#Kanda Myojin
sournote2014 · 1 year
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Ten years ago today, Gorō Naya died at the age of 83.
This is a sketch of Kōichi Zenigata standing next to the memorial of his ancestor, Zenigata-Heiji, which is located near Kanda Shrine in the Akihabara area. The area it stands in is even coin-shaped ("Zenigata" means "coin-shaped").
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nobu11051991 · 1 year
Setsubun! Demons out! Fortune in!!
Setsubun! Demons out! Fortune in!! Hi I’m Nobu, I like traveling overseas and in Japan, visited 25 countries! I’m a National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter of English for 8 years. For the people who are interested in and planning trip to Japan ,I show you hidden local information which you have never seen and heard of through books and ordinary site! You will find unexpected fun…
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dajkag · 1 year
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Szóval ma megint kifejezetten szentélylátogató napot tartottam. Az első hely a Yushima Tenmangu szentély volt, ahol több másik szentélyhez hasonlóan ahol már Oszakában és Kiotóban is jártam, Sugawara no Michizane (Tenjin) Kamija lakik. A szentély leginkább a diákok körében népszerű, akik sikeres vizsgákért szoktak itt imádkozni. Itt egész sokan voltak ezen a szép szombat délelőttön, de meglepő módon magamon kívül kizárólag csak japánokat láttam. Egy nagyon szép, rendezett szentély, gyönyörű parkkal és a világ legjóságosabb arcú bikaszobrával. A Sugawara no Michizane-nek szentelt szentélyekben egyébként azért találhatók meg a bikaszobrok, mert a legenda szerint a költőt halála után egy ökrösszekér húzta a hintót. A bika azonban egy helyen hirtelen megállt, és nem volt hajlandó továbbmenni. Sugawara no Michizane-t később ezen a helyen, Fukoukában temették el, ahol később a Dazaifu Tenmangu szentélyt emelték.
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A következő két szentély a Gojoten Jinja és a Hanazono Inari Jinja volt, amelyek gyakorlatilag egy területen találhatók az Ueno Parkban. A Gojoten Jinja három Kamija Okuninushi, Sukunabikona, és Sugawara no Michizane, itt tehát főként betegségekből való felgyógyulásért és sikeres vizsgákért imádkoznak a látogatók. A Hanazono Inari Jinja pedig egy gyönyör kis Inari szentély, sok karmazsinvörös toriival. Mindkét szentély nagyon kellemes és nyugodt hangulatú, a sok turista ellenére is. Így a cseresznyevirágzás idején pedig különösen gyönyörűek.
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Végül pedig a Kanda-Myojin szentélyban voltam, ami egy minden szempontból lenyűgöző hely. Egyrészt építészetileg, másrészt az 1300 éves múltja miatt, végül pedig azért, mert itt láttam először omamori automatát. Ez a szentély egyébként arról is híres, hogy mivel a tech-világ egyik középpontjában, Akihabarában található, így akár az elektronikai cikkeink védelme érdekébe is vásárolhatunk itt omamorit.
Egyébként édesanyám gyakran mondogatta nekem fiatalkoromban, hogy "hülye vagy, fiam", amit egy ideje nem mondott, mert szerintem azt hiszi, hogy így 30 felett már nem vagyok annyira hülye, de hát az a helyzet, hogy hazafelé betévedtem egy bolhapiacra az Ueno Parkban, ahol a napi (vagy inkább a heti) büdzsém maradékát két dologra verhettem el: az egyik egy Yamato Transport kisautó, a másik pedig az olcsó kimonóárus portékája volt. Szóval hát az a helyzet, hogy kicsit fáj a szívem a kisautó miatt, de belegondoltam, hogy csak 35 éves leszek idén, úgyhogy hirtelen felindulásból vettem egy haorit, ami amúgy szerintem kurva jól néz ki, de így igazából ötletem nincs, hogy mikor és hová tudnám én ezt felvenni, pláne, hogy egy rendes kimono szetthez most akkor minimum egy olcsó nagagit is szereznem kellene obival meg ilyenekkel. DE amúgy annyira kényelmes anyaga van, hogy beszarsz.
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Igen, persze, nyilván tudom, hogy nem így kell hordani, csak úgy felkaptam mutatóba a pólóra és a mackóalsóra, kövezzetek meg. Mazsom-san sokkal elegánsabb nálam.
Ja, amúgy ez a tízezredik posztom.
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petkaleks · 1 year
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Kanda Myojin Shrine, Akihabara 神田明神 #akihabara #jinja #tera #temple #japan #kanda #shrine #myojin #tokyo #traditional #history #神田明神 #秋葉原 #東京 #伝統 #神社 #お寺 #寺 #夜 #япония #традиции #акиба #токио #храм (at Akihabara, Tokyo) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cne68XJhtjy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aishiteru-kenshin · 1 year
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Daikoku Matsuri | だいこく祭
January 15th — January 16th
People from all over Japan visit Kanda Myojin Shrine to make wishes for the new year. They ask for everything from a happy home to commercial success and new relationships — not necessarily romantic ones, but stronger and happier ties to others.
The Daikoku Festival is held close to Coming-of-Age Day, a holiday held in honour of those who just turned 20 years of age. At the Daikoku Festival, a Shinto dancer dresses as Daikoku, the deity of fortune, and greets new adults by shaking his lucky mallet above their heads.
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tokyostreetphoto · 8 months
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Kanda Myojin, 御茶ノ水
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shintoinenglish · 9 months
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Scanned a flyer from Kanda Myojin shrine. Sorry about the fold mark.
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city-cost · 5 months
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The first order of business for many workers in central Tokyo upon their return to the office after the year-end holidays on Thursday was to visit Kanda Myojin shrine and offer prayers for good fortune in business for the year ahead. 
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itsmarjudgelove · 1 year
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Japanese paper lanterns at Kanda Myojin Temple, Tokyo - Japan
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tokyowalking · 9 months
Kanda Tokyo
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神田 東京都🇯🇵
Kanda Nishikicho is a district located in the Chiyoda ward of Tokyo, Japan. It's known for its historical significance and traditional atmosphere. The area features various old buildings, narrow streets, and a mix of residential and commercial spaces. It's also close to notable landmarks like Kanda Myojin Shrine and Akihabara, the electronics and anime district.
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the-cricket-chirps · 10 months
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Kawase Hasui
Kanda Myojin Shrine
c. 1926
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sournote2014 · 2 years
Monument to fictional character Zenigata-Heiji in Kanda.
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shonenkun309 · 1 year
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[A promise but at what cost?]
A what if scenario : "What if Kuya kept his promise to his old best friend?"
TW : Blood, mention of a character's death, descriptions of scenes that some may find disturbing, I might receive some "WHY" comments in the comment section😅
It wasn't an easy battle at all, the ground of the Kanda Myojin shrine were stained with blood now...It was a terrifying sight but your eyes were completely indifferent to how much the blood was on the ground as much as you were focused on the scene in front of you...There, Kuya clutching the blade with his arm stretched out in front of him, his golden eyes that once shone, darkened by what he had done...In front of him stands Koga, the blade that once belonged to him is now against him, piercing his chest and blood dripping from it...The Ogre's features looked sad and languid, his crimson red eyes looked dull after shining like gold, just like the irises of the Tengu before him.
“No...” Aoi said in a trembling tone while averting his gaze from the horrible sight he had witnessed, Ginnojo was unable to say anything but merely bowed his head and gritted his teeth fully realising that he was unable to do anything...Likewise for Yura who was putting his sleeve over his mouth as if he expected what might happen, Nachi, who was standing next to you, holding your unconscious father on hand, and his mind isn't comprehending what happened on the other. From the intensity of the quietness that was controlling the place, a slight cough passed over everyone's ears, suddenly, to find that Koga began to spit blood from his mouth in abundance, his features began to darken more, his hair that was white as snow returned to match the color of the dark sky that night, Kuya was still holding that blade in his hand but he pulled it very slowly with a cold look on his face to throw the blade, which in turn became stained with blood, and the iron blade hit the ground, causing an annoying echo, in addition to the fact that the sight of the bloody blade was disturbing in itself. Koga's legs couldn't hold him any longer and his body began to fall apart. Because it was a reflex, Kuya rushed with his strong arms to grab his partner's completely collapsed body.
Here at last, your voice came out into the open to come out like a loud scream trying to deny what happened and ended in front of you, you wanted to reach them to make sure that everything you see is just an illusion, a terrible nightmare that you want to get up from as soon as possible...but it wasn't like that...What you witnessed is real, realistic, and you are supposed to accept it, you're forced to accept it no matter how harsh and intolerable it is. You kept trying to break free from your comrades holding you, trying to prevent you from seeing how awful it was more closely and unfortunately, your small body compared to their strength didn't allow you to break free...so you just raised you arm in an attempt to reach them pretending that you may prevent what has already happened and tears flowed profusely from your eyes, but why?
Why did you react in such an exaggerated way about what happened? Is it because you reject the idea of two best friends fighting to death? Is it because maybe you had a solution other than ending it in such a terrible way? Or is it something else entirely, something that isn't related to the matter of two close friends or the like, but was a reason related to your feelings, and your feelings overflowed for the sake of someone who wanted his end to be like this if necessary.
Everything happened so quickly but it seemed as if time had completely frozen, that's only for you to notice that certain crimson irises were casting their gazes at you, only to be surprised that those eyes belonged to Koga whose body collapsed on top of Kuya's body that he was barely able to hold on to. Of course, after the carnage form, his face grew paler with each passing second, his facial features that used to be bright and lively have now become sad and lamentable, but this didn't prevent him from forcing his worn-out features from drawing the last smile on his face for your sake, wanting to convey a curtain message to you in his own way.
It didn't occur to you what that message was that he was trying to convey to you with his weak smile, and it seems that you'll never find enough time for that as you noticed that those used-to-be gorgeous crimon eyes closed never to open again. Gravity overcame his body and insisted on dropping him to the ground, but Kuya's arms refused to do so...The tengu's arms, despite their strength, the trembling in them was very clear, until he, in turn, knelt on his knees, explaining that it was all over, but at what cost? "I kept my promise...are you satisfied now?"
Now go ahead and hate me cuz I already hate myself for doing this!!! 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔
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a-bit-of-japanology · 9 months
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Dawn at Kanda Myojin Shrine 0 - Utagawa Hiroshige (1857)
One Hundred Famous Views of Edo
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pelipper · 5 months
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Happy New Year from Akiba! We visited the Kanda Myojin Shrine today. ❤️
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shinseihajime · 2 years
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I went to a shrine called "Kanda Myojin" the other day. The time is night. Kanda Myojin Shrine is a 10-minute walk from Akihabara. If you have a chance to come to Akihabara, please stop by. It is beautiful at night when it is lighted up just a little bit (^ ^)
camera : Panasonic DMC-G5
lens : Panasonic Lumix G Vario 14-42mm F3.5-5.6
Aperture : F3.8
Focal length : 16mm
ISO : 1000
Exposure : 1/60sec
Shinsei.Hajime (flowcode.com)
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