#JD x Elliot
baconpncakes · 5 months
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Memes for the twelve people in this fandom part 1
(part 2 - mentorships)
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colins-bridgerton · 1 year
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91.) john dorian (jd) & elliot reid
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scrubs walked so himym could run
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Scrubs - requesting time!
I'm currently doing a rewatch of Scrubs seasons 6-9 and I'm really in the mood for some writing, namely, for these characters!
So request fluff/smut/angst straightaway for:
- Dr. Cox
- JD
- Carla
- Turk
- Elliot
- Keith
and whoever else you can think of!
Please note that don't write x male!Reader when it comes to smut because I feel like I can't really capture the experience.
You know what? F*ck it! I'll try my best. Request away.
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mikelogan · 1 year
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I have a lot of thoughts…
These idiots have consumed my every waking thought for the last 7ish years and I will never be free. Please enjoy this masterpiece, a true work of art if I may be so bold. These particular couples are the ones in my massive Ben x Perry fic that I never shut up about, but the characters’ sexualities and preferences would be pretty much the same regardless of who they’re with.
Ben: Knew he didn’t just like girls in late middle school/early high school. Luckily, had a supportive family and a terrifying and fiercely protective sister. Had just as many boyfriends as he did girlfriends and don’t even get me started on the France trip the summer after his senior year.
Perry: Realized in high school that he didn’t really factor in gender when it came to who he was attracted to. Was closeted until he moved away from home as his father was verbally and physically abusive. Doesn’t use labels.
JD: Knew he was bi before he figured out he was trans, so probably similar to Ben in that it would have been late middle school or early high school. Came out as trans when he was 16 and went on T in his senior year. Didn’t tell Turk until Turk accidentally walked in on JD giving himself an injection and then it all just sort of came out.
Turk: Bestie. Please. So much internalized homophobia to work through here. JD helps a lot in that regard and they start dating in med school after meeting and becoming best friends in their first year of college. It’s something he struggles with for a while and often overcompensates with ridiculous displays of masculinity. Still doesn’t really refer to himself as gay to others, even though it’s what feels best for him. What really matters is that he’s with JD.
Carla: Doesn’t know or come out until after she starts at Sacred Heart. When Jordan goes through postpartum depression after being Ben and Perry’s surrogate, Carla is the first one to notice something is wrong. Carla has become close with Perry and Ben by that point and Jordan is at the hospital fairly frequently between board meetings and terrorizing her brother-in-law. Jordan ends up leaning on Carla pretty hard during postpartum and Carla sees that softer side of Jordan that she tries so hard to hide. Carla panics because she’s never felt this way about another woman before (*cough* comp het *cough*), and she goes to Perry for help to decipher all of what she’s feeling. Looking back, it’s pretty easy to realize that she did have big gay feelings before, but she’d never realized what they were, let alone acted on them.
Jordan: Does not give one singular shit. She likes hot people. She sleeps with hot people. She tops and she doms. Queen shit.
Elliot: Similar to Carla re: comp het and also just a massive amount of repression growing up in Connecticut. Is anyone surprised? Absolutely not. Has a lot of unlearning to do when it comes to preconceived notions about gender and sexuality and also sex in general. Absolute pillow princess. Queen of opening mouth, inserting foot.
Molly: TRANS LESBIAN who, despite her best efforts, falls for the repressed girl from New England. What can she say, the emotional issues always draw her in.
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just-alittle-spooky · 22 days
Pairing: John Dorian x reader Summary: The story of how JD and the reader ended up together. Warnings: none. Just fluffy. My poor attempt at a Dr. Cox rant.
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It could be said that you had unique taste. Maybe even unusual taste. At least, that's what Dr. Cox, Dr. Kelso, Laverne, Mrs. Sullivan—hell, even The Janitor—had all told you. It wasn't the way you dressed, or wore your hair, or the music you listened to. That was all fairly normal. In fact, most of your interests were as ordinary as they came. Still, your most acquired taste was that of your peculiar boyfriend: the one and only John Dorian.
JD had been there for you in your first year as a medical intern. He was only a few years ahead of you, and you'd been one of the newer interns while he was in his last year as a resident. One time in particular, patient had coded. She was a sweet elderly woman that you'd grown unnecessarily close to. Even though she'd been your patient, you froze when you heard the flatline, and it wasn't until Dr. Dorian got there that you felt like you could breathe again. It was always easier to handle things when there was someone more experienced in the room. He let you run the room, and pronounced Miss Fleming dead at 7:02pm. Afterwards, he'd reassured you that you'd done your best, and there wasn't anything else you could do. To your great humiliation, he noticed the few tears that rolled down your cheeks, and he had scrambled to give you the crinkled, brown, cafeteria napkin he had in the pocket of his scrubs. It managed to pull a smile out of you, and from that point forward he was your go-to guy whenever you had a question.
It was only fair. JD was brilliant, and more than approachable. Dr. Cox and Dr. Kelso were terrifying, and you got the sense that Dr. Reid didn't like interns very much. Or maybe it was just you that she didn't like. Carla was loving and supportive, but she always seemed like she had enough on her plate, and didn't need you adding any more on.
That left JD. You'd called him Dr. Dorian at first, until you heard some of his friends refer to him by the two letter nickname. And one day you finally mustered up the courage to ask if you could call him that as well. He gave you a crooked smile and enthusiastically informed you that you could, and that he'd love nothing more. After that, JD wasn't just a superior, but a friend.
He made your first few years a whole lot easier. It was nice having someone around that you could always go to with a question or an emergency, and who always seemed to have the right answer. Furthermore, he was always eager to help, and it was a lot easier to ask him than the surly Dr. Cox or the neurotic Dr. Reid.
As for JD, he loved playing the hero. He'd never understand why Dr. Cox got so irritated when interns asked for his help. JD loved it, he thrived on it. And sure, maybe he was a little extra helpful when it came to you. But, really, who could blame him? You were attractive, fun, kindhearted, and smart. It wasn't his fault that when you asked him for help, out of all people, it made his heart flip.
Which brought you to a few weeks ago. By now, you'd settled in quite well. You were in your final year of residency and you'd gotten to know the hospital like the back of your hand. Stop by the nurse's station and say hello first thing every morning or there'd be hell to pay, always be in the cafeteria before or after the lunch rush to avoid getting trampled, don't ask Dr. Mickhead about his wife, don't take Dr. Kelso's insults to heart, and avoid the Todd at all costs. Beyond that, you'd made friends with JD's gang, a title that you'd given them in passing which the namesake had latched onto and refused to let go of. Carla had stayed just as maternal as ever, Turk was supportive and surprisingly wise, Elliot was still wary of you but warming up every day (even if her hands never did), and JD, of course, was JD.
He was handsome, witty, goofy, and sensitive, with his heart eternally in the right place despite the countless missteps he might've taken. John Dorian was nothing short of the guy of your dreams, even if he had no romantic feeling towards you in return. Or so you thought, anyway.
Carla had been telling you for months to just ask him out but you always had a reason not to. He was busy, or you were busy, or he wasn't interested, or Dr. Cox was hounding you, or you thought you saw JD flirting with the cute radiology nurse, or you were too young, or he saw you like a sister, or you didn't know what Carla was talking about at all. JD? Who's JD?
"For the love of God, just ask him!" Carla groaned, feeling the wall of composure she'd carefully built up start to crack. She'd had about enough of your and JD's endless pining. If it kept up like this for much longer, she was about to take matters into her own hands. "If you don't, I'm gonna ask him for you because I can't take your weepy looks and his dreamy sighs anymore."
"Absolutely not," you shook your head, picking up a random chart to busy your eyes with. Mr. Simmons in room 201; classic case of gastroenteritis. "If I ask him, he'll just say no. And then I'll have to quit being a doctor and move to Costa Rica. Or just kill myself, whatever's cheaper."
Carla rolled her eyes but a smirk danced on her lips. "Oh please, he's had it bad for you since you were an intern. He's not gonna say no."
"I'm not asking JD–" you began to say, having intended to finished that sentence with 'out on a date.' But you found yourself very grateful that you didn't get to finish your sentence when you registered what the interruption had been.
"Ask me what?" JD wondered, strolling into the waiting room where you and Carla stood talking by the desk. The two of you faced him, her with an expectant and irritated look on her face and you, white as a sheet with embarrassment. When no one answered, JD's overactive imagination filled in the blanks and he asked with a giddy look, "does somebody need a date to the zoo?"
You and Carla both shook it off, used to his daydreaming and odd idiosyncrasies by now. Before you had a chance to answer him, however, Carla jumped in, "(Y/N) has a question to ask you but she's too scared."
You glared at her but she only met you with a swift, "you're welcome," and sauntered back behind the desk.
Turning back to face JD, you saw his eyebrow raised, and you felt yourself start to sweat. You knew you had to give him a question, but for the life of you, you couldn't bring yourself to just pull the ripcord and do as Carla said.
"(Y/N)?" He prompted, "why are you scared? You know you can ask me anything."
God, you wanted to swoon and die right there. Damn that crafty nurse for putting you in this situation. You quickly shook your head and came up with a lie, "um, Mr. Simmons, he's presenting with abdominal cramping but I just can't figure out why."
Carla slammed a stack of charts down on the desk, causing you and JD to jump. She glared you down for a second before shrugging innocently and saying, "oops, my bad."
"Alright, well, let's have a look at the guy," JD answered you, recovering quickly. You nodded and handed him the chart. As you expected, he diagnosed Mr. Simmons immediately. But luckily for you, your goofy prince didn't question you for not knowing something so simple. You didn't know if you should feel comforted or offended. Didn't he think you were a good enough doctor to figure it out, yourself? Maybe he knew it was a cover and he was just being kind. Maybe he knew... oh god, maybe he knew you liked him and that Carla was trying to force you into asking him out and he was sparing your feelings by not blowing your cover and–
"Oh, for God's sake, Candace, if you stare at her any harder you're gonna wear a hole in her face," came the harsh, unmistakable voice of Dr. Cox, gearing up for one of his famous rants. "Now, I know you like to be the little spoon, but one of these days you're gonna have to just put on your big girl pants and ask her to the prom, o-kay?"
Your cheeks burned red, and by the time you turned to look at JD, he was gone.
"What did you mean?" you quickly asked Dr. Cox, heart beating out of your chest. "About the prom and all that?"
"Oh my goodness, shorty, you can't possibly be that oblivious. You just can't," he shook his head, staring down at you with disbelief.
"Can you cut to the chase, please?"
"Oh, tou-chy. I guess you like her back," he teased and held a hand up to cover his mouth as he pretended to giggle. Just as suddenly, he dropped the act and crossed his arms, "look, seeings as you are somehow a doctor and ya do have people's lives in your hands, I'm gonna go ahead and assume there's just no way you haven't caught on to Newbie's little crush on you. I say 'little,' of course, when I mean very big. Very very very big. Humongous, even. So big, that when Jordan asks me how those new jeans make her ass look, I say, 'Newbie's crush on (Y/N).' And, of course, I assumed that you knew all about said crush but you were just ignoring it because the thought made you nauseous in places you didn't know you could be nauseous. But now, I'm thinking you got so wrapped up in your own big scary feelings that-cha didn't even notice his, am I right?"
All you could do was nod. Awestruck and a little intimidated.
Dr. Cox made a sound between a growl and a groan and huffed out, "and now I'm nauseous." He grabbed a chart and swept out of the room in one fluid motion.
Carla met your eyes across the desk, satisfied grin playing on her lips. You just mumbled, "I gotta go find JD."
As you fled the room, you could hear her call after you, "I bet you do!"
You finally found him in the break room, staring up at the TV and not really watching. He was holding a pillow close to his chest, face buried into it to the point that he almost couldn't breathe. He didn't hear you enter the room so you had to announce yourself.
"JD?" you started.
He jumped and threw the pillow, startled. "Hey," he drawled and spoke your name, causing your heart to skip. There was an insincere laugh in his words, "about that thing that Dr. Cox was talking about, that thing he said... about the–"
You cut him off, "will you go to the prom with me? I mean– crap. Not the prom. I don't think there even is a prom. There's no prom! Forget the prom!" You took a deep breath and sighed heavily, wiping a hand down your face. Finally giving in, you figured it was better to just tell the truth, "JD, will you go out with me?"
He paused and everything was silent for a long while as he just looked at you. After a moment, that crooked smile lifted up his mouth and he said in a low voice, "I'd love to."
And that brought you to today. You and JD sat across from each other at a small round table in Coffee Bucks. You giggled about crazy patients and crazier coworkers, feeling lighter than you ever had in your life. JD leaned in for a kiss and you swore you tasted mango and soap on his lips. Definitely an acquired taste.
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froggysaesthetics · 1 year
i got into editing wallpapers and character moodboards and i wanted to post them on tumblr cause i don't know what to do with my life anymore
to request wallpapers:
ask for any character/celebrity
send any specific pictures or let me know if you don't mind what pictures
specify if you want one picture or multiple
let me know if you want any colours or a specific theme you'd like
to request moodboards:
ask for any character
specify if you'd like that character from a specific scene or specific season if they're from a show (did y'all know i know what the word specific means?)
specify any themes or colours
Boris Pavlikovsky (young)
Klaus Hargreeves
Nadine (Broken Hearts Gallery)
Mike Wheeler
Charlie Spring
Eladio Restrepo
Ocean O’Connell Rosenburg
Mischa Bachinski
Jim Hawkins
Constance Blackwood
Jane Doe/Penny Lamb
Veronica Sawyer
Jason ‘JD’ Dean
Emma Perkins
Will Byers (Spiderman au)
Paul Matthews
Frankie Espinoza
Viktor Hargreeves
Tyler Galpin
Anthony Ramos , Anthony Ramos 2  , Anthony Ramos 3 , Anthony Ramos 4
Sofia Wylie
Sophia Anne Caruso
Jasmine Cephas Jones , Jasmine Cephas Jones 2 , Jasmine Cephas Jones 3 , Jasmine Cephas Jones 4
Elliot Page , Elliot Page 2
Ricky Bowen
Phillipa Soo , Phillipa Soo 2
Blackrose (Constance Blackwood x Ocean O’Connell Rosenburg)
Jennette McCurdy
Peggy Schuyler
Wednesday Addams , Wednesday Addams 2
Angel Dust
Joshua Bassett
Micah Yujin
Lili Trifilio
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xxxmasterkali · 2 months
New project I’m working on during writers block periods 😅 Scrubs x Kingdom Hearts
Cast Sora - John "JD" Dorian Kairi - Elliot Reid Riku - Chris Turk Namine - Carla Espinoza Terra - Dr. Perry Cox Axel - The Janitor Master Xehanort - Dr. Bob Kelso Aqua - Jordan Sullivan Ventus - Ted Buckland Roxas - The Todd & other misc. characters Xion - Laverne Roberts & other misc. characters
Episode One: My First Day Episode Two: My Best Friend's Mistake Episode Three: My Drug Buddy
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christophernolan · 5 years
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The next morning, I braced myself for Elliot's odd brand of revenge.
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msjessicaday · 6 years
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"This seems like a good idea." "Who cares?"
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best-of-scrubs · 7 years
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My Bed Banter & Beyond, 1.15
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flapperwitch · 6 years
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Lizy’s Ultimate Shipper Challenge: Holding Hands Scenes [1/5] JD and Elliot - JD and Elliot get back to together for the final time
JD: So I guess the real answer is that there is no easy answer. You just have to go for it, or not.
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phantomstatistician · 2 years
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Fandom: Scrubs
Sample Size: 460 stories
Source: AO3
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I knew it
Summary: Carla makes fun of asks Perry about his new crush.
Pairing: Perry Cox x Reader
Word Count: 669
Warnings: None, really
A/N: Been a while since I posted so anything, so let me start it off in a niche. Feel free to request if you like it!
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not my gif "Morning, (y/n)!"
"Morning, Carla! Dr Cox."
Perry Cox nodded and send a small grin to the woman who had greeted him, before closing his eyes in frustration and letting his head hang low. He didnt like those very confusing feelings he had caught for (y/n) in the slightest.
"Ha-ha, someone has a cru-ush", he heard Carla sing, obviously trying to mock him.
"Oh, please", he replied straightening his back again and crossing his arms. "You can’t possibly think that. First of all, she’s a resident and the simple fact that she hasn't killed anyone... yet! Has given her a bit more, well, I don’t want to call it respect, so let me call it... I might want to kill her a little less than certain other residents." In the background he heard the clatter of fallen down equipment and didnt even bother to turn around, knowing that it would just be another resident, stealing him his last nerve. "Point proven", he said through gritted teeth.
"Whatever", Carla simply replied, still giving him a suspicious, smiling look.
He clenched his jaw. He knew she didn’t believe him and of course he couldn’t just let it go. "Even if", he tried to save the last bit of his pride as Carla seemed not to believe a word he said. "What would someone like her want from a forty-something year old guy, other than maybe already keep an eye out for nursing homes, cause I'm not sure of many things, but I am sure that I am old enough to be in one of them soon, but yet unfortunately not old enough for a bunch of young girls just waiting to marry a rich old guy who will hopefully die very soon, so despite the fact that you are clearly joining me there too, soon", that had earned him a deadly gaze from Carla, but he ignored it simply rambling on, "cause I can only assume your eyesight and maybe also your mind has weakened if you assume I had a crush on her or that she could be in any slightest way ever interested in me."
Carla remained unimpressed and simply raised an eyebrow. "You done?"
He wet his lips and nodded. "Yeah pretty much." "Well, the only thing I know", Carla started leaning in towards him to lower her voice slightly, "is that everytime I see you two, she is sneaking you glances and every time (y/n) turns around, you are checking her out, if you want to admit it or not."
"Oh come on, that's simply not true!"
"Carla?", he suddenly heard (y/n)'s voice behind him. Immediately he turned around towards her, also a little bit worried that she might have heard bits of their conversation. But she was simply picking up a badge from the ground and although he knew he was just proving Carla's point and that he really shouldn't be one to stare, he couldn't avert his gaze from her. She got back up, holding up a nurse’s badge. He was still looking at her, taking in her (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair, his eyes following her as she approached as if he might not get the chance to look at her this intently ever again.
"Is that your badge?", she asked, and he saw Carla smile at her out of the corner of his eyes.
"Yes, thank you, (y/n)! Wow, I really have absolutely no idea how that ended up on the ground". And with a slight smile she attached her badge back to her shirt, while (y/n) smiled at him one last time, making him grin back like an idiot, before she turned around and left to take care of her patients.
"Ha-ha, I knew it." That sing-songey voice again.
"Good play", Dr Cox admitted simply, his grin fading into a snarl, but as usual, Carla wasnt even the slightest bit scared of him and just turned around, going back to work and leaving him standing there to think about what just had happened.
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mikelogan · 1 year
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cushions-and-cake · 7 years
i’ve been rewatching scrubs a lot lately and i really have to say that JD is terrible boyfriend material jfc elliot you deserved better
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