#Kira Tsubasa
mmag-translations · 1 year
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mitaharukai · 5 months
Title: Let them keep talking
Ship: Erena x Anju (Love Live)
Summary: Erena is nothing but worried about the comments and rumors spreading over internet of she and Anju being together.
Words: 1k
Sneak peek:
 “- It’s too early to be thinking so loudly, Erena…
Anju mumbles sleepily, opening her mesmerizing purplish eyes slowly to look at her serious and apparently “loud” girlfriend fondly only to giggle as she notices the light embarrassed blush tinting Erena’s cheeks.
- Sorry.
Erena apologizes, earning herself the giggles of her sly girlfriend, before she feels her soft lips on hers in a sweet kiss.
- You’re so cute – Anju teases her, loving to see the adorable blush dusting her girlfriend’s cheeks, before she nuzzles their noses together in a cute way – Now want to tell me what is going on in that precious head of yours?”
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lonelypond · 9 months
Warning Shot
NicoMaki, Love Live, 1.8K, 1/?
Summary: An injured Yazawa Nico finds herself on the run from the notorious A-Rise gang. Headed toward Otonokizaki Falls, she first meets two children who will change her life.
The bullet pinged off the boulder to Yazawa Nico’s left. A chunk of granite flicked her cheek, liquid warmth telling her blood had been drawn. She spun, reaching for her Colt, but froze as she watched Tsubasa Kira hand her rifle to Todo Erena.
“You left the Wells Fargo driver alive.” Tsubasa spit, her right hand hovering over the grip of her pistol. “You’re that damn undercover marshall.”
“Nico is the Number One Bandit.” Nico couldn’t help the proud swagger as she posed.
A movement to Nico’s right showed her that Tsubasa’s other lieutenant, Yuki Anju, settling into a sniper’s position.
“That was your warning shot. The next one…”
Kosoka Honoka stepped in front of Tsubasa, arms up, “I was there too. We got the money; no reason to kill the stagecoach driver.”
“I ordered it.” Tsubasa stepped forward, “Out of my way. You’re cute, Kosaka, and new so I’ll forgive you for not knowing we take traitors seriously here.”
Honoka’s distraction had given Nico a minute to calculate an escape, the minute she needed. But a minute was all she needed. Yazawa forced Anju back into cover with a quick shot that kicked up dirt in her face. 
Nico rolled over the rock, tossing a smoke bomb behind her, a high pitched whistle summoning her horse. She sprinted toward where Smiley would be approaching, determined to leave shouts behind her. Another shot, and a bulllet rushed by, too close for any ease. Grimacing, Nico continued in the direction where her horse should be running her way. She needed a bridle and a blanket saddle. Nico paused, small against a night full of danger. She’d need her rifle too. Tsubasa shouted confusing directions. Nico headed for where she had her saddle.
A quick close sound, a pinch in her side, an explosion of pain. Not a warning shot. Erena’s narrowed eyes looked surprised that Nico still stood. And then Erena was tilting, the tiny ginger speedster, Hoshizora Rin having clocked her with the butt of her Winchester. Nico’s horse, prepped with saddle and head bridle, neighed a greeting.
“Mount up and go, Nico-chan. I’ll send ‘em in the wrong direction.”
Nico nodded, hand pressed against the wound in her side. She’d do a more proper bandage once she got on horseback but for now a bandana and hard pressure was all she could manage. Mounting was one smooth motion. With a nod to Hoshizora, Nico headed Smiley toward the North. She’d heard rumors of a quiet town, immigrant built, near a cluster of waterfalls.
Sheriff Sonoda Umi sighed, tacking another wanted poster to the wall outside her office. These criminals were getting younger and younger. The latest, Nico Yazawa, looked like a teenager. How could someone with a face like that have committed crimes worthy of such a bounty. Umi squinted at the signature. Some bank manager who’d hired a rider to deliver the posters to all the towns in a 200 mile or so radius. Umi couldn’t imagine a criminal making their way here to the quiet of Otonokizaka Falls. There wasn’t even a full time banker. Three saloons, one general store, a seamstress, a blacksmith, a doctor, a barber, a laundry, livery stable, dry goods, carpenter, community hall, school house. Another town was closer to the mines so most of the shameless activities and businesses miner’s money attracted had grown up there, leaving the Falls a quiet, friendly town surrounded by ranchers and natural beauties, most of the visitors riding in either to see Doctor Nishikino or stay at the hotel and have their pictures taken at the Falls.
Daylight was louder, Nico Yazawa realized as she scrunched deeper into the bare warmth of her lined duster. The sun always seemed to give off its own music, a cloud driven rhythm that drove the harmony of creatures living their lives in full daylight. Nico was a nocturnal creature, here, under the silence of the slicing moon, a lone owl hooting, his baritone note a call for companionship. Nico’s horse shifted suddenly, Nico biting back a curse as the movement jostled her. The gunshot in her side needed attention. She didn’t need the pain stabbing her a reminder of that.
In the silence, she could almost hear hooves in pursuit. Surely her picture had been circulated by now, her betrayal complete, cut off by the A Rise gang as an easy target to cover their escape with two train cars worth of gold bullion. 
Nico sighed. She needed food, rest, a place to water Smiley, a place to hide. She’d ridden out this far, searching for Otonokizaki Falls. Nico smiled at the thought of water rumbling, rushing, as a soothing wind rustled rough against cool green leaves. Must be a fever, Nico realized, water wouldn’t seem nearly so soothing otherwise. Tugging the reins gently, Nico guided Smiley to the easiest path down this mountain. Maybe by dawn they could be tucked into an unused outbuilding on some ranch.
“Slow down, Ruby!” 7 year old Dia Kurosawa worried about the speed at which 5 year old Ruby Kurosawa was racing toward a large black horse. What if her sister fell again? Their new mama, Doctor Maki, wasn’t due back for a day or two. Koizumi Hanayo was sweet and cooked much better than Mama, but if Ruby got hurt, Dia wanted Mama right there. At least until Mama let Dia have her own surgical bag.
Ruby stood in front of the large black horse now, bouncing on her toes, gingham dress flitting in the breeze, hand open, a contraband sugar cube on her palm. She must have pocketed it at breakfast. Dia dressed like her new mama most days, button down linen shirt and corduroys tucked into boots, a matching vest her only vanity. Mama wore wrinkled jackets and kept an open collar. Dia thought it looked messy. But Mama was always in motion, rolling up her sleeves, measuring out medicines, examining patients.
“Sis!!! He’s new. And so pretty.” Ruby was petting the horse’s neck, its head lowered.
“Be careful.” Dia walked quickly to her sister’s side. “He’s not from the herd.” Hanayo had a small herd of horses as well as sheep wandering her ranch, along with Juniper, her sheep dog.
“No. But he’s so nice.”
The horse took Dia’s sleeve, pulling her a little.
“I think he wants you to go with him, Sis.”
Dia was a little scared. It was a very big horse. But Ruby kept looking at the both of them with a total faith that Dia could not disappoint. She gently patted the horse’s neck as she leaned near an ear, “You better not bite me. My mama wouldn’t like that.”
The horse nickered, then snorted, continuing to pull.
“All right.” Dia nodded, her tone decisive.
“Are we going to ride?”
“No, Ruby. We don’t ride strange horses. Mama warned us.” Dia tapped the strange horse’s neck in an encouraging fashion and it took off at a trot.
“He’s taking us to the south barn.” Ruby said.
“There’s nothing there.”
“There’s some hay. Maybe he wants to eat.” 
“Bzzzttt. He can’t steal hay.”
“What if he’s really hungry?”
“We’ll have to ask Hanayo.”
“Do you think he’s lost?”
Dia shrugged, hurrying to keep up with this visitor, Ruby’s hand clutched tightly in her own.
Voices. Children? Cotaro? Where was Nico? Nico opened her eyes to sunlight bright enough to make her groan. She remembered. She’d crawled into a small barn when the pain had become too much for riding. She was supposed to be gone by dawn so no one would discover she’d hidden out here. No sense bringing threats to some innocent rancher. 
Nico sat up, her side throbbing, her head aching. She needed water. Where was Smiley? She’d left him with a loose tie; he must have worked himself free. She could see where he’d helped himself to hay. She’d have to leave some money.
“Smiley?” Nico winced at how raspy her voice sounded, as she pulled herself up to stand in the stall she’d fallen asleep in, under her saddle blanket, the Sharps rifle by her side. She picked it up to check. Unloaded. Nico wasn’t going to take chances around children.
“BZZZTTT!” A hissing sound, “Drop that. Now.”
A very young, very determined voice shouted at Nico, who slowly placed her rifle to the side, then raised her hands in the air. Two children stood in front of her, a tiny one with red hair hiding behind a dark haired one dressed like a junior banker.
“Nico is a friend.”
“Is that your horse?” The redhead asked.
“Yes. He’s very friendly. Just like Nico.”
“He’s pretty. I fed him sugar.”
“He likes sugar.” The junior banker interrupted, “Why are you here?”
“Nico needed a place to sleep. And Smiley needed breakfast. We’ll be going now.” Nico could feel her energy fading. Where was Smiley? She could use his solidity right now. “You look pale. When Mama sees people like you they have to stay in bed.”
Nico didn’t have time to make sense of that statement. Or the time for it to be true. “Nico can’t stay in anyone’s bed. No matter how nice your mama is.” “Mama’s a doctor.” The banker said, each word carrying serious weight.
“Oh.” Nico cringed at any implication that might have been…but surely that child couldn’t be more than six or seven. “What’s your name?”
“Dia Kurosawa. This is my sister, Ruby.” “Hi!” Ruby squeaked cutely as she got nudged from behind by a Smiley who’d decided to join them.
“Nice to meet you, Dia, Ruby. Nico has to go.” Nico, using the top edge of the stall as an aid, pulled herself toward her wandering horse, “C’mere, boy.” It felt like only two more steps and then she would collapse.
“Sit.” Dia pushed her, knocking Nico’s side.
“Ksssshhhh” Nico hissed through gritted teeth, hitting the ground, letting the stall wall hold her up. She’d have to get help. The wound needed tending to. Maybe this doctor could actually do something. Nico heard rumors about women doctors coming West after graduating with actual medical degrees, unlike some of the frauds who’d mistreated people she knew.
“Go get your Mama.” 
“She’s not here.”
“Is there someone else?” “Hanayo. She lets us stay here when Mama’s busy. Do you want to stay?”
“Thank you, Ruby. Nico does.”
“Ooh!” Ruby started to run off.
“Wait for me!” Dia shouted after her sister, then turned back to Nico, “You wait.”
“Nico’s not going anywhere, kid.”
Serious green eyes considered Nico’s statement, examining her expressions, then Dia nodded. “We’ll be back.”
Leaning her head back, biting her lip to swallow a pained shout, Nico groaned, “Nico’ll be right here, kid.”
A/N: Does Time surge or swirl? Doing some Yeehawgust prompts to jumpstart writing and because I've always loved Western themes. Cheers.
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honoka-is-god · 2 years
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noelclover · 2 years
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Commentary under cut
I considered keeping the flowers but I didn’t like them because I wanted to use them to frame the image. I did have the option of turning the canvas 90 degrees and working landscape instead, but I didn’t want to as that would mean having to add in a lot more flowers and considering the overall weight of the image.
I also considered putting in a gentle, flat coloured shape behind them, but I felt like it took away from them ((and the portrait format gave it very little space)). It also didn’t fully address them “hanging”, though I could fit Tsubasa in, Honoka would be left “dangling” alone. Ultimately I decided to leave it as brush strokes, since it gives a soft of “complete” feeling without being “complete”.
I didn’t want to push this image further than I would want as I felt like doing a u”s related image and turning it into something I “have to do” would make me not want to do more down the line, or even leave it actually incomplete.
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tsoobieofutx · 9 months
The chairman of UTX Academy has told me to create a Tumblr account , but I don't have time to create a full on pinned post just yet , so . . .
Enjoy this temporary one .
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ryqoshay · 6 months
Putting on Hairs: Post Production - Ticket, Please
Primary Pairing: N/A Staring: A thief and some puppets Also Starring: Tsubasa, Anju, Erena Words: 654 Rating: T? AU: Theater, Monsters, Puppets, Tickets Time Frame: Sometime after the main story (?) Prompt: Puppet Content Warning: Puppets
Author's Note: Bonus 2nd entry for the 19th
Summary: Someone enters without a ticket
The man flinched as bright lights suddenly snapped on. The Hell? His partner was supposed to have cut the power. And they hadn’t seen a generator when they cased the place earlier.
“Welcome! Welcome! One and all!” A cheery voice cried. “Step right up and get your tickets!”
Oh, some silly animatronic in a colorful ticket booth. He’d read about the theater putting on a children’s event, which apparently was ongoing.
“Uhm, excuse me, I don’t mean to be rude, but you need a ticket to enter.”
The man paused and turned. He shivered as his gaze found a pair of googly eyes staring directly into his sou… No. This was absurd. It was just a puppet. There was no place for a person to hide and work the stupid thing, so it was definitely automated. And there was probably some sensor somewhere that caught him moving past without a ticket.
“I ain’t got one.” He found himself grumbling.
“Oh dear…” The puppet’s voice gained a concerned tone. “They’re not going to like that…”
The man scoffed and pushed past a curtain. He just needed to meet up with his partner, find the ancient artifact or whatever they’d be hired to steal, and get the hell out of this creepy place.
What was that?
Movement just outside the beam of his flashlight. And… did he just hear laughter?
“I hear you entered without a ticket” A voice giggled next to his ear.
He spun. And caught a glimpse of button eyes and a stitched smile before it slipped out of the light.
“Won’t you please buy a ticket?” A different, deeper voice pleaded by his other ear.
This time a tuft of blue fur evaded his light.
From behind, he heard what he could only describe as tiny, padded feet running. He turned again and shown his light on a fast-approaching rag doll. It had the same face he thought he had seen a second ago, and… it was running… on the wall?
“I have a ticket for you!” The giggly voice declared as the doll held out a roll with a long streamer of tickets flailing behind.
“But there is a penalty for purchasing late.” The deeper voice intoned.
A mountain of shaggy blue fur shambled into view. Tickets sloughed out of the hairs as a giant paw reached for the man.
The man nearly dropped his flashlight as he spun and ran down the hall. He rounded a corner and came to a halt. The rag doll was somehow ahead of him, now approaching along the ceiling. And a twin beside it. He dodged into a nearby door, trying to ignore a growing chorus of cries about tickets. He slammed the door, locked it, turned, and…
There was his partner, wrapped head to toe in… tickets? The other man’s eyes widened, seeming to see something to his side.
The man turned.
Oh… hell…
“Ticket, please.” An infernal felt beast demanded as flaming tickets belched out of its mouth.
The man screamed.
“About the break-in last night.” Tsubasa spoke to her friends in the car. “The police said the thieves kept babbling about living puppets and tickets.”
Anju smiled knowingly.
“Why can’t we just have a normal security system?” Erena groused.
“We work in a theater, my dear.” Anju replied. “Everyone who enters deserves a good show. Besides, we can’t let Phoby-chan and the opera phantoms have all the fun.”
“You make them sound like a band.”
Tsubasa chuckled at the reminder that a fallen angel’s familiar and a handful of century-old ghosts watched over the theater up the street.
“Anyway, thank you Anju.” She said. “But my contact at the precinct also mentioned that the thieves were hired for the job. Whoever employed them may make another attempt.”
Anju’s smile grew. “I shall anxiously await their arrival.”
“Just… don’t overdo it. Remember, no physical injuries, just SAN damage.”
“Of course.”
Author's Note Continued: I had fun with this one. And I kinda wanna expand it a bit when I include it in the main story, even if it ends up stretching out the joke longer than some might find necessary.
Also, yes, the content warning is somewhat of a joke, but I do actually know people who are afraid of puppets, so...
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okamarinosuzoki · 2 years
Hang on a Second... (Tsubasa/Honoka)
Tsubasa was surprisingly aggressive when it came to love. [Tsubasa/Honoka]
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baltharino · 7 months
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silvertsundere · 7 months
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❤こんにちは! | ton ※Permission to upload was granted by the artist. Make sure to like/bookmark the original work!
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QUIZPRI Legend Star - HE★VENS Part 2
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Do not retranslate or repost without permission!
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mizuno-marmalade · 2 months
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sorry for not posting for a few days, i got sick 🤧 didn't do any art the whole time and i'm still a bit sluggish, so here's a bunch of doodles
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superpilkyrose64 · 4 months
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animefeminist · 1 year
The Journey to Cure Wing: A history of magical boys in PreCure
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Spoilers for Kira Kira Pretty Cure A La Mode
As the Pretty Cure franchise jumps into 20th anniversary celebrations, the 20th season, Soaring Sky Pretty Cure, has introduced a lot of firsts for the franchise: a blue-themed leader who isn’t from Earth, as well as an adult Cure, the first with a driver’s license. But one piece of news lit up like no other: for the first time, there would be a boy on the team, with Cure in his name, who isn’t a supporting character or sidekick. It’s been a long journey but this is significant for the show, and also for the genre as a whole, since Pretty Cure is now the dominant magical girl series for Japanese children. How did we get here?
When Futari wa PreCure began in 2004, it was a show focused on not just entertaining young girls, but also showing that girls can enjoy activities stereotypically associated with boys without detracting from their femininity. With the tagline “Girls want to rampage too”, it was no surprise there was no rush to include boys in this series. To be sure, a lot of magical girl series, especially those intended to sell toys in the girls’ aisle, have historically been a no-boys-allowed party, though they’ve been a secondary part of the genre since Cub caused trouble with Sally in Sally the Witch (1966). By the mid 2000s, all the big magical girl series were only about girls, with exceptions in Tokyo Mew Mew (2002) and Phantom Thief Jeanne (1999), which both featured magical boys who were separate entities and love interests to the protagonists. It would be a few more years before Shugo Chara (2007) and Anyamal Detectives Kiruminzoo (2009) presented magical boys as parallel team members and equal parts of a magical girl team. 
Read it at Anime Feminist!
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honoka-is-god · 2 years
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is-nullvoyd-taken · 9 months
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Smug rival gfs
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