you-learn-world · 1 year
أول موقع لتعلم اللغة بالمجان ادخل بنفسك
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pulquedeguayaba · 11 months
So my book on the Northwest Passage includes the music program they played during the celebrations organised in Oslo in honour of Amundsen and his crew after sailing the Northwest Passage
(It also features the menu)
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So I turned that into a YouTube playlist
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mycological-mariner · 11 days
Actually caught myself saying out loud today upon going to clear and clean a table “ANIMALS! The lot of you, absolute animals!!”
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mapiforpresident · 3 months
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"I don't like the way she looked at you"
Mapi x Ingrid x reader
warnings: none
"Is Ingrid almost ready yet? We are going to be late to our reservation, amorrrr," Mapi whined as you lay down on top of her on the couch where she had been watching some random football match.
"She said ten minutes, love. You know not to rush her. Besides, she is putting on that black dress that you bought her, so I wouldn't complain." Mapi had been ready for thirty minutes already, lying bored on the couch with Bagheera. You had just finished getting ready and came downstairs to wait with your Spanish girlfriend. Your Norwegian girlfriend, on the other hand, always took a long time to get ready, much to Mapi's current annoyance because you all had two training sessions today, leaving the shortest of you three starving. She had made this reservation a while ago, wanting to take both of you to this particular restaurant for a while now.
"I'm hungry," she whined again as she finally leaned up to kiss you a couple of times. "You look beautiful, amor. When did you buy this outfit? I haven't seen it before," she said as she glanced at what you chose to wear. "Although it will look better tonight on the floor." You playfully slapped her arm as she smirked at you and wiggled her eyebrows.
"You will not be getting any tonight if you continue to whine like a child." Mapi playfully pouted at this as you pecked her lips, laughing at her reaction.
You pecked her lips one more time as you stood up, careful not to wake the cat. "I'm going to check on our girl," you told Mapi, knowing that if Ingrid took any longer, you really would be late for the reservation.
As you entered the bathroom, you saw Ingrid applying the finishing touches of her makeup, looking absolutely gorgeous in her dress. You knew Mapi would be practically drooling as soon as she saw the Norwegian.
"You look amazing, baby," you said to Ingrid as you walked into the bathroom and wrapped your arms around the taller girl from behind, leaving a kiss on her exposed shoulder.
"Thank you, love. I'm very excited to go to this restaurant and spend some time with my girls since we haven't been on a nice date in a couple of weeks," Ingrid replied as she turned in your arms, pulling you flush against her. Normally she would kiss you, but she didn't want to ruin the lipstick she had just finished applying.
"If you two are not down here in one minute, I will come up there and drag you to the car myself," you both heard Mapi shout as you headed out of the bedroom and to the stairs hand in hand, laughing at Mapi's impatience since you technically didn't even need to leave for another 15 minutes.
Finally, as you rounded the corner at the bottom of the stairs, Mapi's jaw dropped upon seeing Ingrid's dress. "You weren't lying, amor. I am not complaining she took so long now. You look absolutely stunning," she said as she raked her eyes up and down Ingrid.
"Ok, let's get going, Mapi. We don't want to be late," you told Mapi as she stood there with her jaw dropped for at least a minute as Ingrid grabbed her purse and coat. Mapi glared at you as she put on her jacket and shoes before the three of you headed out on your much-anticipated date.
Twenty minutes later, you arrived at the restaurant, Mapi parking the car and running around to open the door for both you and Ingrid.
"Reservation for Leon," Mapi said as you walked into the restaurant and took in the atmosphere. It was a beautiful Italian restaurant with vines hanging from the ceiling and low lighting. The three of you were led to a secluded circular booth in the back corner. Ingrid sat in the middle as Mapi took the seat across from you. You guys looked over the menu for a couple of minutes, asking each other what they thought looked good or to help decide what to order.
A couple of minutes later, the waitress came over to take your orders. “What can I get you ladies?” She said while she only looked at you. Both you and your overprotective girlfriends noticed the way her eyes raked over your body, looking at your chest for way longer than socially acceptable.
Clearing her throat, Mapi ordered a beer and some pizza as the waitress wrote it down without even glancing at Mapi, making Mapi frown. You rubbed your foot soothingly along her leg to try to bring her some comfort from the uncomfortable situation to which she smiled gratefully at you. Ingrid ordered next, opting for a glass of wine and a cheese ravioli dish. She also frowned as the waitress again paid no mind to her as she scribbled down the order. She then looked up at you, smiling, “and what can I get you tonight, gorgeous?”
“Oh, um, can I please have the chicken pasta and a glass of red wine?”
“Of course, I’ll put that in right away for you, beautiful.” She smiled again before she walked away and a minute later when she was staring at you while helping a table nearby.
“I don’t like the way she looked at you,” Ingrid replied with a frown. You placed a reassuring hand on her thigh. “We should tell her you are taken, so she gets the hint.”
“I didn’t like it either. Do you want me to ask for a different server, amor?” Mapi said, already halfway standing up.
“No, no, it’s okay, Maps. Let’s not let her ruin our night. Besides, she is not the one I'm going home with tonight no matter how much she uncomfortably stares at me.” You loved how protective your girls were, but you also loved that their main concern wasn’t about jealousy or insecurity; it was that you didn’t feel uncomfortable. Yeah, they both could be very possessive at times, which you thought was incredibly hot, but you also loved moments like this where their first thought was how to make you more comfortable and for you to have the best time regardless of their own feelings of annoyance towards the girl who thought she could even look at you.
As she brought over the drinks, Ingrid had wrapped her arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer into her, and Mapi was holding your hand across the table, making sure your promise ring was on full display.
When the waitress went to give you your drink first, she saw Ingrid pull you tighter against her, leaving a kiss on your cheek, and Mapi rubbing her thumb across the back of your hand. You are sure she must have also felt the death glare Mapi was aiming at the side of her head.
“Oh my god, are you guys together? I’m so sorry; I totally read that whole situation wrong. This is really awkward. I’ll go get your food now if she'll be just a minute,” she rushed out as she quickly set Mapi and Ingrid's drinks down and walked back towards the kitchen.
You let out a laugh as soon as she walked away. “I think your glare scared her, mi amor. I don’t think she will look at me again.”
“Good, no one is allowed to look at you that way besides Ingrid and I.” She replied, looking satisfied with herself as she kissed the back of your hand and Ingrid’s cheek.
“I love you two; there is no one I would rather be with. And thank you for always being protective.”
“I love you too,” they both replied, looking at you with lovesick smiles, Ingrid leaning down to kiss you.
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maxsimagination · 5 months
𝗷𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀𝘆, 𝗷𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀𝘆 - 𝗴.𝗿𝗲𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗻
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warnings: jealous guro
it was game day, chelsea against tottenham. we had spent couple of weeks in portugal, training and preparing for the pre season, before returning home to stamford bridge. emma had released the starting eleven players yesterday and me and guro were both listed, along with sam and millie.
i was nervous to say the least, it was pre game jitters that took over. but magda gave her captain's speech in an attempt to hype us all up. we all ran out onto the pitch afterwards, took a knee, then the whistle blew. we were off.
the first half was anticlimactic, really. both sides scored a goal, leaving the score 1-1. after half time we were back out there, and pulling more tricks than ever. sam made a miraculous goal from 15 metres away, celebrating with her signature backflip. then tottenham equaled the score with a header that flew past our zecira.
but it came down to the 85th minute when guro passed me the ball from across the field and i took a powerful kick for the ball to fly straight between their goalies' legs and into the net.
we finished the game after 5 minutes of injury time, and the score was 3-2 for chelsea. we all ran together and cheered, and i found guro, running up to her and jumping into a hug. she spun me around before placing me back down on the field.
after we'd all taken a victory lap around the pitch, we all traipsed back to the changing rooms and celebrated even more, jumping around and singing.
when we finally made it back to our hotel, guro followed me to my room, telling me to get changed into 'dinner clothes' because she was taking me out. i was baffled and she wouldn't tell me where we were going, only that it was a restaurant somewhere.
so i picked my clothes and got dressed, before she came to get me again. we drove around for a bit before she parked in front of a building, fairy lights hung around the entrance. it was a nice place, and the setting was perfect.
guro led me in, and spoke to the hostess who led us to a table and told us a waitress would be here soon. it didn't take that long before another woman came by, i assumed she was our waitress. we had looked through the menu, and told her what we wanted before she left again with a short nod and a smile thrown in my direction.
when i turned back to look at guro, she didn't look too happy. "hva er galt, kjærlighet?" (what is wrong, love?) i spoke in guro's mother tongue, i had learnt norwegian for her. she looked up at me, more relaxed than before.
"servitøren, hun så på deg." (the waitress, she was staring at you.) she looks at me slightly sheepishly, and i giggle at her words. "du har ingenting å bekymre deg for. i am with you, not her." (you have nothing to worry about.) i spoke the last bit in english, just as our drinks came over. "the food will be over shortly."
the waitress brushed her hand against mine as she placed the glasses down, and a less-than-subtle smirk was directed towards me too. i pulled my hand away immediately and grasped onto guro's in an attempt to both make her feel better and make myself feel better.
"i see what you mean." guro hums in response, holding onto my hand just as tight. eventually the food comes too, the waitress bearing it in her arms. she placed it down in front of us before asking, "is there anything else i can get you? maybe my number?" she looked directly at me, her hand hovering near my shoulder.
i pulled back i little and shook my head, then guro went into protective girlfriend mode, as i liked to call it. "she has a girlfriend." her thick norwegian accent made it sound more aggressive and the woman looked over at her. her face paled at the sight of my angry partner and she backed right off.
i smiled at the sight, protective guro was my favourite. "det var heit." (that was hot.) she grinned up at me when i spoke, blush tinting her cheeks.
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kamotecue · 9 months
meet by chance ・❥・ g. reiten
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pairing: guro reiten x reader
summary: you never expected to run into guro, well knowing the chances of meeting you did, however off the pitch, you didn’t think it would be this quick.
part two of here
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you finished training a while ago, now here you are in the locker room with your damp hair. you were just wearing a sports bra, and a black high waist trousers.
“you haven’t finished getting changed, mate.” katie said, throwing you the black turtle neck you had put on your kit bag.
“thanks, cap.” you said, throwing on the turtle neck ignoring the way you had gotten a notification from instagram.
“will you join us for lunch?” caitlin asked, taking a glance at you, the young irish defender. katie hummed, giving you a nod agreeing with the aussie.
“sure, why not—it’s not like i have anything better to do.” you said, quickly wearing the black button up coat as it was a bit cold
“lets go, then.” caitlin said, grabbing her kit bag. you grabbed yours as well, as you all headed to the car, a small conversation was engaged.
“still won’t tell me who gave you those?” katie said, as you groaned at her behavior. caitlin just laughed at your misery.
“i won’t, no matter how many times you ask.” you said, opening the trunk placing your kit bag first. the other two gently placed theirs, as you closed the door when they were done.
“oh, come on l/n. how bad can it be, it’s not like it’s a chelsea player.” katie said, as you ignored her. oh, how spot on your captain was.
you entered the driver’s seat, igniting the car as katie took the back seat. caitlin had the aux cord, plugging her phone in as she played strawberry kisses by nikki webster. what can you say, it’s a very good song.
“i’ve been missing your strawberry kisses.” caitlin sang, as you focused on the road. you already had the coordinates, as you simply followed what google map had led you to.
“cuz nothing’s as sweet.” katie continued, as you tapped your fingers against the driving wheel.
the drive to the cafe wasn’t that far, you were the last one to exit out of the car. the other two were the first ones to go inside, claiming a table.
you entered the building, not noticing a certain norwegian take a glance at you. why hadn’t she noticed that you were a footballer as well—not to mention an arsenal player as well.
you took the seat in front of caitlin, katie who was beside her handed you the menu.
“i’ll have a grilled panini.” you told them, returning the menu before taking out your phone. you had accidentally clicked on a notification, it lead to an instagram notification.
greiten has followed you.
“holy shit-“ you said, katie furrowing her eyebrows as her conversation with caitlin had came to a stop. the aussie looked at you confused but held concern.
“i said that out loud, didn’t i?” you asked, as katie chuckled. caitlin just gave you a nod, as you winced.
“i’ll just use the restroom.” you stood up heading to the restroom, not noticing a certain person following you. someone you hoped to avoid, but it was practically inevitable.
“so, y/n.” you paused before turning around to see guro, you took note of the clothes she was wearing. it was yours, she gave you a soft look as you avoided her gaze looking at the wall.
“guro.” you simply said, looking at your watch not noticing how she approached you. her hands were holding your hips, pulling you closer to her as you used your hands to steady yourself.
“you forgot to mention that you weren’t just an arsenal supporter.” the thick norweigan accent was noticeable, as you simply flushed at the close proximity.
“well, it didn’t really come up.” you hummed, knowing how she only thought of you as an arsenal supporter but never a fan.
“touché, what do we do now?” she asked, her eyes glanced at your lips.
“what do you want?” you asked, making sure you weren’t overstepping her boundaries.
“i’d like to take you out on a date.” your eyes widened, as she gave you a lopsided grin. you chuckled at her words, before giving her a nod.
“you know y/n, you’re so cute when you’re all flustered.” you shoved her as she laughed at your reaction. you gave her a soft look, as she gazed at your lips again.
“well, now that i’ve seen you. i have to go or else i’ll be late for my training.” you nodded, but she still had her eyes on you.
“no, goodbye kiss?” you joked, as she gave you a small smirk.
she tugged at your hands, guiding you closer to her as she pressed her forehead against yours.
“should i?” she hummed in amusement, as she watched you blushed under her attention.
“i don’t know, reiten. usually this is the part where you’re supposed to kiss me.” you said, giving her a look as she gave you a tender, yet sweet kiss on the lips.
you wrapped your arms around her neck, as she held your waist. it was like you felt your blood rushing through your veins.
guro pulled away as she looked back at you, you were breathless.
“i’ll see you later, y/n.” guro gave you a gummy smile, to which you softly nodded to.
let’s just say, the date went well. you both proceeded to go on dates, and kept it a secret from your teammates.
the day she asked you to be her girlfriend, she made you paper flowers, as well as a handwritten letter. you always wanted to experience the cliche parts in love, so she wrote on a sticky note, will you be my girlfriend?
there was two boxes below, one with yes and one with a no. you obviously checked the one that said yes, and that marked you both official a couple.
pt 3 coming soon
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virtchandmoir · 7 months
Tessa Virtue Shared Hers & Fiancé Morgan Rielly's Fave Toronto Restaurants For Date Night
"It's a real melting pot of different cultures and cuisine."
October 24, 2023
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Skating icon Tessa Virtue lives in Toronto with her fiancé Toronto Maple Leafs star Morgan Rielly and she says they have a lot of fun exploring the city's booming food scene for their date nights.
Virtue spoke to Narcity following a special ceremony during which she was inducted into the Canadian Sports Hall of Fame with her former skating partner over of 20 years, Scott Moir.
During the call, the Olympic athlete also talked about one of her favourite aspects of living in Toronto.
"I think the fun thing about living in a place like Toronto is that it's a real melting pot of different cultures and cuisine and it's just neat to kind of try new things," she said.
"I'm not a cook so it's nice to be downtown in the mix and exploring the restaurants."
As for where the couple likes to go, Virtue shared their four go-to restaurants in the city.
Union Restaurant
Price: 💸💸💸
Cuisine: French
Address: 72 Ossington Ave, Toronto
Why You Need To Go: Union restaurant is a French-Canadian bistro that is inspired by the "French vigour for good food," according to its website.
The restaurant works with fresh local and seasonal ingredients so they update their menu daily. Some of the more recent items featured on the menu include butter poached halibut, steamed P.E.I. mussels and elk sliders.
Union Restaurant Menu
Jacobs & Co. Steakhouse 
Price: 💸💸💸💸
Cuisine: American
Address: 12 Brant St, Toronto
Why You Need To Go: Jacob's & Co. Steakhouse is a classic steakhouse with elegant ambiance thanks to its piano bar.
It even has a spot in Toronto's Michelin Guide.
The menu includes fresh oysters, a seafood tower and 60-day dry aged rib eye.
Jacobs & Co. Steakhouse Menu
Price: 💸💸
Cuisine: American
Address: 90 Portland St, Toronto
Why You Need To Go: Vela is a stylish restaurant that offers a variety of creative dishes like chicken liver mousse, caviar fried oysters, several pasta dishes and a raw bar.
The restaurant also launched a brunch program in 2022, which offers items like a Norwegian salmon tower, souffle pancakes and a caviar service.
Price: 💸💸
Cuisine: Italian
Address: Multiple locations
Why You Need To Go: If you like Italian food then you may want to try out Buca in Toronto. The restaurant offers a variety of pasta and pizza dishes.
It's also one that's recommended by both Virtue and Rielly.
Rielly spoke to Narcity during a pop-up ball hockey game in June and he named Buca as his favourite date night spot in the city.
"I like going to Buca on Portland. I like Italian food and, you know, that's where I like to go. But I mean, we like to mix it up as well," Rielly said.
Buca Menu
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blackmetaltv · 6 months
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How Fenriz views DARKTHRONE?
Once upon a time, Norwegian black metal musician Fenriz compared Darkthrone to a restaurant. Nocturno Culto is the traditional bit of the menu, has a little discipline, but the drummer puts many different spins on it. Thus, Darkthrone’s huge musical career – lately 20 albums long – is a thing that is consistently the equivalent since it’s dependably unique. In addition, they continue to be the most intriguing and enduring members of the second wave of black metal by leaning in these various directions, including doom, NWOBHM, pure black metal, and old school punk.
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prisonhannibal · 1 year
guests when you work in food service are so weird they’ll just lie to you. one guy said he wanted a dish that’s not on the menu and I said we don’t have it and he’s like well i’ve eaten it here before. this has never been on the menu in the three years i worked there. guy tried to tell me another place serves drinks after closing and he drinks after closing there all the time (he doesn’t. source: it’s my other job). guy tried to buy a vodka red bull and I said sorry we don’t have redbull and he said “yes you do.” a man asked me if I was norwegian and I said yes and he said “no.” what do you mean no? that is simply not up for debate
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swampgallows · 8 months
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drinks: 1. theehorsepussy 2. white gilgamesh 3. the angel's lament
food: 1. revenge meatloaf 2. paprika chicken (dracula) 3. brock's soup
desserts: 1. norwegian xmas butter squares 2. moreos 3. chocolate fountain (no bird)
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lestappenforever · 4 months
Is Lewis to Ferrari like confirmed or what ???????????? Like fr fr?? Mona , what the fuck!?!? But I'm having mixed feelings about this. Bcz it adds more variables to Charles actually being treated as the no. 1 driver front and center tho, doesn't it? Bcz it's Lewis Hamilton for Christ's sake. Dunno how to feel about that. But also what if Ferrari grabbed Lewis when they could bcz Ferrari knows that they can't make a car Charles want and him leaving is more on the menu than we think even after the whole renewal shebang.
Also it's been so long since i talked to you . Hope you're doing well :)
DK, my lovely, hello! ❤️
Nothing is officially confirmed yet, BUT - the rumor has even made it to Norway's biggest newspaper, and they hardly ever write anything at all about F1 that isn't in some way, shape or form related to Norwegians. So there is definitely some chance of this actually happening.
And if it does turn out to be the true, Lewis wouldn't be joining Ferrari until the 2025 season. I adore Lewis, and he is a true legend of the sport, but it's not exactly a secret that he is approaching retirement and I therefore don't really see it being an issue in terms of Charles being Ferrari's no. 1 driver. And not even Ferrari are stupid enough to go on and on about how they're putting their trust in Charles, only to turn around and panic-poach Lewis because they don't think they can actually build a competitive car for Charles.
The ever-lovely, ever-eloquent @tsarinablogs has answered asks about this already, once again making excellent points here and here. And the wonderful @valyrfia, unsurprisingly, has also addressed an ask about it here. Not to mention the fact that it seems like these two are already working on formulating what I hope to be essay-length analyses of this whole thing, and I for one am already excited to read what they come up with.
I've missed you, my darling, and I hope your Thursday is going well. 🥰
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you-learn-world · 1 year
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Learn Norwegian: A Comprehensive Grammar download in pdf https://ift.tt/ashkqwC
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Happy December, once more!
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"You know the damn deal by now, it's December so I've got holiday themed food items untill, eh let's say about January 10th that will be the final day you can order these items!"
1: A Holiday Chatter Phone Christmas Themed Cup (45.50$)
Just as described it's an exact replica of a chatter phone but it has see-through eyes and it's Christmas themed simply stick a straw into the Santa hat and enjoy 20$ worth of drinks at roomba fazbender's completely free after purchase!
2: Bedlam's Christmas Pudding (10$)
Stolen from the fridge of bedlam the chaos god, Charlie's good old friend, he just keeps making more and is confused why it keeps going missing having no idea charlie has put it on his menu.
He dosen't even think it's Charlie cause Charlie won't eat real food.
3: Piurish (300$)
It's a pig stuffed with two turkey's and the two turkey's are stuffed with two largemouth bass perfect for a large family to enjoy their Christmas dinner! or lonely people who want enough food to last them a few weeks.
4: Robert's Steak Fries (15.35$)
It's a recipe for fries made of acutal steak, aka it's just raw piece's of steak cut up into the shape of fries ... no we won't cook it you can feed it to your pets or service animals if you want it's unseasoned too.
5: Chuck's Toy-tastic Bubble Pot Pie (6$ per slice)
It's a rhubarb cream pie made by chuck with supervision by Roomba Renaldo, Chuck wanted to help make something himself this year Charlie begrudgingly said yes.
Half the money from each purchase will go back to Chuck. (it will likely be eaten by him too)
6: Peppermint Tea (3.00$)
It's litearly just a 2 liter bottle of tea.
7: Roomba Fazbenders™ Sugar Cookies (12.00$)
It's a container of sugar cookies designed after the roombas, the walrus and charlie also his friends.
8: Smalahove (25.50$)
Smalahove is a Western Norwegian traditional dish it's basically a cooked sheep's head.
9: Christmas Eggs (6.99$)
A dozen deviled eggs with either green or red yolks.
(The green ones are the vegetarian option filled with string beans.)
(The red ones are filled with shrimp chunks.)
10: Chocolate Lava Candy Cane Infused Cake (15$)
Just as advertised it's a chocolate lava cake but with candy cane chunks inside it.
11: Chaos Tacos ($3.99)
It's a plate of 4 tacos, all four have different types of meat every order of this will always have different meats and they also each come with different cheese too.
12: Glass Replica of Abel Brannigan's Phone Head. (10.25$)
All phone guys get a 5$ discount on this item, feel the pleasure of breaking this stupid bastard's head, throw it against the wall, smash it with a hammer, stomp it with your feet do whatever! Get out your anger who's the reason phone guys exist.
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Bonus Items!
Due to poplar demand a few items from the previous Christmas menu's!
13: Hot Walrus Chocolate (2.00$)
It’s hot chocolate but made with walrus milk! (Now Sliverjack Free!)
14: Spiked Cranberry Sause (6:25$)
It’s cranberry sause made with cranberry’s and Smirnoff Ice Raspberry Flavored Vodka 
15: Blood Nog (1.99$)
It’s Eggnog with Pigs Blood! Charlie watched the original Carrie movie and decided why not make a holiday drink based on it?
16: Christmas Water (10.00$)
It’s water imported from the north poll with a sticker saying “Santa's Bath Water.” With a tiny floating Santa toy inside.
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aurorawest · 10 months
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Title: The General Mess and Imprecision of Feeling Author: @aurorawest​​ Rating: M (language, violence, sexual content) Relationships: Loki/Stephen Strange, Loki & Thor, Jane Foster & Loki, Jane Foster/Thor Major Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Word Count (so far): 11.7k Summary: Loki knows his feelings for Stephen Strange are a capital B-Bad Idea. Whatever character growth he’s struggled through hasn’t changed the fact that he’s uniquely incapable of making another person that kind of happy for more than a night.
When a powerful Asgardian artifact goes missing, Loki and Stephen must team up to track it down—especially once it becomes clear that the theft is part of a larger, insidious plot.
Can Loki tie together the loose threads of his life: the threat to New Asgard, his friendship with Stephen, and the feelings he can’t stop no matter how hard he fights, and write himself a happy ending?
Thank you to my betas, @mareebird​​​​​​​​​​​​ and AsgardianHarmony!
Chapter 3, Conversational Norwegian, is posted!
“Ha, ha,” Loki said, his tone bone dry. His gaze drifted over Stephen’s cheekbones to his goatee, lingering on his lips, then down to his neck and the way his collar pressed around it. The feeling low in the pit of his stomach was trouble, pure and simple. Gravel crunched under Loki’s feet as he shifted again. “Do you need to look at the menu, or do you trust me?” “I trust you.” “Well, that’s stupid.” A crooked smile pulled at Strange’s soft, full lips. “I don’t know why, but there’s always been something so charming about the way you insult me.” The feeling in Loki’s stomach got worse. Better. More. This moment felt utterly fraught. Norns, Strange’s smile. Strange’s stupid, stupid smile.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | Epilogue
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alackofghosts · 1 year
wanting to speak more estonian is so real though. my previous job was in english and my current job is in norwegian. we went to a restaurant for my dad's bday and i ended up reading the menu in english because my fucking eyes kept rolling backwards whenever i tried to read it in estonian x__x
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kscribbs · 1 year
ITS ME! I've come for your ass! I got questions about the blorbos!
🐹 Which would be your OCs favorite Pokemon? What kind of trainer would they be?
🌈 Does your OC speak more than one language? If so, how many and which?
🔪 What does your OC think how they’ll die? 
🥪 On a scale from 'burns water' to '5 course menu' how well can your OC cook?
📅 If your OC had one day left to live, how would they spend it? (I HAD to give lucy this question by the way. I thought it was rather poignant 💀)
🎨 Does your OC have any craft skill, as a hobby or profession? If so which?
🪨 Someone gifts your OC a shiny rock. What do they do with it?
Thanks boo!
SO sorry this took as long as it did! Been a crazy few days.
I kiinda went off on one? 😬 So reader discretion is advised, lol.
🐹 Which would be your OCs favorite Pokemon?
Magikarp, hands down.
The way Magikarp is described in Pokédex always tickles me. SO unnecessarily brutal:
“Underpowered”, “pathetic”, “only capable of flopping and splashing”, “no one knows why/how it has managed to survive”, “famous for being very unreliable”, etc., etc., etc....
Poor lil’ meow meow, right? Ha ha. 
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—Wee Bastard Shocks the World by evolving into Gyarados and just, fucking. Annihilating everything around it with irrepressible rage.
Slippery lil’ fucker w latent anger issues? Underestimated, looked down on… Ultimately lethal and very, very unstable? Mel af.
We haven’t arrived at her backstory yet but girl CAN and WILL go John Wick on a bitch given the right circumstances, and is far more powerful/capable than most give her credit for. I mean, she controls water. People are MADE UP of at least 70% water. Mm. 
What kind of trainer would they be?
Fisher, lmao. Seeing as they’re most often depicted as middle-aged/old men, which is what Mel is at her core. And then ofc there’s the fact that they specialise in Water-Type Pokemón, and those that benefit from rain. 
(I did also consider Free Diver).
🌈 Does your OC speak more than one language? If so, how many and which?
Mel speaks many languages! All European:
Hungarian, Russian, Basque/Euskaran, French, German, Faroese, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch, Finnish, Czech and probs several others. Girl’s moved around a LOT. 
🔪 How does your OC think they’ll die? 
Either doing something extremely brave/selfless, or extremely stupid. Possibly both. Her hydromancy talents don't work quite as well on herself, so she doesn't know for sure.
🥪 On a scale from 'burns water' to '5 course menu' how well can your OC cook?
Digressing for a sec to bestow a Fun Fact: I once made a batch of banana nut muffins that, at some point during the baking process, acquired the structural integrity of a Nokia 3310, so long were they left in the oven (I forgot about them). They were also jet black. You know that blacker than black, True Black colour — or lack thereof — that like, absorbs all light? Yeah.
Anyhoo, I did a wee sketch (bonus Jacquie/Ozzy(!)), because, despite the disastrous results, Lucy is rather proud of her efforts! :3
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So yeah, burns water, essentially. 
Jack affectionately refers to her as “ICBM: Intercontinental Ballistic Miller”, bc of her tendency to nuke everything she touches.
I can see her smothering certain bakes in copious amounts of pink frosting, to hide the taste of… well, charcoal.
(In an earlier draft of ML she was actually a fairly proficient baker, but then I realised two things: A. She can’t be good at everything and B. It would be sweet/funny if Jack gave her cooking lessons at some point (and did so in the style of Gordon Ramsey), seeing as CS!Jack is, as I understand it, quite a capable chef. He can make a mean omelette, at the very least! So yeah, she does improve eventually. And she’s quite passionate about the craft, despite her poor skills. Loves GBBO. Owns numerous Mary Berry cookbooks. Would sell her soul for a Paul Hollywood handshake, as would we all). 
I realise this question is about Lucy, but I’ll just throw in that Melusine isn’t a particularly good cook either, which is where she and I differ bc, despite the above anecdote, I’m actually not that bad in the kitchen. (She DOES however make REALLY good sushi). 
(I seem to remember Dite also enjoying baking. That being the case it sparks joy to picture her, too, giving Luce some pointers).
📅 If your OC had one day left to live, how would they spend it? (I HAD to give lucy this question by the way. I thought it was rather poignant 💀)
Hahaha haha ha… Wowww, I mean. Not like I’ve had annnyyyyyy reason to consider this scenario, AT ALL.
Imma going out on a limb here and say she’d probs spend the day Planning.
ML!Lucy is v much a doer. Very driven/practical. She’d want to ensure that whatever enterprise she’d embarked on prior to her untimely demise was seen through to the end, one way or another. She’d write letters to all her loved ones, not only leaving instructions but also -- I'm guessing -- spilling her lil' heart out. So that they could be left in NO doubt as to how she really felt about them.
And then she’d just… enjoy the time she had left. Not make a big fuss, stoical as she is :(
🎨 Does your OC have any craft skill, as a hobby or profession? If so which?
I thought about this long and hard and eventually came to the conclusion that she and Ri once went on a jewellery-making course, which Lucy particularly enjoyed, thereby inspiring her to take it up as a sort-of-hobby.
🪨 Someone gifts your OC a shiny rock. What do they do with it?
Two possibilities:
Possibility 1:
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Treasures forever. Probs stores in his lil’ Trinket Room.
Possibility 2:
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The book title is a callback to THIS absolute stroke of genius.
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