#Seli Fahkri
inkwellfire · 1 year
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[Image Description: A 5 panel page for After the Fall in a study. Panel 1: The Knight Captain Lanson sits in a chair at her desk, holding a burnt book with a sun and bird symbol. Out of view, one of the scouts calls “Captain, Sir?” The captain looks towards them, closing her book “You’re back late.” Panel 2: Thalia holds out Kelley’s broken and burnt bow out to Lanson, who looks up quizzically “What happened?” Thalia says “We.... don’t know” Panel 3: Lanson furrows her brows, “Is it just the three of you? Where is my child?” Panel 4: Thalia looks down, curled slightly inward, “Both- both Devin and Kelley are missing.” Panel 5: Lanson stands up, holding her chair’s back with one hand and holding her head in the other. Eyes closed and grimacing. Viewed from behind, Seli puts an arm around Thalia’s shoulders, while Kaleb stands in front of them, “Ma’am, we’ve looked for hours. What can we do now?” End ID]
I am aware this is a very short, non exciting page to return to this comic on lol. Busy + Some minor rearrangement of the story = long delay... whoops.
The Full Comic of After the Fall (& commission information) can be found at InkwellArtist.com! I have an askblog/archive blog for AtF @abouthefall So feel free to hop over there and send asks or inquires! Remember to reblog! & If you want, donate to my Ko-Fi: Ko-fi.com/InkwellArtist. Thank you <3
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inkwellfire · 2 years
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[Image Description: a lineart 4 panel comic with After the Fall characters. Panel 1: A close-shot of Kelley holding up a card to his face, hiding his mouth, quirking an eyebrow as he says “Uno.” Panel 2: A close shot of Devin holds their cards loosely, eyes closed, casual. They say “Sorry to say Riveras,” Panel 3: The image zooms out to show the two of them in Twister-like positions, with cards scattered around them, which they use instead of a twister gamepad. Devin flicks a card in Kelley’s face, finishing their sentence with: “but left hand on blue” Kelley shouts “NO!” Panel 4: Seli stands behind them. She says “You have the weirdest ways to figure out who gets kitchen duty.” Kelley reaches towards her from under Devin, shouting “Kick the blue card closer!!” Devin says “That’s cheating.” End ID]
Gotta have fun with chores, right?
After the Fall (& commission information) can be found at InkwellArtist.com! I have an askblog/archive blog for AtF @abouthefall So feel free to hop over there and send asks or inquires! Remember to reblog! & If you want, donate to my Ko-Fi: Ko-fi.com/InkwellArtist. Thank you ^u^
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inkwellfire · 2 years
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[Image Description: A 7 panel page of an original digital comic, After the Fall. The characters are set in a burnt forest, embers still glowing on some trees. Panel 1: Kaleb (a short-haired asian teenage boy with bleached-blond with a black undercut with a trench-coat) and Seli (a asian teenage girl with shoulder-length dark hair wearing a purple dress and leather chest armor) investigate the remains of the forest. Seli has a hand to one tree. Panel 2: Thalia’s hand (a black teenage girl with braided hair and a red vest) reaches towards a fire. Panel 3: She smothers the flame, hand resting on a charred bow handle. Panel 4: The image zooms out to show Thalia kneeling on the ground from behind, holding the charred remains of the bow. Panel 5: Kaleb looks up and says “All I found were animal tracks. Do you think this fire was just a Wild Magic flare?” Panel 6: Seli turns, hand pulling away from the tree, saying “The trees are too burnt to help. What do you think Thalia?” Panel 7: Someone asks “Thalia?” Thalia is seen from the side, expression tearful, still holding the bow. She says “Kelley’s bow...” End ID]
Computer survived the water!! (for now at least...) 
The Full Comic of After the Fall (& commission information) can be found at InkwellArtist.com! I have an askblog/archive blog for AtF @abouthefall So feel free to hop over there and send asks or inquires! Remember to reblog! & If you want, donate to my Ko-Fi: Ko-fi.com/InkwellArtist. Thank you ^u^
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inkwellfire · 2 years
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[Image Description: a 6 panel page with colored characters in a burnt forest.  It features the characters from After the Fall; Kaleb, a short-haired asian teenage boy with bleached-blond with a black undercut with a trench-coat, and Seli, an asian teenage girl with shoulder-length dark hair wearing a purple dress and leather chest armor and Thalia, a black teenage girl with braided hair and a red vest. Panel 1: Kaleb and Seli look shocked, Kaleb says “Kelley’s bow?” while Seli holds her hand against her mouth saying “Oh.” Panel 2: Kaleb crosses his hands, while Seli gestures with one hand saying “Why would he leave it? He’d probably take it even if it was already burning.” Panel 3: Kaleb gestures with a half smile, saying “Maybe he was turned into a rabbit and Devin refused to kiss him.” while imagining the image of Devin holding up a brown rabbit based off of Kelley. Seli glares at Kaleb. Panel 4: Seli elbows Kaleb in the side. Kaleb goes wide eyed and stiff, saying “eep” Panel 5: The camera focuses on Thalia, who Kaleb and Seli are standing behind as she kneels. She looks up, tears tracking down her face. Kaleb rubs his side saying “Ok I deserved that.” Panel 6: Thalia holds the charred bow in her hands, brows knit together in concern. Kaleb looks to the side, away from the others, holding his arms. Seli gently places a hand on Thalia’s shoulder, sympathetic. “Hey, it’s going to be okay, we’ll find them. We should go home. Get backup,” she says. Thalia says “The Knight Captain will know what to do.” End ID]
The Full Comic of After the Fall (& commission information) can be found at InkwellArtist.com! I have an askblog/archive blog for AtF @abouthefall So feel free to hop over there and send asks or inquires! Remember to reblog! & If you want, donate to my Ko-Fi: Ko-fi.com/InkwellArtist. Thank you ^u^
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inkwellfire · 3 years
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[Image ID: A digitally drawn series of family pictures of After the Fall characters.
Labeled “Vale-Riveras” is Kelley’s family. (Left to Right) Kelley is a dark skinned teen with a scar across his nose and curly hair. He is in a green and blue long sleeved shirt. He gently touches his grandmother’s shoulder. The grandmother is a black woman with grey curly hair in a low bun and glasses. She wears a high collared yellow cloak with a red diamond pattern and a green top. Next to her is Kelley’s father, a black man with the sides of his head closely shaven. He is wearing a yellow and orange robe and a red turtleneck undershirt. Behind him and the grandmother is the father’s sister, who is leaning to kiss his cheek. She is wearing gold necklaces, earrings, and hair accessories of her bun, and a pink and white shirt. Next to his father is Kelley’s mother, a green-eyed Hispanic woman with dark hair and grey roots. She’s wearing a white shirt with pink ruffles. Next to her is her sister, with a choppy bob, freckles, and brown eyes. She winks, pointing up. She wears a black shirt with green and yellow patterns on the collar and sleeve cuff. Behind her is their parents/Kelley’s grandparents holding hands. The grandmother is a Hispanic woman with curly hair with dark ends. She wears a blue and white dress. The grandfather is a white man with short white hair and beard, wearing a white collared shirt and yellow sweater.
Thalia’s family, “Parsons”. Thalia is on the right edge; a black teen with with her curly hair in a high bun wearing a orange scarf burnt at the edges, and a red and black shirt with golden triangular patterns. She wears a gold phoenix pin. (Left to Right) Thalia’s younger teen-aged sister, has her hair in Bantu knots and wears a white over shirt with blue ruffle sleeves over a pink dress and glasses. Next to her is their younger brother (about 5) with buzz-cut hair and wearing a green and white shirt. He holds one of their mother’s arms. Next to him is their mother, a heavy set woman with a afro, wearing a purple geometric patterned bandana and a blue-violet shirt, with light and dark purple patterns in the collar and sleeve cuffs. She looks at and wraps an arm around her wife. She wears her hair in braids, and wears a white shirt and magenta vest. She also wears a phoenix pin with a blue gem in the center. She has round glasses and a jagged scar over her left eye. Thalia stands next to her.
Kaleb’s family, “Altes”. (Left to Right) Kaleb, a lighter skinned Asian teen with black hair and blond-bleached top of his hair. He wears a green tunic and brown pants. He put up the bunny-ears symbol behind his sister’s head. His sister is around his age and has shoulder-length hair and bangs, and wears a gold headband. She wears a magenta dress with golden accents. Next to her is their mother, a long-haired woman with a navy blue dress with pink floral accents around the collar and pink lines in the skirt. She leans into Kaleb’s father, a white man with golden shoulder-length hair and a dirty blond beard. He has brown eyes. He wears a blue shirt and a green and grey plaid vest and grey pants. In front of him is their grandmother in a chair. She is an Asian woman with her black hair up in a bun with looped hair around her ears. She wears a teal jacket over a yellow shirt and blue pants.
Seli’s family, “Fahkri” Seli stands on the right edge; a darker skinned Asian teen with shoulder length dark hair with part of it pulled into a ponytail. She wears a lavender turtleneck knee-length dress with a dark blue trim and belt with silver floral patterns over the blue sections and her right shoulder. (Left to Right) Their mother hugs their father, wearing a peach colored jacket and a orange skirt. She has long dark hair. Their father has short spiky hair with a purple shirt with pink collar and sleeve cuffs. He holds a hand on his son’s shoulder. Seli’s younger sister (about 5) has twin pigtails and bangs, holding her hands against her cheeks. She wears a green dress with light green accents. Her brother, (also about 5) has bowl cut, and wears a red tunic with white accents. Behind him is their older sister and Seli’s younger sister, who has her hair in a ponytail. She has a unibrow, and wears a grey-ish blue shirt with a geometric floral pattern on her collar. Seli stands next to her.
Devin Darnel, has Pars, a orange cat with a black tail and paws, on their shoulders, rubbing the cat’s cheek. They are a white teen with short brown hair, blue eyes and freckles. They wear a light blue tunic and a brown belt around their waist. Slightly further away is Knight Captain Anna Lanson. She is a white older woman with dark brown hair and white hair in a bun. She wears round glasses and a purple dress with light blue accents. She wears a dark purple caplet. She holds a green-covered book. They are labeled “Darnel & Lanson." End ID]
Here’s everybody’s families! Remember to check out Inkwellartist.com to read the After the Fall comic!
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inkwellfire · 3 years
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Random silly AtF doodle.... They’re doing it on purpose. (Probably).
After the Fall (main comic via my website!)
InkwellArtist.com - commissions!
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inkwellfire · 3 years
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I’ll pepper in a lil backstory/world building between updates, as a treat.
In summery: The Scouts (the town-watch organization that their little group is a part of) have a ‘graduation/bridging’ ceremony for when a cabin group becomes official Scouts that can essentially act on their own without supervision. (The Nightwatch, however, is a whole different beast of obligations, and typically reserved for older, more experienced Scouts) The ceremonies are a town-wide public event and involve food and dance after the official ceremony. (Devin doesn’t seem to be a fan of the face paint though...)
After the Fall (main comic via my website!)
InkwellArtist.com - commissions!
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inkwellfire · 4 years
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After the Fall
InkwellArtist.com - commissions!
We have begun Part 2 and the group has separated for their nightwatch~
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inkwellfire · 4 years
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I made a quick (only semi-spoiler-y) character-reference for the After the Fall characters. 
InkwellArtist.com - commissions!
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inkwellfire · 4 years
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Finally! An update of After the Fall! (hopefully I can begin being more consistent w/ these)
Take a look at all the pages via my Website InkwellArtist.com
If you like my work please consider commissioning me! (& I’m also trying to set up selling prints and other fun stuff on my website!)
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inkwellfire · 4 years
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Sometimes it’s nice to just hang out around a fire with your friends.
A quick comic (haha, ‘quick’) before I get to the next page!
@liz-a-bell @wolfiegamer2007 @rabbitsartcorner @pokemontrainerfromgallifrey @andimancan @daring-elm @buddypallady @drawing-butterfly @leoismybookcrush @hr-part-of-a-mind @grey-lysander @i-write-or-something @snek-boii @giant-motha-fuckin-snake @imbasicallyshakespear
@acrobaticcatfeline @always3charcoaltea @halfcrazedandrogynouswizard @nightmarechild5402 @sanderssides-prompts @pokemontrainerfromgallifrey @allycat31415 @celeste-tyrrell @tempest-001
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