gunsatthaphan · 2 years
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“I never knew that waiting for the one you love is so painful. But when the wait is over, it feels warmer than ever before.”
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absolutebl · 1 year
Oh! My Sunshine Night
Binge watch.
Okay so I am hopped up on cold meds and jet lagged and I decided to try to watch this soapy mess because why tf not?
Ep 1
Oh no, it’s good. Like: this is a good opening. And I do love OhmFluke, but you know who I really love? Noh (orig. Nitiman). Gah.
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For the first time in a long while two boys in a BL make for actually believable brothers. Whacha know?
Fluke’s hair is AWFUL.
And suddenly the whole thing goes v odd. I’m not sure if that’s the captions, or if the show itself is trying to be existential. What an odd meet cute and what strange dialogue.
I’m so confused.
It’s like it’s trying to be both BL and transcendental poetry.
I like spunky Fluke tho.
Linguistic corner: these two are using chan/nai for I/you - v formal.
Poor Noh, they always make him play sports when it’s clear he just... doesn’t.
How much do I love the whipping boy side couple?
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Ep 2
Is the thing with the apples just to make Fluke cry?
I like the conflicted poor little rich kids family dynamic.
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But there’s a lot of establishing scenes, it’s moving pretty slowly.
Sorry this one isn’t whipping me into a verbal frenzy. I’d drink, but not on top of cold meds. You know those warnings on med labels? They’re for me. I’m the one that shouldn’t operate machinery, not even a computer.
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Wait. What? Why didn’t we get to SEE this bit?
Ep 3
So this is about classical music and no one is actually playing and no one is singing, so I’m absolutely fine with it.
The fencers with the unrequited crushes are boring to me. But there is a kind of Midsummer Night’s Dream aspect to these relationship dynamics.
GAH! The apple collecting thing was so cute and so romantic.
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Not a lot of BL tropes so far in this show, but I like it’s brand of sappy.
I love how utterly incapable of flirting Kim is.
The opening the car door thing did, in fact, make me hoot with laughter.
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Fluke’s pretty darn good at being a bossy bitch and Ohm does exasperation well. Honestly, I’m liking this show a lot more than I thought I would.
Oh yay! We  get to see Rain sleeping in his boys room. Lovely. I do enjoy whipping boy trope, v kinky.
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*sits back and smiles in dominant smug*
I ALSO love the little brat in-crush with Rugby Rain. It’s all very delish.
It’s thanksgiving all over again, I’m all about the side dishes.
Okay, the end of this episode was so confusing. Are they play acting a couple break up for the girl? Are they actually arguing? What are they arguing about? Were they dating? What happened? What’d I miss? Why the dramatic soap opera music? Why the overacting?
What is going on?
Ep 4
Oh I forgot about the fencers.
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And finally a BL trope, crash into me. (At least it wasn’t a pratfall kiss.)
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Oh I do like a gay fencer sword pun.
Very nice. 
Also, a shower scene already? Are these two the PokeTongue’s of this show?
Who let Star Hunter in the house?
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Rain + Sun and the insults was great. Very funny. These two are kinda of alike, actually. Fun fun. I like these characters.
Bounce bounce.
Why didn’t anyone tell me this was such a goofy show?
I’m getting a tiny bleed of Japanese slapstick absurdist leaking in and I’m not mad about it. The weird apples and arbitrary mood swings should have tipped me off.
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This show has almost a panto play going on.
Rain IDing his brother’s bf and being like, welcome to the fam, I leave him in you care was such a Dom move.
Oh, baby is a floppy drunk! Finally some BL tropes are dropping. And another crash into me. And a wet towel sponge bath. Tropes coming thick & fast now (speaking of thick & fast.... wait, no, bad cold meds, don’t go there)...
Okay, we are back in familiar territory. I thought this one was going to be original. Silly me! This is BL!
Not sure if I am disappointed or not.
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Ep 5
Bathroom drama.
Fencing sword boys drama. Why so mean? Honestly, if I were Kim I’d be out too.
Ooo Rain with the consent, even if it’s just a hook up. Also... boys. Bunk beds? Everyone is gonna know. Like EVERYONE.
This show is going places I really did not expect.
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Oh! It was all a fake out. *pout*
Okay baby boy, you get down with those fantasies. I’m with you. He hot.
What’s with Sun and the magical Ikea box?
Also, they’ve know each other since childhood trope? Really?
*whines” I don’t want to add another one to that trope list.
Ep 6
I like the plot of butler dad kinda finding out his son is involved with the heir. Good dramatic twisting. Also, evil homophobic jerk nozzle, turns out.
I remain engaged.
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Did the stretching part make me grin?
Yes t did. Boys rolling around on mats together never fails to please.
There are a lot of faen fatals and fatales. Like this show is lousy with them. I see why everyone called it a soap opera.
I am so happy that there is no singing I don’t even mind that no one can play an instrument in that whole band (orchestra).
Honestly, the band leader (conductor) looks like First’s (of JaFirst) older brother. It’s wigging me out. 
Ep 7
Look, I admit, I am not even half way through and I am flagging a bit. This is a long arse show.
Speaking of arses...
Another shower scene?
(Anyone else notice that it’s always the same shower? No? Just me. Can’t be helped. Unforgotten Night has made me overly concerned with Thai pluming in BL ... not a euphemism.) 
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Boy this series has a supper voyeuristic lens. Not that I’m complaining, never that.
(Bops over to see if the director is gay.... MDL = no info on subject. Well, okay then.)
Returns to shower scene, arses, pluming, and supposition.
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Oh! Wound tending!
Ooo, rejected fencing cutie makes move on Sun! Kim is not pleased. you snooze you loose, big boy.
Coils within coils, this is such a soap. I love it. Did I mention I was raised on bread, water & East Enders?
Okay maybe not raised.
Definitely watched too much of it tho.
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Oooo, that was a very Light On Me moment.
Okay I have consumed Korean soft tofu stew and more loopy-making cold meds, and will work on a pomegranate while I continue to watch.
Ep 8
Mostly worked on the pomegranate.
Meds took effect.
Stuff happened int he show but I forgot to make notes. Pomegranate distraction.
Oddly, I’m missing the swordsmen.
Ep 9
Oh, hair drying. Cute. I kinda have come around to this trope over the years I’ve had it shoved in my face... erm... flopped on my head.
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Oh! My Showering Night more like it.
I declare this BL official winner of this trope. 
Meanwhile beach frolic. AND a woods frolic.
Ep 10
Finally I’m half way through!
Oooo we have a magic heart rebooting BOOP! to go with the magic apples.
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Oooo more shower scene, this time with added bonus sexitimes. Also neck kisses! My favorite.
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I’m sorry but I just keep imagining what if we had gotten to this level with Nitman?
Oh, what could have been.
Nice kisses! But also no sex on the beach boys, no one enjoys that.
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Meanwhile, the fencers can’t figure their shit out, because they keep fighting with the wrong swords.
And our main couple is being quite tame with a shoulder lean, side hug, water watching triple trope strike on the beach.
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Okay weird dream helicopter thing.
Look, Mean Rich Paw, I’d kick him out of the house for wearing that outfit alone.
No other reasons needed.
Disown the fucker.
Band shirt/vest/thingy, no inheritance for you!
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Man the fashion this year in BL has been brutal.
Ep 11
I don’t know If I can finish this tonight.
Invited up to the Sun’s room is he? (occasional flashes of DeanPharm).
Okay, wait, the premise of Sun’s illness is SO STRANGE. He has to eat apples and stay away from his parents to save his heart?
What the hell is going on?
The whipping boy always has to run, identity separation is part of the trope. Because his identity is too tied to the spoiled prince, he has to try to make it on his own to realize he can’t.
I like the twist of butler dad encouraging him to leave, tho. (Usually whipping boy is abandoned or an orphan.)
Ep 12
OMG who eats shrimp when they are allergic to shellfish? for fuck’s sake.
Another white towel sponge bath? I take back what I said about lack of tropes.
I do love the tug and cuddle my human bolster pillow. It’s very sleepy entitled.
I am v bored by the parents buying the estate plot-line. I can’t decide if doctor lady is running a con or father and son are running a reverse con on her?
The parents have died! Rain is missing! The doctor lady is indeed evil! Ohm has to act!
Oh fuck me not the amnesia trope.
Okay, I gotta go to bed. I really tried. Had this been a normal length Thai BL I would have made it. But the rise of the amnesia trope did me in.
Ep 13 
I am glad Dad Butler is evil enough to recognize Dr. lady is also Evil. And we have a textbook soap opera definition hostile takeover. The evils go up against each other. 
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We are in true Heirs level soap opera territory now. 
Someone is definitely going to be kidnapped soon. 
Ep 14 
This is my surprised face, the man allergic to shellfish, who still eats shrimp, goes wandering off into the forest with no survival skills when he has a brain injury. 
A time-lapse 3 months. 
Finally, the attack of the amnesia trope! 
I am so unhappy about this.
Ep 15 
We are moving into Bold & Beautiful level soap. 
The guys in the woods are still looking for Rain, still wearing exactly the same clothes that they’ve been wearing for 3 months. 
Apple boy, still eating apples and still talking to completely whacked out mother. I hate her. While Kim turns into a forgetful depressed rich recluse in the mountains. Now I understand why people got frustrated with this show. 
I feel like I read this as a really bad 70s romance novel, or maybe it’s meant to be like a Jane Eyre remake? 
Anyway, finally, our boys are reunited, but of course, amnesia trope. We hates it precious. All the friends have arrived. Or to be more precise all the incestuous faen fatals have arrived. 
Ep 16
After 3 months, one would have hoped the fencing boys had figured out their shit. I guess not. More evil fashion. 
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I just can’t even. At least they took it off him fast. Wish it had gotten ripped in the process. 
Fencing boys now figuring everything out in the best way possible. 
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This show keep surprising me with how high heat it is. 
Ep 17 
Magical, candy-colored comets. I just can’t with this show. Also… new crumbs. 
The refractory period on these rebound couples is as fast as the show is slow. Some weird monogamy mathematical principle must be in play. 
And it’s finally revealed that they are childhood sweethearts. 
OhmFluke do give good kiss. Fluke dose submission v well. 
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In fact * waves hands airily about* good kisses all around. Well done cast! 
Also, and I am only admitting this to you people, but I totally have a fetish for CMNM and we NEVER get to see it, so thank you for this one, OMSN. 
Ep 18 
Good sex, bad plot. 
That’s my ultimate review of this show. (Which makes this kinda a runner up to KP to be honest) 
Look, I get that BL has rules that must be obeyed: 
boys must damsel off into the woods alone. 
boys must talk to their not-quite boyfriend while said bf is asleep, but he is never actually asleep. 
not one drop of rain is ever allowed to touch your boyfriend’s head because DOOM AWAITS 
Clear? OK. No I don’t understand why these rules exist either. I don’t make them, the BL gods do. 
Anyway OMSN is all over rule #1. 
Anyway, back to this damn show. Attempted kidnapping, and Kim has to save his boyfriend with a bow & arrow plus some arbitrary somersaulting in, what is this now? The Hunger Games BL? 
*ooo, wait a moment - KOREA make that happen! - where was i?* 
Look, my dumb new dictation software made that into all caps and I’m leaving it because it’s entirely appropriate.
Meanwhile, you can not do a close-up of a gun if it doesn’t have a trigger. I understand there are weird regulations in place but just do a further away shot OK? 
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Oh look, it’s ABL’s Angels. 
Want to start a detective agency, pretty boys? I’ll be your voice in the box. You can have all the shower scenes you want. We could invite MaxTul? I’m sure they’d be game. (Frankly Manner of Death had a more cohesive plot than this.) 
We basically end on a pastiche of troops that the show didn’t manage to hit earlier: boys on bridges, a forehead kiss, back hugs, put a robe on him, and... 
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How do I sum this up? 
I am left with mostly a profound feeling of confusion. Where did Dad Butler go? And yet I am also curiously satisfied. I mean, all the sex scenes were good. I don’t know how to rate this. Less annoying than LITA, not as boring as it could’ve been? Except that I was really quick on the fast forward button and skipped a ton of establishing shots. This was probably agony to get through if you watched it week-by-week, but it’s OK as a high-speed binge. 
What the hell?
Quick Pitch: 
Kim, a tsundere musician meets Sun, a sunshine transfer student with a weak heart. Also there’s a hot older brother + their household servant, and a couple of fencers for good measure. Initially this pretends to be a normal university BL, then it slips on wet tiles and falls right on trough multiple shower scenes into ludicrous soap opera territory leaving one with a sensation rather like trying to hold onto soap in a communal shower. Ultimately, everyone seems pretty happy they bent over, but no one actually got clean. 
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Or should I say soap dishes? 
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liyazaki · 2 years
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oh! my sunshine night | official teaser
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heretherebedork · 2 years
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I know you're not watching @absolutebl but they absolutely stole this move from Light on Me and I love it so much.
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lovesickfolly · 2 years
Me: "I can't wait for all the angst. Like, how will they deal with Sun's heart problems and Rain's father's expectations and Payu moving away for Rain's sake and... It's going to be angsty and emotional and lovely and I can't wait to see what the show's solution to all this drama is going to be." OMSN: "I have a perfect solution. Don't worry." Me: "Yeah?? What is it??" OMSN:
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sins-spookyboogie · 2 years
Sun is a sassy cinnamon roll and I love him 🥺❤️
I can tell this series is going to make me so happy and also break my heart.
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taybestboi · 2 years
well what a waste of my time
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moonchildridden · 2 years
Ok, so I have a small complaint to do about Oh! My Sunshine Night: they could've divided the plot better than the way they did because throw a corporate conspiracy in the last 3/4 episodes and cram a lot of things like that is just bad planning.
They could've use less episodes for the KimSun pinning, accelerate the things between them, alongside the childhood memories that appeared and start the issues that we are seeing now a bit earlier and have less episodes. Because, even if I enjoy watching the series, let's be honest: the plot, being presented as it is, does not need 14 episodes to be exposed.
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So I just started watching, “Oh! My Sunshine Night,” and Fluke is cracking me up XD he’s so different then Pharm in this series and I’m loving it. Also, his face here:
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reminds me of the surprised pikachu meme:
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I seriously can’t wait for more of the series XDDD
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foralleternityidiot · 2 years
Me, as I click play on Oh My Sunshine Night! episode 18 part 2/4: what dumbass choices did i make in life that led me here?
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
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“...but everyone says I’m stone cold.”
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filmbyjy · 2 months
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SYPNOSIS > Wanting to start a new stream series with his best friends, Jay had a bright idea of playing some simple Minecraft with them. Everything was normal, until he realises there is another person in the call with them. He quickly learns that it was ni-ki’s older sister, (name). Watch how streaming a simple game of Minecraft can dig up some interesting feelings between the main leads.
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* please excuse me spelling maeumi wrong in jake’s profile💀
meet the streamers
Jay — @parkjsg
Faceless Twitch Streamer but everyone literally knows what he looks like through Jake and Sunghoon’s streams.
Currently in college but who cares about sleep schedules you can get money from streaming!
Bunks a dorm with Jake and Sunghoon
21 years old
Twitch username: parkjsg
Jake — @rizzlerjke
Twitch Streamer
the one who dragged Jay to become a twitch streamer
screams and curses a lot late at night especially when he plays horror games. idk why he tortures himself to play it😀
21 years old
Twitch username: RizzlerSimJ
Sunghoon — @/parkhoon
Twitch Streamer
loves terrorising jay when it’s October period because that’s when they all play horror games.
has to deal with people complaining about Jake’s screams
21 years old
Twitch username: icehoon
Sunoo — @/sunnysun
Youtuber/Vlogger that occasionally plays with them
doesn’t actually play with them often. Unless it’s a game that he likes (like minecraft ehem)
enjoys vlogging his daily life a lot
20 years old
YouTube/Twitch username: kimsun
Jungwon — @/yangjwon
Twitch Streamer
same like sunoo, he doesn’t always play until it’s the game he likes
joins sunoo for his vlogs a lot more than actually stream
19 years old
Twitch username: yangwon
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siimjaeyun · 1 year
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¡ introductions: jake's baby boys!
☆ park sunghoon broke your heart when you found him locking lips with a random from a party. in that moment, you wanted nothing more than to get even and lucky for you, his worst enemy jake is the perfect way to destroy him the same way he did to you.
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☆ jake @/jaeyuunzz
hybe's second playboy and heart breaker. he's surprisingly smart and is in the top of the class for academics. had a small crush on yn when he was in middle school.
☆ jay @/seongpark
made of money. comes from a well off family and so he doesn't have much to complain about. super nice once you get to know him and is crushing on yunjin.
☆ sunoo @/kimsun
campus angel! he's definitely everyone's best friend and everybody loves him. although he's followed by jake's reputation, every body trusts him, including you.
☆ niki @/nishiriki
a menace. on the brink of insanity and has been developed a caffeine addiction. always followed by the girls thirsting over jake.
☆ dongpyo @/songpyo
a devil! sunoo's side kick, but more like his evil twin. makes it his duty to bully jake.
☆ taehyun @/kanghyun
a saint. genuinely a chill dude, and there to get jake out of trouble. used to be friends with heeseung, but broke it off because of his attitude.
☆ layla's dad
jake's spam account
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heretherebedork · 2 years
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I love how Khim still has this automatic response to protect Sun and indulge him and how hard Sun is working to try to bring back his memories and how they're still sweet because they're always been awkward so this isn't that much of a change honestly.
Heck, Khim might actually be less awkward right now because he doesn't remember how he feels about Sun.
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lovesickfolly · 2 years
Oh My Sunshine Night has me so confused. Like, the first half of the series wasn't groundbreaking, but it was cute and it set up a lot of things that ended up completely forgotten. The series took a huge turn for absolutely no reason and dropped everything the show was initially about. It's like they changed writers and director about halfway through or had like 90% of their budget left and figured they're throw some helicopters around to spend it. They set up Sun's heart problems, but that didn't go anywhere. They set up Rain having to choose between loyalty to his father and what he wants in life, but that didn't go anywhere. They set up Payu moving away and both him and Rain having to deal with that, but that didn't go anywhere. Hell, what was this. What happened?! We went from a perfectly set up story of two pairings having to deal with expectations of their family and society about their place in life - while dealing with differences in status, pressure to conform, and literal heart problems - and instead they solved those issues with fucking murder. I am so confused and so angry, because I was enjoying that story. I'd been looking forward to the angst of Sun's heart condition and them finding a way to help him. I'd been super invested in Rain/Payu and couldn't wait for the agony of Rain finding out Payu was planning to move away (for his sake) and then eventually (after setting his dad straight on his stupid expectations) going after him. I knew where this show was going. Or, at least, where a show that followed the rules and its own set up story was going. Instead we got...this. If they wanted helicopters and murder, why not set that up? Why are the two halves of the show so vastly different?? One of the main characters had a serious heart condition and somehow it ended up only being a minor inconvenience. HOW. Someone explain this to me. (I'm also pissy they took away my favourite character and my favourite pairing for like 5 episodes and then barely gave them a reunion or any time together when that's the only reason I kept watching every week. They didn't even kiss?!)
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lenoirexv · 1 year
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