#I'm gonna meet people
omarfor-orchestra · 1 year
The acting school director said I don't look like an engineer I'm choosing to take it as a compliment
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dani-m-art · 8 months
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Been working on some paleoart between commission work since I leave for SVP in 2 weeks and dinosaurs are understandably on the brain
Here's a Riparovenator hunting, inkwash and inkpen on a sketchbook that's probably meant for neither lol
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egophiliac · 3 months
Hello!! I followed you for your absolutely amazing Twisted Wonderland comics (thank you for making them, by the way-) but I saw you posting about something called Ride Kamens? I haven’t heard of it before, what’s it about? Or if that’s a bit much to ask, where could I find more info about it? It seems right up my alley 👀
Thank you!
thank you! :> :> :> (this is also for the other anon who asked about where to find it, I am honored to be infecting the world spreading interest in this silly game)
Ride Kamens is still doing prerelease marketing and isn't out yet; it's set for "early summer 2024", so a bit yet to go! similar to Twst, it's a mobile game about anime boys loosely based on an existing franchise (Kamen Rider), although it seems like it's going to be more standalone/won't require familiarity with Rider going in.
the (very) basic premise is that your player character has just taken over their late father's role as a secret agent, supporting the city's superheroes by running a secret base disguised as a cafe (plus you have a personal butler for some reason) (the reason is because it's amazing). you also have to help the heroes regain their lost memories, and it looks like it'll have a bit of a route/choice aspect there (not romance, just different endings to the character episodes depending on what you do). the details are kinda hard to tell at this point but the characters seem like a really fun bunch; there's definitely big "idiots with emotional problems" energy which I am extremely into.
all the official info is in Japanese only at the moment, but here's the website and the ride_kamens twitter! (though the twitter is sort of overtaken by posts about the AnimeJapan exhibit right now, whoops.) and I believe some people are already planning on doing translations for it too? lots to look forward to! :D
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destinywillowleaf · 7 months
one of a kind living in a world gone plastic
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baby you're so classic
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(all my thoughts in the tags)
#anyway i found their theme song and lost my mind#tragedyshipping#lloyd garmadon#ninjago#antigone#tagamemnon#pollshipping#i'm gonna be thinking about this for the next hour before i go to sleep#i just wanted to make a playlist for them i didn't think i would find a perfect fit#they have taken over many of my braincells and i can't even complain this is the enrichment i needed#all i'm saying is the idea of a movie trailer for these two is taking shape more and more and this should 100% be the accompanying song#not even a full trailer because that would take forever but like. a 30 second TV spot. family drama. them not really getting along at first#(e.g. glaring at each other while being forced to dance or something)#but then warming up to each other on the road because road trips have my soul when it comes to movies ok#i want them to stargaze in the bed of a hotwired pickup truck while on the run from people who demand bloodshed (a poll winner)#the slow(?) burn of not wanting to be in this mess to actually enjoying spending time together to something more#(trailer/commercial ends on or just after “baby you're so classic” with the cut to the title and in theaters date)#maybe most of the tv spot is them arguing and making life hell for one another but it's hard to deny there's something more brewing#(one of the reviews is just ''A modern classic'' because i think i'm funny)#i really want the title to be a play off of them meeting through the tragic tournament but it's completely different from the tone i want#''tragedy: null and void'' is a fun one#i've never been the greatest at titles if they don't hit me like a truck#anyway hi folks i'm sorry if you have no idea what's happening and see this in your tags
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holy shit this conversation, i have. so many thoughts.
i'm like, 80% sonic is gonna face some kind of betrayal from either dread or nine
#nine because he is the most important variant obviously so his betrayal would hit harder#also because he wanted to use a shard to create his own perfect world. and sonic needs them to fix his#also also because it's likely fixing sonic's world would make the shatterverse dissappear#and with nine having researched the shards i find it likely he could be the one to find out about the consecuences of fixing the cristal#and i doubt he would be a fan of the whole dissapearing to instead become a part of someone else thing#plus he was the one named during the conversation about the people from the shatterspaces#and in the trailer for s2 we had images of him implying he would meet the other tails#i'm not saying he's gnna be EVIL but he might be against sonic at some point#and in the case of dread#WE the audience know he's selfish and only cares about himself and his treasure#but neither his crew nor sonic found out about that#i find it unlikely they would just let him get away with using people like that#so at some point he's gonna have to do something that outs him as the ruthless person he is#plus he is OBSESSED with his shard. why would he let sonic keep it#we know the council gets hold of his shard at some point#so maybe they loose it on their first appearaence this “season” and then he cooperates to get his shard back#but when the moment comes to let sonic have it (after recovering the shard) he steals it or something#sonic prime#sonic prime season 2#sonic prime spoilers#sonic prime season2#sonic prime s2
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lasouris-r · 7 months
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thepoisonroom · 7 months
that post that's like "learning social skills helps with social anxiety" applies to dating also btw
#i guess they have a circular relationship because also going on lots of first dates was really trial by fire for me in learning lots lf#new social skills#meeting new people was never my strong suit and i was very afraid of it and would avoid it but like!#when i first tried going on first dates i learned a lot about how to meet people and met types of queer people i'd never met before#and actually it was good for me even though it was often weird and stressful#and it was a lower-stakes way to practice social skills that i otherwise would've just avoided using until they atrophied#anyway whenever i see a dating profile that's like 'i'm afraid of talking to women lol' i'm like ok relatable but what's your plan to learn#i think also just like it doesn't have to be through dating but it is good for you to meet other gay and trans people offline if possible#when i moved to wisconsin i only knew my coworkers who were mostly also twentysomethings who'd been hired straight from college#and it was good for me to meet and make friends with other local gay and trans people who were involved in different stuff#idk i just don't know how many more 'i'm obsessed with romance but scoff at the idea that i should do anything about that' posts i can read#like if i said i wanted to run a marathon but i never practiced running people would fairly be like okay that's prob not gonna happen#idk i know it's no skin off my nose i'm just like. if you never take any steps towards expressing your desires#how do you think they're going to just happen to you#personal nonsense
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ripplefields · 9 months
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licorishh · 7 months
Y'all laugh at the fact that Tartaglia randomly falling into the Abyss one day as a kid ended up being the catalyst for Fontaine's eventual predicted destruction but all this means is that from the start Tartaglia was intended to fall into the Abyss and become a Harbinger and thus has always been doomed by the narrative
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crimeronan · 2 months
falin's harpy form is Bangin. as i'm sure everyone is already aware. i'm sure everyone who's been telling me to read dungeon meshi has been waiting with bated breath for me to discover just how bangin falin's harpy form is, so rest assured: Wowza. I'd Like To Thank The Academy,
anyway. i'm pretty sure too much plot and drama and murder-horror is gonna get in the way for this to happen, but there's a canon divergence in my head where falin and laois get into a huge shouting match not long after this high-stakes harpy fight because laois is like "if you hadn't saved me then I'D be the one with the sickass harpy form, i can't believe you let yourself get eaten and you DON'T EVEN HAVE A VORE KINK" and falin is like "......YOU ARE AN INSANE PERSON??? I'D TELL YOU TO GO TO HELL IF YOU WOULDN'T THINK IT'S HEAVEN.....??"
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kashmirichaiwithmehr · 4 months
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buglaur · 1 year
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here he is in hd!! i'm def gonna have to do a separate gameplay for him because virgil's gonna be nowhere near having kids by july 20 😭
you'll be seeing a lot more of him!! 💞💞💞
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thevoidstaredback · 1 month
I'mma rant for a second.
Someone please validate me.
I think I'm beyond justified when I say that no one listens to me.
This show (Come From Away) is running for three days. I've had the five shifts (4 on the weekend, 1 Friday) for three weeks. Counting my conversation with my parents a few minutes ago, I have explained what this show is, where I am, what it's about, and the history behind it 23 times.
6 times to my mom
4 times to my twin
2 times my older sister
3 times to my dad
8 times to my grandparents
What the actual duck does a girl have to do to get someone to listen to her?
All I'm asking is that people make an actual effort to remember what I tell them, especially when I talk about something I love.
My coworkers (4 of them) have asked what I know about it, and they all remember the basics of what I told them. They even listened to the soundtrack like I recommended!!
My sister won't even take ten minutes to listen to two songs with me. My mom doesn't even remember what the first song is called (I've told her 5 times now). I know for a fact that none of my family will listen to the music on their own.
I just want to share what I'm passionate about. I want others I know to share in the joy I find in this show and others.
And, y'know? I keep finding that this is a reoccurring problem. I can't bring it up to anyone, though, because they all tell me that I'm overthinking it or looking too much into it or seeing things that aren't actually there.
Humans are designed to pick out patterns in everything. We pick them out and we create them.
I see a pattern, I point it out, and I get told there's nothing there.
Either I'm gaslighting myself or everyone else is gaslighting me.
Someone please validate me. Please tell me I'm not crazy. Please put a name to these feelings because I'm going to shatter if someone tells me one more goddamn fucking time that I'm seeing a pattern where there isn't one.
I would cry like I want to, but that would ruin my make up. I have another shift in about 2.5 hours, and I don't have my makeup back with me, so that's a no go.
I'm gonna go read. Thanks for listening
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natreads · 7 months
I got a job as a bookseller!!!
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thebewilderer · 1 month
I'm always so upset listening to the Magnus Archives
like I'm sorry, you had a room full of students who were so invested in learning the material that they were using their otherworldly powers right in front of you, and you didn't put your whole pussy into teaching them?? you fucking skipped class?!??
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notanotherinfjblog · 1 year
ENTJ: Do you know those moments when you’ve got so much to do that you have no idea where to even start and so you start making a list of things that are too unimportant to waste your time on right now? But at the same time you’re wasting time by not working on the things that actually are important. You’re just making lists of all the tiny aspects of your work that you can throw out just to make yourself feel like you’re doing something.
INFJ: No, I don’t know those moments. I’m less productive, you see. When I’m overwhelmed by all the stuff I have to do, I panic and stare at the wall for three hours.
ENTJ: You’ve been doing that a lot lately, haven’t you?
INFJ: ... yes.
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