#Kaleb Altes
inkwellfire · 1 year
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[Image Description: A 5 panel page for After the Fall in a study. Panel 1: The Knight Captain Lanson sits in a chair at her desk, holding a burnt book with a sun and bird symbol. Out of view, one of the scouts calls “Captain, Sir?” The captain looks towards them, closing her book “You’re back late.” Panel 2: Thalia holds out Kelley’s broken and burnt bow out to Lanson, who looks up quizzically “What happened?” Thalia says “We.... don’t know” Panel 3: Lanson furrows her brows, “Is it just the three of you? Where is my child?” Panel 4: Thalia looks down, curled slightly inward, “Both- both Devin and Kelley are missing.” Panel 5: Lanson stands up, holding her chair’s back with one hand and holding her head in the other. Eyes closed and grimacing. Viewed from behind, Seli puts an arm around Thalia’s shoulders, while Kaleb stands in front of them, “Ma’am, we’ve looked for hours. What can we do now?” End ID]
I am aware this is a very short, non exciting page to return to this comic on lol. Busy + Some minor rearrangement of the story = long delay... whoops.
The Full Comic of After the Fall (& commission information) can be found at InkwellArtist.com! I have an askblog/archive blog for AtF @abouthefall So feel free to hop over there and send asks or inquires! Remember to reblog! & If you want, donate to my Ko-Fi: Ko-fi.com/InkwellArtist. Thank you <3
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revenantstrampstamp · 2 years
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🍷Shadow Olympus details🍷
(Just the Rev ads would fit in this post)
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cupcakerias · 3 months
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halloween is literally so good
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sarah-the-artiste · 10 months
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A special thing is dropping tomorrow 👀👀👀
[ALT Text: An 18-year-old Afro-Latine boy with messy curly black 4C hair wearing a yellow T-shirt and a school backpack walks past a series of concert posters advertising "Kaleb James". Kaleb is around the same age as him, Hispanic, and wearing a light blue shirt with a blue rose pattern on it. He has tight blue trousers and is on stage holding a microphone.
It is marked as "Chapter One".]
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boo-moved · 2 years
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I am correct btw
Reasons in tags, alt version under cut
[ID: A chart meme format with 'How likely are they to have an epi-pen' on the top.
In the first row, to the left it says '24/7' and on the right it shows photos of Bloodhound, Ramya Parekh or Rampart, Ajay Che or Lifeline, Renee Blasey or Wraith, and Mary Somers or Horizon.
In the second row, to the left it says 'Yes, but will forget' and on the right it shows photos of Obi Edolasim or Seer, Natalie Paquette or Wattson, Tae Joon Park or Crypto, and Makoa Gibraltar or Gibraltar.
In the third row, to the left it says 'Was asked to, does it anyways despite not knowing why' and to the left it shows photos of Octavio Silva or Octane, Alexander Nox or Caustic, Walter Fitzroy or Fuse, and Pathfinder
In the fourth row, to the left it says 'Sometimes' and on the right it shows photos of Anita Williams or Bangalore, Margaret Kōhere or Mad Maggie, and Ashleigh Reid or Ash.
Between rows four and five are Jackson Williams or Newcastle.
In the fifth row, to the left it says 'No <3' and to the right it shows photos of Loba Andrade or Loba, Kaleb Cross or Revenant, and Kairi Imahara or Valkyrie.
In the sixth and final row, to the left it says 'Has a severe peanut allergy, still doesn't' to the left it shows a photo of Elliott Witt or Mirage.
All characters are from Apex legends. End ID]
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[ID: a tier list meme consisting of whether or not characters carry epi-pens on them. Bloodhound, Rampart, Lifeline, Wraith, and Horizon are all under carrying epi-pens 24/7. Seer, Wattson, Crypto, and Gibraltar are under yes but they will forget. Octane, Caustic, Fuse, and Pathfinder are under was asked to, does it anyways despite not knowing why. Bangalore, Mad Maggie, and Ash are under sometimes. Loba, Revenant, and Valkyrie are under no with a heart emoticon. Newcastle is between sometimes and no. Mirage is under has a severe peanut allergy, still doesn't carry an epi-pen. End ID]
Thank you so much Pulamoo for the help with the IDs <3
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I find it hilarious to imagine Kaleb finds some old photos of teen/young adult Marshall and he looks very punk/alt.
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^photo reference
Kaleb looking at photos he found then to marshal: Soo these you?
Marshall knowing exactly what he’s talking about: Kaleb don’t look at them.
Kaleb tea kettle wheezing looking at Marshall: and you call me emo when you had a phase!
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Title: Hopepunk
Author: Preston Norton
Genre: YA Fiction | Drama | Friendship | Music | LGBTQ+
Content Warnings: Homophobia | Sexism | Sexual Harassment | Mentioned Self-Harm
Overall Rating: 8.2/10
Personal Opinion: “Hope is an act of resistance” so true. One day, Hope’s older sister, Faith ran away from home because otherwise, she would’ve been sent to a conversion camp. Devastated, Hope and her family tries to find meaning in the act and grow from it. When Danny is disowned by his family after coming out, Hope and her family tries to atone for what they did to Faith by protecting him. This book is powerful and funny and though the lyrics may be fictional, the impact is real.
Do I Own This Book? Nope.
Spoilers Below For My Likes & Dislikes:
- The best part of this book is the found family trope. Hope, Danny, Astrid, and Angus are my ideal found family. The way they were there for each other during tough times and told each other that they loved each other openly, I loved that. 
Some scenes that resonated with me most were when Hope called Astrid because she was thinking of self-harm and really needed someone to stop her and Astrid told her that the tattoo was a piece of Hope and not Shawn. 
Then we also have Angus finding Hope passed out in her own vomit and him telling her that it’s okay to love. Even if they can’t love you back in the way you want, it’s not wrong to love. 
Finally, we have Danny sharing that story from when he was 13. Hope had trouble forgiving Charity for outing Faith when she was 13 (I would too) but the truth is, she was 13 and molded by her hyper-religious surroundings. Just like how Danny was influenced by Dylan and Kaleb. All these scenes where they helped Hope just filled me with that good old found family joy.
- Mack is the greatest. A gay man with a husband who owns a bar in a very conservative town and no one gives a shit. He gave Hope a place where she could just express herself freely (karaoke) and allowed her to use his facility for free! Same for Danny! He’s so kind and he does what he can for LGBTQ+ youth and that is just beyond admirable.
- Frank is great too! He saved Astrid’s drums for her. And his niece is at Change Through Grace and he loves Hope Cassidy and the Sundance Kids for giving hope to those kids. And he kept showing up throughout the book to help Hope and the team. 
- Mr. Britton is a big old teddy bear who I want to hug. He protected Hope from expulsion and tried everything within his power to get Alt-Rite banned from Battle of the Bands. And he’s a huge fanboy of Deja which I find hilarious and also so wholesome. But yes, the way he protected Hope from expulsion is by far one of my all-time favorite scenes. He got video of the incident, sent it to HR and the superintendent and I was legitimately cheering for him the entire time.
- Deja Williams is an icon. A local celebrity who just decides to manage a high school band. But not just any high school band, a band with a message of hope. Of changing the world for the better. 
- And I just want to say, all three performances by Hope Cassidy and the Sundance Kids were iconic. First outside Change Through Grace. Then outside the feminine resource center to counter Alt-Rite’s protests. And then the final one at Inclusive Prom. And the lyrics of each of those songs were so impactful and inspiring in my honest and humble opinion.
- There’s a lot I can say about the Cassidy parents. But what I really want to say is that I love how mom changed. It’s a darn shame that it took her daughter running away for her to realize how wrong she was but in a way, that is proof that she loves her children. She had genuinely believed she was trying to save/protect Faith but when Faith ran away, she realized she was actually the one hurting her. So the way she tried to atone was by welcoming Danny into their household and protecting him. And it was badass. She really treated him like one of the family and it just makes me tear up.
- Mr. Cassidy is a good guy too. I don’t really get how he ended up with the missus when she was the way she was. But the way Mr. Cassidy shared his love of rock music with Hope was so wholesome and sweet. I want more of that in parent-child relationships.
- Hope’s favorite movie is Shrek. I think that is very iconic of her. Shrek is a good ass movie. And the fact that Astrid wanted to cheer up her friend by watching it was so sweet. Bless her.
- The comedy in this book hits just as good as Norton’s other book, Neanderthal Opens the Door to the Universe. But the funniest scene in this book is by far when Hope walked in on Danny shirtless and he just fucking slams his laptop closed like he was watching porn. I absolutely lost it. And then I lost it even more when it was revealed he wasn’t watching porn but was just watching a Western.
- Who do I start with? Actually, it definitely has to be Dylan Roger. Sexist, racist, homophobic, just overall a real charmer. The best parts of this book were knowing that both Hope and Charity beat him up. Now if only Faith could’ve made it three for three with the Cassidy sisters. Seriously though, what a disgusting, vile little man. 
- Then there’s the police, the Rogers, and Principal Reilly. Oh my god, they were all so blatantly bigoted, I wanted to puke. Reilly was worst of all but it was just so satisfying watching Mr. Britton strip away his power over Hope in that one scene. I was legit cheering, going “Yass King!” when Britton told Reilly that there was video proof of Dylan sexually harassing Hope. And then Mrs. Cassidy went and slapped him too and my god, I wanted her to get him again. Get him for me!
- Shady Shawn too. He’s not the worst but oh my god, when he said that the thing he and Hope had in common was that they were both white and straight, I had a conniption. Unfortunate that he never got a comeuppance for his complicitness in Alt-Rite besides the girl he likes pushing and screaming at him. I kind of wish he would see the error of his ways. But you know what, just forget him. He’s inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. What’s scary is I know people like Shawn though. People who are like “both sides deserve to exist” and no, tolerating intolerance is just asking for the tolerant side to get hurt or worse. Because the intolerant side doesn't want us to exist. Fucking Shawn. Fuck you and your hypothetical Confederate flag.
- Now for a real complaint that actually concerns the writing and not the content. The ending was lacking. I like the quote “Hate is blind but love can see,” but it just didn’t feel enough somehow. I don’t quite know how to explain it. I think it’s because I wanted to see Faith go to her parents and for them to apologize. Her mom for wanting to change her and her dad for not doing enough to protect her. I guess I wanted a final confrontation between Danny and Dylan too? Although I don’t know what I would gain from that. Maybe I just wanted to see Danny triumphant over Dylan.
- Also Danny and Hunter feels like a loose end to me. What were they? Were they a secret couple? Because that’s what Dylan seemed to imply. But we never got a confirmation nor a denial. But if Hunter was into Danny once, what the fuck is up with him being complicit with Alt-Rite? Same for Mavis! I get that she was hurting and using an unhealthy coping mechanism but did she hear/see the lyrics being sung? I get that she was only in it because her old childhood friend was in it but I could never.
- Andromeda and Tanks through Space and Time was overhyped. I don’t know, it just felt like the passages didn’t really contribute to the overall book. I do like that when Angus showed Hope the book, we were like GASP, it’s the book! But I kind of feel like it’d have been enough for Faith to mention the title of her book. No need to give us the novella within the book. That space could’ve been used to show a real conversation between Hope and her mom. Or Mack with Hope’s mom. Or even Charity with the whole family. I’m not saying it was a waste of space, it was just hyped up to be this amazing, life-altering piece of lesbian sci-fi and to me, it just felt like it was interrupting the real action.
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midnightfunk · 3 years
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lordoftherants · 4 years
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These are the subhuman walking tumors charged with plotting to kidnap Michigan Gov. Whitmer in Donald Trump’s name. Remember that the alt right’s major issue with her was that she was forcing people to wear masks. Yes...they wanted to kidnap a United States Governor because they didn’t want to wear a mask.  Top left to right: Daniel Harris, Brandon Caserta, Adam Fox, Kaleb Franks, Ty Garbin. Bottom left to right: Pete Musico, Eric Molitor, William Null, Michael Null, Joseph Morrison. 
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divincsaved · 4 years
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fadeintoyou1993 · 2 years
What kind of music do you think the characters would listen to? I don't know why, but Josie looks like someone who would listen ONLY to dodie
HSHSJSJSJS nawt dodie 😭 josie strikes me as someone who only listens to ukelele music or sumn. like jason mraz MSMDKDKDKK hazel said she listens to mel*nie m*rtinez 😭😭
its canon that lizzie likes motown and hip hop (mg said so in 1x06), so i stand by my opinion that shes a doja stan 😌 so def music and artists w those inclinations for her
hope def a jazz & blues listener. and the hella old shit too like. i hc that she has klaus' old vinyls and she listens to them whenever she misses home 🥺
landon def listens to indie / alt music the most but I think that he, as well as kaleb and jed and mg kinda listen to pretty much anything if its good
kaleb, mg and jed seem to prefer r&b and rap the most since litwrally Every scene w thwm theyre goin off to that type music skakekkskjsjs
wade definiteky listens strictly to original soundtracks and shit. and Abba 100%
i think cleo is a classical music fan bc of the time period she actually lived through so shes DEFINITEKY getting to know more about music now.. and i think she would find a way to appreciate every single genre and etc bc of her muse status sjsjsj like she would appreciate music for what it is, imo... so I think the boys (kaleb, jed, landon) would have like the time of their LIFE showing cleo new artists and introducing her to songs and albums and etc just to have her takes on it and etc bc its always like super on point fr
and finch i think she listens strictly to underground and grunge music JSKSKSKSK ethan i feel like hes a pop music boy but he likes folk music too. he seems like the type
alyssa 100% stans doja, rina, ari, rih, etc... actually I think her and lizzie's taste in music (save from lizzie's preference to motown) would be pretty similar
i think also ethan & landon share a love for the Dad rock music genre btw
can u tell ive thought about this a lot JSJSJSJS
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inkwellfire · 2 years
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[Image Description: A 7 panel page of an original digital comic, After the Fall. The characters are set in a burnt forest, embers still glowing on some trees. Panel 1: Kaleb (a short-haired asian teenage boy with bleached-blond with a black undercut with a trench-coat) and Seli (a asian teenage girl with shoulder-length dark hair wearing a purple dress and leather chest armor) investigate the remains of the forest. Seli has a hand to one tree. Panel 2: Thalia’s hand (a black teenage girl with braided hair and a red vest) reaches towards a fire. Panel 3: She smothers the flame, hand resting on a charred bow handle. Panel 4: The image zooms out to show Thalia kneeling on the ground from behind, holding the charred remains of the bow. Panel 5: Kaleb looks up and says “All I found were animal tracks. Do you think this fire was just a Wild Magic flare?” Panel 6: Seli turns, hand pulling away from the tree, saying “The trees are too burnt to help. What do you think Thalia?” Panel 7: Someone asks “Thalia?” Thalia is seen from the side, expression tearful, still holding the bow. She says “Kelley’s bow...” End ID]
Computer survived the water!! (for now at least...) 
The Full Comic of After the Fall (& commission information) can be found at InkwellArtist.com! I have an askblog/archive blog for AtF @abouthefall So feel free to hop over there and send asks or inquires! Remember to reblog! & If you want, donate to my Ko-Fi: Ko-fi.com/InkwellArtist. Thank you ^u^
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thebisexualdogdad · 3 years
Crystal Reed's headmistress character on Legacies hears how Ric married a former student and she wants to shoot a crossbow bolt at him.
Also, in the Mikaelson School verse, she has a badass black hunting outfit
I would LOVE to see her do that.
She would have him barred from the school so fucking fast.
Its like in the alt universe where Hope, Jed and Kaleb have a hunting squad. She has her own group of supernatural adults who take on the more dangerous monsters because unlike Alaric she knows this is not a job for teenagers
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pronoun-checker · 2 years
could you do the names kaleb , korin , and devil (in separate paragraphs) with he/it ? i kinda wanna try out a couple names if thats alr
i like writing and drawing and i absolutely love rats , snakes , and loud rock/alt music ! im also very emo/goth
Sure thing!
This is Kaleb! I really like his name. I wonder how it got it? Kaleb said that it likes writing and drawing. I wonder what kinds of things Kaleb draws? He also loves rats, snakes and rock/alt music. Kaleb is also emo/goth! All his interests are super valid. I hope that it has a great day and takes care of itself!
This is Korin! I really like his name. I wonder how it got it? Korin said that it likes writing and drawing. I wonder what kinds of things Korin draws? He also loves rats, snakes and rock/alt music. Korin is also emo/goth! All his interests are super valid. I hope that it has a great day and takes care of itself!
This is Devil! I really like his name. I wonder how it got it? Devil said that it likes writing and drawing. I wonder what kinds of things Devil draws? He also loves rats, snakes and rock/alt music. Devil is also emo/goth! All his interests are super valid. I hope that it has a great day and takes care of itself!
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sarah-the-artiste · 9 months
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Page 6!
First | Last | Next
Panel 1) Tommy looks side ways at Saquoro's phone as it buzzes. 
Panel 2) Saquoro's phone displays a new message. Her background is a Latine boy - Caleb from the first page - doing a peace sign. Cat ears, nose, and whiskers have been drawn on him in baby pink. 
Panel 3) Tommy points at the phone and asks Saquoro a question. "Hey, is that your brother! He looks different." 
Panel 3) Saquoro raises a hand to her mouth "Oh, no – that's Kaleb James." Tommy speaks off panel, his confused face in the speech bubble "Who's Kaleb James?" Toulouse smirks "Oh, Tommy Boy. Are you in for it." 
Panel 4) Saquoro gleefully info dumps on a bewildered Tommy. Pictures of a smiling a fashionable Kaleb James illustrate her speech as Pink Shojo bubbles and hexagons sprarkle out of her. "OMIGOSH. So Kaleb James is the biggest pop star ever! Well, he's more popular with girls than with boys – but whatever. Who cares what they think? Anyway, he wrote a song when he was only 14, and became a mega superstar and now at 18, he's a REALLY BIG DEAL! He's just a really great singer and performer. Blah blah blah blah" 
Toulouse's smirk widens "Can you tell 'Ro is his biggest fan?"]
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mango-shpango · 4 years
Janus, Logan, and Remus: *breathes* | Virgil: SHUT THE FU - Kaleb (sorry I had to- I love your lil Virgil doodle tho he do be lookin stinky)
Wow that's so canon and happens in almost EVERY episode (also yes. Stinky was given to Virge and alt was given to Remus. I switched em up (pls not that Remus us still stinky tho))
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