I'm so normal about Crowley maggots I swear. But I wanted a black beanie (I always wear those) with yellow Crowley eyes on the front 🥺 and so I decided to. Well. Learn to crotchet so that I could make one.
ANYWAY so @singalongpoppet and @bat-plus-moth-equals-both took me under their yarny wings and taught me today AND LOOK GUYS THIS IS THE FIRST SHAPE I MADE. IT'S THE BASIC RECTANGLE BUT NATURALLY I FUCKED UP AND IT TAPERED COZ I MISSED A STITCH. THEN I REALISED IT LOOKS LIKE A MAGGOT. SO I ADDED EYES AND A MOUTH. but poorly so when you turn it over you see an eldritch mess of knot and thread that look vaguely like a face but totally normal from the front. Kind of like the good omens fandom pretending to be normal while burning on the inside.
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falconearring · 6 months
Hello Falcon, first off LOVE you're AU and designs, their so unique. I was just curious and I don't think anyone's ever asked this but.. What did everyone do before the Apocalypse? Aside from Scar which you already answered. :)
Hi hi! So happy to hear you're enjoying! I think here and there I've mentioned bits and pieces of some character's pre-apocalypse lives, but never all at once. Here's a comprehensive list of everybody's prior occupations, with some supplementary info for the characters that I've thought about the most.
Etho worked on an industrial farm. He was mainly tasked with planting and harvesting vegetables, and other miscellaneous labor tasks. When he wasn't working, he spent much of his time with Cleo and Bdubs. He's notorious for leaving his flip phone on the kitchen counter in his apartment when he goes out for the day, so it can be a bit difficult to get a hold of him. In general, he's pretty content with his life, and enjoys the routine his job offers.
Joel sort of just goes through the motions. He works a number of minimum wage jobs during his adult years, and doesn't really do much else. It isn't until the apocalypse, when he starts to meet new people and he realizes being lonely sucked. If you ask him, though, he's never felt lonely in his entire life-that would just be silly.
Grian spends his late childhood learning how to cook in a local restaurant. The owner and staff look after him best they can, but despite their hospitality, he resolves one day to grab as much cash as possible and head to a seaside town to start his early adult life. There he finds a small funeral home, and lands an apprenticeship only because they could really use the help and the owner themselves isn’t particularly concerned if they have to cut corners. It isn’t long before his inexperience starts to cause problems, and he takes off yet again when it comes to light the name he had been going by was stolen from an obituary a few cities over. He continues as he was, from place to place and name to name. It’s become somewhat routine for him to cheat every person he comes into contact with, in some way shape or form.
Scar, as we discussed in this post, has an extensive criminal history. Him and Grian somewhat deserve each other in that regard.
Cleo does a lot of crafting in their free time. I don't think I ever decided what she does for work, but on the side she does jewelry making, pottery, crotchet and a bit of sewing. She often sells some of what she makes, or gifts it to friends.
Bdubs does a trades program and is just starting out doing construction work. He takes up drawing as a hobby, mainly life drawing. His two best friends are his whole entire world, baby! He somewhat struggles with his independence, and usually wants to spend his time with Etho and Cleo.
Martyn is a hypnotherapist who specializes in past and future life progressions/regressions. He also claims to be a surgeon, but it's unclear what kind or when exactly he got a PhD.
Bigb was a racecar driver. Later in his career, he switched from cars to offroad motorcycle racing. He fell in love with modifying bikes and became a really knowledgeable mechanic.
Tango was a paramedic. Not much time for anything, but when he can he usually would meet up with some of his buddies to play board games.
Ren worked at the saw mill where Etho's friends are set up. At the time, he was living in a cabin in the woods not far from his work. He was somewhat of a hermit, and he has all sorts of woodsy knowledge and equipment at the ready.
Impulse has a bachelors of engineering and worked as an electrician for a few years. Loved his job, loved having to take out all his piercings most days a lot less. He's always been very close with his brother, Skizz, and they meet up often.
Skizz worked a 9-5 office job, and genuinely could not be any happier about it. He's the type of person to make extra time to exercise, or wake up early just to have some quiet time.
Pearl was an art student on exchange from Australia. She has a passion for installation pieces and painting. Some of her work is a bit strange.
Mumbo was a programmer. What did he program? I don't know. I'm sorry Mumbo fans. If it's any consolation he is so disoriented and so scared and so stressed.
Jimmy lived on a small farm with his family. It was all he knew growing up, and it was all he really knew going into adulthood.
Lizzie had a part time job at an aquarium in her town. She gave tours and sometimes did workshops with the kids where she did aquatic themed arts and crafts.
Scott.... I have a hard time imagining what he was up to before everything happened. Who can say for sure what he did in his spare time? (<- the guy who is writing the AU and can't think of an answer)
Hopefully this is helpful! Sorry some of it is more sparse than other parts. Take care, thank you for reading ^_^
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pookapufferfish · 7 months
hihi! first off I must remind you how amazing and awesome and cool you are
and second! I was wondering where/how you learned to crochet/knit? I've been meaning to try to learn for a while but i can never get myself to feel enough motivation to, it looks really calming and fun tho :o
also the beanie looks great so far!
awww thanks, you are also really cool and awesome
I actually started working with wool with Loom knitting. My aunt sent us some stuff and I got invested in it, made a few hats and scarves. I attempted a poncho but stopped before it really got anywhere. My mom got the crotchet hook as a sort of next step in learning stuff.
This is my first real crotchet project other than some flowers and leaves for hat decorations. I am following this method for the monk beanie.
My advice is have fun and take your time. It is kinda a developed skill so you just have to do it a lot to get better at it.
I hope i get into crotchet because I really liked looming. It is really relaxing to just watch a video essay or something and make a thing
Here is a pic of my fav beanie I made it is a bit too big for monk and a bit too small for me
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a-mess-of-a-crow · 7 months
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Yall, just so you know this is anonymous, so I can't see who would vote no.
Hi! I'm Craven!
I'm a wanna be artist with absolute crushed self esteem that desperately needs validation to get self worth and on the other hand doesn't believe that people's compliments are valid!
So basically= A self made self esteem issue!
I jump from hobby to hobby like a whore, making music, crotchet, animation, drawing, learning japanese (and failing miserably 😊), gave up on learning danish, learning guitar and keyboard, I used to make iron pellet art (hard to make with shaky ass hands)
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Das me btw! In all my glory! (Wet socks in the sand, God fears me)
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(me in school and my new jacket, old pic, Mochi laughed a lot :> )
Boring facts=
I'm 20 and a mess cuz since 2015 I've been simping over undertale like a Maniac (it's been better these days, but tumblr temporarily pushed me back into the obsession)
I'm a cat/ dog fanatic, but always crows before hoes
My favorite colors are purple, red, blue and black
I'm definitely demisexual polyamourous, but pan or polyromantic? I dunno lol.
Also genderfluid (altho i personally never really know what gender I feel like in the moment)
I have an absolute hopeless love for my aro/ace best friend who is called Mochi and she is the best and literally only real (real life) friend I ever had
Totally not my dumb brain starved for human connection and then immediately clinging to whoever is being a decent person to me
Luckily she is also a bomb person and kind so she doesn't use me like my other friendships XD
How did Red Mass start?
To get an idea of what my AU is, you gotta know how my dumb brain thought of it.
2015. I was absolutely sucked into Undertale after watching a german YouTuber play it, and then I started watching a certain Irish fella play it as well.
I started watching comic dubs of all the Au's that people made, faning out and just binged watched everything relating to it.
Then my family and I had vacation.
A trip to Rome (it was hot and awful, never again. Fucking 40°C celsius are you kidding me?)
It was a 15 hour trip (with bathroom/ smoker breaks)
And i layed in the back of the car, daydreaming about all those Au's.
It was awesome and cool and I slowly started to MAYBE get pandora syndrome of where I desperately wanted to be a part of those stories (I know. Cringe)
It got so bad that I maaaaybe cried in bed every night hoping I'd just wake up in the stories (but my life sucks so that also played a role)
So on that car ride, Luna lovania (god the cringe hurts me badly) was born.
A skeleton oc at first, later being an oc that is a fusion of Frisk and sans (which still is a part of Red Mass)
I daydreamed 15 hours + 15 hours back about Red Mass, it was such bliss (and even while we were in Rome)
And since that point, I have kept daydreaming every day for 8 years, and it became a big part of my life (as ridiculous as this sounds)
I just realized I might be insane.
Oh well
I will make a specific Red Mass post, explaining the story a bit and character introduction ((but not revealing too many spoilers since I kinda wanna make it into a thing))
I hope you guys mean it if you say you're interested :)
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nandorisms · 4 months
my New Years resolution is to Stede Bonnet up my life by prioritizing myself for once.
1) I have always bought myself things that are cheap and will not last because I've always prioritized my parents' and family's well-being. Everything from my shoes to my sheets to my socks have holes or worn down past the point of saving, despite my teaching myself how to mend from YouTube videos. So, I'm going to get myself a nice soft new sheet set. I'm getting myself shoes that don't have the sole peeling off, and other little things that I've ignored in favour of paying for groceries and bills (all within reason ofc, always mindful of cost of living)
2) I'm going to indulge more in the things I like. I love to read. Usually, I read fanfiction, but lately, I've been reading more physical books. I've even gotten back into my old habit of saving books from library that they sell before donating them. I'm going to let myself enjoy a cup of coffee instead of guzzling it down. A bubble bath instead of a quick shower. Little things like that.
3) I'm going to surround myself with more beautiful things. I've been slowly buying art prints from fandom artists of my favourite shows. I've slowed myself down when I walk to take in the scenery around me, and I've been mindful to find the beauty and romanticize my usually mundane routine.
4) I'm going to work on my mental and physical well-being. I've really struggled this past year with my mental health, and have always brushed my problems aside to be the strong one in my family, as they have gone through a lot of losses this past year. But with the birth of my nephew a couple of days ago, I think I can let go now and let myself work on me for a bit. So, I'm going to start journaling again and listen more to my body and what it needs. Eating has always been an issue, so I really want to work on that.
5) I'm not going to limit myself to learning new things. I've always been intimidated by knitting and crotchet. And to be perfectly honest, I've never had the patience for it. But that is something I want to learn more of, too. Patience. Don't get me wrong, I have patience for people and situations, but something like learning something new and being bad at it is something I do struggle with.
6) I'm going to write for myself. I've been taking a break from writing due to the impact on my mental health. I'm not going to demand too much of myself. I'm writing because I love something. It doesn't have to be perfect or profound. If it's meaningful to me, it's enough.
7) I'm going to love myself more, by finding the little things about myself that I like.
8) I'm going to embrace life again and stop dwelling on what if's, and focus on what I can do now.
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dallonwrites · 7 months
cactus, sage & aloe vera for the asks pls! <3
cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
ever since i started testosterone and my hunger and appetite went UPPPP i've gotten way more into cooking and baking and food science and it is all so interesting to me! and it's not even from a health/diet pov at all it's just thinking about how food works and how i respond to it and as someone with stomach problems and also autism food sensitivities who basically ate Nothing for the first 20 years of my life it is all very healing!
and bc this is a writeblr a writing thing i'm learning and thinking about a lot is taking inspo form other writers and what that actually means. i've talked about it before but i used to read prose i love and not know what to do with that. i'd get frustrated because i did not understand how the writer was just able to conjure a line like that. and then i was so focused on wanting to reflect that writer that i did not consider where in the reflection my writing would go. i've noticed as i grow more confident in my style i've also grown more confident in how to emulate. sometimes i like to do exercises where i intentionally try to write a Passage That Sounds Like This Writer but it's more of a learning process as to the how of that style, which i then mix with my own writing. now whenever i take inspo from other styles it feels more like a love letter to those writers rather than a sensed need that to be Good at writing i need to Write Like This Person, when not only could i not truly write like that person but that person also could not write like me! that's the beauty of it! i actually reread a short story i loved last year recently and found some of the prose, not bad but i was like hmm not for me anymore! overall i still loved the prose but it showed me how i was able to love a style but still pick out what elements of it i liked and would want to incorporate it on my own vs what i wouldn't do myself (which again, does not make that particular element bad), rather than trying to make a perfect replication
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
ohhh my god okay sorry i have to be that guy who just says All of them. my brain simply refuses to see one type of art as more touching than the other!! it is just not true they all serve different purposes and the same purposes in different ways!! even the ones that are most touching to me personally is so dependent on the time and era. lately i find something that touches me in everything. like fiction will always have a special space in my heart because my creativity is driven by the fact that i can create fully fleshed people in my head where for me everything about them feels real - their emotions, their fears, their joy - and that is something that never fails to amaze me. on the other hand, poetry was the only medium after my mom died where i felt i could process my emotions about that at a time when they didn't make sense yet, because of poetry's space for abstractness. it became like a necessity. and then on another hand i'm amazed by painting and how brushstrokes and style can convey so much it's magic to me. recently when i listen to music i notice different instruments and sounds and how they work together at once and i'm obsessed with it, the ecosystem of it all. every day i become more and more of a cinephile because i'm just obsessed with all the elements of creation in movies - from performance to writing to visuals to soundtracking to sfx to editing - especially in all the 60s-80s films i've been watching for lover boy and how the effects don't always look "realistic" but they are earnest. and statues and embroidery and crotchet and pottery and makeup and nail art and gender expression and graphic design and cooking and i can go on every art medium is storytelling to me. AND CAN WE TALK ABOUT CAVE PAINTINGS??? ROCK PAINTINGS?? EVEN AT OUR MOST PRIMAL WE WERE CREATING! all of it is touching to me!!
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
i want to see the sunrise more often especially coming out of summer where it rises at like 4am i now feel a yearning to get up at like 6am and see it. unfortunately i have Far Too Many sleep problems to be getting out of bed at a time like that
get to know me asks
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hoonvrs · 10 months
i posted about what i hate when fellow crocheters do with yarn that is not theirs (bunch it up after use and making me untangle a big ball of unraveled yarn)
in comes an mlm person asking "hey can i share my link with you?" (now i already don't associate with them bc what i've heard and seen) BUT before i even answered (i wasn't planning to anyway) she goes and sends a link, tells me to spread it to my colleagues etc etc (basically what others say mlm people will do and i thought wow my first mlm interaction)
that’s such a funny interaction😭 i would’ve blocked so quick icl
i won’t lie i’ve never crotchet a day in my life but i love loveeee untangling anything like wool headphones ANYTHING i just find it so fun
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lonesomedotmp3 · 1 year
cactus, nutmeg, papyrus :)
cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
I kinda want start learning more about stop motion and puppetry after watching pinocchio but I haven't actually done that yet aside from watching the behind the scenes stuff soooo I will say heidegger and social conformity which is the last thing I did at uni before break started... and obviously fuck that man and it's important to keep context in mind when analysing his work but I did find the way he writes and the points to discuss were the most interesting they've been this term... 💔
nutmeg ⇢ how’s your room/home decorated? do you have a specific theme or style going on?
at my uni space i have very little going on except 1) my metal cowboy violinist (the BESTIE i have posted abt him on here before) and 2) various horror merchandise ie. my crotchet leatherface with a little plastic chainsaw, a killer klowns poster that watches over me while i sleep, the official film poster for child's play 1988, and a nightmare on elm street sign :) movie genres i am soooo normal about!
at my parent's house it's like. what if your 13-16 year old self threw up everywhere and in the years after you never cleaned up you just kind of stepped around it. so many middle grade books it's unreal. so many books it is UNREAL i am under fucking under attack frankly!! I've got raven cycle redbubble poster, a simpsons guardians of the galaxy poster i ripped out of a comic literally six years ago alongside my stack of simpsons comics i've never parted w because ???, a spiderman homecoming holographic poster. spongebob poster. spiderman funko pops. an abandoned simpsons calendar that's still on march of 2021. I think there's a captain america poster hidden under the bed somewhere. i'm looking around NOW like what the fuck is happening here i have an OVERWATCH POSTER on my wall?? anyway. there's a little foray into various cringe sprawling parts of my childhood 🖤 most importantly both places have noooo style and a dedicated wall for my cinema and concert tickets hashtag slay <333
papyrus ⇢ if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?
read your mind by sabrina carpenter... i have been insanely annoying about emails i can't send recently but that's not MY fault that's because it FUCKS. i adore the way this song begins so calm and quiet and then just throws you into it 🫶 it's just fun to listen to!! and i don't want to say it but i'm an honest guy so i will anyway. that happened to my buddies merlin and arthur!!!!
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formulapisces · 8 months
did you do the laundry? I did mine overnight but now I have to go deal with it again.. I want to finish my book first, I only have around 40 pages left. I'm not sure what to read next
oohh that looks fancy 😭 I've never made lace but I would like to try one day. I've knitted and crocheted before though!
it's hot today so make sure to stay hydrated 🧃🦇
ahhh you just made me want to start reading again, audiobook + knitting sounds like a good pair for me right now i think 👀 also i did do my laundry actually like the responsible adult i am 😎
i really want to try because it’s a family thing for me, but i have no idea what i’d actually do with it? with knitting, by the end of it i have a blanket, or a bag, or a jumper, whatever, and that’s a really big part of why i find knitting so rewarding - but with lace you have a really delicate decorative design, i’d be scared to touch it afterwards 😳 i guess if i enjoy the process then i’ll have fun with it anyways, and obviously the designs are beautiful but i feel like i could get burnt out with lace a lot easier than knitting 😅 i can’t crotchet no matter how hard i try it seems, too much maths for me 😕
it is boillingggg, but i’m equipped with ice water and cooling spray - it’s days like these when i wonder how the actual hell does lando wear hoodies every day in summer 😭 poor baby is going to get heat exhaustion
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Thanks so much for the answers! It's crotchet thread, I never would've guessed that. I'm currently still going through tons of gifted thick cotton thread, but I'll try the crotchet next time. Also been prying spikes out of thrifted bracelets but when those are used I'll order some new. Maybe some curved ones for on a cap... Anyways thank you so much!
No problem! I came across the crochet thread while looking through my local fabric store. Never had it suggested to me before and I've only been using that thread for over a decade now. Holds up very well even after numerous washings and being rough. You can even dye it a cool color if you wanted!
Kitchen twine was what I was using before because it was cheap and/or available for liberation at food stores and comes in a big ball. Not the greatest but works well.
I also have used liberated dog collars and leashes for spikes, chains and metal rings. Fairly cheap and most big stores have a "pet" section.
Thift for life! I am also the person who isn't afraid to pick up "junk" off the street.
Good luck to you! 🍻
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saintvamp · 2 years
Crafts that's I've started and never finished
Doll repainting
Oil painting
Making a jewelry box
Playing the violin
Several sports, full contact between them.
If I picked up killing as a hobby I give it two deaths before I get bored
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histskins · 5 years
having a good time with every doctor i've ever had looking at me like i'm crazy
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jaybarou · 2 years
🕹 🏝 🎙🐧📎
🕹What have I NOT done while listening to podcasts? The list would be shorter! I've cleand the couse, done the dishes, temporized subtitles, showered, traveled on bus, train, car, on foot, gone hiking. I've knited and crotcheted! This is my current podcast-listening production:
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H 🏝 Ok, a month. My phone battery won't last a month! but let's say it does. Hm, some actual play I've never listened to before, like... The Adventure Zone, that should keep me bussy for a few days, if only bc of the lenght of the episodes! Then, Monstrous Agonies, because It keeps me calm like nobody's business. And then Welcome to Night Vale. Becuse maybe then I'd be able to catch up to the latest one. (Did you guys see the thing with Khoshekh?? O_o)
🎙uuuuuuu, yeah, Noah Simes. No question. He just has that that tilt to his voice and by the time I catch myself I'm grining and ready to do mischief. Then again H.R Owen has also such a lovely lovely voice as the presenter and babey the range is just outstanding! Not to mention the many many things done beside voice acting. And Ben Meredith and Tim Meredith... Look, if you are going to make me choose just one I'll say Noah, but I won't be happy about getting just one.
🐧 Ha! Timeout for Rudyard Funn! I have not listened yet to the latest season, but I wanted to put him in timeout through the lasts seasons, and he doesn't strike me as the kind of person who changes much. He is just that kind of comedy character who makes me actually stop the player and go hide my head in a bucket to calm down.
📎I have listened to a few of them more than 3 times; most of the time to try and translate them. Penumbra Podcast comes to mind, the first episode, I tried to make video subtitles with colours for each character. So that one I played, and played and played, ad nauseam. I'd still take it with me to a desert island though. I can't get tired of it.
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Harry Potter Crochet Kit.
I've actually never truly Crotchet before but this kit gives me a good reason to learn. I know the basics but that's it.
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lucywrites02 · 3 years
Sooo I saw your post about asking you stuff for the sleepover. I'm curious to know if you have another hobbies besides writing. And for more "heavy topics", what are your thoughts on "cancel culture"?
Oh, I have many hobbies! I crotchet sometimes and recently I've even tried embroidery. I'd say I'm pretty good at them. 
I draw and paint a lot. I want to try some pottery as well but I don't have the things for that at the moment
Now to our favourite cancel culture. I have written so much, I'm so sorry 😂I hope it makes sense.
Cancel culture is toxic and sometimes even pointless when you think of it. Although, it does gives the voice to the people who couldn't say anything before.
 If a celebrity tries to cancel transgender people it's only fair we try and cancel them back, right? But this has become some kind of a trend.
People who shouldn't be cancelled loose their jobs and their reputation is ruined forever. If you try hard enough you could cancel anyone! Hell, I could cancel myself right now. I bet you've seen many articles and yt videos saying something like "this person said the f-slur in 2008!" "This person selled drugs when they were 10!". The fact that someone did it is irreversible and should have never happened but it doesn't mean that this person can't learn from their mistakes and be ashamed of their behaviour.
I used to make homophobic jokes when I was 11 because of the toxic environment I was in and I cringe at it every time I remember those situations. But it was 7 years ago and I am a completely different person now. I've gotten away from the people who had a bad influence on me and now I'm here.
We should call people out on their bullshit and hatred they spread but we should give them a chance to change and learn from their mistakes. Cancel culture targets people but doesn't  make any changes.
So there is a big difference between cancelling people and companies and calling them out. And even when we do that they will still have a fan base and loyal customers so cancelling them on twitter does nothing.
By cancelling them we only spread the hate and they still won’t be held accountable.
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demigenderfriends · 7 years
Oh what are subtle ways to hint that I am a demigirl/pansexual? My aunts (moms really close friends) are coming over and I've never seen one of the guys get a girl.. they are pretty old and I don't know how to hint it to them with it also flying under my moms radar. I can crotchet and am planning to get some yarn today, so maybe I can get some yarn of the specific colors... :/ the issue is even if they do notice, I'm pretty young (13) and my parents and friends think that I am naive.. sooo help?
hey there!!
the colours thing sounds like a good idea but it also might miss them completely - my family pretty much only knew the rainbow flag before i started openly wearing bisexual, trans n demigirl badges, pins etc. 
for being pan i would say that if they bring up relationships talk about a potential partner rather than girlfriend/boyfriend (whichever the ‘straight’ option is 4 u). casual open mindedness in language is one of the simplest hints 2 use.
when it comes to being a demigirl, it rly depends on how much knowledge these ppl have of nonbinary gender identities. i’m honestly not sure of any ways to drop hints abt it, followers can u help?
hope this helps a lil bit
 - mod daria
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