tell a story from your childhood
One time when I was six or seven years old and before I learned to swim, I was playing in my aunt on my fathers side’s pool and decided what a wonderful idea it would be to go down the huge water slide my aunt had for her pool that led into the deep end.
…I should not have ignored the fact this slide had a tilt at the end of it, because I went flying out of the slide into the air and belly flopped face first into the deep end of the pool. My other aunts had to come save me because I was struggling to grab a pool noodle a few inches from my grasp😭
I learned a valuable lesson that day. Which was to not let some of my intrusive thoughts win lol
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leonbloder · 10 months
Heaven Itself
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I had some wonderful experiences during our family vacation this past week when I decided to say "Yes" to things when my initial instinct was to say "No." 
Before the trip, I was adamant with the rest of the family that if I just wanted to spend the vacation resting, reading, and relaxing while they went off and had adventures, they needed to be okay with it. 
I was more concerned about the logistics of getting seven people through flight connections, rental car pickup, and a four-hour drive than I was about actually enjoying myself. 
Additionally, I wasn't enthusiastic about hanging out at the beach or swimming in the ocean.  I don't want to be attacked by sharks, and I watch too many videos of sharks swimming near beaches to be dissuaded from my fear. 
I also get seasick easily, so going out on a boat didn't appeal to me either. 
At this point, many of you are probably thinking, "Wow. I really want to hang out with Leon. He seems like a really fun guy to travel with."
Something shifted in me before we departed, though.  I had spent several weeks thinking about how much of my life I spend trying to avoid things that I think will make me uncomfortable and how antithetical that is to who I want to be. 
I remembered something I'd heard author Rob Bell say at the retreat I attended with him in July.  He talked about how he'd had a similar kind of shift in his mind, and then he followed with this: 
"If it's exciting and I'm slightly bewildered, I move in that direction."  
When I wrote that line down at the event, I recall thinking, "That's how I want to live."  
The thing about saying "Yes" to exciting and slightly bewildering things is that you have no idea what to expect. It can be simultaneously terrifying and exhilarating.  
So I said "Yes" to everything.  I went zip-lining and rappelling through the rainforest.  I went on a boat to watch whales and dolphins, fishing and snorkeling.  I took surfing lessons.  I went to the beach.  I drove a four-wheel ATV through rivers and up mountains. 
And I saw great beauty, experienced wonder, laughed with my family, had adventures with my kids, and wrung the most out of every day with all of them.  
I also had more than a few moments to reflect on how all of those wonderful memories I made with them were possible because I chose to live life instead of enduring it. 
A wonderful line from a Mary Oliver poet comes to mind as I  write this.  She says this: 
It is heaven itself to take what is given, to see what is plain... 
When we take life as it comes, when we choose to live fully, when we step into things that bewilder us, and when we decide to try things that scare us, we learn more completely what it means to be truly human. 
We can see what is plain, what is in front of us.  We get the chance to be present with the people who matter most.  We can let ourselves truly feel what it means to be connected to the world and with others. 
And in so doing, we experience God.  This is heaven, after all: To be fully alive and embrace the Divine presence within and around us means being where God is.  
When we choose to live in dread of what comes next or worry incessantly about whether we're making the next right move, we can easily lose our joy and peace.  We lose our passion for living.  
God wants more for us.  God desires us to live full and abundant lives, come what may.  God's presence is with us and within us no matter what we face and is more fully felt when we let go of our need for control.  
May you find ways to be fully alive today.  May you move in a direction that slightly bewilders you.  May you embrace joy.  
And may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and always. Amen.  
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